... - .. ... ' .. j ..... . ., yCy at' 111-. awa "-tr- " rg- ,0, 1 V '7k f" t at i f 2: .- :. f . ii, ft W.T ft ' - - , ' . . , -t r ;t 1 I 111 L , 1. 1 III 1 : i uij i J --" -TRIAL Of -SIXTKKNTH IAY. Sksjitk 'BAnmi. Feb. 14. 171. Ciwrt met, Hon. .1trf Justice fearson in dwmmtr. ' .'j ! Heading of the journal dispen- d with. rlonator ililmrr nmiuatd the alanatue of Ureal. laargaa lront au-kaeae. fens. Graham ia ttrange, atrtanilted aa Order. Mint tin) orifcY adopted vester day n dative ( two oWMI'inu of the Court lay, or r'liiie.i. im nn ntvati. kinalor Hit MilHuMhtt Oritur, lh.it prowling !' mrilrhf t priiiU-d daily, ia perurence to arfftiimnlii. ii-. rrvvnikl. ileu. N. Nvil, xnoru uu btlialfof M:iua gn, iti-il : TlrMt lie m ooniluct' i on tke Cenlml Kilrtfil, und tlmt ikiiiij of Kirk Millni gin n IiIb Irum onp tixmiint! at Jfw nvcr, ami Tile U tn Jr.tl)ui. KiTHi pulto iwkhI on tinin an. I rimwil txhit m deal-lift I rrrl priomrw with tliem. Mhiim en Iratitiitl : lju. i .uillv Mr. (Jrl):ini. I liu ip.'ht (ViiiiKtnv Slfpv in Aloutaimt roiitJl v. am l':inmr, ninty yurH nf nr. Al'i it Kirk ir. rrivnl nl Hh'ifM a fi'iillrniau oilinl lit my 'WlUne our uuiniinif, itml wild tlint Ciil. Kirk wwUd ut wukhi ami tim Ui Imul hx Hq-l' VftJU WfYtWfi 'fFW'W- Hrmitir blr litf m-(i ko.jw It wan vary tHwy timr .......J. . II.. tl. .t I I .. . i. . .ltwatlie,.ucui3Caf 4rtJl4iMieeiiMai: 42.-SiVit-i- rSMu s,., -jiKJf.viim.aJiiiiBK...artittirt.jM yiil. Toid me to rcieut to the caiuli in liaJI uu hour. I reported us early an 1 could liitell up. Whcti I'KottoKliecaiiip. I aakc.l a sentinel, who wason iruard, for Ok Kirk. I was condu.ted to hiiu l Ibe wntineL Kirk waa resiling a paer. The snlinel told him I wj iMit there to ee him. He threw the paper down, comnienced enrsing violently, sayini; that he liajld kill every jine !f the d l relmlfi Ben;en hild him I was tlie party w ho wai to haul the b igvairt . He then asked me to excuse him. I then told him how busy I :i8, and a. ked him to let iim off He aaid he would not hear any excuses, that f mint (f.i. and that I ahouhi be paid. My wagons Were then loaded, and aoou alter I atarted, with the command to YanVyrille. I wa present when Col. Me.Mlistcr ranie up with w rits fnun Judijc Pear 6 fill. Kirt. The l.atlnli.w iad halted for reA tVil, Jit A. paat d " im up Vl tho . heat! of the wplinewt witk ? (ka) -: Beriiowyi to wliera Kirk; w as. 8mm jetnnnal vrlth Cii), !i' f!fi and MaL Ynt 1 vii,'5-.. .vitx X JUt l.Trtt r.. Uir , j.ttH.wi'111, bat tiu'y would nok jrt tiiem. Whij w rested , agiun. Kirk and ntlier ortiiTrt ijere around Wf wio Kirk aid tfiat no laae eould get the prrvi from-hiiu exeeid Uov. Ikihien, be was atiiur under htaorderas- i wa freijucntly -asked by the aoldeni and ohicera if I would ao( rwrret toaee my fjrk ndi (hot, that I wimld perTiapa'ttu "m liofiira we got 1o Taneeyville. Said that they eected to shoot Muorennd Hunter before they would reach Taneeyville. Kirk said that he bad just beeu informed that thu Ku Klux were goinfr t tre (aa Ua aien and try to rpa-uc the priaoaera. Haid that if he waa ' fire.1 upon he would kill ever.' ininoner be had at tuuo. .as liu could bum po'der . The. tieliavturut lti trooM waa very ixul, lu every parti ulur. There were lioya appa reatly about tilleen year to men l Milt No oiKKtieBrrr nor were they af all reapocud by the men. ('mat ciaminad by Mr. Boydetl. I dou t know of aay aei-ret s.itical ao iety id the ewnntf. Never aaw any one Iu disinnse. U. K. Rrandiav, tworn ' on la-hiilf of Managera, hutillnl : . . Qtstii bv Mr. Oralmm: I UVe iu YaMssyville, (uru-jBanuty, am Clerk of the Miiiierior Court, ami am forty-oiH. years of age. Courts have Ihtii reidarl a-nlmieiv1irirelif; heUvcr Wiea I cau rememiwr, until last summer, whea dis- turned by the invaniias ot Cd, Kirk. I know of uo hwaaaee wrhea apotivatiiHi fftur any pmresa was nfiravt, when properly made. Madatrates and Coustab Ua ta all tHTols!,ie, "Jr XhT-JIW? i.Jf.88 B. aa instance of refusal na part of any one to do th doty required of him by law. Ool. Kirk arrived in Yanceyville on the lt-U or juty. There waa a aulibo meet ing called (ar that dav for the t'lmgresaian al candidates to snoak-'-taooi. J. M. Utuch, Deta. and dent (feat. Hen.,. While the tpeakmg was K'ling On Umiou arrivcil, maniied in the eoclisnire of the court hoaa tquara, nurvouadetl the court house, tn men pointing tlieirguna up at 4t--'wmtlw: " -Ar1i"wrdierir. - wa hv4h vourtrto hearing the (tpeafc;. '1frraTa &rSy""ou when tlie trtxHH Came, They placed guiuds at galea of the incJoaura, and at each dsaar of court ftnfie7J I Verrt to door, and asked ratine! if I ohl4 "ya out; 4; th-a went to the court room. HmU tpok aUail one Z-a aau nourt; beta waa replying, ana at hairthroagh, whoa sxiuad of sol dim went tip and arm. ted Doctor Ibmn aa iaaeey. .. inea won, to amoit ur, Bow. He asked bv what auVioritv titer amaad hiat. Tif tobi htm a, yaw mind the authority, be Uw-ir Prisoner; He agaia demanded the authontv Ar bis rest, when Kirk draw )us pispJ, cursed Bow, tad the w then tratk bld of hint ad forced hint out About twenty Ave utm ia th reota abeaat thai time, aad tch yeps and trorsr liouti-jKUl th rdr rebel K Klu,"T-t aaa terribi time. One banner and a Li Brown Ihcn -fattvh-wTHh;-tr,aa ttj'M "TffimU tafll "Let ant 4 d rebel open hi niouth and r'r'waWtJwy-iiair nMiet Brst tmrmnnded the court borise retain piaanwio .t.hj , ailkiwina - - Bight Uentenant aad three ii . my. noass after th key, aaid Kiravwanted rt I teat it. , Thaaett janraiag; I aalud Kirk S it, and was iWueed. Ifouadtb Ibe ker.. Whan Kirk left wiluMhe P"oners, . he k'ft ' MaNa Yatee in eminn(l, with dHac-hiueot. I then aak.jd Yatet furtbetey. he replied that! could ot get lc I I wa kept out BntiJ Yte cA 1 allowed to A. ta aader gmard. I foarul torn nanen as 1 k th.mr-Hnanr . O-ker tr .vtusjrd over th houes, baaewietit. . sot, and Antside trnvtratfa. Era found i fe lath twf .. important paper, f. - aooai aan wn'ten wpat mux a as eaukt I rerkoa 1 cw fr.aa a uaaek to -' kt bet ia ta ksta. tret aod tatsn- "-Ut, ana as Ma. as a Sour barrel full off Ua llaor td actitemi tnrar lb Court, -4 1-4 w'vst JUJUJJUULilUUlJ 1 1 hi a 'rk ta allow