i , - , "i . .. . amassasswsaaxsxwm i Dtii t. I(M) Ps V. TKK.MS -j Sou Ami i, .sun I ss Yarn. ! mu, a,ou fas tun. RALEIGH, J. a, SATLHDAV SEPTEMBEIt 30, 1871. VOL 6L NO. 13. L 1 V.- SENTINEL court ou Tuesday last. W found Judge W ilis upon tin- Bench, and lien. Cox aud f H. Buebe et tha-li, presM-ating ear- U-f.itr nt the state. U..V. Bragg, Hon w A. X D.rUh, Hun Won II. Rogers, M Leis, Esq. John (Jailing, Ks.; W.-. U Pv raembsr f th jjir from dAlaiec, were in attendance. S ,ke h always .nude agcHid appearance ,t the Johnston Bar. In early days io the ... r-'Ijk of Peter Bmwii, Moses Morduuai, ! , r(. Badger, Hon. W. II. Haywood, J.i.l,'e nuiuudcrn, T. 1". Dvrem ieo. W. will Oo. Manly. These were loi.il by Pen-in Buslwe, Henry W M ;L-r and tlie gentlemen jut named a a m atUiiidsnce on I he court Tt r. Mill lit lawyers src TIIK l. r wideii, K.4,rrr U TrTT. T r Ahull, Esq; and Ciaud B. Hounder, Esq. The state docket contained 144 cam. One murder, a warrant for murder aad tine for rape. A Tory wspactalile lady ui sixty, whose nam weMuit, ws bruially violated by a negro. In Illinois, or any tale north, the negro would have lni liung according to uiob law. There are lie people so law loving tunl obedient to ' ,w an the tcople of North Carolina, not m, Ii4ainlutg Umi numlsrr ol' imllctUHVitti i, ..i h tiding in tie-fi .l. i ill cunt in i Hit 11V1I ilovk.t win 117 cants. il . t tillum hiloriit.-.l il- le' h el i xr ,,1 tli.mt mklv wrtl-i, le.umable to tl . itlt-hi.Ui "I tlntt coUJlt V llltnnilrt US, B llL'U' Writ llMH (Ht4l tl itilHit tilt' Itul i. hi 'f tlie court. That uowriu mIumiIi - .vsuid in it ( Jtunly nn-uks well frr the . ilc, if iii in htrd on tli- Bur. linn i ruut agrk'ulUirftl iniin-meiil " J h ns(ll I Im- ttiiHirr (iliiht imi. i- hihI truil Iiim s in our i ;ir tJutn ' Mm ft-niiwily lid in t-n, t-M, t- ini,'lit i v mi l vimi Ik M i i H' tl ;id) II fit ! m- - w .to- It i an I, - ink .1 ..I i.-p!t' ' !. il . . .1 -i -in :m st'(Tt',t Kli'tleN, kl.l kUi ! .ii .-M. Wr toM how ihr unioi) nfi. t "iiijn xtd otWIKMl ncrm-rt and t- w liiindrt'd rarjFt ttepin w !i i !iiriK uml Hfsnurn tlie wnnw fur the diHK.ralit- tit ket, tuid tlim i. -w u liil- iim'P fortiH'd ss n't w'i'tit and whiiw1 whilo im-n tor voting tin j nti ticket. We told li"W uv. Holdt-ii itrdnnti the ncnnw tr whiiing the j Ii Il.tM TrttH, Kild liuft Jlldt' 1) 'f)d Im-(I III? M.ite u it'll Ut Imi) in tlie nuni ol $2,0 H). ! i w they all went to iail, and wtire .iilit :to( u.iloi, in triril )M-fin Hip ' ! i :ii iMiirl. when the snine court met .-, bn tl'icty imW of the dufnO'lMlila I . n, Hi I. 'til about fit ( arrow, the 1 S. Marshal, ordering men to jail with oil. HFirrunt, law or authority of law. rue- things were all listened to with lr 4 intereHt and profound aatonialiment b) the ieople. We think some iiieinlH.'r of the itar l,, iilrl make a speech at every court jiow tu We held. Ilccauae there are no candi-iln'i-s anil no orncers to be elected, it is no canon why the people should not be in . .irnicil the federal eucroachmenU upon the states and lilmrtiea of the people. We read much from the auditor's re port Hhowiiig how the money was spent Thio is the liest campaign ducument ever iv.ui il. We advise all speakers, who ad ilrei the people, to supply URmseKea w ith a copy of the auditor's report. v We hal a pleasant trip to Johnston, where we met many old friends" who seei.icil cheerful and hopeful, notwilh-tan-fing they had gone through a foor U'ai'n war and a six year's reconstructioa, wlii' Ii was nothing mure nor leaf than the duapotisin of a secret political societt, kno .tQ as the republican or union leagues ; leagues as dangerous to liberty as the old republican Jacobinical leagues of Franc. Irperity and betur croa to the good people of Johnston next year. . " 01 aJJCBClSKI)." - lieu'l Phil. Hawkins, addressing the 1 r ..f O-.. L IL .. i .1 1 1 , thai K wan' - irrreW hv hi. wdiile friends u . .. . . n iv i. Mr. Phillips, in answer to Dr. Dunn's ' ,.. ,...,. i:, 1 .1., .... ...jl 1... t... ' .ir ... . JulgeLogan wrote 10 Waah.ogton City, ... , complaining to the heal government th. gov. world ever ssw, that the (.sited Fkat 1 Hilars in RuthertWd " did not call on liim in a social and friendly way."' The 'vernment officials at Wsshington. "rote the officers complained of, thai ' they must call on Judge Lnngaa and treat In. 11 with conaideratidn and rwspeci," The u ti.a-r replied they Were- ever ready to Vrtorni their duty and obey order from ITie " government, but who titey -should -snst tsxm la wsihl-wf tnTsaat- pursoiiaj tn tiaUKlvevalnd they Clld not a. knowledge tlie right of the govent Ueut b' gisennlsnia the premises. These eHTr,.r, foua.1 J'wioa I.ajwn -1 the kitchen -'rrnr-sirrroHt)"Tai J.J'e. ill.tli'jaittlL. .If .Igaaaiui are like Oenl Phil, " ipfrdml," it . their own faoit. f R; v. fi. A. 8TAnu. We jilvAaett K tiHK-yule. day, W srtwot boy frien d, lW.'a A. unfied. MoreThan Ulrty yeaa ago we knew him at Greens Iniro', as a pure-ouaded christian boy. II. has improved frem that day to this in il the christian virtue. Huch mea art th salt of the earth. . v ... t 1 easier (inr a man to be snirairal than Uf be engfiin- r.UJig 1 M P Hta ON II KNTFKT- TBllS BRQKUK ASH I'lliaoX 'ntr With day of Jiftw, F. A. Shot- well, a reae-Utile young uiaa and tli WKi u pnattytwia t8 fnmid "n4foniinitlil to jail without a lieiHiig. In Marion, Uilrty miles frun uk (,-, um federal court hold iu nwiou. Thu young man WM hand cmftj Ukf hhim and taken to Uanua. From Mttrion he tnitujht to this cit and lolged i0 jail uutil the 27th day of 8e.leuiu.T. Iiuprwomuoot without a heariii); before a judge or etner oflicer of the liw, is tht highest crime againat litierty ami law. The trial of young Slioiwell beynn on i ha lath instant, and cluaed on the 20th, when the Jury pronounced hiui not guilty. "he jury who tried hiui were iK'lltiiia . ..... . ...i . j , i paid pnawcutair of th- amiflericiing boy acknowledged tu biafhaaia, inopea court, that be gave the Marshal directions a to what aianaer of juron ahnuld las sum nionexl to et upon the cane. When the nry pn.n.iuncl I he boy guiltleas and the e.iurl rfw about toornVrtiia iftir4iargs Inun ,111c hentli who had, for ' their love of bir lure, slni kl. il Inn limlw. the malignity ol l'M inei Ml.rr, kiri ti.ftirc,n)iinr, could no hn.pyr W nuiprkaed,' L iiTNtti tury in In?' in I Ithsinl ru-hih ti hirt t'urc, lit- sai'l, lit t jh, Vouf lii'UUan:; Wtf liiivf i Iht i liiiic. wnmnul hint Tin1 Itny it. rtiimiili d in nit- .hiii;t.ii wtivrt lif ie- m-i.n.