l . . : T . :' r... - .--..' Cs-HAV. DKCKMHKU 2.1, 1H71. Terus-ui.-iit 'h he luscrted in the IIaii.i ..i ill Lilt' folios li rates. A ncr ill miTI" n-sfter estimated Hi 10 miuii'M Hues, or I one tin..' II UU l I'ai'ti Mil ''Uenl insertion ......i n w.fk . Ml Hon 2.uu &. Vli"- '' "'k . :,.MIII""-" Z, ,ii.ir-- two ' -i. ..l.lilionul s.iiare two wrt-ka. S.'si S.ull -ttinarv' one miintti I j.iilii "1 spun: -uiuutiuuiiu.. 5i) I Additional . .... t l,ri- Uirce HIOlllllS. - . 14 IW 7.11 "to'' li(.Aaionil three." ,. r (MliUlttU l.liw ifM'nl'-i"t,'"l l in W.-vM) iiJik-Ut ("tily1 4i,i,, " r j ittiii) witti Ihf rve alll." State and (Jeiipral Items. IUI.KK I1 CoTTON M tUKKT. - Reported If tin- SKM iNKi..ly Lynn Admits, Cot factor, Ur.scr, iVC, Murktl Sipiarc Hai.kiiiii, Dor. 21, 1871. L (wesM- -liou" 3 1 ' 18 cent". Re 1 K 0 bale. i,,,,,-Ucnde and lady are at Hie Yar .Ujjll 1 1, misc. (u Ni;T Issi'K. In connripicnoc i',ii-tiiius tin-re will ihb issueii , ili).- olli.c n paiHT on I ucaday am! Iurs.luy mornings t'niu-TMv Ukkk. A. II. Temple, bus I, r..t ( li rUt niiiH iluy '"' l i li" Nix-"! i si-cii in Hiix market. It in iin tw,-,IU A Ni' 1. nil nml sve it i market on Christmas morning. jj i; ( in i. ni. l!i.A.,W. MaiiKimi, , inini-ltr foi lli'w rlii;ri-h, ha ar ri,LLjUMi..ill..Jitt3R-b to ila kni.wn In our I'llicna anil in an iiOH' iil..,!- ). u.lrr. -Vn i i vw'i'oN Hri.c"i A ion." The eili lt,fv..i llif ':it'i wrir sitowil up in Hani ..,, n- tiny hal a pleasant linn:. II . tin-1 -ihtors arc fiwi'il up anil u v Tin rililomof lliia t ity never got ,.l n inre Son .lo anil I'ike quit the HinJ.ir.1 anil 'ol. Mark relireil from the ij '.' . ii. K Ai Hie taut regular newion i4 Mi'Kia- Km .iliipile nl No. l.'i, 1. ' I Ut-I.l "ii Kriilay niljht, Hie l'ollowiii(i Bi,,l ,.11'uein were thileil for I he eiifii p-. iii in : ""(fcn'aiiwli- TV". 1. WtmiEitM.t.. h 1'iieat ( has. M. lii mikk. ,VWM Waldell l-W. ('. 1'hkmi-KHT. Junior V ai.leii' .1. C. H. I.I'MkiiKn. S-mI.. .N. I,. PiltoWN. Tnn-iir. i II .1. IIhown. TllM.s T" lu '' mK,ut tlM' IwiuiiiHi l'a i i', we make our ImhI Imiw Hit b iiIi r of (-.Hiilii-s wli'i-h lliey hail tiilin -v lo semi us Kriilay niffht. H in Know lnli;uielit of the eouilesy i.kiI.I li.u. Inen made sooner ha.l il km ible. i ai.i.mim.s Koi; 1X7:! Iu very lillle if li.Mli .1. i. u i il I he "Ait preserniliie ol 4.111. ' Ii. Hi i shown ill lis iioi;nisIvei:i-i llira ;,i il,. r.ileii.l.irs for 1 S7-J, issueil by T. l -.iiii-l. 11..I1 f r b.sinioiee Coin Two line ssk illiens ol I his bran. Il 4 ni mi:- :u-e lio liefnie us one by III,. IM h.,-.V (' .. ni' loiiiideia Iti. Ii . I Washington eily, Ih. other by Ik. Ili.ni - .im n.ee Conip.iliv of whi. ll tV. IVseinl. ni .hisei , iseneral aelll. Tin l. tin. i- IseMi .ne.l f.ireolllllilio house anlin '..'.i. ni, Meeii .mil tV'1.!, and aln-Mi'i ullv printed and Ih. feloiu ornn- .a:il Ihe lait.r is very l-ai J rt.vHied iii variealel hues and is a null .1 ;;ein. We hail lln se Iforls in Ihe pr.ijir.ss of Ihe mosl b.-aiililiil, iN-emise lisilh.' in. .1 iis. bd, ol all ails Tin-. I'isiii Ciiii niir.N h Dinnkb. -The Wlmiiiij; eonlribiili..ns to Ihe i hihlnn's JiiiBer, were ri-sne.l lo day. The indl Rdiinis are very eheerin hi: ; tin- ehildri n any li'iw L ei iissur. .1 of. a good dinner, u.l ili .p a bhinkel, or some elolhino ; Mrs (i.s. T. Htniiiaeh, a l.z. blaekinir. UeKs-i.-i(, 1 turkey, 40 yards ralieo, 1 ri low I, I guinea fow l, 1 bantam ehieken, '"'". 1 diH-k, I piwMianJ 1 uarlride. J,..'.li.e.shaniai ehieken. "Mrl. Thin I). J. nkius, 10 i lik ken". Jk Wau. 4. llais kiu. 1 . ; K. t If. priti-rVor.1, U. 1 , W part Hdgi-a. ' Phil Tlieim, f?5. )... W. IJ Watson, $.'5 . 