as tin ua is) ta attire. ., i sT Ha ali j a uatu I sen eank to 1 li.. Hi,f,T. ()f ,j cm t Ik' I'imiiuL I liail .tmwiiHH(t'nCf fun .ini-niir iiniiu-n ax nc mMwr. 1 1 itfe nr. unUMin iav hiUmw Jwi) M ! thM lie (tn Jiin rnir) itnUr IIim tile key wwl nnke lx turrml orer tn film. Tile temi Oovemor't rely, Jn lininj; to turn over udk-n, C'wfM-ll w atili m mil iUry wiimiHi, wul ami Um eourtluHw lur iUftmiig tmopn." ie niiuiift4 rrw trry nm H aUMtsl niM ml nulitiKt trnikrn. The ooart hiwH vim m riegtuil huilillrijr, will I think it ww diUMMfw) tu I he aii4int of tl (MM1 I lie traotM k-a about Uw luiulille of ttea InnlLHW, J Jntuw4 H.tnaatwM to the ImIuI autliontT ta ti omntv. Ik. Roan in alxuit wity fiHir jear4 t are one of I lie litvt himi in tlie aoulity. sUiiiIk very hiifli. Uilli ana miihi nibt an a ulivniirfmi. Ur. Ilowe it ime of Umi luoat eu-mular tiieo ever inrt, w tuxty Dvi ur wyvuty yim ot am. Wat a maguHml Kir a nutubur of yeara, member of the orautv aiui aiwrial eourta, imiulier if Ui leumJa. tore mi we the war, ami wan a magintrHte n me time 01 his arrfst. hirk limke up the infeliiitf, a ierf-t terror prevaikJ fur a while. The Uiurt rioUHe wan Humximlnl nluHit I ochiek r ni. and not a ritixen iw uMofiiil hi mi Mit-4iiHiryrW".Mf:-lnrr-ikWrTW!rhM-jH n . nuriihi'iiK Mnimtnite - nmioiiit I. Vvheii Kirk arretted iiowe hi' maid if lie wan reunited he would idio.it lheiriaoti iT, diMlniy m- uien, w.NiH'ii and rhildn n I the limn awl hum it. lie uimIc h nja-ei-h lo a crowd the day U-fore tl lee iihi, in win. h lirsuhl hi' hail iihik- to p it limn III Ku Klox aild that lie would ln It he hud In stay (hi-re until the vmiua tjo"j w K'".f- ioii iii;u lie nail nuiiilMT. Unit lie w:ut tnitiff Li irv tlitun I .."ijf.i m n .r tamil IWf mmi;" nilft'J' WftftTloopTTg?nKyaaiiru-; euMd Wcedon ter cwue to )aiiccy villn; fen dava In due kirk did. Belated thcuiselves very well, aiHi were on nerv ternm with' th. citizeiis.- Thi-v did nut piliaie or tilundei but Kiik't did. His men went lato my garden aud orchard and look, juat w hat they wanted. I never heard so much swearing by any body in my life as tbe troops imlulged in and they were very ob scene, ia the hearing of ladies and gentle men Exposed themselves to the pnblic would go to the public pump on the court square, and pull off their drawers and waah them, and then pull olf their Mhirt and w'ash that in full view of sever al residences and business places. Kirk said that lie bad orders from Governor tlolden to bold the prisoners : was also onlered by Hidden that if a hair of the head of any of his men was hurt tn kill II the pritonerii, batcher tlie women and children, au.) bum the town. Lulled State troops were in their oamp a th day of clci tioa Kirk't wf!re parasling tlie is intHuaiueO wiuadi, w HQ ImoiH-ta -ti was the coiii t Imftsf. "TM'imMHvn tle dav liefur the etection in varions di iwiifmiW-ln directiw iif all precitictii in the enunty. , fcihl M)Uda ktt. tutr are nine Uiarnuhiiia, ia aU, in IM eounty. froassntamined bv Mr. boydra. " J I did mat are Mr. Stepheni' body after he was murdered. Jwa.JH tiie court house the next day. I waa iu Riy ollic a short while the evcfiing irf the day or nifrlit up- .a which he waa killed. I went into tlie mirt mom when aiieakiiur wiw goiug un. aad reiaained until I he speaking was over. tlien went to mv olnee, temainea a lew iiiinulen. and left. I aaw Stevens in I he nut ting, I aaw him lcaviv but Jou'trucul: la-t seeing any one leave WHII Illm. Nl iff W cv Ml. IKit don't know wiieiner u Was l'l'ure or after UteyenaMt It waa ,tt,.:i,n I I hc-.ird no violent deoarictathHt of Stevens luring toe speaking. Mr. H.idnett spi-ke J Steveaa bavins' received bribe, and njoncj at "pi ttrem Uiem.j.lMjt dim 't Jhiiik any thing was taw caicuiaieo to ithsw ter filings. Tlie room In which laaiy was louml wa auoui uiirty yaeua from my uH'me.' The grand jury rooui waa neat to the naim in which Htevena ia sappiwed to nave ueen aiiicu. iiwaa.a: . . . . . ... ., . .. I Mr. Urahaiu criijecusj to uiweasniiiia tion. Did not objoct to proving the hn that rUevena was dead, but did ual think this was the tribunal before whnin l prove w ho killed him. It waa not at all rekntaat, .:.-.) tent, lie taid man had been Kilted o; a secret party against whom no present tm-nt had ever yet lawai made, ic i It was further arauet Hy Measrs. ura- laun and Bragg, and il) Hnyd.-n. i The Cliicf Juatic deculcxl tue leminm- ny eomjasteMt.! f ' " j Mr. Jone asked titti sense of the Heoat il the question. 1 , - Af anil aaft were niniam-ru. tA-A tn um arm. Killed ont. I am (ware" or not one mKtet ponucai aociety to th eoanty, and tliat u th l-oval I-eatrue. 1 Know n no oxner. never mw ant fierwin in dwiriilse. Nobill of indictment wa found agaiuat the uiur ibtferaof bleven. A nuuilier of genth nM mr Ikiruad nvee ln Caurt bV J udtrea .at' tke HtLDretne Court, out ao Inll was aenl forward against them. , Al in ena m nie t-.n r tlm f-inrL tlie aHinsel fur the par- ti bound over by Judga ftauataa, asked judge Toiwyee- tttat tha atutiea b dia- eiiarveil. titer not la-inir any true bill found against tliem. .. ine wuuge uni.o ta rau itiar inula aau aaaau uiui u a ion UA aast haua AaasuL . Tha Hutuibar reoli. al thai the witnesses arnt fiar had faile.1 to ontne, and rmmtiently could; nut find a trua bill. Haid that he bad not arawa a bill, aod would ao do an, unkta tlie Judjfls onkftpdi iti.taat t; bjul ewttuinad Bre evbteitrw npun wtirrh thev were hound over, ami -was satWlc.1 that cw 'grand ji l S mid' Brill! trne ldft SB tuctT eulono-. lie did not wish to kab. th uien bound .