, . " ... : I a J ( a 14- " J m 5. R;lJllIiILLG4iIiDAl'tJI,MlifJ7l, gweggswgegg ,- . ' "'' TIIIvSKNTINKL 7Y .' fOO:H A IHHtKHH Vivei. 4s, mlj hprr r Aim " Mk P'-- A I rlniin.to ladling mini - rla wn.an wu address, is ' li' mis of t ti. I'mm-Mli." I '-lini also a right to replj Ut vmir Apatl. Il i presumed lint you wroto it nrr (iillv sad iMilieralrly, and nm in tentiiai o iuspire your readers' fnvurulilv, and the psiblic Iisk. therefore, every nht u coneidir i a s f ''r gage tjf widen to Measure ronresodia-and alnlity. An. I it' m f umwtjin, we find i Truro of . ilJwr,: aw ptgmcnKH yon, Wit be ac. wilingly. Tho proverb ays " j"'lsW otirarlve i abat we feci iHilll: nf doiii, mlii'r jiidije u- by what ii have already dune.'' Did It l last -eur to.ymi, Mr. I'.sd, lint rmi were likely to I judged in thin way ; 'that the Alumni and .friends of the L'ui vrrsily would My: What has this ntitn ever dune to entitle Itiiiiactf to the respirl if I rjailldeiKe "f people North f'arolinu to such a degrts- that he almultl nn-sume ther would look with eom plaisnnee iixin his anstimptii.n of hit present office, or with indulgence lis.n bit signal failure Ui Ht I it I What wt of lot life can he iet np tn pleil afpiinrit thf tmiverft! (tndenination pnHioumNl upoa him I Suae notion nf thew deruajiilft mut have tcvn in your initid when you l forth thi lionipoux little eniinierutioB of your ery alender elniiiin to notice. Id ' T amiluaifJ iH Irk' I iiwr in lRil. The upprt-'lon of trulfi hitn ever Tteen roiintJNl an flagrant an o lb nee aKinat the purity "f truth a. tin- IioMit inirartiou ot' (n-r laws Sinrr yttu were go iliintlle, Mr. PiHtl. why not let uh have all the pniri Ian ot your " apfaintitientji." A thua: 'Thf jMt of tutor for which I applied h:ul heen reM'atiHily otfrrwl to my claaf mate. Mr. Mefver. whi had, in far-t, Ir, in Tllalion. ti'leil the place dlirillf the fall Mn initiieiliaU'ly following our rra4lu ti'ii llr, however, decliuixl it, aud 1. I4-iii; for private rtiaatms, exevliiifry liuioun and uriruit, (lov. Swain, nlwayii oi the lookout to ronHliatc the variou d!tMBiiuatioaa of Ohriatiana, adva-tttiKl and iax-uid my election for no other reaai than that I was a mewher of the Metlm rrrtt.titiirfi; This wa well known and understood at the time." You proceed : "Ha yim- theratUv J tr.it mpjmiiUd, wilSutut 'tjlmttivu, to the fnoitim nf Aifpmti Pmfaaar nf I'nre MiiOtrmAtir. At Uim trere at that tin, toe Pfifimtrt of Matkaaatict, aud my pnmutim left tut tutor that itrynrlmeit, I luteptal tiit . in, tie fart of tkt tnulm Hov Hwitin huiuwlf hiu told me tt peatlly that you ohtained thin promotiim ' hrniue you ux n iUtriiji growling nlirut it," You state that it wan done without jor applkalion. I atalu from intimate ac pwiiiLance with every inemher of the Kaimlty of that day, that it wa done I raine of your peiifnacloiutj eXJret dimatUI'action with your iuferiur piiition and pay, holding proiuotinn to lai clearly yotif ttue after six yhari aiKiiffdinHte iwr vice. It wan yielded to you by the piir onal couiplaianiH' of (ov. Swain, I" wli.w poaer it i wi ll kuown all apMiut . in. nU lay, in opposition tn lii own oni mate of yonr fltneaa lor a higher w-c.ln ppaitiontothe oprnly expreMied oirihiilh' f the wuior l'rottwor ui MalhuuiaUdu, who waa, aa eTerylKidy knowa, h luan earing very little for rtrokes of pdicj fr I'oiirilialion, and who alwayn went in Muntly for the lient man, whether .few or tlentilc. Your pnuuotion wa "a token" of Out. Hwain a amialiility and wjllinc " irm tn imiiji" intnuuly ud hope fur the l't. A a tutor vnu bad not unproved in your "thirii mite" performance s a aluiienl You were au iueflii lent Wuclu-r aud no diae.lplinarlan. Gov. Hwain doped you niij;ht improve a Ailjnni t Pnifiwaor, - txtt in tins he afteraarda a know led god Innm if wofully nlial ik.. Kid you Hiippic, Mr. t'lhd, when yu p-'nned l he atHond pajje of your aildreM, that than were no eye koeti enough to detect ita auppniiions, evaaioua, and ini plielion, and dra thani into daylhlit ( "In IHtttt IiqrpUnl (4 tki Iruun fvt.i JurLnigk. 7 he return nJ'ertJ by uwj'ur ikit t'ry mu, that thf trinity ant- iruiiijHriait tiintUrimiH Ihnmyh tkt limited patrtntyr leSiM the I'airnruty huL, mifht iMgoUtAt e it tkr nUrir of tlUlrr riilmijort in tif Piriilty. The ii4,fUtriitU wit piuHylly iiintr I. iiml I rr4ivJ to luilj my-'l in muftKoa la rWM-tt to the iiutil utia trhm teer thi trmHer mi-jkt rnuire wy m'rrixt. In IHtW aiiuiHti'l a triitter, nn t in Jiimuiry, lWili, mu incited tn tkr lrti Vauy." v Wiu the above "nwiw olferod" thf tme sort Vmir srwtnitM coiioidi ration yonf rolleaifnw f tiutt day mut hve twea rar is atlymmiil that whK h yofi are eredited with having eJiilntul towanln the preaent aetj anil yout dactaratiun Irmei n tu inquini if tlw truv reaav w ( that yf mlKht enter on Ute njoytnt of an atupiex income in the t'nitra Htali revenue office I an Mm Ut hit-It yu held oa with pertinacity tut aeveu or eiipjt mnuthi aftT ftm aaauaiutiua of tlr Hi ideney, and would IM doubt hare held to Ulia day if public attention had not laren called U the fact that you and your family MHaarAioaa war approprialiuK na iude aMakara of the puMie moiieju ' A "fitrloutfh" you called it and wblicd h to he conaidere'd. Xlov. SwainHold lim hittutetf at th tfme'mOI'e frusfeea granted It with alacrity "aa an opemW tfrt rid of yoti, anJ thit yoS T,1J "tui it waa taken aa reainadun. " TIMt aqt ! UovrrMV.nurke4 to yo (amiua- . , . . . . ... . ry wnea Re maereri your to b or ptilAictiii of th Annual Colh-go tta- Uta of public faettBg UtasaxiatlnfC in the -in tlwi tiuuna: swell M or iwe n' civil war. Yaa knew that Uia Cniveraity aa rewwvlcd with disfavor becaaaa the Prwadeot and raculty were suipectol of 1 l: . , . 1 . 1 a .1. I V Mmmv vTOpaaay mw atrtunrW "idsntMnrdtaetnatheqaaitioii f tba jMirnar injiutioaof UiiaaiaUpf linf. I only rraer to the fact of ita et KMnrc and Ha hifniene iu anew uu the presence of a (J. & Ta Assessor woahl aot Ob auxuent be tobjewted among the faculty even If be had beea Profaaant aminau fi abilrtr and team- tag, and 10a had aa right fceJ joureelf nsnu WHea jaw loum vunoi ibwii- aud aa having rsnaaW. Yet yoa did fcal k. aad mtetl aaraad the loot exist. nf grndaw aftaaaat tbeOorernor and foot Uta eoUaagtMa into active though secret lite, aatd uidad war tiaw wlreai.your II- i ' fcariaxt maais aa&iiat, sucial and poraoa ' at ahowkl h avenirnt, aad tha hotin rail iff MHajM uks Ita Mac OB top. 1 IK whoin i Why did VOU not. in Jntttry fMtiH-- !IJ0m-,l,-. alfnlWIf if4nl Uu iruMtim f the l uirfi'ity htttl tnrneit ut tlu- tiling" At wtHiaiyhM dingf Vt hat luipiejjaioii were 1luc atatetnenta Intend"! to convey Mr INad t What doe- thi" wording and Urinin of two acptrntc ! .ir.i together a if IIm-j were one inn tuc aanie, i.K liki' ' You are lltinislel oi tne iiikik-i. m,1 trl v. HI jht II coiiim M-nluiial v urar to IntKehuod I Ari' not xiifotioti oi lalcliiMHl eipialty with nupprowioiiH of truth nmiiud aa violation,, ol the law ol truth I " Si Jitr .ut tvtdti MKvru'a, tt0 n tle iu tMutH