1 - iiilie " . , Ku:t(,ii. . r., u:dm:sh v. jilv 12. i;7i. : ''-ttSSm ftltvSENTINlvL .. ....i.i'.sh taa il;iv ttio tninrti-tMin t w I , ,, t Ijtlor.l, ! IStllliu 'rc. at-nn-l , ., - kh.4.1. r of the N'lilli Carolina Tli.- ab-piily marthal "' ,. i ilit- wi-li-"', anrai. an. I tin -it I. n il ..I Si- :lkat ara la ni Sp.al.i'1 the tll Hltil is, to serve ri'iii s tH tftf iiljlllK"''""- P, i liaalllillg I11 "'-" tattles rni.l .. .1.,- state and tl' i itit iis nf the ..i. iii font' I'" "" road Ht tin u,kl,,al,lta' meeting i' the t:!lll ol'July, mutant- , Jtsypli IL JMil w'iui. ' Ii"' owner f nuiy in"'- sh'traM- "'' " If1'"1'1'-1""'- MiailtKtiMUVn, ii 'iwr pvUtHft U-mkrt Joseph iehre biw rf. ' Jarpli hits : V)Mir nrt'f nlao appra-ha-inlai that (MU .j,, f caius'iala-ration. 'r otherwise, Ite lililmiH a,f the privalk- slat, kboldera fi..-iiiMiij, resaidiaig in K-ti'l " l V-rtU 1 V'l'n. iul mil appoiiit- nr. iV.l. ni antf spaaka-r taaas. upt the .,iii r r")' l'r"'"r". "'" Still- o ms'.l i't 1" lr:ua'aL We ITljiiL rt.'iii Hlnr'.Tt have alwa.ly c.ille-te,l r .,.-,.riniifl '' r.'4-ene i.v. ul.Ui-MV , ,,,, ,. ouli view "I liMxiim llw-mal t I1, tin . Ii. Ii Ivaula ( Vniral M i r Siniih t now a III if It V 1 r in ill, 'lllfl. uli.- C.r III-- It . I, .A I , i.imi nr lli. in Mrij.'i Suiitli. II. Ih II. 1 I '-'; ' Ixiii'l it M" I.h-h-.I in Mr. 1UWiii in a it t, .Inline iiiinni-r. The M ij.'r :wt u:ilt iiiueM, tl 'Il the St.iml-ml .''iile' .1 ii l'..r linn We kn he irnr. . h,.i.-ie i.im" 'H "in I'l l "'1 hive I, ,. i.ulli'il, :n li'iV Cill.lrtell . ..II .llll , 1 f, ,i,n 1 I ' ll ill. I' Ih' Me'Ml.l iiure iii making iim Uui'ition for in ele ii 'ii I.11 e,.iiveiiti.'ii. II Mr. l'hil hi- hi. I 11. il '"ii witisrieil Hint urn jmli-H 4, ir (iin-t hint he w.iul'l n.'l have nie-ike l ..tf hi lliliiilire t'i l""k fur a f. l.ril jli.l ;e win) llirDC'l UI.'en .lilt i-f jl in a 111 11 r oalriilatfcil U briuj; r. jini li ii.in thft j'i'lieiary. f t Hie -tli-i-Wlliil'Irl'a iieiale t" ml I all mantiei of IhreaU, lirilMH atul H-r-.ua'.ioiis. ii.nie of them wll out a elle.nilv at J 1 I n. Walt-., for " (Hill .if worth' I.. ill.l-i 1x1 il 'iK lie alann.-il t y the IlireaU of tile I Vim I van i 1 (Vniral, that they will Ii iii. I roi.l from Onfin-iloro' tn (!lir l .lle, then-hy makirii- the atm-k of the Xih Carolina worth Una. rn-ulerit SrtiO Ii n'-it-i the net irolit of lit.- roa.lt i.v.r m l ih.ite all on'r:iiin.j or "e. ei-'iry Mi.'i.w'-, 1. 1 lie f.ir I In--(ir.-'ill V'-aT l''l, , i.i; Thin w.iiit only $ 1 Villi :l I . il i.likin money HiiiYt.-ii-nl lo .i- l:ui- a ilivi ili-n.I 'Hw.-Ue kt a-ent inte: T'i- -.late of lit;oria lea i1. "il .en- Ihir.l as hiir a tli. ...i'M, lit fJ'l.flllO KT lll'Mltll .1 of si. 1,-s it- ro-i.l, N ' rl h ( ar f,.il..ino a i.';ir. If joui will ha.e, aveli imI i-ii.iii.'li, ami we iK'lieva- the eent ia I'UllSVl viai.i lent ml will give eioht ralln-r than fail In enjoy the mamotioly. ' We have 'li'iui'il it pi"wr tu say . IliU Hindi to the stii. kliol.lers. No otfa-nce i inteieleil by "nr I tin t alk, ami none will Ik- taken ri ! by th.w wliai will praibably .vieMjjj Hit-u..., n argiinia-nta of the IVuim) Iva- "ii l . ntral. M .im Asiii.kvh. - Iowa, anyn the Wli iiiirt-m I'ulrii, has evidently more than "tie hrntlier oi the Praise Goal UarehoDcs "ianii uli. i aneuks under covet of religion into o!itical pniniilleiKe, A fw days "iiiw wc Iml Senator" Harlan oekirtg I re Wnetinn by dancing nn the chtu-rb tKbt Mie Ui the muaic al a 'aufl letter from I'amoii Newman, of Wasliinotam, reaal mi : " I am glaal tai any ta. you that Hen vt.it Harlan in ri'ular in hit attendance at 'itaiivH, anal-hia mrlucnre In the Hght hrea-tiiin ;" anal now caimea another nam pie of tjlw way raalia al paditiriam nae the li.'liin- of faith. At the Iowa State ite uhhiri Convention a n'ven u.l Mr. Wil "ii opened proceeding with what in aet l"wn in the reptirt a a rayr, aud in the 'mraetliiTniif liawWd forth, " U.ir.l ! by H ineiiu iive nutliia year our umial 40, majority, and if jiaMaible. liral ! give u t,WW majority." H " niffla a lan " wan greeted by applauae ont,he part "f the conmition, many of the more de vout rea-ipia-nuof the word clapping tlieir kain.H and ahoutiojj out, " Bully fair you, brother Wilson ;" all of wbiVh ifivawa Bne tiire of luwa republicanisiii in tat aonvenliiHimet. WlLltlMHTiiHf, jf: Liii.TTW )VWI RaTH- -!"RBlUfERoAK XfTIla37irniTii1fTie iiri ,if ilirertnra -of the WiliuiiiKtioo, ni,rl..tt; , Rutlierf.iril Itailroad, Im I.1 m i 'liirlotte Tileol iv of lat wet k , Hon. r eilv, Ks.( , of Viliiiin;;ton, wan elertatal ' "riKi- (aainii!1'"1""" """ " " '" "" .--w irtin'ia ill ha-alth ren l.ti'dnea'ema rJ llu actiian on ilia part. ..i 'V iRK p,,a r,,STK.i t..!(. - The fllaiittte I'-'n r.tt nu)ii we h -m the friend a f cam -tentitan will In aetiie ia aiplainin the Saestion to Uw people laetwoen thi and 'ks-iiaao day, 'the Sr Thuntday In Augun'. Wl that pawple (aa thry will certainly en,,y eipeha-nee) tbaat Vukaa a conven " u held and the praaeot corutitutioaa rlian-fed they will ba onpremr-d with a iH-arier tax than the; hare ever heretofore V1- If they penn' conTentinw to tie "td down, the; will have no right to ""plain when the aheriff ' Irriei tm their F"pcrty to pay Use vi ric m mmti, mk.u warn '' VV.i.l ;.ii.' iNiwer (tip ;iflie yi'a m. To a.urw-l a aaa llaa- fcaie un!" ji'iirual in Aiuaiiia. iIiub ri-at of the lua-aa-nt a- i 1. 1. .n tif North Carolina. Can my lot it of Ins utati' liiwil.-iti.- tn (rii ',,r .-out aril ion in Irulli ' Tlla- Miila ;raat troubte. ui'l pluii.li ri l Ma-w ait llia-se 1. 1. 1. iral.lt of North Carolina are iu 'IjheV have Ua-a'll fla'al'd in a'vury us.-tilMt wav by ' lie ra.l. t il- wh li.'ivai rirU-ai aiva-r them. The tiliant ial a-oii.hlioll of the Atata in ah--(lorabli.. The Ixiuah-d ami lloatini; U.:lt uiioiiiita, in muiial iiuiiiIkth, to thirty ail millions ui dollara, iiH-lualini( iv mil lions of back iliUitut able an 1 lliiiaj. llu? Ii-Kilatun whii h rot ently a It wl n session, hail in it a majority of ilemocratk and cmservaliviit, but umli-r the tl.