1 I I M TERMS THE SENTINEL - -..J.-...ILJ ij IXTKBV1KWKD. Kt mm caui out of I L hotel jaxswAi. i s-stawsr flw --mm wwimwiltifcyeiit Oounaa, who complained that ww bad. mW huchuuM ic Whf le! th grsi We last ak tsv-dor months In the Ttttynm a M W tar hr bsmt ItefiM Ksodslous nuaer. That q had, in the ". baly called attewthaa mi th ssWk to Um fact that Haddea aaid, Jf irhols and Oorasaa are with at." B ssied ih.t Holden nr Mi4 aa. He flied that w had Um beet proof ef it Ik word of two respectable gewttoBsea ia achy. ':! W told hia he had pvMMtew Um Ttl -wfW It float Caldwefi, rhiilip, ad a proajineat repubtlcaae oi th atete kl psid their money for the dsad hosd cfruluiim of hi paper, the Tdeffmm. Thai he acknowledged that the; did pa; for and i-irculat the Ttifffram, after il tu published. Now tim e he bu made lln int. it strike ns as a difficult matter Ui In" circulated the paper before it waa published. He then talked much about hit being wit the local editor, aud haviag on all mrsiioas defended us against the charge tosight aga"niat nor integrity? Much wjtssil ly both, the inb-rviewcr and the uiumewed. not necessary U) rctirat. Tile iSeet lh thMMMMf 'Knt 1m'vwftff1nrr$ W told him there was no better time than right now to obtain it. Tlw mttirview endel by each goinj; U his i.uim-i The readers of the Rkihtinki. who rli.f init see the Trltyrtiin are not iiil 'iiii 'l ui' the low, false, lilielons at tuk nf the TeUgrtim upon the editor of Uir Sk;TiNKi.. These awMBlU upon us cmiliuued daily for a whole eampaign. Wr rarely repliol to them, treating them with uleut contempt. Wu cannot Bow nil to mind any assault of a personal character upon the editors of lb TtUgrnm, uliil'' they were so Imhlly and falaiily usailiii); us We tlioiiht the way to rifiti r them wan by siieuee antl "mastei j iiiu'Mivity " Our plan of Imltle sjui' .-. I. .1 hiot silinlralil v : their curses, like nunt' ( hii kens, all went hiiuie to riHist ' i.t 11 have peace, ' whether Nh'hols Jt ii irman are with us r not. rnu.ic I'uisTisa. The editor of the Hkni inki. falls hack upon his character for integrity as a de SHas srw made a'aiiiO hi "i W hy li.is he not thought rif tliiiltin-1 It wouhl have saved him the inKiih' of a Irin to Coln-nliis - it may nu him si'veral hiwafter. And we hope, Uial urue ho has discovered that charac ter u a drleusu uaiiist assnti Its, affecting ii-n integrity, he will see thjf necessity ut wuMng such lusMutts upon olhera, w ho harr a'.Auxs sustaineil a ch'irai'ter high abovt! any io' enri lay claim to. For every UmIv . Ihai, n tthoiit (he shsdow or friasT. Se 1, s :''nHcd the motives and in trntv of p iitU-ineil whisie ImioU he is uns.xthy to black Having denounced all the frauds if Uttlehetd snd conimny, we now de Bounce the present fraud by which the fttitor 1 f the Skstinku, or hia agenU. dniw fnu the treasury several thousand d' 41ar of the people's money , to which h liad do more right than Bwepaoa and Littlefleld had to their ill gotten gains. It Buy lie said that the state will be saved bariuliaa in I lie eud, out this is no defense. Hr never would have refunded, or ac ftainicd for it, if not compelled. Kra, dun Imhj Verty. Tins is the last from the l-mq l'trry on the public printing. The negroes, to make their d"g sharp, put red peppef in the I mod they give them Ijinur I, -rrv mititt hivs ntlt rr.ll pepper in the bread he feeds lo lUnea. Hr has certaiuly grown sharp from Perry's feeding Name the man. Saint Iewia, whoxe hoo-1 sty we have assailed. Titers is no one of tlw Uiieving rascals who pay their money for j.mi to defend them, from Billy Hen dersun to the Hot. ttinclair, that w can sot prove all we hare ever said of I hem. We n pert, too, Mr. Hanes, to make the food people of the state Iwok upou the pnistituted hirelings who attempt to uVfeud the thieves bv assailing their assailants as no better than the ,th Ui li ves tlmmtelvm When your frieas) Ui a iael! left .tha guborttatoriaj chair without provoctioa to IJackgsard sod libel a eilitn, he waa proven by his "n witneasea to be a foul mouthed Uheler, and sliouJd be allowed to wear in suVaes all the brarwla he woo by his bil Bsgajate. v' Yon have devoted much of your time, Xr. Hanes, U the dcfc-ooi of Billy Ilea Vimi ijuit his defi w 'irevou wrrs hevd on lib nrighlsMS iwieaching " 'I' a anil uueymy in rwwrt, l"n Hfu.J not dehmd (v. ('shin ell before ,,I"S ,lwd..,e4Miudt,Bil;..-u! dfeipe f; , 1,. "el Mindj Uilly rhuderaon. s will conclude what w bar to say os this subject by subjoining our evidence th: commissi o -J Jieuii TuusKa, 4ppsared bafora the cKnission, and sabuiitted the followhig "xnentl which was sworn to and sub whni be tors the comB.iasioa : What do you know about the stats Piling f A. I have no practical knowl V uf the Uusinnss of pi in ting. When lte printing waa to be put out, I re qarsted uiy saaia iats editor, Mr. J. H ', totiid for the name for- the 8aMrri- his Bam, lie did so, aad gave rl eiecute the saute. 1 relied urxss r. Moure's judgment about tha otsatnscs. u. Muss severed his ctwisuctioai with the 8cirr(. suoa after the oauract was tote. Mr. Join W. Marcos. airessji hi the BaKTiSBI. offloe, meaa- 'he work, which was approved by " phBters appointed by Um auditor ut ,TL-TM 1 u4raKoa. I did not lMB.-1y know ho f . d, nor did I know the differen. immi The bookkeeper of thi mm dfr -ftTftnS --rwTtaa sraiMi tt mal ' 'IIO, do ,1 Vl" be, w Bwora to and aabaerihea tf, 3. O. Kitritl Coti'iuufciLoc Meeting with oar iidHi Mn..i ... taeud U.,. l,. CW ww ik k. i. WcW"te-l b? a breaMMr .i tesl of tominif th oW rJ,i, M bus gesti. aaajM,. u,'. l W(lkMKWl calling A.IJ . a 1 . . 