fcti rs-rf j ' 1 S lf 3 it (i &' a if t v- it a. a -. i -k' w- y j i iiixia - a mm -aw j s li. ju . JUO.I r "1 i It, Vfll Pi WWW? r33 . Jsiti? ijTlaWaO.'ft 1 j Of H- aMvT I 4f Wfjt 4 lJ '- 1 1 ii a 11 i ri liil I lr I I I II V f ' P , I f I I II . t i t V i ' iyrs ar ,w -,t -, THE SENTINEL. rtlstitn to the peopU o( tlx Bute, fire ft positioa fot wtirdT tatimtted bj 4olltn ul eentt, Tb Stot-kholden u ladirida j,, it l tree1iT roojj, lotrtt In it, tad tb (act Umui favttmwiia ia (hit jtod, jtco', iDj;ert profit. lU reMo mhf too bf tbca u tcathr, iomi; and fidgetj, tad arc nxiou to adopt ton, plaBjbfjirllWt hitiomoU wilt ytj. But Mmm gentlemen tbould rtim timber Uiin W'pWMWMitur'wt to pmmonot doe, which tb mardtaaaoi tb Btata atd'el tin' peobla qoUi?tJnek oj-.atrt!y yU&A to .l . ornMl llttrMU Host of MILITARY 19 KLKGTI0V8. 00 of th deeoert and ttrooeeat ferlinct ItASS OF TMfJiQBTg4l! to iqi , prtatae oi any amaa force, oi "wbafttrr tind,t(fl)tUim lo ot efflcieatt j ua. ffa leara that a number or lie Stock aoW pet U Board. yHrectpre at tha Kailroad from Oraasabof li CWrlAtat tba Rkbmoad, DnTilie, tod Piedmont lUUroaJ, eaDM a aad waa Umgtlitj 4U- We loaio, wltkaarprlM, that a leatuMoaj , (.red bj CVt Uarrtton, pt thia atj, i jecting tha propoaltloa oat iad oat, ! tSiu diKUHioa, waa rejected, and that tha la) action remlleJ'la a propoaitioa to da. Uj aetia aa aha,iiaB aattoi.' ; We are at a !biato account for tba Cage-' t and appwtly en,,'1f-l!r y bCOMf lUaVaUiblttMl Of m a. a at at. - n I Xa freto-tlM it ia tf aa thi Birt oT .llu gowmeni who employe TTTJiaV tpoiitAjait of tha daareet righu of American eit;eahip. It ia a priacple f fcirll liberty derired from our KsgtUh anceatora, which waa a atroag ele ment t tha btrtU ariwil liberty ia America, 'fa loflaad taV principle baa aeter haea TiolaWd, pabdlog aa election, waea die public peace waa nadiaturbacU Aad . in tiia country, It waa aavtt kaawm, aid tha rWaaoa' el Radiaaliam bald away. Wi had 'ariprtoaed, that Ba JieaW Jr?d , tna-.Ufcj,isBint,''t'gkMtt itneil er loath era humilUtlaa, by aaadiag tooopa O Railroad. Tha leagth of tha Road. iU L among aa U keep "tha rebela dowa." Bat UlWWWTfi the frdou of aa Amarica. electioa t -W 7,"r7.- Tt leVrty ao. orer and abot theatock they recalled aa part eorapeaiation. Thote boaerer who paid tha par telua for Ueir ttdek hi' actual caah, hate graatar;anaa to h. in i i aim or to OoDHtlaia. than otbera. but the ,Joetyoa ueJ by ibe adocatca L ileoaleae that U will work to the UdranUga of tba Road, U untenable. If Sir. Bulord, the Prewdent of tha DanriUa the north Carolina whea every Boathera Btata was declared a military or provietoaal dependency, when tba righu of Btaiea were not conceded to them, erea thea tha military offloera af tha United Staka did aot allow the preaaooa of armed toldien on or near tha ektettoa grounda. They were bald hi cheek at a reasonable diaUoee ia all eaaea, aad not al lowed 14 flon to ward tha beJlotboieo long aa the public ptaca waa preaerred. ' Wa HewUeeanM ot otpt by the taured, Ahai tha year 1870 abound be aig- aab4 ia Americea aiatory aa the era TBS LA BOS CSSTTOM. The djffl ijsgejtISiwf Aif fcmat'king colored labor K Qt 0oa and of readariaa it akillful and tfflcieat. bae eepred to fltau'rage miajrpT' "iJgH pprgTt n adde -that at the m titB 1ltfVaa MiWtee aa to ffiffatura. T hitaof rtrtagti W tcaittaf to kauklca aa to, the pwprietf ad aulij oi wtpamat ewP apq a amiwM eflafreaaMnffeteti tgaabJi UW.CVerV i thaaeMul, rlee tara to tha Chioeae. Wa bare laog thought that it mwat aoma to thia, if oar colored pepulalloa continue