T"-r"rl-. v" rr . - .w. I i -r -r- - - -,-imu ,L , 1 . , .. --r -- . .n.,,.,-,,,, u. a - - ''' ' . " " I llll.V, fill iM 'r.u Vni ! KKWI W Khkl TW !., lM'KK BJt. liCjtjy t HE NTriKEl4.u.'i!'-u: -- rrnAM tu.H ' 1'm'ttr Ttu i the lirt ! "I OramiHc court, ,y,,n-. u.1 true liclJ by Judge Wll, Ik t tlT known aa tlica-sy Sam. V reached Oxford ou Monday ami Irli Tiu-lat at ami 'ii- I'll' i 'in- sivonii ,.sirt id liraiuillc since tin-death of Judge tlilliain. sd "" Mr! have attend AVI"'" Juilgc luiiiun nun in was uni,! throughout Ihe slate, fur In (,,.,,, I in tin" stain. Ilia hInm-imi- mill Al t' li lt ill Will out of Court. Never f'.ilmi.' in ii f-riixi ill' twenty years to imvl , .l i"l 'Y lii kf"'' '"iiiuy, wi' lr.lt it uu no niiirt witlmut him. J ttV li:nl I lif lrBitr of niwtinj; many M (rHU'l'S nl aniou; them John C. Xylur, B- , who bourn the t,mulilM n(l uiMfintuiKM of life wi Huun tkM j.miy m wotUiI, JiwwH " fultalr7 Xlute were only two writa rutiirnahl Ut "the pnwiit Utim f Hi" court, wliiili Hki w.ll w flrmitilln. Aj two hunilrwl ncm worn are Mill t,. have Ik-ii voti-il in Joliiutnn county. Ty I'ti-siiliiil Smith, of Uie North Carolina riln'i, we iluUruiineil ti iniiiirit into the ultrmpt to vote than) in Umnville We nithereil the l'ollowiii); fu-ts I'roni I'.,, i 11 F Hill, " "hi ' highly r, i ,m exam W ttt- pimy. the V Xii the reideh-.-tioi' .lohn Itidi llia-i.'1'"" iiiiesti"ned. Jfthn sike in mh Ii a line woinail like voice aa to altr l llK.alienii.m of ('apt. Hill, who whisper ,.l to Ilia aasnciaU" jitdoes of election, that h, believed Johu was a woman. John h raised by Col Wm. Ii Tay t'ol Taylor was called nmn to prove j.ilui a ae. II stl that he had raised ii,, aiirli man a lohn, but he had raiai-d a mini. in. I. m y Ann, and that was her in ,,,,,, lolho! f.-i I,,,, ! tv is ::o more abashed than would hate lu bucy Ktoiie. Mite pmtoiteii that ale' could do llieu'a work- and nhe almulil lie allowed to voti". NotwithstalTit--iu)! tbi radical law forbidding persons Ui ibsllen je at the JH'", Miss l.u:y waH i lullened and forbidden hi vote. Hajor Smitri D.awte.1 that in tlui case of the iNK) wmuea in Johnston, after they registered, the law forbid any one to thalleOjje. Therecould have Iweu no reaaon f.tr the carpet-bag legislature forbidding challenge t the polls, except to perpe train urh fraud. ' No wonder, radical are uupmed'tu eouveutioo. ril.iTii-Al. niwiiKSI''"". on Tu.-s.Uy we heard .the candidate f convention. Tl conservative cjuvli lUt.stre Messn. Amis. Snead ami Pe. 01 the lir-t named we uveJjiut speak, a he is well known throughout the state. We beird Mr. Amis f-r an honr in one of hia clearest and bent speeches. If Onnville are not convinced of the rieor sitv s well aa the constitutionality of H vouveiition bill is i uot lor w ant of argU mint. Mr W. N. Snead and Mr. A. 8. Peace, pe yoiun,' miuitier of the bar and discunaUie mieations unite day with force, and in at tie that would be creditable, to older heads. We have seldom listeiivd to two mure graceful, elegant or forcible speakers. The radical candidate, a Richard Hn.a.1 called them, are two cldhoppcT anil b.uiier Richard himself and Ed. Lyon being the clodhoppers, aiul Ilansan Hughes, late of tills city, the barber. Tie barber in intellect and elocution k ahead of the clodhopper. ... -.-,1- ihHitb 'War John Ratfland. introduced by Squire John YKey to Col. Wharton (Ireen a tlM meanest man In Granville, t.K,k the stand. Job. beg b, yu,'. ? Here rtand. the old negro -lovfng aca wag before yon. lie Wved th. negro be- fore be could vote, he love Ui m-gro now that be fan toU. IVet old negro-loving John is left In the cold lor new lover w thnegro.J Whoare the canuiaaxe. in .. . r . mMmmm is Jamcst 8. Ami, s christian gentleman i - n LnnM I oa lutimiBur and sUtesuian;. f. Tf. rJucad I hare kuowa him from his motlier'a-breawt, t'te liest man in the cormty ; ahd there . U A. B. IYs f tul,t,",n th 4 everybody lore. Wha are the r- p ibUcaa cnmlidatea against these gentle- men t Ed. Lyon, wb voted to rnive 1 1 negro, and that he bou!l not testify in court. ; Vw BherilT Moor, two, voted fia- Oraham't bill tbat Uie negro should n t command the whit)' 10 wraste. - - - al !- -I I sauaTt' ttljsj charges you to beware how yoa wjHBj How came you alavea, and who made you nl Uow4ne you black, awl who so beware how you aini tlood' said Jor dan ltt, 'that'u ao.J, . You "g" ileail 'iTTKmtim&''flM laW huw ynn f illow atrange (rost and strung sw.-rf loutr4-ll ngrnr J , fthh, aa tight a Jtatlgw "I"" I rxatuiwid thw-aMly wlOa, tamciuwiu hisTpeech amittst Ute about of tne.aa groK. u,;-..,'. ' . J.a was njOowe.1 by Cuffy Mayo,, the ' cnn.titati.ia aahT -of OnwivilUH-a free aigra of the old iatttM. CutTy iirdiutu aa repted tou wa after tltai aaer : " Kellow-dtiMoe, aioca I have been a aua of wisdom and uaderataadiag, which have beta 40 year keaea, I)weW eeaaorr 1 ., . ..i n... ,I)aift ition in the viu unru of ir. ;it.... .. !. "i --- VVJieU. .WllUt f,4jMI iMiVHOWTuhoBt ' f"r "I'Tilan Potlir I'l.ller -Potter." Cliffy xai.l he w.miI.I lrVe the atami heu ho w n tliri.u.-k h liml m.