- In! 'twill ilt J"tirer. niht i Im'J ut ()U'wtionn and n&y.. M aWJ 1 mail p-nmiwi to unlace tited lo Ufltiry against i4ifrtidauts. For once malignity itaelf is satiateil, and PInllijMi agree to young rlhotwell's di-a-haige. A more alHiiniuahle peraeeu ll"ll was never known, except among i ani.ibaU anil lirubn. 1'hia pnmecultnii ami n'mii;uliou ot all innocent boy p K-ki eery pinieipte of hliiuaiiily and tin : Its. p,i iu NuiIBi I iirolMli din i. I- ti'iind when Holden turned Kiik'n hr'l tiitui da loose upon the Miiple of Ala in, lin e ami C'nuwell, when inma and ropes wcreuacd with aliliemlity liecotning Hpaiu in tlie days of her hlniMrlyi Inquisition. We need not call for it, as such inhumanity and violation ot American law and liber ty, is sure to receive the iudignation of every lover of lilierty and law.' Huch enor mities uiuat bring down the abhorrence of the people uin the beads of the op presaorH. Much legalized iniquities shall h.ive no abiding place amoug ua yieoito DOMiNhpoN. We admit to our columns a letter signed " Vaawell," witlHHit intending to en do rue the sentiments of the writer. If the ne groes were let alone by raret-bg and scalawag white men, they would soon quit house-burning and stealing, and take to honest industry for a Hving. They are Biade to believe that they an- all political Solomons, and the weight ot tlie govern ment is upon their shoulders, and that the democrat wish to re-enslave them. If the negroes of Wake will resolve to vote only for negroes, Phillips and tj. Busline, J. P., with Calvin liogers aad Willie I). Jones, will soon leave the party. If Um negroes of Granville will determine to vote only for negroes, Kildee Laasitor and Col. Tax Hargrove wffl anon abandon tlie negro party. If the negroes ol Edgecombe shall resolve upon negro rule, then will not be a Norfleet left to write the history of the radical party. We see no necessity for "Caswell's" being alarmed. The Pennsylvania negro wants to be sheriff or clerk, we take it, and when his object is attained, ha will not care for a negro in office beyoni that. Besides, it is very natural for the negroes to desire to drive rhlllipa, Cantwell and the white merj out of the' kitchen. They , are there to make their own pots boil, aad not the oegront- c:.itd STATMS OOMMlSarOIfKB We slated sometime ago fliat Unite si,.te Comniianroner flcoggins hail taken hairwhen ne heard IW wodllt trWM nioned by the dcfcnrrants "vrtio are now '" . ' . imputed for kklx.ng. Scnggins the sttorneys for the United Btetes, will i 1 not even draw a bi l against thu renegade , not (ren orawn 0..1 aK " 'kuklux rascal "The wicked flee when i kuklux rascal. mew 1 purst oeth." 31 l -- 1 - .. .." t : . . . ba.inv ann in vrtr woods, near the house of Jamea Harrefl, ; on the big mad leading from Shelby to m 1; ' at .11 t 1 Marion, he initisted George Holland into the kuklux kkva. Seogginsi tied hand kerchief around th eyes of Holland er d administered the osttr. Wbe the hand kerchief was taken off, Holland beheld biogtfm, "6e"( Qnitotii rHnVa '.Ammii- knits pawswita im his a. Aa-rge Hol land, the man initiated by Bcoggina, in stow i . Jnjh.WM.tU.f to Pr lS ' tabor in thjitwtiry kklnxisg. iiei8glM iMfi SWt fWWBit th.kijWsi,. , He haahnnted stvens-hy'dayaadby aighi. We are of, cjiiniocj that .800; gin should he in jail rather than 'Holland Phillips and Star buck are not sipectrd to agree .with, Bt,iiUii.r!iioJu . vv. z '? '4-.sa y-- - -: - -e - The Waetunt sf I'krunicU nay " there is a st-lr of war iu nearly alt tits staitbrra ?t-e " Very uuc ; flu carpeHnaggers and esrvwant natlvvo, hooade.1 on by such insane ptW mtkmChrmiiU. haws tsstg beesi making war apna th rights aad pro perty of th Soxrtfteea nnupla, and have (eft lawlriiil M dsrsice, hoanwnr sushosnrnra btn, at iei plash their diaboltcal sixaa. l&0xrteil for the 8uUnd.j The "Kuklui" Trials. ELEVENTH DAY (iontihi-ed.) -MiiKTHT. Sept. 25, ISTt United States ( America r. Amos Oweiet ud others. rnxTiuoM rou Tun UKrKMCi inmtinurj ) J I.. McDANIEL cross eiiuninid by ir I'm ii.i.l in. Am 41 years old ; live in Kutherfoni ; am well aiquaiuted there ; am a farmer ; married a cousin ot defend tuii, McDsniel; was with James MuJaniel on the night ot the whipping of Higher start; wvuitohis hoaae about dark ; joineil 'he order a day or two before the whip ping ; was initiated by a man nined Mar tin over the C'leaveiand line , never wus in any meeting in t'leaveland. Witnee de unlwd the manner an place of iiiitia tsoaufMr. Hiltiua lal Hie oath. Wit ness said that was not I lie saiaa be hail taken ; uudsnltkid it to be in favor of tlie original eonstfluthm, except negro slavery ; did not regard the ma iety as unlawful at iiiattjiue, had lieitrd of niida said tu be in iiit ktikiua ; 'I was not tlnln said thev were by the invisible Diupire ; whs tirst loiil thin wm lety was for mutual protuc lioii aainai outrage upon woiueu or up "i Miivtliitig c!c, by ajiybilyor Inun any source; heanl ut threat to burn out the i . 'ii'i vulive party ; had been charged Wltill iHjtongtng to the order before I knew iiiiyitiing about it , saw aceoiiuia ot rnHn in the new.-p ipi r- ; raidn iu South tiaro boa and other plui ei . nunc uiinkdt.tlcly around ill'. V iuuias ikauied ttiree ot four ot these rniil.