to manifest aa enwilliogaeee to calUtaU thaapu aad to make kil!ul laraaara Vadeir i&htUof. bail teVbett; 4V hare ahowa a growing diapoeltioa ta ooa gtvgato la tha towaa aad tillagee, to baooma politkiaaa aitaV6 Vi nli by day labor, backatartag, aU, ta tba aeg leet ot tha mora moral, aaia and awa am bloymeatoa farwi. " Tua' cooai tnaace ia to at Uoantlooacaw; concubipage, -tatty aaJ fmifcrafitlt-a Jari 14 i the iueraaae among them, which tead aot oaly to make them lata valuable ttambera of o cietT. but maat terminate la the taricrattan of taaacl 1 ) But it ia maaiieet that the Sootuera plan ten have eat yet aefaktd ta Ua raal pintk of the aitaaiioa.' Oar idea ia, that tba great" mattei io be IMermiiaA bpoa,1 terfoW the queatioo , pi , mori labor and cheaper labor ta diecueeed, la, bow ahaU tba labor we already laaj bw MlOaad and rodered i rapid de- 9CK, MOMMAS utOCU MA T10M. day proclaimed that tha Covtiaa ciiia aruace and CaKtiiti4aa.. Jaagar la ii they er wtra. He bjt'i'gflUyad. tha point ot lb aea0af7T the OeberaT Aaaaaf,ahat4faativaaTe done moatai ago. What, bf aaya about the gvaeral quiet aad paa prtTailing at present, could with aa amcb truth bare bew proclaimed before he declared tboee l Coontioa la lneurneii.a,4th tha aiegle etceptioa of tha Coaaty af lobeaaa, where hi myrmidoai tat 'leVl Wbebplata oaaataat flarai.1 '4 - Itary titiaea of fha Btafb r 'IH eadotea tfb lopa rrW jr Ootraxrfitba peso aad good order may eoetfaae that pertieaa biitornea aad raaoatnrmay bbate ebC 'The diaealty. boumar la, that whea Oav. BoMaa es-pveaeai klmaatt abua, to bej aVra tbat be ia aloeerr, eieee aeee later . edaabardaabeaeadoaeto promote dis order anJ a: rife, aad part waa- Uttenaess aad rancour, aad aoae hare eontiibuted ao much io dttatroy the credit and proaperity of the Bute, aa he and hie party. Now that the ConaerTatWea have the control, wUl feted hi lalatiaotisf tb proaperity Af the Btata by curtailing the public expaadituraa f EDITORIAL UltWa lTtMS. C f TSliik wa bar eat tba teaetepnrtbeaaW tbatthera wWbaaay ftitartcoa lu.t morrow'i rlrrtios. unleia indued it atiall te provoked by thj fttgmarahai aHt Vat. tSaTrie4 ta watch whitt mn; aii bfjr!tV leaoaerrdere bytW ldltatta - moned by tba V. 8. i- Manbat, le prefeiit a full iitpreaeiow a the part ot thf majority at the ballot-boa, tbw spectacle ot tulerat, tatarfareiMW fa Heverf halrea attfc ttuaeenily aad dtageaaaful. i Thar la aot aow a aVaaut all ta world fb wnUt thae veatwe t overawe tb riril power ol a . litate, aad tberr have ba but few p rioUi in bUltirv wbea tk-fpora w aid bar veaa ad o mol lu the direoioi4 uweatUtt io enetttu of power Whea King : , Jpic .lt, the wotat or K-nilHh.ru Kinva hul tukea re f rge wttlt. tVitfs of It unci; aufciiriottfag a aareae whtoh be hkUttfefreoHH 14 Ptaoem 01 Ora wl.icoHk.t !ii( ,. $ra trie , .jOrrier pending1 tlie , tloctwu tor 4 new' 'parliament, tint r, nUiett aaaaM nfftrti t6' tfuw Umm wewwT' aa' etctioa - nm - ftiuf-dn, 44 tk iraB tali aa bt hi a aduiiama weru W to boast, aod hi eaemUa 4wcjra unable to di-ay, that tha amaa of the eon' atiiaent bodie. wa "Airly Uka. "Wbat wuaiab admlttid by Wat; aad Tray. Protest and IMholic, la a aaooarchicat governiaat in Wsa. cannot be said la tba o called Americau freWtltaU, ia th year of our Lord 1870 have ea rulod by ,ure, ward and baiouel aooibiat-rt. HuMasMun Stat lt the eflxrwot mlUtarypawrt and preaaca ia iia electioa iur fixwraf and Bute officers. Stat legislator ilifrBtat Leglalair baa bee omawed ' X Wtaw ta federal uutlosoa, ami a bt . 