M -mm I MM it ( s- I VE' TKKM- VVacki.t. Soiai I ttki.t, ...! I't i UK SENTINEL ...... .-4 . Tin "- is ui"'V excitement In Wake In rjil and more interest felt ill the chslioft . ., ..... i i .it jtiiWM Tim lte nt' It.,.. ',ka"stsftsn&&,)X"-j.w. no. iu;idr anrrttt er ttrgto,-- antl M h if nidi h" h id lost the proud spirit lLil oftCC cii.ir.u tif f d llie iii.letM n-lent :.u7fn ot Wake, f.ro. t svto,i .mis entult dales a"' '"' V . itll .HOllls Wilt) IllUllif't s .pett anii'-lV I" Ir. 'I radicals t ' sf awl lit-nr them. 1 ri r can. Iidale their JrtllH ''' declare ""' !"' '!! VOtlllg !' -fHlll!itt III kit T,- I'cpillillcan V'.le of the county ir j.n-i'U rctluceit Negcovn have left the nn and county in large number! On, mart testifies to h iving mi nt off oho, him jrr.1 awl Hnrtv .Nineteen arc in iul tot liirti burning Twenty live rt-l I In ii.un ' ti when tl' ntliccr of t lie" law were in pursuit of theui for IwiM burning. The people of Wake in- lircd of a sheriff sb., pocket $10,000 ot mo.,, i U. .lit i LIUU-fi..1d' I IHI room Thev f-l disgraced ')' having " ulicriff They fivl disgraced Hint their, hair mm of county commissioner should Is .. i;,....,l l'..r iM-riurv i" sMi arins' to llic llion ' I mill XT ,, n,llt III' Ini'I I raM'li A lo nil. ii, I i:oUIt.Y i'ollllllirriolM-rl. ' llli-lli. -f '"' '' '"V "I- U"- ,i.ili- 'l""ii! '"'" 'n I'"' '" .ili -liill" wl" tnli'-ir- w lirli nil ot.llii III I Alll'l lUHlillil. II'M Kl- lllil II' '"" ,.,t n-uii-iiil" r i' 'I"' lM "I'1" "' li'K .1" . .0111 1 r In, iHm-t mm'tulH-r tin' mm t fy.W RUtJl OW l".! '!"'" no-o. ..n- -.nil of f IIKIIHMI. llnV lelll. nil"' rr.l Hull 7. iller h I... :i-K. ills, s Inins4'lt nsnlimiri, in.l , ... i"W hIio .-.ills jiiins.-il in.iish.il, vi ho , . .liilll.ll. 'I tliis oulritre II . HI lo e ...iii ill. I li.in;inil V . ,11. .H s,.i. tlli'ni; of III.- ie.i.le ..I ., ... . i.ne seen Ih. in wi..n ..ui .in f .is. l.ut no people are .iiirk-r to ...il.-. . III. -ii errors w hell .i iM'oveie.l. e Hre r.' l e.l fo H.'. Ihelli .iet.M III iile.l to el n. i ot kirn iMirninr lenoiieri un.l th.-n in Alienee. GRASP irttV F nii.WUK. Jehu l'.n'l, in hiri letter to Senator Ah IhU, wy-. the ran.l jury of Omn:x were ijuiek to tiu.1 a lull ajriiiusl 4 i.v. Ilol.li n, l.ut no hill in foun.l H:iin.-it the niur.lei. r. li is u . fault of the gtainl jury that a hill j nan t..uiwl ..jfaiiwt liol.lell for lMrjuiy. Solicitor Hull, a walawii!;. ,lrvw the hill, Mr. tJoruiHii, of the Trlnjntin, j?avo H'i' ivi.leiH'i. upon which Hie l.ill was folllnl, mi. I I'.xil'n Lionoln fi n nil Htitniln conn, led .ii mther chnrgei! wilh t lit- crime of n r jury. If liol.lell tol.l Mr.-Onrninii hat j lie s.iv he iliil, ami Wtt h:ive no n-nsoll to .l .nht il, then llohlen in guilty ol'M rjury In suit aKaimit him iu Oi autre he swore IiimIi.I not order our airiM. Mr. (iorm.in wean. Hf tol.l him he ili.l. This innk.ti - ywjury imh kwMJH Uukluu froui at sUsJe No lull iiainat murderers. The niniiil jury of I 'range an' famoUM for findine; Inlk They ireenU-.l Tour(e' and theju lieiary. Tourgee denied that they did it lii.l said if they had done he wiyild rnire itrt them in jail. Tmirgee Med. We pulilUhed the prenentinent ; it in now in the clerk olTiee at HillsUini', signrtl hy Itenrv Whitleil, foreman. More than that, if John Pool would join with I Ian Morrow in burninfr barm, in ifnse, he would ! hung as Dan wax, and that too without the inU-rvention of a jury. If John xhoiild bum barna and as handed hy men in dinguiae, we lie lieve the graud jury would tin ii a bill Hk'arHist the men who bung him if the hanging could lie proven. When the haiHfMig took place in " nrangfewe condeiiiiic.I rt, WFlftRitr-mxipol ogy for it now. We do aay, in Orange or elmrwhere, when oegnMi bum b.-irtiri or in wilt white women they are liable to he hung. Pool may complain but the grand jury of Orange will teach hiiu and hi fiiciid llold. n that they cannot swear lies in that court with iinpui.fty I JVDGB MRRHIMOS TO SIGHT. x We ask the people of Raleigh to go aud hear Judge Merrimon at MctnHilitan Hall to night. Hear wbat can be aaid on the cnuvention question. Mechanic1 ad liTers, meixhanU and property owners f W k mds, turn mt- 4 ae4 tkut ia not pressing necensity for a conveDtioti, and if you And there is not then vote agaiual it. Iet erery roan who has riirlit to vote do to with a clear under stautliHL' ii) this nioiueotous iiieatiou. Let the all lie crowded. Mk. PhiI i ips'( hikf Aki Tfiintlie campaigo are, threatening tihe pc.ple ith anothet war and treating the negr.au t "whisky T Nic busim.wlor Tfr. Pliillip.; but Dothiug lietter could las expected from a man who make Tim la and ae trt" Jim Harm his boon cHupni" and A.-rs or" tsi,r Jiii.f ;--ftie aetublv. piiblio and private, and the Jour n) ami (bammeuta are all priiiti .I and will la- delivered sh.artly. The work ha been eiecuted as speedily as ever, and the il"iicit delay is owing to,the late flay at. which' the legislature adjiMimed. The Hs?:-tjiry uf state has the diirtribntioarin hand. Saniuel Phillips sky notipwy kaOWitneTnot vote f!r the nHniiH,Jet him be aure amount of the public deU ob ! ftammy, Sammy, for aflame ; why doa't you read the tretuuirer' report before you try to de r -ive the pe.iple, by such barefaced mia-atatementa. - Paa Yua Vna. THE lIitMKs I K ii The A-li. vill,. Ciuxn tl, ,11(U1(J. l...l:' ' t ' . ' . ' "I" '"SATs III till SK tlou uf til TIY nr.- h-ITin tj THtli. u nt n ( H OJlle t;,t t. ,.,, Illrnliolt for lltl fw- pw- tm--Tfrr11'rfrrS.1''ltWr';r us il llirn- is inv rti.s..ii in tliU av -ro.lii.l loi ,i ii-MI i ' ii of thu kin.! ,'1" ": 'KJli'-i. M!iSm ,iU:r. in lllt.-, ol tll.w ul.rt.t Klo.lNNI Vot,- l. ro- n rniiiw- ticke t. kU.ih li.-, mm li'kit i.t f i,i m.iH.,1 .,., ... , , ,r .-i, mm ,.,,, y,,Uv a( 1(Jt 1 1. VII lllou-a,n. Kliitrdd v,,t,.r. v,u out ol ii..h.-.Nl.lHKI n. rn, v,lU.re ,1,,.. aiv not num. Hun o.inki , ,sv,, 111(.H,,.a,,, 'f Ihr li.lXKJ hltr rwliral volrn., nor,, tti.ni .V(KM) have ;iioiMt,a,l8 milking ou tliti.tf.riMlitiiii 7.tMK),o10 -l.a.l-,,1 wliilt- mi (,t. conrunaiive Ili. n- arc at nuooo who have home sttnid.