,.-ir Ti, -.TSOTiwL.T-ia : K. k iff' ( tri:-.ti a -axaaaBwa" a 11 M l M 1 1 II M n u n III mx, .t . lj it; ir I! n . m iii mm am . m i 1 11 IU II II 1 1 11 II7.II771 tl sJ t 1 13 a In?" iht- -i a ' 'ii I, Si V VIA x. ' .If) m'u , I ' 4 t 1!, " j . , JL isjoofhti opened Court ia m ' kll OB t M IBM one BUgM Bnbal l rpt-beg Hoaor, oa the propriety, proapt attendance ol Jadgea Id Co.rts. Toorgee bed beea is tit I pwtponieg thwBiiof kuMDory ' WedaauyTOuredty, lad eWeOme wen I th seooed Monday oJO U 3aBk;.! Tl hist above alluded to ha, perhaps, had charted seas who p mi.HHwrtt telieitat Balta, at aw avggaatio ffd J la Jadg to tktrjr tbat aay paraoa order wg or idJfflCtHoagh Vii pmett uA W direntay wa iolly IUbl M If Tb JttdW bmild not git tlw . oo aided 4 Mtd In an aaMul Waji g ilty aatsoM who mad it. At thtiMRielMiaa rk obrf(t OmmwI Blpba A- Duaglan wai called to go before t&fgfcftdTorj'? tt "h failed lo antwer ad wu failed (( j Joba fl, KoatliM, BoMea an:irelrf, H. T. Doaber, agatatt Got. Holdam wbute, aad Alexander Baffle, WkeV. 'witb otBera, lor aBattanlt ibU.ttrJiaiTttTor, Jr. No bli I kUyet rAen domt' Boeher left, tajlng bt bad Kirk is emtody. Doagta promi lag tote)erapb(iot bimjlbetUould be Jndge Toargae once tbreateaed tbat if tbe grand jury of Orange bad preaentaeV him, be would bare ordered ererj.ooe of tbrm to jail. Ia ft anbvqaent public meeting ot tba people of Orange, io wbioh ooi of tbegcand Juror participated, they ptd reaction to thettffect tbatv if tbe jadg tboild attempt to put tba grand Ju ror in tby woulJ make the court bout Wo hot to bold bit Honor. j If tN gtand jury coold lot preent JWtfJtbout tbe ritk if being teal to Jail, 1 tbey mm Bad it a dangerou. bUtine, to preasot flj Governor. If ra tbaa hali fba ealw)ttdgeaoftba &ttibjijjie4i to arret tiev GoTernor for Mat flagraat breach of enmtB ibw ; uu . think tbelr laJSi FH ,ucn weight with aa Orange tfouoty grajd jury. J. B. Neatbery 4 Co, eame in oa Tue df aeeniag, after tbegrnd jury bad ad; JoareeTfti "Co-" ailadedto.coaeUd o( CUrll Homer. T itM 00TTB r4 r OOt .uhlB -.iuk to kii JwnfUih 'atiuui tuhfwaJ vaeilT beireve there will be a true billfouad tgtinat tttil r-it"f before, .the wbek U 4Ktw .i''1 2tiilk alwttoB aa bit cutet ciaim '"""wt WattHP11 tbaordiw7iompiiont of the dema- gofwi;terti 4'WWHerfweirad kept aloot ijQftvUM thaokbn ol B4tioal; trick- m HkttcBBbfitfadpti''. VmA mmt llMtlmd Ul wit r iuioi bopea in thtarairarlx HU meniaftafibW-ftnd hut unl Ahllaaitie tatUfled b. that he would b an auv tre7eAb ily polUiciani, provided, be coj Dway "ed v Sell. hat. aley tbia reTJan aA.Wo.iB.Ari f vialdad bimtelf to th diabolical fl fHold-?oH-iA,,to. oootrol tUotaotfo -4o- w(4thw ItadUal. ta Soath Xr-tiw bb4 Bihor Bootbern Buk khiM-rt-by U V.w Terk torryM otoetioas by sjmllaf ageciea,'Wave ao room to doobt kIel4) forthof their wkkod do- oral B.pbHeaBe fi titeowri, by removing troaa oflca all who affiliate with, Wfiiort avoderate Rrpoblicana, arv he dbe iot higgle at Lkt means JOt f lw poBtnij Bal tOia b ca4 to ftta Vttoadeoc. "Tf thjo.Jufgoi tfiJiFb' same of Lea wfflgBjBlitiiKaj,t m.mmZ. .M t X0t Ot U rBD t Wilt b sit.liiktod by thfo?t.BMiiB. jtma j a -r ft, rT.t' f?Br BOltfgi htto Gea. B, VV": iwlBiously elect-,--Ha&,MoadBy lu,obyr f Waeliiito. College; lpaiJt of tb C? ata,tathoplaofWitler. The aam , tMebllelisBlewb BtierlfBrBt M IP ;vi 'V TBS peopta of llii. .Iwbaii - fawdtsv aaiow.1 twwfxolbi h " vfTirWfflM- CBlverkny! bo galled .L tibo prufVprhlp"Of" -Applaw7hemltryH-. w MB Ul KX t!f dej, wOSB), WB b- f , r .. , . . Ill Jl OOVaTT CASD1DA 71 Th I peoploot: Wak wiMbaii OB fiatMl.. k a. L. - . . '' Tpreatnuuve to ail the I i. ... , .. . - " u UM MU Of U. At gM-rtp U )t,oAao4 th aomiaaua Ur. J. B. D '"of Mm tuUemaa for tb poailion. lota lk M. dVaui tklUdiC4lA TTU Hit Ii ti Wir r - . i . r.v .HHmw IWMWIM II TbbAIbjv , tato Uia aift a4 fc pweU sa a r peculiar maaa Of UoiUaa. JiMtaii !