- thai hm la-eai framed I V Mw rwtwaia,, it taU Hawtr irtempolrlB or paaawK auy meaaanni that would, roliere Hm ptmfdc rum the evil of niiagrveTnit, or from i rate of Uvution, whieh. it enrora a-d in tlu'ir preaaent iuipoviriahial aoiulUiou. woulal be aiuipIV ruiuaMig. Ity ihic ait Llu irot h-itM). of the enisling a onslitution a invention to atna-iui it. or iraiue a new nas f-rinnot Ih calla-al tiuh-Hs by a vot of iwa) tbirdai ail' the iiatiiiU-rx a4 the lt-iU turf'. Ah thita vaita- coul.l not had, it ui timilly ileliniiiiieil lliat thu "'W thotllil ahs'i.h, by a' vol'- to rw tjikeii ttiTou-li uit Ih'j atiite on the rial ot Augitat uent, wha-tlia-r or not a contifiilianal eon vein ion hIiuII Ihi held on the liist Mauuiay in S-iiu-inlHir, anal if the alia-i-aion in the ailinnat I i h. to I ltat tlelairitla-i to It. a. a lilteota.lilc ol'llu: iiiJulUC.i.ll.uUaJttlou, tbcic i- unit h it -haiisT.u tn u w ith I lit ju.lia iary. S. iiilt' all 'he lUtloa-a ill the mirvuie a-aturt .i i o ..n ",,l II .if mtntt of He i r ii;eifrti, mf ttntA immtt f U with wlih h1he h.i'n' Ixa-u no-miui Ileal . i iue to the ji.titp-.ni-.hiii ln.iiiifei.ta.ir' not nlv on tin- xllliieine U iia-h. hilt also Ij) ih- iiilirioi i-oiiiU. lief.. re thai war the ;overnuient of N'M-lh Carolina was a-ar-ieil on more e.'oiiiuieaiy Ih .11 any avthif ;j.i rimn'iit at I lie "iltil. The total ail niial iieiw iii. I in I i .-i-.-Hl'Oin tf I , i, mill lo f MO.IHMI. l lu uk .hi -.lateoovern in. ut i Hi.- p.-.. a tnillioii iiiiiiiilK I Ik: a xuaviigance anil a airrup I I l In- i.ullcala hate biiithi-neal the atati- ttilll debt. The btuiditl all. I lloat in tit lit ol the aatitte has la-a ll iniTi aaed In. in foiiineii iiullioua -the isaint at In. h it st.sid w hen the nialicala caiuc .a.. miaa ii .vy.-r to thirty six iuiiihiiis. ill I Ii iv da-ltt sMla-t-n ulillioiis arc maale up of in a lton.lt. They wela- i.stllasl ostensibly r railroad purMaea, ami prilla'ipally fail Uie alla-oa-.l Is-nelit ol the waulem a uun-lia-a. Tlit-t lattmls wen- tlinia'al ovar to SS IlllilOrs ! ' a jiSllll Mil. I l.llllCllelll llt-lllO the a laia t ov,ra(aira aim on ine wnoie ami. mil of It m. Is so issiu-al the stall' has not a. Iii.iIU n aliza-il more than a million if llaallel-H. I lia' bonds have llaTII saalal all hvpothi i iltil, anil the money pta kiTeai by a-onliileiiaai turn anal riulia al thirvua. 1'lie infamy ut the tranaw lloiw atun.ls furthur a oufa-aaaeal by the fiuit that, al Ihouirh tha' aixtajcii ntilliiHia ut aftaathaj tax laiiuT tvtTc Panned in laaanit awn iwrll, the raalieal who aiithoriza-d them did nait l.ue taa It-v v a tax to pay the iiitreat cith Ton Hi. in or on tin- aiid an. I uuiventallv rts-aii;ni..-.t taonti ol liiaj ."siata-. i na-a-aiun Ii it. -, iit-verllii'la'., ih-i.eil that the lla-w binds ju ipia-.sli.ii are talial; but other railroad hotels t a lari;i' aanouiil. which ivt-re alstt !itilli..i i.a-.l uinla-r tin- liieir inta-a-ol III.- slale. an re tln l art-.l by the courts to In- uifllitl. la-a-.iilse they wt-O' not isstleal in aicortlaiu' willt law. NNh. Iher it was eitha-r tvi or aoliiie on tin- pait ol a ma itii'l I v of the beeishaturi-of N'arlll Cunalina Ui take steps tai asa-a-ttain llu- a'lisa- of t he Hiple in rrgaral tai the propriety ut ailing loirether at tins tuna , a state coustitin lotial invention we do not iiiiil'Ttake tai any Thai mta'iitioii niutt le avttleal by the pea pie t heirS-lves. Hut that taaime aa tiam re puiijtjxii lie taka-n ui relieve me ian' arauu tsralitlirultia-s, iniist lie iMTfwtly evident )-frm tin. a thiliit we have iiiatle of ita jre aeilt a-oliition. TtH IKK IS A FIX. " If Tim Lee wa-re capable of a blush, the following card would crimson hU bnisasy phiz : v , For the Sentinel. Rai.kkui. N. C, July 10th, IH71. In the Tthfim. at. the. wtlt, iamieiL Saluralay evening, up)api a caral from T. F. lace, a halnnan of republican county ex iv ntive rommittee. ulacinir mc in the litrht of jiaving neglavteai my aluty as chairman aif the conservative executive rHHiuitu oi Wake county, in failing to furnish him with an answer, an to the inti-iitiun of the eaiiwvtiver.aniiwiaiaaiu44 aoartm long canvaaa. The two lettem that form tin mijor part of Hie oird, are correclly net rorih. ( In Saturday morning I ataUii to ('apt. Lee that I wiaail.l answer him that day, pnividanl Jualge Merrimon retunieal in lune. and li.Hild he not return in time I wr.uld answer tiim early Monday mom ing. At aeven o'clock 8atnral)y evening. I went to tlic office of Cap. Ija; anal liml iug him abaent, I left waaral with W. W. White, register of dated, ' A. ilagnin, deputy alteritf anal Cant. Iaee'a driver, raqueaating them tai mi iiiforra Capt. Lee. Naaw the still I-a-e luta the unliliiaing effnmtery tai nay, in the carat reliarred to, I list he waited for an anHwer until 7 Ut'laja-k, p in., Saturday, when I am ritli ba'ainJi .ruled by gtrntleuian w ho ware with him that he waa abaaa-nt, altaaiit thirta-aen mill (Mm the city, al a public sia-akini? on . Hatunlav, aad nanaiiaal ao uiato-t I furt1nTniiraxay that, tbe ' ituial Ixe wptte the caial riatiiralay morning laH'ore he left the city, totally, aliaregtinling the . I P"""" "r leu Uaier iiieniii- iiwt;s?vi 1 .ldv iiiaa alia KTtaitktu.au notlnaa far promise he had made to deter the matter dav. aeut out the n tiuhlk-an naitioce far plainly sliowmg ( tl.lt ne ami inotae w uoui ft at wparTTfit wwrr Tm'mvalmKltorwrttm laf the ctWM-rratiie', but the wtid a ard wn written for plitic al effua t, ana) the attta-r lo iawvaaaa was aa diauigciiuiuis a.tlue. . ttulav lialiing ad' the caral was imtnrc anal mrjtut hi Ilia:. 5Ef. SI. SNOW, riiainnan Cou. Ex. Com. The Chia-agai TrH"ihe aaakai anat receive tJ.OUtl fair a Caaluiun of a.lvertiar-meuts oae ye. The abustjiaw ioen oft'biautgit are Ha-a-n u pay H. -amaan Ht aaaaas uanraB ao ( UMinuati Datrs tVi.OOu a weark lor adver- tiaing. There thatNare aeverai hi ( lane land, even,.' who pay aa high a 10.000 a year. tSannrtiow theae.uafB anal DeeaB ap ; a liberal ad vertieer never doea. The frienal of cnaventiow io liichmond county hJd their a-ounty ooauiuiUng com veation o the 17th inat. Fh.vkki.ik, N C, June Ml, 1871 Mr as,.,, Kmtmjii, ,&iuf., sritU teuW: utu-at iM-feaanv have acttM in nraier to praaaJua-e thi juvurlial awaler nt nrk alp-a.ly nllo.lt al Ui M any -jaNilooistaa liave aatnlaasl t Ii i phtsu al a tui.lllloll taf thill. Is hi a- lit e v.. la anir fain-ra. Tin ) have mi p KaMtt that thi-ae fom-a tnheal up the mautiiitain niasMai tn tltt-ir pnnant a-tVva-tiaMW. If Ho Ihifory Iw true then the summit of the Uluc "lUtl-je woulal Im- one omliiauauiia antialiiial with the iiK.-nn-eiMiilnjtt mrila, aai-ordini; to eailoirirtU a-i ami es'h, ra-atiH-; upam eitlwr dc aUfity ol the prina-ipal luasn. If, an ha Im aupprairal, the Blue Unlire anat paralli-l Smoky JHauiiittiin chain were jtS-liai-l up I.y vohailia: foranaa, nua ll fair i x- ample a the expansion of intornul hi- wiekiB-j to n-lievaiite-sf.T:i';; ."-2l . ,.ja.t...3. ,..