1 . preachers to llarkuud. He tien Jn. quirt) who the ofiuading prelate wma. t rafuaad to give hia name. When the Hew (J. A. Ward vUits city, we shall lay the m.jtter liefiiru liiin, and take couiik. I In the meantime turn ing the other clitx-k an father Clotn alri- rd. tub rmuv rnivnira. The atUiation of the undrai(rned. -m- riatr Xditor of the Skr-tinhi., hu llei n 1 ailed to a lard in yenterdiiy'i Catvltninit, signed " Nii hols A Oomian,'' in wliieli I am snppoMMl to U- reiern d to in the term liiah Jolm," snd t he inadioisaly nerd feel Behanied of in. iH-ing reidly aa Tru John, but T do" hot uupptn "to lit liish at all. I do not thiuk, snpOKing rue t U- the I m rson iilluilul to, that Nichols A ii until inli'inl to miplii 4 ine ill any di nv in the charges maili' U(aint (he utate printer, for they are in a Si. tiou to know lelt'r; and tiler, lore I think 1 1 1 re as neither proiriety nor neeam sity in t! e allusion 1 hsd nothing what ever to d with the contrsct, or the mewewremefit, or the charge for the pub lic printinc; while istnneoteil with tho km 1 ski., uor in any degree with the dix- nation grow ing out fil it. What the ol jii I f Nichols Si Qornian in dragging me into it esn l, I know not. Hut having Ui n dragetl inr i proHsc to siiy a lew orile on the sulie)'t, and my experiem 11 of m'lVily forty years as a pructusul printer, nearly twenty of which has rw-en aripMiru! 111 North CariaUna, ehii rly m connection with the public work, authorises nw in doing so, what weight soever may be at tached lo w hat T say And lirst as to the charge of fraud upon the editor in-chief (and this is the !iit inatance ill whiifh I have ever step s-d in between him and his atwaihinrs, he In lug amply aide totalis care of him eif) I know what 1 say when I declare dial Mr. Turner has bf as ignorant of the terms and meaning nf the contract, ami the mode of muasiiremeir. adopted, as if he did not Isvlonj to the office, nor has hi' made oat an account or received ir paid iwtt the money derived from the printing. Mr. J. U. Koorc made the ron trset ; Mr. i. W( Marrmw, the formmu, incsnire.1 the work, and Mr. T. It. Hsiusay, the lok kiKT, collected and paid out) the motivy. I never knew or heard t Mr. Tnrunr giving but one order in regard: to the public printing, and lh.it was to the fon nisn to In sure and liave 00 mis takes in his c-oun1s. So much 1 deoiu due Ui Mr. Turner. In tlie war upon Mr. Turner hi regard lo the slate piiiitiag there has loieii a din play id imsit woDilcrful professional knowledge, enough to make the veterans of the craft ashamed of t Ii tnnsol v! and hurry I Hack to 'their piiiuers. It has been stated, and sought to tw , impressed by tb wounding terms ef the Interna tioual DiaiiHi, Ac, that the method ofj measuring type Ivy the tetter m was never heard of eaawpt (tons Mr. Moore lieitM) the committee. I assert that it has betss KsMtwB the warld over and es pecislly tq .5jS2SLJ??r',H,, kaa bees nraeOi-ed and paid for without question by UoUlen A Wil son, formerly state printers, and by Rev. W. R. Pell since the close of the war, ami perhaps by others. The veteran printer, Thoa. J. Ijemay, was the first tf allow t, so tar as my know ledge in the slate ex U11. Is, when he was spsiiitid toinelH the tit- es of HoIiIki iV'iWitson With Mr M.re's uudcralaiidiiig of the cYl.nt to winch this should go in making his e. .11 tract with the printing committee I have nothing to dp ; Bod this brings ine Is the contract ' Mrt Moore sars he ositrwrtrf with the : nommmittee at tlM-ipuUtcil ricewilh ttlss un. hi stall ill 11a; thai he esn rw mensnreT by the letter m. The majority of the com idt,hil 'iIiuUi Jtw. Ui .. spoken of, do not agree as U Mr, Msre's lecollectioa of the matter. However, tlie work mas so measured by the fore man, by instructions from Mr. Mnore the day the contract was effected. The bills wart from time to Urns presrnted for pay ment and were paid op to September last, each bill being revised and aodTted by two state officials under the direction of the ABdrtor. Mr. Adam the Aw.frfor, says he did Dot authorise Kobert one of the (rsetioil prtnlrrs en.p oved and paid fiar audiiou 1 1" pm.iers at-counta I don't krxiw b -w Hi rt may b ; bot I do tnow thai 1 lie said llotwrts, who was also one of the audrbsr'B rlerVs, did elwinlM and ocrtify as fpm-ct, Jbs arcouoU not only ol tha prcarat fiuldic printer but of the late stats priaU'ra,rV. U. tkuilli 4l Ob., and that A daras"recojjoized ofBcw and bamed 1 pajaumi ua nVborU' cartifirat. J&9&timgesaumU Bsaisd rtiroggh tbs twditwV reowrniaed 8Mt,Mkd i( eioesaire chargiat wars nstlt BsiacWir) tod. TTiecasetheBataii. tl... f W Ik.' 11" j Lt ,0"l yf he euntracted to by ft oeftam ajode: ha Mta a fcrevnaa so to meaanre - tha fona. MB so measure.1 ; the bills wen nr .ia '1 . .. m V atau tad wen esaminod Ppsvwi by tlw Auditor aad his so tawwiadged agents, and the motwy paid brtb tnmmutt on fhe y k,utU'. Gorman msasured the portia of the su pream court reports printed by them for Mr. Turner by the quad, em, and that Mr. Turner measured by the letter eis ia charging the slate for the same work. I am told by the book keeper that Nich ols A Gorman's own account was present ed aud paid by the state and that for that work no account was ever made out by the mcrnoci. office. Tlnu aijiiin it is stated again it is stated by other that one mode ol measurement su use, J by jiarties who t.Kik a sub con tract under the stab- printer during the rush of work ou the nilR-m hm iit trial, and that another iniule of ineariirc nent was adopted by the state printer ji PDrgmjrtDts-oTlt tp thl' stale. . itus I his. work, did tJicir own measuruiieoJ, aod were paid by this office, and the very Hume lueaaurisBeiit w um il in ihe 1 Imr-e to Uisatafethy Hie Sr"riM-.i...n nil tti w.srk. Tlie woik In re referred to wss Kirk's tiius ter rolls snd tlwy were all ineksiir.N not fry fit UUrr tin, and charge. I at cootrsct itii 'e-i I.. 1 the truth pieall anil jiintiee b- lloll. .ISO HI'KLMAN. FUOM H .IA VI. ti V SlieeUI lis(siU:h to the Itsiltmore tun Work liUk-hkt Out in ttongrt1 -Amnrnly The Turiff mi I the Piutc tuuUU VulU ml Mutter 'iril Serrire Hr"rmt, it-c. WASrHSOTi'H, IKt. II fluie were uenrly om- hiiinlred slid twenty-live bills iutroducid 111 ('ongresa today, besides two joint resolution proinsing nmend niertts to theco;iiitituUi, oneniukitig nat uralize. I citicii eligible for the I'residen cv, .til. I another pio iding lor sistolute ftee trade. 