-.l. riln I" .i.i..K, th thin g.iviniiiieiit on man. n mu- k, a,j h(, , M lo it. Whi-ii -tiir ,tl. r III Hi ll niHUMM!, 'iini'lii.li -i iiilan Toller liN.k hin phu Jiinlan Invn pnwiileiit nt liic Imgue, aim in s );reat man with the niymen. reitnw citizen," lie mml,"I authorize my l I' to in I , I itwi t h is confrrefral ion am) I will wy unfiling to my jlnlKinent the tiling yog exll the .oliliel i in a hiil,uli. What Jill eeriutivea ami democrato evw do for me I Did they ever (five me an acre of hui l " Veg', sai.l tln-jr boja, didn't they five you 40 acrea and a inulefl No luid the aoeaker. I hv an ' t...H; yoa duiy having a mule t) Nn id .I irdan, I have lunle. ''Wbat'a hit Banter If that qnrat ion ia asked to make jaekM of me, .said the aeakpr, I will not answer it but ilivlare it unmnstitu iiinable. If you want to know the name of my, iniile, and auk for information, the luention ia conatitiiiionabli', and her name 1 hoie you will atop your lumrh , lor 1 do not (terabit to Ih- tuaile wiack- asa nt I want to purily the old Ueut,' .Htuft iauirlniit"" my frHd, lorrhui. StoiT:uiolriii(i.n" "WTt Ii otitsf M;hed anna not take three jerks if a sheep's tail to . wnij .l im MU1V V 1 til I ill' I'l I1KIIJ BIIU tiila-r ueriK'S determined to put a atop tn the ai-enr. and lliry kniH-ked -the barrel from under Jordan l'ultcr, who stood, (qi a liht in defence ol lila rty of speech. Attbolast ekttiou (irnlirille bad 1100 negro majority. ' Many negnies have lufti the rrmnfy since then-. Our candidates tntlv want the whita voters to turn out and they IikH sure of ramine; the electiou. jvunf. a r.ii:y. Tin' editor of the liatumtl VirgiiUm, aml. F. Maddot, Fkj., wriU" us to send him the Skntijhh, containing the flight of Jiiirer(rdi-u fritm North t'aroliua, and .ulila that he desire to publish it. We have no copy except our tile and that we cannnt rpare. The f.M-ts are IheJle: (Jen. lattleMd bor rowed of Mr. A. W. fliininiM-k, a banker in Nejtv York, $7,000. When the note was due it wax put in the hands of Juili Alden for collection, at the niggration of a Winmimn of Aldeu : Littlcfu.ld paid tht not. i Aflef the not w aJd ji'f" """f' i to Mr Uliillilial that Llltlcliuld was dead briike, but that he had a valuable ditnoud pin worth i.WKI and he could get that pin !)ir the debt, he hoped . Alden then paid hi client 3,000 in cash and agreed that be would p-t the pin. Littletield allerward tieing in New Yoik, Mr. Diinnna k infoniie.1 him that he haiT Svtit- 1its TlaSra ta Judge Alden for 2,000. Litllefleld asaurwl him he had paid the money and produced the old note cancelled. v Alden was on Hidden' reconatruction tT aoeiarh-makintf with Dr. Orissoin, Judge Settle, and other, and rid'uii; free on tit North Carolina iUiiroad." Mr. Dimmock made his appearance in Haleigh. Messrs. l'liillips i. Merrimon, attorney at law, prepared paper to hold Judge Alden to bail. The Jud(;e got wind of it and fled tlift city, taking the train at Cary, live mile off. We offered Bfty thousand dollar re- wlkrj fiw him when he fled. If Mr. Had- j0i will Oliver the absconder here, we wni p., him the 50,000 in confederate money, a we promised and advertised. Thiiisone of the scoundrels, who with Abbott, Littlcfleld, Lallin, Estc, Tun Ue, Aal.lcy, Tourgee, tie-ton, French and 80,- 000 nigroea, lasteucd the r!W "- UP" "Z' IhMm aid Phillip J i by a majority of the people. - We pui.ibjhed, on Tuewlay, Mr. Phil SDeel.n f i54'65, anJ playfully auk- i uW:n tns 04 artA St-iU "copy, never .... drMllling .a .flirmativ. reply-tnougn i .. . . .. M(rMtirn ill an- i sir, iiamw set mo-" m' r " i ., ,)Uaa .Jda, of the tp- We wer, guIit, f th0 indelica- f guesting Mr. Hanes to publish hi (J phiiup,' .peetjt, ret erred to, it k altouether to' naughty for even hi j cllumn)1,'' But Mr. Hane writes J M ,w B publish it if w will pnb- i to Mr Moore. We have J addrea of the republican J MtS ' ,cn-mittet, siirned M Sautl ; F. Phimf-, thaimuut," untl fandry OUie, oroductioaa, hi whohi or guiltj of, unpardonable tun, .,' P" pos to Bin no more tbwta, varr .t...- l.la srssou b swt aaffiuient kaUlt, 01 i t'U lai-b and tfuHW tlw ""'P1 "j" be 9mmSiS12!1J 8 r. , an te it OHivOHou o. HiSTattnT HiJ uwwg4hwaKa-l lillitsl.l. whosleaar ff rpttou to thatiwi needed IrHWUrt. What p we have mint be devoted to ' tti duty. J mav add our UeUof Uiat ulna out at, tea of Mr. Hane' pa?? lia,cnH - 1,, r)tt$ may deem it Mr. Hane' duty to let .them sea wfctir. PbUlipa' viewa were i lK4-5.. .W". Tl pWlo ofNAstairy rplaiu that,lt.fcolngtol. that the tare front that station to the city v. i Si I . n- Th .Mual Broc-siaouww ; ; . r.k.n.1. IS? Li tha dty today. We are aaUorijea to - J v . - I finest stockbiJders and hol.ler of pro ,Vn U ifaSn IWhiiuM Hi, iwwm -u ie-e f)iittw fiw nx . year. Wc live a niile from what Wiley, in hit novel, " Ala uiam," rail, the "y court of 1 lillalxiro ." ITie Bej,Ttien of tht Wirnt boro' burn uown our lem-t in winti-r I'riio' and auinmer. On that part of the plantation "here it could not be acen Inwi the liii-li roailf when Ihf ml were taken, we usiil 'niA l.la lij;)i ka, audi an grow on the " KlLU " ranch, known in Cimuville aa the " Folly," a,,4 mA lly HenaUir Iuwiter Ui the awmdler I.iltlillehl. The negroes woiiiu tatrryoirthe Immli fence, aa last aa we would rebuild it, Thn''htt lieen going on for Ave years, I-aul riiig when our farm hand were making up the fimoe with new raila. a tie grurarriwl off ouii hd. We urrendcred and nave uii the OghL It ia provoking in the lat degree to aee, a we cm anyevening or moruing, .forty cow or mrl from the "iiy Caurt" in upon our young orchard of Wtittbrook Jt Ijind ley's choiceat fruit. When the negroes are ediicakil and learn the difference U-twueu ir anil twiiia we shall plant more trees. If their loaders and learners can Im- tulcrated when they stent ft o.rtttfi.txm from the Ts-ople, we must lie patient ut the li II our old -whig friends of Uandoluh. itrriycir, tlicir hnjjs and sliei-p stoTeu, they would not be so fast to vote the negro ticket. IV thev had. too. a neiro sonire to jevy tow nship tax, and a negm constable to collis-t tin tax, it would ihelp to cuio them of the'negrn rail lull n-tublicau mrty; iwrni-ially when neither the magistrate nor the nwtable could reid writing, and Hily a little plain printing. If Uie old whigs of these enmities had to work al day ami aland guard all ui;, it, as the old w lila id Wake did a year ago, to save their houses, stables and bora. from the rl ones khtdled by the negro leaguers, tliey would ifuh voting the Xigru ticket. The old w higs and democrats of wee lent Wake wlllaooo 1 put on guard duty again. The nineteen negro leaguer who hurued their house, barns and horse will soou be. discharged by our sheriff from Boston. Judge Watts, of trie league, im prisoned t Ii-iii only pir si t months instead of lor life, Itcing in jail, they have made no jurupa-j they ba.ve tsjmliiat to itpMrt they itiiiMt stial 1'heir iMiniahment ha lj"erijiit eiMtuuh to uuiv" tUi - fi- .. I ii li r n..:ic..