asstsiTT.TassssssssiTsssssssssssssss vt-, iislj ! - "T . "l. . : l-.-jv --rr. .u.. x .....-.m. m.-.--- - --- -. - - - "I'lHUi Vwir im .,, ,r - ;. n "i ! ' -rrT:. 1 " - . - y "0- ., -.v, - A -,.vio- U- I L a a. 1 ' i l " - ' '' ' f"'"' .an. V4 mm 4 , N. Cs TOESMF, DECJMR 15, JSTI. VOL MO. 3L l Dailv, IHiee Pee Yiab. TKKX.i lim fuiu, . fu TAa WiuU.Ml'Mlui mm THE SENTINEL. SM.r V1NV CATION. 1 Hnincr say no ueu,c,pealj greful Ij of himself We erv pardoa of Mr reader white w say a word at two U rir -"it l "fwr i us t&iette tf life tbi u to" reprea eauoliuu of ludls; Dot ion au J contempt which w feel Whet out iutegrity and lionor M assailed Ijf men of doubtful ur bd cbim ici Radical hirelings have assailed ui for three long year, tiui md again, have they attempt J to silence ua with mooey and bribe. Failing in tbi, they he attempted to ipaatll ut with violence and aaeassi nation. Our honor baa alwey been in our own keeping, aor ks it rne suffered Una loaal statu frotu our poJHicul or personal ran duct. Wa hay udeevored to fulfill with integrity every public and private engage ment No hooeat mau can xuak a charge against our integrity in any tranaai lion an J sustain it with ou wiotllla ol evi deuce. Our duty iu driving out ttia ilun deicrs of our common country liaa been ditiicult aud auuietiniea perilous. Iu it we have liecn well suatsinod with ouly a few exceptions liy every honest man aul virtuous wimiaii in the state. Iu the uifttUr of public printing about whirh we have leen assailed. It is well know pi pi all who know any 'thiug l the matter that we had no peraoti al knoM Icdgu of (ha contract, nor of tfe uhmIc or utaniier ol lueumuiemeut, uur did ivknow tin ilillcii-uce between the mode in after a full and thorough examination declare thole haa been uo fraud and ,J,h printing hita bei-n executed acr4nlin to the contract a uuderatood by the public plii ter .lauiea II. Mooiet a (hiiatiau geullt man ali.M word would iu thiacity woih down the ili mil oatha of all who nanai! ti mi M CUO 1.1 f UOUMAN. We allowed these two pink of dcuioc racy aud disciple of Holdcn and Caldwell. in the Daily TtUgrun, for an montha t. aaaail ua iu the vilest maimer. Their pa per aaaailed Hon. li. K. Moore na a coin mimiat wlioae piiin iplca veie ilaticroun to society We paid a little heed to them ns Mr. Moore. About aa milch a. we eer aaid of tlrem was, " Xichola an. I Oofini:i tite with us- Holdcn." Thcii lieai hery ami political liypurrai'y d' cuited uo ouit. We diil not know, but Wd Iwluwed. thejie irani aka J' I mocracy were iu lliu pay of udiculn We did not i haie it bivauae We could not prove il Now we charge it und have the proof. Caldwell, t'lillti pi, Dilly Hen duii vii, ( arrow aud l.iing I'erry, ., paid tlicjn money to circulate the TeUymm. Now iu a public card they call on thacil iiv ua of Italeih to reality that " aiii v the Btipensioti of the Telejrum they havealu diouly av oided to inter lerc iu llieconll i I of pultiin " tut, n i. w hen men art detected na they were, it wa time totop And when they come forward again ! aaaail our integrity no uoncet mtii will believa them th iuh they jweni it. Tin n un who cm play the pirt they did would uot ivgnrd tliir own or other meu'' characUr. Img Perry' and ('arrow's Into hirrliugi have not character enough by calumny and slander to iupiru ua be fore the public. iTiu.ic ruiNTiyu The following figures will show the aiuoimla paid for public priming : Kiom 3d of Septoiul-ur, 1SI1U, to 3d of ceptenila.T, 1M7II, f'H.SlW 4 Tins docs not include punting of the sNipruino court laporls for JanuaKy and June Terms, bor the report of the Board of Public Charitiea. Report of the Board of Public charities, 28t 87 1'iiut iiiLT lor IK'iiarlinciiU, 21 0 Hupreme Court Reports, Jan'y, OA 5 Sundry priuling lor Supreme Court, 6 Juuo Terta Sup Court repni ta. 849 SO l SI3 li Am'f paid public printer from 80th of Hept , 1870. to Dec. 18, 1870: Paid StumUtrJ Publishing Co , fl.iWO 87 IW txi M 00 Nichols A iiorutan, $9,811) il 1.H48 12 34,Vlt 4:1 Total, , 88,o'J 2 ..TUia. waa the imiouut 4i-l. i. UMJt W""? I han twelve nioulhs Vitt the twelve utouthit following ihese dilea tljui SlSTt Bin. a'ceitfd lor public printing about - . - .. . J. .. .'. . .. 1 .. -C .L. . .. -.1. . ,,, .... 1 "c ra..xwtfe' I iak f-iiraiB1 'Wie 'Wtaanaaiini trial affd the auprium court niporta. It .1.... not on lode the binder's bills. It we wanted any jtistini alioa frrM aut h t urce we cntd Jtr? ,,!'.t Nlt'hola at Uortnaa, una ur both, have declared that no money could be made out of the atate printing according to tb eoatraft aa on derjtood by the committee. The prinUra in our offia are paid tba highest price for their work. Aa uroof of it one man r ceived aa much aa aixty dollar per week for et4tsiig type The Piintera' Union fit their own price f'twotk. If wc give employment toNa printer who diss uot belong to the Piiut era' L niou. all the hands leave fotthwitli . We do not mention theae things by way ' I coinplaint but lo show why It is thai no uiouey waa made by the atal printing. We did not know until taat week that we could not employ any printer wi wialKd without forcing all wt hv to leave. TBS HBMXF ASD TIIK 0i T.i Speaking of amueaty Holdan aayi. A loyal man, when relieved, ia gratefirt for it. He regreU that circumatauceaoau- peJM him to dji j Lbiiux jiaaiuaLlbii jafe. Ltitm dttriog tha IttiH,, JU ak.o edgea that the diambilitv waa juatly Hac poaed ; and. when ha takl fcli9KfcI, M 4-aa tu ia. good faatb, with an xed pur pia to ataad by the Haxion and du ali-h cu tu aU aaa for Lua iojui j M way htv dooa It hj engaging ia rabeHioo, tto iaat tar boar altghtlj or how much aa(aiuu liia wW It ia thtu ar " drvid the nt flrom um goati. Wa prnpuae to give a liat of the lada al tuck ia North Cjaraltaa. let Judge Rodman, a cooiedei ale 4uar Uraaatar aud militarj idge, who ordered utoiw atao to ba ahut for descrtiou than Ji'SyPaaraoo uvaj aaot auirele. 1 d. Judge Head a Confederate Stuteu aeualor, ami one of the apeuulutiritg, trad ting men of the war. 3d Judge l)i k a aigner of the ordi uance uf aei:eialoo, anil UolaateJ caiiiti date for the confederate congress. 