tv.l trUliiuf lit amtim the rnnx w-faMtvJUaMN rA railHueyT Kin vai oeoeve una av .lion wlien vou penned h ; t to me ilh all ikhI kIIiIc allowance ftr rtn incmliMe amiiiini f dulliicK and liiinilrteHN on vour p.irt. you iiiiihI aiiow, an you .n, fully awae every body elai- know a, that th rc were able and coiniH-teul men in North Caro lina at thai time, when its ixvuniarv con- lition wan not nlMihuely hiMH'lem. willinir U uii.l.Tliiki- linrL'. of the I iiiverHity and who would have lilted every chair ill it with lienor; and that voiir elevation to ttie 1'renidencv waa a thini' wholly inn. pevted :m it w iia unwelcome to all the true fiH-lldi. of Ihe College; that it waa wholly due lo your own back atair intrigue and plotting. aide) by o rtain collateral prot and pilitieal allianeea, that it waa a thiiijr dune in a corner without due notice to the public, in definiu-e of the oenly ex ptraacd nwolution of the new Hoard of Iruateiw; ami that w hen ajilltiunceil, , . .... ' iitavncy uiloughto cure for I'resident " a man of nation.1T reputation" was openly aaid by prominent nieiulH nito have Us n inserted rvpressly u ''M bide you and your pretensions, whii h wen- well known even before liov SwainV lamented ihvth, aad it w ill forever remain one ih uie iiisgraceiiii chapters tn our accret State history that in the teeth ill this resolution, in the tnce t the niienlv expretiaed diaguat of the honorable lues of your own political party, party partir.au ship, strong in the recent revolution In our State government, was succeasful in ita odious maneuvering, and you were hoisted over the heads of your betters intOsQot Swain's vacant chair, which all men knew vou were rven loss competent to SII mor illy and iiilisllimtually than you were physically.) Your rlrst elevation in life you owed t your owu liennatciit urgency and the iiatnmagc of tin v. Swain, exteinleii to yon la'cauae of your eccliauuaticjil .relations. Vour siroud elevation Viru owed aiao to your own perseverance and bi tho batfoa- agxj of Oov. Hidden, citendeil to you l KSnlnf ,.ialc'iWo-.tndi-Tlb which yon stnnd. You d:loro that you have desired a fair ami fulleriticiam of your administration. I do n.rt know that then-has lan any admin istration under your regime worth sM-aking of There ha "been nothing to administer upon:" tint yotwrisjtrrs tnbrtlnv. Swain's successor, and the claims of the men yon have surrounded yourself with to lie the instructors in oor Htat Univorsity hare been the subjeots of "jwt rrUiciM."' I will not say that it has always bofin as "respectful as you would itn to desire. Th.it indeed was not within the bounds of IsiR-ibimy. Kidicule has charvUrijexl some of these artides, and sonic of them have evidiiitly hmi inspired by persons! dislike and contempt for yourself. But all ol thorn have had truth lor tluir founds tion, and an far hVe buen utlorly unan swerablr ; anil many ot llifui have present i d the liest thoughts of the Iwst writers and scholars in the Hute on the all im ik .rf anfIffnecT ofifflirtrrnTitnd Thf traits and acquirements thiU should distinguish men aspiring to nign oiuce u me n.u.i of science and letters. These were .-i. and clear and most forcible appoiils Ui the common sense of our copU) ; limy w re in spired by allectimiate rivartl for the l'ui vcrsity, and they have done gViod. They have kept (siople's eyes open, aatlicy won' intended to. Kidirule is indwd no teat of Intth, nor was it ever known tlmt any enterprise loim lwl in truth and tlie eternal Utaoss of tilings could Ik- injured pcnnu'iicntly by such atbu-ka. Truth entsliMl to earth trill rise ngain, and when you complain thill anonvmous w riters have brought you into disrepute and have w ritten you dnwnynu lo aot are that the admission ts made that yon are what they represent you, -a sh im" ami a f.silure, I assure you, air. it has lee nry i-tiU f tvlimKW and eontlort during the darlt and unwholesome days ol the past two years, to cousidi r the Sn.lis putable fact of your and your colleague's ttttetwitltiMisa for tha work you bad a sinned. If I hmi ever aven any trait, any gift"lK'l.min to yon tliat inilicntol true worth and ability; such as would guatfni let; your flnal triiimplianttUhlihnM-nt as n, '.o.iLiJnl head f a ifreat L'uiver- aity atomht haro disipaieed long since of any atteront t' unseat yo. inie meni will, in tin- long run, assert iUrU nnu uie nviTsi. of this is tspnmy irue. With what face can you presume to hiy .,-rr f:dl in at tlie diair of " ai-andat and misruususcntatioa," whew out of say W) Trustees all of Tour own political party but one or two have ever sent a son to you I whim aU Ui nionicd ollioea of ttie State Have neeai n nf wauua ry" iVkaLls and vet at no time have you iZr had mora than 13 or IS youths from abroad, and ttwsa certaiBly .cauie irota no veal il for tliev cameavowesiiy il,i- iviiiM tvsiw 1 Ita. ITtuu had had tha eonnaence ana respw-v even pollticistia, would a few hitter totalis in the papers navs preveuicu uicw sAtstaitiW rem t Did ot your ospKial -reroil siid ' rntt ffrat bef CIIBtlwniM, aenrarrwpeirry ott- ilie swipey" Tfswiw v.k.altsi uut iutauuren ot UK nuiie ty, they should be mrnfmua w i- -s d ahould be taxed for the benefit of the fvr and ignorant etaaaea waa wonm come here a inesr ' not Judge Rodman oa Uie otner nanu re buke this mad utterance by saying ttiat ika ji. tkji Uaieerntr atnoe could restore It and to the adncatod classes it aoat look fair radfaraitioa and aupportt ' -- ' those who are impuisuaa so artaaarat. Tha akafta that hare beta aiated at 70s were ao j.k. tril with a keen intention t make job feel bat I anil do foa tbejo ,i to asy that I do aot bsftere one jrf arer waled T" wrraa foM inner of eeoceit and adflahneais The man who, at the ed of tw o auch veari aa joa havs jaat paaaaa Msi-r- L- -i.l mWhsi cemnlauaare, srreyrw. r mff-rtprK" Weed, be r,T " - thi U autiful villaire witherinir into noth mc thmtiirH your I. mrm the iuhntiilalita mt1 tlMllif nilirfiliiUal ii haM at H all th-ir" pre ja-rty or reiiiaiinu in p.ii. riv rm nxn- tniwtrit mn tlie iieiguonring ioiini-y, lor homw rimfl-t, wi nlfiTiiig in the decay of m only nnrki l . you have walked through the atru-ti. uli. n -Ty eye, auve llnweof your tatnilv and political a.iMiate. was turned in vou with Hiim thing rery like hatred and ith uudiauise.l M'ota , you have liccti repyl mlly aulllda'd by your own church Ulrlll Ia n. who Icive refliMol, in iew of t liu Ihins, to hear you pnwh, or to nvovc Uk C"hh uuunmi loan yiai, aud you have at-ll-vd on Ummgh it all, iiiiM.ietruhle, wrapt in a "cold drawn '' iunenaibility. a dinnb rmvlty nf dmit-tJtor, and umlai turlieil pride ot iilai.T the " l'rwhfent of the tlniTeraitv ,i N-rth 1 arollua ' Ihat might well bid .letiance to nil ihe light ur til)ert of am r ridu ub', or rahmtnre. Aa to tin- " ailai4ne" which ynu tell im your eouiia' h rtt.ie.l. you are very welcome to every crumb of audi rianlint. I'he liure atjile-tiieut ot htlcrH from ttna dintinguMhrd i !aiiinte." or Uial "enii- nient clergvman" or tl ther "gallant ex ColdihTate