-.l t tilt that tne 'oiu wings ui numn, Randolph and Wilke hail these baru- Ituruing republicans for ne'ghbors ! They would sosih learn that it was proter ,tyid patnotic to work and cooperate with democrat or the devil to put down aucb a party of ignorance, jarson and barba rism. rOTK IN YOUR TOWlfSlftP. Young men just of age must not fail to register. No man, young or old can vote without iM-ing registered. No man can vole except in the township aliens he lives. To the white men of Hie west, who complain of having to vote in their own township, we say it was necessary to pre vent the nrgnsjs voting half a dinsen times on the same day. We know a mgro who boasts that he voted three time to fasten the rarjet bag constitution pon the state. Those now registered in their own town ship need ninrvgiatw again. Our Duty. The duty of this local i to report what tranapire ; and faith he'll do it. The editor ha mentioned the pullllw, freight id meal of Mr. Troy The meal was consigned to A. I", najiners s Co. A jug of buttermilk and Ixtttle of brandy were consigned to Jo Turner, at cast we read it so in the Wttul. Ibis lo cal ha ntt seen eitlter the Ualtrrmn or Uie lintndy. A Hall would fight Bailey before the crVdit of ihe office honht suf fer we will return thank for the editor for.the bnmdy by way of keeping up tlie itn.t.. i j . of the office. By tlw by, I " ... and while our hand hi tn anrt on onwf ... a a i w will mention a bottUs of whisky aent by Mr. George T. tHronaih, on tlie 4th rH Julv. Th editor corked it up and said it should not be opened ttntU tle neat 4th of July. We shall return no inana . . r... that Uttle until it K openeu on xue 4th." i A irniAi, Maatrino or tub Boceboi.d khs or th it ,v- , J a r B Tl . I-cbvIm j i vnVLfk tha atockholdcra of the IL A Q K. K,. held then- annual meeUne; I tenl.afcisM,,r4f,T , , y j Dvis and W. W. Vi . owtariefc The , .,v,;nii m. ill If I uiiWiiw w td ihat l,TI4 il"W were represented in n,,'--"ll)er1Bndll838 by proxy, tp to-m - . . , nothing i jmtanc ha3 Ufcuapirrf. 1 .p, fMJnux Dul,t.f" JS . - . IMmniet going from tin city , ium paid 00 cenU for aucond dan ticket The mm pamr ictumcd i t.LsiJ eonta II . I . . 1 . W 1 1. mochinff tea taaa ts"t. i - , . - . M 1 r.eat a con.municattoa from"leraoaauv ?5aXS a4 clrargei ea that road. eJ : Bvaav Vonut Mow, Vote w Tu1rslltr.', "" ' - -- iiiiimi.Miay, Illi lust, ..ii unuauJ iwr,;.- nun I.. , ,,t ctiiii lii md iii Mariiui hear Hon Tlio?. J. .J arvia The i-ourtliouac wan tilled to overdo ii an. i. iiotwithatanding the dav ng the day si very warm, Ute profiiiindi-st alienee an aucnui.n (arvailed the wli while Mr. Jarvia al.lv r" "weasity t caiun).' a coiiteiiurie. lion iiihmi the minds of the x-ople, by nt ,t'o1. Cnw K uMn aanuniing the chair, lernng them to the late history of iitaulrimM-d the mwtiiiL' in a nliort and 'itate Lrnv.rnMw,t a.l n. 1! .1 ' government, and appealing to theifyoinybil Mf.h, in wlm h he toii'-huil btiif iow if the old system w not liettcly the poUiual isut of the day, liulnin the new if we had not U ill.ir ,ii i I ur..,.,... nr i,, almuimr tin to km than wiiiiout onii-.-ra than to have such oiira .. am n rieavy un.upon us and stilhhe statu ronsliutlon. Ills h-Ii ills emliarraaii us with debt, lie did not onlik.lav!-,! his usual ability and waa wjell re aerimi the alUmtiou ..f the ix.ii"rvativS.iv nut me rulicala theniaelnw could' not re-i siat hia argument and thi y applaudisl hia conduct ami faint.. Artrr Mr. Jaivis hs.J eonrhiiUJW-JL 'KSiiMl.'ttW-htei'Jin. win t. 1 1 chair and b. II. Kleaniuing was leom-steil to mi, a secretary. Tile foiwilig rnsoiq tions were hna liuiotinly adopteit : YVUKKKis, It baa been lalsely assrrteal that the cniiM-rviilive and ilcmis ralii par ty did endorse n tiat is known, as the ku k In v organir.ation. yia-snr, Th.at tite party assi-tnlileil to lay from all iinrts of- the county of i Don ell do denounce as false and sbtn.U i- oua, the charge that they sympathize with or iHilong to any such orgaui.atinn or ant other secret) political orgaititatioii ; thai up to this time no individual in thecouu ty has U-eii heard to avow yniuilhy wiib aaiil organliSatioM ; thai it ha no exjilaiu e unlawful and disL'titcctul and lie i ii in am uiiUM irr'r -tiift 3it7. yun isluuent .of the law ; that we eongiiiu late the. county upon the fact Jb.it no ilia tiirlianif of any kind ha b.s-n rrejiliil in it, ami that prwe iihd ipiii-t pre vail tl Miighotit Western North Cattiliua, exit-pt the rei cut ilisiurbanccs in the coun ty of llulbfonl.. 2 That we believe that the disturbance existing in Hi. county of Huiherlonl have their caiiHija Uxuil in their nature and not i-uiniiuMi tir-jjhe whole pettple of the state. t 8.That wc IK-Ijeve tht Ihe oii(osil pany inive iieienioiiiit puritoai lor h ittttMtr "tWi t to irragiiiiy every violation of law m the stale lino political capital, for tne puriKise ot iiitluera iHg the minds ol the H-ople and produring no sJit part of trie govertmieiit against the people or our state,. all or w-Iih-Ii wr cimitetuii a tending Mi produce alienatlou aud discoid among the (teople. 