1um bf aei lta mill (fikk sVbardraa, Seotlaad) att af tb Wa l Injr paper m uader tba aoatrul.ul' a fomani tatad b the aawa at tha death otOcaarat tieerttijrf U Iwtaail twb ! it) iv'i-.-'ti-''t';' ..The Poatinaater OeoaraJ will again re- iommetid tn hi annual rtport Ui abolitioa, tat thaftiif.lltoffprtvflege.'- fi 1 tt&ItMJk Is a'rrljla ifei 3 live blB( rV6ned loat. ' H BeVVral &WtVs! cVgysnaa raal'Saaday tiad the wfjproebiBg' aiectioaf tb sutj'-ct ti tbaiV dsaaaaua ai-jTz-w-tr: -"p- Tb alwroa korfdikVla thiol aay ware aoared ard taw' ware hart, eom ac rorn ftjartmatMalta talkiagaUbe )wbitjH..begKa,vtat the AmA$ w ; There jra bo, rat at. Bait Lab Uty brought until a few dy ago, wbeq ou wa there a t ruriiieitj. " womea r jOatton Road, can liaufuevi vi mug K " n t in conoactfoar with their owe Road aad oht it pofwhy cannot JlfiJ. Smith ma is it hy training lAs ytMtf tTb baawof to bis qaeQon, be much to dJ, ta atUtTing be people, that tba Road ebeuld b leaaed told under aay circtimtaot. If tbe owneisol tb Boad howwef, are titCsd after eareful i vest) ffaiion.t bat the ttoaJ anao oe ma nouw ptwuiwiwiiu kmom te pay, it my bebesi ta eae, bat I that ease, tb rewmjiaaary strong fas Daavilletoaa, COL. TAZ, BABQ BOYS. w. nnMUht a dav of two ago, a atate Lt from aioorreepondeut oTthe HillsU.o ffivins an accjunt ot an uojubu. le attack b7pr.ar.foM pop Uj. sr,.promlaeBt l.wyer orOitora, win o. boat Ware-ttaptoyed a opposite oounsol, . .K. nlimioH iudjoisl tnvetigatoa ot .iJi-i.tka UW Beaatorlal alaoUon kwata vr.j.saiW-'iaa -w," Caala.!wor -t ' W.ara aot li poseaM oiuu v- irulara of tW idUiN JT A fl1D wbitertainW no jwiuca Aw the aoane. at , w. tiargwr-. - der to delay aad H p.bla to ureaa p inrestiaatsOBt ba kapt evri w- tb stand, some for two a4 others for hM days, ttklag thfoogbf aaoura (Textlooo4telou minuoB,wu- - t,. Mtnlnauoa to set ai Waaitcvet iaaglaad that, majorttf of tb member of aa Amarioaa Congr, eoald aver beoome purjursd aaaa aad prove Ulton to the Constitution t 'What else i it but positive ignoring aad (pitting up on th Conatrtution, whcB a law i passad and so construed that the authorities el tb aauoa or ot the tevwral State, may outrage public aad private liberty,byconcnirting iroop during an election, near enough to bold freevotcre In ceck and menace tbem t The scent which have lranplrd la North Carolina, and Indeed in every Bute where OraM's adminitrtion fait doubtful ot .support, la which, the National overay tnent kaa brought Itaetf directly In sitsgo- LJiism with the freedom of electioua, fader th fil ptatenoe ot securing a fair wjec--ioB,'isr proof (flioog M holy writ, that w bare nothing of a Republic but in me. Theae 'outrage Upoa 5l liberty ongbi to atari tb enquiry ftom Maine to Tejtfl ud Ire'we a Ire people I" ' FUDKRA L AFPOlNfAfBN T8. TmrnLnlt ia fakios an active . ... i h J4ttraT campaiso in Illinois, .I- n,in taiure o bis sueecbe btiuR ad vacv of Civil Service Reform ; nd a ro Wra to tperia PymeU future, oi TT A h V.Ki ;Zu,ht avstem bt appoint .nlJ in federal office, under whiou ,iM President and head, of depart menta merecleiks to legiater the can it oe aes aaa muaa ajmatv t so y te'rUaJertae kaast pohalbal VJtot df hired labor aeeaaiaty for a. - The euiplojment of cheap and abundant labor, tha pM.1tou'ara, will teud U the" culiiyatioa bf blwfU of laud, euitinedowaaat lorest au lv wear ing out laud, inateed of b cbeijerY bettor yum of redueing th r4 oFJaod in cultivation and making it richeao a W require leuUbor. "If Mr fw'rtrirT duoed tn'ice aad thoroughly enriched aad improved, our plate would grow rich by tha greater produwnreaem oi their taraaa tad the lew eye qaa niesiy to eul Urate them. Ws se jgboVouUsucn mi to result from the introduction of th Cbiae A tW?rWV-aiH--tinghe city vote, whft J' 4,-..Lidlv Raili 1, r.ua-f pr head m W 3 vai i.irlTle..i i..cUl tt.ltu riflM Rndrnaia ttt tll ' ,f. ... TV mhitM ciiisati oa ,roop. wPo Mtv-H-r; i u,. . r -our ! iit"M .JIT amw- A3 J m yv rta are I tot niuaTiw w,. Mu of ni ih 7tn DecrOt, w JllliSasr-r -T v u i, wa - -- u ' ltimaia bawd m gieUt oi me io uog..