- making ovrrTwRi.vK Uojiksticaw. o mi iiy ronmTVMtl vr, lu nu kuw-. w I , 4 iiiti'ifKtt.'d In m iKHnwtr-xl 1 An the Ivf roitwrvativim Hilling to jive up Llu'ir houK-slt'ailn, turu their wive ami lilth' 1111.11 out of hrti an.l home in onler that tll.-ir one ni.liral in-iliUor Ulny sul' Ui a iiiinirtiin.-iit' like thiiiinelvtii ? Are luehe roniMv all i!s oomo to rut on their oh ii Ik . ,. iii or.l.-r that lliey may liy ao .l.'iiiL; . ill otl the. Iieail ol line ra.licitl f .N..U tins ir. a I iii r.l.,l'iii, iil of theeoll.li lion ol ihi- liMiin-sleiots iii tliianthtr: ami ll in ilii . Milt Im- s,',"ll thiit twelve lllir4 h-.nlhs. (Hi of, the HmnentewdH fiehmp l.i roiiw i ;il i.-,h. .Now iri tlfi-rt? a ntuiij tllilhl ill lll,'t:ile ill. it lH'lieer4 that Clll tht ui l.illtrll- :'iiini nt -lixMil bmmt 1 j the hoiiii nit u!.'t' iilnl tin 11 xi t 1 :itiv V.fHjll h'vv the euk u u riilli utmiH his sllpsrllii.n v lil appeal. .No, fellow citi A.-iis, nicy couldn't I., ...it .1 if they would .111. 1 ihe. illet t.. ni.tse y,.it Is-li.-v e it is an iii-nll 1.. a. .111 iliielli.-iiry and . ui should ii-. iiii-.sii.il. 'I'hey aci- you want a change in oul .irn:,Hic law the llei-esiH- for a ch:,n;c iii Ihe constitution is apparent tsi ev.-ryl... . no. I they wan! to I'rihli-n you iu ssuiie way or other, tia.it! they ruise the pitiful cry of danger to your homestead ! w hile llieir ni.-iiu olijc-t is to prevent you from i.liiiLT It.r a c invention, be-ause that conventi..ii will (a it ought to) turn theiu ofit of ..III. . ! Thill's wiial'a Ihe 111 ill.i ' '1'hcy would ml h,-r s-e you sutler the l.ur dens of the present constitution till lm-hiit-l bows bis lruiiiM-t I bun giw: up the dear other whit h tin y hold ! What do tin y care for the atopic, so they have the-ir pockets Cull of greenbacks, wear line clot hi s and live like loi.la ! ! They want oo to toil and sweat iu the broiling sun to make moncv to pav the huaw iaaea which when collect,-.! Ihcy put into their KM-kcls. Now the ,pu-stion presents itaelf, an- you going to It a. k out for yourselves, your wives and lit lie ones or are you going .i!iist a vole w Itii-li . ill toiitiiiile iimiii tinle u systi-in of y 1 iu r shou Jtlera 11 ir all government which is supping your life's blisttl, lllltl which, besides, kfClN il ollit' a corrupt and incompetent herd of oHicc- l.lers? We trust I'verylsKly "n-gardlcaa of party will take a calm and .1. Ills raU- view of this matter, and cast bis vote to save our dear old state from ruin and d grace ! DIsTIXa VISIIKI) CORHKSroS lMXCE. A friend in Anson county sendi us the original crrt-pon.lence Irclween tlovernor t.'aldwel! an.l Sandy' Little, indeH'ndcnt negro candidate in that county. Sandy's last iMTiipntion waa driving (it Littles 01 cart. If Cincniiiattus waa called trom the plow, w hy not vail Sandy from hlie ox cart! If gentlemen think this a -'rumor that has crept into the Sbntinm," they are mislalieh: We rail Bhiiw-rtre Vrigimrt in the governor's bund : Vn-iutKo N.C , July 10, . Uvvern-T CitlilweJl : IIkaii Sik:-i Itwelveil your kind pa tiers and i was very glad to get fhero and . .....I .l l-....l ,1... ...... ISSIIeil my 0MII10II W..II.W.U pie audi have lien teaching them sum tbiMf-tike tw months ago in every town ship leting the people know that i ain opposed to i-onverttion and Kegardleas ol w hat party i belonfi to and th.it is the union Kcp'uhlica and all. the colord Say the want me Ut be Nomenated for No con vention but they haVe Gone and Nomt-nati-d that Man what Never did belonO to any party and the people they dont Want Mr Jamea CarvWav thev Say hoW they Wont nr trier dtrT "Mr fH8 BUritattiee- Col caryWay he Never did Unit the Ite-publu-au lie lien Kuniiitl this party diam all the them and which do yon think Mlill, I llive bar K me or Mr rary Way Uie coloid ieopleSay I10W tlicy will Vote ne I5.t what ever jou Hay i will Oo by it jour KewKsrtfullY 8ANDAY LUTLE Exwntvi pabtmjWT, Stats of Nohth Caromjia, RAt.itHrtf, July a. ,H71- I am glad Ui &ra X hat you w ....as to the prpoet c;nrraiion, n- hhi j an uaftnif all vuf influence atfiinat it Von mil- rweirlT thK thi i nt a ' 1 .,itYeu ell wfty1l"iVtrt5rVUlrlaj AHtre-rss l-a -w !iu. wHIillejjfiaiJjujtl conventliHl. Tba republican plalf .rm bind, every ...,.,,l.l .i, to stan. I bv the noiuim-e, ami I ,..,...l aVliisc vou to stand by fol. araway. Tlie majorit-v nw-t rule, an.l everyKiaai n ficati will vote 6sr the nominee and do all he can b. have biiu el led. l)aj't atop Work hard againat rMireiiti.ni. Ad.Tiae mi v.-.r friends to Tote atnuwt eoaeu- wewownoii for prim-iplea, not men. It any one ran- to rot " No Cianrention: I am respectfully, TO!) R CALDWEIJ- Th HoaKKTKAD Lit Tax's. KB Hold rr.K J """ ' ' ALL QUIET IN HOBKS0N -AS IS for TVS a th mstakk, Our titUUiw!,., rHm H-Mm, ys t,r4 -V-ir of the . iuat , repre. niU all quiet iu the doiiiini,m9 of A1W ry. The effort,! t,, eaotor. , etm-ruiin.i. ing langibk- lew ln-en etf.vle.1. h i ri. orle.l that a ,-olorc.l man was am-nted rT.i,r,iaT nrornmg crn ttic m-.Jilcl.in of ......... , .. l'in one ol the piea in the einployincnt 'f Hie uutlawa. He wan taken to Ituic n " " io navo noen very im pu.h nt and d.-flaut1 in hin manner, threat ening dirw vengeance upoii th.we who were in.Htniiii,iiu,l in hiicaptureahould he ever regain Mlierty. Our inf.irumut waa unable to give Ua li?s name. We learn that one of those unfortunate ... I : : l wrulciiU, to guard agiynst which our pie i aii nut eier. ie ,,n , caution ik- urrcu a lew niglila tinm. Hi. KUad of aneriHa Kr,j,tjtltim..m w tlx dark, find s rullej kit their ranks, raultlng ta wounding on of thic Htm ! the face and another in the arm, but neith er lieiug aeriously rfiurt. The HtmngeHl filing connected with thia affair U the (act 'that one of the men Miclonging to the aipiu.l' tire,l into had not, our inlonnaut learn, leen ateu Aince Uie unfortunate oc curn-nce. and all etf.rlH U diwover hit. wherealMillts have Ireen frilitlerw. A call, we learn, hart lieeli made uh.ii the 7,herilF ot Bladen rninty,ftr reinforre ilienlM. It is bi Im hoped they .will lie forth.nniin. "and that tit; etforta tii kill .r capture the outlaw tuny Im redonlil.