soldier" may aerve to eon aole you in the alwuc. of more Hiilisl.inli.il bikena of tmi-ci-a. Itut oiitKidera miHt U' allowed lo aitiite imn-diiloualv. I'mnle ho hiive their own axm to grind an. apt ' la- profuic of coinptiiiieiit. and von, Mr ihI, in- certaildv old enough lo know w hat am h tribute amount lo. and lo U' a..hanicd to priHlure them ;u e idetice.of public sentiment or approval of you and your enurac. Homebody ought to tell von that whi n i.hiuia.f your " olniiat(liMu, L. .... .. !. . J.J '..1 lUi tervant, tu- itoM not realty mean that an old aludi nt dn reply to aome soli.ita tion froni vou, or b,vaiiNe he w aiitaliimau fti ;'WftwTi'T en," wtfttwT Voll That f,i' lovm the old Vniversity and desires its liroHM!rity and w ii-lies liis s. -n to gratliuite linre as he did liiniselt. he means aside" that by the time that little Uiy has emwn up it is to be hoped the l iuversity will ls in decent hands once iiion. I 'list have had many letters in the past two years from gentlemen who declare il to lie tlu ir "lixed intention" -to si;ud their sons to tlu-se In-loved halls and grovca to be i du rated, but I should never think of pro during such declarations as endorsement of your " administration." The kenial of your address is contained in your propoaal lo advance $1(I(H) towartls fnsjing the University from debt, if the Alumni and friends w ill come forward and CAintribute the remainder of the sum need ed. This diwa indeed look a little like business. Hare we indued tout hud lait torn at last, and found it firtnt What other Alumnus has offered so much ? In oritur to appreciate this munificence let us examine it. If the Alumni and friends will come Sir ward and pay you three-foartlia of what lM.,iwU,.amkU.T-tb. W dM i as back payments due for your valuable I services -if they by restoring tlie Institu thin to life wilt, raise the value ot real estate in 4"titi-l Hill which you have laen quietly purchasing with tha proceeds of the tax asaessorsiiip, during the present rn-ostrutinn of price, (and some of it at the expense of your neighbors, reduced tn straits by four course) if they will raise its value from alsuit three thousand d's lars for which it would seTT now bi bsi thousand which it would lie worth if the college should prosjMT, if they in short, will kindly put ten or twelve thousand dollars into your pis ki-t. you will gene rously relinquish one thousand to the col lefre I I do not know that It is worth while to iMirsue this topic, or etit irge npin it. !t it stand uiieijuttled in its naked simplicity for North Camliiitans to gt.e at. 'fluty will hardly attempt to allow it In conclusion tolf It'll us " i fill " tion wn.yrti ij'in iMtfJ''jcHM.THL. remier tie Umrertity " You hit quite right. It doi-a not ntve sion Kiirpiie. Noisily who knows ynu lias ever expected von to n-sign You avc at least tentriiv, Mr 1'is.l ; likewn bad's old linn of llic s. i. you will hold on, UIHl So Homing, -trr ytviug tor i ... J--", otid slid uouipoiis ami nnis-rtmnrt proim sions of attacbm! to the I'niversily and the sacred ciuse of islnration. Km ) oil lo know, it is imsw.siblc but Unit yon mast know, that so long as you claim Ui Ik- President, this Institution will remain paralysed, anil so long lip- Is-st interisits of eduction in the Slate will la- hampered and iniured. No amount of exertion on your pari will ever bring students to your side. No amount of indiscriminate flat tory nor honied administration will do it; no amount ol brils-ry, mil oven a free edu cation and "a twenty dollar gold piece al i-oniniciicement bi finish off with, will il it: not even tho offer of tllioti dollars ol I mil debt will do it; nr would an endow ment of lOO.trflOdo it. If you hud studied the pn-'pU V "' native 8lalc a little more closdy,Mr. Pool, you would Icive known thai a 'role. pUyeal aa yours has been woald lieamni play ed out, such props yimrs would si sal ex- ansiieji mini Ullllur you. riiinn ' annnuaus nav w" s" fair (day. they Uke truth, they like hones ty, they li ke lo see a tiuvn stand likes man Muareiy on hisowii is-rtt sptiminx all ig- nobw anil sr;mn entia, an oase auu uii.u-.-hiknd iiK-niis. Lsaik up then, AadXasa your nttanted sesle al.dV' . AJLHAPKI. HIlUl iN AlIU FlUENn OK TH UaiVKUBITY. for the Sentinel CSLKIilUTtON Of "Tim IIKHPK- run sovisry. Thisiti ( oi.i.kok. April 11th, 1871. , if, KlUor .- Tliirtkinil you anil the tu aw from ns oisaaiinvarly.- w wtfr (five yoo aa account of the anniversary cele bration nf the Hesperian Society which came off on Uw 7th. Tlie people coo- its, I hi thfl i '"'f t:iispel al T l wddi-. which was- .bKaaUifmly -lairaiisJiat l twrrl rayfcnljrish.tmrte iTrinitv. The Sakin Band waa in atum dance, and we are underroany ot.ngstions tXffli.Tlirembst ttceltent mn)c tkey gave aa on that occasion. The exercises wen opened by a prayer from Mr. Brant eon, atoMMfist, W. W. Brickell. Jr., was then introduced, who (poke to Uie and ence fbr forty five minutoa, giving them a beautiful and elegant history of the Hcayeriaa Bociety, in laagnaga of oratory that time cannot erase trora the mernorioi of these who heard him, aad Indeed it AMtfl brilliant honor anon the ftoeisrv. that he eulogited. . Kay Hesperia'a banner song float pnmdlyi tn tna pemiraea nreaw of blaratum and fcienoe, and haw to the enontrv though she has a rival and aster Society at this p!aee, he baa aa aoperior. Um. hUioi-v kt abort and sweet First orator, John W. Kaaney, aobject The Influence of Oratory addressed the audience for aouie time In strains that cbsj-setrfiriM tlie young orator, tadead be kandlad the awbiert as a ritaa of aaarh el- ,sartaso nn4 pttharaii ariaada tlsat tan loaip or dec.)., Umiv ahaU.iluHiu- iu vHne a the rtwa-btid of the npni.. Th, ir,l l.m, ,(, kind of inspiration ail re-it pUa.-..ii. and whue.he I It' k led oar fancy .ih a I w.itii i I'll I Mow of tanjnaf hit vvlioic tiioarsi- wat. logtculand tiuufia id iiii rii! !'act Tin- .j..f!ioc for tlebite W:ia, "lhlglt the rirht of milTinge be exteiidi d to wa ni.iii .' " wan debated with much real and neigy on rami aniw, aim was yVv-ulfU d favor of the negative. A 8TI DKNT MftiitrA.vr AUT : Bj eetiwt aul a uaU4T tlf pnUie Jnr lent we publish the following ai ts passed at Ihe laic ataaion of the Ueueral Asaem bly I V A i-T TO 1 It I VI K T1IK !UKTlOJl or Aff(,i.ri.o run ruoxiKs AM) IHJiKfTOR.t .V All. ff)H I'OUAIlthSS IS WIIHII TlltX STATK 11 AH A.V 1STKHKST. Skoion The (lenentl Am-mhy f S'irth titniliiiu ln eiiint. Tint all uower now vin.led ill the tiovernol of the Mtate to apnuiit a proxy or pr,.vii- or Irinv'tom to n-pnsH-nt Ihe interests of the Slate in any mrporation or i oiiiiniy in which the Mule has an interest, be and Ihe same in li. rt by revoked and annulled Ski . Thai Ihe President of the Sen ate ami the HM-aker of Uie House ot Ih-preseiilatiw. ure heri'bv authorized aiid entioi.rec by n piia'r writing aigmvl by them to appoint all proxies and Oircctor vn t erfHnttHrw4n w1tH tne rttatie 'hiik .lfc.-.t.iv.. ..ax f-is: rjKrwfc.'