" ! F I i I ; 1. k I: THE SEXTIXEL vVKINKSIAY, APKIL V. 171: H- - - .', I: S i - i k i i ah ad..'lr.iii. nl H ...I ' exii'.rvi Willi tin I Hi' U--4aU.rv iwltnh in i 1e t .Ij.n hi ill ititmjM' wti! uk- pi r-'i 1,-k yit ! Mn' ri A 1114.1k Wr will -ltltk-- imi m to -t r 1 k. fT anv naiii- 11 our Int. Imi w muM .io . trn t 1 i-fi lniiM-. rn no V Ti .r fl.. .(,!, of" S..rtl. arolma .e ltv ill itnuo a oinvi iiiiMn 1 ,t J I I hat im (Din At Alt cmvritii! will I 1 M -riltlM.nt 111 Ut ljllt On. o,i i,.mi tu l r.irt upt ni' teai.tr-. of tli. irj 1 . .11 .1 il iii i-Mi uni.f vtti,. h i T.un rM fJ -T iiitn t ilt-. 111 moil n vlliiil Utlii iMt ill. i.niiity 't.tr hhh- 4 -4 r nrH -Hurt tk li.iirii.ah of ilif i Mm it !iiruni'n r- Mll'l (lie :l? l, le) tin V t ilil.nci r i.'if Uioff rii'tit -x It i tlif t .Hint, t returi-r thin w ti e- n.lii) uiii r tin- "oiil yUuj iT ill foUiltV e X ten- Ttir pfiip!.- of W tkf m I V.t, pant more tax III. m tii.' "li of tlx whole Slitr ji.l into tli- tioMi- ti''MMiry in 40. ot auv V"-.ir oie. loua iIuti to, sime our e wt enr a St tie Th. air r--ly an rie t'ii .1 Convent, on l w x .in a lon xv.tx alo.l o their fcp,onfitiv. n tin ii-trD There i no muiubef ot this I'i.4atun wuo will vole a ta itiiificiciil. to pay the intrtt on our old State debt, Dotwitl, landing hi (Mktti ami tlie Constitution re quire tliut tic h'ii'ld do t There in iH' meujt'r who. if he'hou!d do , could te atf ii n rftuuw i to th- Julutrt- hy 4 vfitf ot hit roniilm-ut. Itiu fttnni "iiouid m ike t-vt-n h mi-t, ronsidfTalc mnd rcflt'i tiii' rnttn itt' foi t ( otiveution It i I 1 1 iiM- till AutfUht. Tin re i mil pit-1 nut' .r di-v u-ioii and r tlc-rttn nn tin- j it -li' mi d"v ( ildwt-ll wan In tlit toin. niioii . Jin-. 1 1. tti t. (tint upon wtrnbinn mill tti'- tiring on t'vt Nouilt-r, rt'Volutiou mid bio- 'd.-licd ; iUCjlUollji. liATi , Iiad tli. ir duv -th:y li.ivf Uvu tiM-d up m a eoiHtitnl ion ami ml will ,l,i no regnrtl lS$'!;iS '$$&&! IS0. t nnnM I.i- tin- iliw uatuun in r-wh minify l-iin iiin the nrrivnl home if the ui' inU-ra of the lialuture Him e we have len a State, there never waa m day when 11 foment ion whm m uoieh neetl. MAhH HIM ASSWHli Wf Uarn that Mr. Hi. hard ( '. Hud g ex re fuaea tit HuawtT t trial tl q Heal io tut liefofe the einnutittee to import into the eoiitiuet of Senator loo in uni-stirio to Htttden the trrvt ol cert liu rititna who ware to Im- " lotf,;' by phu iug (bent iu the Imtitl. 0! a bail man .Mi Hader puta hiiuat'lfoii hin conatitd tional nhtn. He thinks the aet udcoii Mtilutioiial Why don't he think that way bout the t oiire-wional oiuinitte who are inquiring and tutkitig q uea t ion g ol the Name t baraeler ( If.Iyhu lottI projxJaed to have men ubirderetj for their political opinion let it l known. 4n. ('lineman n-fuaed to anxwer ques tion before the WVIkor couuuitlee Mid no eoendtm was uaetl. j We Indieve Mr. Hadtfer'u evidmce will not amount to much when it cornea. It U not on that but on aimthe puiut that h may feel diap.wed b hold bark -for Uic aak of protr-etiiii,' hin party frienda. men kit max Tim Nw Ynrk Triimne y, notwith lAnilin G.iv. li.il.ltii Imt httvilj by th war, Ii is oiii- ol'tlii- rU'hcHt men in Nurth Cnrnlinn. Thi.. imy ln-siiid ti reCAuiiiietiil Huhlm tii I'n-iil.-nt Grunt, who ia ul.l to Imvr I. ut litlk um fur a rxxir uuui, nr nttht-r a ilu ided pn-lVn'iifT tor the rii li. A bauk rr tnld ux ln yinra ago that Gov. Unldm wa rW man: If Holilrn t rirh, There did he get Ini nuineyr lie liu had no income l',.r amiietiine Have liia aalary. We uevor iK-lieved that an honeiit man would luive lufn quiet, ait Holden wa.., under tin- late wholtwtle robbery in North Carolina, -nor it dishonest man, neither, unlewhe h- p in ikin..' of the profiut with tha robbers. We mi, I so when I lie rob licry was ffoin on. and we s.iy so now. How did the Governor ;;et rich I THE riUCl) COVMISSW.V The comm'Sniim provided by the tjem -ral Aaaetubly to emiiiirc hito the railroad and other framU and mblierie per)tra ted in tha State during the past few jcara, have orgiini!4 and arc prepared for work. The r-omininsin bow conaiats as tollnwt Attorney-GeBoraJ Sliipp, f Unirman, Gen. J. G. Martia, of Buncoiube, Joa, B. Bachelor, of Wake. On 6aturd iv the CommiiwioDera ad jnurued to meet agai oa the Zoth inat , when they will proceed with the tti uiimy. AH yewomi pnmaHii of Ihfotina tion likalf ta Mut in thi 1imtigtion are nqaeatwl to eoeBaaaaieata with tha Chaimaa of the Oomialatlon or with aay other of tha boar J. -. Tbera an aevnty-even hanilred chil dren in E4gcflmb IJ for common achool intructioa., KlgrimAah lay, aince hia adminiatrataoa of affaire, haa girea them tweaty-lve eeoU each frith which to educate themselrea. This 1 Ke pablkaa manageiBenl. The CooaxTTttire Legialatiire ha ordered Iba tnaaurar ta refund to Bdgecomb tha ft MO Uken from that county by Pilgrim Afaby, vA whit beloaged eciuiaiy to Rlftetioiobe anil to bir adocatioaa) ft,wi jfeJhO re1 taia 01 the ai hivjl portion of her pU Ul With Hrh cah doaWtesi gl her poor children morehan ail a hool 6 their adoration. We eall ttpoa tha t"P " not tli in ' At a aierting of the uhrribr to the Wilmington and 9nithille SUamdiip line, held io Wilmington on Saturday areata;, Moeara. 8. L. FreaaoaU, T. 0. Drew, W. J. Potter, J. T. Janvea, T. B. Cart, U. Beliaiay. ml il. il Theee ware aieirted a Board of Oirecinr. n wru, when orgaaiaed, wiiletecOru bat lh aeceeaarj oftcer. r.A.r writ xr tztxest W W lO.PKS 1 In Uc nstiH of iMrn 1. W XV II. .1,1,, I,. ,., ,., ,, I..M Rllll.lllll ,. I, . . , ,, .( Ih, umi-rliinly III-, dn m ikrderlti. an, I ,ll,liii ll,l-i,i. I ,-, .nil , i, ,, 111, til Ai.r i.n.i I will ft. ,t ,, t,i'l,.,i lii,-i,, Kn, , !.,,i,- I. r,-lMt. .1 W . j. it of' ll 1 It.-iu I II ili.t nr. I.,'. ,1 1 1 l I I I .'Villi, f I, t .,11.'. I .( .H I'll' I, 1 1,1 "I III,- I1111.1IU -,luiii , ,1 I i, ; ,ii-,n , -t III. I , 1- tl I ,. I r ,,11 1 1 ,1,. I,,i",,t. ;,- III! 1 IH ill ' II-. :i I. .Ill, (Xifc-tWiMj4W--.:i-til,..J-A-'t:-!F-' IfJVitluj ll,. ,1- .. AyjHy- ll.-,il I M, ilil 1 Ibi! il n-J -1- -I, t. ( p'op.