Cm, ft. "t It a kte- il Ml I .,1. lr T - . .-rtTV.: -t"t .- a. - T l "?- f .'SrZ.-drt In the " . . Mim' in "t- . ..... -.lii,. r thcvw.r uoa . mWI" t1uiVSu1" . . ,1W .,k"" .. ... t-i.atuuitw : r, - Kfiu a." Tf"M af tt 'ir.rr..-'' -.-.vr,. -. .. f -T Vv u bound, (raw Coitaiu tHioii, Art. Ou bkiUuii of Mr. Miiim j, the ruhul WAX' iisl'ii(Ja( dt liiQ (a Uu-ir. twte t)i Wiliiiiiijrt.ftj mii( UqdIow BailnHuJ Comply. Jl'iB0 It taatfu.'.,The bill psiftKii tU M'vi-nil reilinga,,the fate tm me Mini rmuing twing it il.v. On morion mf Mr. Mi-rrlniim, the nibs w itKilwl Uiiiikt uj' tlit fur the k-,flt ol the Wwten H. C. ILiitrowl Cotn pnTKMHMI tlMrfmi.1 .' Mr. Mi-rriivu iplainwd thl th iib f tli hill wait tojjft ritl yf tlie prwiu iiv w't('iii,IWriJ yi' Utructuo, jmuI U pr rHr a hoMif thnt wttt prrrtwt the tnttvcxta of tlx h4mw6 4nrWiinHh nirk Mr. KkwhtiTtiiovwl Is 'KWkJffWrfJht; U4 f hid i V'i Oic muiM' of k'. 11. jf tiBuuluiMia- liirmtoM ahoutil be .i ut Mr. Mirrln'ail iiraril thr pnwiife of te tell ii ttfipriit line! highly ntx-uwiirv. Mr. Fliinii)2 moved Ui autu4 lr n. OuMiuanv to giro txHUl ami aosiarity tnr thf taitMUf. f1rrBm'e or their ilirfim. iuiI ji?) limiting the iaute by the Stain of ni-w ' iU dUu iw to 1100,000 t aay (KK'tiiiie; adophil. , , Thi' bill ttit-n jiated Hn tuxvmil ani) thirti f"HirHt,','the tote, on Uttrd rm-ling ariiucM to I. ' Hr KlHminir fiifni at linitt roret ( .hi m$t Mr-iloat-a. ,th ot f jf Ur.Li mi th ; bill to irovflif ibr the eloc nw of Kw'iKTof the Cai!mt waa iouw- Mr. ( Hiiilf t)W in rtJatiou tol too lubrV Liirii!1ifrit. Mr. !, fnaa the Oxnmittee oa Prop Mmm ahxi r4waiir rrno; rprl 'seirrritl ihV:Xitf't)NHi "t.r'. ..; Mr, Ailiritibt iitutixi lia- a auaprnaioa ui' the ruieM4aka up the bill r the relief (iftl..' rtlK-riffirf liitlmtH.' - - Kr,'lxnvTiwtvnf-twai-rtil ii btrlti(iinr lUtia-alwrtat'arf Jlia Hlitiiir.aaU .the Miction of the late tat coll.vtor of Chero- Jfit.ipMUimeni 'aitonLaa aMwiU-k iMrlia iliitg TOfc trttr Ww-aeTetief of tlie rlheriff of Mr. Dilator ad.lcl the bill for lite P'lWf' Uuilfor.) Mrc MorHwwil' aii.tfd tbc -bill for the m- lirf ofWfinr!ff of Korkinirham, Tlit , juni'iMliu.'jiia acre .am-jited, t)te niliw aoHiti'iKittl anil the bill mm1 Uleir wttaiiliaga-..rtr Wi y -a., , 0ntuMiMc?rmM' the fttremijlip InIIs wt-fff r)(Jef)fl,t') eiijriiwed and aent totlie lloit.-j t-yaj(. , M .,.,, rliiiiilwaaairM rtt talBitr'0!-wire made h JtnatmrWibln, w '4oTiliiin, arry, uriit irWVive. ' ; " On uiuUK'ft.tff1 J1j..BjIiiei, the rule were sKHa.,l :al titaliiU to lurulata the kill- ui); . tkt aWi ii aa water of Cturb' twk vat taken up. , . " HFupf JkW Uit iflilS WU wa. a couiiataaaibpl wtaai iha uartiea ittieftiat a the .r"'"' ' Km;w mtMw tff Biit1 ffxviHy IthnM-lf, ahd up the tut if bv rnjuistt yf tlie iptarcslcd partim. The bill p;tHi it x viral nwlinga. On Btoticn at' aireOfliaer, tha nuV went nupnidud and a bill to amend the hartet of thr toam of Orpcnsljoro' named It e tni readings, WtlM.vtVf I engHimrtl ml aai.t hi the lloiwc atatau. On motion of Mr. Trov. the bill to rfr pJaiiit i4utbrtririi tli rnnmHn of Jonea Onntj to hnry a woal tax, 1W nmni i tumble diwihwion, paaaotl iu wwal rtiattetja:-'?; i '',"':. -iJ..' 0b tha p of Uie bill, Mr. King waa tieo4 from voting, y .; A arjr waa rwivix! from tha Uotia f"tiini wral e;jriMt'd Jtlfla; ' ? '.' M lilm. r intrtxlu..! a bUl to amend hlti, Httciiti lnwa of tS-70. m, MiClainmy, a bill to lr wporate the j Wiimui.'t..n HtcAm i'ins Engine CtnpanyM aVS-rh-. x, ,,. ... -,.,"- tr.-,-... MCficUaaiy a bill Ui rwtur ti Treaa w of the titiMt iKiyovnreartiin achool aiwuia Trtflnnrt-r r KtiBeeomt t3.)flfL4mJ iUsa J.n lomrJiuiiitiliiiCiMuitv Uotiic ttlumanba-iJouiay teiavy J yi'll aattV lteit a asat a jt "'- Krrw.l.Wt, :of nhtidim, ' WH 3"trt law Mjulrlng bank bilnHo luwraj in pitynimt. of judgment . tMatae.iMtrnaV "tmnB r Wll to tMrrjtorate th N rtf'IRonnrA'eftioit Acadetjr,.of 98i'Jjo County. .riv 1 . : : , to.iuuorpitratu thn twa f Ja):k J." rav,Hiiynwilif h Oama f rwall a'bre.1 on calendar. JJOrWwdac called up the bill tora rUlMt Ai-t at feat Mawvn, eiUanlmw the fPwrtai baiits af Ua town of Kuther- ITte Henate If Iruted to crnrJH 1 1 Jjlllttur amen Jii'u lit. : r"- imgiJ-f Jlata)aiianfar of arawace ayway, moroinu rtilK tl MW, J? tuA "iHiHfvt' ' .U' t alao front Friday till d Jannarr. rTroy intpjMltKjed f ; iH atiayifat' J naiutiat a.l ihiwor -WtWir anV-iMv . .... 1 . -. . - 1,1 Jim I'wwttra Ml ttmve 1 tnuf leu. yrt'frrndta and tha bill amcerntBif r uJra.ted , by .Municipal cirptita ro4 tha Uiii to- pnthllwa Jaatieea f fcana prartiriatr 1 araya r1HrirrM fcading,''. ' ' .yjEte:a4.4aat, htirat taaard Zj1 "i'ty, , alao . pa8d 4 , asveral VSTi?irti atithorir th Oftmnirt f Hi;'- I "Yit ;ii ?s jg f ":"; ealW ap the Mil toaahor-' t - u. ...V t JL.t;.. -i. J. . - ll llliKl ITl.lllli .i r. iha !0oar-. ( whi. h ha tt TTJ jw Mavtaattf artw-h- In ye-terdaya r at h , ainmnre of taWehnoiIti ' to .1 . " "JH IaaTti lit Iitd ata! It f aa. IM) - llta , tha iilin nf ii.M;Miu.u.i .j- I Ti ' . . 1 . . t aw ' . "li'-urnta nil IV oclocK Vf- "waajruJug, '. , ;( -, , . v , . atttBTi -Wia.. aa-.'. ...i,-4 to wd- at 7 . . u-i k-k ia lb.,' chair. T I"" JNiJ, Will vtiit te to remove taut hwui w at taken up end not na Ha ml ea-t pkawd 'Wra atMtiag M.L o "ff'UBOTIk I- akf tl4 TJui mi4l aai .1S.nata lilt In nUW to' .1 I a," anv i-, - 1 7. X! in if anttlal an.. .- .1 a-.-.. . - 1 b" )rr-'-n MWMhft W ilte 4 ''if- f""''lt,1 itiflw tn r. iMu , uJi' iiww tn 1'Mntwn-rof the HiaU: to )4y 7."UX of fin isx, DnruiiuT b lm fiiilki'tot. I- f Mr. Oixory tubed imam to U op naxiuum. UHi anti iKtimnI Ui Ix cnnilk ,1 iv diii jin. n exumit tlx- Uiue oTl kctiair ami oaviuif ,vt Mam fi th -tuunty of Mnrtia, hai( the hill pimnl iu fventl reatlingi um 'it ortlmxi tn rulled. j ,. y, mtra motion of Mr. Dunham, bill ia nla tiim to muaiuiNd alwIiiXM ra tkm up. (IIill,atK-U that mi perwHi ulull heantitk! W tt fur M.HKr, lutuulant of wjGop. A I 4maaa or other orfirvr nf an 1rrirniirifoil Iowa orcitv a' anr ekirtlua ntikua h !.. a rh-tr of tho Wtata of Kifhi' all.! nhall Una anAM aft I j.rwtlm the k.rtMk iui axm ;.. ii....... " i t.. Mayor or tithtT olKitr unU-m 4 (iiialitir.1 ia lliwin. (Iialli-nkfa mat he inadii ana ninmimi-.t pm wxrwrh!. , . Sec 3 of an a iHtitWt Vrv. lC JfWa. ttitll a a.