L I cnlincL ' if'' 1 1 v - A V x7 I i ... M Mi. i: ,,. .n to l.t mi J j.!!'.',' "j. ii, i I' M .i -.'o i - , is fiti lt,u apt, 9 Hi.hu. "f Witimt-t..ii, was , tf"' , ill " -1 1 , i iitsxfr.lBy , .fli.f TT'-' iHIHi'M IVM- ls i, . IVCC ,,, H ,J.. 1I ijJl', IN A.'W Hallo ,m Ji. H.' -M"fi" .. ., ,.i,.i. i.xih ill .1 "I le k I', nii U r. rv i-,. ml. .-I oiililli. Mi- , lis., eon. ri. h-'1 l- 'In i ill' , s ol sail ... t I l",r "I I III - Htiill- Hn H Mil : I.. I ;i,('li.lt ,1 a . .ninll-v'h.liri i.. i N f ii.- roii.il) liiir ill Ih- Ik IiI ,,. -I .). Tli'ir-lav. Kl-I .)' nn.i Ikniiil.,. liid. 7lli, 'Ui unil K Mm . i I" 'I' I K-r tin A,:l,lr. - in. 'rlitir-,l.i ,il 1'an i, (niiMt, Wk um iib'i'til o .1 i., - A ( , l"l a' lal'- Hn, iinrr i i , t b I imi'liilmn rb.-ilx'. It l . .- N.rllii-Mi I'll.-. w , all, I tlhis- .'' ,1 ,11 1 -I tll' (ll('Nl,l .1 , -r..4MaHI-H'lllu I "I, ,ll-lHt, I -'.llml;i Ii w - I . .i .... .... i r iir . .-inini I ... . . , , . ,., In! rue. J." Ml.inii . . I. H HIM' ol il I a. .i I tfi.' Ak I" 1 1 vl.t- lu-ld ill Ih. l-ollntiell ol '.fill. -Ii. I an.l M.H.Irt on 'I hlll.l IV la-t. : illll.. i- am i in Hie Hi'iiai. i-:iiim.'.1 to ti.ili.-ii ot M, r.l.i-ft.T. f.onr, i. railb .! . iii.Ii I .I. , I..-0-. Sh.Tltl ,1 .nt. V, 1-OHa. i . at v r. -...in, .tiltl vot, in K.mi'ii.'Ii.I Moor, lu-ri It. -ir I : i lull il i ..ieil that , I,.- i .11 i in, Hi' i'i ,...l ) l!..'l i,.l. H ..' : i'iia l!-"i '.s-. ii Mtnv W.vrktNH. Theloven l'.k-I a. tiii and chArming innstc will - ,i mtli plraHftre thai the ulxne cminuiil ui a.K-ar at Tinker Hall to -nilil, niimrt4iil by a lirat elam New York Com unv. Their engagement in New York, KalimiHiJ and- Murfulk, jual terniiualed, luit hern attendod by the elit and faab ii'tnif IhiMr ritim, who were ill-lighted itli their adiuiralilc i nU rtujiiinunta. To unlit the Ix-aiitiful roiiiantii ilnrnia of ' 'Kathleen !aviiurneen " or "Under the l-il." will te inliiced. The play ui-' Mis with choii-e imiHir and brilliant i'-'-'M,', aud ia deeidiully one of the ni"y ittnv tive of uualrxn dramaa. It "o.. -nata ?. renU. Aiiliiiltatiie only nl Ticket tn lie luid at J, A. 1 ' Hook Slore during Ihe day. ' HitxtAw E. Peace, Kt-n. We n-grut I. am that thji attimable gi-ntjniian nt .ririll muuty wan kilo, ke.1 in the bead with incxe in the hauda of a negro. Mr. .- wan at breakfaat, when the cook, an a.iinan. t-ame in and complaiued that Jun aiu. abusing bur. After breakfast, Mr ,-iit out and remonstrated with tti. mgr.., Jim, agajtiHt abusing an old ".iian Jim wax insolent, whdn MrrP. "iil.'lit Ii i in by the color and told him Ui k " Ii i in ii.hhi nf bi imptrtineiae. Tbr iK'nru vtaa tnniid Imwi' an.l when Mr. P. i" in the act of turning otf, he waa fcll--! to tin- ground with an aae which the i -urn held u, lui hand. Tlie reiical fled iii'l liaa noi Imh-h lieard of alive. The in jur) iiillii ied waa tery wvere and wanted I'm Intl.- of mkinir Ihe life of Mr. Peace. r.ii i RaioN We are indetited to the "il.oiitiea ol the Kaleigh A OaaUin It. Ii. an-1 tin- Western It. K. for conilinicji inr n.ki-t Ui accompany the encnraioo Ir .tti Norfolk U Fayetleville, which paaaes llil place Uday. The train leve tlim M'. Hii niorrting at 8 a. in., and arrive at Kni ttrvill, al II a. iji rTvfuriiiiijj. the iioiiiiaii". fny.lt. nil, i -.xiiic da) t'.l 4 I' .rn I ai.ivca at Ibileigh at p m 1 . xi uniou will no iloutit Ik a pl,,u. nt alfair, and the p.irticipaiu- will l llcart llv W.'leoti.n.l u. P-. ..l...i-illf un.l' "ery at(cntf,.n hon to their ronifnrt lid well brill)?. Since the ubove was written the excur won truin haa arive.1, bringing Home fiO 'r 70 paaaengnra. Norfolk and Porta lu aitt wihiI.I al.Hie hair ami diHible the iiiitnlirr bad il not been for thr inclement Weather. I'r.Rsopj al. The following are among he smrals by, the e.:urHion train Com 'rtolk lo Kavetteville y.-t. r.l ,y. Thi y ukeu caie ,il at tli. Yaibrough H use, and l.ft ,is mor-ilni aj (I a, m. on the Chatbain railroad loi tbe FayeMe- "'r Pii;--rr,;:;.;. Wiu Fi-k, R W Makiw, T. James Corniack, C Whittle. J. F.ruereon. ii- . . . . . w V Ib-AW-lK m-- i.Im." W aUK l ll tlieuy. Major Wm. Marrow, M Q, benjn, W. It-Teten, W. H. Lyotu, JtidgK Biuts. W J ll.k.r C..I Wm. to'hit. ' hatU lianiy, 1 C. Wheeden, T. L. H.iin.' J A Hrow.i Rr r Ohio, the L- iiil' nianlr aupt-rinten bat of the liralxiafd an.1 Uoaiioke rai'lroad P'rvenUsI from aeeiampanying tlie ex " unio by a pra if imperatiye buaineaa "Kgeiiit-nU. J; i H.-aara. Stone, of the Rtxwt .Vim, an.l rake, of the St-iUtt'dle Antfiot, Ih" ""y uieniben of tlx? pnw gang that we r M-aa bouad tur the fair. lfc,r' Kttt.ft I vA ,1 i.R, .11,,. l, ruciuigsol a ir'.uitlK.iu in.viinj. ,,, ' Va.lkui cvmi'.y at) iul.li4w,l. JllT ,1,, I Cmrti.m.u l4il w ah., .m . d..i: J ' whira jh,ii-1 i tia iiit itu.ujt.cr -' il j ,hJ 1j t fri.nl , V Jfiy.KH, il I Ik .,.,,... I Your reuiriia iiru-l ri lueiuor Hi, ,-, ,r,',' '(K lvv Uie mi... .. (;.-.'.,,.,, On .i r-o'.lir;j .iii.l li,-ofii, i d, 'Tt 1 Iri'hrilifl'.Ti-tii.H ,j u Milt III, I'll, -.ill ('.,;...', .,.!!, ,i K, , -II IT, Jl K ii , . -,.. Willi.- 'I, - ''M rr j ,n,,l ... i!l.,l ,t,.-i. 'if'!,. iw ,,. (i. tit,- r- j,i ! " . , 1 . .in, i , . n, i n. . , ( i U'm-nlnifi xrid .) xu lb i, v.1,-. 1. 1 ii,, II ( IH, , Ii I -. If Ull.il4.ii HUM 'i;'MH. IT nr rtfi p; iwp'tn.' PSPi.-t H 'III i.-jii w, 1"IT i jw lf "" 'Ilii'iriii N-'i-ih ( hi, .1 I W I i nt lt4 lllia, I . l, ni,.. I, tl ,.,,. I II1..1H II., t,- ' U : , !aiin,l nut H'IiIph, ig.w'l. i u Una .mi ' It,.l,l. ii in, i, " Tli.t i t.. - t!.,i II .l.l.n hiu l-vi. .1. ,.r.v,, ..I ,,U,., I.'I. any r.ig i I,.,' ,. , ,!,. I.ii lH-. au.- In- is a in, ,,,! , ,, , ,, j, , li.au rtv. ami t,m n, U' .;. i,T'i'ir t- ri-Hil,iiij,i, vu. - Tik.fi.nr. 'ii.,,,:. M. In almlliir i:,.lniiin uiil U ..-i' .1 ,r,l j Ir.mi If in Kr.-ll.'iH-v ....ui,,,.! (.ii,M,j wlnrli I11II3 i',lmi. 11-.. :i i.i..i m,i ,,,., 1 a H.mninitan ..11 tin- a, tiuii (if ll,.