- tti tt tiii 1 v..ior Tiitin.rVi Il i-lll I. -h:n! 1 tit tM k 11 otli.TAi- - 111 . ilb.i th -.iiu It -ii 4 ('hi. f .lu-ti.-. I' m h 01 rrh t-r-! 11 h (li 1 hi nd 1,1 mi -ji. udni . th. nut of 4.1- r,.rf,,n f.rbid tlttt h- Ik liUM-;i(-hfd It' 111 i 1 d' -tir. 1 1 1 it im rft ii1oi o t on Nh wrvit-fM o th it trnVv nit ht l I .l.n It N. ,'h-n .1- i i i. . o i.,i v lb 1 j -f " j I in iM-.irm mt'.(afs t. I h . I 1 iV.iixui wh 11 tti.- wnt A u- ctti iH- ( b ai'iili mi-jK iid-d, .Hid Im- .1 ioiivi til -nt memory lit-hi I . orl in .( .1 it h t 1 . : f'Urkt- f tli iii , i-.lt my -.oid u-d m 'he Kirk nuiion ihiiwI tht-n-tM-(& of (well 11 id AUiu oirp ltiiii ? I ifivr U my l itnd fu Mdtoii S. I.ittli-tifld. titK rwn Mtnl Uix Und-. co-iponi itu h -d I 41 t" Htih H tiutlrn- oid lt v .-.oIoiuom IV.', o-h- bond t-.n h - .I tit. I 111 . i 1 ! t U iilr".,d i .'in (' on It.-.ii I irt.iW 11 Itoli-v un bi 1 11). Mini.-, I dilrlin' pistol-, n in 1o nii fr-Mp til rour.ljjrou lii.-ild. II m .b.-M ph t .l)tott, of Nmw H onphin- bvtu '.t I i V t to !ll p l.'V, ( 'li ill- lbi ir. a liiilt' k of 1 I. ,0 f 'in 1 1 Uft wtiiitky, btuii-d t" iu How n in tht- uoiili WyWV.K.tTv'.-" .iiiTf itr.i.Hiiiii!Tul in l.riiiiii. n. I t lie Wwlc lit. Uv jijiii.li-rfm l,j tUyiiMnl Hilly '.'Wl milt., ut' i'l,itli,-a, r.iil li,,l inn LCfiiw ( Kirk' liria'tr. iwi.l t-lollif- t.i utl only on eltt,-Li,,ii (htiMKiiiii t,,i voting ii-r,i wnint-ii Item II I xir to Itoliert W l.nil.-r. lion Jnm.'s Mini. Ir ilor,.,l.i itn.l the lo ,'itlill collllilittei', all tile III), '!,",! I tilivi in the ..(HM) ai re pun h-t-itr lor the peni leutiitry on l),-ei river Item l'i I give and I ilfat li to ('hii-l' .Instii-e lenr.oii, who sii.titin,-1 in,- in .us M5lldiil the writ of Itulvm c7"M wild that noble sentiment. "th- .Ulletv ot llir State the Sllrelln- latv," my ilt bolllld ropy of tin- trial and ijupeju-tiuieut of lird Chautellor ll.u-on. Item 1:1. I give to .liultre Hond, of Bal timore, for hi. i lundt-.line releiwe of luy frientl, Col. Hurgeii, and fi his noble de cision that my '' sword wits due proceas of law" a copy of Judge Hrook't (.pinion Imprisoning Ilurgen I and releasing the priaoaers wlmiu Biirge had in jail. lUnn It. I give to Judge Settle one of HenaUir Pool'a patent gates, t lie erw-te.1 on hi plantation near hie $10,000 bridge over Dan River. Item 15. My will is that lion. James Harris (col.) be retained, but with a re ducod salary, as suuri!itenlent of the Colored deaf aud dumb institution. Ileiii 18 I desire that Solicitor ( ov in diet Samuel Merrill, the iii.mki-v wrem-li Umll, for knocking the lion. Janin Harris down at the polls. I hereby enjoin upon Solicitor I'm Ui indict Ihat - Ay in.' riyhtetm." man. as Mr. Itovilcn called him, Jo Turner, Jr., for d.iring to return lien t'lijlonliin's blow. fli it he may Is- cm vii-U'd, I suggent a loyal jury, such i ha.1 wIhsi the baru-lfHrih-rr, were ajiiitted at the last term of Wake court. Item ii. My will is that M irsliul Car row without fail appoint t apt. Hester hi. deputy marshal. Item IH. I would not have niv executor nuke a rciiiisilion for ('ol. Kirk or Bur gen, as he did for (len. Littlcl'icld on hall dozen governor, ut a time, a it allows them lilt!,- dunce lor es4.-.iK. Item 19. My will is that if Win. BcsMm- should steal Wistl ll"ll, niiin a miiU-asf im that 1 1 1 v executor pardou Inin, as 1 did in niv lifetime. Item 'JO My sin, Jude Old, having recenutl aa yet only oU0 ot the .i.lMHi ineiitioned by Gov. Caldwell in urn n -n to the Gcniral Asotmblv. I will that the Tnasurer retain the t.WO. balance due. to make up in prt for the loas tuataim d bv the State in selling Noith Carolina railroitd bonds at 11 cent when thet were worth uue dollar. Item 21. Out of one million three thou snit bonds, Andrew Jonea. one of bit railnxid prc-sidenta. has spent only 000 on the road, leaving in hi hands tor the use of the party 11,23.000 : my will ia, that this fnnd be spent to defeat coo rentioa, after making good to ftheriff Lea and Judge Watte the amount of bond received by each in thk Uehoe injunction suit and lott in New York by ih gold apt ration. Item aH. kfy will ia, that Aadiew Jones Bake apt- the dVlktt in the salaries ot t?ebr Harrit, Pttgrinr Airtrtyr -Hfr Hood, awl all other loyal men and office holder whose salaries ha? beea cut abort by reason of rahri rule and their fidelity ta tha oakm and the lag;: eaakena tWtHer - NwH. Caroliua ilrbtselja the saiue at ail bannla, that it may not fall sgain into reud hand. ntem M: My wtlt W that JehB tal I raeoariled to the widow HarrW, and that he represent the people of Montgomery in the roaveotion, pronded oee be railed Item 83. My will i that the people rote againat ronTeatioo, but h rebela win call k thaw ay executor shall declare the coaraatioa aa unlawful assembly, and rail apoa Kirk, Burjrtn, Willie IV Jon, Red Kya Bill AJbright, Calria B."". J all loyal mea, to disperse lh km ... -A. I'u I p'5iivty forbid my mi ! r -oi('U .vmj 1 tln-r of tuv Joe. a la. or il III. 1 l t ln: 1 u 1 1 J ' I- tli. . t i ll .11 ' . l i tli- !,ll t. ' ..I ' II I IM11U,I, t,,l,.l ,1' In, !ll: 11, 1 , llln l-'lll-- I ll,l rt.vl,- t.l !,, .. 1, t Tl. - K -I.--; V, A .,,.ll .It. II, I J'l T.irH-' ,111,1' I -t i.l ll 1 ..,-.((. ' .. I I,,. .1- , M, .1 I 1,11 ,.,lt ill. I I 11 ', ,1.. il !, ,1 l I I .. II. M . "ill 1. II, U I -! II ,11 1- , ' ml Ml,.. ... 1 1" ' 'l Hi' . "I 1 U- ' . I. I '., . ,,, ,,, i-,,, 11, , !,. .,1 III,.. V.nir ..1 li I .:. 1 i -.. ..-ti. 01 l ii, io-t iiami -I I . . . tvrr TrrvfpTr tmrrr 'iTilulv T fhb t imi Ln. .- .1 1 In hou-t I 1 ' ' '.'...l!,. I'.'i-. Ji.1!--:"!?- -SVll. '. ht r. b. I .-opit- -1 North ai..bi:i u: iin-l I.. d ,-ff it. ti ,r,,n ll. -ai . ' Mi nil! 1- th il fU : I is tin- I kcr- ind ,i!f lb p lbtl- Ml m i! lion ho vninl to i.'it 1 ' t III' ir i" . v. itioi with t h- 1 . b I t iilno-i - 1 .1 limit. Hr.ju'-. lUiilt--, Mop Ihm.K. !,-... h-. V 1111 o, ll' .Old ' Ml.-li Hp-it u'N. " ;i - lll.o Vo,0 II ll.lh f.llb Ml- Ml It' til itl It il Vtn ,II1( -lioiild Ml III -bld; .lone, til-lllft 1 tioimiio. Oil ,ip (k. 