. : - -- u . 1 - J' ' - (irV .AND STATK 1TKMS, 'gpxRSnAT.'TH'RMrtCH 31. 'IK JO, .jf-TUK- IUV-. IU Hll-itiitti. t ..,-ft. ipia.ird I" cnnlracu and Kin- ny AKTfl-li Of I MM A (II V EST. ,ltL f rltil'iti.ltiyllf ;' nVrrwM tyrf, i' rih fur'iu, avy,lf WilHtpi IJJfii, Hftrrhnr of Ike Slult gtrtk ('tiii'liitr, in mtiiut-iuiM.x to mi iiif pir' Mrif iffifhtKhmul uyMumt kirn fir tt 't(h,"ii' ""'l mu-UpuiaMir in kit fHml opvt. ARTU'I.B I. Hull lv the Coustil ilium iif the State of K.irtli Candiu. llii' Oovcrnortd' said Htate ta, Kwiy to call mil I In' militia tln-rcd. mm maw" f f iii guffntion, am I rv'l luvaaion wherever r uli"n nf 'Ihe la shil lie tvsisti'n. arluereahull cxist-aBiy riot, hmirmutiiti or iiivion, but not otherwise ; thttt WJ. lum W. Ilolili-n. Governor of said Slaty-, aiinilful of ill'- li'iKh duties i if his office, the obligation of hi aojcimi mm iif nnTl Ike institution Kial law. af add . ! intending hi stir BiaU wJ d wnhw.wt ttemvmwl wl (KjJll. JtbeJtlbinBd ,k-,'NMt4UltiMl Slul .Jtnid Hutd,tiid'Uw tailed Hit. ml luuiriviu" apduiUjnding to humiliate i iiTeirad'i; flie.iwM Sub? and the uupt Pi i wfifnd rjkuTty the people of the esmtyof Alnmaticd, "ud to provoke tlx p.iptc to trnirh and j violence, did, unduf wlsr of hi mit oNh-ff M lb wwnfti day , ol H ir h. in tb yn "I ear Jxird, nin th uiiaiui. eitflit hundred Mind acy-cuty, hi niil St.il.-. nf Iii own false, corrupt unit i. k' J iiiiml :iimI iiurinsi'. iiriK-laim . mill ijii hiir th.'.t Ilie -i unit v of .M:nnitii (Ha'utiiliiiritv i'l ln. Ilttu uiiii ouiitv oii-iiiy tlie same by inuilarv Ion e mul hii p'liil eivil authority, and the Onniiiluli v titil lawn of t In- State; anil iliti.itfler tin jl:i)n am( ime la.it aliiresaid, ami befniv the time of iinn luiient in this behalf, tlimn'h and liy nie;inn of sm h anueit, di t pmnr-nrf hwle-uicn, anriil nitny peae tile oi.l law .ilii li'i eitireffirof id-gni tv of Abnaaaue., Ile a ami tlKwivlmil tin ir Ualul liuuiimw;- and did detain, hnli, imiuiiion, huu, ileal and nlherwii mat t.it and in jure, many of tlidii, to a il : Liiein II. .lurniv,.tjeiiie S. Itivjem, W14. Bin tliaiu. Al.Y;uU't WiUiiOValler 'I'lmrit ton. Win. WEftn3.TmiM.iOt. Holt. "!. AmlreWK. John Amlr,:WH, Fred Hl.iiK-liari. Ailnliihii (1. Moore, John Knlierann, Jaiiuf. N. Holt. Wm. Tale, Alex. Pitton, Jen Grant, Loiu. Whitm-tl, JiMiali Tliniiii4on. tM Inei iiii-l ii.sirse Jjnliiwin, V in. I at ti,oTn IffglitiifJi'U. MeAilam, Itntrin ajHimn, Ionia liny, .roepn rnri nani. Laln 1Vn, Jph' Tti-iinrMon. Menr Wmii JAnhwj 'W. K. WiairJ Johii Ue, Jamca 11. AndeiniMi, Jnaih ilui, ftVmy t'ru-nai- l J.Me)li Neaam, Jaiue H Vnrphy, Jr., fim- Kirkwtrick, Thomaji Gray. jeAVrann Younger, Prank Meliana. Cfc nii;it (.'urtta, John V. Me.din, Wu "WUiltr: ' aineTrmnrnyr -3: --rj.Twmrt Ju:pll I 1 kimtriek, W V. Montgomery, Jolin Trolliuner, Jerry Wliitneft, Onlvia .ki.M 1 Irrrt 1f- r-'i , ; l" ' HmumIi, Wm. JiiIiimmi. lleiideriuiii Seutt, Willianl Bin kard. JainiK liek.n, K. A. Alliriiflit Ttiniua 1, h 1 loll, John (iraut, Jame Kiail, John t'liitin, A. ThoniiHoii, HoM, Btoekard, J. A. Moore, Jaiuea T. ltuuler, Janiea ,' MNift.''fihnr Rhitlfc;' fJinrife An 'drew Jfiiloii'Plettntil,'ilenry KulM-ituon, tohw'H.-lttn.'ltard. ."Mm Cmh and Joseph Uit.ai, mkror ia I'wt and truth,, there. aiawauiitt ur any inniirreetntn In Mhl' county nf Alamuure. ! And he. the wild Williani W. Holden. OonTnor, aa aforesaid, well knew that MH-h and mid iiriH-laniation wax utterly groundless unit talie, and th it, there w:w n.iaaiilp)liMrMa :Ml1r)rl Mhat all nivil aiilliiirilii'a, lailh HI,ilejmJxuUii.. ty. in aaid coontv. were neaivfully and nVnlarly in the full, free and unnntraiiuili nmi, in all renieets, of the liuu t ionn nfj tlaur otrin'H, and the tkiurts witb all nueii.i anil the due adminVlrutinii of the iaw was uiiimjK'.lfil by uny rinlstonee whatiio-: frhnvTijr ' ill Md ' HTUIiam W. IM oWiliwtTnor, aa Bftirrmid, did. then and thrtia; Md In thtf way and niitnner, and hy Um mna,-ti;irMMd, rominit ami wan auatyef a biKheaaae ia ottii atrainut tlie iVaaipiaaia and hiwa uf aaid Htatn and iwaaa, iutcrwu) and dignity thereof. Th f m fr'tftntIi)M of the Blate of , offhratulinsity OiwmioT of aaid Htate TS(ivafa"mii tlie nil ftW thereof jHjt taiaaNauifiBa riiX lsuas itltur Uw urutU of the law b ) l iiU'4, t0, Mwa liU Wtiat any riot, insurruikHi, iw inyai"il, lut oof dtli U: ' That Wllwn) W. ItohWn, Uov eraor of aaid 8tt, uunijn.lful of the hlli dul lea f hia iHHi-e, the ntiliiationa of lii 4ain oath 6Tu1i6ir Tlie" CDlfctftto aad. Wauf aaul Atato. and UlkWWV to atir up civil warrant nubvert perwmal UMl(attriJiviaMyai atawfcoiUtti.Mi and iawa uf aaid Htate and uf tlie llijitiid Stttea, and eontrivin)( and intending tu humiliate aid ili rade tlie aaid Stale and tna peophi tUewirf, anil wiially the p ptn "f t lie eoiiHly ufA'anwellia aaid iate, and In pmvoke the peopla to wrath and oWtc, diil," under the cnliir of liin aaid ,; ionnhd riojth day of July, ia the lyerfrtwd atie th isand eight linn dndaaaVaxeeaar, tit aaid Mate, of hi wnfilaa, aniupaomi w irked Blind and uruMK. arorlauau aad kwlaic the Countr at t anwi.-ll, ia aaid Mate, in im-urreetna, . and did, after (the daya and timet last afureiBid, amd hudiea of armed, de-iiwr- "- " Wa aad taw Ifm im'n.m'itiimiyit am ai t no aideoimtiLind oocuiiy thfffmrltnil- tjattj Hiet'iawlilution'ati.1 law of tlie State, and did, alter (lie dayfl and t'nuej iloTCsilil, and ' TnTrri! tlw Uuie W Ira mm bmb. araetf aa.inv aaiaauble an.1 iaw aliiqjmt mizjta (lf aaul IJwiiity uf CnwflL . 1 . b and there alxmttUeir hvwliil buainea, d did il.-tain, hold, hrtpri!; and otbee- tarwutltreat and iijure many of thea to , t H : John Kerr, Samuel P.llui, William ft Bowe. KalhanU M. Ilixui Frank A. Wiler. -' eeaai C. OrllllrftJ.-Trttrlt'TIn i. Woaw, k. A: Taneefi- Jim Hi A Mitebell, VmeeT lonea, J, M. Neal, . Barullai tirava, HldiertNKoane, JanWR. 