-- ' : . ' . 2 r. 4LUk u.a ki .i.. ; .v.- mm. mm m.m. UM BIS pWTJ jl 00 Snum m oh fcijpa to d othing tor bia party, bat be U apBoaad lo be ol great )u to throw lmpdimaU la tba wayot tba CaBeenratifM, WMla we do. not object to klm Lecaaae baia a lawjor, bat becaaee be it a Radieal. wa woul4 aek, are tber not lawyer eooajrh in the Uwenl Anaemblr lor k11 oem.t Do wi bo isKt more firmera nut wbp are ideotifled more- with tba Ur borwg elaetet of the county men wboee pefeooai aad pecoaiary latemtt tomptl intm to iruar d I alUICUTCI. AU f. I ill III in AfiB fnflw am I we naoicai parry. lie Upujdgea to main- I tain all tbe objectionable ieatarea ol oar preernt uontutotlon and the rflll tnore rataew meacarea ol tbe Radical party. He m'utt defend the preeentodtou Court tyetem, the odiout new Civil Procedure, tbe odiout county and township governmenta, tba odiout high talari e aod high feee bow paid otrt of tba pocketa of the people to mke rich tba State and county official. kit tbe people ol Wke, Whit and colored, going to allow tbemeelvea to bo taddled any longer with tbe oneroo burdeat now im potad npo tbeett We thiuk odO If the lUdleal cbeme are tail to be impoiei npoa u, Wake ooQnty wtlli have to pay mora uxetla 1871, tbaa wr formerly relnired U i a . a. f i . so Mpport ine wooie ptat covernmejuil I WiB tl.. uhr.ii i.i w.k. .1. f I fevwiw v a BUiri l port sr. rptuip aad all th Radical watt kadkkt travjfBb now entailed upon oi t ! I 1 Wa-thiakaot--"' f j Dr. Dasai U a tamer. Hi inkrett are W tke eooaty. Be ia a maw of Intelligence, and will oppoee every "Radical tcheme ol corrnplioB and QBjbbaary taxation im foad-f9tr'rI l a Oooaarvativ bi feeling asd principles aad a life long craft He v;iitiyiy'totard the in-. tefrtU of (he people and the Btata, and we aaoat alart, bUn. , It , every CotMery aOtv go to work to do It. 1 Si nr., roof J ''l,H TBKwrredor of BMfitloo atMfU tjpet-; IwhoDomwoh talk bb Jhttopeu Tbw Frewoh denounce; bim ai a traitor.' II may b ao. and tha 'mrrander M two Marshal of Fracee, with B Freach force M 2500rae? two month look very much Jike tfeacherfc.;. 1he8t' Mrl ott UA?reachi diaUr, plant Geo1 TOiioi bow 70 year , H. I ikSB .BoiXJitrategy, far ia advance ol anything tb French have heea able (o bring Into the delii t e - We admire tbe spirit of resistance atill exhibit 4 Wm tH. Jff K'vVPbto - " a . t X t-m ft-.' for a Republic. uid tba Bect wa anticipatd,,4brbMing la thejid of Prus siaeverf ctOwnei bead ot EUrop Thifc WwioiwatiB iM'SBBB.tof all tM,;wh, powmof Euro fraoawlll be humU teWwiwdi wkWiH4rw Wf rtdB,ttd It Utxvpel.that A JTrttcbt people and jdl uwpo, wUi hm m al trOOl IL, : ,oi " au H j r-i'k , 111.,1 "OotlTct BiiTWr0o,TlBf ldbr-rW kU.ey hwrnwmw-oami riyto Btfttodr oittulbaaUsShy tb rcfsbreai'lHawl inrlt rtawiaastrtTtT a ta-leaU awhWayriigbti The crowd we immense, aad wa addreen dV Ow-v tWwof Ms7UBd,Ex Opvj lrlBaei..?jr4tlC5aB byte. -tMMV tyfri Kctalione(I,k: Buai muca appw. x.-;ffi.liahbmi atos for eric . - -r 1 I v- awiaa ot in uonw " ""-b la. andiBft BIPM.. T ii aad of th troops, 4 katf feowoeairtlW fbnwwat'-U-ileCao Tfca fWktMtmi't 7'U'l . 4ThTm's'axl WTeaWl-BBy-tal ry commander net mr vpecjai pcttiot u &golctlol.B4 to do li ooM b aoet aawiM.' . Wbetewsm diapsh-B to, b made of "T qaiotry, wonrteooely, aod by a tnta m whoee hoWy and toldloriy devotlo to duty all pMMoas and partiee have oonfldeaea.' Geo, tr.ri.-.rt la w commaad of tbl. Depart-, f".Jlr--i-l-..ld haaent here meal; and ft owe r tkia atwjeial duty wbo would be so read ily and lully tftibjd the jwftlsr Depart- paaxdeommaBder;' ft' JL iSrfllbxTta wW RlcbmoBdrt, .S'VI'Wa'V' L 4tatjil thilVeiii a, W-dBetdy."e is aJtpeetd,tawUt IRALEIGpIf SPLSmiD 0PK1USQ rpA CJJTMI gn in flozta Caroltaa, oa offio aad apfla w gradually Maxiag Mda iaa tolld aad ggy JSLJataaKt.QL Pwm',liujai4. 