"IT. s-af IK--, r 31 C ntUt, 1 Wit. 'at tall tit I fUXi,! tor 111 H ifl mlik I lwal Ibattl atCM I mm a-akl k la. I 1 ST. J5 tax I i pin r. lie u na I'l. KM 3 Ma-ai Wexxi r, '. lU ( KUkLI, toll) fu hUE SENTINEL I'l. It Brtunui in Ihe "rt"-'' " "v-retary "f -.at jtll m'l.l III lhal county f'H lull- Xjjj ins! IIWI w ; Mn-Ki irwttnti ,il thu " ."oi mai me , u 'ld " parcels "' 1T"UJ 10 """O -' : f . iIe n-4 suck i.rbcinl la. ta ami liKUit- .... . 1 . .1 .. ...i. ...- .iiliiH uai.o.or t"i- ia u. L,,,: II Mi'tn "I tha people L,t lliUs l "" aarnaa-e.1 pay lit .-ir.-lj siilh. lot I" pay the 01 Miliary .il (In slute aud county -j-nvcru .... ...... ..1- ..jl.L Ijmjult. 11 m tiroii-' snan t tam tar fcahttui'e to pav thu internal go ri Mii-h iiwiwaiajil Uxra. .fit rn't iy Lu tift eo4Uitltlllon , .. IL. Ll.mre will ' for! U. a . ... Iwcyjulii- iel to Jv Mk J' I't llw """ itut"' mJ . t lu..riiu tliitt ilie inejt "'! nr""i: -",-,- J jU "B,y rrnie.ly lor tun is xt ll- ""f "I laUruiiii: oiiK-i" 13 "r K"' "' a renew (heir mr.e to vote lor ami ,1miI.I Hieif i"lf v b. work lor i!ou ,4li.m until tin; eUt tio. WpWouI.I like t" ' radhil olli.B- :111V rellO'tlv 101 u ti i'i' t-i r ii At. ii:IK I). TtwraJu al ili4-rhMi-nM tliin stale, aci.l .rtkulaily the juilgi-H, nre aliirme.1 ami .(-..mine iKkom ute 111 view ol the lavora ,rmp t lor calling H nMiventloil by . i&r.. k ... ill.t -..ile in AUgllM lll 'l "'Uiu.li .n ilieru ami inteml l..re lung to U II ll.t w.uie tai la nw iing me iiuom Hint " ill Ht i ihh any tliiiiff tlml traniinl lat,.r,.ii that ever Ikiiim-ih iI in I hi -lair la-fore. We kilo W the furta a..l V11 na 1 lie ..ir. of the nolienU, ami iu teuJ to lay ttiitn burr Wore Ilie eole in nulla way .m lM nnlll iiHivk-liiMl oil Ihr mind of lint lliimt inrreilllloUK, all' I we iittru.l to 1I0 il.ifthxl ffivea im utronirili, tit all liaj!.irl and al any iW. We int. ml not loi.reonret.ruultillji. lteau.l i. .iile an (rved from the 111. .ml ami iiolitiral blast ti radicaliaui, ami tbe ratxb'W rasals vim now till oHieea to itiairnu'e ttieni, lull he ilriven into ojertte4atl uucuiliiii; ubauintjr. Are the jieorile, willing to lolerate m ; ciiuntitulional rrovision lti.it t.mfwU the luntiliera of the leialatllre to foliial tbair luiba. or inifMHie taxi 011 ihe p.-oile tliit tLur rannot potaibly ay ? Purely they wtQ.it I hen the constuutioii tunat le uueii lel and t oure, for it minires tint tbt leialat lire uliall pnvilc by a.le.iiatc talation money U pay tlii. ihteiet airu uulated audatcruing on th. pnblii' .li lit Tlie tepalature nnr do thin under the eoustitution or the meuilxra forfrit tlieu oatlia! .Arc they prepared to do tbial Are the people willing to allow I hern to dftM, if tliey would ( Are they willing to Linger ftvlmite a oonstiimion that con taina ao impracticable a proviaiun i The radical pipera m the tt)a ami thuar in their lutcCil.H, dally toiuplabl t.. the ieopkviolar aa tiliiy t au nwli I hem, that the propooo! nnail-' of Ii tti:,y t.'if j" Jilt- mil a ritncwttvH Jr ei'tuuMiary anil uiaiHitiliitionill They seem content Ul teil lh'iri;aae oh lnir inerv aav ao they "Ifern.i a.unient and rile m :niili.iiiiy ' o.lttit theronatitttftAte. ln.lee-1, Uie ilK 11.4K' to rile ,iIhJ no aj.;lllenlil to. niake, the n'l -vi 11 make a' plaiuibh ! n It ia not, therefore, pi. liable that the people will be iiiHuenceii in the iliLlit.t degree by their clamor. I'u.ler the towuahip ayalea now pre Tailio in 1 us at ate and fastmed lai the pt. pie by a constitution made by "cariwt l(!Kens," the pwiple are forced to kei p up m an arerage an ofliiereMnry i.lticeia in ewk rounly ifl the Mte, at an vemie "at to each county, for their Ulrica, of tu thotuar-i doHara auuiially! Thene t "Ini-era do no gorei ; on the contrary;, in addrfiuB lo the iutRatwae eoat they tMinff ' the county, they bruit; ronl'uaioo aud compm aiiua into roanty niattera, wliH-k giie run to wrangling tutou; the people and interminaliie litiirati. Tbe county nanuiuiaionera rau do all they do ami wlinitHy better, tWua tutting olf cost and 'ufuion. 1 Mmrr Tntrsi. f be Telrgram of y rday publiohea a card purporting to coaac frr nt Leiintoo and igned"C'on-nrrratH.-," the otvio t U wIim h jaaJaifi- '' wily arWltd Ar lid wi iiujiE :J!S!, Ligfa: L ia "t Biajority i'Ktatuf all parti.a are against 4t," aar thia " (m- ervalive.- We alo-rfd like to hay tii "we of thia LcxtnKtoB wfrjt indeed we would like U hareahak if kia hair. new a ie bogrit anal laaua ia hot Baaae. Maj W M Uolibtaw baa juat beea hear frooj on (hia very poiiiti) and h aayl iatriaVann cowiWy- wiH fro f'ur cnvetio. Ia arwa fruta every poiut weat, tatat, 1 ni aowth i H righi. The long-Uiltaal of rsdiuai organ is thia a, vbica waa to have la twoed thia k, kaf not JeV made iu appearance. What 'a the mat tar ; cma't the nan era get obat awtoaak area to make a atari I u Put Yxaa TUIL rfl TOVHaitip ivcrcu . . rJ Tbs fe-wn-ihi,, provided wythe'1 jnaJii.i PWim trtsahnitoo f tt .rate sua. s fc county on l.ir avera.fi fur townahiu ears alone, fiva tbouaaad fhilim au1.11.il 'iutj - "' MH il l ny radical office h..kl af in tin- .l ilt to point out a aiuyle iluti TR.il devolve, on the township trustece. that ran uot be Julie aa well uj belter by toe county roniuiiMtoaera Dmi.-r our prce en! njiltrn ,,f government. We challenge any one of Hit 111 to give candid ntt to tlltr- tU4Mtll(l We xk any aiili otti. e liol.ler to poiM in .Mh. to uril nly in t. uie wlli re Hie tonusliii nyaleiu regain ol lli nul witnls au.l oonvtiiii-nre of the o.l is uerwHary. We liave tlioubl the moat popoioua couiiti.w in tttajataa, aiul Ihoae (iiaweaautg tbe moot varied want, nnd we cannot think of (me whose every interest would not be butter aubaerv e.1 by a board of intelligent county coin niimioiiera. And there ia thia further to be nld Ihe county coinmiaaioiiers have to aiiH rintun.l the moat hB)artant duties of the township onWrs anyhow. A n.ler the printout ayjiiein every tow n aliipAliaa iU own ayatem of nutiU, hridva, foniii, itc. There ia no unifoiiiiily i'i lb public improvements of the eeveral conn tie. The towtmliip otliccis of the wvem) townsbipa caiiiiot, ua a matter of otlieial ijutv. coiwiili each othiT. Kich boani of ma ci mwfK&r. n-iwt: wor kt ! I In1 roHnl v Tlirn I Inn hiniI.1 Im- 11, hi.. I r.