4th. Judge Hcttle, coufederate captain. who " ftmijht tttj.iiimt the flig" 5th John I'ool, elector for the atate at large, on the ticket lor President of the Confederacy. 6. Judge iJogati, memlier of the Con federate conireaa. 7. Stttlbuck, lUumbel of the Hcceali coll veutloo ol lslil, tiMik the tet outh to hold hia present place aj I nitcd Statea distrii t attorney Waa preaeiited in hia owu coin t by the gland jmy for pel jury ill ao doiui; H - W k m ritti'" -'wu 'A.n-1 rjr.. - Wiliuinirton. who worn the fht iu thiacity, and eliteled and claimed a vacant land the property of the Ciiiled Stati where the aitiinV'u now nl'iieh, tint he liku 1'iileiii.iii John, of Kliabelh city, may be proud f the notice we iive him. and Itiink we do linn o-.l in Wnidi ingl.m (Hi Win A Smith, who Mum-d the oidiitani e t i hiiuti and tun tbrrtem w ith dois 10 Col Haltrove wli.i a.M'ee.l with one of hia eonal itie-nl in l.tncotu ua eliTted to walk borefooted ou t i oala to I he taking ol WaTihiuloii city I In-in in who aaid he would le cu-iluve I In- iieio iu three hours if he could. The Colon. liaa " pent. . I " hilliM'lf an I aholild hfr 4w eHMtl it the tloek. 1 1 Rev. .latum Sinclair ex aaaeaaor a. p. J Bled by Jiaiit, convicted by his church of atealiiiK, druukodiieai, kiduappiug, Ac. ts VTo rtoarthta flat rtr fn"e ffock with the old bell wualhet W W. Iluldcu, the ai k ner the otdiiiuin'e of aeceasion, the tlitt inovei lor the head ol Lincoln. We lot lieat i oiiiiii, i und leave the leader to hia own n llectioict on the Hock UOS. J it. LSACU We nine this gentleman an apology lor not publishing hia card last week aa r luesie I We did hot road the numberol I he Wry containing it. We olleii fall " read the I'eny aud the CarMnuin. ' have al.vud y had a aay ou Ilcuier1' ....... . i ,i i, upon our tneiut tie IT I. leacn. Yshat we huve said weueedouly add, "' Hilly lleudeison has contributed hw money to the support of the V'Jr, and I he mm. lUf leeda any " We have heard ol x-arcelv a ainele iutelligent republicm. that auataiua Col. Henderson' conduct im relation to it." After tln II' l "' friend Henderson, Mr. Hanee maileaiueiHii by defeuding him agaiuat Ihu chargH utuleand Ihx stealing We citlloirMi Hanua to iiamu aix republicans who on JeffiO lleudeiaoti1 conduct A mounud repul.hcaii:. they approve it Helpei "t .Satistmry and the editor of the i"crnn. Ihu only radicals we have heard of ilm were Dot pleased With the loul chaigti "I this villain Henderson. The editor ut llit 'a i jj need Uot from his load. He must cany Billy Henderson, Paisoo Mm clair, mule meat and all. "Uui.y asd VARiuumour IMd Mr. Boydefi in the Huldet trial vailed ua thit " holy aud norigtauui mau." What will the old man tttitk ui Orant's righteousness, who in hia Mwtsige carta for the punishment of every ir,n owning Kiavea in Cuba or South Aaar.d ' Many people in New York arc aaid tamvn slaves in Cuba, and wa have ivo doubt in South America also. How shall they l pauiahed. The constitution of thr l'(n,-d Mates gnaranteea to every citicu " a, 1 1 i ta 1 by an impartial jury H the slate m lis tiH'ahcre the i lime shall haveko,,,,,, unlle.L ' II tltey art- pnuished ,i n,u lav iu Cuba or tba place W heie the) kula the alayea. . Tuia as a raw .cailtag U ttmut's Corean policy, aud niay accuuat lot our vvar- siaamerii iwoiing "ito itrrs- Tha " holy " L'ly aaea only nieiavto woi MR. W1LLMX Yodso, uf Budfold coutily, Tetta.., haa recently dttiluped a process for Mauufai luiing a Sin quality of siigaf ont'of" aorgllutu. " inVijsa'tiCeu I working at the priwuas for atrtraj yeais, and baa so lar paifectcd it Uu b can, with Very tligtit evpenaf, produca from three to four hundred poiuva of ingar from an acre of iorf hnm, wbri will f due from eighty to oaa huaihtd gallons of aughuin. The process it i rery cheap one, ran be rrarlily un.iersto ud con ducted and h. i..n6.Untl w(cts lo we, it adopted to s hitye client. II Mi I.huis- will aeud ptf (tipfc?, a inmud .1 U.t Hiighuia augir, so that wt can sle w ( lu our fartlteRso that ; thej uiay be -.lie-1 that it ta " diMie al moderate coat, be aril! couti a great ben tit' taa ot coaiMMiaity. AiyVtuis of augart arc (till bijjh priccda our aiarketa Would nil C ., -if-:. ...cka.le rwea li Kra,aliaa " ''nf UOS J. M. LXACtL TkV deiwaralic Vn tb, hv raiacd a cry t rtiiciA pawecutlui agaiu th'w gontletnaa ThecUarga la gratuitdua aatd foamdid. -a -axtiCl ,amiM.M.Mm meted out to him. if it i .1. Jilrta.ttfl ia,attlhar. mm, km BNtuf of tbia. Tha whoie Biatier W whi It Twhrtaa wa. r- - " twee W. Heu.lo 4 . Ilx, with wtlch the repnWicM part. hdy or will hare, aay thing wdoj ' W hatN t hojrd of actf! iy a aingt tetetttgai rafujUhaau that auataiua Col. ueuom a cubuuci in relatiou to it Col Hondeiaoo ' JMWlaii a card iu a few dava iu delaua f biiuaatf, util w hich time wa ahall inako no com meat He ia anlitlad to b Won )ig meut ia paeaed upoa nim. I.EI1NUTOS, Nov. 87, 1871 Rnrroua Kka I ha cnmmniiication which recently aniieared iw Th gra fnuii uie naraon aiiiiiinif "iuiaelf "Citizen of Foravthe County," profeaaiug to iive tin tacta depoaed to at the lata trial of Moore and Hanibrii k, liefore L'. H. C'omuiiaaioii er eat at Winatou. perhaps ought to ceive aoiue notice from me, ou account of in groae perversion of the truth, for the lieueiit of those who may uot have aucti the reuoris of that uial, and of tho evi di nee as publnlied iu the Winston aud Salem pa i Those leports -contain a I. .lei able m curate account of what- k mi. I and done al that trial, aa noted by teportrrs on Hie iipo, aud hettid by the luixe aaacinlilai' preaeiit, and ale iu tint contradiction l the stalemcuts ma le in the aliiniaid ' miinunicalion It clearly apiered that the proceeding, while nominally aimed at ulhcii did in fact originate hra base plot couc.Ktt. d to iniiire me Tho 1' nitcd Status wilnen.