. i ri- ' J.' " 7 1 " f - ti p--.i--f-r-r r .---? 4M 'tSt -j.mii .. r.rv . M. ,.nSs.j"-- W 'T'" 7 r. . r;.f ll.,.,,., II, t THE 8ENTINEL7 josia: 8A.TTr.DAY, OCT03 F,a (23.1876 If - 8 TA TM FAia-SSCOND PAf. - X 'twr$f,'; f ) Tbe following wen oa exhibition to morning but aew. en.triM were bing joiJ , v TaoiOOeBBBBDa, js Dark beyatellion, -Bob Lee etbibited by Out. Kobt, Bemlia, Northampton was., ty bey eteiUoa , ttagmonJfiiQ Daria, Witrree, aed I d tfrtbor. Mott, Catawba ; dark brow ataluoa, W, tange, -&lnnv tminm By ma4e,Feon.e DTi, Joe.' A. Hey wood, Eatalgl j pair by aorte, (m atcb) O. WaWyaaeACa, Baleigh ,. toy .,vt -aUte," G.tW. Wynne C. Raleigh j bay tdaingryTwul" t'tt' Pa'aoa, " jAeckleo. bur., Ve.', bay am Jfally" (-Ugle bit- aeea) T; P, Lm, lUlcigH ; (tf wn " IrUh ' Oirl,T.r.IIUIl;grytafVCny Zgls D. T- Hmy, DtB ty konfXtkw 0. JV fiMTeyDiiTill; Jm. JT. Jeftkiu, dgewmb;diftr'by1 ulUoa Jr -Dr. Kot tSAiwM ; bltcfc ftUy t Bwaty, W Wk $ iom geldiog.'Loir," H. P, vWggoM, P. VgmMt BlUwor lrm gny bone "Dick,- K, W. Motrin fruktia j )bi mt re. Uy geidiac'HlMrgt," tf. W, Pn Wkt black gldiB alrg E, JL Bafda.Obot ban; byoH( fWod; H.ll Barm batnim'. Erase, Cumberland : laf -mi1i N. A Kmb, fohtbam ; rota 'atallio, FliaeC nyoa. wpava, ran u; pair Buraaa rnaica) ' E. M. Adamt, Prj tb j bay mar "Board Wt (L Wbea ar, Wake f ay"; ora'Wrfgf baraeaa) W. D. Joaco, of Waka : gray aaat Jim, f t.' BetyrCnth'adf tlack alliooi wike, I. P. Robloaoo, Wake ; black k-xeej W. B.Wbliley, Edgecombe j eaeati.! iornl,! (atyla, aad atagla safWati) w. V Kmvmumitf yuawaai creaaa Eatuoir MaJi, W Jtdjo, Cbatbim l Wack WMe(aaddlr) Waa, tTttlry, Wake ; pair bay borate (mticbe aad atrlc) P. Cowpar. Pitt Mack bona, (eaddle) W, Aaa, Oraage j eraaa borar, J. Tf( Latu, Oseagu j - mara Auad, fuli, pofj,X."'lC .Campball, " Hoora; etay, baajyajltJob i-'iasi .f batt pBAOoarr atoaafc. - ' ; u Bay .k,ra;'Bl,' Vpcwdrew llodd j : '.M fi.iK . (biood. jXjt,o)i,;Aiafh ataJdua. lUart FfiraT Forajtb; Iroa fcrij atallioa. Jordaa Ttaer. Chatham "! bat boraa .'Charlji,'! pouglaa Bell, JUWgV bay waxa. S.p.Vvrkef; Wake JhpEta ff aMWr ?oha ura,jj-faom wj tuition, rro , lar? li.,, Friaa, Fonjt a dark' bar nara', (blood) K. F. Croeay, Orange black ata'l-J , lioa, -Jaak," . f , CbAtbaa pair i browa horen)atcUea) W.' N. Daridaoa, , Ataoiaccr; blac k liainoii, ''Black Prince - a . aa r r . ii.u.....-t..u ...jrjiitjroot.ji.': i; popd, ' Wak f g t aUlltou, w0ray Xagla," (heary draught) t, J), T. flamy; DBTla,, Va. ; taf mare tilood) A. T. Byrd, Haraet. 1 l ' ';:.,fci4aCtM, .anIB AD,MULa.i . V- . kubt, CL Wr Byaum, Chatham 1 Jennie, : - Jaa. A. Sadtb, Joboetoa pair of 'mttlea, ? ' fatatcbF W. ' fZ, " lUlalgk iiaek, (atMae color) Lore A Moore, Wake4 fBpaa- ! iaa 4arJK. oiaoeaaru, vi aae v mule drwght D. P. Btoadmaw", Wakoj r Jaeki tf JobaBy fiW. W, ; jnWneefe ,.U Wakaij fltutaeoit; AV. tt Wheeler, Wafo J-ia'4Jrow," .P. Browa, Orange mIi of i aaulea. .B..K. .Brow," Ch alien. ; -k ' pair of ahulae, ,V'illUm: A.,CoeprCbab. bAm ; '-bla aiUte. Wlinpojr tt 'Coflpdf, i' r- - aaaicvLTCBAt, iirrLRw(NT. . Tbe. aotri to Ihi duparlrueoVare etry i lalf; among thetn iiime Trery menlorloae ' artioleo receoUy .. pausntod, ttnproTemeata aoJwbfcU7eJil -' by ae, at kirore, attw fboPalrr r Aoiof S the Cootrtboto JJl fhie fffPirl- ioeat we noticed i - -daeaee M, TowWe-o tbia oUy, a Ageal , , for nnrobrt of mauaraatarere,c arts, j)owt, . bkrrowa, tltellera, cuttere, tfareebera, apple Mr. Thoaptoa of tba Sagte Foundry. Tyro,. DAVidaow eouaty, had -twtyvteetn awtde eoatittlBg 4 mowertbellertjilowa, ami w tact aJtaoet eeary tbtag . la tba Baa ol tgricujiaral lmpleflaaia,';,!, '".. ,. : !.... t ' . ... . . .a. i ..BuiivtAju w:aa,rf..tlii , vfttn a.I.i ' . or-fest- a;etsf" three eoteetat f.- tba priaaVCulej'el latBrauifiaad tueTirgioia.::r ' r-f J ..W-jT- Adaroa aad Boa wf Raleigh, bad oa b;l itics a wanoty f lpw tbeir .l?uftdry.a ' Duna A lg&e bt PorreelTille, exbiblt-l B. P, . WUlianteoa bad oa cxbibitln 1 ' Irore bit frww tad itoa toaotlrjli tbn city, r. j'una, res per an4 Blower, abajler harrow , cn"rtai4 ttberrticla,gmotig them i gra:e lor coittotoa re ptaccA, we propria r " t ' i ot'vlkk i ta Sir, J. B. Galea of this cuy, of wbich wa aball apaaJt aaora particu lar! kereafter. '. ' ' , ' ; "XV?t (til P. W.WiitWB ol tide city exhibit ed bW; gacllaMt,'lef beading .Mofalka' eboaed the operatioa of beading. t . j Mr. Ilrtre of Fried burg, Foreytk eouatj tot himealf aad aa agent bad aererai Tory ' a lU 1tVL - A - - mu1 atchiiM Mil iatprmataatas Mtoag tbein (brwbr ad pMator. RUt MM cleiiou', t irraltr hdiw, cutter Ac. I'. , W mm cull Dative cotton gin, ! pa of tb moot Meftil iBTeotioot neoaU Iv pueoU4 l Aba, of tea bio wee lor MioIiOiUUb, wUcbfb duiiuti to eiiertiid, bftldie(fewtftItogMbef. Wo ball ft ttoe thU Mmw tmrre bwftf- t ' ( thU deppBt, wall M la otliere, to wbico wo bope txbiblton will eon oor U- tomloirtody-wd to-morrow. 