: ' " ,r..iiJl i L.i.LgBJ!!LL.LJ L-iUiffl-S I'gJLLLLJJJlillj JJJl6-. i. 1 JMB JBPf I 'WWliU' JliiliLitiiliiMW'iiMfltiiii ll ill Hijinii l" mm L 'mt JiiSl. ' j .' 'HU. "LjJJ!JL'liM"ijll Sentinel f ueo N. KjlM t r . s busin. clert. I authorized to make contract and give re , eipt. Ac . A-. SATl'HDAY, SUITES ISEIt J 1871. I CIT YTSirsT AT R I T K MS. 1 lie colored Methodists of (jrcensUire h. llost completed tlit-tr new clumh 'J'tii' ( ) rccusls iro' Patriot uunounccHtha . .r.ig -l"-.eH-hs Swisn uric fm- baa-re- -tern tffea vtetwpm-- Mrs. F. M. Bumpaaa, editress of t h fVc BntrtcA, announces tile dit-eontin uaiicc of licr paper. Col. li. II Cowan, of Wilmington, was ni our citj yesterday. There is no man in tiie state more ubivef,aat!y eslecuid thuii col. I owau. W.T.Oav.Kj .baala-cn appointed mayor of kv M..unt hy the lioaril of comuiis -ioncrs nl that place viae B W. Butra Kj . resigned. Tin- letter in .1 "1'ii.wt II, '' to lie found in t hiy- p p' r. should have been insor t . pi uUI'liis ISHllr iu cullliccti.nl Will. !li. ,i1itnn..l i -niinint upon the matters i .f which it speaks. Sir. Hooker, of Hillaboro', will sell onr .-lAwelvc plantations, in Omne lamnty, n r cash, or on a credit ot tlnt-c in ue.n years. The plantations Contain from out l.uudred to one thousand acres of laud 'I hose wanting land will do well to ad dress him at HillaborV. MUSTEK DUKT Til I.KKV will reKat 1 1 ii- e turw hel'ore the uttcua of lUleih to nilit. at ( oiniiii'tei tlall, at 7 o'cloek. A'lmlHHiiill flee. ii. il JiilniBi-n. col., nieiiiher of thti pre S' lit h niat'it n preNentatlvea ot thl state !;; hinond. V a. he llintnton pap-rb Hum-t that to ni'UT"W (Sunday) lie -liner il in that city a- a day nl lliank-ivillf; h.l the presi-iva ti li of that city from the ravag fa-. of din - ;t l liK II M i f-.in-.t i. I, -I VVappw' tiiu- Norfolk ov-l. r ! - i , iji yiis t lii hi in lli- 1 1 ...-.. l' ' . , .,,, Hi.il .Sol lo. .1 ni. had 1 1. Iter teat th y, -M. Hannk.h of TkmI'i .kim K. This new 1eiiiMtralie pawr ni-nle il first appcai-.-ini-e tn i:iy, snd its editor. Then. N. Hinnay, V. . fleet- the public in a very "acel'ul salutatory. The pai-r, Uilh in n-i'ard to ty("tcnipln and in itt'-r. is all that its palrom could .h -ire, anil it bids fair to enter ujmiii a career oi pronpirity aud ubeiiiluead. Mohi-: FuliiiKiiv. It wai diai-iivered at tin treaaliry Thursday morning t hat 11. II. H -iM-rts, lot lie rl v a clerk in the auditor's ulilj:, JUii.ttUa.4Ji reeeutiy arresLeJ and i.i. iinl over on a charge of forging a war rant on the public treasury for had lurked another warrant on the treasury hir Ml. pniMirtin to le drawn in favor of W. T. lirown, for expi-nse incurred in conveying Catherine JWomu to the lunatic, asylum. We learn that he confessed to haung forged still another warrant to the aiiniutit of $100. Why did the authorities reduced Hoberta' bail Iwnd I'roiu $1000 to ;tuo I YEsruiioiv, Major lleuben E. Wilaon, William W. Beard and Luico Mitellell, made their appearance in the city to an i-wer au indictment in trie federal court tor a conspiracy. Thia ia the Salisbury tight with the United States District Attorney Starbuck, in which Judge Brooks Uaik part as a volunteer. No one ever blamed Judge Brooks for striking iu defence of his H' ii'U. Uinding over the parties for con tempt of court for a tight occurring at the depot waa certainly stretch of the doctrine of contempt which never yet en teral the minds of our supremo court ju ogee or the cariiet bag Judge Tourge. The far-fetched contempt is now turned into untptracy. We have only seen the r ijiuu issued, and that says to answer fr-i a conspiracy, .fee. a tt a conspiracy to commit a contempt of court I If not, what Use gone with the contempt of court t MtiuiiKB lit Bampsoii. We received In formation yesterday, aayi the Wilmington titar of the 2Sth inat., to the effect that Colored man by tiie name of Meauus tier ring had been murdered in Sampson county. It seeoja fruui what we can gathei that Herring, in coiiiany with tiabrie Jii ds, Archie Jacobs ajad Anthony Boy kin, all colored, were returning home from Clinton, where they had been on a visii on Saturday evening laat, aud wbeo about two and a half miles from that place, near v the residence ot Dr. ilolmea, they wert suddenly ired upon by eome one in am buh on the atde of tlie rotul. Tltougl, there a apparently but one report, Her - i . -f w-yaiitvt"iawl4aatiitiy -luUijtftlritg run asboW thirty fuel lefon falling, and bwariar mmlml,3rfc"w,!l'' severely wounded. Ilernng was sub ... .. .. snrj,t;caay rciiOTCil to br house,- wUil:' , '-"tftf'r'-ffl - rtiw aim b "fcotvjf aaih itorfr -yaw wounded ia tbe stomach. It is alleged, wu uuderatand, that Hit lug lias the princJpul witneta) for the . . p1 n 't tat ?nsi. w fffSJWoa lvtvKaiuy and other,' cliarged With kukluiing in baiuinoB, wlmoe trial was transferred to Brniwwick at the June term of tiie supe rW court Ur tuut county. It is also stated that (Ue others were witnesses in tbe aame ease. These aA tUe facts as they coma to as, . sad we await further developruents before 'mutg acvUiing furtUer on & avbjact. K. W. Best.-Eso , veslcniaT. finaliSed i a .... ' Lbited states Commissioner. Tlie fair of the Roanoke and Tar Jiiver A.((FH allural Aatociatlon is tu el.aw with a toamaiiicnt. j -m. . ', Hama Asair.