'lilt Lt'Wl-' lliililld ;i hi-. hi. . -or It. liown'i'f, inv t-vi-t utor thonld thoik. hki Judt (rirt-n . th it Mi 11:1.: ml . i- t 0 111 nnuiii; to th( n liff .f tlit- frn d ipen, h- iit t IiImti v to npptiiiit any loyal 111 111 lioM-di(iubilitis ha- Im-ii n-movt d and w)ts( fitlt lity t th.' K ciTfal ifovcrn iih-oI li t-- U rn ;ippnid b at t of ( on ,'ii-,t. hi thf c.if of ifii . ( buoiiioi bidft ( ',ntw. II, T U ll.iirovi! mid -i u 1 14 -ICodin 111 . Itt-iii :f'3 M will thai m t-x . ut.-i buy Hon VVinjl , 11.11 , lb nd.-r.n , uml. . ti Im pod for tot of tin- Andit w .I mi.. f 111.I h. ni :i I I i'ii. .in it iip'.ii ui 1 '. -1 1 1 1 i th it In'- alto tut - old I. oil. Ml In. ml. II itt k llo.-i., I" v 11 1 1I1, , i i. ..Hi. . trow if. tMii iruio.. .. 4; aa bt ww lj.aH-iiJL. J..VW,AliH:..aliil. ,HHrt IHyl 'aid well, e xevuloi to tins niv la.tt Mill and lontamrnt Siititl, aeal and pitblldie'l in Ih. pre M in e of .lh.ui Ihvii, Kitw ihn ' si it ii , (P.otoK (iHKKN, lK Si..hn, A .1 JoNKa, Mll.lo.N S. bl I 1 l.KH Kl 0 W W 11 Irohirll ! My executor will pa to Chi.l .JiMlite I'e.tr-ttiii and e.aa-li of his aHs-.-;ile ttlit-es, to wit . Heade, Uuk, St.-Ulc tmd lUduian, len Ihotisantl tlollara eat h for n luoij; to rant a h arrant for my arret lor making Ibiren kidnap the rebtsl mn al Turner and ttM-kini him up in jail to altap with aeon irfed felon. lie will pay to the iiMnor eourt pidtfe JlotMK) ea h for following the ft am pie of the: nuprvii.e eourt jutlees In the matter of hnch wiirnuila. Judftt Mitt hell ia not loyal or deaervintf and ia not io. Ind.-d in this ttoundy to the judieiary Publishing aud tleelariu th'ia todu il aa a part of my la-tt will and tenlaioent( I ftiti as I aut, W. W II . In the preaenve of WilneHHea aa aUtve. j h'HHLJSa IS lit oMHK. We pabl il i to d;ty a M-tilmn signed onl v b Kepti bl it uih and bv the pntmi uent lb pnblit huh tf Itunt-oililM aainwt Kirk and hi- men. V hen Kiik inied hi pi o. lainal iiu or war wh.Mip pro i'ii on the iiuM a. Imo-nt 'trial to have been w lit ten by that art li fiend (loldm hiaiself. Cut Mali fcvHeU .Juiioe-i C in in to and I b nrv, Solieittu busk ami lletir,the Itepubliran Sherit! and Clerk of Buncombe all joined in this aoletnn protect, jh tition and tupplit a tion to the (iovetnot, airaiirt the employ metT ff KtrM. ami hii mvrmhtoh Ttii etiti.in in aintd t'o by promineiit eili-.en- ouUmIp of Hunt'omlM' , amoiijr them i.tb n Kra-ntus lio.vk) Ibtnifrton sou in law of Jude Cannon. i 411111 lomseh llrig.obei (ieneral of the 7th .onh Cartt bna militia. Thew Kmlirat entlruien devlare that "h wr, onier ami ipiiet pre .ail." Tiny deelare the "rivil law oin ntr - rnt m it- dt re .." i'bete wat. nne o the-- inie gentle in. n lie fort the outrage tpinmittee in Wadiiritoii City TU. re tht y flatly and emphatic ally ntradi. ud their own peti tion to f;.v Holdtn Wf ahail pulit-h their evuitactf before the cmnitftte aoon, ani the people of Buiiron)b can aee by c ompwiiiK thsir tt uetwmta in th ptttitinn to Gov: Hn4dtn that thnr tM a driihv iate lie t th flwtnf ' r th- iWffW A he before th outrag commute. We will tlo them the justice to aay they told tue truth whea Uky petititMi-ed Uie bo- Itm eaint4 the CKHMing of Kirk. How they iwon may be Judgwd of by th puUic. f Omrut Gxoksb. We afa credibly in formed that two sub-smeaaors fa ting an d. Cot. W. r ilearlerarm. AaaetMOof the Sixth Phtrirt, one star hat week, weal to a . atiH hottSe ia Alean,Ur aH. alwaa thtj u(iHaj tin,-i dlUm Was carriesl on, hilt on arrl.al at Um place (thmmI no stills, (wily the stilling hens sad some tub that had been ih use; which had been upset. Theyi set fire tt, the house aad dastrayed it with wbaterer n wiaioee) -of arvrperty ieiatii-. The patitir woatd like tn know of eni. Hrflrteiaifl jf iTiM f VftanlTng' Ui lawTorS it ma" " goaB oITi wt ay auMt the law i An odW er if tb.e revenue service, on aeriiig. an anipty to bacco Imii ih a merchant's alore, the tai Upon which lie might suppose, hail not been paid, would have as much right to set lire to the store and destroyed the bowse aad stock of aien-baiHiiaa a the onVer had to destroy thi attfl hoew un dor the circumstance In uch cases, if we are ctamrtly ia nTi. pmperty is liable to seizure aad aaie the lieaHIt of the OoTerrrment, bat atit bunted. HtUtmilU Amermn. rirat class tare on the boat betwaea Wiluiingtoa and FajiatlerUlc ha boen re doord to M. Convention Act. A A' I A.V rih.Il ' ' .- v . I . l"S, a,; 1, 1 IV Ml In . .. , ,, vi-;, -in v " 77A' I'Kfil'l. i; AMI in l'!;i 1 tflntf Tlltf vt u I'Ttftv- , , '. i. Hi; M " A H' HI 111 In in l ivr 1 I !i. Mi pffw-nf 4onlltil!iiti im. l.-o-l- I ..,.pt i..o'- o( Hi, Old 1". Itl Iii 1J0 -I it j.r o 1- 1 v IM id 1 it d to th. 11 mt'lU Jill.l (till litKrtl , Li d MrHfi-:, ill. I ,, - 0 ,j i!,. d --'id on .(if 1 ,u t. U i . . -.p .)! llii 1 O 1,'. 11 -. of th- M.itr lo 'In- 1 ;.-ti. 1 il - - t j 1 1 .1 , :tf. , in t!if hid-' " ' ' " J " 1 Ut -of tht- t.-lft h4-hiOIv. loo ijtlt V , '.. 1,. I. '111. . . .OOl l In- l.-d 1 1 . 1) l... 1..0. ..1. ..... 1. 1 l.lL'Ut lis l&kJMkilttkMt.4 ; n.- r. 1 -n t li. C tii o a m o-.iii ..1 1 1 It- i-tvr- of tin- ht.itr ,iv ailliou - S.fii, ,,iini i.-.whr wtH nf ttlTW j "-"l . m-l t'- ""'"l- ' i" im oi t--i vun int- rtTi ri when Hurt r ! i.kum I tht-1- l..n , '-. (lo, 1 I'u r,, , b- A ' ' tr... ..,. nt Th t th.- -I.i-nrf- o th. -.v i .1 oimtif-i it thii St,ilt- did op. -I . IU 1! t'. .iiioii pn 1 nil (h ,n th,- 1. p. t,, 1 . u:.!,.-!, ,-- iiiiv .M.il.lulud b 1 1 on ti. Iir-I Tbj4td i iu An. l IPTI . lit II -Hid Wll- Tl :ill !.! I it! d to v -tt for nnmlMr- f tin i;.n ti ll --iulu ms vote tor or i;:;tomi 1 tHt. t 'on 1 1 1 1 im.l- r tht- r.-uu twuo h o MJilKi piii uU'il th(Me dm .1 i;di Con vf-nti- n Vt'ioi" wnh :t pntihfl tr wriiitt tit kt-i ' ' " himI thot nliii do u.'t i-h o h ( ont nii.tii, voting in ihv -olir :1V, " A ' ' "" - 'fit . " al-o to opm -rtpintt- p 'lb it thi- (aid tinn' and plui- I01 th.' i-lct tionof di-lciitcr, to tht-cm trillion to lf Ht-niblrd in tht i-ity t' tt tlt di at "U.