- I lalun- 11 Inrli. in tin- ui-laii, 1 , li:i, um 1 J tilliutrlv, tin- ,ar'.ii,.il, ..il In ' , : iuc.iil I IT .l.l'li," Mil, it. 11111; tl,,- riL'hts an, I I UMirjiiiig thv in-tiyiiit ..I tli. ,,tli,i i-i ,il nt h.-i liraii.'li.'s ..Till ii- -i ii, -,,1 , 1 1, 1,,,. 1, 1 Vi'irr,lay mi.i. , 1, 1 I1..11 .i n iln,.ui N.'i th ar.ilma II,, ,,i,t,.i u l t .1 Hi, bith.-rt.i i"B 1 vii. ra- ul tin- (,.. I m aii'l ,ii,1,t ul th.-i duiiti v ,,u th, , lian.l. all. I iln 1 1.I1. .il- ,: -t 1, . , , r- ,. I .1 , rinii. in on tin ..tli. r In this i-i.ni.-t . n,,v lr,iriu! ,-ii.,-,l. ... ; ,j " I till. I till- Ji,iltl.m- ,, tli, !.. jialtl,- Ii 1 Uallli.-.l. Th. 11-. r I,. I.,-, Uir fliiitnii ti..ni t. rt.nl .ri-Miiit-ii, ..t I 1 IHtHflllltl.itl '',,., 1 l.l Jim... 11K , 111, 1 11,, , ,.1,, .1. i ami il, I. .1111 ,,t tli, 1 tl atlij. -u iu.. in i .iimiiiion ,iiiiiu.L,'iEi ,ui i . - : , . . , ' at iiwoiiiinii-N- alio w ill ..I 1. I,, K ill H .''nil- ftkr unii noil upon u-. ;,,,,1 worthy t" la Iriialcl I':,,-.- ,,i n-al (Hill, aia ot tin- .1 ay, and ti,. i tall inU. I. ul Willi lhr r,-. :!.'. mi, ,:i tin 1 UI'l. :mI,s., to ,,i i ai- 1,1.. J.,l, III. nil ihe Mild, i ' U h.-ii liM-r.-lhr h-tillal.lte .rr pl-u-. - t.. I., iiili ,1 by -)tii rt it ii. ii ..i -.i,i. me- li oi" -k I . m i I. ii. . . no uul, ii,- oi- i - , , ,, jterhap- .Jj ..-.I,- - -I ' , . '..Ml i:lfi nil ...... i-;i,.i,,l oi in, i, .. on - lor-o.tt.ii Hut now that h..iiii- psrrrU ol l ' .-,,1 Uiu,' iiioiind Italeigh, and mire l.rll,iv n. io tin- ttile, are Ui fa- limit. -.1 up. an.i ierrmris ftoine n-nta to In- ic-nci.',! ami -.1 hr-U-d on boUNca of ill fame .-in. I low pr. titntinfi, s first rlane mecimntr ot tlie. oiry baa been favon-d with an appointment. Having sent all the licst luisin.'. and financial talent of the slat.- on tli.- mr cbaiiica1 erraml, the leialatlirc now falls back on uiot-hanica to mip, rinli nil Ituali cial and real eatuU? ojH.-rutiom., examine and pronounce on title h-rU and tlic like. Waa audi conaumiutite folly ever witiicabed on t lie part of a set of men pn tritiiiy U. any common sense w hai.'voi '. 7',7-yfi'"i. April tith. To infringe upon one of (he joUi'h ! the reat anil good Mr. Lincoln, great notwithatandttig his origin, and good de apite public position and the . ircunwlaii cai that surroumled him in the evening of his days, the remainder of the state lima tics broke out of the slate house yesler day, and by the time this iaHr is r.-a.l. the last one of them w ill have escaped from the nielroMlis. 'hU.jr.tm jj.rtl 7r. - ! .IS Kit. H II.' sends us a long editorial from tin Kaleigh Vtw.liiti ut w hich we must decline on account of its length. We tb-cline iifco Ui publish the radical mia'ling in Yadkin, which appeared in the V'if"h"t.ni. We iTkMtie btwiMiiie w lielien tin- ri-soliiti.ins were sent from this city to gratify a set ot politicial malignant who seek to caluiu niftte and traduce litiriil oppMicnts. Tbfl n4litioiis charge three nirmlers of ttrt leglellltuTi' w iih ninr.b r, and rail for their ex Milsimu The same, resolutions have been sent Ui airveral other .Miunti.-s, ao we lUAY ha.k for lil. tr app-'arance III all countiue where radicals liot.l me. tin-s. WOSKKliM WILL NKVKli CKAHE H U0 KXI'KCI KI' I I Oor. Caldwell actually informed the legislature U.-iliiy in Ins message that he voultl see a law to encourage immigration enforced. (J.d for Ihe governor The jK-iiple will hail wilh delight Ibis del lara tion of their chief executive. He will at least ai-c one taw laithfulty exei-uted. flu on, governor, in your good work. .'iband.Hi your lawless course' and keep Y-.ur oath to ex.-. -ut.- .ill lln laws, -aa- IIOVERSOH . MKSS.iGli. This is ponderous piier, and we viel.i m.t of our upace to it Wi may have aomethine tn say when we have nn,l it. The French sysU-m of ' apart menl Iii Voi k-i.iiith,- i.tan b ia aUHna Uv ,r in and ta-.iie -.inlctiiri- built ol '11,1s " are giMi.tr lip lor ll eo . ii pancy of the belter das-- of families. -- - -H 17 bltikr-iu v i i .'.w ;.v U4eU'.lil B'1 .laiiic.'o"H..Hul the . ally lYrnapa aot IB Itself, wliil. II r. iuain m. rr in KrsU; hut hsik at Hie i-nx -nin - U wlihti It may l-a 1, sn.l of U-n l.- hau' ton il tsonira a itiroui. lis.-aar.. A sirk of He- i a snail tlila. A prrsaare of IKe foot wiMpul , ,,ul; abmatli will .'tt-ncui-h it Yet il aiai mat uro-luee irastrttls, eani . r "f lite sumi.i eVx.irriWaT'TniTxr'lxTW tUsraae, alia many otlu-r daiirliil .ualadl. a more cteani airtt- m-joxattaxax. MlaMlslied tkaa lrtl.Ml44r-aUli"icll UU- 'rWl!: Tb try"? tieJ,.l?.'rTer, to extloirnf'.h ii ia Uic Irat at- lf trrtx wtiaiiae, pwrer- r.i ..ul wfalltbk- tooinand aluratltn. U 4r es-rier ia -ieweb vrk than a ftAiiie, and It U aahKL to jmrtsJ "Vi ,!i ! J-" rrtopd, tliao ixn il. ""' l4'-wrT nrtWt -U..I t . ax- AmaxtM-a-litl otter ..I.-..-XI- t I . . -'' 1 Uie d" lht lb hltU-n, ,r as .l.nr.ll .,-mrillr U. ,t, ,(V,.X. I- U is Ic. Br. the'- r-.at-.ill H. 4 akT.Uli.. AU llu lx." of .-...it"., f r t- tt-crll. d a sliiiinliifi'i.. eavaa ,U e b iouJ Hat the stin ts Mk.-W witxl ii, ariin..as Ima ri Urn- arrat n-rnnly 1 ,-i,i. itir-tk-athin- aod, -aoreovwri "H miuulanl Oiu-f Jirti-l.d f t.-eli l narlw Of all bawo-r Ultra mt" rx-a.ali.' f.M- lexer aa-i agux. talxxas "HAviTts aad .-th-'r fall t-i-xlrma-a. U It", wly vm tk-a eaa aaikanWr to okd Bjaa. act ' I-cUlaturc of Vurtb .(droliua. SI N A I K I i kiu, Nov 2, 1871. I !. ,le was ,.M,-,I ,, ,,r,,.r io, '"''Ml Wair ii m tlH! chair. I'1 " !i v. ,- cht i. lhr ii.ii, , , 111 l fH)MU,r Httutil. tu. then r- 4'i'uiu,. Allrfiirlu. . Heeler r..,,,i, I. I ,,, i'. lin.wn, l'.k, (Vurm-il, lurgn.i r.in, r ii-iiiiini), (iiimcr. r ' "' AliuiimHf, H.iwkms. II viiiin . Knif,'. I.i.lhaiu, l-lnuali. I. inn.') ' ! - . Mrirtiixin, V ireii.-.l, Murpby, -N.r ' l.li-. U,.l,l.iu ,,f Davi.lwii' Ifc.l. Li".''..",..'tt. 6kiuiiK(.JKiMi4UU.M:M4' ,.