- tvuioMiv ttntl iimloi nut v ( rii lton, nihl rt' nii.sil.ilit tiiil-l .It olvc tit, 11 !Vv rt' tiktlirillt- Hu ll v itfl i tit utin'Mt rrtnti-lfiifi- tlmt Ho rtHMMl !' IUI .H-tHV t htll I'f Ul-i'tl l"l tll.T It', tli-'ii, it in thttH levs imltt-d h itie rvil ty uUolirtliuiL; it, t-rt li niiiit Wliuhl MHYfH(V th"imuul JoiUtr itniMiiitty til thf lllHttt-r ol 1.-114 lo oII'm v ilfiir. In my nothing of h -itsit ii-r iM. smn hite 4ir to tht miil lor hh iiiftiUti t-tjtii.sM 'I'l i. tin- a:ir wtiolr .ill.l M4f lrLt'iy tur h IihII iniHion loIUr. mi nurtlly This iiwUtv ttyMtfiu is tiM uoii tlif ri'plt- liy our ir-riit "ntril lMt"in K(itlltitMI. l ilt' N ttlf Ult' MOM l. tlllt-J to Himtuln it ftu hnislitntion rt'tjnihs it. Ia-I 't Im( uIsIiIm-.I t Din e. The only prnrtK-ttltlu iiicHit- to ft tliit tltiue ii by cotivention of tin -optc. orrtacsHiYK taxation axd mis. TUi- ctiimtitntioii pro nit, th'tt tin- eifn Inturt rW, by mft-ijunte Ouiifii, rai-if money from the w-ople U pay the mteivtat on tlit- pi it ilir ilt-lit. It provi.l.s, iutihfr, th-tt nitTint ahull lie miM-il to miry "it the sttti vernjneiit, in all t.l it depait menttt, for the purpiwtn of etlucatiot . I.uililiii the peniteotiary &c, Ac. E w ti inemlKT fit' the lexisl-iturc hs mtxtm that hk tnll "iyfhit nX ronftilntion whilt it rtiimiiiH unltKiLii Uy tin . y- So tlml Mt ttt'i Hi t hOimioii the legiHlaturf iduJ ptiM Utx laws to raise the nefrsfviry mout-'V or forfeit liu'ir iHtthtt, unlet the eop!u kthkill call convention aud amend the constitution. There la no eocHpe for tin-iiiemt-rTs of the kvulntu-" or the joph-exec-pt in the contini n. Matt i.. W, V ih "oi l tltl.t " of tin sure, It. my ii--ttiing of ihtj w in tliny ' m w tit hi," . t illfJ, Is ll IfMSt $,'It O-MMKMI Ttiu 111 ttrft-H. on IIih w tint 1 illy it 1 1 , Jl Wi th K It will l-ikv mII of to k.t p tin- tHi .'l nnu'llt h'foing ; lliti Ii.hU ;j .thh), aHt Im--ii)4- thf county tnt-H timl thr li i-irtl tui the Moph Hit' otilig. -I t- pn aninmll). Th n, lo Ih aoM. .1 to Ihin n tlie r t!tniilnl'.l lutertt on th-' t'.l . debt for the In t thiit- jeint. I. it Imh miiil'tHt t h" p p!t- ( Hit i lot jMv sii- li a r , Any ran lid mm mutt say ao. Hut tW Hifort mi tat le nmde, if a rnnveittlon ia not (bulled, el the mem lien f the (egialatnre niuat viiJtite their oath to anpHHi the ron Jitutioo Will they do that ? "lf they wilt rlo it in me fpf't, why tony thy aot do it in another V Suc h course of a. tnm t-ngfodera the Dioat rlangennw eon at't'Ui-a. Whem otHi ial virion ia f;oe, then the ptihlir ftafetv and tiU-rty mr joiie. Tkv peoplt rnniiot ntt'ord to mMoii their ajetitii to Ibui-tHiie aud reuiain corrupt, aiuth U cn tltey afford to enciHirnts them to lW.in ao. It ia elear to every eandil and rmwi I erite luiod, that we inu-it dt noiu.-tliiit rith our pirhlie debt. We must do (hit before we can hie fir any tUiibk d gree of pronperity aa a pooph- nd u .n'e, we luii-tt mmyromim with our eiv.ii lim, they muat Gtmpromim with iu atl h( ut pay what we arm ahlfe Ux p ime tl our cretliti'ri are rady lo tl. thi-t now otbera are not, tW the n-uu aa tiny any, our cooatitutiod eomfxi the lef-iqlntnie to levy tdiN.Ulre lUa to pay the iiiUrrst on .aj iri i i . ,ir .i . . : r! Fremiti rrmytniww'wiffi The evil- to which w. have thua ad v tin ted la oir 4 vaatr UMHctiitude aud tMi U every man worn mi and child in (lie atate ia the tMMtp aciiona maniwir. M'e can't lcoiN-r or Iv-jte to pn.'r uuiil tv rid of it. W wot-t do avwtwthing with our public debt, we qaa't ay it aa it ta, we cannot affttrtl t rtftiudiais but we caa aifonl tuutn pniauiae whh geoerotM cretli ton. We riyard the matter Id which we hare jutt referred ait one of the moat weight roftT4deratint.a ten ling to induce the puo pie to call the pmpoai-d wmTenUiw 'ai Aupuat next If the eventitMi U not t ... utllcu, Uie CaleuiltV Will h. incat, mI.1,1. - To r esery tnuly, llo tiiirier ; Raf hia rolor Vr tia politic Let the pej!iiv eouaijer rn. icil jx aI.ah a ma Tbe fuM fen of the 1 harife of the Judge of the I iiHe.l m ilea Diatrict t'ourt, to the graud jury l"i the district ,4 North Alalwma, is now Winr ux fie aays " It ifivea me nnfeiirned aatiafa tinn 1., be able to announce that there ia but a iii)fle caae of allefrod otfeniw to lie brought to your notice, a case in which a arty 1 charged with having robbed the mails. This state of farts is cxevdiliugly gialify i( when we iMinsi.l.r truit a whole e.r ha elnpsi-d since the i n.l.an. m,. ,.f " Hie l-a .,r,..,.l e.. ... ..:. .... .I".i 1 ine 1 toil'.l .-11 lie III this dis'trict " I bis is vi-rv koI teliin..ny, aays the N'uw Vork Wn II, aud find Ha rauai ou that pa.e ot Ihe U MlmltlfU, t ftirrtittj HujM k k lA TPf til dtiMurtwy fnmi stfitu l itTn. ThCi stAte is ont iifc.re un-)- tlie ciilrol f ili own (MNtple, with in U'llitwv, iMterity, and w.H Tty t the liuJm. virt j.aujM'rism, ii.tritiKe, ami t rim n-lift'il, Mini tin wmtilt-r Uu fnlcnil .'.mil iih.'Ih only lt lint .tn- (vi ft H!lt't'-l rriiiit- Mil tlri jut i.h.Ih (ton lor h ulhit- yr ' 1M11'I fUUt lllT OI Mif yrtieinVl INMI itr.lvT wliirh rt'V.iiN iti the t ommuiiity nml im ( lliiir 4-rnni(-nl ih-.I i tun 1 Inr niht-sl." nay .IikIjji' H , ' limn if t n t llirir iltilii M-4 Iti llif liivas,' N" tl.ml.t , Uul tin- 1w now- U a (Irlt-nct' t 1li- ti.lt vlitni tlii flur;' Miltlrt-rvw-s, hik is not UllHlll.l t lllt'il Ir rtllli tl.rtl. w.t!4fV ,, 1.. tl,,.' ,.V-. lie,.i, ihI ...wtoiai. iM .. N,.i il, t i.olin.i to-llinke rrpoll ol c:m Ii :tii'l v (M linti urilcrini Im iik u to ui ;irl i s in Sv9v York 01 fTf, wH iitvolTf -Vffrtt Iiui)itr-1 ) tst.iw in ilifti. nlu.--i wliii It iun . in (lit- fin I, ut, 1 1 Ih hi 1 ml m-i tl oii i. 1- 111 tilt- Ht.ltf N iklltlit I it r " b. r.