-;rr.r ... p.- ,' ' . A .,' ' j; , , : . : 1 A ;A "' - " ' " '-, . I . . A. A . 1.-.- . ' ... . - - - , . -A : - A 7- A A-A.--.; . . - 7 1 ' ' - . . ' ' . , . 7 ,AA.7 J ; I'liy r. la t T t.ii it .uvitji ft .hj tit,M-'( it-1 nt ,n ojjl THE BENTINEL. Am G CASUAL LexJsUtire of Urtk rarllB I 4 CA W, d. STRONACHiis oa TTu. Iti.i.ut.... .n umimni..r Ji: ... I'... . - " ' At- DRUGS: time ih ,vwKrm WPWilwiii t AfclH,Vl,lr.t. n XiLiLA Jul mn A,, .llo ufl,tt. MmMdWB'ni Im uk. officer., h, W. L 8tflter. of never Lcil tuipekcUwl. Tb biatmw t ia. BtT " wm iuh vsri j. Mill ITCTVCpf t.i - 1 (Aofutl by k! b(UBdioment or pfoia and "t rrieled duty in grstiliug rclitrf to illegally mated citiccui, Bml- iby be the sjriuiaiUi.t ft tb wbolo BUlt:. TUc tmu ntone cuutj i the cause ol all. ' , Wjllwuttlw ou-utration of Judge Pear t w, llkie Ami Kirk would oa hfv tiniabed tbeir lawleta. career. We aomc- ' timcarvaMm ouracll into the btliif that tliera was a tacit understanding between i be Judge and the Governor, that the jhii, oner nl the latter should not . fie released unrni 1I UIV mini buuuiu uuk by inbfaf mini, , H OUO.Qt pu kotl tfp iff th! Court IIoubi: tllC lllliOJS at Graham. aJxlrctted to Jf.uk by the Ciorvrnor, he nrMlrttkt fho. mcrocugcis of the' Chief si that the Judzd was the Tcrnof throughout. After Jndfic HriHiks signifiid his iuien tioe. of granting relief to the prisoner, mae of whom bad been bting and irooed like dK ,uI leloOS,. Qb. iluMcn Wfiu the lollowing letter to Judge Pearson ' " Stats of Noiitii Carouka, Kaleigh.Aug. 15, 1870. To tht Uvn. R. M. I'mrton, Chitf Jwttict bupnvu Cturt of N, Q,; JJkab Bib : In, any answer 10 the notice served upon me. by the Marshal of the Supreme Court, in the matter of Adolphus 0. Moor and others, ex purU, I slated to your UotHT that at that lime the public intereeV lorbado me to permk CoL Oenrse W. KiA to bring be tore our Honor tk x saiit jftartie ; at l ne samr timl' l ksrarcd jour llouor that as soon as the skfety tT fie tat? snoui.t psnty u,a ri.ma cneertuUy retore the civil power and cnsc the 'said partifa to be brought bt fore yb tngethsr with tin cue of tbeir capture, and .UeteeH Uto;-..- .jprrVrN "ft - 1 That time has arrived, and Ihareerdored t'ol. Clewru W. Kiik to olx-y the " writ of Aum v?Ji issued by your Hoo t. As thik. ! uiU r ol prisoners awl witnesses j considerable, I aou'd suiriruat to iur liouor that it would lie more convenient, ta make return .iu the. L arit, at thsCapifl iirftakigh. Col. Kirk is prrparcd to make such retuirT, as sovane your Honor shall arrive in Kali igh. wtKFtYroZ0xi;u' r W. W. Huluhm. tfh'd made fie Oovcrnbr the kocpWbf' Ui4 adge wad 4 the-' d privileges of the wrttvjt;-ilswraftO'b4eol ente the want anjfeauueaenlol ibc' BupuWicao f tint sltmill Ueniavd After .Bergen be bung np-KtologcT th civil power and causo the said parties to b eroe)rnt before yoe. 1K)tber with the cause ot tbeir capture and detection." "The time ba arrived Jkod l b oretoml Col. Kirk to tibey the tnkoi Vas earpw issu ed by "yonr Hobor? 'f! Uovernor should address rtc ' rttftite td a Judft make good cause tor the impeachment of both. la that ruit4ibIbia work, "fh Mirror of JukticeV theft is a ebaptt r o kt abussees thaoeuiusea la, m whickl it 'Ji sH -t I btti tbkt . Juiee aikd otfcer t ! IffitSfcrp wHkiUfjplljtr ft jKmeM4J oe ueauoveu I uinli iu u i w. m t. . - Kts9 Alfred. aaasl t 'Wti X' rbtn ba ordered lorty four justic s iu one jear to bef basd s murderer, tor mt injeeuagr. meat,",! What , Aucky. ,ilyo tor JuJe Pearana that King " HoUicn, ii.s ead of old iBgAlfTtVTigiil ,.. '-' flcrogg nwd J tfrrjr,- 1hr iub5i iy:c.i: tools ot a corrupt Court flt abl ick pa; i tiMyikiiil..kr ttbir: ooutitty. . Jif Pearson 