- - , - i ' ' ' ' ' - v. .-v'--- - ------ -- ----- . '- . ' ' " t '" ' " - - "r ; v. 2f: f.W TnU SENTINEL. r ' - ; 1SE3 H. ZOOEE. Awiitint f , ..Saturday. October 2a. wa. y , t ....'. . '. 11 ni ,wt j VU"" UiX 1 Ui w, -401 new oi JicpreMmtatmt m . . w as am i. . - - J t mm Jim mvmvmtr-XM0H. ,.i oe o 00 00 00 ' . too 0 in ' &&QJfBJUTWX ,0r TBM it ATM. c K oaa oovld look apo tbo olnpfa jat . - fiaad Igbt 1e bo"vItBMd''m fc IVDr Oroandt tfy 4ay Ihio wack.aa j dooU (be a MBMBt tbo politisoJ aad ataUrial tga omkMof tb ftuto. War ii tH) 'tmteot ' oanoto any mrtrftU bftflfl ajwat ill piatiot tlmlUo and .drfeo.. 8t,fer Too prepagatioo el Repob!loaa wlact plot bj tbo o word rather tbaa by morai foroi,bi tbo oast freatott ptiualtj baf caa affliot a eoaotrjr. A atraagor to oar hiatorjr weald oarw bar Uoobt that w woto Joat onorgfof from a four ean war tad a ' f r year itrBgal ajtaiiai tbo opp'rwtiao) ,of foctMa, icekUif pf pbyiioal tnot4 autat loror fca coatpel ' m adoptloa if codipel ttiadoptioa I thdr tolitSeal oaddowati. ' i. amenta. v"4 bbhiviiw awfiaji wan i-wr w mmr aMBtoj mbjc b ranrjjw - f oonght to dmli tbe tabor of the coon. try, by ealUof U Jroai lu AaLitraiAbaonet and toreing it If low iqtbo. polMbcal obaa- 1 md for tbeir peraooal ajjraodiaeoient, ' i In tb fjnm&' iUpUf gt rtt.;womoi, wrTiBorcB Mri; atoaf leif1 font boraa aad guao bialaeri, w. 'could iht aiWatiy rejoice to tbo bappy nfltloo, ibht to-rrdgB M bid rorc8d.beina.r4d , jtboif poliOcaloeaUaientn open. by te word, -were ot to b fiuod en th r1c ' Oroood. Tbat Ihbt aantimeot may bot be Z, kt .mdUffmltf ewl oj(rw4 hto BroraBMBt," wo dooiro no osbtoo owr gra: ifteatioa at easing -a. awaibrf e Northern aiea aad fbrwigoerg hl'nlfv Orobnil, w, Bk brti!y nUfnojoiuijf wej-r aMavDyoTorjofl.. I . Mr. Daria of Akaaoao, lato t PnoJl- aa, gave M iritl kia big; plow and Pan -;t ayiraoia lyitwtB'jborB ariraai plowing, ftuclk men aa Mtv Wk. , Mr. CartU, Mr. Proeiiob, tho Liae tbo i Bbaltyo aad otbom; win do ftioro to adrtnico 1b protpervty dl til ltnta?iibAn ;a" tartiat of awh immlraata aa Tenrgee, Lsfl n.'Ab s bott, Aahley, MariliBirk anCorenl T Jy Wioro '-.fyr. .i1r4.ynH-p tnggtotod to JWgvn ib order which b ,'gaveUnrratM'Weei Wo bIU to BKiuw we sawe w aae uoTerDorn own " band writing tb retara which Jk mada npoa lb writ leaned by Sad? Poareoa. t Ko man not euntemplatiag mnrdar wotjld twt tbo word "after" la the order of arreat. -LTBWMs-wb-hiit tbHOTder-o!iteiM f j t "Jt V"t .B"wm told a to, and wtboliovod binitf !,.4aWTt.TBB,, J)f AJTf B IXbB f BadloaJ Whoa Gov. floldea failed In tbecoantie 7: wf Cawtl aid Alarnnsc, to ge( bp civQ ' commotion and UUle blood letting brU0 r arreit oi tUtMmen tothnearwooountien, ) b tbea tnmed blcattenUot Orange. Be emt tbeta "expecting realatVoce, . li .paentUemoa day ' wbta Ji oow Aero K would bo a crowd of pur, Mend in b tu,, otmU of nilUboro lio e'pt f ply t band. ju OA men w locreia b fccaaneeBI JO- v tiManoa, Ue failed to get It. ,Th pU.ho dog for bl enemy, b fell Into. , v f H . , Be bll bo tndloted for fepdloz bit du , tbroai to Orange, on nslaaioo oi murde. lie baa not tbo aotttemptlbte etcuae for ar 'i teoting to Orange, which the Ghoffae bill .. ' ' ". .mrrx IT-"? fftvm w rnnp i n-.-- Th cotton crop ia tUlc Statd will bo 'anMro than ooo bail what wa eipertad, ,-, . wbn plAotod. 