--..as Mi4lHat tliore miiat aaans tteea two aawaHeiaaial JiaM of liwee, .anal we would naturally expert to final TBanite tmmijhttothenirtandripnwed upatn the aiiniiiiit of the Smcaky-iui la'a-Q an uptai the Uiale. Thia lha-aary waiuld in vare entllawii cauiiplia-atiaaua. for tha-re inuatt have exitataaal a viit'ni of a-raiaaa fairt-a-a UITfa--iaalailtl ftyilie Ua-l'l BMIUBVa dMtiiia willi inUTvenini valh-v extend nig: fnani tine to the ot)ia-r of theat-gn-4t axial linos. This, it na-a-imi tome, weithl have praalua-eal a cairraittiialiii-a eXfaauire of the printoralial raa-k alamo, the rat-Hit . if lllfsal a na aiajna, IIVUI V i'Ct lltajl ao?fqual in aiaVvarlain to the luairr ehrva tHHts atf the prina-ipal parallel iiia-aaea. It ia a fiM-t fatal to this thairy, however, ibitt the n-sia'i-tive iuvrrteil iaaU, in the priaa-ipal fealura-s of llu-ir strike an.) in I'liltalloll. ll ive laa-en aU-tturln-ai vt-ry liltk:. il ah ill. bt tliirn- Itninavajov (jlituua. In disil, llu omii. mica slatca, hornbli-nil a'tt- ali.t taa taliie 'st-riea trailiaveiae tha-se "'-,"'. Itr.ka.a.t.1 If . Cvi-ptill Win ? - "'""'r'" ten ot the Smoky Mountain chain it. arm in NiiiUe and latliuattaiu to these ol.h r Iks U The avi'ta nei' is rs'4'"rt of ttiin thtsiry ol toieauia- llplia'aval .lortt not ullia'ia-ntlv. araa- with the l.ta-t aa tha-v are ha re lrva lt.ieal We lliuat then lax ik to auuf oilier Maiura-.e fair tha- forcaja which liaye protlili-a-tl this ara-at aipha'aval anal siiHt jn .sil ion of lite olalur upon t lit new t i ita-ks. ia u pra-vailiii'opiniou amoiiat gai) 0- .'iHt that the a a-iila r ail our ijlolic isaiuasK of jiiieouia matter, wia h aa in emitUal by iti tlva' vaih-.auoaiR. Tliaiee vaala-anic venta al lovn the coiitatant im-aciiUTil af heat from Ilia! a-cnta-r aaf the Italic, It is a faa-t (ell erally a-i..iaa-alt that there ia a -;i-ncrai, aa wa ll aa i-oifslaiit eacnM'iiient aaf heat from I Ini. ij.'111'oita a'l-nler through the crust nt thai a-arth. Tha- a-ri't a. we see it here ex ed laa-ani an air of iniit antl.-uitv, atral hence it i la.iaaa'inalila- tai iaupttaati- tflat at tin! I ill!-' tt lieu liii'l ort-al Cat, tatlfaiphf ahal 4pllt-atel ttialk lhial)i, the (Jlltt ot our (ftoba wan tliina-r thin it luW ia, ami ha'lice the eM iiMaiie.nt aif ha'al must have lieeaji inaaara' tlia'ii than now. 'llu' -tmiM-nicrit of heat h) thaiaa' variaiaia a o. iii' tea, no tloubt, ali niiiiialii-d the volmw al tbaj center, or ill le uat nilaieal the tenaion upon the tint el aapinK cruat and created a vwuuiit. Tai (II up Uiiat traewiMw aheaiawi'gtTag WKT ItMi broke In, tha rnakintr the Atlantic lied. Thia obliiUe atownwaral niotimi of the cruat heaved iiji, Ij-om ita horiamtal HMai tiou, this portion of it, anal rrimiieal it into one loni trand foldr whia-h hieakin-r on the cruat brought to the, surlace and 1- tpatwtl the Ixitlatni roa ka, anal atlhe-aamaa tillla' lapjitsl the suMTina-iimlM'tlt aa-rii-a till iter the primordial. In thia inva-rla-al ar tier we lintl the atrata I roll i the I line liiaii;a; northw-a-st ward tai Ihea'arlMinita-roiiia at tha, haaa- af the Cumlaerlaml mountain. (In tha- aoutheni aloMi of the Itialixe tliera- i i-vialeiii-e aif a auca-eaaiaion of itilerioi liilils, soon' of w llii li are lapn al over and fohla-.l unila-r like the mtntla on the north witsta rn loie, while othiTa are ulily riiaial iutto a reals like wuviaa lofiiiiiii' anlielinul tuui Hiui:linai axis. Jlt re hi- hate gnia-aia,' mica Klate. t.tl catita' ra ks, liornbliTiil la-aliJ, narrow .ami a,il taa-olile ran ka lyino ujion the gralilla' atl the ItlUe Itiala-, luJiUacMI8iala-ralllefa-Kl- lantv ol fluke but i;riiit diverity in alip 1 hi thasiry of the fon a-s by which the crust of the earth wa elcvnteal into tin-""' iiiaintain chains is supiairteal by several facta. Home of w hich, we now iutflaaliia-c. The lirat aif thcaae ia foun.l in the refill, iri ty with which the Atlantic coast line cor- resiiain.l to the main itirwtiaan ami eleva tion ol the Ulue Itidijc. Thia corrawjain drritrc-imlinjltss the MiikiHg down ut Uie crust along the line of the Atlantic laa-d attal a carrcMoitiliug iiphaaaval aif the eraat inlai tht ftluaj Uide nuua. . This view aea-ms tai be ruurc: rtataoiiable tli.tn any theory which attributes the cli vation aif tliaaa mountain cbatna by the ei poailiou of internal heat or volcanic force. It ac- vvuiitM atsai ttt i maWTWtntiat wayjrttir 8iipa;rHsittin ot the anc upon the semi aieiilury uetia. Again, uui mwiry in tanai ing tin- aupt-rina-ruiiljent Iteala uinlenicath in abiiualaiilly sustained by the faa-t that tin- to. 1. 1 tnaring ball am the aoulli of the Kkie Uialge, whkli traveraoi Hablientliain, White, Lumpkin, Dawaon.i Kairtaythe and l"kcMkee cttuntiasa, Ua., ta duplicaleal mi tin- north of the KidjR (though folded uu altjr ita phtiiairalial na ks) in a gaihl la-ar ili( belt whk-h traveraia llilinatr, fiiiaan anal Tawna (amrttieK Ua anal Clay county, N. 0. Theae gold bearing xonca ooth on the north anal south ot tlio HUle itmge are lithologk ally the aame anal abaaund in the saiite niinerals, gold, magnetic iron, rutile, auriferoais pyritca, tourmaline, kymite anal atauratiaie. They evialeully aHulituUi an irabniken horizontal la-al until fulaled up su,. I aletaa hed by the praitniding grauiu ad gnieaa of. the Blue Itiilge, and one part laatinv uuiped undaroo the north, and the watb tfl n sting upon the bmarof tbar ftitit i Tne"iiTH. " In Ttaa oiaj iaKiir. naj fwTia17" r?iinca'5iiTa, WSTfuaT "ShaT Tanory oiuntiea thee duplia ate beats do nasi ap near in anV apprasa-Uble aliinamaiooa. tlliHigh amaaiaaoat interval alia mi aif gobl I latanif.- .latea are found: It mim thai 1 J 1 1 t t Irer mrka or were aaaalloweal uo anal rain caaiieit fiy" ttic general uliaiaKiici' ill tlic oBa u disapiear and then rmpjiear at otha r pamU will be shown in a ulae.aieul paiar. Mir" truly, --C f). SMITH. I ,.R -non .i.anr, t-.mi, L. rt. r fnnn North Caraahna -the man alia. :J vcaeal Ibal.tatn laat i to arrest thai iiig ritiaenat nTlhe state anal tVwar tkrm ia oet in a kmgtity paper upoav "the penalin eveanta in Naath Carolina." We read etif fteer.tly far to diaooter that J( waa In keeping with the daannalde kuklux "out rage" epeeetiei naaaie ot hint in the United Statan a tew raawith atnee. John 1I evidently baa the gnod of hit party and Senator Pool at hearty but aa Car the real wrlfarw of North Carolina and her peojale be daatw not cana, farther than to we batfh tile state and white pearple pranged into alter nAwnMiW Km. ' - -Caarrrilila'ijit;-1'i' of llu- SJ'CTlK.tl" - MisKisaiii KhLIhx Tri.il lnitt Sl.lt,. Oilrict C.Hlt trill StififHmiki 1 KniUnx f M mrmr ' W v. Min - iircil Intirtit Vimaaalr I iu l.' :t Hi-half -M wfu Ifi, ih ttif m,t .i;,i(Yt iiiai Ciuvai a M iu-i-n'pi C'aaartt I tea ti ai UltHI) iilaaf A ImmiUU jiff. naaala-IV. 1. 