-h titm a" In n iiirtfttT yrt K-nlMtt, -nb1 pollti to Im' -up. ti 11 tt ndrd by thi- lb:istl;il o tin- pn-i ili. t. ulld by two old n- 01 in .pf-or- it I trh of --iid pi n-i of h .'dm.: th,.-t it. tion, to U' -ipjxuottd In l hi ( ooino -ioni'i ot - dd iMlntUr : I d t t -.lull V-iIm .lot -.1 tht f.-.o i r tr oid - od t'i d 1 .1 it, p, . t ir-. no 00 'hit.lv itli-i lb- rlo-i- of th.- p.. . 1 ih b.ill..t- jn tht pt. 1- of -.u.li eit, l..r- t- niiV d.itr to hi- pf. -j-nt ind in 1 to out 1 I'orr- ft "tati'iiifiit no b r tln-n h Old-. .-I tbe (KtlU :tt thir u- p'i tN. pi - - ot ho ,nio ,-, , ll.-h H hi. I. h .1! U- --ah d iqi oid and tinned to il, i n, n-i ait l.to.,1 tii.'iii 111 uic irt-, ii,,' ,11 HtT 01 iii,.i,' ,, Ihe i-ilij-liH of i .'iiutt.l -li ,11 , ..ni,:ii,' --hi, I rctuni-. at tin- , ourt lion-. i ..tli.-r iIiit !' hoi, lino ,.,iiit is th, 11 ri",i..-livi' i i'iiiiti,' mi, I iii.ilo' dii,li ,l,. -l.tlrin.'iiN ol -.ii.l rctiinis. sa..rn l.i l, I. .1. -...iii-m'ioii unt liitrir, , to S'lmiii 1-1. 1 ii Ii ttliuli li ill In- ,1, .-ili.l 111 Hi,' oili.-c ol' Ih, II, i'it, r ,,(' Keel-, of Hi, ...unit, iill.l il l..r iin 1 :iiisi . tin ri-lllili ., anv .rts 111, 1 Ik- nat hi l.t A o',-,s li, p 111 . lin n mid in lli.it , "i-c tlii'roinliiis'-ioiii'ri. slull s.li.iurii v. illi.iiif c. uuimrin' llic isilh. t. IIH-i-l lliulll on tin- following Tilt :-,lltt'. at I? ,,rl, k. 111. nlini tin- ,..U ,, tin V ill lolls lilci-illi Is ol that l olllll t ,ll:lll Im coiiipiin-d, .-in.l ill tin-111, "tiitiinc lli,-)' sh ill ,lii,-, l ll- ..In-rill. or one ol Iik , I, -untie I. . , 1 lils-l tin- lit let nhlll, ,' ,,' tin - .Ii'lillijilellt rctiirnin oMi.'it wuh tli,' tolc ol lnpr 1 IIH't it In n 1 ll.- , olllllt.slOII.rS lliltl Mills Cllll), ll'tcl ll' I'OlllJKtrlWHl Ol III,' polls tln-v slntll iiiiike iiriN'Innintlon .-it I lir i oiiiI hous.1 distr. of the vote cusi lor an.l iiiuaL Llie.cA,ovtailioii, ami- Um-. hhoh ,h the )M-nMai l' la-rsonsdnlt clc, t,sl as il, le Ifalil. rtw. 8. The HeL'ist' r of I is-.s for iwh Cotinlv shall Iransniit l, m:iil. on or Is-lon Hi,- linli ,l tt ol August., A. f) , Iff! I, 10 Ihe olli,-,- ,,l tin- AlUirney tlein-rsl, iiiuUa his hiiiid. on,. ,,f Ihe certified slal,-m,-nti- protidest liar in Uie f,,reoiiii4 s.s-ti,m ami shall, on nr lH-lore the same ici) gltcl I lie imt-siii or iiersons dlltv ehvtisl deli gate or deU-uttn a i-ertillcalu iaf his or then i-Ii.'Iioii . audit lir auv canst-lln-n In- no Kcgisler of Deeds in any county, the (-, iiiilnUsioiier. ol' such county ulu-tl tlu-v ii.-lare the nutilt shall nptsiint oue foi ll.it. purpose. Sax- 4 the Attorney ilerferal shnll en lorse uistn llir n turn tliu-. inude to his oltlce the llllli- when the Silllle wen' re i-cived, mid shall tile thcni awnv until tin tth Thursday of August, A 1, 1 s? I w hell thev shall lie ois'llcd ,'ind counted liv th,- Attornev ttciierrtl, Ihe I't-i-sidelit ,il' Ihe S niil,'. Ihe SH :ik, r of the House of K irtwnlal tvea and the Si.-retary ol Slale, Or anv two ol them : and the result hliiill Im'Iiv IIm-iii sinioiinced In such man lier as Itn-y tn:i ,I,s-m ImsiI. Il -a inajori IV of tlievotvs Is- agllillt a foltvi-utioil they shill so ,h. -fire iii a iiriM'liiiii.ition. I in that ens,, the deh-gateH stcill not asts'inlile. Ittlt il iiiitioriry Im' for a t'.,n tt-ntioii thi-T sli-ill so d,ch,re. rind in lh:it i ti nt lit,. ,1,-1, ri.t.-s elw:ted at s.-iid elis tirm m the various count tnt stiall aasi-hilile in the city- of lialeigh on the third Thurs day of S it inU r. V. I)., IHTI. for the p,itp,i. herein ,1,-cla -i-il Sm ii. Ihe election hall be held in all lis.ji,','ls instiicl conformity to the e l-l log liiws of the State regulating elecs rinrw. rVir tnemtwr. Tit Tlie csviiiTal Av s.'tnlilv. and sittiording to the provisions of tins act. , Skc o Tliiit the insiHvtor. of election in, ntiimed in section 1st of this act, shall la .ippoiutcl liv the cHliini-ieiimersof eiw ii loiiniv resjiecively, at a mtWing to Im In Id on the 1st Monday in June, 171. or as jsKin tliercat-U'r as pr.wticahle, and Sitid i ommiaaimers stiall at tlie a.iine time ap pnnt a resristrarf Totem for each Totmg prc-ine or township, whose duty it shall lie to revue the exiting retj'".ratioii Issiks nf his precinct or township, in such mia ner that said book shall show an .irrnratr lUt.af all ekelora tyrerioualy registered in Mien precinct or biwuswiir, aud sun rvl pidiug therein, witnout mUirinu ui uiiir tors to be registered anew ; and such reg istrar shall also at all time, after his apiMiioUueai, ttp to, and on the day of elei tlou af iawtid, kw p o n Kaitl tnKkn, and tthall U; at tlie poll oa aaiU day, with aaiii bovka fur tiw rwtntwiuo of - any eject- nttlintf In audi prwmet or uiwnainp, ana en title, I to registration, whone niim.s. hare never before iaa-Q registered in u, h pra- ... . ... ... kin l.. ..., i. W " L7 -led I lie given, aad M electnr shall ta- en titled to niiister or to rote in any other iireciiw.-t r towaahiu than the one la which ,tnai"TUi aa i ai.or, mweTiniB' the dav .si Werttoo. Any per otfenaif to vote, aitiiotwh his naiue may be on the Yegiatration Issiks, may l: challengiJ as to Ins right 10 TOW on uie aay oi eiecvuar anil Ihe tiucstim shall 1 decided by tlw attUiirnstSlT'and lb, rejpstrnr ,fi the prw uict or UwBahip,bebrttw UUh t reretTFtt '- , Skc. 7. That if a raraacy shall uorurlt 'death rir-ritnrTaseTtrr wrr delegaU at afiauaid, tlw pnaidiait arH, r vf Ihe ciHiventhm shall nernc his w rit tota aberitf of The" mnnty hi whhh rurlrvai at cy may hare occurred, alter aiifh aitir as the convention my rniler. fri ojmhi puis to fill srji-h vacsom andrr Ihe same nils. hand regulations aa hereinU fore prTicriled j 1411 uH-ib)Mss.ui thru'..n-fMT.-tiu- r.wiiw,. j -iitr-f Wake -fmntv ' tf 'it" T A i I.. I I...I...L .... tJ..fnr.l i, il'.-! .o.l .1-. .ii .i.Ua . ,ul..laUiU., UoaJ; ..lui.v -l.U-L ... rr Jr. . wi , o- , v-.j -i.. I, ll. 111- iiii.l 1 1 v . I -I, ill lie tll.itt,-! j 'ion 111, 1 s,i,M,ri the ..n-riiiiti. ui ,,1 Hi, I U M Hi . LjuutiLlJiraiiav a,.ielc t't.fl5tsVrs for the euetioo ui inregauia Sx-. 