- Mr. (Ettinger hj just r. turned from F.urope Already signs if activity can he noticed about her ealat liKtuneut. Tim race track jf tb fair groun.la of Uio rVuuiok and Tar ICver Ajrrleultural rWiotv is said to be in a ph-ndid eondi liou, and Uiat aefieral lat trotter hae already Uiea booked to b pfwrat. . seea from the fcafg ponUm al.vnj; tie treU, we may eijiect to lw rxlitied by the appearauceai oet WolutimU) and Tbure d .y, of ll jnold' Bimds Ily liH(rel. Thia troupe hjhit under raavkat and an well apoke of by rune of oar rvhnhgea Km. Yesterday alxiut 2 p. m , tin law mill add eothm gin of Ileory Morde rati, Hq., lKWlt twrtmilea north of title i-ity, were totally destroyed by lire. Mr M . it la Mill, tooaes about HtWn balra o i ntton. beaidva a large ijuaiuity wbi li had eot btiut ('""'d- There aa do in ointnee upon the property, and the total Vkm ia estimated at $5, (too The tire in upp n! to he urioiiutti'd tp m a flint roc k oi nail pnijin; thfourh the gin. Wf received the above juat. Imfiire going U preea. KcAKKn Nkoho and iVaukd 1)oi.--Ttiursl,i) afternikitl, the fierce dog kept ir the jail yard by sonic means bloke his chai i and " eut " fis: a colored man in tlie rd jn the meet approved Mjle. Thr uiaji, tliough ten ibly frightened, had the ireaence of miinl to seize the animal by the throat and afU!r a struggle succeeded iri fretting Uiiu doan and then shouted luiidly for assistance. The cries for help wore uttered in tones of such deep dis tress that evcrytiody who heard them thoiGSkht stunt drcadtul murder was lieing iHHfmUniml vwa. Uijjt- -idii- lug Ills apearanct' the caus1 of the hub bub was discovered and order restored. Dkath of a Nnurii Oaroi.isian The i many friends and relatives of Dr. Richard I'. Ahc, in th.is state, will regret to read - ie follow ini; notice of his death, fcer.en t "win tin- San Jonpilll Y-llle) f( 'ftl. ) A T$H s, ' of tin Ii'.ih i-'t lo. Abe was well I-i-iw:i Ai lliis slate, atlii waa i sleeRle.l 1V -ill who knew him as a high toned, lion oi utile gi i.tleiuau ; " l)r Kichaid P. Ashe, an old resident of San Joaquin comity, died in Han Fran Cisco last week. liaxsed was a native of North Carolina, and came to California with the rush of emigration after the dis covery of gold. Having turned his atten lion Pi the cultivation of the soil in Han Jottipjin county, he hwncd at an early day U. apprei iate the natural fertility of Cali fornia anils, and soon li-rsine one of the most prosMirous fanners of the 8an Jo a. jinn valley. Alxiut the close of the late . ar, having e)eriuientd in farming ttjin the great sand plains of the valley, he turned his attention to advancing Mia set tlement of the valley south front the Stan islaus river, and it was principally through his exertions that Stanislaus, Merced and Krcsno counties hsve settled so rapidly with farmers from--the soutberii states during the pasl Bvs years. Aa a busiueaa man, none were more enterprising or en ergetic, and having a largo circle of acquaintances among the most resi-cuble families of the states of North and South Carolina, Alabama, Misstssippi and (leor gia, he was enabled to induce large num bnrs to rentove to this valley for the pur pose of cultivating the soil, many of whom look upon him as a public bene factor." 0 YKR VOCT0HKJ). Without any disrespect to tlie members of the. medical profession, a profession honored tiy all thinking nun, Ills etdy Just to sajr Uiat U.ov are too Uuuk 90 Uie rouud. fM con equeuee is tlial the eouiuiunity is doctored over sasch When nature needs only the Kcntle stiuullaitt aad alterative, which has Is come (sin. ins throughout the country as a reliable medlctne, nnder the name of Hiietat ler s gtnmauh Bitters, she Is not nnfrequeoUy dowid wiU a doses preset lptious, all eiperi- Buniki, from the Pharmacopeia This is ail evil, and (irovesthat tbe practice of medicine is fa from heiiui; at all times a healltu; art . At this period of Uie year, when the fall of the leaf indicates that cecay has seised upon tbe vegetable kingdom, many narasalng diseases are prevalent. Chief among these may be mentioned intermittent fever and bilious W" iUenL Tbe ethalaUona rising from decoui poatng vegeuuoa, ana we neevy trews sw fogs, are very apt to generate these eomplalnts. The wisest potiey la to protect lbs syslsm by s course of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters at (be niniueuuuuent uf the fall. Mucb auUenDg -ay thereby be avoided, but if ine disease lias already begun, lis periodical visitations may ivjdlly he checked and broken an by this active, yet luruileat, vegetable toule. But be nu your guard against the cliarUlaris who are attempting to palm off, under various names, unwholesome compounds, whleb tbey protend to compare favorably with tbe great national elixir, wbU h bas long since swept more forniiilable opposition from the Held. Bear ta miott every bottle: of genatBe HoaUHIasvs stomach avi Iters is sallumUcsied uy a spleudiilly engraved label, lj" 'tmi" of ibe sign manual of tbe arm. Put up ia bottles only, aud cannot be obtained In bulk. septHB-eodlw Ikasley, BUek & Co., MASi riCTi ssas W ras iMpaovao Prtersbnrf CsVttosi Pros. rpkis PKB1UJ Is constructed with twoTol X lowers, counseled by s simple srrawe inent of I .gis Joint, paratesl by one htyer at the side of tbe box by which they sre drawn 10,,-eUier wltb an Ineresaing sower, correspoud ing with lbs increasing reaislanos of lbs cot lou, one moving upward snd tbe other down ward, making tiie bale al s height of S.1 fat t (nam Uie giHir, tbe most conveni nt height snd without Hid aec slty of winding up a Ssmmmto tm,,rMf 'm..te$imti onlv. the wetirbt of Uie lower roliowsr when released, eausing tt to descend sud raise tbe .nijsc.us. ..J. .sjj. of. tbe .Iungtjs ioitst. tbr pall ew the Irtsr ts nd greater al tbe last Uun at tbe gist, sad two assa wltb a lever tea oi. I long caa pack 1160 poaads into a bale 5Lr iiKbei. ST. at 'fattta ' " - WUrm smattrnrtsit -felt tfcr ed the bare msy slso be removed! to put tbe bai- grifTirBiyit tve made tn s press usving siauosjary enus. The iuventur. Mr. BEABLET. has had sev eral years e. pene-.es la Uil- lb e Snd is tbe Inrenta- of th well kn in V IK. MA PKKsb" sud nib-r. au4 .iuidm luoieud Ulle, Ui? hm as nwsesi. eg 'dieetAT s over any uf hi lent tt Hodaefjisss or any outers ut.a In the mart rl, J a Erry fsss is 'airly Wssed bsfore lea-, uig Oar w orks wltb 50H pounds of cottos). Prtee for Cu','. jb Press delivered oa tbe cefbis Pstsrsbarg, llTl 08 Price for ilsy Press, 190 00 J ar furtbsr isfofmatloa, Sddrses ejju.it, black a co:; sept 0 d la Pr1w6arj, Vlrjlius. 