1 iiie, together with tut re -' " doeed prion, I very diaeowaging to our ' oottoa planter, and may probably ' tff.ct j f , nmocg mem a xuange jy . policy, , n nico. aouna roaaon ana ajcuoa aught long ..rf f tiaoo te baToefleeted. W repoet.what we bar orttn anggettod, tbat It U nsufu end the kaaard ia too great, fof any t peopl to i r t taf y aololy apo tb prod not of. any ea ar .'1 ticle, no matter ..bear, aommanding Ja tb. G ' BJAitet tbat oh ankle may ba Eiiaaior caa, will com at leant one , U a wumo, aod wbo they tWeoene, tbo labor of year 5ESS2fctoajn4. b tcArCtff tnd..bS.fcf :rttl':i!if::e:r' .eibetextidft doo, reqairtai; i brfy!?ldTaB upof lAa j one crop to meet tn deceit u otner artiolea 71 pfTiiBocciaTtyttJj , ij " u jgret at tbo present time, tbo tain oouaw f in regard ta tbd ! of tbo erop bow being picked. U cotton commaaJcd a " Wring ;. price w abould nay tll or ij.w kaew that tb crop la th Bowtfe would Jau Mlow t.OOO.COO bale, w tboatd adviao the to bold on till irti:B; .' In any erentfao doubt tb pfCcy ol tordsg tbe .orop ( rjpyn tbo jBarkct, i wrong tad baMrdouawew t I A prirata latter trona tbaUoo. A! IT. 8tepbna reproaenta bi r ta Very deplorable bealtb, k beicg feel1 M )!njW to Joavo, T0ICJSFB0X TAPKIS. It I ItluUfhoM rbo rimllsui eoanwTevt hb tbopraAleaf 'wattfBgiikf part y wr of Vgf iUU bojihoald bf oa iibeirMVfnata ftod ero)uQ nt to wsdntli tSraut Ut s Rg poticjr. IV fc great coellrMH.ia tb ouber tea wd rtiodjadgovotT ib poypV, aAta gay thoa ia proteosioool polititin,Hi4 ooe bT iaid that wo fcaa tTW kaowa a bmmo teatra! dniraon tho part etaa paopla It mj miw iovolTiaf aacli aaoaut,a tU oaU o4 a Conrentioo toanood Mr prcaoot irfHoorwfco- karo obowa tbemaelTeraB wortb ooaiiWac..ir'f 1TadklB"HlH ao aM ciDrooaiO kirn aot Uoulji l5m qip4Uot'ierkU to tho 4kDPMaat asd ooior jadgiaeat oi tbo ppl,: bat - tbarr ? Hew rorfd to tsorc iT'afJj VoTtJ tfui Mdlnairlff " oceuh pa "ttif ttftjetv A tattorf gTofi ot 1CoV atttuuo aaa aoaoaiaeratioci or U kutorr of tb Biau tbo two paot woald oottlo tbo qoMtloa at one, On (WAWIm ihu( V oWaaW W b4 Iwrmal ia im pitktd., BtlkrlDg tbia,, wa 4'abU Bj-g. tbeaa a aacwaarT aad propar. --4, V; ., Xio Bwtmal dct&oaatratioo of aorrow at tbo daatk oi tor kto aoaorod sbioftaJtt, at hoeplwmorir "txkiWUoBa at ftmattor oi coarta, drawa wh iron too paopio DJ thordioarj atUeUon( wJOck. a froaf kMtdor preaaata, fert aro taoopowtaaoow ob bib!ttoa of ottoea pud Voatratioa; wbtcb tli oM aod tronirli aaarked ebanctor of aoca owa i au to JaapUo. , M$ wao' ' Mdot bub, aad oao of too fow who ka faltw f modora tiiao, 4booo 4utorj tUouli Uaad ,by a BMt pi, fof b bot ol tao riaiag aad of latoro gaor ticna. Tkar ka world of atadr ia tho lift aod ebaraeterof Robert Xdmaod Loo, wakk aboald ia 'tainpd UdaUbly opo th minda of tbe. cbildrra of Ula and oi fttfort'Bitatwoa.t.Bi) who paa J J '.i.!- .!...-. Li.. - j - - i blfiire tb rlubt hun can be obtaimtf io do tb notk, - Wa bope tbat tboa b ought toaaovnui the jBatte, will do ae ai oooe, fa order t' forestall n offon which aaa; be made brttrtiirrtotr oartiel from twain; m:b. feookt m mtjr -lC ),nt will b jCo permanent Value, . ..L.'ii'.' BltST CO OLD HOT 8LBr." i om-AillJATlfc. wa ptanntxi , ta Judtt Rilef Caauoa for tbo aVfoH at, Qf deny Hi Honor did aot aleop oa it, a did Wer'oflayueo'ipetcnr'tl nt jt niorning that he bad not alept at all, and b wa. ta great ifoMoie aa U.UHU abould do.' i Be wa alrald it wa on ot ibttmciH rVaf to earch bio We ar toW.he tTrtC 'ruulted With tbo factor n to wbH bitoM'd"A' IrUnd aoU bldt if koatroatod tbo, Oewemor it woeid tain blaif t ! k did not' arreol kirn It tbbld rninhita. .War ortf to bavo dUttttbed ftO'iaiorpvi mMt J6ou jwa WkatbaatttayrnVanw4oa)BMgtM ui bbofw 7 WW : a.aiT ' T . ' i a am a ' w : In f ffWVt cdmSKVAiTrgs or tbb fovmtu 4auHt.'i "uwJrJ',''('',' .s'f ' fbadeaib oi the. UU Hon. Robert, B OtUiaav of Graarlllak toroo apow the pao ptooitb fourth Coogreaairtnal I Diatriot, t6 darjr of C'octla g another member Sro, 411 th tncaoej, (oceaeloned by tha realgBAOoa of Dewooa to avoid plloo) id tboatzt Bob f ReproaantAtlvea. -,i ' '" i We preaumt till M' foliroi ltUfo- tprj to tbo poopio ul , tbo DUuriot, if tb Freaidet.nt tb bt JPmokiiato) OoaaaO ati OootentW; hll oonren that body if iff "oiriy tif toDmiiii to i ratnaida to I i" ' 'J- " a aawa a ' i party It ao daoaorttlaed la' Mow Bnaover County, that It require ih Interventioa of Senator Abbott to straighten It. Wob ierv tbu kt aalla Coavootio of hit party to meet ia WUmlbgt froa tfery toWaablp ia th county, to eleot delegate to Vttend thf Convtotiod'of tb Beaatorbvl Dutrtoli, ABt alltget Jtiti tb object of tb OooTOBiioB ia to re orgaaia tb party. That' party It at ndept it recowlructioa aui'ie-orgaowatCon, but nnfortnatly k eompoeed of such bad material It m all tb trm falHog bi piece iteelt W kopt th ponaetratlTe of Nw Baover ,wlU keep wide awak ' Abbott ooema aot to know that tbo carpet bagger taiga 1 at aa and WMIVMWWM - - - '"ml. ai-iLana! i n.T,;,- , PKiiri.TijtiA-CompleU retura f tb lata election la Pennsylvania, tbotr a gtih of five Dtmocfatte 'toctnber el Con great Ad a largo gain ta tb popular vote. Tbt SluUari sbotld bring out lts rooitor. hASOTH.a bctOBBTja Gbb. L. Lira. Hob. IL W. Illlliard, e member oi tbo rederat uoogrrsav maaa poecB la A gtMta.fi , nt the Aeetlnf th' he'd to do hoaor t th atectory of iien. l ta which k said : ; ' :.. rAB ffer, originating in Georgia, and X baiter ia thai, vary city, wa made to mat M place an tmmenea euat of tnooey at kia dupueal If k treld teenaent to reald in tb city of New York aad represent south era coaaac. ' JMiUloo would ban flow ad to bin.) But k doclinod. , oaid : t . .r..i v.... ..tr i. ffoatdv-taaky wbkh 1 SBUat acoanplish.. 1 i?nftel tbt iPJ9B;3Bil :JfllJtcai tmttl i I hare reea many of thee tall ' astylJfaftdar f uuMIfiyojti my il't now to training yenng men to do tbU oMtf'.nB fro.t-?"-" iv - 1, Ei-tcrroir Kbit MonrnIu Novembor namely t iMovtmbor 7, (being tho Brat Mon day ot th month,) Arkanse arid Loaltiana. November t, (being tbo first Tuesday alter tb Brat Monday,) Alabama, Plonda, lllia noi, s Kanaaa, ifvyland, aiaaaachnsattl, Jdicbiraa. . Atioaaaeta. UiaaourL Nevada. Nw. Yojk.Ne Jcrtvy, WiacoM.n. .. lna Cincinnati.. Snauirtt nytt ."0ar a'unii AhimaW is tb UU of paper Vbtf come to no from Itootoo. 1 be Jtsr ocfanxetta humanitarian hed tear ere" rurtle oe it back, And vroakt chloroWJ time would skia a liv ana wmbow punctioa la tbo way oi buin. 'Si . s ' -'': jf5S.p '4rWSaM-pemftarn - -W-r- tiiaa-? . ., . . -1.- -. ......;--. v.. y- . . ' ...... w r9 .T .... . ......,..i swaiyr--ar-'' '. i '' ' - : ',,7 ' .. ---r-i-r----'S-- .rNW . . ,i,..,.i,m,ii:.!im I'""1 ia..,amhwajJZ.iii rirUir aioiU la to wato ar ?K--..i'Ifcit fe thar Wine through Yadkiav,f lalaabo PP. ao CjoatfbuJE1? gtw Atwrmoo U bar r?lTirroUtaaar (wUaza ia aof oanciadoi taV" -b britot boi, ,I ba bdaMd tontbo wrl ptt. aUWj Stat, Wo ko oo Mtaod dofload f i to adraoco, wo aaw tbo masy diffioaltlVM; lrr to abow taat wo too ib wmora tbat bar deeply, Bab, KJic mUruU edV" rupuoa. Wo wiab to baar witVJ , fltotedapoa cor in, com-. moo With our oioter eoaatia bso prMdMkaV w bar orojrwUimod by Uw rakra oi i aad tat tbat wo fell and BT It frovi tb om ft toltl ia m war i II - ' -Jm . IT a ayjlrom lojililiMal BawliBTalirlwaf OTaa 1 tuoa bayoBd todurao, oi pja daapair oa aoouuot of tfo Soaaclai o)odi flisn Boa of in :(, Vadkia baa alway bees a ftpiet aod wdafly owiott.' Wbf mm- ilim wm firat adrocatcd jbohmM wiUi Sliai aftctioa to tbo old fag, aad wboa at laat ta btat waa oarriod oat of tbo Uaioa by Uotdaa, Jodga Taooaaa, Wat. A. Sautb, putera, wo watw arkad. bot Mt tnat oo part ol tlie blood of oar neighbori eoalil ., asm tbo war waa over, trae w our ai ral laotiacta, wo fladry ntarood to tb lamilyot B'Atea, UaatlDg tbat wtta a pni daat EsocBtiT, with aa ceonofliical Legla latara aad bcbcoIbI BMaanraa, w oould rotronoh aad agaia y tb bleating that bad alway been found aqder tho old nag. W aoceptod tb Urml offered by Holdea, aad bo reeeived aa largo a veto ao waa over putted ia tb oounty. . , Now, baa be given tta aQ bo proatWi I Wo akad aot rloUt aad groat wealth, w aakod aot for power aod uareaaunaUc favor, w aittply akd "what tbo Great Creatot aa woaobaafud to all autrtata- oaev oaiet, oout a noaoaaUaoflMaat ol protporit. .A A oaid, ,w aoerptod jUoi da' tar ma, aud to-day la rwult t bafora aa, ' A broke Conetltudoa aod violated hurt, lsaoraoee oa tb inoreaae for want ot acboola, porcrty rcrwboi,aocity ap'.ttroed aod nacortaio, and all on accouul of luaiula. 1 tell tob air, It I fcarlul to cooiemp ate wi.at. dueful Wa bat been betrayed by tb te wbo pn fcaaed to be onr btai triend, and irfrnow tooling tbo lore oi their arrogance and ig notation. When I ao iha aad laoua and down cant countenance of ortr larm-ra and eitisitnA generally, and rtflxt tbat it 1 gi n- eraHy ease-ever we iHate, the tboBgbb aatnrally eoggeata itarlf what a feartul, record haa that man HoUlen made kir bimrU; AOd I aoinatime think: tbat if fba tare oi llenren i er aorrowfnU it veT tit noandi of bapploua eaaaaead the harp of Bagel, hang ia mi row by their atdea, u woe t no guardian Mgl of our dar old btate wingtli way into tb Duly prtvopc and reporiilht the land once so favored by Prortdenoe, I tn fhl etmdition ofgriof anoitow. ' 4. , , . , , Bnt for all thi we bear Gov. flolden no niilino. Ha Can coma into ariv nnrtlne nl uur coanty had tbVt tttO' frigbUul tpecire of at w omaoa. inagtanuu 'nothing would vr uuturo uim, r ti , W bv none of thee famous irtebt tbt K.u Klui to rnolest r massbim afraid; and it be cad so ebuko and control bia fuel Infra when he paaak tliegraVe Ot those Who ton ti wars wy BtteMkstMW mieyj w oaw wrnaw turn aeornfmrauvery plena. not trip tnrouj! our county, - ( ' All wt desire, and all . w demand is his impeachment aod removal from office. We olaimTf m rrtghf, luiBfoffcrtaraTfbi trust and i sorHyot hlr mvot oppress. iag ns agaot. ' : Boor aatwr tnewn m m noniaMs no sxijr, 0 4 mttio, .Thoee wbo hare been bi m at orient aupporters ar now clamoring tit' bfs lmpencbment I and removal, and a riddance trot all bi Wipe of aaaeetalea and accomplice. . And tbar i another questi e noon which wt art all agreed, u A Oonventioa , pf th pro pi, aiiea wtta men or" unaertunamg and hoaehty, both rarely ol Into, in our Inw-waking tssssnbliss) is earnestly wished fou'rWo deairo aepoedy return tw ear old ointbod of Cfeuhfr an J Boperior Coujt. economy and prudence both require, and a Cohautouon proeorea 10 sun ins people, regvln'od ofonaroo by tho obanged Wdi Uo at tbo oolotod popula'ioa. And then wo wUb aom prpviaio mad lor fhtcdiH cation of tb young. There . aro. many rounnr"' twin ' now ' BTowiotf 0d in fgnoraneo who- would make IntelTlgent an aoerut itiaaoa,it