-il. I'liere should la-uo such woVil aa ui int' toll) tHt'ured. W'v not i'e,Hnn t Im Wilmington .'rr,i with ptcjMure Uotl Mr V, W. Kleiuuiint;, nt imlir Jroui MeDuwell etunty, in an ntuiiieetl to ailtiri-Hs the Mople of N.wth, ll iltl'nx, Wilm, I'itl, Mnrtin urid Ktlge eonilte, at aevernl ) tints iu thortu eountieti, extemlin from the 2th of July to Ut of Au'uiit. W'eure liotouly rutifieil Hi&t the c-iuivention will have so ehMjileiit and earn ent a t hanip'hm, hut alao that our Wttern frit -in I Bhowa mull interunt in this hoc t ion of tin,' Rtate, and the caue for which we Ktrule, as to h ave, at Him witwrn of Uie ir, iht ih lihtftil eliioate f Ihe wioun taiiirt ( cnnvtiMH iu the ea-t. Mr. Kleinmiii a Inild, eh ijuent an.) , a I tie sM;ik'-r. In t lit- In-1 h l: ilnf urt1 Ii ! Ufa np-r-nrahce in public hie, hi t, lv a lentlm p wit it mi in the (Senate from t lit outwt, anil maintained himself through out the deliU'ratit.nn of that Uilv. Htn etforta now will, we are ure, le attended with much oo.t Jf more of our public men would fol low the example set hy Senator FlemmiiiK and Hpt-aker Jarvia, iu (jinTiuwing iliH'ereut aectiona of the state from that in hn h they livii, we are Kati(itl that mmh of the Hilly aiul unnatural prejudice1 whii h exist To siVnifi 'ettent betwern the -peornV-ol' the eaat and west would lie obliterated and iu its stead would grow up a gener 011s mid friendly sympathy. We would insist that Senator Klemming should extend his canvass to this ilumoli ate Mvtion, if his time was not fully nc cupied up U the election, lie would re ceive a warm welcotne, and la- listened to by large and enthusiastic crowds. ISTKltfCSTISI! UKADlSd VIIATN TIIK it ATT Kit t A friend, stirred up by our late extracts from the Auditor's ltt-Mirt, calls our altcn tion to the follow ing from the Report to lie found in the Law s of 1 8H 'nil : f)n page 8:l.H, of said laws, under tin head of " statement E, showing the gross ia fof tlie year IttfM dwri-vial froiw the several subjects of taxation in the conn ties ot the state, returns on file in this ollice," E.fgecomlie county, Ilalile Bryan I radical I sheriff, whit pMrlla t 'iN,.-0, col ored polls $11 !'2. On page 8HB, " slate 111, nt tl, showing the number of white an.l colitn-d Htl!s in the several counties of the state on w hich laxoa urre paid," Ktl'e conilie county 17 whitu l,:Wt cttlored polls. These at 1 10 er capita amount to ll.SSS on thecoloreil pollsalone in this connty. Yet, accoriling to B. Uattla the colored and white polls amount to only 2t4.8i. See page :8. Where did this myfMl-: .... -' ......1 Felfsenouha, on page 886, liaa more col ored polls and pays leas tax on them than any other county in the state. On page Mt, Halifax county has white porta $.')3..10, jewelry S.V '. No colored polls pay tana. I.m mm shows neither Halifax 1101 Ansori as having paid tax 011 colored polls. Page tou, Nah county, white kIIs 07, colored $232.30.,. Page UH? shown. 9W wliite and Ki eolorwl aJla on which taxes were paid. Who can explain these entries ?. " 1 " ' 1 wait a wh.h- loiter. 1 e, tnis aani, Phillio iutiotlurirJiit tla- caiveiitmn of lmisV-'tHl, an ordiuance, directing an el. e tion to l held .hi the very Hrst Thnrs.1 of August, IH71, for delegates fo a roll venli.m in tfiis very )ar. Phillips' ideaol progress la io change jour opinion eyery year on conatitotional qneatiooa. He says gentlemen who read his SirmerOpiniooa are liehind the timea. He thinks a man ough,t to cbang-e ery time a good office ia tjerdcred hiin by the' other aide. A' h I..N-.7,' i'm.v ia oh:. Jtr. Il,-,,.r H-,,f nMnj, OUOWiUg u-tt. wilt ,h. show tlnfnd.l,. clisnge Ins ,,,,,. owr Hie spirl.f ,r W:alsn' .li in Collcfre No,.,.,l.r IHTtll Hon .laeol, ( linar.l lHar Sir I sut,s- ihal you have, on your duly as It, pn,.j,iative in most ln,s,rtant (i.n.r.tl assembl Jth.l M-i t'lvr ...... l .. ! - ii'iuii'ti in Hie ( V rt-in il. .. .1. am fi.ru A . i ' liltc - U1IU, Troi jtnv.i , UxilHtun- mi llu- tirNi tin- Kxilt H h.-ft PHh.n Wit!, Slioil Vv n U.l, uon ol tH.ilu.n a tl.-sm.i,-,!-l.-,..r...r I lm.fr Huimus nmi im time mh nt in J Jm I .'i-JiMWmrr Iheo Oaium hb In What way Will vm ftiHe io neiuo me pnwni tUU ol Uxo. nr kit thrra Kcumin mt ttie rrMttii fntv the LetfifcUt urv dtien not jhpwwhs tin- t v er to do so hy IUIatinn Im-bum- tin new constitution U tin' en h tor of tin luiwt ol the inrreabtfit liixvi ami Infon you (n lletlcHiii Jlie pksltw (hut the mr ty uirtilf it.rilruiiH iU must U Kim ntl ! h li coiivenHioti You have the m-HKary no, jorit to rnul a eouvention timl unit u In it the It, 1. inn pn-ini-. l ettiui'it n.iic hum li it m-Hiiitt tltiit ih -It-run t ii.ii-'. 14 t ntt rtrtiiit-il hiiihI our lii. inl. ii no Kint ptm n rtniventVim ptrpum-d ,"Htr WJiy m Will t'l.it -MitiHt) ih. IM'oole thttt h nt proinirril nnnli;it f I id' thiiiV not A if It is jiiffipri" hi any thne it la n-fM-r now fc tny rjiinion t.-; thiit you -hoh I luiin .-i lull caliiii; a ctHiventi.nl nt II... 1- r 1 1 , u I Im,., 'A 10 H.,. aii liHii l its 11. ti..n un.l lU'juticit! stts-iou ,V 'ot1. ..I 111. ml.. 1 - aw liilc iii session I-am oppost .1 to silliiuiljingsrthe m.-it ter ol a . couventitur or 110 ..mven ti.ill to Ihe stt.ple Ihe ct.nsliliitu.ii d.H-s not lte.ili-e it if tli.it course is pur sued the las.licals will earv the eit.ii.. i .nllt-aitl v. tie in s mass atiinsl it w itli a number. .1' while votes by telling them that the object of the convention is tn enslave the negro or disfranchise th'em A the ssir man hut let the Legislature pre senile the folltm-ing Kmen. lints or such as in your Wisdom i la-st Mako tin sesHions of the Irf-Lrisluture lManuallv in- stc.1 o4 aiiiiually ,lesM'liS witli the otnee of Lirnitrnte tlov'ruor A' Licet the tlovernor for 2 )e.irs A make his s.,lsry '2-i.