-t to fur tiat ,hohliUk( of KtimMpal el. ti.ai4a North i'arotirta n-nealerl. ''. . kus, col, moved tn jxwtpnne hnril tM utTor januitrr, ja, 1, oujei'Uug ti gt-neral kyWartna rav pniiil..r bilk, ami tleoiamled Ute ynw and mri on pmrtnone meiit. alutiiiD lout vt-aa 81. navatD. Mr Imna. coL, called. iirUie reading of tue nut whk waa rra.1 wtui tha anteod- nwnt prrnvwed hy tha OtmmitW licttvia, w) , tu.ivt.l u Dtrikeout Wldav in the firttt tectum and insert 14 d, aud eaiieti um ute yea ana uaj. Loot, jo -UI aav !U1 .. .. . . r . Page, col., moral ft trrike out ,) tfayi and iitner) itL and detnanded the teas and I Rajs ia uit1 aiiwndiii-nu Loat, veaa 3.1, liivi5 - '- -' Mr. ToiulltiKon. inexi1inlno' hiaWoteoa thht aiaradiaant, aaid that h objiteii to tnn .bill huntn) i ww ap-.ibwt the will of lite tovtnj Infcjhatrd, They had not ak(,. for. (J, and Iheremrr lit- would mJt forne tt iH. them. Ha would vote !'no," , air. itHrnnive morrni 10 strike out au muehof4baUt aaailowa Mtalleapaa; aa day of rfcfihin and tllitl r the jeaa add ay--'-tJai fern T, aaya 4: rtT5" rafre, cat,, mevwt to atnke out the. -4th tertinn whit-h pridi fiir rhallentfinK, for. Mr. I'billipa movetl to amend tlietnnend meitt ri p. rt wl by the t'ommitu-c wliii li cxciailB the town of FnyetU'rillu (rout Utt; nprntliiai of the bill by adding the rity of' llaloin. t'pon a rail fiir the yea ami tjaV it wit lit, yen B, naj H. k ill!", rl utoved to aiitt-niniy eii-p(. ing Kliiutteth City tuid Oxford from the oH-cution of the bill. Loat, yea 81, nay Ui. , - ,. . , lite bid wa then pot oa it aneond nading And paMted Teas 44, nay 28. ()ti motion of Mr. Crawford, ilia, Uouat .then auWMd..,. ,v5 invent or rwree n'tati v em. j .. Wituttaaw,1 Iteu.'tl. ' tlouae oaueil utonferat the'tMual Hour. laya1 Itw. !M-MaaiwaT tlw aity..f journal or yraoemay renn ana anitnivrti Mr. netue. .from tbe. t ommiftce on Clahus, Mr. McAfee, frout the Judiciary (Hamittea, MrcJowtll, fnnti the ('iiHiinit te an EngrtHHed Kill, and Mr. McN. iH, frota tha Comutittaa oa Pranmlttaa and iljlmam-ei, 'SuBiiiittrtl repurts frura their wpfnttva CtMniiutteea,i . , 5 ti iSy Mr, TaUaaei A bill tti imiYid for ,lht!-htrnf pratet-tto of the w growing tutemt of North Cartttina and to nrotide a fund for edia.dojtal prtrnota ; Urrti.:,.'X.iT.,;:"r "'Mr. RobinMiu, Ifriira the Committoa on Rnrolhnent rcnortwt t number of billt awl .In. ...... . . unM. I w n i) I -r ' ' jty Mr. Jolutnlort of, Buttootplte i ' A bill to 4iiUocia tha eouaUiM tion of aTura ptk natd from Malone't Htoraj MoiawU county to Flatpreek, BuncmniVooonty. -f Mr. Johnaon' tritiVerl to nitwnil the rnle aiid put the bill onJt MtiMagn,. aayiun that the kail aakedH aftprofirutiioa Jiut hi.-ijety aake.1 a aharter ttot atrtain ajen tlnaen ia Buncombe cattirty k allowed to intl tnonstrur t tlie roita whieD wa . a I : . 1 1 t '.. ' lirrdrrl rn thni anrtjaa, Ac.. ,f lie rule wont auMMmdin! aud .Ji bill awjintf. ,, ;;- n tnotioa of Mr-6i tiith itt Way thr, the hthja were ampendedaXtd tlie House bill to 'amead tlie charter of tbf towa .of Qoklaboni, wa take up. , QtimotinB of Mr. tmiith, the ! Acat by the Senate were conrurml . By Mr. Waring X. lull ttt aaaataia ami di-termrn the right af tlie iState ia the waimngtoa, Charlotte )id Huthcrford Kajlma.1, without ftrrfhcrx filWrtoa', and to amend the charter l tejecta.1. ' x' -. Mr. Mji-aulcy. froin 'tho Cvmimrttca Cotulit iai Tuwu-Uipa,ubiuitu4 iTo- pnftoa rarHata tuua, Jui war appn prital-dWt,iaF f,-'.';i.' -'J ?' Mr: Duiihatri riiute'dMl w 'ttili Wli' and Ukc uu the btU "ui refctvm-e to miini- cil cl tiM,' iuatH waat Ot a e,aaraai voting? -"i J-' llmyfot; ow a cl of tbe Hoaea; hitfir thtt tt-a an.l gata,-Tbt?li waa thwl' rated- 4lfr1WrtwlWar!' role of yea 47, aagran. . t Tha Clfcjrk read tbd W1L f BMHinrknt a reaideaca of ninety tlaya witltia cofia rate hmitaaad-1. ayt u ward, a a MwlaWioa U ToUoif . vm thtl hnldina- ehrthm oa Bnw MoadaV ht Maf, and eaatii tlat towa at-- yy4tt'tlUi aadl- WaWbingUia frout it pruriaion.. 0etPlkr9. Jetk4f - ' t . ' 1 A.nmuoTiBt anlMHBWeM. ' ' Mr. IhirJiiun callcf the itrevimi our ti.. The call we auauruca uj a rote yt-aa it. say a. -. , -- y - t h During the ballot oa the pn-vt.aiaa.aea-, in irWonliiif '' ti, Mr. Ora.yitoij aaid he rated ix thatnnriona tjootfion is. order to cut off .erertaetin; detatte. The oppotitemile' had calleI the rea and najn oa ttiUt bilf . h- aUwt twenty tiatea, Bttiat nonaan!j, whhji baJ coM thr.peieat traet a8 aaUttiute. . lie bttd no natirnr with thoa who aauaodercd, tliCiphinTin'yltt uck a -manner. Klluon, COL tu p., in recor.jmij m i-in. 3S1.2a taw IW,lth i r . .. v epUad to Mr. btaya auo, Baying anea hum oHiii nr. alll.lilti i.nlili.min li.l niit like inav r all Utr Uuuyif etmhl,.! . aay it It mf rxwl 'fWJOW iuuwiuMmS of CM lies, col., movnl to nm ni lv atrikiiur oi (lie )itirti.n in tlx l.lll iu f.vnr of the pwim 0f Waahinyrtoir an ra.vrtte illflj 'Iti amrnilmmt wk tjun re jwt.M bn tu 89, na94. Mr..iiMrrn)r unhwI iq w1 ly bwrr tinif nlW tlw tnl "W(iiri)itnn,in the Clh loe, th awtiitn, ttf. wofil "and Oolila h.mi"au( at h mi of th-Uaa the Kllnriii;: "Ami all olfiora ha ahall Im i.i-tt ia aaid towns of WahJluoa nlIiI.UUiri!, at t- fWlio in Junoarr Itr7f,hfr r.mtmm' t 1nl nflk Unlit th B-uulsr cknrnn lu.Mw 1H7J o - trtir. TLai In ii .:iii,i at. . i row 4 t"iv haU rtMitiuoa hi otiiue until the iuat gcn l rln-tHNt m Mur. 1871. ?Th amourtluRBt'ua put to a rnte, awl altpil. ' i HMlMim, e4,,nvi4 tn nv.'n1 by MA kin wit the tirJ h whieh a irote may be channttAttina thr tlajr ia rln-rina. Oa lh al..pt4a of thaiM-oi(iHwt Kl liioni tbr vnw. ami nava Th rail (K-iiiif MaaaitMd, thtt atoeuiluicttt wan n- tl l axt&of f caa 31, uaj Si Mr. Axlte mv-4 U nan iii (he pmviwi Imi wiwdn "or thef!y f Wilniiiitrtim." Pat.". "J., calhtl the j( and najra. Tlir fiill bi'iiiif iistimM. (h? anMmibnmt ana aMjavil trr a xnxr of rm41l. nny29. I aii cM.. if!m'l an aniriiilim-m lo ttritui odt Hie Itli wvlion. ttia.ri n tiirlr he ....ii i ... . .... i I . A.. . ....... ,r aim ran, i.iii n so .wa m- 'j"n -"JaitMary-V inxtitui jt -May." ami j fni.eil tin- yyaM nwi nay. 1 lie fall wa tf. atitiuvi, unit the nmeminient waa nj.ii ttnl bj a vote of jreja IU, u.y 2;l'. Tht- iiuetiiHi rwqrtvd UKio the bill ou iu third twtding. ' I'ae. rot., naalBj tbe yea anl nay. Tile rail la-ln aiM.iiiii-tl, the Lull pana.4 ItH tiiiul reading by a vote of yea 04, nay 33. , Bt Bobbins, ool. : A bill to jrive Otunty ('(MHHiiiwioneni the power tn fill vwiuiyi nii5 in iik-'ii uoafim; n-trmxi. k rtRHT f Kl IAI. OKI.KB. Staiale (hwoluttotf tltkhtg a receua frian ia. .5, lS7ttn.JHn. Uth IR71. Mr. Ctirrie niovwl u aim.nd bv Imtertini tUe gfltli of IKv. 1870 and lHlh of Jan 