- uul jSyirih. .1 "irnal ,,f wu-r,liM n-,i mid 1 1 I ' Vr Mrttumos lulnkliuct lull t ' n : 1 1 1 - i an iii l I.. Ii ilic ), ,lttm an,J ...... .., . , aiJ(1 mi-UIIHTK til lue (,.1-iHTal. AtembH -i'llu; hili iuuisIhi ,M"t t-rrrir " ttii1 rn-a.ii r ir iii all, J 1 1 H,.k.' ul tin- II,. in. shall I-, 1 11 tii I'riii.-ifial .ami k uhi i-Vi-k. the HiiVAIr iiii.1 Ifiiita. ' M h iii ii'.Tthr r.nro.lini; an,l Enr. "H i. i li-iki. f.i y lint ol the D,Hirkii-MT a" 1 --i-lantii, ami that ul Mil- Ui.Kl M ' " Aninhlf fi - wiili u-n cent pr it. i.. inn, -:ni -n.niHii. aria rt'lHmiiuf. 10 t-il.il lotlic Cl.UIIllltUV 1)1) riOlKMitiilRH aim l.l k- aiu-crt. Mr. Hi.ahi.h iiilr.Mlii.-.-,l a hill Ui author ir Ih,- . ' ,111 m 1 nin. r ol lliTtic munty tu iai.ll.' Ii.ili.la to fuii.l till- liiuntT ll'ellt. t-"""i " . i" . .'.-.-.i.u.(U(i. aim Uui.li. ui it-n iiiiiiHiiMi i, n,,i ih than f-JII u-.r mon- lliaii "Mi (, l. rml u thf o iiiiiiiiti-i'.,n lnp.iil.iiui mill (lri.v. Mi Kli MHl'i m'r,liH-,i a hill i-iiiu-ern in- 1 1, (.niliali- ,. .lu ,U, Jti A !.-- t W ,1 lilIU f. .111-. Ill i 1 1 LT till- ilrM,lic til. II III' til,' 'l. C'llltM ,it thr itiitl' III'-, lull- Mill l n,,ti, , .l nnth.'ir Mfcon,! a,; th. hllU wt-n- ri tiTrwl U) thr ill 1.1, 1 ..in, 111 i I.-,- Mi Im. i.n liitr...uc.al a l.ill to imivi.li' f.,i Hi, ,iM,,.-ti,.ii it laia iu arr.-ars f. ir : tli, ,.-.ir li;n ami H71 ' KxWn.la tli j tun.- till January lr7'i JSi'l'.rml t tilt I I'.Miiiintt.'t' ..11 u..).-.iii(iLiH an.l grievHiicrt. ' Mi. I.i.iim an iiitnaim-cl a bill pnti.ini; j aiucndtiKJiu u. tha ouuatilutiuu !' NortJi 1 t ai..ina M .. I.- the MiHx-ial orUer for 11 , . In k !.. .lav. AU,.-, l.ill J ,l.ii..rj ,,)' tli, l, rn ami tin- -.ui,ltin.'ntitl to and amen i hartrr ol the rity oi New" Nt'v. la-iti A, ii'lt luy. ralitl.-.! At.ill t', S7 I loiMisi-s to rli i t Mayor - ' ' ..!".:- . -.v...-" v. "rrv --.i ,ijuw mhmh t -khjw w rvmnnntnr-f rmrmrtl'.w, li. ' 'l !-- ltni .wlll.-nl a til 1 1 to H ameirit II .ttrt xkt cwiiou t- -Salaries- wml Fee. 'IW (.'. --p. .-1 1 1, .lis and grit lallc.'H. iVit. .liLiiutMoN .iiitroduted a bill U. la .'illlllc.l all " act lor the relirl' ol" the H o pi.-ol the state." jl'l..sis's to extend Uu. t inn- for shenlfs and lax i oilei tors to -ir-!- with I In- Ucw-ilo-1 this year lor aixty livs lh'l.-rrr.l to pros isilioiis and grit V ill. t-s Mt I .i ii i in iiitrodiii-.-.l a bill U an Id. .tl. th. , iiiiini-iiirr-t ol t'rai.'li -ti'iM to lt i a sja-t lal annual is liool tax, a- to i i, il,!.'. with the aUite's auioullt, t'l,- -. I,. . -i o, I,.- kepto'ien during it leaat Ii.iii in-i.lii.s in the year. Ittiferreii Ui the (.". 'mini 1 1,-e on Kilui al ion. A message was reixiived Irom the Housi-proiH-eing a joint si-leci couimitu-e u. wait ti the Governor, -It-.-., and naming Meawra. l.oltin. Cat.soii and Dudley (col.) as the House branch. 1 he Senate concurred and the President ap'Kiilitc.l Messrs. Lehuian and l.albam as tlie riellate iM-anch. Tlic houi having arriv.si for Ihe con Hl.l. latloli of the S'avia! orders for II oi I.m k Ihe bill otT.-rc.i l.y Mr. llobbins yesterday and that by Mr. ji-bman Ui day. (Io amend the colislitulioli) t.u notice of Mr. ltobbius Lb. y were HattMiued for one hour H-inlino the formaiiou ol ll.i c.un-mitlia- Io whom they wen- referred. A messiioe wna received from the Huuae concurring in the rtcnaU.'s proiMatilion of yestcrtlay lo lii.-s- h ,,tnl sen-, i coniiiiituie uu coiistilllliunal nloiin, and naining as the House branch of said commit u-e Meaani, Johnson of ltiinc.,mlie,Urcgory,llargrore, Sparrow. l'hrtliia, riianf.-r.i, I.ucky, (iu ih.-r and ItroatlfiNit. The Pn-siilent ap pointi-.l Ihe foir,.wtng aslbe Si-naie brani-h ol sai-l coliilllilUa', vi. r Meassrs. Kobbins of Kow.ni, liiluier, Miminon Murphy. I. i hlnati ami lids. Mt lit. u x'm of Alamance intpslui-eil a bill lo chiiiige the time of holding the siis'nor courts of Alamance county. Ite fern-ti to the judiciary commit U-e. Mr I.kiiuan, on la-half of the commit hc lo wail ni.in the governor, reported tlnit he w ould coiniiiutiicate by nieasage at 111 .lYI.M'k, Mr. I.inni-.v intniduced a bill to l en ti t it'll an in t lo proinote thf agricultural iiitrrests of the country. Propose to itnike a l.n-ach of contract in agricultural Iklx.rcrs u iins.li nualior.l Ittferred Ui the iudicuiry couiiiiittee. The go-rernor havin-r first conimiinica ted his message lo the llouac. On motion of Mr. l-hmao the rw-nalt-Uiok a recess till lOt n chw-k. A I 124; o'cl.x-k the Senate wL. again nailed to "id- r. I in motion ot Mr. R.diliinsVif lb. wan, tlie Lwo bilU on coiislltlllioiuil rvlojlii, the sxa-lal order for this hour, were taken ftiiiu the table and relerred to the com mitti-c on conatitiitional reform. On motion of Mr. Flcniining the Sen le adjourned till 10 o'clock Ui morrow. HOl tiK OK HKPIIKSKNTAT1VKS. Ti iu.ua v, Nov. -I. Pursuant U. adji-nrnnientthe lb. use waa called lo order at 10 o'clock. I'rav. r by Id i . Mr. ( '..Ilia, of the House. Journal of yesterday mid and approved. The clerk called the roll and the lollow--nHg u-mUrs au wired Lu tJacu Mine M.-ssrs. Anderson, Aniiatnmg, Ashe, AiTvaicr ltn.-kf llr.mdfoot. Brown, Bry ant, til liitifax. Itrysn of Jouca, Bunn, ( an llioiii. Catsou, I handierlain, Clinard, Cmlis. i;rawi-Nu Cuiriv, Dardcn, Dickey, (rake, Dudley," Duckworth. Donhairi, f uiiki.er Fial.er, Fletcher, Furr, Oambrel, t-inriis.n, tloltick, 'rTin, OnythiT, II. Olipl.Mi. Itar.i-., .-f lu.U'..r.l, Franklin, H.ii.Ura.11. Houston, llii.uaut, ...h.ist'-ii. of fc.diiec.iiiU', Johnson, w j ti..'.-r..nilK-, Johns, Jonea, of t'aldwell. .lon.-s.ol NoithsHiplon, Jojner, ol John slon, Jiislice, Kelly of Dwvie, Kelly nf M.x.riT Kelaey, l-atisiter, UMn, Mnry, Lloll, TUanin, Jlarici, Mm-..'.- Ii -, Mcf ' ey, IWc Veill, Morgan of g r, MlU belK Nl-WrsKlir, Nicb l-avlor, HankilH fWa.ia, Ibid, Ko Lion. Martin. Marlcr, Maxwell, McAIUs c Villi, Morgan ol ihimh Ntch.'l'ioo, Itobbins, K l.iilson. Hi tit t. Shull, Sinilli ot Anaon, tv.