1111. 1 1 he vitilMtttutioii of direct t a x aliou iu ils plate. Probably two third of these measures wili never rat pcar sVm a 1 ilia ii whk -sT-we Bsferreil. 'Lki- mnat impurtant f Uies bills, however, wei those intro.lm e.1 in tlie bonse Ui carry Hat Inn provision ei tha trusty of AVnsliingl.in, to create a labor bureau, aud those in the senate t alsirWi the internal revenue bureau and to raise the In un whisky to eight iMila. But few meetings of coininittaee ii! Ix' held liefore the recess, which the M .use to.. lay voted to commence on the 2i 1 o liiei.; will he little or BO sctiim ... i '. . ight hundred bills pending lnn- I II K AMN KSTT Jtt TTICB. , Met poUlical diasbiiiiy ooinniilt of (lie s u .:e, at their ineelin' to day, decid ed to 111H rl by ihis nisiority, and aubse ipiepil O.d report, the" house bill of last g-s.n liii-h graiita anmesfy to all per son ec pt tlioee whrt were in the anny or nntv and cvni;ress of the Cnited I Ut..t.ri. L....I l..f ll.u uium Lrt iiMn IIim em fed.-nu'y. If This bill should pass the senate in this shape an effort will be made in the house to sulsiliLute universal am n.-sly and enact it into a law before the holiday recess. Tlss feeling in the house iu tavof of suincstyis certainly much stronger thau it waa when it passed the bill last spring, which waa rejsrUMl in the senate to day. TnS DBWUCBATMJ ( SIN OB. The demucrats have decideit not to call rwiieus ft to-morrow ulht, airil tin Consideration of the questions to lie brought be Cora it will, therefore, be proba bly BMattpotwd till the middle of January. None of the anti Orant reinibliosiiis hsve as yet made any proffers of conference or compromise, or suggestiou of any kind, ex-ept to advise that the "one terat " primiplu for thai presidency bo made a plank In all future national platforms. U4VSHUMKKT FBAPD9ABO OlISITtWK. Thcru was quite a long and interesting discussion In the. senate to day on sesatur TniuibuM's proposition for a joint com mitlee to investigate and propose mea urea of reform in every department of the government, the administration senators very generally taking ground against any siu'li step, while the Illinois senator claimed that fraud and corruption seemed Uibvhidikn in every branch of the ser lice. He dwelt hi the condition id alfairs develoMi by the old retrenchment 1 ..iiiinillse in the New York cui.Mii house, and the character of the appointees u i.ler colln-tor Murphy. Il was replied that Murphy bod collectail mora rnveuue item any id his wedernwso-s. Just as the delte priHiiisetl to, lie exciting, a motion prevailed to go into execntive session, ami no vote waa reached. Il will be alti iualely voted doWH. ' 1 ofgsa of tha northwest, say, editwriaJly ; Tber is no hope of the ..cojntrv . moat rnrmpt, the must sordid, tha moat stupid, the moat hopelessly j. ined to it idols, tlie nation ever saw. Thai people demand a change, and they will have It. If the republican cannot give it to them, the democrat must." Some idea of the injury caused by ia srets to agricultural products may be formed from the statement that, sevsaty four ton of PpanWi wheat stored in a granary, ten hundred weight of Uvtles crs screrned oat in swe instance, and iu ainrthsT thirty Bve huudrew weight were raiovesl frntw'ime hundreil and tiwty iva wwis of American com. TwXjriuk left tUsn recently in a ski& kw Mobita, Mores oa boanl two kettles irf peppermint and a blanket . , ' ' A family in PorUaiul receetly colelirated Ihetwuttiuh anawrawsryta'tlMir wathiiag by ttif hiarriag.f two wftlieir daBghtera. loditoilj.l RPICD, N. 0.. OTGRM Genenl Assembly. BKHATX 1 Th senate mot at th 1 WJ Tasjonsl ef mtird..... w . igfffttd..;;.i ... ? Mt, Lov reported fhni I fill KrriMndlri.v. 1 ' . I " , x-oiuiion in regard tobublic chord, w topL.. r The bill to chang. the tiweof hdin net, was pnt upon its reBdtnff. ' Ut. iUSI aUDDOTtlxl Ska kill I. U. prearat form. it. Mr. Kihu oppoaad its mnai 0 The biU passed 82 to i. ' BMKV.41, OaViaa. . 1. Th bU toeMbBBSSW UU Sn..La , U sUto for btwidSjsV - ... V jnmitni.T.. nitawea a an uiiendituC- Hr. AlXBB regretted exeeailia.wi t. diSet with biB (rteodsnn this or any oliiei question. He favored Bay practicable man nor of ejecting a eomproaiise of tha state'a lialnlitlea, bat oooUl not consent to the prnpiwitioB to levy a tax to pay the interest 011 the remainder of the debt after the sale of the state's stocks, as proposed by the substitute. At this time the people were not in a condition to bear the proposed tax, and this wss a para mount conaideration with him. He held that the legiaUtnrs, as the agent of the people, could not close its eyes to this tact. He did not regard Dm constitntioi . ajmiuirement as to the interest il the debt mandatory, but as subject to tlie ability of the eopk to pay. Now th amount of the debt was uncertain, it be ing estimated at from twenty to forty mil lions, and until that otienrWa waa settled -dwvsawl.vh saand a wWfgWa- to Lmiremant sraa rrandulsinli. i .-J .