-I,, . , ' T ; ""T"" wmjmmm' yWf' - - '..gy- '., .-s. J A. -vXl ' " ' " ' ' ; ' Ll - Jg ' UALEIGII N. cLr SATURDAY. OCJTOllPR 1 tS7n ' ":- ' . w . TUB SENTINEL iMMIVktrttt. lv tium uiar purtiam pf the Union. irer preTrt prpuftukm trt geiibrr War tli lurdeoa upua ttwn ot aeveloi W rawtarew ut tlie ill at, hhU kertintw, Htktet. VrTgmi, krogh th e tie 8t Hi ef ber people and thmt 4wbo- terj largclj iucfentt-tl her pOuUtiu ham the f.imiijj uii iuiuing pnpultUun of tbt Tilue of ber !(), sua new itm b auk itr; ltKr wiU eulnrging her operation! i Id 111 in Sit, s a meang of aaceeal la fulum, we ad firataad lufenarmt, aa aceia him l .uUtaoiiai plaatera, tkilled ia agil- ealture, to aid lu the ullana of opt toil. W can W ubatautial benefit to ba deriftxl, either to the etuigrsnte tbemaelra or to I tie State, ia the immigration of 4oy othr cl U ixrana ArttMBo, Iradeaauia, or Bien-baota, we have mure of than caa fiod protlabb , employment. Hkilled nie- ehwurt, inehnit.jm, nets, Ittil. nguuiTlt I t5t!,,!,llJl1)' lSSfiB r,liat.JJOsi., L;,"" n, ahall iMlrnduee to lhe readi r oui " SSVarl rv.'5 rtH!) 1 It wot, iuuiii i ue agricuiiurat'QKpacity , ol $ba Htjus, m Jfri'duetiyeuouj-li tpiytbeia J ttropiotiuxul. Jleuce w dmi akilled Tarm' eitiuie ui toe aun, wnu auiiiuieiK uteana & bjj aiiJ w"ik 9 eheup land. Whoeter tberetore wlAletlxe taibl and Wocaa Jul plan to indure ihia kind' of population to come into our Htate, wilt be a great ben- tfaetor. " But kr do w need skilled planter and to other t Fliat, they arc jar preferable at pretest to common laborer. Taeee ia llor enough in the State lor preaent necean linei if it waa propeily directed. Ona balf (he aoi) now ordinarily cultivated, if it war improved, would require but little over halt the labor now employed to produce nearly twice it present yield. It we hid tea tlmuMad skilled farmer to coma Into the Biate, and they were scattered into every county, with wtaan luffioient to bay land, it would bd better for the preasnt mtereal of the State, ttian lb latroditoUoa of twen ty thuutand laborer. ' Their example aad ua ..aai)rf U. Mt jmmedialele. and von there Would be a general demand tor more labor, Btcoodly, the lucraaaed amount ot product from tb euperlor kUI of theae planter, would gtre an lmpeta to to enteipri ot tb Hute BereT before flt, and in a short time the demand for tail led jtwebaaica, ertiewa, naautaetarera aad min r would be trnmente. , Tb iovrodactioe of foreign common la borer in out preaent condition can only be Weeded with diaappointmnt, Until tbe iraDt Ubce- a bav I tetteT employed, directed and coo trolled. We have no use for any additional labor of nearly tbe tame etaa. But it we have any aocesatoe to our popqlationlet it be skilled iarmeii, who koow how to cultivate and tmprovelBe oil end who ha, re ubtantial tuean to buy land. ' TBS MA RSI1A Vij, JIOXDSMBN. WheC we return from tbe mas meeting ia Edgecombe, we shall eadefuvor to lean who e the bonasmen ol Marht Carrow. W tbatl ask Uiem if Ihejr approre of the impifiiinmenf, by Holtlen and" Kirk, of JohavStarr, Dr. Roan, Hon, 8. P. Uitl, end othor, without any . brg b'f lly pre ferrtdagainet them ; if tneyapjrof tbe hanging of Hoger, Murray, Patton and other, by itirk od hi instrument, and then appro nlap, ol tbe Marahal' giving jpeelal fajrVs,' watte tbey are on hit official bond. II the Marshal's bondsmen are not carpet baggers sndjacalawsgv they wilt Ull bint not to inter (re tongef wli.ll Sberiff tee In tb discharge of bis duty in executing tbe criminal law of lb State on Kirk. .-1ei abotrid aaf to Catfow, "ficnt M)f Hw iwe wU! lot !lof , jrou . to go tpecial M frr -a wbohaa violated nit taw. bomaa Vo4 divine. Eirk mutt or we withdraw oar names," ivebaii; Joiinstow ctiipxaioR Court. This Court cloaeJ veaterilav. A we mentioned be for1jphrleiJlv,9a) a4.wat conTirtod .M bono stealing. Hi sentence waa tb anna " "ttbTaw allow-nve veari ft tb Pent" - teatiary from which he took aa lppeal To eaae of Maaeev. included in tbe name r ii.fibartfa Waa ant. rearlWL iBenrJ nfag for tha ktiling af Ptaoej I, Davi Wa put on tfiat and convicted' of mandanghtet, aad enUoced to Ave year ' IB the Peoitentiarv. " "" ." : ..' A argro womau ehargeuwith Inlanti- j ..tide, in killing berl own newborn, lllegiti- Imst ifafantjanhhiittcd to a.ierdlctoi majS ia the Penitentiary. " TJther ease of a minor character were - WpSfJ "..rS'H. " - if r -mm Q ci ax. -We bare .been aVed wbeArf L tb Pilgrim from Cap Cod, tbe invisibla editor of lU.V.I.ltU a"alarj!"f6ef 3,xlterviaJta ditiot tba fowr tUuaaad dollars tie and famiir are drawing oni tbe State for jnaoaging the4 pwblia sheolt W bum, tsivn that we doa't know, but lappoeeb doeku It i char Wriatic of the breed to get air' tbey caa OTVTI nITiU m. I -' -. , lUUNi.i ji.MiHWP 1,..,, : :. IPfointmtntmicBtiimocr.a tk,g gbt n tT puol tieT wtiVouC fst'.T Iwjty. Th-) claiaori ol the twitil aaahiar' "' ' Sen! AiwBittty at il F. (ciit oi aou utat MeaioD to pa a law, (Jiaaolvipg tba Coniioiwioa at one, but b aotii pier of legerdeiaain, uted io more caws "tbaa oae, bf iatarestaj pariic auoa ta eagruW' log committee or jk clrrki and ttMrt of that bod;, tba bill a'lter paaaiw'thMueh It Mm varum atage of Jetstatlolij'taneJ to ba ratified, Uacauas it could ht (, h tbat I.HI Bm fuiagi ITu,gt kiww anything about it t ... 