(l0 Hi .luce the cen uil Judgits toHiintcad of 12 m sVe the salary as hereto tor flll.'il) ltelu, e llic number of the supreme cofrst to thrc, A milke Nieru saler.. $'JA(M !. dure the al,.rt-s ,t fites of ail other ofH. uM to the Krgiilati.in of tfic IlevistMl c,Mle of iiilv six .tUtlixh county uumrrtisiiia and Tie. st.tltlish 1 ,t cunt courts With thear torni.-r .1 uiestli. tion astlish all othif Slide ollie. th v. h.a servicj's can Ik' dis-H-iiceil W itli without any public incon-v-neiH the lioiiuwtead hud better lie iih dcsturlied iinleas you declare that It shall not Im- deminishen & 1 give it aa my opin " that the Hill bad lett.r ktav ll,-- eilH'Lloil ,, .MIOgeS attt, lllllltninlS (S, H the state otlicers to the pwiplc lor nn must Ib-colect a right oniit conaeaded d Kxen ised by Hie people is never cJierfiilly slirenilen-d by them 1 leal certain that no einendmnt ..f the constitution can lie rati fy e.l by the people that will deprive lln-insl any right. d siiliruge Such Kniendm. nt as I prounw A Ific jilJiki.njr. itiit ol thiM-onsi it a tion that part Ihal oonia,ls your boil ! thai which tlieycanold.il meanlto pntvuk seiueanuiilly payiileilts of the inl lest itl the t.l.l llt.lKIII.IIIHI debt alter Ihe convel tion adopls it il V aiibinits it to the - pie lor lis lt.ilil'i-all. ill lor It certainly sin. ill. I l.e ll-li,.-.! l.i lite .Uj.irity of Hit v ot. is ol h- Sl:il b -t.tie ll becomea a pah ol I liir -.,ii.-,1 itiiioti. lit,-li can all tic dota in linn, to snvf III. exp-nc-s of the s,ssi.l rrf t-ieneral nsaembiv ,4 7 1 in this way yai redeem your pledges ,V save the party in regard of euis-:ii hing the Uovemar and i liiel Justice' I may deferXW itli villi and most ol our tiicii.ls ,you rv-uow- ny opinion of lloltliii you have herd then, oli.-n K.xpr. sse,l that I am no fri.tid ol his iM-rsoually or siliti-aly ,t' eiTtainly no friend to lite course of Judge pearson k I am clearly of Ihe opinion thut in Strict Just tee to Ihe citieveaon oi' the state & K.--pitraily the giss! men Whom have bin so uiipriti-rl ,V iiiihiwfiilly treated Wi.s the Wovernoi Khl'tetl or the Judge by Ihe I-gislsliiDe 1 W'.ii'.l insist on there im M-;it Inn. ill Inn III.' have bin ll.vle.l lo the people A li it'Mtl Jo Turner illlsncll('tl IbeiM last sutiiinei & lining tticiii before the (Ircut triliunal on the 4 day of august Lest .V bv that Jury convi-ted them IhvIi A iu juv opinion that ju.lg in. n h i I iH'iter lli mane tinilcstttrb i-.l at this 'tune Winit run you gain by iiitiieachi'ig A; Removing liol.lell f'al.lwtil taK.-s his place holding Uie Hinne .ipiiiious ol lailden so far as I know a.- hive no money to spend at this time h, piuir out long session & 1 hon estlv beb.-ve Hist llolrien A his party all wish bis iuipeailmenL his only chance of future surreaa hato ttuu....Juat leave liuti to the tender uf Ihe people & he is so pobticHlu dta.l that he will never kirk in r.i'aid to llic tlisju.m of Judge A :Tii?frrTO THHpwpte i aupuoseamae will ai-uni ;u a K -asou why lliey should lie Kilt ted byllie l-it'ttrft that ,m4.I M,.itieuni A unniixiiiveu: wen m niiv 1 ! s.1 out supuose ine luwo gislamre had made the Klection would it lea have bin Hie same or worse , ,-rtaii.lv il noiild a, 1-l.asi If i 1k me Krlv. pleas give my li, -p t.. uir K.iltbms ,v llrown. 'eri 'I'nifv Your Kri.-nd v ' IIKSIiV WALSHt I'llillips ,m t'liiU the wi-alth ant 111 telliL'l-lM-e of .the stale are on the i. of imventi..1i : but lie says that ignoartr and povoily. Ihr.Migh the inatrU!uMilily . ..- .1... ..1 e wh, pay taxea know w Imt tiny are aliout. Itenuiiiher that vou mosTi n'sT'fe'r: in your own towislnp, uul v..l i.ui ow;i township that ai must hav naid c.l in the township wlierryouvotet least Urn ituyt la-fore the election am alJe all, rememlicr that a roter may e hal-h-nge.l l tkt Ivi on tlie day ot kcilon, if you think he ia g.oing li give a ilh-jjal r vote. I1 Tl ..1 r ll,ul .nvu VolV for tUinVCO ,1 - WW,.".."" " - ' tion " ta a vole against higher tats This' ie$H am. and am.i ,,f tl ,., iB K,e,L k.si -"'HlTr. X"s a, , fJiirPTm W, l, ,, , "rn.w. w,;ii m mu.,.mM ln hi.ellort.toniakcthe . "" "rl""'l'trin ruinM Stat. Senate lH-lie.-that he t.K.k Mr. Vler hand writing. It isu, f,, the cmil. derate oath in the mnate ol lows, a,I ,.,,, Trrlnlim a a.lk II. i. , WEDNESDAY, JIU 2(1, IRI. Kr.nn ll Batlh'lior,"' Ailvaix-e john fooi, as j aax.sTirtTtvx We have had John l'ool a prrjura. we have hud hiin a a MvrH IllMtgatirr nf murder, hut not, we U-licvc, until recent t.mi In tW p "( m9 North CaroliiiK to Iiarraas Ihe coliti.t ate calls.', that eier since, the people of North fa inliim. whom he so grossly mis rviu-caeiits. have l.s.ki .i lini him a the incarnation of ixtlv villimiv that wonl.l re not an atiin II, and cow-vrdlv m notoi itul v hi it'll k in Thoy firtiilly hHik of htm in tin tr pUyliil m-oU ft lh "Little UiaUliii.' Hu i-nV lilumlmtii; rilinn thoy lmv' irt of a.liiiirtti!rfti t Inwt in w fur tltiil now liihtoriinl acomnlrW ami tyrant wnti h kimi of thinl ruto limUl.on ot I,u:..ttr. ,!.., Atttl .nintttit.li HuIwmwi of pirit nl Wekfto f trv fic Uv 'm lily iU-ni llutikli chiefly fen a fltt claw mnHrrrr lhat the pt of Kortb Cahfin iHf(ii Hvm to comiinpiai jtynn rum. Me it wiwirlio, in iln- tjmmi hiinh of se cret cmu'laTC, where :ilt tlii- Kirk lvi!tn "f hift Niunmer w t- e.-nt-wett .1, r,ilis. lloltlen to urrvKt nithmu w tirrmit flr e.lor of lawful muhMiit,', rtt-me of t Ju-t.-!olin entletiien ul tin- hIjiU. hiiI to put thein into the h;in1s of a tlespt rrtle rhnntrttT nttmetl Muck LiittUiy, with jnt ret iiifttnir tiit to lf I Io tn -pi-tlily ttH Mihlr. 