4. That a coinr of tfiese resolution h sent to Ihe lialeigri Pkntinki. and lttith erford ViivliMhir fhr pnhlicatinn. Alter the reaoliittiHiB were ailontrsl the meeting was highly entertained by nmiier- ous short and appropriate ceclre from OTi-asrs. KtialMX.-, ol- lUlelgb. and Junes, ol Calilwil, attd. uthum, atW which, the nu etini; adjoiirnexl. , J. V. NEWr.isin . t Vnr the aiitLni-l. W1S1I1MITOS COUNT)' CONVKN T10N. Mrtrrt. Kilitttn of the teulincl : A meeting of the dent.a rats of Wash ington county was held at Iee's Mills, on Saturday, 15th of July,, whiih was at tended by large reproatntations from nioet the township. Ik-fore the organirjition of the conven tion, Hon. L. 0. Ijlhsm, Mr. l)eiiiis. Spruill and ('has. latbam, Ksii., aildres ed the people in lengthy and eloquent aKici-hes on llio subject of convention, fully etplsiniitg Ibe .object of the conven tion, ami Ibe iwrntsity of a nsluetion of tilt: taxi imposed upon Ibe ((tsiple by the present oppressive constitution. l llC COUVt-.lU!ws men nraiiiM-i. n.y lliiiit Andrew U i'iiessoii, Ks., to the ur an I Ibe ai'p unlim nt ol win. V. Downing a secn-tary- The naiiie.il Mistsrs. w. nwsin ami Deuiisey flpruill.wi-re brought la-lore the tieooln and the unanimously nouiinatml l. . ..r," I !.. .1... -...I. Mr. prllll w n-pr.-atm hichi .u mo wiiveution. Ttr. Apruill, after being nppriwd that he as lite nominee, accepun me iioiiuiiiiiuhi in a few appropriate reuurks, anil promis ed a thorough and active canvass of the county. ... The' meeting w cooioseil oi tne mo intelliirenl and ,rlsiiialile men of th'' county, they ftilly concurring with the Sieaker that new constitution was es sential ui tlte griterargisw wnu proi-i' tv of the statu. In conclusion, wwrs. ej.iiu.im, -.i...v me lo say thai wi'h Ui(" aseialsnct! of the able spcaters wc havcio help in this g.l cause we may espucl uoppy risuiut un ure flrst Tlitiraila) in August next uauiraiiaoi here, I sswiiu yu, i rapidly on tlie de- iuc -all, seeni to nave awssenou w a sellM- ol llieir iy WHICH IB hi uurj cal ruk- so deep th;it It may never ascenil to o(iU. aN again, the people of North latroiiua. A. !. tTiK!"rt, un-m. W. C. Dowmiku, Ser'y. For the Hmtintd. COXY'XNTION OH NO CONVEN TION. The minonnntsof convention ay: " 1st.. That tlie bill sulmiitting to the people tin- tiueiwiou in omventioB or no convent too, u tuM-taistituUtiOal aad revo- lulhaiarv. ; -A Th.l If . convention u eallwl in the slate tlie HtMt incumbent ia miIii mi 11.4,1 UiMr BtMiuona, i . Sr i. That tlie fislerar government will ' xj tt -,i,i ii it, lor oiHivraoon h aakinif llu r.4l..wnk niuhtitin .wa s" . I A. ML.a . tkk tmaAt. vtx TH. -II tlie WMUli.' "' M lanwi t"lti lHJ..ttitll-erfl 4iw I - "" J J , , . ,,' ami you alnmi't ' mmmt mm '" your sent in si w"i; niv I ' .1 u.l Mwoiuttimarv ' meaaure f sw.l sir. n.MviUaie nali lie caneu. - ..... (I are you iu favor of tb present efBte-hold l-L- imtmiis uiw , ,r "4- ird-"lf aevmventioa shall lie called, . UsYsr oftlie federal imvernnent intrrtenng Ui uorea nievww ia ioe mxpiwAl at IhsUalitsY' Un, prmliM ulL.nd Im ia iHHMBUtion Ul Ut tlM- titutioa antiaw of Ut t niteil BtatesT If ilu-v answer (M first qtisattoa ram affirmative iaaltow eiUier that they art sat tn aarnea or else they are willfuny corrupt. If they anwor tlie seraod an n.u i. tk Kirinmativa. then the ant I favor of traaBptiag upna, aad treating Hie people a A, 'aM Uf ataluag the pwip'-! suppiiaat tooia of tlie general jfovxcanaai. Bhin( them aut, wake theat how Uieir ' -- ' ' ' CENSOR : fur the Sentinel, Tint coiiicrvative citinens of Yailkiu uountj uhA in Yadktuvillejuiy aa, accor .lir.: to prevhiu appoiiuiiwni, mr mc pur ume of niMiiinatiitg a doleK&W- to the pro ikki, I state coim-nuon. j. The tneetiiijj was vrganixeil by theJw- iiiiiie UiHtiirjlkn tit t'ol. A. U i.uwlesas cliainfian, il fon-ililv ii,i.....l Li,Lm4n utiil Duvia aa ft!rru- . . .11.. aiimpaiiitivi - iiiiuik.i1 lor fait alliinition in Up,m a call by the serretaruia, it wmsa- "rtaiiHnl that the varmua lownsntiia weo 'reareseiiUMl. i t!" , Mie enarrtenm' t r-iirtnTi iiaitlemtloii of the intsting, JHosrs. Dolison, lbuiijiion, Jarralt, U)lMm SHU l'urycur. Lhiring the n-tirrtnejii of !br nomiullter I il legates held a cofintftali.ni with oinli to the selection ol si'.tinliil.tle. alt. r a brief interview it humd IbJ popular tipiitmii i -ntni iiuon Jobn U lloli-timb, rl-iq , us ibe tnnit suitable ma, and upon tin- sn oinl ballot hia mini initial was luudc'iiiiitiumuiis. uire Utiicoiuli am pled Un iiomiita tiifso llatteriiigly lemirri-il him in a very luiitsollte litlli: aiietsll, ill which he pltj;cd niutself as standard bi-ari-r of the loarvatiM' party, to ik hia utittost exet tii'l Ui insiu e iu success, . - . 1rW fWsiint-ii wiWVnammoO? IrtSwieaCaJVjiina' umtr the act paused by out pnent ligis latuf, fisr tlie purtoe of siiicnding our stabaaHtatitution in a manner subside to ihe vaiita and canditiftu of our ieop!e. I.ahaaaaie himrlily'Sndtrite all th Fe aiiujox coutaiut'd in the act submitting Ihe tauslion of convention to the people. Hi1im wcrtkitow called for fo'iii vari ous laiininent li'ineii. and Mr. ltbbaon was to:iferHislv called for, lie however conlcped himself with refuaiking that he -soinsuil aaJsw b would uanlly IK) calm laltil bu chate'e the uiinda uf anv there he saw aniie (rufering U) a tew prominent radicals) present Itutu cnriiwity, and that at tlii'pniper lime their curiosity stiouiu IwM gratilie.l. 1 tit convention' 'througli its chairman, ..... f..m.