187!; lot.. I fr. Hpamtw moved to amend by lotitrt- ing I we. Still 18, 0 auU Jan. lulu ,1871 ; aitoptatt. -'i!be rewthrttrm aa wmcndttl' ti.1-.! ' TbV SPTentl rtnuiuigii. I f-f ' loa.oNi) antcuti. OIIDKR." inn to Ik- rntillt'l an a t t-iHut-niinir a CiHirentionof the ptoile. The bill pro- Tiuit. tor an election lir a rentn tel l on- rmtS.i on tlie 10th af Feb. 1871, and a ('oflYratfc' txae tiled, U aaamuUa at Kaletgh on the lat Mimtlay in April 1871. TTItc fiillowing'Uvi the nmtriittioue: powt r protoiieall nneaaarv ametiilnieuta and altet'itliona to Uie ('otuttl- tution of tm'dtah Xencepting the re ulrim ions liun-imillor nn-nlioiKHl, ) not in-roii-tili'iit with the t'onrttitution of the I'niU.I Mntnt. Hut xaiil Cniivcntion hitll have no power or .tutliorilv whatever, hi offi r or pniKt any atucuiiiueitt or altera tion of, or iu aiiywiae uterlen) with, re peal or moilily tlie llomrate.t.1 au.l pi-r aimal rtrtiH-rty exempt ion, a provi.ltil 6w In lAi-tit le 1f of the Cnnatitutton of lite HtMf, nor shall Hiey ill any Way mter- hre;Wtth, mmlity, n-penl or doiiny olli.-r act to rturi.-t, or iinpnir the right, prlv Uetjut, or ininiitiiiMis, of any pi nion iu the State, on account, of race, color, or previous condiiiiwt,twhiqlt ,! now guaranteed to him, by the 1 ;ti it, 14th and 'l")llt atiH-nd ment to the Constitution iif tlie I'nited Sttt: nor aliall llu-y propoae anv ametul 11m-Bfag in any. way impairing or nmtrirting aaid right, urivilitre or iaimunitb-w ; nor ahull aaid ('(Mivention pi any ordinance, or tmipoac any amenilment to the lmtit- tiou of llih. Htah-w-hich ahall in anywiae pnivide for payment to tlie late alave faid em ot tha .-Wata, or any ntlier penton, for tlie "loaa, ttuntaiuod by them by rtwaui of flic t-ttuiiMjiMliiut of aid atavet; nor alioll aai.i Doiivenlion paa any ordinance, or olfi-r any aiiHtidiiH-nt, which tliall in any tiat 'provide for the payment of any del, or diita,4 wmtr-t-d 'in aid of the late-epbcrMon : -nor riH aaid Convention uaat anv ordinancel or oflor any amend- mt-nfc which aUtil tn any wiu for Uie iallu-tiiai of oitrporal punislimi-nt for tn-irainal otl'cucoi nor almtl aaid Conren 4oq have nowi-rTto alailuh the prot-nt nytttm of public InatniiHioiv, but to make im-I altiTationt to wild -ayatum, aaid Onrtvention may idcem netwary and proptir; Bor altall aaul tonvcutiou have -jarwiV tit pane any ordinance to alatliab, or In any way interfere with the meeting or adjournnMata of thiatieueral Aawmltly j tkif iiliall-attid T?ouventIua piuptjae any- amcnilment or alteraUon, -nxiuiniig any probity of 'MtfitnlaXiaJ.ifilWhi' vott-nt or 'officer: iwr ii(.tll atiiit ConveD- tio change the prcj-nt ratio lartweea the poll ami property tax, or provide Ctr rl tng thejxilt tax, on .tnc potl above two dollurx Jut all (ontinary rttateand connty.) pufKHt; hor fliiul aaid Contention tie ailowrd- to "yaMi any ordinance or ordi nance teirWativB In their chararier.exoejtti aii.-li a arc nowry to, aulioiit tit Con. xtitaititMX aa amended, to the people of the State for their ratilk-atioo or rejection, and prmiilefortilliiigaueb vacahc'wa at irtay oc cur by reason of any antemliuent or amend ment mvle by aaid CivcDti.m to tlie (onatitution of the State; jind etcept r- iiih'ea '1h h-iatiofl' Irt tfic bubl&!jTn;;t: n.. ut.nli aai.1 !mvetkti.Ml have unv MMiWVf tm Bttalify" r vi.pwtl, i thatriatwi h th nrenent fitmrtituihtn, which wrovidta fur a htcrhaniea' , and blanw Ilea Uw ; na iliattaattt tWrBrttat he aut power to cut t.aattttuHtMi wbaeh provfcie iitat ibenr ma Cttiiiiihutiitn " ard Htate..(ArtK-le l,aection 4 and .) t m TwittiiB, Knra agreed t eoBii.lw the bill aertina) by aectw. r--J i ne ant amnw mm. wiurm . atrikinirout the l'Uh of February. 1871. m Jlteliiue of holding an .dtslHi fur. a 1 (onvetttioa aad want the loth of MaA,h, j 1871. inateau, - . .-. i. . . - .. i . . , . v fir. tiauueaoa iaoagiu jii.h a kiv-u- t tit wa aeednl. and be would like to vote or Mane uch bill, but he ha niettgnt hitxlf againat a lmvntit, and, there (vtv, he Wttld awer-ta pottuflne tint bifj until the Brat Wedneaday after the reccK ao that geatlenea migltt go ttmne and enn tuk jtheur coaatitui-iu ia KKti to thi hiatttT. Ifo tlMHijflit tha life old aas-troa, Lya large tril'jf. a Coat iiiiki alled in a.-atvdilr atllt ataae WW h loll aa the one ahder owiilTiai.m, if Wne little time wa given for them to tvWaider ihematfar'.'K w ' - , au tlfjur tp wv&tis, aim' yar wry ci ivrgrvint; m mu w iuil ami tuat iwutg aa- owe p(trHinouiil aJlegwiice to ute v poawute, tney are iimiei.i , . . md uineiiniM-iit of theUaj-p la aectioB S, Lin 10, Mt, Dunlau J Mr. M .Vftw waa in &vmr af th K:t at 'ttioWfi 11 aii. ii mmwrti) awmf tnwirtlltfl' r;iwitrimf KoiToi' tliSttShiB. HeWiataI'Miveoiloa wan, and he Mimd tha aounte amaiM a.' I In wmtht take the lull a tit eaaM fnn the ooafaa aawM . .sf Mr. Witcox waa onpoaMl to a poatfMA atmt of the hill. , Tha aaunla Wi bail tittia tn naRiitlttr thtc mutt, Thrj knew well the wit; wajr l '1ih U ixlj rulirf rxatld rmtch thtau w fliMUirli a (ivib- tiiv TnH-, he wa (ilwii-d apaiitxt W lemitxi, lmf ht wiw a t'onrutitiiin calkil hy tlie Lc,naltutv,Jnil uof Mrninat one J t Ju U oiK.ntti.Mii. mn It-fit Wyl (In lwmi of the iMimltt. K th wnt 1 . . . ... . .. i onrriHiaanil uiirmJiaouw ' omnium vr Yii-i"" -wit ri!t;' I'll.' juiii ,,r hail not arrived there.! uimn thr nruakera of rti.fjrrtr.inj rwnKnipiry, an.i if we wait for tvlh-f ht hvhtlatiT enart meflt. wIih h Would take three Vwi-'Tr j . .... . . . , dingraer, ruin and poferty wmtM otertake the State and Tha people. lteili-l mut ms hail, and tltat la the moat apeedy manner. The condition of th- State deiuanded It, and tin- condition of Ute ruined and heavily taxed ponple also demanded ft. ''' ' Mr. Itarria, of FraiikHn, Rep., ro ad the motion to postpone. He knew tha CoMttitutlon ti'iM arnentlmtwt, and if time w'aa given for conKid.