-. they were sanl to be by kuklux oi undei then uiane . dul uot believe they Wer- imile by kuklux , wlwn aiwirrf' tlie rm I icala . nail votcn lor onui panira. and pmpuawf-to tto M ftiH If fie Um Vu gli t pi.iK-r, did not kuow of Joseph McDaniel or bin father lieing meinlH-rs. - Te Mr. rtrttouo. Divided my tickrt in tho election lieforc the Inn' , uinleratooil wlieu I joined there were to Ik' no raids and no intimidation, anil while a mcuiticr heard of no other undcmtamlTng .IOSIAII 'IT UN Kit, Jr., worn and ex audited by Mr. Htuono Ni ver Im l.nigul H any secret society ; do ri"i now, nn l H ver h ie belonged to u ajcret society ol any kind 4r SiKoNo. Have yon ever given any mtruciioii Mr. PniLl.fr objected. Thin was no place for gentlemeu to exculpate theni selvi'S. Mr. Strong insisted that it was compe tent to show that the rumor Ihst had gone to the jurv was false. The object was to contradict the witness. Judge Fowls als followed on the pro uriety of tlie ipjeslfoU. It had I wen stated to the jury that a certaiu man had re carved hi authorit y from1 Mr. McAfee, and that Mr. McAfee had received his authoh ty IVoni Mr Turner. The piiie wan to prove by Mr. Turner that he never gave any authority to Mr. MiAfce; then that Mr. McAfee had never given the third per- SOIiailVt S)It thai tli O.ir.l told the w itncR) auytliing nlauit the mat tor, and prove the wiiuens a liar. The CotiHT ruled the ijeum improper. ). H. I'lll'ETT, examined by Mr. Hthomo. Know James Melianiel and Aaron V lliggeratalf ; rucolhi t the night of the raid ; saw Jamea MeDaiiiel and Achilles Durham that night; wot with Mi D uiiel hefure dark, and went with hiui Lo Dtitham's at good dark ; stayed there as hour, and then went to a meeting with M D'lniel and left Durham at home; staged at the meeting an hour or two, and then went again to Durham's, and lieforc lo.ving there the clock struck one; went home with Jamea McDaniel (who lived close by ;) distance from McDauiel's to Aaron IliggtnsUtTs eight or more uiilea; ant a tnember of the laviaiblu Binpiru; joined last February or March ; never have tiecii tK'I'.ie Judge lgan, have neeu be fore Nathan Scoggins, U. ti, OHaiuisai' uer ; do not know if Hooggina was a uisinber was Initialed by J. M. Nicholson; object of the society was for mutual protection ; 'twas uot the understanding il aa lo vio- late Wtf Uar tt lanrHte . witli sxuts. nor to make rahls, nor to do unlawful acta, witness never so uudentoKl it. Csoss EiAMisitD by Mr. pniLl.IlM Never have been on a raid ; live ou i In edge of Rutherford in Cleavelaml ; do not knuw wlat his dea was .fulled hean n den twice ; heard of a few ranln aunl to be by kuklux ; joined the lnviniblc K u pire; supposed it was tlie mnne thing ; could not tell if these raid wen hi tin party or under it name ; there wss a pen ally for divulging the signs or passw ords ; den broke try) in three or four weeks . did not swear to obey the orders of the lead ers ; our den was not admitted lo the order for some informality. To Mr. Stkono. Have Usui on both aides in politics, generally with the demo era tic party ; votial republican at lust k e tioa democratic Die election IwloretltV . DuUiiiig in oalit to utevtrnt h.m iratsv sa. ting aa he pleased. ; fct.IAS IIAMIIllH. rv examined i,y ,nr. ermiwi. Aiwsya votoi the republic .n titkt-oevsf finsu sny o.nar ouwino 111c 1 wa. a inetub r of the . DTi,1De Kmpire ; Invisible Kmpire ; joined last of Febrna- j ry i oiut it 20th or if.it initiated bv Franklin initiated uy rranxi.ii was to support the laws ui o. np.1. , , rrra ; oirxoTijwt .1- ...... . support the laws and remit itut too of the state and the United States ; was ' told I wits allowed 10 vVto for sny Undy I ..U..t if ....I ailose.1 witrusat would r . w pun', rivhn. were to . . . . . ' . be InterferMl with white 1 colored Cavssi KUmiHKO by Mr. PHILLIPS Am S6 years old ; live on the lower enlg of Riitherford, 8ve miles from the Ocave land line; belonged to a den k little while ; twa not nurabured ; nothing was aaid ot party ; th den wss rk admitted for in ttamattty ; m th oath tt wss mfd we went t,ojnh" sainptar !tt nuliiai pax. ty ; was- to favor nf that ; wss elected chief i swore some .uvea or eight in ; th. oath read 'differed In eeveraj particulars trun tbw one witassi took ; hare voted tiev rsnJtesi tset- tvw -t war-erwr jlCW-rtttjfeMI .M.WfJ.;.sHltil-.Lstumierl lag oHiJ ..rsi'we'?a!. aijinrs; toe nisio was isrif artrtei'waw ; beard of raids ; did n.4 yt wsr IwNrif raid! did not bear tbw IneVible Kmpk was Sford to th rad icala. WiiaeMt hen namad the raid be bad, been moiw on a negro for jstttri :WftX m wmgrn tut toreavtrattng us sisoot any one who would come after him : the tl 'M also on a wegrrt, aad that but to scare hint. Nothing was aaid aTsiut voting or- politic in any of these tnataocea, v To Mr. sWmo. Nothing ws said in all these raids about voting nothing in thorn iswitical; were fur steaiiasr oura, UireaUsisag sad the other ho did not Isear the ewsjan nf. ' '' JSO. 0BJG0amioed by JC. rhsvolio. Was a member of tlie Invisible Knure nie;'"ornWt was the nntiicti..iri iif WiiWtf anil orpharui'wheii mtma j used, was io a den when the whipping of Big gerstslf waa resolved uihui ; the chief, Wiley, said it was becaime of Ins lustigk ting Mctiahatis. the kimng of Defjicat-d nothini was aald of Ui,i.fiAira imiIii 1 nothing wss said of HiggeraUifs polllu or voting ; went on Uw nkt HeTw wA nes deaenlvd thu route and the partial he uiet and the time ramsuined on the mareh, all g"lng to show that the raiders all came from a distance and fruiu outside ltuthorford county. Went to a place a quarter ef a mile below Matthew (Vow der's. eight or nine miles east of Bigger stall's, where he met Iinck Tiadale, Michael Origg and Michael Crowder; got then liu.'l au hour after dark ; then they rrMtled to the Johnston place where they met two more 1 tutus Maquis and Webb Knkriilge, from there, sull going westward ly, to Jim AUen'a, four or fvt miles from Hmervtitl a wnarn they met the main body , did not know any of the nen they nni Ui rt, thea went on to BijfgrllVif Wifneas Sd not go nearer ill all 150 to H) yanU of the house; stayed at where the lioraus were; no horses taken u p to the Iioum? ; the whipping took place almut II o'clock ; saw nothing that wan done at IliggeratatTs ; Hrst heard of the nocicty trom Dr. Martin; that it was for mil pri'UvUou and proleotion ol friends; nothiTig anid on that iM-eanioii or after wardn alajitt Hililics; notiiing to pn-veut onen voluig the republican lleki-t it' he tliouglit pio(R.-i ; li 'Ooily joined the raiil going trom .Inn Alleu'n to ibggerntatf a Here the naini s oj 'the d' tend int wen i tilled over and wtlne nl he knew tiic of them; that thei aeie not there or br would have ne-lt 01 lit .11 ii n-'Hicfclllng ol tin III. Ili.lt lie liuilld 11' lie "I the Uaiuen the "1'iel .le;e ''(.I'll- l .oieil '11ULiuX.1i141lll.