1 TbLt&-pftretit noticei o'llno lot t A lot of-. cyprott tbinglot from Kter8 by Jmwf t, I'orexoy, genv Tbii a r eelleai mo work, wlib meUl v1t Wiinout packipK, o4 ,n be OMd,, to tbo ordinary way. or witb boee. l ; ptM atockiblbltod br Mr. fbalta of . . . 0 iw ot l ' Hi if tODtleman baa 'rrea Vftrioty of artarlos a4 th. rair-baos, ruroitaro, Uacy work tad 9Mr ijblpg, J aot! Wt Mr. a C ShaJtoi,, o;)BnDcomW coattj etbibitod In aaaspla of bright, yellow, Lam-Brod tooaocov H grow of tbit coBflty.;Tbl la aotBething atw, Baooombe conpotiog ia tobaaoo witb Warraa aad fkunplea of aaaaahctafad tobaaao vara 'amtgJViilk?'' tia, af ITewbora aad 'A.' Qobgood of Oraawilla, aad io amoklng tobacco of tba "Jo. Tor tr and Durham brand, bt fJL W. Kortk '.;$kwtlpgi and yarni from Bearer Crotk Factory. " - ' ' ,t lh4 ,z to n oarrtk add hooi. : - ' r T T'-i, - (allure, la Vary .tat fta being what it ought to brf, both la aam bet aad entity. aat thit demfioalrat M o oUTfefiple the BeOuiel ty "of taktag early alepa'S&f Uprbretueat lo tbfa rirspartast braackof hoabaoiJrr. We aoUCO oa tbe eattle aide of (be arrouade ftoto aawaad calt two ImU -CalTea aaj tbrea beltete of the ' DTOu'trecd, is biliffed by T. M. fJ.Mt, iHiTof Alamaace ; oae floe Alderoy lu'l beloaglng W W, Ti. CDcaureb. lad : of Ralelirb. aad tka ftttlow log tba owaera of .trk.lolp..a..bxuaJ4jMtfta.d oati-oaa foe Deroa hetfer, ewe porbaai bglVoae'leraey bull, oaa Dttrbaal cow, a Upleodld aalnraL'oae' tery fin wraoa twit aau oaa rev asparBHr aauca avw taw eaAVi Tbara fer alao a -laT teid rf UX eattla, beloegwg h U W. H.4awtard, bubaaae, ot awigt, f, 1 Wa eowee ewtw bega.i 4a weir tteMdJLaai tare,' a W Wl4llia dSaat. mt' botWdtUd udinteeftttoweJMe a i .- v.. . , . .. . ' i a, ' T -wA4t ita -t ' .... .. r. l i Dan w n a iw ntniiii. nuuuuuna natire tbeep, but the diaplaj wae aot impo. log, and offi;ra a auarg argument a lafor ft ft dog law. ri. ,, D VT ita allL. fT" Ill additioa to afticlea lb tblTILt tioaed br aa yaaioraay. we Botice tba fol Ptowiogi m-,,iJZi T . i - . r i. .... , .. ;.7 ur .Ki,. -.at a 'B X H. Biigge of Baleigb, cooking and partar etorat aad keater.-' 4 t t l Ut JuliuLXfewU of. r,Wrt ' elOYea'ot varioaa paUeraa, aa.oUiararclea 4 '" : TBaia7TISgo mood, aad;u iurprered bireaad bee kovae MuWoed. !' i J By UHkbloaon aad Bltbop, maaufactur, ara, ot '4fwbe;''"e(P'a iunlaer'backeti ofxcelleo1,obaHtTV;!' . I Oaa doeea Cora brooinl made1 by J. B, Wttaoo, 1 1 blind man, of 8aIUbwry..w - ' Willo batkeia, exhibited byKr. Hega of FuVfliouaft.'l tjfial fc'ikyrkaada in a ForiL:v'' r -;!.. 40aa mattreae manurcturo4'.Vy. Joha BarrtaoaT at tttrvti maker and upheleterer, ftaleigbN v" . -fw f 'era, a "a M II -1 mm j uanomaae noreeiBoee aoa aatw oy m. Duukley of llaleigb."'.!' fuj , in: (m, r AaM(na. BAii;r',r e- UiAltet a rapid aurvey of tbe abote aaraed ToaioXa, X'nrraBt, Eiinitburg, Catawba awe) poacojdwwaa, tiflrge A Co.a'BaeMtfla, A loe article of ttoUBperaeac Wine, Bar CurtM, Alamaoca.,1 Mm WUaoa, of Grea. tilltfb.ad,. ft, pumbet f differeat fasaify wfaeffeaeryea picea;lliea Aeoa as ihitioo. v Cburcbill A WerV ml Uloigh, rliUtej iplendldoi ot Delawara aod Jeriay weet poUtoea. Froeliek, of pop Uwbadlw'ioa oT aorta ; Jeniea f 19 loiUJl 11 cjifferuat aorta of grapee i l(r aenled. Mr. G. 8. Anthony bad M rarietief f fr;--iCr, Wilaaaaf Ortoriila b acwe vwririca at apw -r-r ; -tjj-A J Liudler A. 6nn, bad a toe dinoiajv AwongiLe atiiWtxbibUed bfjtieloT; pritiog Orna we notice- (be following : Ap plea. plet," H7 dii!ereot.Jtln()i l,Tr)efigofJ peartt'of Qainee j SOOkiadf young pie tree ta cbarry tteea .tit eaHrtlaa at PW a I nfctrlna J SI kprteol s 16 KaeberrhM) i Gooeehenwa aod 19 Strawberry tarieAiaay' &.w'ew VBAUail ja. a w aw. a.a-wa- btrdaoJaott Boap. alao Mr. OfanTllkv' Buttar, aad i and ta oierery dekrlpUok wera to bf ucb qurttitlea-wt.meJteil pjawWe for a to r-poejp fJ wheat, peea, Ai of aref , Tkil tholr jwleoUoa, wjra air ,. y j f : rrlri o "Pfte-t 4&eaVktede of o,uiooe j kod aa kfnde It wi ai, f V ) H V 1 E TbaDdildfTJ yuntiHrtrardSreb! ri-l kW. iy well' irt 4J-V4wai.. day'or,(Wogia full "doaerlpWoo';fol flw aamemartke Uat wcro hiblwd. " ; Owing tiba iBUrtttDUoo. coiiMd by W atom, wo wa aaabta to prepara any fur- tbor aotkMiof Pair for UU mmo, t We wiU aiake fall aaaada to-morrow. ! ! O'clock, J- Wat ti Ipced. 