-, .M , quietly, wwut wo. . -- j ii..iuaaeofeajaaamaBiaM pa,! TlltcXTX wcraarrandplacad m M unleu hU a4oa aaaeu T-Bmbull 1 ihLiJf rntmi S.n.u, but aououi. w. - operation. the Uouaeatly. . . - . w that Marshal factafa, 6f Ke '- The abov xtret worn a - rt.,. rMrad a tekt on onny attitude far to at a- "--.77, I.iTirftor.'khd counter. of th. DaU,u ware BJ.coora.to held attacked 4,y W- ,.TH b110 dent Johnaon, abowI that .j. killed aad tweni sailed for Africa last bark oa beard tb ship Ooloond of Baltimor. ,TTi "eml grant were Well Vupplltd With clothing farming uUnaila; nail Ac. They expect ta join their friend who wiled teat Novem ber aad tattled oa St. Paul's . rivar at Ar thlngtou an4Br,wrvp9 AUay amigraaU daaire to go aett .pring. The congregatloa of the 4th street If. E. Church to Wheeling, Vs. during the preach- ing of sermoa lsst week, became greatly Jrnied n4fid ttom, the bulldisg, under ibMppreloioira a, aoUa b4 to the eetljng, tbl the ioof wee , MUng lnf- (Jb wa ttrwrd. discovered tnat tn noise proceeded from th lifting of tberentile tor which bad beea reoently varnished. The ehurch wa. vary warm -aad the beat had afbeted tha ventilators aad oontiacted tb cords seed to raise tbem. The alarm wholly tel. Th wondor t that many war not hurt by their Nprecijiitabcj tact and abstruse question, of theology ,oa- ' . . ... :... i.inlA iKuVeTanA commWT.ui- ctdo bv taiing laudanum, ue reaiueu w. u iaproaa-ta ew "r eMe lf!w' . . ' .... laa 1. Mr. Huu - I Vi'i t , - Dr. Btaii of lUki(U(-r .t . their guide, nriedtn-auow storm in so tttmpt to reach tba siuanft ot 1'ont Blanc, Bwitaer Wmd. ' A recent arch ba baaa ml for A tk..iauJI awMltbAMaotwry of ataaJaadte ot. Jaofkanitok- and Df. ,tr. : 1.1" , .4 ,,, hvatmpfvf "J.PI i fJ;AaJfa ateep, ,Note of the .iHwfne W.Ue.al day b-tor ieatb en- ...p. rniinn 1 1 i ui. ui .11. , iU(fyi6gtlie)Iogy' in th Uaiud Bute with h4 ttew ol bocoinlUii preacboia. - & Aa origin! potrit ol Bif WUIiaat Phil'pa baa lately been found In the Meesioa af famtta latrlJ reldcnt ot PortUnd, bat sMIbaeel': ' " J 'cf ' Tb tender mother who ltfV tfave birth aa a douat haded tntatt to Ohio baa sold th fri Vlleg ai rbiblttng tba earn ta en 0.1). Brownfof IQ.WW. (l c fill Lasdoq( it stMt U ight aretes; La aoa, b been aetoatahed aad dell gb ted by a Ulklpg nttcWaa. wi4t Jthki XA JTf ff ai; . Tba - H'iltoinff .rtj"lY rwttutkev Jaa-Ulaaaeauof HWCMUft lurtiv glanrt WiMlbit an ir.l itttltiirTrWi"Kt1ia auaaero bare , iwajaaUaw " M' 'tba pat vwalf a i iri-JrA t ff j rf a "saiiiii ..AMJia aa---a g-ar vw'y an if ill ai y Arca wioptuaorJiaa5plBU ttoat- aa iwixusi ins titute weighed of ar -poanda. &,rrt.w 4Marw .... - Vr rt. 1 . f . . . '."wmsx .ajt5rita'waa.itwq'iw'' in tbolatasitaiaaawmaaaiaiy ty t'otw al J,.PM tbe.itoriawMaalr,;ii. re f bsaaed oa a., writ Jupm twr bel tor adga Ruswll V tUfsmiiam to Rockingham, Itichmod jBooatjA. bood an wee rtquirau. tm . w .The Chspmaa Sister visit WltuUng toaj during tb Pair wetk. They will be accompanied by Bishop th Ctmiecffan, " Wilmington u flaking (itriugu iffjrl to construct a saw dust road from the citv to the rb? Ground. " 'i'.