-U1g .i..v.tn.iy- 4ih .V"44tg-Mi it . uti.tersiiaid Uic order n agtuint thc radieal purlv . tieve. heiii'd III the dei .u'.yihn.g ah .tn p.. Mini; down the radi in! put!) . "iilile.J.i ll.e 1 Im.'I nav m ; 1 1' mr I ui il 1 , -, it nitilgoontl" iilggerv.tat) raid; Bi'.'r'i r -1 IT wan tin. I and c..e iliililntl 01 'i.tlien.i dell 1. tile .-.'lull.: lee, dim .1-.-1 01 den lo.u lt.i:eniall nuts tl.ei I M l ' t klllieg II. pit. had a right to relit. t" , ou .1 no. I whet, ordered , thought he wan ii.iu.id I"' go where ordered ; didn't lir.tr any t hing ol the cause ol Mellaril killing lieprimt , KlggemtafT wa- 1 I. i,.K-d t wo wmkS.lter the tral. W..111W heie mentioned the n.'liiieaor nutVen ineinlM-ra who were pren ent the night the w hipping was ordered--(none of tlm defendants in the list) -and said there might be others he did not re n.ctnlHir ; this wa.t the first muettug , the second, it was resolved bi do the whipping on the Monday or Turn dav following; on the raid no one joined in Ituthciford , Anna) Owens (one of the del'e.idants) was there, but .10 one else In. 111 Itulhertttrd ; when the Sandy liun crowd was net they were 75 to 10(1 alto getber; the men were mostly dinguined ; heard old Biggerstaff hollowing ; did uot llnuk ihere was anything aaid of Ulgger BbifTs (n'litlcn from the time of scntene. tin the whipping; nothing was said in the onth altout ola-ying " good and bad ords.H," or "lawful and unlawful ccmu niamln;" heard from private vernons tin onler waa to put dowu the radical party . did not think this talk was a general thing; heard it talked of; never heatd anything said of the ol)ji(cts in the ilea Here witness mentioned hc following raidn he had been on; .Jack Willnian, col , for drilling negroes; Whistnant, white, living in adultery, said to lies inemlwrof the order saw him in a meet ing afterwards; a black boy, for ruuniug with white women, and the Biggemtall raid the Drat waa struck s few In ks, the last was not caught. On the Diggers! ntf raid some were armed w Uncus had a re peater; did not hoar BiggcnttafTs dttugh tor hollow that night ; got home an hour or two before day. John Wiley, of Cleaveland, was the first witness heard sMak of the KiggeratalT raid be wa. chief ; heard s good deal ot Hollowing ana noise at BiggeratatTa ; were there about three quarters of an hour. To Mr. Srnono. Ilear4 nothing of Willnian ttcini( a school toachor: was drilling men after prayer meetings ; heard of their drilling at night (nsevtrai plaoea, ami in the day; this wss reported to the den. The court uow adjourned till 10 a ni., to morrow. TWKLFTII DAY. Ttlttsiial, Bept. an, Unitod Ststc of Amenta . 1OT1. Amos Owen and others. TaMtTinosv KiiRTiixnurmiiiaHoosiTiNt'itii ) AI.VIN JOIINSllM (worn and exam ined liv Mr. STKoao. Was a meuiUir of the Invisible Empire ; initiated the back part of 14 winter by A. Klllott ; object of; the older; not nlated wfien sworn in; 11. aliiug m to what for or what was to las f rlnjre-; no-Thing- Wild'-arnWff-VWngTHTrT' ft iutt-ri' rin with Lite political rigbu of any lIMt jn ,lw liigsUff raid ; met at j jm A llrra, two mill, or more castof Big ...r.talt". . eighty or eighty two were in i,. . icMri .hem nurrtbered . was No. -, aayaelf ; ws neer lite frotk ; no one fell u. -j.,-,. . ,, 1 ten s and rtnfL'erman : - . . . ... if any h.i.i Iwcn on the road, Would haw wh th. ui ; no men were at Allen wne 1 1)t (uere 1; none came houi went (if Big ,,tl,ft , . 1 ii d.(teBdants called over, g' mom I tin 111 live wm. of KiggeratatT' ; know all of thi n. : saw none of them at I It.- whipping, htrd hone of their names called ; had they lie. 11 there winuld have a-co or heard wMuetbuig ui . a.tfa ; saw the whipiitig ; alter itvwta negsn aoni one called (Mi I hem to atop tilt Ihey made Big geralejT own noincthittg , Biggerslaff was Ite.tri.nt snd Uw sin ailing ioto Sam eel I I igg, .at isTdPsi hi is-wl'T 'W Kglll-tew4 s man named iloitituM wss at tlwbeaii in thw kitiiftK kffittr-; nothing mm ma tn Bi;tferstafT about poll tics or his being a d d radical ;wllne, did, nc know th cause of 'Hie raid fjlj (be k illing aiul sli.n.t- re -wre ri.dtfr wf H tfiat tliiss wit news w.th tile eWd ; saw nsthiO)f a boMJe or taiaswtritte put-on Higgersluff s bead : beard uottnog aaid of a b-ittle or turpentine that night; know J"e Wilson; .( tie bad been there wlUnnut aisguise would have known him; ao of Bartim BizttersUff; no horse were near BUfjrer-. -ssaiT's nraswi wen JWO ysrt of w n j none nearer ; left when the crowd am ; saw no men join th crowd (mm the went ; stoptted at Anto. ll.irri1' .nt liu. jtray laaal fallnil n 1.1 ui. . liarrell hi niht c'. .tl.es 1 girt, aarer tlufV'l oye in the crowd told It irn'.l what had hero done ; witness shook band with him, a did other ; witness karw part of th men they mot at Aiken's ; noo of the defen dants among them ; thuau who cam up aOsr witness got to Alien were trom H am r.Mill.N o .1, .111 1 1111.1.II-S , aid 1.01 Mb. It tlltf v.11,..' wolliui. 'in not U'lV .1 ' ,,-i 101, le an. o ..IJ.-i . J. i.-a4isnK.sl'.-A!Ji.sl. j.a JSi'.'Vu.J '.t:z;:i .Jtiiil ..all, noin.lf.ft'g tike rlhat ; nolhini. kuvw U.. w 1 .v., ni u,.i, : a id . .fere .be il... m , ..ut . evi.le.ie.. .1". ' "" Uuu;' uo "'!''' "IwJL ia.i t Jl. .1.-, . ,- - -44 S'lndy Kun ; Joseph Wilson lives on San. Iv JWttisj i 3ai ansae wvlh thtm gerstatf'a; Handy Kua is part in tteave lana and rvt in Itutherfnrd Okiais liiis.itxn bv Mr. PHILLIPS. Will be w avty-one no litth of May; live in lUthewwt t- avh.ngTl to no- wsrnlaT .!.. ..r l.u I.I.. ..: . . -1 uen of the Inviaible Kuiuiru: swum -in at A. IllloU's den , F.lti,itl Uvea in Cleave land ; as many as flfly present when sworn 4w: hal diffiiivaU dalses on; was told by uiH'le Jus. Walker to go oil raid; was not obliged lo go, but went to In ;a the crowd , heard of the killing nf IX-pricst anl the shooting into Samuel HlggerstatTs house la-fore tile raid ; nothing said in his den about tho whipping ; ssw Amos Owen night of raid ; he came with the o-owd ; were between Jim Allen' and BiggnaafTs boose when the uvea were numbered; did nut bear more than tit nunibrutd, that waa the whole crowd; .Marion 1 Hoard was is riaJ of the whole, aa w.mi anthTstorxl ; Hoard said otAing about tias causa o UiggerstaiTii being whipped, heard him give uo orders to break otien the house , have thought a good deal alanjt the nistter . witness named other mertiiiea he had been at. Had Iwnna two raids -the J&ggerstefT and llainbrick raids; don't know Ham brick's politics ; don't ni olliH't a art of the oath to ojwy all orders of the chief , the rest of Uw oath read by Mr PI illips he siud waa auloUiilnilly thai he hid taken; don't k now U brok c opi.U llig- g'rtatf a d nri ureatni in v nuii there he ilii not kin 01 , w it .1 ai liiaotiininl tlnil iuL;til, did uol a. l o..: isi il 1 iM'k n it li a gim oi pnio', .1 ..... . .1 , il,,juM-tl 1 hi'ii wjith hi- k' . 