'uwier, 3 Z. Ildoiiur, Jmpea C W iiliam i"1 l'r U. WillUihaim. w bra la " aad truth there wm do awh or any "BjJW.Bt-WiuiT .ti well ; d he, the aaiif W illiam W. Holden, Oo e am,- aa afore J. I. writ knew that aaeh ad aaidspna-Uinatiim wi utterly gmund . Jtiiwa;iit' 1wldlir'Saaa ao in "rmetum in aaid r...t nt CaawisUi and all the eivil ant hri tjka, Iwth StatlM ,. K-'imj a 4 .cuuulj. wea peaue ; 'iy and ulartj it ,tid,fteaad mm 1 'JtrmW een.ise, in all respect of the ; WuetfiKw of their offiVc.1 and the ruorta f all open, aauLJbe due administration the law ww unimp nI.iI by any reaa Um0 aaaaaJaAy 4h4 aaid Wd- uiu mm ana intra, ana IB the war aod nianarr. and by tne awm rfmaid. nxa nut anil wait irmltT nf a liWU .crime oHk-e louiwt I Ik CutulltaUi and Uwn of mnt male, ami the peace, luu rest, awl uiguiijf imwm. KTK1,B m. ThatM. aM William w. Hl,th) i rn.H-l ih f(ti t Ninth Camlina, in tin- lift lnv nf Anottxl in the ymr4 tmr livni, wtt' ItKNMaiuk rwht hunrfrwt .u.1 X.mjViOJU9)naa M-ilr, .lid h, n auitithnv unlawfully nn4 trilftnnt anv lawftitVarTaitr aBiT afl i hi- i iHMiiiiiuxt awl laiaa id i.t Hi.iu It ouitw ill uw aafcl nlHaw, lw4tn. nr nicutt auil ntlicr evil iIwiiumhI putMina t wmaun. ui'iain aiui uuMlH) and lie invMil Ihh linrrty and urivltg aaa irmimii aim ciiifn m mm tHve, JiMriftli TumiT, Jr.. a -itin ami rmiilont (tf llr i-.iinit v in iiningr in tlw Mute afunaiJ ; ainl in iiuranaiHv ul niU irwiUaiMitt, pro rurrnu-nt, unbir anil iimiinaiiil tlw aaiil Jonn Itiii nim nit aiul tttc vvil iliipiMul yrmum afurvmiil 1U1 aamuit, m-iix, dutaia, inijirii.n ami ili iriy of hia liU-rty ami lirivilrjrtM ha a frni.ta ami l ilium of aaid ronntjr and Sl:it fi- a Utug lira), to wit: For ihe timr nf tn ilay and innre Hm imiil Jimiuh Tumi Jr., iMiif by th aaiil WilHam W. Holiliui. Ouvermir aa af.M aaUt, did tin' anil tliwre nminiit a nitfh' minltmramir in oIHit against tit Coutli tntliHi and Uw of KtiJ Htate, anil the pejUc, UiUsriMlM and Uinity UwnuC ARTin.K nr. That the anid WUIiaw W. Huldea fivTmf of I In siute irf- Hiirth (Wlina n the hrxt day nf iuii-t in the rnr of mr mw ilmuwnij eiiflit humlml and (ii'vi-nty. in I lit- (imniy ufCaewull in aaid rtt;iiqe. dKI. then mul then!, nnlawfull and wiiliiiut uny laa-liU wiirratit and authori ty, :iinl in ili'liuni e ui.l ulivuriio:i nf tlw HMtitMlii'ii mill I. uim iif aaid HUU- iMMl In violation ,.f ,U uath at otHor and muter etrfor of hi., &id ottioe. hu it iriK-uiT, onler mul eommaud tm UlxKfr W. Kirk, hiiiI one Ii. (1. Uu.ieu and oilier ,. "wwi tloaue. i-itiy.i'Us ami real. dent, of tirT nnnty ul !anwi ll in the Slat aforesaid mul in inrrtii tiii u ofsuid im itenient, prn c iri ini iit. orili-i ami (inuman.) ilie wtid U-.r.-' .W Uiik iiml the said B. U. Bur ffm and the rvilli-ijio-i.-.l peraons afore said, did aaxuilt. iie. delain, iniorinoe and deprive of their liberty and prinlejfia iiM tree men ami iiiznia ot aaid eountr and i Utt -lura., luua.. liuu. Hi ait: 6r the liui ' ot one 1111 with and more the aaid Juo. Kerr. Samuel f. Hill, William B. Bowa, and Nathaniel M. Itoane, aliereby the ami n uiiaiii w. Holilen, (iovernor an afnrraid. dhl, their and there Hiiiinilf and w w guilty of a hich nii.KleuIe uior in ollii-e i-.iinit tlx: coBatitution and law of nanl State, and the iieaee, intareat ai.4 iiiiiiiit) tlnreiif. Artiolk v. ' 1 Tlia the mid William W noltlen,oT emor ot the State of North C'aroiiaa here tofore to wit : in the month of Juu&JuJy ni Atiiru hi the year jf aur Lord, gat rttnttiaiid eir-ht hundred aad aevenly, aa der eiw af hia aaid vAee, -aadawlully -cruitrd, anueil and eijuipped aa aolilfera, a larxe aunilwr of men. tu wit: lv hun dred men and niore.'and organized then a an army, ami appointed Hioar taeain niand, aiul a-m aneh armed men a he the aaid William W. Itoldea, Umernor undt -.ij. ta. ii,.m , ,1 i, a, in June, jiuy anu Amount, neiueaaiu n 11 Hain W. Holden, Governor, a aforesaid, under color of hia aaid otttoe, placed a luriie nuuilier of uil armed mea uiubT the inn 1111 bale eoumiand and caitrol of one lieorife W. Kirk, a CokiBeJ. ai.kd by one K. II. Ilinif.ii, aa I.ieuleiuiiiM'olonei, one 11. V. Valea. an Major, and sundry olber pi-r-uniH aa I aptailw and Ueutenanta, and 'iit iuh'Ii IumI iiientioiuil armed men, un-ib-r the immediate command of tleorge V. Kirk a Colonel, U. IJ. Burgen aa LitHitenant Colonel, H. V. Yatea aa Major and said sundry other pentoiu aa Captain and IjeuU'iiaiiU into the county f tla nianep and by the pnx'iirrnieiit, order and command of him the . anid William W. Ilolden ll eriioKa aforeaaid under color ot' liw aaid ottice. Hie aid armed atea laat aforesaid, aeinii, held, ileiaimil and tta prisoneil, Ti'iildouTity nTK mm'inre" oil " Adolpliim . Moore, a "peweable and law abiiliiitf rittaen of wtid cuunty, then and there euaxiii alaait hia lawful huainea.' That the aaid Adoliliu O. Miaii, being' ao aeiaed, held, detjiined and impriaoned Mid deprivl of hi lilwrty, was then and there, in the custody of the said Oeorge W. Kirk a. tin; as Cnlonel and eom aand injj the anueil IshIy of nn-n, laat afore lid. by the onli-kcomniaBd and procurement of the said WNIiam W. Holdea ; That the aakl Adoluhus ti. Moore being ao a?ied, held and imprisonrd and deprived of hi liberty made due application to the Hoa orable Kiehmond M. Peareon, tlieif Ju tioe of the Hiipn mc Omrt of aaid State, a by law he miht do. fitf the TM" Of ntrmt to the end, that he the aaid Chief Juatiiw might duly iiuir the uaoat of aaid aci.lire. detention and inipriannment and deliver him fnan the aame aiirdintr to law. That tlie said tliief J untie iawted the writ of AiAra mrHU nt the mataacauf Uie aaid Adohihue ti. Miwwb, dirented to rhr said ttemtw -W-- Kirh euaimaad mg him forthwith to- nrodooe the body af the aid Adolphni ff. MonTwfofe" timrtmTT aaid Clilef Jaatioe, at the Chamber of Mw Supreme Oiurt iu the Hly of KaWgh ia aid State : that mid Ooorire W. Kirk wa on the serentornlh day of Jul m the jew -at ma tod tMiad,ght hundred and aweaty, ia the oaotjr.if Alamance, duly aarred with the aid writ of AahM earptu, that be uwde no return of or to the Kuue, a required by law, aad refund to prnducv llw- body nf the aaid Adolphu O. More before the'Chief Jitatiee xird- ing m th eigrnry of aaul writ, avowlnc and declaring that be bad aude avch aehnire and dcUined and bnpriaoard the aaid Aiiolphus ti. Moore at the iaataae of and by tlie procurement, commend and oedw jd' tha anid WjlliaiB MiMsiteSlB'L. error a aforeaaid and wmd not r"0" tlw Ifeody uf Wm fle aaids