1 M. II J. Askew, 2 turkeys, 0 eliiikens, I Mm. M pulf-i or flip jacks.. Cash, tlO. K. Anilvrf.111, (3. P.A. Wiley, I H. Currie, fl- ftuart Ellison, T VtA. S. W. Wynne, I :A fh. H. Urnsoui. i. Vi. iffnrti to P. K. I'isr-M.1. Ir. , 1H7I. fy. Sin lh, Ne Vork l "ft ft. iiraru i 1 o.. H pois dniei. k K. Iliu-tt; 4 piir sIhh'h. ( -t4tii,y,f-r " " Wail, IT. mk.Ur Vr (IraTrbJtf t ?(rrrrlVra af, t rk(tst p, 1 2 ilown fowels, 1 loi Nil pieka s'lid S, f 1..8ruirtiri(;, t ham, 100 Btrrrt k and I0. '. L. H. Yearby, I haiu, h avea bread i eustardu f " Pf- V. E. Turner, T. Jr. lrake, l. W. L. 0. Bdwr.I,,lV 'fir. T. D. Martin, i. TUeod,r .rejihs, t roast ehickotisaBil W. Terry, 5. ' Ksjor Iterrr, 3. S. F. Muwti. $i fcw blailkei P. V. Fastt'D, Sec Pira copy; Mkthopolitah IUj.u To-nmht,Chri4 rna, there will be given an smusin;; per ormanc by Batik and t h-avis' Tiiirk-Atjiic ii-.il 1 Company, at Mftnli(ati Hall, eominclicing Bt 8 oYUsrk. Admission 25 centa, children 14 renin. The proceed wHI be dawtul H the patmrnt of the ga liill agnirial the l ulortil MuthiHlixt C'liun li. AN Ol TKAliK BV T1IK GOVKUNMI-ST A fe dy sintf a nulin-iia wan nrrvi hi Mr. S. F. I'lt'iiiimiUA, uf Spriii" Cm k, Ma.lion county. ti Rix-ar U'I.ti- ttw Kiilcral Court at H,Uif,-li, to IrMily in it'half of tlie goTcnimrnt against lliijjkn klm. M'"'"'t'V?lV''L!;u;!l.ML'ilU:M"-iiCl " r -r-T"l. .IE TOaraaa ("iO) whik the imHtnt f Hikae jn.l HTtlliTH hem-itFi'it wb tiss rhitn twt-nry Pah. himI tpii U) i fmnj trin biifnr ttnr Mr.'l'ltuiiii'iiii has sitsfaini'il til ula jiii a ir.H i.-x of the Keth ral ('oOrt. Is tliin an iinlrx of tin' many Imn.ln.l i ain ln r iarlint Imvi' iMt-n ilni'(,'iil to li.ilt i-It to Irxtil'v ! If so, tlie kllklll will s. on lu' i HI'KIIKH. l'urliaps Mr. iiilnoim .Ii.l not swiar to Mill M'-mtia. Lllak t o., am) waa mitfin,! to nimtain this Iims lor liU Icn li. lion ol duly. - Ulucilk Cilun, Der. 21. who lnoW( tWfcUia follow- Huf.ij-k viu Makimi Fivk Oisiim OI'T OK ON K (InllUIKU ClIUISTMAS. A turkey of eighteen siiiiii1n or over, i'' for a lame family, lor their Chiisliini lli liner, must be killed anil ilrntseil, nin! Ik- kept hnt;in iu sonic cool well aire. I pluec "to rijien" for several dajs. The lei; with the thigh and druimLii k on, is cut at tile 1 Ii ij-t Ii joint from the inl. ami the six tendons in eaeh leu pulled out wilh pini hers, lirsl i ultiiiu' ihe I. ir dona with a sharp knife n round IV l.m est pari of the leo, and uppi i uit.illi. Ihill, inakine all ineisioli sullieielil to t the pinchers to hold, and then i i'li n .pi ek and sllon pull pluek liiuil IhenujeWllir siv tendons of eaeh let;, through I he Ina-l- ffeeotltfe soiled w ith salt, s-pH-r. and l ilpsie. and bllltored urW Ihe li-o are snlli. i. nli broiled, 'file letjs ale then placed In .1 dish, H'le III side. Ihe inner stilfieetil. Ill ) npMTiii.n.t. This bn.il lonsliiuli - i dish, and is a 111.1st ekeelh-itt niie. The b-i.lv of Ihe bird, wilh u uit.m, is ne! stutfed wilh oysters, ''New Kiwi-" if to Im- had, Ihe "lllollllsk" separat. d fi.-ln the water by eolander, and laid upon a napkin to dr iin. Crumbs .f roll id nr llii.t:ired Iresh soda i raekers ale Hill at. I in with the ..ysl.rs, si-astiind ilh bii'ler.iVe , iliilil Ihe hollow is full ii.nl erow.b-.l out. The turkey is then .um-sMhI fur uu hoHI' .'r mori; if yeiy ft;e. by and over a bright lire : while rousting Ihe oyster wall r is nsiit fw birstinpr: 'I'ir ilriipings, ereauied and mixed withdrawn bill lii ami properly sea...ned,' and n f. w hard Imile I eggs eut up linelv, should be Stirred illlo it These drippings, it.