-It, 1 in ft Wr HollM I 'i- ;;ltt'l t know tlntl t it one fliieh tltonl.l Find oimilriM in tlie priHoti. Tin .in- the uoi .t kind (' h fmtideri, for ihry wittingly inijioHt' iimmi iguorimee. rPluit men w ho mlverlist- nnd tov tltem'M l e- v milters nnd thtf-v-i xhoilhl Im- p:itriiui l fitly oil'1 in the bUte it iulriiii4iit. No hooett limn -a ill do it, and nheii tin 1 1 us do unv entiht jtn.l iu?ide tt utill'.-r Hf - r i"ie W'v Irani that thoiitniid-a of ilollart huvi hit tln ttnle within (tie patt 'ni o ,!, t,r f'it i4MH, It i puiihuit;d with the purportf tt w iodic and detrain. Wt are imlihVd to lenrn that the nnmet trf all mh h pt-rHonn are ln-nig Ht tit to the ih-partnient at Wnrthint-ton, by wImhii Um will at onre U- lakeii U Imve them bnmht frhialnnd ptmithment. We have rea! reeently of iiuiiitbHrttf purtien who, liav in'; trter tl b j ii mney ami sent grnnittf (ji n-ntxtt i tor the aume, ret oivt-d sawdtirit or it.- t ijuivaletit int. luni Their hoiirst oulh bet Mine Hi om e Imrroi attu ken at the corruption nd rtscjility thiit cxi-itu in ihf: wn)d. Thev eime out and published, or olM-d to In- pnblishetl, ei 11 on ftm At not de-'t I , in" the i .i4ideiu t ! itn hu, r 'll-li. illl l-tlo(llt itt tln'IU tot i ili them pn l ively w hat they piojiot. d a tio hv their fell iim ii ma, detiaml them. A ft it leetivint; n umk-i out It Iter-, with tin QHiuot of p;riie who hat (Uihiiked in thin easy and vnry honorable method of Ibin, vvc are -ilad to hear th tt the gn. eruiu nt is pr"ii.g to take teps to have all . h puni-h. d It Wollhl Ih; v. pl ,o d ilio B,uit iotii.-Ji be ptnut'd ttoirtrtN th.tHt tflio Jintaer yti eutel pi ai.tl I lit ailvurtiteHH-iitt titiij M-ru Iutt hM siieh thtri4H ai s intltt t, aud thoutd Im' Illlilr-tli d ii :iideiM Mild ltbe(trso I'laUtl The foil in!-, I ti . .ititn the rtlunt ot tlte liui.;;tin Sr, ia coth i i lontr o in dividual Hti welt known over thi st:d Uiat we npy the pieee ntire. S- t.i' fv'i uiontht tiini'i- a noted ctdoi. J inuatu ittU ol tb is city, by I in num ..i 1 i auk JohmMiii, who baa in hi day en-oved, in the limited opt Ut whi. h het hot- lanin Hue lioiiat'lf. hIiuohI a grtml u reputation iHt viobuirl aa hi! torniitbil.il nul, (Me Bull, waa rcfvrted i have "hiinj- up hi Il Idle ami hit tutw, aud t;iken Ih de-mit uiu to ttiat laud "wheit all fiM' dttikitu (J0.M Me had hrrti rep-f-t iwi hh: h umh I fore, but Miiltiuently upHHretl arnin iioii "life'a buj stae," bin thi time it wart ao Lttntidt nil .heittd that he h uAui reality "ithuHb d ot1 thia mi Lai "tl, tb tt thern m-mtl mo r-t-mi to doubt lhal ho waa ! niitly drad. ' In fut the rrpm W'ii ao jeu,TMll) hell, vrd by oin i ili. iw alto all euterlantN d a kindly let ting lot the gotni old flddlr, that wto-u Ifeiti) Ad-ttut1 and Htfiion liaya, two hia color vA frieudj, Utadi -.t licit .tppc-inillec with a N'tltioll Ho4ictllil fuuda loan! ill blli y mg Id in tloecntly, vert tew heHitno d u uuitl ttt contribute then mite to Mmi in thi verv dt-arviii ottct, ami ipti'i' a rinji vi atU-' Hum in the age rci I e w at therefore Collected to uieet ' t m U Krnnk itinera! ep-ma. '' hat must have been ihe mirpriaf, then, the it)mpathi-itig e-arrthiinit y, hen, a f-v' dayt a:o, lti- ttabablt' andjfrr-rtwMri Frank .bdin-ton. iu the fiethTanil mnNiu the' i-.hat of a aketeton. with frii tiling iirtML-e and friLrhtemiit mien, ngain appear t.l ,n Aii-t wlr.tita iinl fr-nnct.-d hi-t br. flM-rii 1 iu the fle4i ! tii it luipiteiied, and hereidler naciigki5n3n in j- the nertaintv of Uie la t The treasurer of the M Johnson Burial Kimd" aliihr he retjuir--! to .k e-vt Uh prrM-eetla in hand to tie held for f uture uar, or place it in lauik aubject lo the con tlnetwry ft which it waa jeTtvidel , ft the old man can't lire altnty. V A Mil VI. B IlRltMRW LniRABT.The valuable library of Mr. Muller. of AmetT dam. w as sol'l et anctitm in New York for f-JO.tKJO to a committee of the Temple Kmanuel. Thia wiJI be the lareM He brew library in the United Htatc. An fotlnr frtMu the Cornell Vniveraily- to take hrre tf the library ami to Mtatdih chair of Hebrew and ten w-htdarsljip in Ithaca, N. V., waa refuaed by the couiniK-tce. ii n. ii, smiiii, jim; j, iri. . .,'f?"." U"' !'-l"r Kunmimr I lAU-A-lieST fUH CtlS-VitiiTfox u1' l.'M alaoJ aint the conia-i lioa lull lln lot iii.ioU. ol that ii-i r.l.i... ' -ii. j oi in, eoilor. auJ provrt n..rt.iv'il .t m.t jirove rnirtliat Hi. U-i,litui. c a L..uvlHlllim without the .iiiH-mirm.. ol I wo-ibi. ,4 tr tie iii,ii,l.ri TTii- all aJu.it, tK..i a. tlut tin l.I(?,,Utul, naiM , vr-iuoi) Mci;pt by a rota ,rf t.Ui.l ,4 all th ii.,.nil-i. But 11 ahouia Ik- U;n ... .......I iini n ,-nluarB l.aa n.d m 4UIII.-.I t.l oi,', ., , .ll,,.,,!!,,,, l,i. ,u,. .,, t' a lanMitnnitti,, tim ,,ll , ,!. ' "'l 'I"' N-.I.- art- ..t ,.,-, 'l 111. '1.. II, i., 1, ... ,,. .l . . I. ,. v will l.o, . ,,.,, t ts , 1 1 11 ut. itit To .!!,, ittU thi-x tl. not ,o, the n.-hl. la (., -,- .j.(. fMii.,..t inenlai pro.. i,.i,-. ., , or) M, Ki,xvtu may be welj awketl, w lies did it la-conic ST cUapotumT When did tlie people give Op their rights into tlie hand of their agent- f We are unable to find Hiiigle line or word any where which thtlaiea that the people liave iirr.-mhivd up or delegated their right of act f-gov government. Tbeie ih, in fait, no no ower tblegaled bv tin m tti tt they may not re atstuue and retail, w In in vrr tlu mt, rttobe do to, in a I. ilintate wa I'll- V UOW detire to chitlii-r ln 11 contiifu tl.MI 1M I. A -ill. lit. 01. i-l.-.l a If.; it on tl v a , , tnd I h.it and . pn .p. r tri-i tw -n 1.1 t. o rn t ot Illf li-Mi-l t len tul.iinlioi:- Ho- .pn-tton l"f 11 I . lfloll M ..II ll "the b gttl.tliire h id pi.K iethd a mi fn t i "M , it h"Mt con -i til iie.: tl.- (..-..(ll.- II w ll4VuJ-!-U li'i. 1 in. I 1 liat it woui.l t t!5 in il.h; tl.H, lhal 1 Im .i. rtnn tit. o. t m .b-Ali;it Ii:.-..- -.iirr.-i.-l. r.-t il. .11 1 1-lii 1.. x-Il o.- ' T'- i.l. 1 i.i:.'.-i.I ii'mUo e l l,s Hi. -Ill .11 ' Ml, I !l illhel. I.I . r mI it .ii-' pol,.,l,., i It I Kt tin st.tlr h - i w i ii,: 1 'I in-nt u In in , ! tin ir - ! mi'. I I.. Im! ever "in h l lU-':-HC' of riht ahouli( Im- t , itltd roiix . 1 1 .1 oK-t-m lion of the I Ulled M-tl-Jf." 