'ba made a Mack page i tliv- ai, Ball i k ea'iakri f? wtttch Wf '!t!:H If) paaiatica, tmprag.jp. , eloiub ft M-1 .tenMJAiM nei , I W kBcnttoned a few dayi ago, tbaf we Bad utAIofd tkxelkim of erery gentlemao 1 k the Btttev feoM iai had been coupled Up. A oorreipoadoAk U oar atteolioa eth4Vsotikat we had sot all Wed t ttaou Mate of CAI7JtTffomjejof ,Wyn, It Ae h corrtctii - wat tt- tmintebtinn!' Miaalofj ot 'ont- jiaH, Cs " Humph rty's pwb Bigea aome iimenacf ,uj .cor ieapoudeol of the 014 iSrtK blj BMipi ib itr that m- ijyjwbaan,ssssii n ..nnasi isi;i i floraioff OoL Hambhrrr em qealil ..Mte-Vy9ttaigfe l"lfiikfU bitato tilL i rf)"'- j' - . , ., ,i.,. ilirt. ni Uantart.lw9 Iritrmttm'z on this I 'foa boa ,aV they e-reet . II can BHiad kMsaeeH to the old Whig for bo on ol jBhtn k ( Mecent hi claim with cwiaVkswe to the old Jobc9,o ? M of thesB,' eJMt v H -4 Aoeejrt fc. "WTh earprt "3jfi,' fce ,1 ; v1 Li ttktleld. He ts acctpUUe Uf JlBsJatiwt '-Tfir f- b'-a4 Od lo the people whtcb pobl.shcfi io 'as Standard olfice and tf circulated'ljj . D4raad rifgrita JUhky, ,., i I w have pledsau oonelrta t otridt neu- m the BeDatoriand all other eled- .. lHade by the L-gisWuri!.--1 "TWfittte mrntion of an old rotator will I katawli-. a. . . T i ' . - - I a "uu mu ra Will Aral) be A6oidii A a'a Vinlatimi fif that .a ..l.,..,.,...,v...,..-u.ril:.,r.'".W'"'wv: II li seemi aprian'ii t ' f I creature of the Og Tk"teM-r. ...... In. I fh i'.x .1. I Oflya, ol t'lutlm, AsiistjiH cl rE ..! Jartia JS., Spacer, W. W. tfiitUcr 6f (,'akWell, Principal Clcik. a i l Krrt'raiuc ei ifowan, Aitiut C.'l.ik, an I Luwia (imu Oljl.aufort Doorkcx'n r. J". prUcu lars see rejwrted pnc :i;.liiij; olanA ..re. It is gratify ing Jiu I r jirothlnjf t'j hi ar the rotl eilli end ret,) uinj raado by uion hi.r4!Ucriaail graudrathera, And even gr. at grandlaUiers have in formir ihiys, auswur li tin aaiiie nanici. fjut Ligis'a tore tlnre wur,-rosoiist s to the loll will 01 many' tiauici utaralllar; nch Kit, lflttt, SwvjI aij liiji ijgv , utUcrs i 3 irswii,'.-.' ,.l I.. rp,. I AOIIVU loplc, with a mighty npruung, have MutUd m of these name uiion the roll. Lust fes-iun Cully Hty and John Kag laad answered, where a Gilliam, Amis, Littlrj.ihn, Tyhr, Canadny, Ks'.on or Hen deraoa were wont, o. Jfcply. There hat been some improvement en in Hudieal Qrnaviville. Col. .Hargrove is some ia proveuienl on CuQy Mayo, and Capt. Lyon k Considerable advauco on John Uagland likkl" Legislature Galloway and French answered from New Hanover, instead of Davis, Cowan, Hall, Wright, Wadde.ll or Empy. ' This session there is a marked in provemcnt.froni that county. '- i tap-.iajopJit u.jt i.ugia,a:uie.iue rob- Mri, wicli fraud and sword, tiirueijjout the trti mn ol rJic Slate ; now the ritu re- jtc that, ky the I'icj of truth an.l the Vicu ufan i(figiiabt and ouir.iged people, tUo true won avuTjucteil uot of the rob bTrfc. 'i'bero 1'j gotfiing strange nor wou (ttifttrtlatblsf !r Ti what will alaays re ult from the s iber, second tlrmbt ol a virlUr ous eiiplc, when l"lt ' iliu tree e.erci-e of their own judgment. y OWi! GAJtJllf"Z you UOA'UUK&I. Ct"Waniiiiig, ur chiii ltdatv for Congress, was in the city, and stoppeel at the Yar bord Wunt-, e W(VrTyTii'it. On Satur day morning he left by the early train for kmhufii where 1'C kpbk'c on iaturtlay. . llr, Mauuiug will aekUusalm people at Oak (irov Township1- iw ' this county on Vttt3J iA 'joati-kf; Tiu.caa .pei- bly roach there ; If Ike j(ipontmebt wilTTjuIeJ!Jf some ofucr speaker. "vfe b'avc, aetn mauv gentleincD from Chatham county, who say they have yet to meet the first wbiic man in that county who wtUvote lor Joe, or even ir "Dael," were be caaJJefftC. bcy ttit fit. Una