-;J..i'.v?:rMVM.':ai.i'.. apMttisi;tx tile totiowiiig giriiiii iircu .); vaasen fir li county at !rga, ta ; ntswra. Joe. IiolMm, Andrew ('. Cow Ins, John T. Murter Jolio A. Ilaulplofl and A. H. Smith. -Jt-r v ; n na'.0on the atvretarle were directed lo semi the ur.Kedtiigs of the convention. for linbllcatloli to the Haleigh PtNTlNltL ami 1'wflt'i JVtM. The tnivuulion then aihiHirned, well pleased with the harmony and unanimity which -had marked the whole ot it pen- ceedinga. . . . . ; 15 , wilWI-i R.C. llAVia, Front the Telee;'ram Jl'DGK IIA TJ'.K'S I'lKH'.i ON TIM f voxrxNroN. , ; Rai.kiiiIi, July 17, 1871. TV Iht acal Ki,tvr of (As Teltyr-m ; In yitr patter of Ihe lAth iital., under Uie held uf "Convention Humor, ' you say tbai'ln a Uiiipitrary alswnce -of the lis al eiitor yesterday, 1 tumor crept inUi tlinse folunim to the elf.x't tbat Judgv IWtli' and Hon. Kisnp 1'. Batiks were iia poseil n Convention, and this went on Hi the W ttern iwlitina of the 7'iAnrma." Aft' expressing siiihe doubt as to the oorris'lihits or the ruintir, you adit: rill's gent lemon can -nk for thra serve F thry smr pmper." 1 Im e to say for myself, that should I live, s I te able to get to Ihe pull in Au gust, shall vote lor convention, and thoug my son Kemp is now almeut front the l it, 1 ilnuk I way say for bliu that he wif do the same. TliJ&l sex-thin of the biH of fight de. clare - That the people of this state have tin-lai'reiit, sole and exclusive right of tygiiting Ihe Internal govenii.icnt and jMltji ahereof, ami of altering or alailiah lugNl ir eoiMtitution and form of govern nienawheuever it may be nectmstry tn tin irlafcty and baiiuiiiees ;. but every such rigliahould be exorcised in pursuance of law, lid colisi4ently witli th otmallUl- tionlt the llinUtl Hlatea." Alter titu snleii ilis'larathm, I cannot Iwlieve that be iopkt evar iiilen.li d to deprive them .srltl of the power of amending Uv iut"JH I only hi tlie uieiycrs of eadt house uf tiw general aa rnik be optmaed to ita exenisc. theLlijiirt irf aiueiHluteota, pnivnha fur In aaudaa uf amending it; one by a calif a eoaventinn by the coticurrem- of tellurite of all. the attauuers of ewra Wii of the general assembly; and tlie otlilliy a bill fisr the protaaied amend- ineau lie naawsl ia a particular aaanaer by In aucrawsivs general ssaeinbliea, aud iharaa vossi or toe tiiallnel voter of Tif int aacttua-iar the inn of nghta ra- ervilii Uie people tlieuutelve tlie power to r Is eonveutioa Crsr antemltug their cot'lition, provided the right to utake uctlrtaU l eaerciseil sa'aunaianne of a law Ibe pasaeo, a I anderattaid it, by law Ibe paasiHt, at Ui feral aeaemblr for that pfirpose. Tie are thus ia sue opiaitaa, three motiby whiih ' amendnteau aiay be auk tlie conatitetioe of ttiu state : 1 silly cixrveetioe to be called bf the peo theraw4rtr hi pumnanta of a law to btoaaed by the feaeral assembly for to lie called by lie forsl aatenslilr tto if 'two thtrd uf all ftmernbere of each hywae coocurritig. I) By a hill to alter the asm which rise wid taiec tiiuav in eartt hutaa ef I wre V-..1 m ffie-tWiritaaem-f I thritTihe ft irf ami I r- ' 1 11 i banseach house- tsanertivtilv. aoa Ve.i f at uiue TtHl!if III OHUiuaiiMia uuiy;' wit troubling yea with aa argunwut in sairt of Ihaau; . i WIU IL ua.l l l.svi OIIIim Vu Liroiia.irio.-Mr. J. A Ih ofTi'lvWa, Alabaiua, wrilaw maUoa ' concerning tne kind f used la grinding anaiac for lif learaa that it is much 'astsJ l Carol lea. Itiau oo write as 1 We'are aware of the' fact cbaaed ia I lit yU. , , , !( " J fspn Guvwt.irWmn were no Rases argau that court yesterday tne disrkat havasea cleared. The court itwt mere ly laisulutioo. I ; &&V2.4l &i!M&irV& tn& "..tun.1 . We publish a fbllow the Jaw govern ing, the convention, paswed by the general assembly of 170 "71 and ratifii-d the 3rd day ol April, 1M71-: Bwtiom 1. Tilt ornerat .imWy of forth Otrolin ilo tiuu t. That the herilfs id the several couutiea of this Mate shall open oll nt tliei various prccincU in tlteir respective coitnthst as now established by law on the first Thursday io August, A, It i m71 .atiii ami whune an neranus ouai- lieil to vole fur iMiuwri of the jneriu .a.a..l.lv IttaV vote lor I IT KcatiMt a tte etinveullon, under the ntrtctlona nerciu aftwr pixm rilKid, those who wish conveii ti.m .vol inir with a luiuted or writun lick ..I - Cu,.,.tun " and those who do not iah such c.umnllon, v.ninK in ute same way, " A'o gwwniV'riL,-" ls 'yi". rL- lJoii uf dekwaica to the convchtii n to lie assentlded in the city of l tlcigh al snch time aa is hereinafter nrrst-rihrd, ail (sills to la! nrpeTinleruled by (he nvi-Ur ol the preclrlct, ami by two judges or inspta iora at each of said places id holding Ihe eli Uon, Ui be apitoiiited by thecotiiiuiasiiirtcra of said cottiiilis rrspcvlivelv. -4 Th it ah ill In- the duty of the said rcMiatiai and said jU'l'ca or iitsa-c-tors, im it Mil in tit v after the cbue ol tin hiIIs, to count the ballots in the presence of such t'ltx-lors as limy desire lo (hi pres cut, ami make out a correct staleiuent un derlhcir baililif, of the (mils at their re sM3ctive places of Imldiitg said chvtkiii, which shall Im wait . I up and returned to Ute omuuiiaaiuuitr iif their . ivaueclivc rmintira -tiv 14 ii'i4im-W oft Saltns-lni itf bar l rf.,'VvTv!iiaattto,vrf..vji.:i,'r veiiitmiSety'iv.-ar,.T- iitcMSatt' n aiMs!m lies 01 utnonit, usee ami iiytie stiait oe t siluw uutU.Tumks ai'tij .the e.li;tu.'ii to em, (or any two or tncih jn tne Tiresence oj live or more ot ineciiineitsoi sain coun ty.) ahsll tamipare said returns at the court house, or other. place of holding court in their rwiHtlVe yoniilleia, anil malts illipn i ate alali'inenla of said returoa, swtiro to In-fore stime persons author! .eel to ad- ministvtr oatha, wbh-h altall be dt"- ptaiited in the mliee of the reg later of dta-ila of. the count v : and if, lor any cause., Ihe mliim Ii. any preelcnet be not in bv SI o'clis-k, p. in., then ami in that case the i uiini 'sioners shall mljoimi without C 'ltipaiqig tlie polls, to meet again on the loonwing TiitaHlsy, nt I'J o'clock, m , whin the poll of tlie vsrious precinct ol that tMtiiily shall Iki c. mi par od, atltl in the meantime they' shall diiucl the sheriff, or one of hi deputies, to Com no) this attaiiil.inre of tho ili-limnH nt re turning iiflhvr with llin vine of till pit)- etnet. When the coiniiiisslmters. Isy thn nmiptetrat tm rwu perils iu ta! the jKills they shall ni.ie- pi lamalion at the court IttHMe iloor, ol' the vote cast for aitd against the vnmiili,in, awl the names ta!' i)te iwrarm or person duly elected as dulu gatea. 