'I hit hni'ii 't strotiM iitnl p!:i'ni i i n 'i i ijh t-'tiili1 tn unpn -pidiced niind Ki it Mi Ibiin - ml nut lli im' to llitrble ;il'iil. unit h. Hi think, lot J to juiUc ot ijiiil'l'linx: "I to be ilitiel'ent lioin i 'I her im ii. .ni' I .v . will iin -ie on.' 1 1 in n k 4.( In-- In -.tnov ht.' al'iirtl toini- jh ton- an ijnwxi I Ibilie. Hi s : "lb lhewu l ii:oim.k, at uted in tee litm 'M of Ailn le 1. irt utcuiit the !5iatk " ' We abliit that ihe word -oile it he illefitlv llt tt ineau tin St ite, ami r:tv rvrwt, bin not in (hit place. 14-1 us inaert the word hlale tor M-opte in thealmvc nr I icle ii)t.lel, anil tee how alisurd the iir ti l.- (xi-muet. No, air The word .tp1e iu that urLh le ruhm ti the iMttiiU' imli vitt.i'fhv and mt colte- livi tv .-v'U wtnildll have ut t-eltf ve. Then' ih h!hi antlher lilth wt.rd that woultl lijiveto lH c)iHiigel or obliterated, il we accept your roiiMtiue til .ii The w-rd Then " Thit liltle Nim.ihI prom mi ii ia in I he plural, and tt-u!d not have atate a it antire.lent. 'I lie X'ft'i St, tt, i- litfht III lilt- u--ertn.il thtt --la tun- in jtti-i HKiftiKi uu-t boron Mimd I -gelhei ; toil how In t o; ,.it. I Ir.'in thi- uric ot 1 1. thai tin p-opl t m tih. i. id tin ii 1 1 " -Ci w .1 ii Mh i- ut -lei . That Ihe wold h opl, !.dnot ot but one uihliiii luni l i It .ti In S"H I d -ul't Are n l thc-ft i-blt iji.ilienabl. -Old have not fhe ptopl.- in the muslin tott ntervctl lo iheml vt-a alt right M in .leml, niter, or ahohrt any fonu td I'ovi-'nmriU w hen it ItiisruntM tu euginc of i'pm-4oi, and not one of protection, rtnppoae a convention pnaa the limiU and tUL'oiiva hum of government dentruc- ti.e of the efldt of civil hlMTty, what ..euirdy hrtve the pe-iple f Aeconlinu to the .utk Kt'itr' aruuiiM-at, they have iiwiu-, and theie ie no red-eat agutuat a -rrindittg th--potim We woul.l inll Ue OM North &tie' at tention to a apivch f (iov tJmham (aa the lea. ncd arjrumiuji I a of liragg and Mtti'ie apptar ! Imve u weight, with him) made in ihe h-j.latiire iu li'4 In which he it.owa the f;d:cy of the reaaoning of iti'Hti- v lio uow it -it the pn -sent mode id c.tiiiii", a con venlii'U We would al-o ak thr editoi of the Nmth tftirtr, tf the cow vettiioii of IhKh was callttl by the eotttli tutitmal motft'. ( We would ask him it lie tloubU it validity, or doubt the ohtif tioiiH it impta-H tiHn tbe rtple T t'er t-iinly the c.'iiventit.n call-1 in pui-Hnnnce of the present law would have aa much the inhlanct- ol contlitutitiHal authority aa either i the nniventioHA of fjiS or 05. Atil the rj7 Strth Stte knmvnYo have iMt n in lavor of the validity of tl ti V'Utioii of 'fi5, and the editor wrote aticlet mr his jiajier iutifvbi(( tlie Hauie,v v hen it watkuowu that it w at not cadod in the Miotic ointid out by the contitu tnm lkow lie will reconelte thiti ith-n tf inc. utitleln y ia ainith:r mytUry. ll the " Iti'putttii am-M letisl thithiwon the frnuiml d uncJMiatitvtiMiialily, what U-coimti trf the convenriortK r-'ferrei to ' ll would cerl.-tildy have aa much validity in a It - tl and t Htituii'nl jii.inf t view at either of lliri0iHr4 lMf.rt- meutituied. And hence, if it i called, ami the rv lief in mioi.b'l it i- v (reeled It give, it can give ti.tt UMiof.vol the cvilt prrdietcd, jtltlgiilg iw tuluiv by the pMtt Itut the emtUlulmu;.lity of the law ltvn proiiounceil by thetilett leat tnhitla in the Stnte, and we have not the vanity ti pe-4time that wi can atld an?v w-ifjitt to ttu-ii opuioiia much Ua tletrat t fn hu them. Wt; "lily atk the Mpltf to follow them, and let mere ijuibblera and atit klera for tectinicalitiea feed mt the giM frjiiniona :nia in-tmt; Sir -bdiu Young, vlovt-rimr tJeii rat ir tti- T-www, VaW atflKetl hirfu. nature to the treaty, and it .K-annmittfc-l that he wilt tuaku uu tAJailation until 1W tlie thicttuieht )ta' been igned ia England. Tlwr MouUtaU H'liViaaf tuakea a wry face over Uta (hiee, but awallywa lt All the other f'anadian pnrera, Iwiwcver, are furinua. They prortoiTM-e the bnni to le aUmiinablc, and predict that Kngland'a treat heroua courae will weaken tlte aiftt tioa of the Cauadiana for Iter. The diatrirt attorney iu Waahington ha annourred tna lutcn;ion of bringing to trial (he U recuaaht TrtintM eorreMrnd entt, Tlte (MMialty ion con v ia-f ion will he Une ajM iinprimmwent iumi one lo twelve months ifl the county jail. j .l From tlie Mcnuilifc ArT"1- rax vusi'T.irznirii '-rfcs. , MKlHr; AfM'l l. IS'1 ASft t au r.JiU.....i iu iu -s-- ; ,1 ,i i'hrre a atatMiieiil 111 ll- ..I.I ...l.tff ol llf.n ra-tfTrt-,rr VI, ia 1'iani kn' Cullkl riitlj U. .ff.vt that Kian inltiW. Wt niiteJ thr mormon ol ilK- S.uiU.-n. qi.ilNu.iiu.l ... lT..'-n."iuwrrrr.- ki..l. .. ..... I,n..u-.. - "A a IU.-llllH.-r ot th.Krmert, rl WI Cal-mrt. ,'M' . o 1 ay that a pr.H.ition to rw-.yi.ir il.i.wil. waa not cv.u .-nt.Vtair.1 i a 111.-11) uialtft ot hUlory, I "' eft au iiK-iJrut with h'n ' . .I in l.urtol. Jiiil at ll.c 111 ' bJil-of 1 l.-tty-l 'in!: lui.l.1 .r-..lui;: tnrr.iui.ia ..... . II..- ll-Mllll Ol 1 11 11 o-..-" 01 l.u.loi.. I lia.l an li.l.r.l.-w Mil li.al.li.-k. II'"' I... ...ih-. ... . ...... 1 r....-.. ......I u.l t ..- 1. a.i.iw Ii .i ii-i " .'. a f ll amnanrwuu liii lj"."f '""J niT?ipiV; dttre to pt-ak lt6 Kii eunot-rinni; tiir atau. ol atlain. 111 the SoMtll, pn wi Hloi y to making hi aMrrh .hi a reao lutioH intr.MliK-eJ hy hUiiaflf haiktng to .Mir ni-oouition, lily rvcnllt-etioii ia that Ilia atm-li n-aa to have bti'ii ma.lv a ft-w tiit'liti r. i..ua, hut hal b'n ili-f. rre.1, or (It.) Iu- i-o..te.iiilattxl luakino it on that nij-lil, I'tit ha.l that .lay .l.l.ii.-.l it. I r. iH.-i.ilM-r w.-lt the follouin" atati-ini'iit ol Ids. hIih-Ii I aii.M.-M is 110 louder .-otifi .l.-i.l irtl, if it i-v.-r wii-i. ) III- aai.l to inr : flu- i lov.-riitiii-iit i- rmia-l liiinl lo n-;ni- Ih.' KiniM-ror of tin- Kmn-li, 01. 1 1 Mo.il.l l.kt lo lia. ai-zii.-.l id v r.-Mi I. .ti. .11, ai.lr.1 l.y tin-, iircantin. Itut w.-.-H-ii to l.i-ur .li.ilv ..f tin- ili'liiiliv.- I.attl. in I'.-niihylvaiiiu, rvt-rytliino .l.