nipg majority at l,0WC m ;W are vgi4 1" aaaf o b"M)J P,rit prtTailing in Orange tor Mr. Manning. A ytjg small, o'0floapf tlte If.OpQ ,it ftom Vf BUiUglVU Wilt UI1U WtwuiflMUU u vittuv t tor, when the white lUdical get it they 4oa'l t s-iU , - t ' lift, ?l7 Bl" in th.c tVtstrict give one ik3 day to inacoaotr j and one more ribok, fJiroipS'Bt.iicefcby going lo the poll ot tfatBTday next and voting for iah Jtwntng for Congrea. As briefly ttotsoed ytsUrdayy large ana fespcca!e' gathering of the f'onacrvalives lt BafoigvU:toabip took place at fli !iortHs, jy B'gi't -;v jflW1Wtti4'A'w!ed ly calling )H. J JP, f uckei. W til kppoint- TheA H, Ktmsay Mrtaty 'T&Wk&tV' td iaM sMitticrytwdily moroiog, waj dC C M. Btubeo Vt 'f aae, Mr. Merriaao ef AsaerUle, and omoothefis, .r&etfcx&"W"Jt&g$ Kgrrlmoi .wW ow I pw drptb and was jstead to f itfcf roJonjna attfntto) Rf we targ crowa preaeaC ; 1 1' i ipp?natj4iojim?yjof 01 urawins uu niuuutwu i.imwi ... A-.i-n.ja- at matt dcata4V oomjaatfowof Hon; John Maerdinff Jefof Hfou WietkoHtif theStkte IilatafiL,t?tBe!Oiiaiiy recoraacou afcow-ertrt-o aA(-ey SOU IUO . wuiv.!- . . - wbrtby kanilaskt brer1rn the cent, slid rga every gooi chias tonally Setter chtyMXkto .lh wppotlatf 4li ticket. Afle USOdoptioa ol Jhe rcolu!loiy the $&t$m'& tifrtJk-'u.S flt',:-' v.. I .WVWaaail -m u- -.tbi PeraocraUc fi&lnjk J: rnB(l;ay, tli Chicago 7k, ainounk to dvor tilu. Th Democatt lav . tnsj mty ix ftve or 1U - av tha llBomaf-Beprmeiittiteo. Jh Jjaaat-fnChct Ekt?a.af ftCi tie will ) ! certainly tain- . . i & nre the election .of Jpi'ct Lwitr4o tfrtf 1, rf ... I i.O S . ' . . iirnms i m i m r . I at t tinw film tt, 'i.naAnt fcxpectaUoo for rtmov: f ivat or iuff upon tbcnv 1 . ' V ' 1 fHUIT Bone fVntir IU rk ....( : Of OB twlnvcd Rt.t.i ..." i. r,' 1 T . j . . " '"V WIMip. nmiin m'c 4-ir:iaiiT tie partmwl wflf aiVntr iiwf i.r.....7- u " . yv:uiunn eno, w utt iru u oiio ru Bor lortMMt ataa T point in nn w Ml p4 Kreateom. ..-. J ' 1 ' ' . P calculated to adradc the Stafc ia a,.. aara march toaloty and maiue fl tb inleiitu.D f the law makers Trad been faiih fully auJuom-st'r obaerrwl and tbtir . . attuieots proutrlT execulerf I kilt A compiL me to admit that muck also la been done which It were lf er eiitim-ly omitted. U will be yi.ur duty, as It will ..ubtleas' e yottr pleasure to presirre tlu rood and tootru)t the evil 'L"giaiati,un of those who have preceded you to throw aroued the laws such afe (uards s a ill iusuro their ciiiiirecuiei.it aud to mako them an ano f K0 M " 1 law I ptii industry shall be cultivated and suitably encouraged. Endeavor to make the strong, tne wicked and the perverse know and feel lhat the law is a master, who will i mum io ouw io us lunj'S y and obey Its commands : and to mak to tk ata.lt the victorious and the good put their trust, iu ii as a menu more to IM drpvodod oa than brother. ' If job ccompHsh fLU the pcoplo will rU up ana proclaim yoa benelatteir to tb prvkont ud futur gentj-slloo. a new era ol prosperity will dawn npon our Sure, and afresh impetus given tq the general welfare of our people. t. tnwufcAfjon. wWL piriaa'jnaikMi A pirtirg from what properly Appertain to my duty, and allow me to laggeaf that yo eaoie acarching and thorough livcs Mgation to be made into aU well founded complaint of frauds and peculation which have been or may be prefe rred by responsi ble partica, against those into who.j cus tody the , great interests of lis SUte ha arrrrnri iiTernto-vVnmciftffht characters ot such a have born falsely cbargvd, and to bring to justice those who have abuaed tbe nigh trust c-oaU kiel to tbeir keeping. t . In conclusion, Senator, I fxg to assuie you that in tbe future, as in I ho pauit,tiHiul strive