.r " " art are hereby reiiealeil. Itatilieil the Hth day of April, 1H7I. AN ACT TO I'ltOVIDK A CIIKAI' t'n.vTra. MoimiAHK. SrcrioN 1. The lenrr.il AwmUy . K.irth ( '.nJi1,1 i eiuiet. That any ers.ii iii'lrblnl to another in a sum lo Is- ac cured, not exeue.liug at Ills lime of ee cuting the deed herein provided for tin sum i tbris' huiidnd dollars, may exe i ute s tbi-il of trust, in form substaiilially Llial w hii li follows : I, . of the im ity of , in the State of North t'aiolina, am indebted to . of county, in said State, in the sum of dollars, for which he holds my note to Ik- due the day of .. A. I). IS , and lo secure the pay meat of the same, I dli hereby convey to him these arfirloa of personal proiMirty, to wit : Hut on this sKM-ial trust, that if I fail to pay said dcU and interest on or before the - day of , A. I). 18, then he may null said property, or ao much thereof as uiay be necessary, br Dublk mr.raan nrss mm Lhs ooaaHMlaiit waiMe to the f said debt and Inlcrost mi the pay any surplus b me. Uivcn nnucrmy nanu anuscai xius lay of , A. 1). 18 SKA1. I Bkc. . That such deed of trust sli.itt lie good to alf Intents and purposm, wh. i. lbs samu shall be duly registered aci rd hit to the present provisions ol law : ' r itvLd, nsenrtAWrM, the probate fre ill Ihe I'nibatc Judge in such case shall lie only ten cents, and the lecol the llegister snail Im) twenty cents, and no other fee or lax shall Iw doe on aiouiit of the same. Skc. :i. This ai t shall ha ill toroe Ironi ami alb r its ratiH-atioo. Ilutilied the th day of April, 1871. At a mis-ting of Uta Directors ol the igh A (l.iston Hailrond, held in ilrlgh, April llth, 1W71 preaent, Or. W II iwkins, 8. 8. ftyt, Joa. B. B.ib;be I (Ion. Littth). Walbir Clarke and A. M ' -i sj- M. riiorten the following preamble ami resolution were unanimously adopicl : WaKKKaa, Hinee the last meeting of the Uisnl, provblnicc, in Its inscrtitable tlis petisali.uis, na seen nt u remove irom our midst, an highly h mured and estei nusl meiiils-r ol" this I oa I one who. dislm ,1 by tin h gh p isitions he hail held. ind the large w. u he had nned for many us, in the public eye, was not leas emi nent for hi., high la-raonal chanu ter ami ata-ial virtues - who, bml IHHH tlu? nmci as the lirnt President f this road anil h. siibstqiiciitly on Its aorond urgirnmatioti n i allnl on to preside over its weH.'rre who in us varying tor'unes hail Is-en i and lstwerfiil Inend, and to whosdj linaimal iibibty and nnening jurtguiciit the rond is Indebted for much of its sub siouent and present success the late In uieiited (list. Yv. Mor.lisai; llf,inni. That v hile we Invar in sul mission to the will of film wtio dts-in a things wisely, wc cannot hut feel that tlift State has halt an honorable snd.au u'fl man ; Uiis Ihoirtl one who waa at nnov I maineiit ami ita friend ; the poor, whose hand was never withheld in the hone of asKMuityi sm1 his Wdjr. iHil .. I..U,, ,t..e e,.n never lie snnnlHsl. in a the vanoiia reliitioHS of life he sudaineij charai-ter for inbgiity which was neve iiiestiouetl and a reputation lor amiu which was la-yond dtiute, and Bill equalled by tlte .miassuming iiWHlesty inanuer ami kimtucas oinea irt whirll ruft.li. his name tlie synony myid of gisai and his life a nnslel for imft .tion. I J.ort we can anv of him the moat tha oil I sabl of man, that ne posetnaci Limnd hmd and goial heart lUautoed. -That a cony or tnese trmn tion be transmitted to the widow of tli deswased. w4tb-Ui asaurane -of sdiaiitaldaaurJk ol Una, etaMrteasiie. mm f" .;" ,... . K.-....rourage tlie wrong doers, I deny Uial .vmpath, with her i thU her bercdf-- ,,xX ment lAsautsai. That in respect to the ment, r .i.a .1,.1 will We iinflllrJ the scarier caused hr the death of hii . 1,1 -r , ... 1 tirrliait srnrngTsfr snrtyarrttwilrhThtl' fullTITeff the d of lea W a IWroitorTll in li W, That the iwduoM sprnaJ uaauasoiia- l to the osikts of Uiis city. ith a reqaoa fisr publication. ' lletoUed, That aa a further testimaay a rasped, thia Buard do bow adjourn. W. W. VA8S, hecrotary. The BcnTtKKL sretns to think that M canae the legislature did rae a simple aJ nf justice I atxmkl tarn Democrat, svi c., not It mistaken m tne atan. i tee's Card. ., t It is a mkstaka ia "Tin" to venture if an violent, a supposition oa our behel Tun ia a asdistwsas, and is just aa Bear aa se duaire htm erey to be. There ia a beantifal girt Urine nel Montreal arhd, antwithstanding tha fcj tliat she ban lost both hV aDore hi knees, kaa esoeired oyer a doaea titter ayurisj. t ,., ,:. ': I-.- . I 1 1 uPKKt'H or ( A-r ( f&jtrrwmtaftnv, .S.afM,Wri!ft Aprl IW., IH7I, mm tkt klurAmtnt fik Kur1,i-1 h AmrMfhnttt Ur. W44lrl. II nuirt, Mr fM-akrr. I rtw t. hh ix'1-f.M-iiu.iU'f tf a ihtv1 ttiiftl d-itv t. mv 110 Ihw L4Ul. And it ts fi.ruiti.itr- ntr I ain culled to tin 1 dv, bivaav- very rvfentlw In nothf,r pltt e. mtntifr .f h r 4iU tlrt-n, ItytrurfU. wttti lu r (w.n-.r aii1 her rtttrta HllUvrtt, H ftenikm-l aiHiii bt-r titiftttwt wnMt UtWfrw, hw tH'tmvcd hi tiuH Hit, In tlif irrtiuliiiil rtnir nf U. KtHimn tliwv r vUKu iud for the MmUhnn nt tif jnrTVi. bivHf li wu ronctdftvd mn mti4tU- rimt. TUt vtittaturtvt tHug o cnlil Mmy (tUHtt wr MwUrf emaWtwrirl ouuide of Ihvnmtrr tki f4r.HHtititv in -p.OtT. WHt-M (w mi4 of Uie AyMTtrun vitkwm who, wliwj hw tntAhr r Utet! (iiUiuiti.'ft, iiMaraM. I-,t tn thf hUt'try ihi fxiufitv, whun &hr HtrfU-linn hit IHi itinv arm ami utU-r hr iinillng- oirv U hi tit u id kiitd rft-lYmt her, not milv Itinm t tKnf nr U htT t ry, hut rttu ttttctiiio the wtllltii itu b'ir ilffmu.Tr AMilftt'-tjvulit-r- ; 'n .tilv ittmid b i-oii-H-iiliiti. iiuU li.r tl.'.tli, Int. mi) hi in If iv.- Ihf HimI wink in fl,T h.mttr .tuft h. r Itft? Hir, mi. h rtiiir-j trr Ihut 11(1) ik'rr1WJ in id.- l.tiniliix Uuxu lv of the imh t wlri..t.r In liirttl riitHiit srv Iut mMu till thr'tft It amr.t i0 I'li.ltttiilitwl thfy tivi', if th v hnti,' n4 lltt ir rinNi ; Aud Um- ton-h II... I wi.ultt Hjrhi ihiru llir.' dl nil' wmv Mdrtt iN'rniinfti fr-Mit tin- Hr wtirr thrtr ctuiii try fv-titit " Mr Hjiralxfr, tl rnjtrht not W t.H'niti- o tin ptvjiitlirr of thf ISUlf ntnutdifuly itd n-U-t HI tlir IttrtlnUiMi (Ntiitftiijttgtrd Ii.tv (hut )u r Krprva.HMUtives Imvv thftTrvtl tt olhcn. unit iv. yl.i.it'J t tbnn all tin' Curh.T Imirrx ..f Uii Hutla u rourjH' t,ynuh hwwwm1 wtth ar ii-rinit;s. sun I Trunk .tnH'Wli.it rtmr I Kn 0 d., jmUre either lo the sul.Je, I or I,, buusrlf shall not tlisetiss H le, h. r.m.titil spun tne nil. k, si euuses whl.-l. an. anp (MsV.IU, Justify It, pirllrlilaHy ita lourhhii; mv awn MUll!. In IU etfu-U Hie hill . nstensPUy Mi be of universal npphrstion, hut the lelutU aos devi'loix-d Uis fact. If H was not sir, ,lv too nn. Uial It ts intip-lr J iHptv si-heme, thl ..ierail.,11 ,.r wliir'i i., Ii,t..ii,1, Ui K eonlllle.l to Utst sr1ion ,lf lite ronntrr wlitrh ireulh sstai tale p.trtieular pleasure In dislekitt,ig a 'tlie iiisiinei-llousrv rttstrs " tl is hi tu.llrl aietit -liriilast Uieui, fonivhsl iism voitmiiuous urat-ssy leslltuony. slid U.e nitHus-ntors li.vs. snrorlinuitrly, I think, for tlte sa.