1 . . ", l . . "i Mi tiotn ; witileiu. 1 11 , aaa to wrtw JJUO . williew. n'ni' K Itlu. I clntaH in the roa.l ; uul ui't iee hun ( ugi.t out ol the holme a acct'iid tiu.i tssetr wmr Hrrnor 'otnr Trrnna dtwk sw Amos 1 twin j! Jim Allrn'a To '.! S1.1." . Left Owen at w her. the h in.- 1 -.; anked hiui to mi. id my l...ra; a.tin I g"t t.i the honi the Then vi re briagHtg Aaron Biggerstatf nut ; ' 1 11 wan not at the holist at that time . . 1 two white gowns; Fiiltock .ui.l Wil .f- iinon had thmn on ; tin wen- all the ' 1. "If . govt im witiiean saw. Here Mr. - in.g read tlie other versiou of the oath, tu 1 w itueas ntaui it wan nearer the oath lie had taken than thll read by Mr. Phil hps. To Mr. Phillips. Was one of the first to tell Judge Logan all he knew ot tlnf matter ; 'twas Ixiore the elecliou JOHN H tillKKN sworn and exam ined by Judge Fowls. I jve in Kuther lord ; always voted the republican ticket , never voted the democratic ticket ; be longed to the Invisible Kmpire; was in Hinted by Frauklin Oreen in Chsireland; wss a republican then and remained so while 111 the ordor ; took no obligation as to voting ; look one to opHsjc the repiih lienn pai.y in all its corruptions; gtnMi republicans did all they could to purge the (tarty ; saw nothing in tlie Invisible Umpire to nlleet w iui(s republicanism: wan not sworn to .lisir.) Hit lawn of the .it vf tli United Htattai, and nothing to keep him from voting as lie plovnid , it wan nu ret that witness voted there publican ticket ; .have seen disguises 01. several oouanio.ut ; some eight, or ton dis guised uieu came to sxy houae one nigtit ; wss standing ainoiig them in the house around the fire; noticed them and heard theui talk; head disguises had holes for their eyes, a.ate, nmulh, iVx- ; could .Hit 1 tell who they were by the eyes ; did' not recognise one nf them ; tried to do so ; the men came knowing . witness to he a member; witness tried to discover theni were wss s g.MMi ugut; um not snow s man (Nf then, by his eye or vHce; could not swear to one of them by his motions ; when the men took oil their disguises, wit neas knew them ail well ; witness' sister si 1 wss present and did not recognise one of them while disguised. 1'nosaEtAwmno by Mr. PHILLIPS. Joined the order to February last, ind considered myself to he in it till after he last election, when J. confessed ; Kliaa Hamla-ick wa a nntnber; Ham brick bi a repntihran ; V. Ittreas joined because he heard it was good thing to protect men 1 nothing said shout protection in ati Hill; witness had no still; took kn oath to opfiose the corruption of the rad ical party ; nothing in the oath shout oln y rnglfmTrftirtkr voted the radical ticket in tlie last ebrtion ; helongid to the order at last election voted against1 convention and Kir Logan. Witness admitted to lin ing on raid on Martin Pearson, col .and, fur raying be had been rohlwl by the kuklux, and tor saying If thi Csme to his house " he would know onn' 'of' ilium "this being nnilerstonil a threat that he would kill one of then ; pave Pearson fifteen lashes ; told Isun sf hi charging the knklni with rolii : 1. him. aud his threat to kill ; went same uigil to the bouse of Milicti'ieu, charged with running about and Is ling to supply hut 17 1 flMJ -if ..1 I . . i,l " ai I f a wife and tin drao with aufficiout fund ; - wi-.it to tn him to UkeJurcareoJtji s-ifi" ah rf "riildivin to stay at jiurae and a irk; next raid was to Bill Howxcr'a. cliatgid with breaking a oowVleg, aplit- timr s rail and nuthnu (tie ms'i tail through i and running her horn; next t wnippea negro ixiy tor cursing a white ( lsdv: was not on Jhe RiiriratafTraid fo JtiDoa Fowi.iL Pi.r.iica hail nothinit at all do with any of the raiii witness had tteen on ; nsrver heard of a raid 00 political grminda 10 r. rerLl.trm. rorgirt to mention raid on Henry Carpenter for threatening to , " t the door to ascertain the cau- ol kili sum of the kuklux; took hi gua tni; aaw him ; tea mile, from Daj away ; this th sight thsy visited tiauses; W Oould'. to Biggaratafr'a slept by my same crowd then. ' nlfrht; got op afW sua rise ; THOMAS WX)D8 examined by Jtrpoa oth were Sere ; heard of raid s few dwyt Fowi.K. Ijv in Ueaveland ; knew aoth-' Arward; Avow V Biggmtaff atyhnei tng ot the invhubf Empire tut be came 1 was for the Culoo, ao(J since the rebellion 1kve ctairae.1 tolw th ssiue ; dim't know which of the present parties he belongs to; aj. (or ... tJi . General Wsshiiigusi plat, I form , xlnt not not last slsrtion j was in fpr!iittTir.rtat ttrjef 4THKrj8 1" tVetoni Uiat Totwr rer air trw n?pannm nut on ; never voted otherwise ; voted tor uraat, fin- the constitution and sic pplnm ; go fisr theparty which is for the good of the country ; there waa nothing in th organi sation to interfere with votinir : would Lout h iolnad it if Ihsa. hadmmt any tttnf alnst the rito, The coritltMn.iif, or in reference to voting ; would have had nettilnjj lo id j v, 'idi any sni ,' aid not svicir tu oppime the republican party; no uvulUxithju u tu iu. mliifUoiis ; joined for self prototitlon ch'klly beard of raid and row and whipping in toe country, and was told I would lie safe in it. 0Exiauiu. by Mr. PUlyra Poct think the colurel man in my county capable of holding office, whatever they nay bi slsenher ; would rather as. it in .here; joined the Union Leagu, ftrst ; thn " "jwiinfr e" ; uen. uoura m ne hsal of nslhi 1 lsis