properly educated. While . there aro many fetoi m . aad; inno vationt necessary tor pur presperity, tha I oonceiv to oa too moat important, as pa claJlr ia it aacensery to a successful Itepub Bcaatom of government,' wbt re nit tbt brw -ansV H Us swosnreaof goveransetit origioat And nr adopted by tie peopla. And just asi oducation ia thtseotw ry ad. vanott, will tb bappinrs and protptrity of tb poopl tnoreass. Bu t therd ia n thing ooncertilog whlel greet onotioa will be rquteite,oreoreBoriewili aot oe orowned with sucorss. I nsean iaj jfejerenc t tb liatem otti ToctiTO 0fmjkJLfm. abiak a urn wuioe -win. uew oeayior npon ns ibaa aaoat poopl kamnuia, and fior which wo' cnaaot bt -M osmty envoretH' Pur thesw osw tew inasajses. -vwbtchf ats w-jw pi hev ever urr.nd,red a Jiberty ooos accorde! to inem,t tt is to nature, 01 pan 10 daslrn th most privilege and liUrtie that be can secuio, and whet one gained they "guard then wim jealoasy aad cni to tbena With stent tsaaoity. CieAtcaay" Will tberolore b neoeaaary in thi rnatt eonvine tb peop 0 of tb evil on r itila tiraa' at chDoalnB OuV udge , a. tKa sni-m a, Hrm,nt re willing to trust tbat ontr1 th wisdom nnd pjnidoooo of tbft. irastina tbatrtoey will: ao-"0 a k... l.knrMt hanlaat f "ur ueuvav- tnet rrora nr oweo 1 . But I cannot eioo. wit'fljf""! a, tkifbltio. tbk far yoar ltsigtopt -ft?..1'; 1 d-M4k0orrF"' comma tticntev ind vL" .!..7'" ervo to r . l : ..... . meiier watea ore heinw tawV " 8tto. Tkoagh ,fimi,M.vA o-, aeebon Mw POW of tbt Stubs, h.i. ver Dee tnvorea wiu the KaU "smioed a by our Radical ruler, w wax mow bn aiiwiT in Btovo- bast sia-aaf aha " gaf th tiasea. aad whoa a 1 , jommt lor actio nriaws, you wid al- f J W ... !(. .l.UV'. a n nil Tuikii rA.1 . ,n .i.l I 1 pruBuoriir ot toe etai. 'a-f - " i , RwpHctlully yrv ,! -pot. IT, loTtt - " , TADK1K. . JCiperUmon 1b TirginJ be dere)..pJ tbo fact that it tehee. negro j artisan , tt aetly foor oninnt .to gotoateep alter he neiaaataJtea nueant lathe Box.. 1804 tb J-ooJsriil Cewrw.Wnf. tU 'at ttAI,. '. . J-ff et it r witbin Ui power mtn e -Xt.f-7 biisead &vyp-v dLiy:! u...ya, i v... ..... - wv-i a "liJllu I. 1 . I 11 r- , , v s ,. ughu-: at trrWMapaatoryoftfctJalt Kafc J F f F" 1 ' 3 1--. - Ml - Ftojfojrtlwai; ' 'f- Tbair odor I atroag, lffaaia, aad aoawwaat uamMlU, thair taatw Wtara, aad aaalofoaa toadai i a I r u. l,.yr t: ytfr' - RM3. . BoabaVtTe are geaUy Umnlaot.awttk a e Ha taaoa to the Criaary Orgaae. f1 Jr7aa, aaah at OrU, Cbh&Sa BUddar, hturbid trrttaboaef th Kdaaa 0roUra, Diaaaat of the Preatete ftUod, aad Betentiao ar IneoaaiaaaM of TAaM, froal Isaa of tobe ia ihe part aonearaed M Ma oraeaeUeA The reatedy haa alae reaeaaaaeadal fa Dye. aafata, Ckraue Bhaaaiati Oataaeoei InW- tlona, aad tybMy. .1 f I 'I - UelMbld'a Extract ftac: ia eaad by anwai ham the ejre et U to BV aad Irom IS to 5, or is th deenoa orebaDf of tto Extract BactM ' ,: 1 , ' . ... L: tiX . wneeqeatrt byanyothor rssnedy at nt CtOm 1 roaU.er Baunooo, trenalaiity,- PataJnlesas 0 Beppreestsn of Oostoaary XvsMstooni, Ulcerated or Bohtrroa Stat ot Iha Cterns, LewsnrrtMsa; orWhftee. ; " ' ' .lit 0laa artmd Bfaelder. KIday Uravvsl, aad Dronelessl Bwolrlagn. Thi medleina meresea the power of Dla Hen, sud sioitea the Absorbent tote haalthj aetioe, by which the Watery Oaleareoal da- eoaiUon,andaU Unnatural Xnlaraeauala art radaeea, a wall a Pain and Innammstto. ,: ,'ti ' . . -? 4.