THE .SENTINEL. 7 We wef at Rocky MMit, B"d,reocuib county, o Thursday hist, to take M i. tb grandest ct-icbratioa a I urge mjj. muii m 1 on acasoo. we roacbee) tokkjf at 1 -fev twam, WHJ lag tat beery rttMB-f. SJ JassSS. Battle,; wha ftde t mjj -jy Sack; Mount. Oa Thuride "BOfBleg "M It -elock, lb pW M.rhl OoLB, a Bean, wirfMi'WilW'd'tHt5w3it Jasaesft j.'Uitips, A. IL A. .WUhanssvA atatoa, YTB. BUarp, 8, K, Wtijr aa iUrtlett Bun, H ndomly, moaattd, ffurdMd tb proeeiioa la front' ol U?. Bt-' Jtlrt Iwute. ' , vj I Bkar' BfM Bd fa" PeUrtborg, 'led trb procettioo, composed ol emUgwi' 'l,0?fwtvwgoi, eartt, wea moaatad aai jura n toot, un reacuiDa; n aauieaiN rcli, the procewioo . M mora tutg ova to It todthern ttmita where a Urge iV Wt Qa"a uie wtnpiHa apBacBi 1 iog occosipo tu allude to tbe lata can- im ia tbe Sute and 'tbe gloriuui rictory toe orer lntioa, ignorance aad Vice. . lilt udioQie eicl) w coucluded by the an- nanrcmflnt Ilia inyr (tj. aad . I ni- da?uWpirB lot!' prepared fr th occasion, beside a Lrge number who did not go toibe table, the crowd prt sent was estimated at over W ttAutsnd. Tb(Uy was do means propitious ; it tS rkmed "heavily the nigb before-, and ight showers tell during all the morning. f bout 1 o'clock, P. at., It rained very hard. 1st tiis tliif 'o disperse Io?-7' V" Even befiire the rain ceased, the Speakers Vers forced to the "stan J, "by" theTonoTlcalfs" if tbs people end the spirit stimof nusii Bjker' band. ij( .,., Co. Buna then introduced, "Gov. Hol es'! King of tbe Ku Klux" to tb aodi- tos, wbo told them all aboat Kirk, Uol rs. Ctrrow and tha En Kloi, (not lorget- ng the Leagues,) Littlefleld, tha Rail- IHU "--J--""'-- ws tnlA j'n eoIoredTeopU preeeat aboat tha hehlu ku io OrkBg anA Alarasncs hanging tha Ltgser I that three of the Ieagttr had fmssd three bare ia one night and tbat th Elut had caught and hung tbe three that id IL We condemned tb L"gaors for mag sod the Kb Klnx for the tanging, were alike unlawful. ..We also allnded two other members of tbe League, who it hung in Orange tor grossly insulting Id them that while it was lew to hang' criminals without regular rial for Violating femal chastity, It was Common in most countrtee to do so, so men was ever yet hang for doing it. told tbem tbat Outlaw . was bung for log at'Ea Km when they war not beidg a R. publican magistrate, and fe ItjwUioan preach, now la th pes i tea- f aurwed the colored people to break I tbs leagn or tb leaf ars woald break ftp rbem. Her Noah Moooey, a colored put, spok outj declanng that th league m robbed the colored people ot t no u tanas dURm W eash besideti tbelr tim. ' f sxplalned the (UffereBe betweea Mr. KufLet, who was raised a gentleman, aad H other gatkme-f -XdKb. Mr, -ioi fleet wanted th colored votes to mak Clerk, he therefore allowed the colar- psofSbji to pull bhnt down to n, level theWlvea, IwlnW thl olW.jeuU'' ws ol the county wanted to pull them up, Mttd Ot Mflcrtng tbemsel vet W be pulled tgTOtesiWrwsTr,'ri ooed and nnlshed our speech In tb rainj, wTitc"b'Jdti Vitli flMUriagnttaa. Jurlgs B'ggt cam in at lat hour cn lie train from Norfolk, Sod aotwitbstnoc iftherma Wsold aeighUors and friend iteJ on .hearing; blsoicgln.1I teked them for the iteajty weloom en 'tkiedhim, andawnrod thinn, that no maa "jorerd mor than he did jovet tb recent tieiery : in th State. Ue assureci theni kt is "Virginia, his now home, tb shout a load at tor wcfrt.:orih Cwafc V w the eye not tialy of trgiBla,(T tatf bole South hd hoea-turned to North had recently pad. an d that alt Weat Wt wOtetTttrTitrTtofbtt" ')t!,-.r .1. . i u.t i:..Jr i... . f. ),.... I i,rl.t aatis what uh 1mhQ "be made ut W the tailing allow- heaven, and !!.f. k!AjajJl AajJlgncV"" r' , pt. Daft and Oen. M.' W.TUasoni w eaUed,aad, as ttey say U Court, failed. BV -U'wa revorted sick, and Capt. Davi preRsaiohalivetiiaircd.1'- MM ,...' budb pronouncuu , ine eeneaiouoa, Jtt Mt croNwi dispersed lor" taei yateoattnaouaraia .at. ibt srrionsty .erttreit with th coaUinptaUitf festi vitien, 1 1 L ' ' " v V w uae jutgeoorno. waa aneau ot tUioa ia the production of cotton and it weeid not know, until w attea " il : ) , RiT.pmn t iT."7i21S ? --." -J. ......I.--r !'