Adolimiit Oi Moore, befiwe the aaid flihST Justice ae- contm;; to tlio nigcucy 111 iia wm, u- lem Cnmelleil o to do hy anpertor s ltwrnTnr thr riweaa order and- of the aaul William w. ll'nu 4laidfrw.ius of tlw i atid Usorite W. Kirk to obey the rrit was mad diiry to appear befim uid Chief Ju-uice, whrmipria "IM aaid writ Um aid Chief Jdiee,whrupr ""thi" aid Chief Justice mada enuuiry at the aaid WUIiam W. liutdaa Uoeeraor at aforesaid, if he had o ordered the aaid Uwsrse W. Kirk, to o eise 4tJ d ,iTTtTTHw,''TwI'w'i,wA,'" Out tite said WiUUm W,! HoI'Iob. Oover nor as aforeaaid, Blade ianeww ia (abstonca taif tottfcrefbct tatd-tirf t sai.1 1tmf 4irith,;tht he had theretulore orilered and enmmaaded the aaid Ueorge W: Kirk to ao setae, detain and baprtao and ib-prir uf ka liberty the laid Adoi- iihn U. Jfiaire aad ow anew aware met toteHtioa wa made by his w. Wand ema tnand; wberemamtb aaid Chief Jasuee upon di considers! km aohmary adjudged ta wbstance and effect that aiaxwilmg to tlie, Constitution and lawa of aid Hmt tlw priVelee of the writ of A" IWJ ro not aapnaiM ma osaa fleorwir W. Kirk and Ihe aaid WUIiam W. llohl.' 'tiovemnr a aftireaaid, wen, 4a dntr boand ta bring -aad prmlaea'th body of the (aid AI.Mphu J. Moore, beiure him the (aid Chirf JaatkeJacurd- . i. Oi&uu aud .iuiuriMiu juuL .Wi l-m .of' i h..ir I r'lffct-hi of siil'.i J.'.f.n t.Wr tuLJa-lf M teuHatMiW.aM.nk' nn two. awwxirai or hia woat aotraili K of oaa4 kWMr dutioi aa tlw EsrutiTe of aaul . 8U1.-4 aod amtliriuy anu ware MtnaULBK til depnm "J aiK'ipnua u. 4Tra of hb liharta aa a fn citiaxa f aaid Mtate, and la deiy and aubrvrt tkt CnawtitutiiMi and law a4 W kat- deeuuwl that be had a ontered and did aUU ao unter, and mnmal,n, ine ai.i Hmitk W. Kirk. Kit tu oliey ilhr mid Writ an kKUed h the aaid ll.irf A,. aaia ITiiBr Jaatk Uiat ka tlw aaid Willfaua W. Huhkai, (Umw aa aim W,-Woit aat uUej Ih, aaid writ otJ.hH e.MHniAH,l jiffl,!.! ti.j 1 '!VT jatil Uauttta In nhay llai U """l t. BC WiMJtU WH mliillaV lit urutinee Um bndv uf the aaid Aaotnh U. Moon, bHbn the aaid tliief Juatkw. aroonunjf to the aiigear uf aaul writ, iinni auru tuae a ia uta due r.ioa he aiiRia think neuper ao U do. That wiiite the aaid W ilium W. liohlea. Uiaawura. alureaaid, an aeiaed, held, detained. il pnauaed and drprived af hia Klirty,aaid AamiiaiH it. Mount, and aa lenued au ohejr the aaid writ, aad fc eowataad the aaid Uninf W. Kirk ao to do. aad aa a- aialad the law aad the lawful aatherMy af mm m turn aaura, ae arae, ay huj awn pna-annarw, on lar aiKl anaiataad, atl -wted ia that heharf hy the ueaiu aad uae nf aaid aimed naa. ao emamaniled and controlled a atoreaaid. and ao tlie aaid William W. Huklen. tiurfruor a afora- aaid, did. hi the war and Mutaaer aad Ur the Mteau afimaaid, pnxiwre. enter and euatmaad the aaid Geonra W. Kirk, an charged liy aaid writ uf iahmu rerput, Ui refuae to auk doe ictara uf or to the , and arodatw the body of the aaid Adolimtta 0. MnotB. befjni Uia aaid Chief JtMica, aeeonliug to the eiieatry uf the U t and la reeiat the ia ae and the lawful authority of the aaid fhief JoatU. and did, himaelf, thea had there, ia the way and wanner and by the ateaaa afur aid, reshd the due eueiitiou of the aaid writ, and the lawful authnritv of the Mid Chief Jaatire, and did, then and there, ia ilie way aim wanner aad by the aiean ami armed fiwne afinvaaid, au(ien'4 he , urivitege uf the writ of iaaau ewynw, and did, unlawfully aad riolentlv. avian, de tatthoW; tmprlariB ' war'erMw-if hW - . ... a . . . - . . iiTwix-r. 1 rie miii wfTonmna tf imt-iM OB rleni toitiffl." afteTUie aala ChuTt ' I L 1 1: . 1 . . .. ... nau aujaoeq aoen aewfiiwai uie Kl, did continue to hold and detain and eaiian l he held and detained aaid Jkdoi (iliii O. Moore, and did, in the tray and wanner and by the mean afuteaaid, stake the military aaperarde aad prevail aver the bivfui eivil power of the Htate, all whii h acta, nattna aad thinga he, the aaid Wil liam W. Holdea, Uoraraor aa afuRaaid. did a aroreaald, ia violatioa of hie ariran oath of ofHoe, aad whereby be, the aaid wunam w. mommb, Uoreroora atbraaud, did, thea and then, ooauuit high Crimea aM Buauotaaanora a otnae aaamtf the rofMtitutioa and Iawa af aaid Mate aad the peace, dignity aad tatnrcata thereof iiTBia t. " ' Tfiat the aaid WUIiam W. Tlohlcn, (W toe State af North 1 Caralraa, heffitofbre, to-wit : la the month of June, July and August la the year uf our Lord, one thousand, eight hauOrad and aerenty, oader color of hi aaid ofhVe nnlawfuHy recruited, anaed aad equipped at aoldier a large n amber of bmb, to-writ : f ve hon, dred mea aad mart aad organised them a aa army, and anpobited otHoen to eB Band and Be aca armed men a be the aid William W. Holdea, tkmraor, aa aitraaald, aader color of fcia Mid atAoa, might from time to ttme order and direct! a, 1 1 a juin 11 .. f den, Uuvaraur, a aiuwin, aaiw eoiur hi office, placed lanre Bum her of aakl anaeo men narier in unmeuiaie com mand and control of oac Iteorff W. Kirk, a (Vilonei, aided by uo B. ti, Burgea, a IJeuteaant Colonel, 00 U. C, Yatea a Major aad madry other Boraua at Caa- tain and UeuteaaBta, aad. aetli aach mat ineatioaed amed aa aador thf mmteili- ate 01 mi tu rod of Ueurga W . Kirk aa Cokmel, B. O. Buriea aa Lieuteaatit Colnei,H. 0. Tateta Mayor aod aaid undry other persons a Captain aad ueiuenanca, ia tat county ot uaawou, ana by the ptw uiewient, order and eommaad of him the aaid WUIiam W. Holdeo, Gov ernor aa aforeaaid, aader color uf hi aaid once, tlte add armed awn mat afureeaid eimd. held, detaioed and iraprUoeaul, m add aaid ooant af Caawett, Joha Kerr, Haraaet T. Hilt. Jewaw Cr-trt7mtl,-rra'r A. Wiley, J. T. Mltrheil, Tboniw J. Wo mack, A. ti. Y-noey, Joha. IkKea, A. A. Mitchell, Taary Juaea, J. M. Meal, Wil liam P. Bowa, Dandliia tiravea, Nathaaiei M. Hoane, Robert Hoane, Jamea R. Fowler. M. Z. llooper, Jaiuea C WUIiaawua and Peter H. Willimnaoa, peaenabh aad mw abklina; eitiaan af aaid aaantr, thea and there eatfaged about their lawful bnainea ; that the aaid Jolia Kan, Dam lei r. Hill. Jeaaea C. Griffith, rrank X Wiley, J. T. Mitchell. Thomas J. Wotnaek, A. ii. Taa- r7.J0naMcK.ea, A. A. Mitchell, Yaary JiMtea, J. M. Neat, William