gosts r I fmw -Aro rtv lsiM Oould -m.5thint? tike this: ioineS it Isi fanhnlf brother of Mr. KiggersUtr. MatWf1fwW.tpiSlrfffie rt"'''"'"!' Trntli' ir. , 0011 i allow the colored man to hold office and vote, have no objwtiou to his doing so; ' went there Saturday aud left on Sunday understood the order to lie in fvo.of a was a timepiece there, but It waa not run white man's party; suppose e of lls'ningi retj tgifm mj Jttilcmsrrrt M llo the ohjet'li Waj (tgalKsf thi rvliired" roan limo. T irating ;,.aWrt.Hl (ht white men were j Tirll iaiK FolS. Sat up some time to rule; can't toll if anything was said : after nuppei -later than usual. atnt the nlmMl..ma& ot.inj; 4'Hipuat The. court took a mw titt . there was something of that in It ; wit 1 neas son luld biiu U waa a good thisg; that it was to keep the tiegnvos fnuu steal I up hogs, breaking into amokehiiusea and going into corn cribs , joinol it on this grm ui. , was or stopping, in e uner wntie orDiack, steatirig, adultery, violation, of Itkm law a n .f f... kivln.i mMM In 1 1 . I land ; on way home the night he was initiated, went to whip a colored man for being Insolent and otherwise niislie titving at a Mww-ehucking ; nothing said In the oath witness took about the radical pirty nor nf obeying the orders of the chief- "upon honor," added witness, " there waa nothing In it against my priu Hple was a uiUeh a republican then as ever and am now ; nothing said against the laws ; if there had liet n 1 would not have hail anything to do a ith it ; heard of the liigguratafl' raid hut know notbine of it. ToJtuHis Fowls. A hi" the same man in nihtH I evi- wan . mii'l whal 1 meant In lore I i 'in,..! , 11 w aa all uilderattHMl ; never uiidcruujolilics to lie a part of the older ; heard ot some negroes drilling in lliu nuigiilairkiHHi, and alno ol stealing and burning, and uii'h-rito.d it waa .the 'ilqea't ol ill.- Oldir lo put these tiling 1 ; tin .. .'illy Waa alal'lued at the um.-. . nl uieu .ii,ijvd to iut them down, ind soil, lit 'U ' with each other . linn he undcinliaiu to tie the coulttliin of . . .....B .'" 1 .lllr-. withe" Aiit ; .v . sens were uiem rfinWr iif "aafianu iasut by judge 1. gau, and the Brat bill of indictment in thi cane to coutratlji't the teatiinooy of Mary Ann Norville and Aaron V. Uiggontlatf. I'LICAHANT KOHITHK examined by Mi. Sikomi Am fbther of th defend ants, Hctiiamiu and Daniel Fortune ; know Joseph Wilson ami Aaron V. BiggeralatT ; recoilnct th. night of the raid ; 'twaa on iliu ni.11 01 Amu last, tv tineas uien uvu tied that his sort, named sImivs, and Wil win, were at home that night ; that'besat with them till 10 o clock; J. W Walker was there and witness' sister Adeline , after w.Uieas' sister retired he went U ed. and in a short iima . the boys went ihey slept up alalia iu the loll, ttpway for tbeiu to come down again bulibjr the Lairs Ihey sx ended, Wilson sd Walker came on a visit , got there before night ; heard them go up stairs and go to bed ; my house is two uuloslVoin Aston Bigger tail's, soon at'ur they aunt o lied Iward tlie ilogn barking all over the settteaie.it , heard uo one get up ; am certain the boys did not go out while witneaa Jay awake ; 1 lie hoya were Ui ere next morning And kit after breakfast; am uo kiu to Jiavsph VYil- son; thsl night rkutt lurn. ir'.ir i' mm ..nt uun tjnraott came to the house about dark ; some of Uiem got supper ; Scott T'us asked one ot my suns fie porter missed his name to go home witlj him and he wunt ; lialf a iijile to Scott's tmum-; saw hiiu in the morning returning t'roi.i the direction of Scott's house. Vitiaw BiAumaTioN bv Mr. PHILLIPS. Do not lulling to the Invisible Kmpire ; Leant no noise that night but the dogs barking ; Wilson and Walker are Drat cousins , both young men ; rant them to see the latys, are not tutirried ; went to bed at 10 o'disfk ; hJf an hour afterwards heard tlie boys go to bed ; beard of Hie riid Sunday evening , never heard it was tnbe: Jesse Wills' daughter waa at my house that night. lo Mr. Htborsj. Young men in the habit of pasting backwards and forwards, have a single dai.ghssr sad sister single. WILLIAM TOM8 examined by Mr. Sthomu. Know Lssndet, called Scott, Toms; is my sob ; know th Canaass ; kiivtw Asm. Biggrtatatf ; beard of the raid ; was at twuue that nwgbt ; fteott reft Inline about sun down j got home again a. the chick struck H; asked for keyitf crib fa teed Tien Carson horse; ssw litis, in niy room, and heard hint talk to bis mother ; stain heard him go to bed ; after a while heard several person cross the nn.m to Leandcr's room and K"-'n ' room wss os m limt floor, 15 to ?0 "fret Irom ise; saw jjeander early In the morning, and saw Taylor and ""' Carson there ; did not see Tom Fnrtnmt that evenlnff rs) the n. t morning ; niy wife was lick thai sight and I ww wakefl.t ; think I Would have heard them if they had left the .boons. C.Kt.wlMn by Mr. PIIIU.IPH Three iHil.a ftom my house to A ansa Blg gerntslf's; heard no noise that night; nrvrt saw disgiriaed man ; Taylor Car sno !nw tli.ee inKs off ; lllggerstaff' is ueuily e.u.i, Carson's southeast; thm j Carson'.- to BigKcTstatf 'a . about ttiree nines; inu carw.o a at auowx una sau s ' , tMm might hsv gatw e-n-sj-s-rrf11 Carson boy ars xui,- in vnraons ars rrs rjueiitly at my house. , 8. IL K)l'l.Drxaniuiedbv Mr. Stuonci 1 r ..M I - n..U DmW Oould is my unci, aamuel UonJd "'1 . wv"- "him . was at Daun i li.uld house ; west toeft- two or tbrse- hoar by sun ; stsyed there 1 JI night; weut to bed about 10 o'clock ; 1 oenjamm wss up wueu x wen. ; miortij I went to bad he window tel. out a , m -- 1 VJ mairtage , am n "v - "p"' J I" '".the howsa. j j ',.. . J T" "Mr. tT A. (KltW examined by Jorlg Fowls. Live in Cteaveand ; wa raised in Yanrxv I m dnughser of Wm, Mnnrej Ln yaneey fattier tias rwep j niw'a.Df , the senate from nis dtswict at a radical ; WTVOir-iC'K'U." Oiasld; "rsxert the raid nf tbr nth rh of ApTtr; was at Den ial Qrsald' that nkrht; ajot tnars that tmrnnna just before sundown ; bus hand was wrtli me; we c-.TpoiI a more n the himAZi' ruliiei ticaw.eH J ...1 tu uchwik ; I reHfVjl a btti bwMi ray hiintisj) , pgg; te1 "aiMT RLujauvin OouU ind laniul wtf ami two, bnnUiera and the two daughter of Daniel Oould wer thera ; wss awtk when my husband came to our mum ; Ben.