- t:. - ., I J 'T in f 3 If 1 v. . - .Mwm ura jl.i- .f ...... - nana ivi4 tbat Ihra Ve flatter mm. f .VakteV eob aarallA M... $itnU to do ao. Tlta fec&Tiiici. Ut -aeaa" to rrgard a aatitled to tbelr aboee M4 atWeprcaantatuxk, ,Jkj if attaomiaOD aad ao well aadertlood by tbe public, we aeldoai otksa tbttr fattthoodi. f Wa fcava aJwayt idrocated both privata aad, public dAorii; bat with tqaalaeal we har adroeatad both private aa4 paWla ltf. Tha Epical Coneeiitioanlifc farmed the Cimatitttfton, U known to here beea controlled by Northern Radicla and earpet-baggara. The aatWe Rpoblicni ' that budy, Ukiog eouoaet of tUeti iun, wtrt made to tellew, tbat wfl!. i they readily acquieeced la the Views of North era RadicaidTaod tba tcbemee of tbe carpal . baggora, their efforta , at rfsonitroctioa wouli be a iailure. Heace, ignoring the fnutonanttmtKmtot the tttateftei r ' r ' r - The i U-st yesterdYy m every way domeudf of these new comu aud rushed he Stat upon new and hsaardous acbtmwa of publie policy, whhstt baVe bankrupted th State aad mined our people. - if that body, in devising k new Coostiti, tiua lot the Stat had Qonnoed iisell, tvsuch aamaadmenta of the organie law as Us Ce fess imatmi aad no more, as a condition of rcostruotloet and siniply mad such o ia eaeadation si thi waatt of the peo J) required, no propoiUou to amend tlh Coattitutioo, at this early day, would have beea mooted. Bui this reckless body, obr lirtoas a what waa dae to the real cvsdt- tioa ot North Carolina, planged into the Wildest schemes, prolestwdly for tbe aggran diasment ot the .State, bat really for, to them, the more important scheme ot devis ing tha beat means to fill their awn pockets and asgrandise themselvta. They did aet " n i j. i . i f leagues beyond. -t At the very time they were concocting . k I ' I . LI!. Ll I . . mm pirnuiu cucmes oi puonc cuuuj t their plans were formed for involving the State ia a debt from whicn she could never extricate herself, Without consulting the psai or eonsidrring the real condition of hffitira, they 'devised'- most extravagant acbtme of public education and public charity, which of Itself woald mtolvs an annual enpeaditure of $050,000 at the lowest swttaatav ft-,- . .. , The nonual aotivtty of the "fsll season'' ssys tbs New York World, in all branches of haatoeaa j worth notice, ; Certainly New York la keveir beeU fullef dan now of stranger. The hoiulnjmqiXl tbe buaineae atreet , are gorged, and th plaet'a of antertalameat are, almost without 1 exerptioa, ailed niaUtly. . Th retail dealers who sr thus shown be rrplenlablng their stocks have eae Toe, workshops of ftaac and Germany , eom which our own warehouse are a largely supplied, are, and lor tome time to oome must be, turning out much lesa than jtheir 'uul ' quantities work. In coosequeoce, those whe areuy ing now are sure et .buying upon ' n rking market, and we may look to see the present activity' fctHttiaa ttnuiuany longr,1-. "'.f; :j. i n ii !' :'" ; DatntBXaaD Duoaoaiar. The city sleek ot oa a spree )att Saturday night, aad waa knocking all aorla of hours anhaff. Jhoora. ail day i Suadsy, without regard ts aun, moea or Church bells. W hope this is not ?anwarJr life, sock arlr io frequently -lad by tedii vidusl of that family; Wbeothey are aet np as guide, and left without proper ROar diaastur tbaregnkstioa nf their cpuduc f IfoasrtB ArTiA-Wr, th Xocal, je der.oor thank toMr.RP, Mtbeon,f Taylorivi,N.Coralot ol very, large apples two kinds, but we donl know ha BaaK, ftUey will not fatl much,'if aayf bf4 tow An average of to otaooes." They are of iceUtflavorv'"'V' . f'', V t i ifhibi w are at it, we wfff proffer thankf I atsa tor the lo left for tbs ejitor, tbcagh is aomewhat rollemaical wttetAtaT aeevec, get. his pawe en tbeinsJt is prollle Bf will net fetam t the City, betore th latter part of aekjrk v;!;' V.ii'Aj iftlsjcpMSrAW CiiitftTiTbfi j body will aaast it RalelgMf att t,lu.:'Tlia. c.mmiaiewopjUlitjJw "TfJpOS("wrt4wraMaeaV awtty"j; theisrat ibbc titat aft m ";w"gejen67c' Weir "aiiisriiiKw hand; aad cualusioa -:'age1ynhn '-j Iwiesw. f- . U .;'". f ! 'v ? Vn are farther say, thai r of our dtiaea wk may be willing te tater taia delegate, during tha Convention, will confer a tavo by mention! eg th matter to 19 the Pastor, or to P. T. Feecad, Chairman of tneoommittee. ; ' ' '.-A Tu ecuiKenariAa says, from ) . r from first to list be-he reived, t.y d.aobarges ot KUOS aad biatals into bis body;' en haadiw4 aod seteuty-i e Shots ; ha both - b gti eoHsf hoa. and eeve noa brekea. aad bit skull cracked, aad ia the lather, ot twenty cut! draw. I I j - 1 I'aaa I " T . war -.TErf-iJ AS k.' V" w - -7 7 . 1 ' i - Visit m rurftinrrr.,. rz"rrir-r HKAVttUMB Ann Tarn r , the direct I. .,07. i. a. I-- ""KWWWMa CM I Dal UM i ; mum Igielature aa PPpropriatk. M.00ft ... ..... (Qce a prop atwi of-J. thoruaVk for the Iuatitwloa, aewerage aai dr iaage ?Jc?m'B1" coneljiina- al ik. t-t ri r . I'lroer. .n.t i.jS pu4uicu..k-4 the iiitroiUcuua fiteaui aad Water AiiDuralaa. ol'Oold' Xcoti tract WM made with Mtaers. Wat; ITooda A CoV pi Baltimoie, to execute 0 fiotlC iSth of Augutf tbe nde the (aparrlaToa or. 