- ' 1 ' i ;" j- r- " r , . ', 1 . , . , 1 -U '-JLljL,L 1. J ..J-:y'---. T - ---r - r;-- - -. - . -7 ... ' r - i . i ' ' , -- 1 T - . . , SpJKP00 ,MHtl'E:Ji" vlv d vSKesS r, Ml (vlH Ml' p " ' ;' THE BEOTINEIi. ec" OlTBSAJtBOADS. diicretion in expenditow Md t Uf iikuviw w ii iog ,nitnf fmproTemens. jwn . 'i. .fier !U cont bupe ip- T-nl tbeire ll7, kwngh of Pf Ro4 wwUdJj projected IK, li eoBmra prioc, maae ri ik. hir nrnmotMl nraarraaa rcalMrai MKhno, mining and bu. iniovi - I O t 'ng and bare improved commerce. itte kM reoeifed little direct beoeftt gnj 10 hr treiury, fur tbe Moants hi ea lUilroeUa, yet the value ot tj lute btea increaMd and bnaineae W ibU neitlter private Stockhold !,( ih State have reeci vea, macn airect Hfrdurtae&tln the wv pf ditrdeadi, bft!WBic))iple reetleta, fault-nnding dy to sell or cliaoge the owoerahip at looking to lutare opnafquenoea. ifibe tuokt dungeroui monopoliea id cuDutrjr to loti goiorumom ilert to lacrcaae mat power, uy ouying fiiog other linea, tormlng important CiJei? extended cftneectioni. Some 4u) tick s strong influence over Cod i, aad tbe betvy expenditures- of tb itnsga Railroads, abowa that Btata (latios, it very much under taeif iufla Their grasping powsr should be jliad and clucked. In thliSute, owing e unw1 legtaTjrtion of the past two , levtra of our Rada art Lb isxmiBeot a of being transferred to other heads, are aoc in sympamy wua our peopie ala, aad who saiga use-them greatly air damage. Let our wise men look ii matter. TBS PVBUO TAXK9. Teral of tb Mreriff ot tha State we btve refused to settle their taxes i) tbe raofte ustsWly re iinoterl by 1 rmialv's m the PobKo Treasurer, for the reasoa refuse to make aay csedlt the Oeacrai Assembly of coutiys proportion of the "special ordered to be refunded totheoounties. additions! reason for their refusal to jt u, that be refutes to pay the legit I I oosiity charges lor hoarding, guard kud delivering convicts according to Some ol these cbsrges have been fed by the Auditor, and tbe Governor igaed tb warrant for their payment, let ths Publia Treasurer refutes to psy allow them til settlement with tbe ffi. der tbe circumstanctt ws regard the eof the PubUo Tresjurer ss eentura I It be il acting under tbe advice of r iseiji he is btamabrrtw wrt ad vertistBg Sutriff in advance, of the course be loded to take in the settlement. B sdeswsrsat an early day, that tbe iS and the people expected a deduc- lor each coualy arsrata, ot tb amount icial tax" in tbe Treasury, at th Urn It aat passed, sad bs knew further jjlie Sherifll would expect the usual ot'ot tbe counties lor legitimate to be allowed In their settlement tilenc dpoa these iub)ects was a tacit ieeioo that thess clhtmt wpuld b et- P tccordiog to Is w, as usual ; and to g tbs Sheritts from home with uch an lectsiVia, 't a4ieiwte,fc borrow ney b hn possibly without advising them (hi twrpoaa, is a cross dartlietio of duty f lb wuliip upon the people and tb smifc which tuts 1U 6ot b aiosr io re- it. rwibfbrthntte; thatth Soeriffj bad eosveoad ar m a body a th tt of l sad resolved to act ia coacert, aad rs d to havaasttled with th Public Trssb antii tom early day after th asaetnb I ol th General Assembly. There oaW ksvs ba eoocert of -action among but b-i sotW iul4 iavJ bm island such as tb tact. would bav , sua iised. , j t -S' l.S r ' . T J I Scrtuoa Cockt. This tribunal bas fl IMtar. a colored boy soms lourteea P i Hit yssrs of sge, t tlafgv f up iiwaawhu child fir year old. Ths in- )(BMat conuins two counts, fiist for rape. jwitUtQjj with th tear lo-coiaailt Ls;umei la jetting Jarjt Me eonnsts ol seven white mad five coK rd Bieinbera. and in tha rumination of HiMBiiSfMsB )tt Cox snd Fsb. Busbta, Ksq, for tb i"ftMa;asd U'maKrum M4CL M.Bosbee for th1 defense.-- g Vatta delivered bkchargv about I fad theiurywUwd. , v 1, A httl aitat 4 o'clock tbey brought in a rdiet of -guilty." oa tbe tecond Coiat i ' iadictmrnt We heard th evidence ia I'castaadiresstafied tb v-rdict, as tbi ea th subject, could not bav Urn CSSS and kM m'iR-A ll. .All K Una , ri i j - ' - - - ' . . , ' f ',,) ' .tl iwea-j 9u1 t-'-i fi- Vs .