8taf a 'Mofurmeffif ifft&rtf la4 to the timpta mpyUg tb Ka Totk' C4i with' MrteiaMeVH 1 m rl aa piianbla to our preaeat cirt-nnit aUneea. Thia au aot emplatii a tx tant, but oa of iu tnetutx-ra, qfiiripg,tl) two other to refine and amend hi work. But it ha beea o bungling!; prepared, tliat wnat one tetaioa of tba Lrgtltara wull adopt wa fc.uad to Bt o badly, U ' kail to be amended or repealed at a ubequeut aeaaiuu. And now, except atnuna that cla of lawyer wboae buieea ba bee lre aud very general, it will be found that tho arj adtc toj-IientT Almoa't evay Jy the most diflicult puliation are arimiig under thi Code, in matter which ouuurto- been trying thi Code (or more than twenty yean aad her beat legal takmt fcthjt tin y have not begun to touch bottom yet, in set tling the endlcM diffluultie which are ecu. taotly occurring. Thi iniquity ia hot only enormously xi peoaiv requiring heavy aalary for thw a men, which ba baetvenyed hy-'two Jul;. .aftjtTi ettwl,djatiee beairte, and very heavy expeoditure fur printing Ac. Imt it provide tot a most onerous and uu usual tax for any purpose, aad iroducea greater dimbt and difficulty in the minds of tho people a to tbe4'unoert,tie of the law." The preoeue for action ioV debt, for mat ter of probate, for guardisD,. cxrciitiaiis, aduiioiatrttioot, & j. ought to b very alma pie, eaay and fheap. Uader our "bid system, the ptople gewerally nnderatood these mat. ters. tint nnwlt laa.ffivOlt WiliTpWple to tjuclcbed ataaow aapouible. The people eVaaaed a wtara aad a ,peds one to our oM CioKyte ',kmn:,m obeapjr, more prompt d far more atisfictory. The $20,000 Which this Comni'Bsion an i Oxfe have wt lb kUate, sdaittJuiaji'y. cue1 to tbe peoplTin few As. . U, btfci worae thaa thrown away, aad belong fo tbe rategory Of eoifoptibo"1inl teals t foiaied apoo wt by ftaenoal awiPrajtaT i Mete wag. .fcjt, J INVISIBLE KMPWie. Doe Pilgrim Aaliky belong to the "lu yilbie Emirtr He certainly betong to tba "fciwaTBitt'wrf-iiito ii'&r.'"M w bear be tiue. ' We bope the invisible editor of the nji durd will show himself, anil now that he bae "full swing tell the pcoplev of North Carolina about hi bargain and al ol their cboollead ia Eattern Noith Cllrolina. Srst b tmm; and tbenfor wbea bJj::ibt3 Bible, to wbtthe land wa bargained cfl, bad re torait ior 190,000. i Yon kaow, Pilgrim tb theae things caa be proven incontetlUiy;r ( O I tbou loviaibl editor and vwtwe nypo- i. i.H tha oeoDle of North faioliaa if --"I w ' . . . yoa bate any itertL in the le ot tuete land, dedicated te tbe elljaoatio ol their chiblrea I", Tetl tbe5 ifod bare Axy Xmei- t to aayfAiaa IWtbe SUte exoepl ,viioij) iU Treasury nd, (lotiaibly.) in tne.waa- iotni, ofB of.. Panaoaaa Baor.-About 4 o'clock,, yea tarda afternoon, Deputy Bbentt, Magoin; dJaoairered lbt tba negrrv, Wnt BilB nriana nndar chnrt orxoiamitttpgrMpln' a aged white lady m thi onwaty lat rtmg er, era making o."attBiptTaut tiifoagh tha Boor ef butoeUand went in to naouceu him; The priaooer feeiatwl aad chd tbe bunch of key' from Mr." Magntafe band aad was abont (a Uka hwilB UtenitoliJliilWU otSrriaonT ia tbe MBMeeU,tb officer "a aitaatton tba "aD)aa, ltWbW tbe i hk left .houlder. Whether the wtwad U a fatal one we had aot atcertainea at me t wrtrtnff tbt pattpfl TDrmrrwr ' Tbht 0TO btvar deepwjat ba;tr, Ud baaaattempta before" "i- 'H Ar vaatagaof the jailen d n.iSie UseKp He declared jest betora new knew bt Wmrt baa -way h'ij4 a.'ooa die 6ae Hbir W i !ir.- - ' aa aaTni"Uonor ' toe-tfOtia r .. ' -" Tt ia a Urease to abatlte 'Hbrtb Crollniaa, teliiff -tihr ' poaiUba to acreen treea tbe JoM penalty ot.tba lwafdlia aiui baa aneatoC ImprtomRl hill pet .A native ' Hart &f4liaee nly Hbont law, bat against tb law and cob atituiiua. i -i. - -of . ... ' m ii i li ' I i ll f . hHiwl com near. With eaottal n aoaann has iuat heawwiaaailei aea Bt LoeaWtor tbeperpoae. of auajslymg tbe rat iaena with pure milk, and dirrt tbirtrtattea m llm JuUulfjUirU ..iti i iriiim Uua aeo tenpe with rt ti tcui-h l the vi-ry imiu(t auttitir un.l. r tutiuinittion : "U, la imt what rtiflimrt to n-vit w Aimpri'titioaivety Hie, i.if ami liri rury Uhivra ut a mau ao Teraatile ami vuriou a fniim aa Saintr Bwve I I'MltfSaWI t4 jHiwpi. by clin-iiluiit; tlie lr i ol Ue at ra ttie ooiintlena flower ol a garden, lu give a flt or 01 It Qoocy, a to tiy to ive a D ol; the literary ijualitw ot Nuinte IWuve u) llioae who i,ve not red lna writtnga." lue l.intlon AlKttutitm, in cuarauttirizm our amiior, ajh K ol in "nil si'urclillig anil ucc.x What aiaak tfifll It woulTI f,,., !. , r.ueinl anaif!, to4 I Mratl't 1t"Tar if the iwM'l(Wmu' m k!), ticaf Mad tliuwM mtel I-. to 0tmmfit jj; 'a, fjji iimi nave enurri-u a BiJiie Imtiiirtal, "TitdothU w'nult Indeed ((Kirt a akHt In th uM cittioal ap- f pwato, Aiitwy wr tMtjloavltUkitvi oyhoufc'hl Md.tjiu.iaoaLdiSire, ehadwa of langiiHe, a n liuej an. I fur n ni liing un nluVanfl a ttiuro lit on ffftA'fht.'irt'Miu and xrti(,Trifwtiy rjwt 4 thoaa) uch Ji8l-inguilnd ih gie"t wtiUtt )WHvjjo, riV 1 celebrate. 