-KW tcatirled that a certain Revenue Asiaor of some notoriety, had sought to tiiln i with WKft Wh.'rn :Hrtn aV frf-VMrtrrV SeAlSae-Wa which he ii" iloiint lias auieia ami mIi. i ton, im I ciili 1 1"' ixnoniiinoiM del. it It tleaei vcd. and diew down on il author general luintenipt and com!,-mnntioti. I sujiposo "i Hi'eii" wrote his iilicle itiink lllg In reeovel Ihe dl-l-olMtj' In c ol hi Irieuda l' inis'eprc.-eiit.cioii. Tin' eU.lencu, so fal lis Male..! lo m ell, eslahhfhi d the loll.oMn- Incta Jt. ino nl Thonmsville ou prolosioual u cm in May 170, 1 wasa,kfd b .Ino XV I liomn to with 1 1 1 lit into u new in li tniioli. as he called It. I Icfuied, lelllllo linn I MMpecti d it w as some k ilk lii v il tali .o"l that I wus oppom d to till si del political noddies, aud Would II. .1 join an. thlln' ol the kiud. - He came to iue a act olid and a tlnrd time, and biy'i-d ma to go with li tin to his place ol un-i tipo, m sutilig ine its ch.ilai li l .nid pin po- a were liivvtul .ill I pn.pcr, but that li. wish ed llie lo r,'o and cive my opinion .it it li a Irieiid and lawyer. To this I cooseutcd npoiT-liii rejaf-ated entreaty. As snou aa we am vcd at the nieetni oae of the persona puseut iMr. McCrauyi waa nriH-eCiiinu to tuuiMt to me some kind iv.oit liy liaa a w mifefoh llgatlori n far as 1 heard itwand not, the Uorrid ,,i., " Citizen" speaks of,) hIh.ii I iuterpused, and luruiui indignantly tu Thomas reproached him for huving at ttanpted to deceive nie, aa he will knew he. hi I induced uie to come uieu ly to give my opiuion uf the aiajiety, aud not to join it. He n plied that I need not join unless I waa willing, and that thev did wish my opinion in regard il ; w here upon I told liieui that no oath oduiiuis ti red by thenl was Isnl or binding, but that it waa illegal, and I refused to take i I told them nil such acittie aioitg In theuiaulvcs, aud contra . i . i4 ; reuiindcd them of the acts .1 i.-.-.. oililv against going disguised, Ac ., ,, ,i-l m c.l then, to ditlmnd at once, and in . d: l so lu coinuiUcnce of my adyice, a id ,rOi-l met auiii. lu a lew dayi at leru ,,d I wrote to Thomas, unjoiuiug up on hi, ii ! see Hint the society was broken up, it N J-.IH that thtH hail already been doue iii purviiauce of my previous advice Ail Ihu loiegoiug facta lelalint; to what .a-enrri'd at ihu meeting, my diaapproval nl the a. cietv, and advice to diabaud it unlawful, and its actual disbaudiuenl in coiisetiucncu of what 1 then advkxd, which aie the facts of prime importance, were established at the trial by the trail iiiony ou cross examination of the wit ncaaee nr the United Stales. It selves no purprwN! iu my vinjicu lion, but it may be a well tn state, thai the witnesses tir the prosecution also proved that it had uo coneipoinlcn, c Willi othera, aud never coniinilled or conletn plated any violence or iutiuiidatiou ol voters; but that several of its lueiiilari. were, and still are, Grant men and' op poee to me in politics and Voted ei;aiiil roe in the last election ; and the oioat prominent man among them (Thouias; waa a republican. I need ouly add, that at the close of the investigation, I received the uuivei.ial ap proval of tho larc assemblage who were tllen, ini'tudmx L'entlcmen promiuetst in the Kep"bHrna party; and Mr MaiiliiH k, I .. ,5: . A.. ...... . 1 .1... 1 CJ U..a 1H Attoiucy, aivs aud dethirediiH,,. ey , causnio eaily' bliu.l that "Ocn Leach had been vindicated by the proofs, and all good citizens owed hun their thanks for breaking np thu or ganixation in, Davidson county." In corroooraiiou oi wnai is nen -iubefore ' set forth, I append the fo - lnwing amdavita ot Mr iiitm, e -aUcritf ol Davidson county, ot Mr. Mor ris, a citiieu ol nign ctiaracter, aim the sUiteineut of Mr miimaa, son of J. W Thaniaa, doe'd. 1 respectfully noiKut a a olace in your rolunius Tor these, as a pari of thi comraunicatnin. I have in uiy uoasesHon aeventl oltien fnn trien uf charscter, but I need not rouble you with tbeto: ' Veiy reapeclfuls;, i Raleigh firnliiitT, anoT"Wishthgiit Pa trior and CtivnirU ptcasc ctny thirarti, le t Thomas vti.t.K, Nov J7 171 Djyid Loft 111 deposes and, ia tea sa f,, lows : ' 1 jiunail the nrganizatioo at liaaHuuilla, kuowo as the White l!rotheri.. .,ut the last of April, 1870, was Idgad to support the Constitution of lited Btate,aod the Constitution otirth Car olina, and the laws made in iirananre thereof, waa told that the objfc of this organ liat ion waa to unite the gta men of all partie and to oppose negnck 0d rad icalaof avecy kiud for orticel ,,t ,w violence of any kind was to beVWl.j 110 one while under the influence Vudeut fpiiit to Ih) admitted in the caii RUj nothing a to lie dona by tbecaa viiih out the consent id every member aettt. This camfhad no cnnim-tioii. wVevoi' With aay VA"T, had no written , that 1 evW. -luring my couitiou With saidfrgaaizattoo, no one iu M,Dy tuanner iitlested, nor did I ever Ucjy protaiitaa to Inoieat any one. I asVj at tlie cap the uight that Jolasy" Thoraut biaght in Baa. J. Leach, ati tu time of tlte oouduaiou ol re pant hia; too pledge, when ha tLawch) told na that trta unraaiautioa waa lthxrai. and adviaed ua to diaband, he urged upoa ua to 4ia baud at ortoe. I ex preaaed inyaelf i fn- BBrnngmwttt hiw, ana frka..w that thtire frnmm aiitg hef.i after irr, w hrh- ue time in May, 1870. I am a rapubli ud voted tor U. 8. Unant for Vroai- dOBt. - Tlia torearoiug aflidavit waa avaorn to and auUicribed in my pnawtK-a, tliit fba Situ uav cat novemiter, mil. Jsd. T. HaabiiltK, f . I DAVruooa, Can, N. V . Nov. SV 1N74 Pevaooaily apamred befont uw James Smith a legally elected anj acting juatJoe of the peaca, in aud for said county, n. i. Morris, uf aaid enuuty, aud uinWeth laath. that ha wa press with IraWl twelve Others, as members ol a aecriH or ganiution, at Thomasville, called the "White Rrothers or tiidcon'j find." when the late .1. W. Thomas brought 1 he Hon. J. M Leach to u after sujiper, tu the month of May, 1970, uml wheu Ah v ander McRary approached and com inenced repeating the obligation or oath Leach stopped him, and aid, " what do you mean f" He Rary aaid it was the oath that he wanted Leach to tuke, and Leach refused logo lai