8. That said ronrentioo ahall esn sist of on haadred and twenty-ooe ctdr gates, and each county shall be cntrtlet to thf. same number nf delegate aiemten r?the House of ItcprwK-iitatives, unier the nreeent sppMtiini,-af, and tha u ty of Dare shall be en titled to oae gala. ' Sw- Thtt m rrmfrrarws shall hv p, wer (, tu th a "1' 11 i ,,fti-r uuJ iiiiinU ro. wi.l prmi le fur riln-rn iMTiitv li, Ik- p.ti.l out nl th Tn-Hrtiirv ft ,1 in it- ihiw't ! . . !H I ll"' al I 1 "lit , Hi ...!, -I ut I! il.n I' 1 a-,, . r to etri'l it - i!i,'-r-. nn.l "lisll lirllir jn,i ,.r tlit-.111 ,liii, iM(ms sn'l , i,, ti,,n ,.f f ! iti, iiHinli.T'. wh'i -hull lir olK'l.ir l tlil- "M-tt.- ot Noitli ( lo.imi Sm. 1 1. Th''.iid t ..i;.-tif ion hn!' h t Hwcr I coti-id. i- .oi l propHiM- .ill tut 1 r aiiit-ndnit nt- and V! tl 1 - I t h. . t -4itMtion. not 111. o-i-i-I-i-t ;(!, tl Hiitution of th. I nt.-d M-itr-. v p in hfrvinnfii pno v. d It.. i-.'liv ni t ion -li iM 1 1:1. t li ' " A 1 I " Oil If T ll U Il.l'l r"I l-l 'I'u nil. 1 or .01 lotii'M Im. i.J r nil. ml on ..f ..1 in ro nti. -Iii aiili n fMil or in.. Iih Hi- U -u.t -t . I ... I lot 1 M tlft I'. '' I1 J tty: 4.o;.iUUUJ-0.ol J ltf , -,M Toinodil r.t i il or d ' :'!Ii-i!iU'r y of tu'i i iilm 111 pi. -Moii 1 ohdin m. hi. li an now tr oil I to ,0111 to the I !th I 4th and 1 Vh am. -d u- i.i- t" tv .:.n tilution At lli. I niiid St it. - . or lo pmpit-n' 110, ann-ridint nt to ttn- ron-tttu tion of :)u- t;iii. in !iiwi-i inip.itniiL' or n-ftiii t in ij :Jn rb;lv- privdi-tt or 1111 noinitint :td To mod itS of r- il that 1 I ni-t' in 1 bf pn w tit 1 on-t 1 1 111 i-n hii h pro,Vb -n a lin t haiot - and lal-oo n' In n la , Ith To pa any oidinanit- 01 ordi tl iim f- It o 1- lull vt in tht ir t harruttT. t- ; r pt nch a- m net r btr lltr piirp-n ol tMiliHiittin:! thv tm-tiNiti' n a amend, d u ih. m oph- lor their ritirt.ntion or re Ma'tioit. mid r'' pt orditi mic in relation It- thr pni.ttr ikbt and iu n Ulion to the ctkrenti,)o itwlf. 1-' That said potvinthn my n vim- the 4iiilituliim of the male, em U.dinK in it mu h alteration, and amend ntnU an may Ih: Kgrittl upon, wit incon-ai-4i'iit with the provision of thia at t . but ntjui h revisctl coiintitulioii hall have an foret .( vahtbt v until the same shut! have Im-n rah lied by a r,i ijority of h. .j'lailti.d O-t. r of (he M:i!c, to n hoill tin -toot- -hall l- Mtliiio't.-d ae.oidin . tin liiodt- to be pn-tnit.d b . i .lihaitri o lid I'ollVlltloll Ski i:E I h tt iv ihi.-'.' .i. t.t ion vt-iiiioii v!mll be peinol ltd to t.ikt lot -v it io ,iid 11 n k . ot 1. 'li nhlll In- -thill hiw tnk'ti ttnd nb-it-ribi'd tin blhuin-.- n!h 01 iiiHimalioli bt tore auv )nde of l 1 1 - pienn 01 MlptTior cuo 1 01 ;Ol ll-( eriilnel, or rfie tniiirc rived. To ' thtsrohveti tion lo the people of North ( 'urolina. a- t forth in Ihe ait of t hr t ien. i.il A vein b paiwtl 111 1 ri, elitll I. tl Ktl ll. I to Mil. mil the Ueatioii of CtMiveiitioo 01 No ('.tti Vfllt loll to the people, Old lo p.o.' tor the elei lion ol .b-leo.ile-.. klothatt W l- l;illlied ItV the pt-opl. ' So help Ho Uod." Ski 11 That any rt-jji-tiar, or ud:e. or pub-e-t of flit lion. npponit-I undei tin provihions o tlni a. i, or itih i oniii .iiinmit-iioiiers, or KikwIit of l.f.b. m tlientf, failing o Ueh. tllli; to in.ikf the tet urio. and pertorm th- dutie-. re. pur. I of btn I bv this net, shall be difmed i.-nili of a miHitemeaiioi, and on . onvi I ion -h ill In- tlmd not let th.ni live hundred u i lore than out thou-taiid dollar, or no aita.)niil not more thin tix nor es than twtt months, at tht di n tion of the eoiiri. Sk I', Any mi-mhi who -lull know Hfrly and fraudulenllv n-jiler or vole or tului-e another to do ho .ontrarv t llif pavitn. t4 thw art,- shritl'tV' diftrie.r tr'tilty of a mi-df im-aitor, ami on t onvi. tit i -.hall Ik1 imprisoned not lena than turn more than Iwt lve nomlh, or lint .1 not W-oth in one humlietl nor iimrt- than five ft'iotlretj dollara ; ami any reialmr of i'"-- v ho filial! make nr eauae r aitftr lo ie made, any entry with intent to com hiil a fraud shall I- subjty t lo mdit IiolIiI aiu liable tf the same enalty. tv.i . (. ThaJ. (he J.unt Ctiuuntte on rnt iiiLX diall imiite.bately have printed U-fi ropies of thia ai t for eaeli nulor and men Iter of Ihe lloiiai' of Itepivst-fitative-i, an! ah ill have piiuted ami transmitted bv liuil on? Inin. I red topiea to the Itoard ron ui issionerx for eaeh t -ount , w hoae titty it dhall be tti furnish one copy to ea h n'iiatrar in their -rptt-tive rounties. iud one eopy to (he insjH t torn of elet tion 1 alcarh preeiiiel I ad ore the dav ot eh-tlion 1 SKt 17. This art ahall Ik- in fon e from : aid afb r its tat Hi. ttion. and ahall ttrnite M an entire susp'nsion of th. aet ratified tie Nth day of February. I"1. entitled An art romrrniug a t onvention of the tplr " I lajitifie.1 this :M day o April. I.W7L ! Sittv live Kirtt I'riw M..bU Awr.ltNi -.So'jINro Piano M ANf-f ACTr.KV. ini. um & co. Manufarturr-rx of Grand, Sqnart k I prifht NMO FORTES. fheae litftrumeiits have Uh-d before ths Put.- U for nearly Thirty Yearn, ami 111011 their ei 1 tehee alofie atlaJiit'd an iiiii-ttir. tiiiMi'd or. eotneiv e, whieii pmnonmv llit-tn unequalt-d. TONK 1 oieiihiea ffreat pwer, '.nen unJ fine lim iramualtty. at well aa jtrtiat purity of loluu ti.sk and BwefUBerte llinUj'ri.ai the 1 11 tire eJt . -our TOUCH U pkaet and elaatte, m.4 ntHwW for troea lth- iiiaitwf round ia to wanT nanott. 