'Ihiw at roi'iK, niferii.il roun. wAm U utueli e'ii fr llolilrn ftn-l thu tiMn ntHHll liitn.J They most in.tipi.aittU .hnouiH-eil the pinpo uion ,u iH-itijr ttH in nlrmiii to lnf entettuijul, t liluMy niii.ic! wretrh, inure cruel, nni inort tinfurilly in lii oruelt, t hitn infen w en the wvtN of the ferot ioiiH t yniiit" of the lnian Km lir UieanlHtuliilieil liimM-lf in .weik lisle of the vcrv tlevil enllrroii. .! in Hades. In-unites a low and ' . let. si. J, It- pitsitlan intit , a lowiT de, p of eowartbi-e and s, i Tt-t villainy, hi rare and soeomplt'te, that ttnlv its litter I. en liHoinvness, its uiihiimsu i .s. its suprti tle ilisliness, pn-vt-nts our admiring il. Iiv the sitte ol Juloi Tool, Henjamilt K lliltler, Hie llaiuall of the W. -stern World , r.nliates us a saint. There is something bold am! iiiibluliiio nUiiit the Ik-ast of Massachusetts, that makes him apa-ar to infinite u.ivaiit-ige in the comparison with the cess P.iol of Noith t'arolina. Hut bad as be is and mean spirited as be is in his budncw, our tx-oplc might, though this would mpiiie a soil" control and eipianimity praisi-A.triliy in any co lile, - we say, our Iret.ple lliiglll tolenite ftim in tlie senate of the l iiilctl St itea a. the representative of tlie parly which fleeted hiio His nlt,-r.bisii.iiilicaiice there t n anv where els,-, woiiltl ettiH-lu-tlly shield him from the public noli,-,-. Ititt -St-nnbH r.ail wtll not ' aown at the bitliliug of diss letion, and as Ihe radical opiKincnts of the eoiivenlion an- hard pin .h leaders, the " little v itlmn" is trot n .1 out fr. mi obscurity and made to do service as an ctHHiundci of the absiruse pmieiilcs ot conslilutioniil law. "Sclialoi" I'.biI 'of curae triea hard to would iftt a fflalnT w'i'wouVi I sav mat uif , u. uutr.lfc '- scliulol" hinl sue, iletl in his ciitleavorsN Hut thechariM 1. 1 of his written opinion ma Ih- properly csliillatcd when we slate thai li.i-oiiMiiiie I wool his four broad col limns in eiilogiing tin-expediency and jus ti. eol Hie rii-onliucli'iii ai ta, and that he devotes considerable space lo abuse uf the i..)fil..tHte for imnetu-hiiiK ",,v Holden. ilt ta bUiltty 01 the meanest ravuinu iij When hechBixeH that the removal of llol den wlis ellii ted by a strict parly vote. His address throughout is a tissue of perversions, ninconius accui-.atioii and al legations that have no sort ot foundation any wliete el -a- than in the diseased brain and corrupt heart of the despised relic His threat of harsh measures from the general government ought to mttmitat' no mail w ho baa a pal'li, li) of sense of courage. His i.l. iis abinil revolution ami all that sort ol thing we have h id from Samuel t 'Phillips and I'V hlinexpi -ssed will) great er rl,. lorlcal propriety ami more apparent folic, luohh Utih opinion are lacking in sense aod logic. I'.s.l says : " The realriclions pn-tendwl to In- imposed on the .mnvi ntloH are ..f no Uir.e wl(devrr. There is no tribunal kh.oMi to our form of government, in which a cilieti ciilil i-nfonw Ilia rigiit un.l. i them, shoultl h.-.li ive any riylils lo , ll'.i.ee.'' Tins baid f.i.-cd .isviunptioll is not worth tW little ink-, pnar ami linie it wnuW; take to expose it, Kv.ry sane mail in North Carolina knows that in Hie way pfap-aied in Hie act, the jieople ran r.-irirt their reprcai-iitutivi-B in conveulion assem bled, and that no supreme court in the land would or could sustain a nmtricted convention in the exercise of owere t-pn-asly exiepte.l iu the act calling that convention. Pool ouly usei such weatt weapons lieeauae he haa nothing better in his armory. ' But we hwTe not the patienee to exam ine this opinion f J4i Pool in detail. It is not necessary, if we could coniinanil the nalienc. Let th people reme ruber who it is tha slanders, maligna ami threaten them. Let ttteut bear IB mind that it is John Pool the iularoous, John Pool, the ferjurer araairding tn tia own Cimfeaalon, ohfi r.sil, the arch cmspirator against the peace and order of he state, John Pbol the secret instigator of the fmileat murders, who savsithe cumrention cannot be cattett f- Whranhe proph- take a Cati line to their bosoms aa their coliti.lenlial friend aiid advisor when a aelO.mfeaaed perjurer, a murderer at heart is honored and trusted with the contiilenoe of the puWie, then may we ksik for the decline and fall of the republic, foralu-r that them la no intermediate step aisabdy diswilti tion follows as it did in "allmighty It, tme." . s lint Uie rxsiple wilh one voire rcpu.ll a,..sa aii ht-p,'a,4l la-Hi- pijriII.. art ; . i" . W'.tiKlil l.ut, Ullne ,ts ltl.d could ever tr . Itil lila. I, ( iu..: !i li. faint thy rrllalnjf," Pi'Bi.ic Bpbaiiikii at CAHf We are fgueated to atMsmu-e that Hons. I). M. liarringer and A. B. Merrimrm, and tl. II. All.HT.j, a., and otliers will aldreaa the ri,U ,.f XX-.L. ,s,nl. '.t. f'AUr.V IHI WtslntaiUy, August 2d, (dat la-fore trie election,) dHattieitcirtg nt 10 o'cloAV, a. in. A large turnout is ejp.s tel. Kim 1ou;ah Tax. on rust (1,000 , WOKTU or PlltU'ltKTT RKXT 1.1S IM KSS PKkvkiTKO by a Coktrtanioa. j For the &,-ntUlcl. ( ;.(' 3IKKTIH I V flHMIA U '. ,4M, Juhr 4JINT1. Tue cauiidalua. tsitJll iinUi.i;. tp i., A ntt nHirn lt.ted f.o Us-a tffvwV ability tn tHiwtia; ureal Uiliur in no platii a aav, Tll! a f.sit iuigllt t-,MU-vive wltii gr,-at fa,-ll Are meu wbu can state fat U with Kn-4t agil .. And with tuiae i iH. ttileii are a.rl alliM'.l -I ul Io- Uu- II. .Men pr,wl)U!, Jim B..)d 11. Ilniry M Kay Tutded a filthy -eH, mSoid ..f decviK v, or aenav, or tfratmnar. In lilch he trte.1 lifs own I. lack y loU-a.'ti, Hal did uutlmac hut curse and . an.) fttsiiiuuer , I tti . in-lit ol wlw-n tie used Ui try U ineh. V, lu-n heariitg hiiu u,' "the devil," ut " ilttiini,'1 ,rt" Other "cum wonts" which he quit often il,e When l.i express tiimaclf strongly he ehrtoaea lit. lie wMi'd io know " wha avt kmrd M Kiaar Ktii.l riinHUuiriiniwniltlmiuKtia liar, AaM tin would but that ua fcmra 4 to rd qwkktar . - v -tCv.. sm iia at.tc. iilTia'altfarti Ki.it, ankluH ktenj sow, uiM-a uataiuniiMit ' He csn "repeal k "" I in fait aim -tf poetry," tua .-gii., w lo eltanaj l. ... ... ,. . . Kerated Mr. June Omhjia for innndltur foHirti naaty tu Katetgh, IM hernahl uae iiv u uiueu , n.