8m.. 3, The regiator of deeiln for each comity ihJtUJnuisnilt byu onor lMtiiirti H-J0'.K-d-4WVVw.aVBttTAaitt provided for In the fon-going ao tlun, and shall, on ur before the same day give Ut the prratiu or iersons duly elected deh'gate or ilelegattw a cert itli ate of his or their elm tion ; and if for any cause there Im ny ri; ia!i-.r ol deetla in any county, the coin ml i. uteri ol such rnunty wbcu they d clare tlie result sha'l appoint one for this purptate. a. Buc. 4. Tlie atbinirv ireneral altall e dorse upon the return thru made to hi utqoe tlie time when th saute were receiv cd, aud sliall til thciu away until the 4th Thursday of August, A. !., 1H71, when they shall be opened anil counted by tlte atiorttey general, lite preetuvni in lite sea ate, the aiieiikur of the house of reuresia tatives aim I lie secretary il staui, or any two ol them ; and the result shall Iw by I lieiu iiiiiioiimsal iii uch a manner aa they may duaut but-. U a lUJiiurity ul" Llui Vutes be agsinat ciMiventtou Uiey shall so de clare iu a prialautatlmi, and iu that rase Uie ilt-hgatu shall nut anseinlile. lint II a majority be Ibr a cotryeiition lliet sliall o ihsiuro, and in that event the deligatca Irln'tttil -al mrtil eJoi-liou ii; the various r . i .n . . l .i. ... . i counia-s snau aastiiiine in tne cuv oi ttai eiyh on tlte third Thurstlay uf rV jiteinlair, A. il. llil, lot Uiu uuruose Uonuu 0o- elareu. 8c, A. Tlie cloction shall lie held In all respect in strict oonfonnity to the exist ing laws of tlie Mate regulating election ft a- memlieniof th general asaonibly, aad acconllitg to tlie provision of t hi act. R:. 4. That th inapector of election mentioned in section 1st of thl act, altall be appointed by the commissioner of cacti county resiiectively, at a meeting to Im- held on the 1st Monday in June 1871, oner sooa thereafter as prarticnbUi, aud aaid wanmlssiistcr klialt at the aaute tiaie pioint registrar of votor fiar each vot ing pret-inot or township, whtass duty It shall he to revue tne exiaung registration liisikt of hi precinct or townahip, in aui-h manner that aaid booka ahall how aa ac curate list of all etentor previously mgis tered ia awHl precinct or towiiahlp, and still residing thereilt, wMhnet requirwta sorb elet'tors tn he ntgnstared anew j and auch registrar shall also at all tin, after hut apptantment, up to, - and on the day-iof election afureaaid, keen opea aaid btsiks, and shall be at the poll on aaid . day, with aaid book fcir the registration of any eltxlors residing tn ucb piwlm-t or township, ami entitled to registration, whoa name have never Itefora beea rogisteretl in snch peec.tect or township, or do not appear la the revbesl list ; do certificates of rugisu-av ttoaahaft be gives, aad ae cleeUa- shall be enritledrto ngisieror vote ia any other precinct or towashlp than tha mat in which he hi aa actual and km Jti resl dwi aa-ttni'thiy of ektetioD. Aay tMrtoa Moasar v vote, at uywurA. eie. iwry chal- be ne the vetriatratioa buokt, may be chal lenged a to his right to vot net the da ofetectioa and th newt inn shall be.decj regismur 'wff in preciuct or viw until p, oe- a iiniii a - ... i--.a. line uie uwiwsj m ttsxii ett or juilgea Of electino, appointed under th uriiiiwiiiii ui Hti w arty ciniuij cotiimitethinrin.' or rr-i(brter of ltila. or theriir, failing- or ticgirl!4 to wiake the returni and perfonu Hie dutlea required of hint by tbi act, shall be deemed guilty of a muuletni-awBT, ami oe conviction shall be flmsl not Ice than Are hundred aor atort than one Hhtiuaand dollara, or ira prisooud not More than six hor lea than two months, at Ihe discretion of theermrt, Jri(sa 1. Auy persna -who sfiaH know btgly and fraudulently register or vote or fcndin'e another to do an comrarr to tho pntviainns sf thl ak-t, hH tie derated gnirtj of a inistlemesWir, and tat eonvir tnsx shall be Imnrlsitocd Inu than all .luar mwmw twelte months, or fined airt h-ss than one hundred nor ranrelhaa Hve hna dred dollar; and any rrgialrar of voter who shall make or iaav or suftor te b ad uii i-i'tiv w ih ItnVn! to -couiiiill'a It .tint utrrrt tir -roHref 4- tn lu'lntent ul Trr!lR,vriWiiy The foregoing ia. all the law touching :iic elrrthmjruttl tlte duties of oilioer uv -- Kia-lhelkmUnrb ;K.4.VTi fi.u.f. r or T fiukavk OF VONrKXTIOS IN HUtiKK. MoHoAtntiN, July lo. .Veors. Uliluri: It is eusUunary in giv ing u aci-ouul ol a poitiiciti nieeting to i xsiyji ralo the nuiuls m and enlhutiiasin. lint wc lieg leave to asaurv yon, mai we do neither, w hen we U(e lht Csptalu Jarvis adtlressed, on yusUnlity, tn out court house, one of the largest una most attentive audtertcea we have evefawr I "UT l n alnt-o the wrt. H TTniniled u ot thai anli Is-lbmi days, when sltesinen and lajiami anas 11 is M mil i a aw HJaitiiiw as;f iMildtv dha'osat'd Ihe Issue of tin- day. In tlie morning Capl. J m ia reeeived a b-tler troni the govcrTi.tr a sou lit lit w, wishiiiu ! know H he would bo allowed a .llvisiiiii ol tone with an ami couvcii lion sneaker, w limn we nllerwanl' fiiimi lo I hi the gttvi'rniir's law iiarlnrr, Mr. rurt lii"M (I'anlo I'lwt ilictoi of the pro ikmiIiu w district iNiit),niid wn-sif)iisH', as be reprcteiita the governor in htw bnsl as, he lind Ihs'ii