thel, and said he would take uo oath that it was unconstitutional ud agaiuat the law that he waa opposed to all secret and political organizations aud bad always demouiccd them that men oufjjit to work in politics oM'ii and boldly. Iaou h aaid to Thomas, that he had tried to fool him. Thomas said " they wanted Leach's opin ion ot the thing aa a friend and lawyer and he was not obliged to join. Lea, h advied them to disband and stop it immediately, and we never met auy more, so far as I know, ol believe, or have heard, but broke up on Leach's warning Attlant further ajvcaig t p.nL lilit. fiavtU.. pe frfrik'sfnCffr; ol the I'ntti'd States, and Ihe laws uml it, and they had a right to vote aa they plenaed, but were to vole I'm rood men ol both partus. Aliiunt was a Kepnblii an anil VV liir. ninl Voted tor (limit and Col fax 8 (i MORRIS Read over l.v me l affiant and appn.v eii u ri' n iiig It H AI.DEIU'oN Mworn and subscribed to Ixdore me this Ihe -iMi day nt November, 1 S71 I VMErt SMITH, I I liioii vavni K, Nov is, in; I At Ihe 1,, 1 neal of lion .1 M l.eacl: si lie i hat I know a I .out an oiyuiiiatii u 111 this place, and all the connection he had with it, as far aa I know or lielleve Mv lathel twho la cilice dead) as iu lornied bv him and other uiemlicra, got, I M. lcach to meet tu or a do.en mem lH mJ which hp did, but refused, us I heard from various iiicinltciM, to o 111 or tuki the ol,lii;alioii. tehiiio father that he hud misled I-im in co'iiiiio I,,,), then' II re plied nit," that he h id bioiight hliu tttcre to j?et tils o,iii',.n ., it l.nnet said it was illegal old inipiopei, und ad vised them to dlsiiaud, saying rl n I ul ways iii piixiile and piililn fp-iihes he devioimred all aiH-ret orai,'''ions, and nllOUid COUtitllle to do i-o I as not preaeiit. lint have heard, Inn I auill. from vaiioiis members, llie nb..e l.icls, and I Ullcye III. 111 I k ,;.nr llie tail Hint immediately. ..I soon attrt l.i-a, Ii s dot wc d sbatidcd ami b.oke up. und lime tievei met since. I sail, a titue a'lei this, a. letter lo tut It 1 liom h, askin,; if wc hail disband, d, which h i-l done siiiue lime I at.. 1. I did not iniih island t his to lie the old dclu.Tatte VuVlilf, hut a'to m'thel dltleletit , hilt tol this utldi ll.i.l int; I uiv-ct! would iiavit iscvia' ouchiil. it. 1 am a, ,111 und theie ate a 11 11 111 1 ' r ot 1 r pi 1 1, It, an-, in it I Irani 1, (al, I nans then and uow. i aud tie v win -roiiul fi ieli, Ii ol .1 XI Leu. Il, lull y.iled ngailisl hun al the ch-clloii, -.laiolin ' lt our party. f make I his St. if, -to. ,,l wnii pleasitie, and no 111 an. I think, it l,o knows me, will iiie.ilioii IU coned 11. IV 1 ' Tiiou is - - IAKI AND IIKK Kilt M III.IMS KsilloN- l'aris has learned uotlniio lorntteti nothiug, aud she sends out to ,U tvh of attire as shainel. v. in tin ir lliiniodeety, vauily, protlioaht , and d, tianct ol true feminine grace as anvllnno which -ran dali.ed the lusl eats of the Kuipiw.- She avenoea hcl .nlfon the iu...lesl llerpitii women with a b.k of luahions which is calculated to ruin ail 1 h ralti revenue, lo putadiustity and aobriet y In arHitw', and to diive even Queen-, into 1 omts of laar1" Thi'M' protiiious Irains, those acnalear apprudsges, that hiio ahum ni.tnUs' 4ad hail, wlil.ll no longer so much a licet to be nnttiral ; the counthns flouiH'oi alt J lur Ix lows, sci oils and ruchra, whadi are Hie lie.' nt ion ami death ol tlraiN rv ; the hat- and boiiih'ta whH'h have rcrt.;d ti 1st urwr- than a ludicrous capiu e, ihe piled lip jM moilet and catty inoti-li, trim miuus all thetc-w tlh hiifh lin l. bned ing corns and bunions ; 1,1 t. k I. ml Hi der and a htuf ctttt.Mc wlucaV jicml.i nv-iire hme( hit i.llnurrl I women lilu-h. 1 In n I lowed ve li.t trom Pana, where s i little apparent I has survived ej'.'pl the curse whit h ev.ry honest heart pin . id t rHie die. LomloK ItUvruph TltrSTTT (.'of l KOK I he .to. till CroH na Conference, recently in -j ,..11 al Char lot lo, resoled to raise $1U inhi for tlis i tension of the building al Tl nut v oiliye The aliiuiui ol Ihe kitstitullon aie pnansT sing well in raising the fin noo tie phaiged- at last r.TmmeWttm;-Trr the unanimity and real nisnil,st,. fna 'tf'--mGmrvi'fiawilBS ism- mg parposc in a hrvrt tfiue. ' 'Tint- STttrrttr ' Bst ft friMrr fi 't<!fm-: (otnnltinly sold as Itis kfish, " biash their first appearance iu the Raleig I'uiai ket List week. The . iargeat .r,si tl weighed (en pouaii and a era reUiVd at fl 00 eath This indicate aa early tua of fish thia winter. Shad have matte their appearance in the fjt Jrho i and Ha ran nih rivers. Oct Torlma mm, hvsiead of usig rating out to the west, M of ohl, will sad bet ter field in "Old Tcrrallxia," . than My where else Here t hoiiiw is, for induslty and energy, the vry Uat spot of all the earth. T heii, yaiiig atea, stall at ome, ami goto work, aud you will be aor to sue eed , the vineyard is large and the laborers are fe.' Two enterprising young men of Louis ville have gone to Chicago tof Mr. O Laaty t cow oa a apaculatiuo. ' Lrgialativre f North Caroliaa. ' SENATE. Batttbiut, Dee. 9, 1871. The senate inet at 10 o'clock, Mr. l'tes iawtt Warrwr itt-thatararr pf yoterday wM read and apjirovwd. t ' I Mr. Ciraaia re port oil from Hie comrjlit tee no angrci saint bttss. lalttee ea Raai A mosaaga wa reeaivad froaa tho Hi axe tnaamittino aaadrv- Marsjaavsl ' fasula- lions aba, to autbeMe i aMiwaay gyn erat ta set oat a writ at aaMav iwryon for A Ilea Itettia, with aa astieoiimaut, asking llie concunence ol tlie senate The ainewdmeut waa taararttd in. , v snnssi w l Ulio Hlsiaawrisl . J. u 1 I .1.