-aaarinbaasfcks 4iartlimJ.wljffIJiiftoaand.a Unlln ait bull titiulilii'aai I TetKttrtican Vr. Bulla daclaiw Unaiulf to la t Jess ttt Oriffitk, Wtoshi an of tb ttTltaUU'f'Trl. trtrtlfiffi t Oneationed bv Mr. Mrrrimoa. j J rwida ia CasareU, two aaika from aaaaatasaaafaaaaaa nisi, saJtiatugganlt atieri ff of tit countv. I anr well acquaint' ! with th people of the county, f both rarca, and, so far a I kn-w ttw relation are friendly." I know of a on being de- Bird ewintovateat aa account of bis pmti- eai senUtneata. I navaaswsr ia tbeevecwtfoa of arty proeesa. avor kav 1 rarer fount) it awnnwry to take a tvata With me. rtcpnt was killed tb tlst of May.' t'trited rttattai traopt came the Mb any of July.' They arrived on Knlunjhy, and w hen they raarbed. th tows. 4I..i. Ualm-v, who wasetamwamliiig ea, mte Bi, tn i Imggv'witk Mr. Claauaibera, aad, aUHr Bciff luroduraai to at at tite eksrntl of the vounty, aaiit that lie had lieen tent with troop to anHKt nie in eKn-iltintf llu- lw. 1 tkaoke.1 hint aa4 nod f did ant lluttk I wimld hare any need of k4l. aa trunk- I to iiii, Ii. ar had I ever iieen re4leA Kirk arried on Thumlay, tlw 8th of "'if. A ihm: tiHwMnx anuoumed lor that day ha- tlie tmurHHoiial caiuli d:ttan, Ueuerab irrh aad rk-otl to tank. AUaut one n clock, tit. la. I amde untela mati. and very kaye atimljer of lli eil iaem went into tlie court bouae. In a Aort tiiae, the cnnrt Iioumi wa nurrouod nl hy armed men, 1 came ttowft, and at 1 reached tit aaatiW af Mw tanri honaerl aa a ge Hut tut ul la Kuk, tuna, u tw or nine Mbert raiue un iit mr wit ewked aMtokt, atkl nauk I va llait I nwir i .1 aiiaefi lie. auiiioruf tor arrew in me. tin Hjoii d b fou. ou are mv (M-kvMtor, w eiMiw aJomx- Carried me into rHH Hi the lymrt liouav. Kvem fvw luiHiMuta they would lirui iu primmera. I heard h irrent uoiae no 'alaira ycllinif and curwuir and aoiue brotivht Mr. Jlowtt. Arrealinir huu cartoned llw ilMurlmm-e. Th, curacd ami nhiMtd liim a arrnl detd. caliiiu; Hun u kitklux ma olah - h, a a n leruw. fcciu me in nwiu aiane w.i ka, and lirouirht me to itnleiirh and ninieu me over to I '.Honel t 'tarke. I wan rrnfi tsto Ji'ilffi" futiraon. and,' there ih iiik no rvidi'iM'tf broiiuht aainHt inc. wm diacharui'd. Statc'a warraata were ned out aiiinut aeverul partien Wiley waa uaun.l over to answer at licit term of the MittTii eoort of Ciwwcll Sir .the intir- iir oi mi'fi'iin. i ut-aru lii.lliiii alHMit iia l-in;' iudk-led for treason. Kirk came uu luUi thexuutUiouw4tile lie had heard he was going to' be attacked. and if he waa, he would kill everv one of i . . . nhly. I heard him any he had onlen tl I kill the prawnem, w.uwuaud (hil.livuuli.i Imrn tlie town it attatked or resisted, but hai't recolk-ot bearing him av who or- dived it. His troopa were verv disordorlv in every puHicular obscene and vulgar in tone that could lie easily heard by the fiimilie livina near. I saw them freiitieut- lyitt orcliards, pillaging, tc. The Lniu d Hlutet tnmps behaved very orderly and gentieinanry. Kirk't men exitose.1 their piTBons at the public pump, in full view of the residence. 1 waa present at the inqtunt over 8t eH' lioily. His IkkIj' was found Sunday runming, I waa aenl (tit, and reached biwa early that morning. Tb coroner was auuimmiing a jury. The jury met that day, sat fur several hours; examined several wiUiessca, Tlu.y rimlinuwl Xo ak CT.vy day until I'hurHday.exaiiiiriuig j.very a lines that was suggested. io vtdcnoe was pro.lu. ed. No aocusatiijn wa made gainst any nn i coacur S'ittLju'r.iiran don in hut stalnneot about what trant- JfAjM.T-) rmrrt ttIh -rmWNfWjMi"fe-vl.ii'tTil . : Kirk bad ft'sf' to du with the .1 U.m H" v,'-; Raaaiaraja-. tbe , nctuilia. Abe.ut twauty .)la went pnooois. They were oartied to tb poll between a abtof idir----"i:' r I' - - . Judge Toargat laaud wsrranU agaiaat to young men for secretly whipping aegro HU iileaia abxi taniad warrant '6r tbroe, 6r similar otr.ce. 1 arrested than, all wiUitiut imy dilticulty, carried them before the two' olllocrs as dirwtleil, and tlwy were laamd over to court I heard Kirk aay twic that he would have a inibV Lu-v court : that be had been promised one I by tb Uovernnr, and was a little fretted that to court del wittriy.ll.et tv aiiiliultioce twice alter the court, un one occasion Weetlou waa lying ou tlie railing In 'IVmrt llmiaa and one of the (oldiert shot at biin. I hy Z i just under where nc wa. tllitftg at the time I heard the report of the gun. He got up anil left. . t'roa!i cxtuuiB'1 to rbijden : Stephens called ou me to arrest a party OB.-C; I did it, and mo party was put iu jail. He was arrested lor stealing. ih latrtics bound over to appear at mat ua i if court did nut have a MH fonnd against th.in. aa the witness., all tailed to appear. T) y were re b.wind:ii UMtt'jm-.JLmgl Htcphens 111 III court naan wnoe spo.g Was going on. Maw him leave lu room, I aaw no one talkluaT wiUi hint, 1 taw hit body in the moni after it was found. It was sitting iff reclining position, pe around the neck, two RtalM in neck, one each aide of wuuipipe, aod. one. iu Jcft breast, i n rotaj wa nearly ouneu in bit neck. Mr. llodni mad bo violent ....rl . .luuif Mr Hleohena. Ills renutrkti abd ita lt fraginaw againnt nun. i km't know that Stephens wasmiasea that night. I teft town a tittle alter sum. lin't kiw.w that anv one h mi ted him. I fciaW n no secret political nocMyj 'fcy imAnr Kil Mux or anr oilier. rvw Loyal League. I beard JT tu W bite BroUierbood. The League may otaaatituU tbit odty s all 1 know. " x Court iUf'tmcd. - - - - - i revkSteenth I)ay. ; ' 8CH.ITK C vmttift, Feb, 1.1. IT1 feurt lire. H3L Chief Justice rearann tn IM cbjiu, Reeding of Jiaunal dispensed wiua. f ftatnl P. KilL a wtouaat twora oti b- half of th MauaKera,veafled; OtnatioB bv Mr. tiraJtanv I fiva ia Yancev-vilbv am a lawyer y arofuasioe. I waa ifitliiael far Mr, John W Hterea during bis lifetime, aad aa kit uuullr tifMe hkt aVatk. Abow dark of th dy upon whioh be a supposed to bare been nuftirrea, l wa at nmuet waen mC!eei eome trout Mrs, 8tevnen auirlas Bar hiat. saving ttw he wa mis called oa at and w mat ni mmj m.r Lw.. f'.uo.yt that ke hail Lhsji uioriUfTull -- 1 hd waliioil m to ' eohiluci 'flie lf a him at that inaueat. I nawentcd to du.o, 1 a4;aM'W-fintT-WHf t aiar anfl M "iiw iit iw i aMiubieii about 9 a. at. It wa on San' day Btumina. Wo auncd ereraj wit Adiouraed antil a. it tisv 4 hsad every kadV-anninaoaeal JWhat wa f whom I eoaild think, who" could tjoaaW. bly gij ahy mfornutum. I told any one rive me the leaal due to the murderer, and 1 would bate him amnnMsaed. The jury at from day to day, until Thursday, w hea tbey r. nii. red a verdict, 'and then a iourned. . The citizens ireoerajly reuden d bm avery aatistattoki Tb day before tb last. aUUoo. 