1 I urn away In drupiur Iroiu aiich an at tempt, and with audi crude thoughts a may be aiig'iMieil, i,v a ciMiUiniilininn ol hi liW-rmy clmraiMer hikI n d ctiou or two gitthiirel Iroiu oilier k iuick will leave t vtill have the mn)(frf,Trti,frtnM !t-'wn(r''rfrfw ha .-: ..i...n .... . . l. . i tiw ijilislitllj i t,ll-i iilet mill etory. I he iluct; winch Sninti? -B. live will occu Jiyn itiwAjiairy 1 " fcmmeoi" itihoi1fj ain, 1i is allowed to have Una in. the ale mmm nt. ol crifieiMii pre einiuent. The verdict ol ail iiitjiilde ud eitlturtil peotile is tlint he wiw p,tr ttementt the critic of the wnilil. . . Our own country has given some jfond apeciliKin ol critical nrt. Kilwln I. Wliip- ple, Win. II. I'lesMitl, (le ir Win. Curtis, Cham l'ltm0titw-Mjaifii 8. Iegare, Dr. A, T Blodioe and.. few others, have Tt fllten fcii,e reitm- Valuable Hndablrpa-pera-ritioai aud otberwite, Imt they lall tar Below tbu Kur.ipi an sluinlarii. if we exrept an article ijr toly tlie luJt two willei wanted. -. - . .- Kngtnnd ftfiiT ?eot!aiid, to fntltfol In men of jfeniiw, tivprmtiiJ msnf iirinit say lata aad crates,. tut ,aorui oV4b4e are comparable m acnluutw?, nuslytical powor, loillianey uml oriiiidlily to Htinte-lieuv. These writers have not tieen men" flfTthri lic sympatliiea nnd tnsle, however slile and learned and eloijuent. They have lieen awnyed hy polttieal or peinoiial bias, or "crilihcd.ctthtucil and confined" ly the nar row pnjudiees ol religious zi ill or pride ol (Hiuutry. 11 i buck to tlie ds of Uifl'ord, n4lMieia)a uk ? i.ifiijvi""aw are, or i f Hvdiiey Sniilli, or T-Thoni C'arlyle, or lleluiiicey, orTalfourd, or Ste- Wil on, t 'Kit North") or t'roker, or ttcott, or iuihed any of the long line ol gilled aud WrtiltTw,,,',',,'1,,'rr'1 ''' J"1 UI Tflldily f -ti;'w fntirtl he wtifers art) WjtMmpr armed vimim 'Ol prejodices wbli-tt roraerltwsi WtfTipabbr ofcawMi io; the )sTwt tMaaU-arna ! t orrueal att. . ' , , Jjor I M'Utanlay, a nun of poetic talent nd tym)ftHi.V. a scliolar nr vanen unn ram tiBinmcnts, ii wruer oi aur ma-'un i.i-- .11 ..... .. I.I. tlMiD. Of SS, eloijlo'oce alio loiee, miii u.b ling period and epigrinatic aunicncc, we hlalawBiaxaie Sa-ii"',- iae; of all asyijita and hiitprian. Iu matiV partifnlarfi he pnawKard "the Sihcut tiislifieetlwn a areat erit.o . b tbe taahion oow,tObtly out uisusaei paM." and style of pijipetual pronaor, K codot to sn exceeding uilisiiriition nfhll tine, fur eati rend Maeamay." r itmew,- warn aay tfaer work ifl uMbee ol"y tba ppe- Uiu or tail to aaakan.Uia Ration, ilut iu bis inteimu pri tuiliei a, jn li contempt LrprfirttirttrtivW ndrWT4pbili'frtiy, ill b(1snttsieJattWiaii asunia 4iaa atHc.5 (iaUt ,.4eibtf pts in the lutujr a a critlfi wouia nave ,eeu Iiiutfas tlie, (br.oSe tipoii Shlc'j Painte IMiveai'WrtMtern;' Kti mar!. awieete, UikMl- iW reacav voa mQs-istw . ... 1 I .... 1. ... 1 I.A i.a. ..! arujeutw iWStVf'1 fS i 1-.Ti tive aim eiuixiionui. m j'-, iriln'rT' of bij?! (WpMlitb a,-'WiM1MmIn Itliat.ajeMiinewaastJIii aaakasnstiiarlial, but he only delighted m ihu rej-ular, tbe ...lotnalii- Liu. aioootll. the d(iV?-tnlted aud ;..i.,i,l ln liad no eontiel anuieciaiton oi the oraeu matter's, iu worn uu iin(. .,1 loirhnrs of Europe, li s vicual organ were limited )tt t,heir.rge bis tastea were correct inje " depaifments of hums lsrnthf:!1.t rrm-nf nnmam werr rw. . .mil1Tm im nitewvrf-vwi wnrwin ew v r- eiuv-wnt alwwHriti tli"Str!luri tiiraro- aa ffuiUBaL.f3f A n ttT WkmrBsffWrTWsF aflsaw1 tflmWWmt ajM a perpetual Atigut a ...... .real nuesibm thiougb a false iueU unj of paa.on and nurfovr pwimliceas Th.rniDeQuincey)WlJ. tn ewaracy; f learninK, pbilowpnic! enisowan. w" uatHl f yle,-awpaaaed U-ot tnae .at.nn poraila, never aoended u the "biglitit 1 oTer and originality, he was ala.j UiWH area awa twniroiieu oj - - evncbraeie and erotcheU and prejudiOe, J . . Rvitum teitaL and laueti to u" m " - n.int.Ittiave ha done lor Kraooe to lur- bih specimens, ot ibe mut consumate t I.i.t,. .( arUm Hie moat iodnebl . ol f tirttiff IKlMtV catttoar MlwrBoId, tbougbtfcud. 'u1"' " l, "'"" r.J..7.u. and "iireiiiilicet a to forever pre- ventblat1fTm Wnriirg tr gwr power ia - tinKtHrwH theMh ftiat.Uiiiua aaa.no. Ji(a4 aairtd maf(ief-i-W" fence.'-'-A I ...Jj i. m, i,mr article, bi wa eaaenttab- kn enSHV 1W treeut oi ii.'