- ' " iir.TP. I. Oillrapie, for fouVyear Agent of the Bouthera Irir ' Company at Ubarlotta, ha raceotly beJ promoted t tholfio ot Aaitt Boptrmtaadeatwith dqiirtar at Cbarbaton, 8, Thirty Kaighu bv atrt tba Bate of the "msi tied Tourameat," which aoma oT to Wilmington, T, L Th price of gap in, vVtamlagtoar,afr TVecember 1st, will be l pertboasaad fcet. ThU U a reduction ot to per oeiit, "Wilson had'aix marriis .ist aioiitli, LI. LVUT.WW aouoa gt .1 liiaiuMMia' twam W are la bar fcrinnti B.Tuiiei. a neirro-1 'candidate for Conutesa 1a Alabama, lie la waking a r vast oath 1road pi atform ot UnWeriamneaty, aulvarsal luffrageand aaireraal cpudUUo at tM aaUoaai bt?T Tbamew PMtyTvbtaLeif1s!ahirlUioa , dsvidea; Heaatawixmncrara, lf RadU oals 17.' lloua-IBmQcrU,41- Kadioal. 68. Radical malontT ou Jeiot ballot, IS. pattialMa cliaaaaw bbV' a 4h wiesary.td as 4gaibt S3 in thi last Legiltura. a. llaalitl r I 7 ' Tessa nl Aluha wri, ftiVi Til end attemiKui sbi ,rtt. negro ojswhaia nd rdrl troop, kiid tbb people otthe majority,1 b (: trust and believe, wUl bthat aWbcauacw Wbtea' -wllt be. com iBislligent sad pi Hie rasa, ao4e4 to mainum tU'it privilege at all riakaof Vloletjce.' Let te Kl5lke of ttib B illot be aompMt owe toMrtM Bults,' Mif t l) T 'V iw!'H.P K CSI Ii "f irrr "Wnoa county bM S02 080 icVe. of land . iVaUSWI, IS I kMA fAl Ml UlJal ..ri ... Uii rubuk ff a fuJittal iuUalrv,UiUttl ed to oootrol by fuKe and ler ibe U t Bfaleirttbe Anitrian Vnion.- JVta'l'r4 ;dt ' . JJlOH! tli.i. Ctyawa, L'JtLt'ii-J'-'-'jE MOBMBT Mi 1MB. u .. : t Bay tlstRisArooad sfaif ttaw Krted.oo good auibority t bt (Jom r4 1-4' middle name U '8drir aot "Klmundf and that a ws bora on the InJ of Januar rf 180,' tad not any other ite-tri !to4 tore atated. t tt vrowhiba 4aittyaBaarJ tajA4 totrw thabL,lBi ewMBttjy. 1lvurraiiMa ita taVriuuiMiiii A naw thinor ta . dnses ia tha "tdltraff- 1eue'! a very heavy silk, ' ia color steal gfsff made wKN plain WaUt.two skirt, and trimmed with f tftingv tvblch bear ia tbye qf modiste oma likeness to g on hfWTmrntl ".T":-i.;H;T 1"',) . TkTitYUlet7rrivee thi as a am ple oi book keeping at "Jtod Hot," In the oil country i 'Vint WUaoe commenced bouw ding bWblbtdi. tb big tree Ml Tom. florear, oe wMkWteK lboited of Jlra Wtsson (a?4oHrt tba dsy Jack got drank Paid biawbo: Wll tb 4y tJSnutb': wU tba p:int 4 PrjJtaliM JiUsfim at?l2sa1SU at 1 11 last I 11 ia Hi il 1 li IB I 1o52iS?r!5ri J'tfeWsJsA'ci'lbka aaoatb u. Vc lriQi,f thittty.t fvm. .tr.iIf Jiatjlcai ,.4jf. . ixalJaA ..."W LXMTon, wtt i. ti and proleaaiopal wen.fli .flww av n. Tncludiog the1 Tale professor, havn go letter aaaorttng wmrewy i Vna la vaMriagirom an canine, otoc . m. Uaia BHneu-4 bat bavablf Raged for two weeks with our dw Vr tltbatl have, ben P"lWll .-is.-. vhrV fMknilfm nnaVLLTOUVU ww m peer, ot Preaid were aaved, but foar were l b. real fact, ioT f j bav. cruu-ed oJ hi f Ucltea and t1 bta i..Jiie "Tinier, wbos char- (1-i1B- noUcief partlauf trf r ;.Riinixl I rc WTWa . - - . bimuloof trom 1: ,tttW? ;a tbeV'H rH FfJP Va.a,Diti'u Jr a ! fd unong .1. 'w ..kua at.tbat dtjl prumot !.. enrotUK! nd..frl CW work. .1 , V'9-, as many noun, ar. 1 - - Wtafeali4adt1tfta Vawji WbV oamtaaa -gwwema. eksteri. ' v from -UUricaerjwt . .l- I .- .. V -tA-IA "ZT.v.-. s-eatrated agalnat the MUm mhuy. theV Uet up tQ control in. tadtcau ixiwit turn, f - - r . t . 1 L.v - ., H V'.-i-i when nereis I . u nfBte in tba atV.H CI w. ... - . 