1 wa told bar Mrs. Hteveat that tb had requested Mr. Bell, of Omcas- boro", a lawyer, to aaaiat BW. I told hef I waa varvVlad to have aawataoce. M B. tvtea XMaiar4 tjh tottiafoay l aari Uken ikwa-nd I fctd takan a alow earefuliy aad aaid he wa aatiafi. d with my cowdnai at law cae, bifurate! Mrs. btetrca wba axsreat Iter aatiafacuoa and Rlllillill, ,. f, S1TUID.II, FBRIM IS, . - t .'J -- ' ;M-.aw-,..ags He tlien withdrew. Every witneas that I ciawwKed s--hetin(fht tar; Ttirlertjrt -but uM more beaidex. IK. I never heard I umiUlu v tamic to. lLiJeieh jM: uv sealainc i trt V 't'artfif'" lif tnc couri 'houi!" Kiuii U with a ilierrt. in mv oliioe It v the day Generals Leach and Hi-ott, i .wi n-eh anal c.aniialea, witv to eak. saw tnaiiw tiling be -did not go out haul licanl tlw y were coming, rloon allcr. tales came to my gate, akcd if Mr. Hill lived there. 1 VaVI kiiu yea, and that I was ttrf man, He asked mti to innae ooi o loin. lie wanted tin see imv After I got nut. he anhl ttiat I wax fait nriaoner. tnk- kalwt 'wit n Iglirif T tftevr -watlrd"wT, hiat to the rnurt hoeoe. As I enu nsl the ciwrt bowse. I met Kirk. I told biin I stok, and asked to la nertuitted to may m my xmnm-muuUt give hiiu' an Issnd ti might retfttirw, and retion. daily I he wMiett. Kirk Iwailatwl. and tlwn said go i tlie rnurt hiMwe. W'h.'n I got in onvor the moiiis, I found Mr. Kerr, lr. Itiun. lr. Yanev and oihera. Ilml not been there long la-five I beard a irrmt noise up stairs -utamiNiig, liotlowing and cursing, and in s f numirnta tlicy bnmght Mr. IVme lino tlie room, Tley saemed to be very iniM'h insinisl with Mr. H - aliusing liim terrililv. Yati-s, who was a llaptist jmwher, shaking a pishd In his lace, ana railing nun a cj -.-w.Mat'!. J!'aa. ijuent t-ne were made to shoot hiui - kill him, Ac. The door was crowded with soldiers, with lixe.1 Imvonets. and euns eixkid and oii!ted at Mr Itooe. Kirk :uue In ni d sluaik his ittstol ia Mr Howe's fae, and cursed liim. Then turned round wd pushed Vltes and the aohiier nVav from the door. In an little while we were aU sent up alaira, 4 -the enfirfr-Tonrn. i tug me war. reun lie waa on tlie iraieral I aide, and that he wbintnd a larffe numla r I :.aaJtJwiV . mill hurii the low ii, if he was attacked. On one occasirm he came np Into the room, was mm Ii evriled, and ud thai he lla.1 just hmnl Ilml he was goiuir to be attaekeil by Ku Khu from Damllle, and it he waa, would do as I have inst related I said if rmi were the brave and good soldier you boast of having been during war, you would atiw out a scout and leaini the tmrb if the Wmor; He cursed and abused the rrriHeni particularly iveea.). ,ate oi tiie soupers wan drunk and flitrishing his pistol alsnit. and Wee dim reumrke.1 tn him, if he did not mind ho would shoot wane one. He repliiil, d--n you, I will shoot you, and imme diately II red, tlie ball atrikmg the atone wu)Uw-sui,iiiractly on a range with Wee dim. Toe olHcers were tliere, but J did aa.te much command from any one -aa diantuMtar mamtntned at ill. T Aaw one of be oltkert drilling his men rme day barefcotod and carry ing bi boot in his hand. Tlwy were c.iatantly awcaring (nd cunti-tuv aad aingijig obscene and val. gar aoug. . Chaid many of the Command were votmir tofr'""; , . tir-tnw,,. It. 'V, iM (tfaoldaer mi, uiew twyiam? n - T1-- AUait a ball bout Utore tue prisoners ft YaoeeyviiUi I iwuivtd not from alriktiteplitta ttmawiug 4na law buggv to bring ate to Comp tny iihop, at J Bad auntof toy own. . gf to the wi nt lit bx tarr aa traiiKir w vinr h im. and nutruiiud tbrough tb mud to t ie court hi.-. tSe-voral priapnert, Messrs. Tur. nr, W ey, Uray. Wotilon, wt puttn ymi. I only saw one instance of vioUaiee, C-It. Franklin came up into the court bouse and snid to Mr. A. O. More, who was Ivinar oa the (lis, "vou said I was a Jiorw thief, d a yonl will kill J"if tlie same lime drawing In Pistol. 1 canglit hold of him and said, surely you wont shout aa unarmed pn aimer, noore imped is ami being near rranklin, he jtrr -,, W ' bnaighl to Jiokigh' and diacbarged, no ffideiae lietng pfought against nut. Msva xlaaaaive ac.ptaiutaaoa ia til f dtiuty, itnd aiuiiir thst giwil RsHtig ff. era v iirrvaitoa amoug all clnssuat. Tbeuttaai eiaminalinu by Mr. Boydeu ehciled bo- new uw U. In reply to a question by Mr. flraham, Mr. HiU. said there was consi.M'rahle Sm-I- inir iu.'aiiwt HUiihens Iwtuuis be ha.1 told m f negroe to Bum USPiiit, Se. Mr. J. C. UriUitii ret alkd Mr. Boydaw asked if he did mat aay that if Begnoja were employed by parties he would burn Uowu Uieir house. t 1 did aot While wa war ia ratfeua la tlie court house, nfier th elec tion, ilia league held tt lueetihg iu tlie towa and hita in th evening they cant tip aad auarck around the court boose tor a. bma tun, uroanuig at tb pffsoiwrs. Aflar that I aaid tliat if any man ia tb (Hatty wh . would employ tlieau oegroas Who teailiauu utatuv oraikiwe.1 utetato sbijoB Uuair landal, liar.aie, would bnwill ikg ta go with a body of tnea, openly and ia Ui aitr-tii n, anil burn .low a their twataea. Ansa banng laautted ay Uiem in uuu tTtaa anr I did not tbiak that Mioe who led ia th author should be employed, in the county, i Th aimn ami aien woteatwat tlna but mauti ao enort 10 iin voai tins.' J.ma Kerr, gworn on Uhull etl tua- gera, taatuted t . 