1 vyraaaw mule it, tie turn. x Oxnokit, Mk, July :l, 171 Tlic Lnile.l MtaUw Diaalria t fjaairl w tuA ainxhin at tin pl ll-al, JuaJgwJt A, Hill pro sialing. There ai imuiy lawja-na In at tea.laja u, anion l; whom wa' limy mention tien. flholitoii, UiJ. litajmalji, Mr. Tuinur, iMMitct 4,t.mu;y Wells, and Judge llkk num. ... aniu partia tit muwu,,9mmt? Am, atrgtid with i i t iMWt'nM-.'1' na Alrxindair I 'age, ooloft-al. Ttiia ia the tintt caati ill thia tatale. whii.-ll haaa la-v-ll I1iuirrra-al uutlt-r the lilfunou uf-t aat Caau ort-atefc, known as llu- kl kl.l X II1U-, or (Irant's elasiiotia-.-rmu a Ut-iiie. iu or.h-r to Ixt eUHblaal auaill tta ajlsgr.la-a.- tha: V laila' HttUse with tha- pcetH.-ua:e ail hir a onta-nipt J lale -rill. Many of the jMTsain iirra-sla-al an' "I t lit? Hnat falllilla-ai ait this RtaUl, what hate it wapl Im-4-ii raaiax-teal ami lionorutl b ill,' lllgkest sas-lety tai la' fauoid, anal what siaiial alsive siispia-iiNi in thai eyes aif all Iruu aoiia of peace aud law. aSaauie ol llia'81 shaiw thut Ihaiir lunda have 141. wu Hilary with tlla- fra aat all' sa'Veilly Wllllt'lv, and thai they llltva: lli'ter la-lau-e bt'i-ii nr fataajneal la la are any jtnliii.il tibuul. '" anskei lor tilti'llca-tt eaaiuliilUa..J aga.11-1 Int.. I r. 1 I . ,1 - f -at 111M goveililllelll IU"' Wtil.,1 atrl saw. If ill an aJIeclillg stielie taa t iut tli court tptatgilty rtl Atricnii "w-rnt :" but tl.c tl ;y y retn ttutittn will nmii In titttl Uy. Ul. tlinllttt "I ill tllC lf Oi IVtlllla Wflll ll now yiiic; .1,1 in tlit- j).irt (' Kn- ini- ( id h trutH u tu lite .ftction l tliv iitru-t Uiini to ciHt nil thr hluu klc 4 "prtH .11 tlif in . i jiVsl'lrnli;tl i-ttvthHi, nntl aunt in tlu'U- Htntc Hm! cminu riv Tuntt. From uht.u (t i:ry quarter (niiica Ht.nin m?ws for tin? uKMuim y or tmk i.asi. -Tli ('uw1 now in court Is niiitUy pro rt'tihin. Tli1 (ltV'TiilantHiii the caw trie! In pvi' un utJn nntl hiic out n writ of IMltRtH tUIM'r4. TIm v 1 i'iiiiU'Utl tlu? examiiiiitinn ol tliir wiliit-Hs two (l.iyn ftj;o, im1 tU6 vitiioKM -. lor the I iiiud uv are now U'int; r:uiiim"l. Thun inrcnt ifrar utnof) tho (xtfiU' 'f thin vicinity Ami thcHUtent, coiivaUnl. I wiM (;lvc you further mfor muion in n short Hlnit. .1. H. I. WHAT J T COSTS. The oilr ill 1m) tklihUHl to know wtmt it comU tlu'm kttep th Wliit ltm nt WrwMi,tftfm.;Viti the iwThtar uttitpl c$T w wr tor1 mitf jwx, n .orAir thtrt tiwf Oiy thft more l.lwtKnily n Hu t ufKXi the ruimrbtin(lim of tuxHtitm which they re mrKHei U end urc. we r'nt the ILst ofi-itK;nilrtiirm in flint cftHl,.lirhiiicnt, as tiny ntiy In found n MtU'd in the (huyrMnhwl Wot, pajfc shihI ncssioit ol the lorty tintf ronrtv. -iiilm iitix tin cxiM'tew-M of the 'Whit- II.mihc, IVoih July !, laSTO, to June M, 171 : 'i i ,!.- r. t r. nr , Ii i'n-;las ,.) Aivti.-util liit.tl 'iUi,, J T. 'i.,, T. , ,it"o, ri. rli, I. P Hu. kl. v, I, SOD Kv. .-ii n U rt i f Uttiitlu. ,. iMaiW lSi ' v, H t i,K.k, U4Ht ll- l iil. i! . c k. tl. l-''v. l,m Mlltll.l V 4!,JV1. .t , llr. t.rl lillj 4 llfi' i I'.rl.T, M tHttt t . ' f-ay aUt V -I' M tU1:- (lilt Co. k. Mirj r mitl o K IU). do A. lam It i ' 1. .til J, xi :;.iii Kt j, I Ml 'im MIU ,: 1 IMI 1,M S it N,ii-I .'.,ol :,.(m) Mili Hi , cm-. -r, t ,m tiriL-. trn K I IKi.l. , .Hi.-H.int, V w ti; r, ' FilM'IK k i I'l f, ' I'.-tH I'lll.lll, WHlclllllMIt, ' Wilt ell ItMII, IiMiilaU-Jt.T UI llU'f, ' Aiiiuni ioorki- r, 1 ii.'cp jir to rii.'n taiul wU lilJ, N ii ftronks. 8talinnry mtd cuiitiii-at fund, i.'Hii ItjJiJiUjn; ... ... . , , . , , , i.aiinvrh on r.iilrlk, I jJti m i n rtt tin Kroirtilia, Km-!, MiiJUiri-V aini lLiuUiti. I'iitiii; LiU-nor, rUnt. &r , f"f iii;t- il lioil?' s, Annual t M" ''111"" f',r liHlii u j- and iff uniiaiiiiC, Aifcttttnr.iitflT ' BTi,'" au.uuu Total, "lilt , I.'.V Th. -a- ulna urn niiK'iiilH-r the " gaald stoii.s " sioi v. loltl by lle, of Pa-muayl valiia, ami which eh-a ietl lienaTal Harrison (llV-i.l. lll of the L llitaal HtattK, will loaik aavt-r these tlguia-a with conaialerable aur prise. b it what will the plain farmers, who p4 Uie taxa, say I AO'iny Arym. Tai Senator 1'aail, aaf North Carolina, be. loW the il i-M-n-tl it aaf having Drat preaeut a to tha- l itiied Htataaia papier pursrting tttU- the I'll ion of l.'iMI iltilclilaif Wil niiiei.in, wliii h was alulilteraU-ly fabrioa-ta-al It, his partisans there, anal waa never signed by any of the rrou whoae nainea wen' thus u d. This fraud waa detecUHi by S nator Thiirinan, who upm exaniin ing the iiajK r. fomVI all the nignaturea iq the lianal weighting of twoair Ihrtae penvma. An'atteniiit' was ma'le by 1'anil tai ouunter- (roil) jiit; pir'in. who alla-Qf tle)f liaiT sivual tor 4la-;rtM-s at a pubiia lliaarlillg, altti who ha.l ra-. i.--,ia-.l tlit-tr iiaioav to baa writ ten, lint thl Sa IOal frallal Wtt eiploalell tike others in two way; lirsl. by llia hand asdisUMavMi: ilittt UM.U wL.b,m,nii, klit wiiflili, V-aWwhu u .TITlhJ eSaiOT aaarta, aat tare taw aataa at sw aa attiips, HTr . .. . . .. IJXio naiiivii aiuriim Uie tune ol the iluulus uaieting. This example ntiw atsmi to have bean iiaitala-iT in a iiretehaTa-3 puiluou, acnt to the pra-tsitb lit from Fayelie caiunty, Ala.. t : ti 1, i, ti i r I . all in 1 1, nm linitit atria it,' . j wm ..j,,;,,.; (,,1M.f,,l b ,.,. ; ;i .., b',fc .:. r -f. """S 1, .-.. ..8 fait alaaaut, all -thut "outrage" buainrea, ti'onie from Vhat quarter it may. Kitery ease yal preatented ia tainteal with fraud, falsehood, forgery, or -perjury. Tbre ia harilly an exrepuon, en.1 iWrt. trram ba giuuisg to Hubert ft. dilmev U the convention can alialaU in Hurry eotmty. vFrvita and V-gi-tahia-a of all dajacripliona arc alHinalairt In thia markaH. "'1ltMr'T,lflrn " .1 -ajrffr.,lWlt i. a. .-.j ,.. , - , i-e-i- fMTf V . .. . .... -n- .tJimin.m... 1K1 ' .'.an1. 'su.'.u; !Kmi;ga'i. .a-j.iair'tr'f :. am1;.: 'JT-m-;' TiSfamtmaiSMISJIii tair Che Seiililta'' VoXY'KXrOX .V ALKXASOKU iAwwtttwa.. Tfie goaal. atrrling anal patriotic citizent -if Ah-vail.laT. in a(antllulha tA ftrrv1au n. -lila', jtniil.l., I in ('.ut ilition at the a-omnliaHtsc in Taylainivll1pf on the Sal aley "I July, Ia I, bar the pntpawr ot n.taiiiiia ling a ciinaliilate lor a deta-gate tai n'ifT. a'lil them iu the prtaMat-al state tstnvrti liaatt Lo atla-r or ailiatial nua ivr-atif avtaiMta. f lution. ki motiiin of l .1. l.inney. Esa . Mai. K, ('. llnrTingtaan wan rhti-aal ainiuin. aual Q. M. I.Utle aii.t J. A. 8Uphenm were envtaai 'ri'iariiH. oxrtlain A. M. fiogle IwtH'Wtifling'and aalvtwn I. f IPla'fvaf 'iOiWiiit.)' nr irxiOVtsnttitli tt) fnarH higlity iditbl to Jiirtm nd Krnatry ti the nthafavtiaTn: of hta frienda. 