1 ippiimiw-. -- k-.nl u. rniniinr lnHueea PPO ""T. " it . . . . . s.i...r, woumled, official candidate. -or "S.r lieWu -ortof v,ii-d. Mor trouui uw- r.' Lu ... About 90 Wmdetu wtarttd. tor la -lbtb 1 960,701 real aetata aad personal cjUbi to tba vain of ol7.4l9.i The..dua af tba ountf 39pyuWe . A, aolorad jaanrnaiJu BdattagalM Ch Ishsm, .wbtii , e i50 iron. Mr. MIddleloa at Magnolia spuielime agov was arrested in "Wilmington? -on Tueway nd a aaakta Magaoli."" ' ' 'a-reflfl inH throf hj.mpiWe in tb robberies coutnlWid oi the' Raleigh and Create Bailaoad, wore ttronjrbtto tbe jJlff'r -'tfl''" "' ' ;Tjhatoof jr TJUKy at SafkM waa aterud by robliar osv, Bumly atgbt but, nd "SMtilr K riH, ttu'enu, Btveral ' argroei bate been arrtsteJ and mfaf tb goodlbbBlr '-' s-' ! . -ag,-fbir iM'egawwmweaneawa , Ji' 5"brb J avsm anj ihtmVt. Aran dell of Carteret wa not iiouiiuwa b tha ltepubllcan of tbat coijiity for '.a knat, out oyaooat etc disafftci member 6f tb party, ia the re'vlwbarbert shop. ' ..Mn. KitTc"ir-l bopa, ijMi maav.wien.ta ward la urging 'upoa ' the tleneral , Asaem- bly, the strong atm "wtnrv ti prem u lot tbelfwptHrtMl6Kif'',"r y' Ua good Pamaa ai amai wla til papar uava eooiaiiww .TT . " Tn rVtwm In tha manner and a gentleman uivntrr, fiaauam of bto oeae, B4, fou 1 mUl dtelr ,ttrpqaM, al urging jrwajfm t u auo ffl WJ, f t,e ite wt 1 bora t.TSll5u, . Wi HH V ' Wmlelf nobly -daring 'tb. kuuleT Ue WJBViu in Vew iprorda." , Wil , x ,. fil .,..oi iy , wmm'0 awl aa arAat ' " It' batloaf' pirtfarty raowff ''S11 ,w fb foutor A Kto ol f Plu b b. wpportMrt Ckaasrfaoaa rteurftank, .ff,ctlny th. muc(eai bf hi 1 -JaU ha thuat.rithe0ort. mo.to np tuaw.rjniwd ibim. .WW' .rma. back ind chest, chi. fly. ana la Wl.. prftf BJra.tl tba- awrWoT tb Duto; Mli h has forgo andbelpWa amily ...... . .,, suarkhiB the berit- ; rL.. rTk. rbUa tfoarrjeaatst and, . .-nnnrf''lfe Wflrltn the fruition od I .. u... . .... aim attacitmir inn penr 1 - thV.nT.r.Tg th : IsasiHVwIrriaa Mftllarfbth rTT MAalilmv. Tba aaeatioa Of B aatlV Or J wziv ; " y . llI:. i. "re .T T . "i T. . " .-T L. M A.. 1 hi B0 'mainTBtnen T kTnreian ruler prowisw w a- - J Umlal by ua. VIht . W2 i bfweh amoof tha depbtlal of tba majortty. day at cOlltgA b" ataniyT aa'- ynT?ryS:a itu) tfiiatf 'siiiabi tbaaalrltotaxaul W"tr tTT fulfteoaM ratltay atttatprtal avf d !,el(ig anwcllv vA "a Biag-rtMJm. where 'W. W a VO? "oi lm. be took bi ,aat erld to ik loat bis .prb.J" ,'i, : I wa immed 'tcJha IbWdbht rather wa, " rL.mm.Bed tls use ol remrdir it tka, wU bwaswaiated ast year. At on Dart lt Ja5,"JO raw oaiw u u v. SartblT roskluu tbia tunnel aeverai useful TnJ.SiLf wnich reruW man program mu6beate& puis jasv' 1 4 La. . I. u kl.i IeaaalaalmiayrtlimlaXntl -ft . . . te aaramrlsw aVafal .tiaavm.ai D4UOim MW wa - - ,uoceafuJly ttad, Rtag, by tba, , ld. M conjure.! aw, ,i isAt 1 1 tnd trnb:Latof tevcre blow. In service. I kr order. .rottUautklp- pnbliaji inou. 6- tiatea ia entente, KWrll wnryv -b, CTlog lJf0U, tM M,,?VrJ?,. to qaaoa,.i Raolw4tj loctiy fegali P .ftaft "r '. . . . ih. iiiirki eouldl s..ul.Ht mftd wile, ana IBM. a UZ:.T. .Zul and almoit to lb W -wwAetota tb . marrtanw aaeemotiy latt 10 iani il f tl"IBr' " r ' ' 5 aild ajar, wwa 'twp T 11. ..nnnrf."'lf wlor tilth bo ltM the a''Armlly, wilt rwrfrr it pem bio. tj.Ait-vsiattttv. i a. . , ...1 ,11 aw,; ,)li.nujr '' " -. - A ftJIttor riB.-A poa mortem 1 ff"., blnwrwjife!r?iw Fr?? mlr Btaale? Of PaTera-iril1 whose death by auld-wav pM.ru.t ytsvdyr,,,Wbeb cllortod the lastiaMewwi "-""-oleatly eoftenod frou' to4!"lrn'e t. Ii.ln have caused death. 'altb.MWb, Jrom ltrnnr,'ll swma; tba dlrwt .M.akwoafriir lniaelMitlna-tvHba wwtte Df. Morses driifcAW bairtoo poison, but lit" eicr V4?b,iJf."WS?' tiir8v'H,4 1 , Us twn nil..i IT larial l i 1 t.r. l.