-nttion and ona ultatiop. with the jwople, ha wilirbt trote for Uii- bill, Thh Xfw""wP ,ytem wa eHK-ially URtmiuible to tho- condition of our pnonle. " " '. ' ' , 1 Mr. T.utibiMon mid at m-ntlcnwin wlijied t i. li- the run arriiie t KhWbrJtrlin!f WferTTfiit wrfhrtWcfT' Vic wonl 'jtrint.H t written on whita potter, wtthnnt any rtvyj(rr any KlrHt Aftrr mcdt'Wf Mr. Muftla withdraw the tin. n bnetlt. Mr. rVttle moved tn pnatpom "the further cnrndtleraHnti of tha bill until tht evening at 7 1 I tfclock ! lott. ' The niteittlon rprurted topM ftt. Itarrtt of (Itiitfonl amendment. '.' - '" '. Mr. Joocii of OaldwpH,' took- tha door and nrg'inid at length n opTmitiB "' to Mr Luckey wa la CkvnV of the amend Mr. Johnaton of Buncombe, waaotinoaed to the amendment bwaoae it placed the ttme lor Doiilingtlte eh-rtt-m at tne moat inclentnit acaeon of the year hi tha Vfot- tern portion of Ute fth . .. lie a glad to act' that tha Rentflttittui ot the Hot tan met the qiiusrtiwt tn a pmpar pirit. He had .Hot. beer lufluuaufd in anv twrtixan feeling whn he- fattradaced thia bit. fie hall net orfwed It tn furrber anv nitrtr hne. lie -otrrrad tha Mil Itecaiwe the condition and nerearflie of the people demaade4 II A Convention thn ntifv mean He $ wltieh tlie nunnle tsoukl hoe to olitoia that apcedy n-lief which theh embarraaed condition nnpanv ' tively demanded, lie wa ia dally tw cnipt af letter urging that Uta f fialatiM -aa-"l!aiv'liapta-ww wa the only way in whit-h tlie people nmWI vibly obtain tlut luHili-.liate nv h.-r which their nmtrow.1 and tiardcBed coiitlition nutilc aeftiaaaiy. ' Mr. l.yott favored the ahtendment. ' Mr. Niclwlsoit oppr il theaoteturmanl lb- aaid the tteople had had ample time to conai.k-r the ipHMtion taT HpvetitiRaww "no ( oiivmition, Jim jieo)le warn alimau unanimous fia- tlie paaaageof a bill Ilka thia. In regard to noatptinament he did not aa what advantage the adoption- of aut'h a i-oiirrtC cnuld nnaliw. Ia March the fartnent wen- genefnMy very bnay attmiding to their farm and coithl ill all'ord to giv the timeneceaaarirraxpeaytad ht going to (In-poll, but in lite attmtlt of F.rbniary tliev had more kiiaura time, to attend an ehaJtma a it did no hvtortnr with tfacar purauita. . J. M rvMc AS anitt, Mt . wa 9l r vor ot a inventiim. Hiajieotile aak and .detaand a Convention a aiam a p.Miba, and ac ba licved the peOnaa' the Mtato aa aaxioua for a Oaaveiitiiw Imjommw they teel that they cauiK get relief , any other way- -ax eettt through a Convitttii. The Lngtala- tura mav ut ttown aaiarita amt fee bat that iaoalyadmp in the laa-kefc..- livery itllort at teat aad MUawautial nut ottered by the lumlnturc falla atill-ltora beeaua the tVmmitutioa ataada ia the wayv our hamla ate bound, and waeati on, Uta iieo. Me to allow ua, throagh a CtNtveatioa, to relieve taem ami a, i aa Legattainwi eaav not. execat by a two-third rotor- call a (kmvenllon, but the igulattm can au thorwe awl jgive Uta people. It wjt by whu h their wuiltea can be known and ex lnwL aad thaa tha OonvHBtuta will be called m accordance: with atw by tba peo ple and restricted ty,the p.ople tlioy, tneataeirta, nnving tliu. antnoniy to limit and reatrict tha power of their aervant or delegate, For the further reatax that hi people wMied to get uat'K tottte o"4 land luark with the eh autre hi aooordanca with the ('oiniitution of the t'nited Btatc and tlie iMouatrut thar meaauroa, he; aieit fcf a CVtnventu at onf r -t-v Mr. Jarvi aaid tliat aa-a great dilf.-r enoe of optaioB exhtted tipnti thi qnt-iAiot of the tuue of holding the election, be wrml.l, to enmprowaw Ua matter, siove to amend tha autetidmeat by jpbioHig the elec tion on the 1a Tkirmlay ha Jfanh, w- Mr." llama, of uuillord, aconned the amendmcat, and (he amendment aa amen ded Waaaduptisd. 4,,-s:-V The tat aa.1 1 .aeeaoaa of the toll war thoa adopted. " "'J -' ' '' "- m - " bt anctioa thrue Sir. llama, or uutitoni, moved to change tha "IOtb of M trt h" to tmt "20th or Marchr- I Appliea . til the. time of counting the .ballot caat as the eh-rtuWrln th preaenee of the tiorern. Te'-ilni.tud JSu--tity. of tkt . Mr. Jarvia mitvt d -tn-amend the amend mt lrr mrlTi thr 4iS bT Man. whk h wa carriei, ami tbe etaendtnent at wa a.loote.1. v --tu:.:..; Tbe lb-iaut. i-atimd reuort many ctf K .. Vir. ..T "J r." .. ... . Hi Mr -llmiia. uf rnwttthr moved an ameatlnaat .which bl eAut did away with tha that aM f.aert ahonhl vote ia the precinct ia which they um. -.-, - . w a v. . : .t .. . . . . t acinwa waa mra . t 8nctioaa,T, H ami adopted. la anr-ttna 14), Mr. Waring moved t m artt in line 10, aftir tbe Word "State, the word "except in thi purtk ular only, (hat the (Vinvenuna tihau utenrptawte a cktuat iaaaUi, (Wutatttai taoognixing aad de claring that Uie atoctHna bud dowa aad the dottKHHt avatW is tac U te a a-, ewm 1..1, N. C. Hoprent t'.alH Itruata, ia Im; rate or rsnih lliH a. Totaa heaater, to he tlie true and float diviabat of tlie qneatirM. (Tbe tlirNioa aliirnit tbe Coor-tjtu'j.m-alitjr aad kyauly of Uta aunaeateod Jo- to atrika out tha kSrat Mondajr,' aad in arrt "third Kohday."' fApoliet to the at rmbling of the coavenltou-i, Carri4J. Hection I aad 4 were ah a.orted.' trisbata, aptnjriiaj to- atd a wt a aew Waring, U aa abla and ftircibh- i.alawlH-adTt-irehy-attmiTlT8' HKVIIINmi, , IU Ul l-V, , .TO ,.11 ... ittlng tha qneatioa of tha proriaioa of UM) bomeaea.t, ootn aa ma an.t new debt, beyond aU ' qunttitxt ar ea r'il He wanted tha bill paaaed with tlib peovMoa ia it ia order that the rkatt uilght bava a Juilldarr that wnttld 6 ail tiatemtpect and reptway wrl the munitie and pririleWof th hotntal. . (Mr. Wa muarta will apiearhTrf.r Lo., wa hil, and the Hpfcaket rVing an A. vote oa tha aroerjdmt'nt, bt aerlama- I.IW a.. hail a itiviaum ! . 1e amendtttent wa carrii-Jt,"ih V iaL,i.ritvM the It' wh-m1!5- 't aljUMu7UiLul roU"K JU tb outer. , , Pag cot," Rep-, wwveAr to frWrnaliler, aaytag that ha had voteu wttn ute mnr- Mj and had a right to Btacka tha twlthj.,0,n air. Htrudw'K-K, iieaL, atnvejj. to lay inei"-"7"- -" l""t"-" iw pen- motion to rotanuBtler on tha tali aiyk ; carried; ; Mr- Aahe moved to ttrika at the word) "Rehemod" and faetrt th Word "War:" Mr. A n 'lemon ogerM a ameitdrnent that the Conventtoa ahoald hae ao newer to latorfcre with th pmviaioa of irtlere 4, tut (ion S of tit Conatitatioai ht lagytrd to lending the rHatet crl)t to unBahmed rUilroada,1' '' ih ' """" ' . Mr. JarvU oriiioard tha amendment: uyiag that andee thb daawaaf thefitr-' tlltutbm a greater part tiftha tmulnV which the thato hadteen for the hut two rear, bad ariara. A Ihraa he wak eim- UOj tjl mu oti-v - jeara, mill ,HW.eW: cruiunatod. ' 1 ha yet ewa abild ! toe yotiageat mtiuKor -o Ui Btairy U,jt,ityttti 1 1 agroenold age, would ace the eud of the trouble canted by thi tMaufc." ' 1 - "Mr. Johnatun a ttouaoataM, tavomd hha aiyadaaaal Tinawh htca pr adiearj iiiignt nav war pea ai juoputi n wa ui.tthr, yak whew tee wanaehered Mm kaag yuan) during whica kit aartkar had tietrt f a evory energy -to otaam- pwopnatina la uMor to conjueaw l gnaat euttrfiiia-, and the vital hmwwtam tho floaaumatioa f tkh) KaTpHa- wa to hi peapW, kw could ant tmt aa all of bat nowar aad in uiteoceftar the adnptiea thia atnomi. mtiit aw 1 .am:i w &t wtewenj. Femniuf aay dnflnlta aoUoa, the H'taaav oa Btottim or Mr. i'ailltnt, adjawraid aottl 1-1 crcamtt taut wveatog. tmf Mrra. ir. wart a aatd wnaa-wottiw for tba mwotctpai blllaa tta thtril nadinan Otat a tawtioB of hi wnatitaortt had fa- qarstntt-iu-paatpocaWKat ami aaothar portjoa aaraeatlr advatated thaiouuodiato iiMaenf the WM.