'tlitf Atti4m1tttirtif tlrltviUftn wm iiunr luip ntl Hi m(Hnj, wa foinot.l of inoirt of the xt mm of the emmty. iU mittnt tt coiitmitt.-f f flw were hp XH9ii!tJ to 'Inift rtxlhii.m epreMlvv o. llu- it-WH of this coin t -ti! mhi. 'Hie coiiiniittatr mi iiotntfiHiion rHunird iihI rtnr.rl tlmt J. H Po-fii m the noiii.n r, ll.ivillt; ttt i l, t il tltf tlliitllirilolht ku-on tltf Mftrntl billt im. Mr I'-xtl Uin jtii-iii, i-.inc forwunl tiiitl rtct pt! tire n m.nftlioi) iu ti VtTy li iiulstMiH' umnnr. Tltf coinniittt tm tcilutiofw having rt-tiiriit il, rt'Mtrt-'l tlu l"l,yinj, wht h w tf atlvitrrvt.-il tv II S l,inmn, K-.j , in nmMjtfornrtU' m-nmrlta,an(l uiiiiniuiOuii ty tuloptctl : JfaJciJ, 1. 'I'liut i convention in, in our opiiiion, the only menus by which the mi i ity novi t ui i otije ion. title ftnturui in .uiJ t.sat.tti: t t'julilulioii. wlthJi, U'rfct)tiatt!ii un I t'nloii.'i ti, Kiui hi '-r tin- stiite, can ;iro!',iu 1it! mM t 'ul llHlT' likrl lo i-tT (UtttU I - wfinr ttt Ttncr, anrr w onarTrutiaxr wim nil hazard wutali aiuat attand the legia- ,il.t mode, w hen It is nanelilbert-al tHaat He legislative i ii ' . I . reauiiua a tlia-tUth, nut tliafcti a. two-tiirrd tomi tif 4hi"aa-iifaxii tssinubly, aiid uhitugua which, if tli a't tla , w ill of a inajtirity of the aiaitla were- lal ll'a vail, woulal Ihi lllatlat, vlraalild fail t4t i ;a r tho tUnw liftli, and two ilnrdMiic lioil ol the g, tu'lal uKsa inlily, inure Ulan oui- thiiil of whom nre the .nwut voting status, watiilal Ih- lika-ly to yinl inu-a the stale f the pretaa-nl ollieial inaaliubvntl. 'A. ThatyWe haw no coiitiJeuuui in the ireU ndeal sincerity aif th oiMaiitia)n tai our ira?aiit inova'nieiit, on Uie groiniit that the bill slmulal have pastsed by a Iwik third majority, wlia-re it ia kuaiwu to ad that tat oliviale thia aa)rea-asion, jiatt tmcb a hill was iiroHweil to tin- generul aaaeiulily, .till the iii.li h ii.lenls anal ra'puhlia'aiis (tare one hiiuoreal eiavjation.) aftitr aal i mining Ifcat. nanj-sxity ol aihangca iu Hie eaillsUlnliilll, vaitcal aguilst the bill wtira flnaiual to Ult tlM-ir ll.tlHUlH. I 4. That we cannot regard tile many sccliain aif Ihe bllloi riKbt whii h saiulcar ly aiiuiu iatu Urn righta of the M)ople aiver tliit inatla-r. aa "How cm atrewn over the grave of nouular righta,',' but wo regaul aJtttMwtHM.nitt wiu IhPti-ner.U aaii'lily. .- a bwy es-.iioVthig with atiliona ms aiiul nuk third, w hich vetat all (v jitical puwflr iu.tfec uoopits, and make, llu-ir will (ami that only) the basil iiioo which all giivarniiienl must nut, and givu tn the KOiie the sole and cxa'tiinive riahl aif al teriuo or altaeistitiiK their conatltittion or font! aaf gtiveniiiieut. V Tlaaara-lora , llntt we eiulaaaaai the caiurtar of III t.'aau-ral aaaaa'lllllly ill araav.ialillg tilt; ni-aja ssiti y form of law, w hereby an i-x (iravaati ui ill the wa ll sattlatl will aatf the iistplt- in.-av Ih- itrouihl into acliaui to cf las I unit the changes daiaileal iu tlla organ ic lata of the stale. il 1'h-it .1.1). I'ool Is a suitable catuli .lala- ta tr tin aainveiitioli ill auir a-aauilty, nnd it is the Haty-tttr alfgoatd oawirrva liia-.s w do deaire liarmoiiv in auir ratika to reali:;nie tlilll as tlwir caltlttlat. t. 'fll.al wa- lire oi1oh.,1 to hw IcsaatlCMS, vi'i'eni c Hurt nutnige by whiiinwHiTer onm- lliiltetl. anal lira1 olalilit-tl at tha' reluarka-1,- tittil atnler that ekisia in our county, anal la-iific that ui-iilit-r of Ihiiae bam-lul . .iintu ad imI, the leiai;ui or I he kuklut, exist iu auir i-onnlv. 1'lli was aula- of till' hirga-aat Hlltl IIHMtt ,ati.i".l..us i-'iuvi-litioli eta-r held ill Al ttsutl-r. anal its uauuina) wiU'M-ry the aXatint by an ot-erw helining maturity. ' K C. UAiy:iNtll t, C'h ni. ' ( Sec-Marie .1. A M'KI-HI.NSOS, . , . r-ar U.t; r.-..(lj..J, KMI-HOiJi MKKTI.SU l.V f.ifiWKU.. At a large ami I'litliu-iaslii' meeting of lilt a It izaiusol 1 lutw a ll, t agelliKr with quite a inn. ila r "I gi ul It im it from Alaniantse sii.i ll:i , villa-, heltl in the caiiirt house, iu V in' a-; t ilia-, on ajriustaliiy, the till of July, thi I, iu the internal of the Vaufa-y-ville, Danville- at Cawl Kicld Itailraiad, tin in,. Li. ui. Col. liai. II. Wa,tt wan called taa the chair, and Mr. 1. ilaiuhiiu, aaf the Danville Timrt ami J. A. Hopkins of CawHI, tvt re appaiiitUal aiscretariea. The chairman, In few remark, ex plained the oliji-a t of the ma-a ting waa to take sta p to build a railroad from Dan ville by way of Yancey villa to the Coal Kia-I.ls in ( liatham uiunty. The meeting waa then ad.lraward by Hon. Hainuel I'. Mill in a forcible speech, Knowing to the jwoiile the great benefit tint woulal be derived, and the Impor tance of auch a work. Maj. W. T. siutherlin, aa a delegate ap pointed by the haiard of dirocUirs of the Itii liiiiiuid it Diijiville Itailroad, then ad .dra wd the ma-a-tlng, ahowing the practl calitjity ol narrow gauge roada, and ile nonatrahid Ills poaitiam by linea now in snxwettful aipe ration in other rtatfea, aa feralen to main linasa, anal that ther were patintt wvoWinenta. Me -fafitK!l9leii by jtuiwing hi ronrldntr in thir rnad bjr 1 iiwi'iiptlon tif fiom, kfi'l jvh ttti lFai ui uie hit biflninre ttrlth the rvavl that, he rejs-a-amtval,. to aid in ita comtmidion N ' I)r. N. M. Ibian then a'lilriKaasd the mer- liar and exolaineal the rmrvWaana of the Wattia-:fe .W.aifcMtTailtif fry ati MftaW. Itbrrai.anq aaanon as f i.0 10. the reapnsile tnttnrrot J tt" tmrrw' tiTaV"Charfi":WalnlrT-' ..... . . . T Ala liaTai mT silTasa-ritiflatn waaa rTicn laken '.. ...... .. . : ' aS'l arver l:l.KXI iuba-ril-.L TkenMvtlng then had a rtvfm, ben the iiti-p- ?rawl In attrti.laiife ra-jtanra-jl to a haraMiful gnrve hi'm rtirr f iMnil a taavmlikil bar)eeiip prvitafeal' fiy ttnt'rltl. MK. l-ai whl. I. 5'latlase waa dlHIai At a:tO aa'rtoa-k tlirtti?jTUi rraaaiiublcd,' whenta. 1). M .Jonea, of rVtrlvifTi', ad dnsasetlthein in a, very abUj sjaaiCahj slww tug the proaSablti tvait iif nairrvx galgt' r.lat,-t'a-tlier with much valuable mans tical infarmatlon whirh be baa aa.iiira'. from bialoug CCTitin-tion with pnblft gd pfarreinrttn ' " ' tH Piattam, rettaalvcal that the-tP prVt-aVsf- ing lae rBMlshed tn the Danville1 1 ivtrt and Ilryfer ftnleigh Sejrftjti;!'