-j-H-ji.iii.- 011 ilt.-.(. I havi- i-onvr-iNi'.l with i'uliii.-TKtoii, a im n-.iil(-ati'.l M.f to ..mt oont' till rra.lu ifen timi spfrh. nr..! ''li-it'Trlii'itrtif nir ' r i.r sr.. t.;,to 1 .f ii- kn. K.-ii, 1; iM rttr Aimj .. Noiiln-ni Viioi.ua toiil.lv.l ll.c l' hi It I hh 1 1 1 MM m i I he 1 1 Hi VrltlV'il I'M I ;iinoll:; I lie ( Ulfi-tlel aten that t-vt-n t ll the next il tV, Sm.tbt , about niH.U, a numlMt ot "iiti ih r.iit weo-rtt my rNm, in eager ex pet Lit ion o) the arriMtl of tin wl earner at ( juccunl - w n, whcii a h.i oft who profitaed StU(h'Tn inpallint, but who w M 1 i ft niretl, iit areil at the ttMr and tnunnionctl me. 1 did uot invite him iu, but an.twt red his tiuntnoua. He in Ittnned lot that new hiut Uvn nctivctof a di)-4i.ttrtHii4 defeat of U. n 1-t e. 1 replied it w.ei itn(o-iitite. tor I latl newa from the t "oiifederalc h e ilion, nnd ttu Mcamer hiul not Itfi-u sighled horn Qtitt-iwiown. Hi wod that it true, but m veithetett the fact i- 1. 1 , t be m w had laen received. 1 Coin tiiuuicalei) the intrniatiiu ;i I had rctiiv t-ij it, w hich piihlucctl a gent rat gloom, al thoil:'h no oilr thoit;ht It po.ible that it could Ive autheiiltt aUd. About, two hour? utter (lie uteamcr wan sighted, arid telegram brought the in irltgnicr of the unttiward and tliaa-.troui eveujt. I never alttirward Haw the man I hae iilludcd to, and ihe matter n-uiaiua a mvttiery how the new a obtained a circula tit n iu Ijoudon lclore the alcauiei could t-ommuoicate with luei nstow n. W hatever Itrd (.raiiville may thtnk l it, Mr. Km but k wie aanouiue inthena-tur anee which he thought he h ol from Uid I'ttlmerab m. I gie you the altove meMy m ait item of history Mr R-a btn k aant yet more to me He naitl l,ord Pabm-rton, (1'almer ton, at he stxled him,) tvmputhized wholly witti the South and but for other reuliainta would have alieady cxprcHtcd ttiem , and I reineuitM-r tie gav me tin- energetic Ian guaire of l'id ltmerttoii at to what ttn-y wiMild tlo in the event ot injr -meet in I Vnns l ania. Kngland ought not to etcajH from the only pait other Miticy towaitt the t'on ffdeiacy which ia creditable to her. 1 tneaii the inelinatitHiyto recognise us if he had tiared. When I nay if atie had dared. 1 do not mean to imply that she waa nfnid of the "umveraal Yankee nation, But inaa much aa she had fought against the Iht la ration of Independence and the right of aett gov.-mment in 17?.), ahe wait timid alrfHit ctititittency. Hut ahe. neetl not have I en, for Matat huaetts makia no ant 4 n thai acure, lnm theba-teof Hunker hi ill Very reaat fully you ra. I. K McIUr Kor Utu Meutiud. I. A W UVKA.SKX. IfKatna KomtHt; -The a t of Ueiieral AtpH-iitltly atrolinhiug tint, late twenty to lar moral character law lim-nce Myateiu iiii.iintioiiahly waa wiw ami judn itua, and for tlie lt ini4nU of tlie public, ih. mat tor whether aaol .public viitcd the nuirtaaa plaint ill or defendant Itut to inture the removal of all guMimla for ilia HHtiaf;u titrti it ia Mineiilty ttcaiiable that Hie pecuniary oucfay attendant uptui ap plicatiou for liteuae Im reduced to the lowest jHwmble figure -erti nly , nuu Ii t-4'low what it in at pre-teut. It waa one of the ugly reaiilU of tlie war that by far the Urgeat nuiiiler of our young men were rcduecd lo a very hiw nmud ou tlie Udder of U'Kuim, and many td' them who have at niggled with dire nive-aaity while pn-parifi for the higher walka id life, atam aghat at thought ot the trip to Italcigh Ut procure ttceiiae, &,t. tMiaider that lite applicaul from ahuat any of the mountain iviuniea, muat travel a long diMtancv ere he rew4'h theradroa! ; heme ye will be abaeut ho u home lie liiuaui two and Utret: wei-ka, al a cut for horae hire, ItMlging, railr-at fare, antout tit, of luorv than one hundred dollar. Add to thi. the fee for liceiiae, ami ioci t leu talis ttgeiher with from tit hundred to on thouaatjtl tlobara tor neeeatary law I x .k a, and it will by aeen what an alarm tug call for Ihe currency f tlie reidm ctt-tr-.iiU the legaJ tatipotc al the very threat, old if nirt careiBr! i Various luelhtHla to obviate a portion, at leant, of thiaeXpemie ami im-fmv'enieHce might Ire mentitaml, but I ahall merely fUggeht the fothiwing. I't Uie Snpr-iite Court dcatgitaU: oi,td If rt lal. canta, jrrovidtxl that the preaUliug jiiAia-c rJtall ruueiye, the month iirior tu aaid day, at h-avat two written U"tu from pernona tloairing to undergo e-xaiuination for ll cent -a. 1 Hy aome m h arranp nient atmlenta in the extreriH ttaatcrn ami, wtetteni acetiou of Uie atate; WiMlhi enjty etptal atlsaiita gea, with their at prcacut ftvutjil brwh renin the central portion, !nl. il.- .;v iM-nww wf die attendant jutiget w-t.uld In tuit a bagatelle. . If thene brief hints ahould catch the rr of any hom-mble meinU rof the cmrtn-w in aemion, 1 wouhl njt4oe ti. have them ioiWidured on the pnper oc ,vhi. Keapet tfullv MuCNTALNtUl. irn.111 the New V"r HeraW ni K1. rHSK (-l.iH-AT.t O.V THK AT 1,1,1 X kLA - l tSMlTi'W'U'. VHAHAlIKH AM' KKill- t'KASK . irtxhN of run iu TKItr ISM A Sit ISTKI.I IUKXCK - hKMUVRACT-TtlK .'OK TUK IthMOl KA I 1 IVIA'I K ST IKS tiBKit-,-rt..'. M C, May ii f. I fH-r 11 fi-w liritl wii.arka 1 a-kl - What ia. vtair prMuion ol lh rt an.l .-all-- of tt. r.vrtit kuklui out.m-. Htal.- IVr not. h mv'-lil-aUoii IK'va ..... . i.l. .1 01..H1011 thl mw-U-nthr all ll. an.l iid.-.wau.r lhal :. lav . . n ..M at, rau rvaullv I If : I in llo- atate ran n-auoy ...Klin.... -, , 1 ... iIm. i-.uli.-al iwrty Ih" '' moralimtiiMi of lhal N.rty i 'I'"' I" ....i...r .....tun otticiala. aua Um wouii.'' a...f ia uni.-4ia airaiila ft -imm al ,,r. frrrtl, ytti''kiUa; waarv to auc rUt ha.1 an. I ile niltiai thr kauriH-n, white iMwfile, anil thrir paaaiona J W- ju.lKa-a tlionHHrlily aronsr-l afrwaai a.l forini-r ahiv.-hoi.lrra, thr party then pro .o.-J ti alliah Al.l. POHTD OP ITttlaHXKNT tor .uiu.-, 'Kr-it iiuiri-iiiiu'iil in our i-oiiniv jail.. 1'liia Ui.-a-.un was hail.-il -aitll K ut joy l.y tin- n.l.M.sl popillatjoll. a li- 1n.Ii. ml thal-thrir fornu-r iiiaati-ra ha.l I'.hI.s..