seleete1 In no his political tiuaitesH, as tlf iminiicutat Toil could not lai her, t'npl. .1 alt is tte clinrd to aut hiniK-lf. an lt di.l not mm sidiu the time bis to ;."ie, but left tin n nitter with hin txtnts rvalive iVicmla. A itiiiim-iltw inform'etl th'' goti-rmir's son itt law that Mr, Kurci w alt, mad kave a di 1 vwt,n nt' lim mm! wiltoMtv ii- i ia.im.U1 1 .Maia rrwin t i, wt.utti. tnviitc t tjuennf ritn rii dt f nor pt trie riiTi t Uon he so much linila. The sm-h of I Capt. Jarvis waajMiwerful and oonvirtcVng. The negroes oUctl umtiUd assent to Ills rumaiks. lie was folluttpt hy yanr-tar; euteil yotiiig townsman, V. ii, llualas.',' who entertained the audience n'n honr or so with nun kill abilttv. Altur these gun liiiiien llniahetl, V. K. MoKeaaon, wbocaimf nut sa ai-auuidaUi brtore alty notiiinatiou for convt-iilion, and who thinking he hailj Is'i'ii treateil unfairly In the nomination, then lore continiMut to run. arose ami made a statx h wit it'll won him many Iru iiiK It i tlue to Mr. AluKesson lo stale, that, though he ran - u ail initcpeiident' Canilidste, he did gnstt aorvsne for the oinveattion. lie sta ted that he told an intimate personal friend (yet one who intended to vole against him ' l 1 the nirrtilief frtlii) llurke,) that if the radical ran a man he would quit tho track, and now that tlit-y hat) thine he retired and woubl cauvs the county Ju Joat!th tjaiu.- rlii IaUj4 that lie wved hi CiHintry more tliaa htmj elf, and tliat he would rial above all wri soual coiiaiilnnilioiwi when her wclfarewn at stake. He said hia withdrawal under the limtmatanem was a strong arjtument 'firilpiNrW'Q -h&irWI nartv tireinilli. u.. ltd r.irnVerft'wfc.'-t.r, once mine get tntck hi the land mark of our lather, Mr. hrwin, the nomineo, then made a fi .remarks, whkh eitdi d the speaking. . . ( r Three cheers lor Itttrke. All t working harthoninualy ; ninny sqinhHrnn with us, ami JtMcpb Krwin will Ik- csecled. Truly, . , - . NEMO. For the Bentlnel, Krrrntti.i.'s rtpnraoi, July 19, 171. j MKssiut. Kuitohs : f know you will lie passed to hear Inint Itrantilln, thmigh I saw you at court on Tueaday nyoying the speit'h of Johndtiiglaiid. fully, and other radical lights. I beru worn I HI men at tho August elect inn who ditl not vine. If iitey win come oui next numiu we suiwi the county. 1 i r- Mim-u than 1.10 wgror have left the connty linee tlie uwt ehvtinn. '. I know of liti two men who mammon wull with tho negro at the last uksitiiin and they convinced the colored man that it wit beat for him to workwork. j One worked Ore and the other seven nog""- They gave them one t loll at cju-Ii to work the day of election, aad tiny did work, . I " Mr. Isaac Davis, when his crop I tidd I rv, ahraye gives a barbecue to the no- grue eniployeil. lawt year tlie bartweuu hill on Ut day of eloction., . ) Mr. Ijwsiier, the same wham you call Kil.lee, had Mr. Diivi arrested for it. charging that he bought or bribed votar. Mr. Davi any he nnver aaid vote or election to any one of the negroes, and lie Insist that Mr. l.asalter slamlemi tho ne- whn pretcrml the tiarlmcueto tbecKa-tfon. It is said them were Ave republicans to one tleuiucrat who preferred barbacue to voting, -Tolsacm In thl enonty t much In the grass, and the worm about the thl -of Auirnst are etitec-tod to- 1st worse tlutn ever known hHore. One diiUvr iu gold to kill wiirin on the iht day of August ill save toe tobacco crtt in tlrannlle. If titer an not tlirea hundred tolatccO emwers f n Granville,, wilting, by pnying one dollar in gold or silver, to save their crop, then wa aay let the worm destroy it, ' If we don't carry wHivsnt 'toa in tirao ville it will Im the fault of th Mingy whit men and not tn negro. . Yours, (J. P. a 'Ton have werer anawnred the queatinn, whether It i unlawful to pay a uuut extra ur working oa eieotion day I We have heretofore stated that it is unlawful to bribe a man to vote or to W Unidate hint from voting ; but there b ne law ia this or any other county aguinat titnyjng tin aaj1'l.WEir working evea on electioa day. to. Ut:- '". T In an artidii of 111 moioing cdluoTiTirT tita-gatBaaa-1 Jaly f h. liraJe4..M Baa I Hall," we.aaaeluti.Mitcallixlby that paKr a " stxirerfWatW"' ' piaying sawl IB the aioouioi 4uiy, ana n wa ahw asketl how we carried a lively-, hiwdr IS vindication- of wnwrrroa, - we would slmulv car that we consider base ball a sootl exerris for ihe prouvition nf gtMAl health aad physical strength, and aa we are employed during all the other new: son of the year ia the cu'.tirauoe of our mental faculties, we deem it wcrassary to tnrngthra ear yWidiei with aoin eteccise, tlnring tfiw season. " - t .7 : We wmtltl y fisr infaTnation, tliat th law half sVaatHi begins In March and rail ia Nov. We earn a livelihood iu Ute same way that tlie white young men who play oa the same groanda Uiat we pray on, earn their) . " i .".,. ... s y,;, x , a nr,nur,it tir i iik cxttt. Raleigh, Mw ' t'., July !, WU 1 ' , " ' for Ur- Unit V' .1 SrinaUinH CrqiiJi Ttma!t!tltmmtt Tvu, ul Tin IA f fr hfciliU. ilmn HHU-r:- Afler-a hmg inlefwia aioii of nearly lirt wii-ka, 6W old friiaul, the riMKl.,'ilKiiiail. th un tta jsgsitt Ibis niomiiig. Wc had greatly mitw-tl Ha daily tails, run) wIkh Us laniiliar t.vnr en lered our met" tura mornrng tnere was decided actuation, ami every yn eager Iu Ui-ar its budget of iWw. frouf Ihe dear old Uiad witvje our allet'lioiw tii I perbapn too much. ! y'1-' Ann, now, a yaw are natty tilling u oi tliinis in North Cartihit 1 fivl that I ought to give you attdyoHrrr'ailtnigtiinpe ul'siu h niHtUis bore as may iuu-nwt ymi, and t will begta wMh llie'lliuui wtttiit n ttte general Mibfit of eoovervalion. Ten neesce, a yon art? awsre, ranks hi,;h na aa asrAewtoaniaatat aad as it is hi (.limit) to