- of tlie ,-ountiy, .reseittiit tlnttr srir umiHl , t.. IIh- Uouse, ii.tl in tliu t slm spirit wl,b ti should tharartetixe the dlsrlissiou of s sol.jec. sn vast sun tar -reai n in t, nui rainer in me iiunis-r of Uie hitisl purllsati. Now. sir, I shall nntfol or this rvaill lr. I am not of Uist polHleiil 'einjter-ainent anil never was, and 11 la grstttvlUL V. in,' UI fe. I thai there sre irrnUemcii on tho othir side alio snow uis lael My rru-n I, Ihrlt nm-attie gen Ueiueu fr,.in ri-nnsylvsius Mr. KKU.Rv.to vnose uisnlysild KaiM.i!tiMmdu-l I sin . hirf ly Indrl.Ud for mv urmiiDt sriinuinn to tin, ssst i uei upy, a friendly r-rvk-e for which I wish bi make tilts liulilis sekiuiwlMtimiei.c knows lint ever since the temilnsttnnoF llm Isle war mt ettoria havs rw diisssu.J ui Um prumoUoa of peace, Insure, and (nod order In n aaUve Btste : he knoas tint as eartv as tlw auiainer of an.V krtSBs.sbs n i iyi a tu.;- ' "..ttiorUy ot Uioss who are now ErynvJ'sViftflHlal.s were arrahl to ailvoeatr llial titesAiiri. I, alone and In ie fai nf a pn Ik optuiou of which evrn he hail srsre, fy a Jusl sma-eelsUiMi, ntatle s pultlk- steia.i in hit favor, ror Uiis reason I hsve Imped tltst whatd may say In reirtr.1 to the t'on.litiou of stfatrs hi Nta-lli Csrollna would la- sretplcd hy him snd iwlirrs si st lesst frue from iu)srevesentatiiai and iiutlue p'rlii.tlce. kr. KK1.I.KY Will the gmtlcaian allow me a inotiientli Mr W ADDR1X. Certainly. Mr KKl.l.RT I wish tub'silfy Uithetmai of what the grutleinsn has stiiUsl. Mr. WMlDK.l.L. I hiat Uils will n he taken out uf my time. Mr K KU.KV. I do ft out nf the eraUlmte 1 have home lihn from tlusie early dsy fin-an argument In tshatf nf tha iqipresseil rsee, lii.it woukl liave done rnsiit lo iiny, Uie idimI entiiuslsslie, northern man. Mr WlllllKLl. Itlsrrstefnl to my led biesto hear those things, not I hsve uot lime tn yield further. 1 lisvti Voted, Mr-jftrs-sker, on every oecaaitni f.a- uu InvesiiiratiiHl Into these slh-irrn ontrsirss In my state, not !trane 1 believed tn lire m 'k W1 n, ,.,,, esslly nr ill Ihe power nf I .ingress to snst est nun trnn'l liirr. ih ..nrestpi-. l na was iiniMiiuig lo ; , e ihe sligtitesl rminid f r the suspicion that either I or rm itlier I or mi eonsl.t.ie t were sieisi. lo mr msi ntim uivesiignii which eotild I bistltnliil Inoi the i, t-t-i. rrimes wlitehsre laid at nor d.strs ; and at'e I was sppnlnuHl on theiiimmttOe uf thirt.vit. 1 trteil, on Ihrre difft rellt iierst.,is, to f-l tie ll.sr lu order that I might ssk tn he .-Vhi.. .! from serving, Ivealtse I d'slied tfl seii .Itiui roroillllUv eonqsisrll eyrlllsb'Hy ,f K,s;,t.r.itf.i fnun tlie ii'rth.ru States. W is wiilin-i t..i an investigation, Imm's is I im ssiiiiet tire when the whnV iruth is known, Uie people i, tlir North will lsgin bi nuderstsnd smnr of tin- grlevons lutrdens wtihh Ihe ls-..ple nt N.lrlTi Can.llns hat r lavn eonns-ll.-il to Itesi and w.hii-h they haV' Ixmie In s m,ni-..-r ils.t jitsultes me In snying thai If In yhsnsliltle patlritre It im alirlbiitc of llisl they have en iillMl,.i al h at one I In hi' .i titlity 1 tin Hot diMiy that rrillli-s liave jsten rotiindt ted 111 North Carolina I do not deny that In s s aall s.rlioii of the Slate rainiis of disgiiiscd ns'ii have riolaled tlie erlmlnsl taws - of lite Hlste. Althuugli without personal Imowtisle ihi tlie sattjeet the published trstiuiiwiy sslls lies me thst sn.-h hss heen the esse, just as I am satisfied that sttuilsrontrsgcs hsveneenrmt, snd are dally oeeurrtng, 1ft Uh- ntsla-s nf Uie North snd NorthsreeV Ihe nnly illffi-renee he lug thst Uie Kuklnx of the loiHli wore dla guisea, wlilrh Ta-cventnt reeiignltion and eon sequent mnlshment while Uiose ofHhe North nsiiuilt Utelr crtutes awhsgtused. sad In iqs-n dsy. Mr. K1.PKIIH1R. IwlshtoeslltliegefiUe nisn's sttrutka) to the fact that In lows the rt-rfrMwias'sse weal Inbra sssl uttVe Uiere, tak nut tlie postmaster and lashed Idai. Mr. WADDKl.L. Yes, sir; wen dlsgaiad with masks. Mr. KLUKIlXiK. Accordiu. to Hit alk-gJtd Kuklnx plan. Mr. WADDRIX." 1 d..noUna is- pslllatr Ussse idrsnsrs, nor do myN-iaisUttusiU ; slid I do not InUaid to be fiiercd ViW any such asn Uon t.y gentlemea who spts-sr La ia unatdeia nawlUtar to dlsUsarntsli laawesa ifsailiun bi uiijiist snd aiK.sastlluU.aiai legUaihvn and svnriaiUir with the crimes ta Um sua usssns of whjrk thai byislaUon Is dlnntoid. lint Mle I admit that crime have beoa eommllted snd thst from various esuSi's the psftaitratars nf theia hsva escaped pantshraent 1 an meat empkatieaiijr aeay mat Um pooi-. nr any ran una of Uis laws, titate ia- federal I denr last Uie proprrty o Uvea af Inrsl nee f which often saeaiis lkieasad thieves) srerad safe down o.um. ..S I .---.I II.., Ik. ,OHw Llal&ieax.amTfcTfHiil tf tttl WttimlJLtN.limff .Bffll Tef hWtfH. slMiiie. s hlscS that chan-tad would nisUs whits iaaril aa hMTma' 5 in ssfi-ty, afia.e in5.J: AdaitlUnr slltliat can Jnrtly and truthfully! sram mrwwTTr; qiTe, 1 assert Tliat Tn ti. 1 Bute af Uiis Unkm l then w or hss Us-re beea tesscrtmss of say kind thsa la the Stale of North Carolina. I s.H that a awa-e quk-t. neaissahte, and taw-slNUltir nssade than bar 1-iUseos. 4" aotJhta saj sarUiBjot ev otxrjtt.--Imr Uiat (svond land wateri was hiessed by the aaUvtty arut ana rebdeus hi the existence of the gentleman from Ma aachnaVtts. MHi tfcey ks Ussa pUkaied' iMtfure the world sa a aVelrtllsad com inanity, at widen social rtisos prsvaUed; the Slats has keen ssrin-arnted s nmffl which lee genlas of iamtr hetd Mirk caniival, as an aocarssal laod uf saiilaws aad ans, ia wkka tbees ass no pruturUias for Hta, Unarty, or invparty, sad apon a bU-h Uw Iraa hand of military power auat as kid to re dare It tn onlrr sad issues I t . We, bar Hersrr..taUralan this Hoar, have sat qatrUy sod usteaed ta the desntaeiatlons of ear peonU hy sentleina who have ao ethaw soMiniti4 with these Ihsnsacsias they have aTsluared frora tl.eir alandi lsis sail Umdueeva, anUI we wnahl have bsaai lost ia smaseateat eseeiyt fia- Iha fact thai no elle of arransnst saw Mssa ttsstsT asswiaSWy eaa aarrsise aa. We km aohvUar awsde la sn Is genUeaHai oa Use other ua tralia aaftanlla, aa atass ,. I '' - 1 . I I I -L -' .... .- i.i,. r. It.. MSI Ut.lllKsl I.. r'i il.-iillil,. ...i,o ..f filHirtV Wtv tkUtitil i.a. lllO lit .U...IIIUI...1 1 im-ir mm m,.j mil. I sill I Mils, HI loKbule.i i.i;iiali.,u i mi., 1,1, , 1 I,,, u,r, 1U ulllouh ... . ! a .nxilMMH Kaill, :, mImIio hurelufori. mauoHH in h,i oHi,lr, .iIuhmi,. sun, iii nv ysoeriy, .i,ui,lrr. il an; op,,.! .1 sou u-ui(.;h., ui-iiiuiiy ,,ti, elouKii; I,, i sot"- Ual III, ir .