-1 all lli.-jr iii;lilHali.l ir.arty. anit thiit as thi-T 1 1 ho i-olon-.l a-oli ) lia.l In.-ii Inri.isl a.lritt to ahilt lor tlii-iiia'iv.-H, il waa no Jnu for thrm lo follow tlu- ex mn)le ot 1.. l-.ra-lit.-a anil U.rron from tlu-ir fonn.-r t.-iakinaain-a any 1111.I -r thiBK titvf mit(ht aawai tu B.akiUlu.vu toi'tul.l-. 'riit-a' iaruit-io.iH an.l .h-l.iornl liit'.'.l hm Iti'ilmiiil.- iMulta. .".early ' " " rlitraftWrlWW' -u, . 11 .1 Hia,., In aa Wl-n- alao nil II;"- Il ll.Hlacs III till way waa tin- Ol-I No.lli !t-.t..-, I'ri.i a-u la.ar.1 to motiiil.iii. lop, thus .u.-nly iti.-uiipuLat.sl by c-ii-.l Ica-lrra-inlo a !.. i.iai: rifft-1 .IIKV t-ji. All who l..l.iti-.l ln . laii.i.-.l to la- truly loyal.' an.l tlir :.i.-iiit .1 l.-ndcla ol the l.i.rM , a-- ill .lilt I' i.ind, Mt called utton to il.-.l'.-A-l ...tl liroth.-ra of It.. l.-a-tlva, a tll.'V h.l.l avioin lo do. An.l to do 111. -til j.lsti.T thry dl.l tin- i- ' ' ' .11 lo pal dollilll' l.lllllr.'ds ol the moxt notollolla thu-vi-a and d.-iiKiul.-a ill the Slain aflcr they ha.l la-en il.ity couvlet.-.t lailoie ln.l caj jud-jra, pnaa-ciitnii hy radical aol.rit.-n. au.l trnsl l.y nulical iuru-a. in cona. oiieiice of thia d.-iiM.niliuilion life, virtue and "tirotierty w.-rt- uuaufe and had 110 lriv l.-);al protia tioit. In. thia nin if triumphant anarchy, irencral diaord.-r and in.lia. riii.inate pillae it waa fi ll hy many lhal it Haa alau.lulcly lieceaalily lo eh.-ck the cvila ompluimsl of, if nol rrwlicatc Ihciu. Tln-at- vieir the cijuw-a, and auch the dcmn that led U. the formation of Ihe aoi .l.I.Kl) kt'KI.I ori;anirjtion. It did not uncinate in .aity, nor had it nt llrat any iH.litieal i niliCiMice whnlcvur, na I liave Uuen inforui el and hrlit-va." .. "ion have hrani of the ontraii-a in I hall. on. Hun. .11, liolheif.-rd aud Ch-ave laud i-o.irjtii-a, h i.-i) rtseirily pc.ptlra led I ' "I crlaiiily, I l.aer It wa n..t very long twfon; tin; ra.i.c..! le.inr-. leaorte.1 tt the aame uirth.Kl aa the kuklui iu tarry intr on their oiieratiiMis in the countiea Vou nienliou, where tliey have coiumitted iti.-ro niur.ier-4, outrage Umii woiu.;ii, 10b lM:riea, araona and Ih.-lta hy ,PIVH lirNIIKhlll I'KH I KMT than have l-ccn eoinulltlrd l.y all the ku klin ..r-.'.i..iatiot.. in the atntr. Yet Ihe kukliin. though they had dishandrd prior U. the trnme at the impeachment trial ol (jovrrnor llolden, art field up aa thr per ji. tr.it. .m of all thear IiI.mhIv mldni-jht mines and rtiirrant miadrmranora. In short, the railu-al party traiurd the men in thr i-ouiilii-a nani.-d who have coiuunt led the crim-a whh h that party paradtn tHloie OouKiena and the io.li.try and . haruB upon the democratic and isaiaervn live partira. " Will the uae of l uile.1 Slates Iroopa In Deputy l'nitr.1 St at. -a Marahala have any wliules.!!..- effect In r.-alrailiin theat Milractw T ' v "I feel ciHiH.knt that there ia no ataU in the I'nion of the an.ne area in U-rrilory and numlHtr of jtopnliilioii where there are fewer crliiies arWl mladriiieanora than tiiarr are in Horth ( 'arolitia; nor ia there any crime hut rouid lie aa well aud untoe aile .pialaily puuished l.y ihe atate autho.il u-a Ihao by the federal court, especially if our atale olti ialn were rortllieUtnt In HH ihr oilier they n-aiertivly luHd ; nor have I ever heard of a crime toiliiiitt-.l in the stale talK-ie ihe prrprtrator waa knows or even ai.-lMs l.-.l, ti.at the criminal haa aot or NHlld uot la arrcett-d l.y due CMirae nf law ,tln 11 fore am I i-oitflilent that Judge l-yan'a letter waa writlmi to have tbe ku klui bill ptvawd. 1 Unuit'a pruclamatkm Htn.o'l and Iria.iia sent U. be mari-hrd and coniitermarrhed Iht.'tigh'iut thia and otlr saaithern ataiea for no other puriar than to aid the redW-ala in carrying TUK MKXT ntnalUKMITU. ELKITIon ta , a , 1 mil ia 1 ii a. mi 1 1 , .mgr-aa- l.y inuniidathMK fraud and raiainr' a '"'""Jire. 1 am here, not, to avoid Uwful clam.ir an. J '. ,,.,Wfii.mtWiV-t V .,rM f, ihi Ku ,rv,l mi me before uale their power until Ihey tilt.nialely iirreed in ealal.lisliing a cataoliaateil "lea M-tiaui or oligarchy." - Tlie hue and cry iaiar.1 and kept up at' an. at the kuklux waa, aud atill ia in tended for v BttncoiK; I that ia, tn frull the unau-.erlihr and crv ihiloua rioruoa of thr l.om-rt waaara. But thia kaa la-oaua the keyatmie iu the radi cal an h of paitv,T:ike away the kltkltn, theii thrir caae haa no nlauaible pretext to feiaa amh nutraf(eo..aly uiK-onatitutional il la aa the late kuklui ai t n. pretatxt (or 111 ir.-hii.fr tr.pt nil" and thn-noli the ai.ju;-Ht si Jl- a. TB" I'lllcjr , frrtrr .. -,. . ., MfJbB T gg.jiLJl trltvtH ll) "line wmt itTh-Trrt-; intr per peMiaUav itaelf -.o llu. H.ulh ahiiit: l.y .aut-h tue.uia. " III nirl.r.l to the t.oa-ae. alale hrtt vctiti.ai. .-jilhil Ity Ilie last Mtfialature for am.11. III. -4 II. e atale r-olrstit.llion, what waa the ol.-t l, VO.IC' namesake, Ihivcruor Chldwell, In pi.iaiiio it f KM ItsK oK Toil. It ia in.jaa-.il.lr f.a- aie to divine the iii'Hi.tt- that proniptiaj him ii jairauetbr .liclaioiial isiurau he haa, h.it, knuwink tfie view a he haa hrretofiire tfld as to the Miw-r of Ihe majority nt the liislaiure to call a . .il vi. I ion and how he rip..n-.l l.eM he aioiM-tl the Wratrrn addn-a-a, in I H.VJ, fav.-rinn tlie mil of a c.4iventhm, to aay nothing of hia Ttr on thia ueatiuo, 1 vJiait gr him cnaiit tur w.-i n FTMIOT1aa .-I.....I t.ii.u.t ;hii. m r--et his M a-aa OM. W I.hW IUal.ttr liiw ",r'!g1'' (w11u4u.4u1.41.ue Jhan to. niake polilicai uv-ilal I." hi. uartj, whirl, haa rr brrn 1 a noi.oiiti . an.l i-uil iM-n-muaii-a .t.iaiuU, traii-l aui .toteiKtf-'' irtrnrar'wwlaR al ...a (ai.tiw, a . will Truro anr -lxtfra ot mwt w-jaf.'- ,.1 tl.at ..... -..! too w ill la: inawalal au.l ..l.IM'al )-. .ll.t ol iK-ar :' THU lVKin..W 11 thu iNih an- Irft to vote aa thoy (.aire I ha.ti no rioulil ahairvn liut tti.-y 1 will t all a onr.-i.tion In ail OTerw rhrlmuiK ma)oiiiv an.l .hvt n-iutl.-iiK.-u U r-iijnt ll.. m A th.- I.ikIh-sI m.Mal. aa ial and a.itH-al aUli.l.liit. ami lhal. too, Wllnuul m.iJ l.i nail Iim Ihia will uot Iw .