. ,ma ft v tOmWaVatlt, ' HO. B. WATT, Chatniiwi. x P. R-Mt.nr, ' J A, fonuit. SeaceetaiMw. it. ,i 'J - . JJan.fc,H.' Untnw .aai wtm-1 ww ja.raM tWt tit lHttrid of North CWvalaUtaal. Jawaph It. HUtloral, F..I J. Warren, Th.. J. Jar vis the North Carolina Itailruad t'lanpnni. vtni. A. Haiiilh, i.4li Turner, Jr . Wiu. T, Uaartrtv.Wta. IL VV'ilnird, aa atu. J 7V Iht IhamsthU Hgh I,. flmW , aad Omrtm W. WwKiata, afwfatMi Car (Vail 'aiT tiilst Ma bill, ml Ivhalf of hiinst-ir anal all olhrr sliaekliol.h-rsot the North Carolina ltiiilroaat roniiany, who an natt cltlM-na aaf North (Carolina, who shall ititue tn and inntribute to the cx(h'iisi of thia anil, against 'fliomaa J. Jarvia, of Dare county, anal Kdaard J. Warron, 'of Beaufort aamnty, iHitn citlatis ol the stale ol .North Calya- nua, latgviner attti all sii. n erwna, cm . u of aaid lat iiu-iiti.aii d state, aa by color of any ira-U-n.l.tl apioiutincAt taliiih. during the janr H?l, by the aaitl Jury ha anal WafTa-n, may have lan n, or shall licrealti-r la-, catntitulaal praaxy or ilina-toni lirw.n the mrt of the itale of North Carolina, to rvprvsa-iit said state ill the North Carolina Itailntaal CauliiKtiiy or amang the dim-torn thensif, anal the Noftti tlMisaHiia UatilraM,) laauitaJtv, a cor- iHirlion cliurtarisl and organinil under an tv t of the general awaemlaVy of North Carolina, totWorwith William A. Hmith. .losuli l urna-r. Jr., WtUlaiuT. liaarta h, and WiUiaur II. Willaral. UiaM of North Carolina, aud herein on behalf of. theni y.-aSaSSaiVtr?..W wt- art?r: - - '1 1. I'll at the ritirciualiip of the various parties to this hill is eorreclly aliovo aet fairtb, nud that vour omtor t. a shack laaalajcr in tha-saitl Nort h Carolin a RailntMal Couijainy, liol'luio n.ivtt slutra-a ot it cap Hal sl.ak : 2, That Hie saitl a-ompaiiy waa char teroil by an act oi the general aaaaeinbly aaf Naaflh Ciirt lini p iaa'd ut il kuuaion of IH4H 'til, llt'UHi a ll.alla r M-i of aid Hawaiian, anal that la V ui ua it. ta of the l-i.tl i si-iiiblv, pastte.l a.iibeiiiit'iitty, to whia-h ya ur orator craves leave, if ii. shall in the progress of this suit laoa-oiuo natceaaaitry, tn make ra-ta reiii e, the anld a barter haa been jinei.ilisl. sin Ii charter and aineiialmenta having been 'Inly aa-ca pte.l, anal thai a.iui pany orgnninil and prtwecutin; lt bual nctti undiT the n-iMi ; Ii That tin-,1'ipilnl l,sk of the saitl foinpany waa airigln.-illy iliirty thaaiiaand shan-s of one hiindictl dollar, each; but I Wat by an act tutaaaeal, at the session aaf 1H.VI '55, by tlm aaid asacmlily, it rains I to fortv thoirsand amah aliarea. as will lie aeen by reference to' chapter 82 of Uu! will naatHlainf 4 That of aaialvator'k. the state of Xorth Cainilbia lietal aarl'n,vtlt .tntatiiy tllousaii.l. lesrl alVrwnitU.liy vulue aaf Uie a"t f friij-l VVi, aliotu .miiitionvtl, thirty Ihou and aharm, and private citia'ua aub crtlnNi and heltttcn thouiumt uhurw ; ,5. That by inch chitrtcrand the amend meliLs tha?ri.to. arcaentud aa afairtautial. the state waa aulhoritcal, for the praitwtion of its liiuarfflts, tai appaitnt etght of the tavelve alintctatna what caami-ol the oralinary anairs ol atiltl coinpitny, iNjsldaaa a fmriy, aaa n'prvaaa-lli me autui III ine iiiis.'l.lllg all the alockholalera, and that the ilate of N'arUi CaroliD. ut atill autluiruetl to make such piaaintmcht : ti. -That Tiy the said charter anal variant! aniciuliiieuis tlia'ra'tai, aca-cptcal fairmttlly, or virmally, by the aalal company, the i.yernaar oi' the state waa dueignateal to make such aiinaainitniait of alirectora and pruxy upon Is-lialf if stale, aonietliiiea by nud with the consent of llll fnumtil, anal at ai liaar limitii as pntablaint ir .tl.e ..l.iiliri! aaf tntarnal iniproveiniaiil ; anal that, by the act of ataial asaa-mbly ratiliaai upaan the Jltli of Manh, It70, which your anal or ia ailttMtt- anal lielievea to lie atill In force iitani that Hiihjea-t, anal which waa virttml Iv itcia.pieal by aaial CaMiipany, the provia iaama aaf the original a-bartiT wore re-enart- aaal, and such 'aiiiadntiiient vissteal In the gaivi-niaar, with the aalvioe and eonacnt of liii caauni il : 7. That your orator ia adviaetl and lie lievaaa that the right taa appoint aaid proxy and iluwton ap m the part of the stale ia maw rightfully vawteal in the ggyerntir aa is aiaareaaiar:' H That by color of a pretended act of thf general asata'mlrfy ot North Carolina, pawa il itl .lts aeasion of 1H7 -'71, anal rstilh-al" upon the day of April laat, the nlaove mentiamed provlsiam In rtsgaral to the appointment aif state proxy and state ilin-riatna Is attempted tn be repealed, autl it ia provided that from henceforth. sim-Ii apsiintnient shall be made by the unasultttt of the annate and apeak tr of the haaise of rt prajaeiitatl vee of aaid eaarrubly, jointly : II. That the aaid Kdtvard J. Warren ia now prwaidrat ait aaid aenate, and the aaial Tbomaa J. Jarvia la now tpraker of aalal house of rraaaaeentitivea, and that either tlu-y have maale, or ere now about makes au h aopaaiiiuwewu Unr the purpoae anil with the deaign that their appointwe ball iiiternieal'lle with, awl control, the aalion of Um (aid oorporatlun and ita di- recfara : 4 lft. That yimr orwtnr believea that eortl apuaiintmenta have lawn maale by aaid Warren anal Jarvia, and that their namee am purpoaa ly cvKMatmltad from all perauna except auch appnintam, with the view tsf preventing them tixatw laaing eujolivsl thia faaavarable ewwrt frnwi rneb medtllintr aad contrail, aa afomwial, until the tiana haa arrived tor mrh bttasffateena-e by twewtst II. Tliaat rJairaf kov uliifnrndaud le litsvee. that atv-h apMiintmenta were mtule o sr atauut the -tat day of July, and that the day upam which the genera! raeeting of the -kaWUatr ot; aaid com pany ia Ul HSff1f9"Hf;.,19-.fffWt. Vf .!. IM'glltllltlli1 aad tattiner'ng it for another Vasaf, ia the , . - T tovitmaar far North rSariahna atatl iaiM I ? . . j . . . : ' . ' T "'T taa-1 Infrtfmavl and heliereti. that beta ml- vated'and bflii'vasij flaut the airt of AiiHI li7t, aliavve- tnem iaMieal -ia 'UMiofisittuttofra. ll anal rolat, and that therefore he will ap point pWy anil rlirertun to rppnatent tile mtereai nr ancn Mate tn aaid enmpan : i t i nat your orataw umaivtaert and ba? lievea aaial act of April, lM7t, to be null and vittil. (I) hermiee ft eonflirn with iht a hartasl ria.hht aif the aabl Naalh Camlina Itailnaaul f 'aininany, inch act not having hetsv acrrptaeai by aaid Citmpany at an aiwcnduw-nt to ita rbarter, (3) beeahaar .tlmMHy, hr eontraalia tion t artii'le Iff, ax-tSui Iff V the conatftthioii of the atate o( Saarth f-aroKwa, th' pnW W'arren and Jtiryh hivve brtnt, hf tgenrrial aawmbly, apptainteaj of 4f4eal to aa oflice cnled by laar anwe the aatttjaiioa ial aaial emt4l tma, aH fcarntbt Ttsaaiitix, and (SYlie cauae, Uicreby, the funtlatuaiU) nature of the lotsaktirauip aaf I lie house of n'pn.atn talivaw, and tlic pnwidoiicy of the .:uale, n ia mjaajwatli.aia iiailiitttusarTttiwaiiniaii.yi tivtt. and 4,-giaai itiv ala-partinenta of the gatvtlrnniamt aif tlie afate aaf Naartli Canill ua, are