-as r just ny myseir blend- hi ir W illi the. negrooa to get Ins dally food ; " I'liere aus no tery gnial eviis.. iittemlliur My lioanl In Kalelgh- which was Very Kul j W hy didn't t,f iKi.ir.l at l.itllen, l.l n Utile lie Would have d.aie II, but ransn'r ablt . But now Jim Boyd Is out upon tlie floor, KocaiuK ami re,-lii, (lout oue side to Ui'tller : Not that his sliailie U teat, but his "tnass" ui,m, Propriety cannot his ual.h'ing 1111.11 her. Yon may sue that to all he Is a bore , rVir ttwj ire wMUnnrlnirto raic unottier, . Aud now ono half the aiKlien -e . is.-. Much to Jimmy' vexation and surprise. Hal. Jet wilh all tils mig , .iruii,iu.',li..tiiri;, m:i ' e ' -It An.l slniffliu: like utsntF.Hk Itl III. ptttl in -.r v ..it- . . -I I It. -II lit..- rTlllle kill. It t In. I, i iut I Hieker ii.tl sit k. I When tliinktti . I iuli'tl, Kltellils, lt,Sl S,A.- , '.. l.i-, t,-, ts si. nil' III Jim Hoytl a tt til.ir knklnx an.l s l.-Hi:ti lie Is an ti. Im . I... .iti,s ittioiv i io ir , A ahlUt ins, i to l i til nt lit,- la-t s .r. A rca.lv tool I tr .1I lull llttltleii's m-t- Uenry M. Ua in r is souit-w Itsl Iiii-l---i Hul Mien tiny ate the sum . nillmi llix-ir 1,,'srls ; do lle Uie. her, ll.iiil and Henry Rsv, "fill like all t.ll.fr ,logs they've ha.1 lln lr .lay. (IAHTON Krom In- Vl.t.int Any Neus. Mor'i: Kih7. Ity the prot i-ious of ihe i-onsliliifiiui, Ihe public debt is iteei r l.i be called ill iptestjon, its interest Is lo lie promptly paid until IH.H0, and its principal must be iaitl. 'I'hc public debt is a mortgage' upoU all tin1 ptopeil iu Ihe stale of Norlh Carolina, a mortgage up.tti eviTv cw anil hog, eicry horse and ass, every house nii'l llollie, every hail ol hind III the siule. It ischielly on the land the isui.l h.thlei relies for Ihe sccuritv of his debtj Th. n is in the whole stale of Norlh Caro lina lc..s than $ltKI.0tNI,INI0 valuation of real estate, including hind, farms, hnuara, ton n litis and every other kind ot real ea tale. Ties miblie debt is in rouml uuin isitate of the entire" state of North Caroli na valued at Las than $11X1.1X10,000, is mortgaged to Ihe lailidlnihlers to secure the psy incut of $;lli,(MHI,IMM). Keatler, we want you to iimierstand this matter. Io you own land 1 How much is it worth I it may lie worth nine hnndred dollars If il Is worth so much, have you ever thought lit.it it Is under mortgage to se ure three liuiinrSTTuiltSS-nrn'-rhTr debt to the iHiinllioldiira. Whether yon have thought ofit before, it is ncverthe I. sr, tine. Hint every ritiaua'a land it under mortgage It; the nnioiiut ol thirty six dol Inrs -vc hiinilnai dollars worth of hititls he owns. If fun home creditor comes, the home stead cxfiiiplioua save the home 1'rofYi ex ecu I ton for the shelter of the wile ami file little on-s, bill when rli.f shrrttf com for tatua, the hmiiestoMtl is not exeuist when Hie Ixni.lh.ililer's inleresl is to lie paid then- is no excuse lo lie heard. The pub lic debl is to be unquestioned. The money must Im- paid or the mortgage ia foreclosed and the homestead sold. Now, think alt-mt this matter in solemn and serious rcAWtion-, and then aay Is il not lataf to call a convention, to change the constitution and relieve ourselves from this tnorigage. We, the atopic can tin it if we ill. Now reader, will you help now to icliiivc your own and your neigh bor's land from this bondholder! wort gng ? II so, go to the eliicliiMi ami vole for the convention, and get aa many of your friends lo.gn along wilh you and do likewise, as you can get. Talk to them alsiut this thing, let everybody understand It. '''' THK IS FAMOUS POOL John Pool haa recently issued an atldrers to the people of North Carolina, calling upon them to vote down the convention, and giving thm mKoUmimt counsel. It is the height of presumption an I effrontery io Pout to attempt Ut counsel the people of North Carolina oh any mh- fret. He, who from his place In the United Slates senate haa burled Ills bitterest m-ves-tivca againat thrui ; Jie,. who paraded la-font the country a long Hat ol counter feit sigHatiirc, purporting to be slgiietl at tiKwtiugs w'ih:Ii were never held, against the kuklux oulragee which were never oouiniitled ; he, wh haa done more than pnrlisM any other man to poison tire northern mind against the people ol North Carolina ; he, who haa proved himself an apostate and dialiooonsl sow of North I aroliaa; who propoaed tu Uoldea to em ploy a notorious character in eastern North Carolina to arrest certain leading citizen M the stale and to iwn them,- that stn h a mau shimld otfur a4vls Wtho ttinest itrrd reaperuhle voter of the state ia an x hibiljon of cxail iniiudtw, unparallehsl in the history of political demagogue and crafty h .s riles. I JitinatUl. aa Bun-tut, jfmn lTSefe(wTonrnT5 tba most boore( aud distinguished cm autaot tin- slule nuirderolia juld liluijd to gratify nartiaM hat and maliie was the moat monatmua ever nunle in a civiltMal coniiuunlty. It piatvd hit name fat lie low that uf lUitlcr, Hie lreal, on the scroll of iufjtmv, and caused his pirty adherents . tmVn from him In loathing and tutliguav tion. i ' Jbllli Piail asl vising Ihe snplrsrf i.inli Carolina! I'.sil. the Mjfamoiis! Pool, the traducrr of the giaal n'anie of our -fawiple ! PimiI, the autlior of the assa-ainaiion pt"t bt murder Innocent men becaiise thev stiasl in the way of his pMinolioal Vt rwev. r sue h a spectru le prcscuU d bull re. iu any. country. -7'arlWrw Uimtktrnvr, . Krolii the Arlievllle flllrcn. KKVKvnici:: Tli it ilierJ" "itiiiHr- W -rttm- f!t Ix.nea 1 oiM-neit it ew-tl voting iimiT.- nwiu m r": V : i .T-. - -'.L-JTtT-.-rr: :.irrtr.,tt wst- hi 1cp.sllet4l.e von. ,io, , ... .,-.. Nil folnenlioli." one the voles lor dele r-ate, antl .me the vV t.r toansliip olli KniM-mlier ihal evervle.dy miKit vole III Ihe township iu which lo- rvrldcs. llememlH-r th.it you must r. gislei laTiin- ion call lot,- Itetnember I hat .m call cbaHenge voters aslltei icgisli r or wlit-n lln- lio t-t - t K- ineinbi i jil.lges ol t-lecli."