1 OiitJmrl by Mr, Merrimon, ,' I Hve in YancevTille, am a lawyer tiff adeasion. VtDt IHlh oT July last 1 auw htrtre ttomlicr of armed mew coma into town, km 07 ku. t M not m fron nw home, wa standing in my front do. - batr tli Uvea - enter to Cktort 'iloase ntnuv with flag flying. I then tfiaturht I would ga to tit Court Houm, na started oat, Pur titrneo rtaca, wrai u tornv ebvmrier. and tmtnewwd reading. In a lew ntommtii a n, "Who I kmraed tVrrwanv w Yntva, om tntumr rmavt. tnat toht nc I Ba his nriwaMr. I aekrd. pen tKt.autlmriJjtt Ma mM. by wb afi IrTeanr an.rTwermr Hnldc. As we got not into the pStasage another iiacmimlirinJlrTlapitm to evil. Yate checked Ii mi. We then wrk ttf 'wrthV't fcitmd MtW orieoneea. Moon tle trrttwtg bi-ras WMiiH I t-4 to faWwilowf "kitil tolilier icomuienceu 'cnrttng me. tad pointing their gnn t me ordered J theattr- I stepped back, an soon heard towstaerarjie notwanon tatrar-i-tmmguv, and remarked, - that ' a ' general tight was gvatig on np stairs, ftoon Mr. Bow was t.wnii htvr. W-a-Tt H was very i.li-nint at his arri'st and tlte treat rtfirtetit he wcelfed from them MedenVvt their threat and abuse with BMntlv imliimatiiaj. Mr. B. hrhmtofth bast and most raqkxsjed ateain the ornin tv, tstirtv thrwrwrsofsw. f hsvekmiwa bin for nearly fortv Yfatra. - W were then take op into tlie Court Room, and eonfla- rd for urwt three week. ' Tli general seondiirtof troop waa disnrilerlv. The day the; came ini towa they hid th t p Bearanotbf being drank. I diarge.) it imb 1 atea tnat incy were nrana, atio ne a4now1s)dgf.d h wa to. Tucre was liter ally ao diatiplin aaona them. Kirk si.i.1 it) my hearingthat be WHild not mm trot bis MMfKTiT eauir" ut aud sal4 I us that he m goiug lo-la, aitw ked, an d 4ug 1JK uriaiera tus. i told him that , I illt ti aMt.ai s .id ins) at ofd till QVJf jrt ea, and thai surety he diil nut hit 'lid to make us reaBoasiblu li what others did' He hacked ilaml and bullied a g.snt deal, uirtstiMting aam to shiait the pnsonfra, Mr. Hill thru rc(ilisl. If be wished l.idom, to aluMil, and taie the iiauae. .(UcvK.'s, what if he allcinnled tokill the isuer, and Wonte audi children, hv would havt U vl y time uft K Irk iltd mat drink t ant. lie frninentlv elrt TIT4"1 'Hi;VJlll't nu.uNv.uii, wi uc niiuaiaeii itiai ii waa treatiag me better than bis ordcrM U-4 ti-wU you kindly ; 1 know how ""' JUM'iv. -Meueaien. tiutt -i am ilis- " "'i a kiMira. ana luirucular v a au with a family ;. havw mmily, and aieiw now m aytiipatniw with you. I trout you vvrv Mnu h Is tu r tluiu iw ,n,l. r direct me to lfctuarked alnj that he wan wa mo iiiliiimaii man lie waa ri porlcd to i. i .i . 1,. . , , ". uai ii i ever nail tM oaatmi, to that' nilh (he exception ot' the times wlui he would curse risHiera generally, his ...vno u.f lion itini iev, a w in neTO aav i-iuiiieiii mine was vcrv ooort.sius II sahl he knefiof no rhanre against ine BUiJalul.uulJadiewf Miervj wrre nT. uiwiiniiv staUd that the nnwiiicrs would IH' ineil In emirt niartml. aud I know hi- wasiretitsi nn several occiuiioii Iusim the court did not come,, he said, he hud Iweii pr.imis.'d. The week before the uris ooeis v brought pi Alaiu'aiux', Kirk i n-d Dr. Itoau, Mr.'Bowe, invteU" anil r two i U.eri. AtW arrival tU the Shm I .n ini"inini tn iiavitlU io vtmw (tl U.it to kalcijili alaiut ll p. hi. At lh di P" 15erg.fi made tis unite a hand i.inc I leave ; nil tlcn tns.ps you Imvu could nut drive us off now." Bergen told l.iiu to sfioowu. ami again cotniuemiil bissp.a h sioiiiur as ik-iore, nn.-n .nr. Hill ai'alli tu ti-rrupled him. We were then informed that we Were to lie turned over to C ilon.J Clarke. When Ucrgen hitu-d iWu lie became very angry, ami cursed nut Col. CliiikiC Holden and all hands. Maj, Miller Usik chargu of us and e-a-ducted us to the hotel. All the omtrs Dave treale.1 us with k ndnesanud nwicet I waa curried bufor, Judge Pcarsilm, but ma. nary.-a oy aurljfe puk. Was In prite on live weeks, V' was present at Caswell Court when .Vieasr. Wiley, Krat ami Jiftie war lrj, having been Uawd over by Judge I'earaon to aiiis-ar-fiar the murder r.f H'euhen. I reeollu-t aUsiioctly that wbuai tout bus wmism Mmed aoiMIt a list MR rSOIkHtisT Bulla and J.ig Tottrge anid ia mraait, The tWliufi between tlie race ia thaeikitv ty wa V.TV kind. . I don't Iwlk-ve I here h a m.ira law aM liug aii4e ia tb world, than are the people of Caasrell -i ; 'ti'rVj. ,t day l'lJ75l,' ire'liiu Hu ll ilfintT ia:Tai''i a u.tsl, ft dcn.iUiHiHg all suaIi aito, and nil ae net sm Utiua, liar political anil criminal purp-sl. . i , -o Th 9Nai-ejtamiiBttion bj Mr. Bunth, kited ao Be lacm.- -i.i- ?j ' -i . r Mr, W. K. How, nvrorn tn behalf of the Manager, hutifletl : ''"; ": i' I jivi: iu f'asBeli, near aweyville, Aik fanner. u the IHlh of July the Con gtxsaioiiaj'randidatet were eakiiij, and 1 was up it the .-ourt houat! listening tu tie-in. I diai't know wle n Ibe troops entered, Tlte 8M Ir kttew tf- their pres- euce was alillle bcfiiw I wa tuiftHraL. I did n4 kmWi lliuy were arnntrtuj any oaa. 1 aiU-rwatd learn. d I waa the last one arratbd. . I was jaUuni;': ilnfTU, . and Cob Kirk came up and stood right li-lre me, I tlnmght aim rather litiaitiuienl. lb- aske.l me if my name waa Iiowe. I told In in .ii Man- Hu-Jkiuil I.aa.. hU una. an i. I asked him to show nn hi authority. Said mver iuiiid. I auoin demanded the authority. He CHrat-d, and cumuianiUnl his men to take hold of me and take me oil. As many ok hold mr aa iDUld. I wa taken hy .i an.l ..ffleers who eura il ami abused me. puitint pisbils to my Nad. aud say ing they would aliuot me. ( iievur heard MK-lt velliiu! and sh.Hiling, tha whule chiwiJ smid like msddi md .letnoes crringx'Vloot th damned obi Ku KIux, and such rwnarKs. iney a-M-a i.a- my tiist.4,,, I told them I had od. XrK'. then comatenceii dragging we uVtwn-lb stairs.- 1 a-atshd, aad laaodtung um: tit coat of oa ot them. He beat bus- nearly all th wo down, While uwaadiora werekvajd iag muk I asked them to turn a haa and M me twva fair id cy, .ar tawk liim stop tataunx m. i liey pualiral nw Mil tlie roaaa aimt mbuw at uie p. 00a a inty wieta. A- arowdi g ta 1 the .ataur-w., poiattd their anus t aw. cocktail akl they iitteaktd ta ahot at, t aaavnd aukotNgJit. About aigltt tra wr all rarrki up Mailt. ; Fnau th tl lira aimuttkra weeks tbet waa liut uaV net let wwa me n.l':W m at men. AlHMIillime neeu f v I a watttt aar miaaiaeat -war aUHaawaaud toapriluaV I waa o-cl.af tlHaa, and Mr. itoan aad Mr. alb ter thr.aii'b buaimws. Kirk told MnwavJonca il ttoaw tbey Catulil gs bom on parol if they wished, lie turn. d tdrae and aaid tttat VOU dasat atanil I wantony favor, A .reptleij that . t was amMootiblurathma tn hiaaw. lie (tmHaid lattt, aad thea aaul tliaf 1 aatght go botn4uatil tomormw evening, u 1 WMhed to. I asked if I ci hi Id go without a guard th I waubl ga un.ler guard If ttrmiUetl ta to do ao, aad attorthsi treat 1 1 nt iuuile rCMKa-tful. - Htai.l ta airtsri -al.arrTt :wtV, ' W at -gdaT atrot anlHM waetwv ..