-went - to thw- door to soe whit th noiss was about tti window falliDg ; did nut see him again that sight f saw aoth ingvof Daniel after retiring ; wa not dis turbed by nea juoviug atxmt tit bona )ha night L gist p, Ltaton un-i, xtjv min and Daniel wen at brvnsktast, and lite asm. mem ben of th family ; talhor atiil mflitii ail. t in. i ,ne Un UiMiNKj by Mr. IMUUdPN. 'rten milen li.m llinielftnutd'a; flveiuie i ArrKKKooa saanioN. ! Jl MIS FOUTl'NK examined by Mr. Stkono. Know Jason Withcrow , reool- lei t, the night of the raid ; heard of it 18 c,,K.k R.1 K , Sun,Uv . wilh,nw., thll, Tenin hu . mule ; got there about dark : ate suiuasr ; saw some parties there: left alatut two hours in tlie night ; it waa three or four miles across the taoun tains to BlggsrstaV'a, rough Boad ; five or six miles to go by the riavl. ! To Mr. PniiJ.ir-a. Borrowed Withe row's mule. To Mr. Striinu. Mra Wit hero w waa shortly aitrrwanla delivereil of a child. GKOUtiK HAMItliK K examined by Mr. Stkono. Waa a memlH-r of the In visible Kinpire ; joined last winter or fall ; waa initisted by Thus. K. lim n ; the oath wan to obey the constiiiiiioa and laws of the United Slates and of the statu, soiuetbiug in it atiout the old conatK tution, slavery exoepted, Mr. Strongs vision of the oath waa n lajauilj "cor n ptii.ns ol tlie radical party" was in it ; ciiouilvil it It would deprive ine uf the rl-M to voti f r tin' inui I liked; whs told "U" '. i.'.llii' - ti 1 . 1 nl-'Ul i'ln Msg Ulii iikt.il oril.-i. It-.ei.- w;t! a '" de. of secteay . liii.i lul J the radicid lli-iu! loi a: 1 ntale "Iliciii .iucc the suiretiiter, but went '.-ir tin t .iitveiitem , voted the ( ." I. vvnlM-.l. by Mr, PHILLIPS. Wan nivly .line wait old lUh ol last Au gii.t , dou'v recoiled the word " itutuacti Iftlc " in the uutil ; Kliaa ilsiubrick is my sou, John tirecu uiy sou iu-htw ; belouged to the den Shotwelt would not teoctve ; wss never in a meeting bul'boce; heard oatti but once ; dou'l recollect atsttil '- .'b.-viivg oiiK'is ," don't miollect atMiut " opitoaiug the indiettln iu alt forms ;" no thing said nb-e T liolltun, uaked them il it wiMlld ht.idi't iu - iioiu the privilege ol vo'ing an I ch -ni , w iiell they w leawt-M. 1114 tut tu.'M'i ol t..iiiit4; t.recii etii'w. the oath ". Ihought I undiustinid it VVlttlcse (I- m 1 lU . I lilt pl-ev of iiit.Uilg when luiie.i. 'l. oul. e.n .. eiv elected and a ci.oio.ilit. .j.!." no J,Nfive on mjuiiuit tut ; 'tw an r. p.i,i..t a .us;." had tan-n steal lllg tmru and n(fM.g .1 l"t whisky ; it was pn.posed to whip tiuu ; ilie cauip said to put the law on- him; some one aaid f that crowd did not whip him, a npiad Inun below would take hiui in hand ; 'twas nsailved to giv hhn a small jniiip ping with a' switch j next morning some ouu said It had been done; wa unfhe Committee that ordered the whitH"t had iko nu v with tlie order alter wards. ! To Mr. rVraoDU. No polides or tatk of vising in that whipping ; simply for (teal jug com and swapping it for w hisky j bad aja .tect right lo vote as tie pleased. A. U. LoOA exaniintd by Mi. rtiuoae Live in Rutherford ; did uut belong b. the Invisible Kmpire; am a conservative ; witness testified to the good chaincier of Joseph Sweeney, John Calton, Win, 0 Depriest, Tsyktr Csraon, Olio Caiwa, Tom Toms, Samuel Higgcmtad, ILtrlon Uiggerstatf, Achilles Duihaui as Inung good; of Adolphtst Depriest, Joi pii Ih-pnest, and several others, wiltuw aaid tlw-y wore young men who limt turuied nl ( h.ir.abir, but lluit he had uevn heard anjlliiug against theto. j Vi ITS KttS. Heard of tlie raid in ques tion , went to BiggurstatTi bouse the Wed.uatday or Thursday after he was, wh pped ; was told h wa In the liuld ;' did uot see hint. BiggttrstatT in his test imony aaid Its had been coutlmal to h Ins. I for long time had tu l pro,iH' up Here a lengthy arguusmil tollowid an to Uh! admissibility ot questions sliow iiuxthat a supicit.u of liwirui a kaklui iiad atlutitcd the character of some ut tht delendanta. The court ruled that tlif quotioiia must retor to report in regard to th defendant previous tft lb fltli of Ap.il last, the time ." Hie riL. Th list of defnudanM then read to, witness and h satd that Swsexoy, parson Wither and William Depriest were the only ones b bad heard suspeoted up to that tl.ua. Th witussk waa atari asked In regard to the locattos of the houses of defendants in rwlatiou tti that of Aaron IliggerststT, and be said they nearly all lived in directiou eppo site to that in which, the crowd oats os.1 the night uf the raid on Biggarstaif. tlATTIJKW CKOWUKU mind by Hi. rrmoan. Live in Ckaveumd, ti miles from Jam. Allen ; Tivcoflot th nu lit isf thewaid wa sitting In my porct and hoard the report of gun south of nai ; out alter fiv or sift mounted men passed, uU k. al to o'clock pruciaely theuiail body p..s-d my liouml tu a gallop ; Irons th tntis srxt morning tlniy wen Uiret to fiair double, and alxuit twenty-sii tiles passed, besidt lift who wsnt before; sou, were disguiacd ; was aeared and slept mme, and exactly at 10 minute past twe ti, run. u.1, . sou,, eaois Into uiv vard fo, water; aaid what they had don - us I gran BigyersUlT fust 800 lick; that thtJ had d.melt, not hi MighboarjiiiB rtocty saia tuey wouia nsve to nurry upot Ihrv could not CtHsf the water ; it wa dark when they went up, the moon ws np when they returned ; noticed ih tint mad good maiiy not dinATilai'd. TWiu Bess tostibVd to the character of A. Dun ham and Oould a very good. Wiuiea was sot a member of the Invisible Km. ftire : Totad both wv ; bad been a men . bet of the Union League, wa induced to Vnit bj praaiihat aeHit. him that If ft wa Kiunn trutt two-tntrn or tn men of th .tat r tW--ae, esxilil get back into the union ; wa a onion utsn aJwaya,, and expected to be ; wa told there warn rtfht nstrtirllf fh leagli ; toot sntaAtii livs eitrt , xt.Mih...fmai. IWggerslat-s over the Cleaveisnd line ; tirer might b thre totbe atealn the rank ; two or 'thre N of the men cam np to my boas bemr the big crowd oaas up; cuinfml SM nlas; they wesvgoMi hatr hou rs and lea miautasj ; &wmMuBtin$M''S M llViiw.li.disi' guine; twa