-, make the Ihso kind id" turkey gravy. This is the sis on. I dish, and il is lit for a Itoman rjiiH-r.n. t Itemi-nilier when earving ihe r.i.el ir liroil lo lit none Imve the liones. iin-j nu-l In- leli on dish, and Ihe next nioin. ng early I In-meat hieh may la- leli on ihe Ihiiii-s is earefiilly e.ut off and ehopped all I.-iving out nil ivislle, and skin, I ten .Ii. 11s, which wilh the lames b o ken by it hammer i:ue into Ih'' pot to minor for scver.il hours slowly, to furnish lor diuiii r second davatnr.Tii.il delicious stnlp. .111 ol.l ham-none or rasiic ia- 1011, andearrols eill lengthwise, ami stein- ribs of eabbige, or clewort, a few onions uiil.iv.l lin anil herbs lo season, with a iplrllt of fresft llii k olirc. ill and slirred a lillle i.l a lime, when I lie s alp is done, this is the lliir.l dish ; and il done pi-.- (s'llv is one of Ihe must appeli. n.; 0 ipi ill il call be pi. p iled. The meal III. -ill ioned ab. .v.- thai w as cut leom Ihe b -ne. and any -vraps, are then put into 1. l w pill, iils.nl all inch ol w aler sail. .1 h i llig Is en lirsl l.loiighl to U.iloig, wh.-n the wraps are thrown in, and eraeker crumbs and but ler. ami reasoning, with 11 eoiiple or so of eggs well iH-alen up in milk, is Ihen siewe.l logelher llll.l well si ill. .1 lo plc-v.-ni burning, then; must be crumbs enough to alisorli the llioistuft'. for Ihe inixiure is e.s.kc.l lonK eiMiugh b become dry, and it is I hen served up hot us hush for breakfast, a ml if seasoned properly is .'ei tly delicious. Hutterixl toiAst may 1 e plaee.l in iHitlom nl aleak ilish, and the .A.A"-4Mt -on Ihe liti cn-.liloli-a No, 4. Kor vnriely on laaasion by-tlie adtliUun. of luuri: JuilL!MJ bullil ttrt A " Oiled with rirh prary eon 1e mash. Laet and by fr roeatw lenst iu thw frtsl of iftjbbler, the head and neck, the weas and taken out, must b- pkked and i h aned bv s aldoig, and Ihe bure legs below Ihe drum slick, .tint by iln 'ijkurii.il" is genei.uly thrown 10 Ihe dogs as wurihh-si', are Ihe beat part of Hie whole bird lor soup, coiitHiiiinu more albumen, ix. Thwe alter being aeraped .Vi' , aie pill lino k.i In simmer, lirst iMng enished by haul uier, ami any Imnes of Us'f nr million 'or .rk thrown in, and the vi-getabh-a and ln-r.il,. mentioneil jn roniwerioii with 1 he ls'n.es..iip' orllitr.j ifisti i-ati la? ma.lr rr -penperljf. BAiiuV..as.i'-!lt inlw-a) gallou of as gtwxt ariiip in lra ever drat h bj b-lllJrjitt,or lieueraj Jatksoft tmn- aein . - This make tlie fifth dish, and as singit lar a? it may seetn IS one of the tHt, liiyhl" uilrili.xu and as pilalabh) as e'er swallowed by Epk unw or his followers on the uanaa uf the tufBe -in MS Franee," orlheTil-r in fir llai.i,-i i i" lihalokallil in.. id IVrm bria. TarUe 1. . 1 s 111 it sk itlni; rinV. a. n:l.t. Iu ae. . rd e- s i:h An Aet of tje ! ne l iu. ,..tjt 1 ,1 1 i-ar. lor U.e vi sr IH 3 ito- llw. Haaud seh-si! Ifonse situated 111 what ia kooaia s (.vi-Joy'S Orixe. ' ,1 , lfc,t It"' same Mm-. SH olhir llns irf l b eiag" Die rtrtt'lif UllHHT IbaV etMoi awb r w art , -riw o.U iMke libx-e. on Pit -nlsv. gti tnt 'oi Ihe pn-t!s, awf to rhe hlchei't biJdvr. . rATUlC-fW '.. ' Vc SO-td tveycr ot Ca; itol. Ill IITItTIIIIIlTI. 1 lS(ill M SCHOOL, XJ Ml MJUUUXILLI, lM-: t - C.. W M. HINciUAM, Sur'T. The Hitli.t HemiiiNi . tgft teas tmU. U. The ftrKanizalion m miUhary roanc of ta t ro.-i not u CUiMkalMaUteiaaUral, andCoa- iaenliT. x.. M OS MARRIAGE. IIAPPr RKI.IKF TOW TOUWO MEN from tin eftecU of Crmn mi AtMa hi aarlj life. Manhood irMorts! Nervosa 4ebUiU i Hied liiistiiiiwiiU to Marrlaga roaovud. New uivlliiid of treatment. New and rnni Uurtlr n nitdiea. Books and Clrenlara teat fni', in tcaletl evelopi. Ail.lr.nn, IIOWAKI) A8WIC1ATION, No. t Si. utl, Ninth St., PhilaoWIihta, Pa, ace M 3m '. iir-isii A. '. ndttutum far tk$ Deqfaml Dkab Via : Bln duly autkorta Mm Hswe Maofcina iHxtrpuf.Mt iroid j.v.. H. ttlsow W". hi tir habalf te pea se .t t the N. 0. InatiUitloa lor Um beat and I) iinliaiKltlte Bltua, OB ttoa-7aartrr Barm Mrelilw, lilu'h you silt plaaaa aeaept traea Ibi ni. Ituurliic that the many claims of lUrn is rii.riljr liny be lolly Bftned if ) la tta us.