-.1 J Hauaadad aud tua aiuUon to raonsuMr urK wwo-iry w icw wasv rae4e4 b l.i linir for a chat tie inortirairo bond In leu of personal awiurit. ass coiisitlered Mr. Lkmuah oopm! the re conatdara- tion. The bill was au insidious attempt to nnilerauine a oenencml riifltt secured to the wives and childrm ol the state. Mr. Mootta favored the bill ita object waa to giva ta the people a privilege they In not now possess. Ur. Nobhrrt drew attention to tlte remedy now pmviiiot by the act for a heap chattel mot'taue. Mr. Likkkv contended that thealfts tof the bill wouhl ha lo piaaerve the interest Mr. Lamatan feared it would undermine. Mr. J on aw opis.seal the motion The bill waa unneroaary and would work inju rioitsly I he motiiMi lu reconsider prevailed, lt to 17. The qneation then wa on the paaMue of the bill, thud reu,linK . v Msara. ItunniMS, oahiian and Oii.mbr opjaMed the bill Mr. McuHiuoM laVored It. I would Ins useful in theclaaaof suits tor the recovery corporale Ihe Wilminglou Library Asso riiition. Referred. ill. I.otk iiininl to rcconaidcr the vote by which wa pasned on yenlerday the resolution calling l..r an investtulion into the 1 nailer ol thu lease of the North Cant lilia lailroad. lie made the, iliotioli for thu purHna ol having llie mailer referreil lo the caninitlee 011 iuloinal iniptiive ments. Mr (1 it ui v u, ol I liiingn, objei ted to the reconaitleral ion lino Mount in, llthner and Lev,, uite.l ns'onsitli'iai ton. Mr VV on 1 11 would role to reconsider 11 Ihe 111. ner would ivr Inula pledge thai ihe 111 eal 1 tf at ion would be made by sonic .llief t onitniMtill. Mr. Koiihi&s, ol Rowan, hoped Ihe ill alter would not ba relelied to the cid Biiltre 011 luternal improvement. That eonuuitlee had now labored euoiiuh.. Mr. OajkUA-it, oi Otaue, niov-tai to lay the motion to ncousidcr 011 the table. Adople.1 IU lo II. Mr. l.o k Introduced a bill to regulate tka U iui"A'l lua aufiewr saaMtiil tba nith U-Jl. ul district. IU let red. Mr. IJ11.KM.U, a bill lu promote the Inter- eals of liuuiiKraUoii lu Uii slaUu. ( P ra pt asaa tAl. licit, l.iitle as commi-ti. a-iec, without salary. J Mr. UtAUAH of Oraiiire. a bill lo ilicar- iMU-ate lbs Pe.pUj Isaak . iu. Hi caty of aw'afu. Also, a bill Ui in, orH,iata the Ihuik of lllllslsiro. Roth relet red. On motion of Mr. Uuury, the, rule were suspended tiol the bill loin, oip,,r t th Ud.ucal ioiial Loan Aasurialhaj paaaed ita several readings. On motion oi" Mr Met rim, m, the lull calling for au iteinir.ed atalemeul of the receipt allll dislnll aeineuts of the. nasi mission oil thu Wci-tcrn .V C. Kailn.a.1 was taken uu ami thu luiiisu amendments ...inaaieis., I In The follow iug billa, .tc , pnascd their third readings A rew. lull, in iiigtiuctiiig the piddic treasurer to wy no claims under an ai l lo eonatriHt a furrip ke road from tlie heatl of North river, Carteret rniiuty. to Adaiu rvtak, fravm county. A bill tn construct a turnpike Mad fnua Mariisa to Burnsville. H bill to amend sec. SOX ot the code of civil procedure, providing for the pay- mnn 01 ot in appeal in llie supreme cvart1 amended, on motion of Mr. I.innev, by makitig H apply only to rase of civil action snt (iwcial prraeediugs A run uiaklni; a turnpike ol the nwil kafliivi from franklin, N. ( to tjlay. tods, - - "4 i biR tr aimlisw the 'offli-p ( agoiit for HMtwIlertirm offhemkee Iwmth, A Wll ta provide for thu jwjfii ut ol cvwta, where the statu is a party,' iu Cuars of apjieah) to the tupiviiiu Court ofi ik ITnlted Btirtea. J ' x ' . n motion of Mr. flraham, trf v:ana,. the resolution lo pay lvrtatn w-ftficsses in the Imptstt hirteni trial f It -UL n, wa taken tip and sdoji'e l. ' Mr' Roiiais, of Rowan, np..itid frora the ovqiuoiiM. on lulciual impaoy uients Thu bill to r -iHul chap sWs of 1M 7u, and to iu t' XhoM law it n gsrcTfo uWing Jip. ,PTu..ns wis" cmikJi . r ... Ou motion of Mi A I; furthi 1 COUiddclation of toe ui . 1 1 . 1 w poiud till Monday 1( o'clock, p. sr-auicnd- UiBUt The 1411 to idiane the time lot holding fTie i.ijjKvlor court of the tbfrf ju hciat district was sinrtnduil, ou uni. u of Mr Moore, an as not to interfere ihe Hi auiog tenuuf f 'arleret t t.iul, and ll fsvr I her coni.ertha uastp.iiivd UU Tu.vxlay m-xlal Uo'i ha k. V i 'r -1 1 j m4Htn of fw-e, e.4 , the 'en il ad Jtvaintd. '. - t 1 .;IV J.?'.... . HolVM jiVjtBt'Ri'.sKTATlNT'Jt " : ' i4TmiMT. Oer a. tsti- Sl-'ifh-rt tir ' lMiGSrSl . tj aaaial fc.wir- - Pere Wf-Uf- 'mH:"M,'"'tW,'tti Join 1 if yesterday rea l nd np1 proved, Mr Mont ores, li' ed la'litiolt from eevtain ewiei1 of Hetideraiui C 'untt in egaid (o TIW liw Ti reference ul eieiii hers drsatoe I 1 he petitina waa read aad appropriately referretf Mi niril Ashe, alcCaiilev. Krnadtont, Robin. and Tucker, of I i.-.l,-1l, nlmit ted report from various staudinir ohi nittee 1 : ! , f Mr Jorovt, ist Caldwell, null hrtivj (Im: following ma (ori ty ri pisit fnm tlte Man-rat cominttti-e to investigate the'allegtj frauds by tha pulilir printer The ssnHsl joint committee of the aeo ate and hi o-wof reprrsontailvw, to whom waa refemd f h.unt rrailutiWin of th gen eral assembly, ratified the day of No tembcr,- IMI , nttpactfutly m bm it their report wrMi? (the 'evidenc taken, fir tb cousideraticB and action of the geaaral embry ' ,) Th,e .jrwolntlon under which ynnr roru cuittee acted, required a report, tat : Wht wa th contract with the public printer? y tl. liaa such contract been violated 1 iid. II violated, by wli m ! 4th. Amount of funds !tuprckcrly drawa triMU Ihe treasury, tor the public priniuig In answer to the first iu,Uiry made by tha reaidutiou'ttw' wiiaiMiiteo w .loet'ttuHv TBterth gtmerat (uswmbly tw lt original contract signed by Jauies 11. Moore, puh- iMt printer, aotl by tha leafiaia,tiv oaaitnil- terv whrh contract is heretry annexsr), '- -Voaf conMltt1 in eirdar ta auawar tha Oiha lauiriea ot the aaaotuUna, proeaed ed to umiiion and examine a largo nuin bar of wiincaaea, aud alter thorough ex aluiuattuo and laatore roasideral Ion of the evidence, are of opiaiois- that tlie con tract, aa ctplaitied by Ml.. -Moore to the commiUe at tlia tan tbeaain wa under consideration, has not baap vinlatcaa, and that 110 niudakavu been tamurisnerl drawn tVusu the treasury by the aaiblutfvriavtar, ut any ua aoann toel therewith. Your oanuuitlaa, with tae nenuuiaton of the gCiuaul aaaitiubly, 111 aubniit for ona sideralion a brief ayiiopii of the evidence iu regard to tlte contra, dec liy Ihe concurrent lestiinoay of the h i! lalative ctauiuitlm, heretofore apxiinlnl