to discharge my dallis with "such fairness ant Impartiality as will convince yout I net a bbv at leas MMiaarorea to merit your spprobatieta and ia order io make my task aa easy aadjp leases I ona, I bespeak yonr g'soeroae ae-ope ration ia n forcing the ralostnaeia lor onr government, and uo. invoking I ha Llta-inz, ef the Great Law Maker Bian all oar deli he rA sons. and praying that harmony aud good win may prevail amongst oa, I snniMtnao tt we are rrady to-proceed With tbe llblic ouainess. ,nK 4."fi v i The roll was called aad lite billow wig Senator cam forward aad were ' qaalifUd, viz : K. It. opoeel, i . c. BKiBBcr, U Latham, . J. Warren, J. W. rWley, ,N. a Bellamy, J. MoCotter, L. K. H tUe It P. LebmaR, tt.i W. King, W. A. Allen, fl- W. Price, Olias. MeOlammy, 5. & Cumaf It. M. Nrment, W. 0. Troy, aiMarpuL? B. WadilAC IC B.oueknVL. P. OI4s, I. W. Graham. i. AUmBht, J. A. Oilmur, J. It. Worth. A. J. Dargau, H. C. Jorje, V. Maaoey, W. M. Bobbins, f; C. fiobliins, tS. Adam, K, Crow.lt, O. M. WhtlefdcrW. a Council, W.W. Fleming, W. L. Love Moore, of Cartwit, C. I Cook d I.Mer-rimon-88.---. ' i Mr. B. W. Liter,of OraoVill,prien.. ed hi credential. ' . i . I . . Mr. O rah am stated that he was Inlormod that the seat of th Senator from Granville Would be oateatcd, and morad to fat credential oa tb table antll the parti i ( who cUim h ,( biret al febaartunity to be hrd; -irte- laotiMWu JdlscjfT at some length and WM loV Tb &&tXr came forward aad was qualified. j, . V Mr. W. A. Smith preaeotea bm creden UaJ JBhMv .Pr.bei m4 b sam tnotioa, though this cuq wm of k differkut character from th other. (This being one of thelnsaTaryoaartie whoa cit& ace were all insurgent.) , .. - i AiUr some discussion thcBeaafor, wa air leweel kowuhdraw kls cacdeatjahv I Oa motion Lb Seaala , agmed, fa g into the election of officer, Io wit t . j t '' Mr. Oraham nommsted W- L Baanderi of Orange, iod Mr. Moot It Carteret. luatcd A II Dowtfl of Boacoaibe. .Wbofa oumbet, at,' vota! alt 88, mwLkb Mr. Saunders ireccitodT , 29 .and Mr. Dowel kf aVai duelarad dulv alrcireU I. f AssrrrAjrr cxbbk Mr. A3)r1gbt nomttd iffcATrtdmTtanrt 1.-Jt4n.nl W-Hr- ttriS7tnfKr JiBmim-WaWW5 ' l lUlt that til!' hlllllLLnt. tu. L IVSTJJMJ JVm4 , B!tLM . alUKJdmjftluriAJJ--XWiK'J-awtLjy . , ., - - ielv im,)ertively demand, .hst PK, Tarrof, lbblna. H kvl: wsr"BWI-lll.iik i. fr KM lieUK.t. oKMlttlkT. N'r WZI??!' , v.r'iw essr.c.-s sua vleie shall Im mor. ti..t ..i BVBc. Ttif Jr. v Wii II. T..nn . .1 ana u tue tain uuea as tun i.ir ii,niKi rvriM.wJ(iuwn4iai i . en ir irrrr Can ! u nUhed, and that Inielllcent-o virm,: ....IT "Mr. 11 u-urovo vnu.1 f. kir ri. ysMrJktlt bwduuo it.. Use . ..aaui iii I, .ANO t,, . . J ' 1 I ' ' . JA.O.Jut4od. 1imKm.lSSK'fti9 fcWe"clrmepren.rti oeired at and Mr. Barrhr 7.-M r X war WlT17KJrei Wn3KTcTl77? mimiftr of Crsven. Mr, lieaaky anmlBtted J. T. Uafl of WA TVhole . timbe si totes eskl, e 4-4ft; Mr.'-Bail .. Mr. R. ' wa declared ttqly efeetd..ia fl 'nrt "On moUoa of Mr. Graham. the Senat .!)urad bbuJ to-morrow mormof atio nocss or itEPfncsiicTATivica '..- tg? VkxDAT, Not. Sf. - The lions' wa called to ardrt at ; 13 'o'clock, "try Jea. U. Boeer, .., PriaelpaJ Or rf tha lart UettsA '. ' ' n ' : ... 4 . The lollowmt akembeta Ippaarff aad in oaaliflea A Mewrf, ABOeioaajOTiUon , AP,ai . . a .. i 1 a.. jrater AiluaaiJBirovlu, . roat&at. Drown, Ben, Hryioo, Bryan, Chmrtaia, r?mri. Cllaard. Colli. CrkWIorilOii!! .tljcke, Dlef , Dock worth, aUiabo, Tiaa e, Msianau Mcifcilt .M TaTZ Ik4tla f..il a. i ..i. ., Mr. MakkM4 QnmattmilM T. J li tinilii i -a m I i laonjttow.ag twUaUMNitvdfvt U, .t-id At water, BrdfiK Brown, Bryant, CUnrl ' '. 