-1 n-quirrmsut waa frauduienUt inserted ami he lelt no obligation U otaas-ve It H denieil that tlis people had ratified tiiat nquimnout la the rate election He proposed to give the people of thr state a chance really toaipress their opiu Situ ob tlie matter and he would then re v'ai.l h inst lf bound by the dachtion. At praseut h favored tlie scheme for sacer ihIihiu' old adiuating the debt, and after mis he uohld sustain the measure pro miled lor in Ihe adjustment. H w as not or r. pu.listitin in any sense. Mr. M.sinb would not levy one rent ol ai to ay the intwiwt un the deb', ills 1I11U in the senate was to Is'netit, 1101 .ijurc his const itui'nts. Tlie Hsipk; were not able to pay the lax. He regarded tin result ol the last election as a ratification f all the provisions of the consti lutiun, but as those provisions cmi fHcted, he, like Mr. Allen, woeh) adopt that construction most to the ad vantage 'if the people. Mr. Uii.mkr asked Mr. Moure what po sition lie took on Ihroblitratinn to levy the tax. In his advocarv of the convention bill in ('raven hixi summer. Mr. Miniiik did not think he expressed iny opinion en the subject at that time. 4l took iu open iswitioB even e the i. pwwion' ftk TrrfirroeoTTj' stating that ho mvonNf tlie sale of Ihe stAte's sUuks in her puMic works rowarifs Ihe lliUil.ktii.u ol the ri. Il, but w.Hild no farther. Mr. Cu mi n -.m, ho h id Ihe densuniol defeBilin Air Mis.re Inuii the asssiilts 01 Judge Dick 111 the li.ln csoipViyii, undei standing tliat he had matle an ehtlioraU speech in liivor of tin' noavnition in Car teret county, and w as sorry to find he hail erfonitel a mistaken IhImmt of love. Mr. M ttata H rcpUsi by staling thai it the boffinnuig ihe campaign bis npin kin ran that way. hnl lowants its ckw h had changed f r " reasons lasst known t. himself. 1 lie had maiiu 110 pubihi d i-tii n tiou ef bis opiuiousu Hr. Vi.kuuimo boucstiy lslieve.1 th. provision in lbs oonatiliiliua pruviibn.' for the public debt was inaHdatorv. Hm 1 wise he would vote against levying a is. to meet tlie tutereat. Ua thtHubl Mr I Chilian 'a solicitude for the unfoilui.al. and the infanta of the state sbuuUt ninip' him to support tb jMssieut nunnra. At this point, M . fsve oil. re. I his bil1 as a subelituta. This bill will be I'oiin.i elsewhere in' to day's psor. Mr. Futsauiu resumiil. Ho st-nat. bsd deoieil the huutsUy uf tlie ileui pni posed Ut be settled lbs only oly.-et betnj. bi put off iu sett lament. Mr. K. insistsil lbu!tuoW was the time. The peopW waailii ehis-rfully avail tlieiuaelvus ot the pro posed compromise, Tua esuitipiieity ol fiMpusitioiis was MupliuiUg th BMUcr. ut some one pUa auuht be airvasl to lbs was (or oucriag Um eradiiurs ihetsTiu propusad by the oooiutittee, aad if they refused to accept tlututv Iw would lool al aolved from further oliliaiioo. Th plan of Mi. Lsivv, ba thought, would mt aa swer the purpoasi. Mr, K. prurerdaMl si s.ime leuglh. The stale tax ktst par v ji cents oa tltu UK); llw uWeaae in state expenaui wou.tl sadm-at thai IU tiiia wiiU Um extra Ui u JU- muitsievifei List year to uioet a ih rh iciM'j, would m .ke up the sum pn pomd to pay tlie intereai on tha reduceil debt. Mr. Lmsttv pndetred the word " rc distiou " Ui fon-ad coaipnuuise," lor. th latter loeaut nothing ebu. lie regarded all the proposition isiling as noUiiiui but repudiation. Ileiavured Mr.lyv'alali bec.tuse it Called things by iImiit p"!'' names. He would give to the atal. s creditor all the properly Ui utile had but nothing more. v Mr. Dakoa oould not snppori th. prnpieilioo of Uio eatnmitlee, fW fl. lea si ib that ba waa wot ealiariad in re-.;nrd to the amount of the slate's real ikt,Vnn be dhl aot satertain, ia any way, ibr c.t sideration oi tha fiaudahsnt d.t. ; He rerogniied the ilebt creattsf hrrisw th war and that of tha IsvWaiaje nf tHM be aarrrtabaed ha tVsr a winht VKtr to meet it, jH& Vffgtik fMs, alttliti DotwltliWaiidiiSg " Uw dtntPBtlleT of ffie tmt Tb bill piorMiasd hy lite eomrmt tea requUed Baa 4W,000 and this, added teth ordinary peases of the jroveiniuent, would crash lb fMOpbi to tha aarth. Tbea it was pmjwaed to hwy this tax next year without any knowledge as to whether tha proprsiod cwnproaiiaa wooM be sc cepted. Far tha rcaana aloa be womld oppose th bill. HS fsyored a comuvts sioa to aaosrtain th) asaet aiwnant of the debt aad to aroawaM a coasprrwwhw, Snd rf tlist ware tiiea arrewied. aw wnuhl vote t" provWJa ft it. la Brgai" allegations of sworn daty aiul I he ml iwurina f jury, Mr a did aw bebwra that the or l'siiic Uw cxU order hbw ttkaa vawle tn do anything be4sii. tha reach of hw iodgmea and diaerctAOB. U aaderatood his obligatioa to ba aabjact la hit right to txarciaa hi jshlgmaat aa to tb condi tion of the pfria i that atatter. Tha ferat "Bptwooriata kTahtosi jnaUned htm la this view, and ba could not thiak that rrgisUtwo -sppromw" f 1 A crwah Bad ttaa 1 tha ' sVeadd iut ' awdentaaw was wllatt BsMnd Bs BJVV tMK ll.m loU Bcqurt ibsir awalrtehnW1btTOr'tB TBii .teyl UQ? J U J WB proposed wy to firBiBra itJBawilMliiasi) nisb hs) peopW h OMMNWat tsMmr awiF lM dr UsMh4B ear latter, btrr -ww aVassd to erusblBg thavpawpMi tw rlasth.l Mr. JoasMssid, ttW sessstor rVaw Abbbb U brwsgfit bar wpe IbW WII lh livers ef Mb fidieulst a wjapei ab sVI Btany tiaas om this Boor wrffer two rati um beratM) Ml UM Wmy I a Mttht selsawn trirth, vwry ioleew b dkd. Mr. Psesideot, ts ttte fntorw ofRorth cLwttsM, and to tbht (mrk I mpo ta aiitreas asawf rr t las tamt I a kBVBvaracsMi the wittsrsat twli oesn war tf W wMN, rnrwrii taut that it was war to which stal. a 'agaiewt iu tgweram .sthMj IJty" behalf of thi intelligence en. Integrity, I desirs to say a tef worda I have ba toned to the argoments that soaght to shaolve us reoas oar ohligation fn regard 10 this debt, bat to my mind they sr weak and evasive. No one will Serb maty insist that ws are not bound m honor and good faith to pay to the atnvw of our sliility. Mnch has bean said about frauds and special tax Umds. WHh thi-se we have nothing to do. This bill deaU only with the old debt. That debt was solemnly recognized hr the legislatures of IHCS snd 'ttl, and I HIT. They snthoriued the isaaav of some of llu-se very bonds, those .far funding the accrued intereat ; they bsd the same assets from which to raise revenue that we have anil no mom, they were dealing a we are, with th old debt alone, tbay represented as wed 4 the dnvienctii . parti, tlia property an 4 I ""'''"" '"' f,,r "'J ,'I'J.I "Mltrlnltlb fdito.a . wilrtllUsj rBrn from them. What we eeii do I shall do: vhatwe earriot do I shall, not attempt. Hits bill, if it accomplishes anything will relieve our people of at feast fKir tosa inillions of debt, will relieve wnr pro sTty of an incubus that aniounla to mure than 18 1 8 per cent of its entire value and as aoonenjuettce will aiid that unount lo iu value in the maikets of the world ; it will add five times that amount lo its- value by incrrasinif the demand .ir oUr laii'ls. 