-, I rviuain,1 Very Seapeetfully, J. 0 OT1U.MAI, General Ageat N C. Institi t roa TBI Datr axd Dims AHU THK Uunn, Raliioh, Dee. , Itm. Mr. J. Oti Brnxma, lKAit Km HaTHit: rarad the awita of your ma. Iiine, you will allow ma to tender tlirouirh vou to the Howe Manufacturing Co., (Mi Hruiulway, N. Y., the Uiaukaof tlie Board n( Trusties and Priuflpal of thU iisUtutkn for thr very liandKttie present of One of their inaeliinea It has been applied to Uia aae of tin' Miiitl ifirls, andDotwillistandln the short - in. I tin y have liad It, som of them have learned to use It suceessfully. Yours trdlv, 6. r. toai.iNsoa, dee Jl It Prlnclal. GENTS' BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, GENTS, HATS, uawiuo QUVAna LADIES1 SLirrEBS, JI ST Tllli THIMi HIK TIIK IIIILIB1U ! ! 1). HKAItTT Sc CO. 1:1 KA V KTTEVII.I.E STREET, ilei '.'1 tr TJt U A V K Id N TON MAI.K ACAMtMY, KUANKLINTON, N. C. Tie- S,rhig Term .if th's hislitiiUon will eorma. - .laiiuary l.Yh, IHc, usin the foi- lowiii.- 11 -us : I'l iiiisi . Il.-imrtiiient, per sesi-lon of .-,1,,-,'is 112.50 Ki-irnhi - nulisli e.iurm! lier. stscllon . of .11 ,..-.ks - 1&.UU I I - i i ..urse tier sesilon of JU .. 1 ao.u Hi nl 11 is sltriati'.Uiiinieillati'ly upon the i: .i 1 v . 1-n.11 Knlrmul, and Is nol. d for lu ii'iii tlily and hiUilllireuee. -. :.. .ir.l eau be had at from HA 50 to 4..'.oi .iioiith In private fsinilies, where ci.m i on will be given to th- heallhand .-..in' r ni Hie pirpil. i'liniis iieil at any time, sn.l charged fi'iin .1. - rnti-HUce to Hose of essioli. N !. .! 'ion lllaile unless Iu rase of pro hi . ... 1 . .-. P . 11 1;. 1 Ion devoted to the English and M.O:. i.i il. 1 .0 I to. h.'H. 1;,., bus 1... I'r. A H. Perry, Drs W. W. and . 1. 10.cn, riAiikUiiinn, N t; ; Kev wiu. M V 1. - I . Wake Forest College ; KeV. las II Cheshire, Ta-lairo" N C. W K. KOHTICK, ,1., I.; s 11 Principal. s T HillMs COI.I.K.tiK ATllXKoKU N.C. f UK LEAHK. Tin-It. .aril of lliret-tors propose tttlfasr the sIhol- proH-ily for s high male sehoolyr eol-l.-tje for a tei in of live years. At tin. late annua! rotuuiuntcattnn of the (i-aii'l ImI-i- of N. (J., it wasdeeiiletl by nwo I11 inn never lo sell the alstve prnperty or divert it from Us original parHwe. IiESl KllTml Or THB A BOV K I KOl'SSTI. Tl.i- i.uil.li. g i of Hit- best brick, 1 J" feet hj 40. Willi a 'ee.iH-r of till feet HI depth, .four hU.ries, won lues-meni, eoniaiiiiua: a rnaue ill feel l.y liu. villi lam- and ust-Uius gallerv : H laii;-.. professor ate! reeilsll hi rooms; sao il. lv rtsinis a 1! .:. ilitriuivi.ries. 'I 'he uiioii l.uil.liHii ia silualed la a beautiful t.-iLiu-t-u-trro..- lii.t.lc,l aith large nstiveoaks. Hi- aliol.' .iiil.-s,-.l with a tulstUntial oak nli.nl. letiee, vad h weH sniMtitw the ha mu ll lute reception of a first i las school or eol- Tli.- llos eUm. wonld stale, itliat hi aneietT, .-TTiaWe ai4 wrrtir.-triford to aut sarfaul -til. auv kKHlily in N v. N Profswals for the alane )H-operty will be re- reived until ls- Hrstof l-Vhruary. 1S7J. It 11. KlNUoBUKY, Pres. W J liKAVnr.Mec. dee lsd lls4V -V- 4 VALUABLE KIIHUINUI V FOR SALE IN WARRENTON I The Hui'seritsT oners for sale, her Hons nt I ot, in Ihe Iowa of WanvntoB. This la -i f ihe ui.wi .lesiral.lt! residracea la tba plaev.'