B. Bowa, Bar Jllfal Urarea, Nathaaiei U. Hoane, Rob eft Kuana, Jama R fowler, M. S. Hoop er, Jaa C. Wllltamam ami Pf- WilHamaaa beina- to asiaed. held dotal tied. aad hprioned and deprived of their lib erty were thea and them ia the eastodf af the aaid Unm w. aVn,etwg anjuwwai and eotaaaaadiag the armed body af ra hmt atortaalU By th order eommana ana proeurwaiMit at in aata vy uiuua w. out dea, tlovernora afnwaald. that aba said Joha Kerr. Hamael P. Hit). Jaaam O. rif fAlirTTWatr- Ifc WflBrr;- MitelmlU Thontea J. Wurnaok, A. n, Taney, Joha McKea, A, JL Mitchell, Yaony Jihmb, J, H. Hal, William B. ,Bwe, Barxtllia timtrea, , ITathanW M, Rnane, .Robert 8u JaiiM H. PinW, 9L Z. Ilonper, Jama a WiUiaiwam and PeUr, WiHiaau aaa beiaft au aeiaed, beid aad bwpriaaaad and deprived af their liberty, aiade due tplicaduB to the Himorabia Ri-hmund hi Pearaoa, Chief Jwatiea of tbt BUBreum Court of and mata, a by aw thay aaigU aaylbr the writ of a.ajiaa aerysm, tne aad that th aaid Chief JuetiU aiiirht duly eaxiuira tb eaae eC aaid acbmra, drteav, tioa aad baunaiiBma aad deliver thea Iroia th aame, aoaordin: to law. That the taid Chief Jnatica hamed the writ of I kiauM ''smu at ' the ieTKtiaSrsr "IB bW'T W Joha Kerr, HamBet r. Hilt, tt r ttw,' Prank A. ' WBey. J.. T: Mltchetl. TlWIitfflr J." WmtUk.1t, A. 4 -VmTi M.-KM. A. A. Miti-helL lane Joaea. J. BL Neabltiaaa-JLJ NathaaM M Roaae, Kobert Koane, Jamea Immeoa aad Petot H. Willimaa, oa the twentrith day f Jul ia the year ot our tawi, aae tivwaaari.-eight bnndnd and aevtnty dimeted Is the aaid Oe-irg W. Kirk, MBMBwadiaf aim rbrthwiMl Id nroiiur th bedie of lb aid Joha Kerr, tUmnsI r. Hilt, feaasa e. UnQta, Fvaas maclf, 4, Q, Tn7, im M' Kea, 1. Kl MitutteU, xacy Jon, . H. 1 - ham B. Bowa, Baniilia Orav. Jiathaniel M. Roaa, ilubart Uoaae, Jaanea It Puar ler, M. I Hooper, Jaatea. C. WUIiiawam and Peter H. WiiHaswma. Wor him the aid Otief Justice, at th Chamber of thJ , . . i .1 . j . uii.k. ;n iniwtiaa vow sa mw ewv 1. aid tttatoi that tb aaid Oeoeff W. Kirk, wa ow the teaC day of Aagaat, ia the aaaf our LaJ. oaa thouaaad. aiirht haadred and aoventy lai th County of OaarweO, duly tarred with tlx laid writ of LaArtM am". But instead of taakimr dim retara to thetaid writ, Mated, tbat' hold the mid anaoaen uder orden fnaa W W. IVddea, Ooeeraur and aaaMier4amf af Mditia"md refuaad to produce the hodie af th said John Kerr, SamUel f. Hill, Jeataf C. Griffith, FaahaA. Wawa, I. T, Miirtnii Thwaait J. M oanark. A, i A'am i. Jqhn McK. i Ifki-ualW1 as- laitry , I, H. Meat, W llliaia B. Howe. Bar.itlai OrartM. Na Ltltanaa M, Hhm.., h.4tnt rtnaw, .rum riiwirr, si. a. iiiamrr, jim c. williaia ana aa.l iVter H. Williaiuxn, hrwwe Mr aaul 4 hail .IwMme aerwdia Renew nf Um ud writ ; and tnenwIW Mwaaid ihlu W. Kirk , eiattuuiKl a h.ad aad detahi and k-uriv o Mr III rtj the mul J iha Kitt. Katnu.il PHig V, tlnthih. Krar U'il.., I ikiawJ. WiMuael i-j joun ;a:ner,A. A. lilt. lnHl,l amy Juma, J M. Neal, WithSnr B. ttiiwe, BarrilM y.3'.rft. ...NathaiiM .HfeB&. ftd" fi.L:" T".T.V.T'" '::;-"r It.. JaiMiti nJtauMuu, aaii. l'jsiur if iaie cal.iidar mouth, Iha aaid wimreand dt-fention of tlie wiid Jirfw herr, Haiumi P. Uill, Sam C, Uriffltt rnnlt A. Wiley, J. T. Mitehell, TlKnyid" . Wnniark, A. . Yanrr, John MeKe A. A. Milehett, Yanree Jon, J. M. Jd, williaa H Ihme. UanitLu ttrarea Xa thauiai M. Riauaa, Ridwrt Itoaae, Aubmb & ruwler, M. iL ibauiet. Jamen t). WMIiaM aua. aud I'eUe- II. Wiiliaiaaiia, be the ad taaara W. Kirk, and the military thro under ant anaiaamf aa atinwaid, havhig uat aalr anu eoatuiutat a aw.irwamt, 19 ine urm-r nt tne anl w W,4uklva. IJovomnr jjf the Wale aMaUi. an. ttn Kaald William W, llol.l.ni, Uuveru.iraj. """"il". wvu aiiowuiK lu.u. hu, POVI uym of ihe a ril ( iri, earuiu wan Rift MkiM-ndel, and tU4t i' aaid Job a Ke Hamuti t. Mill, Jwaat- 'c. Uotlila. r'ik Wiley, J. T. Mitchell, IIi.hiumJ. Wuwai k. A. tt Yaueey; Ji.btt M. Kix-, ; JLA, JtiWurll Yanrey June, J. JL 0, William B Howe, llarillal (Iravea, Natliatn.1 M. Hoane, Robert Itoane, J.himim R," lei. M. 8. IIooivt. Jantm C. Williaumou, anfl Peter H. WHHnmnn wen- 10 detaiil4 without antHi.irltyof law, whereby he, fli in wiiiinm W. Holden, Uovernnf an BBtreaaid, did then am) there ertmmtt high erimea aad niuuleiKeanora in oiHee wtfiiiiiit the.lkmittituia and Iawa of aaid Hiiii,). ana peace, diirmty and niterwu thrKlK " .;..... BTrt.B . ,, That the aaid William W Holden, W inor of North CumIIihi, anmimlnil of ht . , , " . ' a 'T4.44ha lianlBi aTtanald - " tiua ut Jna aohHim .site, nl oltwe, jndi; txlur uf his sui 1 uillre. did. in tlw lasmtli of June, July, and Aiiaui, in t ynr.d our Lord one ttioinuind i-i-'lit bjuniired and sevenly. ln said HUUm, without niy auilmi tty or law, but in nmtraventiou and jul- versina uf tile Consfitction and law of aid mate and the t'nited State, and in ending to penvok and stir up ch it atrltk and war, recruit and call twethr, trma tliia mate and tlie Stab- of TiHiiiessee, a Urge Buinlieraf BMn, to-wit : five hundred bmb or atom, maay of Utetu of thaawai rocklesa, dwumate ruluaiiiy and latrirm clwra4t, and did thea and tiwror)fsai. arm and equip them, aa aa army 0 anldiun, and plat fhe same under the t hief cmnf biantl of I potorinlts' dprradn, from tlie fttare Of Tentieakee. tifthe name hf fieorga W. Kirk, hurlag fiWrf -tmrtlmetr the noBntmtef Al.smanee and Htswell, hi as id fltato, m atarn ot InnnmsTtiim.'hiHf did aaad bvge Bwmher of IWB arvaad. dsSB. rata aaeu iato aaid eoantisa, aader thmv uledirte (kuuiuand of lb awal waorjre U'j Kirk, and two otlms; d.tpurados from, tbt Htate ' of Tennessee, to-wit:ne B. Ot Burkea and out II. C, V'atssi, and did thea aad there, without any warrant or mlhor. Ity, telMi, "hold, Imprison, and 'deprive of their Hliert, f.w h Vnijf time.; 'to I0 for the taajeaf twenty' day wed nMiw, many of tjie gearwtl dr and tawjaWdinj tnttaunsi aad many pUli)ra,ivdsei4uMd,iuipriaua, and detsrlt e of their lilieitv. and buna bv the nei William Patlon, Lucitn II. Mur ray, and others, and did thrust into a kaitthsiane dunjfrua Josiah Turner, Junior, aad f. A. WUey. -, - e . And to uiaiiilaiu, MiiiHirt and aid the lawle. tnned men, so orgiuiijisi, arute.1 and compcd. did. under color ul his al.l offlce, froni time to time, dining the' aaid month of June, July, and August, w itli out anv lawful tiithnritr: niaVe bis war rant apron Ifcrrtd ' A. Jenkins, TrMMirer of1 the' Slate, Sir Wis sjmnar of mnncr. to witr fur the etim of smty thnuaamf dot lar and more, and eaae and pwsMwa th aid Uavid A. Jenkhis, the Traajaaw of the HUtu, Jo nn(nire such anlawfui war rant, and Way oat of . the .Tanuwrr aid. Jarge.Biin of nnm.iv to the aunnt or --T..