4wnraUv upreaiacr. and The Mum vn rlioaately aod aelatbly racomatoadlo tbem tb opening lor plying their peeallar uu.n in New Torts, andar the new rad icn nterpriaool radiating the elecUoo - "vrii-iKw oi iuem cooTlocei ai Uef will able to play a raet aatount ot de?iltW daUW i,f;ba, Iking arooad efeU tba abort U tbat iaUt4 poiatmeet tber fm BiiBt ttelaoeaf beatr jMdf nued, tojritamridi ale tomi eUatly occarrlng aad will continue to oc cur, oa aooaowt ot preeeot ioeambont get tine into tail and the Deaitentiare for thi Out adnce it bated on an eibibif nblch we fle44b -World, f rfen of tboee wbo baee been appointed by Rd Ira! avtboritf in Hew York, to wpertott4d the election toon to come off. A lad ia Georgia, tome time nince, wrote to bit latbor p North- "Come here, fatbrr, Ba r'ManaAAa T Tkl . v i. I i A' .T iT i. i .T "Ti tboee alluded la by .At xarpeUbag lad ia Georgia, that aw eaiwriaggere aiy be theif hope of getting Into eobgenlal cm ployment by battening to New York. Tbe "Tbere are a(J,mey of three detperata mlecraanU on tba liat of Federal tlootioo oIQ. eera, tbat it will be eatv kvr them t com bine and' demand that Che mJIittrr'iihali charge upon cltiaeo, while th!y commence; a raid upon atoree and dwelling,' plying their habitual TeoatiOB. Here follow the tact aboot tonteof the graceleee villian. Tb antecedanta -of other will be rfeer JVam riy to day. aa faet a th record of the court and prioti can oc asarci Richard nrBt, ISbpetVieor in Firai Ward, Eighth Dwtrict. Arretted for rob-f I f.h Vi.4rMjLM Ti.iAiJ aiu whl ur-.f ii r.ii tu a BUB). uw 11 ewu. tanvavwu w auiil, wuk for stealing a golif Jraicb.S Hicbael Vottello, Marsuall, Sixth Ward, trlct. biX-.U rl, W OonneCtea wttn tb I llaHVa NrNriu.KX tO 11 SlWlllli W Hi. f I Ifcnmat JLkoe, BoperviKir ta rftii1r. Sixth Ward, j Formerly .r.tnrirtiii ilcn t Five Point: head. traof thievot and robbB, "LlJi i.Tot,n T.nn tiuiMsrviutir Twenff tecoo mwawo :Wrdw indictefj oeiviog Ulr gQ0U, iiat acrjon ajtwu. Sine-Bin. T ' A-??sfiuDeiinr.'BiDUtric vi:..w nr.i AmaUd UalAWar KIT ' a w&IAlk ..... -v. t iyroa. Sgrrrlwr.iigbtoith ikWard. Arrested MX yoart) lumpbrei Dietrtot, Ninth i.k.. Ha ITnitMl fttatea malt. ! ine teen ti .TflBTticVrnrffc nn iur . 11 i.ianmnij. 1. I . . t v, rr"si " , i" i i Jaeoe JTiamos .nspwrw. i ttatk) Ditrtcfc"Io8" to warO. jure ten am' gllsl,1WB,rowbef7, .'itrntlX 6 Johi Mania. Bnperviaot Fifth J5uf1c4 Twelfth Ward. Arreeted a lew ybw-rawi :erow5ef fcorio Uid the otberv under aa IndictmsiitvorB-; "'fjl Um,.i Rich. Baoerviwr Fourth Duc Ti,irtiinth Ward. Berved a term ol tw ba BTktIMIBI iIIULDCU UICUVU vau. CbtrsMl wttn enooMug ry o klfvBbotrt jeer William P. Borko, riupervieor Twentieth rwrt7Kibth Ward Bervedl term i . 7 ... .i . . .hh I.ImI n..7. pSwhi uI iMnmarhairnU tor barf tuhieb Wofy- lawJowilork "'!n- m,- m i in J JSupienrJryi Mn, :tlstl, Val'tU iHOW OOJUtM IWIM nnHr ladietmeMiur highway robbery, William a Irvir-g!, SieVviaor Faurteeo TWrntmAf V.ihm Ward. Served ter t. a;.. Rink i ..-.a" forbowlejjeomiBitlei I,, . Gio-hth . 'sntl las seven beet I r ,T..I irx. Williami .-taanaav tteFi--.is "-?.E:rT iooervlsor Twenty eeooed PwtricV ibi per of B b6ot bfrm Pf T . J.F.B aderhop, Sopervjtof; Tenth Word. .ewimm---t--f. y.. I . k- . ahort tiBM OUl .Of fttat Ptisoa. where ae aas sw -t !wrj4oW ii'prtawiiir?flJ r h irtway sobbery mUa(i t j dr -A-aW alias Has4dlsol ... "aa-l ihtat t Tt - aa BFkJwAt relnreed from Wkrt wwrtei r- . - r . ir . a . . . 1UIUOM IIVHB i"- " , I FBat3tXBBt"JWlaat aWaWWilffFl H BaT ewinlS(Tv&lo .. jt. : - - - " - - k.xnf.ri ninat iiMi!i soma m v?t?-5slit rii"mTrrr.' : . . t JIAJ.g" wa.