-"f", Iv a lovinir oainre. and, a a rtultane,ba vhmAiUitot'Bgaariiic. ut aw bow to dip bit pen in gall aad bow to ir ..... .v-i...,. .nfiinrm ia. a in bi ar tide on lloiiean and T.T)aleatIt)TiBtitl,'aiii Jteau. iut be alf aft, rived a keen sat' foninai'poioftBl b,te,I"WMff of anv author nadet treatnseut. He t. longed -to none of the. cl l'0" . r. Lknudiiaa tbat an I. lauded all iiaiid dawoanoaalj iAttoIH U btl all nuibort buxly UVue iHty acaUav. wbttcver their natiooaniy, aeca w be ii iriaVtl tiuob tb'-ni mark tllflf UAUi .. .1. i.. i f ll aaarai, or rather ! ol tli xvrrta rW'iThf,w tTetit?lt6S'TiWuTSv4S .t'"BilL .La Jkudt-jniXJtti. Wmit..ia4ttka tuat cbaratiti rirtKi bi dacuaaion ol aliat waf louiiw L touciieJ. . la hi uhliJ T) rif'fita. 1 1 J - . m m jfc.. jiaii,-1 .-J . &. most eitcrie and vsrie acholarahln. ami jH uuKuiiit Uik t'MU ol tueae uiou aaaitl aeuelf, woskiug Xnnr-lur ',i Ave day kdilr on eae4. Tbett wmklv rttiia pSibraeed a Wt I field of rtiarujsiou. il Wot literary pii trans af nearly every celea brateci mae or moinaa ia Karopa. Ue treated new and old toie with marvelbua frnttiam and intnrost n a at vie the vi.rv perivvUuo of purity, Utlioaey, boutr, slo- gaiM-e anil aireuiclli. JUD diped I ha uU uTmilirttv with ttie likTauoa of evart Jifrtnj and country add that without ped lull or vanity, a excellent Amra wriu. ar tat AbaM rfat.Aauuh.' "Jus nnoneMot hiWdikaianliii. she bnliiaiM V awl exquisite delicacy of hi -stylo, his im ttieuae and varied kwiwleelie. hi catholic 'aate aad coluurelieuatve syiaualliiec aud aUive all, his rare a, nse and alntoat naerring wnre; place theae paper, "anion ft the uott perfect h tor art nroUuata af tk, cnlu ry, aad make it hard to aay whether they tof in fascination,' or instrtiction " The Kdxnburg .Vei-ic. io i)eakiuir of ihee vert Atondny ea,y remarket "Buch laciliiy and regularity of literary production are. considering the quality ol the work, without a parallel in literature, lor tbe 6Viuwri tlu lunJi have been tainted on all sides us mmorisl, and will in all urobabilitr live aa one as the French lallJ'UttKl,, .Tin tame f'iAjuiasti l-CUItarity ot tiw hkhIhhI mvta'a i tnt-jert with niiani liiographie ilataiM and historic aa5iK, 4vn. i6ii nlrwalaMe cbutm' ttt UltMtatAAVvf uio ihhiiuetiva or mol dekglrtluL iiading ia to he lound any win nriutu in the twinty ame Voluiaes in a Inch tin baxa hi tin cut lecleil." lhere were two chief., cliaraeteriaiios which contributed to lend'er him the first ol ti.tit. ilH wash theory ot eriuviMii, file, either li mm tier u! ttleciiug hi end. In the first plnoe, ho iiivtotud a new method of treating a wriotr. it haa.lieua minetl by other critics "the psychoiagical uetaod -lM Mathews, in aa able lrncle upon Hninte lK-tivc, has thus explained thi method for the flitt time introduced by our author. Heay: "lie regarded a hook . . i i" i lint Si) much a prinluci of art, i.f an embod tmenr ut facta, doctrines, and opinions, aa a photograph ot the autliur, a portraliurc ol hi mind and charau er. The huuin aepect of the work was ol mure impima ju than (ncuuning wormauahip. It was 'the nrociou lite-bluud of a ui.Ur's sjiirlt,' a kind of incarnation of the author's tout, and hence hat to be Judged not So much with reference to tbe skill disulavod in tt execution, a to the iutulloctuat and spirit" nal lila that breatbed through, it-aait tbe ermtive Ideas that gave it btritt.'1' t t ma ibt.uitef.uf n, in . and character ot tueu ana ii remaiaaoie and auruaaalug art in wmpraaeiiig tbe itery anal aud eeaeuoe ot a poaiterim volume in the compass ot a lew pagea. no naa an exquiaite eye for ibe beautiful, aad; lie louid eeiiu upn tue eaiieiit points ot a work of siiMiitt with a preciaiou that waa un erring, whilst in a low elegant passage lie wounl give you t.ho exuct intellectual tlutut of the writer bu tevieweil. As some un -knowa writer itua Impoily n marked or him : "lis aw ended from the stream to the foun taiu, deticled the spirit ol tlie MillKir io the cotoi ni'of bi work, nittyj;l ins ge" mus irtiin is tUvelopinent iu words, and froia the loot of ll.iti'ulcs drew a porliait ol ibe pi win." Ill ciiiictMn Waa always et'Miiuly oarelwl ami tuiuute, and geaentiiy marked by cj nict tairues- u'ul oanikir. Un delect lay lu hi pn leienew lor "'regulated apd bnrmoiiioua la inula" to ilio-K) (jigaiitic l-UBiis alio atliaulitt and arouac by their igofoua, extravausnt, ebultlelit and Imgt lar origiaaJity, He prehnttid I'ope aud Cow per to Bbakspuaiy and Milton. 