1 ;; - JloVdoak, A.'M4AJdraabj Owramor Orabaoi oa tbB uttractorol Vto lata Cblef Jaettee JUaftai k v ',.v...r ., in o'clock, H of, ptmpm. $ oeloek,T.' trial otapaod tr. '' ' I. i - I fi i li. ' i A BaaaEDowit. Tba atom tb Fair groaa' 36t tb-te;toattMeataa aaaiaim aaot aaeat dlaegM aW fiottaidetttrf IS Cits Uoaaaeo aaoyoi'iBie.iiiiiMwi,nnit. Wbtcb 4hrtateB(t to be quite eilooa, but moat of ti&m baruUex' 'muatfll'Jb ' A tare mmUrl? jfcrod people crod. ad low ,tba wiaaicriana' aund wbich had a plank alioltrr ,owr, it Tba aceaaolated butnaaity waa too mack for tba timberi and tbara wa a craab awl a geaeiai tamuie oa ararr tida, broBaUlyM oaa waa bnrt. t IkarUr Urn paaaiaf i.aoaiaia. Uegtaaai had bla umbrella turaed wrong aide out asi tha cow toro awaT," loatiUff Wa bead arWuDoaad fad! VTT- Tbara war aererai Taoea wwwe ai aad tbaU owaort aeroea tba Fair Grouod, la wbfcb, tbvogk wa could aot ktfif pHyteg tba owaara, for tbo Jua of lb taiof our aym'patuiet were wltk tba bat. XbV4aa)U of ba ipottfd. aegj ad kara ad pig.tod aibaa vary uaaMaral cwrwailiet anSerad cooalderablTa at awa titaa U aatmad ibat a frea txbfbttlow' of moaatroai tiaawaaiaarltabla. ,'if. f be atorav tbougtil, great drawback to tbfeVair. waaa arodaaadM a claaa tbe r , ....... s r , backmaa aad pmuiboa dnrt-rf , who iraaie difttell raiaed their fare ffin twintr-flTe ti J . .; .. . .x 1 r ci .: r,.. l IIUHESI riUAUC-AIW U IKNfli veeteuInTV tbe Sim. Couipaoiei of the f. it; paraded n tkaFair otind, tbi arauamioa B0iDglo 1e follJwIpg iordef : Steam, ltd. t Me4aoioafllo, H Victor (colored) Uto. I. Alter me? tag arouad tbe track, there wa a trtttof power; la wbich we nraraa eae Vieko oUo.l) N4, Lota T tbe pl and; foottb: ilom. 4, - .. AaA&U A iwa at tba Matdbnea at mm bride'e fathae. Mr. Cbarlae Boealey, WrWe CHr oa theereaiae of ttaa lata aaat.. or w." w miaewn r aw iiiiav. of tha eoaetr of ioajaatoa. to aire. AaaaMait-r;yr?- ' i ft Wake eeaaty, the eveniag of tbe Utb Oauaav. a me reaiaeaci et tm ont laaaar uy tha aevvjvbe . JtUtaWteaj ear. ,i, aL hreaar, el atytoa, V. a. to M iee Joaaraiaa Pgoaviiaaa tef of Hardy Pool, erf.Meke.t,...-,-. a amitbftaM aa aatarday tba Lai. bnt . Mr. taulujiu. raliet td ibaUla Ur. David A. TatbMi, tUueaaed a Waahiaataa tU CLJH,g! yeMetr.av, aK t ..;..; j la i aaiaW vJa Maaa-ilvaa, f o titMuit iabyw tMi Ha L.?1."!'1.-'- m.Jj!'- A.l a.w .1 .... d M. 1. UiL J lid IKlt i miiii i m ii nn n iTUAT.wt. wih. year affcar 'ftriT -wlww boarv illntwe, Usd aoanfrart the agw4 Baebaadi aad the (Biiwe faaUl hj thlf the Mcdll 9lleg-ioti Ceorgla, "it ft mm ' t 4 m in'O nil f . mm fcouBa oFttfjTtmMta' tbtiMw. I atttatloa wilt be eommeiieed ea the fUtUT: ftmtUinpm v'aaw,-; ' ' " A t tr?'!. ' .;" ... I ., i. v - .a. i . Tat Oeraei.i .v. -e,e.t an: .a. ,..,.,....110$ Matrtenleltna tukea OiWl.J.M.JA.. Praettoal Aaaluaay, . '. l .'. i . t . . . . . . ... , It areduatioe ee.........u............... M. . iaa ' .'jJU. A. DOO At, M. Dv , aetawwit . : " 4 '11 't ..... . . I rewMae;.e)i kiriA .fa ITalUa 250I)ircrint KilJlrurlont. aAa Mr rAIS3iME3viflC. ! ".,f'AWw;BJar l ..T?Vfi,JlagBaltMao.e..a't Udmk. ,1 auaav w a w unwi vmatuTi unfiling wftOu , , . . MlLIMTBXtT.hoaT ' fat Bale byWdthg Bu thei aot lwaVdi.wam . Hardware DvaJ. l .triSAlXaTTAl. PLAar10- MSftlaVIl ttBf.Ali1ttTI FLaiJT- 1 baRHaeWpttmha, .jSn.Uk T mvr:rui iri'r rr',, piaate tor ' alt i.7t . a ' felt newiag t . faMtaMaaglnf . u rd.nmiw . r-J-ubura' tS! :epiLfJllw1W- TitpEEimOLl ! ' V-XIOI IACT0U aa"" i-r Oimlssicrrr Merchants Oaa: b altahar airaat." , ' Uherai aatwaaeee BAtAe ea Ootaoa awlJa - x ALVIHOKB. T MATTE t Or tHt RCHCTJPAtlfg It. appaanag to Ua aatiafaaUoa af the Coart, that oae of aatd kaue at aot a taaMeatot thie btata, li Meawerea, that aarwtwalbTeaeae by t ablteataia la tba Waiaiah Unamat. a. . waake eaaeaBaiTaly. fcw all the kMHra at la, to ..-, ... ...... ii ;;."; . . r aa aw 1 t. 1 ahwaWWi 1 .-.JaaWABaauaaBweUa ,X il 3 aop,wta. ear af tbi-ria aadenalwAee WiV- " J08IAI P. JTSITKb. PaeeuTB Ja. aa. aapt tJ-wea Beak Cewats, jl c ' - - - . 1 , x '., v -V - . K-.,.Jto.--w. nt1a,toSTyft ,WHl. J V .;. tati.il. .... iw......ta,-,e.a -tj...., at.. -a ,(Brt tjy, .-,.wrv,,...s., V---Jt?l! -.w-.b--;.' -t-w -as. fi.i9 ,Y-'-m9f-,.