'Ut KcITa&ar, a acetiuipluked and txpurlenctfil wOtkmul. Tbe plnniblng work waepUesd and eent ed under tbe di(ectioa ot Mr. Jamea Thora lonk alio en employee of MtweraY'Wooda A fco. ' I Tbe beat for the entire building ia goa derated hf tM ft taow MntMaJ faoilera locted in tbe cellar aad conveyed through out tbe building by aaeaaa ot pipea and fluce from ratliatora placed - la different pant . ot the building. Tbe boilers vae low-pnMuie aud elf-regulating, and, au arranged ai to cutoff the draagh tat two i i, rtm rwi, m jaciory, as tue neat and ventilation was uniform In all parts li th building, even thuto most remote from th boilers. By this ariaeaft,b4 iHiUding wiU be heated ly three fires tin's td of 80 to 30, as heretofore, and will certainly result in a aavicg ot at least three-fourths of th amount of fuel before used, to say Dotting w ! HW U Jpithjia J?npJ.ihn, people mii Jit have aaid .thaUt- Wa need" in filing the Unks wjth water and jj cooking papoae. There a fij wheel attached to the pump from which, a iconnectlon with a saw, it desired, caa be made. This pump ia worked by a small upright tubular boiler of three and ebalf borse power. .. ..... ... , ' A new Range, from the house of Bram hall and Deaaa, New York, baa beea placed J ia Brai. .jM w i nn. -ii.By.-, timYnoa ti'a'.ent,'" and lseajpaW of cookiug for 930 persons, btaides furnisb- iirg aa-'shuedaifl veffplyf Ife water fa ai) parte of the building. Among the other improvements, in aad abpftUhepremise.v wetlce4 I Isrgf and -oemaaodiou barn aod stable. Tais waa in. deed Veetl y-nsetl d, at tbe eld sieildtag were in a very dilkpidirted eMdltino." TW work waa executed by Messrs. Ellyaoa aad Norwood, and la point of ; wotkmaaahip and suitability ia a handsome job, We bad almost orgottea tbat a eswer of oas oeen consiruoiecu . emptying inio sua aiream befow " the Esleiiih and ' ttaaton Shops, n - . Tha compIeUoa of, thea Improvements ,iiu aad niuca to toe epmiart anu copvent- ence of the Inmates and remove a number of nnslghtty WuililtDgs from tiWgBtfa. great pleature a sbcjwing and explaining the .workings of. tbee improvunentt to ,4 ... liW4j.A-p.ta v'..i .v Co? and their, akilltut and-effioieatiwaM pioyec fsnt,McriiBie juia l noruioo , . We 'nad, Ian, ajmiabieaoa "Ustrucdve visitand-raura!ftoFl1i'iind manner ia which we were eatertained by Prof Palmer and other officer of th Insti tution. " We would her do. justice t tbe 'psfMfWHfaak(fiet Tstttewdrrw th? Institution, but bit, recorrt inhibit f esjlect is o VtU kuwa io iht i peopfa ol thi atej thtawdeajnM jteeded. - f e i mil m hi '.I. a - t .it. 1 rta-i itot th ktstiast A B0RJUBLS MU&DXBIS TAXCMT. r EorroE Skutiskl: ULt 'J A. O. Brow, of thi place, was m ordered todayai 13 o'clock, 11, by Mont Bsy. The circa m staoce are tbeeet Mr. Brown bad differed wHkStmneLBay, botbet to Moot Bey, about poauca. tls tor of of 4 Democrat, tbe two ttva. Radicals, and bad beea aasaulu t coming vp, attempted to nrela atsaoi at -Brown; toHnding he could nwf dietkarge the pistoyaoliberauiy sUbbad atsa ia ue itioof kb Btant-ditbr:;r"-gy ' m,t'm'-m'tiitwi 1- Vr-Hnnrs'Wirrmiirnnir hd'tilv M -4pecte ta tbtfar" aectfoa 'of 'ffiei'otiu.--lihr' aniiawiy fJeatu tUis.ijfpiora t-y wue Awewbiaa. j...ii " n . i. Bsy, W'twacmvttwrj'-wa a vtofcat aad dsngeron snaa, having -bat few fi'murls.-. I WiU add that h has aot yet beo srrested. ;.-'..,...t :' . -.4 " TRUTH. 'BoWiwEEn,' lepirit, ll?9C7J e.;-.'-" - . ' Though Gen. Orani. i very wrong la naeddaeg 4t potitfes tk tk 8 la Us, b is perfectly consistent. II waa opposed to vbe Walker movement in Virginia, because It hurt the ultra Radical partybe waa op possd ta the movement in ,Tennesee, be cause ft debated s-me" ot the ultra Radical candidate and be is opposed 'to ..the aovement In Missouri, beeaaae he doe sot wi,h the altr Radical rule in that State to b disturbed Be goes for hi AuoWy ieoJsJ Akermaa,aad baa 'sot a word to sav scitinst but in fsvor 1 t( Holden ia Nortk C0ina. AltxnJrU UautU. i ,..-! 1 1 . S . - - , fam aUtllTlkl ttm.' Im ALt 'Indira, ia1 mwm - I . . -Th ,, 7 40Oer thank to you we "PukH which , ti. tit to p ,y t Wnlle it fcaeaea uopi. " U ill I T ki mj wa. ..II. MhUliia diUOacaa ranmtm. W L .... uia 1 allwawd kt hXr foa "AW'T-t , th MinU hot lrjlt. wbickl atadiarsad withamoouitkii, wtiea (ioTroun4 Hot tk Carortna, ia wot aitowtag soaaiag a ueorgta brtgade to hang UolUea. WaTI, geat)Bea, to ettr-BOttioa, ! ca aly proniaf yon tlU, that I'll peter tot each a UbeoiauuUldio (Laagbter. Owilwn, I tkaak you again fur the honor yf.haT Ooaa ..taUib,. but herdly, kaow what to aay to you ia return. Weil, I eaa only uu that 1 im an ImproTiiixi aaetaniger from tbe Stata 6t N'rtk Care lioft to tba State ot Coorgla. I tell joa that Nor tk Caroiiaa oaa me laager be sailed the Rip Vaa Wiakle Htate not aba ia wide wake aad full