-.'' u . a : PITT TOM tufs'bjrA poos 6u Pilgrim AhlefliB U tbe SUn- frM tblloat: 'at........:...;' ..jfffMJL, proper Tbis it thk why we do not have ietB!tBivy..i3. . TbM tetbe mens no reaeos whv WKHmeittoa to Mi "huartt ipiodloa ar bin f it Wkaa cloth. 1TT tUereaao wby e ac.lt eor at fifty n a domum, aaa ijji kttk. ae.f tarch a iwenir are oeota oouniJ. ' .. ; . K maa can eon lr n Us iortb to thit State anj mainUik aiaonaeae without eipoeing timaelf to jwol ;t But let htm take anj t pt4bl public rmtton, mod he U..x-1-.ifp. t Mrf d a aakee Barak, a "wratcV" aud mart "be got rid Ot Hitadreda of eatsrpriMBg jroung men, and hundred ot thottaandi of dollar of capital bav been in tbia way driven out of the State already." ' Tbe Oooarrvativ tyttera, not tbe yitem wbicb enable! Pruaata to put a map in tbe bandl of every, private aoldier, in tbe aieurtao that be will know bow to nee it and the Protaian turua aorrow fully from North Carolina where a good acbool ayatcm ia novel and offeoaive to tbe party in pow er. Tbe Conservative party keept out irnmi gratioo by easting contempt upon tabor. ' Tbit it tbe spirit of Conserva. tlam. It avowt it when it dura, and acts it sverywtiere. j We aay'that the tone of the CoDtervstive paper, tbe orgaoiution of the Ka Kins the aiscouragemaat of all good ciltKici- Ws sy that tbis policy bas delrsuded the public treasury oi a turn not far from five millions dollsrs snnuslly, a sum tbst in six years woald have paid the entire State debt. We aver that a carpet bagger, even In the ens of a transitory and needy adventurer, if a eltixsn ot tha United States, comes to North Carolina by no man's sufferance, but of right" The foregoing bat been compiled from an editorial ot Tuesday's Standard. We bsve given the drift of the article in his owa words. Ws ascribe tbe sriiclo to (ha pen of Pilgrim Ashley, for on the street he is said to b-tb editor. Pilgrim is aaUngrstetul man. Northern men and stranger were never so honored bv any peopl before, a they bsvs bees in North Carolina. Pilgrim as Bopefintend dent ol Public Inatssatioa, oslaey loar hundred donrt,hls son receives Heen hundred dollars as his Olerk.and hie dagh tar receive ala hundred dollars ss instructor at tbe Deal and Dumb Aiyium, ss we learn. Natives of the State were .made to va cate their places lnr Pilgrim snd his family. His brother in law fills a chair' in the TJiii versity with a salary of two thousand doU lars. As to the unchriatian, social ostnu ciim of which he cjmplsin. there is no troth in it Pilgrim is on pleasant social fodting with all the families which hold the highest positions in Jh State, except the Judgss-of tbe Supreme Court. .Hi ostra cism from that quarter Is socounted lor, when we remember ' tbe flereo auarrei he bad with that brancn oi tne governmeni lot roiim th "the tTapltot.'"" The "Governor, th Treasurer, tbe Superintendent of Pub , lie Works, ths Secretary of State, the Stats Auditor, tbe tfeepcr of tbe Capitol, the Sheriff of th Couaty and tbe Clerk of tha County, three fourths of the members of tbe 1st legislature and all tb Judges, savs and excepting Judge Mitchell, and the So preme Judioisry, can testify, that they ars aad bave been os) terms of social eqoslity with Pilgrim aad his carpet bag allies,who have plundered th State. Nor U this all. The colored people are on terms ot social equality with the complaining Pilgrim, as well at the President and laculty of the University; , , But eauugh for the present of Pilgrim's complainings. Thty are ill founded, aad be baa bsra trusud and honored beyond hi af. r Tboourse of tbePfeideat receetry. has disappoiated a good many wefrmeao'uig peopla, who, having ao oafideoce U tha party, which alaetad bim, tUll confided Much hi tuiegrity and freedoifi from tow partisan bias. Ha conduct in giving direct "aid aad comfort" to Boldest ia tb lata August elections, by sinding troop lot this State, with th motyv f bringing the geveraaseot ia direct antagonism with tb freedom of elections, opened many eyes DOsadwhlBV - Hi latatf irenc sine I tb political f iairs of Itissoart Bad Georgia, aad