-ieit Vsilt.s. Worn it k. ooiibousk. H..rk. Mnxn. Bum, of rWidaon, Tckrcal ,wl..Wwtl-HtoHHry- uvarrd qilalifi.tl and Ux-k Iwew mmu, Ht Mr. Mart-m: A pewotb inslroct- warrant, claim, ex.. la retfaru to uie c.w. mriirti.iri of liirii't.ikS road ftonf the iMai of North Jttter, Carteret. unty, to the brad ul Adimi' t iwk in Cracn eountv : rrfemad. - t in " "in. t bar iif" Mt. f a- sriit In the jSmale pr.xp.snng to raise a joint committee lo waitl.a the rf-emir lo i.iloinn Ii mi ot the oigaliizal.u .xf til .r rl as-UldllT. By Mr Wrb-h; A reaoluti.m aeaing Hon 11 Vance Ui return b cr. dentil uf Hn-(inn M V. A 'n " a.n.ral amcu.bly tu rxt a.llxf, and dmt tlie geiarral axaruibly prca-rd to ilecl a li H Henatiw irtl the M!h -; reu-rrwl. Ht Mr. AV: A lull on.powng wnetitl (i. uis to be rotuititutio f NwTtU CtO a , referred. ' n Mr IJar.l.n A 1,11 to aiiih .nn- tit ...iiinii.iirrs oi IVi,uiiU:lMs c.uuty tt By sir. Jodiiaum. i BunmmlM! A biM tn amend the Cole .rf Civil ProccduiJ Ilffurittl. Mr l'ow. ll.irfaialhAia. w annoua.i-,1 an la-in,; drtalti.-d IKiuj hi Mai l,r ttli) ctI.mwiIIu f M,f tm, ,,, ', I The Chair MmuuaHjaj .JJU-aM. liiliu.. t"arir) ari.l Diuli.-,. u , iki. n,,.,..i uraiH ii ut tlic ji.iut coiuuiilUie to wait, 'Ki iim iiovnrii.. ( Mr. Wi-li h took thr rl.MNr an.l aakH that lila rr..luti,m m rrli-rviu-e to the I' H Snatorsliip U- iiii.1,' th- iu,.i,i .,,.1., C Tlo..l 1 . . --.-, i-.-ll iSSi-. - '-' .V- . i 1 1 ' u I M'4 l?VMTacSr.ir th.- j.n-nt tnmhh: in a hi. 1 nt- naif w lnvi.lv. ,1 t,i i t,o f.n-tthat Ih. tu.. n,. ,rot ilt rv,rrrtitrd in th S-nati-. lie thought it w.iul.l haVii ba . ..r ltl l, thr Mat,-1 th. iai had thn ta-ull tl.i .ilij- Ui that la.ly uaUmkililv n tlnurd II lion irin i.,,i. ..I if... .... Iiftvintf n-nTat-niation aumrlv a pttihl, ! in mmmm t nfiniit lm tni hi IcrrstscoiM lu.li-d I.) m,.inj; to Ml n.: IheruUw in onli r Ui taki- thf niliiti.ui up Th motion wa, uu h, Vi.t.' and ,.un.. Mr. W.-li-li th.-.l moTrd to niaki- th. r.-..luin nuii-ial onl.r l.u- l hur.-ly unt at 1 1 a. ui Otin lion being mad.-1.. Hi, , I. ',li. ,11 of thr nn.tion. the )iuli.ii wa put and liwt for the want of a nuoruin ..tinc. Mr. Wilth mu aial tho nmliou and lallixl liir the yean and nayt. A ballot wan had nlii.li rwulUil in tin adoiii,Mi ,,C the motion by tin- folluwino vuti-. AviLa. - Mi-aani. Aiiilt-iaou. Anuatron,! ant..-, amiin, ilroa.lt.Kit, t araon, t llliaril. Crawford, Currii-, Darihn, Du ki-y, Drake. Hiii kwii th. Dunham, Kurr. (Janibrel, Oarriwui, Ouru, Hamilton, llt-nduraou. Hinnant, Jnhiialou ol ilimi ombc, Johiw, Jovner of Jnhnahin, Kelly of Ihivie, Kelly, of Miairu, KelMiy, LiumiUT, Martin, Marlet, Mi-Alllster, Mi-Ntill ' Wayne, Mitrhell Fay lor, llotiiiis.ui, S ott, 8hull, Smith ol Auuuauo, Muiih, Mt wait, Mrii.twnk l Tin ker oflredell, Welch. Woniai k. Wiai.l liolian and York 17 Navk. Miaan. lii-an, HriHtka, lirowu. Bryant of llalitu, lb van of Jon.-a, Hiiiin, Oawtlioru, t'ollia, DmlU-y, Faulkner, Kiaber, Fleti her. U,klwin, Unlli, k. Orav on, tiuyther, llarrm of tlnilloi-d, IIi-huhi. llouaton. JohtiHUin of KiIiii-oiiiIh-, .lone, nl CtildwYll, .lontu of Northampton .Inntii c, Loftin, l.iickt-y, liVon, Mi-Caiilcy, Morgan Moiitonii ry. Mori-an of Wake. New aumr.. iuau'Wr ue.ni. ttouiiiua niuuti. in n i, T..I . f r ,, w it, f II; Mr McNeill A hill to change ihr fiiue of bolding stiit-rior cixirta in New HatloM-r coiinly. lb li-rred. A llli-ssaoe wax ns-civ.-.l from Ihe Sell uu- notilyiiiu ih.- I louse of the organia tion of thai ls..v. Also out- a-king Ihe i-oiif-.irr.-nta- ol ibr House iu tin- i li-ni..- ol a i"iul c.-iiiiuiltia tin . o.i-i it ti: louai r foiin to , .,,,-i-t of nine on the part ..l tin lloinx . and on lb,- pan ul Ihe Sen ale. i 'oliculTe.l iu. The t hall nil i ! ill I ii i I that the House branch of the eOlillnlll.-.- would i on l-l ol the forult'r llouse itiniinitl.a- on coiislilu tional reform Willi tin- addition ol Mi-ssrs. Ptiillixi, (luthel an, I Itioiidfixit. A lln-xsaoi- was iia eived from the Senate concurring tu the House proixmition for a joint cominitUtt to wail on the governor, and attmniiH-ed Kennf.Ms Ixsltinan an.l Ixx tham aa the Senate branch of aaid com aiittee. After short alsience. Hie Houac branch of the committee appointed u.wait on the governor rcturni-d and n-xrted through their chairman, Mr. Loftin, that the gov ernor would l omiiiuuicate with the House at 1 1 :I0 a. tn. At 1 1 80 a muxaage from His Excellency, the governor, was announced by the dixir k.x-r At the inviUition of Ihe Chair, Ihe Pri vate Secretary entered bearing the unniial message, accompanied by Tatrions repoi'la from various other oflicera. The Clerk then proceeded to mad the very volu niinous documimt. At the conclusion of Ihe moling -f th. in.-asagt Mr. Johnston of limn l-. olf.-red a roaolutii.il to dittprusc with the reading ol the accouipnliMMg dis umenlx. and that the m.-Hxagi- lx- trailsmilU-d Ui the DrxTiale with a proKiitioli Ui print liv Copies lor each liu-inls-r, and live lor Ihe various departments. The resolution was put Ui a vote and adopted. On motion of Mr. Justice, the I louse adjourned until to morrow morning al io o c.l.M-k. A FBVKRAI. HOLDIKKS I'HOTKST. A letUir retioived by a gentleman in New York i w-nt by him Ui the New York Worltl for publication, with the as siiraii.c that "the writer was an officer ol Uie l uited StabM army during tlie laU- war, and al its conclusion arttied in Hotitb Carolina. He ia a northern man ami a republican " The w riu aaja : The difference between Tweed an.l Scotl is one only of dug roe. The parti Ann press of the north, shouting after Uie kukbix, rriniuda Die of oue of Naat'a cart.x.na of Tweed, Hall Mid Connolly shouting ' atop thief 1' If Kittw of our niiseralile, thieving population fret nil kluied, tbey get no Binre than tlieir de w-rt. I would rather tlx law would pun ih tliem, bat it won't. Boot pardoned out sixtT eriminala from Um penitentiary Just before bki uuit a4rrtio. What would be aan of Uenerwl I rant li he ptaiwi lllinoia under martial law because MHne id tlie inrendiariea at the Chicago Are wen- bung at the first lamp fx t 1 1 ot he has put half this state, unde martial law for a no greabtr provocation, I did hotie rx-tter tJiingw of General Grant. I wax ever a firm believer in him ; il waa the owiy while man in this parish who voted for bun ; yet I think be lift done ua a great wrong, probably through bad adviser. It ia false that negnxsa or ny others are ku kluxed on aorounl of their polltiiw. 