-r.uiil.sl t Ihe latlwal U-a.l.-ra I ani aatiatir.1 Ihry ill rraoil to all aorta irf rtouHwu ANnm rKi to im-vi-iil Iht- .all of a ctnivimtiou to atnuu-i thu prw ut TUiair lllaPIHUiu, aa.l ill advl-a-a coaartitntloB. ua of thvir pronu- ;yr s.n.-, tlmS IV HllJ rra.ill total aM.iihilatl.Hl of Ihe rrpul.lii-au party in Una rttalr lor all lime lo inw. "rtoiii raJi. al Ira.l.-ni i.n-tt-a.1 to think the I'oi.vMition will infringe on the civil ami political nuhta of thr oMornl race, la th rr Kr.Hin.l lor auch an apprrht-uai.iu " "N.Hie ia lur w.rhl. 1 J not latlirif thi-iu if a mau .- any a.liU al iarty in tlte Stair that enlrrtaliiathr luawt mil. He O.-ain- 111 iiiii-ul l.Hl taj uilyi l.-ro with auy of tlu-ar n.t.tt.-ta, an.) u.i a-nana know thia brltrr .-r In-Im-v.- il MONK t'lHMI.r tliau the radical theuiarlvva, howi'VrT iiiiich tl y may argue ati.l prrtrml to Ihe !,.?,- . . . .... iiw w 111 nie rMme "o in ine mw rni IK-nil t win thnt Ihn Kn k .0 ananer that 11. ai ...irain.. how i.iiiuy k ilk tn outia-i-a the nuliciil. nun hs-m it n.s-eNaary to haec.iiiimillel, ... Al.eri' they may deem il m.ait eaiedi eut to have theiit jM-rga'trat.-d, or what de-.-i.a- of . iiH-lty, In. .lal.tr iw terror may U- nsl if tin- kuklut law la rigidly eu I mi.-. It cerlniuly iiiterrala Hreanjenl tlr.t.l au.l his n-j.-uta to arreat without warrant ami miptlaoit ami ktvp tn cl.aa; coutiiieiiHtit any and all H-raona he may pl.-aae, and aa Ion-; aa lie may d.tire Ui do ao. It ia ch-ai thai lie haa the M.wer uu.lcr this lull to render it lin-.ssil.le lor I. la op l. .m-nta to HKKKVT 11 1 M IN Tills al ATK, aud vet I am equally ronlihut that if the lasii.h- ait leli fits- to vole thuir own acnli- ntcnta hia nwn piiy will nH v4e hr hia (llrm.t'-.l n-ininiiiialion iu their national convrntoHM. N.r will the a-a.ple of thia state, a.h.-iil.l In- Ih- rruouiinatud, vote fr him. A lirt;e n.aj..iily of onr people will vote I.H- a li ne ctt.-.Jrli! llalion;tl tllll.Hl man who "ov. a the union the Consti tution and wh-i ia wiltino that the aame. Hivihi;ea aliall l-e i-xt.-ii.le.l to the Wtlirijl iNH Til Kill . Mil l.ltKN an the colored riw e now ciijoy. Any lion eat, patriotic and li'ta-i.il nilii.h.! uci.i who loi.soorlr.s- in . 1 iintion and will labor lo maiutaiu Ihe revived ii(hta of '-the atutca, the Fai.i-.HAL n.isarrri Ti.rh and local (nvernnifnta aa fii-at eatahli'hed', .-an and will, at anv tuirly conducted cUr lion that ma? lie held, carry thia atate, anil no other, in my oii.iiion, can. ' llo you think the democracy of North I'nrolina woul.l laior the nomination ol Ihn. rai SI. en. .an as the preaidrntinl can .bdate of Ih il pirly f" " I have alrra.lv vittually anawet. .1 yoni pieat 1011. The teraia propota d hy Ueut-r al Shetmaa tu General .lohnaloii at the aurrender were both liberal and juat, aa they wta roi.irti' and wta at the time, and, if ihey had been accepted fry the admin iatratiott, would hava aoon healed all our breachea and the country would have lieen at peace. For tbeae and other reaaoua I entertain little or no doubt, il tieneral Sherman al.ould get the demo crnlu caasarrvative iHHuiuti.u, but lie will carry Ihe atau- l.y a triumphant majority, despite the kuklui l.ill anit the preat-u.-e of the army aim Hi)- 11a, no matter how for mi.lal.le may be their niiiiiliern or how rifrtdly or crat-Hy the k.tkliu bill may he rnforcnL" " Vou think a candidate having lor hia banner -general am.. aty and gertetal aunty would la' elw'tinl If' " 1 feel court. lent of that fart." Oov lloi.iHta, In a private letter juat ris e. led K-nk kind worda to hia Bible Claaa and to frienda who have luauifeated iutert-at iu hi apiritnal Welfare. We take the liberty of copying aorue alluaiona to himarlf.'!. HetvrifT. " I do wit know whim J almll return. I in UkinK no part In politi.-a. Yon may well Imagine I hava no taat for am h lhin)ra. I aiu living iu a rrtirc-d part ut' the city, and have ample lime for meditation. Yet no our kivoa North Carolina n.ore than I do. Ax I aaid in nay inaugural : Hur aky ia ala.va 11. v home and it will be ahtivemv I ten: but lo allow trie uituua m exciteu iieotile ou U.th aid.-a Ui cool. "We want neat-e, ouiet, i.mhI will and rhawf brother Ii.khI in Uie atatr, and I tun prepared tu do any, thing that chriatiau man ought to do to clhu t this rrault. . Peraorui whoaup- pose that I would return clothed with power from the oentre here at Washington, lo take venireancr on any, are much mis taken. I 1111 out of 'iw.liticn, ami out of public. Ilie. 1 .1" luil c-j- t toiiiUtllu-ui ajain. 1 am simply aiiilutuiiia to .hi lus.ple all the K-l I can while I live. The New York World anya. and we aua- iert very truly an far ia many ol IherE Sf 'ghM' S-8rlaaMM;'il ( alinot aoiiielaaJv ai .-. t e t lie H . a-tiM-ra rrpHMriat wm- perio-niiy jyaw Saitlit fifiit atira up all the editora, chauila-ra ot uau merc, public a.iritl citizena, and utlm noial.ilitiea of Uiat region into f;uahw rt enthtMiamn n-aperlimr the influx ul eapiUl ami outniatl. of uruapvrUy curUiu to follow ia hia haMah-pa 1 What with Iba .-rai.fre gruvea, bananaa, mint julep, faawt inH, adoialion, and jolliHcation (renemjly whi. h lueet our nun of money, it ia not aurpriainu; be ah.wiWl conahjer it a good thiuK lo travel about with tlie tlta iaralion that if u auit him be ntay think of baying up State i-r two; hut aa king aa be ihaw not ilaa down hia caah In aome anterr priar, ia ua)i that kind of airing bavae na kouimr. awa-iea of fraud in th toor- iat, aud cauat of reiirowch to MorUiera meol 1.1 aa 11 1 fXl'i For thr A.-i.tiail. ri'ttUC XKKTIxn IS KITTHKI-Liyt ue PKOri.K VSi XIMM'8 fOB tWr)oad. avr- Of Tnrltfti'triTt ' rrtMUA. K. C , May 30, 1 . Mtemn. KDiTona :-AifirJin(r tn pr- , ?,),,,,mvA;,,tMl() -t ,)a w In) , U thr purp.wofpp"imii! ih-h;atr to a county convention Ui lir h.-ld iu Oi. font lor ihr piir"a of noiuiii itiiUJCauai- .lati fur the conuuonnw rwttim-a. - AVarjre nunilwrof laith eolt.r aerroni, anil manilvatol an intrrrat whiih i-howa that al llwinhtrtl niMu of our arction are ,l.itrnii.iiil to maintain lucir ri(iiia .au aar thrir alalr Ir-uu lurlh.