bf mtel p0rpoMteJtPtobMB',, ths people d at wsw ti tesosllifi .slawiiejHfielwaJK .i. ..htiitlai his high position and lab iifcTiiM Jdf. JsV-lft .appeaw .ta. i4 .r. uuiva ia New York also, eogeg- jaTbjOBBgSg ed rebukB a th people Cr NorWTCiro- AJ, it ay aurh Aim-a tsssesi wwca he aght U b ,m4 to Wn. laoowsj ea k a tAsctMlie destroy th Boudee tsd raspect of tb popl, a by such in Ur- Um, ' ty- .'v- t, A ' T.VrLLK Rah.o0. W arit alad t be tbta to seat tbst Vol Wss. dohosioa Ba purchased esuegh Iron lor this rosd t ,, Uy tb wbol trck, , Wofk will be com aacAeVdsliortil at.boih BtteiUe aad this- nlactL as that th tnd will b eoxopieted aadte rmg rde by axt Jaly A" MU K.ian. tueoDDOeitioa to oar nnrtlia school juscEssrir for. a costkxtiqu. Bo iar a the utteraocea oi the public ym vi uia Diaie aoa ue general expres sion from our leadiag men, are Indices oi lWigei proputiuua isvwviag ao great interest, to be to popular or ao generally desired, a the Equally unanimoM is the deeiM that ths Convention should be a rmtrietU one. No deeiret aav chanira to be effactsd. nor Has any ons advocated either directly or indirectly, a chaags ia ths constitutional profision now mads ts stpuff O eita W asMSOMia, iMtAMHrrr4(s rmmirm frV, Ihess vwtHat,jS) the fixed, aoikj pttbt. taa-,.4 7mm. desires or adToeatss aj, tha . least, nbrUg moat or departure from the VfuutuUot of me , wnusa Dtaiea (aa it ityD cparg upon the Conservatives to. the. contrary, bj wbomaoever made, it basely ialse tad with out a shadow of foundation. ' The changes desired, relate purely to our internal and municipal afiairs, having ao reference whatever to national or partisan politics. Iudeed, politics, except so far as it relates to cbibgWtfobr Wuofcipaf government, baa nothing to do with the question, and should nut enter into it lint why not wait until tbe system is tested and carried out t We have bed already such a taste f its unsavory j a lid deleterious character, at pught to aaU Let ns notice some of tb results, if th present Constitution Is continued in fore ; The expenditure for conducting the State gorerumant, xcloslve t th public schools snd interest on public debt, for the yesr ending tbe SOth ol September last, will not fall short ot $700,000. Under Conservative management it can be reduced one-third, it jtha, , CoasUtutfosj 4s not 414 turbed, but if the propexctwgecan , b efftcted in , that instrument, if lcsa b rr duced to one Jiaii, , Pider Un Cstitutk aj it if, tbe attempt to educate very obild in tbe State between the age oi S and IS, would require about 8,1(10 schools, whit and bieck. To pay th necessary teachers .at an average of f 150 per quarter, would .cost only for three month instruction ia 'the year, $324,000, if kept for four .months. the oost nrost bt ItSS OOfXadd t ( tbi otrijtil,0u4 a year for th linivistsuj; it woud amount to $386,000 or 1444,000, usiDgc,s,etof'tSJeWlfco,ll and disbursing that sum, or for paying officer of the Board. But the hesytest item of espeiiM ' wSIcll m'Ma$y upoa th , Wpia- 'M&A&t, kjiljmm: from th new owortj aad tnwsvahip gBTSsa ment. Bator tWvsas tbewdta tytsxes, generally equaled the SUt tax paid by the counties. Under th tww coun ty ud township governments, the tax will more tbsa exceed lonr times what it previ ously did. And when you add th expenss ariJog Irom Ida Immsess Ujesgpwu into the Superior Court, the delay , occa sioned by ft," the Increased. cpst s enca aruing, ana prison iee, co. u wwi more than reach eigtt Ifmes the former "expense. . m j : " " ' I 1 '1'' ' V j Moreover the new' regime pf County and To wnibip government snd tb new Code of Civfi Prooedare, ippear to awkward, trouDiesome ana vexsuou to our . .. m .... A 1. '---.J iney win mn sisuu it. But are taveortroo lfftb tUtystasi: if Sh4 Stat-CoaUtutlo r- maias u it Valvwrsity tMttt buUt ht Jt C9isveal youth, at th 8tatev-i ThUwUMTCt. i BaAl,a9,00.i Jot buildlag dM. baadwhtuttuwli swpiaws. U the Raiosli.progiaro , ther most Jm m addttioaaj. Iintltatteai ior tb co4lre4 dH xvoiimhi,, swtdBbUa4, to cost sbout $50,000, an additional Lunatic Asylum for tha colored inssa at a cost of $150,000, aaci of course tha additional an nual expeus of keeping them up. If all ths pubDc achool Pf Ihe.rjtatt patpt. Itafll; 182L.it wool4,reqH'r irstioi U0 additioaal arhnrd hswsesi wbkk Bt IW I pk, would cost $180,000, "but; H Ihey weft inch as Mr. T Ashley esirea,they woald cost $600,000 Tht additional Ost to tb Counties or people for school book and la- cedeotal cxpenat a, keeping. Bp the bctioo'i only lor four months la ths yesr, would add to tb expense about $380,000. For cJfkf, bAlWfiah people of North CaroUaa, if Uwy war rich, .... . .! a ..