travel over two vi he three urait.l dt vii.wruJ the twat in wbtrh graiu r a h-itdjji shiplc, I t""au fk Whh ane tin. jirnf" of a umry of Hve crnis h h have jiwt bum bai vitil. . Wheat gunerally ia a failure ; it t hard, ly hail a crop iu quantity, jm t(n.iiali ty is fufcrior. tl are jtfoo.1. to place, in vither hs-alilii-t, mori autf trja the wUjile, htnlly rotne up to (he average yield ; and a I have nfttii aetta in Nunh . Danilina, after a wet spring, the first cat- tins ut grans is light. Uora M Hra and smalt Sir tlte easoit, but look beatlJty ; this Is the oiilical moulli with it, aud pen. pie are witU-hing lite weather ai'Mat with t.msiderable anxiety, t have ttot seen imm m Twjmwatiei Vlteett l aHtuoHHlerit. tts-wr'a'4i' a.'iiRiaat wxiat'oiT' ,wT-..it,'-jr-'.r:rrai .svji-.'" u;rs, aim ittit me large ami muiUI rti- : -reti itng w mitoTr&srm'iai'tm'm ' through lntt baa lieua very nuukvd. ai d I yet, sttigtilnriy enough, at least lo ortltiia- ry observers, there seems so fhr. a cidd litt-niasit tiTai itar-ytyTiiaiuiTier-" VHU-ista, east lieattlt aiat pteastue aeeker going northward. There ia a claa which jwtmpct most in hard time, thriving on ihe misfortunea uf tlie coitnlry ; md then sit it l a characteristic, of our Wlta nalJire liir us tti dtiliglitoiu what i, lutjot),! the reach uf our punrcr netgldtoraVi and in a why to muk tlieni Icel llietrdisaliiliire the more at-naihlr, the rich at such Mnsonn a this, are apt to be ttlUiKlully; usleutalious and prodiga. - It itmner. howevefi to atiil, that not a ti'W asl Una ho bow crowd the eastward Is-nind train of the' great tborotihfo-B, juwaing here, are in- vaiins serKitig iicurlli wtly; and fciaiiy nf -IJ.tMc.tiiih a wuoltWiiuedread of th xinse ami Jisuuw fort of the faahh malile t. -tartnTfihtrWoT Virginia and (lie Ktui Ii,", a-" tiirire anhms! atuwf the unanrr reanrt. id Va-TiMneasce, and hiulu-wialhilla to- ward the blue mountain uf North i km. i Una. Tlua 1 ay third aumuier in tbi. taw and I ant often on the road, and cua spealHir tfre book ( and I do Hot hesitate bi atsa-rt that thnre kawa-lt er general and 'ghiw rpjmtia1mi(rHie"a antl "'"tern part of the suite would literally awanii with visitor every sumoier, if t'n: ctmntry etwld only lie reached by nl road. Mote, of this anon. V. li, .. JoneidioBi', Tuan, July 14t Vol ,. if -'..-.'. ,v For the eentlnul ' p tht BJUtrt of th SntM r, ;J , I)ba Bum: A I riipimmk vou are f.m.l I to hear fnap any i...i,.,ii of ma i,.u ,., state on tlie siilij;l f mnvuiuivn, I occ.a.4on to Inform you bow we do In.j.r uptoohl t vtorvt. AtagitfliertajfuTTfrie people on the 8th iimt at-theatore rrt Mr. Kit HMiiifers, ofUWJiite kik-Townslil p, we i were addressed ,v Hamiiel it ew larrV. Kan . fmuj WasltNigtaio Mimly, upon theimpur tant anbject of convention. Mr. Ni'Wl-r- ' ry showed the many Imperfcrtiomi of the ' present constitution, 'that if was hi no " way athiptetl to our iftnathiaj showed tlie legality of the act of the ireoeral aa. anwbly, authorizing Ihe people to vote oa tuat aunitsM, anu uiat a vote of Uie peo ple upon that aubject was the eaily true niiiaiilicaa luode. ...11a aliuwed the won- . iltu-litl aiaount of the public debt, and the" unrest vaewou, ana uiat uie legislature would have to levy Uie tat to pay said iu ureat Ufore they adjourned next spring, unlesa we could have a coavenlioo, and tliat in tlie, event of htvying the ta the people would be ruiued beyond redemp tion, lie showed how wo wise now bov-' Unittd.aud b whom, ami tliat this debt wa causeaitiy fraud aiul rusxvilily and that by calliiiit a rjouviaitiun we w'tiiiltfti able to gel crtiirof very many unnecessary rHlldala aiiii indeed without saying luore ne aitii jusiire to pvery par ot .tins iniii lent stiiijia.'t, waking a tine afieech, Mr. Newberry U aa old man aud good at pjijilica a iftan of large experience, and can jfesaon well, haa a good clear voice and speaks fluently, IleUeow tiear ly seventy yi-ant ttld, and we doubt, much whether thete ran lie one in a hundred who can compare with him.' We had a large crowd and do not think tfaerwere than there that wili ot vote for -aVu-ventHHi . Well done old Carterot. You w ill please give this a place ia your paper. ' ' ' -.- - - ; ' AUSTENElt - " fur the Sent Inel Muss its. KriiTott jThe friend of ran-, venthm In Korsytlta cooniv.heldlhisafier- " maw, their county auuiinating couven lion. Uf the'ithirUva townliia in the county, all were rrpnswnted by regularly accredited ' delegate, 'except oueX-and that one M a atmng roventkua townsh i jt anyhow. The throng wa very huge, ami, when T. If. Prgrara was announced a thn v . nooiiwe, tl eotlluiJaam was uutHHrnJe'd. -Ilitwa 1 the iRdlairt gjttkwiwaw . who was our candidate for the house of . I representative last auminer, andhesm: frcded Iu rcliHing , tlie radical maiiirit y n-tan' alsiirt I'.sJ tii a prtitii('ysii.1et wi T tharnjiwity)"'gaiw X Trgnda, owfny-Ui TJio rHWar1 iBmw thra hi yogue f ypUiiit aj anr prwiisot bt ile eiiunty. .. . "t Thi aaaflMii laitasaHt aaiM-if sythe, utd lay out the oliice-hoUWrs aa cold as) a .weilge. lie speak every day ' front now until tlie cltt titm, 1 Ow intelligence fnnn the m i. liUir'm r eonaties of Ikavseadkia, Rnrry Hlokt i and !(' kiiialiuui, WWtj grattl', iitS ..The cHintttw, h I coiifi.f. fitly exsa li ,i, SHI ! ' lu ruaae Umir ith.jiiTtlia .a laat year. HiWi Jas. M. iaeh and Hon. F K Wmlier speak at Kriaokstown in Ihuicouiity on Thwailay.JulV SfJVh, and arrangeniritta are being made Itir a iplejulnl liarbtvne at wi putce oa tlw Hay. All parties, races, colors and re cordially invitM Id par-v V licipate, V blf ytm, Kottiytlte l aN ablaze fi eonirnsion. : '.".' ' Xu -t' .. Wntwiet, July ISth, 18TI. '.'..,.; . k ; :.?V'y jrou, io haste, : , - r i. c ' 'V Vi. -J'