'I lie lids of imntiration has lieen turned ai.le from our boribjn tiecsuse of this vei . b:, or rather be - iiiise by our ielfe't indifTrrenra to, ami languid neglect of it. We hel l out the con lei 1011 to the world that we were hope-i-ssly Insolvent, utterly dospnrate, broken piritsd and resigned. Put this debt ins manageable shape, let the world know what It ia, let llu m know that wu call I war it in its mpoM'd lorn without seri ous detriment to our inhttrtl interests and we shall have the im migrant and the capitalist. It only rnqiiirea a tax of one itth of one pur cent on property and six ly 01 ills ihi the Mdl to aceomplish this, nd I will asy that the proposed rwdiie turn by couKresa of the Internal revimon las will take from a fissr times as much JuavOussAsa stvsfwsW'Ar-atf avema we can I aiar tots tax and eannnon aonuwy re .Uires st leant this much at onr hands. It lias been said that the people need not I war iL lietter bt-ar it, Mr. President, ihsn to bear the evils of the dark future that will follow a cenfession of our insolvency ; lietter bear it ihsa to bear tba Bcora of tlie civil sad world snd the execrations of that posterity you are about to dishonor and to ruin. I apeak, I know, in the spirit nf ur dead atatesnieti who lived ami strive to baild up the bissor and fair fume of tlie sate and I ieak to in th apirit is) her lead sons sli.av live were given in d fans of that hot or and that fame. Vor . I will not dishonor them I will not: .fee party pUl forms ttsin tha ruin of she state. It it li unpopular to do rights lor one I am willing to go again mto the aiwwity and have our glorious pvrty light its way op to VKli-y 4a the fntur. it has done in tlw past undat the baa , :m of integrity, honesty and good faith.: Mr. tlaABAH, nf Orange, entered into tn rxplaattoa of the question as presented ia tlie various propositions. Mr. IjesreV 111IL he said.would aaerificetbe aisle's pro s-rty for a mere song, snd he poinlnl out tiss Amenities in tba way aa account of tin several aiorteseaa. riar the msw part all that Mr. Lowe coold salt was the state' eq uity of radetnplion. Mr. Lova expbuiwd that the avopnsi tioa,waa ta sell aiersly tlie state's Interest, whatever it might be Mr. Obaham peaaisHd to e oaaaaa tha stocks nf the stale wilh tha holders of tha bmxht, He tbeti went Ma to say that the qnsrrsst olj.ii. to t he pmposeil plan waa that sf Mr. Allen and 4r. tMrgasi that they did a.) . ire ix aot amount of tha slate deiit. X. . said thai Uw reports of tlie pul.l..- .Mm sliowad no dii-eeepaiirj, bmI th t the siBtniiKta ia regani to it had all been etarrMnly Imaight down front I lie lime nf iav. vrortn vo ine present nay. 11 was un-awit .lur bi the officers liavinK Ihe Mi.-lller in charge that he should state this. Ia re gwftl to the eHilMirunsweiit grow iuf out T the runstitiHl..nal peovhaon, ami bilhi uismioM taken by the onmatrvauve bsif bus mtity Iu the k-irisiativc addreas if nasi simom. he said the peo(le hsd beea lol1 in the a. Idnwa that lur is.rswi tulioa inipo-tsl the iluti -nf levying the lax and it asked tbeui U leis ve Ihe assem bly isf liar niTtsaaly by changing Ihe of ganie law. Iha the other hind I he se iMIlMVau nasi told tlie imsmhv- I It ibi need net be levied - that thxv oompn.Htise Ihe debt. , The remih of the ehsrikM JKB lllr. BOHpaVi dkt. Wot -tBiw tba kwMsiurc t kuvv lhalai and r. fe-r itoBsetubars-of tluljidtiigaiina, Jbtt tba still rrnuusaoi Ihe otiligali.ia to iwovida fMjksJia's rmtil.awd it Was pn-pwsed 1st fi!ssiic jig Uie erobbMs, Th. re ooald be ibig wrong M that. Ilie s)ana'j aAjajMi tos1 af twtaiijaipiajiB, fitiiWt 'if am.' tUifSinfi isi av4 this, east Mr. (i.Vgataj aol that if th senate tbaaght tkry would not, that tM ifoesttoa asigikt rsMsalaiit4ed to tbaia next Angost. All that Ml Lure deatard eould be achiev ed by the aropnaitiiam nf tkc etmimi t tos. Iliasiliiti'ii to rapailmla were so oiimw wsato BsuMt. ami wmild have to WsW d by vrt hyMaiare war the ant tba saad years and still ihe Bonds wsstld be haasnsig nvar th staia. He arged avewi- to asmst up in usB mat tor aast settle it at ssca Taa stale was Uaiad to 'pay debt, bat she cast eaane jp frank ly aad say aba caawot, bat wilt way what she I abta. A iwftiaat to do tbia waa rssslustioa. H haliavrd there ikl ent a rn -.wnea laws aaiw ibi ta stewpiad by a ebasa of atea vaa wit an hanas to hrry a tax f twwBty asaB) way ua toM of tna It aught awsTKaa uasa yes. Us tins voaldsarsiyc G had aows 1 ttax to pay For hiaaasff be, Mr. dot, lie osuid aot iaf Uf-t-,Ulri Jli ) t ..CIb ?i pTprajad ttjiy all 'tfjOh WU bh' to Mrt M raarttow repeated that ba wodl wnicn rc aauruc nnoinn. x nnv wsra ot tharw to do vrhat they fnVhf : aud iff 9Htm Wa-lsTjasr .'cruL m tu w aa atn rt-hd W tI tb jro of fha wsspl was tha voir ot Ood, sod tbtolvad them from th obligation No man had fbailafamooit t -jip'fvf'''lba tut Ui, aad 1n this wji yi th sense of tb paople. ' Thi protwa' wooia enng Bp th mmrot to b fxillectad to sixtr two eetrt thrtto porpnaot; knij if th ttl wora ftrrlad there was no guarantee that th next regislsture .would contlDU to V-rv ft: ami H ws doubtful If th eterTltor ; wonUl accep 'tb proporitioa witboot a guawnte for tba Ibttua, ''Mrs- Obsbast skiaf what gaarsntea " Uf. JbiJAaiwiwivplisd Miat it irotuiTb friusi to th oblipirion member Bow fee) impoaed Bpoa them.' Il Concluded j tating tht h val not wilting to lay bra, bat he favored a proposition to com praiirhTe wfth tho creditors' and would afterwardi vote to meet the olittgation, Mr. Rotiiit!!, of Rowsn, wa opprwed to Mr. Love's substitute, a th Bale of the state's property, a proposed, would result in nothing. The mortgage now