-.vjT -ZZ - .: - Jtg - - TobJwo '-VUtoftf .5f le Ma Bmmlmmg (M la HilltDoro' oa Mowasyr bis tobaoc laetory was Bred by sTnce.dlsry aad eploly c-royed. ,(The rat rA h MV)taitt r i d by 'Kt. SyaftgbB.'o i-wWwsat ow era thews awappw wa-, IL l&wa-Bti hw trffovt reward ol f M wr im jbw-ww a-w--- w-tt- f-tArrr-rirji iu if.. ih-. a,v-Tb.".Hep. - Tia -aa a taijrJkOsAdiM W 'eVt 1 -.k.wTokw fhv JoA tjomipated for ft. SATURDAf . NovEsflitelrJS.l8tb; v w will aotbe allow t jbb ioilwea Pna of ainrdar In tka it cuiiiuiis. Tbw irery nan will go to Um mIU aad ToU ae rwMua, and not ae narderooe brigaada 1 nay order. Cbjtt tk tteerioa fre)y aatt i f.i;i. ..j r,,V . ,rrrr: iif. .. . r --n . r r r- ttlo5MniInS4fee Wbeaia tb name ol tiltb aad caado, did Democra aad Coaerratit at aat evi pnoe ol m order dnring ft pollneal otis pegB ? It m a libel tbat ovgbt to auk I crpt-bgger WmA, It watHoldea t A nrnrocr. tad only tboeeJ tbn .ate. J, Be f.W'i.4.it-Sfewi e.i'irf k-e tot Bdr"rt; KeVTWIfr Tbe Standard bae the impudence W charge upi n tbe Democrat a, tbat they ut peodtd tbe Untfit of tbe writ of hxhtat torpit. Wlicn X We it not during tbe tion ami lows ot tbe d facto government. But wbtt does it ty of tbe wicked, illtgkl end unconstitutional act of Holden,Peaieoa Settle and D.ik, wbo virtunlly and in fact tuapended tbe wiit ol habm$ eerpue in North ';4 ' - " ueh high nceonttitational prerogativ,ad pot them ia the Penitentiary. Tet tbat pink of consistency, the Hondard, mak an ado becaute tbe Conlederate governmeat suspended lorWe eerorJSiile a bloody war wee waging. Btn.LV Mai Marnaa. Tbe Red had bully nous meeting In the Court Hoot jeaterday, .The arel advertiaed Itfof two oi tbiee wotkt ptvion,.tb bell, we ! rung twtc jeetorday, aoa tb mat meet log congregated 8 J colored and )3 white 'all told preaent, om ten or twelve of tbe Utter being Conservative, wbo" went to look oo. i Dr. Banks, the chronio president of RaeV leal meeting!, presided, aad Mtl. Martin t aad Jothua P. Aodrewt were requested after the declension of several other, to aft at scribes. ! mmmu ihihi w am iawici wwavsnnciBj ni ttit B M mm i - I ..I. . .n.1. SA ltit Wila D a r , t , . . . r. - . jr rm u cue pun Jtre. ,3rolerotlTwe wo3Jd: t Ily Ofa,!r,nIHoIdeBran3 FoT'a-u-avf' irUjo, ,;Wlllwoo. w he bt taoth, Wtw ganie sold 'BwouldttBy; wWBldtfHIster-to-Kitli" JTZZ ..'ooalrf .fcVftom eivtivetn the eonteet. Wiley, (who ftff at Roaooke Ialan I, but got op again) (aid tbe Bads could lick tb Conservative tn tbit contest. B ill cheered both declarl tloo by knocking oa tbe bek of tbbB4h I 1.1 i... L..r. wu wrsiil....t.aar. I w "'iT'jrk'rija'i- edf. loo, "Tie did If with bit knucklrt H(i InhVailthJ ottbe'bar. Two others weot,4 Tarodka'tlrfmoifolr . T ." a ;J f.-k.' . ' ' " I Bwa tHittha law iiiltt Wa to thick i hX: eufdt malt k 'nolai." After tbl. tur.t pf I hWaarthemeetinir vobefflea. Somtoi Jrrbw xaaaB swiSttBgK dwlww-watfotewBlt,.. PbUliiawlof ttaaflatawwiws. Mrtrywrgo a OewMBiMeweV DeHBo; of the Revenue De pamot,Aae boo' sppotated eerewr Pf .kI.ia.r aikaiiriatail airtt its dttttel 0 fU,d'Ia i Chief Justite Cuaie au jiusuv www. 'ft ' ' supreme, vour oi 1 WW. .IT Mr. Secretary of tb Navy, Robeson, 11 oa a stumping tour. Norfolk" will be booj oted with hi delectable pretence to" and Commissioner Delano ' will embiace his f An a" "II iJHZ, Iku'.i aa r k OllL . .a i.k Jum. i&fynSA I Court. f r..aaaaM hoada are biioff coaotorfel aad exteaeively circa lated ta New Teru There are engines ia Pari to pt Ire, which can also be aeed to K.SaaHaa . math .aknaama bt wfT JT" 7TTn-JOTW5- p inwaiuar A mtl from Delaware, Ohio, to the CibM " 111 ot a doobl child are both aheaot Iromlrie il02m . . . . , i AmI'iii.i ahrfl u.i u KnbnfrMoiitr . na vu 7- T .-"..t -.- 1 - .... ,.i .-tii mwwiisgM I mi .....iil in ha Droceexlintr favorable J.. - ,.:. - - k 1...-..!- - " - fc.T, furtnod themoalvea into a braat se tUs Zouavo ty-s. A call abznd by about a hundred elercf- tooa ot New Yoik-princi pally Methodieuv, jafeabytofisswtfapw tvoogregiiHos-tiUu--Ui bee ktMod for a ooavsotioa to aseeenble at Byracu oa ta totn ot Aovem w aaxt ta hostility to all acrt aeaocis- iMBSOf blicspl Of Udt- r.mii i tV4wptrua,Pyth same Indl vidnat "that Lrrr-Brixxo rrowwoww wnai witbw,ixjiiitt Irtu .d ot tkt to-nal ootumav -'TTV o-ala i.! .