1 close tin already Io.) long article in the judii-iou word of I lie hdihbing tie i "In spile of all liurt oomiiign lie waa a writer ot Ktitopeau renown auu ot martellnfl efep'iince; of W'mdroiis fertility and inexhiuaUlile energy. At pure niau of letter It will tie long, we imagine, before tii'jue, ao4 perhaps evea Europe, will pre mice uit rival ; ne was v-uatuiite ut i fiaeetealinre oi modern tirrte. "T. B,-K(NU8BU10. oxfonV-ir. cT, tv-pt. si. . Wax. Jti hew 1. h l. :"S V .,7. T For Ibe BeaHuel. cba tn a u a a a. Tim v. a. hs.ua jon. TtmTot-The Mvcly loterett that th importaat petition hf UuWed atatet Senator ba ollcdoil ba not baeo confined merely to lb lis who .farnisb matter" for th Bawaptpeia, but th ma of nh pen Die are deeidv iiopreaseii. WhiV ii mniiO tetltio nl 1110. nlgll jnwiienir, wtni wuo would be adiiiHWii into Shtt BW.tytstjnlr cal. tin Dab atv.-rtbarle Dowrlal, on 1 area, ara arti' of crtva .to;ilKt thp people ot WutLa .- tJaxolina. we itave f .i 7 '.A. :a.,.......H v mi u .iit. mm ai., ul.iant ia to niske tbat JfUjudnd to. Ibji tfi TTT.., . t -j.' ry of tue wiu aoriu otaia. ia , wi u rnier ortsl iae chivb toe wa to-otim; w . ismiii tie and able iiatecmert, nor t' bfjr,Jtstututu. lei" gionoe to oay tin ittutArtuuB aaatea. With regara to be eammaimmy oi tna ly tliweat iroaa a wt!itit -a -Ifaaoj and think lue view ajt-ttMHievs, wy w, n. n Coah in hi Alleghany Springs letter, SP. cord with tboe of tbe Cooervatiya peepfe of North Carotma. . . t , ,; , , J " Bat tbe oldeci oi tbit Irtlnr is to claim for the centre wr- tha at -tba- prasmoa t L'rfl. Ptnatoft - The Wt waa tb n of a Pool, aad tba-West the .ooi a Hllintt. i,A '.. i.,... .... ..... .. iw N.. ntuiitV'iieat'Seaa that juant.iilrrtion Ol 1 i ha LaavMlatem Baora iaAil Clia:ham. aa f - -4" tn wivcw tn-tbtrtwo faat leHa taiHe will thffw - inrt 1rbnam nt the pepl wf ChaUatai, -WaiV fWi-aaMt-tva-4i pu-iua ol b'. V. iieoftofv toatj ktUe towver ftl C' jtontnttahed rsvaiianatSi'tbe tarty nroiaiaenT randulat wjth Jaulge Sbipp fue ih AUor- hey Ueuerauip.-Joua aitnning jr. Tir V Tf ..tf f "" ' a ii ... , , , , a . . Amutred that With such a Benator tbe ia- ,ierrti el.ItTta, tYrnhna, SEuUitt Jtb rM all ailtanoed. .j,' Ireatn, . 'aiaXSL i.,,Twi truly, 3 . . , . 0aEBVATl,Ve. ' Pbtabbr, t. ft.pt 5ot 1870.,, , 4 J ) H ,j i . JprtaVaaa A 7AA , Tbe farfitrr if Bnrry, say tb Mt Airy Jsars, ire ateJkg larger erol Of wheat Jiaa aatal, ( , -i, t vn. . - ' .. . .- -1 Ji tT1 . 4 ' -An. fat tha a.B.iiLl .w-. PA vjnsoy omuiifrr - , ,Qa.uj;a.,ihrtifttl.JaK-aMiaii H( ptevHiu appaantaent. a larf purtioB of toe ewu i a wv ttvt;vMWr WtWiil7 i tewtbit at tlie o.iurt hooao lu. laioitoa, tue tbe i Kiviag paitiie xpA as ismi a ttietjr aeniHiv. nn in tvr.-renew to the wis wh. are iioiiiiag ver" a fiiwr ft aad Cutnasteajoa era, or foicing their essrvios (DxHl tlra taaaa- ly agairwr iae wih of the iitwtrt tanrly and nsirniyvipaiM.t.d a the baltot-lwa. The weiKiair wa .Kgaatl f eteatsaa lion, iiMisrf It atoFr ch 4 if ai iso - an 4 ajaase TL li t kaon. eeeectarv. - liatMtj eafcbia; bar aeat tit rhaitniaa aiaieit UtefyMewty at of iba anwitia, aiu r avetv, a aini.H at un. Vraak U. Hobidna. tlie ehalmuapp.iut-J a dummiuee-wf twelve lo draft, suluoie rr oliitions tx.w, ivo tba atatlmenfi ef the tMMirt la Keleeeae to I a afoteaald men of aoiiitiig- oarer" notoriety, t : M. v II. 1'iaau, cUalruvKB j lf.-w, to, (Mn'uh, t.'ofumliut hmk, lvul Jukm, Joh Cm. fad, Witbam Hill, H). W. A. llanuah, tbilomen' A. Murk, J.ioo Hharp, Krank Bmith, I. A. Hoover aad UbHtian Pk-klo. The committee having retired, Ja al, M. Irfaeb wa tailed oa for a IpesaJh, aa a he wa prearail, be ol coareeieapoaded, and to the great delight ol tb aadtetx eoler talni'ii I hem for at leaat three quarter of an hour la one ot hi bappii-s efljrt,E At the' eonrluaion ot Uea. Leach1 remark the commiitee ou riolutiona havmir returned, thuir ehsirman M. 11. j'mnix, liq , ttlbmlf led tbe (ollowbig : . i ' Whbhrah, The (?ontitution of the Hut retoguiiea the lnn-honorcd princlpl tbat nwir ia vesktl ui, and dt rived fuui tbe people j all r' iiiercu i caaroi urevaniea i.f tlie rcUicufid urlevames. and lor I aiiieiMliig and strnuglbouiog the lawn, eleniom tluM bt often held" "that tbe people of tin Statu have tlie iuhereut. sole aud exclusive right of regulating the internal government aud policy thereof, and, Wukhkab, The Couatitution further de clare, tnai "in each county a tsbssriff and Coroner liall be elected by tba qualiftml voters thsnxd. an I preacribed fur member at lb tinuwal AuU4y, m4 thaii hoid their vtfiatjer em jraort" 'that io each county tw( shall be elected esteiaiWrlv by tbe sjtial ilied voter tboreoL tba fbllowiac officer : A Treasurer, Kegister of Deed, Surveyor mu fivm WMwaiivHr', auil, WiWiiu, la accord sne with tb aeverat provisions alwve aamod, the people oi Noith Carolina, did, oa , the Ath day ot August last, bold aa eltotioa ior State aud county pffloer j aod, , i '' WwiRKA, Theoandldate ia tbimint pledged themaelve to abide by the wi)l of the people ; wow, therefore, w, tha peopla of Davidaoo eonety, - without regaed to party, no or color, to atu akeaiaog at sestbled, do, ' ' Jtfo!ie tt: That In thi State we reoog. the wall of th"pop!e goVjrw7rtsorWiqttr. we rcipecteo, ---- - , j,, Sod. That U goo4 an4 