1 B I B I T IS E 1 K J T , Rt!t.D8' B1,A?PK lTnV M1NTREU A!ii) ouoT oi rs Ttis Mamiuoth rri:ai7Uin .1 exhibit Slider t.-ir WATK1J l'B (X IF KAVaiON, At Ksl-hrh days Snlv, WcllH-sdity (Vt 4 sad rharmisy Or i s. To s'rroraislies itaily at i and 7 p m AliMlsaios 50 cents, Children ttfidcr V, cell La. si-pi 30 &l UEKIf'KS 8A1.B. On Monday tlie tri day of October, A P. Kl, I will "m-H, at the ( nnrt House door III lli- i lly of lval-Uh, to Uie lowliest buiiVr for lash, four .trari-Hinir trunks, iconteiiW un known) seised as tin- pro,erly of H. K. Or Hell, 1 XtMUiiOp.Z.sXiUnJ I Hee or au Art Ui raimi Kevenue, ralltoNl T. r. l.KK. trlicrirf. r B A sl AI'.MN, IMputy. sept SO-.'rt Balfhuori' Sun eofij ii da)s and seud hill U this ofliee. II B U () 8 . H4 A .tM.lWMUIitUi.bi MtRt HAMra, Uussp 81ns Run, MAKKICf bQUAKK, KALKKill, N C pl MO tf MitJINti AND T1K.S. mi Rolls Dun.l.-.r ami Double anchor BVP" iMI Hales lunn's Tiea sept SOU 1.FACH BHOS. 4;r BBLtt. Sl'QAK ALL (1KADE8, ,) Hairs t'ofl.-e, ltHI 111,1s Kl-.ur, Hack- Kim .-4.lt, NO trine KacUiry Chesiae, US1 Kegs Nails, no l'kss. Nn t. Ms. kan-l, lifi.KSI l is Horse and Mule Klines septau.tf LKACH BHOS. J) U tl V 1 .H I o N 8! KHSSI I .list. WesU-rn Haeon, t.tssi " Pare lal Lanl, 2 IMS) " CaioitsMul Hams, OKI Bills fickle 1'ork sept :ui if LlUt'R BROS. s EKD WHEAT. We are rccelvrtiir a few hundred bushels prime Seed Wheat from Pennsylvania for fanners who wish to Improve their si-ed. septSUU LKACH UK. JjtANCY OK0CKRIKS. m 'J& Ciuies. Bnuulu ruaehes. - ti riVeaat Scirle(l l aiftlv ju l ove utbuts, 1INJ Hexes Assorted tloaps, 1 Ca dies. IJA '' Lemon Cakes, 10 Bils. Fresh Boos Crackers, SO Dos Teast Ponders, 40 tirss Parlor siatoltus, scptW-lf -t-EACIl BROS. N JOTH'K. All icrsons are hnrcliT f .1 Iji.Jili-il not tresspsss nil mir lands, i 111 011 eAi-h side of tin- ilnl-Vl iu,;U luwd, and etteiHlIng from Pal. Vb l Whi Hleks, with dog or gun. or. uthcrwi. bvdav or nliflitas we are determined to ninsecute all offenders to Uie full ezteut of the law. W. it. IIOI.I.KMAH, M A BLKDSHK, arpiao-dlw U.I CdOKK ATOI1CII 1 lie 101s or isna m ins nonnem po the city of Rsietgh, hvivettfor e.isise bv the nnderslrned by virtue or 1 Trust from Rnfus K Kerrell, will he a The lots of land m the northern poruou 01 hwhi 10 sale Dsvd of Miu .. r posed to public sate at tbe uouri House aoor In the city of Keleigbeu Monday, the lHth iiav or Oi 10BBH nert, the iartlcs wlio purcfiasl st tlie former sale having failed toeouiply wltb Uie Uisiiia of sale. . SY uarUculars eiirfulee-of UnMiiwlersUrned. 0 M. BU8BKIC, sept J0 tds Trustee. 1A1 BI S WMITF. CORN MEAL. lUU 1 7S Bbls Flour sll grades, IU (l l.h. Bulk Hides, 1.3IM Lhs. Onshen Butter, l.tkaj l.ln (Jhoky; Hams, 4rW 4bsrbsssse 3,6i(l I. tat Java, laiguiraand Kl.. Coffee, IA Bbls. Isrge Northern Potatoes, '3U Boxes (Jran and Black Teas, l,S (.rei-n Pit k lis, VI HIils. CnlUin Seed Meal, , On hand aud tor sale, sept JO tf W 0. 8TBON ACll A. Co. A MEDICINE AB OLD A3 TIME. Tm aught we know to the contrary, tin-eeller Spring was bubbling and sparkltut; s lien Ailam walked with Eve in paradise tin tlisl it may, Its sanitary properties bv.- never nrvu surisusssl by . any mtaliciue of liuman tuven UoEu. Tbey bate, ituweaicav ltcuuialaMU. d iu all t air native efficacy In mum mTZKR mmj. whk U th chtsmlcai dulifati- of iUf tfm lt4Slfod It PtTectillK CUitn t.f ti).-t -.'"If, bill utncu, cunttilMtioii, coin , r rvt-n ditli tyiSnijiaiy, rlieutnatUm, Ac. ijuiic tu rm W jkiid u oiarvolonii ai Uiom atlril-uu ' tc th' famoui BirrtBfic, and which the ftn -tlty uf Km roie 1iaT placed on rue rd among Ur medical mtraclci of the ago. &OLD BY ALL i)KU(ajL8T& eplSO wiw J 1MK LIME ! ! HM haftRlr-freiah bomt Rookltrid Ume nm ncHiviut from dpot and far aala. JAMK8 M T tWi.RH, (jutum'atiiuQ Ken.'ltaai. ept id 2t, M ULE8 AT ACCTIO!., bstardsv Beptealier Willi, 1X71. will be sol.' st TOW1.SVH' AUCTION Warehouse oa Wll tinjtoo Mtreet, 1 tstir of bssuUf slly natebed Iroa Uray Horses, and (mm suuadieut Waou and Harness. JAMES bL 10WLEH septal d 3t. J-OTICE. All persons a e hereby forbidden to huni iii sib my bsnd wltb gun or dogs I be penalty of Iks law will be enforced against sll su.-b KWAliO CUAfKL. Wake County, gepl Sftlb, l7I sept ant JlTOTICE. All mrSf hst-M-hv frrtlfifiiii tari hiinl uifOB my UnowHto)j;untr (it(ft. liar (niaity ofibfllaw will tn- enforced aiinat alJ auca ? - .-.-c-i A W-..rs-.H.l,-s.., --Tp.i, .mim. --axRriostar Wske CowirtT, Svra lo?!,, s.isv st t B)pi)rilt-tqiptTfCT: I Att rif r? Iii!stfy fwnmld-.'g to annt f oTthfTaW will be enforced agsiost sli saeb trespassers KP.I BKN PLEMMINO. Wske County, B.:pt Jtkk, 1871. sept J 4-0. All persona Ire hereby forbidden to bans afsaiaty kndswiikicuaorckiaw. The penwity of ibis law will be sufurced against ail sack otf-.Dders. BENJAMIN PERRY. Wske County, bept Wth, I'm. aept M 4-St PRE ERVEl) BTRAWBKKftlEa.DsmsOBs, Jwsas, Tun Apple, ste. Received usatsy sept aVli . W. C aTEOiVAfyB Jt Co. I. ATE TELKliKAi'HICN'EW MARKKT8. Nkw Yom, Sept.' 8,-Mujl1 .4 1 add 114,14 to 11474 Cotton chweii flniv sales 1,800 bales , uplands 19 3 4, Orkaiis WIS; Hour a shade firmer, common to fair extra 41 ?4a 7 35; good to choue 7 4uwb.OO; whistv USsl.tHl ; wheat irregular and closing a shade firmer, winter red western 1.5?al 4". corn a shade firmer at 73 I isii ; uios pork l;l.0; lard quiet; aavsls very flrai Livkri'.so. Sept. 3, evening - iiiltsi timi, uii ands Kn 1 -3d ; Orleans 11 SK all :t 4il ; btimdstufli. flrin LATEST KKOW WASHINGTON , wtfteTKirourtrer T-tnettroTK Waei . . trf ---.