-..im', , ui.. m ,, , ,(,, MMike, .imI lv.u,r.. 1.. Mm r riiilils 1 wtua.sH-ruie lo vvu 111 s In aonU Uw trn, uouiuoil ui vim s,.i ol Hmtti 1 ,m,Ii,,h sio-r uie war, ami un ir , v.si. i,. ,,, .. y. msilllie eonirol ol "Hie parly of pioijie and e"'wi moral ions, atxl I ill u. t mai usi (sirly lit lu. ti,.i.,n of ihiauiry ever au sim-s sn Oynsiri'lully U Hirpeluattl us pow.w b, intreuiuiius M.lf is lornt nanregiut tar llina, saslim fauii ever so albTll astsOs. "rHl aM.so.isMMnsl-uas.1 with vsmiiism ute a-rvat ilrauwlt. liku a strong asaa eihanalsal try fevar, Iks (Male y I'ronnue ana nsuksss 1 sit at I not insult lilt) pih-liuan- ot Umi House by dwalblU! on ''"" siuiuuiim anuiniiallon ur lhenUn aisr sysiem or aiHtimtrr at s shiifle htuw i "'-Ml I harrow ilivtisu furliwt by s m-iliil Hnwr,lnwu aiiiutiiaiMiiis ui ahh-n our iruHe were ulltiHTU il. Sultlev II to say llutl ue piWKWil a i.HsillRIO Whuil BrluSHdr. ti nin uie esprnim iit of scMve ehantv. st k asl uie ,rit ii.no rxi,i,,ain f is 1,11 ftirtli.a- moles 1 " hail i i()(.l a lilt all tin! was vipiireu ui ua iii nv itn liovemiiient, sud only leatn-u ui reuiuiu, as hist Uii v mlalil. theft aitsle iibu'.w. The t.uhlie J. l.i ,.l prtui lil and interest, ass alsmt seveht.s n iMillluii dollars sa lunn, nisi suui lo poop. .,, Inii,ilil a. Unj Well, .ir, w illi..itt e.Miui furtliKr InUi neulls Uil w out xM.lithiii sit. It "tlir arty jof tri al moral ideas " Ustk possession Tswv pna-laliued their inU-iitSsi h, l shile otda ling tlie tsiha-inl nse,,, innngiirale a new era f reform in sll other mqavte an nlertrls, f.n- his irtlelulioii 111 s hleti, one of u. ti, a hKisatrs declsrt;d last his luuno would do nr nrMi i?i craimr. a Cl sevier hi nv sntives irr graitnr. t'ehrio Ji, i in.) KH.K rhara-r .tl all the del wrUnrnts of jatlUnaJ nvnU-iu wUkvh HimI itMmn vnucriiM". Alll il Whlcll Ulf tH-O'tk- Wt'PP VllaW'tMt(l. r-. n tltM-,4t4tiiic In nfsiritikf (m'.iv fvvfiijcas ui i.h ttiuliifdM rAitifUsK U.t mtiHiv tif hnvfliitl. (lcnWl. ; H.ier tltwtmvtiii. ( HittU- I'tiW- r Nily wiUmui eulwaiulinH mi. tliri' m t !,, Hid mlUnr uiitH MiH.l.ir n;t,intiutrirai, thrv in TotiMM. UiufiUtf UftH al Hitflv iMwtmti in tlu iMamrttrUbk Uaiitt of :(fi,iii(,(itiii fnr ihtt nr hhw- wf tm i kiln 4 mllfiifHlet mul nlt4itf n-mre- Ktuinnibf. ki MM iH futiiKiii ..f trv tMar-rtMHtt In Uw fiiinUrf, miLIi pc4i.uut Ui row u in, ft WsjinMUf' f. im-, .H..,,-rMi( tbs juiUi sum- expoutliLiiiv of .Ji,UM Toil million of thi-,,, i,l U,i1hm; Ihh'm tUw Uivtl tin t 'msUtMtlMseV. bjr the nijruit riMtii, them m.w "till Uft nml now Uhi1 d. U itf liV(Mi,um No mlirtNM. hn uv.tt Imtlt, ktuti Utti ihobuV wm iimni bv Ion! Kt-MUiHUftB muhmI I.HliclMd, from lVimMyiFftnU.auil m nb rpriiiic nmivr tuaiuoil Hwrr.ii mtUv 1 tkviw-kt- m bunaruut WiftDODft.il. LrOjfftJ Lwuw U4 ltm ownd U.rtHirli i out lav HUt, in with LUti uoloivti Hiffitvti.fi wvn iU'tl U(f(Uir kii mAid mm unUrr CMith In opftajftiUoti to Uia outivtj wttiW ttad luv iTftrUial toafhlnt. of ihim irn niiM, .im. mm tiwl Ut lUt boi 4 be kttpt down, l b emp aa aawaaaaaa, ItaMnial -M 1aftt3TWW1ft. W pMiUrft of whk mmvUmm Wftp d--flrtteft, od twirnxiwigft were m9if4 mmlj tb prm-Uift 4f my tnrfiiwtiHi 1 wiw pfvwuCh court onc wtir ft vy n4 vm wan uUBn Ut. Ul )WMtt.Vll.llif WllllC-at, WHO WftN Ulf victim, Wautu )or ftlltiri"! mH, wliooKhtttlwrd bm ftcani ftii4 UW tliv pitiful fttorv of how, wlittt) -iUln hy hit liuiultk lit-arlU, fn Um twi igh of ftnauUiiuii evrnliic, iw baHl btn arts d. etiitiuttW4 frota tn Iioum" I lite ituuhr. ind Uifc vru'lly lltvn ! ly thrtw of Ui B)tUlr llicv wtiro r4l rod ueiacUtiora. Hint tn ftiiHWur t hi doiatuu.1 whf h tu tmUuRrsJ UifT toM Itia UmI Ut Um Uvt Ht home oti Uie tUy M ItutliktMl til'kt. Til trllllt'UaJ, M 1 fiirM.Kl, tn(..(v Um ( ttiiiilMiuK nirirUW tiit Umy htail tUnn UK' Ut J Hi'tli r iivtUVirUiHiii rit'i UW tieltttf "I Ul ls4IVUl lrlM.ru.' KIT Mlstt CtfUlHJf TkoM mv rj irit'tl by a wtiit'i Jury, - Umtvd n UuttMc-m Ju,l Ui Uie iuiitt--a liry, and duljr Miitwiird out hy Ute littubH i itovaiMMtr, Mr. Ilokkn, HiUaUaaT tlt liriTIM i ItHlH 4m - In oltttTr MrU of Uw BUI e"t Uiftt Kei.i'rulJ.v it waiUi uoui'h ri.ntrt iiuiiutl up r Ut wtfr nr dftulittt r iitMunu , tout, nil(iit lmv brtin KKpttfUHl. Mtill.illH - iM'i'UfTi'it, :1M1 tlttju it wftft Unit tl.o- (I. iU)MU.tt crtitHn . r' FniDiiltmt, csfai n ti..'!; I U if'iiiM-.' a vM tjr.' tv im bU1 iiiftii 111 tJie ChlU". HititH; rtmi - Tifcft t TITO 'tlrrjTpT" TTT "trxjTrW tlXf "tnTTrrTTT,Hlri''' I'laici ill Noi U CstiiM.iia. uutl w li!. li haii ntri U-i-U t-'XIbU UMIKt-ti, im 1 fnr 4 1 kll". -iti ittf. nl in ii in iti'- ;l- t Iu v iM.l Ujl.l Ul l.t ulu .llli ai-I of tl.' nlir J b;iv Nil I ii ilui'i: iImjuI the Ut.lscrlb', druuki h, ;uil (in l l.'ni "ti iiw'i cunii ' jVL i U-t tlftVi' hi't'H fulrllti till Ul-M ,J"'tf, fcUltl ll II" fCU'J-d 111-' Ihum h, ftlld wtll thf efi.iiu: iV i.rfi lii ft U If iifilnT jiidi lilr. I llat'l' Hltt lil lllMUH-tl tic a Ir !( l.tH-rll'tr H-tl-i-lt ill ItMfH't tlini II I Mi t ''tl liirt (.', H'hi Kirk m.il Hjt' H. itiU UifttiHir, m Mh in l ' iii..-. .t )!('. iliHiin m-(i4-.(, in. I tMitri- utti ii; i-, for bi tt to- i4hIn.w'H nut" in tl c tiu-U'it, kud h uinMil ir- ui Oi'r. 1 I ltli ihi iJiim- tlin.f, fr I wifii to its i.l tii "IVmim r ol tint ml ui in-rW4' littiiiit i" t Krtr i-xpn .fioii uto i-ii. iKliUfiiti li. lliiilUri, mi,.. It II.. Ir M:;.' 1 Will ftilltVdt' ta Ofltf BMtUV, ftJWt til dolflK Ml 1 1mM J t"-full nvml Uie mprU.b of tbbi Osi-autioBs, it bH Uwhi iiitftwrted ltu.1 th hfrrhtUwUr of thf vowavrdlr rriiua m-rt rrnfit-rftt ftotdlfni, who Bibzbt hr tfirtl tV irnui bad court iiwrUatl for viiatilor of Uiair kkvrok jhI boL Mr. Hpwker, 'hr Mttjr vl Amtm of Owl fmil In Um ftlatUrnwmt if a 4t taitrmeii rhitw, Umt bf "uoionwl" It w (h, iMvauru aJiuiHit pv.-ry uttitt tn Um (fiuntrv bad bu.lB army. kUr, Uib ta ibr tiHMt vruri aiftrukf which ha yrt brtfi bui rtr4iacinait ft IPUMIll IIMa. n llftUf ? uh otmi HUT- tftiufld in reKftrd to UV rHtatttftltty of th ftmiU ra pooptu t Vfttnrttf r f Miir b nvwlv ad a dilJ'teiit poltisU al ediMUon J au4t u-oii aud use tturbl will Uiuuh to wrmm Utt aJW jrt Uo Um4 Uw aotdh-Tft who fovirhi twr j-vt ftkTftiiMt ovwb4-lttiw; wtdv and o ttriHtfttilly tUaiAtrntrd tbti aitrturi .joniilif-ft uf Uit Amvi mu p. "pl- ftr ft ftti ol Aulkmit Md rowaritl v awa.iinbiwW. No, 4r, wlmUtvcr ! yoa as ay nay about Uiva, you caitnoi ntW Uiat Utwt wiUi oot aiakioK vutmatrtf rrtn- ulmift. Mid no one of tbe Utotuaiwda of Cibuit KodmU aoldlr who HWt Uln Wht1 UlU IMClllftRIlt ftlMKlfc ItTMatth Uie Utuodmif ftrtlllitry aud Uie trawl of anid will vr an dbafrwa blntwlf and dilionor him owa cuiunidM aa to apak tbai alaftder-Mw word, Tbet y wr crattwd, air, aad nttttrnrd with Idiwdlntr hmfl aad tattmid nrmfftiUUi dtwdatoil bofMM, tfwt, tlwik id, air, Uvy kept Uxtlr pltgoukd fftiut, aud their hrbor b niaUa.id. v Ji w Mtr jtmtit9, "9fyf'nihtf WH air" Vr c-KikWftU-.ri4 i vtah Vu otter njy auk mn riMtwi airviiMit itavpar.ftftfa, not nnerry tarftami will atfrvit tha people wliom 1 ifnajt?nt, bat aa an Amriraii rlUapn, wao, rtpirdlcaa of your hirmhilHy aUlt lovtw liLanttujtrr and arnet ly afrm ta irtxmtoui br pwy ropfrit s sentiment uf re?eia.y. ,e ! w j a ; in eor ..I'mttiMTX .1 men: It, Ilka aaiosoi tat i14. Uiey wished to selws la a svanmiai rwa. i.knww no way m- aha-h tlktl sent.iueut r.,uld ta more swlftlv wsnnTv"jpSiatoSf Q.in tif Tne iassa(fe o? ff ds MM. f ass It and yon tear down Uis hurt col uhsn iss whk k rerts Um Mill fair bat dtuflrured