fair-minded men. who wi'k olliee at the band oi tba people, always bow, in submiwion, to tb will of' th innjority lreuly aud publicly expreaned ; ad those who depart from, tbu time-bonor ed aiid binding euatom, are not only want iou iu correct notion of Republican hisii- tu i ion nod free election, but are unlit to bold any public oiliu of oroflt. trust ot honor, . v ! Urd. Tbat we recorolae tbe offiou to be a representative and servant of sua people and aot th people srvni-f tba officer; and no man i iu tillable ia eetuag up claim to uffllo a a matter of private right and individual benefit, la deflattowM tna paoplu'a, wuiiua and to the damag of tba puUlio intaratt, . , , , i it. inu in Daeno aau county vim miaaioaeXK koaeaa iw year ware elected tor tba term ot two yeara. . 6(11 Tbat any attempt oa tbe part Of said HheritT and Commiaaioner to "bold over" beyond elm tiwo yar 'preacribed In the fjaaautotton, l a ilangerou preceoeni, a grot usurpation of power, aati Hepubli co in aeuuaieat, aivrive of tbe fuda uiautal principle af good govaratneat, itfUaoe oi ta wilt ot tea people, a nagrui violation oi tb principle af right, and Jot tine, aad a reck i aUempt to nullify ibp, law ol the lauuV, , , , ,.. . ljjt , . tftb. Tbat tb attempt Jacob A, Sew,, era, former cuertn, aoa wiiiims suia, John. U. nldir aad C'alvia Taylor, tnrea at tjie former iCmisntonara, to trmiat tbem teive apoa tbe petapto agalaat their Wlii, tairlv aud oubliiilv exareteed at tba -ballot hot, i wrong, lair aad diagraaefat, aa4 deverve and hereby rwoelves tba eeoau and annaliHedtieaMlamaatoia ui the whle people o DaviiM eoemty. , Uaviag read tb reaotutloa, Hf. Tionir then prota-eded t a Very pointed and abbr manner to bnr ilp tba trued and enrrap -rtntrjiraetireil pHr ttw "people by tome of tii framara ill ti.a eonttitutiou. and more eniierit'lv the ' nnnoabflnd meannn and 8'nwortfiinrttntrwi twtt wwrtong aw own e.innty, who are loreing ' tti peor pie to accept of their (service againe iir will.- lioa. K. C. Hobblua and 1. U. Wil- bora. Boo. were a! called ba lor apacchua f aud rmpond.-d briefly. H iB. i. T. Brawn Wa prwseiu oua uwtug stt tu tai'sovaa v the hour ba ver politely wqueated hilftr lttai-IUIIIa-i.xo .mm.um--im?r--mv fehnuiilenrseaitnft. .- -( -' i ' i ,. Ou tn ittoa ttMBeereiary w rvrjtirtted bt fumifh roiHce at tfaa proreratags to to ftaleigli KMNtraar., Old rf -etivteand Oa ruottua the nweting the ladt aoroed . WAIjSEii.iVisU:-. J, R. Ii frits m, Bec - , ,.v, . UrwMvra iuntrMaail Old tierth State, pleaae copy from BaNTitttT.. iux A :j,i.'it 1 ' Xi VI Ati tut Sua Tl...'. whti are In tit tn.siii tiotlir b te an - spin itmrrt uf aieiii'at' ifi-r' tiiitti'.anif ( ItiaortttMAfy mitajt.r-if anmpatw.' r;f ttrg -geawjta-. fjru.iio IJa-blSt,. ln orle'elye ol.the sputs ara laruu and , CtttJltU Hi. " "ArTiUlld ,J the ercOH at titeusiv rt iriontwi pro mUrationt ia the pUoii nphoie, . Vtt a niatcidfylnif Djwsroi surriimetr.more a bunarco-wtinut tpxitf mI be C.ranttd. ttUOMXiU iUx. jatwtbtx. ,..li hlA. We tluti ia due to tl urttenc of sputa we hra uut'ti-t prepared to . a.v " To settle tbatv doealitin will be the buainew ol future aB t.u.irj'iT V., ' ituleae at, c'tyt ptAv a . "'f; i " '.i",f' ' I f ,Jf - ' Tbttteaih ppwer employed ia thi COflh' try i rqaaj w 10,000,000 men, but tbat af wiett Britain b vaetly rt, being eod I lu iw,ow,vow oi meu, - - IS- .,.. M t' itW ,v Imml Lk Arm l,uKi u I., , iQ HVbM HOI ll J Mm hasnaili ta air'amluiv ... , Aa at flu saeaamry's kaaviagp, Th ehemhod on of yore - 1 vwaiirai aae soveiy, ...,;1.,,.....i.;T....-.7 , Who dwell wita a aa snort. ' 1 " 1 r Thoa krietit a) I a etnlitraa ilial m1, Io ptaaaw s to, a beds at Autumn eosaing; ' -,.Tk. ? aarfcabaat asaaf . . ...Tlwtah and null saatuMas wlw bitMawd tk bora af oar- Ah, em, tboritoft dMrtnl. - Ji4 M asj Mh th tkrware, ' "ist o v,4 f. , rt , , i; i i tA Uiaa .m thrnaurlu , h'f tui-jiuiour oirruv ia aaetnit tumn aeaia ; -in mmaw , aa tt tli-nr aeiiia ri-i. Uieaviiug ' l,'.,V'r. "' .ui. - " " ' vi"- d Tli nt, at h rlnas of ', ' we aa th InW-'a aall .' -w; aettHwtuwawMUaanttllH . 4 vi I"" ehauliMBt arm ana Ull, ' D. ar uieuwry bnuK around a ' ' Ti ti-lenoa el w bar rurt - '; ' ' IMI oo nana m tan af Mi In In) i" MtwansinBiaaaiuii TUB a&BA TBOVTBAMStUCASCA T- '4 a ha or. - ! - , , ' Ml.Hlctltrd IllOWB WiilM in lt, Tj...!. Timet me (act Concerning the recently discovered aratertall cn ' the I'otaro river Brflish tfttlan. which is over erven hundred fi at In height Tito examination of t waa en auu air, aiug. 1 ue oetrriptkia Says: TliS Fall has a clear descent, according to wnwwcsrass tu aHib. -a treat. ifittaiia eoutlv bv Mr: Rmaa atttta l...nnn. .i i. aevaa huatlraat aa.li fall Umt.. Abaea tha retam gUde awootbly in a alight deprea ion of the table of conglomerate ndtoae and disappear over th edge ia a body whieb WllinateoV at eiohtv tarda in width, aad of depth