-tttt ijlni: It jlukoWr life. einelic, m t af fat a'S, a. w r , a Iffl 1 rir .k9 - r Li f- .k. UvektlfHtin Court. Mr. I iUnier wbw I man of pee, J iP? UmA M'tinWli eewrellv held, very famjftoiiBia,."Ww,i demaatioaatLiot. arB.w v- - Col. BargTova u , lUdical eaadidatav lr ..Congrea In tbu Dtstriat ' It what w bar bearo 01 " s Wrb.ooriwst.b..y U Had. at Mr. baaver wm aa 7 bodr M mejarj'aa4P b" . - lr,?:. -m tiumalve for a prio. -Jie will doubflom aawVlM ina WbaT ap su v.- i...iS.U much aid,tpaolUy la the oth, .gala b Pl J Pf :. JiatlmlaaU nVbw4 M' :1 ... t . j 1.. a It is.. ... ,1 l nrh executions. ti.ti.i j.-- Uirpu,;..--.:,...- - ,r;.1,Bn.tf l.afa-'tT--mow-w-"r Grant an gnd hi poUloi Of Beoretary tenor. A Unobeida tklmt book viaoa a twvi va t utimuiirDmwnuN . . : : ...... ..... uiait a po, '""""j . .... finirai to 1 meetiwr oaa.wnue a " i'i" I .vldeptly wither .xpetted, f.W2f jl? 1,, roStaaw'poild a.swdy hk J, reeover. W Improving W. .Wadily I ;c a, ,1 , ( loakvng a 1 ittgebap (hat the bM bavebrt" l.lwtltnH I aiasW" tttfejowaa oav aw. -tb retehl. if that tolliuel ih;li ,ed.- promtaa to eiose rn, aad todeed ta the tHt's, ami all the btate. upoa oaaot tu most qu www avar btlif la tbemhtrvj "ht JM na aow can off tit mutri ani ot iv Convent fbrR-- -rTrr be, " Inal Wauiot w,mbtw --7-1--1 7T .,1 tist. wblc . Prompt tar to tae - - - r . 'a ol th Ia tllKlaatBunn. M "TSr. abub baaiedaj riKiaaarw g-ml.tquara rrSLMj.tl 8t MarabaU, 1UK Wl "-' ' . 1 1. . 1 . a.x, - ss-a jnafiviiw iiu ! Th-health ofCbUt Jartlcaonaw i tw H before bto tto to ,adr, wtba brdn .nda thgh- ba. StZrtQr'r. atr V I ItsW Kainujie vwp"- ' , . . I - - SttataV t ' f . a 5 Thr attendance M !M - r .i.ti. bmaltatd I dmotto power. I a fim . .. ao anaay paiaoaa, '.-.J I J w-Kh-w. D. D. Mat or . . witaest 0 mornoi. a m wster. wi. - 8 li alf fLW' I' V1 2 ThTuttiTn. of tba tkctton. ar. o Inoom- alst that aa. aetUiit aKdeBalte optoioa ea be termed tth apecrn matt. (to. HeffauB ot Nw -Srk to doubtles re- 'Jin. !-" sUcted by lrg-m. sO.OM.1 Wi iSo1d net ry Urge. uw eolored persona oi OrdAfH ataae MoortpfOranTUlaj'U'b thoiw,eoiore.l, of Wrtwn, 'Diiaaattou. o..v, - - ,Cot; ttOu 4blAt ' a I Ikmlltal Zl iul inflictlolilUkb - W - ' L J. b reatralaea vj fcntJy de- u 1 . valuabl dtacottree at Hamp- luTraaiawa to Ta. aa "CbrirtiaB Aav WtlatVsW .o pleiy. i.t aliici. w " - J-"'. Mil UP ta s.muror x ,Wniicb',bwtoif tita,e.0r thsth1 ha the .Dug (X3 aw,0OV Ster- 1 I Mat tH.t;Jl?.W.W0 . P toe CAsi W.Hllg"loj lUj.ptot ATlt: ihlcbltl ut ve.tmei.U were det 41 fferotr ea, 1 t bf eoKTJifibaaio Bad SrmiMjto ffiitSTICn&liato aeweaaea BJB,BBJJ TW nslIT tn modeeata RrouUllCans agama v.. and QMlf &UdV fsNaaaSU-da, 1 -A WatiamiBi M nnrP Wava tt c4oajw iwatoiBMttiJtrff tratttoy tb CkaUm RjliUiBywi;f tteam fe f avrtUvIltoilt traveUam, bat o ail aa thai ronUv. it a aa Important mail mob. . Chatham aad Jtoaia. eaaatiea ar almost iaQlsied to iba-maak-f smaito. I lb revto thjouich4 wbWb lt.,Pee to a otto eoaatry.aaet tk.pwp test saw www ot eksikv If th Bteitet were propeny psw siassd to th peatmaMei Qeaeraa, w thiak wQ-a g!v than dally tuall, ; We hope aaaa ta havw a ism.ataaiatBto Caagmaa wba wBl irga aba aattac. v "Tr:. nt1 tl.aoenalty sir tba awtui .o-7-v ' ' 1 ao-w to bT oaaai "'J" ' t. nlrts which urevait e itst BMnasiakatv mfiM Mih. itttance of t "tatMUeli iu.t,i.u an mora aaralvaea l tiarvaiuia rw' w- - r w .. w. , . 1 i, w a am . 1 ba wee, , I aavjaitaasar- ':"!'"? j a.t ,ir trow t884 to ' W 7-34 C difforea wpltMudin j .nUuu al,iaaeifWJr l , . York ctf. Reside, H P?!TTl2Vll' W property Ick preratm IJJ.IabhfcVM'"- 1 Uiotta U tb. S-peWwara ta go Baitroada, to j VciatoWtf Wwrrli. ' k tooal I " iHmJbl bal . . . 