. The house has live rooms and la ins e, Uclil repair l lien srt. sii ii bm. j r' ln.nn. l-...sI -sell .a. Iiar.l, a an siileeti of siusll f rails ami rryli, sswl a gtJ well ol a ser Au own desliBig to pareaas a rem- Urm-r Ui VV.rreilti.il. will And in the one Otter- Mi for asre, a pi we emlrt!a5 averf easnion c .1 . oi.v.'iii. ii. e lo be found hi this nart of the C"i'try ff not disposed of aetrateiy of um tat of towwiit sni B Kdi st MbrK aartAim MltS. .' i. MuttOAS, ?r-w-Jt-: wanoaioa, a. u. Q.OLD AND glLVKB WATCHItn."" Jut ree-Iv.'J, thisdsy, from the. Importers s.hI loanufsetAirers, twenty three Hue gold watches, rimrimf la price frr m 4f la I Mai. Twentv dre line Bilrer Watch., prices from IJ lo SAii.at i . Wl.a a, -.-wee Ci fhsatk aids Market avjaars. IttllrllCt All eoamaniealioosto ate re stive to paper, niL'S.Ae. most le diVeited to Forestville N I! - dee -a Iu W. r. ASKEW. W. F. ASKEW. UtaVs .NATloAt Babe or IUi.bmw, N C, lliiaiiou. lire. Mkk, 1W1. r I I'm snini d ntertinc of the nusmooiiiers r 4 . nie any Wsinaal eauaof atalelKB, M. t k,i 1 1 b. Ll al- their 'B whine: iloaae. aa this ,.H .Ml Um! second lUS'UAI SB SV It a, tnu) si ks- . a; quails, vsawn dev lSttd; LATEST ; ' b iru Noon Dispatches. MARKETS. Lokdoi, Dec 13 -Noon. Conaa M 8 8 ; bonds 1-8. . Lavaaroou, Dec S3 Noon. Cotton opened steasly ; uplaods 7 8 to lOd ; Oleaca 10 l-4d ; aalea 10,000 baiea. New Yoaa, Dor. 3 Noon. Utocki dull and atrong '; gold heary 108 1 J lo ttiB-toeTiiuwwIa wirH- and .atae1sy ne1rer-wt-t laikiaiai rasitf, abort 9 7 8. Fhmr dtiU ad , deelining ; wheat dull and nominal; ecu. quiet and tmchangod; pork dull, new mews U M ; lard qotrt at I 1-4 lo f S-or'r'rtta dtiH and nominal ; uplaads 90 1-4 ; OrleaM tt ; aalea to day 100 bales ; turpentine quiet and firm at 68 1 Jte 49 j roaia 4. 00 to 0J, FROM CAXIFORNIA. Saw FhAilciaoo, Dec, 2Sd - "sargeant baa beea elected 17. 8. Senati. The rains continue. There are floods in many local itiea.. ' FROM NEW YORK. Nbw York, IMc. M. Oomptrolh r Oreene'a debt tatetuent placet the debt ol the city and county at M l-S millions: aah In tiiaauiy asMurtj T - sniMtona; nnad juated clairaa 4 milliooa. Conoolley't bondsruen hare qualitird foi a million, but additional retainers will probably hold Oonnolley in Ludlow jail orer Cbristmaa. The proceetlings in this rase are regarded tt a persecution instead of a prosecution. a.fc A man waa arrested lor abducting a school girl, administering chlorolonu and outraging her person. Madam Florence has been arrested as an accessory. They were held each in a bond of 15,000. FROM OHIO. Cincinhati, Dec. S3. Resolutions were introduced in the Board of Aldermen ad verse to the 10 million sulMcripthin to Southern railroads. The resolution was relerred to the Committee on (Maims. A Menhis special saya U00 negroes, thoroughly armed, left there ostensibly for Helena but evidently furl hieot county. FJIOM INDIANA. I oil of the Inu-k, killing three eiuployees f and injuring 20 passengers. F1KJM VIRdlNIA. Iin iihonii, Dec. 23. The House passed the joint resolution suspending payment of interest on the debt due Jan. 1st. Pending tlieconaideration of the same re olniion iu the Senate, both Houses a. I joiirmal lo Jan. 2. Rev. J. U. Taylor, ("orreeponding rks-re-taty ol Ihe Houthern Baptist Foreign Mis sions, ia dead ; aged 60. The House previously to Its adjourn ment passed unanimously the resolution ueciaring na purpose doa 10 uiaregaru past obligations FOREIGN NEWS. raoM KBOI AND. tiiNiioK, Dec. 28 5 A. M Tip' Fjiuceoiitinui's jo progress towanla re covery. There is no increase of fever. I,ATH 3 I . J lie Prince pasaesl a ipiii-t night last night. His progress tie wartls cimvaleauena: is s ow. ruim