resting apon th property would place it beyond tha reach of all but bondholders, who oould combine and get possession of It for a mere song. II did not think ui honest debtor acquitted, him self ef his obligation to creditor when he turned over to him worthies or depre ciated property. In an honorable trans action a man' -word aad " honor ware involved, aa was th stab;' honor and credit in the futurs ite, air.i iv, wouia ao notblnu that sa vored of repudiation. This was true of th people of th state tlso, who would rather com prom its Ihoir debt thtn to got tid of tt for nothing. He wu In favor ot the proposition of the committee. And it was riecessnrv tot the .success of th smcme-' rust it should lie adopted by almost an unanimous vote. Ut Deral con sent was eqnisite to give confidence to the ni sii e It should not go' forth ts a party measure, but as the act of the rep remiitnlivi of ihe whi.le saple. if this could not U- n.i .MiioiUlu be for one would not vote for it, for the measure would 1 fui lie, and not In cn"se he was afraid to put himself on the record. Mr. MtrKr said the only objection to the substitute of the rmmnitb-e was the proposition to levy the ta. Mr. Gra ham, he aaid, waa wHlitic to submit that feature of it to a vote of the people, and ne, sir. m., tnongtit that with that pro vision, all might witir to Its support All were agreed that sonic plan wu necessary to relieve the state, and this tax feature was the only obstacle. Mr Ki.u said tlie iioople were not ablu to pay th 1 imposed tn. He wu hre-i pared to give op alt, tlie atsle'a atoe.its bu would pay no mor' Mr. Ubauabi, of Orange, said ho ws wining to Accept uie amendment stig giwted try Mr. Vuiincy. Mr. Lova said that was not tlie only question. . 7it qaaton was would Ihe annate dare to levy a tax tn pay the state debt, when ft waa known that llictiebpl never intended to pay any at It t It was nonsense to talk of (wyiiig the debt.' inrre nd ncen trxi much notiinlcriiig alMurt the debt. Why was the delil noli hetrrg- patdflfow rfiucnliad iHs h'paiil sihe the wsrf Four hiiltl in of bondi asd liem fssiiei sm c the war to par th Ik.t .a... .i. l.. sl ... . 1 .v .1 " hit "ii in, ir'iiii aiucri uoilltri mid been revved njl.l tile intereat Waal still running on That waa paying interiJtj with a Vengeance ! On the Very bonds Ii ned to pay thin Inteiest, a mil tercst hd accrued, and not a dollar of in. interest had been paid in the niiwiitliiic. 1 the people could py their debts, he cob tlniKMl, they wi.ald He ' pioud ot; th stafe" fair biine, 'and would do notti big to tamtsh ft. All he vked was that; tlie state should hr 'atloweit tn dn what ai. Indlvi.hial Iwuklipt ran dn, and n.nhinu more. The state wm rnliie.1 and could imlv asy, all t have 'fin muy take and msce mc oest ..1 u. The lim. sustaineil ly the stare in the emancipation of her staves, 3t,c , np m -.vliicli wss bascl th old teM, srooltt ji.ii 'at' the state's bhicbted miss and leave Ii. r in t prosperous eonjl Moil'-' Mr. Wonnt ssk.l Mr Ive If hi pwip ositkin to sell the state's Interest In her works fiw cash wonld not throw thi whole pMperty into th hands of some monicl nmceni.iit the1 detriment of the bsjidhotder, who were scattered alt avor the country and ncrhaiM etironef -r. I.nvx s;ilil ttie state' Intrrrst In thi-ar woraV. though nomlnufly tussnted by million. ii fnsigiiirlcsnt. tie roncludcd bv saiii'i; thai the Denule favored" Ms J plan snd if not adopted they 0Utd send men tn Irir! leglslarure wlio wouM carv it Hit At this point Mr. Uivegtve wsy to a motion t adioqrn. On mots n .f Mr. ilriheni, c4 Orange, the ui ittiT Under discussion wsa made ttrrpaf order for 10 1 J a'clk, to, msrrn. 1 Mr. Ai nittns-r rqir1e.I sundry blllscor nvtly enmrted. Mr I.ihNKV, sundrr eoLTisoad bills. Mr. Iboan tnoved to nronsider the vote reiwrinsi fhe nav.liitlon in favbVof tlie sheriff ef .wsdrson, and that the motion be twist rsmeo., Agrerrrto. to iiwainn irfj Mr. flemnting, , the araanr aopsarneo. novn of itmtKSrmiTVEa ; Tni'swtrar, firvs. I t. Hrf l. Haia railed to ranter at tlie usual boor. hi rr nu ol I. aterdsr rtssi siin a. Mr. fwawfisnl preaeotel petition from Mriwm '-!rtMs, ''IWplta ominty : raierrra HrpiirtB from vartoo standing cooimit- toa were an isaiit tssl. " ) By Mr.- pan ham : A resolution ia n gmrd to public printing ; placed on ctlea- 'ar. . , . , .. Br Mr. Dunham A lesoltill.m of ln- Wrni-ttoa b the public iresaurar ; ifrre4 fir rmwuiom, mi.t resoiutioa to taka a recess from December tt 1871, to Jaaoarr' Wb, tT! ; pla -d on calendar. By Kr Joyaer, of Johnsbm : A bill to smeed cfaaptor iSl. section S, law 1979- 71 ! laftrred. " Rv Mr. OortaBd; A tail to reoaal rbaptor t4, Uvsr of ,IS7t "fl referred. By Bfliwas, cof. : A bifi to Inotrporato Victor lira Co., Mo. t. Raleigh1; teforrad. Br Mr. MHcbslI : A bill to allow tcbool cowamHter ;a tot tbeir smlcet; ,ra- Mr. Bparrtrw, fronj the jqdHart eon ajttMeV auboirtted thv fillowing report isss MshsnaY rraolntloa to raise a loiut leaiaiirte (w iavoBtig ate' i-h lrgei of kn klMthwa sgalnat ewrtam tuerabrra and of arrtaiat the gswaral aasraabty : -The yadtcsary aowwatHea lewDom was tWlkvvew HaMwwaViBvw atob to m vwstigato osrtoia eharav-B agar! V; Jf, Mtrwdwtrb: aad other. Metnnar aasf afflaair-' of - tJW gewerat aulllblL raevw Had rh aaiaa i:wJnfflof aiv iepaeAdly napart t -f'C.L ! Taa Usseoskgres or raw vx cwr- ha appomted oormahte to Inqair toto the tsi'ittobaW of wrifsAlxattooa' sc as tbaa BKwtiraaed hi She rcantattoa ; wh ban tWraef, aad what owtragea. tf awr, apon tl persona or property clthssea. have baw "eawjmittod br aucl sMmbsrs; snd hsa also coafcrrad vrpoi ba t'aiaad 'Matof wawrta to the t stales, )nns.liettoa tor tha truu am Uhaarwtaf nta Mas ar traces ak saaasa.a T1U -oiwiimtoaasj ia I ttoar a Waahl.,Bi i, mih aswaria 1 t..r wemina and Pa tiers. Bfid COrirt iili eiws.MW "wss'i,isVtatoslii4d f orTeniiers with grand jury WHOM swarw doty tt la to task diligent