-, Mj Vf 3 w5r,--- yv '(ij '; f 14 . . uaiatwaid'f Extract Back kna rd ovory saae at Mkitsa an wnanh a bee , . Inttasswi of thelfeek of the BtaaV dev, nnt Irtaatidi of ttoaerthe Kitaev and Bladdan' BMaation Oriue, Bmsaase of hs Preetete Olaad, Btone ts the Bladder, CslanMs, Oravel, Briek-Dust De. oat, and htaea or Milky lHbara, aad tor sCabat aaenoeaas iiatiiUM w I. f heh eenee, wBandst With tht tiOowhsg trmptom thdt)OatsbBmss hefBen.DiheJtyel Breaihiag, WeaXerve. Trembling, Honor f Dueus, Wskefelaeee, Dbmsaes of Thnmi Patn ia tbe llasd Bot Band, naablng of the Body, Dryaeeo ; f the BaJn, lraUoM the lsee, PnBid (Vmitlswanus, OmV. tarsal Laaattads W tbe KaWtar BrUem,'. ITailaHaumMta Eriaaai W..L.nj 10 .... "... . t.. W , .... h .N.UL..II..lll.ju. m.mwwm uiiTias. wtre a uaa.an ansaf arem naatt of eueatpaUoa, as. oeasaa wd inpralonoos i Ufa, tmpriua ot the Bfcsed.Beuauparesamt Cooaiba ia affaotlmm ms vhtid uaau, mnm aa Oooorrfliaa. 0ata al km( . aad BiphiUtie Affaethm m than asaaeea, neat in eennisthm with o ''JA-I.Hi.y - .... ... .if , nolanbaldt Rm Tash, , ; Bold by all Bratgiai and dealer everywhere. Sewage eoenterfWU, Ask IpfBslmbeld-fc 'Talv;aa.thet,'' ,,Pnim-4L tJh' .m iw a.M. ttatfrera as mmr a4dra. Bv serin sjaptsaas ia all i 1 ' t V f .B" apt liinndwar,Bl i .rf-i: aril ha aa ws ,k- 1 ,;f 4l pej.-Wi 3ettU. Waarf i fohr a at ABBtniA oxumv dokb rp t . werTet arsppar, with lae-eimil fmyCaim4rarhoeea.alaine4 I t v; II. T. IlELMltOLfti i J BBdawhwesw.' ""-' X '""'"' 3 i TUCKER HALL. 7. . BOT.IJLinX .UBW'in Matmmm. JOtJtAJtDLI, mBlaaaB. i fiDWJN FOKRESTf anrroairso OT W. M.i IIOIX4WIV DR4M4TIC COJIPAHY, - - ru t jriYaV Aiuuiot TnaUrr WdaaM7 OTHELLU. i:.. ' ui' , DAMOH t rritttaav liuu . ill. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. OpT.; 22d, a 43,-v-i arocaaMiwa' Bleo Kit IE JUII WW PPW ' AdmiMlon 11.66. "Bi-rear 'Beat t. OaW htry M eenta, Bpk9U Train wm oa wmm w p 'm 11 i'i iT 1 "aa iiaiara'iinaw iai dh- tiwcBrtait.iiyA . - ..' - !' a rj 11"' I 'Bit ' M.MTmv.v nnl1. dO,l 1 WiB ant a Tewba Aaeiwe nil a'-Lu,b. A roe auitMtioB of ranware a anw 11 u i .Mill. 11 .mt Aitehaa aleaatla. MercaaMta I aaa OotM-lt AaeUooeer. ta tna imantaTBa" or 0 '"' ffW Hand of OaeL ADUB W. MeLEOD Id Harnett I oao IT napeatrallr prawnt him M I Caodidat,' for th poauioa of Ioar-Kapr I the Houta of BapraaantettTaa of on xt ttanarat Anaamo7. : Vaot. Itoiiood fa an onanrrariea atipporUr aVraWKtatlo fatty and tf alaeted will perform kia doiif a poll al ao fajtorallf Oct MIWJ 1 MARf CTIXZBIli, SAB. L.Tiaviaa "."r xiaKAT blROUaH fllPPOKbONOJf iKIOX: DsL,AME8.&. THATBB.. ftkTEB AHDEKSON ... . ... Manar Sola Proprietcr The beet UBCOB COMPABT travaling, beet CLOWHB, best B1DEB8, beat ACROBATS, beat T1fWABTB,'nnr neaTf eoeral PKBTOBBWa 8SOWoflhssaaonn4 ' . BAIlBPACXiOB QlUttASmO TO AU.I . , . . . ? taani eanar cvown : OB. JaB. L. TBATCB , MB. JOBJI JCDD, MR. BIBAJf DAT. BILLfcOTAlXB. , M.t liOTTl hHCAIDAM, hb, cntBIiKB bBxd, UKOKOE WILSON, i ataaaara: S. P. BTICKNBY, THREE WILSON BTlrHSR5r J HOY LB, 1 BEKDEATJ. 1 Aadalaaf corps of AuxruARDqa. it... TRAINBO MULES, Ac,- Ac. fcWia exhibit 'at EaWjk Wadueaday Noraa.- her tod. Soon enen at lead 7e'eloek, P.M. Adaafasien it eenta ; Children Bnder 11 yeata (0 seat oeBO-eodtt 4- Oi BMntj WArns Ai4rrt . W. C, BTRON ACII dkCO. i ;'f ,rfii 't-t. i i i-i :-t, '. " GROCBRS i eul it -1, WMISSIOS TttBCHlHTS v:s iiayrniiTDU.tnusi. JAtlaOII.'iNr--41- Cbote Btook of Beery and Fajsry Orooariee ntwar oa hand. .k8.i6miwt3 ioucirED,' t eefltHf Prempt fataras cuaraUeL Jtams - VHi. rt a ti ntjcvm I" ViLIlIltlll Mia j r.,-, 7-,; j, M M i F?RJ N M1! Tr?i7: - . . jwk Ja--r-a.. a, iA aaw-RJ.. I " -mom hal Aarf 8-i " " 'ai t . , ''"'. i' " Title L 4T10EST AND 1?E3T RKLKCTED 'BTOCKOPFUaNITiJRItSI TUB. i BIAlfi,!., aaa Ai-W.