viiabcl Famis, Dec. Hrs stated that Ohsun set succeeds Cissy as minister of war. Cisscy goes to W'ashingUm aa the French niiiiistcr. Midnight Dispatches. MARKETS. Nbw Youk, Doc. 34 Money easier at 7. Hterling U 14. Hold 8 1 2 lo 8 8 8. (Bottom. Hales 1.010 bales, uplaads 20 14. Orleans 21. Flour in favor id buarra. Wheat dull Cairn hear v. Pork old 13 14. New 14 12. Unl ate.il y Navala firm. Bad weal her gem-rally Telegraph lima working badly. FROM NEW YORK. Nbw Yokk, Doc. 23. II. W. Andrews has been arrested liar f.uging name .H Cbaa. Loeland, to the amount of two thousand dollars. WEATHER PUOHAItlU IT H. Washinotom, Dec. ja. -On Mun.lsv N Westerly winds and clearing weather win prevail iu tne vaiiii oiaiea. RAIL AW'IDEN T. YouaoaToB, Ohio, Dec. 23. -A broken iistob, tluio, lh:. 23. kfd the freight train, riLr several ol hers. i TROUBLEU IN AI mil wrecked the freight train, killing one and injun NEORO TROUBLES) IN ARKANSAS. (St. Louis, Dec. 23. Tht Dmuxrtti lias a shs (si, which states that I be au Ihorities have taken all neiwary nieaaurea, lor restorintion of law and.iarder in Cliivat county. CALIFORNIA. Sax Fbancukxi' Due. 23. Kttensivr danger done by atorma along tlie Carson nver. No traiut inmi Stockton, or MeA:rs- mento ; the only couununicAtion by water. A- T3UBUC BALE. rai nan ;Ea VSM oam Pursusnl to the decree of Wsks Biipsrl.ir Coart, on We.luwaty he 17th of 4 nr. H7i, at Baga roles, w meeosiaiy.oi wsae, i ahaii pfoceed to seH- tSMt-hasdsttf ahshtta. WiaJL. Hood, lying In wakeeoauly. tat, 1 wtnaiay uk imn, isij, si Barpsis.ro. i III sen the iaads of Uts la'e IV w H. If oil, On Thursday Uk 1Mb, It log In JuhnatoM euimly. 'I aw lands will is dlvtd. d to salt iHirehasen. it imrenasera. , Tbbms le knows oa day of sale. A TNMIAU dee lidlawtds t 'otuoiisaHHs-r jpOBITITELY FOR BALE. Oa Toeadsy, the Wh dav of Ifc-ertt.tw- nevt I will oDsr for sale, lail.liely, oa Ihe v nl -s l. cash my tract of land etassUtiitg .. 4 ...r.-. oa Middle Creek, Wake rotialy S. C, 12 miles Boath-Weat of Kslrlgh, miles Bouin ..-l .4 Apes. A two horse fans huprovrd, Ihe lialsM-e weU umherea, bimho nair or ina-ira.1 s irons hoitnss land. Good dselllag sad other Boasts. good store house, Ae. Also, us tha saaa.-dtv, oa lika Is as, will bs. sold, some live slts-k. farasHiB Iwph-aaeata, isa-w, fodut r, shocks. Ac. Any or Use sitters aamr pri rly raw he hoagtit on easy terms prlvstely, st a li.os aeiora we oaj of sals. a.4wWa5 A JLTMfcri WA Hicbtt' NriaTw' CABrn.riiA, rpflt BVBKCR1BER HAVINU ON TDK X TIM of Oetoner i(Hi, lakea oat sum ul adastoaitratlow oa the EstaU of Aagastaw 1. Loagea der'd, Beenrdksg W law, harefiy gtv Bolhw to all ereditAWs of said estate to proses) tnetr ehuasa, duly aulheatiraled, oa or Before last 2oth day of (Irwdwr, IR72; otherahw this aottei whi hs plssdi i la har uf their recovery Ik-Miwa Is said eat ale will phase asaks asaat hwamiliatrly. OEOBUE 0. UtUUEE. Adta'r of ABgaatas L. Laagis dec d. ort BS-Ww - 4tn Moaday th u so cash at of Jaaaawy. 1x7, I wltl Ceawt 1 toasts door ka tns UtW of Haallhl kl. Johaatow Co all, ait i.-ied arras of lead, eaore or lea a. adMaiaa um LsBda of Jnhs M wllsow, i J. Faraj srf J mh-a, kwaara as' tha ikTL Dodd lead, lor th Stale end eawaly asxaadswaalawaaeas fur the fs aBT,, aad sad try C. V. Mortoa.t I ..' SMI" Vt V n in, ste 15-wtd 'TazCUctor. Sipecial N"otice?. ; l - . MroBxajom Mumnrn apkatdid Balr Dya U tbs bast to the d. Hsrassaas, raliabla, lnslsaUneoaA,dtaw aaad,'aor aay vltalk puasoo, lo paraljaai or death. A road tha vaairtrd israparatlona hoastlBf vtrbses they dOBOt possVas. The fenalBS of W. A. Hatehe tor's Hair D)V has had M years aotarnkbed rsraitstloB to iVpaold Iu tetearrity as the only perfect Hair Dyer-Black or Brown. Bold by all Dnunrtsu. AA-ply at M Bond St.. N. T BOV BD-dlJ in mim met. rreaoaaead Coanolseeara Tt IHilnof e WWII Wtf dUrsllou: aud wtrtvaied for Its Bavur. v W; are directed by Mndfw. 