luqulrj aad trwe prnaasttsoent ef th asm. Tha togiriatoxw of North Carolina at it last tssaian sasaed aa act lor suppreesioa of all secret -political organisntiotia, making violations of th law a rulsdis meanor, punishable on convictioi by fin or imprisonment or both, at the discrei tton of t He tadgce of the superior courts. The resolutlou demands of this general assembly, that ' it shall hiterfere in case which are ojien to judicial proceedings, and assume original furisdhti m therxif, eontrsrv to the principle of the consti totioa."' In the opinion of this committee, it is neither proiier nor axpedient for this gent era) assembly to organise itself into an in. qubjitoritl eourt lor the trial of alleged, misdemeanors, .which may bar been corns Ksitto-brtonespwr; a to trr eWpacj 'InTJItW ttOt wowld b grot inhatiet to a member of this body, aad a violation of his most ascend right as s eitimn, to institute an inquiry here into alleged misdemei air eisasmitted by him not in his capacity of a representative, (tending perhaps an Inquiry Into or as indictment before thu courts for the same offensr f This comniitlee knows no reason why on etas of bulirtabtr i.ffimders sgninst th laws should be calhvl to answer al tha barof either House of this general asaeai bly, more than another class. These are matters for the courts, snd not properly within the jurisdiction of a delibera tive body such as this, Apart from these considerations as to th substance, there k s fatal objectiou tn the form of the resolutions. Under no rirennntancti would it be proper to raise a joint committee of both houses to in sjeire into the conduct of members of tho general assembhr, since it would be a violation of the privilege of either Ittvusd mr tlie other to Interfers In It govern The omnmittee rcsprctfutly ncomrneail that the resolutions do not pass. , T. SPARROW, Ch,m,n., ' The lf.msfjerhli.nrbr the (natter was. postponed until to-morrow at I0( o'clock By Mr. Welch : A bill to authorize tba commissioners of Haywood Ciluuty to sell a portion of the poor house lauds; placed on calendar. By Mr. MrXclll : A bill to allow thd Ciniinlani,iiifni of Riilamtin county to ad -I lust the debt of the county : referred, By Mr. finikin : A resolution asking f r a sUtemeut of lb.' salanos of lb 'ffiosrs of I be Insane Asylum; plai-td 01 ine eaionuar , On nioli iu ol Mr. BnMidfooL tha bill iuo p.val IUm PayettevilW Building an. Lous AssociaUou w as taken up and pasaadj ita seooad reauuiK. . tpK(;iAa, on nam The bill to rori.rn for the collection of xw by ihe stale and by the several conn -j t- of th" state lieing the special order! tor thi- hoar, rt was taken up snd read. Ai'er'iro.lcrgoing a ffcat dual of amend meut the bill pamod its third reading byl vote of yeas (IS, nays 19. I Mi fhinrmm moved tn snspend tin J ftile and take nn rti resoiutioa itistruri J Ing the public treamrer not to receivo in er change fr any bonds belonging to ant rallmail ia this state now mr depisMt ia tlie treasury, or thasf snay tar hereafter deposited , any bond or bond Issued during the session or 1 - vt saa neawo a special tax Bond t loss, - On mflttoa of Mr. tyarrow, the rrsoln kloMo ralsa a Joint cwrtndttr to mqnrrcj toto1 th geroiineiHWB and tnthestidty ofl a letter read bafbra TH hntas by Mabaoo eol., pmaortisg to bar beea written by one Daniel fjttta, nf Orsng ermtrty, mak ing charge against t member of tho aoase. Was taken up and adopted. Ilea ohrimn pabtraiiev beror. Oh motion pf Otwthoni, col., the rean mvt.m taking a reress from tlie Wd Of Di. flf to Jan. 8th, 1878 Was tear np. - .Mr, ftjitirrtw moyed Id lay the waolii- Ham t.a fhA ltil - erriwt hv 111 east. Int vote nf the spraker. On motion nf Mr. Johnston, of Run enrhlss tbe bill to Incorporate village of Kicelslor. llura CMiaty, was Uken up. tsiit nni'iirtg any definite teflon tlie house dflnlU acymirued A BILL TO BK KJJTTTLED AH ACT TO AlXJl'HT AND PAY OKr TflK KMTIRR lEBT OK THE 8TATK. Wrkubas: By the rasult of tlie late war, tha people ul tlie date of North Carolina were deprived of their vested riirhte in more than three hundred thooa- aud ala Ve Worth ttf the aggregate poe hundred aad eighty minions of dollar: aad, wUeresa,-: from the awn tarts the real enUt la Korth Carolina suffered prr1!!!!1 n Hve IpSft firty pijlljijn perty f the 'state to tl( amoua t of ixtv! Mtfr'itfirh-wHtlH to.yod, malting a grand aggregate of auotit uirea nunureu-luiiuows ui ooiiara, greatly impoverishing btthnrte proa pema ana . pcconisrily icdstswdeat people, willing, ana bdm to pay all their ust liabilities; aad. Whereas, brtfie re sult aforeasid, tba people of the state, a t wboje, are mad poor indeed; and, whereat, tbe people of Korth Carolina, wbll ItuDoed with the great losses, ature- said, and cripplesl try illiberal federal bgisJation, Wits over run by a horde of political ailvenlUMjrs, wbom aociduat aloae Bad brought to tbe surface; and, whereat, taij adveutaicr and co wnrkats have destroved th hitherto health finan cial eondiUoa of tbe state, aad nudered it immasuble M tba oppfesaed poop's oi North Carolbt to pay either thoaocn Inai, or al debt ef tbe State, sJlhar dur ing tba present w tut future feneration to coma. Tbasrfora, . . BrcTio I. TTu General JswaaVv ef SortX CsWina V suit, That , aad , be, tad ther are harrbjf tutnorfzed VOL I.4K0: a aadl aaipoWered, fully attif to aMntciits and TWripoaes, to oflW W "p'tibWJIilrTsl publie outcry, to tba highest bf JdW at 1 he eourt he.isw-Tonr B tbsi ewv ar tjitT;ri: 4fejfh rfflrntlt TTW,rbOHlUuT;tlST'' . ". . e "' onnareu anu scveniy two, lor cam. in hahdl: jjW:.eoiae and ewrlwtobrrMtr, Vf thastati of Knrth tJfaa,''ti-'Uaes.-w.e gojy t ; bjax fe:BieuEgiwl2JfcS-i,f iaternal itMprovomeut, owne.1 by the smue, totWlrrtrt tMrSr:-" ":: ;;:';:" '"' ' . 