'f'Wrie; CliBar Crawford V.f -. . . yjnv, nut r ""i xnsaer. craanam. tanhiwi n..uL Ureofy, Orayaoa, Hidnoa,' Uoa ton, Ham, ol aailfofd, Urtl, llianant, ' Hamp-t-e, JobnetM. (tf Banooml-. .J Caldwell, Joy, et Jobmrtoq, Joyn-f. ol Httt Jordan. Kelly, bt DU, Kelly, ol Moore, Kincaid. Lucas Lnrk Wiii u. in, McAfee, WcMeiH, kUtwtli Mltrtll, Marlrf. Nicholaoa. rSiMir M.irin i .u. li, l i ' Bw". Bpareow, "- ''"'i oimawier, Biitie, AlcMT. rre&ch and Kim.lwlrlt a--,.. pointed to conduct Mr, Jarvls t the Chair! Mr. Jsrvis, e assuming tbe Chair made a graceful and eloqueBt address ac him - - tl0Uf!,',J.nPp V molloo, "fl- electU of li ft inmpal Clerk was goue Into. - , ' HutlierU 1 Bominated Mr. Joo ft Boner, of Wake, ; r Mr, Nicholaoa Bomioateef Mr. Oaitlier ol Caldwell. J -. i A ballott wa taken and Mr. Oattttr re ccived 61, snd Mr. Boner S9 vote. ' i 'V 't Mr. Qaiiber wa declared duly electee! m- Mr. Prench Bomlnated Mr. Btradley uf Headerson, a Aadataot Olerfc? U 12U. Mr, Crawford at Howan, twrnloafed Mr. Kerr Uraige ot ltowso, lor the same ooei tioa. . i . i , ; . .f . Mr. (JrtlL'e wa cleetjd br a vn ni l to 3JL ' Aa election of Doorkeaner Mnk into,, which malted In tn . li..i. ..?vi. 'o QoWta tliit.r,f .. .. . then adjonrned until to-morrow moiking at 10 o el a k Okaa,w, M. O, II, 18 W.? tHiU 8ii- Witlita tb l.f tw aiiirrth I have notirul three several commaa;4iv lion fa th Raleigh Bbjitisbi. signed Alamance, purporting to havs beta wri'tea at Graham, In each one of wbu,Uk. personal rtfliCilon lisve been cast apua iylf.' iAs a mstiot of justice I think (iava a, light to know the real nam of tb kutlorsod you will much oblige mu by givmg mfAlw nsmo. An early aaswer i rttiosted ! , .. Ysi'irj ftapoctfully. t r , ,, Banwlt. Orricay i IUh!gH5f. 4,iW- ' ' iTol bad the Wnnerl ibenctoa ai pontage ktkmp to psy postage da 'my mpf to your of tb 18th, I witT "hkodi tka stamp to your worthy representative.' iM. Whita, to be returned to yoa.1 " i . ' I do not' know what "roMCx, 1 w.e et npoo yoa by your ntfghoor. 1 kow yoa were "hand aad a love" with' Ilohleai Kirk, Bsrged, D.mgla. arid toar'cOBssa, L M Rill Alkrl..l.t k.l. - U , I j 1 ' "ft WUIIV- A. u g a naniug jour neigBuei, UK ange, ro wri m the wood. ' Yon need tot - want! tt ot 'WintttaB four bymCikt maw ta kawa 1. ; k A f ; esmi of mm who Condemn your by icai coerM. ror every gecetit ooufrtt mil do ft ' ". - Tour, with prorr cnn1acraioJ. O : , JOBIA TURNER, Ja.w 4 " ' ,.iaiuawekaaai,i ' . , j AuDmoBAj. ItBWABB.-t?e ar rrqaostoei U. anioaae tka tbe aUtbort tie of this eonnty will pay aa additi! rawarel lor tb captaraot tbe person aaraed t'a the Governor' proctsmstioa rqvak ko that ofr fered by him, lo-it 1 $300 tar IL B, Low-, try, sad $300 aack lor i tb other, -t , t'hi w!la the am total af tewarda offerid lor the eaptar f ; toaar- fiaperada ta ; tb ice littl am f l,400bns4aj ' Tw(i'.riflfb prfrtneA;VnO'Wrr the jail l tttmurtoA B 4i iaC Jim MtKioaoa aad hUrtia Locklear, bavk bet ft raplred t xMawe4 to .tbefl r icid . qo.rj,efiB.lJI.. w.- ''4r,-t,'irir Vyr aj. ti j ADtfTT &iWTkP.-vWilct dm w Indefatigable itCapooiatlnx tnisa peoiile. Usieulng al door nl Window aad ' 1'iaiii i i --"a i r uuiks. n tiii:u. " i : .. ..... - ... a ,.n.i m.. j..i."i..-ii..ii 1 in t x -Jk. iss-'i r,t, ."uarvn-'.. .-i.u. . j.'.tT-t j- . .- - yre? J.BCJf0aiiBlaplaa4Bi nTKuk and Beruen.Tie intirelr BPplected to over, tht rp;ne na plusdr- who were stealing ipe v opic' money sn4 robbing th BUU ofLcT bonds. ; What the OdWnfJT failed to da ' iitliti "feaar.t' we thAi la, kppoiBt a - oetecrs n 1 n is) h hp I a Coaimlttoe, to ferret out tka mtemeaageetcftt Of affair tar the Stat aad eu kow lr( tka Ooveraor fa impl krated l.t' 5 , Tb JoOtk aaWersexy Of the laodi.g ot tb pilgrim trilt.be abaerfed . Plymouth, Mart oa (M , Jt ixxmniim, 1 U freni dent ba bewavitad, to attend j, fW tn't t-i aoaawr Bcasrsoiaa at sa rr uiie uoam aWaiiingtoa,Oa tka l7th, aaoY. tmat'te i alaeara Wkra Wlaaed aa anditwenaw latervsvw whh tba Prmideal.1 Tim Preat dual Boem i a itC snM oa tka aal.J. at 1 .... ... 