!. Hut ) lllllsl t . .1111 1 III. Mile Hid III ike lour l, null as letpiind by law. else the vole of yon lorW nsliip wiM be lost. Keuu-tnla-r Unity ii must hive a copy of the law Is't'ore you in order that jou mav not cimiinit aa erttir. lteneuilipr tlust if yMI (ail to caU a eon Tfltnioa bow that you must live uniler the bitrdons and oppressions, of the present constitution for yenra tn foiiw. HtHnembir tltst tin1, the rmnentliwi otit-.ti. r ( u a f rl f ii-UfOi-l lo.u li i.-tl rue Uttal io p.il tins heu v t.ir. ihe slieiilf will s,s. huve ewir n.aoestt'aH to Uet tin Hum f it i:nm tar lh.it vottr hoiniutuiu. may Iw old Ut uy tuxes! It.tn. iMl"r that m.lu-al !il huMrrH And of He aecker tsarv mil hing fmr yo r yotir hoiiiesteails, pnrvlihsl their uittw rich ou your nam earnings ! , id'nietnlar thnf tleneriil Urattt. when; askial to interfere in the clii-l iou, told tlnniJ to go bark and vow dow n Ihe convention UoBtion! (living them to uuderstand that the will of anm.lll, . .f I lie, t. .11 ,i expn-asid at the ballot b..x must rule iu Nonh Carolina KeiuemlH.r th it wh.-n you were asked to adopt tin' pi.-sciil t'ousiiiuli.tii, ihe i.i,l 1,-iils told vial lint .m iiiusf i ..it- f ir il iii order to get luck lulu Hie I uion. and w-lifii j " I l,ie , jpin-rii! asaetiblj J)iUI by JujiiiunSi: oiK'e buck in ih. 1 ni.tn, then we could oali I tnUfui pruvlile lor thejrmmpt andjCgti a cinilenliou and chanue. il ua we wMfusl. Ir navmi-ut of Dm klW ih. .,i.i; Iteuieiiila r that though lin k iu Ihe i i on su. 1 irlltlliti-lls ..l i n usstsswtfTT.-Tssiri,- HW3-:W' nosr, tlsserr4t-r,tr avsnmvssnt uis aiismlv !a;t ' , . a, i si nit uou i .cm to give up iii. ir i lollieiss . I Iteuiember thai yon n.x-.l Judges, honest I antl leiime.l in the luw, and tli.il aetinnii Hon will secure this lilt ssiug ! lleuieinlM i that any party nppiMcd Jo a majority ruling is the enemy ol a repuli'i can government; Kcuu iuIkt that the radicals etrept M ,i li'.rwin anil Hen. Ilenrv are iu favor oftlov. Caldwell and tleu. (irant oreveiit- ing t'he conveiiliou from assembling, evt n if sanctioned by a large minority of Ihe Ksiple. Iteniemlier that this party has threaten eil you with the military provided they cati't out vote you. Ui-iiieinlier that you iiniat use every lion orable means with your neighbor to induce hint to rote for a Convention.' ItemenilM'r that ym must work, 'work till the sun goes down on the day of elec tion in order bi curry the convention. It'-iin-iubcr licit of alt tus voles to iu- caxl the one for a convention ia the most important one. t IxemcmlHT tlikt v"U can control ol vole if you will try, but when that ia done don'' stop, help all your friends cainy hub. Iteuietubrr thai io working lor a con yullou.auuuiRM.jv.ii:klnir Cu- llo, M.wd n when you an. gone if lliey have Ui iive miiler the present constitution. rtcuniiilsT that la'tween this and the election the enemies nf c invention will not hesitate to circulate all kinds of reports, misrepresentations and lie to deceive you. xtctncmlier that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty 1 f-nilillllH Wesh-rn (K,irsytlietfeiillnel. .SAIL Kit TO TIIK WALL Al a public sie. iking at flix'a Htiirit, on Kriday, Ihe :10th of June, Mlt'-rilf "M.isten said ll had Ih'ch charged uimui him, that at the commencement of the late war he hid aided iilul assisted in raising volun- Uicra Uu dcuual Hits liicU Jtuik jriWil 11 any one ill the crowd had ever seen or knew of his doing anything of the kind to, say so, l'ron being railed upon, 11' v llolrt. Hourly, a llaptisl MiniU r, fuse and slatwi that he had hciird him (the Kherllfj make a apiweb irt Nathan Hnrtry's raltitrg nu the young men to volunteer, and Ihal lie uiiwtered his men and callt-d on I In-Ill to volunteer, aud that he has I called upon him to make a siecch. The Kln-ruT denounced the stitteim-ut as a lie, anil the Id v, Mr. tlouarly ax a iVias liar. Mr. Uouarlv aaid thai if he did not furtiiuli Ibc curtilUulea of ten fc'ssl and true men, ol the trutiifuliiesit or Iris statement "tn the Hcnthul for publication, lie would wknowleilge that lie hail uttered a false tliaut.. In tinsisiiience of that statement the fol lowing certificate of the trullifulncM of tlie charge are furnished iu vindication ol the character of Mr. tiouarly ; We tlie undersigned do licieby ccrtlly that Miilhiiia l.i '-'"n diduiiko a sticwli at Nathan tlurlet's in the C'liuiiieiiccinetit ol the late war to raise v,unteeitji for Hit j Confederate army, aud otherwise used lib). influence lor the same. Ulratn Clemrnutu, ' M. H. Morri. Wm. W. Morri, Levi Crew. O. 8. Matthew, ., . Joitathttn ('rvwa, R. T Htwtw, , : " H. II. Crew, J.svph Crews, Jr., , l alvin Crew. We the undersigned do hereby ecrtify that we were at Kcroeravillv. and saw and heard Mathia MaitUtn use bi influence ua raise volunteer for the Confederate srniy in the comniencarient of the late reiiellioo ; and that he did then and there form a company of young - ladicrfi and marched tlleiu to and tiro in tlia strii't and thereby taliUitte- the yoTBgitel''1WilM ' loy wocltl1 mil volunteer. .-';,' R II. Vdliott, , I UK. KUiott, . ..MAHiiai. Maslon make public ieche in favor 4 The--7st--vraiv-nd that 4-W-aaw- jud. heartl him make public apeerh at Nslhan Onrley', and march fisrward and luIC iii a militia company, unfing ttin ymng tjien lo voluuliur iu diieiise ut ih aoutb. lie also called on Key. It Oouarty for bia views on volimleerlng. . ' H. A. MOUIUI ITkar it liwmkK TfiR Pnori.it that -the radical onareai the fact that Uie constitu tion, if revised and altered by the conven tion, maat a sstrVaiUeaf to ik ft' "' riiluiratun, and can. Ie vijtcd oViwa by the people if they do not like it i? VOL 5.-K0. For the Cenltnel. ro.vi Ksrios-Novr on xkyeb. ,.Wy a !Iw iiiiieiul tWt eiiiililiii.i.iwrw-t4t44h. uit -live iiiiiler it, and if tAry fail to do an, il never will la- done fiirt!ie following n If a i oitvei.fi. .n is railed bv t lie rkand - ,immU) UtIJ, a bill for that purpose must pjs iM.