-- . abl to psy the interest oa tatr debt, i IXjXi and willing to carry teal programme t tb totter. wvld bteUotao what amouat at 4H latsreet jrou i fiHetl goiwnteMwt, -1 .W AOtOJS VtpeiiaiHSi -erfi tatft Xtfr ' i1.0t v w.ooo Jliuiitui eehont flMasas, mi r rKT 'eotored IsMtiMtHi foe - SU.UOD SOWS) iao.fr ajm BBD.B0. I BMsJ, I this, w tak a aeaowat of lb cost ol piroett)mildinbias, Jatls, and Court tfoasvi Tb foregoing b aot ma extravsgsat calca'.atloa. To carry out ths scheme contemplated by tb frsmers ot tji Coaatl"0 It la, ; tk peopl W Nonk Cato&na-WO'Md Tequirea xo psy forth sUTfJoVt1 -thsW'SHie'BcoooH, LbtU AanWWIWapport U . .....7: - fn. . H Ifl.aA UJL.t n ' - 1 i ? arrsrnmeiit, 3flU,0pQ jaffH I4r IStl .Baa MDDoaa that h" uik srsMs MWWWT of ftaStkleJbf H kinds, would aoi axased tmjMdBM. tha a(at..Jay fhat it "-ilahliiahaiitaw talmil ti'itltf aw sail A' aaafC jof tUwep) t psy ' taxes squal w tin nauof thai gross iaaaasa. lor taatW going purposes. ' Cat ih'ilBg'b don I Th Coostitoiiesi taja, they most b done t Tbs question 1. ahaU w, attempt to do wbs weknsw ki sa dmtViasibilit sr shall pajr d regard U A. a ahaU we amend tbe CaosUtuUoa Common sis, com- .wayvmMHlwu.: , ... . . v .... ' c,i .m . ; :.l A MVLTlPUmi T of FAissaqoDs. dip in loilowtsg paragraph from th emdard of Tuesday, for the purpoa of making a few Iacou aommeots thereon. Sine tbit paragaph was pubHshod. b In visible editor has promised to, msks tb SUndard s "decent" pspwr. and we boDe h may succeed, for a fetch of mors) inde- ceaV pnmjtigstod, , thsmoless tslsebood eould not well b Moad in the apac of th paragraph which w bow proceed to give: I i.i - Thaplaaaof tho Ooaservatfvas as tout far shadowed fbnb, weaT alreadi htb- led at, They prouos 4 - 1 o osU a CosTentioo ; To impeach the Governor: - To remove the present emlneot snd able To anllllv Ua-lAih amsndmaiiti I To nullity the reooasirootioa acts t J logorale the InvitbtempiW ( I ' NoV, Wdoei t'wrrterlknoV tW tb CooattwMiva iatcod t osU a Cwatwatfoa I Th matter hat been discussed, but by u meao settled. Tb peopla, Aepoblican sswell as Conservatives; demsad material gs U tha present lUdioal coostita- tion, which obsoges uay.perhaps, Wssad by tb sliernst msthod of legislative amend maot k., .. ;. , The next thing, to be doos, ssyt tbit writer la-Uisspescb tbs Governor." Wall, tbey .dhavwi talked f kt r mat ughthot below their kaowj ralu, as to csus a loss of savaral thousands to th Stat j be ap points men to toe rresJdaay fBailroad fluad. o thia;-Bla-kcpF unUl tbey had accidentally mbexxled mil lion of dollar to their 6wb oh t, ba has nuftlfle WdiUhtil ta tnJstlta, Instituted militaAii snlai Itilee of peaoe, arbitrarily r iaepended ths - wrl W Jtaftsos urrput, sirscd anj Imprisoned citisens with out aasetkMot aiisT ftwclbly 1 facaroe ratiog tbsm-Jbr-weeks, rsJeassd them b- csuswbftjCOHJd.' JInd o oharge' against tBemf tuee'-s-na-labubdrd other erimet ssiatteol aad th State hat h committed i ioj'ei Till Ra Acal,' btrtUan Sfymfai Ml ki. smendabi fot bU Mldcf, aid shall br sof b impeaclin s4l:AifslIr tod ''Uvwid h hohliag out' MvitQoVtMr commit txswsasa i .yvtfim, in, rew pMitife.wBW ahiStatefficial4 'Tk'U tvor so touch otlibef tlat welet h pat as'a oU " To nvoljBtoMUai th Camoa School system." If w hsvs aav Common School aTpresejO, in hum iailad to dmoaver iarbsv 4ssrvti vs w believe, intend CsvC.fv4iix system, and In-order; te tBtaN ttal greater efficiency! will oonform it" ta.tb th people and their. aMlitys td aupport it, and wilt plate at It head a ma iron aom nor itrBgeofaf 'focillty ,baa Cap Ood or Buusxd'a, NsorUpkoti eg Paaeamaqnaddy. a T ahoUah th hoaaestead Us." Tb writer Wat when h peaad that tin, that h was writing don tMiberste, wilful, xsisshieveo mtsehoed aad klsodsf;'.' 