-.w is f rr? sin v....... fw 19 nfflUl dioea freia Xptiwt aommnoa. tbM tba n Frr. evrpe bjoh arrivod then a ie dv ago a pert VAuttoBilfMrlaiMlbeekM ran k uja. aafmlMioa ar eoaetbMorr i'oa ttMia oo. ear veeat, Ti mnmmm .. . t thoUMad fraaea M oe.pU J Hut m tur ballaoa earvioev . " f tbe 17t. i Tha rYaaiaaa are lejriof fcea'r eoo tnbaawM anoar ahraa of OMOraeuuevoi mwmm. Trueaa to lanf fwiujioa a f lXMB, Oat. It) -Xi vwbb awmwuw - - - I'liii la an itt If l t enateaef ol awaae el aeaee aawb reiwaae bet rf IM waipaigm l to aoiwraailjr :befT4 iaJ fcailwillMW w rana ua iw aaatoaaai fdr a loftawkt. Ta fBwawau ae great iiaVjoky ia aayia-aeaiaf tJkear rear and aruoa t.nnn mnai. nog tae eridKa mm Ua ioaa in taW Xi Vfat J aaxt a ea aaout eqaat. Tib Oaraiaaa are mom hi from anpea Bap FiMvatm. -ttefc-tir Afcer 4atiirwawiB T Borne, ThiorirW rt rorTwrrar wnww IjiapMhjr of tha paseio ana ibb ifOTenBwui The ?niA.iiia bare eTnuieJ ib Wfl bank of the Leiie. . 'Ike b. ftuiu M.ar.in a u, uuI4or ' 1 1. ... rt -ivuiua u tub e&ooia. At VaruiW Dtt fruaauua drot wC tbe gsard i il. .1.. ...ri...ru. ii.fi 4 A ot,u a a ui.iMUii fruui Buiua Ck Bat Men aa4 to tbe otaut aaiMtioenl at WaafitaRKwi, ia kiea) he a wti f tka I'ruaaiaua to nut eeoqaeet, bet toeevute Br booucary abiaa mm prertBa rotor loraaiua oy toe r.Mw. ' A dl.patcb t. the traanane have eoa BMewed bi'Babarduig Cbattaaa Dna. The aray et (be Puke of HaeUeuborg rWhwerin, 'ti,M atrong entered HoiaaoiM oa oaaday. " ' UfioliU OiafMktobee T the rVabMia ee tared Cbaitma Oaa adar tea boure fightiaf '1H rreoeh diepatad ' every laoh trf gnnuia, noth ing lAotal Irvn the anatoe aoOnaaliiig Okkeaea. Tbe bcb am aWatf bOba bcJt.bile (he, Purtiint are itadraaung auaurda Urifaua. Tubre to filWd with fraaah trauma jiwt arrived ' A eurtie troa farie eu tbe lath wae driveu back. . atAiim - la Nw TdrkanttoaqaoUd weaker, aatae I Sue batn Upland tu) ; riusr aoaiawbat araat, ao Batariat ebaiige u ante ; Oeia )8. I Lomdok, Oel. KrBuch war ehipe are la aiifbtce' tlaaibura itt uinuti. ut the Kibe. Pre. paratioaa are biiug unl to intat ilia Fraaah veaaato la tbe Woatr. 1'be Uuriuaae huve o0 ad f rt;-ilr MMk-baleiu AlaaaM aad Leraiaa. the bruaaaiv Mi ("If "yi aaye 1'rochu aad oeia otlitr MmOni ut tb P.oviaiouai (ruvarOr uusBt tavei' iaca but Uaetbetta at taauUeeole Ijuudua Ttinra aa ertMito ou tbe euauneutaJ I ixiwwr Mr a uav i inaaiea auciHirea l w.. tbefelAU WD ouuit a Itotu he Frt nrto-Oovern- Bietit in Unfcia to iMKtial a hmn ' A circulil baa bra ivailad lo lbe Italian Oov upZUudl'p7ieBi. All t)l Uety -eea to oeafl. onltirtbal due botor tud reaeta M hie vatee may bo ptiJ him ijtlut China aivleee are mire peeifle. ' It aairt that Thkr will iu ga at Tue a f hB ateuiaia (aoH. it la btlitvt U at Havre that tbe t'aitetl Hialwa will lulf nrrua to aava Pari loia b.utruavaa, JXwi Khiev 4 Pna ao t iweeac t m4 by nter. ara U di fauded. Tbe laltabi. taanaara determwedto eoateet ewery toMb ol anud. ;. itaau.uet. ju.. i be rronnaat eorreaeea d ee aawepapwr aaya,' reporta e p-aee etr tareeahonio be reetived eauttoaaiy. - There wt4 be ne puaoe autil franco to taught tba ueeda of Tlx Proaeiaoe will not be ready to attack Pa.ie earlMer tbaa aaat weak. a'reBarationa are pro- greaeag by tba Ptaaataaa ta tdoiate Xoare. CvmmanioatauMi waa laure auty eeaae at any mouieut. j-tuatod. Oot, UTba Pose ei ljja good beaxh aud remaiua at It tmt. i -. ,v, i -v MfagoilK. iw Toaa. Oot SS The VeraUt$ apeelal dla tub from Berlia aaya, the eepitaiahoa of Mela it reoorted. Tbe wiuwtariai oraao deelaree tlatt pnaee negotiattoua by neutral powere are aauUwa ffraMoa moat haraalf ana (ur peace. j violent earuittaae aa lait turoagnuat the ewnBtry at ct iwatuafatutk to dag. waa die tiaoitr felt bare and at kvubaueatady, llow York, aeoule Ijd terror etnck a ta,. tha atreeta At yiii hue the baihliogaewaytid aad people rnthed iiau Mia a.rwia. .. ObUt. r ; . CfcatTiLAao, Oct. IU A Viaible eartheatk wae aeverw tola morning. It laated Aftaaa 10 twenty aueuade, all Ut huildinga awayed to and fro and tbe oocapaate flid into tba atraete. . Tbe arme waa teH at Mvalv.da. Pa. cannot tree it - f. avAtJit . . . AeooTA, OjI. M.-A gale oa yeeUrday proa tawaa au um g aoaaee ou owan uiaoo. ; , WABBISQTOM. " , 1 . WAaanoTOa. OoL 30 Tha riamnamenl aa! thvritae he ho. know ledge. ..of the repotted pfnpoeitaaa irooa apaia to aau uufia,. , The ebock ef the eartbqaaba took a north- aaateraly eareetiea. Ik waa. leUta maey loeaU- ft awiw-rtoa. oA IuUib m. i&Mt 1 .w. tdriicb alarm van oanent aiuoiig the people employed la upper etonee. , , 4 ... J voBKtoir. iLeaaea, Oet.ai. -New Breaeack aerUed ea Bbtarday kilaaf and weaadiag twa kasdted aod eavtuniiK tlurir.. ' twoaa. Wet, A ThaPrnaiJaaa are tateaatthg tewerda Pane. tToiding a battla with the French fereetoa tbe leTt atjeh ef the tirei iDiapatcbte rnm Boaen -Lilte and Botfaat, thow the doWaaiDBtiaa to raatot tba emuiu.. 