1 1 , . - . . tb latest , State , "UKM," JHUXull rnkU lialx : , - AljUuHt.Vw.-.!, ' tiUavUn i. J. aasnSAi. .K..tiA lui:-.L. k.V(f J. ,.8 MtttMMM. .a, s'Kasa.t L-...J .' B .J ..... - m . i D. ji 'a. .nijmaix. ... . sr II I f. M . . .... ' ,rt .tt. .1 ... ' i-nim1.,sWji(ii .Sa-JilMiiM XmtVtofSn J7 a -J. -takkKa J wtawswAWM tMHtw 4eil4. 1 . 1,. taa. aiiit latu., ? . 5rVfce4fc,..v.t JiKwii.l'.euiiauL af . VnataaijicAi4kV Hk'JkvtadMtTL to JiOkHiT in imiTatiM' .Hr I Total ..151 .r4.K " kUerewe ttavekU UatirilMai. -l,t ' Mississippi and the tun -rii? twn ikKturat o:ca awt f-lb nth m, tZ 7t, llJ naruiy sorapom.ly luuid (be Ri-uuUicana tliMkki:suuM :U (i... Ucmoerkti. It tints apawara, tkuu. (bat j l"U eut ialtst itve lotM the lrasdeetial I eCTori wte oi tu Uuaed Huivm ia Dew Bvsnooratic nisloUj will be from JA 000 th 0,00(1 Tk bur taeatj x voieai ttand put btm ia Ui utliar olaiar ami the resutt Ik mm ounosaej anettiui jl utile tltr ai we w, oac!,bukHlitt, aad tweslytwo Itopkblicaa. lmfWM m.j T,iT( Af y ix. But then New J.r.y, 4UBihtre, llliooia, auO.; HisBuaata,!- ) aturiyiour JefiUtas viHmBrftaltw,! kbrat..tiUU the (UutBMitrat WwttM couti-atiiU (aur Impcs of wsi7s:sia sjo-gaUe 40,000 ia a year, and very JiKht fl ol the same carreot rnakv iw state irmly icmoralk. H w,J.rs; was katby pemonai sqsaby. ud wiU b . ropinr4 uaj) i he I'refldeniisi elroUo . In abort. tbdaJt iwiax foHbkJkpa. ilicau. goi-a. fital yfr.r.e Miaaappaa, wb bB'tys ask tlib in ., tue ufttu. r-esk Wrisifc Jfonthan 1550 Different ModifloationA saurr Am oa t b alabw smnirr aa wav a. . "rr WtimVfibalBmore. ',' - :' Lmagy-Bt T-rferhatr -f par aal141ttbif B triwarw 1a)si ' ..'omlkawMiMiaraT.v m: ,,i-.'jW .I .1, i ,na-is .wit 1.m tM.nuii'A j a J . a-r ,l. J v.lJiraJ4.a.. j i NOKTil BIUArBf iklkHAtT kVJUAlkL , ti -- no, T ST , -. -! FAB1IAVV fJUOC U1U Ba kaaMeaastaaUf aa hm4' ' ! i . J'i"'1'Wal "naraa4 Oudba,''.1- . .,!, fB kaat Nrt. srtoar, , ijntjftft 'mi twi. ., Th Bast B. U. Uaeov.-f w 1 .TB beat BalUmorsiSacou, ,T ? e e.r TB ".. Harrtiika."' tswM ' MI Mm IWA. Mallaua aatt-a-variotv at . , eutet artiaiaa fuuaa ia a, Mpouu Ainarryi Bag waw3i ' ' : ' ' .If N- . at ;il. . .. x .. e.. 1 K win sn oa wfriuo: .y. thsSSf-f dal,t Movers b tl-t OB tua praotiMM. ui satt aM waAkniwa karm fkgr" atuaUd tu WaahtiuKKa Cwaaty, twsatVHMs liivnuuilb !. I. H...J.I.I. Ui... Ibalow , i r.tn ta oua oi Ut eu- r-i lass is 10a aims, ontatnlns; J,ia eeraa, uu ef whok are to a Bu ataa ortJuJuoauoa, svn asre at oaw td tljfc saw . Ik Baa sua Caestft - ' . t " . This rarasaaabadinuad into three or!sw fkrma abiek wiUbe iloif On tu day o! slai tf M) be af savaktaA to ta oiir, : J i i . i-;-Ia am ! ifarsfc a-Jk -faraf BmdtUt tut .kajsaa,l)Mii.1 . f-Wx-T .. wi . Psnieaew. , fast lAdimat H j ... bt. so . ' f - TAUlJIIallatUa A T JLrsiaftas, k Katar4aBt Oasnsriirf I7lh A, ArltrBl74-suU.aJl. W -JOKbaak ptiioer U(Koacratu(4j i m Mibuti,vue nutuam mtrne irmil and amrev-! stjnacity, Muii.vasaa illa'tWItb fkWl-kAIT la ltskim lutWkt ;a sis t Tka masslm mmarki tkme kAa twf them p saltng aa aim Bttaasaaa va wvraaa aiuing BA aana,- Th ktaatax. ia oauUraA iMriy pjx aaa ttx Ceart Ba,i suit U ene of sea me a aaralilaJatbelwwB. -- -a-.