alU-nipted to be vhuuga-d and uvawtiirown : 14. Vmir asnttj 147 tt rrrrarrTtjl to yrrrfi haamm, that the ramflision neecaaarilv liv eidimt to the roulliet ot iurilia-onHi. twea the apisaiiitasra of tli governatr, anil Ui ara-tj nal,sl aiolii! offlie ar,iriSjild prmtduot aal Maker, wUI, of haelC anal without referews Ui the man iter in which It Mlall ttttimatcly tai decitted, aivl iTjuthlroI mum if mU iitnaart fX-tfS I. til aaid uatovpany, prove very injUaiaum to Ida a?uitiary inU-rcata a a rttxkUoltlcf tin r. -in, aa w ell as to tho luUrial of all ulhor Kiii h ctatukboldora: IS.1 Your orator alao apprttendi that from want of aaaiuUttratiott, of oliierwW. the luaioritj of the private ito;kholaliini of sum t-muuv. nuiillng tn tvvel atutt), or North Carolina, nitty aaliuit anld apiailnteit ail' the pieiai.h ul ami sHakt r lo owupy the ui iiea ait proxy autl utnxtora, oa u lore said. Id Tliat micti prtvole atiak holder, resida nl ami inti-n, aa afohssyiil, are very iiiiiD-'it.us. amouutiiig tai niorf' than one niiiKlratt, in number, anal many ol tnein are utikimwn to your orator, ami tin n-fore lie has laroatea-utal this auit agiiinat the aaid William A. Hmith, the aaid -Jat-ttaii T..twM- I. II. d .t.l W;illu. aft ts..a. an.) tlii aaid William IL Willattaj, w ho art) ivrivate attaakliolalttra in aaid aNafiuiraliojj, on behalf of Uitniut'lyt and all aitliur aut-h took lioltl.-na : IT. I hat yonr-oraMuT tteini; IgtHirnnt of the. nanus of aalal npiiauiiti'Ca aif the irnritkrr anal preaialent aional(l, hai nrrt las-n able to make thorn tmrtlon to thl-I ut a attst.ovvra.si, satt ti parties alrtt-ttaiartt '.. ,i i .t." ' ' ., .'".T." J. i a To tlie atnd tlterebare that the aaid Kd- wani J. iWai a-n and Thomas .1. Jarvia, w it k t hei r joint, or several , at tome ytt, agauta tint aervautaL however constituted, hert'to- foru or liaartiafu-r, lie p -i 'tatually ajnjolnral iraati iutemietlalliiig hi ituy way, unalur snid act of April. 1871. with tlie uSalra of saitl company al ktbrvmid, and that aaiil caaiupany, ami aaiil W. A. Smith, Wri r..M... 1,- u';iu..M t rt..ti. urtt i .iiiit i, nt,. ttiii.tu a, ,stti,ii atitt , i,- liaia II. Willanl, togi'thor with the other private !, kholilers in itthl roniiany, the taauie iH'tng rt-siileut In, nnil a itieusol saul alula' of North Carolina, be alsa) wra'liml- ly enjoiiicit inuu themaelreaentertugupon tlie ntllcea of proxy ami dinvtoni aa afore said, under apointment from said JarU and Warren, and also from admittlns to such oflla-ea of pnixy and diructora, ary a nions pretending lo have been thercunkt siipoinie.i ny aalal warren anal Jarvia, ami that your orator may have auch other aud further reliaf in tlm premiat as to vour hianora shall lecm inea't : May it pletiae yaiur lionaini to oritur that wrlta ot Uijutic lion lie iamictl. buret her with writ of aub ...... a., al. .....I L- 1 ... I l tv'--.. Mnaa. tt ,tie RttH.catattMt ' it H , W", pnwiilent, atc to Uie aaid Thnma , J. JarvK ttpratkasr, io., awal to tliV-'ioi'l North I'tHlHiBM llilllrwart tVnatjly, tl?Uaf v n tiam A. tuiib, Jiwi.ili Turner, .!r.,yi.)!tiiin T, Dorteh aiut Vt UHalil It. YVillur.l, a.uu lllaiitling them and each of tlicial, their gata, alUirncya, and aeryaiit", ate,, iu 'tc. Anal your oratb'r will evr prav. ... . r. nnXirs, Attorney far ComjiCntt. .STATE OF MAHVLAND, ( Cur or I'm riMoiiK l'x)n thia 8rd .lay of July, A. I)., 1871, helaare the tinaterailgiieal, raiue Joseph JJ, Slalfonl. ami maale oath that His contents of thealaive bill are Iruai, a xariat at far aa llie.v are atateal iihiii inlorniatlon anal bai liaf, and those sUaU-uia-lils hti bclicvaa to be true. Sulisa-rilia il anil sworn jaefairCnie, JtWKI'll H. rjTAKKOltD, it. pinrri, , IlkW, j Fx lUHrui. alS, IV. III Clurk CinuU. CuurUjud U. Caiiniiiiasiaim-r Fx for tile Heutilta-J. 1HHCUHMON A T I'l. YMOUI ir. 1'l.VHOUTII, aN. C, Jvlftf, 1H7I. Mtuwiia. Etirrotta : Thinking that vmi waiuhl like to hear from thia part of the slttav, anal aa this la my tint i-oitiiiiiinii-atnin bi your paper, I take thin inethptl ur in forming yoo of the criebmtlaittl of the (aaurth of July. Of ronrae th 45 Vm cekvlifated by the negroea of txifli t'olork by iiiari hing tin anal ilourn tlif atrfels with airtirnl Tti'Sfinil arirT BVlfig uhm if o'aJ'S'k, when they ail aaaai-tniila-il (nuniiier ing about H(Xt negfoaw and 10 white ntt gniea. Including Irll honor Jayhlfd JoniM) to a stand eructa-al Hr the apsiwlteriv When everything waa i)itlct Hanr Wiggtniy coJ., areae and aabl, I renounce to you that CVI Mc Lindsay Will deliver tai you the 4th of I V ttty am ajitiissR, w aia-aa-iaFau taan saiai jiii:- Uudsay a mate and adalrrjaaeit the crarwd fa 2t minntea, using the wor.ls fa llaiw oitinana 63 timer in Hie JS niinutea. Alter McLhidany taaik his aeat, Sa.lia itor Martm'aniaa arftl aabl, aa Mr. Mrl.indtuy 1 had detivereal -tlitm the 4 tli of July ad dreaa he xrotriil adairvM tliem On the tnj Jrt of inverttton, and went on bjraay big ' that tlie oouvenUon woulal takeaway tiie himieatead and deprive the negro of his righta'; aad that tlie convention would aie uiyawuvtitutional, fair Jualgna l'earaon and Iloalman aaid ao, and it must be to ; and that tlie eonvenritm would alaolinh free ealtmttioa, and he aletiad contradk-tion; whereupon Maj. L. O. Itham, our able enata aake) him if he wonld he allow ed to reply: Mr, Martin aaid it wa juat ai tlie rtmnmtttee aaid, (of t-nn it waa n dnretond rtetween him ami tberonrmltteaj that Maj. LaUiara afioubal not reply, J when no, nn, wwa rtnn'tjiytfiy all the comiuilU-d Maj. MtmHttaaa inal hint to Mop etial- bajiglraaj iwnWmiltWthii Ifthefwere tug gif - ing to let him re ul r. Mr. Martin cm tinned fair text or ttfUett minutea when be Anally vroand np bv aaylng that the greatmt objectla be bad PW.WteJnf tljrt) InWalriwI bit Hon. or ei-Jay HirirJon"Vfio lM. fuiayenthia lwljtg..ll-juut tllii?g in war and that the radical pwtJM wa. nn iio-mst anti ptr aw ,vma vaaaa , A nuart bottle of: whiaky win then plarrif on the table and bin Jlonof torafc-w drink law nearfy every t wrircii; anvVray' when tlie bottle waa emptied hit llamor fjait apeaking. The dnmte the ronJa menueal laoating and they all mart naM rip town . : ' ' Maj. laatham then atlafreaard large and rwtieetabie eniwd of white people anal ma le the beat spew-h I Jrave aearal ill long time, ia whk'h be omipUtarly Wore the raaliVnl party out and nearly took tlie hit hi off of thoae gentlemen that preceal- 41 bin. ; The white people Mown. Editor,' are mtniaat for a convrriiion and we expoct tat awry ttata ominty air it. ' '' , "Voo will please ranMish thia tnt the gaaid of convention in wir rotmty. WAS VTUU n AH TUltC " (H"oK DteurKKKU at Tlt trVriut-wtl (Vti)tiT lly f)ir, 3 Ilia, khttm Urawak twM ..t, M and at,M l(1 witrm.fH.