1 b be alMta ajaear a. large rrench foroe uaa .aaaaaewa . 4 - E ,. ; 1 "V 1 w--n-wr- j Maaeart4ja, Or. ISLrhere ware Jmmenee paeiae auoif.btiae ia thw oii to-day.. Many thoaaeade ef aiataaed eittaeoa Aeseiabled. - KHriaTAiaiEt; Tm''' iAGKICTltukal Pt'BPOSS W... AWAT4 "A. PKJCK: M aa aaw.taa a aa. k. a.u a eabaardof eatw,. j . a.-.tal.a aL:- Ajr DAITCT, ,f auavJl-Aew2m v , v a;urlolk. f,. i " FERFIMZCnftl t - ... .m. t'EitriLir.eniiti T7 Inrfte the atteBtioaef afar Aa v. - tioek of VTirl,l..,TL'i ! ; msDiaaiiTOTrazm: laaiiaiiug iwpnrr er MO;l.ttril w itrrawaw - , aa am aa vav A AW Vaj ; ; T-ajgJAAAPB GUANO, A-WOSPWITEB, i-Mvaui.0 BO"B, - 1 1-A !f D PLASTER, - -. ACBItXLTl UAL ilMC. Price Hat and raiaa ml aiv,. a..1 .k.a 2. apvlieaUoa, " P- V..sJLi V o.. ite W.t4efC a HfaMwiot r . . . Borfclk, rjexDEiwiaa-Etr wATifvo thk .' of Augnrt 18711, qati-aeaV ee ad- SlaTflS? W hiv7 elaiat.' .ga.nS at wuiuua BL aaa jU.'J K. I to hlTlHlvlitoT ihl2oi'tC ,"Ai 'HIT aatheaticatvd ua or jS.bYurefo A .7 Ilia Aittalta m eat una,CJ A k , a... A I - ntediala aeyatent. I eepttl-a' Adatr.' . .1 .li. i.i ji ii.i , all rlawiaS ' l dt-tetnoirV aw .rw.tu.'--c.-W5trl iab'WirjoriRrariirf,u. r-fioirW'bf-CmBinrtffeN -r-ww.i!?ii.rs,tTrar?W : tdawrfJHjavWu,. "i5--' 'T5S: leu rraut-a iriKKit'i ancimrmi i .1.- ri r :,r a iu iui.u... n . v.uit. ruiuif. . ...a Hub,i.idi. . p Wa ara authorised to annooncaC B. Grwa. Xaq. e Durbma,,OraBga ,g aa a eaodidata f r Keadtrg or Aaoiataut Clark f tbaJllQuae of rtopruDtaUra is tba nest ytoorat Aaecmuij. -.7 i Door Zee par to too Bcnatc : 1TTI AUK KKuUKai'tU TO AIMOCRCK V Mr. J. J. Bovoreon. of Haabara.ae aoaa- 4140 lor bvor-keae- r to the Senate id tbe p- aeeaouing ueoerai avaaaawij. -ii i r To the People of Waka County. THKHfcUf. aauuuuc Ajaxir. aa eaudtdat to reDrratut t CoantT of Wake ia rbe Uouae ut ttepreenteUee. of tue si(t (Jeiisral Aeeem ui. te. k r.uA tit ti. A. HAia-e amsMaed. ? ' ' 'jb UooaariratiTe Democrat, aad if elected wUlaerre ruo iai huUj to Um beet bit abilitj, tt I. .i in. A. C-ARIf... .'.. ' . RaafK-atrBll aJtaeVBOe to the ajambera of tha : banate of the iiegt Oouwai AawroWr. thai 1 1 nail be a"canEJio"R)r'tha "puiillou Aml-T fahtlTBaaajBl- EJWffl.'rSortwyw BUD. a- Ull.tjfAAI. ,nr'f'ir.i, , r , t'riiUitO0oe Co. rBUill'll.tl.ktKiV Tllll Uaanw. TBPrtAeof SaiutMNTOJl A. UlLLEI, of LMJwjl I m.,ut),U aroawuv hw ataaia, Wmtint'lii HH i'ni.eiyal Clerkabia of the Hoaaa of tteareaoilativea uf the net Qaaaial Aaanaaiy-- t- . ' arwat atnuaiwaaina fimmu.. TtiK are reqaeated to anDoonee Mr. X. W, VV PUWU, of Booa Hill, Jobniton aouiity, aa a taadidate for the poaitioa of Kngroaatug Clerk; la the next Oeneral Aeaemhlr, ' aet iCt-toW '. ir CABO. WE are authorised e aaaonaee that Gee U O. Horaili, of Eliiabeth City, will be an avplioaul aa the BMetirie; of tBCBeilUeaeral Aaaeaaaty. Ibr aha aefoiateaeBt. of PraaeioeJ literk ta tba BaauUe. Ueta4rae Cone rvalue, and aefce taeaa(iuei el hie party frkuade. Oen. ttpraill, waa, formally yeare, a member ul tbe gaaale, to a tbuuab awameee aa,-we arqa.iatad with all lae deteila, aad faity eum aettBt to dtaeharge, all the duUaa of that oai- "00- "it'll ,iiti.art ., (( ' 1 aagST-ewS; " VKiaCirAt. ctcalk 0 uxatk. WS AJtK AUTHOB1ZKD TO AHNOCNCS . Mat. At. W. Kork of Chatham, ae a aandi drte ar ti.a I'muupal Qlerk of tbe aWmate ia theJ neit -uaevarai aaewoiniy. . eept v tr. CAPT. WM 131003, DrtOB O? TBI TAlW bore itoalAerner, will be a oandidate for tlie BoaltloD of KsaJniK Clark of I ho llotuo or lie. praaeotativea at the next tesaion of the Quneral Aeaeatbhr eept Attar ArrRotrizan t mm- aoauoe t. A. PAHHA Lib formerly ol untBTltle Ooantv. hat bow of Wake oontr aa a eibdidaU forborulluig Utork'.'uf the 'Hoaaeof Hapiaeemaiivaa" ia theaext "(Haaerai Aaaootbly. ept tT-tf ....... . . . Wat anai avihwhikbd tw aw Bowaee ALbKBX a. WU44AMS. of Wak. an aotive colored Ceoaervative, aa a candidate tor Aaaiatant Doorkeeper bf the fionae of Kepre entatlvwe. eept IT-tf WK AWi AUrUUfUZ iO TO ANNOUNC3 Addiaoo Pu ry, of Wake eonnty ae a can didate fur Aaaiatant Door-Keeper tat the Uoaee of BepreeenUtivee in the next Oonoral Aaeem bly. oot 8 tela Wl ABR AUPHOKIZeD to annoanoe that D. rOfl4 W. PAOB. of Wake County, will bn candidate for the aoeitioa of Bnaranaa iDg CAeietlif theaextlcgiaUAare. ii eept iv0w.Ywat. TOXlt T. BILL of Htokva aiiiiimnoon blnianlf U aa a eaadkUte for Principal Clerk of the beaate. Having aerved ia that capacity for Uaree eaeaioaa prior to the war be doeraa that fast, aad tha feet tr.at be le a Ihoreagfa Ooaeer vauee; a etifhoierit reeommeadatiult. oot 1 tf - - ' The wndereitrnad