of fleafl J Laughter J ' W ware content to fig lit tide ly side with yoa dnrinir the war : but bow we are ahead of yr and ybo nrost hurry tadf tssfch' p.t Ueatlenten, I don't kaow; great deal about yow affaire is) Oeorata. fc I aos atraaiter. aad I mat talk to yoa raboat them ; has I do know something of North Carolina, aad wii. gira , fou a uute w et txuuwj. taeir former piece ia vh Uoloe), a4 giving them peace aod prosperity and all mat sortoi ining,me wnue ptopieoi xiorin Carolint thought that they were not right and made war against them, When tbe eksEtioa earn we . wen at tha enemy' Work ia troat )st a we feed doe botes la the field, end failed--fi lad glnrionalf and Jwoaatls, And jriipe, this tsilure was the beat thins for as.. Tae people aeoerain Oy kaow betwr4Ba the peittieiaae wbat ia rigm U Ws bad defeated the Uooemutiou verv nne instrument, and that we had not KivlviarlriaJiAa .iU wa. a ware deieaied. Thirty . tboui'ii'id white men stayed away from the p-t' diatftie, aad th onostituiltw wasadcitect. t men, who ware running the maebine ' got Into office and had their own wav, and t was a way which led to bitter dtaih. Yttj.bej I naa tneir way iv, t years, ton tuey earn at laat to an end--s a most ignominious end. There never was suck so end seen by the Lord oa ttli. fij f --,-i"rwuuciiuCvi.iMii! in t "Mi.uit 'these men run oot rnatcgwernnA-nr. i Why, they lwd J 1,000,00a in bonds for the purpose ol ba'Mtag-railroad. Rut no railroads were rv .t built, and tbe bonds were give t their favorites the sup port ol their wickedaeas.' Tbeee bends wetajoia-?.. Srst w :Dovw:atjenio the dollar, and tiually fur about CO cents a baskotjul-rthe money, spent in raaesltty, ik1 then, abt-a they beceuit worthless, t!te Legl-kture tur eu rouuu snt repudiated tbtntf They cwtheted 1000,000 by a s-c-ial tax for a solionLf uoti, with which to establish schools Ut the educatioa of tbe Colored people. Tueu they "rep. seed thi amount by sppcjal tax bonds aad rtpudia ted the Ixiudw . el they Hitablleud no school, and taught 84 .iloied people tf read and wnte.bwt spent what remained an stolen "of the 0300000 upon what they oallnd. milillv-bat adia weriJtluai bat vagnb de, ana ttueves (rout Caat Tea neneef. uaneg tneir two yearn lemr or otBoa uiey aeetroyM the credit oi toe state, built no raiiMiMis, aaa sUbltuua no, sobwobj aad the) ocalled out aetaadieg army to suppress a rebellion.: kick existed ty ia rUxiir iearltu raaulnauont. "&0i3 thin landing' arxof , a the last feat her which broke tit camel' hkok. Notwithi standing their militia, which wat employsd ia arresting peseeshle . ciilseas Botwrth tanding tbe army of bailiffs which infested' every town, tney were subjected to;an over wbeiming aeicat, ine jeopie, tue great people, suflared'.. -mack and euffjred king, snt ti oally tbetioM eame and tuey rose fa tfl their might and majeaty and Whaled tbem out. There never ws suth a victory fwlore. never each a awddea aad complete cbanse m the potttieel Bemptekicei of a atat.' Tn only nun of our nominees who ran on a ctBaral ticket waa elected b 8,000 mlort tf a BB.djeBjll!t nauicatsBau w,m najyjiiji.nej J"a beat, beat badt and beat to-death,-(A planse.) Aad they only needed a good de test to ' mate tnem pensn ; lor tney naa been tick a keig tiaae and stank before they died." (Uughwnt.)f ;Ntbcit.:ns hold tbe State airain, and when tue I gisleture meet Norm Caroiiaa will be fully re ord to the Union and repreuitd by Wen of in telllgenceaad Uteerity. , (t is truetbettbe BUte ha no money W am told there it not dollar ia tbe treasury and a to credit, by the eollecttre credit ot the euieon Wall treet aoaklu't bur a brandy smash, bat vie ''we've got the mate.. (Laugh ter. Gefitleaaea, cerhaa 4 eaoi teiV a IiUm' anecdote which aid, illusirstemnre t whaTl sa 'lsa geal f aTtDlnT doat lik taeedotea, bat this OS will convey my meaning hwr fallfr s Tff tell it. Once there was a traveling preach. er wbe-wewt abru h h ewraty ort SE eta. end one f ' t he ttoppetT at country chuttiw.ta Pi v.L 'hen he had ooishedih ermon on of ib1 deacons" car rwd asoued the hat to take ep a and fiuatlf btonbf tt bacl to tbe puiptl. The preacher pwped evef the fdg of the 4.l4Jte..JkABMB puiptt aa sa w mat tnere was not a rea prsy," ana, tailing npsa m knee,- said:, -Oh L rd God, I thank Thee tbat tbie bat got beck sals." Laughter. Now we got tbe bat back tale aod that is a, grat deal. All tbat I eaa aay to job ia Georgia ia "go thoa aad do likewUa." I hope yoa will aa it; you musat let Horth Caroiiaa stay ahead oi yoa, I bare no doubt yoa have seffsred ever here, but not a mack a w have. -Yoere, I a great State, it ia called th Itrnpir Sttte, but still I don't thinkthat it lice iaUeirgia to laraiah suvh thieve st; we have it-North Carolina.