-- I li the state oi Virginia, together with lis- iiuiiiIht ot p.iin-ls shipped from that state iu bond during llw tisi-al yearetidiny the mih .inn. . it: 1 : jti;i,a;,v : x puki. at tt mirs, fJTjjnnit? , I?,2I14a t IB fmmts at 88 rents, l.tttw, 30.1.4 tt ; SI, ltft5,29 t 'UjmiylHis were shipMsl uiinuid Total number of pounds, :t.ri,l)-i4,?14 8 III SITTS AtiAINST DlSTU.l.KKS, 4c WASittNOTox, Sept. 88.- There am suit ;nding in vsrioua L ulted States couits tor 3,7511,000 taxes, principally against distillers and tobacco manufacturers and their boudauieu. All will be pressed ai the tall sessions of the courts. AFKAIU8 IN EiTtOl'E. moil A1SIK1A UI'MOKBO IHPRHIAI. AB Oil ATIOH. Viknkv. Austria, Sept. 38. It ia ru tnorcd that Francis Jiateph, the eniicror nl Austria, is alamt to abdicate. The cause aasignod for the act is hii despon ilwicv at his unhtness to meet the cin stitiitiomil crisis which thrvstens Uie dis solution of the emjiemr. THK DEATH rKN. T'LA NTON, OF ALABAMA KXIMt K H 8 I O N 8 OF lililKK AND Till lit TEti OF UK Sl'ECT. Mc.N'i (10MP.RY, At. A., Sept W. The death of Gen. Jaiuis II. Clanton, chair man of the Democratic Statu Executive Committee, creates the (trofoundest grief among all classes. Every business house in the city, without exception, and many private houses are ilnpe.l in 111. mining Kts:ooii8 of i-iape are airetclital along all the streets tor more than a mile. The colored people vie with the whites in teatiliing their a tT.it inn for tlie de (eased, VII tn-ir busuitap house aud eu 1 IS.S.I. . li .1 If ll.-ld to day al the thcall, , when aulitgtstle prcc-hrs u-err niiiitfan'i'l nwitntions paw'(t 4 ..ud coinuiitti-i s rippn-i.tisl to rei-nvc aup escort -the itii.jjiis. i'hu lualor aod cltjf toiincil del lis., wise. T i..ii 1.1 i 11. iiusi-ii o--..n an.i li. tiowcil .1-.. n sn.l evi p shaded am ug the people - . - - - lov.il ill,; deceased, n4 t -ulit. uefi' 1: I i-l Vl-.l. ., gsrdiua ol p .ty. NEW YORK KKl'UIH.ICAS oi ATE 1'ON-Vs.N I'loN, SvRArtisa;, N. V.. pt. 38. In the He publican convention last night, one of the New Y01V city delegations withdrew, anijry st being allowed only half a vole , after which the convention adjourned to tt o'clock thia morning. The Urreley delegation had a meeting early this morning, and invited the dutant isfied delegations. The room being too small, they adjourned tu tbe city ball, where better feelings were expressed ; hut without action, they adjourned to eleven oVhH.'k. Aiif-s. It seems tbat tbe throe delega tions from New York stand thus : K onion ites ci linlcd , Couklingitisi and Ureeley ites sdiuitUxl, with ball a vote each, upon which the Ureeleyites withdrew, anil the pending question is upon couterring the full vote upon the Conklihgites.1 The committee on permanent organisa tion reported, nwonimending A. 0. WhiU' for president, which was adopted. WbitsRstredlaiWthebiiT"eim ferred upon him. (J. Hilton Scrilmer was then nominated for secretary of state by acclamation Thomas C Barlow for attorney geueral, aud Wm. H Tavb.r for state engineer. AbtMusde, Ifaarkots. . nomYWr-d for 1 canal commiBHionor J - I Alter adopting resolutions sndorsiag Omnt, the con vein i. ui adjourned. The Greeley delegation re-oofi vened at Wild's Opera Honse, where very denuueia bury speeches wen) made, and a committee il six waa apimiutcil with power b) add to their number and call a stabs convention, if necessary ; aitor which they aduwrned. An ettrart from a speech at the meet ing of the 3reeley delegates, iilhldiuL' to the Convention from which thejr with drew, says: "We liave met iu tiiis t'oii veution the collectors of pirts and in tenial n'voniie olfiifirs trorrl afl over the Stntc ; we liave met tile ..istu:au-ri in . solid )lmliui, the district at torneys, the registrars in lirankriiptcy atnl the lutnkrupts also, and yet people against the office holders have only lieen derented liy A iriajrtnty nf thirty. The inoney liajrs of W id street were drought hn, also Ilenrv Clews hud broiiirht inoney here to give th otfiotUiohlera a victory ovit the people; " w f A N V at l . Agents wanted 1st every enmity in lbs State for the N'rirthweslem Mutual Life lusuraues luistny of Milwaukee, Wis. Address. ' 1 P. A PAtlE, Htats Af.-n June 7 tf Raleigh, UUtlwNi GREAT 8 A L E OF OLA88WAKI Dry Ciootlis, . . CUiTIllNO, ' V "' and" furniture, SATtll D V A T 10 A . M . AT ' C. W. UaAKTTE'8 4kCo., AiTcrida Rooms, Sept sm at WilmkigtoatMrset II K Y If A V E COM E! NEW GOODS OF ALL KINDS .1 US SI ( "" 1 , - -V kM&-tW.&MMG3fii,. Very. bav Racdug. .j 8;j , Pl Jia.. MTU M.-dtnm N " l'4 " " " l.ictn t X " " 'TOSS TTesT?! IE liMi'iwTT' Mai". beal's Salt. V4 Bus Ssctia. rtitwf")w'','','m! Bails asla,,iaag Mhaiiiiiiir'Hti-,-..'- -'--si baeott ejiiiirs, at old price,. Hoe- Hound N. C , at old prices, Canvass Hint, best, lsf Laid In Tierces. Eegs and Buckets, Flour, Paragon and Juno Family, ' ,M:C. and Va Sacks, i akitXabl. ShsssmJti lihm arl'e .. .n . ; Mitile thr tiiaals. ,, : nl! lb l' . l-'l T. '-.