- ,:at tti.'r rtUtwiwiulitittmri1 to Wi . tl, - . .. .t-.. L .. k ..t.l. . uisramrs I HBtp(r werew W at HJ mtiis time, an.l corrooo- ntealwliat bad before bee awl aUiut tlosir " K wuVTed ut'fCounty Commlwi inert) to rtlite elei'tio returns. We l lined to d it. taring under duress. II tlien apa-tu-! na military roinniiiwi.incrs, mil :TirnrTTnrvTircr-W"rntriC rrinnii. Tb 4v before tji election tiatnt was very arire iiting of igroe i -Horn r . s 1 1 . l'at-dind Kirk both spoke, wiakiug Very liifiitory tpeechs. Kirn" tcn mew that icy wer rmpvtisaed Mdahawisrl, and that t wm aeut to tv-Heff ind' ywttwt them lad that 1st wmtld do it; or pin- tap Kit Utir hiM hhdl at-tha ti"oirt liuuia) NeToot secos-d to rcskw very Biach) I tow the leagn an para.ii. arena, mtnieiliv a lauvre niimhtw of n.tksr nd ftkiei "They menjied t a grog bop tad Mrneei to ne annxing. - yney rnen marrin to that Court lloaae, toare rounits:iliei a4 erticet artUt wit i them fid groana. gaw th nrUmers three . rrawnammatin bv Mr ftmlih .IL.ttl ( ourt thrti aji n jury, wtU ca.,af Coj. Jno. Hailer va. Ibilf 8anmlrs 4 I. . ttbu. ediUw id ur.Hritor.H' the Kaantilkt WhmmJ ""fwer, jteaterdaty returaed a vrdi.-t ti the plaintiff of lM(y m laeMaustt JU , This, wa have heard it said, la th iH-aA bjat verdict liar libel yer give In th l h nut Ttry phwsaatt hr t ta'aay tnta h this caaa wa to pur ottUantau'arv. for "na wigiu, b uilaoMutrwetl. w studioikdt avoiihsl aavixitf anvthiiw h trial that ia tn wsf eould be ctatatroMt aaprudiiiiigtUeriHliUoleilUer VjfJisU.it woer that th Mas fay H, 'im uenM,ai luaH, weiinuioaa Wgi. H- "ivi-tkof the trial vn- - v, ; : r "m r " tb tmih T tha libel at wubiiabwL Taa aal J. " art up at " was tnat to tiuei wa P1" ol eoort pnaaaujinga, This th jury lid not Had' ft waa tiierefor without uV ". W Have tward very many imps, tml men, who beard th) vidsan aad ar gument, amy Ut th verdict was dmhW. wa nwwry y it ww bw aBtatt. " T6 inemtsiaj tiM detendaata, of oouraa, tulak i nngnia. ...... .. . , Tb tirrv were doubtless uidueruMsl i tn tact uia uu) Htlwar iaj Uia Mlkal was rtot la th . If k had bnaa thai aaw. diet, It la claimed, tranld bar heea heavkar. Kit- this raasiia h is aaid tiiia wwa ta wink.s of the eaaca fiar th aante Dliel aa (vending. Bnxhr's argument, tntt fruni all who dial h.-V it. we tirmt but one noinlun. ilu.1 it 1. ,t'Vrl4t ut "It iciiitf 'fional.-fcr-hla nrgument and tha vertlict th great eat tri nmiih of hia Ufa u, , ,. ,. t.,1,.,1. It k hardly neeaasarv to aav ben that hia argument, both aa to its. spirit aad aa to hia roaimeet bim tha Mwsuanen nt th HtAto, haa bam ahameailly wiamwa. rated by the viht, wieadteioiti short, annwn aa tvrm m HtmM. : Judge Halt preaiiM with kia taanal dig. tilty and ability. - Hia f-aarg to ta yury wa Mr and tatltf artery and fastderrsi with that clearwem aa4 Impartiality ckar actrnstmrrf thatatletaan. 1. v , : Th tvmsnrrhtg iM for libel hare not jret been ittsynaew aC .'.!. i ta- .n.-. f r W naldiab the beve fnan tTtownttra exchange, fcecarm It til lay jTllfyln( to th many IHettd pi Col, Baxter la ffurtb Cvl Baxter t treB Itnowa and (rraarlr ri-lec( by our neople as ain of aWH tv and hibiurlty.. II ia a native af North Carolina, and wa elta-trti HM-aker of tb Houat uf Couuiiunt In lti'il , , tHaMW Telffjrata to New fork Herald., . f We ar iitdtdited to g. CtUhhrrth. Eto tha ' "fecial erresaoadent of th N. Y. irtnitt firf the following tyajcisj dispatch To uiat rpetvl w', 5;i, j, . ,1 ; t XtaM-VBta, I, fl. K l I87L :ii rVrml week ago- white man named Stephens Van nvir.liT.I in llnlnn eottiifr, Rnnth CSarfdioa, bt aegro roiljti. na- ler tlie (Utrrwlng elrcwnstantea ; - Hteph re. ' wss Vattoner n. wm '''ni iim. mad. , in tli ubtht.liy a ..atiiffd Btatn fW'" ilia, who atewaay led ahkakr fVctn Mm."; He tfsvyy hero h brtl, hnt IIm rti'ms-iileij the whole of latrre) ha li.l bk wvr, whMl k" reiil to air tlv-wt, Thsw therenno miirdered fitcph- 'IIHaTnKteJ co?irtatet fit lirnl bv llli rviaistile. ',a..', tlw Jwooxja,. , Next flay Hut bo.-.w iliaro'al aid mar it some of tlte arraM" wd aermttrrmewtw lett h the ilmnt Mi iiiil1l5a mitrden'ra."' Tlifs MltejurfyrtljCAn , wan were m.wn m )au -u)na Mwilire tvbletic of nilt." '." ;'",';' 80 kwg h"'r Ma w rxrasetoj o nvour in ti proutfouurta ia Lniua countv, tin trotth'a anticl fatted jInit when Jndgit 1omaa, In wh" circuit tTnlrtB K last w.ti, went mtt "of hi rircalt o CiilnmWs and 'cwlered Ua thariff f I'nlon. by writ af sjttt atrynf; to bring Ibe prl'meni laffor him here, the Lyn.li er took the mnlter in hand, and r bust Hiirwlav flight, with'Wrt th tvwsent '-at Mia'"'avMiir..' 'took elglit f af''! tli' v' nmta nvst-4 for lh rennlef and two arreeted fnr ar.ot of towa and hoi jtnet htfwd two aU af whose tmllea wer' flwtpL .''"TlMt'J'tww'-i.Braifll rrriaranc-ni Imtr ant b.i (iaoui. Imt everybody an. .Icratand that tiiey, ton, kav beetv di pred af. Thi -outntga- ta; eotnmltted lapaa tb aeopla Imlieved thai Jmlg Tkoues ietasideal to bail the prtaonert.. . v ; Tb Lynching party a Umbered ail hnw- drodmqr,, r N . Ail ala siaaaf, -UaWsrntar Scott wHI a. at aswd "' t BMliiia to I'Btoa, Waaa that Wol4 aattt (4k bkaedy , Work all OVW die HUt, i V;BitedjitcrtraiaiswiU pt rf Th num-w Hil.oa rvt-TBtrwtsf CaVtfc.it ia atauw tha the toautkctithl liaaw laoate udajudto aulieva I tary eiartioa ot th Ctonoaat. Tlieirgtsa .,4lutbastoth taaw uf tl. cit ' , aowa awn. nn ' T- - that ia thtvehalfilrtatiiHi of Prance the power of thai (jrcat htaaa wtu ba mHaitlj h-lt. ' . ' " 1- . lann rr ear lroaMas oavw fwana. t!Jlatl.JBt'aat,4ar kanwa of peraona ervtnaj tamr w pn tavespilr by glvkag wise at Utwiloaa hv (mnalhta to tlte prm Sack atajaeaa ar aavw tntVwnieaf tkfat they ar fiable to ffriav eesjtloa far to d.sirir,- AtCtoeiaoati Judge .CMC hat a decided, in th af a wtatJ Who falsely informed ka-sj rennrVW tha neighbor kattt cawaiirtrrl tcm-vie. j i.e Item waa published, and the Informer, not th Bcwspaer, had to par th damage. Tpropaaed bkatuigtrigreatNw York ia auppraaed tuiiaaumcUiiag dilfer ent Win that Waahiitptrat Cimirret, which (be wovr , t-ruoear wUhag to let i ! irj" j tonrucARoLiXA axd noumA. ooual war. aava the "Will, limine J,-r i"w, ynmp naveita-cu oeciairAl vy IU 'Vl'jiaiwtmtHAarth t amliils rainda. .lh miittia of tba .two Htatca have not yet lawn railed into active ser ita, but wWti ft Uiis stew next 'Ta. lahaaaes is ta he i atoaVni Tn, aroand tb vaUaof whlth tbeanhiieraof thejiuHk thwolimt Menutaus will seek to capture the . ariKTO rana, wno nas, uy nia seductive art, crarrunted the keenM nf Monk rL Ibm a rredit, aad aora ker boauia captiv to Florida' rut a) cauital. . ...... -. , , . f vV'e hare pabliahed th prra lamatioB of tll Excellency, overnor Caldwell, sfif. mg a reward of v Ihofavuid doDara for he aire aod dadivcey of Uttlefield tn the Mhetitf ul Huncouilie couutv. ' It anpeara tj. Mk...., ... l.: I. ,.'