-;-"tffclrfX!ttf7 pAnoVovktoiiwiHoa 1 f. -s r ''S ' rAiewit mm mm afc mm. k fW M V W W t wvyp.wn l-brivmB AVi ! awM ffwiflu T4 ikod .areueat.iA-'ea4tteeie.l M yaal".wW wkb waneuoedeBO bad with I "t. moiuw v h aiweoai t Gov. Uoldew K A.Jlooo. i m M j "1 t Tiintnoro oteorarr mm wwki tiro, itaw Dooobo dnrier our Tourf werl M4 ttated to' blm, tbtt bit1 cbarga' thf ! KI UtiwiHteMKi? tolht aja4tiipoi wMitMrTuinawaaifrriatery' profctaed ' etgB ta(iag voe ,uoaev a-vrav iwiw) M )frtt( fat uwkerf, ttf MM Dk and Sttle war) by oiiiaena!.?. e , BBttVawli4lVBiti Caewetl. Ho ttri.molhun kted . "Ill trrftti.mbl'lhun it would eorrecl I8t,' ind wo that b would corner tBt,'dOultVJJto wai ta AaWeai uUmo wiaai . MM 1 vl . ohrtp.ili kmitMB cBrMb BJay rmtaeta ' aiqaw aiBnni 1 ee.afckaofta uo " ."ibi. ii,r frTu-'l'i'i.tlantrei k rn niiUtnai untntrn k JU4wtwaafU Wilkeaw a-wMBtlbvl Iwmton oompoeed that cmniUej -f U ' ieioi7 a. .a a., . aftll w aM'I. )kl..alJft4 at k. owbutttvtt aftit iM pdoptC thoea portidtt of Caawail au enOuataaata a to Uva raatoto tfom m4ie OMtigBOU t. Vlrgifiaherft nZIuZTrnZm-CCmm- -. u I -A"? Uvte durinn tb tatt .oaavaeat , Wa lie. fated fk by th Uadiaaait knol aa! be eieoiod toy toent (oal.i County ; Com mU-iort Where and when did whoever "urge and advocate cuiprouiie with the Kaoueeiai" .in i! tie evvr w nlrr with Dr. 3B? -Mum. t he yr iniVit at i ui ' fMH.pU he a.iielt kpppiB ed ud qtiai teedrr- ma MrDooohorfote l.r Mr. Phillip! Did b vote for Hcott, th Radical tiomUiea for Uongn-att , If .ha did do thia wa tu urged by the tame pdlcf wbtcjt influenced htm during tbe last ctBvaat ti ttay at borne' aad witA (rreef metitity, potter i viyer 'wrgo aad advocate a Hti promise with the Rad teat f ' i- a !. , :!.? flt Did Mr. Doaob ncetvo Fotiorkl ap pointment, and ponding removal bt eti bilitiea-t . DidBouire tl.ra Uarriaoer "out Heroding IleroU, iwim. in nd Jak the take t At tbe otaairW y to yo,Jf r, Editor, "w would Uk to bar categorU cal anwer" fyea or Jip," i . ' ..i "Extreme political opknione" for aught I know nay 'Brva)l- BbowV'Tnwaeyvilbs. bet thank Ood ,ibey prevail oft vblte basis aad eoatrolud bv inti'd koBity. aad I challenge M DuiMtho toaauw 4a any '; particular witbia bu WusOoVtoiwaablp )! -ooniiguity uyirgioia,'', ,bft btf meat gttiet tbaB the VwoeyviiJfcJCaf gtv a fiat. 01 outraues litt , pi ouuaget (up to tbe del ot kit letter to Gov. llol.leul wtnmitted in each township f We will abide by that lUL and oaly Mk M. DtiaMho mM Msaaaga quo Pit ot tn caMntyto Maaa, atemk oompUmeat taiathor, oo tutaaato Be bi t-m BIVweaje.. itrugfflihg tn th "imminent and deadly rch"whv did hot Mr. ooobfl Inform u that lor tba "Buttr Ueketi fvtt!y mot (mtwrtBat tbtn tbw Oottaty tmej, naa I "urged ana eavoeaiea a iwuipreinia "- th BadioaleJ' What. wthita mB An bit tow nab ip voted (or rBiuipai aatov avwv tx BooU L-Wa i lawCsjvUhv Jtowaabii weea aot informed of nny eompromiee with the gvadtoaltterW4( m eaayvMee tm ei FinailylStak tbta; thai Bp lsthinje' iha eommittea of which Ibad tbft honoi a1 1 JT-- - .T. ar htsrrf of Ifri Donobo art.nladence;" 1 fclrther statB ttvoa B - .. .". . '.A.. . - ... " , owa reeponaibiirty, war u .oorretpon- daac Mbiitooa o aw.-i-MBamist was 1 . I I aS ttTb.kI)oB;s bdot.ge mwirW al groeely miarrpreereteu uri not oj two, or sny owo oi tnat oommuie .., Oalbw tne aWooew'a6UnilaOd tru' i.-u..1i.tiJ UaMa, ih t u..na IWB.0 wf U-mtrpa DrcD-rlT oOBbt to be ulaotav I'sowas mwi.? i llilUhorn AaWe- will tavorbt publish- r.lf wiMi w km t:rf et r --Tr a I ..J CANDIDA TM POM OOHOkSHS. BM.