- .. fin. ( -1, ( beseleg TrWasettusdlS ISjaliutle s.t.l . ft s' 6uutt, kw. rmw be host, atui a ;tei variety of other goods wUldt wdi ay iouitd (ssrficl as to price said quality. ' A. C. BANDERS AC. septar tf No. i, Martin street f A BfflE CHEESE, UV 10 ! Bote BttMt Sutas, - ' i BwseS Chailra Hsms. tJV l abs OoMiaa Bastter. aaspt K-ti W. C BtitOXAOU akOo. U"ecial 3NT Otic On Mtatrtuite. JstSSAj'ftT Ft Yt'ltU pEf OS UK IT SOI'IU EIILS k IBISES. Which In evrrsJta w iTtr Jtsjuusaa, Aad ruia tba blfnilness b thonsands, w ttl surn means of relief fftr the Rrnng and tin lortenate, diseased and debllltaled. Seat b, sealed lelUr enveloties. free of rbame. Aitdivs HOWARD U1 VI KsN, N South NlutbtU., I biladelphia, P . . sept s am - . . .. ,1, , -A - ( 1 O TO WATSON'S 0Al.LF.Rr KK I 1 Keinbysadu : ttirt snss anvtkH la tliu ItKitotrtsiib Use ever uisale in Haltitb, ttu-v Uke like hot cuke. CMTyUsl ssnU liinu. tbi.y are not only tile prettiest Photo rjpi. it-r nimp- nil the. best. fVsts.ni Is isssiat sfftiis'ar ine trrwur rm- t iTOwtw viSsivStflBSSfnSvflSSSBSjBMIURRa.'iastss -fpUltajKi" Jr. ctil and sve. iJ aug 31 tf UK. .. 1 ARK, Lv Assists t 1'ntsii liicvr Isrs-sr t'HsaiTV Hosfjiti Nsw Tosta 0lT ; Otters his pmressionsi servleesi Uf tbc eiti M as ..( Kalelgh and il.inltv Room No. 3D. Kv-bsnce Itowl, (iflks btf, o4isj ,! s. m. and Uoiut tod p. lit. aug 34 Sm The Itridal ( hamlx r. KHSAY8 FUR 10UN0 MEN, OS liRKAT SOCIAL K VILA AND ABUKM, Whleb Interfere wllb MAHRtAUB, with sure rneaaa of relief for the ktrrtng sad llniortuu ate dlseaiieel and debilitated. Sent la Sealed letter envelopes, tree of elrarge. Address, HOWAKH HAMTaRT AID AH MK!1 ATIDN, Ho. It, South Nlelh St., HULA 1CLIHIA, Pa. may lb-d3ai BATOHBLOR'tl HATH DTS This splendid Hair Dye Is Use best is ab world. Harm less, ret! ante. Instantaneous, doss notcoatsia lend, aor suy vilaUe uulsos, to produea paralysis or liuath. Avosd Uts vanBtesl and delusive reparattnn boasting virtues they do not smscis. The genuine of W. A. balche lor' t Hair l).- has had is) years' antsraisbetl rupuusiiou to uphold its iulegnty ss tbe only perfect Hsu- DyeHliu-k or Brown. Bald by all DnucglsUt. Ajajdy at IB kbaid Ht., M T aov 'JiWllr NEW (ji()()i)Sn """1 JlARIiU. HAfcL ' K s-wvwraw a a W TEMP1.T1 . sM TANCV! Grand Opoiiino; OF lI.L AND WLKTEH QOOlKi ON Thursday Sept. 14th. Admittance M ExM&itioiL PrcL 'pBLL YOl'R MtVft. HBORS AND YtMfR X frlemli U voiuv to Creech's, Where you will dnd lRkB8tiOOrjs oa shelves after shelves and pile after pile for '00 f from eosrse to Hue fabric-, embracing almost every thing that Is new in style, from stouuuoa Delaine to a heudeouw Bilk, and bniigiil from the best Importing houses in the eouulrr. Come n,1 look at i reseb's 1KKS (iOOlHt i before vou buy. While Fashion ssnuners among the motin tains and by the waves. Commerce Is hurrying hr her Iteet sbips across the sea and lia.u iuiih Uiniugh th i-illos of thu old World win, goods for Creech's. PRINTS, HUNTS One hundred pieees at cent fasr ysr ', and they are well worth tbe money, HUH iileees at I J cents per yard, good styles, and sre cheap at that price. SlW tderwa at flu . e., .-r van1. eomrs warranted and of the If si makers " nM uttl" f'" lnt or les- and u lla "'V. P" ucitrt0 .tu liUV AlWt4VM vom Ui Lreeeh'a lo buy your Prints ri4' OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT OOMltitTE. Einlwwclag Kmbreldenes, llanilkerehlefa, (iloves Towels, Hosiwy, Uiboeaus, Lseea, WbltsOoodt, A. mOIW POR CENTS AND BOTH. Cloths, I aaslmeres, 8a4aaets Tweeds, J.-ans, Ac.suiuslal for fall sud winter wear. Is whn b I reuogmae no uoiusttstwn ss to variety oi price, as 1 have tlie best sasoitmenl in tin, city Slid will guarantee the price In sv. ry ius'.uiisi. and it will doyok ao barm m eouil Cresch a" ta-fore you buy. KUIAW LS AND CU)AK8! 8IIAWUS AN0 CLOAKS' ! A Splendid assortment. You can't help being ulted s liave Shawls all the way fi.mi ttc lo J0.ISI eacb. He aare to look at Creech's lhswls efore yon buy. My slotk of MLiHiHUji AND TA I'LE tJOOIW, TICK TOS,4e. Is large sad very complete, and will he sold st imeaj. ebesfi enougb Ui guarantee sales, ss I ysald lo none and have no partner lo divide profils wltb. BJJOTa ANDAI10E81 BOOTS AND ailOBH ' Yes, I mesu BiuiU snd MhoesWs eases, i unH bosttau la saying that I bsvs lbs bast anon mem ia Uie city and caa fit aad please any IS iy or gentleman, boy or child Corns and tee If I have got the Boot or Jiueyon waitL f LADIES AND MWI? HATS. ' New styles. No use to Uik sboul wearing lbs last Winter Hats, for the style has asurely changed. Bear In mind yos will Nad s good sssoi knout at Crasud'a. HATM, HAT, KOR OK NTS AND -BOYS, Rigbt from tba ssaaafaetiirsn Btvlas fust K.Mdng said priuss tit rigtit Jtor-dieet Utal m wmym m guuw assMrtmeM ami sua v pass by kiia w ben you Waal sew it a la. CAKPET1N0. Don't forget tbat Osseb waats to sell yos your Carpeting. LADIES' AND MISSES FT US', ' Handsome sod sbeap, Ae., sVc. And bare perwsit ass to say, ttvat I have spared no pain a expense in balbtlng, re modaiiag seat Ssnag ap a iargs sad kaodsnote Irtsaats aad easluasers and It rwyrssaaling goods as Utey are and seating soods as iaslde natures, will be any Induce eat to buyers, tbsa I wsast bs set! goods to sd psreoas wao apprsiAsts bargaias, and If I alsept teavst the beaetsetor's ruad.l will travel tbe assess! path tost. 1 bars annua woan skeif-wam. see. d eiass ev defaosrl g.Kida to olfer yoa. Mygoeds see assw anal b;"iet wjbia,tbs btst few iisj's, Ikosi't (onrrt ts awae t a .rsaek's at kw out Jtk4lsMtM., - .,.-SH..f..V-i--"-- - --- eit w wuia. .ui "' I u wssastyts . .Wtr.fA'r TO itfETilsrif?lATiON ftp AMERICAoaos to li-ii'l uu uiiiiseumbtired real estate. Applica tion tor mans made snd received at tbe ofaee I iyiffalj ai J ijijj' " 1 tffsisftll1'' Wfilfi ' W Till "fc ' j H. HETH, Uenaral AgsaL ap M tf II OPE MILL I'asllr Hear mimteb,'-. . ... - 5,000 POUNDS BUCK. tSOI.ISH, AND BAETJ.ETT Le4 at , sept ' if BKKHir. ;ioq LB. rVfcled latmts) Trmztaes, Jisjltw. Beef . . do. Mb Bores Seovii Herrings, Just reeeived, sept 36 U W. C. ST0NACH09. QroiMtkborc' IVlonty Market Bi riNG UATHH OF IIAXK NOTES, ate, WILSON .bSllurtKR. BASK BUB AKfl Excaasog Baoaaas, Sotm Eus Btsssv . .... Wnklt$. CJ " WilmiiijfUHi . iKoshorv Thi.HiaMtVtltr ' (inxhsui) Lexineuiu . . . " I'oiniisfnf. . . M r Fayt'Uevitle. , " f AlM-fVllia , 1 Wwrhwrtu' Tiuli of H?v h-m ' . Cttnmr" ItenK of ln,itr-lkt.r.i' , . . , ... I 4tm'!' and IMaiiUriV Vi.k 1 Otmrgia 14, C. H. tt, 'block. ., ... :l "We buy and sell at liberal prices. (..