-t iklaaier thtaa-oirraai tunc aa wan af thani wiahod to except Cbarlotta tVoat ttt trnvkaoaa and ail waaV ed to enjoy Ita beneflta when It became a law', be oal4 Vnta ft Ita aaaangei' M w ' ! tKNAm f tr j ttrcaarMr. nee; ft t Meat Mr, W.ernio) o UmI oiiaUv,,. , rarririojw, iv. s Mr. Lcbmaa prcaeuted a netltlon (rom the (VHittniiwioucra of Hyde Coontv, pray ing the Ut!itend Aaacmbly to authorl'te vheitt to lery a atterial to ft fVutnty pgntoarw, Wltq tj mil to accompnau anti oojet-t, wne-n wa placed OH Calendar. " - ' ' -, Mr. ;mwHI pftweatrt'hy' jrfitlrmS IWm Mu Anna Klixaltetlt itendcraoa, or I4w- ooln Connrv.' tiravitiir the ftemwal Aa! Wy to authorise tha Safin, of nC.W nomltbr irrtain Ixtmla wtiu-tl arte niflda, ahit wnteti have been dciiare.1 W aertnra kn.dktnit to be invalid, which wa referred to tin Committee rm the JadkihuTr' Vt O. W. litoa, ool.t Bill Mtppiema- ..aaxtHjuwt.'iiua w a.tiv. , . lary to an Jaot aawaaitatg lo coy ui,im Iiitoiw.tatitle4 I tawajtiaa-4tT4--He- lorred to the Committee oa Uttrporattona, 4 lly Mr. Graham : BiU layaalauon to va caneim occurriug (n County otHoat, .PbMf aaaaaairiMiW' taja-a-- tt n-ypj " by Mr MaUnev rrtoiolatioa pwtpaaiatr lo print tea itirna aacb of tba tiovw aay muage aau mk Auuiuir t raanx, ii- ea mewltor af tha (Iraawal Attaaillr)wi' ' (hi hi atotioa that nttet woee auiapeaikat fi the purpna af puttim it kaai it. pa aaga.t s.if )-inw.yrttvW 4lt lad; (ai motion of Mr. Wbiteaulo. A waaau amended aa to prohibit the aeytlaau at ahy- a.T-floiftativtoa' pap". sc' hal pettcbMrta- ciihw aniwawoeaa M aoam faca twae ; In fact, hotblng but tli Governor' ntiw teire ant uof. aad pa it lx- i..'t--ft, tXtr .1 t Ity Mr. tMdt i htoaoiwtlftB ia hvavof 44 Ailaina. Kiaerred to. .to, VJtanMtto cat Cluha. TssivV in . t. .dewuM 4 Hy Mr. Vonneet r. Itatrtuitoa ia. laaratl of the ttharm at Ifolaeofij . Itotemal to tlie Coatuittoeoa PntpntiUoaa and UrkntH aacea, 'v.w?. i ur.ti r,,-, vuqtih trlf; licav af liaaaca -waa rrantod bmM, 'f.. t'tTaOaftJa mtmi' If-i- f A mtvmgf w'ailtViarafJ nytnt the ffiih b-anmiilttlug a bill' rotating to aittinVipi! etcitiimt, with 'arumd iiietit,' eetbij, tbe cowurrenca of the InnU m tihy aarnri wbkh Wa CURCaree.1 in,' - 1 ,-''' On tnotioa of Mr. Mfrrlavm, tha rule wear tui-n.lod for tbe pnrnoae of taking B 11. and nuttlns ilinmuh It ervoea! read $ tga, bill Hd. 8, (SinMr bilfV ft htvettf gate all.-'.l fraud Si tUc'dUpoaltioo of boaitt of tba tttate,' amoet) to lUilrond Coaipuil.w, and (if other pocpoMea; - ( Nr. fhmaa morel aq amenrhnont to the hill, axtc-iding thp" ttctie of t the nf n,ikiin .1ii.-h tail ilii.itpd iiht muii .jat. JfrJUibigfeaeB-bfairtitltf': tba biltjr antvidiag -for the appointtiient ' 1 J nir vptipiii-iont wtr w(tn,.,.tiir fi l kiW'uW aunt., to wit ;' Jf um-t Itavi.HVile 4 man, hVlart Johhaoii, and Pptor A1 tuuv tn tn4ioi o Afr. Wirth1heMw,iTO Jf , H. lUi'iin . f lUmUilph, Wa a-bbal to ti. r-i 1 '' liiinw .an atttcuik-.l ao aa to prwarrilai what road ahoul;l'Wmwdi-jatoa, totritf tnxtara and rfiaera iii v mi at of tha 'Weatora fia-Jh CariniiMKaiha.1, Wiatera Bailntid, od''(he Wibi4ngt,'1trlotta Ruthor nl lUilrowd. ---v-" ! w "-.-' i and ford tUilroad. tm avttfaat of Iff. 'done, the tml "wi anTaT5t1aTTtd'a1TfK3n aititf Coutiiii taat to mmt 1 that body at the a-tt an. ainn, or iluriiitr the tvrw.-nt ar-wtbnt tf to their diat-rcthnt h Way ana-at pfnya-r. in V 4 The lau lataanri tot aneaa reatiiag, aad wa tad tiiird time, whoa '', ' ( Mr titlmer Bvived tn am 04 rertfwv bv iaclnding two) other rnwrta, to WH r Atlan tic, Tcnntaaee njw twaul, ami Rut Utal ham hVia.1, Whw wajl a-brpai-d. ' Jfr, Jtavs moved to atnkaout tha Atlaa- tio, Teantoarw 4 tillto Hoad, whkivwu ioat. .-.---'V i:"' ,v -.- i1 t .Mr.Tkinmrwg aw4 to laf t bill -OH tie toltUs.- " ' ,fr. if -mmoa ealioi (he rvtat atiee. ; li.m. Wlikh wa iittab,ed. Mr!" the5 1 paated it third reading fry tlw following rota: --' . f '.. -- :: i-.l :.V ie... fli.. , - "A it tat Afctit, AeUiBta, ;, AUjrHirftae4al-t t inm'ni Voart. 4tiit ttirarTt r..-.i; n..iwTv,, t:...fc,'lLJjaa.aaiaitaa t itata t. maun t.eaaeil, Cuntciulmer, (iraliaiu, llawkinj, I ttwaan, 1 'I lit. rftTaw'pfc Itg tfbrtir; Mauttey, Jf.'hjinmy, Mrriiiuin, ' JUoore, tatarehtabi: v. Honwt. TM.Tri-H ore-lj) Itolihiua, pt" Uaviibai, Mobblneof Htlranul, Skinner, Troy, WkddcIL n hite iJa '-...I w.k ' at -'? '"' 1 -' f thh; niuliitn of Mr.. Mi-rrtmo; fh MU waantraefea to ne purrmtect ajia .a-m v tha tlotiHaatotica. k - .T ,t t)a niotloa or Mf.'oiies.'tlitl'niW.'werr twn n ini arm to l.ui f in.ytrjvirBMt tnt ! , , h ... . . -, ' " ' .. H-weWi Jtrneyolmt (SiaH.'t ?, of ttiarlollf waa it uii am) pti-d It acvecaf read burJ aud waa irl!.'.-.-.l to b .ylj.pi'wtaed and ., i. '. :, -n lit f-o or of V A. IlVUt' -klt. TIhJ1ii iiiiiw.1 to be, r-itli ..jpia. iwuori waa tusi.-ufiMHi ,av. wurn. f-Ma,.Jt wfi-o,.wI CT ' fc.- ItiuVvlohrhlte " V. Catnktiitlee oa Enrolled Itilla,' ncbort(t a propt-rijr enrolled, me mil conccmlntf nu aiciaal alecdtata, which wa rafult-dT. , th Biotton, the Prtyalnt wa aufnotmsd toaapoittt a rkiuyti .i hj owd atwd onl the t-'omniiftce to invhaiv rukw, of 'vfotiT l- i.4.1 . i ' .1. lt:i, wihaer;:,7 Z7J '. r : ivt"w w tniitrw.:tnrMu nu air. UliaROK.BW'lUTiitTM,;,, 'i HC- t. j.A!-! t .i,.,i'Vl.?i.Ato:. eu4erutl!irwit apvea. 1 iiiTimttattiitMi wrnpoteti M tot. hill, Witmt aitlr aaatiia-axit uatvu.iiUMni aa "-e. w WV-"-" W-fm..t . : Mr. iioaatoN thoutiht r-iill.'iin-B exlilmled . . 1 . ....... 1.1. ... 1 1 . . .1.1.. too attytey- to hurry the WU thronirh, a tile utere watnttann -tor oenwvawi m-u. Bwanaa- tea a,. ai--w lo vtwif ii, wa m eMnaii tttel lli,-n alii.ut.l tat ItaaL. " ttm-auau- a atan'wautt a wt4n,' totwa at tehy a nan eaMamaiwtaaniaaMiati-t.w 11 aa. x-l-l to Ul iKll , M, Btaitul aillltttai. i-riiination tKnliwl the niao. In favor uf ntr iB.toetin man, ana xlvtta wit trttaranuic (ia- tae fM-.-.iriiy or mr njrrto. ti. irtfmr "Mr wet In favt.f Uudtatlab.M Malh- tataUll wa for nawtatiUua mtattv at tutlatiltait .a ILat of It', amklur lylurUijj lav h to tlas pwipki we nilttlit a-ut-fe-tilr Ilia ,t.u ciatittHutlon. 