-....y.ii.i. .l y. - a paymaster of theauid illiam W.Uulih'U, hiwetiior W kf..fetl,, IS the tinlawlul nan and tmrpiiiics amreMld, when-hy lhcj aid Wlllisra WflotoVo, (kivernor m aforeaaid. did then and tbeff, and by the mean and manner iiforowi.l, roimiiit a high inwdeimanor in ort'ue, in violation af th tVmiefintion ' and Ilie taws iT Hie Mate, aad the pew-e, sud interest, and dignity thereof. u.tf- nt ABTKUl vm. ' " : 'That the tald William W. TMdeh. fW eraeraf the anid State, anmln.lful of the hi(h datiea of hia aaid ntrle, and tbeob BKtsauf hi oteaaa oath of oHh-e, Mid euatrivhar and intending and with t view aW-TfertbaawmaBi wf iwtpptwtmf and Bjaiutaitilnii. armed Militiary tuetw ia aaid .State bh ha had then and titers recntlted, organized and lomnaj for illt-gal purpiaaw without tlie aam tiott of the v,e Btitutioo aad law nt the aaid Htate, but la eoatraventioa of the- Banie did from time to time ia the moot ha of Jane, Jotv and Aaarast, ht the year nf raw lord ue tfrlit bwndred aad aithoat th aaitim.4a' tim- nuastitattoa aad laws of said Slate, and in notitaga uf the mote, make his warranta aa aut h tiovrmor Bpoa th T'Wumrcr of the aaid rUate fif larjre auina tif imHiev, Utwit ; Ba th wm nf i;!glifj tlifiusiitiii (fSOikiO) Jol tar aad more. Vi be Used f.sr ths aalawfid aurwaJB allNwsaiil.' -1"1 - . . That th aaid WiUhna W. ll.4da, Oesfaraar at afiawmid, aader 1 aakw affaa) aaid utuca thea aad there, porauaded. coea. aaatied, mritcd and prired David A. Jenkins, Treasurer of said Htate to nwof Bije mch and mjd unlawful warrants on the Treasury of said State, and to deliver aarh-' and 'add mm of mnwef tn sm h ap acibataofdrntaid Wiliiazft W. ' !!.".tde, .Williat W. UiHaeB,tiuvenuas afimud augni wwa liat aa utnjt wmiitiwieanu amadt that ia uuraatai -of aueti -wafs " ...1 1 1. :.i ti .ri.... ur 1 Pa-naT A. ienklM, Treneurer as alomtaid kia "TftW" A. ' P. JfUklws; raltrd pavwiaKler aopninled 1iyBnraud Wfr bat W. Hiitdea, Ouewaar aa atbrraaid aura piirpoata hvge aamt of aionny fnua aid Tn aadry, do-wit t. tha sum of forty ttn wait d itrttan wwture; thvt thereafter, ta-wit 1 ta tttt taawtb af Antrnat la the rear -of oar- Lurit,. tltuosand itbt to tald ftwtte brouultt itia tuit in- the Su- pevW Court if th laat named comity, in bi owa behalf and m the t half uf all llw tad' Bhywn f wsid twato. prstme; that a writ af wdiawdtoa mifrht then and there be (fraatad, and hnil awaantimr to brw, n atmmina ths ; add Uavid Aw sVakaat, TraasniTT a iisruaiiil.faa dvlMariatr any aoa or wmis tmiae, to Iaud William W. ilia. tea. Governor a aforeaaui. Vtr any other persons in obwlit-nix- Ul... aui k! orders and ft wan pmpusos, tnu aiau M atrainiB the asht Aa D. Jrnkint, at aa. hm.j.. ae Ik a.Imw . iwiai4 ai -.. . . . -V. 1. .. j.l l imtu, aau-m-. . . aaid tta of moaey, ao ta hi ald hui'V or aar part thenmf fttr the y'pnc theni ' That BMtile , Aader MiUlisT I tad Hal" tiWWtllwwWBIHi' patred M.eajoiiar and t imtnAfvw tide add David A. Jvnklna, treaaun-i an afiird aaid Aw dt eilurf any iwoney at aawtkaaet 1 av aat;. war mat ur order, aa atatir by Iks said &ill W. lliHdea. Uurenaa- aa atoresaidai ndWmfamlfbrhiddingtheUd . W .h kia aaeh-- lstviaaatar ajfent ft siuK dadrawmf ,th aaid '. IMyr jwrj (H n an im i aauus Be 11 I llii lMMWMM flllMMi.1' 4 M ' aw 01 mul armeo oiniv ui men fiar any aavay and the aaid A--U, Juklus a-fi tea awry errveu w itn mm wm tw ittjtti, twa". hwt Ben 1 lh hiw. 1 he natrf W flliai W' lioiik ThW'm.ai'aa ai?;n-F"S-tif -liiy w!dlJ eT' lisWpwd -taw'bnoftnaulTtMitVoy "t famrt, 'did ftrwMb - ti'H: after Iha Bamata .last .aliaMaidr yarauntle. hwi. .order, ,, pweutu,,- andwuuwe Hand the aaid A. 1). Jenkins (o di and dianvaAl Uw (aid writ of injiiuello. and tostWive tiBvBi. amy!ait hi- iwtudy to satutiww ajguaj of thsMMwd Wil liam Xf. HisViea, tioyentor at aloriiMiiLtt' MW.1 IbribeBatawful purpnaeHMha'Haiii. That t a aaid Jw t Joaltiaa, M eheddmn' to Mica, last maastioasai wit am, aaa warn itl and prmirtmMot df jUm said, WIUiw W. lluiiK, Uimm as ai.avaaHl, and hi ili nvsnt nf Mm-JI writ ia" hiinn.lUio and tla . A... .1 1 .!. r.. f' 's ' t ' I L mw im amiHiniv sniu rfuiure, uiu 11 Hoer Ihe mid atisaey a ia hia hanits tp . ,1 - . ..e k. ..,1 w:.i: . lit wimiiv w;iaiiua'. w nam v aumm iv. Ilolib-n, llovemor at, aiiwwaid,,ittiswa :( l on Rk-hard T. Herry.'W lie tiaed (t tla anlawlbt mrprta aliaMaid. ami the raid WUIiam W.Jtoldea, ta.smraa am aJmw aaid, did thea ami Uy-rs, in the way and manner, aad or 'the mean ao.J )'; thi parfwae saaid ' pfiarwre, Iwt V-r and tuni msnd the said A. II. J.sikina ao tuensrsv gard and diwbey the said ajitajf Momi I d i, and th lawful authority of mid & htm did then and then,' had In N a aasl aaaaiw,-aad bf list awmiawiid lis- tlie tudawM yrnuat aturwuid .datit. "IS" "I 'f 1 'T f 1 n "ttrt rWUwfnl jiri and erii. il" ii wrt mntaetinn wgraiiw.! hfttt W sited by the said Judc And 0Hraats) and thereafter yit;miJ illiam W. Hol.led. (iierinior as aitarvaaid, the .aaid ama to fha hauuael taavaaid liwMnt Berry l,-iitt at Hint UieiHemtr nvriKw. afuromid, to-wtt : ah BMiaawt-of ' tbr v4wiise la kaepia,- tm,. fisdti staHu4 and maiulainin tlie mid Uegd Bi(Jitrt Wiliiaat W. Motdtt.'JwWmior"iae iire aakl. nalbasidtatiuh.ata hi:! muvmueanur in nu aaid utntiev in., (iok fliirriftiliflJatll of oflha and iu aubvuraioi orth laww-nf iadrt4 and fhd' peaid - i :''. ,.yttou--vttii,it. fliieakar of Houaa of Kenruaeiitauvija. 4 W J W.43hi aaaj, aji-dt.- -!" TaltJadU-r BviWltig ltai iMlMg BfbMiehc.. ff-' .ii.iiftr-.-f . ti n v .j tr,.WA4Ud1waVus.tM nsdl ,BflMTo- ntV7a aVtaa wa, caiHed mper .kuutfluaa, , portea m mvor 01 auu.unitMi U,liti..ieil pt 1 iLii 1 4 j - J.av iu .i-'.i i . T 1 aoa aaa auverseiy 10 ta tj Jmtjraf r-daute br iirotKttltloi Bauk'a r dtahlal ,iar 1 a l' ' ii )4 tt-t HVW vi.ttir aai.tTi, .trik is, liri: rIPilto . T1, on . Y tswai, Dbc. .