-Id and Silver. Ntirth Carolina HoikU, LulLsl stata BruHM aiut-al! ottiw hmi k. uo.u .u k ..... Orders fos .Maul. Vou by ui-nioi s .unl 4oa botdsrsol Banks will will receive i . n : ' si testinn. keturns for txprrM )4t. k.ti,res ..f Hank not,- Ac., will be ma.lt- uu lit.- day receoad. in rhsrsj as sm I'.wk ot bap uti.to., mi is ..ui lesev. ss destred. Life and Fire insurance Pullets issued ts gusid CsMtiNtiiles, st best rata luer 10 .Uu -..Ill JVM J- 1...J. ii.. .IL. )IL(1KIM'M PATENT BASH BALANCE Ws desire to sell ennnly rlgtits for this grest Improveaieotlneasli Balaaees, nsuwled Seiit. isio, I'm, us i Uabfax, barren Oreaville, Nash. Fraaklla, Wilson, JoatisUA, Harnett, Mows, Uaathssn, Aotatsnee, Orsnge, Caswell, HtM-klsgbasit, Jseksuo, Msroa, se tolluwtng eojlilles : (lullford, Alessnder. Randolph, Wllkr Montgomerr, Ashe. Manley, Caldwell. Davidson, tt slangs. Porsyliis, Bnrke latokes, trtesrcland. Burrv, Polk Yadkin, Hutherford ttsvle. Mcliwell. Itowan, Yancey Ired. II, Iteudeison. WastoB. Hntironibe. Lincoln, Madison. Ostswba, Haywood. CberoSiw. I' t tvilKV, IKK IlLAe hi LL. sept t tf lii'omo Cltlornlum, mum poison 'us, Dioui.asa, I'owurfui PtMiJorlzcr and DiMinrcctuiit. SfMTIRELY IHRMLKSi; ANI1 SAFV. Slllltsls NII I'HfVr.NTc i.iKTSOIoN - I stal III -i -itii .1 .-lllinrt. Intibl.reslsuranUi. iUM.Ih- Ji.M.,. Jj.iv wsUhW-ktMwtsaasstuuMtsl4a.- tall, nrnuus ijisv' onuses jus 4- A ytiUuarVsSSviwik-Hi iiWf,, lrl-i'lria1 lor water closets, vrlnsls, sinks. ssweVs. oess pools, stables, Ac d iawtic is etfoMiial'ittj itsid taafhVail.iir ifo SMaei. ss eboblia, lir) lioiil fever, ship (ever, suiall-poi, scarlut fsver. mtaules, diseases uf amiiiBls Ac. rrepsfiai only by TlLDKN A fjll, V.i Wii.uiu 8t, $. Y 14 by all ill ugglsts. 4 AUTW CRAW WASH! IIQ . LABOR, TIME, I0THES mil Fl Kl SAVTCI) 1HY THK USB Of fVAKNVsLD'M COLD WATER ifilf-wasl!lii'SDap. BEND forf IIWl'LARsnd 1KICE LIST. MRaars waKTgtt. WILSON, lOC.WUHB, H.KRUTT k CO., Kl MURRAY ST., New Voits. sViki AgtdiU for Mis States of Vlrginli, NorUi snd boulJi Carolina, tteorgia a. d rlorlda u....sa,.. in. .. ii.i J, TREED. Fraslt ttnal Ortinsna-nf ait. Foil AUTUMN Or IH7I Ws TBVIle CSi VttintlSn of" WsnUirs ainS Daalars to our uuve sad complete sUiek ot HTiNOAMD AMU UWAkf PmOIT ThHIS. (.Ksrs Vinss iinSaiM Pluit. iisaisasTii Thbhs, aHuews ash Plikts Nkw sro Rass suit A OwjitMssrAi Tssas H'U SoliS Pb"WKS IUKITS llesenpllve snd Illustrated priced Cat elogiias seut areuauj on receipt af suunps, ss I.alewt No. 1 -frails, lee.. No. i Orusmental Trees, Uie. Ne -airs, n Imuse. luo. No 4 Wholesale, rasa. No h Hulls, raas Address I 4(1. LWANl. lilt MAItliV, iidUuUl lim . Muoass-raa, N. V Por something InterssUng. send jrmr address loOKORHK GATES, rss" poat, N. T. (VVll AND MECHANICAL EN4JI.VKPR V hue att lbs beussekter PuULtadinie lusLi tule, Troy, N. I. A higher and more practical Coursf of luatrucllott sill Is. given burs ll. an bas ever besm stlemplod elsewhere in tills country Ke ums nupi. Milt. Por Uie An n si Register, edulsumng Imiirovod Cotu-sr of Hiwiy. ami tun laYiisuiara, apply to Psr. CHARLES DROWNK, Itoeetor. tGENTS WANTED FOR THE THANSMISHION OK LI KB. trji o Tits NaJu Awn Ilriiisss or Tut Mask ousts UnsiTuiM Bylln HArtasrs, au-Jior of TKt ,. tf Wm. sw '' It relstes Ui IAssmsuV sss; is full uf new facte: gel ieate but uatspoksa ; practical snd )ipular , btgttly endorsed . si lls rapidly mnd by sub - ripUim imly. BscluMvs territory Terms hisTsI Pnes fx A. Mesas tor contents, 4te , i ii. PEIitiUS Jt CO., Pubhsbsrs, Phiustls piils Pa- ' THR IHTAIM nAIi:U. How 11 Is thine, and who disss It The Aleas Book, I Pi pages, gorgeously Illustrated llh cut, p. -i ions, Sent by mail, securely sealed, for Afty easts. Orsud Oireelar, tree Address DA M A HK 1 11, , tVH BMOADWAT, New Turk. -i Agents ! Head This ! Vlfk WIU, PAT AOENTS A SALARY V of UB PER WEEK and EXUENMRX. or alto a targe eomiMlsebtn u sell so. new and w..n.. rful mveutioas. Adairass M. WAO NEB A CO., Msrsbsll, Mich. mo. Wl WILL PAT MO. AgenU ISO par week to sell oar great snd valuable diseovartas If you want perioamsst, koaorabie and pleasant wurk, apply for parti rwlsrs Address Dibit sk CO., Jack sua, MsshAfsa. A tillioo Dullart. Shrswd but quiet MKsa eaa Basks a fortana by revsailag lbs secret 64 Uie bastes tn.ao one. Address WM. MEAT, i-SB Broadway, Msw Turk. sept lk-dtw J'ABH JOJt B; HJK t O ICTOBER. rm.-rpfr aiwr" ww-r-orrsstBioSs, sW to mail. uat rtaici. au at X. u Boost Smssj, J AS It. atS'tlHR, Ag t, xbATi:VT E.A1 ivrS 'l Aitsft-sfrlsV , ' Miftt44sV a lnan4all - aug S T. ii. Ltkjiji5 p Pii A SB OAL'! s,., aUaai ikiMs sspartiMaj- -----. --- ONE HCKDftED T0X3 OP CtUL ' SCITABLI POK ORATES I If purchased to arrite, It will be sold cheap , iHiL'iiLAH BEIX, ' sep TT tf aext to Um TilrbWu' UotsL ACEkkEt, AND MULLET. i0 Blls. BJU and Quartern. etnUitf (i. T. STWtNACa. I if) Insurance. .lWlasWlr.MaitJli'l r INSURANCE CO. OK THE IfilTtft sTtTUi Ot ABKkH'A. WtslIlaoTOS, l. C, AtiKxvv at RM.smu, y. v. Cash-Capital, $1,000 000 (bartend kj ssfs-lsl Act wr laaartssv, taaswisd Jsi, lus. lass. Branch Ornrit, I'hii.huki i hia, ; Wher.. the business of the Company la trans acted, and tu whleb all general eorreapuudawe should be addnweed. OKFICEK8 , Ci.tssi.cs 11 Clskk, rhtladelphis, PreaUeilL Ji C.aias, Chslrnutn Finance and Eserutive Commutes. lissHT 0. Cooks Waahineiou, I ... ,. E A. H.Ha.iM.1, PhllsiVhihlV , Vkfrss'U. kssKsoa W. I,aa-v, l'biludelpbla, Hecrebtry ssal Actawry Johm M Boti.sk, Phlleda. I ., . .1. T Hnows, wasblngton, Asst rleeretsSTes It M Nswivst.ftuiN-iiuUaident of Agenehis. Ki.am is () SxriM, VI. li., Medkal llireeba-. J Kwisu Ms. as. si. I) .A,uL Mod bad Director. Wiujaw K. Catsniss. Wssliingtoa autl oaoHoa iitaniHO, ruiiadelpbia, BolK-llors and Allorucvs. Casli Capital snd Areunilatlona, Aug. 1, 1871). WIMH. Cash Keeelnts from Premiums for tlie Visy ending Aug. I, ItW, l8,i.tl M Cash KiH-slpU from interest and oilier Bour n's 1;s.,msi-j.h. Tobti Cass laeouu), BeeoiHl t'lsesi Tear, Niinils.r of I'.illii. s lasued In tbe two years of tbr Clllsiliy's.