'f airt-iuatart, eain bob but the n aj..ti u. nTtnraia T-aKtimr at ht kivi) rfUDiuiij u wtiwaM flu n ui lawn-, e.. If" A II owr aotiaaa Piaaoa have our Nr laiawad Urmtnut ai sjut Um Isuni naaaLa I-a"w would call ! il stt-nUon is oar iau mrinfve.aenta Is tlKANII Fr.v.M A VI. kilt' Attn UKANIM. Panaran Ace. 14, UM, bbuA orUMt Um Fiaao s-aiur pm-fuclioa thaa has H aualoed. Piaaortrix, W..ti. s.sr. w, liar made arranti-mcnu fur Ui M..U wnoaaale Areary liar Uie iaul I k-kn!e.l fASUrsK OsK.ABal Mtl.ul.KuNil. wbiea mt oan- Wboleask sad kMsit, at Lowest fr- .'i?j..lk.a. Was. KOHK V ' O. asrteaaendswaw II.LTiMoas Mn VTE1 ARRIVALS 11 'RriMKl Hiaver llrniit -'Vsa-y wlis. UiiaVii Hrivp, - - w. , aw waraiTtsi, - Vmfcod. family ffcour, - vTjreaa PVa,-ries,"hfsily Feai-Kea, ' f reak TiNstat.ia. . ll-., aa sssi,rti.l 'antl;,-TT. ,"' teh-41 It 11 HARRIIUiaj-g. i-tIr R i, re t A iU Wanted, stsle sad Female, for Vie It S Laa " H' . BI'fT, 'Va'l Itrx.k Airent, kalaiKk. N .; Art 'JU Hs SASn.iUlSD, AND 1M KACTtifiY. AD dnwvipvlt attroJed W TUO H BRIW.8, rruprtator. aarUM "STi-a SENTINEL 1 i a i.i:k ; 1 1, n. ( "tr;,- , 0. j-o-y.i.o 1 I- .1.. .11 kin I- nf .!. :i I'l.MN NU SlK'll lti I.KTTEi: IIKAIS, I5I1.L iii:.vis, eii:c n.ARs. I'OSTKKS, IM.AVKS, 1 I'Coo i: MIKS, I . VI, 111. S, ,Vf.. ir KT WiiKK. U itt. S.-iti. ,. .. a,, I In-i-si. I, I, u .1..,., ,1. . In .1 1 I,,.. lillilk AM) Jul! 01 I II I s .1 I'l 1:1, lit ,1,1 1; I I ,s l.-isit K I it- S Ibokii. . -l.in I nf lull.' H:okii.-i.. I't .11. tilt, ' f'li trl.- M. I- . ml. I l. f-mlMMt 1 41 A I K OK V Ht 1 H t KiH.I N , , 7 Ih, s,.,,r ..r 1 , ,,t t, ..!,,, Ynti 10 ti. r, to ui, . tl 1.. MiiHi.i.-n it 11U M, I v, o, .'.I th. 1 1, r . ti. 1 0 1 , ,1. ll he t'i f ..ll'i.l Vt lltilli .Iitu .Mini . , In 1..' :in.i Mi.iH i.r lu foii I!., -hi l.v. . ( ..nr tio., . 1.1 1 .iit. -ksi-ln. t,rM f,f K.. -wrnfrT- VVf-- t'Tiivrn :t 11m t ...ir ..M hi VI .in ii Ih,- M.-n.l o afi.r th. J.i.t ..i,.';o ..f K.-l- ISI. .ml in t , i the e.Mii'l:tinl w hi. h tllllt. 1 1 e ( i-1 i . , i ..ftier ul Hit I'lt-rk of U- ioteri ot ., ttal.l enmity, rlllilli tin tl t -t liu.. iitt- ,.t IIm It. ht 1thi U ten-ill, mitt 11 tin' ttmij ll. f. nloi( take in. Ilee lhai II he f ill 10 aiioWt i Lite m1.1 c 'tlahit within tli.it inn.- Die Vluinlilt Mill a-'ply U tht on rt for th relrt-f rta iiiantlitJ in lh rirtintirP- i-oiiiptiui.i, Ae, Hereof fall not, iin-l of this inniii'.ii-. iti.ik. dke relurn Iom-ii iiihI. i my lnt-nt injil Un a-tti .il BiiiiJ i'l.urt, ihi- l-l .l.n ..f S.itniiiM'i i;o i, n.i v , i.'lei k t Ih. Mi..-irii I ..nit, mar 4 auw l'nUu ounl) I A IK of Null I II l tit, il ISA i I'lM I ul hl , -Utk. H, mm. I.jJi. u. ( llsime t'liirk n,l l'i, My KmIhiiiI sn.l oUii-rs, hel-s at lint ot .Liiiiiw t laih ile.-'il, l. iHtidsnU I li, .laiiilill. in Ih. .,!..,. li ,,. ,! , i., ,.,r in i; s nil.. i.. .1 f..i .srtil ., ., I..- I,.n,ln -.1 Jill,,. el.uk. .1. . ,1 mi. i 1 1 I t iii: , I ti 1 v I , ,ii,l .. In s,sr tliwl the ,l. r, ii,lsii i. il.. .ii,.. I l-irk.' uii.l I'ollt Kolmi.l. me noii il.si,.-i,i-,. lli.'.sun nii'I ll III,') lie tl.'.-eit- -f li;it ills; , liihlo-li. tlii-ii (lui.ir.ii mi- I,.. ,. i, i.l. ul. .. It,. Mni, ,,M III, ir llulili . IHilvU'isii llo I , f.-J. Una pulili, a Tioll is l. I. I' 'I Im ! 11, ,1' 1,. II,. Ifll. ,tl, miniinu f.. .,. . . - it. tl... sli.t-lt II:,' -Ml l l-l I I',. lit K..l, . ,. ,1 Hi, t I., ,1,'. . ,-, .1, II,. I, Mil i li in li V ir. si I ts sr,' - iiiiiin ,n. ,1 I,, ui'iHr l (,,r, i,i. l.iluy, t'.ix t I. rt ..f lt. .sijh 11..1 ( r.. ll n,it llf,,l.-.,lll. Hi nit ,.,M .,( II.. I ..nil II. .!, . n, II mi -.f I. r. . io ill.- ..i, ,,r l.. r,.p II,. .., I'll , I i, ll, I I a.ilii LlLni: liuu nuf 4rtir tl, ..I.l 'tlll..li, Mtl,is.' .Hrt.Ll..ii sill I.,- ,.,,l.l,,l tii.m under mv tisu.l sn.l seal ,,f ..iftce, this UielUnl.lay ot l',i, Is", I I . M.M.N OiX S IJ A 11 M..NFIKI.I, II t ii.sr . wliw lAfK V Null TII 1 Miul.'NA i , ' I'l I I t ol M I , Si rriu.'H i ..i Hr , Msnr ir, I I Dsns. I'lsinlifT, i .,.- Hi1Ii.ii, I Hi, ,.- Tli, .iiiiitit! it...t , ,. ,ur .1 Imt int.' ,-oniinrnred Ut-T s,-li,.ii to ,.l,ti,i.i ii ,Ji. -.ilnti.x. of tin- bonds of niiil'imoi.t . uii. I hst iiii m-ii. It sita'r tltsl th.- .1, 1. 1,. l.iitt i- ., ,.., I'.-i'i. iii ,,f il,,. Hist, Hi). ut. Ii, il i,,n i. tn-i. I. i,i tl,, Ii.l. iti ,T! SKI. for lit ii, n .-i,- a.ik-, ttluril.v the ,U-f, I. Isiil. Williion J ll.,, ,. . i ,( i,, n.s-;,r si ,h, H.-VI t,'t, of tl- SikM,it t'niirl of Ui. r.ninlv sf.iri ui.l f. Is- h, l,t at the t'ntirt lion.-, iii i,. .-. nt ill, , ,,i, t,f , .jjjin Monday aiaiw III.- third M ..niiAV m fVltuurv. one ItniiisHiid, ,11 In h ii n -!'-.. I nti.l . i.-ii- .,n. f. jii,h.i or " "'"i il te .ii, ,.i lin n onl he jn,le. Ill '. ! .1.1.', ill ii,.l i,,,,, K Lin n iiiuier my hand and scat ot urn, u,l. the ;rd day of t eb . 1M7I I day , CALVIN (UX. ITerk, Pitl ! H-ro .. I ,.rl A H M .ssriKi n, 11 c. war 4 wliw OTATf. of NnkTll t AK'il.lVA. f i, . Mn irit i ,i nit. , j N TUK Hi I'KHIOK l ,,i hi N M Loin;, pli.ii.tiir. .1 W B.-II nfA wlfn VI ..is I. . Mirv M Hrleirs I K T iiiils-rlnlie and ail.- AI I K Ain.i' win an.) lf, t.ilgeua. I tMnlii.1,1 K.1v lt.k.rv sn.l J unrs M Bri. k. ll in ri on ,, In- inf.,,,! M.n tv f M, , r. at y .I t.UMu,, de, ',1. , ih .-i,.niiu, , This i. sn S.1K.II r,.l Id.' f..r. , I.nltir.' ,,f eertsiu in,,rlstf,' .'..s-md l.y H .1 Smuii- iUm ,1,- ,1, ti Ihe plaintiff hir, in on UV I Tt tt N-, veiiilT, IsMH, forir sum of IT.'sl n ,-,-r lain tn..-l ,,f land wben-,,i, W. .1 A-iultiitn,, ,ie, ,1. Il. ,,f -si.l , ounli , llK-n ri-sid, d. Isundeii l.j the JaosW tt a. II- arMt; tmr f;nf i ,',r VV.lt 4at;-aWrw'tt mnmi-flTI, i!, , ,1". aI1,j nliui-r., LMitainm lv r-slrirratioji 127 s, rr tt- a.i.aliil!! tVr TTiii t i.iirl fi..ui ii','. ' tint and lli. Ut il lil. d tli.il tli. if f, luliint a's-lilirM,i.a.t. 4iml rmnA tff- fttr st JS I S.-rtli arotln... I. SI r.s-,,lf. in in, tbuMi iu tli,-.sun-.,r . . ijow M, u.i.1 j ....... Vt hri.-k. ll ,s l r. l.y u..tilost l. ,i... Me.t Irrt-m nOlie rills-rl.ir t ,,urt Ui I. li.-id for ! .-..only ol lUlifav.al the t'ourtlioiis.- in ""' wwti, n the l -th Nondat sfu-r Uie iUti WiHKiat ill Fri, A 11 1S7I .,. , lliew u, 4ra.l, aii.a.-r demur to It,, ,-, t.iainy iii nu i-aiiw. otherwise tin- relief therein deiuaii'l.-d a ill Is- trrnt.-,l tt i ,.r,ie.ui i.u. this notice Is s. r.ed on tli- said Ja,i- M HfVkell, kr Mil.lHaJion ..ace f, ..lire..!,, u., k., in the "Koa.iotte Seas"' and "Kal.lth Hiiki.," nraainiivrs .iil,llh,-d in Hi.- to. n f U, ,-l.l,.n and the , hr ol Rid. a N I'. ' w' .ikjt.e, J, T. Oreenrr. Clerk of oar iii dayl. at ullirr In llalifat town, Una the .'