-' Lsughttr.l Why, gentUmeo, their etyials ia the thieving baunaMi weientTer created. Thty toald aieal asytiuag'aad vrythlng. ti -v,.t.t tka B.Ila froas tbe Bind shoes of a kicking mule. UugbU.r-But go ahead, geatlemea, e we did, and you II ii auZm tba wnrke tnk" Offer WWtwpwwtrs anA-wfff a aqnsre out ngutvni inu u vwwh " would baea fi") A",' cro Hu.. it la as Hf at a "TPF nn h i mi ir luei ole ' aud" ronaueretri o must yiBcTu 'wUuai iwwT brfva eotOWeiH-e, whether thr- aam-trtaljte f reeilomt tattH t.f,!, no ftonbtful guaids'osi.- the iW - a ho kite froth ehiWeoai'i who "p ira.lwature, f iw-w-Vod hsps. dl amiad the truwpet wneai the tulmj is oom(f. " mm t&-H you bd tij'p.iiwd tueif !it au.t tu kiarikhuenu to tba Couelilutioa Which had con term! so much poll nod power uu oa thim ; bat we kaw utat il waa aseltes bo te runhi oppoaiuea. We ac. quieaoed m what eould " not pretent. auu, iuocmui, wuum connrtn to ineia all tbe rigbta whtah the, thea aoJayad. I bis polit y prevailed, aad aiw aiamber ot the colored people voted with us, and thenstads more are only waiting to ao If our actions will sonars with .out word. Aad they shll.. Tk Ursa aot of our new i'gmiiNaraaNsiisoww saea taut m simid word Of a Boutbera gmtletnaa is worth more t bsfl stl $U tli of carpet, baggt-r or a scalawag. (Applause. Ws ru aot wring, three haadbd thousand dollxs,lrcfi4j th ptosis with which to form a ecbool luud.and iiien peud It on a vile ad eiaptll4 mihtia, raised to oppress and peraecuts the people. ' W will acta a to tMlre thna eiekwf h Vaakevl sbow them that tbetrld masters aod them 'f'tiewAw eeived-with 4 sye shut he ie a tool but when be is deceived with bis eye open b it, a ,dmad nWrv, X Applause.) , Thi, ensiemea ia ah good aewe .1 brisg trom Nonh Carolina to Oewgla, aad 1 hope yea axrgtilhjto wdftac$pmplIsTi; want w bare ace jmpl tsb4 1 n aaxioua to at Georgia said aide by aWe- with my' tMaee. - Rat before t dose, tot wt sell yea tno:hur thing which did in North Car' b1IU)t4Saief ' trenv acts of ttoleaor. Out mle wanU 1 JU t ritevTh aulitU Waa raised and put oYLt nt citizen Wr trrestod and auiagaatil they .. war .aliiwst dsad th aaeieat nsodea of lertare ever employed te Inmta ; a Ifgh,- Aad suppose eur 1ve toldiert bd risei , Tnt'j could btv wblp. ped the cowardly militia that would hav has y weuai 'Isaa) shea t, A rebel lien wootd bar beea pMclslmed ; ws woTfld aVe" laea '"verrua" with Uaited btatea troop, and the State 'would' bar been mined forever. JW not . only , gained a ..k-tw 4,i aalMi aaiuv, but ea. aad a a Judges,: got soma ot the very men In jail who aerseeated at, and thsy ar to-night peeping from behind iron bars, and mtxti tatuig anr thsir rsseality. Yea must fight like tu. Stick to th law and . win a great vWirylLi don't i want, you to aay of us what was aaid of a North Carolina rrgimeat during the war. The fleorgia and Alaba ma and other State troops 'used to make a good deal ol fuu of the Jforth Carolinians, and our boys liked to return , the eompli- Bit Bt whs they eoufl. One day I heard a Jtortft Uaroiioe reguhaut taunting k Vir ginia regiment for filling to take a battery which the North! Carolinian sfierwards charged and captured. Alter standing ft a little wuieooeot toe Virginian sang t, ' 4-ttyo,yia wildp have captured the battery cither if you hadn't Ubouaht there wasjtixeao bshUiditiXf-MghterJTUeni wsa ao Msimuns" behind the battery wuicn we took oa the 4 ih of Aneast. If tea don't whin your fight, N. . wnl Wad yoa, and I I don't want to see that. I think, however, tbat you will whip It. I read your papers and Know how much aroueed , tb people are and trom your recent ehaner etectiooa I trnow.hoW enthntiastln are tbe people of Auttuata. I believe, too, tbat th whole South will soon rray herself 99 tb aide law and order. W are o gmag t aavs any dtspotle goverfimrnt la this country. Tb present chso'-lo c mditlea ,of affaire will soon pat away and our, aivii lihetliMs wilL.bejettor8d to ut aud mad more precious thiiO ever on account of th blood w bavithed and th anROiatt W baV o- dered in rcgslnini: theoi. Yoa rmut fight bravely, go right at tbe works ol tk 4vi, and u (i ear fail it will be thenrst tiaie Souther mea vet failedi (LBg AppbUMt.) taiee ever failedi (liag Apptaua.) f 7a agula, gsatleataa, lor tb 3&0mMJ JMiwtieWftA- w-,.. v,.T. 'ibankia honor vou DlgUS. ,,Max Twain.-rTb Bf. touts "BtyuV grves-tite-orfssia at Mm b. f walu's sW V eianas at hliuk Tla" ihus : t'lemeas aaedl to writ 00 rim Items .aed otdslontltT a squ b for tb lUyubliaiti, and having WriV tea a banuruu ateirt ut n oa rynct p'ot, he laqtirv t Jotia Horrl, BoW steww M th Ri Mi w puis, what name be should sign ft.' One of tb deck bands at th time happening tn b heaving pe brad hallowed out, "Mark Twain vueaning the depth of U aVrekee C-emuuset2lainned,Ml'bat' it : ila a Twain's my name.'