-'V htmu of the general aaaiin bly by a .re Ihinli rtrfe. If the const I In -lion is aim ii.ltsl by Ihe legislative in, if-, ihe inn. n.liin ahi must nasa through two ei:isatnre ;llirnuh the flrst by a lbr, lllihs vote, ifiul through the sound by a I wo thirds vote, bo in either case a tw'ir tlur.ls vote is reajuired. A it fequires a two-thirds vote, to fmu a hill fa tlf tlti4 i ajid til amendments in tW aecon-l, of .course oueMxrtwxe third wilt defeat it. iVtvi-nlci-fl la one over one third of the ( "y aeaatiww, and fmrty-oue la one tnLrono third nf the one hun.lreil and twetitv is, reeiili)tives. (Ho that tithtr lort t o r rti-litatllca er si-M-r.t s -i s. . Ir't",s-, , lu..,.i'' N.iw, ti.-ii.tt. W o,nsrn Nortij l'n Tte-r ai en.n; -U eouutnw m t I with ii. "ki nujoiUitw lo scu.t tortx .. reptuscllUallvus od M-vuLUeJl nil , the legislature. Cai t vou ri,,r bond hi!.!cr of Valt Hivel ' liaytkvtatB Bator8 (luid.fca'u i Ui jtaaa lau a -Ikhimj ui.iui forU-no n reaeolalivui or aeveatero aen'itora d.-sAt M) 0.000 iw.li, makrnir $!;0, OtKl, even f 40,000 each, in a Mug $ft0,000, to voli! agiuust any bill oragaii it any ameatdnna-it which would weaken their mortgage upon vmir pma-rtv both n-al and a.rannl,-,thiil iart whirl! sava ""'e .IHSlHw tkbt cunraitikl LtUire aud-. aier, thr r,A-i, ahall le h.ld to be in violable ami never he .li.sili.aied." sn.l . debt," that is. the interna on th,u l...u hl-.'i!natiI)llrjitil.Titrtai Ya.m-su-MMi mt . ; -jrO!Sv-Jl!arl,'a,tjl limlA,.t.l.lb.lllr.,s,irt 1 , t, ijV r - s .,.., ; Iiu,ii.Kistf fL,ri w .j'..t.i -' w SfT ,Hq SSIV OrwT - - .. ...... j " oui even more to ku-nthese claims in the const itllti.nt. forit aeiajna lhir ia tMMi (HH) of launls, and then make moni-v by it. 8o vou see if the itfmiU in vk.,.. 1 all (lower In Mr governiu.tUf Ilea, fail to I V"' Hihiis.-Ivi-s of this opKirtunily, they will place th.iiiselvea in tlie 'power 'of 41 representatives or 17 senators. ,ook to your rights in ur lilaTty. Now or never. ' ' CENSOR r.tr the Sentinel. MllMKIIKAD ClTr, N. 0, July 18, 187f. J'Iiihiih : According to an ap pointment, H(W,.C. K. Thiimaa and othcra made aiili-convimtitui siHsaihi- at Mil plan last night, Theriuwma, or rather the white portion of them, new minus: Mr Oco, W. Hill being the wily mic that went into the meet ing at all and he re iViaiaed alktnt ten minute. "Mr, K: R. ffliniTey pi-esitltirir or fTie Ar A N. C. II. It., cotiimisaioners of Craven rounty. c. xtic, Mr. R W. King, Menatcr front .lone aud Lenoir aud Collector of Custom for the port of Newlwrn, Ac, Ac., Mr. Monroe of K. K. renown, W. B Ilujucaii, due of Caldwell' dim-tora, W. ,1 Huahall, clerk for the township or' iwsitt ssr i-i. .wasmss'ta rtenntfrrVI John (Jtithrie, radical candidate for town ship magtalratc, ami last bill not least, Junies ifcnighly, of NeHrl, ex Lieut, of the Confederate tuics army hold ing no ollice whatever, hut uiuxli helfCr than some tluit do. The alaivti couipujes a list of the white. The meeting was Hrst sddreaaed br Mr. John (Ittrhrtc, a late mnyrrt. The Hon.-tf. I;. Thomas fol lowed in one.tf his nenf siieect - ea, repealing the thr.xnl of g. P. Phillip-", that if the conacrveliviw carriod the com iiig eleceion by fraud, as that waa the only way in which .lliey could carry it, the present iiicumlwuta would hold their olHce and the pirwidcnt would supistrt them with the nrwy and H.iry. Hut tftere went no consia-vativea prnsenl to 1st intiin libUci,.aild a part of lia cokirod trieiula were sound asleep, uncoiisrioit of the elo .ili tice that was lieing aia-nton them and in behalf of their threatened right. The kukliK Monroe closed the. meeting ex pressing great coniritiou for his funnel nlft iit-e-, iiiul promising, we understand, lo do Ih-iis i iu the future, and thus ended the gieat rally P. at Moreheud City, a place in which there is but one w hite radical.- Mr. J. II. Davis, tlie roiiservalive candidate fir the convention, ia wide avoike and watching tlie-Miovrtnetit of the would he uliyarcJu. , We regard his eha tion liy a large majority, a certainly, in the fare of all the threats ami imituida tion. j CONSERVATIVE. Tor the flciillncl. ALLSOHAST COUNTY V0X-KN rox v , ,- On the 1st, the democratic curuaii ! n peuph .of Alleghany met iuconvenlii iv i i mmJuJ'.-;. 4 candidale for John tiauibriil, , occupied ttl.l t l.' -., und Will. V. Field acted atwcriit ov. . The toikvwinff resolution wetw ttor4s- ed: : 1 -'- IttmltMi 1st That w prrwent onu- . tuVHin la delenuva w many ot it KHtturea, novel and ununited to tho taste aad pre- T judUuf uur jopla, and if iU provision. are enlorced tluwo relallng to the publir debt alone would beggar tlieatataand it'-., eitiaem.- -:-.i -. .- , , , . J - . . That thtwfora it la impor ant to j hav a change a speedily as uoaaible. a T-. J, . ABAnl., tk MIM.L Im Pfhe moat apeedy and therefor th Bva,t . "' aalislactory toelhod w hk h can bo adopt ed for aucb anieidineat a we deem nee- . eaaary. 4. That (hose who deny the legality of the proposed plaa ftarealhiig a ecareotuai and thereby assert that the sovereign poo pesh iw-spw- nww.tlilniuwkion a. ban exerciaeil in puranauc of taw, an vn -1 mie of popular right and anworthtl tu utcupy place wliU b may ooaautuui Utetu Um.itwmlumiiU.lM Jifi jJtr- ' HTTSST welvC'.Slt tlleTieifl lUTnt Tfi'ri h - LllJilljja.SithSMirCT " lrtT.Tneef oh, to unit witli w ia tli.s tlkat la proepeeiM or tfui atnte the peitce anil bajK piiH'isi oi ItsVitifc'U. ; , . .. .) fid. K.'J. McMilian was Womtnated fir ismvention with Imt one dissenting vuic. He is a raau worthy of the poaition. ,.hV11N OAHBUILU, lli-m. Wiij.. C. Fikui, Sec'y. Tlie ItaklUi COtbin factory," near Faycttevilkt waa sub I oo Monday .of hist week avid was pnn. l.aae.1 by Oak man & 'U. Ia,rg manufacturer of I'atterann, -H. J, wliu' wiM immediately erect laia -.building and coHimenc operliou. 1 'V .

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