'ITte emti4.tuU.rn of WlS trtkt'tniitT'Hwir ertattjf v. ttnVtloiM, wliat ttiecxinveultoa mlir1it4u,.afat rust aattomnutaxa. taattiriumaoa wp luatoitaiif totij- rl.U a.l.,bu.iru., nit a atiould lie tlw aainn, U pruintiVl Iv I'l.-.ia til ttmt 1-iKA nr.-d Ifn'Mt fit tM oM and n,- aoaatitnttMn Into . 'harwi.tiilea- wilide, to awaatftt) tut Mnav.iahttitrwltMa prattiwad UatMai an Mw. wiiaar .!). wittld Hllj ) Uf HIB'lf if ptwnitiiip 8ii)4riir anacHi raaktrvd to (tietr ttatai tli-t-n with fn.w brtrw Kt.- or celflnfa tW- vxntliaiE had hutmttdwrtti TMtteit.t. ai fiat a ,ntl (rvia nr. k-,-etwa4Hmn)atoaaa.Uiia. tawt einoruaovuuiM tit tpveryuuu; ofutwaMUiUii ' Trr, ot. hail atto- hw vtHbec tavtiraMe toa t-atrwatt-loav-liut-aa had leal. taditiratt thM.aMraU1w itaetr. Xiuo u.iwwtioatiu. uui in ttw,iiitii uuia aui,wk4a-; intl all tli' lr Wii-l m.u(ttf to i.liti at the iflt 'ratteblaement of Ui iu4(HH-d matt:. If tlier- aatl taaat Wtoni hiiali tie aneid Utaa tlMt Haax Put ha- watd 4vhw,i)a,)ewaaiw a ttiba. wmM lUlltaa.inada' a town taui awini4.tlw,WUuly,tli. arvakitt) IcihI; nu( MiiI4t ne.-i to him, (liitll di iHtrUnj; kCieif. frota diiettioa nfor H" .m.r Hit tit fmiaewMr avfc-iVirwM Nv hit iiiUavl fi-a-a la, JtUo wart tat.ittt-it.atitwj..rinii iai j lifllti III tl.lH t.llt M maiil.tllv buMiakwl fanttl-W I TkJ amchtmiciH f wtai Uaa ntnd tol;..ltt iwrtt ttt Uw-4 .t.. . Ho Uon U wax tvtuiiM ttJtoiiMatuiiid-J "Tlie 1,111 aa wfrMe wa ThWr1 pt Ihy iM BR- ..r:. .... -MO. . ,j-i.afciii.,aW.a-., itjMaajMa , ... aw-aivert a vr wV .tinwwv.f -. i twne vl.,,, , of r. Ii nu. ,I ,"TlJl rwLe..-J ;idir-w-a.Uoa-t.a aaetaaV taatr , ,-fc ira-lw.a?waa.. avo-r lT' "r-',"! J . plwt)8-li-naar. ... j-towj a.4 of (.anh Vriiiaia t.-he nia,,-..,r WwaaadmaaAt-o tk - L By M. I"itt,i r Ain AetaoroaTaJrWir rrJtkhWa' i.rt,,,-Tt,'-' i 2 LtJ t-d " rVvaWait waa read, aaa Mr.Jtoattea aaka.iaatW.a'. Maaaa aaal4avy aaaaUl Uttr x-.- ... . t. rfeUalWtolhul'.t.llll , , . ., ' .TTT- M-nT.Timj- i.-ooie " H?1 - ( Ua.nrtuatJtBLl.inaa W Li.iilaUm.-e .at lh JlHi llj Uf .W.rin. '! lii,ltil ai ..ltt.'. Heta J.abuJ.. JL.ljli.'. , y ..1. ! h wnitittt m pu-m- ttiiiiiai troaia na..i: a j(it'-r...iii-p nun 111 ivttto. WtiMd 'hr abWlied, : Hw" '1 tourt -atrau-at-itvlorweit, tkax nat r. Plilllliai mintriiad At It Iw'taJwai, ilwat frtim tlifin In tlu iiliui .'uwaa ,if uiiaiKtv.iik-hf IitalpHl I) lit .bnlWt tt pHii lni-il-lvi-L Willi, net b-Mmea to nit tt--ia fli.- tnittrrr.'kmt-hti .nil nvrt rve tia w tlatavtntoa,-aa aa laal ixi l!atta.uiaaal .amaid'H.4 'it Irau tww .Idtjwettiptijto iiiaal), Ma bntM and lt( av)k-. lie Wvuld tay iililf.! W.iru. ..11 t7, t.ilii-l of :rh-(4 '' d liunj Tlw uottiiai ot toe maJortlyfa-etRV nteventton um a a ,ua-wut Kt).jtr uuw Im .ajuidiao aaiubvalttl. th.iu twu Qilrl uf Die f.'-t'l difttrn 'wit 'i l.Mi.uf ttf ( It" T1: Mireii.Un bad t aa idrv-uiMV tau.vir tluw tuu at.ati..ltafi aaiiilu-a itrMt th.iu twu Qiirvli ii.;t s;i.r.i,iiwi; , . ..t,.Af ..b- itii.iufc-a. RiOrta .we aait ad, . aunt. a. kv: Ui4i Ji i.'.l,Vtaai I'oaou ate.u au aaktidiath,ti)riiikh Vw (tltintt. a iwui.- iv'irv, u-uj( f iUnyoiiiij at pritt-mx-it Jiit.irtu, uihI Uj anKOiiiuit-iit ,w aitojittat. fVitl.-jrtiOrt wit tryatal wi fci-eatSMrtfy to tat heiatW, out ftieu-d down ia Utat bojy byi taat.rtit .wMatnat an raaw-wvaaditi Uw 4toai),lii not ait,8va a-petty nolo. ..The uia iuethut Wat ttvued-azatit wlutn in free millbure ttiiUnrtnt at 4arjii4ll i Vr, ttra. hat it tmJtuinaieiiiwiill.a w tti. aa elnhtwiiW niiaa,aid trat tw.fty. r. wattltiart aadi.iuaim. adlla Uaan;at.iet fiat oaiwur W.ylliH tamttiutlt Witt roniK.U nl yo i-.ill 1 tyiBm ttwaiatnW-anl 4 -aid attli Wot Wi twaeaatiian vvtat -awatdtow wta-toy rti.niat wa h.aaya tBfta4 waaiiianoi Ui'-y Uav ivn awciuiiM ,wti Itatttt u.v pv.i-vti. utaj tin ii)iltilitTiH .f Ui M-t eirt,iii ti iihi In Mora. t,w ottn M.MT thti -detleate aufc Jeeia art lavifarty.aiv1 fmnaamii; ttwai onti-Mlima .if Ute uioee hftHmuaV and nit am lM.l) autirUut4 W. Uata, and diJ.lriH!-. Uoitnf am-unty llu-y have t.lL r T.b tu.-tk- .,f catliti eittiv.ill.n wat otvoUiltoaary, anu fie oajecW to IV "tt ttnWitrrneitdf -tovwowM M II ad k' wael potrpto. Id aaak ear and Mt am 4t ht-.-rflrri!iK,-, j-jmi !-i et .) .0 in- .If.- WMHltl.ttid diu.'r, wlUi lawyera ju eertalu niiw. ' l,t-t'i-tlaturm CirtiT n 'trnln lint "0it Nh " WTtii.-.ttt tlt e4tliffttl.Mit-.if ts.! cwiji to-aa T. ,i jv , a tt,u ,h ,w U. it a, . i .tV-x-iO at.vait-t.Mt i tkr kBtr4t'nt H th anavrhttoa jtwt' p... . f iha ttataitji.ttwjt . ttoi'iF I id tBl'l.i'i.Jiiiiiid ti lieipi." S'Ofps -t w tlilriiiiti, WWatt thr .ir.ati -.on. if axiw. -tnata ke -aaHttrara. tul, iaal WW 1 1 -f . t 4 tha ttand. Ukw ao.t.iiLaai,!. t'.iH it,t(oj. 1 'fv-Utoieaitk' . r-t. Hi1 a ftui .1 J. f tMt.avwkflty a ttrmtdut fiaiiu-v at. -a-to a.idafa)ita'toay t -niM .-natmaaav-Jtry. ... Ma A-Uitmttail awaHewaai nlwttd ttikiiar tlu,i.atlt aotild jad lu gtitliy iti uer jilr) f Mr. 'fhlllia aiwwertd c-naluly, biit wia va m twain. w are tvewmt ny oatn ; aaUitmi woa wnrur atnch IttUaHt of tnmkte. ttr dt4b-e wure t-iditidit latttttl not- bti deu-uj. jh-m thlr. KfarnVw IM ana aavVow raa't truf! g t aHwetr a ador attea Hrvataida ae f . A '' 4 Nr. 1-hilliiaN-Vet, I ean't trtixt any ananhitr of . aWftlaatfutu-adV ttiaaji ..Tauot tUUX, ot j iui.iuJH.iit b(hi p".r. ., j. , rf t, PliittiMt'iii'd'vrt.iiikmiMHiwVH'the OatvenHtai w tl wnr0Vd iu -iiinwtiiaHii . IM4 ant rtiaeirf Utna kiikMraiiaini, kut tad aay Utat U-y te.-re led bKkkaiMl luied Ur ad. here l tin 1 o.t.0uli if (Iteyiiulan hj Bot Other-, if tiiey l-outii 1)..L ke who eaa wi- e-t frian (.rival.- life to do In turf -j i- tkaataaoev ot wW the -eaateotuni Ucttt-. ed laapo) -e auadiiry vi -it aurcea and .otlint part.. iiiaM, ; , 11 ii4 lo-U-n-at.. tin aa.ea.i lif,;lie prntWiiian ftwta Mr. tUiii..i' n-ar din le; atTiiritr of im hiH.tetd. -i Titat wat mere api.trr't wjf the wlad a ataeth.-aal ttrtna vary aawtaaa -aaulitar !, Ua ttol.nt WMautwavUtuat, btd whiHi jotuf j, are i-a-rtvd uui, i-it dtl:iw-4. l(-ul Hme aiU coine. , 1 he holi.t vad hangr ua the oj tnAot of -loar of tin; i , s !.(-,.(....- .a.. j T toil it iH' ttptiu tlteta. it 14m- t'onta iite Vtnnaar toe eml at aaary ttraaiwaiiW 'Tha bill a Mtett pntai IV,wiiJ .-aiiu aaw we.L yflat to, aatviet - m 4 ,n I mt. Aanjntvwaaiiaa auaaaat Ulwe m at r. JtanjrwvwaalM UWalkav t4lraitoVis J r. iltitauu.utwMl tl Wmta to .t' W tv aad L.i,.,l Uuii tiu, K i . ui ... ,i... i.i. If Uw WH itw ant k t tea-ttiba awjarH MuU,th WH 4U.a4 pat. Jar oja-kvf ihftit that ll- t'ill kill iInuI wt rtipittut; tiioru '-ttt. HaiYmve at.ia-rttid trout ie a.