1.KA a PF.H Kl NB to proses-a U alt iarUewuiskiiig or veui torn aowahsffstta. .. j - - wttsHN BtJrHJAH aaKa, Airt'a, - auglSiWiuiUw New Vork. OT'8 M1LITAKY BCUtK) Attentltn Is called lo the 'tertUeuveat of R. Klugsland'a orT.-riug the (Soltou Mansion sad grounds for sale. No Is iter location or buildings so well adopted for the purpose eoaU be found ia the f . nov SO If 1871. 1871. JJOUDAt 8PECIAUTIKS. LEACH BROTHERS, HEAVY AND FANt Y ORiH'EIUES, M AHK K r 8UI-AKB, KA1.KU1I1. N C. CONFEITIUNERIESI Hi Boxes Assorted Csudles, 2fsl l.lis Fancy French do IU Barrels Assorted Nuts, 2ti Boxes Layer lUisins, 5 do Valencia db 41 tin Lcf-moit I i a k (", 2n rlarn ls a...la His. nil, iv,,.. . -, ... " - 411 do Cove Oysters, l,lm Frh-.i. Packsg.-s Can.ly. All ail I." sold tliis yewi at p't. ea itisule uiarkt4 rales. det -31 tf LkACII BUI 18 I N 1. h Y II I till SCHOOL. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, ash COMMEKC1AL. LKMOiR NollTII CAKOI.INA K. W. Faiicbttb, Prlucipil. M. C. Dixoa, Associate Prie4pal, M A Brasiiial.T, Assistax r. Siirliig iH'ssion will open Jan. lTlli, 1S72. Haar.1, from 4 10 to ili s-r ni.aiUi. Tuition from 110 to iS per session of flte ut .uihsi, For . irlh ulsrs sply for Circular, ,dec IV s w'Jw North (Jarolliia Land Company. R8TAIIUSIIED FORTnit TrnrAwportatlon artit Jocusttun OF NoKTaaaa and Ehrohbab 8imia DC " NORTH CAROLINA. orrn-B TUCKER HALL. KALF.UUI, N. C. (tills Corouiy has baen In successful oja ration for nearly two years, sud will as Unue lo 8BI.L, Lbasb, or ftaav real tatati , . tha w.ait favoralde leruis, and If divkhsl inh swiall tracts are wore aaleatde. All psrsooa haviug Land to sell will tlnd I Ui their Interest lo call at our oihce, or cot resj said ltb us, as our facliiUes fta selling sr, lueressing every day. TBB TlOB OS iMUIIIBATlOa BAS BOW SSV . and ws call upoa all North Carolinians to sk us ill nrtMUtitiiig this great enterprise, aad hell to build up our waste pkwes. The Presl.leiit and Directors of thr nimismi are well knows ; and persons entrusting biiaf nees in their hands, have tlie la-al assnrants that they will be fairly represented. We have no connection with any other I .an. Agetu-y or eouilauty profesalng lo do Irtlsiues la tilts Slats But are operating only ande th oa imc and style of "Tm Nohtb Caiwimna Lasu oMr'ABV." aa chartered lv Siiecutl Ac of tha Legiatatttrs hearing datu Feliruary bti A. u. inrai. Address aft communications to "The NortJ Caroikua Laud Co., or to Was. Scott, Secretart UU. Ld I I LK. I'rea VYa. rVwrr, Sec'y. DiaairroKs ; Coi. (ieo. IJttle, Ilea. H. F llokn, H.m. W. Best, Dr. t H. Smith, Mom I I. t.lim uaa, Wm. Bcott, t. laa 1 1 Ja" J OUN AKatSTKtlNU. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK HoOh MAN x lIFACTUkKK. ovaa Tea aoafB t-aBouba aows-rtMia. UAI.EIOH, H, 45, V - ' Trial, EseeathMt, Miaatlea and Reeordua Os-kels uiade to order. North Cenihua ateports and other Laa Biaava. boaod In su perns-. Law Bmdiag Mtoaitag BBatlava of the at. - torts swuplSHi aad odd aaaibsrs tahea a siehsuav for htad "5sp 1. INMUf , HoltEA AsMirtrd S.Wst r art it. ants vtrsvpmr. I'sfs-r H like i ! d.S- AI LAN I IC IHM HK .1 FOKT. H. ('. ' . - ' Uin. W. Tavt'K, Pioprii-t.H Now tor Uso rerejdioo i ga-i- a h. iU m w. M sr.,e,l fi at 4e o kah Um- Ihans II Bv tae ihhi n.nei im iit-i t n. Brtrs -4saa.a ra-ABtar.. ,llat, .aajjrfc.wfj. vanat aaa tat .m.msm pnaTseasde; " ,1 a t4l ismmk btr laweurniaeol s