-FBAPS; ; 4bacU patxttbyilli a satix stb. Bsit rjosoar below Yarirorii-b Honae. ! ' Kava CoaTlTl.T aa R.an . V i PARLOR, 'DIXIXa.ROOJI. IOAMf.B AB OFflCE TWW1VXK. fabm, fa teSae, Boeklnf Ohafee, B4atawk. " U.aUMa lib. 1 L. . . wm. 9 4 " CAtilAi- rxj'urww " Otnt Bat vi"" - -I' JUST KECEIVED, I A ",W ,0 ""nt aaeortasant ol PU and I A-Waaean Bssile. eeaapnainr sit thn " BHaat nevelUeetn . v - .. , 1 - PreaeOooda. , I XiMxma, ' ;rv,t r, I ery, . , Olawa- . -. , M , limiM - . . . I Bboes Bb (Sw tow Buve Wsnw-.-S-.-TT; rTT, ' I""'11" 'etlW4f ?.sr. tMw.M ;Jf , 1 1 AUItfH t UAttOJI 4U.kOAD STOCK. - BftaniWthpaahj. 'ArmrVw ;.i: .. " W. a at LAV. fmaAiar- 4. -1 -tt i jialeieh Anttanal Banh loot it ' i..- - is" ( 11 u m ),- T if 't 'y nF 'JHEi CHARLESTON, S: C. .''"..I 1 P li FXASOiU. TI'raldwt and Aojarjr kiltHUrCHliOS, tiorraaidaat, raafclan Korta uaruuna. A - V Wilttam MoBainay. J. Harray Wllaon. WakjU. -. -, . AttdroW tsimoodl. -Joaa lultnaMt ..:-.,...,,. J. Ill Ormr. - ' wmiamDaaeaa. Job' wb. John L. Hardee. ; Wm. hu Byan. J 1J. U. IWaanitSV. B.male. baaha D. atowry. OMrg ft. MeHaatar. ' Ber. B, CfJ A RT ER E b BV Ttlfi tTAXJB Of NORTH CAatOLCIA. iNwrtw TtTIB 1.0O0J)0O 0j7"ASBTjJAJI AMJXD TCl! , That Oempa Banna complied with all the eoadiaUea wt n!T HFI ' the Oaatla Premiuma I Caaih All Fulieiea Boo-frreitaU after aaynient of , Paid-ap Polieaaa iaaeaxt on earraader f the Anda dftolartd auuaallV. lMTidauda oiki- dwlarad are Doa-rorfaikaUe tli utuimit uf Aaaunuioe w maA the OomiianT. hoa-ernr aou'lui. mar b a aad. in eae taTttatuiiiuta oounuml or enactor to the moat .Aoiire ,igaula wa iloa. Apply V'., ' aept 28 8m ' " "A g x -'J! Ji : V : naaai (unta ef lata aad adoawnt foume. t ! - ' ;,:"f 'T -"aa 250 TONS, "4 trrt..''''- inrOKTED DIRECT. FROMi LIYERPOOL. - '' XTJt OFTFU TO THE FARMFJl AND IHIUCBANTB OP THE BTATB TUB ABOVB Vm ' Y V which are new ao um-reraally known and apprered throughout the Cotton ttataa, sa "hi ' Natestv StroBgest Bad Host Easily tad Qaicklj Ippllcl tt ttjT4 Khowb In the Market - ,a Th fastena, a wall aa the hands, ar of lb boat INDUS R WBOUOHT I BOB. A m. rlauoe haa aUuwa that they do not hraak. a many of a OtT IBON fwt raiara af ataar Qua IT tbarebj aaviug mush eieoae to rope, moor aod tnauiling Cut ion as (he shipping aori, . '' eriosaaalowoe pwe(thanj 0TItU eo be heaght at ia any market eataaOssst OarLlbaral A'rHfMMSU MSa elA jtsartaaw'set selaea.H ' WILBTNQTOK, W. C. . Jrrr.T, 77 tS7 deedtm 1 ' ' 1 11 ll"i"lll.'l : 1 1 , - - 1 "-j w hBAw-- -ni,. Ml. kuil DUNm PATENT COTTON TIE. , THi BEAT, ttOdT POPULAnV AHD BUtPLdST TIB ZET AfPKREB TO TBI PUXTEl BEtSa MANPFAOTCBEB'S AOETd POB THI BALK OP THIit' ACMIRABU Til, IS TV ginissnd North Carolina, wa bag to Inform th Inula aad planters that we hare 1 1 "J mwmu un nana, ana ere oawy oapocting n aiaoea csryo, euiof wnien wees BUeraseS'S - MAKXBT BATB-. Wa have aaaoi an 0 from thoae who uaed leans ma aaarn, thai ts7 anparinj m any they have rr need before, Plaater will eoneult their beet haasrest by -4 nu it atoioaiTaij. , ney ea nrer tbem , tar BB CBft AMD OBPIB IHI OVUM TIB. BV ! t i.H " Uberat terms to the trad. - , ) 1 '- y v-. HsIAWAMB 94 :.. j- 1.. i ; - PsTsnaaeae. ?. :.. T "-'- 1 7- ., lull TlMllk ti CifnlllS iters can be supplied by thstollowmg parties h . t ,.4J. ..' Maaara. Himma Uul Waldna, ft Krnna.'h. tMalak. 1 ' io. P. Alanp, Baq, KaBel. .