-.lBlctl.e, ll.srKk Amount .rf InstiistM-r, lt,j(),VI. The tlruorilinsnli rapid pmgress of the l oinisu.i ml. sis lb, . slllllSlllJII Iu wlik-H It b lltltt-L. t-'A. Uu ,ailij.j .atid the larus amouili of Twa WTrowiL 1 1 ItntgAHck rosarsNt a ctau Oaj-ital or i,uuu,uuu. Its rates of ).renilunis sre ss low ss Is sou stslent wlUi entire safety. lis plan Is entirely free from any complies Uons of n.iti-s, uiUirest. Ac. or uueerttuaiius ami iltsappnuitiii.-i.is (,f dlvidettds, Ac, lis itoiitraels are dubiiiie. eiestr. and bmalssl lile Ui be uiluiuturUail, urlulsrepreavaiUd. Its Policies contain at) of Uie promises insiK by the Com;Htuv, Mid are eti-eetliiiKly liberal AU lbs auviuitag.-s anil Hjflvib ges whit i cnl I .-sal. 1 uranlid to th. iusure.l, art given b lins .leaerveiity taipular and strong tNiuiauiy T at-uls of Inlegrily, who sre desirous t.f transacting Uie tnii.1,1.- uf Life lnsliianct tiatn lionet uinl correi l principles, the t utu (suit i.. pit-piu. il 1. 1 oiler as liberal luduieuwuls I' uu ii. nsl i-i tu b.w ml. Apj.il. alioi, i.u .it. n, i. .., i, jsilleiil Uifl) US utaus lo me vi.iai.i II Us Mrno.Jl t1tl In Pbliadelpliis, or u. V. V. I'litStl it, Jr.. OghKUAl. AoKar, e lU Rsitautt, N. a glKCII.ITV rtia North Carolina, IM BOOTS & SHOES, 8TU DWELL IIR0T1IKKS, Ne 17, MUKKAT STRKIT, AA.it iVUK. J. K. MOOSE, Sai-bsbjam. ane IS diwa F , slwSk '"'awawMsw 1 ItT I IN (i OOOD'l, IN (Jreater Variety THAN EVER IICPaHlE OFFERED City of Raleigh. OU1NH A1NI PliitUjU Or ALL TUI H , jB.f t, M a k ,. ; tt in Hit ifss, Iitt Ioucsinsa, swlaot lia-ltas aiaial , IVi walior JtriiAsskai V-s fCv, IVEKT DEalCKiPTlOil ST Hardware Rmuw of sssf 'ia-U' JULIUS LEWIS ak Co. lasipssrtant ItnaJ Ihtlsy. UNITED STATES OF AMRBICA, I UisraKT or Nosrs Cakolima. ! ttms russet, AwrfA IttMriA. A. V. Parsons. Exseator of t Tbe Hern Mloinaf CmBfianf f In nur.uan.'e of a decree, in the ease wherein tierott Mtuine Co. is d rftmdsitL. msde al Jane I Iwia.i.i"P UiiU-lailtmri.-tJt,, Jbr UiutttU Steftw fisr Isle IMairtat of bortb Caroliua. on lbs Ittb ,d:ty of Vetober nerl, I shall sell si Uie door of the eburt boose of Wske eounty ..it: lawn weecrMiew . u t o p.i.,.tKs, wumm.x.w s large and velum. iiep. sit nf liraphP pima. finifs fPt-1g tttvtiB!-b- ' dtota arvas; the High. J(W Mt Oaiis, M. lUturs and Blew srt trss.ta: No nf I t' ifiu the Johns, c inn-nfi tui b ssi siSVis brseui No. 4 of li'si seres, ins ileA, 'eiel, Sunmous, Saua- d'rs and euaors Ua t. AlsoLI mail hen Slid U-Ire eft Uiat Blltllnij uritjr. " iaes 'i.-rg.r.Hf ss-it-avot w ucb .-I .i " -and iniei est as may ba.iine two -j .1 to s miffuras ntaia two third of a l -1,1 lar.s so , ntnuua; lulerosl a ernted to P -ei.-a-aud Mary A. aniiih by sakl Taa sis mtb' -avtit. b.nd snd swrety. S I. RIDDICK. sen II HUt Cl.-rk U. 6. Ctrenl! Court. krweopy one wpotb. LOU HI FLOUR I! 1 Pwft ii as Mi SSS-tf I 0. T SrEo.NAf.a. IIeS BY T. HiXMBOtlTS COllTOKD FLUID Extract C atjawba Vim. CVaatyjoweat jWs Puts! JWraust ami Fluid Kjtratt Calamba Gray 1 Juie POR LIVER CaiMPLAlNTS, JAUNDICK, Hll.Kil'rl APKkCTKlNS, HICK It Nfcdt VOCS HEADACHE, tX)TIVEK;. i)8 pa-.v Pt'RKLT VEGETABLE, Ctb i AINlI tJ Nil MKRCUR. MOOCbALS Oi. l.g.1 TtCKKll b DUUtiS. These Pills sre tbe rn.aU 4ellgr Ifnty ideea aut purgatlva, siiprrsedlnf east or oil, sol'-, ntagneata, ete. TftMaj h asnCBav iisVn' 'at"i" " able to the stomseh. 'JW give ..tonas,. s, d . mmjstmfsmefm mw.m..Si sre composed of tie sihmst iMuiaaMaarra; After a tea days' use of tbosa, sus baa tuva ration of tbe entire system takae plate , a r wilrwculoas tu tlie weak and snerval. d, uetbor srUdiu; from ImiaTideiice or dis... M T IJelnilHilit's Vsiwmd. e'utblt Kitt Cats ba ttntM) t'tlts are not sugar eested, ft . m tbe fact lbatnsgaratral PIUs do not d land e, but peas through the sloliuu h wltbmatdlasolv leg, eonseaiieatlr do not proriuee the tit. I red ellccl. THE tATAWBA tiKAPE PILI-4, being pleasant in taste snd odor, do not ii.ncs sluie their being sugar-coated. PKICEFlr'l T CEN Itt PER BOX. E IIKNKY T. HEI.MBOI.D'8 HIORXT CONCENTRATED IXiMlllCND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAR1LL1 2 Will radically eiterralnate from the sjsl. m Acrofuta, tiyiSillls, Pever Korea, libers, s,. Eyes, Sore Ia-gs. Sura Moutb, Mors Head, Bronchitis, Skiu Diseases, ball Kheam.titkris, Kmmings from tbe Ear, White Bwellin. s. Tumors, Csmwui AffeeUons, boskw, Kb-kets, atauduisr Swellings. Night bwests, ILuJi, Tetter, Humors ot sll Kinds, Chronic Ll,.,? malum, Dyspepsia, aad ail diseases Us. - ' as bees osUbllahed la lbs system for years Being prepared expressly for the above com plaints. Its blood purifying properties i re Sreater than any other preuerstioa of banaj ta ts. It gives tbe coui4esion a clear and bealtby color and restores tba paUent lo a state of health and purity. Fur purifying the' blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an Impure stale of tlie blood, and Uie only reliable and effectual known remedy for Uie cure of rams and swelling of uie m.iies, t. icerauona oi uie uiroel and legs. llltiti