having takn mil UtfB nr raaminiiTBiu who iaa will anuejaU and duly lBuu mm IQi-ll IV VHP VaWlB Ol tUB lttC ti. t. l. WUnama. faeretbr aivua notice luaJI miih having elairaa agtmst aaid eetate lo Dreaunt them for aaynteat, and aU pereoaf indebted to aaid eel ate are requeoted la oome forward aud pay the eame. Thia tba ith at October, 187fL BDacUECT WfllrtKB. Adm'r. oot le-d&wlw. STAlKur AOBfH CAB (UNA 1 ftnOemirtJr Superior Court. Bilaa IQchale aad wife Loo iaa. Arnold T. n.i. dree, aaa .wife Del ha laaae Weathering aod wile Penelope, Plaiatiff. r" .11.,..., . - -ayewet ... Beajamlu JiifSif and- Bailie t. oTQr nl wife aad Serena Taylor, Dofondaotak., - , , ' Hatha above named eaoee the petition ra orar foraaaleof the lanitt or the lata AirmJ a.i which have deeoeoiled to the above named parti xe at hatra-aHw, atd it alao apix-tring that the defendaute ara aon-reldenta at the 8tate thia pabiieatioew made for hem ti auoaar at tha next tana of the Ku parlor Vonti ta ha hu t tie eonnty of Pitt et weOwart aooae ia Oreoi -vtifB oa the Nth Monday after the Ird M. a lay ia Sept ea bar 1870, and auewer or demur to a jd ao. tjoa or jadgma.it ftro mtftma wi.ia, Uken ae to them end a daem eve audit. j-- - CAuTIN COX. V ,Cle'k feu pei lr C ort, T AaPK Y LIT 4 A'trWT.TiS,'""iV,, IT r : I bnccaOBe. add two Junta IHifaBiai uaua a UU-1 1.1 nST .t ..TrT - rai u w.AOVAiA,Ju a, Ui ATJTUREBa-OP - THE- UNRIVALLED I Virginia .CdttoH'Haf II t.D.i.1 ,n . , " ..a. - v w " 0,J -t?nlliUOTEp. ASD . a. " - - k A tea ainn r rweammaaa bltbi Bi-tuw nevaaaa.a a-. WW tka .1, r.T?."?. Peaa Be "wwaiiiiv Aurvie HHni. MataVMrv ui ttU PUEH8 a. far MBWm, la.yrT Z7 weaian ramiea our'tMlabr trJ -U. ..... t r , .f j r-ar. g. i"ut tfkit.j.i,..v' r. ' " it- UT iai-.-aaa 'Calebrtted ITORSK POWER OBaBINO, with whiaw two hereea aaa da iXa ordiBary powera, at the redaoed priee if as? 00 TAPPJ5Y, LUMSD A CO , work at lojr with the eept t7-wAawlai ". - :' : t. .) i.' ., n i a, i xm 'TiTB OP KOHTH CAR01.15A, .J ) . , Uaasviu Cooara, 1. ( 9 i.'j fataaJSoTwa.oaCopBT. , Riair If. Owgorr'aM Thomaa i'lr. Varrow,' AaaettMaoai iteuo T. Urrar aeo'd rhmttO. ( VDA.;!aS!w7W tag Ire aaiahnnaiiaaiiidiiil to avtaaton' ItiH A. fcfetw, .UHulafsadaM abuve aamed, a e be hxaud witbfa 70 uf auaaty. to appur at the offlbe a tae Otoi k amf tbaawtxa-toe Oearfcaar the aawatr of Oraavilie w tiim BfiT daya after tbe anuoa of thuaaannona 00 Urn1, e4lnatr ' of -the ay el aueb aamea, aad aeer 4 be avBauiaiW aeot ( wfaioh to toaaed witb Una eejnmuae : aiui wt arm late aotMe, (net H ke rati' to aawer taw aaid eoamhuat wituia,lba tiaut, tbe yuuuilf will juagiiMuii ror ai.e bobi ut oaa tuuuaauu one bauilDMluai.araaodUilru ar eeaU. witk taw tenet thereoa trow tbe 27 0 day o AuguW 1WH it petd, tod for ooata of anit uareotiaii at a, ana of una aumiuotia maae daereutra. (uvea ander toy baad acd the aval bf aaid Owawt Una atta rfaa.rtf Cleik auurvf Court UuitvtUe CouiiVjC r - 'W-lleajawrwrr -laV-uf, etna that tbe tuaiiaoua in tbi actiuo. of wbkih "iherWfejfurotf lal Wipy, -wWBle UT (Be omoa Of the mere ol u mtjiertor uaa rt rjr tiia euaaty of Oreavtlle to the Ooart rloaae at ix(u'd on the 38bd.y of (Upturn otr I87i, 'i be emu defoHtliuit aill faribor lane booea vbavilua aotioa eea mesOvd lor tba n-eovoi y of ttiaauiu uf one tbooa aud one biiodn d d.Jlam and thirty are oouie, due by wood, wchiataraat ibaoti at tbe raAa ut aix p r nui, pet auuniu, frvia tbe x7u' day tt Augirn ino j aad Uiat aiciiard u ore (jury aua ll' SM r,l arrew, axtwatort or IHwri b, AW . .1 4 .... f I . . . . ... . .7 ... . . .. i. u .. i., uv . r.immi iu m wu whwu. baaiae apabod lur ar.de4jtab.ed a waeratit Of at. tajatiBMia.tbefeia atrunat tbe twevartr e aaid Drnry A klarruw la the aaid ooanly of Oreaeihe, unable at tba entoa ol-tbe Ctaea or the superior i.uurt a'ureaud ou tbe IWb Ua of kovtaibor tH7U.be. tbe aaid Lray A. alar row. ia reaelieitao aboeaa iAmu aud tbara aol auawwr tbe oouiplaiut ul tbe plauUOe itt aad aauoe. ouwrwiae the plaiunn wi.l taktl Jailgmeut aKuot turn tharciii for tbe aaid tutu ol mm Ibunaai d one buudred ilolla bod Miirty-tlre obii, wttb lutereat tbereeu aa b oreaaid, aaU lur ooata td C.EftU.- ' Ckrk bupkrajr i uurk, oot l-wew Uraavtito lotuity Oieentdmnt', K. C. CtTAIK UF bUUill UAlMtUMA, ; O ,v Urim Couvrt. jj lit raa Rureaioa C'ocAf. ' " tl W! Ctl Murray, Adia'r uf Polly khmy V ' 1 aevtauw - "' Thoe, M. A lino and wife hfanry, Jhtaiee A da ate, Mary Adame, Cbarlea Adawa, Kate Adaiua. Jaaiae 1. HwiBilull aod wife teay, Kdwwrd Ailaa,v Fauoy lain, Minora k'arrall. Atary Ki.rroll, Ai.ua ptnughao, Kebetca Jiuee, and known aro nox-rraKleuia ot (lua Mate ; the Arat of the Nitta i,t Nw York, anl ttaebtiutrt h.iivd touamiaefttatewAAaaiiiakeA B.f.