7es, be Ar tt.fjutbe.wjot ttfot the almrwM vstlv .AartT. a far fresa aboliaaimr lb hofsfead law.'wll! pMtk'tiwit Blast to tbbUtB(L , Tb Other declarstioBS of this pragTI an qu11f flse, equally alsadcrjus, aad aqnally mbchtev; tsa hotiosd lust kDTa ,s , ' -'Vft a smooth, aatet yf aidter fartv pur- pe is a asBfalata, ar gueat tLf mtaw at xa waraorsBB aaoasa. imiobm t Shir iUkt 'ajwtd.v.i. .ahull-!..! Il ' " PBTKJMiroB il"-'?fteburg jftdl tjbf middte eeajti of North Caroliaa, haw baasr as lossr identiflod Ia tf ids aad latex at with eeh other, tbst It weaJi aeaull' straegvly' Peterl?wg Wert to hitaLfair; 1 thsjsv 11 mmyak n -MlkMsJkiim. ticttlt4 b4 migration . . . j ... . n ALMmtio W rte.-da,-jg. hop, cm aiti! wiifmeailest proper sttcms ia th i atattrW i taorrTKrrX. Thi geotTeasa. ad ismily depsTsl Tharsdaf torIa fir their aew homeld' Bellrilte," Canada. At prteeipalof ta lastiluttoa ot Deaf, Dumb Bad Bliad,of thti fltste.Prot Palmer woa lor himself a good reputatio, aad Ms depsrU Br fronf btrrUUb b MsttiiT of regret to a koat f sViead It Pwf. Paiater succeN d ft no3c&:?f u on toUtfio b criterion, the we sr- nfed tbi fcl Bso. luTnest'la bis ns Held J Uber will aioaca rxpgAOBWsnr. H .'.a-n " Veartne stteatlbn of tha leader fo'ttui Wtlej 1 not a task baptiartas ms he l atr.;i'6ool 14 J- eHoi?ar Tie "wis SuTrnra Gfoffhit wfTW penTOr VSrSSmS SMle In Ms irftimn ot poUttcat sentiments that tb Governor, lor threw Jrt laii lhougk(auatvoaaoi th -BeavTisf owJd "hay. fHepbsBs ' spproacbed " falmt. Often and on ht day k was asisssinated, to kabwjr Wiley would allow the RepuUi can to fua m. Mfhrir csadidsta. Whsa areestwl Wiley was ia hi to baeo tiKl at !Wtk.' -H demanded by whst a'uthorhyBurgla'Vrwited' Llm. r H was answsredwkh, a heavy overbid bead, knocked down, picked. up aadtliod WM hsttw, taken oataftb plewbls teg. ura aadsr tb bom'k bll d his, .haud pitHone bebind xslxmS., wsh'sli ar fos a .xuooth, in the Cuura .ilmm-i Tasyvll marebwd toOnhsui hf f1 It. JaII oi ta the foulcti aubgeol tf ttl jail ; rfuse4 water such ss be would drips; t even retuesd tobacco aa.d a pipsv r-Basj ryfueed by Judge J'lavson that protection which th writ of Ao&sst tcrinu gives id weryciti.,, f,A;T w wN glad to beat from our xrhmsl-asidc chirm Isr-Jstt. Fraak Wilev. Wt borisl very Caswell and Alamanoe f rlsoBsr'wili ssod ns'fof publication! tha' tiohrf pf thif irmt aad linprisoamaW ., ... ' A to tb impeachment of Oov.' Uold'en 'tbt teerhs'Io' be jagr.BportVjf 'kii"'o' Jfudiciary, Ww-japplied o .( Juilgef pielte snu Settle tot a tteacb w arras t warraati It Republics judges in thfs way amnu-e irapescuoienr, we tax 11 jCoBservstiv Legislature' jlt hot besjtat to apply ths remedy ihey poJat out M . .; 'j -W wtrt told i ssurti sf th Itepwbll-i cas member elect for that ebantf aid d ''clsredlor impcabmeo't". .yUr'Bo'le4 a wiu bjol tbst mind iou 'ft tar , he got here in November, . But w shall e what! :Mnire, n r".''7vr n Weitiji' BJwn"()f4 xii Tt b frank, wbo seed a b osod with thai 18 Oirof, BUlf iSsnltb nrill tmembr bha, il doBbt,' W'crmaactMQ rwttr ' fVei pastes VTnKfi; NortS.CsroJItollro Well, ws got UV tkbt9vriUtoJiilii PmhO ysidyy pubish4' Isr Brw4 Ul,Webmka,'lB' hich 'th.'eJitof arii nk 1 ltebear wt bhn MXtat Bait Lilt Cltf, rarxmstractlb Brig'bsm' Youn idth 'Church of the latter 4y faint., .'Jj 'i.,, "il" "" ' "' ' '-a. Viua Buarr-Tbe grist mill of Joseph, 8. Thompson, near tsburg, Caswell coua- 'T.wst btiroed down on Wednesdsy night. of last weekv M work of a loosodiaryj l Mr. Job WatTsaUI, it mil from Lssabag, i tb sema eouaty, wss buraed tb wssk hefor, also tb work' f an In- ueadjaryt .' ssd 4 :3wt.i .wfeitC j The rlanJwi tajs ths stu Klur1 0Vgnl-i stion riai-j'teeaj b;rokeo pp--'h;pw'llbbal your tesgu. braburulrg rgsaissUoaa, .Ife. Asblay t Ar. Ustf, tltt wya4 la carrying eat in recommendations con tained in tttw itdiM gifliiti'Mdrwi fl89$l v Doa'tyotbinyoas4yoghJ j atop this sort oi tbiag aow, aaa notb llowed by tb wfJferoor and lees! offlclsls to conrlnut corning, lUiDg tod destroting as they ars dohig la Robeson, Css ell ' other oatll I 3i,i J i tJ i Bit ' ;l4't!'ii1l .... ISL.M W'W "K'l l!mi Orasa f?raciAt PaaMttjii.