a raile to I be. creek, eight aulas tu th Bberby river ! a big gsag sssss I back, as many maybe ssore than weutnp ; they were uot La ratsk to vnturre ing, but aswttandr iT5r o wenlbactf ; ever heard ot Durltass or Oouid Laaiagsua parted of being kuktoa. . i " . To Mr. frr Bona., It was rertortod that I th coiorsd wen were dnuing dovra thai to meek lit kuksua, and 1 thooght tbia orowd waa going to rsuia thenv. a i JSO. A. McFARLAlSU examined bj -"-1 miBt.i.totf - t -t i jliiil.r yowls. Masihsw Orewdi-T-' Ytlwe h-1 tM!nsAlMfcjsisw-els any ntan in that enmity; ant n repub lican and been deputy sheriff of Kuther ford since the surrru.iiT. UtCOJIUK W. iIJJNS Wifed to the - chnjai !ur of StotlTiws'.F, t'anaiq.l livCa son, Ben. ioiId, Wm, I)rrxieat,jSanil Big gertaff and A. Durham, aa good. Wltneaca is a cit lien of Rutherford and a minister of the Baptist church, la 4Jw reguhir ercij. tii his im ins uiiuisuj ; owceaey, vf m. lepiieat and Olin Carson have suffered soeiew hat in character by reports thnt they were kuklux. This closed the testimony for the de fence. TuaTmottv run PaosncTTloll (rsseaw.) MICHAEL CHOWDER sworn and ex n sal ned by Mr. 1'Hru.irs. Live in Cleave lanil ; was at the whipping ; heard Blfc-"'. ntstiuY earsed fh beins; a radical and for having Depriest kilted cureed for boing a leiuiing radical ; heard nothing said to Mis. Haniatry ; Ulonged to Hoard's den j order given iu dun to whip Uigj, -r-statr for killing Depriest. Wiley said that was what It was for ; so said Hoard, the chief; Wiley came up from tlie lower neighborhood ami asked our den to whip Biggerslaff for killing Depriest ; after Wiley's second visit, the den resolved to go ; sentence won MO lashes. Witntta confirmed other witaeaM tt to the naite to ItiggorBtafTs, and that the main I iy joined in at Jamea Allen's; ass, the whip ping; did not take part halt; saw two men have Mrs. Itamsey by the hands at the gate; did not are her struck ; heard tlie men say they were whimiing Bigger staff for hsving Depriest killed, and then they cursed hiui for bung a leading rad ical , got to Uiggeratatri in the middle of the aiglit ; know C'allou ; did uot see him ttvir night The list of defendant was rend ..vtV aud wiuieae reiftgniatd none of Ihcte; knew none ol them; the crowd th.it followed Came by Wall . Mill, frum t 'l'-av eland ; did not com from Lincoln tou ; no one joined in between Allen' and Riggrrstafl'a, nor at BiggeraUtTs; were told the whipping was tor killing lit priest ; cursed him tW being a radical ; did not hear any one asy the wbij ping was Li being a rsdiial ; the horse were left tOO yards down the road ; no horses nt the gate or near It ; weut back by Amos Harrrll'i; slopped there and heard Unro ll talk to some of the men frvmi hi ...d, w itueas was disguised ; others were dniguiaed ; oould not recognire any of theiu if be did Hot know they wete there. To Mr. Pun. lips. Don't know that I was hound to go un the raid. Hoard said if auy man failed to gUc be- would lie Hucd a dollar and a dollar lor hi horse, and if it was not paid it in three meetings, they would lu .1 ,.1111. .I VIt..., PKARSON. ooforod. exam ined by Mr. PutLi.tn. Live in Kuther foni ; waa visited by th kuklux once; waa told I had alwaya been a big man and Voted against Harwell Bryan, foo whose Lutii wUmxi bvnu) at.d must atop it. To the I 'oust. I lls men wete din. .. gUised. . Z! la - ',. rtxiarraim tif; mtrm ntna. Th'vy said thny cant lwrause 1 bed thivalened lo kill one of them; the raid was on the 4th Saturday in February. AAlt'lK BBiaF.tv8TAFFrcaflidan.I t xamhsnd l.y Mr. 1'H.LLira. A. H. Jones was l i ... ..IV fisr coiign-a In IM70. I " Mr. OI HO..U. Wis bt .ocn some .itO vote. .Mm ('arson, Ella tf isliisut, Ji-enu Weils, Wm. Scruggs and Itobbiua, were called to testily to the character tor veracity of Annul BiggerstntT, and all said it was good. Due lived tillec.ll mill's l.o.n him , snot hei nine or ten; another thtee and a Imif ; auoilier eight, and the lat vc All these witnesses said the were republicans. This chased the testimony in the case. Adjourned till It) o'clock to-ntorniw. Car Fua AoKUitJi.TtJgjti, Aamaj- ' Tion eVfuiisi. PHKUii'Ma The Hpecial -;. Pteunuins ofTurad by tlie Associstitui and by our business men are among: Uw most attract! va features of the next Cape Fear Agricultural Association, lai b held in this city on tb 14th, loth, lth and 17th of November. W uutvm that a handjuma French China Tea Bet far tb irouiium ofTered tor the lady who exhibit, th largest and best outlacfhia of article iti til Uousehold De partwenl, th work of! ne owa aaada. Theysluabl preniiam of solid ail ver plate, otTured byh Aasociatios fur et oolleooe In the Department of Fluid Cmp hare' oeett long before th pubilc ' ' Meaara. IVIiowet t Co., agent of Hut Carolina Fertiliaor Company, and ths Jfa rasas Ouano Company of this idty, offer fsvlwOauaul ytmmUoi their lortiliaari a' ajatclat prumlum. Beside Lheae, atmW.'Wlli Tsui , Manning, Mutmon & )nif: (lurch iter anJ 0, It. French k Bona, oflbr valuable prernitiius lor excel tenon In several articles of agricultural and mechanical in-d-U-- 1;.. , . -i ' W e itope yet to ad4 much to thi li.t.1 and ' old out other LoduoemenU, not only Ui attract ex hlbitnra, but alap to Induce a large stUniiance of visitor, AaijWMkirn, The kxecutlr oomutitte 0 th Caps Kear agrtcutturat sssotiation, fsrasrTP-' fort to txuvut a (us -fair la Kovamber, hav not overlooked th wnunmenta lor the yianiger portioa of their visitor. , They hsv determlood to hav atour vTttDtarrrfe betr,' U fi itf'th'hir.: fa.'.'- sxlijitioa to the osual biwiH. of the totu- I aey, aa elegant gold walch will be cPren jajnL HlgnmMui- tpiait. ana a n wnr Ti'awarcKrto fv?!!f': , .'a.-V "a " 47 committee of cltixen will mna far a ball at sight la th city h.IL 1 We art aura tho young . ladies and genUemea wha attead the fair will fyf)r apprsoiato thsss effort to add rthir ntVuiameat, WUmiitft. Jgnrnmi Tb losses by th great fire "at Virginia t-lty willnaah 70,ox. .;t; m Thera I great mortality among tat childrea la Luh, No woadar. . Cady Slantoa has a totaled SC. ,Ho is a meniharol thalwiirsre wgttsstuia, aad. ' Uany taught Aim how W Uia. 1 i .' J J f! I" V