- Tifl. Orittia Bi Kooky BoiiBt Keeara. ht Bonotree Ce Wilaon.l 1- auglT tm smvionae, siaeaniey te., t manes NEW GOODS! NEW lakn 11 r, UUAO.BX SJUtUB. - 1 At.liUI iAJ n A31, lbbh riULJUL a IV fUV t nnrnanil tw a sw r Vknsmvnia , a TomintbYorethapnWi,wedsiF. te. i a. 1 baainess a eootlnaanea oT Shai una I WehaBiaUraaiASa,aiM. ..II I ?E!?.'?klpl"" ury Good.. Kouwa, V'-.r'TTT l a. t-wsks, . Alae a ood atock of Clothing fur mwo kiu su7a, aaa coor to iTiiT oouar per and borta- la.antMKAA Stoak ot Bate ad Cana. low. alae bilk H.lb DoubW and eiogle barrel Oaae, different graiiee. tn a eaperate Uenartmenkwe bare a aiaa li t auaara.oaOsee, allapSM, iBgai, papDaf, gioe, liMT. aoap. molaaaaa, aalt, aoda. ehaeae, crack- wrm, s. an or wniea ww will aal ae low a anv theOttyr Bow hH no ted yon ewe and aB '" - Yrnmail earns Sewae net Una rB"ijr . ir ! h.in. . " A . , I.' : " --- . , wwiMVIMTti - ,for snob a ehanee, to buy good ; i Vsrv rare.- - - .-nt' -ara-aBgaafrfa- u - - -8IATI lAlSITIBTBODT. 4 S nieprefumed tb'st everybody 1 coin In e x &. aa tneetate ralr. i kaat aais sav . wilHentU waaariiit e. Hardl ea rour arrival la iUli h and biiddI lwu" aaanm atenaaa ajigare aad Tobaeoe. fru atUtad that fow aa -ecey Towrwrtf on "v ATeryuund wiu go wreeg wftheonsore. Aa vbaa yon rwtaaa boeae. ;o eriil haanad nun yoarasu, aod CTervbo; wtU ne atad with lyoo.nooi win n man wit yon too.- - New I 1 now law eiak ta arakd all lAia wanl...i than he wise la tiase and be aunaa .nl Ptmr n niDnra, - i. Ibavb aaaateaahve Store. aAtraetire. Mudy. anr t aait. l CMv will call aanNaaaAe IhrmTwCUlomtti papara and "aTrti? and will And all tbe UimS eomfortable qaiet room to'ahila aw aa hoar plaataailyv . . . ; - . taaoonau oods " ---t-,,- OppoaiU Taoker Ban, : s - t't BseeVTn3lmiAhmn.4 edlAHf , PISA P. BABBIB. GOODS a- -e dT 1 a SOUTHS j -I 'J' . ' r ff'r - ; aOocwtim t. iirni , ta i JAJUftUXUlBZB. CmtMT U'.ij fA I Iff ' Vo-B-B' S a r-u-' m-5 rB$ Vj'' Jufca B. Palmar. - K. iAfcaVdfa- William H. Btianaen.'-' f.,WrABWa. QtiAt Pattaraon. Bae.Jamea t. Bora. B-P.AXBJU.S0A. nr- . Wh,U ; "-W! Baorira H. MoffHL t itai?!.-;: Boawt L. BaUaakA ... B. J. Baetv. Oraran.. jlTldosada I Cnah JPolllj One Auooal Premlam. ' r ' eriKloal tut ea tqallehle aaaoant, i4 AU Prodt dlwdad among the Peboy Holdaim,' fird, ; aad" mar be need 4o aadiaa th Paaialaa t. w Pdala aulf-Miataiiiiiui. n.i...."r!. i tha V 1 .. . oiMM,tii trr B,a,' eutld and JWlaaUe 1 1 CBAHa,,, ARROW -TIE3J 4 I 1 ! I li I FOE BALW8 COnoi: ' .fc-n, A' 4 j ..-... ' - - "V -. .-.' 1 v.. DEUOSSET&Ca,t Bwie.rae Karab Cesetina.' nrom tnsu-owa Uummlaalon Mercbantt. . ; In Meaar. V UBtireaMb A Oe. - " , , t Ayim Adame, BsJ..1j, jt " itn 1 , , L H. Adama. Baa. . . c .;.-4.-1aawa.iMMro'ai. te. 1 f f 1870. . W. iX &aaS.TCCIKSa. CCe . S aad BS, rayeitevlll ttrwt. 7OfTOt A TTJtt BTOCT OP ' DKE8S GOODS. -li' S j . w a . t . - a I, I, iii fc . fc VBlBBBjBBJBaBaay fjj JtjrffW Bgq VBW- ' .V TanPUid,' ' ' Tartaa Ptalrla. ' c.t ,. ff r.. Itohaw ftatde, r- . - t t , . , , Mohair PopBii, T'. .ts'k f ti S Vm BeaaawAP1' rboth,- - --""r set .- .iitmiajwtw h ts r- A& " ' VMrgwsj ..j, . f r W'M,'. gsaMtsssm -..-. - .?0" " i BOHBAZINtS, AHJ CHCKA P0IIS- BIi A OK " S lLkF a rrro. - bb' nUaaa Aa nBCKl.BlIaA& -BRAND--:::- '51 I LACK A BP WBIXB , ".. , ALPACAS -"jM, v i i - ' - j... swn f . ttUK8ABDfJUIA - ..i ! HATH .-IIOOT aM efr? HATH, W.H.B,l.TUCXAf aetlMf iTky It tf t-- rruiATxutxEa a w. r bih - 1 ,Hataaod etner Batt than any oihal JT UaatA S. ,(l..S AJ(3Wi.M. tfecaose tbev are eaUiag better t " -f ; A.... . " ' t. naarl Brr-