.r iu.m, w .ios i-aiiuf Miliar oner, aa mcenipi waa mane tn seenrtf th rthmbr UMwSMUer. A few ai.'hU pmg w in wnica 1,1 tie Held was a pa. aeagty frtsHt Jacksonville tn Tallahsasee. 1 !.... .! . . ....... . . I aimoupled at Live Oak by (rv armed f ssan, three North 'an4isriaia ' ao twa lmidUJis, who attemjited to semr th ariaa. Judge Long, ItadicaloiHi'ial,wlM waa sio a paaaeyiger. railed fiiy ttierHW- iff of ttuwaniMM unty, wba happeMd U aw pnarm, waaimoa aa armitl yot and IMweei -tna ueneru." ihm aaveil l.utfo. BtT"ftuTir $i' ua jTfif that other jhium ft ala eaptwrw aity wbiok aao Now Uttlefleld ia too taluable a custo- tar to Uotennar Koed. Ha ha tiaid him too much for kWaSeaetaaia,aavt the Ibtus sawHis out mi aauuruia- a unanvt t mm. rdlf aUadoa "tha General" to the em. iaajofthOaraorrfNtahCaroflrta. Awoiueiul lM4UtMut juielfaee tovaw- waru ut uuvaruor ValdwuU la the follow. Whereat, Todd It Caldwell, Lieutenant nd Acting tlovermw of North tanalhia, in WHavaiig to that Luarkaattate iaf that State, tlata-ri January 81, 1871, has falselv rqweeented tha tJovernor of Florida, and vindictively tspersed his oflkiat aad 1er- toitar chsywetor; and, i , 4. ,t W Mireaa, th taid Toad R. CUdtmU haa. witnoot omnpiiano with the law of Con grats, nought to obtain th person of a cttiaaa. of tkkt tttatav and daUnag ttiatoa, ha oAtired a reward of fir tbouaand dol- lar for tlx forrji.l abductioa of th atjd citiiVnd ';.' -r -"" Wherra,' IntHgittod try th told Todd R CaWfsell, aieniua evil diaooat'sl peeaoas have, a vbdathai af the mw, Bought to kidnap and forcihlv ktaluct trunt tlieBUte, Millou 8. Llltl, MX citizen of th Mate, WltnoOt tanln Of IBWY " m t tetj Now, therefore. I. Harriton litaal tlov- ernor of Florida, do hereby offer a reward of five thoiisaad dothm Sir the arrest and 1 dcUvary ia anv aiMsruf ia tola Htt uf ti tioraaaid. , aiunavaritM of th aaid Ming i ovaraoraf aHorth Caridlmv who. na the ixth day of January, attciniu d to kiduati Milton g. Llltlcilel.1, a citiiu-n of thi Utate,' yielding oi?diem"1fo"'ndtoe'xnJ JU-mpiin fiotil tU Juat chdina. -:i "- iJ , la veetimony: wkeraaC, 1 bav karauato jet miMmiJ4am&SJfto4 tireat rMal the Utate, at TalUbaase, t))e Capital, this 3d daf of February, A. D. 1871. ' ' ' ' "'" tl 11 ! "M fWudl .. BtUtttaiN KHt Uoventor. j, , Uf the Governor. , , t.v, , Atuaa t i.. .-. 1 a,. 1 JowatatC C. Otttnti,"'! ! . i ' t.j-ii, waaetary af tUtav. WhoratliUwiHaad wa-aauutottelki It i oa of the "humors'1 of rtstwtruclion. It it th result of lihmhuf, la jtower 'the rorrapt atea wlia kutv eo trot kki trie MaiauJarra Hiattsi aiaue awttarui'twai,, it oaam a Barw dtapter Ja'iHtitwn, but , ragea." , : -v., . ., tUlbihii, M. in, twi-.- KJilor if It H'aAutgttk iTk&1r Hi! I til Clirenirtf of arecttt ttat spiteara a bitter signed Jnat ph W. H"4.1n, which I Baaiy MltebW of th Balelgk jtotfotti, aal'st Mltfa'Aa tf Jnstio I ask yon to repWli tu lew of ald Itolilen and th emirmuwieatkai stgnrd W." sad tna crutonai ot tae Dtm- Mi of th 7th whadi raliea tort taid iMdea' lett, aad Vet CVjrWreaa, fh Mirta Wd tfi1 Conml.M W Ootragr idg IT tJiera It tixifk In th Kbekms W- tar bit told 'Madataa.''-'- '' f t wimtd aRk foa W bear la mbid that 41 U fleorg IfVera,'' an Kirk't priwmera, who wtt hanged Ihree tlmefiy the ins ." fl. Judge Pearwm had ined liiiu' lhlem:flt oTtb writ nf w eeritl. fy reluslug to kttach K U knd dc daring tto -poet of th' JudJchurj -lnustcd." 7TZ7 '.Jl- 7 " 1 j Y " .-.tf - trtlkhjUi .jevAnrtiaat-of Joaepk WV Holdoa ia fa gard' hanging Judga Paanow, how ever WW fc to' kv, deaerred it W4birr should fce jptaatoaad to theaa got of a Bit vriW ka Itee hang Hha .off. Wan tut Ittasalng and ftoaeitt nf th Uw were refused by a Judge. l I am iwpertiully pmni-'' ".--I ' ' JOHIAHTCKNKR, Ja. H Vi , . , i . ... .( . I ! -l. t.'iV , 1 i. r. 'Ywtbe8elltto., ' Rai r.loH, January 81, 187"1.' t-K, Ji. 1 . -Uf-4 ' , -it . ' Mtwnta. Enrrout: I d.m't want tu Surry jiisfii "1 atif on l.f niiieTy-eti;ht ien arreat.ai hf Kh,-aftinff uvHhjrea aimy truitieftwf Anii Chief Justin I wat tokea and impristavd with others, afrir wtrat -wwrr"laJfT kww. - , with nranr tttheraj wa -frefatned a vtriatt. iar &!L&rttV&VM&-Ht tyiai, 1 waa pnwuiaed on . kf courf mar tial, but even that buled. . tatoodto tlie -dr; B(t avwtlie tttmger givuwrati HtrtrtI taaa awviaifr arad give, hba thirty day, to answer. (Me Sour, I tlmnght, wa tB""! hj Wa TitfrfTmrfVitrfw un Ntrtilnrmlt j aaaei kt aaa- who aKtsxl tial tawi of brat ratiac tban that .4 a man, when he 1...1 bawm- nr me and others. T'T.lr " . r. ia. ..- tflJ, I nave oiu-n aaiu, ar. v.uh.w, um an. and 'h - titrreraor - abould harva haag- rd three atea to earJ cuanty, to iprdcr to bring theapenple up to a proper state of fceliug ia regard to their : rights of rterson al liberty, a ar now Mi Mae ia Alamance and CaaweOt- If nan had been hanged in every county a the; were in Ahtmance, th ttovernor and Judge itnu-son woui.i kav beat tried and convicted bang . If Judge frautooV aonduct kt to be. bom w iUiovt imiHstcbnacck, 1 aliaU ) TOttiaJ azrrii iiiiti J..ir.. 1 -"m" "i i 111111 ui cooi-eoi in. r mem s Bpn It a aa . Wumment to kirn tn bavt t tlaara aang. J. sav Hi-.krs .s.s Ja.fywrn4l.asn IwaivwaninT. tf ttf.tr Fi , thf pwrmtehrir nmituic : iga ua the ttrat tree tu be BHiad. Thiadictna I learned by read- itig that great lover of lilajrty, riir Phillip Sidney;. , Vourt, , if Wat To f :va.,Wur aeihU, Hr7 R C, Kranch. whoa letter on iheliianj ury 4iil.lisheit last week, wants to 1 kaciw) tt re will allow him to "re" a lit tl through th KTUku , , W knw U ia hard to bear all that haa'' befallea Mr. Braneh j but he had Utter '' kfav -nmnf" fcr the Oovamor arwl i tlie Chief Justice. . ... , : thw fellow nriaoner "0." Wan's to en. wmie, too. lie thinks when jud-ic tW the benefits of the writ of iMrnt wr. to, to a ciUaca, Ui Judge should ! Iiaug. U a altidg tvfuasc tu grant the wnt tber , is jm nalty of f i.xtaj tew the refmail. Hi Legislature aliouldpaa a bill, if nn( to Jiang, to teverrfy Hmia th dix'g . w ho r Kke tVauraoa. wflisea. after arraatiiiu' i.. glv tha beuellU of th writ. N,it ' 7. ' thw cowuirara ow auara cam m . . 