Uwauleof Amerh-an lllwrtv. Haaa it, aod by eoeorresaltsasl rwswtroe.il too will have estah- Jisijed an slsvilnts dssrsSJinn. nut over the Boaw atone, but v Uu whole eountry. Pass It, seat the whola power of Oils irovornnatnt will he m thw hands of one. whose hands never rebut their erssp on anvthlnf that Is pnt kite tftesa. And tana yoa wit) see that of whn-a roa have now bat a Kllmiw ; then y.m wilt mn.s n sew row nsaninsH fwiwraa aner nis will aad teare htsBaiatora" not lo oppose hki sebewwa of aa-MTwadisBiaaat. , if gnaUssssu will aet llslea tn the protest M Uw people of Um sonlhtra Mates aawlnst this rank asarpalksa, bseaess Uisy are areua low, to dUrstrard aorswls f rasa that quarter, hw,4hes S4 least, far their earn sake and that mt Uvar rhlhlraa, whose rhrhte end Hweetim ass kn part lad, eeaas Uus vfukat, aneenattta sUMst, and revatatsnnary lnrtslaUow4 aldrh rsa krSasrawly H wpso hke euantry, the wtoss eusurtryifurUwaMnaiustheaelark tool wise eaessut ase that, ksevwstrniUMdawpualtl' as Uiatt Um oeeratiiM of this (all let UM sosta araauOea, It nUl teavllalsvaad kMBurauly ax- r - , .. .' aw n ansny inf. new e .nteiktij, I ... , , , ,,- ,-Miuottiitt.wy yvr-li.nsl-Ais ' In whirl, ii,l , ...,.o.. ..:.....! I , r.,,,HaMIW lUIIHAS- si" ' ti,l nisi I Uul It re to ilny tn, s.i B-, , .e lm,.k ,.Y ,,. h h lir,,U!fN Uh-l..ltr .sli .sof a lh a.1 sej, lo aril lUuir im.., 1 ,,u. hrnhren l, have ,( nruelMst II . -inns, ,,( hal as alia Uioin lu Ss iv- .it aeil lo srnst l f,,..,, JRl 's s.ll ,,Hh lit,-,,. If u.v It.-ed the w..mble, '"' ' ' "" "l isrusl , Uh,,, l.ltlt.l tniiit l, tnlrflltrixttoi.of ,,l,it.al.l.i l,it deslh. we Wl)l st leartltavelJie ssltsfa.,U HI In . tia "'' Um i shiiuiUes wbhli sural v await Hit in are m no wute , n,n.. .il.l. i.. ... I ,lo mil itnaht that sww gei.ncaen m the oUt i- side really lailieye sll ihe horrible .orb-s slii.h have Nan I. ,1,1 Uisiii lii mtarj l4) t)lc .saHlitkat of arfain, In iiuokJDitiaa aad iliro,lai.,.ui u.e rsKiUt. and are iic. relv Zn. ho-. k ease Uss tswgU tWHlltllHWlvI reawl u ae..H f Uwl ,..rlsJ yt Ml ,,. try as siaul harbaruihs, m,l slaivtiau4v A.Wui hum.ni omeoS, to lend . wlm.ir "ir tu, dlsinxliUlUle report iSHiH-niin, Unau i not, ("rhsjsi, exlravsg.,,1 UisaylhaL uma.i,. toustv it may be, Ui. y sre jnsi Uie least li t jreju.Ured on U.l. sul.j.vl. tint 1 .tw4 l lll. in. Holailhstaurtlni; this, a witlhignrss If U S s desire, lo do jilstirc " lo Uioai- teiilb tiHiiever slndy the slluath.a "four people t.v the tl-ht f I, .....I rxiwrhsK-e of otln-r nailiaisj Wtlh'Uielr tv.ll '" ' """." ' eliai s. ter, oiltfl.1 U . t hut,, rvprelrd even worse Ihln .l.irl., n. (Slsl sly veins than their oa it i red uUl.i has Is i n .. ",,, ,,,. .., , Ueuioralioitioa ,I11IH, I rlori anil ,,i,Ii.,i..J for Iheui, tha they ...ii d. (.L La.nin.i. .. .Ml. Kill . try lo l.rtlu an ,- , ,, ,,r J ordi r. snd roiih titniri,!. t.. u uHh ea.rlij -. a-. rvKUueui) ill.-i;ajille.l. sud the whole land lii tears, did il,.! rnibnUK i, uui.1 to . igw snd Ui. sliauircd wlie.is.if l.s-al iro e iniiei.i I., tu,.,. ...... i.. ti,.,.i..l, 1 O... 1. . ..a , And yl, sir, hss noi tlio reeuta.nuivs etwnrv ,'liHktttaatii .Mm AuatW at.,asksa.' s- ... ,,- ,.,. ot ii-itnrsiiri bi,.i v tsf lW Hiii lion l.. whirl, 1IM. lo utl.iL. i.i.J Ihe liuti.lmrlws e.il. i. 3h tM4yiiiU.'iisuiii , ne hlel, , ralsi-u, snd (he .ddlttuaal l Ul.,1 lle-re Una a, .n ... .,,,,,.1 a.,v... . . uf ihe .ilh. r Industries of uw eounlry, mi nver ltlN.litKsli(uusnl to itlrpn,.. Uariisuaiis; ..f i.-h a slats nf litn.ni, as lias ta-en reivemni I t here Av. sir: mi summit n k.... tusUatoiir Klven ly tete rosiest wMiusbss as le . ... . ., ,t ... K.-. ,,u ,ns.,r,ier lliniiii.hms tiiers.iiiii ean stand a inmiieut airaliisl aavh Im-Is as IJiesu, llu.y ass tlie most emirrlnf Iinra-arhed. Now, Mr. H)K-.ikrr, 1 slull Urliur my remarlu. U, . , ,, sriJln d K at, f d,.. , "Jl" niyw-lf hi irsuUeuirii l,u ai.Mt.a.ipla voUiik for tliU mussura. The pwople f Uunr nktU v-i ' seaim hi usi. ptiware Ir r "i iswiy tn rets lllan," iwople whom Kt-iltlemeii al.ll .n,.. i.TT. nollllliste '-nils-Is" Lifc.ttA, Sltlll vr.r Ht ns..T are uulie srcustuimd ui milttiry ruts, Uie sus Ilka. Ills no new Ihlnr to UiemT bsd sstd iTi?..'! '" " U,.A;' eivuusu., a "is siM auen civil irn- eniiiienh which hsve existed at Uioss atatea. f. J"i"f' ."K" to sta-ure Uw Messlus i4 Uisl kind nf irovertinient la so ureal that visa esjimH he hsinw unlll It hi Mi.i.ii.i ' ' I where UinnuitKnt Uia enotitrv, iairlwiai aaast. I. Z",T.bI! "PerteiHsod IW ULuaes " - - "r -7 semsa aa tn nrdar to istrry esaetloas and to part j 1 powr, you shall have anUvaraa twor y.our consUluents, ismnd IuohI aad foot,Ui Um uien-y of a military desad, ynu eanuot turn yoitr fHch1enil asse Uiwaniumse upon whoM yoa lv a toes: eeesi aeenslowiisl lo lay yaw-' bunleiw, and late apoe their bowse. Beads Uikt last load of cruaa and folly. . , . t Matiiiikd. yVeoopy Uw folio wiujr. from the Atlanta (Ua.,) Wililss of II as litis iust. We rmild add nothing lYey.m we lhoulit il neeeasary. Tlie nollrv ia hsailed: "Atlanta aiaiut to lose oaeoflisr fairest daughters," and is as follows: ;- We have rreelveil an lllvltittion to at tend, In irW-lil, ae-fnilf bast seven dVliak.J nt the 'iii lliiptist Chiin-li, the marriiurv iv-remmiy "f Miss Umlse Hrantly, the lii'iiliter of the Miptilnr and riurjiient 4'iiiinsl pwalor, !. -Wtwr-T- Brantly,--imd i ..l..nel John I,. Mi.n head, of t'liarlnlli:, North Carolina. ' W e it. 1 in it unt i)iain.)riate to say, i tint nr ts In, the ireneral sentiment, in the -us i.iy i,l t.ur sis'lul idly, v. lien weexna .i,i,,fii:,l n gri,t that Atlanta is about to I. we I liia une ol her Mrnat tlHiitihters. l't rha(s im vnimif huly has raien la'ttef and mure luiontlily known, in I lie rellned irelis of any boutliern city, and lias been iii.e witlely utluiited lor tnr beauty, SsHli ilislniienls urn intrinsic! aunh and .rare htvi'limv of iliann ter, than Miss 11. In the l.ilimate sphsre t.f WHiiwiW I. i;n, she has slit.nii irrliuietiilly, and we .-iiiiiol jsrinil Urf&Uf luive, prr(isH tlir liir, nilhout paying a aim-ere tribute, Hhe eiiiriis with her to her new home, the rood aihis aud atrionuc n ifanla, ufa h.stt id ailiuirera and tnemta. .. .. ., i 1 t ol'iiiel ilorelintd, the fortunate winner ol litis ws-ial and feminine tiruui, is onriif Ihu leadii.K ci linens of old Nortii Carolina His father was liar many ynara. the lead iiK puldii man of that ritale, tlllnff lie Kxeeutive ehatr and otlmr k'igtt oIIkts, lie liually retired fnnn iKilitica, and de voted his great abililios aud fKiwerful energy, Ui inauHunititi the trreat ey sti-at nf rsalroaiU.of wjiirli 111 iitirili Caruliiiaia I lie central trunk. Hr was instruinxntnl in uonatiiH'lliiu nearly 8ve hundred tnika ol railway in ilia old Tar IM HUtle. Uius U-aviiiK an enduring utoomiteut of hi inniua and uatnotuun. , f i.i v .rlieotil is a worthy son of this aire, a.. . 