1st. Tbwiatoto't iwtorest ia tba North fioBn Italiroail. . . , td. In tba Atlantic and North Carohua ftailroad. ' ; ""' ' '" - V la tha Waste RaHroad. ; , Atk, la .th JBtorni Uftstoa ot the Woatera Sort Carolina ltoilroad, . . Stli. In the Wetrt IM vision of flic Western North CaroHa Ttallwd. -wk. a t ha-eV akanaftoa, Vaawt. i and )thurtir.l JWliuadL.f j. 1th. Iu the iioanoko Kovigatloo Cow hanv1' ''f ' - - -- u " . T ,bti.C. 3, fitud anlo slialrui bo vvuu tuio iitcr, until tiuc notice o( tlie sumc shall be given, by tdvertlsnnenf, for the spnro of at least ninety days, through two M w newipniNira puUishe.1 iu the city of l.alcigli, aud one each iu llic city if WaOungtou, and in the city of N". w York. Bar. H. That Cite amount of money n -ueivBii by tliv Conimiaaioutm al.sruaaiii, by virtue of, an. I in consequence of thu sale sfbrcraid.l, shall la- at once doposifed by rhiun witlf Public Treasurer of the wtirte, for site k. . pin;-, who shall be held 1111 snsrulilu lor sucli nsoncy, in full, ia the same way and manner, as Ire is for ollm ptiblle binds, placed in his care, and flu Its faithful disbursement, according to tho provisions uf this act. Skc. 4. It shall further lie the duly wl the Commissioners aforesaid, lo ascertain the noxmt of J-,J?ojjiled-b.U, .tfis will have accrued on said debt, up to (lie day of sale, by them to lie fivcei, nndi 1 the rlrst arcti.m of this sxt. w hich mm ef interest shall bo added to the outsUidii; debt, as ascertained under this Mjion, aud the amount, shall 1m- taken to be, 1 1... anmi'aai debt of tho state of North t'aroli na. Mac. 5. It shall further lie U1.1 duty el the couimiasioners aforeeaid, to ascertain the market value of the bonds of the slate of North Carolina, herctofom referred fo in this sx't, as pioUl iu the city of N. York, on the twelfth day of Dei.iubvr, one thousand eight hundred and sewnty one, and as said market vahir is to one hUDdred, so shall the mil ileU ot the stitte of North Carolina be, as coinpaiud with the nomiiini debt, as uscctUiued un der section four of this act. ' Sao. . It shaft wrtticrrathB duty til the commissioners aforesaid, alter ascar taining the amount ol the nominal dubl ui the state, under suction four of this acJ, snd the rsvif debt of the state under sec tion fire, and the market value of Ue lioad as aforesaid, aud after ha.i;; made tho sale and aipasit as afirehaida,t make a furUisw-stimste, tot rat.jrirtrlasaiw! the imouht ol hionry reahnil by Uiii sJllrH v aloresaid, will nay upon thu real, debt of the state, which estimate they shall sub mil to the treasurer of tho state. In a w rit ton report, within ton days after the day of sale aforesaid. Hbc. 7. It shall thoa become the duly of the treasurer nf the state, upon the pie imitation at his counter, and surrender to him, of auy of tlie IkjikIs aforesaid, to rt duce them to their real vsisa, aocordAUg to the provisions oi ibis act, ajul . pay thereon such rate per rent., as may M h.4 forth in the rr port of ttte mmiti fliers Uorviu n inu ii, aud requiresl under auctkun six of this act, the same Iwing tukcit bj the holders of said bonds. In full aattsfuc. tion of the same, snd no other or ftirther sum sliall ever he paid lln reort H. That nil omids sitrmndenal uudei Uio provisious of Uiis act. and. u sreordauce with the prococdipg sectiuti, shall lv, from time to time, burned ly thu treasure mi the first day of earh succeed ing nioala in the praseno of the gwvamoi and altornty general, a record of the ksiuu being first made, in brief, and filed jrt the treasury department. , ' " bar. 0. la making np this anrmjat r port luiresi'ter, it shall l the duty oi lav tressuror tp refer to tbo boO'W Jibt l , th state as recogrrir.ed by this'act rtiify so far ss may be neccawy to give in round number the Amount of m sfi iv. d n.l .1 ltl . I' . . J . apw wmvjvu S1SIUSI IVIUSUDI IS O-ue of issue or date of maturitr - showing, llai amottrrt Jf money paid therefor, ami Uk& manner Mir amount miitmblg oV ttm aoaiutal itobt -.v t Sx. 10. That all bond issued in a under the jireteiidcst authority of tlit state ot North Carotins., airlce said first day of May, ana thsaiaand eight hnadred xl sixty live, bar beea. jrrcgaiar, at iaaaal by snd unilaa UiadimuUoa ef itraspuiui ble ptrtl., snd in violation of the rights and wda.rs of tlie great mass of the tav paying , aan, hj of NottU CHroHna, I wan mak v usjai,ty of Ut whoh) paoplo, md are tliereforu siiiirious, and never ought to, snd never shall Is jsvid. hVc dl. KriHB tlis oprs-stlons sf thin act shall la cuiepied siudi bonds and the aecuinulsU d iutcrcil Uicreoii as weic is sued to tid inMhe erection snd comple thtn ef th lrnirne Asylum, and are mv otitstaavlint and unpaiiL y ' , -j! 1 1 ' That Uie sAirn-asier upon Uar pai: ' ! reprcmiitalivcs of the people, ol Nmiti i s...lina, In gencrtl assetnhly n srwbled. of uach and every and aft the ill teres! of this commonwealth, M iecflqsl in the first section of this act, to satisfy the legitimate demand of her creditors, shall and does forever abardve the pooptu of North Carolina from each1 and evsrv obligatioa to pay any otber or furtber Wrt this t iBjf future Qtue" uuuii Hi bonded debt of the state. " ' ' atBftor its ratiflcattoB " r?:i. .aae -''A.lil('A-aj " sa.i-rfrgi! Wawtkp A Aaswam; 8iiimv H to Iw 100 mile from Unstmi to 1'ortUad. A locomotive starts at ft n'ciurk from Itoa toft, going fifty miles the first hour, twenty vemilea thesreoftd .twelve and hslfirtlli tbe thiid and so on es;h hour treveliug half tba remaining distance, w hen will il reach tlie depot at Portland t A reward of $I,f00 awaits any mon who, by i matheoiutw-al rak-akvlion, ran arrive at th exact bisur. -fastv. Timet. VI M t' V ST 1 Vi'K - TUK OflX ft: K ft ripea'd by the river lawks. Wlirre, mask and uinonliK,t sMh:(r, Ikw Juanaplay thru-nn-tty pranks, Hr MuorWh rVamsd it was I'lncVo, nVneath the golden day : By seals 'twas tbea ia London sorkM w ws SBBfr toe peel wy Ii did aot know ia Kasakstte, As little sh In ..,m Th.t I atMwild met apoa that lata. awi via wcfB at me ocu 1

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