-. .v'' ii-, f isargant asa sill M a larg Bal hat iliaw. ana all asii mil jutuuoaaaa. tmi as aad ki'iat,tu toj Mors Iroui' a, aa'k w auw- ; ana i in" tu si;iscar sna .a Sasnuaa.1 rrtn l-atras -ao a,rrjr. are nud raaauD aba svaaaMa aA, say .time L?, 1 J OnaruTm of th mfrr rinraef ' . A J. W. Waxao aWy. . i aw lkeltaakl ,t -ai f-., .'t.H. ' -(a-iryakwa jj --?. CHOP a saaBjaWak. ;ki.a-'. v.ura .Car Biluakar r ... r. .. ' ' a saiau hh oi cua, Hiuirri r n wiew. i e : " i i i? ' ,,. ) litttt)iiatia wii .) 1 mi,' j t.-. . 1 7aVt iiiiH"ii naiiiiaaaiN.iaia.ky Ta neas w Man aue mtasir' i; i , B . . , TuaHt rua B.mrfV V? , '"r T :Tb beat tt j and (oni Whisker; 1 Abov U el t ITraiikHB Apprr ttramty, 1.4ii.-. r 10 .nil i ; at; lif vrrnirntw t-ni'iwtt a run. 4s AUCTION .1 KALKIGU, M. C pt?-tl JTkiW Ali, IMXMt ANU BUU , I PACTOllV, 3 XtTCTldrrEEii' ... am . m aa i em aw at f t' -, it l fi7B.Ti.rpi1 jrg i-ast pavouH, ebnkwi vji aw phhiks w aerr toa old ITit.nat aiul ih. puhlielo ihs btt of bik al.flilf. B,ul sUm tiea to tb aMts4na'' Mak. ne tvaUna i.f BaSato, pMaottat ttaarty, jttaa and all kmdt I l H'-lfdPttHVINnAf.B, . , i jr r .At i ' ur riUKTit caiiouha;4' 1 WM. J. C. DULAKT CO." BsiMeMor tr"" 4 i Serf! (a.Ti, e 131 W. B.ltlrrl r HlNio'-'f Wtl.OJUE3ALKT f A f-ilbnsolBUuk Hooka, , " '1 rWtrH ta rtur fttalleaery kuseoM eonata'-iifvl mkal.iraii -mi - - ,pi l . I'i'iii rwuf vo oa una r. Retail price J0U. KjH l loiBii f.oiiln (ililiia .a tt by m ul trea of potaa oa tflelnf kl.W ' i i eat U 6 at a T.i i' WILLIAM Cl.nOUISIiV. ATlOUNaS kmr :oUSHKU,Ott; AT UW, r '.i)io-rimt fl-aa- above . 4Aarew I noar l uoaer tlall, rayeUaviUebAreeti t) ' 1 Prnfraaional and kesiaaak oi(tlrK,. Jiav ineiuoiia uw iu awvs savataoasa M vapMal uf uie uuta. 1 will, UMtufura ba Huaaut o sua, w baajr, (ivoj fif ,oia ! (peaO, itaitika, Var th raMst.l win eHhrlkn la regard my aalf a eilivsau uf (r)4liuf sail AT kVaysw aouutr, andoa Munday ( srery weak srui sa asyJi itmas at Ilia oflioo of lis Oauftoa L. Kiaar, Ui. (AulOa burn', le trauaaot hnumias. I wut al k. until farHi nttU (tnuHliia. tt Ouaa Jaa. m akfck f l liara liamtaloc tiraeuasa.i " t- 1 1 ; i . Aug Ml WiLUAII.p.MOllfbEr, r" HOOKBINDEK. : Bit HE BOOK ItfAJtJFACTTJtlV ,i t ... hsiiUhh, n. u a ','! n 1 riai. an al, rieentlem.J'mnU aad BV-rrrUnt Cook- at ssattotoordar. ..r. ...... ...... kioria Carolina Reports am otbar Tar. Books, brmnd u ananrW Law BtadiB; fji It .il. . "" Mlrtalu bumbara af tba Jaaparta v 4 Bad iu soanrf-r law Blading.. o it ji . il)C bumbara af tba Jaeparta v 4 l loibvr taken la iohaug binding. edit aa oil Dae. CHOICE NOVELTIF.S,ol .-' . irM .a Ai- TJll 4 . AI ri'BTIIEa UKDUCTIOSS rrr? !. s; ClOUXEtl thXt CTKViLLK AND " ft i rii n lititti.iisw.s " , , ideiimaci'mJaV,'1' 'V' li .iavt --:-15aX kli.aaak llifri.slra,, i a'"' ' ' -. Klaek Kuiaraas CluUia aad . t W ' fiV , , ,Jfr. b striaoa, , . . ' .. . . i , , , .tHewa tini-eio tltmi laea , i. - ' I. r'vauoaa a ,d Kav I,, o Jvta. . a.,VtiHi- (iWv;,,TlHaiiMikwitetu, i3XLX3ditS&SlJ t y.V Lac ,Seal Laci Trlmmtd HindkerchJefx1 lMBrtlBk. ... . - v.. H i : A la esand varidsto.ak ef fomtle'to.w'. aosuinr-otyjuttasajaaaaad tlliaietU'd f)S6 kK and attaattaR ia aa thaabata-al brands .liloae bayera of snv goo ta,; wiij Bi 'd TaolafaeSa to ikuiia,aur ptlw aull.ok wiora going ti'ikr. , , f , W aak the a-prma) a'toatto of th elti mspt -llalama aeaiirwm'tglinu' ii.ieftw aik oi blai Aula, tjaaaiutaraa, basakiua aud Wlae Oooda, tor M.'ha an.) fiors oar CKwks hbawb) Baiasoral Bkirta, Huupakln, Batter,- otluu Aaaai . j . j(ti i ' BoOrSAtf O IN C.haAT ':' vrr AvARinTT, ir r . , ' " -o..i.-f". ' ;s Oockerr, Cttf ub Vr VV -' TTaes'l firtienlkr n1itT,o' oir f'f and fVariau ajnmant at cmas ao1 Crwkary Wsm --- k '-"it'- SUktACO, i i , awe M i. 4ff yN, Ukh. N. tt ' . , A I'rlvate. Ifaardlng lloiisr, -jkruA sULia ioop a j a .latk u r c a o v k XlA Vonoiy. Bas opsuea a oil ' ElTeTk rhi.amso lluna near Uia (aatrat Htwt this Clttj, ai ta aaata Bwa a ha I'mntBRt iiaaa vbrr aba. wui atttrrtaaa. enmfortal.k bOAIiiikkVJtij llieil.T. wi' or ntitiia. in mm !r - -, . , ..ww,asII aj PA Its TaKMrHRh. :.aTAH1.T AND kTICLa , WAl.l'KHB. J R01H. Il lt.ll 1)11 A A 1 . ecr-f ilka tx.