aacertma la tbeoentra, HBiivwiugrapiuij towara either bank. When Mr. Btowa . diaoovertd Ui r4!! la April the rocky channel wa completrtt covered, bd th atratm mutt have had a width oi at tenet nan baadied yard. At preatnt ivi dimuukbing in volume, and, a the Indiana enured a, will coutinu to do to till October,' when only the-oentrtl and deeper portion, about on third of th whole -wM rematw, -Thw-bee ffarar tbanfoie, for a visit tt ia tpriog, at tba bud oi what apv peart to b tb raiof teaaoq of thi (Uvaled trtct, A we saw the Kali I cannot Imagine any. thing mora beautiful. Tbe central portion, Wbtoh iaawver dry, forma a email feorhoa reentering angle, aad tha water intjij part pruaerve it conaistetvy for a short distance lion the lodge. But everywhere else, and her sttoata faw het from th top, all blaac,'iwattr dfaappetara.; It breaki up, or blot, tot iato Bat tm ortprty, Which c'iMea'li ta tba well-known mrlrrt. vwrint., t n-.r?.J.-1. . - !' cm tain of pmapji.Lr JtrjJ by tha actloa of th tpray. Tb cavern behind tba Vali U tbe borne ol thousand of (wallow, "Which laetie from It in th morning;, and ar torn returning in their multitude at night. Tba ftdT.ttttU ft oh Vaat . deacwidla, eol nma of a Bn drylooking, enow-whit tub" atanee, bearing a resemblance, in color and consistency, to the now ot aa avilancba, bat nrpsMlng' all avalanche I have seen In ie, and in tb beauty of tba toim taken by the material ot the fall. Rtinbowe et greet lnlendor were observed from b front or the Fall m tba morning1, one from tbe tammit la the afternooa ; but - tbt last re verted, formfnir a colored bo or rina. Into which tbe whole mta aeemwl to- prtslpl-J tate itsett ana aitappear, anu a art out aa derneatb, Mack and foaming, at tnorg and outlet af tbe pool. , - guiaiunon to tas soGTBsnir 'Colonet Blsntoa Duncan' bat rreentlt written a tetter to Governor J. W. 3tvn aoD, ol Kenttii ky, in reh'ieiice to. lovittng emigration fa the cVjii'luru Sla'. tUd. Duiii'M, who 1 no i KngltmL a th Chairman of the c.'titniitie a- ii;litd to present the advantages ih d u'ti to cap. italUU tml tminia its. avt hat the Legttla- Inra ttve hot provided autlicleat imtsl to Dfotnot the trinsporiailou of fore go I- ixjrers to thi) country, and t" luinoh them with einployfneut tmrnedialety on their ar fiVtl.".' Hi Mt? Say tbat I lit plan thipUd br tbelirlihth government, to secure, emigra lion to It own coHiuils, otur giil a dueeuit'litt than thoee J tentnUd by 4U Boutbein HtiO.T1i orauitatmal now at Work tn Eniditbd Vorthe colon let, teatt all k'liJiof eiiil;rniitJ fie, tnd provide f ibem temporary (better and ttistenano aa til tltuatti nt can be obtained. At any time witbio a month after arrival, a dee ksi! laglvin ontnfof the rallroadt to tueu nointa a, tit tuaiuf atiU desire to iooataaw. To aecur lull piouscuoB to femtle, alt ib Jevroiin nmr.i p'kitd under the rbarg of a matron, Koto on toe voyage aim arccr meir arrival. Th emigrant, exe.pt thoa who co out.aiwisiuea, a ga a irreeuient to mi iu tattee tbe pt.ag moHf, 40, to tiovvroment wttfabs tvro ea. Oa tha- fMt) nteot ot tbt earn to ecatgraot reotavna 411 aero nt atna ior eaca grow a peraoo, aau 0 acre for week child LetwetalPB and awelva year oi age. TImmw who. ehoo to pay 2U in aavaace, iRn an agreemeat ut reiura ISO let a year' time aad receive tb isms allotment i f land. The Ocveramaat alto ataart emigrant of ieelv ' employ ment 4a warlott , caning mutaaaac ana killed laborer at wage ot 2 to J a day tU gntd ; thTpberihi- f IK to year, -With rwllofta j groom tuv to fxjv tana urrailt lltfr to 1(60 1 terrant rnatd irata 1 100 to - IM0 The weekly railoo ar b ooundt of it itir, 12 pounds of beef. pound sugar, uu a quariwr ail a pouuu ut tva aui , x man tftii btawneev aa4 half tb absrva lav I- .:-".".::i t e. ,t - ... r .iiii twiJ: ttilowet" twtiewa -yvie -Lt tisa- ajftiieawtatw ut Ktwetf -ahuatld I adopif tiinilar Jtjaarfrri.H. f1"; i . CWAabftwTOI. ha C , Sept. tl Maob . M. clU-ltti-nt prevails idi-turent county On ao- Connt OI a uitturoABoa oe.weea wuiusa aau aetrroe. Both ritrtie ara armaa aa r- eauiud. iMrettaoloteAmta bar beea kill ed. Tba JUeform party charge tbat there dia tiirbaucet ar part of a He-arranged plan of th accret league to create txcitemeat for political e fleet. Th Kepablictn India naatl Aeny tbsfch a rsre. - At laat accounts alt a a tjiuet, . illt feUBCMl Ilia K.Minl. . . 111 . two whit uatpH, aetMsttit aartawari. LlaKlivi kMioi that aiWal aartl. t - , leasjad U baar . " tWaiu of earl h ly maafe ' Tba cwald tiatta llaair e. - , ;' '.''... f - et I ataea tb sound of many traaiM), Aad war-like rnaroh draw atath : "tS.M""'."'. " - Jfaaawa to etaur by. . . m n , r, 'J ttot taeclaa had aaaaaat t HaMt) wai bae iwil fr o iu mil i W tut Mm aeiotoj tt an vaet. ' f Uaaaaa4ttio,Wltt. . 7, t .