- - i'ui sketth, with bis oew name. r 'Tsi.", M the partorat of the Jkpub M-ut, It provett a deoideat kir, atrrt; was tfaasteety wojrtDUT ty Western Journals. ti Aphraiciss'wbo is soinntblnir of air. eilled of I oirTt(I Rspiisl niiuikr. and propoaail.d fw aaaalicg aaeationa Why tie mirsclB that th apoiitir did f Tiny wave pri.istt1 tfiBst noUeee a)d- aseeis- td Bwr(SS4 hew u U tkM vovareaetfMwtaot- respondtd ir.-miils ' -Jtsont'. knew .aboat thai, doctor I sptxt lis. I have tookvu a mlgVy eight as etrung'mmlkaaee trom you, doctor, and I is alive yet. ' '' 1 j. -4 ;m . . :; ,.. i ,iV.0'-)'..i : i . ' 4' f ' .a' BiHrBnLtrrim-Mr Ifow then ad , dressed the cjurt in on of th most ornate ly a-oa,uent speeches, and, it may be added, aentimeatally pathetic, aver uttered ia the court of Srecisl' Sessions, a wilt appear from Hi ollowiu'g KDtcnce, which Was th conclusion i-i adjure Jvt by the name of woman, tbe mninsptiag of the ticking tim p jsvee of Time' thiricl tranmlgralloa lOdiachargtlhjtlad , , V ', v Far tbe mum. TBS fKOPL WAST A COHYSJf Tprrom " PftjrnwM.s-Hsvmfr - passed TEruugh moil of tbe ouuatVs ia iSTwleI Ban nt lbs Bum siao me cicntw, i hav ae haaitancy in espresetog tha ppia IXmMctatM ttsrvaiva party a ant as 'th ptii3irffl Keputflieaa opsaly deolar that - thang la sow aa Impemlfve aecessity. Monwver, I am sstUfivd that many ettreme Kadicals, 41 Mu-f wtil act vote yen, will oerUinly lot jto t$MMA. a change ; s ; The truth, is, ustive North Carol! elans, ir 'respective of purty.sre heartily sick and t Wd 'wwaw.!. taMonttea CotmtttutloB, tiie t"iuu and Uat t ur iathoiu. ! of " cosruV ft.uiu .the bid ConaittutioB. adapted tu th changed condition Of th negro race, with the Uomcatead prevision or the present ChBstltntioa superadded-- wa caono it w wouKi, raj we would SMst U we oould) abridge aay of ,tb right h ute awgrg,, ua is smply protected bj the C'oos'iiuHi'U and laws ot the United State, lie cannot, therefore, hsv knf just niprehensiou that the "Conventionwill . jure klat, w As te ttt Uomtataad law. the paopla da uu wUk e ejiange,., think therefots U would be wis to retain it at it now Is, without tb least modification.- Let there be no iisu a th Homestead uetlbaw'WJ' avwftme-i! t But wttt tb Legislature call S Coaveai tbnsan it I , li a. two-third ms)olty eta be bad, I think it preferable Jor tbat bod to call it ; If not, let tb question be tub tnhtcd flirectly to th people, to say wbeth-' e thj; Will have CouTeaUoa., Its it :tjuA the . Utter mode : ia competebt; -elfwrk ttHetiemT iM'tieaitnjD- "tint T-i1ut.- 'If. -". f.. IMI I. ' II I I II-" H.HI II W i-.- rtf - T'lir ir- n i-rf- vt u vvawuwi uu auuniivea ui ui people for their ratification, the latter will know what they are voting for, when they f tothe polUv But if w hat to submit tb cjueatioo ot a Uonventlo firat t the people, w will necessarily tiand oa a plat, lorui of ervMMst Instead of 9a ot aieeut, t on th first plan. Ia other word, if tb Legislature calls th Oonvsnfton, the last named body will lria such a Ooasti t u tioa at will eftoctttaly disarm th Radicslsof theoalv lug 01 avonvenuon, namely, tnat tue iHim ocraiio' party intends to tejure th aegr aad repeal tb Bmaevtead teav i '--.i : U Rati will not prolong thi com manic tioa, as X would bkt to be reckoned as W.t and . "Bertie'' a -''uodul ' oorrespoudont, " " lf ' ' ' - "bClUBO. t t m ' . ' 4 -! f sT XVXLUX CANABDA "-' -uOoverno Holdaa,' Senator Abbott tad 1 adg Toarge. of North Carolina, still keep oat writing to th beper their casatloa recrimtnation aad sicplaoaUuoa bAa U y-!fr - '! .it-sts iryio SLVmum's a 1 n V' asjibi! 1 B.wwwUMv'Ww'-n n Brat bad beea broken opea by th K Klax Klaa. W hav ao personal interest ia tb quarrel, and da not care upon whom tb he stick at last but it Is worth our white to know that they all own It to b a lie, and that th most extravagant tatt maot now elusg to a to the aam bar of boustt tractufwd by tha mysterious xuarsu . dert it limited to 400 or 600 1 Tb Mue. ehauaenlsm originally appeared In the New V.t.. f-.l ..J .... . A . iwa TJmnmt auu waa - atrainu-waj .oiauv the text of excitinf editorials ia ail th Hadieal prt'ss, calling upon tb Federal itoteromeut to exterminate tba Ka Kluxee, Ail of which occurred about thetim of tb forth Carolina election, and wat meant te redound . to the profit of lloide end th otber Judical of tbat State sb it did not, a them auel showed. Govt rnor lioldaa. f snd ths oetjrijc -t tothf trlsngularaewsr paer auui, tin to tnieK tiiey are makiBg dead Uiat of it whin tboy eonfesa that the number of bouse ransacked by tb Kt Kluxe wss onlyoue leotb of that at first Mtcd. " put Wust asaurano hav We that tiof is tbo troth f ' Hay not k fuller eonfes Inia ol iitue on of the thw bring down the hunlher to 40 or 60. or even 4 fr S t W liave ho uustwortlir iau about ' the Ku TClux mfsdieds in North ( arolinaor el.