-,i.)n nr .the r. K an anyat f tlw Itwttn, t.y- i-oaatMntieaai ivwawautVaa aajan M.aa aratar ua- rat ial Mm iUh a. ael. ' Mt. f nitot. r.i. t a puti.t, ot nUi, tliai. tlui rt.t1nif of a -hill It wi-t of h.l.-.-i-- aw Hle,and It ran, ayt hwKI wttltwrt tt.ii,f tt,;lily ntaat. tat lattt-iUiuia. lo (u ituaii rhufK, anil Uw riiair tinaiTiKi- to U,-, I, t!illf.!Oi,tli ,,B fttt"h ,niK.a WU. llt.-i n-Mn-Kl 1-... a.. .wt f imlt-v. f a law, to ktoaaaviaaa aajtaai aj.i9 inaetlertrl rlrWat th a.rfr.M Viwvar k9 tha Jtocatktlt 4ewaa.aaaa loi I auHtl nTtnnrrltrijiiil i.J rwai .mil k, 'tit ... , ..... I , - -" ww ii. m muiu jn via re -jw,n mlwm M patair oi w con. en mob an a teaaaa amamiati wnl t. aara. Ilendrnoak Hteadwirk anil Wl. h (heir vote in tha aUtnuaiiva'na uJ, tawaauLa nr I dt avit. it t Mr. frendt preaented monorLJ from tv. wit-ton-ni of New Ihtmvr, aakmite 4te ' """i,? "tvy. a atamlal taxjjr JaawSw,,, T"M Ht rlttiar orwnuvl Bu-m.-lal 7r,Ma th H'."1 " - tatn aaraaaarfl ehalriilen Of VWrh.'tl. AlMnnt'eolmMi'l ttalaUMalreaatB awav-J tfrtW A rf m1lfyr'tr, -:r"tJ'.-r-..S-it a at "X- v . i , . w.u e? 4uuiurut: uutisuut. ri-rit of th How to Aif4ijt r liMiliniirf fftttl Aittwt itliuwl tin Oa atotioa fr.' W WtiWr..',f,,l (lie ue wvaw witoaaM. aad to aaeato lull Waa takitn an. " ' ' The-atD aatMneadraV Waa taa.'v tjia aat tj ttr iioaaioti BMMa HtpiaaaK, tbtvAtrltier ratua.t.-iwmtntil' Uw l.lll tuuil tl.- uf Jiutaaryi. Utawaaat.Mntat- attt-ataat-ha aa.t.' at being Bnfrlmiijly o the J.I 1 1 aaUettMndfetnivenUiia tiail not b5ifTdiJt The ewd ia bre.Uait dutttur wat aaatj. twavaavj iiu a ni..iiniw witn. Kotna a.Htv 1.4-,'llie (itrwiavaabwliewv they etteltPhaeaif law W lrtnlty to commit their ntattltuontt, tl'ijiJ iHwifetiaeaMtnt atiuid for woald not t all flit, r I -" ua anoarlv aaavanlliaiMawat aetd-dt.t nnatttw bill. It avevtuv lbtiutN'lMuatof the jiiwdl. and thertiwihy wT tha.-lhinak that Tnit. twiii.! taat tWMet- the vnathtr. 1 Mt. Wrfl".".' fUWt'Hy'JWjtiZ-'':-' W v.l'ii It. ll.aa u 111 ane mat tiimiid it wi-u VHuii.i..r.r n..i 1 had kalaamwhraaaaii.aMUh I taia-t i IIHB HTiretUtiai aUitllK III 1 a comett(linl, lit ttni laid .faiaiw m& V be wl.aM fuel lt hl diy taofr.wtt.twt at tuit nin a n uit wnoie iiiiiiu-r pi tl... il.. i.l,.,i m ta vt -fce- trwtei yir towtmaitt.- fcl4.vt.yaxiathtoi4l oiwit uie iHiiitii.iini. 111 p-irmii to lii- atiiti 1 WmVtJtknil! Ta'MlL)?.''-.--- a.,, aialtwHe4twM.taffvl4f tVw tt'W (ta (ulna ata nawniiyiww aiiiiMw aw.-.k.iw Ti iri;il 'irNttt -4,A not fd v, ... toaeeopleof .the wuat were f. th,. unwwru of tuliiii,' i'ftnti.v C, 'FYm. niMitof HritmillKlHatt'Wiy iv,im1.,ftobKi A "VP tol... .,rl t w o MBttlir tlie Ueneral Aaaa.uibU rmuiinl lnilmL.. r . 11 VI "f -. tainmNitiim, a two inirtta nuit'tr iv. be nad Mm delMttw nf-the Wiifermtt-n tr ISCV, jiiti,HSikrt LntrWt th aaiwaraiid-chtlda- nJ the raoi-ca. btit Lb Lh.-it- .o.i.t. II. ,U taut IteMrUta. waa. i 1M IkaaaauM. th ioi-MmiilaOv.-. He, wa ururl.r.uaf I aVpaWirwtH thi.nlil malt an larnic Viil. b l nail atat lawtaa ait vote Bi aaeaaMMUiMttti What aaawiabtaoiaiai. atowtandiani itw 4.1 jiieiaivviu .Hit aiaiwn, l, nay., )tiiir ict r I In Mi 11 til mJL... 1 1 1 u ..... . I I.. . . .1 .... w-....., ....,,1 "ai a.iajt'iitj Vt., tut' ttaxhlatUfe' idiiM Hot' call t ' Vint' ijiilit watoiitwitiLwMtaa- thwf.lrH wnttl .- waRa.juntF.iaMl4atlluaia aalttmajat tnt- wat,uwaHi1.tof, UHtaitt.t pim-p.! e tlTlnt ite-Wiurt Bat iNietai ilimii Ihuteliii f eor t.oneoi tie pniiituamtqi .11 iljaMim tot iila- th' aov i-c,. Itnav. ti.w aw . mnnw'twi: wa VCt'tW WMMV - r - ai.wuiua ua anr, . uaria tuaa ,, tul.iiiMwa an i IM Shot aibiiU UmO. , Ui coiitlituUtai in-. jt I aaaia auteiidineitt, and vet .wliru ' Tinn 1 la K.xb. L. Li.f.1 ,4id MU peo, 'th. 'atithawait a aavf - .,,.,.i wir: -taiittawTeat.-tr-.. i'f'ilj Hlitfl V Pai o.lil!(v.wJ.J,.r..(tln. uiHwaUM ,.,,, 8uuOyri;u.Wl uaatnm- all ott ht to r tpiatt.iJ - i.'.i v .. in VMtn u.t w iu oyard to I v.'iia.ii, i wi.tun eai ll.tlillnn to Um n.nn l,. aoi-a Mit-kW In a-l.l.-k o t. -m.i.1 ttt.. 1 Wa -alii pf ii-., . ... .. .. . t:- t 1 1-auw.x at.a-r tlat iwyt rt of Die elatti to meet Iho liit.-r.wt on' I tl . ..f bW w,it.l Law ftu. 1..-I. J ... ,1... Hi t oemvaaa 'w- .iy.ta am AintrrMieaa' ( .)uldiluiiya.riau.d people aUmtjiJ ,t4Hik, KUI win. tin.ut of Hv...tatMr.iatatariavik '.Barhtla-.'ta. U.iWk-8ilf lki, rtnifwntn'vuAirP 4Y "IV,?'1' ;.'--.", . Wl"h,l)'r-i,a: tottib.Jia-..w,erBliLiT-) .,'4rd. ,'at.a. de -. www ' a-aort.-u! to 'niluslr th4'7dt.-ll wmrft ryd. to ai'ia-ar. an.r iJi..i.'i ..ul ..S.AT.'.TTja tak at-tvaat tanamud ftaVk any thing, ami lit lit nintiUmit- the tax 1 twttiv or we rrertew-tn- - hirre 1 tail -if nat p.. rNouu,(jij at th (iovniirViwtoal,itr. kM apon taemt What would a etmv-! lo iiuii a-wniim sm rvyinrwav ". aiawitatatayoa unten. Taat the adndnkt.-afia Fh Aitmey rtiol ,K,t in iLl, vii, f e.i'- man atfliua niMiutati t wuu.. in Ua patwand la aatntk tit -tn -ta-rrWliI Wirlrrtifia4remafe pr.ikot.-d reatrirtiinia, in akKk by (Mr I u iM) aaid Uiat tils pr,i.! t.f .prth Carolina lt at) (a ha atalud tj ah Uklkrlaewwa ttrnttd ...iwuaa, aa --tr -tni-rat -ii- laiariit -tri-ft.l.n- of . poiUoa of hvr.ecoula aiatru ttnnnee atm at am. aied tipnntiie Htalt- ky ihataaaaira wao- Bad to tatt-nanv hrw . ni.r-wi ti. Ie.n, J.iil ke aaw aaioaa.'kid dltat -k an eX-.-tn tl.uidd (all (m a th, tkw ,4 OWO a im lnid Ikwb oiar-'t h.-re indhml fu .1 tl,. m I) Jetil nl (rmof i,.l favort M utinB.ii, m" -,taM.t.!i ntii attKH poet- aid H..r linn ataiito a tint iu err latuiHe-ml tivi:aa-i4 t ile'kncw- the Ol.k et tr nMiinknn-wtrf puilit la totMmUha;kttllw- otwuttooMT p1' (lir-;arU.a tlii-tr' Qaibt ia turaid to Ut flb-wani hU nn-ntof niAutUiie,U 'aa to Wito t lt-Nt'ii totktVtiihatK of ha fi 'aWIWl 4 Jioili ' tit luti. .wkau liia. Itiw fiiyTI.'n-tTiat if a trtiventhm eJ ht , aad toofciatttpt- to thWtfWe wllir-niAsfriaiiBw uelra. lt.Mi would, bt: Knikvagd musttort i.v toe. taat. and uaadilvtittu of, J-tiiud W,r-Mt-J Mr. J.).f trtted toeVB.k tdreiy r ta iMt-ttw.ttatari. Iml k ilm in Mm Hh- anidr ncii.-iif ,Tt. '7 hi B ha etliHeftttiHUvav aan hitjlt douid . - - - '"i ..... ili'iii. .,11 I, 1,11,-111, 1 I.llll. . H.1, .n4tlOI IIW at ta. Riaauw. taat auru.ilaad aaid llttl ta Watt ahrttiitatd aaid tlau tvte 1 aat niiiiatitiiUoB'Wtatitt 'ltid' atiiiil ii Hiuo.a.