-a. T.'JtwetTba. 'Wu apptutted Deaka a satwutitr. -m! J Hrnlmn. i 1 tsmawwima erlkrspeeiat tty; tile (emaetsnf ta'tiiiiiaaitiaeaftarfa trul power kxrc aip-anl la aU iUwing swam hairptrd, iwiutre Uw snwuaUua .aflM euthtu-d ; !md, Unj reeiipilUua of tlie Ueraaui Euipire ; Sid, Indeuuitly frutu rram tu Ow ! mua. twat-ehaadnd ntllloa Wm-,; ml. lag lw tiaaan tmdM Ur,aa4tlM,eawa ,7 IV 'feleytsoh'ljha aamwalfloW liaa ssylug lhat toe ku besyy, t.11. Jk,tav4fr Wtliademitei ireakne let Uiliw L-rr'i;iM ihmwetr'opeatl.Ai tr, t a d,' 1. i-m. mwL,ua.lC-U m,. ew - i- mats lit i'iH : ' " TT." ", '!!. '" . 4 . s ' !iTm -btwtiu xitai. ue. tatu-iti. of TSrb Iw.patelMM Irma fiaalilnslW tkat a' amntk WIS bf nanirwt hetum the liamkarJiaiiat a HMsibly taifka. ,Th rtma .rao.-ia-r. rrt are wurUtltrm a- inrpwua aa ha M TerwIIbM, luelf, U asaiiy wlu.ta asu -f lkaarkgat .-. i .. ' Itator advtsm amn rait my lam' has Wet, a agWimj arauad AKy. e4 the id" Vri Paaior. mum' WUau M -Bade,' al fwintied m ttoeaptaraef Kakv 4 t V mm:, pfe.JJt.-ftt 0mmwmm annonm-ed that th tmaay bs LacutkilMd Ms advance ua ttavr. " The J'rueia ai.ua) aTlwiirtm'tWl KTj f"lVS haar. dtrht and hiavr Ills. ills.'xirt,i tlw battle wiU lw.4 today. The KwU4 iitu.tMd . h.iuv bat ware wily axaiUad.. Th am-M '. t ttuarlaikl sUialew. Tua. Viaaaek .haaaea. Advieaa tram rarli aata the im. -ij n... the. etty I fmlta and Uw pr.ii.uj eiailtunt Themia (aad tar a -awtk - Tlifc arwv snd vi-uvw amewr iar 4'aUi 1'ae aamria' ET'llS'.'TBtB 4rw liaasWUa aa.de tee nttn ml. 1 aaai.ia, Itee. mXThs'tViw fias.-lle rvlter alas that thwdiafc-atua a waiaw.irrtini his fc-rtiU. mJ lK,y tm w4 tnuaim otwasmi, ad tksu farther sittoa (wanlia r Mm- lHnlnl BMti uf fsria wiU He m attire M mMK mtTt twWtilii'iriwL ' - .'-"' $ 'i'.i'..l-WCfB.Uiif 4 'fit's ' Lobbob; bar. do. Cmmib) 4itVewairM.if Livaani.it, becm.kAUm market mimed Wy, rpkads ajt. 6riit astr li,m , ' oaa. Dea as,-lt.r d It and Sf-A thrt wheat da aad hmiwi ram - aoietf pork aulLuM awa hastdaUat U-. HUal tied d.-nitMul ami bltflwr, bpauWa ttt. Ur swn. M, aW at.I) hatia: la.trua turuuuime datJ at 4df rmaa drm al : V p.r tnuu, il. (OeW amiim e ! 4H to W Vo wr rBprenev-to dd-BsftliiicB, r,iW urto I." Oli. '4 - -s" r-vX TttaJa rI.I((t t.tiatcttmi, -,'. v , j. t . - ih t Tli tOBiniHj Dli.eav:HSa.-W r luRvd toiituuT'uur la4 liitdiC'i iUtam imid im I) a delft stamaav ia Ik tw Tta. laikamwai-'lliiBmaf Cuurt., auiitesty wa. liistimwd but, na'wjt taW Ts to a h oeiidBe wf tahad aadBmr'-'--1-'''1' a I ,Mi 1 1 ' m si:i ;:Tasat(at wain' aad ma rhmdnttd'-retnid. that warn dliaiid tad lna tut , V a aarlng 1 e)lli.. "rh fowlfcn new It tutallr wTlhuuiWiist, -fHiwn anHuuii eeeeptwltwA -whha.oaa aat lower. ,,,!, ,"7 Wi w t ;',i.V ea -matte Itat ftaajuh wmhhimlito aim at SatU aad at rural ry aad faatewle da Mnltdar, a - I' fa, -at, r For Sale ! J.,', TV er-il!estr,x' skaatt.4 V"jtaUfaa Nre.:t. miuMiia tha lnsuilaa -ad. Mr. kv U. YUe huse tonlumvvm iUiom. .d rellsr. (h knetu a haa b.ar ruuwa, attJ th kd. ts aUut oae-haif a tcre ,,. ( . , ,'.i... WMJ JtadalW: - ... , a 1 .-...( Oa Ta-- vf .md) the fAtfW, at the I aa ahwd t e( Ihe ttetrUV r tif ! m th MT frf miatHse rA.t Wr.l,.v Waluiw, IUa , Ja, J y tar 4 t-Hr ssrw, tu Miwuntrta a. W I t hft st4i tt,liWB'iCtiX. saatje wJB tad., Soaasrf M? p-rak th. HHat ttaaatattiat; it .., '' my ai qaali.iMM'o wltk Uae deeiiaasd taiaaala INtl, ail iiailiniH-il au tu Uie lluietathbjMtn. aamd ejeua.iittaialT my. that darltui thai kMftatal I hVm ' . . ., . w f'awsi heir'itar'wf--si r 1 aism m 1 '-atwssg-Hr awm fiav)twiuai..f ytrrttia, mamrtVi-lneHi, rSety mt the nwie) maiaiaalih whI eul inwn il. d etiarh . In him Ike widow rowadwtnwtasaalf-.tlwraaaihaa tsllws j tad it 1 Ih lm. a ia m jji iwls'l Changjhwi.iaar d . amtdlMl ht Hie fiiH "hv the wh-ked eeaa frum trooiilltHf and MH."WI aMn imtmt - WJ C I ' -ii.'-L-! 'VUCJCKIV irATA . tMiKr twnKKVUacToa: Mtaieaa, kuitH .- '. 1 LAhr inuirr -" '" " i'Hrdf and ,m!y ,petW of 18 MR"ri. Trtrt,r:Y", oqntH:. i.rTi lri I w At ,""" H" in a .Mdf ltlt TW. '' J.... ., . ..4 1 v-w t e. e . 1 ippnrtcd liy tlie ii(ILtngth u(Uw Viwn jm ri-aiytava jatu. tmiraattra wrr k,il . ?sisi wi ,m? , AnaimKO,: ill rent. seat 4 4f-U ' fiswron,m at t. rWforuwmw eiuaaaawn. at Afatrktipsra ".--, 1. T t Utrwd tor ia jt , WUtatae ,Kh m t-. .. ..'. 1 .-sr'; JV4HIKbW j r 30 Jt Biidmm lift 1 ..... .. , , (.Aur. n.,i' 1 1& I mm (4'- L .'I l aTAt.1hf'hhr.T.I. leJpiiiil .ft'Hlt WS S , ti At . .!-' -'.: ''" to,tliawtiahT! OaTlir ,"n,Vvs to feuy year Tor itriil feu tmv a few iaM A tta ehiUtK New where At, tbt baal ulLa L ...1 V"f, MHIeamaltaiAwi 1 wMVemam.'mulul unuTt-j n?.?wr'--H hm a ttraaaat awhaad M til jMt M. You will tu,! aUmaat ayiiuiid fs waatl 'fsntarlaithl rnblr dolM Siatraltinl, f r th u,u in ,. i. at 1 - . . rrtt-aa, e.; f. the la.ltr. . 7; 1,1 .aaawaaua m aall ihetr-WTtolW dtortf Try JM I t,f Jwratry al aar uf rlna lurwi van tow. ) lMir titil tf. baB IliSr la .m hriati teBl'M i awn mul' t , n4VTif, t(ms Hl4i Apnw tiraita, .Uauiuw , t nrrawu. '.-i(,.e1' . X. M u elUlilo'B imait usee tlami.,.W Omd uaaa t'wtieii w were children, and 6nr tathrn Miu Lm.Imi liute.linaiemtishile ' I r.ierynnav Hi -Aaiatstsaa li ..us r . -- . .... .ui L dwrthlUdABmia)IKW aTmtt,,u DF.AUCKA toaMlMcaf Keal Itaiabi'WrU Iwy. sell, has, i'lr., ad aatd uf elty and eotlHly pnnieHy. , r , ,ituiwstlBar Utr . 'tMtV ftritairk Uih.i.UI.'e. ,M, KNl4-li.O, id-" 4,,.t 'aeeiiari. 1 . ... ..i .t... .. . ,Xf VUaKAMU ttUt rtm- ALK.t ' ' II Bew two story,. Iloaae. aawtaiahar ae. ea miHa., n Ihu" IniuVr w b. .le hwie, ae kitikia BiUi four luntiHt, hdhjarm.1 tntaahd B P William..'. Xemmmdi aWMSH H. Kt.SiI.A!ill,,yy. Rtl.KI ark t w tUi.mriic, r.xT auita, Ir tfnntaJ' rue. tl.ur ' uf the Awli rfa-rwhtr tmntaf ntWtln It ihidaViwwf this a mlr wHI he het4 1 lllti TJ7...L i I . . u.. .lUa.. (L.. .U ' Tne;s(.v in Jaamar 4il,l Max. the a to 4f Iff till- iitiiilli. t nr ---i4-it M d-. t w.Im T' . DEWCr.t'aalthjr.i I BMadfed please rr",-, '- JT.VKK tltUiaethod t aaaVamstar twyseH a a cait.li.iaU. b.