(,B.k-.AmoB' tb eeSM j-TZTiZ. Ilm..m. aa All taa duod by tb d.th of Jadgw OUiiaia, iwe;iUfpnitdBftbTi,rw ' tridl'whi dltaWMtU' bav o( remob L l this be true, t 'ihlfik , Jbl earns wHl'bl Eminent beioretbf rttlf.um Conre It erw 'BieieW-tjrjtiesivaH vv-e- tn tiotif provider! hel Willing; to' accept: that BOmHiatiolL,Wbil rwolded:)y mpptort toy of tb geutkmeq h&tned ?'Mb tipn If nowioated.yct ibtnl 5 hut Importance, that' i tf BtlthiaO shplla be selected ta t,il'et4.f whp.f' crrtaJBrf . . . , . ...."-1 j ti.. r .... aa 1 J" T. 52. ii. "Xl 7...Tr.-- - flriqiCete tOl. Wiy 00 lieoswne "iJUiniintet nav ue s r. 1 ....! "ir Mr ftp. ttigtsoVdwB'rtUlte it le p?i removed UIV 1 Vt u ev ,d heNwlil oonaent to tun, r Ulai tuere I ... . . . 1 ma 5',:' " . . . I aid1 'if- ' - ' 1 ... . .. -. . i:.. at.to Coo ree . ywart tgo, wwii a4anM wAlB4h laffls, TfartiiBkl BjmfrJ aianau WaamtarteewaBaa fwll r -a , M jittaMtred ihowdaafciV BmrbW'i avis ty - , . .-a. I aha aamalDCCV oca, aaw jii j j wbteb gmB3.)00ej ac-awwt Ike 1 ti. i 4 . L . , . ft-. .1, . ti.. aA- a-lh Thnlty Bwophr, . , aa-1 (M w-w'fi' w--- . , . nil, ia .... i ... ... . I .-.a . . ' . " . - -' Tb prand Jury -rfCheetweUstrbt.ft C, ,i'r 'laa onteotd.lt oolorod pevsowe for W" lory M t- -i bictio -- fibBrleetoft Vwiav think that iL ibBr Mtm wa rioted the qoyeroor, (ocu) m reotaj w ocpfat pis, KM porv r 1 fr!wrai M vlllltJ'tttfatiVf i 3dawt ttlegrapbt IhatTieirTatrl to said for --- - - - - y ..... Mler : bat umine prevaiiaar immvtg .-A urhaiarorktlO DTYtl!r B108 th Bsti v popBlaUOB, V, , '1; St r" r ..ijjritxrtftniTasao r. jiquhs. I - .sr s irvaiBrijOt. iMMrw rajr. m,. fcwtahae AAIBaiiTbi laBiiiBaiitk.al Ibit ffliBte 1 1 C,&werwi Tba data at thai wiul TLu .u h-r. i Thai hnrtWVawaV Al ikIaxieiiati to rwo.irldWieoetTedMaTeei purpoe oi l i m w rmra jour mma lor trnweioeme i to eretiare' vour mind for unwelcome iu hi 1 1 mi imih i turi eaatthar IAMtlM..tnL.,i ua.siuci toiaattoo KSS3tBe afatlfcrlsnTB trbtat J 4 , noW rk jrnaMyVilntiBgtoB faet 1 lhft pulC.Broal.fc4 rhn'nd affflro0 for J . f ! . Cdngaaa, Rodman, Reatte, Wniie'D. onM ifrtBtreBBaewerT ewiaai nepatjuv- BweoJtf Fliaiid Mr. Brr, tb i aeHBawft-eaaU'!ie fawpleV ear wrth vtt Bnr)4aia vi -; I- WfBi T r1"""1 ' ea) Bret I " I V 1 grout 4aadrnwwiyattif; Dooottao to y ii4 etfll f Rta'. tb BMtt www wprowsll yoBi I. TmmlTtmZ 3 nf rti i 1'atw.tfifaiifci B.i im it mmmt t-m. etlMwie ww epplwdif ttratywH wO MwHbi mMtevtawerroag Tbey wHt - w, teMgar BfpwaJ tottWid eooeUttttlott Mai lawa, but following tbOgfrwron erimple of their aooeateHk hppeal -fo th -Uvfotf Ood ho aihrmtgbUo hnaaaity.iUial it were eaonieg to tamely . surrender. I cannot ; srerD?vf'ki tocr'lia'fe beenTi Is notln Fbenatursol hBniatt society vtf-'imtSF iotr rSfcr oi youf administration.' You have allowed Senators Pool and Abbott to betray eo from oaalalaatrp t aaotber.- Pereonal reauatiuentTa uaworibf a Bblef Executive. Ia calliog up the power , sod furco of the government to punish B personal enemy. yov Bav re meted a tleep wound amt the Cooatitukkta, aad made the rierbts aad la- t erect of ewe rasa tb rights sad , tntrtt oi to wool people. I ant. von Hvea importanee totho irrandott rascal U tb State, by weuodlng throngh him Bfery mas ie th Btatew- i..-M,t ' And aow dear Governor ood-bye for tWTWBtjtfd lever prducd i b6bler aoTdier preeeot, I owe yon more tbaa sn . llviag man, Ton made me Printer and Bluduf for rh estate, Preeident oft grand Reihotd av erhieh I head led 7,00a,00 ol l OaatlMd sr7,lMW,oo awj mat berMle..Tbrte uvom shall arsr b rratef al ly remembered by Jur servant and trtend.i ' Mtt:TnW ttTTl.TBTIRt lij .. 44 P. ifTeW Martllnand Atbley, th life of nw'iieww m bbo (ttm -ta .. JiaJker. ths koid.tmt aotll Ijollaay bwsd, d.4 , wiU rerltt. ISOJOjUj..aeotl, ; tb LMIW .Vm. '"iHkl Eu'rtot f In view ot tb short time utaranin tMfbra the' dv Of election io 111 haeancvonedj tim death oi th u.Btaatd , OUliaav.:iiki ia amatory tot all unnat and tmi umtarvauvo M Kl narrao- hiotuly and uoUerjl; to bring forward theur itroagcat ttao, end worV Vfgoronaly for his uaaeaeu lwordev 0 BirJBtob-gfarteoj niotory ww AugattJeaCi .Wikh.sll dw xeepect tor tb oJaiiM ot ethnr oonatlet and without wibing to orw- ny Invldtout coTuparitona, It must us - saraitieu vj eii, hbat ih otnieioeheM a give-. to the) took premium to sevtrtt awim ta Ohm k-Hii-f t'AwaAem.T. Tbai eooaty so n red I tan it wsbiwbbb that ho had bwAwbor L thaaLWrtionetCoJ.Wra, and Jaan Oil-1 Ham by reato of tbvry remarkable rvl ..