1 y a jinmiimmt man ia hie mamj. lie , irna ins unoe to a sts laa isssitioti tiwl Iter cliaruu will 'urnte,ad tu a In sue whiaw elegance alia will ailitnt We trust that we ahull be pardoned these few words, in regard to ling arcom plished young Atlanta lady, aud Iter ckoaen husband, and to Utter till asm eat laJotiUjiitcungratulalhia tUatuwotai JUU -s, s 1. 4- tot tlie BeaUael. CUitem Turner ; la all Uta aainals of mcorded raauatlty thniugbeut the lapse a' sastadataa beea aanshsd down -ta- oooipare. 1 1 mat in m wnij tj9ft.ot.aJOhi-B4to!in traitorous, that rank puddle ia our poliu cal low-f ruuada, Joba Pen! . ... .f . Fostered and brought into pulilical eo tk by his satire State, floated, aa tt were rat bladders, oa the oft-time rough sea of political advaneeraent-s-with a moral ob liouity unparatlulod. he aiu among 1m (ao-ralksdl sages of the nation, lika a De mented scorpion, voiding his renora npoa the toaom that aareed him) aad atrivkig with aU ais puny, bat malignant aught, to thmat. his rrptila aUng into the very ; heart of her son a! and political ei Istjare. Well may a Morrblk ryiteraporarr remark j that ha is doixned to bianaM a ftmrin sMsrssm,'' at which"; by twerw homirnbae maa ia the land, the nnderiaUnf finrerof disgustful atwra will be pointed while his miserable rare see darken the faca of the earth. II iaat worth Uie words expraded oa him; art, with Slop'a Uesru; tat hire paaa, frrnrsr, and f irenrt ' j Mar as trhaalaa, -"'- i ' i s ni s jsj -irv -t f I . so ojitssM vour flM'i l wniri,.all..i mUiein. it la .orel-'pna, tsjt.ue Xiki J''K"'Wiern lasii.h! mis Ipurpise la ei.oiupUolifitWiierl rij rn-sna violation of Uie UonsUlntliw ot ytiar eoanuy, 1 IsKTAIIJI OI TIIK DISAftTEfc. rorty to infty . BaUdiagi Oottrojrod. . im QUAKTKR OF a' IU. We eoniitIr the following deuiknf'tla iKaastroiis (Irt- frVi,u Ute Nt wbem Timet" ol' lSilt, and otbv sounear oifniin an o rHouiicsn, t "'J ! 4t alW oeloea esjr.U iawtna watehnmti Jam, Httelu ll oav. il.7., ...... nf Hre aa Miihlle tra Ui startlorrsti.ts rs. llm Km was diatwavpRl Urat, b4wa tna iHilldinga iaa upie.1 by . McLm kan. .an.r. ami mat Mr. W. Klllir.ski, llry florals merchant. tinrh wind pre. vailed nt tlie time and bira: the gre av (sirtiuout could set In work, 6sur or ttie luilldlmn were in flannw. Ali...i hiiman efforts were made Im Ins k I he ler- 1 nine element, hut great masses of 8m suiveil to and Ins lapplni; the aijoyiiiK linikliruM up as with Krvat tongues of de 1111.118, alio Klnririt in the work rdtrue lion Ci-Mlerable putirvrder-was used lu Mowiiik up Injiidin and waa tne imvins l.v as Isi.-U I be ilium .were ultuuato ly sfai wl. Ju th, ns-nt fire (he Euiam. ailf'hurrh was dinjl. on tirisorea- siou il , itl, Jiilleulty Die lliip. tint ( liun-li was anted. Bv i.'.-liat. a lsIWgaT)lplfai,l I 7 r.T --im n nwifeiu. ins by iHH klliir and ....... ,K, T,.,,, ,,,, insnn-eit it. i, w. llnuliea. on fhn.bnr,. aval , a. tsal.1..., 4.4 i.u4. , . ' T M. IMih anth, sl,s-k nf ertar. and lavrh, l.tma; no IniHiiaiir, Klias DsTWni, hy ,aala, ,,(MM1 n. wired Kr fflkW. Mrs. tlunn, hoitse and rumliara, M I6 no I mn mince. , , i. ' KtTdinand t'lrh-h, Hqiiom and arrrar thick, ,; liisured fid- f 1,1.00. T (Matie estate, house, fH.OOl; no Inmtr anon, . Uf. r. & Ihiffy, offlo. 7W ; do mear anee. : . Wm. Rnsnilnsltt: drw favwafutst tfaaas. 0 OftA . frWr1diiVWoTJ. ' WtW .ar H. ar rl. Kmsnuel. Inlbdr m-A tn.Mi. 'Inauml U miMliftlTlrrr eamH. Zt , Iwa atomt, and their fti.e Vn-iek l.nli.iin oa the wewt aiile of Middle and rswawoi Wh.,rr,l0rrowr16wtJ,f00 ' ' Ai, SI wit, liildiiii and u,w l t ,U. pR'MiTowat Tniv.XlilVrr'loirinf,'- in I il in lie anu imereea IB out 1 11 liters aj,uuu; ne insure nee. ' . Krlmmae est ate. hrlrk store and OOU Itaildlrira, fft.OOO ; no Inaursme; ' H. llalin, bakery at talk, 1,MK; no ba- auranra. 1 " ' Ur, 1. W. Hi ihr buihlinir oesajliled bv JL Mains, KiMiw ; hn Insuraor " John NeMnftejr, slioermikrr, stock and atoro, l,WKt: lusnrod for tl.ttto. Ml f ir. tieoreje Atlmore. purawal talnabka, S"0. ! " " ' The ftmallwond estate. fiHtrfrainelrtifld- Intrsnn foUmk and Middle strev-rA, has at TiwsrfT.frOO; Wurre.1 for 15,000. -f K. J. Hafir, damaged liymonnir. tl.W: no Inatmairv. ' : (HUNK inrwKNi-Kit arm mm ririit; Is better imnirined tliiin dtsfriliod. .fraMi-. snntls of dollar Worth of gmwfo were ail rhuif h, which waa rerrnlly rlratmy'id by See. Aran, in the Open kit adjacent, and in the Bnptistrhnri h yard. TnieYee imtiroven tnetr rhsneus, anrfan hntnenae ammirrt nf gnoda were atoleit ' The beat 00 Pollok street was ao intense aa to driw the firemen from tha artesian will, on IVIIok, near Niddle stnmt, (It partially Uiro.4 thl) pump in Uia aejl,) and the hoae waa atmti.'boU tu Use.thvef. Tha supply nf water on tha preaniaea nf Mi saw Pallrrson hulped to save but build infrsand ps loii &ru Itih aproaditig toTnint river. i w, ' rn cotmaa or run nt.hP'mt ' in three direction from ita starting,pTiiiiC" waa, fhaa Mt'Lackhvn' sfom, on Vltldle strtsit, south to the afflee uf Dr. Hughos A sou, iw the east aide of Middle strifl; from. hiwmlnaki a atoro, north ta follok, down. Polh.k i-iwt, to the ruin of Ihu-rA Ap pier's store, rerrtitly distroyrd, rttnkfng rlenn sweep, It i-roawt at the rornur of 1'idkik and Middle aUvela, divsUoying Weiii4ei'i m. , Mm' Bew alore, ttitni e to ' Jolm MiNwis bulliliiijT ahiiJj ass tia.. Jowp to atay tho fufllar, proyresa of th -.-.. a- tme mmmm-bg. i - - was called "by many eitlnemi at the enurtheuae last evening fiir tint Hirpoae of -eaxpiirinjr into ways and moans tu prevent a future conrlagrwlh'it nf like magnitade. -. ' , .! . irwitefesathwi KnrroBJ SsuiTtaai. t A yoa are dovbt ksa winding up the roeord, I rend yoa for your edification tlie following rtfloctiona: ..irVV.'-i , uoimms. Itj, . WIU klndlr (oik. 'U alwara aadVretoad. L'Uk:'r.iimt's fsjditkiwadjfct tl4io4.4 i i "is i usiis 1 ui nienMsrv wm ever laty 4 BfltkJuia.a.fa.M Itskhul- Ms WiBiS aWarl .i' .i: - ; , , J.I Hcddee's doae roM aad aeea asnt, or anal, And Ibstttsic's free at last frota Aw devilment: If Tod wiwld ro.tao. we'll be "i-itrAr run lent. H How asVw H assM be, were the ti. Jastsr sisa. As as; sftiass mail T ii ill Sn SiO ii ' Aad fed fall wltli J..V, ws etwld ell keep Lent, T.AX. way aeorsoant Hkt eery wwB WeaSt," ISBI AiMallsUjii s aas i -a-itiii aiiii ..saati i y:i-. -y Tna Oi.n4varr AoiasiA---Rear-Ajlrairal Wm. & tttiubrick, cUainsian of tha liirht- houm board, baa been in aervice timber than any' other officer of tha navy, tiavinr entered tha aary oj tlie BOtb of June, 1 and haa Univfor Ua In tlie e,ice jfearly alatyss year. Next Ui hiia i ftear-Ailmiral Jiavph Smith, who baa seen ai.ty-onBJrfaOTiaa, i BotV t 4ftae----odiewM aro aow oa the retired UU Tba 9hiest nlfiiajr ou the active list M Bear- Admiral JU M. Goldsborouirh, who baa oeen in the aervice aearlv fifty nine rear, having Btrd tba aavy ia lbli. Nhm Oregon papet descrilwa fierce (ntttv. dofV and add calmly : " 1 he pprjM-t r' of lheilesal nauprsMrsl tolie Ja k ri who U boted lur ituhi trick m " ' o i. 5S- r 1 A V i-- - ; 1 A': s Iftitsuaiet iwr(sW(stiMit't'i'i -. cailoas ana MViuaamm. s 4 KtLn:Mt S ,

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