1 bsve Kvcd hue i years, mil have ever b ... bn...n nrlLcs'tf AS a --..l.lt. SI. - y. t I d.. helieve I have an enemy iu die ttate on that a)ouiit. No. the effect , iiiarual law in this secli.ni ia goingto lie bail uxaa every maimal lutereat. I M uxpaymbrlicve Uiai, itig.it uptoleagth ai i.urtlie rule ot .imixH-anta and ahyWera. It apiwara u. me that it will have ttiftt el fWt I will have nothing U. ito witlt pol' tbw.savinsratrrinK my xa.t.-xt against 'h M-oun.ln-uiaa run the machine in tbift state and with yon. Men whuee m.-al irin fliple riwn no higher than a fart.' Uble or a house of iill lame no represent i hj CWreaa and drniwtn the public officea at the caoital. Ouestsv-dv wretch, whom I abith xald aot pautart Bint Ul t owior atwwtA, ia tww. ,Utt- itoie-JiSMttfft . he etl Hmwu tat: Ulitutmt tbinlind dollar of Ixjcdm which were tubu; lands be the owner of" eighteen thousand acre nf laod tn ttrnj vfc'Snity. Tlri W otrffetie inatance id their clMftxaneeK a iney krre - lT tBeraiToHee ia TiiSMtr. at befw-ve, triere must tie retributive justice vH St Lorts Fiohts T - Ti'iieH.'-Tb xni-nctK- chief nf ridi.-e. M. 1) .. .u; i. ol i:..lio.n.rr, lal. I. Uok'-up 'fee faro -Mrs " in ii.xt .-in I. i ii'.n-.His ix-rse utnin. Thry Marml si-sin onrrwtiau mdv in ' '' lime On Ibrltb ilistanl be made aixriber Urand taut, raptured aerea .aitiddisbiwents c.xaiplHr, wiib silly ..a4r. and man tml tnr wiksv miaul"! .--.. xtavlitfNl MR 1.1 lb Xll . the'l gamlding Usds aa trtxphxa bvirtxi LriutB anaauv ia iixai uhipw m S E H K T S rp in For,- i,f I'-rcon tt, lory, tiy T i r.ii"i'i ror sale pv uo. tf ' W H JUNE & l"o. w-iK KENT I' ' ,( - .. A huxH- al wi.iwi mi iinrtHm: rmrfttrn los " ir""l K ..m t.a K,tu.- iu llmuu , I ititliouatii aii.1 a 1;,. -,l w,-U of aaWr 011 Ui. ' ja-vmi.. I ...-. Ion i;l..-ii IkH- 1st, 1J.71 A 1 ,H U. :-tf w uiiNAt ii , c.i AUTTAi.lt lluTKl. ' r.mn w trtrtti.ww til tw taumtim ' -titter. iwwlu.ulli.wt.Kirti'gwiil aian-itf. I. i.li.imt t n.. ( ..Hat. II. .1.1 A H-n.t. ihm f .r -a. h -. u 1,-tiian II .t.---in-.l, w.Ui,.i.t illli Uirr. 1 .-.1 iu . r iii.Hli-jraU 1 !,. ha.i- t rimiilii fr ri'lit, laith ul U-aiJi .mi IUtiU tl , martl..- Mam.iil. h.,r TIH1S. JKiKINS. I . til T 1 N T I M K i : r.r th,- in. it-u Nt B .1 V I. K f th.i I,!'j;i4atur: S 1 V K II ATM l-Hli ll iM T f " ;mI, It r t -i u a 1 1 t a tl ,1 i. t i L.IVK:, fK.U ATS. I N1IKKW1CAU. II.KllS, 8II11ES. 11 gl-INDKKS. UANDKKIU II1KFK. .Vr. A IV O. 1 . , n 1,1. ,w V 11,1V tl It I HANI) HI'KKATIC AND I'tlNC'K.KT, IIA1.1.A1I AT TICK K H 11 A I. 1, o.y rrtit i k k.mvu ,vr. ni ihti 1INF. NllillT ONLY VMi'M 1SXHF.I. Mccri.lJK'll, Hi.- well ia lloiuis from tit,- N V A' a.lt-iiii n - I'- a., i ion lit , .Imt nt, mill irlve kn..n I "' Muli, I ONK CONt'KKT on Uie fttoY.' ri.-Ulli1- an.l will Is' assisted l.y ttic fnrtowinc arlista. : M K." II K t'bAKKK. Tenor fn.m the New Y.i-k ll'-rra nn.l (-..n.-i-rts .l.i 1'AI.IM. ti- i.i Hi. N' Y. A, a.l.-iii) of M nine. MK. 8. II'AUNA. the .-el. I.ial. .1 -ai.il, it fttwrlte pupil of Thalla-ri; aniln.. i.ll fi..n Kiir,iH- ' I'iii'K or Ai.mihmiom : K.-ervi'.l Seats f I uc iumiiina Ahmmhwm ratilR. .! -Ii-l et VI T7t U K H V Tl KPKNTlNi; I.AMIS. A ' K K K A I f k K A ' K "K I ntl.T nt .ri:t,' tMji- llif. tlni)tnlim in UU tlfii r.-imlN, Mi "Ml I lie MilUtn I'Uirt, I ! n -i.i. m r ... Uie l-U- Imuu- V riyht It U..rtl. t fiM .-'t-ral utlli'n on llu- Ktvr Kivcr. ii hi mlln Ir-mi Ktiut(H'lliVM ii, lin h Untliiiit i ht- liln-r, i Iwu rtlot) lMc)lint; with olllrr ti. .-.-fturv H'Mi'", twn Mill n iimiitit .H-I Ijlti.l tin Itic linlik itf t)u KlViT, h ii. ,. uiil, f Hm;ihi l.rtliti x ltnrrit mill ill t-ulti iifH anil m Utthlil. no) ui-i in J, Inn;-ii.itv 4f eMMIIItl I'llH' UllllUK'hfli, IH'Vt'l iMIM'tlK ilt tl- JirfniUvt' fHf.lrit--v. A !" tinilM-rfd wltli inii)ir iiti ypri-M. Tilt? I'lti' cm rrt, iHThH, U,iMi icr' anil lc ein'idiiii(ly vbIhhUI- fr TurM nt'tii', ) i h isiufit nl fU purity, i)uauU.) ami luariifMe. Ii TUe w liole iIkW w Itli lis surrou nd it nn-w'tiU a temptHtlun U an tfiU rprUlinf man for a rHttTi'tilatloii and bomfl. J. W rnnliit, of HffcJ.n, n-ar Uie .l , will liow thu rciiii a In any out- lulling lo r aiulne Oirni Wc ili to amlivr itHitM aloa by lat January, jhiJ LIN 1HA Y, (.imr.liHii. Grtscnabiiru', N. C nor ifci JJw Prini lsil (im. r III! W. Kl'tl, (tl , Ohn innati, 1 1 Tlx mil)- Ki'lijl.l,' iiri lllatriliutlon In tlic rounlry ! I,. D. KINK'S KK1HTKKNTII URA.NIl ANNUAL II I 8T K I 11 U T f I N , Tbr Dnttm VraJ,.), W, IH7-J. 'I (I 0 , 0 0 O . 0 0 IN V A I, I! A II I. K GIFTS! TWOORANIl AI'ITAI- I'lll.KH! $10,(11111 IN AMKK!(AN Illll. M! Ill, uu u IN A M Kit I 0 AS SI I. V K K! KoXPkizks ofl,'KI 9 'I'en I'ai.as of .'xlU G KKkNIlA K.H! Z I One Hn of MaU-lieil llorsra, wllli faintly Carrlauu anu Blivur Moimutl Harness, worth I ..MM ! AW Httrmtt aixf Ihuflir; waA Mtmnlrd llurntM, x-IA aiSli A Fire Klor Timeil Ktaxiwood Pianos, worth t.'sl narb 1 , Jf. family fiftfiny .V.x-Aixtts, murA $.ri(XI rttrtt & fi.i mil .Sixrr xwr xsalHw 11 a(. alt) mrlA Jnmi JI I.. .! l.Wlr,' Hold Ixauitllie and liMit'a Hold Vest I lun... Moli.l and llt.nl.lr PlaUtl Mllw-r Tal.lr ant ltfai.xx.ns, Phot(a(rapb Alliums, Jrwrlry ttt t , to- , Ac. , AWaT of (Htlt UA,(I ' rxrfi llmiimt Ut HIU.UXI '. AtlKNTo WANTED TO HKLLT1CKKT8, U. vboul Ulx-ral Premiums wiu ha silil. Sityl Tirtiit1; Hit TirhtittlW ; IWh TiduU JO ; Twrntyfii TicJutt 48. Unsiilara eoiilaluina- a full list of xiaaa, a aeatnouHMi in uie uisiiner or BraaniiK, and ottwr tuf.a-matl.m in rrcarttnee to (tie inulliu Ui.it will In. s. lit to any oimi .Ntl.