- ITldR KBXT. tt A, Tb saw Lire! rerv 8UL1, M Marui Mtm .. trwitoa te Mfyr a4a.- . Aiii lv hi amstrue cd aitn veiw. - srirtMtr - n: UV ll iaiiuL TT'' .... .,, ,.- ; will eetritiWIa totaoa arrival, 'e S 1 I f a m .mmitwl - At Ms ftUA OO. ' Tbe ran m?.utr tliaa the BwnTA" ' its wt lUituiMm, r: A.MoitTorS' i -s...;. 0IWaTaeaafaaH'tt' 'A .--tus tEHTrrNiiir f hi wo'rtXo. 'l1,1' lUilf tliW'ay"" "f ,c tDWiaDtAASACir-B, i !,-., s-iawrtry Rtra, iL.',,,li lltrtur !" aboaa Iftat ItalliMial Baaa. .finHl'l Buawwar amuuib m '. . slxws i aeo.it i it. ai Uranus ti. Kurui t.ariiua Th sattfaei..n il )(sra laat '& abarerar aad, wanrauka ml h reoasaaw mtmf H a tba uaat tia nv uiic!,, . Jt aanUnaa iha adv a bigaa oi i re . t iircuatb. treat atuii hritt aat. aaas Iu maulnjU lutt, baaiuas Iba adUoally uf Wkaia M Ihv !. Iba band is la enaratna .) iMlintg, is aiiUrt.'iy ouvUtad. il Vrkabab ksTeveat aupplrdireet ftrnsl'Uia aaelu'ar Iu i.i.iUmL Tir i dull or?, la Jaly at ta. ' tncttas, n at luwt-at saarkst rata. lakraiMWakabtAkakrad. " ' .ill. ' 1. tn..U. MW ut vw. i x , ,irix.n ata a ta eu. tfVi i .i i'araa.aeaa. Ta. CIlAftiC OF 8(iftll LR. - suuaaa a oastox nxn.Ho ad oo It . 1 BPfBI SHHSTk Uirnom. . I r , , UebUKB, ii, t), Uat., f.' J 6nandarur WatSe 1st. OtI,; Ik, A. Train Jte-tha kaltttRb-a- aataw hartwarf.' wus fa daily" (tlnnrlaaa W-itia- Itiwj , . au iraaa loaTna aain.u. B,nw JL, BU Arrtraaa VteMbae-. .i..rtA.r " ,.t0 1, kt. ktaUTralabHiva WeWoa.,.,,J'i.l A. M. ArrivMBt WawhATIT;.!'",! p. M. . . i I. , aaamswBama eaawi s TralB le e aaiinh4.,. rdar.lT. - arrives rt Y lilon . . . . .. . ' 1 1W A. M. "1 " - iwssoemif :tSw., un: .'1L r. kt. arnve at HaMuS...,,.... ( ftM A at. Mail ir .iu iu.u a rii o..n.ii at Wa " aeu wit. Htoard 41 traw.ika liailpad a t ; bay Liu Btriaitr hi D in.i.j-a, t tad frm ' all po'irta Nnribi Wr.a"d .ir'h wtai aad with IVbra'ur . iliod . i fakprauiir ItiobaKwd , a I VauiiiK!on I'llit-ta au fnxa ail aatat' Murtk and Aaria-Waat. : 4 . .fc . Aad at aa utb w-.tlt lb North Carntbta Kl'. road to and rrunt stf puinn tbjinb ami ft.MUb-wj Aflawautuuautm and f reiuiu inxsa tma.a nlr '.V iT "Vi . I"" I W at aalduk wnk. At jc.m.xi.liim an.t frate-iil fraiut ou bcalHunl and V.ni i...troa4 aal laanbsri ktaHre d ksSv hi!iKi...ah A-t f .miwi.li. aii'l F'"ibt Iranw uu N atbCarW r tin kabrwd. ' - ' s ..-i.r , . . r rrwim kinnk irV-afl Iba im M th (oatl earn riitti I au).",b n ili morniug by Arxoa.nwdalbia STaia, ramaut araun aonr, aim rrt ru m a-auwa. i A. B kW KWIt, ' i io owa. eapt. W"MfM Hoi!E'.isuas!:crcc:pjiiiy.- rrramouatPAJiT iitsmLoist-a rAiBLt, I and oiroalaias u aarniiiKS at bowa. It aaajuat pabt II loaaaa tj I In eoi.kagratlmt at liawJatawB, lutlf and prtMnuur. . n its rale an, a uuileiaia (.-y a t loatlry. - ' i i I' AQINTI IU AUJ PjUT Of TDS TtTI K. It BATTLE. Jr.', Pan.ii.iw..- I I-tHKAISOK ttAt.kM: bso.; ;- HS " - W H. UCliiAA U. A .rfa. A LecAi A0& apt W . . T 7P t i'.. . rfy j- s- !;.. )!.; -.laBaraakaWtfaW' : JT "-if ir.R6ET-A?f 'yrv':'T fc"Lr.tTliS BlOtKOf- r L i vllt ! S IX TUB --, -8f'Atr,Ar; TOUJilB AIErrtVUXK 4 I A 1.8X8. Neat Corn below Yri.riw.Hli Hui Xaara CasHvarrb o lin,' lAKLOI, OII' CHAM0EU Akt) . c-r:u.: '. Tle-a tf'Mi, R.K-k"." ( I ,, ' k!atre-9'S, t.nitaiia. vi i i i-F" ii-sit . aiae'da. kst. nxnm aim . "J3I, "MTURK, 1 'Vlaaila, H-k- . ir- A 1 lt.li., In , CAIixt.TB-AaJV.'.t'J.jA ..oct 13 3 a 2,500 .v:' v I in (!relr. Ii'i Si 1 1 si Ri-' 'iAUwattH, -aai atoo , C, ' of 'i t A V.'.'-I-.'