- , Thaa I Writ a (Witter etamtw '.ick ana rbii4 . l.l., Br. Arf t!.o ,,. ,,, i w ' (ii"l( ta u4 fit. i . ,Wlwa Ibtamuatt can m utarv, ' . And th. til ofdar wo r, ' Kill ttw ata awu.Haaa.aie. v t , toaieaina at biMur. r ' to ; i.... 1IJ aavslgat atowly Vantab,', aad tb ,, mm gr,w sVihimuly. from diaiant vuumsl , 1 ' I ttMavesaswaaisk B"'"lV".t'.T" " ! 3 Uuavbui, - Bswa tb vvwleir atr Tat from lb kUl th radiant ae.aja . fiiU awe nateaiDf tbwaT 1 '' kf l-i' "tt'ijl i. i- f 1 east tbe athrla eeiR.'. ......gin. wnu ii aiaop aa,i ral i. rM'HNttJMefcta ttaU:li T?Sf"1t 2" OM"1, Bf ar sad labor Naa baa ar r t.i 1 .11 ... . l - Vfail the aiinvia IimuI abd iuijiaa.f' Oatlyt i!--"W? S$ I"o the BKMBtaia Waaatas auaala mowl, MMad "wayT ana mmm tuna 1 ttm a..... .' TU& xovua U'WO W. v .A oentu Uktr, going hi roand, etopped at an elegant brick dwelling houaal lit ,x act locality of which 1 no "uain. of oure. ' H. waa receive t,v a atl. well-dre-ad lady, who ooeki-b well M3ognil M W'lo wf om rear", ataadlag.." . ; , t rM"" '' wt bar visitor, tba """. ""'geuasrimsoit a working tluoa, be ikouirei tor u.. ai.B. per Mui iu.aujiyi tae laoy. KigbL air " replied th lad. myself," . , " ' "Very wen-iottr.g'ai.dam'r '. piwatttx, tligaiaed took. ' i oonoeive it'a none of jour lwiea what my age might ba.loaaralnquiaiiive.air." , , "The law compel, me, madam, to take the.geof every peraoa in tb ward : it U my duty tomaae.be fa qa!ry.in " WeU, if tb law jcvewl . t tWMB thirty atvd tuny, ares, -yut a you ay. iuw ior tint ga of tbebildreo,commncing with tbcyoaag. ' eat, if yoa pi." . - " - - joswjjmu, my yoaagott, it lavt ytan ot gtji. , i-j. t mI. a-!. tJieu. "Jotephine pretty Bahia Itn." r ": . -"Minerva Wt twelve laat week." " 'Minerva capttvatitig-a-twetve. . , "Cleopatra Klvlra bae Juat turaad Ifteea." , Hileopatra Klvlraharab---aftB." "Angelina it eighteen, bTjuateighteea." ' .HAngcliu--faVurlt naoie eiglitaten." . "My oldest and Outy married daaghtir, sir, jjaato atopaia, t a ,-tHU over iwanty- flre., , , t a tw ti . 4 at "Tweotjr-flve, dill you ty r , , ,. t"Ve. air. It tnere suvlliiuui remarkable ta btr bi ing ui that age." "Well, no, l caa t (avfhat Hie re i ; tat i it aot reiiMUkabtti that yea ebaxtld be her -usotbar- wlki) ou were oaly igb( Jeer of age! About that time (he cento ' taVir wee -obterved ruuatagoaliytaWbiMte--Wby wa - no aot avauK. u waa tea laat wmtt h vr prewtea a tauy to give her txact aj.a. Rbotv m a b who otieyt hi pareat. a bo baa avvpeot itir ae, etwee bae a fritBtt- ly dispoattviMt, and who applie hlmaalf diU igtntly to get wisdom and to do good to ward otbai, and if be Ut aot laip ctedead , behivtd, tbe there t no (neb thing a truth '- lwttetTitVia , '. a . KvtN wrhea etreat ara ilUtanparett aad - eerreataebie tbey hould ba treated with pet aad torbvaraaee by tfaetr ehMdraa, Ulyaiptae, mother of Alexander the Ureat, ' waa a waaaaa ot tnilnttou tiitcattloa, aad re aaioaed much trouble to her toe. Never- " tbeleea, wha pursuing kltcoaqwUla Aaia, he sent bar many splendid present out vf ib spoil wbicb be bad taken, at token of hi eiactiate. Ue only bertred that aba would aot aaedJla with ta.a kttira, bat allow bin 1 klngduBtt to be ms"I peaceably by- bta . governor, Ant, paler. Wheathe aent a barth reply to tb request which h bad made, be ' bore tt pa'ientiy, ana utti not at harp language in feluin. . " "" ta one ot-taaion, wbea th had Ixea es- ntnaliy troiiioe-oum, Antipater tent him let let a, estt;daii'f ol bt la y arrtevona temttr A hrtand-.r eay enid, '-Asiipater - acccWBt know ttrat ow MBgl -tear af my mother at ahle to blot out tx . hundred ot . lltt eiriauoa. A boy w a once tempted by some of hi compaa iont to pluck ripe cberrie ' from a tree tsica me tamer sums aurusuwa uim s i tweb. w, i . . - , "Vuo need not be itraid," aid on of hi rcompanioos, "for if your fathtr should Bud out that yon nave fKra ttiem-ne u so Ktna . he would not liuH-ui,'"'75r ; " 1 "Tbat is ih very reaaan," replied the boy, , why I would not touch tbvm. It tt trow - that mV father would not touch me, ytt : my diavjbedieoce, I know, would hurt my lath aaai tuat wouid t worse to m inaa atmhuiajetm."-' -' " " . : ' . I ml . I. t . I ia uoy wnu grows up wnu tut;u priocii jdra wtll be tnaD to the beat antot) sit -tb--"- WOT'I, It (how a rerd for rt-'tltidt twa( J would rentier him trustworthy aaa-r etery trial. ;r . "'."," -i-T7- - - - 'I ("upposa," (aid a quack, whtl feelinit tbe pulai of patient, 'that yoa think me a - humuog j ret', reptua ui . ick man, -i perceive you caa awexiver a man utoughta bj hia pulse." , . , . Ceotn ot Weatera citie : Milwukea tl,48, QuIdct - 4,889, Peoria , 2,8J, Bloatuiagtoa H,e00, foadda 10 U,T71, Keokuk 12,760, Otbkoth 12,673, Ilockrord U,5oi,Eat Saginaw 11,37, Aurora U, 10O, ' .-'IU. ; - . ::v: while the; are at it: that what tbey come tv,.f i yT.i- r .r v .'ttlt ' trot whwaey, ., a... j '- i ' :.ae a-aHK hi '1 !. '" -o ,- V, f v 1 - I - V-

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