-riH.! lit m All Ivttera lullst be atl.iresMxl U. iirnx, I. 1) HI. I-... -;. I.I XV. .'rtil 8t- C IX. las. II, 11. Il fflilSw r L' C K EH H A LL. lliiDiMiiu ArrsicTtoa I THKK.E NIl.HTH ONI.r. Tie Que. n Htar of the south and the Eml nt:nti;..ai.'a1ian lOSK AND HAKRV WA'IKINS, supfsirtrd by t a-iu- oa-amjs ii4jairuj vaoorft. TH ahov lauDHnt artiata ana univeraallr rmantw. aa Mia BSIT HIJCcajisrcL OK AhtSRICAM STARS. Tty "ill appear In their (Iraiul Kouiaath Draat , KATHLEEN NAVOI KNKEN, wltlall Uie I Iriinal Mtisx- aad Boiiics and lillx! asalsutl Iii Mlaa Mart- and 4. V. kiln in Uirir foai.icRri'i. Ti itni.KKoRifv.B, Or Musical (ii.Aantfa. 9 Plkv repeated. Heats can fx; secured at J. ; Josaa' Mookstore. IY U M MUVTH 44.AMA. - - otsw 1 ..njr nr. . " - - ftrlriw) lmtia' Toruroe. i. JftSfe("4 l!ttfowJlHS-.'Bs; Atmorea Miiica, Moat, DVUul Ham. .Bnxdlrd Haluxw. . v il If W. (J. HTKDNACII A Co Wars Co. is ii .t.o.til l 'taiaaaa, 17th ix-UHirr, x?l -ll K HI KxX'KIHhK I1AWN11 ON THR ,'lb ..f (X t.ihrr 1X71. Uikea llllt IrtU-rs of A.h.b.Ustl.tH oa U.r Kslatr of AluHstus I-a-jr ar'it- aei-ordiiiir Ui taw, bvehy irtvra Itm to all rntlltori of said rsUU, U. Xtannit iu rlaHna, iduly autbrntlrstrd, oil ur txKfore I JUUl dar .d Ix-liUxw. ISTJ. otiu rabw U.M Ilb-e aill lw 'pleaded la l-ar of Uirlr rruverfc. fx-liUaw Ui aaid eaUta will1 1 1 asaae laxy mt tarasedlatrjy. . ,nDUUli.e.i - OHiiUliB fi llrf'tiVK 1 AtbaVixJ Aagawla L. iaar dee'd. E I D I K It T f H . Z ? V. LATEST i mil if ii. Noon Dispatches. M A HK ETS. - -Nrtr "tit --nnor 4-rliiiirl? - -'-'-"- - wjk" ' -t'liiNhKoLi", S-'t Vl lt..ii.l ; J rl lo j; i .'. 1 .11 Ikr.H.I Nov 51 U.XMI Catol-ox-m .1 linn , itplaii'is .l I J , Orleans W S I to tt i x. l,ek - 5jr.x?i rtftw. sfib? t'J.tHKi balra Itir exixtft aii-1 spit ulaiion. Nkw Y-'lik, Nov. -Jl. CotUui sali-s lot future delivery up to laxt eviaiilie :t,:?lH,1 Vxiles ; Itoiir .lull sti.l It.-ni y ; wheal .pint uu, I unchiingt ,1 , corn a shade lirtil er, poik tt ti i I . iiii-as l;l lo 1:11'.!, bird heavy steam H :( S to lJ 1 2 . col Ion quiet nil. I weak, mi. Idling uplands 1 tl '.I 1, stilus -J nisi biles. tiirix-nlme 1.7 I 'J . nude i . xsi ii dull nl -I ?-Y WISCONSIN EI.KCTION Mll.lsois, Nov. 21 - - Washburn's Ulrt jorily will not excitd I0.WK). ClIol.i.HA IN Tl lihhi kjk ..iik, Nov. 41 A lm .-s from i '...-i.iiix"i.iu n ixirl ctx.l weailur aiid the . holt-ra daily iiicrensiiig. Illl.I.IAUD MATCH Nkw Oiii,icix. Nov. 21 Dion won the tirst ol the I lint' "mms! of ."i(Kl p. mis lor f,'i(IU a gum.'. Dion gives Miller ISO xintx. In the hutidivd innings Miller scored 17VI isiints. YAM.I'K MoltAl.ri Y. I.'hiii, Mi... Nov. -'1 A man cburge.1 willi Ihe sc.lu.liol; of his sister in law and a d.H-toi aci-ti'S-d of nUirtion iu the case, him- ilis.ipx-are.i-. NKW YiHiK 1TKMS. Niow Yon, Nov. Ul. Weiilliii very line The r.eplion of Duke Alexis Uxik place luioriliug lo the published pro iz i iiuiliie. itissuiicii iidii ocriniin linkers here ( lutsH. OUiitimr ttiiulvrt thai IfiinUlt a IMnijlinnnt. Imi.tv W Killlnnl. M,l!inIi i .'I lln- Sif(, It'W- I HTM ltjMHIitlil 'nmillUMl. ,11, )',, I, Ih- loxtnn Ij.ni I!. llHt I' t.Ul'la V p. Il Illfrlt.Ult til t ,(!rtV the .iv,-i 1- , ..I iln . i. . i'! in, ui ui 1'uli Iii I'lirkn, 1. 1 vi. t in , ,. -i in tl Til' MttMIll 1m tttt UxVHItn ll.i, ti.. ! MriiiHi.'iit oi:iintii mil, ami mloiit J Iio&t lawn San Kimni im-ii, Nrv, al. lhr prutul jury uu i .-.iiiilino; tlu; nri'iit Blni- rotu h ril'iM-i m Httiilmtt tliiin Ui tin; futlinim Tin' AHt Iih HrvRtttin on the wnt (tutli Mtkat nt Uit! fH 414 ma imjvlit4jiUl iu the (w AnUa CliiiiMMy niHjwiti'n hart' tlcl the ciMinlry. MAI. INK IHMAMhk IN T1IK MKH St. Y. li h;i tin Im s ic "Mryfy IlahiT," of IlsishMi, In tm Ui'Ihni for Ii4nnihlit, ft nd k Hi itif-h ahii IriMii Hierrn Iimmm' fur LivrrjHK;!, h1ii. Ii colliilii in thu Mt-rw-y laU ly. Hotl. auitk ; nil tuai. Midnight Dispatches. MAHKKTS. Nkw Yoita, Nov. 81. Gold weak at III) -'. H to I IU 3 4 , inotiev 5 tu tt CsitUin coxier, sjtlex U.aiXI balea; up lauds IH :l H, Oi leans 1KI4 llouripil.lt an.l iinrliiinge.l ; whisky IM ; wheat a shade latter, red wiiiUir wesltirn (Ml Ui (14 ; .-.Mi, , l.ss. ,1 aliuULLjjii lavor of biiyeni ; rl e Hi 111 t K1S to, pork bcaivy al 12 ;.'i lo :i; lanl atea-ly ; nitviila un changed. KKOM WAHHINOTON, Wasiiinotob, Not. 21. The pri-si.lenl haa ordered that the silSTvliM-y district nnuprixiiig Alal.aiiui and Miasisxippl lx annexed to and united with the ataUi of Teiiiieaxne, and henwller it.nstltuto Imt one stixrvisory diatrict. Ocn Walker has ixtiii unixiinUal com missioner of 1 II. I in n affairs, but will con untie the suxirinttmdeuce of Uie i-eiisua until rhuir randtttio, WKATHICH 1-Uoilinil.lTIKS, 1'artiallv i loii.lv and pleasant weather is prolxthle for Wednesday for the South Atlantic and dull' casta. TIIK.ASIKV BKIUHT. WAsniimiToM, Nov. tl - len Kpinner'i rex.it rrc.iuinieii.la Uiat the delinquent National Hanka Ixi cbargeil inter.-st lor every tun days delay- iu tnina. He says that not a cent haa Ixwn lost to the gov eruuient during the year by the employees of bin olHce. flu stales that thu govern ment has not five (mi! cent id the new loan fjor sale. . A NoTII K fVlV KA V l. Nkw York, No. 31,- It is staUsl that a f ioil iKMi haa lasen xvx4ratl on Ihe tlrooklyn treaaury tiy the ling. THK il U alHI A M PHI NCR Nkw Y....fc Nov SI.