-r aiaiiiatifri radiral unr-ruri an.l pluu.i. r r. . i. T I Itiiw-a naa mum 10 prv..ir, ...... . J. V.ll. niUrtrd Ut ai-t a a..:ntary. Thi- chairman cilinril thr 0hj.1t of the iiM-ctui, lo appoint tidi-galt- to tin- l)x ford i-ounty i-onvrntion, h.!it-uan the fllow1n, trntU-iiirn t-re apia.wled . W. '-Ul'. It liai, H. I. M iar.al.aa. 1 Q w KMnii Mj. T. It. u-knall, Capl. Thotuaa Caprhart, pt. aaa-srtllWXl flat CJ-mmitUaa. C.il. U V. Kdwsr.l, tlie able and diarm gllihhed nenator tiotn tlranville, la-irr pnwiit, waa called up.-n, and entertiitm 1 ihe audience lor aomvtime. I warcely kn.iM bow to apeak of Ihe colonel's apuxh. Tj uy it wiui one of ability w ill by no nu-ana do justice to that gent I. mall lie i;i.owu aa one of tlie abk-at and most r!iticnt aprakan in our atate, aud, on thiaiax'ttaioa ainpaamal. himself. It waa one ol se.itcb hm luiUir-Aud tarriialx-uuii! lion In all . w ho hmrd ll. He w ill do yeoman m rriva in our oiHiiitT thia euuimer, in ni.l i hia aUtte and a-.'ple, whom he ho.-, an we... Alicrt'ol. fealwitnla waa through, Mr. 1 Viler, fn.ni li.-wi.i'liil.s.-tla, inw nnd ((ink a fi-W K-lrntrkaof lnli. lt liu. -lil.-rsl an ii-arii. mi w.ua nniu lor a 10 itnit-t.-ri . anl.l thut It ahoul.l not be llln.le m .i;irl. na.I h.-rcatler, are 'te-ilj' Inliit-arriOji t(ie . 'rt1aWrf'wy . who will nuur.l well Ihe inun-st of all partira and of the alale. Mr. (."a. aj.evvh w wi ll rceviViHl, arid hail ftond elleO. Ilia remark a.ldinaa-d to Ihe oohited people were timely, and we lliink w ill have 11111. h weight. The league, headed liy Jordan Potter, from ti.l'or.l, mine down loco.inlera-jt Uie IntliiriH c of the iiieelin. Thoy bruiii;lit Ihrtw drums a life, a luinjohctul, tin Wna I aad nn old oil ran and alloc hruali. Im-hoIc aatipply of a.nuethinf atnmu-er, if 1 may judge nuu their conduct, lulling down, liyhliafr, Ac. They euduavolwl tudiaturb the aprakcra aa much tu they could but -only aiiccr-.lfd in attracting few til the ' moat n-nrthhua- the l-etler 1 lana of color- ' til Ma.iile allowing aad, exutuhj( a dc-l-ielj .tlsjtjnat fur Ihe Oiftini h-ai;t-. A . ffiNid n-p -rt will a.uic liom old tjranvtllo ' 1 n Atif-iisl , T f. IIIXKS, Ui'iii. U V... .... vl.-.-., ' Wff.Jf A A'.sn.V - TUK LATK KUL ISU Ahl'AlR-TlIB tthliySAHJ JHUItDhtiKKN, e. . .- A friend in Ai.aon.Kiiya the Wilmington f.ir ol the Ul -f, (iivi-a tn Ihe d tilat.( tlie fatc klllii-r affair in aha, irnatr, Ivti. l 11. cunt of wfiieh waa piibli-l.etl in yesleriUy't .Slur, tin Sund.i Mr. J. Old rly, of Anantli umt li-HeaTille, while wlk int 111 .company with I.. I). Ih-mwu, Kesi., owner of the plaiilution cultivated by llnddy, (lUiiveti .1 that hia- plows had been Htolt-n from the ftt'a-ks amct) the even-' iog previoua. While nearchinjr for them tbey came 'U'Min Sam Caraway, noted I hii! and juil bn-aker. From the deaper ale 1 i. iii;i. -fur of the negro, it waa thought l-il 1.. et i kuii before attrmiling hia ' en pi 11 .e liaddy ahinlly atlerwaida, while aloae, mat Ham afrain and ordered him to aurrender, whereupon 8am advanced upon him with heavy .tick Tlrawn. When in a few parr Umldy tired. Iiitung him in the fata, BtJ he cajne on and the other barrel laileti to atop him the khot beinir amall. A hand-to-ilalid fiiilit enaned, in whk-h the trnn wax broken, and fJeddv having the barrela gave Saw a blow on the bead which haa put a atop to hia dev iltry. Ilia akull waa broken for Are inche. So blame altarhca to (iad.lr, for he haa rid the county of a miart intolrralile rtaatt. riva tH-1r.H-a (one woman) have been at realr.1, aud they confeaa the Murder of hVslleain. The money and irooda taken hare all been recovered. (Iwinir to the aoaafe condition of the oounly jail, the county cooiiiiiwioiu-ra met on Mimday anil petillnneij the Uovemor for a KHs:lal court lo try th.-ae and other pitwMi. ia. They are now heavily ironed. In a uoetavrtut uureorreapomlent inlorma iw that a Yankee thief named Patterson, ho waa ouc in jnjj in Anaon fiar roliliery, ia implicated by Lewia Ooppedge, princi pal one of the liedfeara murderera, aa ad Tiaing and planning the murder. Tlie t.illuranhic auinmary of Mr. JefTef-. on liaria't brief perch in Augusta, Ga., ro iinpeifect. The rMtowieg fat all that he aaid about the "toat cause' that waa of : CooaequeiH It will be aeen that he pro- ' baaea to rely not upon a new retairion Dut upon the peaceful rctunt of icnae of jus tice among the pi-ople of the United Htatei r tor a triumph of tbe "rights of all the peple," lie said : Wiring cannot always tat triamplisnt ' I will say nothing and you muat do noth ing, even thtaigh tyranny oppretSKca griev". oualy upon you. Forliear tor a aeaaon, ' ami a day will come when all will jet be well I may not, mar may .some of yott' lire to see it, but it kt surely cominrj. Ife who reigns ala.te aud Uvea always win see that justice kt done, lie will ao allow 3 the wicked to always remaia ia power, ,; Borjhe righteiMM t he opjaaraaaad We ran wait lentil that day iwma, and fn the Hx ahllm ha 9'ii.t. "twj aa ohi aad wiae; savruif thai a Vt if ttw h If aatf awtirtttly. a a-taae i f tuatar e.lt yt ar" wa l- prnpa f Un i iilt.4 twaaaat aa 'i-ra-MW'iy will naiij siltra tw"ririiis t 1 ir. aa. the nfcta .at alt iiar - irfw -j 1 aaak frawM a a.l .1. llM.f.j.l.n. s-Jm..-Jb msfe If jxa! 0aim . 1st ' 6 Taillil Ihe lUsad m the" g.at rrtohi tias. . .V traa v Uae. At! Uta aHrvivors of the.: nU tat N. f. HeirV tt nzrt 1o tt-ear of that .haa Ik aat KaneoH.--Thia; , wbu, at Yorklowa, waa first tSrteajtt of the Jlrfbrecoulas Uaaitla. In all Uut muv titwa of lilr, he actod hia part well lor ears Ine hnaoeed rrureaeslaUve of hi caNtat la tba Uira-iatura, an lalimal.ie, citiwn, stiwit-ksmrtrtl sol. I ire' ay trottaL I me man. With feetiuva of Wmlwueaat Wlih-h aoi.liera cwn ahmat undidratatuL the. attaAtrred frai.imla of his once irhwioua Hruiaiant, iiIIh4 leara ovt the lues of one of the mdik-at of their nllani. baa..l .r r.l.

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