& Ua Ut I nlu-d atatettuprCBCcnrtnii an.unl of it laaneatead lawvlaliaa. iruiat. . aim ia aetni.Oeao parly bad tatruelral.d a Lre I at.ti.kttu fnuut a, i.i u. ...... .. ., . . , .i iaiw.tkiiT,tt.. Waa njraLli rcriiaTurtadTaod jptard tf htTerT poaatbteH Krahf i 4 F-"-l(r,,,..,ui,..,T ' W.--.M mnm -11 ;i 1, n .riOua Ul.Mi- wm mne. nonjaineaiHl 1H fitvtwrtf ttii't-- pott vra taa.t ai.uia wil jiuaiiuited t.. u , , hd L ilu allu.iaiat . U,. .11 illt.oH Itllo Whlh our J11.I1. Up. I,.,?! ..ii.... th Mttaa.aiU wtdt ithta tuwwinMa '""t i" i-sij'tti. ana roia-tuditri iu may )t-l in bt-hjlf 4 th- heavily 1 icrfft tkt (Hale, tiMU ll,latdM k-Htaaaal at .aahwli. , MR Man rot rWd tofciMeMhf MMWal .ait,Bo,ai4UK,l4B,llia.. nuiatjetd) lie WM..t lliv Olitiiinii Ihut Lli 1, ......... 1 ... ,tl 1, ... B.-ttVl I-Mrt. tlnm wty to wVkTi..w lta k- i t'ft'lh 11 "BU'I totl !., keth.'f IW nut. : lr. .ten tow : If Hm n la a , k J, a. ,1. .J . Mr, lliin.mK.e.tiIdB,,,! 4lw(1 U1111. ltaellka '.).!.-.(, l.ianvt,. m mM air. Ba.rroa -Mil i,,u v,,i. 1,, ,v 4 tat to pal th Maraat im. U pa Wis debt. if. J4 mii ujm i ' i lau il i jj mj i 'ptot. JVSW vattv.ilj it: h.W -. -rwt. jlr fl-Wirrota .ivf-twa, . when tlie nwrtf km- v- a awUauM-MttniM.tlaw t . Utaomtwrn Ui i.nm ' - aiv.--v.nrr.ttat.aHtiiHH.-n r. .i. . . .... i.i ini wa roeauae. a wa f.-i ti. rate t.iii -4mM t.aim a wished tuna b. awuaraat ivu- rr, ia ... . & t't- watT..WWlt W.Ulej.Y gvM.w, ftm aHnwnnte (wau;t rtni a rtt 11' hail to ttiata-4 to t)4r hi. ftiH U. tin- iih .ilia $gn'iat tih-al!nti, l.uf ti' !rTu t,:, i' i. i l"ve .tmt aa ttia awtnaa mmu-m I Vtattli iMTOilftr-. --M B.-4 l.i(t, if, ll,,n. lot-. I ; .i r, 1 1. -I T .i f . t at uit . a ai hi ii- .1.- ;m ,1 M,! .!.,! .1, . -,oiisS twt ia-wrnV't.A, at. m l.i---a ct.-ltae ti But. wa-pntf-i !!.; ii..H, .ii!,tiB(l wt.t.n,Mied to a-r . ... . M.n lih r r. -UiVt.aaJtaifitailia-t ana, Ua iMmM tT aat Jn fitvor . eiHiv.-Mtiy lw-iui t. B.a.jeerHi Ittn (ri.,if i(i,i.,,i toM M a .wwwattoa wa aitatartoiw avitn it . "ant 4rhMi fc."M,a'-tIJoa to lllC i. ' nttn affvtt-, u.,a. ... zJTlfj't "'"T' liwtuate ifovenuiiauL anai.V..iihcrof tfleWilTnm on t, t awovanMte' lav ii.J.i.i.-'l -I -6Uh. wouM await to U U 7d?Lj!!L'"U'W'i l htritlalbe to., lllirnt OMtraaattK-Vtow., (fa m. VTi?l1?r,"":, at-rr'evwvi l..-a atar .. . i. , , - -i.imtiBi, wtta rnaaa and " 1v?iIt44.u,, ttrl Ah"-h'aai a rioiitWaKe, (Mj- Thjllii.. , l a,,. ,ur Pi,;i. DriiiaulaaUla to Vi.Li.J.. 'Ll' 1 '"'l.. Jl WiiVwi? r W-hW" oatlia. .Inul iliit.i,-ut.. i ... - ... .. JJ ataiea rararatd aa thaajoth of htt Vd alT lVuiir,i?,,Tn' "IL t' the u.flt "t , tlamairyj tW- d- haya-tireni a llrtl nrd J t";-,? ?TT """i-WtW,-hidkiet -( fC?l'' .1 Wt ft-",, t. HW ZZZZJT.. T"' wiicanriiUta mtto.- fta.--of -cimventloti im " n. 2.1 Hiin a ho tjVr.. ,!, ,lk.. . a.rt,,, ,., luliM.hWuto.W, n,. aadei- all S " l--a ntit miTitiHa'. nutiik tutu it,.-, i.m t. . 1 l- '. ,1, rviif WuleHiiirtHi..'f.,.t W M . . , T --,. utrttMifi. Jlty Uuia tl I ... 1 1 , .1 W ad aaar Kitata twti t.K4-.d ami ta ni Mil .wtiuan iUhtHMia , -r",,.- 111 ni ini.rM tlie Wvtijjam.ta mi- Uii aatLUia i.i ... . . tr,U!'" '"LVi" flala- o lt: a( WaviihuU lol , wwwnVor Bilai, in toenit4 l of ' lVtaa, I h, toentfiw ordoreit that pul.lli a-i, th twmaiMfitr alx werat aaeeeatlvel hi Ui fa Cwa rti, Mwvnitt a natoi,, t o!L j i." 5rf.-Mk-it1t,.r'Vfcbuf. tlw aatd,t . tiiiii)a''byHvn (lied, and tint i... it " - It Mitleato.u-w.l.Uit olUvtMat UtwCierk wt.-iut w,4t Viot-at tlM-lourt Huiia-.lH V " ft , f.oail,itwlmht' aVv3r.l i.. SZiit at totUiwati aaid-Oiti that ardur, aad oi tl! fl-WpraB- and anawMeta that time, UrKt , BulUwtokeii at, .utlkimuA ili LJltlTJSSi XtiAWPimn, .mt )ytim - rUMt 4 h V0 .1 aaaaaaaai ..' . J. ,n .j. . ..TiU: """-iraaiia 13-W6W1 Mft t tkHLlatUOU aJ5) f f a't'Atiir iW aj-.titct.ia ...... . . Dt i r . i, SI ad.-frnMnl rf.rll Jo. U... dS ro etmsn t.o " -.. . ... i.T ' . wtt.ii' .... . , ...... um minor ni-ir h-Wei-oii, 'dersiw-Wlfw.HtlfnV-WnTae o4ardKiri..k,'a.r-TS.Hr,'T " -".naj .'fw f Jr""" t-.aotata.'at.-wnij yrtalliw ii tit-ai.jMeif t.Si-rt rWbk n-e,.lr,r "' o i.vavl.l,.lrt.l Wai a. i.J. . . . ";i 1 tiUJ.i - Ntre - tins ma tnrniof Lbia ; rwtitt. That The D, f,.,,, ..u r.,...t.. . rr"" tll.-uf.ia(.Mal..ta.tlB,ii kautit, he.awtawi:voa lk tjl.iUi of . Un-tr hit. t ,t u UmtauiiT. takJi - w on lmmf ..rl,7,uii7be tofjer 'iivaaiiiarjjiii.uMuia .......... ta..iewwt IMtl tmt ddteawarakav ti,.ni.i. w rw dmeat of ha-buntriae t-' itS!lftS Conl?f5, nov at-ww- ' x p: flftlifSiyftV f."S n wit .. aann , t ,,,,.11 , .'I ... hIS I ditrta Wa,i1..nth VU'tol&W fVfe'.f -ai-wai.. aid d-J rfMotaaaitwilWoBi at-ftnaatKa. vt TWair'toato 4waMhTFt8wioa';f-lt V'1 of It awwiia,t ttw C.ittrlf-wn ti ..j Briii -n illlaiil Hut. .. .. - .,,iiib u 1.1 - u-,e i'ii.1,,1 t n,- mitt at rii. hi!i t uiar" w fWiatiaMettor, Uati in tawtlelt aar, leaviiiir lietr. allw unie be ia an,,!,),, to fi ? Tl 'T iwwtda out of -ifie limit of ..... .. r -.a. .aua- eoutttv ,Of tjli.1. . ja Wtliritl- Ml u.;r lrrt,'- ? f u u,.i..i,..i... " Mfc wiw ft-wt at a--i;aad M-mi ',..-(' r.-;reiiiui. to am war at the.u thi-cuf tin i'l.k . of ktiltl C.urt n. lfi.M.'.rttn 11, 'iin " of r.atdtviik-.-iil.Mi au ..,,.. . ... .. - .. 1... ..... - I'.i.' NiHi fe u-.iiimiLa I i: , .ii. .1 . B v"i-aiM.B4t.iHiiaxiia '" I ' " 111 Li.u .,., M"" T-lLCKli, IJ.,ui-,i,..i T? w ai'itati .)! tiaaiiWiiai ma 4. .u..'I.,j. ..'.a '.o '-ih aa - K V , ?' t'I'' V,r ajhHle. Iliia 't'i ivf sv. .--''--- kwdtt-76. uw '.vluaUlt KJdiiMiSivm irt.' V Of, T -4 S JLVNiTaVplf 4fMri;-AIMtIrA,t.; Ajl. rartt : -l ' ftt-r i I V V'i !'rr. . t , . 'li"f.$ Mi Tm h J..,3., taMiW,,41ci.i4kit8t), in?!!. .--i, oaKaaa a.X .in,. ... t aNt-jriiu; jo . tli wit-fa,i:.,,( u.i (W H' J-'. botlt.... lie u. ,i , .i,t ft'u. .--t-r aa awts ,ir la -Mt...e.u- .rf tswa., t:..,UM?; it ), th. ref.M-,, jV. 4,. t!:e t'a u.ti paiA,(,i, it,:,.ie h:''ti.c.stF r f..f .. . n.-o. ,o-. ;(. , ...1 , 1 . i .... , ,. " '" kto to ,,- h f,r ( -,. . s' t.i t rtite WfJ ir;'-' V,-!J1-lti.the .(i we.,:9,,vl oAtVwair. A aTll, UB aBil lji( Ll 1 Ui U.J, aiteH't; ifc..,!,.. .1 lit, , ditiat WRI ittuakiavawenauiaa' atri.t ht-,Hi i-.-owt Bie.t-e.ui,lifB,w xu.s S A, y. l o j -,,,, 1, , ? ' ' " tl.-.lirt:-,.". ,- . hot Se-lafiafl i,. , W C w si tr o 't.t i T ll t TV " 1 w ir 4 fb S'ttaaif eeef"' av mt Mant V ,tHj -t ..Ilit ... ; o i j. . ,1- i . . - j s t, , ' e".- III .n : ' V't-!f :t .'I 1 .'1 1 ." X :. u I ill .) j ' r I i fljv ayt r' t.tkil v ,r I . i-

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