-VAt II .bi., the leaniKr ' Mary'T'owtill'' witti the reception dmimiltre and atx.ut IKKI lanrwoam, lucluil ing a laigc number fit la.liiw pmceeded down the bay. Over HHIO persons as semble.! at the pier to witneaa the ,i. p. tare, 'Die Heauier wall gaily decorated with Itussian and Aiiwitw tfaga. Nearly ill the r ease Is in the bay were dreawsit sixms BwaiSi nsuy of tliein rllxntavinir Kusaian colors, ll.uw.iway ia throng. i a itli persons a waiting I he parade. Great Butntx.ni amvitl ir.Mii the eountry ou Ihe early trams. The buildings ow Broadway ami oiiivr pniM.ipai atreela are decorated ith flairs. The Bational fi-uard hi out in full foriT. The wewtber it Hue and the reception will lx? brilliant. i,ATRR- Tlie crowd in Broad way ia ao Jense that lixiotnolbm ni alnioat iinixai si i nr. r-very win. low ana ftpar-e ihwi wniidi a irtMw view can be ulHa,ia.l-4 ne- ... . if u pied. Ten thouaand trixinft are in line. extending two mi lea. Alexia landed at 1 SO whew the pro "Ntwl'in Dlllted. tWrtiigTnei.'iriiiaT feisep mm, napir General mi. aiiiirvt ihe Prince as foluiwa iimr iTnperwl Uuihiuu. :.lu tba n of the dUein of .-w York, I have the WittB'lfl wxrt'BxrVtpl'xfVBsVv-' ' JMaK"JfrtfT,ll1 WW '1wlRfB94' to the L'diteii rllatae. Jt ia a (real gratj- BnatFixx to Ba In ana wilhia onr baruor the gallaar aqusdron whh ha brought ynw In our bbiirra. tr Rj7s(ill "a eairf graiiHcaiiiaj pi as to ' rttieiw aiiioof lu ililc uf the liua-riai -faiuity liuaxla, wh.Mx jlluslriiHUi diitf haa done an much for civiiiration, and id whoea handt Ihe txxvsrwiKHl of power, baa, utijer the guidance of I'rovidemse, been devolrd In Ihe nobkwt of uses the aocial ami polilical elrvatioB of tlioae who come within tlie aphere of il exeei iaa. The hmg and Bnluterrupted friendly relation between Kitxsia and the United Htate have BaturaJly ereatrd alrpag (yniaUiy oa aor part ia all that (mwrrat ber wel tare, and baa causes! aa to regard with deep Infereat ber ateasly but ailrst pn- i;rr-sa eastward, shedding at every ad v.u ce the I g' t of Vhriatiun civilinlx over religioiia w hicli have bees buried, for agiw in comparative darknes. Youi liuprrial HLghneaa will, no lc.uixV.Aad inu.h in our country which bi novel to Kurc.eant, nod which will lie rwiem lw'1'. d as a aouive of uaeful auewtion in u4ul sclemtx lu lli bai d' Uie cili-M-oa, in whine behalf I nk, I tender you a sincere w-rVtiuie. The I'rincc n-ilirtl A follows: r's. Air. 1,'UiU 'm fi'rxft'rwtrsi: I lxg to expresa my Warm tluuika ha; the man tier in which I have Ixvti received. The litlini: w hit h exists lR-twitn Ituaaia and TnT-firrrnt rUnro is an itnrrf; w it i tstnT nwl' ntnrtrff'' ) (trb- I siiait (misx ri.piuiy inrougn new i ork to pay ' my rcsxt-ta to tlie Pruai drnt. wlro high character i greatly ax pntintcd i-eryw h.e ; but on my return sttaM have the pleaaiire to atseefH youf ! -A A 1 '4 JJ-lt Or oentboro' Money Marks Bl' T I NO RATKS til" BANK NOT Ifl, u. T WllJwlN KIIOHKIt. BANK K.K.I ANU Rx. uaniii lia.iKEas, xsvt-ra Ki.m 8tkbt llMaaftKHoK,', N. C Hank -IN r V- 1-sts- Pear 5 " Clisrlotte l " WsihwIsH-o' W " W iliiilinrtoa Sft " Holism.' 1 " Tht..i.iu.ville tlrsltain A ' la-tlnvl.-.i S ' Can.... rcr ft " Fat. Il' lllle k ' Yslti'.vvillr Men hsuls )buik oflixs ts,ri' 80 Panm-ix' llslik of tlr.-rfisls.ro' Ill Miners' still I'lnnlrrs' hwuk Ill Coiiiwirivlal Hunk of Wiluiliurtoii . . , ft VlrKinia Hank NoUt. tveraue almul 4 eouth Carolina " ., .aft H.-orv-ll t N I V K. K. MUx-k We liuy anil sell at lils.raj a-ees. (ol,l anil Xilv,-r, Nortli l amlhis Hott.1-, I'nltetl HUtes Holl.ls an.l all other marki-tal-lc sloeka. - Hotels for Hank Voles l.y d.-hUirs and SUK'k-holdi-ni uf hanks will will m-oivai pnMnw ab UnU.al. Kt-tunis f.ir rxpntu, mekai.rea nt Hank tx um Ac., will la- mail,- on the day rr. ri.e.1, tiy cli.t-k on New York or ltlUni.r-'. ... in enr-reix-v, ss d-sfed. I.lf' 'Uiu Itre Insns-nrr PoHehis laswed Bl Kiaxl t'ouitHii.tt-s, at la-sl ra'tua, . mar 10 Sui- 'yr MTIOML lim INSURANCE CO. or THK i iirm M inx or lauuci. II isinsi.Toa, D. (J. AUKSCi T KM. Kill It, JV. P.. Caia Capital. $1,000 8G9. . d k WawHal tri f laarMa, tf Jell liUV, laaa. riKtKCll OFVICM, PvilJiriKIJ'UIA acted, and Ui which all Keuaral atRTaapuaileaoi should ba ftUtlriawed. orricKRS Ci.Rca H. Ouabb, Philadelphia, Priiabli at . vtama, viaawrHHUi r iiHsna. ana tieruUv Ciawmttlea. U'!I.D- 5ooB. WashtiwrWa, I B!.,., K A. Kuixiwft Pbflftdehdiia. vw-rra kv "xx tt. rait, rnuaut-jpuia, an ernary dims m n.i.BB r-, . m . u . J. T Hrowr, Waahliurum, t BretarU n ai. Biwhisr, eins'rlnUui.lent of Aeenelaa. KraNCIS . HHITti M 11 U.IL-.I IIImmi.h i Kwiru MA XX. M II .Asst. Medical IllixeUx-' Wllll.M V 'U . .... .u Ul l.l...-. J ......... r. - e nx,iva ami tiaoaua Hariiiru, l'MUadelpbla, Bolktuira aad CaskCaialal and A malarious, Aug. 1, imO, i,n,iTH.ii. Cash KeeelnU from Prmnlunii fur the Tax ending Aug. 1, laTU, t)K,IAa.ft7. 1MB HMsstpu truau lutnruet and otlier Boar- aea l:u,XMu . Total Uaali laoottie, Stxvnxd Mr Tear, TMtlia.xu. Number of Policial Lulled In Ui tw yean Of Um Uuniauiy'a exisUaiea, 1 117, Amount of luaurauua, IM,IIJolnip. Tlie eitranrdlnarlly rapid piugieaft of the Com ixuiv atteata tint aftiinattua la wblek It l held by Uie pul.uc, and tha larK amount of Bw hualiww UnuuacUal I tba bast evxAtasea of Uie rxipuuuity of Its prtnrlplea, and lis adapt, abUily tu uwat tba rauulreueaUof A am ran Taa NiTioait, Lira Ibiitbabci Comtari bm a Cam Capitai. OT UJu,Mt Its ratia of praulanu ara aa low aa la aua- aUlent with antire safety. Ito plan la eaUrefy tree from any emapMea ttoiis uf notce, lutereat Ac., or unrwtaiaUes WHM'niu.MIKlUUI Ul BIISHXtU, fVl . It cimlrarU an drtlnlia, clear, and ImptMat i.i. i .. t ... i-.. .. .i , i . ... , - ....... Its Pollekw eon Lain all of Uie proiataea uaxde by tl.e C.MiiMiy, and ara ex.alu.)ily lllawal. All tba advantage and iirlvlliarwi wbbdx can be safely RTanted to the Insured, an rtvea by una deservedly iKipuiar ana auvtur taimtsuir. luagenUof luteglily, wlio ara dealrooa of raiuacung uie ouaineat of uie insurance Bsxa booeat and correct prln.