-jf Hf,4. UltatB a IWtaallt Wllla iUm a . . t ? "1 " sr. aaaaiAatatUAai.. ing at the bine of aaid tain, that pvvment woittd lie ra qairrdln "unibtiinaeiai.st .r. ' I Banny," doci not inewn ipea h. or itttrnuiv- ' 4-titnts a. St.-f.n-" ? tW--v- -.. atwa. ami uri'iuiiatiuiota at f tn la? niiuiideml in ast-ertaiiiing iiw hilen iiaw of the partiii, and thaae thiti.ja, t. gtalhef with the cooJitiuna of inali rate that ftymnt wa to be made t. . mrtoey rwvivitble in the rwlinary merrial and laitaiiitui trna.iii ' ' fT T II. al. lloat- ea(l Uj ii -art aMttlairarsi rt. ti m m h.,tn bin In aiMiHu am ttavtuTmta, anl to tha, aititiiiit n the valua In aptvie of anrh creaitttherrt.?tlTe (Inlet. tiaytitent, Iti vni, J.4 Hiighttn ai, Wha-a lrr.-l ndcr UieWdyai,ifttyatiniairliami , anil il dots not furtht appear w hetlieMlie aa taan ia in tort or contract, it will he rtt filirtjwl aa amblgiioiM or doubtriil phaU- . iu, When the defendant tmaterriaittal the dctiiitt U be to (, and the ftkiafif ttiai Wit diw'launi it, but tattered eviitcoce tu rtatajalish a breach of cm tract, nuh aa:tioa tsnnot be austairwal. lkwowt, , Htale M. Deatavi. 'Jostiww ' of Hie i'eace hare eji-hnaiva urlgiua) Jiia ilia tion hf offenarw UK-ntioneal in cbaiater Stmj act nf lHflS U9, entitktct -an art to pfotar( iharrteal yrmniw from the wllfkil aliandainmatat M neglect oi taeiit hoa ; Wherevot jitatlcm ol the tMiaie have ett'luiire uriiruud iuriadkiW la ofTeiiaea, it hi not ncMiy that them ; noiiw ue a eorujuianor wit the rr,uwite jmrnnrilied in me, , mi, Jh. J k',-rf tktp. ' 178, art I860. Rut- aiK-fi reiiulahea umit Vitr ittrirtrfrWttTtrW trriDiw the Joriaaliction of t?' e.n rerged fact and oranhrriri jftcr miat acttT ..--ai.-aaMi,-,a-. uuiltv : aiuerel wiiii iiu t. 1)1 i!on. ' The a : IlatUWAK, J. t nialntiff owned nn an wblcH be "knew to w aa4MAef"aaal in the bal.iaof panw- Ing and ilijunn, atta-k, aiid vUt a know ietl$e nt iticli vk'looa aiuahti.ia. he peim.t twljbim U run at Itirgt; iMd, If auch ah laniai ii i raten pursuing oov,, whieh hat Ihrvwiilowa and waa in the act f amuip lug, her, when the defendant fcenvinp; iff was raaaajaary to kill him to aave fA lift .if kia out, kilhd the aaa, that feiialaiit waa justltloUe, . ,...! . ; ., . ,d v, . Ilaanit J.t Aa atliahilatrator hi arulltw of grraaa aavato who Belli property of hid ItitustHta aia a crrHilt and taktw ao aiber adcarity Uiaa the bona of the ptinhawe. I ' "" ' ' 'aiaaWaa. 1. '" ', ".'J- FaW Ut Ba-atiuaji. ? ' ' . MXgXli'Q IX ilKUTFQUO. ,t . At a mertlnf of the eoaaa-rvalive party of jlertfaird county, Mai at VViiitoa un the 'M July, IH71, Julia A. VtMln, Kaq waa calh d to the rhalr; aa4 O. Vit?lleiri;rry"A apnointaal aHrtttary.,''jti ' On irMatiiin.jvJjaimmlltiaas if fifteen. W, ft htiiKD, -r, it "U, Cwm5 Ir. W.J, UatfmKr D. V.' rieaaHima, J. la, Auaieraon,, " l)r, V, il. Arthur, J. W, Perry, tie, fnw Jit r, JiT. Wvwea, John W.lIarMI, Thrta. Wyineas A, Dartlam, M. tl Matblry, W. I. -Holliinaitsd, and Janwn Miu'hell, were ap- ' ' pointed a oommiitee opoa oaaninalion anal , reatolutiona, who niaartel tfWtttutteof M.ii. lawe-J. Ytaalea, aa tlie nominee with the ' follow Inn rasaallliljotu: JUmiltnl I. That wc ilrictly approve of tho action ol'tbe legialatiirr ill aul.iiiilling Ul the peHB Of the aaliate IM) M. firs.. riinntalay in August nexiv tlic aiucalioo of culling a convention to amend out irsaint ' coustitiiUua, whieh in our iiiuiun ia imiI siiiteal iii many rcaaa u u our want a-tl naaoeasitiea, and in many of Ira pmvUtona liunleiuattnifi and opiirraaive. and we would iUy wula aiino a change tai our a14 ajotirta uiai uaagca. il. 1 hat we rt-tuni our alna-ere thaka lo tlm Minitarvatlv meinls'ri of the Mgiala-' utiv iiit ta vartatiia aaluwy .m hate i-iFecteai in checking extravagance . . and rualtit'ing exprneea, anal fully anore- l.iiUe the (1ifliiMilti.it by which they were "iirroiin.il anat the rcttera tiy whkh they1 were lianipajred. ami that we will eaaleav iir to remote the mniiie by our action in Auttwit next. The rejiott vraa mianimoualy aaloptetl, Tlia m aa Jermgan, Kw., and Maj. J. J. Vawtaia, llic laanitK, laalalreaaod the tneety , ing in etli-a-tite aiacliea. There waa mudi a iiihiislasiri and a full dctfrminatirm em the part aaf alt to carry the eownty 6 the etiiiyaaiuujii ami the gallant Yeataua. - . , ' " XA. VASS.Miumau. " ;;' (I. W. nKVKiu.r, Secretary . t' I (ibfortOl.filCN TO tiOV. PALDWKl.r, f Hurt'OHiin lsttmu most 'fd'smmrox . .. i Cm o Tim Eaj-tna, D; ., w l " ,. July 4. 1tr71., Qtnrroor CnUtrell, of KralUd Dignity avj (I rnerit y,vKint Votl frrtutnt: Your t xalllng letter, fntiight with grace , ami lieneviw nre, that thraiw-Hi yaair u-1 " bmmledgaMHiiMiwiaiiiethrigh IWebanala ft and favawof Mr.Ju.tHeol Huthertaard.Ihad , the honor to receive in a fortunate matiii-rit. I am twraatntided with the greatest d I ili ' cultink My IHooda nave reWted that I wilt fetara to my kbawuiameal borne with , an army. I have no aucb purpose tVniator Pool will m ptibliith an ad d Ma to tbe people of Haanh CaMtiaaeat' . , eulated to frighten them with tbnmta fnnu L. I'rwtialetit (Irant, The presiaieiit will do aolhiiig. llaitb be and Pool deserted me "H laetaumnver. "' '. : , Yatir aervant maktw to your exatt lkwy, tlilpetitiain: That irtaig'ful ruttcal, Jaa. ,.., Turm-r, wiilaitk tor a t(uiliiia to have, . yoar acrvant taken bark to Nyrth "Caroli . ' at wt anawaaaf Car amsatiRr bin, aad alai -1 ta vsnm tot pjuri. 'B : uotiinlif hit arrest.., I'Hif Ma'JJUL.yi vant no repoactb in yatur tieelk-iK-y ha aunt uiiloumhd hnpoK anat eonBaieiMraj' " tliat yon will not grant rlbe le)uiaiUoei. 'ai! (ooaidaaring Bie la Ui right of your pro- ,. fan and ftmtmaBlan'watTMWWif - tatt fitm I wul not return wita aaarmv, u tW-withwe atitil Mi yen ta. make trtrrrn twtioo, and have me retitnnvl to Um aute. -LrllKlta ClMJBT Til lollitwiligJ uaU went argued yeatvralny i . t a,-,, j , State , retaHon of Jitt fitmncr M -Vowo't;, liuatrooilie, Phillip at llrm nam for Uw pbtiatitl, ami W. IL Muk j fi the alt-fun-laut , . iJosati riiitniMT v. JAa kiam Shiftman Bitnenmba. W. H. llailey bir the plain! itT " aad l'biUipa Momma aa for Utedt-fa-n-dant i " . . Aarott IjhI.1 va. J. P. AalanuW '..'. Wilkra.1 W. H. Baiby bar the plaint i tf, anal Bragg A tStnmg and It F. Armot bl f w the ,tVl'eodaU : - A ymg man, naineal Alliert Wing tlo living near lamp Call, f.'h-velanal a-ounty wii killed hut Week by the bite of a ht UtDBake,. , ,. . . .. q v ft rrf-asiTaak-af'e. v i I f

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