-'auary, A '11,171 teb - )SI r uKEfrOKV. Clark enp'r Court. I Ol . . t I. , ,, I I I .1 i.Ul I- Ot PA ) I'll Ll Tie Crit MMHfl WvTfrj T Dr. WALKEH-J CAL'FOa.VlA VINEGAR BITTERS, !: jWHAT ARE THEY?-; 'jV'. C i-" f TIII'V Ai: tfT A VI R U.!,' f I 'Of ltJH. WhtakP I'rt.. t rtttillaiiMd HflHr l.lqat.o) I " t o .! - n .1 tifl -WtA-lflla-d It if.' Ias.1.'. fa ii.l ' t-MI i.-,"" -ptli. r-." - lo-ti.tr o. " if . I 11 Is.! I. ii L.j)lt-r t'D if Jriinn im, - t.l i o 1 1 1 , liul ' f init- Utdtritii-.iiiat.il fi.-m (i.. Nairn i;,i..O mil II. rl.a - f 4 rtllfttrn i. Irt-f Ii-nm nil A I. ehvllr MlH.ili.kla. T lit o I .1.111 T tll.OOII IM till-I KM antt I.I l-'C . I V I Ma 1MI1N 4 1 I 11 l rlf. l l..-ti.-v al. r ai.a i -.' t "1 Hit' -(-in . cart t lug .-rJ all . mm matt, i aiij rr-l.-ilm; !' I'U" 'il If a tit ai ll )' i-fi.!it f ti V ; -H-rto.-i t-mti U. Hi...- Hl.U-ra a. t-.'i.tius u. Jlnf ii mi 'i,1 r-'inam I"hk uiiw. II fr laNainiMil-rr Mat 4 rttl.- Htit annl lMa tit, Uf afM-p-ilai or I itsll- Cr1, Htltaaa, HeaMtlitMl nt.al iHit-r-mllirBl Ft!-, lltMarfi si ihe B !, l.lvrr, Kittatei. ani lllmhtr. t n- llti (r iTi bvm mrxt aticr. oil Mat tt lw rMa aft ranted by Vlitnteaf HmI, i..ch at ffeoermltr prtfdocwd by doiaiihiyaianii of Um Btwtlai Orfi llVaPKPHIA WH VnilaKATIOJt. HeialM. Ptn I- Ua MMllldl. CuQafha, TlMllt- itM r tti ChfMit, DlxxlnciM., Soar Ki ii-tftona of Hit Sftmrlt, IlaVt Uft. In the Mulb 5 lion AI took. rlpit"tl"m trf Ut- llM. Intlaiiniitatioii t.t U.r I anjrs. rln I a ilir rrioaa - f al.- K tdti. T.and lin:i(trrJ other pal una I t;itipUoi, art? Ilia ul r,iH,Ka.if liy-i- H Tl. y-li.t l.'i -U- tin- ! 'Kiafli aiMj alltniOalt (I. it I..- ..,t lo. i -i..l l.-iw l, ltt.1. i.-d I. i ll.. n. .if nt. ,,na!!'tl r"tfl. a. In iW aiiaintf th - 1.1 "l -t nil imi'ttriti. , mut in. tii.it u li.- -ai.J vit'i I-' Oit- !.. ! ,Ii-iii IOH K I IU--1- -o H. Lo , t i. t -tl ' tU t:iuitiii.iir .. ( i-, I tittj it- t i.-tiii. It. ' 1 la I rliiiii.-l. - l.i 'i. - I leU --..! . r i . . K' -tl.' Uv. Il- '. s''0 f". I'!"" ' I id. -.ki. . Mil'....." a:.. I l-i-s. tax, a ,.t I . PO, n nali-MI Ua.t.i- l n taint , Ml.' Ili.t . ! j iii . an. I . '.Ml. 1 M ..1 Ih, r V 1 I i. ' ' ' ' "'tf'V ' ' ti,., y it",. i.. i in 1 ',. W wltnw , t - lt,iim .1. ...'.juijaiA. W &&ji'V WDja sranVi t. -tf-i y.'.i si., ,, k. . I '.I'. "I (',. ..'.l I'.-, I.. .111, ,,( ll,,- .t.l-m s III I 'll St'lN. TA fKau-l alM-r U till UK. Inrn.v '' li.r .J.l. in .,1 ... I, .... I-. ,1,, "I.. In' ,l.-nl, .-t,.,I .1,1, ,,, -t, ,1 I ,.r I. ,11 ! ,. ..1 . so fill I T "" ,11-iIImi ,li,.,i") il. ..,...in.. I ty y I li Hi. IT .pr,. I ., I II II. IMttlHI , ' , Hi .,si. l"l S...1 .. I. I ,..,-.. , , i . s,,,i y- .11,1 si i '",, , , , . s, , ,., i s, m i . , MILL. Hy All. lull ,,. 1Mb .Ml liAAl.l'.Nn. f I, d.a.t a ly THE CITIZCNS ATlfYI HA.Mv tiK .Hlhiirizrtl ( rijulul HUhui M K AMHdtSiiN, I'i.km.int. IV A WILKV. Camiii k I UK AMI IKY IH I' H I M KM. 1 I If r It 14 or "Ml I K-.i I I it or l iiiihAi 1, iMHtiiliiN, .l:Oi i:-t1h. IS.l Whikio t.. tatkifrieior - i.. n, i.nM-ttit thO lilt' Mlltlf rall.1 tl ll li.-f. heel) lllttih .t 0 Uiat Hit: tit i .tic Nitlioinil I Wok of KaU iuh, Id.- . It of t(t'i,Ji Hi tin eoimtv of ike. rtu riau- ol . triii i .iioIihm, ln.e. U en .luly Jl'ii lt,fti lin.h r alhl uet oitllnir lo Hit n .Hllttllaeiilf uf tin A. I uf fonci-t-rt, t lllllleil All "Ael lo ( rov iii a li.Mrl rmrnirT, .'. int-.l lv i-t. .1-.- ..f I nil. .1 Mitt. - I... U.K. Mtt.l lo (.no i,l. f'M Ihe eio til-iti.ti, ili.t r. .1. moj..ti Ih.r.t'f, ' l )'Mo.-.J .inne ;k1, I"-. 4. Mn.) 'hat . ittiipli. ,j v ii h alt Ih' i 'i-o i-i'ii-t tit .tll , I, r. 1 1 ii io .1 i. t'f . ..Ill. .1 will. h. too- eoiinn. te inu Hie bllM lifw. of fttiiiniiil? llli.ler MMitt i I Not. I(.-r.f.irc I. Hilinl I; lliilt.tir.l. Colli). 1 1 "lief f Hi. t ii it. in i , id. h'-eelo i-ettlf X 1 li.t lilt- III.' lllwll N til liMlill It. Ilk .a : ll . ill the eitv of Knh iu-l. in Ihe i.moiU of U.ik.. Mlt't Mlltt ..f S.lllll 1 HI..lMil, If. aillll'-H" tl I-. eoilllll.'llee Ul." 1'llnUier.r. ot tttOikill Ulltter Ul w t tttoreamil. In t -lint. mo Th. reof. witn.- no httnd nl waJ t.f oitii. Uiit. nth ,U of .Urn. u v. IS, ( 1 Ill I A N ll K III I 111 I! I, ?K V ! oK - ( on r or I I I IINK.i T I (' t Mlt loll. , .( 11, I t llriflH V K.i kimii, No t a mn,. .fin v, s;i Ii, se. ot.ln,,',' a ilh Ih., l.e.v .- e.-tl ill, i,l,- th. I iii, ii- Siii. ii ,1 Hunk ,,f H.l.'iuh, N (.!, I,e,. ii ,l,i It ..iu. it , ,,J tt ill ..( ,, Ii.,... , f, I, . Il hs on t.,n.lrtt h.'.t, 1 1 .l:,n,l;,rt , s;. itl ll, . ii . a liu, ku,,; II. iii,e. No 1. Ktchaiur.' I'l.l, e. ,M,,,.,aiU, lb,. I'ms. I.IJfii-C-.- jsn i . rr . Si! fi iKTANT SliTH F. CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS, Al l. Uf T All. liKUKKA AMul'N riMi f, J" ANDjiVKi) l.K.LlV.KU:i W AUV FART of THF t ill N I K V , !'' of I'.aprcsa 4 liHrgr. fiimilUa EkKlrr k Son., of Baltimore Md.. In order the betler to meet the a-sttta of h ir K. tall t. ustoinrra at a dlsUtm-e. have . tl.l.h ed a SA MPI. R niREAV. and will, ii(s siililiealioa, nroinuljr send hr maillfull lines of Sali,les of the N'eaest anil nios rssnionai.ie ...a,,s, ol fltfcJUCIl, K.Nii LIH and IMI.M EMTIO MAM FAcVl liK iruarantednc at all times to sell aa low, if not at less prices, man any aonse In Uie centrr. Bllvhm our ir.avla fn,re the Urast anil aan'st ,-rlelvrait-d manufacturer in tha dlrter. nl paita 4 Kuri,., and iniponinc III fstua ti (Unm sra dire, t Ui Hilliinore, ,.r .Us-k Is iit ajl tunes lrndon .nd Pvi, market f - A'f1l'B ioalr fur rash, snd make. "" ""', "' are aia. -iw t.'aT. Lass Fkiwit tlmnif ae jrav eremt, laai'iidiaa fia-sJ.tt,leat ais-eirv t.. l i.ia . r. ". ' ,. 'HO Tea mnm rmv,T yuan ii we laaendina; f,asjlil,lea il ICisai, de.lre.1, WrV,e, U,f iawt (Tadas of eery , lass of jorsU, fr,mi the lowest In the most roauy. Dnler un. eont)nied hy the cash will he sent C II I) PKOMPT f ATlNfl WII.ILr.MAE Bl VRRa ace inmea k,, ini l the Ht,s k Iu our JidihW and Ps, kat- Depnrln.enl A.Mrt-rs II A M ll.TuN KAMI k u ,v. I'.rj, l!M, JIM aud Jtl Weat Haltini.a-,-8eet, rIllK RN KINtl liATf, HAVINU KKF.N I suffi. h nUy tested to demonstrate Isdli ila dnrabllilt and pUi-th-stalil) I. now tllered for sale. 4 ( s Hinnle tte , ... AIU. ..taX-k-trw Prttileaa.. - - fw-nt-Will s. II , ,.iul riKhU- Aiients wntet tit 'd He Hrte: t.trsritf itrafiie m.