-r1Di. .1p. M. Bui of Wilmlogtos), tbs manuiactuno of th Cottoa, Wbet and Tobscoo' Fsrtlllf, ttthoniet th ixecctiye uommitte to oner ipeeiat premium of J.000 Jb.l tU ff Uliser, for tb boat bale of See IsbtsMlM Loss Stspts Cotton grow a ia tb Btate.-4 Should tber be no competitlo on tbi BBon otaui uoiiou- t.-. sHsJa UwppsMttiyi sod tb Ot say 1 regard ; t h, that it fcrttato as4 much sWiBonls as tbs best F4 ruviaa Quano. . . .,. ..-. -.ij Aaotbif party, aathoriaes ths special rsssltim of a Ovid Itedai Mr 4b best Sewing Maohia o sihlbitlo. 1 v ' .v.' ' It llMIIIII l ill !!. 3 ! Attta BooffUWafiia batloos to Mr. Mwssaa, vsoersi pstseriger and (Icltet ign'f o( UiSs WesttrB aad Atlantic BaiifOed, tor a tre as tb AtltQk and" admisiios t lb great State Fair to com eff I lew day, t Ii would (blight at to visit that fkM Judge It will clip aaytaiagtvrt aaismptso ia xnst (ia is tb Cuthv . Buo W gricUiwi tw Caargim ' .."f;. v.1 aat sAtaw flj.tlil JjeUaj ' Col. Hek ws sf cevmpr1bed; geotlejnaa s? f allsat soldi Is tW lata PliBUO t asTiat InTolelllgsdl gen tlsejaa ot Joti wb Jt iavaj positio ta kaaw pa bile stiment gives sipresrioa to hi optfftua b-1 prlvtrt letter ' ui, la, th lolssvin; lorasat ' - Ther ia but on srnlimenl here ' wfth Very Conasrvsiiv in tbis county, ia which, atsay rVpb:tean aaiu with strand that U tot Convention and s Chang of tb gov frecesot ta North Carolina. Giv ws cmr time-aoaored tastitutioaa, aad awsv with ths hatsroasBaowaf Otslg im port alio n a, sni called tb CoastUutee anj tUf V .Site." - h' ' VtS to inu nai k. an stu m nsMksii m sirs'sim f tbvMmss. ka i i ,immm 'in., sr sn t. - w-ii i nm HtnAnMant tk.u x:t-eltar44 mmfMnnuimniMwiwistecu nt,'., - a war a oc 1'remlums. , l wuuaiie x eaerst coversment. bv slull ot Ssta rrt.PtlDs tbs lOtn AnaaU Tsis of tkeilf. X' Agrictrat 6 afety, to be hMat 'RaMgh; N;O.Jt fb 18th, 19th, SOth and 21st of October; aiimia i WJW pJtortTr 8 a, rf J u, . aacb. T:Wittt1iadVrannltF' f yVffibr wth flrrout-)br ttttonr ondaOA'Tttliit i jbyioct j; ', IfktX vM&g,iijitig bpalt.'at it VlpCk, there;wil bmetiog)of . the fleoisfy, Ia the IUU of Us Hoe at preiaentsMfesV Atllo'clcOraniPari1 " .itt r J H P M. Praotk of horses, U, i a J i.ii!j .t'iiioTraik.li.'. ?T . ! t ."i!: y Tnsl of B(KL ,...' .' "r RsuKSt'nasoeini . fvi : t o'clock A. M. Judge to atsembl at Bee T ?- l si (ietarf flloe. i -.T i tii Trial of Speed. 9 " riQWnt ataoh. fto;, t SB. iil P. II. Practice of Oefai, U 11 ta WS4.atlU''UB)MbKntWBsUrj M I tfciocA,t. Trial ( fJpasdsjli, bftss 11 alaS'tt M ti if Ot, JfhUUptvof Paviia Cpfi i turn s .' m.vMKd tmkH "uuTim ' t. In t 4Cj ts t,fi FtMAif ofUorm, Ao,L " : ? ttxm of Speed. i . , t ,f 1 1, f i!f a ft : it4aad Tnal ot Btean . ad 0tbrFr4EniriBei ' .11 1 o'clock A. at".3fHft Bd4 nti i P. at T'Mof Speed. J. J. UTCBFORD. . ! a - ! stid .at Correspouding Secretary, : id Ai(wBjD": YpTTher 'ai.twa) queries propounded, by, s beretofor, tl)tt nav not yst ben aniwered.. , ,,, ;, "Tb Brat ia, Wbat .wera those-snndT icooB'nUagtlnsI ticity," smountlng til over fifteen hundred deBars, for f t . ( Tbaaseoadax, Haw -nBh' wsi FarriM w4 aosqaat ockedt by th Tressom f ' Iaer wardStBAWBsswte did rrritt Iryi tegMatth gtatei fifer tbaa- U wu atitted to, fci wod fasaUbid th CpU . toll.Aas btV4bV it WB Wvstr.. Iwadrtsf Mjm ' i tbst B I U t A y asm tkastqassttow ar ttlsd.w shsil iaak faiiasatequirie ': stutrtg 0., flfljfflasxswaj vijiv ei- 4 .mT ,W te ataka tb 6UaW dCat paper, that ao msa't wtf will blush at Btan&itdtffaltth, si.Hn; r,u Jllgh timf Wt jo rabould,. aielgbW? VuV will the promised lmp'roTenaet bf like tha present arrtogemeat fo ts pubeatip,. Al cl JSSBmIM w.J , for ths IsaUael, XiT&& FM0M CAM WSLL j 1- -Jft T)iQi 8tk-Our,'rfatmnsbeIni lag of so Close chsmctcr while la Jail at oransta, i hsv cobcluded to let you hear from ,t y PeriMJrijiiidliurii)ft.tQifil..bw former ocrion. , 4 oatf sor ,tooa ujwo Judge rtfcraon tt th man; woo put u UK rtl.l rfnrfnli Un yr.l Kirk and Biirnm' woatd have oou' 6eea waited la their law- ' less career. Tbev were Dowsrle wlthodt tW, j i-.