-.lor yuar aHtttuwiide kwd TfBrV"jr.til.'n of fceiua-r id Uw t tplbtW f an tawtwrt.Mi fir the poaHJna I r speeUallyri-terytm ta? MiH.-'Hratra, sad th Ifc-avManuaaad .tiimisaasi at Kaiehrti (en- XVur:' w. it tat: "Jas'Tf "vtikmii 'In tlla'UM,, Pkufctwmrh J , " tJevLiL' t'.d.'4tra!Ui Vim pnnwsent. hif sln 4 elia-.-e hi the Wllderu. Uw naval tuttle t Hamilton Mnsit. tlie r.t. i and Alter toe diaa adim 'IswHIfut pk luru , lil.-a sseaiW tsu Biniisiiid brvamns-aae Vr)it; relw uf tuy )l saia, Vrts at .ssmt aaeh ur lire fur on.- dollar, tux sum M aewte, aaat pust paid to any ad.ir.i. .at nvtiiut of una-a. l.v,S,ddeaa -'.' t(B.lHilti: ENNii 7. wul '' ii" ' latswmpai , -.alf-i ,K M, IUm -B4 rMi' assasi)" ?i.iui?'X' I Have Mm airs aad -wiwst' assui-tiiewy J III! AIImiu.mj UhsV ha iMrt.., -.tjalj ailj uaeuiil at Mia .Jmy a swb prl. as,'Jt'U in i." fbwkwIW and BtauWr.' V' - y ' 'Bf" d-hato '.am. 1 1 aaas Prarrr BmLr An. BibitftV X vaM asotertittm try ItsMUom m Uwwa at laer Ha tnd htbhta, cal jMtallh4k tl4SM.Hf , !.ffJ?tfJllet i: --rlr4 iMarliaf.plsn. "! " " .tlrm-'tw'vrrineiff ftrTPucket Diselr and ".7i V ainveia,ii B.Ai' ihepr QwoT fvvr on'X"l i loe,ale M-aik -Svie ef t d. ilU ' ALrhl.UKn.UAMa. y-ir, -tr.-ytaili-aa-Itlmk UlKlKa. : f'Vu want 'blank BVaika, ual( kianj 14 I. tail kuaui oi evgry dea.'rip-an, yua caa .Ai.li k kUn -A ti.iil 1 ad iat ; ltwwkdj hawet and f ano. r irr.fs,slWtWisA wdt M ' - fVsTeoaaanda frwaa. tsanVtsy ot Taf aad rlitiir b"K, faiiuraanaa, Ac, aaitaliw thrHnlilren fur tlie lliri.taua lliibiiiv, eaaaa'i a r ft - -;- u w , si Hi ptiwamunraati auutiawr. tf-lT frhUslIEB A.KKPoftT OFTMS tt yiwevdUi:f hi tlie ll.thKAH t oKI'La . sM, 'a til.' p. utl..n td.'Aihilphttt U. Mtairn aad alhur. rnwa U. ei.imty ,( Als, m iwiv. aad id John Herr and otAer-a. Bswa the euaiiljtiK CwalL Worn UK CUMrt" JuaUm of t he Slrw Court of .Via-UiCar.iliHa,tc'kam' ken-, and hi tlie ii-i ot Uie uiik p Kli umn tadue the tdtrlet JndVe uf the Culled ntaWs, tor Ua tMmn.'tad iurk Vawmoa, In Um Hue trk-C Latart at aalwkary, awd aftMVaeds' af " '4 i.snq si-si, tu uw ram ol Unit, wee it, oi-i irrin,' t mica rliUea taeuituaijr iwr v.mnir imm, M nailUM:!, la .bsmietid n.wth aeatiaa.. '-' - T fretwn-d ly Wiiuaa H. fi.rrua, lata a Jmiife ut tli Miiiu'i'ina Court of N. U. IW taulia;aV.MM IMp-ea, at me low price of 7 "trJwj.i. Ii .-uw i'-fuft rr Fur sate by V STaMJV WOU OOKMA3f.v' -dec2ld3tAwa- ,t,; net um f'kitrniff1 .-. t , Cm or Itttmua. Dee., lath iha :!! 'l.5rB .-s'rwuaw major aift A. ialue 1 ummiwa.aera ror me ' ny of Bat. ehtb' aatkaarMBVamaj sdl ssisay aa a pr,.vWed for kj aw. ,. .. i, ' HetrVCntkm Vi.s WIU W opetard at the MaW Iteteeea tketlwh 'tost, and bwkept aaa aasa, aad mitoiltoa the day at sSerlWa. ABeiils na tmtdidm toauis tir etnamud aa attde' ' ' . mam. n. UAna " .I'--'' MaSSw I I tnmtm-swtftiwtHi K-lmfttamt K m mr wore wnwv la lorfc tdiwp Mama isisi s -piinwass.. j-t:-' Irnlilm Hlnrlel - to Taeae are nasi popular aew atUdJV ' BeaUUfuf UUl.wr.taVd UUe lawes. - t alm aiam of a hwtm oolmitkm an iMadr eat npua aiHrfk-aiiua. All Marie aaat frer 1. Ml,td,.riM K ."' I ' J. I . t - , -i . - J. A.-KINIM,:. ' Suukseller nd Btalkater, dVetotf . i aateh, M.' . J -rt ,.5',.. -1- T ew tut of ran for lae linll.Ura at aTtlKnitarr. aAv "V-ki, JLS SMW " " ? ',frttaatA JLd medt-bt t 1- x tr.maaBB'a ft1 ... r n ' , .1. nu .... iumwit 1 sw mn.i t OAKtlfNO HIMIKR. . 1 1 tieo, II. aakrr harinr Ulie daa knt kiteiv ueeaidrd hr Mi-a. tL W. Miller, wril la- atad to a,v.aiHwoilau tea ol. Iwelte lewjnli. ut toa lawk.ie. wua iMtard, tudraaj, taet MHKIWMWIWVMa. t - dan at -tf J '- :- - -mi. n-....,a;i' 1 I.I' . am j . m nu . .A VV1UI-S BAI.B. , I , . If A. We wlH rdatmaV Aaetlea tfoam lids miuaiaaat Waets aiini kail in i m in -j ksaw setlaav af Tf to, fur the T 41 deeW-tf, ..' bouaatorA I f ysm WaaA A ale etoste lVH.are.ph at X toMarakatii t., ,d.a. JONBs,.,, , lll . iMmstoiB. fW7 rred. a nod mtV M hitf .faitajtii. 1 Ii btaaliaaVa n i ita 1 xm auo,, uuiuea e;rus, .buflt, uar, aad , V . Wemtor eat. a.lMme. MJ 9mt, an FetKk Tnws, HfluUitv for pLuilmr, .the siaat-riSTB-A Wvrtt; ttteifriam. Taewpa'wttataw twi aaaaaa ay Viwtm Jufcaaoa, wa wa tnlaad te Um bNslee by Uutl axperlrarvd an:hanul asvawwea 1 nr.na, wuni iipivii B.. W. ohiwna of Milton,- ta Caswel tjt, K.O., Ta draft aad aad bam twa wd frmtia-ailiilir ia Waka, kraaiUia band Maiilmd naailm, towwary twlattce, tfbf aa artaai apariMM uf thtrrHid aaailumw-t ur parucaku pinma araer ustaloeuea , mak dish sssa. .earn Id kV tl at 1 Ii aa. uoa fnai am, aa atataa hi rvAK J. MMaVN,' fll PI ii 11 ( all nu .'i XIDU Allluai u a'-.1 . .ittatVAjti-a, a .K3ankLtKiLwu Sett- DouM 1Trnm: 4s('fat kirff)rt' r i ' ..!, f . ni,ii.tU nXdJ(ffi.jr U dir .tf, 1 ,t i.... dimiuu -fl M Vi a."ilir -.tf ii d , ..adataTai. Jm- BddA 1BTI, ' -jl-Ji. to A-XKtfto-.-. i ; i;Lliai!;rKl. "d first' WlfoeJ.'wn broke it1 heme T fst traeeHn; liiir. avati" ' f in Mnlea, , , , . ,,. ttew act eerk.li.tt the tusst Mhf Vorrea aywedtoadal faldte dato. , s n .1 MR th....... ttl .. 1.. jmt... a, ...lull. niMi mmmrw nr. eeetAWmeaeh.'" ' r1"1' " v SiaWUtna Bikllaa emd a lat. ad imtm-' lltii. too auuMrcau to aeutlua. ait uf watch W to aaid to lat bkiiieat hM.br tor rash., mwto.mt. w-tr?r.! IAr,'1lm1wirtot 'rW.''',1iark He': ' , J!ll'.eii(i. iailWMl'i, aa..defeary..frleMa, ju tiii piiUa " -' ; eofiy tin a. smm ami jasmi Bill Bat aamsHtoa. Hfl di $30 Rrwr. Ht&- a 'i!rf T dntf la tmt rtty aatordsr toeamf Wwt I J mat , a nisna think ciiHtakriiuf alxiut m latsiBi , ki Wm. fltn, tin order .hi ft. Lewh, ti .1.1.- taarl.y bar tits awttara, av bah rlnr tor tftidHuar. toisW- tae mvl4ii Kotil. huve, for t H on i). tu jam Wt.M, hwartaa' hdtraai fram IMtfi. (He, ulkar Bapam aad suadry aertaMii.tms l v ... a4w Mia iHnera. I wlU pav Ml keward saw Itorik and eualenu delivand tt the Psstisii. Hretca , , , - a w. BKAIM11AW ta d a . tcV- ,'. ted! TViwHFBIt A.(IAB t Xtitllii'dr Wacltliojaefi lat lr;italM(Iti, A wiia. leht luiumnt of stock bavin: hern tahserlbsd to autaurtan the urKailaiii.m uf u. Blew, hwad, t neswmf uf to aahwerilmm to aui aua't la permn, or ny birwlr e.umiit eaana an'siiy snea tw meet m tlie Vourt lunsa, la Um k' uf fcealshaaj aa dataraay a-.