-lpasa, the Uues- pany ia preiautxj to olfar at. liberal IsiIri UU ft ran M aHordad by II low ratea ApidkmUon fix? ajiMH-les or fur pnlleira axay ba taade to Uia Cxuliy at lis ttrsork list or at rtaiiaoeiiuiRx, or m r. V. PE8CITI), Jr., aatlttV -.'-- iValxiga,l,tl. A PPLf.8! APPLES It rine hnte Muuntala Apple for sal. bov li tf W. H. -I0NU fc Co. JU L I IT H LEWIS t Co., KAl.kll.ll, N V Will eoiitlaiie toaxjl at the reent 9 II R A XL Y . Jl JE I) i' C ELD P B1CE8 EXT EJI 8XY.P. il 0 C .r il l ft n w A it S t '" T0VX1AND HOUBK rUatNIHHINO 0(Hm V B y E R Y IlESCHIPtlUN. nirirtf .-.- HY DO TOP TUlIf K . - ' i :' ' WKiilK'a riANO ARK TlH BUT. WH. NASUI' la a ucstnlR askrd us ovyr and Bvei again. Wr Krow they aie the best by ring and feeling I Our ru iLiTiaa f.x uiaWi Jl'W conrARJ- or' Iwlweeu Piano of different ni'ktra, ftre surh a o j oi t or tb TKAn cArvumfsa w f4rnrCTt twnjntf sriy. van jm iriunoji " rrix-xar, tixl but rw rxaxoa ir Tiia traor are fortunate enough to attlulie. Ot'B ft.1- Taauai BxcaniBRcs en-ible a to aaaka corret-t eUuiftte of the value of a Pbiuo, ai.d ' ' " w ave ankesltaUugly decided la fsvor ut the W B B K . Reliaar eaa be placed In Ihe romtniUon m these huiUuments ie-assr MR. AiJi-MtT WKBCU it not only aa aoeoci (UUhed axaakian, a skill ful arllaaa.bal aa bonurable, high toned tBSA.it' rarer woo ralaea kl word and tbo inputs of his butnimoats. .Bead for Catalogue of Pianos, Book, rtr. to JOB. VAN. HOl.T NAtfU, BOVlft-tf Petersburg, Vft. HAMS. Vroni the Eastern part of the State, nov ia-lf W. II JONt A Co. O I E U t . vr. ii. a a tucker t co., IIATK NOW IW STOCK A LARH3 AND com pi" ssaortmetil of Porrlga ana iiuute tie Hosiery, IHoTes, I'sdarwoar, e, eonrlt ' bur of Mea't, Wosnca'l.and Chlhlnw' Hoab i y, . bugs line of Misaes fancy Woolen llnamy, from Uw nest rRKMOH sad f N0I.I8H Marin, laelnreva, narth-ularly oihiivled to lbs But st jlnii.TRlMit alsrWio, Kea Mi!irnyoWi'io1inl " lllk. A full asatwtaient of 1IUV KM. In Kid. Calf. Ibscltkiii, I ssU.r, Lined and l' llltuif, Berlin, I luU., aixl Merino, mrl.hi.sl ansV tmiurd- I'ltin aixl Vsix ) CM.vh.1, tn great variety, end at allrat-lll prkvrs. Also, tha relrbrattHl makes ..I AI.KX ANllHK H Jl'lll.AH' k I .il KVUISKH X Kit. 11 1.1 IV Hit, In Uhi New t lihire, U. UlaU-ll lae laUnlt ami next! fashion al.lu Milk and lr sa U.snU. The ; alleution of the trade Is ruapaetfalle Invited W. H. ri B. TU KKl.tkCo. v Jl tf J ' ll K o A L It UK KRNT. The lw ling, Out Houses, and lot at pres ent otu-kM by Ken. Hi sib and t'ol. I'lR-R-y, known a Uw Tucker l'lata." Is for sale, or will Im. renUal (If mtt-pravloutly anld), fisrlk-a year IH7H, ll.xaar la fumisliixl. Apply lo ix o l.-.lf v II Alt X TII:bKKOo. i o a nut IHW1RABLI PKOl'KUTT IN TUB WKkV TEK14 WAKU. Una aera lot, with good fnme house eon-talHlHg- i HiHieas un -ground lour, and two alUoa, large klUiben aud stalne, a Brat rats WeU ot walsr, a fruit Insss and graus lines ami llrawixMrry had. AUK), sue qnsrtcTenlot,RHHlerB CoUags eootabdng Uirea roouu, poresi on back and front, kiu-kru f two xixHna, A a graps arbor sod fruit tree. sur ixniis, e., atmiy ui ' I7 tf W. VI. B I . BfHONACH ACo. 'piir. I. Am. Bit Bbl'PbY l) .ut.ltl X Bend for anr 'iikaai of Mnale ur kiu-Je Book to N. ti. Uok Blurs, j dAa. U. BNN1B, Agent, - nov II U Kakilgli, M. 0. rj H a no e or rxyiE l i- " I KALEIUH s It AD TON K. K. CO., ' BuraMlRVawmtpT' llrvica, Urania, H. 0., MovNu loll ! On and attsr Tasaday Movamher Tth IHTI, bia on lb Italelgk ti irsston Kalbixxd. will rue dally (Bunday sioetHed,) as follow t MAQ. TRA1H. Uavss lialelri .. Arrives at Waidoa IM p. . Uavsa Waklon.... .....J UIIO a. n. irrtvs at Haleigb 4lW r. a. AooowaiotiArHai Mam. Leavss Raleigh.. IA r. Arrive at Waidun ll a. n. bsavea WabUxa. In r. . Arrives at Ksarlg , Kill a.m. I Mail traiu nnuxea ctlMraoiiRauTlo at Wel ua with UiR-tkaalxavtl Jt Kiwioln Ikaibtxwl ul by Una BUaniera via ttaitlmora, Ui n.l from all IsdnU NorUi, West and Nortbwaat and wiu PtHerahorg Haih-oad via rtAenlHtrg, , klcluRsiad aad Maaubnrlua CUy, to sad fesja all poasU Nortli aixl Nurlbweat. And at naeaa-B with tlx Mortsi Carsttna KahV Swd loatxl (rota all point BoaUi and Bunln. wust. and with Ux ClxtUava Mailnanl an II..--; Vtxsd and KsyrltevllW. - Aeeinmiii.l.llixa and f patrt't tiauxs, eiataei-t St Waidun RlUi AA-euaww.auiain and rivarM kains ow Hralxxnd A Kuanok tUlleiHMi and P -lorJ.uix HsIloaU. And at Kahak, aiin. AeronuD.xlaU.x and Freight trains on worUg Carol ua Kallnajxl. ' Perai xi In. aluag th Har of Ux Itraul eaa h1ta1lfljrul Ux losx-io liy ArnxtnandV Bob train, reiaain eeveral kosrs. and rrtn.n lla same evouUig. A. B. ANIiUtWa, nov M it Msa. Bail. IEW COMPLETE M02IC STORE. fillTTlVUbl BTBBEt, ' (UraannMB't out Btaady . . v ULEItl, I. C, 1 ' 1)1 A NOB or TUE WEUrEHOWM MAMU-fa.-la ran Kbabb Co., sad kaanina dk - ' " As Vi DM sTrwHene of thee hastranienU, tfcora Is srarealy say naeesalty to say an) Unrig t rs.xl.lxxt aflA A'awAr Ammm Im ast i.n.Sf - nVgasiwnlR rsrelwiaa" lilnstraied C'atasogwss and rrkwldstrsent on apptleaUon, e- Needhani A Bnaa VdnetOign: Mssoa ttaailnr's Utblnatt (Jrians, :"' . "' DEPOT or F-OREIUN AND AME1U CAN HHEKT MUHIC. hatrttrtors for Ptano, flolta, Ouitar, Binging, aaeawennsv BtnaiaBtaR-aarrrten'' ' TV.Iloa, Oallaea, Maskt Boxes. tTalrs, rV- - - - . eoex ri eiaa- - 4t1r t m,f- fj&gggiitr-J" . Aceorovtsaa, riuilnSs VMiMttm j- - r- -mr-j f . Bwnj.xx,. TaailxwHxnft, VBa, r--"- T'- ' ' x -.si aw VrVWBBawBa 1 BVaBRaf JVaiaHaaBBT MrwBAaw rsax- 4T. . floUsa. VkjIoarelkB aad WaiUm ot ttw. taxtw ast uaallly. - y- Jftiair snaf sn Jfadf. -As I snail alwaea a... arant stuck of naeK Manse pa kaadL ail roers will b BeotnuUr aumnad to. 77. rkstata addittxs, - - TU BVwIn OOIU.BT MARTIN, MAN t r- "x -" yowini new eerao n Rtnal Lifa. iaa.. ksu taasoxd tki. ai iA . sxttat, t aratla. . . ., . .no it iw ATAWBt AMD IHABaiXA UlLAPU 1 Bra la. atwss. botM U . W.CBTEONACHACa. ' ' j - I 1 ii r I 1? i 'AN ' . .

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