-!-. ,,l uft ) f . 1 I sfTrom.lBaSaMTiiinu Jou .hava aot, recovered Hit) pMiHfiy ol which: you. war robbed I am ou . a pistol ssd two pocks knives; 1 1 mt .toJd da-I for, tbem, but they were not rtturueii, -,, ,.' , I write to say, I want to te tb subWct M impesctiment dincussod ia tbs Wxstikbv. I dJ lot know ot t man, aha i hot (ar it. aHT. eaptciidiv' ioriM ipecnment or 3o,!re Praranii. I am. told tbst when Judire Brdvk dUchaig-jd yu,a and others at tWis purr t efcrjf aupot ss i ange arooas psssar tber was three cheers cor Brook and three groans lor rrwus,-f ,t n ."U 1 t fely upon you. W'e thai Kirk, and riergis get u tiiei w au inem irous a lis- bted ,fattijy.pabV-VgWUteBb't: give w!ge45jn4i,,.t yu' tbet dcrral';t srriBtipa without Uw, snd cbsioliig, i) 4 tiaprisoniuK, sad ve Jiasg teg, by tbe tici k, rcpcuti eiusen 01 North Carol) ns, before tbey bsd bee, tried' ... - i ...... 1 1 ' Pujilsliment : must fiilow. suck bwlss Vuiality,4' liiKsud " Burgi should not bear t Ml, Tbcywire wuhUm InstrumentB tit the hand of tiie Governor and tha Chief Juaiice. Ii U were left to ma to exempt from DuuUktneol Ktrk and jBurKiaor tua .Oeveroor sad to judge . I would say let JtUk and Hurgr renr tinpuouuea te Me ikjsou! 01 vivwiiivwi, L-f i "i" ' I T-TT iiL Mtra ! 1 ICi.sfTioM "Kbit Uubth 1 ifovemrjer 'II. ii -, tber will be elteibjo to ftlteea kSutes, y ISov, f beieg tb,Aifc kteaiey 1 tk 4fcoBThArxttisa and t-mUisna: " 7 4 tfrrvr beto the- T-nret' Toeetlsy JWler .!! 'ir;slariiairatia.-"lUj.a -rmr ' rol.' Kansss. Varyland., JtassacbuatttL Slian, Kinnai,tSvTliouriSAiv. New Io:t.Hw jfTsey. rYiseoosiB. '--r I ,1, QroL'isJtUl bold tut alec iw ia. JDeotm.-, btrtbe time bemg pat tfl to that Istedsv la order to britiyibogl after ths meeting ol Congress. .,- . Tbrrs fill b no lec4eai XbtUiippi,1 Tb s'ectton ia aliasouri bs a particular littsres srleieg' f rem tk division In tb stpttsta rsokt oa th'qtitiou of restor tog the Ballot t ex-rebels. - A isrgs party. Bade Che am" leadership ot Senator Carl ScbarsaadetCon'rressnita Oral Brown, have ttsckmd ta menr f enrrshCuising tb sbsls, wkile Ooremor McCInrtj head tb segelsr repabliosn psrty, sod bold that la titu tor rebet.enlraoukieemeat bu not vat toniX y r VrmU. - - f - . Jhfl lolWwmg fetter froHrOoTdffchu wss recti rt a too 1st to be. read at lb r litajiyiKimUysuJft'A !ffeisavllOTlw8ai -JswssjpySjsspC'siaUaiasi assf .4twassis) by 1st- tnsi; wnl -4 '44-6 h b pb Hehedr f'vt.i'vjs.) wr'ui1 -' - V;- Vlii r Alt I rsrrLXMxjt ! I' bsve had tb honor to" mstv kmd tsvttxuetift' apablic diaaer sis' tbe Ceeservsti v arty of 0ertiv as n inosor, on xo sta inst ta noaor ot the recent victory achieved itt the late eleo Don. and reeret. that bu nines enptpemonts deny m th plessar f attending. ''I big you hwe,'arid tbos y repr eat, u . ba asaurad at my cordial good wishes and sincere, coogriii!iiot oo tb erint which brings you tocreiher, Tb rrand renult of the elrcUn, utaiii.ti d ss it ws by Ut eaiH and spoatsoooe ti..t ?wil astiou of tb people, uot only without any nndu mean to twsy tbem in tbst direo lion, but la tfis fc o( ptrotitfe and power, had flri-ppHknr ef'ss' military hvos.actswIlystisUtbatsdaad'-atUioasd at tbe precis, aaadrv , eouaties i end .BfterairesriogansVlioldiiigio prtsoamaay oi our nioai retpictea ana li nuvutml mee, ttf 'dri vr them to v the' cbotrsry, asTorda abundant cans for vsjotckg aud thaaka RiTing by alt got aad xriotioeitiseii. jb demonstrates that tbs people are fully alivaid tha msunitude of tiie iuirw-d 14 "olved lath contest,' and tht tl.e bower wvwun mi goveramesi -s g M tb kswdt f tkeaai aa txpest pbwasstutf to liv ondft.itm psy U costs, ad tefcl, la their persons and in tenets, tb erase ?neuce of food or evil cotmsuli indpolky."1 I Is tbtts, ' -that tt 'rviM liop tatb a . . a pressta ot tnet May aav Ms dpsbt t Serrano ot tbe rights and a proper car of ins teienets t (tie colored ror (wfiico no -on among u would aow disturb il ha couldj but all ! ta ur system M inter,, aal. government. aod-.pmtc, ia 4h band of th people of the fitat, , It k for thtia 'that' bis' government. exist f by them It I paid for add ' msintafned, snd it should otttortt e t their tetesntts, wants aad tattssv . It is Buolfest that tnuchalxha xiting system b of Jorelgtt-JmpottaUoa . and not tbc4Wef tbs diiibrats iud aetv .