hits. I'linnles on tbe lars. Ervsiia iaa snd all Scaly KrupUous of tbe akin, and Beautify lug, lata CotuplaAiotL 1 ' ' i, W uWawi rel tit w ivx Ucurr T. llrlaaalMSlal's CONCENTRATED. FLUID EXTRACT Itrlir, THE (J HE AT DIURETIC, has eurpi-evsry casii 6T .jbjlaclea In which It bss taseu given. Irritation of Uie neck uf ll.s butdder, sud hitlamiiiatlott of Uie kidneys, ub s ratlou of Uie kidneys and bladder, retention of urine, diseases of the prostrate glsnd, stooa in Uie bladder, ealcnlua gravel, brick dust d -isisll, and uiuriis or milky discharges, sad 1 .r f nteehled and delicate eonslltnUona, ot built sosns, atlnatisd with tbe folluwing symptoms : IndtHiKisltion to exertion, In, of atwer. loss oi memory, uiiucuny ui urtwiumg, w,twk llervt tory. uiiucuny ui urtwiuiug, w,eak llervt a, Ing, bornw- of disease, wsAefulucss, of vision, palu in iht lck, hoi hand-, I' of the body, dryness of ibt os.n, en. . UI.IUUIItAX, dimness i fluahlnir ( lion on Uie fare, pallid connli nim , uuivert I lassllii.le of th. -, . ,u Sjsl.-in, tic. 1 ' . , ..ma from tbe ages of di'hti-. n i.n i t. niy me, and frm thirty-tire to jlftj il 0 or l-tlie-deel?e-o sbswge of life- sfter co t tin. -incut or labor paint; bedwellmg in cb.1 drtai. B llelmbohl's Kxtrat I Buehn Is dlureUc and hliaal puniyiiig, and cures all diseases arislDg ln.iii lial.iu uf ilisallion, eicesaes and iin piu.letices In life, linpurilies til Uie blood, Ac., suatreedlng eoiaiba lu sll. i-Uous for whb h it u used, aud sydtiliUe aflnctioBs In these dlsess.ts, used In cowteciiuti witb Uelmbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. ia.jUitiijaJanA--piii, tillaJL La lailtcs. the Bbxuwct ttutnu i uui-.uuii .( uy any Remedy as la Chlorosis ni iieteaUon, Irregu laritv. Pslliftllness or buiuiresbii of eusttitn. sry evacuaUous, Ulcersleu or Miirrn sUne f lbs Uterds, Leueorrhoss or Whites, fltom.li- and fur ail couiplsinU ibcidenl to the set:, whethix art; Ing tritaaliidlserethin or Iml It ,t disalt4mi. H is trttaerlbe4 eitrnsittiy by tl.e most eminent Ptiystclsns and JYMdwIvcs 1. r ufeeiiled and delicate euiislilutlous, of ta.tli seseaand Sll Hues ISllelltlrd wllb anv ot IsS above diseases or symptoms). o II. 1. HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT IlUCHlnS UK EH DISEASES AKIM1NO KUaata luil:i DENI ES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, t... . In nil their stages, at Utile rjr'peuse, little i r UO i-lianru in diet. BO Im-onveliionre. and i.o Mipoauie It oa uses a fretpient deslr... and g.ves atreiiifih to' Urtnate, Uiereby nauoviiiii Obstntetbms, Preventing ait Cnrtug Stti. - turtle oi uie urcwirs. AUajlng I'slU Slid loUu antlion, so frequent m this adass of diseasea, anil eJiielling all Poisuuous matter. - I bniisamls who liave been tint victims of lneonis lent persons, and who bar paid heavy fts to be cured 1 a short time, have fowi, , tbey hsve been deceived, and Uiat tbe "Poison ' baa, by the am of "powerful astringents," Is en dried up In Uie system, to break out In sinore, astsiisi lor a. and. rbaps after saiMTtsaie. .- Use MELMm')I.D,8 EXTRACT BltCHIl f,.. sll A Sections snd IHsossesof tbe Urinary Or gans, whether exlsUng in Mais or Female. from whatever eaaaaa oaiglnsUaur, and no mai ler of bow long standing. PRICE, ONE DOLLA AND FIFTH CENTS Pan BovTi.a. L 1IKNHY T. ITELMIKILD'S LvriiOVKIa HOriK WASU esainot be amrpasseal at t ACI WASH, and will will very be found Mas only ausrlie seaaedr ba aval species of CulaauMuae AJfeeUoa, It wwdlly stsdKales, Sputa, beorhuue Dryaeaa, indttnt U.uuiof lite Culsouous Membrane, ate., di)M Keduess and Ineifdeot IngsmmsUoa, Ulves, Hash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Sealp car kin, Prust ritea, andallpuiposis tor wbicb Sslvt-s -or Oimattenis sre useil ; Rslores Urn skin ta state of parity and softness, snd insures cou tmued beallby action W the tissue of its Veaeels ' on whb b depends tba sjfreeabb) esaararss and vlt... .. . of eomtdautloaa an utweb sought and sdi..iit j. iiut howavaf valuable aa a remedy tor existing defects of tbs) skia, U. T. lielm bod's Ross Wssb baa knag susUiued IU priud uleoutm to unboumled patruauure, by possess bag qualities wkieb iwodertt a Toilet Appaad sjn of tba swost Buporlstive wad Costgenial , liiaracter, eombtnittg in aa ategsnt formnht those promiaent iwqulsilsa, Safety and tadeacy Uie Invaravbte aeeimatiuiaeuts of tts ass- sa a PreMtrvaUvesnd itsfreeker of tba ajompiei hm. It la UL- as eel lent Lolioa tar dls esses of a Syphlhtie fataars, swsl ss aa-laaysrOiat tor .llirsssa af tba Urtsuary targana, ariaang froi-t hablu nf dislistion, used ia coobscttoa witu Uie KnnarU Bueba, Saraapariila, assd Csuwbs tirate 'i.la. aa suen disss sua esuaotbs surti niiaS. irrt'sMWiMsTEam -1 I at f ItJiJIlM flf lh MMt fTAIMlRAllrl aVAll rt. alft"t!i.i.W ani)Tiita.7iiL wii' anti upward of W.uw nuutiuiwrii CatfrtaAAu-a m4 ntHwuruiitf Wtm fr.V-ff t)vift--t- acairom uie'fltiTiX.sodirees,tiACi etTuV Pbtsblsns, Clergymen, Mslesm.ii. etc. '. ko pvwpsatsjisr twts wssrtar fessarte 4ietrt't!tt-G,vr""' U Mtas aewspspeie; hs Softlt. li" ttom the. fact thai bis arthdes tank s Hlanuai t Preiasnsiaons, auM ata not need W be prut.pt tt I sp tiy cerUtieatea. . . HE.NKT T. UsU.MBOLD'8 OENCLNE PBL- fARATIONS. Itailiand t mi addrssa. Bseasw from ob- asrvatitMS. - Eslablisbsd apwerda bf tavutv yearn . fold hv Dnicacista atttrvwbeni, , AiMMhw Irllera ftar . tiifoemsiuwi, la eoatSttsaea to llEbKs. 1'. sU.I.MtHM.D, Ltratggaat and ChemlM. Only ioposb: li. t. WKl Mrtt'I.D'8 Dm and Cbemsrai Warrtwaae, No. Itttt Hroeclwav, New Tork. or to H T. UELMBOLD'S Medical lb-pet, taa atuaU Tea lb Street, IbiiadolpSia, Pta. ' . - - BFWAlTS OF arrtrNTEHniTS. As for tiKNKT T. UiOJibOUi'S I V.AJUI MO oruaut. 1 1 'Akft2