7'a taVowrt-triBrft f--f'" I dmlr to call vouraltenri to few ' Mrrvint facta comrnliio the nraUvii n,,iii l ' ' at states of Worth Candiutr . . Th (aOawral Aasrawhlv ha a.a.1. It . . high Mima to beknur to a secret ilitk-nJ ' nrganUalhm. Dunishabhi with all,,., ,! hrisomirent Thi act la a bhrw aiimil a-i at ttw Leairuea.,. tt aieo nretutul.Aii.-.- clude tlt Ku KImj. But .ajufeatajsaeis tht Hie nirrrifH'r of lite League and III. ir piatia in Bieftiiijf are known. Tbey hold ' la-ralilp. -Thtwi-Kuw the waagklttf thi. kttr" lulls up,., tlte Uaguea, .Tbeoth baa al- V wajr taxapeal pniiiabnntrt bv iu aisns-v. , hvdisguuaia, and IU oalk to 'mnmii coi- ' aistent.an.1 wilful perjury. The Wmw ar -JeaiuJjobeyuiK th injurs t..e ul lb Preaideot.. They r k.yalj having laxsj wow na tli Sag aad alur atHjolry. Tbey are honeat; having pre- 'J fcitod Aa, Nation to tfieir State iba other fat Warlik ; being c.wipnaad of trai tor. It it t band Of perjured ainrderer aad sMatin, - ." -t , ,f ' A Bother taiU wa i trod need Into th , i Stat Senate oa the 81st of January by a ' Beaator (tli son of ex-f'ovemor tiraiiam) ft Ota punwse of nil! further erippiiug .' Ui linioa Uaurtwa. ! It to wow xvcsi , , toauppnas them by sweeping act in re bU. to moa and lurglary. The Ia- jI' rter charged with bam lmmlng, Ac ' m tlila rlenator tan thai Hoi k . h.. . di Met aeswnieac their raid until the leagues oonimence.1 their alh-ged dtpre dattoo." Without jwrjury Um Len,riw. -, ha thnt tar passed through aw h impiial. , , ti.ma wutotnt a Main. , And meanwhile a, ' member of tlie K Klux kt Speaker the witnaaemuHvea, and other of r Uiat order mritjiy teat apoa the l.aw of 1 Ijoth hitwea: .. ... power t anil one nf the sf.-pa Batsaajry to justify hia UiliMWitmeot ; and thus, to comuaaa a k - a wrwng.-a- greater nas- Been Committer!, (, by wm h immunity, tanid of tjisgvieril -" lvna have been tnntcd loiaie upuaaocivty.i ... Yet til record of blood ia being wad up. . ' a the tanda as they tail tltroiigh the hour- " gats are red with human gore. Like Hi. i'tal, Miasw vitnima a)peat to Cauar. WiU i tMlWaataa haT titnalt ... ; , . ' 1 :I observe also ia a current Duinta-r ' nf the Hlate lieTnocTHtic organ 1 pti)ii.itthin''"f" Irhm one of Ibe pel s mora arrested bast sunta tit ttfw totiaaaa to hang Chief Justin Pear-- 4 am because he did mat grant a writ fear hit ' hmeliat. release. Thi. ( finger board . E uniting toward th asaaaainalwm of a dia- '!' nguiabed crtiaea. -.. Tit atpr, kaiwewr, y; raiupiaiieatly reoomuiemls cmumution of .: ' Ilia wnl 1'ia-e-to ftttv---cnirqcrmr' -vra salary. lam-B uggeanoi and pm-nl ftH" ' pttaacatiaa of- amrda haw aaaally : pr 1 y caoaa lasainata ur paratxaitoai ot aMul-jn pent HMMibticaaa. .... . ' (Th Leaguea were organlxed In Nortli ' Cjinmna by Judge fidmundt,-BxfW"rityv'i itiiaaaitr, anal ttovewaw fiirwett ia tli .7 prttoderH of tke Nathaxal Comaiittea, of which your cornaiponileut ia a member, ' Against th nmtuber the operatbmsof the ! i KuKmi have bee trtaitily directed) ad, o ow altboagk it Bnnibera tannng , its ad herents the Hrat ruca of the nation, yet it isis crime to bel.mgto it in North Carolina attote bands taT traitors to diaguisa are alftlyeommlttirag korribl outrages upon, it njeaibara, , 1 1 - m v 1 1 hna are current fa. U, and I mlimlt tkeat to the crmideratim of your readerst "im n, 1 Very latnwtBailly,--- . , iff .,1 I.t f ; j do. W. HutBKK. " WJiuiKUTi!l, U. (V Felmary H, jH7I. a ; . - . ror UvaftenUKsl. i ,.,) BKTtAT& IJf TBMSMtfATR. t KA EurroK 5--I had th pleasure U b-, . itig (ay the tent Chamber on Wc.lncs.Liy , nighVand ncsru ta ocoatea oa ineuu.. . tjon then befortj tt, I feci ermttraln. d to " ' ailndc to aomti f the remarks, and the i apeaker. ' ' '' - t '. id j Th peeca rjf IcMtor Wi M, Robliin y ' ojion th "messag" of Govsniiu- Laid-. -Ji Well, aad tha atofjodhdal "orMiiion" of t .llidgra earOB, Hodman, , tietile and 1 In k, was worthy of a true Jiiirth Caro linian. It had the ring of the true metal. Ilo vlndicntisl iw ettrtteat, luipssstotMal etiajuanca tlie assailed honor of In native J titsttV aad dealt to tb'sa who would tra- t diare, mallf;n and slander almse and isull her, auci tkw as only thonld be" 1 tpvn by aa honest man-r fearlrat scnti. ail aa th watch toe'toa faithful acrvaist f th people. . I thank tj.id that we llae w stich 1Ili-ft"to thr trrrt iiiii of ih uii.iali itiiai, pcculatiiai and degrsdsti.m, nd d,r ttST ttrvatpT aa'tili'aat lav enable tbeor' j' " - "' Si akatw to th wot Id tlie true t-banu-tet of , artHtaariwisaw-w fcepfMUd-of lw al aoua-whouteirt' h-et 1 5'airjfr)IJiaW lXSSJ, tura 1 Wiiltout drawing iBvl.iiniw can-,, anions, 1 must be permitted to ny tint t i Ui SfiiaV-a f""' tiuUf..L 1 1. inge, Mecklenburg,- Huoeoiitlw, Jar-ksun, uplia anal itovldison, to 't lte Hianly amiti. kwttta they uttered upow the extra-exwu- live artioa of Ueuteiwnt tlovi-rimr ( ' iLI- four nicmlaera oi the .toipmiiafVwirt, baraV tUow thcatsadve true am uf a ).r.wid eltifalroja old Htnte. Nwbiie listtiung tu, ii... ....i.. e.i. 1:1... xr...u . near Fst- i seta uic is.iim vaoiiui- lun, I felt like it was an honor to lie .me. weting Uiat I have. mat bad the pleura : I" bf enjoying bchar f. ever.U years. l-t lliese spew hea lie given ta the worhl. The1 ripl in reading . tlietu will feet the hv truly gotten botHt nrmwi,' tboae gaud li time w!icn biii- t Ukaid b'ssttat geatletnen ruled instead uf ' vile politico! trickster, uitacrttpl. -vis "a,' lli.'ial politK-iaoa, and tlueycs ru t t1wit-'t iUrct a. . i I 1 I a- - I " -.' - -'' t..u. a. Ait: IKt t H t, tt '. I o i B .. -, ,'., . ' ' I ' " ' I . a. 1 ' 'S ...

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