-llls made r lloine offli.-K, Fltlls-th City, U-t- - ri frit k. Mi'f.Rn, War'Jw No au, VartsiroiiKh House. Hf'AROT.N.i Ittll tlti -A - tiro H Baker hatiiur ts'kew Um lliaaae lately kept ay Mrs. H W Miller, eao ae,. saodatU bank maUMit ud kraaaienl hoarder. Ten or twelve memlra of the lialature eaa be furrrlahed tu Uovra, kattrtoK, fuel aad llirhla at W per week, aaratti t,E(, H RAKER. 1 Ofr OOfV fkvittre,?a con trutt suited Ui the 'ehnMu, of tht rk,uil, ot ir"'.".l'.,n',Jhrlfly Kr"U'. ''a- sale st'tlu-. New .ar,l,-n Nursed.. W. H. Jonea A Co are our scents ui Raleigh, who will band out 1 UttrtLIT a HON, cl7-tf traartjrs 1. C. 1 50.000 An VNM m n en. . - lo , In.io. . 1 fm mi, " , ? i H. . ' i ,ii -a. ,,.,i ,, ,w u4 , ... 1 .."'"ji ' "" '- '-' r Tl- s- I'M ll- ...I, I, ..... '"Wl I 1 , II, l.-.l u,.i. , T " ,.1 ii,. - -I- 1.. ,1, ... ' . , T"'. '.r;-;! rr,:;,"- 1 ,1 1, - 'i" i.ii "i-"'i ol W, 1 i. 1 1. . , - mi rm H i uauaiOui , ,n 1 1, tiuwaiiajjjgg-t mli-Vfc l.'.hl I:lK J, 1 AMj.Hi i I, I. is .!. l.,.il villi I, ...,, w 'mmim'" HA HILTON'S tOMI'OtMj I IIim 1 1 Kf or lil.sKt.sKs l.K THF KiDlVEYS V BLADDrrB HUNG If" TKt String, VvjWrtfvia uutnV Ever offoi-ed to the Publk I. H. Ilrrtwrl k (0.. Prcpritian, i. I'AltK K11W, M Vt ,,Kt xtl.t t) hII ItrutnUta. l.'.l,-...l.tllui N'l,lb'K l""l I If sin kii.iI rFR n 1 111 v. u tn K.m-D..-. , um I'l i.lu.i- I , U 111, ,, V. I . l-i.itlJ,. ,.r - '' OOiS.'iVit'" -V.J 1,M IJi tutteMnf f'1 II" W.', I M.H'kl,uldrt. M'.N I I'M li.S if i Iii i;i.i IN, i h'as in A i. II ti t lil l;l,,s A M I Ai HI N A 1 Vt KRV, rM... 1.1,,, 1,1, n, ii,,. , ..i,,.. mi, I lot ' .- Nt.illi luiiiliiiH I, am Cum .' Kl lil ISIIKH l'i iK rm,; ' l'i i.ii',.,i Isl i.,i. ,,,! lM.i,))Bl nf N.iHIIIKIIN AM. I'l 1IOI-ICAN HarriB N 'K i ll t Alitil.l.NA orrii T I kKI; II All., UAI.f lull. N ( I'"'- h..s I,., ii in , ,.fu r,l.. t.., i ,, a vears. si.,1 aih eas o ." li. I.r.rs, ,h Rkst reel raUir, ih 1 talolal.l, leima, and if tlilhlett 'iskl sumII l,a, te ac uwuiie sWdr-i - All ( ,-,, n. luuin l aud. u. s.11 ai nd n I" 11,, l. li,.- r. .1 t.. ,-sll at our nmee, or for r. - i d a nh u, as "Ul fa. Ililint lurslbDa rf in - ii - . t. ty day Tor 1 1 i.k or Iwi..kiti,,s nas n,s, ....I , i all ii., ,11 North t nr.diin,!,, u, akt I " ''"t: tin- kr.-al eiiteinrise, and bets U t.uild H,,air wiinte idnem. II,. I re.id.-ul and lln-rloia of U,e tsanianr Are . II k....n , n. mm -w.ewal.t 1 ,7 n. s ii, th, n hands, bars the U.I aasuraaec Ihat I hey w ill t f,drlv repri-s,il.-,l We lint. I,,, ,-i.nne, ,,n a ill, anv nlner last Ai;,-a, t ol rompaliy irofeaalii Ui do bttataes) in iloa Ml:le Itul are -ratini ,,nv uinler the name and sl y I,- of Tmr Noam l aa.x lat I. .11 iim-.y i ," as t haiu-red l,v Hs-i lal A, I ..f Hi. I., t.-i.lalui,- Uaniiu dale fthmari Sit A 1 IslW ' t, I. lo se all i uliiiiialloiis lo "The N.Hll t 'arolii.H U, id t o , or lo W'ui rVi.tt.oecrotarf tir.t, i j LJk, fraa. Wat Iviitt, Ss 'y. lilltRCTOKS : ol loo 1,0 1 1. , I,,.,, K F Hoke, Una Vi H. sl. I Ir J H nnuib. Hub T 1. I l.a. man. ui. H,-.. It, f.ao. Jan 11 d.twlf W II.MIM. IUN A WKLlNIN k R CD., tlrrn a I M e Kau aii I, an i. givt W ii.siiNr,,N. (. u. j( CHANtlK OF W ltKlH I.E. ( N and afl.-r Von.lav. thrWh Inrtant. I v ' on Ihl. nil. ron.i am leave Vt illiuiuki a I i I., i, il arrlte st cldia I .-il lilooi. i,i and 7 ti . ol . airtte at tt ilnilnr l.'l, ;,l 4 ISI a 111 and Ti lo u Ul The da. Ira a ill i,t rim on huimJmv. . Al, a, i-oI,i,mIh,i and fret,. hi lean, wilt hat,- Wiln,li,iilo iu.Hi 0 m daily . .Airniavf ev. efiieil, inakliit: cl.Me eonneeti.ai s. tfotsa lioro1 f,rt- Raleigh. U. tiiiiiintr l. ve Uol.l.ls.r,,' tt us a a, and arrive at tt llminKUju at H p. nt. The day timi,, have W ilmintlon Dili a p. and W. ldon HUM) li .niMs t el. ety. wkfc T-Art.-Miu' Jtiasdt Hara; - tvirnT pAkaeliiitir. liaila. 1,'Stillt; W' 1 1 nillli, I Oil and Vtel.l.tM nn U,.t.a tt . daesuavys and fridart, alao eonaect i limlf nh Ihe Tirhoro Bran, I, train. 8 L f REMtlNT, June It if En A aunl I,". C tTll.li'f.H-IIEHU,; HEALKK l.N FUin UOIEIIEX, Nuarit !"ii or Mbikt Bsica, Stone Riilliliru: recotlt oreutdad by Ilaasr. RALEIOD. ti. c, flaa Juai rerrlt-,l nler lot nf Famllr OrO certrs N f JVa. snd 'We.tem Rom, " u(es Caeolirks snd Raltlmsar Oty lral Aaeprrisr hit of .North Carolina Flour AIM Cum. Meal, Mii-keit-l by the tit. and MuDeU ht the barret and is email iiaantttic to suit lasaus. Aia oupurmr WeaU-ni New Via ' PAfRT BTTIIB. Wbleh I will keen oa kaaa raasaarf. ctf, Karat esamiar U. net K tf I" 'ft? atZE F.NtlRAVINtl I .F E!I R I JJ 1-fE "old for the pnruoaaiaf ralstwlnnda to ureet sMiwua.entux.en Lee. a.4,1 l.v nbarrip- tion imii . , Acrnts wanted ehroni'doatrrie aisle Ataty ' """ ' I-' J BAJ.I.AB, ..en I An . mar IK Jn, Rjt.-U;b, N I v . J t'ANn, (il'ANO, OI'AJllI al l,.s At ,,, (.ii.Ih, a , ,-, Hoenil and Malupulatet I . I A N. at mm on ha.nl These tliraiMM are ua,iuoli.s,.Mt Ihe aetf and .A,v--af feitillu-rs Ih.lllS- farmer ,an (sir t-Jiaa... UaJtfiaMlltarltorMnsffSMJisitt ' wuhe araeriar. rriMji Wterae araaona ur .dbrr caus., thre H. n rrwrm ig rmf. iu-xmImu A -eSj reft fn ttie iott U h, dnt a u.s.ii hy re , r..) A-ati uiuini. le.iti.-.vsrrnr TaSrr.ti.era in the Moat who fca.r w-,.a Uatu( Un ae ba s.-veral yeara '' ' rpciii Ki m . radrn NOHTn OiOlaZNA BOIE IISDB1ICE COIPAIT. x i-biti auaiwar lo r riaa ryllt C.watamy pais Inaar fMy sad rtrr J tales it ramiiurs at boine. It ll ha. Mi-I hayl,, lln-eiaiflairrsllisl at Head.TcM. hilly aia st.aa,ai.. It rU-a an- a uaateraU- sfrtT alHJu.llft. AtiKN'TfJ IN ALL PART Of TII gTAfa. n n H tTTl.E. Jr , Paa.ii.ssr URATOM HAI RM, nasi., sept n ti " " ituucH,AM'i Bac aUe-lJi'T. (fll;'"U tt u ul "t).i . I t" tie t.-s I ; th. feel tl liu it ...is he In th 1" In 1.1