to contrail for the public printing, and tit public printer, it is etablihejV that there were two contract made, the first til which Waa changed at the titwcjcsliou tilth commit tee and with the consent of Ur. Mooro, the coatractor. While the last contract, under which the public iMiatiug haa been doue waa under coii- sideration ami before the wnut had lusen accepted by Mr. Moore, he proposed to ai-cept the lei mi tillered by the committee, provided he waa allowed to count by the letter " m," and that he wa askcal by Mr. Jim dan, una of the committee, what waa meant by oountiug printed matter by the let lav '-hi, ' and that Mr. Moore ei plained by, actual demonatratiim, what wa hia proposition, by uieaauriug printed matter iu the presence of tlra couimitte I he routract was t hen matle aud aiirnetl J-sJ-CMraetiiaaMH iiiti mi( uuiieraiaaiii uauaeai iue very time of executing it; thai the committee of reported a contract different from the one signed, and such a one that no iutelligent priutur would make. On the very day ol making the contract, Mr. Mi aire gave iuslruction to Mr. Marconi, the foreman iu llie KkntihsU. oflice, to inenauie by III letter " iu " as proptaied to Ihe committee. ' Vout conunitteu are satialietl, that the leislatue coi i 111 1 1 lei: did not bulicve w hen th,; i .tul 1 act was executed that the mode ol computing had beeii' changed but only u lealncliou of the price ; and thai the sa d . annum tee were saliafhd thai the iu, de was the chea pest and nest tuvorulde- to the elate. ihe evid iHe prov i that Mr. Moore waa only mm i' al Co. 4 a dor. ami that Mr. 'I iine-r ott l, ,sKn rmai. was the real party in interest ; Hut he w, ail J not have bsseu benulitled o 11 Lc.eHcd by an increase or rednetioii is) pr c , ar.d that he ha 1 not superintended or directed thu priuling or making ont the nceouut. Mr. Turner had nothing to do with the term n' the contract, did not know v'htit fn 1 . ir ' 1 It:,.' :1 .t mode ol computation hd Ik en used, and nevei many way controlletl or directed liia ftevniaii , that all the accounts for puh lie prinlinu have lieen made out by .the foreuian, Mareoiu, alone tintlor tha direc tion givea by Mr. Moure ta the day when the. onurai:l waa cxituttd ; that the chief chirk in the auditor's orliiw eoiuiliiu led llimselt chief exam il-r lit the. pad die iirintcr s account, ji a-auiif with litul JKr. 'arraah aud thiat all aceonnle were exntn ined aud approved thtim-4ht - Ihe auditor's clerk, Mr. Roberta, r,axedal ea. liroly without autiiorUy lit1 law, ud I now a luilive from the state Ttw i 4' tieiH-e pun ea. Ihul the primers who uxnm i ileal thu aciaiuut con Id have, at tav tune, bsoovt ,ial am impioper eouiptila tiou ol llio prim, .1 iniilU-r . V, ur coloullUe.' liinl Ikal uo tnluiik lion am, 111 ole 10 me kiBUrtvt 1 isu.ujiiiei alaMtt I li inoib' of tKnpnlii4iU)j prtaMnl Matter by Ihe " iu '' ipclrKte, uot w i tit s'andoi; licit 10 ..I, 1, iiioo t,t iK-rolry Haul III .Hit; h. ail lac ilnried- Slates 11 1.0 paeaitlllMl 1st llie 1 ,p,TapiHt sfcactv ul lllti Pnusers U t.l.Ms. Ami that is , h. uitMie uudtv wha-h tlie jairutiyiHoii pint tera art paid in ibis raiv. und that iii.mIi u d ha. n Uin more laviMaliUl lo the stale, a,, d waa the one tia-,1 l, the 11 ittlii-pruiiei'4 lor Hie Inst liia yean. ui laMiliu.lle. tin. I III it n .oi'.H Ihe sy cisauls ot In,.. p.Oi. a- punier hive Imi'Ii pdd si 1 lit i ,e-.i ion of erroi iu he, aMisJ''Ol eiMMi,'tiioii was isist tl 111 Sep Wuilwr lat-t, ami vmi taiiiiinalue would Itx'lUiiltllH.d I hi i,ss.oe irf a r.ssilol t.M, 1 lie, 1 mi, the iii.Iiom 10 audit his ,U' t'onnla. ploy n. .1 llie primed ( matter is CsHUiletl b ihe intsiaHruUH,l el 'ill' lanatlr.tiv This ressttniioit ia rnv rn lv I lie csiiniilUw taatuuae they aa autMie.1 that Ilea eonlrs. I ma le tin the pnlitic (Hnulmiy rlcoiuuiilU-e was Ix-IU'Ved lo Ih- ut.atl lavorable to Hi atate, and ! ..isn no . x p! maiiou was made ol tliia 1,11 nam. UM-ni. I lus uiatiinillin ee i 1111.-.I ia, c.a.itaa ini.lisr the buliet I hat the oitMt.'.pp.iis4l b III, pul.lie piiiitav w I lie Ii. ii.nt one in use auioag ariat-1 els a i.l ib.,l Ifir putilic triiitbtg ayiild Lao .1 i.iuc chespts; lhau he(tl uuttrt the i ,li,i 1 i,.li a ii,l p.dilio prim, r bit th hurt syml icais. I cMeiiurlt a it.uik this arrangement aioul I in fair noil yust to the peblit laruiler to Hit oijie. J-ti.;Bu J M. Wtaftia, ClmwHova rs oala ItraiKh., . Ji. JuNaj ,....) t'liatrwao Xoaiac Branch, " - K tfiMIHiSRa, . 'Mr JiMtae. Innil'ife feme rofamittee ve noiir-e ot a uiin.trii r ici wt tin Mon daj; moridun. Tlie reyviir; i.Hher whh llw etiili nee,- waisrfWtcTrrfr trriw rrtH'ect'Bil Ha- cal.tnlirr ' '. ' " ' ' " . . Mf. Spuftiw oHim d llie iotl.iwing tilt,.ri r "-. ' '" : ' H mtitats lera,'e f, M tha..n.i metnrir m'mr'.Wtiiinv.T" ttm tl .. Itisv.tskaiatt 01 VVei:lne fofltti re1 ri the heHrinsr'of the house n4 for its information, as part oj his final k, a letlev (mi J.oi-rinif r have ln-ea written by ate I ii M.-l . itla i.f Oraiijre ,mMfijgtt ln lyave charge against.! member of fhi nrtuse, and Wiineis it is reported that the aaid letter was not, as etslt.1 to the boii bv usid tf 1, Mstan, written by &a.) Omul ItiMi ici hy In-atitfrority ; iriervioie rtWafsetf, Hi at commitrea of three iim-iuU is oi tins h.sisi;i appointed tvr the sker to Imjrtire fnto ihe genuine" aea ami auRietith-fly rif taid letter, and that they have (Mvwer to send for person so l papers. '' Ou m.ition of Mr. fparmw, the reanln tioe w placed on th calender and made special ur.htr f..r Mondar at ? oilca k, . By Sykra, ctl A reariiufhin' iu regard fcr ptiblV school ; placed nn calendar. ' "flf-Hr. Mtrrtia:-A reanvntion adjourning ia Ait on ?lt of reuiber ; placed oa calendar. By Mr t A bill to mcfH-pof-ate the Fiyet'teville Building auJ Loan Atxjtioti : refrrd, liy Mr. Nhhotson. A leaoluliou in slim Un the judiciary comtuiltee to rv port a IsULcouceiiiiug Usury , place I 011 catlcaaiar. , liy Mr. Uravsou : A bill (accompanied -la'aHaaioruil) ti' iiiCTir)i'ii'utr -th' vi-riage - of ffteBhAvn-; thi1t'TWntT;' wreiiea. liy Mr. lbilliu : A bill to Incorporate the Oaa, City baviugs llaiik, llalaigh ; r frrd. . :, Ry Mr, McAfee i A bill to regulate the ool lactam of tax a , referred. Ry Mr. Houatoe ; A. bill to incorporate thu t atawba ami Lincoln Mining and MaiiulaciurlnK caaapalit ; tererretl Tha bill to provide for the collection of by the stale aud theacveral countie ol the state on property, w aa takeu up and ruostiiurwd by lection. AlWr tlia adupiiuu ol twenty set liolis an4 peading the ouBatUuraltun of. aaclton XIM, tlie bouse adjourn wl. BJCNATK. MniiiiAV, Dec 11, 1U71. 