-iia.j . 1". , I .1 nmmtUm. i mtiotr mere, om i . l.r i -. , .L..tAati Ik. On.dtlh.il. .nld Ih. till.l H 1IA ' U fBflJWWf 4 fflMd .SAMtttaan MbfaHBoiiteiBlWhilh that Iwiotd rebel War heW' Bad bUtrsr,'ghoald j m,. b a wia-. hanC durtaa; many yer pat, tor Btataasa i hi.taku JihiW"ii. khf baiir rlMl j aa' propft , giyo v jwmi. 1i'wyw 4-fcsatM'd" on ol iheir own coontyiuea wa oomipk ecl W whom'the" tMWPfe of tb tounty would ud .Aoeelar ' 4wst, 'aA.r Hbooj k iJa anali hattattal.il H tl hitratM hMVelectuie f t'en, that count he ucu oa1ir claftii for tli ' Biulok5o,'iet htr Uvllt. HiftNuoO motrr1tliKeBi aasdd'b kWIe41ybooretf BO; I haaaoM a'n:dl f f hOIPBd, tl QMjNHMwiMraJ : oiuanissi lawn awwitiaw, ai-p .y Aot tobrf Myrs llapari, Bit thettl -atoewad h woatdsmvo) awUptibt m tokinit.hle et la ppnirree.. w ei.xL t iiWmmt i . ., a A- aav...MaH: ' afwaxa h sIbwS w 1 ' "tr . - , . , . j . fftW4B(I!tot7l 4h founae,' trweret I tSL fkA4.'.'Jih'riiloilnlv ' liniore "Hj t-"-" v,"'.77"'" a. aad MxSmMCawAarw StalniA,.'sen4 BP 1 ahami ti laBUl 11 Uaveeaa SMvewaa. 1 , . . .... ..1 ...'ikeft - I . . M-iCamSha'e shdbiAV'lend BD 1 J4 -,ti e.W 1 -anas- Hwiwai to id, vwifvuuim tm f! rc ioJJftTTa Bjjf)rTtm; - I aowtver, tua me mmrimm a vav 1 aiaa la-thairittllut. es Pk aapoa." iXayths .ttstvahf JBtyJSwaEShi jii.;CL . uuveraqr-.is imnru ia a frwnt TpaK;beiimrittBAr t ' T Ol lBlrruai f-iii.a, mam, L .a. antri had belrjad to leach tb PretU .i . - - - . mi a wiir-i.,. rn I "-- " ' . . . I Mitseuft, ) loai,.ti)r.g, Ual tftti wor I wmo-I m Mtraiw-v .. wms tmtauH tn w mmr mmrw frl iff kit rvuuUltM nJ obmuUn (A . 0t.' Til intended to teach bim further that 1 1 ai laaiaki fha" HhnremnW of all tha whit ta ot tha BaUojBAtralt aB the lib- i a I onttioB otU , Wc",eft w msskuea. : i 1 ,1,., k. .mld not on lims-V unfile' Ilia sppckio pf etenc of partt polVv upon tb auu iua ..... . li iiiijata aia - rt wiaaw wafwg eomoiobed iht Ireedou of the btaik man. bring iiutt gene rally aud favorably Jniowa. me it.iiiHic"Bv 4wo rtmovad, had (Qranf hnitti aaq, iniamoaa mwierewos f Oovemor Walker ot Virion hat writ tew ' IsTt U oj'&sTj1rt1 of that $wi4TV1 so Mr.ameS ho- Hop, fcditof -f tba " : 7 3.-3 b aAWw - I wrfca1t. ySajai aaBaawtllkW Jklflk'aWtWakit '- ftrrr?r?.ra a' ft . . i . i i j i - ..... r II l . :;:tFVori tu ton unardLi , I . WM". 1 M UMH W- ew-f BW' W m useJl"4"" Npa autwfc dOwW byiwfyfw,ed ao ww i 'K,wwtlR" wn- -w -wir wi wMat aaa .tahbuaaiaiaftjfen arotb geoer- I greater ipiUtary repuUtion ; ttiUJewor ftlw I . .e,-cn .: Lm. nra.. vmi witU hi. Tt tut; f hiaeuaatry hardly Oared to wbieperB word Agwiaat thw eharctr-ot moet istia guiahed ' gnoerai, ji&iht neutral regarded bim with an edmlrotioa for. hi deevUr aad a reapcot lor kitluity aad saeallUIr aatar waaah almowt grew tatd vefteretUMCaad kia -aiWMBwxawwBtearta hiaa ritk aa tnaob eoofiiieooe knd eeteeoi aa tbey ever full tor Wiihir.Rton, and wit b a tffijo tioa tthkb UiecoUl uviu.Mn.r tiul aattoro f tmm axeat W aaatn c too eui d never iumira. Xlk4eacb, oi wiU man, ovm a a aotat eyanMBf a tbe preeeot, witea all thought art sbaorbd bv a wearer and ur, annt , aim. Blot, Would be ielt at a tuiafortune by all ho trill ratals' any reOnllectioa of th inter oat with which thy foiwvod the .Virginia fanpalgaa4 by,tlniBila wUohavo U naom Jor ovn the Barnes of Fredrii.kabnrr tad, rhanoel lowvilhv too t Smitonae and, 8jwt4ijlvoi4,TBj:!ttnr,' a lofdor Bat ore, spirit wota nM:dlia ebaraetor porer, wore chivtlrotu, the world ha rare. i . k... . ii. j j vi " vwAvitHHuin, ui anu weep reiigioBB feal'aga, ysUrss frost alt Mat of cant and fanaticism, aod at dear and sow- waaoniieow toaaocaH W duty ;votd to waste erualty by reprieal wbioh would nave gives) a enaraotet of aosdjeat savagery to th war, -both North aad Booth owe deep debtol gratltitds to , hlov-Bod) th time will come whoa betlwrili. h wqftally proud oi hbav And well tAy atay, f si character sad his Ills afford a Mmpletoaas we to the reproacber commonly rcat o moaey.graMwi-g, saecbanlcal -Amerlcw. A eoeatry whte oaaflvea birth to aiaaillka him, tnC Lhoso wo followed him, stay took th eDirauy ot Kurone In tbe lace wit hoot ham; for th fatherJ of Sidney and tver proaucea a nobler Soldier. toaeW tiieltaa . than- etwerai nlemaav ttuii hVbrt lt.( i a ttrf i 4 tea Oanawaataj I AMD atoBOAB RoDB.-Tb Crlil.J(Kj. Mmvunr tavt: Wo haw a Millwood, k Mason eoaoty, ow 8otaday last, bbMUos whoa waetweord la worthy f(eoil note, Ui watrieiBBt ly owned by Ga. Wade Ilampton. of Soath Carolina, sad Wat rode by that' offlceroa ft auabwpf easaeaavu 8tuitimduriog tb war wen. xxampion prntentea uira t reJiea. J olut Morgan, and tlfat poted s pWf tod uim ib torn ot bis Memorable campaigns. i animat aaoapeai ine peril ol Battle aa On Morgans retreat be b ou oi in corse otOf. Dobyaa, t ' BafdlV "ud left' his wasgMtokaimhf iwssmvrs u. ilriBwd idofceanttt ahlowooads Ea(edCB4 sfterwiiT soW M M PWt Lea, of Fkmlog, for 300, though be is kept by James W. Alexander, of tbl tatn county. No amocBI of mooey oould owbuf wisa. Ml. Lsaaayat .Thosgh Ah ;tUorrd steed bt tWeqty Ave year, obl.be b) stdtBeot n (hot and huidt bl head M biffh Bt bS did In hit "ountrsr ' ds: Bine th ' war h bores ; but whem tbsA, & , oecem caewa u nfueedto aliowhim director of tb fair reft I .... II. w "tf , staw i iv.Tnatj . rw raBBvi.vaaia , jia,-is iireabHeansnt PeoneTUranra traTmtB oa i 7 "Tw,rTr;.Trw rLTV .1. Bkay-iejtrWW W-aawa ent republican. vc B by both (deBor aid miubiieaoe, Tiw dniuocrata, however, eiaitt 4bathyeiTw4tbBtoUotbpof- UteviM bvlfwW 4 h)4HHHtrlty, J .t th prealdential siecuosi ta 18S8, wss SB, 890, and for Congressmen ia tbe.tawo yesc titers wa rpubllc majority f'M7U , e-"1 hm. tn unlit at aiilawifoavald ff ! teB WffmTaUlttBaa BTBVkWBli Mot tbso thres yean 39 Thsddeoi Biavww died leaving behind lm two executors ia Lance. I couovy, i ,u s.av.v jiini,uMryi Kiavnua'a i-atate-BRd xf: . what : it.1 ..CObsTtterL kam'haa v itai.ablft wriaeoewj tXa' XecutvWlaUed tooinply with th bt which ream red tUrra to exhibit a true sad perfect inventory of all g(Hla, ehattel and 1 erediU of the deceased Mo" the register's offie Withi thirty days alter to proving ot the wiiLlUey wTe,iv,Uifee,yar ana as rs faiel toill vqh jinventory and the Stat bai bcesTkept out of the nmuey which io do as oollateral Inherltaochtki from th awtstaedlln 8aw M-ne'i J . - -- w r war --w J - r r ElflSWaor BSaryAs Wk)vf Tirlials, - I was UvUod to aiielive, the tdiwM at th svrv. Md.. Novuil-r iJ, to ateuA the tritstsa , - - . ,i . . i. fiH fit fOHil Liooauoi tyouiaivry, miiwiiiaj Smim-Lyrj .m,ssmmmmvv'm)inmmmm&WmijisM-i rmZUmm&mmL.l.1lL.m. - ' ' - W wtsriati mm wtu m, .. --K- t tow Ib conaf eueuoe of fwiwoctana alenygemanta UtUH. uevt itt SWitover-.. nor eJ kt it or titertis tie now wrW terevefi th truth wvii-havs -to,, tdtdta arwht oftho Oaotsderst din--4hwA the wor ihsjast f Bgta ir it-itlna material aid for th fulUtof theiullt-rrriby ths late terrible BoOd.-Ur. Hops accept tha mimloft mod vriaritt; mm early tUy oa hit trrna 01 tiury, t .t ,vw - sot. , . . wlf afladkat "tiarlHx.'u the other1 ay m giBvav uiw au Mviuot " vuvievi turn wuirw log loaot s f'DewJtiub'notftb Ahtbama ' H cum ta wid bery littl oppotitioa f t- wilt , go out b oftlt widi nope, t iL"-r-" . , . ) Vj a 1 The yellow fever bat almost disappeared; from few Orleans, v L V Korlelk tbit week. W4iMB. , tertitl ' fh samawAxaloiba Sort uaroTxa va-