-of tb pet)pltjrhe narts wsr episd frOm the tesettntlonkof'feutr dlffc rssUj fireamttsaosd a wealth, density l population, aaa in osilt ane; la.au trial purtuite of tb inbsbiianisl They do not iait ', and will4 require esreful revUoa. ThemtenoUibKia tbi tsskt a sUcsJcsv sated tetnduee snyooliUlos wUhl'oofress, th members oi rhlct would bsaslst rota Interfering la our tlimtio and municipal aflslrt, aa tbey would U )cton of our fa trteea with theft rva,nry ss they the Const it im ma of Uy snintot lacuou aosuurvv But we need a cheeper system, en mors ,oposfble, Snd Im tovsi aad stmag th paepte. U'i j At aeat oar pats, te oeMt'wita inuut- . ties. Ia the paucity p( our reoure,h wild legblaUoB and maladmUiktraUoa of -(bt bit two yesrt btva'-don a ,mch ta -dsmags our flnsnos and public credit, as was dona by thswssvButta 4award teodmicy i ttiisTeapeotr tt jbj tw in hoped, -b a been arreted, by tb change, Jo be ef fected by tbe election, and w may look ; - agala,-fi tne'pr1dones,"in"Br1ty e,Bd oooomy t farms timow l tras also, that w bsv rrivd at tUswdswn -M least, r a dsy of better Iceling, betweeo .tb peopla ot tbe l'e hostile section ot our corumoat ' aouetry; aad that the people t Hie North .will tee tn the xeetMI of power ynb Conservative. up)e f tliftitei)aty a rttbtn4 -etweii'aecwof tbe Wiathte- ped by a o mmun Comiitutiou. and that ail pteiitcinm o 101 contrary nave nesa th4ffprlag of iiisrcprtsentario ' and in jatko.-'"''i ii ' ' - beew vi in. Oelieve Bit gernTemfcirV 1 " boat Vttw l With iriest Vesm-ex. , ttensi sdTYourbeiiMrtiierTsntJ , 13 eill UPA sieueui w.'A. UKAHASU Messrs. Joe. B.. Cherry, H P. IL Wiuttoa. As.rsYc Ai., Committee. ' j)aH" "il i . .Fr aba SentiBsl litis BBXDBRaOM FAIR. . W . . ... ... ... ir M si . new A V Vi uanoBHoat x, u vcu it. tav. . Xoito Sxstihxx.; Kotwltbstsndieg tha relay niornlug, I learn from tun fccsre tsrle of th Society, thit, more srticles hat now oeen entered than wss lust Fair. A Bteat xaaay line horses ar aow being. paraded arovna Ua tiacK, iX)d; snem Mr. Psxon' celobrsted trotter, 01iverTlt from Vav' . W. Wynn net aieo-a rt ol iMa'-.---- st Jax.hoTea atoong ,- tbenv, tlie:r.u:!U rjfed (route ir tb tre -of Sir.-- tisrwood w your eit.-.iIr.P. B Paris, the t'residtst e tb Society, Bas So stafei sm bldd horses, Including Belcher's, Cue Uliion, the on which took H) prize on KairaKfOeett CUuras last Spriag. n-tt .Thssaa is new nut tb etiUvcjjirjjr Btrsins of tb Used . reader every tiling brilliant); cbarmlog. , Tremendous crowds ar bow passing iuto ths village. ' Hotel aceemmodaUoo ars 'ampb '--tor all who ssay sjttsad " rI a w hm- 1 bsve iuit vUit.il,,tbe I'loral Gall, and Messrs.' Pi u corner, Young & t'a..ot Peters burg bav a 'magcificiut aseortuient of Hardware aad Cutlerv ou sxhibitioa. .11 A. Wrras of Aortolk, has sea.: bsautitul Uorgfe. HarSeas, single aad. douirte. Bad dK0rfdjii,N?:4c,,; : . Lsrg lot of farming lmpleiuouls ar ow brtng battled from th depot t tb r.t,TlPr...i-.3t - - - -v - - -j.. x uf Ct.'MUjneav.. ' -UXlTSPJTATSa 4-T-irPtM" Ma. Editob: Allow me iuauifvsi., fit 1 man to .repreej-nl JSurth Carohua in tha - United State tVnate," Col. I C. Ed ward " "'" of Ocaavifla. Col. EdwariTt I buvs of I Prrsoa, a graduate of tbs University, trips 1 cnoiarr a icsrnea uwrej an a - au (te bster.- , ( , If it be nf remrncrid4iion, JMr."r:J- " Wtrd a had his disabilities removed by " Ceagrasiu I,:;i f'ftl.yMwH v .' .reason. -s PrsoB eounty, fJot. S.ISTO., , r 5 1 i 1 r t, , s htsny ot nr ' mcrcbaat ;and 'manurae terers, say the Keworra Journal '"- , awes, will etrete for tits prii t b ! awarded at tbe Mat Fair, at Li J),c m , msncing on ths ISik lust. . .7 X "''. r-