1 he senate met at the ll-oal liuur, Mr I'resideul Warieu iu the chair. fiayer by Rev. Mr. Atkiuaoiiful the city llie journal ul batunlay was read and approved. Mr. MouaiiKAO from the committee 011 corporations, reportud favorably 011 thu bill to incorporate the n ihuiugtuu 1. 1 lira ry Asaocuitlou. On luotiou ol Mr. Iiuriiicut. the lull paaaud its several luadiuga under a sua peuaion of the rules. Mr. Al I K. reportetl fnnii the judiciHry comuiil Its. Mr. 'aihihi.l, suudry reports from the coiuuiitta! on pnrosilious and grievance one unfavorably on the memorial for a geuural law prohibiting the sale of iutox icatiog litjinira, recommending that it be lejsiMs tlnlly returned to the introducer and the couimitte discharged from it further consideration the proposed leg The recoininendation of the committee wus coin nrreal iu. Mr. I) a no a ! introduced a bill to au thorire C. P. Clous of Davidson county, lo erect two gates uuder certain Manccs. Referred Mr. Ai t hi. a bill to amend sec. :t:i chap. 8fl, rev. ctale, in regarti to challcu gea of uri Referred Mr LoVM inliodiiced a bill for Ihe pm tectinu ol deer. Referred Ou motion of Mr. Love, ihe reanlutior for the relief of the sheriff ul 11 was recommitted. Mr Lova introtlucetl resolution pro viding lor night sessions, which was mod ilietl. on mol Ion of Meaur Orahani, nf I Ir anu, and Cilim r, ao as lo provide for niffht SMwiitns .Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from and after to day. Adopted, 23 to The bill to regulate the time in which to deliver complaint in civil action iu case of mil brought in counties other than that in' which' dufeudaut live, Wa put npon its third reading. (Require the delivery toll mad turn stay cissies the aiiiiearanc term.) Mr O11.MKH did not ee the iieceesity for this leiistatiou Mr Jon'k explained the provision of the lull. Mr. I.bnnv obiected to it pamage. Tlie bill was amended, on motiiaa of Mr. Whltcaide, aud waa then rvjertodl" to I?. The bill to authorize the commiiouer of Hertford ta.unty to levy a tpec.ial tax, was put iiprsn ita Utird reading. On motion of Mi Lstham, the bill was prsrtpdnai till MondaV next, on account of the al nee or llie senator Irom that coiiniy. ' ' The resolution instiiM-rlng the public treasurer to pay out, on nrupaif voucher, ceitaiu iiioneja to contractors 00 the Ma rion and Aebrvill aud Hickory Station and Patterson turnpike road, patsed il third reading. Trie special order, the bill to extend to latairersoii railroads the provisions nf tlie u t to provide a mechanics and laborer lien law, W4aVcn up. Mr Ki kuiiiHd lavtaed the bill and ex plained it provisions. Mi. Cowi.aa olijecleil to the bill. The work done on railroads was usually done iimler contractor, and the proposed titeaa inn M ould cause much confusion. I Mr. Fi.aiiMiiia taitl the object wi in llreclly to give contractors t lien. Mr. MoitKUkAD tsked if the bin would mil g!v hi Um laborer t lien under the ont rati or. Mr Ft.sMtiiNO did not think It Wniuld. Mr. Joxk (aid the Dronoaitinn ;wa Ku'iist(ho spirit of the law providing for a laborer and mechanic' Hen. j Mr Kt auuiNo discuaacd the bill at at not h uirlh and Ut ged it passage U tuj tig o eoure the laborer and the coutrac for - . V i Mr. Ot.n objecfea to th bill. I Mr. MiKntBToR favored th bill. Tf the lafioref haa not now a Hen on rtilrdaj. he (uight to have ohC. There thuul be 00 Jiaiimination agiituit laborer on J he Mil failed to pJ je 12 J O-ars i I ' rUrit Hilft. --Iw. Mr Mkhrivon introduced a bfTI tofati fy s .'e ivf real estate where the order fpi such aide were iircgularly made. Rtfor tcd.. " ., ' Mr Lot ft reprirtetl from the commjttei: on prcisaition and grievance. Mr. .; Introduced a reioluttoo (al ling on tha adjhUnt general for an (teiu Iie4 tatenieut ' of the eirpenaea of Col. Clarke' regiment during the late" Kirk war Ha explained that thi ufrnitiou tratf bean askeJ hit hud, seaaiou and, not lurniatiauV , , i," ' f ' Mr.'lXn tnirved to amend by etrfliinir f-rtt-af wrpaf:e-W"a-ts" " " iue , 'i . 1 wai, Mr Oit siRa move.1 to lay the .feaolu fetatwt ainendotcrrt ta ttuftirtdH, A4t.t ett."'" ' " A'" " f " paaaitl h atfveral reading uudnr a ua' is usHin or trircrre, vnatiiuioiiaiy. The reaolutioo in favor nf Jno. D. f 'uj iron, (Mused it ecood and third reading ttnaiiiiiiouslv. -f The bill to Im enlUleil an act iiA aAitaud I the constitutHvn of North Caroltua, wa put upon It tecoud reading. ' ; . On moVjon of Mr. Robblu,,tha ceusid eratioa of the bill we poatpotied fill Monday next ' ' v i ', The bill to prevent the sale of Itiirit uoui Ittiuor within two utile ot Qhiluh churrh, Anaoh county, wa put on ik ec ond roaditg. ' i Mr.' Dauuax, tlwuAr fcpp.eXta tht ipecie of lepislsruj, u gd the paasage of this bin. There iii a, t hool held at that place which waf much aunoyed by the eile of Ikiuor, the Jaw g'viog il uo protection. " ' " ' , ' j ' The bill passed IS to 13. The bill to amend the charter of the Western Railroad Company paaaed ita second reading. , The Mil to reifulre the rcgnitrttioti of certain acec ana it indexing ol tiooks of registration, w4 put npoo U eecoaj; J im l,nn 1 ..a I '-"- , i Mr. JoNtva exptiitu.l the ebi- t bid and tuged iu passage 1 h. p... siateni wf regiatiAtk'H am, iniotiiphtc f..i uiisatiafautory. The Uill aatil.i im,, n 1 glaring evil. The system of alloa t- I. It It-reaf eMtati'trr frmtnin -ttrrtTyiv r -c-1 T:r. " yvrw,1rlatftt.