-e ahert ; but it i tKifi-e ly ev .il nt that thef hsv bvn gtYaiiiy tirtgerated t-ir polillcal rffpet, .flefiaite bii ra ate aaioundiiig statements or ttij outrages commftted by those gnunt and shevtet bugaboos ' ut be fore eitft'nm', we'shsll t tow bow fuuob cre-r dence to'.ive tULm.-iV,NX JourtM tm- ,ti id- ..... . 1 . , - ' A, RaTTt riai.alaeiwaiiT.--Ai corres. pondent in ren e( tba great ba 4b0...fl.BtbiaW , f Iw,diuiu pondent In remiutiB4(eutee4beiastint bMiw arouua ew, tnootntas luiuu ns part of thaacil .staad- inn near 'HitiiIinati-who ware ia reserve,- The tu vu pnunng ttt ray upoa us, and around at nn vvery side lay tb wounded. On poor lilh'W nrid to them for water. MCoiuraiJ, for Ool's take, give at water i tie lull dioji. I am on fir, I am oa fir I lor God's sak give urn but on drop j aly wet a lios 1" and auothet Beat him eould ajy hold bisjiami up ia prater, aad point ut bu Hps, . A gwd natured Uussar, touch- ad bg th iKt, w ff bi bor aad ?n I tbvtu with hie watar bottle; b we in the act ot raiai ig tbe man s .bead when a shell tell aithia- ysrd of tbem aad, burst itu4 blew Uie a hoi three to atoms- What ever that poor liuassr't faults in thia world tuajf uu bei nTiiTeiy Li4 jaat kind action auiat aton tur ibeui w soma atty.Tb regi. mttt teoft aatt ate r- toiw wed in thfxankfc- 'i 4 . Th CsNsn v tfl Vova-" lt,btJbeii charged ttattfA Swift tUow,tbayWl servative eaaidate in the Heaatorial-. lis- tTtctTomposOd et the counties -W -vYayna 1 -!r---rT.r. r-a.ic-.,T..i-r..--1.-' r;.iTT.".--'.i. t aiiSXbaene, ftaH deiattd, the hallo -iHiXw wun illegal vous. ilia oeasus Return tor trreea eottnty abuw thar ibere; st least, tu atiegsiioq ia aot grounaua. Kevrral hundred mure votta aura caat tbaa there are aisl citiisat sdxiv the age of twenty en,-; !"v ," --vte -.. ,. ,,- v w nope uspi. uauoway win contest tn election ufBrugden befor tb Senate, Tksrs is a doubt tbat he I lastly entitled to tbe ,eLiflBes :t4mr ; i, .; . ,f t '.'' ' '... .V. 1 ; A tubmariae table hat beea laid from Cuba to Jamaica. Ia a abort time, it will be extended to AaplnwalL Prom thence tb wire wiH trdas tb Istbmua, aad past down the western front nf South Abm nee, that connecting ail tbe priactpal porta with tb United Stales by a coattuwu circuit. Tbis will b a wotidetfur advantage to the buaiutss use of oureour..,,. 1 Tbr Otreafc' warf ttl wmA aBe J note of exhortation 4 iur j.Wi.lert to 'tow wbeatai sSi 'Wheat'iBors sa well sowb ite as the mUT dla of MovemlwfclieovUUd tUe in t ia well prrpawt pwpesly rertiltaedt 'l fa vrj -tana THK.-!iteksf-'.2t AhghHB eiop u in soma '.,, very ibrt, sn ainpl ri''f JtlR M "aloa every piaiiramra.iij n.o die of Nevembee, to B)p)y a Aitwwal 4am to alt th bud town ta vWieai.- Jtnt ti.e grra secret la wheat growing, ia the thorough aad peifeet preparstioa of the aoil bf re s-e4 log. Th reason why th het ercp hs beea so anosrtala ta this stettoaor treosfi ta beoaese them baa hu berett f baraly ' bb attempt et preparation. bi"re '!?. A14 JPliW Jlp". w 'ZlSsJlicl i Teii1. e.ra-Beld cvetW"iUi "Kraaa etalkt baa beea sutected for U wheat crop.. Upon tbvalaads, without any preparation whatever, tb grain Is sown and ploughed node with a to.mmiin f urn-plow; tnd that h ail that 1 done. " With tbie sort of rrcsu aieottk wkestesop will; prove a Mlnre toar out f fir year., It Is worn than ass. lees to plant in thi way. Better ke-p the eeed lor grinding and let the laud fie ldl. " ' But If these Iliads r tboroughlv' and deeply tarned ovea wiik a goad, twe-aene plwfc where they are ,be?y, and, with a large, on bona "plow where they are figbt, II the brushes and brlars.having been pre leiously cot down nd the teod leard of Umbt and tra,i tba ontk f October, Of svea iar!v ia November, aad tk thoroughly eroa ptouglied , "rr harrowed, good Crop may be oonaidered rjatiecertaia. After th (and ia tha tharoBsuiy prepared, aoer, eeoadeast,: cbirtr t ttitv bmbota af oolton 1 teed to tba Atfeif it f uld, b. per. UBVIISL imtMt'r IU sUliUV..tRAtI.UiJtw ,Aaat.faH4swUM lf rwtj'' tap '.' 3 is-r' auv " ,T''n-'-'"gt3-- - ; rir- i.w-jtf.i--v 11. 11 -n er i if. t n i .nwr n i.1 n i wr n 1. .' mjiii ii.t Ul im .nnii, ..Tia.. .r....,.... 'Vta. TMWIIi... IA ll.....l.l. ..I .1.. . . I l " "WlWWUfi JIWS5,T .......... rowing Vn tb eed, run i roller over tn I' field to pre tba earth' "around 'the Wheat and Jeava the surface smooth, eadelatv If tbeaa direcUAB tar tollawed good eroa may bt expected,, But, a p stated --f-yrbrtiiJ : betorebettef not ow si all thetoow- ' . af ter the old plan.'