- a li la tlit-relore tidnr...l ihat tiuuSIcatlou p luaJe in the ' Kateit;b ManriHai, euhliauad ta the City ol KalaigU uueo a weuk tor aia weeka aiicecaalrely uotining tha ttiil dsfttiulaiita, tbat tbi petition baa boea Bled aad that their are r, qmriH to apoear at the office ot the Ck-rk 01 tliu iiiitiii Court of til.- r .uuty of Hydo on the 2MthdayiullJoioiHW ..1). IH, tOfiat. aoewar or demur, aa they uuty ee lit ux julgmeut will ua caawn yro rurjmto - - - - AA1'L H. 8AW.KH, Clerk . eeptS-wOw . tlydenuperier Court., ST ATM OP hOSTH CA&IM4NA, j lA tteProhatt' QuiiZ"' ' Wifllim T. Dortch Plafutiff. ' ilowi!. ; - and wife Mary,, ioktt Wepbeoa, and: ai'e riarahv rnuiauu nauij aua wue, 4an cmuu aua wilu, uid owpnaiiaana wira, irwia Tjrraen ana a Jta John Hoi oman aod wife, Uefeudaato - Tba Plaintiff, who ia tbe giautee of Calvin' H. Woodward, oue of tha beira atliv bf John rtmitn aeo a, late or the eonnty of Wake ai HlaU ef MotUi lOaroltoa, alee thia petition obtain diviamn ot the lauila of wWcU the aid oun rim a niea aeiaed and poaaeaaed and which ha In theoauty and btata eloruaaul. J. Huurioraun Wood aad wife. Mary, John Ktppbeue ted wife Harsh, Franklin haute aad wifa. Klae BauUt and wila. Joiia lLilloniarK and w le Hinboth, aud John Qreaa aud aitn. A-a- rmtdauta hi Una tdttoa, wb.o are aot rendenta of inia mud, ara re;aii4 u appear before me, at uij vuiwv iuiub uuun nonaa m tne utiy or atai uigb, ea teatulay the Hat of Noeetnber next, or tim pluutiffj will apply fur the relief deoiaadod in thecomolalut Oiveoaader my hand aad real' the i uourt, thia xoth HeiiWmhor A. I). 1H7 .87 oet .ww Judge of Probate , STATE OF HOmh CAROLINA, ) la Tiia Sfjvuuoa Ciidbvl M. H. Brown, and othera. t. The heiri of Jamee JT nrowu. ; . i'Wiftoalu tuakt rtoi taloe Airnt , --TttppaWng-TCih ''CbVraTrrpm''al&"uavlf' '' in. imwLiuuan Miaa ine neire ar Jamee r . Brownarenaa-reMdaiitauf Uue Htata. It la therefore ordered that publication " be made M the Kaleigh hKTiKL, pobhtbed ia the Ci,y ei Baleiff h. otice a week fr tlx week boo. eueJjv!y, notifying the aaid DefonJanle that "' pmimni uaa hwq nieu ana mat thev are ra qoired to appear at the uttioe of (be Clark of the i.iperior Court, of the oounty of Wake, on the 2lat dkyf otobe. lOTOl te ,lead. anaana (buuur,aa they raj aru ttt or JuUgmaut arui he taken pro coitft tso, " , ) - ' ' "epr lrr ,w, , , w ', V,ar UP oort Wake, uob, tairga te thh waFiawat. arareaaeateal lo : ennaaaaa ISDinbtnw OK ML eoloreiL aa a eniltAia for n,. feViperto the rtaim ia tie Be it Cleeerat Aaaetn bl.. Bhaa,baouBt)Uwei4raerTative aU the tim. , . ' , ; . ;.eepH.lri ' fat. wttij a- rd jAV. r -r- . - t -.ismmi i.-e brf irjMffiaflwVae -swaswra. r:- - 'i'iiaiJi " ' T" MrhM.I. OF B0CH IVWENNH an Waa reiv arm i "'8 ( M - ouu, wna me a rnvtettae that Ibev mimt .a. a. mi . . .... i eo-biaation of the aratatid "it at atataiaaaav. - e'u would reaotaatand Ace ; I Patarebarg, Ya. TTkTTl r f e WVllULI-. Tfat -r-w a I ... I 111 AT w ffaeaaaA 1 i Ml THf-3RBATE8T, vbwg? ara. J JLdF Mm Avw.il w an .1 wf tw f TW a ab dk ' aiil icrflmr "' fTtlJt; rroprletor doet aot - JL . ,7" JL ejrvered ura-ah6Bt whSoJl are ropryeotod to m. raraJ.. 1 . av tia.itJi je. i : w --aa.. AA iiaal LaUadffuuaieS aeeat eared by thai, eap.no, viu mT and tba araaa 'waa Wul.juijr' aiaba luriabaaa uaimbri ZZ??" aad oj extra aSurt to totoodiaaauW wit aa woWenbw hame,:?. .'r" haTZ? , akme oa tbatrawa aerto etaal trail, and you will then he eoovSl." . H f!S . TV tJUboT" ?e UUA UA4tI0B T4Q2XAJL1 aTVm''! Iheorlde jrwatrenwd, fcii5i'7l Uaada, lUitmJJyJ ' aa rfoeiiU Box. BrnaU Box M a? "'t. " S?? -uag -.ye..ahmlltlll"e) lbgi'ew.bto tZwmJZZ?;"" uoa ia tacVa.foliy ttnut T! h"a ruej ia my family aad It adordi i at TZLr ere ta reeomaiead a ma. vtrtaee to my awKbboare aad fneoeiT.'" tMaVeaWeWaetoetmew ' taopwol.,. Theaofailineur ' Bek A-bJid Aahe Pota ZiT' S Back aud butf Juiuta, Kpa-aiaa. tra ttw : ubapi urn m-ai. rr "MiT7. uauu Uie auafloldtm it btuaa au-J.., "!"" ire 41 or ta bante the lmTt m to aim. Ul atw vtlttZ' ' by tbe Phyakdaae waam ataad toJitM iu.tr Auiir.oi Khcauieue Uwat?!; Ud he w edua teheved wf huZ?J? , al hf ile awe baa' aae eomplwiely reefairMt to bia ft JZ?I?T " aaait prompt aadi aha eu nug run. lave aaa are b ..udu;. It. epaTar?u' aoare Heepeet, ...tjnTTlk it. aelf at bed. A parcbaaad a betue ef year Aa caa fcliuu.tic Linliueut aod l ua hppvllT tana you that atter aeiag ,w wet - war n'-l .. Ill wp M VWI eOMUMJalt cartul, b