1 ran aa np" i, rffaR ma 1 TTTTZ!i '.n.... h ould tiM iiifsx- .. xm Hwnmcn 1 . . . mrxmm ... hum. ett iT---.... 7. r s ... w- wuniHu . . . . . . - . aw i..,.,....r,---. ; iaa'E'a;fwrtB twiita r w."4...' " - ""'.-,." r ...'--i. ia.'sTw-s ;v jr .. i . " rrTcrowaed aro bto wmt lf i" w"i'i maato )btoiwoViwaiWBBi rri tot "7zz.jv - r tt 'Dnnwujt w --t- - . .. tlyrBS22r R,nuLHcns mst urani 1 - - o-Micwa ol ta - . r r. . . a wrras) iwjbwiim t . Rosdi have 1 wwwkeewary tm1 tin- a; . .t ... k 1. - tLi tkaaeawtaia a -wawiaa 77- tminresfwr a . "jf"".?.!.-.", r,.-n,t- one was aatUHea .or, n rslSfdElw. bout w "ir-,?-... wa tbewuiw-,V -7.7.1 lot JLiia .locpjn!-. jr.ri. few sactn to nvo ritUw4ei ; w' STl tb tr, Holttoa teceited the wnttoattw.bfcl. a Uw denwaa, wa aftarwara mao " . omintl0ar bout tJte M-vitbtbi down uaoa IWlnf BaMlot . thia aaeatioa. I . .. M bka witt cat mtB at aj jri.---T-r, ,W. ImioW o4t! u III KUDl r--'1 i w- r. .. i i. .mI1 aa let tbem I h-:i..,i , .xv uiMf tanr . i ' How. A, H, BinWi. To waatung- :h lt haasaoulvea ,from lion. Alexand . -f .t.ii-h It decline .Uro.ta.glnS 4 to I PUT?.l!ll- aowevet, at aayavw " "--J," w s th-Ml-breUtl iecu iu u uiit .. ..i. ... l. lii.u Vri Ilia Ocortiie so Ka.l fMnnt.vs"Tir155'irlI" cWtara that ti ttrrr mmW in inch ipeeeh, eltbar la tira Convention wtajwber ela; "it maki . HI. Ci-Vltbmfecot.nwaMfw , Mir tinw bi ui am svaf -- - ....: : " i i .1,1. t,..i ra linitir ra itt i t. .t, yiba. tM7aU taat li ffatdaa bal ma, itw iniUJrom Charlotte, w StniancDui - y r- c taabardtroiaorvtlouaJ' betowae waur aweJ,-w.Cp!t, rjotinarnn ha J-uat, aatarnad imm 'tba North wberw b 4rol . aton of hltoVi Jlotde btWld:coiifc I trirfattd tawmW-thal--tbe enUrpria a4Tl bobwiswvwj. BpoftBr. Murphy.r Why rU4awpeaat b.or- varr baadaomely. rolal li? 7. at tr.iA. harkauav tbe; wrong tree. I iTthia the Pst . few .week, Ttwtcd! that Far aa L M ftw W..TTT l".', ""'H. itlt. appointment 4 .'Tfn 'oei ttn. r suiublo looatioaj. isww-wl - hi sU ' aaswtaaWBWW, w. - A, bfbto Wina, fZLrTrol, built aad prop- -atv, JW:S3.d Si . ltd-.vW. ' 1 ' aolleCUdlBaUa,wwr '-rV'. I vaW"w,r7 Ih.re la f J.vi t a.canoert 1 ? 1 roi Tot tb. Bva year. .Ming mw. t 1 cruato oi. oru. r r; ;J-y-71,;; lta hMi m.sruiicent and . Hi. . S.J aged. 000. Fo w: n.tAer tbe nomioaooai uoous , oiSt MM.-"?.. ki ISI ttenda.;' . . . .' ' .,.;,-,,, v-f.. .Vf ' ar consider tn o"", -" " "7V IF ? f "SLiIZ' 1 ait"tbgBtbT'dywat tnw O-nraiives e tb I.tact. , The UM' " uxafoi Baltrmofev aarvsta ... M, ' h-.sl aelected U. vm- .!.' ,U .jp. wbtfw. aA.-aMWBs tow-a mw"' . I WV. ' .T . 1 .twt ..iiaaW'"- aT5S t Chw toe! of Weft iRockJ fmpar, to . ... i m Mil- MSuU. ve aa. I writ! ao ow i'""-1 t . .UM taaaers. !h.w bt7W lip.l 1' r t, Lm& tl'tviiif.litTsian'Hr'ed vonje Lrouiriit dow th hnuM ti everai rn-cos.- abu w. 1. 1. a th M(Dtt wilL I '! c .'. '.'-, Cha dwdn tb lateTewy -VT -T-J,J ,t. l..,,ft-noa'- Jas-Ii trWwtw bit prtvaa. . a"r.- 1 W nbw.S. W.f? T TT ' " llroa tuilhi .ot PXrh7w; . . J . a swwwwam ttaa bAllaal lfff.aVtfVv?? 1 a. aT-v-al frtillUMBnil awrw,w . . iW ... 1 lbaWllfrPTTPWI V- 1 - w 1 . . " me frVLTaaMei to b .wbl,-ttOcki0g birdlik. reno g , u r..".t:r..trMemenU bainetr.ada 1 'flower boo ij" by an.it, tM, JarifeBl ugbet, before j fcU. , . , tsl armaroeiiU renuor was Mr, ijoawisr. is s' 1 ' tbatbousadidnt com to ;,: v n, the ladw ta qaertio mual aava ote ia a ou u "I 1 ' ... ..... , j -- - ani'-i C..V-.-' -''.-- ' fHS-t" 1 rf" 4. . in n' ,4-l t v , ... - ! 1 : r Si ' I '',; -'r ' - ' '- t, - ; it ar