. "Tbs wheat sawn 'ae- oording to the lotrucHf3n W19 be ready forth scyths by toat ISth e tb' aOtkol Jane, s It will cent la at the very p nch ot tb wotk or HiJitfp,aad irbwt twught oora has causd you lobars poor, weak and broken down ttockf Th "new ' wheat Will hrtfive yod ttoek mm& oWyoa t aav wear rop from asxt year't gratb.. , y , j Th planters of Jliddls Georgia must max up their Blinds to tuont os of two alternative. " They must either detertnme t make their aw a previsloa crop, ev they must sell out their, lauds to aom one that Will Tbaplantlng of cotton t l;, IS eeatt pound aill treag nine t-uii.s i-f'ih:'" prantert of thi't.jttiin-tlis4 wS.. p.dut -cotton ttone wd'ttt'f c;n it.s n&n ot ot tea t nh-hsern. I , aac".. , l ail IV u, ., ..,1)1, i , vi ., - W 4 M,. j . .. . ..' n , V.'4 ........ . I T " Jili vjj uw - ',wi a-ti ift?na SCO Puucu. The truth ie, doubtless, t that tit aegrw ar trouhlosow ia this respect, but from ' Wbst w learn front plsuters generally with whom we have spoken on th is subject, t hey - do tot tfi mere thaft befor tb war, tt ao ' nauch, Tb greats treadle 'about cawing- ' - hgt i that plantar,, htr nothing to nJe tbem upon. They bardlv boy corn enough to keep their mute' from starving, and as for hr they don V pretend U lead theta. In thi latter rtieulr they are riht. Tbey caaaot afford to. nay ft per i bushel , for corn to , taie,igt op, , 15ut let them ' raise thsir owncora in l)iindi,i e let them aow large1 wheat and oat crops, and tSea "H- . they ean ale baosiriie buoagb deeiwt ' tbe faei tbat tbtaesiKMS my. tok aome. l!Ll-, ' i. -.. .v.-..'.' - - - - . ,, .-- i' V f ..AS IN I'll II SAL MUfTAKS, ww . r" 'Many, sbslt at raBileinti;t"liMt some. " 1 thing or other nhlrli flie archor liitl meaut ; '- - :.'-; to touob. W lave beard au auifCdoi hiua. ,L , iralfr of Uilsttulfir which has probsbiy Bat,,. appeared la priat befarjt, end which ., ba . ' , .beesj told a k genuine history. It happened .t ' j a Urge pitf never piind what city. " . Thefa were two prctif itrs Who bad i jiur'iaU oi art iitincut lawyer, the other a -t uiU4.mui 'i incrary man,' iuiu rsry ruta j- u B,aua waves Jyuug sinter a ' wittow. it Bom year rolled , sml' the i layt aSd hor Weeds.' Now, then, It bapj that certain author and critic bat occa ci a,ana leaves yuuu sinter a w iuow. - , H. pee - aaioa. .1' on a Droning ay ia anmmer, to eu aa the eeiiocal Iewyr4iatad ef the 14 aiaUr. , V f Ma finds the lawyer pleading and sweltering , in a crowded court, tlit the lawyer sa.' . .offering dreadiul!' fiom'the beat, pi tie . bin rejoice that he bimtelf la not a la w jer, aed gosetor aeo-a auatr aader the ahel- -; dW-f .. -'"- .i.:r '. f ; r"r -- -f :tbrre;b meet the youflirr of the two B(g-- tere, and tat a moment thicks he i. Ulk- . Ing to the aider,, n . . J , Z - I ' .."Oh, Mt-r--said the My, "bow dreadfully hot it is here !" s " 1 ' "Yea, madaui, replusd ouf luciliais c'rif te, "it ia hot her t but 1 caa avsur yea th , beat of tbie place isn't t irruiiisttattoe wbea s eom pared wiiJi tbe beat ot the pine a her jour poor dear husband is iulli;rxij tvday. A burror atrk ken expretaioa cunius over tb f.oeoi rbe ltuly eh rixs trot hor chair d floBBoee indtgnaatly awsy. - iAaV'ta .iMtserable," aoiiloqufjitt our wretched critic, "1'vj been mtstukincr the 1 WBBaiiWl1urttie-tn1rerr,,itd,ha'"tb;uat I" meant te say thtt bcr huttsnd Is nut in "t!Sa An i'ifi It-A ft Su.i,- S, a! 1 1 a'a" Alt A. 41.1'uwtii, ir ,t.w liirSfJlj, re.. fprr.J .'r t tb Astot lti)UB9 id tint city, akin it t nia mffitatrrirr,Toalit tw i-vu n t;'T 'v;X. ilL 1. l . V , -ft . . 1 t- 1.. ... keowe hlei tor-'jtoih fdh t M-rtrT fetitiiTcdV. - blat fjwriatov Irpiu 4aiviion, 1 ,' and .aiiC'.'Tl'e t" tcl.-.oD't l 1 .. i 1 .1, tin esft'tt vf tli a jmrtli.. r L.iu-,j is u..e I anh periatHt fci-ntiW, - but - hf-itfnm a -wiliingn1 to aid tbe aw kUuseet at our political machmoty in receiving the necee aary polish 1 to secure it st least a social equality with the strutting Caucasianand therefore surest the voteitaimaotit tit tha bouotble-bt ator nt. Sir. PowUi a privata leaidence, piedfoa lAe ysymeot of tue cost thereof hun the chargoa are properly uiada out and audited by a wuuiuuee." ' A wewspaper paragraph sayt : Generi KilpaUick recently li.Tur- i an a lX-ess ia, SpaaUb." If be wi;Us to' becinne popular aa a lecturer, we advise biia to dc".ir tb Southeia people the wares 1 s'"l i!ur ,ig the w tr. Us euul J ao it tu I 't-.a tnglih. 4- l ball that . aight, that she could V . . . .1 T ' J IS. . .1 ' -, f t l -in A. s f ft K f r "r--r s. J

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