baa heeu cured now tea oeiLluli. baa never bad any return of the aala ama, aa nowaixty-unreatvuld, aad it ewia meal hoaltli and haa ae good aae ol kiBaaifsui aa ua baa bad u aa yaara, iebaUatwaya mm. mXUPtm ...... Xuana Truly, . ? T . , COHQJaEIOH'9 JJXALQIt The great cure fur iitapepaia. liiaiiaA Cholera, Cofle, Cramp Calie, tkolort MurM mck dtomaiw aad Yaitm, Paiia tea tv footh Aetae, Aa., Aa, irtae tt a BgUie. hi OOfea. ... (j , Would yoa be aacors from th pain and tnaa ing cuiiaoqui'Ut upouaadeb-a atU.;ka at luuu ache, Coke, CTaata -Jbeiai Murbe, at,' Ae , theu procara at outea hettlt of .Aettlot ' Waxa Cwjrrt N C De. lihk, m ' MrrMuHk OlfHfUtuni ttoer Btr, alma at a expreea my Lhanaa to y hit tua baatt ad myeelf aae family have derived trow tba aa 4 your moat exorbent atedieiue,' OoeghHae'a a talkie, whieb Ijr tbe eura ef Tenuiacin oaaaf he excel ldr and I but apeak tat bub "atvre wa aau ntaaaa ia waaua toe vtnuai aaat. gie ia held hea l inluraa yoa that atjr M&wn, eutuw frota all parte of tha beightwrtwuiw a Hurad et ue TwnbaaBu by tU Baw'.tbmlai It in Hunt t re of eaaue, aad t baa aavat ttuti to a aragte iuetauotv ' ' t l kT ,.lti ll i atawOBBlrwaf aBwt . ' . Jnu U. Buu .-r . . r-. :t WAtrertorwaBO r . . i I U : i 7i-i t .al.i V. .tJOhOlITOa.-j-;. if . i . -r. Paarataohta, ltaen(b,lC To whom all otdere araat he addreaa. , j- ' For Bale at aU the ilrug buraa awl Pm-1 ia Mediemegoaeraliy, ... ..t. yt ,. -' ll" f1!? .b. K.. - "aifuau, uu dtueara.- I'vatu,! . .4 :iit'' u- au. 8-aiy. STAT Of KOKfhl CABOUStJ OatABVIUUe Cucatt, J Bomaioa Ootnt. tor a j LuuatoidA raaehtJl,Ad!itr.ofBBdalirttja: deed. 71 ... , . .' . 4. .... .... ..dgaiaa 1 . Jeiaee Potytar, Suui M.'wlfe Wti Klacnbouver. harah A ia?lf tJ i-t...l. ...A Mulisaa W. Beaalev. J.n a . 1 k.l.. .,.,! cbildmn of Irene Lon danckter of tb imaat Who arerealdenta ut ibe aVUteof geatiwlj. U apiieariHg to the Court lint tbe Kewuiaa, Satan M. wife Of Benjamin Weeoboover m A. "ierfCha4rleUaakall,MelitB W. Bf" Junea 'J. Bealey, and tha children ut It L:aoB ttarWkvfjrlkaantaiia.uraaaaM- deni a, i . to thertf e nrderad that aali Maiia b nayle lor tfaem in the ntimwtL, a aae. p.f f liabed ia tae ertyaf iiaieie Ajt ijx aaeaa una a.vely.nouijuig the babe ana appear bmeroti JJiUrt at tbeDlerke Bffloe ta OxturdVea ttattra, the tilth aay of Wsvwmeawaexr, laae aad a Id plead, anawar nrrt-mnr u ika aud aauua; (.therwteeuhe eameinli be taken pre aa ana heard Cjrnt at to them, m. i". O Veil HmIm. ... h..J . im (UtmtiW STtk tHyofButwtubar a. IW ' ' ' "' , ouporior Coart araa.ua Ot. One Awaw -4, m .fc..re aa; .! 'f"''.-'"'!!1 g"l 4 i "" 1 ' imf w ,QTAIB OF iiOBTH CAipUSt,! &r?mm.imrmm-trn&mmm1A..fa V Mefeviev tavlr-' A. h- Woodeil, Adm'e of S-!" ey- flooTRelriroodan, David 0. Woodall, and Jaaea Thoraaa, tiaaev aod Ian WoatlaJl, iataat ebUdraa Of Af . J. W0adx.n Amm'A. MtaM'Ha'BB) , for aeaeitti The peiHfon bf the plaintiff having ht Bd en thie 17th day of ttoptember A. 0. m, the onderaigned. Jadgeof I'rxbate ia " and eoaatv, aad M appearing te tbe Cvtiiae the defendant David ii. Weodall ie a dent of thie Btata. it ia tharelore ordered vr Court tbat pabftwtioa ha made weakly enceaaaiva weeke In tha "rrMTmii." a paper publiahed ia tbe Citv of hl?li B'I7J ttwaudeatVnoaataltha flaarefte MMMMln. LI. ... I ..J UinMff B oftlce of aaid Probate Judge la eeid uij euu time. Mil Aaawer of OeBerwraam r -r r the easae will be lakea pre roafr.at "" . .. . . . , -iJfli, M hUU, ' ' - , , . i..i of PraWa & kt Brwaaa, Attorney for J-iauiult ' ' .. ; aent 1H.bw ' - f 1 '" 11 1 i ' gWPiqiloa coiiaTi r.lTa-B.T1ntiBr af HweHlila ""ObwaIibiimb. ,-txitafe"urtBvl- feaaUPJ. aaaaaaAk I atll naTAl Umbmttti taiaieUMif fc Hugh Lamming mmiMi i 1 l. . ........... Muallul j,. . i . At Komrntn, a, Joaoph Cummieaa, 1 . mine Herbert ftamw.age, bwh, V.'. " S nereart vjaaiaiiana, ,aa fainee CwatmiBge tea Peaa-too" d. tf they be iW4 withla war tJ. d apoaei Wowtl.aJud'aofertl ' t , tdbo held for the Owetr ef and Jamee CaatmlBge taa earned, be aad Court, to bo held fx e womr j, the conrt ;n Iiaoa '"j., .) tier taa .b Atuaday ai -rfw-"" j, ,,.w, tk. ,1.11,1 el.ich ai 1 b !'"' -7, .l.. ai - u.. . ik tka antarwr l" taad Coaatv, within tba tret tbraa aext term tb-raoL aad lea the bdWJ kvka notice that if they fatl te an." ' . eoinplaiut within that time t9e tuuBt- ate ta the Ouart fee the rouaf aeavaaaw- -. , eoaiptowit. ..., ...j n - ., , ' w a"T THraof nil aoi. aad of th ia namf j of aaid Cowrt, thia Srd eay of 0eeaH , due retnra. wvea anuer mj vaaa ra. Coet Octg WW

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