-eu.ber l?Ui. hw Uie pwrpua. uf eha-uii' Uetdsrf lihm-kan tor aaul k'4. a, la. HffRV riwW. H. IUHMIIt,l .a,., i,. ..t,, ,w .,, .. "f ff'i; atHbnntdte Mlait Awhntot.' TI1K CiaiftlAT BV IMiW MANVFAeTOdtTt IV'IL' RMDB & CO, 5 - ir. . ? .- '; : ' Tmat Instrument hav ham bef arm tha fak. Be . nearly 1 Inrtv Years, na afla tlwlr e deKafte Bum atuiBkd sA mraiVetufiwd'' pe . t.t..fc rr "" t'- i -ir -iTr if i iH itf... eomliine irreat power, and fine wkne. hut jalu.y, a wed aa treat parity or tntona ttua, and iwaata toeeaAhal Usiaiilwaak ThAT.iv.A r n i : - m .t TOUCH , V , is' pliant and etude, and entirety free Irom thd i uses, low m av maaa nanus. - BVmeamkttafiuT WW but t tcrr heat aeasuaaa BtraataA, m Ur aapttai enifibijed in oor baaiurae esahlliur ua to kiN-p i i ww m miuBcr, mr OB haud..,., ,,.L , . , .( ,,, .,, IdTAIi our tkii saa Ptia.w kava aae Ka IiMved Otwratriuf fk al ad to Autarra IdTW would mil retaJ attenttoa ta en IninniveuKiit. ia I.KASU l U Ninl AMI OMuaHB wwAlie, r.raana Ana. 14, lism. wkwp Iwiim Uw fama aaaiat txvtmMum Akaa lia )t been Mlaiued. i i -, : ' Krtatruao rvu.t WsaassTSP rua !IYst 'Whv mad arsaniretuetit. fur ths fk 4c Bi h,.k aal Aery fur Ul 'amati' (Meteabd fAkUtK tik.iANSaitd MKI.(ji)KON4 wk'.-a w o-r WbokMal aud Ketaii, at Lowest lae-twjfrhj.-, . .- i ii . ..,1,,.,. Wat, K,SAn o. aWnWKAi,al.wai i, , . .. . .: ' . iv...m aa. nt. a fc ' "V -7 - -.'- Stxoio Notices. 'LMAlA.tjUt 1 aku JUJ! J. t a. i . 1, i ......mi..,-.'--- t HOME FIRR INSt'ICANCB fV). K"l . t'awUai UaaWtohamnan 4 peiHwrty, an NaMHtaki teruia. .!.-. It pays an kuwa M&auttto .a, AewnU m all part. d Urn Mtakv aaeewtaiee Home Inatituuiata I ,JLJurriJLJtlJn!id!ml. .WIoY W wBv ".i-'-.mw- .. . . . . IK tilts. -4? ilireai 'aotfi- jetty wBiTTmrri fio.i, aixf til, il.l.r J..W ,X3?2i&?eJf-lf rift, er- ...ii.hu., . remuc aoait varh-tum ul Uitr to amulttot and' latent ft) lee al New Turk price iv asi.-i ' i -..w?. ). - .'.. Tlw jreat natnlwr, of orders ntrebed from ali Slrt of the (Mai, and Uia tlixral Initio in. a of tit ), ol KiUtwia, haa been riicr mrimraijinil w UIW mew IL.MIIBMW, fiw whk the asdiirshfaed return, uuniv tliank and pruume to aMtUaae the samal prompt nea m tiling urtirrs, aad aa earaeat ed.at hi 1 1111 ait ;-Ji '1 M ' HrkUl BonaeU, H.U, WreaUm, Veil, Ave., alway mady or Bud to order. '- , - .aw. BPfTKR, eetW-tf, Eak-Ik. V C. UKOVKtt J. IIAKKU S BH?wtaj Haarhlaei f tapaay, t, . ,.it UltoTKIt, Aa', MX.d-wBuaia. Bairiirh.N. C .. ..t. i . jtob, tiuuty tear , Hm Uist, pdl kaoan, ttawAard, Bad . . , . PAIXKIluLiKll, taahafaetand r Prry nvU A Hu- - prorl- -dene, ft I4, tamvaeAww to awhile, and ta that Utae aaa herum known la, all part of -Umwmtd, aad bma awd hy fmA. of aJJ .aa- , Uaaa.1 j..,, .-,,-.... i-j . ... ,. - ''-"'St'i-Tn 1st thai ! iii.T ii i m mmm mmmtvw, na WnnUerl oadertul rrnwiv b, r...v. w t Ob-t rVr-p.hi as never hsea iuat- Ihahau aki .inUmliirm arhmik i- reran mUsTacUue. Th vaetoa. Ula fur a l,h a the Ifsta Kliiet i, aa avfaiuaa warn, are hat rB kaiiwa to paiatre ia.4Ud.u.ia to toi BdvwaaaiMiut'' A. an evteraal auj k.u.n..i me-keiatt, tlw lata, bdlieaaum aartvatud. IMM'tuHM eeonuianv each battle. . , . awidaya)raxitlam " - '" "" " ' , dti..'iey,tou.,dlIatUA .t 1 , aor a-im larnrii8arMtrf--tr-k':'--' "'t- ' ' XmoiJ'ix)HnnQM rims mcnv- m POa OF JUCHMOKD, TA, Caeh Capttwl aad Aaowtta . Ovr 300,000. ". J&VtlBg.b lteiaerat Aawt tha tale for the ahum Cumtaae, wa are oreuared MwrtMrtaktm kfl partd' tlw Bktte upoa traMwajt, fbuta, rMttorlea, ' Ola huoaea, and! i Afeueto aUbjih in af part,af th arnto, ApplioA- tApoj, thtBeeejry hwtractiuna, auued to Wtiir m TrttCfif, W'igta.- 'tot Kakfctb. s.C. Tlto.Aridal, Caulrr. XflAJLJM.arQ8 TO CJT a, MSN, OKEitT SOGIAt; EVIL'S AKD ,Wlllek .Mtardari! It ' It ARRT.K! S, With aaat I. ! Letter KnwJopM fre uf ebartt. Addttm BOWABD AAltlTARr AID AStiO ClATlOH, Sa,auUj;Jllnth8Urt, Phila delphia, P,.-. ,' aa - .: Bov.a-Jut. T-r narrlaa and tvilkav.. t-ay. fia-sjumoj Mea. a frreat HOCTAL ITriJI and ABU8EA, which bttertere with RBlA(lK wltk tan Bwaa of relief for tat bttog tod Paforlaattt, Dlneaaed and De htlMrial aaat tto toatatad tovwkspeA , Aabuw HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. t, IhikJIuUi Street, rWUddBMaTV , . j a ""f,.0" Tut; a. MJl.r-Ta tawrttsd nd aatd ap, whv hv kiet their youthful ta rgy, mWui and bodily vhror. la th nana it Tof k BiTioTlt!kj-ith"' word of ckoer, i tad stoltaiy aid for tti memiairly hopeW Itoat w, to toakd eatelope. Add rem HOW-, AKD AWHK'I ATUVM. But P, nfladeiphU, Pa. I -iBtyaf dAwlyt it, .i . . t , n-i- a. an.au m nam -:-. . aieetielMii. w . .-m . Ttat atdaadat atr Ova at tha heat to th orld. Himmlim, tatmhto, latoBtBoa, dueaV amctatoia hast, 'one any nJte Puiaoa, to Btodaae praivat.urdeU. Avoid th vaunted and diauaive atepamtlaa htmn elrtam they o tjot Possce, Tb gaajdae Pf W. A Batcaa lor'illalrOye ka bad Wyaar' Bauuvuhed K)HittluB to mold It bihgrity at th mdv rrtet Har Dyw- Watii or ftrowa. teU b aBDrttnrlaU, Apply at It Bund Bt, N, T. ;;wt-aly ' ' . KIiS,TI'MOUS, I M EKS. " BMtot, U. V., at th PnnAonumi Cea Ixavmra, Kit, AitA Phil, delphta, Pa, and K. H. ttuaa, M. D Char. una, w U., an makitui moat remarkable rrw'ir--CT''"-'-a"-- cAfsTEiisjfjirora&uixEr byanr prtne.b: Ctaraa Awtiouti that tamer Ut btrKcat Cancers and Tumor with- aanrierUii with th knife, without Can-', ttij timl.it bamuur Meuk'inea, and with bat ttttw iawa, IT ho uUiar TrmlaumU ahouU ever b toed, For Ptitknkm, lead fur a Clrruiar. Call Bpoa or ad lire iw rither of Uie abure. fir. Ku wUl b wiU Dr. Oaaaa rVi..iJl th, tad tttk. ' - ' 1 - N. h, ( Ca as the ni.W hy parti.-, wo ar ' mwtu tudlE,kiMil'atutuVl..riiitr wua etntr ka." 44nwa, eimditentrrrr; . . --. . TmwA3MuKi.A.f.4d.O., " ' ' j( 01 Bruwdwav, n. Y. , BovTO-tf kje.aiid . . tMtv...a. -, t.L.J kMWla.u .-!..., .. " '-.O II. (JS. I ' " 4 1 rpjiihn atunauf K 1'. K-li a. 1 1 m.i snd (. preoa. flour. asv tt-tf W. H. JthtKS CO. MSWCORStottora, J-l BV iK, , .,V. Verv et..r. a. Ju.vts co. forwie bv thi barn a. 0'T, OtTsl" .'BU Wf New mil, V . f (,,, 1 1. TONv Coal f.r ,)e !w V , ' ' .('.8i;,i,x - ! t CC 'A At PIA'MO flW Kle, b f.rr, J, aor li u ...ii,.,-.3i-. l it )ressaa. ui"- ' i U id , .j.i t !l .1, 1 "'.

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