-' 'r -- Mr. RoniiiKs, of Day id at, di.l not' a law to reuiii all dta-als lo be r. isu , 'i IW it faaa Uwu aJ.ow n to U a gt-ncml nn-tauce-- - tie belii tmi ta IW -pr, imst -wy--tration of deeds, and w uiU v..;j. . bill rtHpilHag Hie registration of aM d.rdi -iu a given time . Mr. Da Hut n posetl the Kill as 1 s . :. laled to Hodute conluncii, and Irt 10 anj impose a heavy burdcu ol lavu'ion .11 the peopla He would go I'm a bill t.. tjiiia eleeda to ! reyiatere.l in In 1 e, , Mr. JoMNs um, Itliul thu lull in , ., , fnc w ith this siigeslion. Ill Hill lulletl lo pass Us act ond lead ing -31 to 1:1. Ihe bill introduced 1 v Mi. More head, to be entitled au ail to unlho rie the format it hi of taiitoud , ,a 1.,, A ,. .'. and to regulate the same, w 11 . Mi! up.,, Ita second reading. Mr. lytiva, Uu; b.ll la'tiic au nnpori 11. one, moved it la i,. I , , ,Lil,, ata'ttons. Rejiateil. Mr l.ovR then m,.vet the hill l.,-! i!.t or the table, but withdrew tlie in.a n 1 he i-uadmg wan proeetded 1U1 The bill pasmal iwaeton,) reatliti;' On motion of I'rico, col., the n ii,- t I jouined. HH M: OK KLI'liKslKNTAl'IVK Momiay, lec. II, is, I ' lion - 1 ail, .1 to ,n .1. 1 a I t lie unci! horn Prayer by Key Mr. Atkinson, of ti.e city Journal of Hatiiitlay waa mud and up proved. Ri polls 1 rum the various alainlniL' fin uiittces were siibtuitted. Mr. Wwir'trirf ie'rv enrtrrfi ffw-' M. ' ptllillc pi lining slllllillltcd a nil,-:,', if (Kirt signed by liilnsclf and Sunt..: ilia kins. The reKit t sets lot th t i.ut tin , n tract has laaen violated lit Ihe p: , priuter. Tile reporl wus place. I ,,n tin t al. .1 o Ry Mr. Harris, of Onilford A r, . ,1 tion to consolidate the indict- 1.1 hool, a grant's ill the set tela ty of :aalc oil, , placed, 1,11 calemlui. Ily Mr Ariustniiig A hill lom, ,np.- ratu Willurd'i bank, ilininton ,, ferted. Ry Mr. Ashe . A bill to atiieud nciti. n 131, C. C. I". ; referred. Ry Mr Ashe: A bill to in. orpoi il, i Wilmington Mutual instiiain I 'ottip my referred. Ry hykea, carl. ' A bill to am, ml cl, ip ter 93 private laws of 17ii Tl, iceti.-,i By Mr. Hryson : A bill to chanire 11,, line between Macon, Jackson and rivt 1111 countie ; referred. . By Mr. Ml llae A bill to provide Im thu Construction of a public highway in the countie vrl BitrkeamLMitchcll : phn ", .,1 i th eaasa.ta., Th coiuviiltiralioii of the bill to inot'ie for the collection ol' la ves by the l tl, and by tlie several counties of the -late, was resumed and after In ing ntnen le l 1, L number oi partiiii'ars past I its sc. ,i,. reading. Ou motion oi Mi. A-lie Ihe tall wa made tpecial order for Tliut s.L: . On motion of Mr. Oregtiry Hip f.ill t,. mend the charter of the Chat hum 1 ol road wa made epiecial order for to-mouotv at 11 o'clock. A message wa received from the gov cm, 11 truuaiuitting ccuuiiiuiiications in i. gard to th pun haauof a site for nation al cemetery at fciwIUhury by Ihe I nited eilales niilliontic. Tbe matter w in up pi'oprintcly referred. Ou motion of Mr. Johnston, of- Hun combe, Ihe bill to amend the act to au tlmrizc the conatructitiii of a turnpike lot Miiliiiuii' .t Wilson's Slore. in McDowell county, to Klal Ca-c.k in Ruiict.inl.e count y , wa taken up and piiased its several tea I iugs. Ihe bill ttisddrcrtaiu Siib diviaion . lo section 11, chapter 1.19, laws ltv7() Tl, was taken up and postponed until Wed nestlav at 1'J M. On motion of Mr. Nicholson, the re.- luliou instructincj thvjudiciat) commit Ice. I o report a bill lu nVurd to Usury w is taken up and adoptetf. Ry Mr. Hargrove : A bill iu favot ot Jaim-sl. Mia, re, alieritl' of tlruivillu n ferret I. Hy Mr. MpCbuIov : A bill to anient! the C. 0. P.; relerred. n tuotiop of Mr. Hurris. ol Clll n l. thu resolution to couaolidate the , -a of gratiUof land was taken up and in ferred to a special Commit leo of tim e The bill to authorize the foinniiiotitm of Bertie county tn isauo Ninds was taken up aim passed if second re.nlim',' by a Vttterrf vraa nay M. By Mr Nich.ilson - A bill ,. allow . ttinr1g:igo tleposit in oVvn of Mrtnnal a flinty ; n-lcirt ,1 Uy Mr. Hon it, in : A resijlution ndldme- night itcsM.ius ; placed oa tho calerfdur flie chair announced Mwr. 'rlarns of Gilitlord, Mi-Caiiley- nd ' Sv ke v thu BTclHiromiiVTriire To iaIiTontrritie intlei of Und granii , Arjjiiuined Tn Dauuich Anum BoWLf -Dunn. the negro Lieuleuant Governor of Loui s aoa, died the other day, auil Warnitiuih has called kr. 1 xtra DeaAion '"of 'tfio i.' hit nhu e. This' canc will la is thoUoM, by une of the cov .at lue. anil the ailv'arilae In his : exi rlieiicy are mt obviOtnt ' tht the; . Itkhnioml Ki.nirer feel justified in giving utterance to lite fotlowmg tfrava 1 usicion f'tT."'""T Duna 1 out of th wv of XVarmoth now; and lie wa certainly a aluni thorn W!f'jyjat"t' "iChiH8tii"tait im the aem UUMMut. swi, Wt 4nw-rtrkr iv4"nrtwps - -wise then that liijieart aliojtli't be filled tftV W t !" W Setf ffTor IfturhialeV. " ' room for a MtHb'al I'riiud of hi la lieu tenaiii governor, nd as the former tleih wasiinUlen. la-oiilo w'df talk . "KoWr i.u. tttM ITtftil Vr I Slfrr w It t wnt, S-t-i - V ',- il . "w fcvi e-srre,, w ll EDnsUTn vTIg 111 la aa Ihtt l lt,.vAiHi..t .. 1, ...... 1...' ... .1. - .... , mi,, .-, sjuiaer 01 ine Louhviana hoiiae of repreeiiUltives ba been twiisoned. or at least was tsVen aodJeuly ill a few days ago. and with ut h Uange symptoiua, thai tliei'e is Ih strong- 1 suipicious ul loul play s y - Ssrdinei are cauoht fi,.ni .Inlv 1.. ventlart shun; the we-! i.faal ot Li.inoe,' The fli-htinieu sell them by the lhoMaiid Tht; clltet employs larje liiiuil.ers (,' '.. MU-fi, who cut ivlf tba heads of The wash aud salt thoiii. Tlie fioh are then dippijd into leiiling oil for a few minute, arraug iii vatious aietl bojes, Piled up with finest olive oil, aoldficd down, and thi n ptacial iu boiling oil for s.,uu' lime. Vi omen burhisli the tin; the labels t put oil, or sometimes enamelled an n, wus, a bu b at afUrwarda packed in case, ireuerallv eontaiuiurr 100 li,.- ...l then are ready for export. The cett h has tt.1 wwiniiii mis year, ,1 f- 1 f Si-. iw i. i I ik i. 1 Jlwm'iil'15"" "' ' ' --JV .-Ol- 7-.