IWiHrTMIiltrsarrivvirrrrrvrt H MMM oVlajCnllal naMllMi'r rMarras im Mr ms Butttr rtMMtl. a AU JJkNDEtUMJtN MALE 1BB1 1 f L'TE, IIENUKH90N, .C i WM. I. EOBABDB, PsiBOiPAt. The aaderslgaad will aeea tWrdtnc aad at aVboot lor Bora, as tos acaonor rwssj aeeapkMl by ll Messrs, fetter, oa Moadaf Jurasath.lMTa. . Ten m parasasasa aw aw ".J"r " la sdXbalse Marcs IMAv, 17. . TuitAua aad Boar4 laeiadiog Bel, tltnm la rntuary iseparuaesit, , )) - Higher Eagluh, ' ' - ewes, . ' Fr farther partk auu s addi aha Mawiual at HaaataraoB, M. whe iU farassh circa kua oa appu. slloa. aov BL oWaoi WM. . ROBAXOt. ClINDlFRAffCO! BIisj, Kscss & IiiilJinli Eilnct . ma wofti.tttri i BBtsBot roa c'anckm, svpiiiMn, wRirnt., Pi.- CKIU. PI'I.MON tltV tlMPI.AIITa,AI.T KirrcW, snitull t WAAN4t WjJAdJ lilSKA:. KSX, to -r,-r,s! rota tlicyntiuar A.UNIH KAMill UAKK.fVoin l.ejs, K.eu.dor, secured by the assistance i f th authonlles of that counlrv. It is tlie unlet rrtysr, ur.f4ss" rrHam alterative awl ItlAaMI PUHIFIkM known, bold bv all UruglsU ia 4nt lartth-a, toivlug on litem our nsn.e, trstU mark and Ui nvtious. riend for a Hrenlar. itHee and LslamiUiry No. (HI, Cedar St., New York. I'HICAUO and UESTKI CTI0N Its , A full ami complete history of Cnlesrjo, her ituiji-irla slid full diMafs of tiled iieoTFiot! itarr.- w. nmu?mmv the ChtcaKO rrrmrae, With over 4ou rvos. and M u.l.e stiiations. It Is now ready for iWtverv. nillHT HI ITHtHHB ' j Utahw Pul.lui.lng Co , UiksguUl., vr rulla., Pa. tsT. JdABT'd BiaiOOb Hu.aion, N. C Right Rev Tims Atbinbob, D. !., Vkdtor. Krv. Ai.ukkt Haanas, D. !., Hector. Ki t. llss-rorrT Mwauaa, A. St., AssisUnt The tliAlleUi term of this Behool w di eoau meuee on the Blsi.suth of January, 11172, and continue until the ttcvonth ot June. The charge, per term, for board and English tuition, Is One Hundred and Twenty Dollars. For a circular apidy te tha Keetor. Tl ANTKHA, FAKMKHB AND OAaVDE- NF.11B 8UBSCRIBE FOR T II E AMERICAN FARMKU, N.ov combined wilh THE RURAL REi TF.ll, sn.l uiihllahed monthly at No. 2 North Hlns-t, llalliniore Md . by Bahubl Babiis Boa. Il is Mrl Affrimlturai Awssl ix .liuerieti, ami was conducted over 3 years by our Seuioi ' Now series begins January 1st, 187 J. l -'si a year iu advance ; 6 copiea, lo; II for ui S.id for Prospectus, Premium Lists, Ac. WANTED LOOK HERE. Proll table employment fnrrdshed every man willing to work in his own neighbor boot! ; (notasv iiersona wanlud). Prolitsorsl l lair cent. Enclose l fiw samples and par ticulars. Salts rapid. JONES JtMBTZUAK, I'iltsTiiirgh, Pa. aug ii tf TniHiAS Usauo, OboaUab V, Btbammi ATTORNEY AT IsAW, KALEKJ1I, N. C. o Hank, Esetiange Place. f.ft,Z leii.hsl by themresiwtlvely. sir. A. IV. nim-iit,jmr,u.- t.w n,rnqi will oeeupv olliee iu Uoldsboro, lately that ' Ueorge V. Strong, hm ill If tT. CATII.MtlNK'B. ONTARIO, canaica; TBK "STKI'DKNXBS iOlSI." AND HATHS In eonnertlinn with the eelelirated well of KALI NIC MINERAL WATER Is hmw open for the roceptloa of vialtora. Persons d.alroos of '"'"log hoard wUU please address the PnirVtc era. BKVKULY TUCKER BON. -Julf7tf t y -ai i.i -' OVER ONE HUNDRED PAGE, frlnU-d In Twa C.Kjms, oa anpsrh Tibtbo Pai-bb. timr Mumirvi iirrts shays nfh'kmm. f Tunis and Irorfaacs, with Dearjrtplioiia, and TWO COLORE" FLATES. Directions and plana Am making Walks. Lswus, Osrdens, .te. Tlie handsomest ami st FLoK tl.OUIDBlnihuWorni ait tor TW cKt"H. lo those who think ef hnvrne Seisls Not a uurtt-r die cost. 0,(SJ sold Atidrtss, " jAMFi VlcK, . - . . llnr njaiajsT . MORTON IbM'SK. a NewBonth ht Novel by Ihe author of "Valerie Aybmw." dvo. is-r, four illutl.uli.sas. Pi Its. ft . eknh !.') I is s 'lory if Ihe con Ih, tiilrtv years ago, aiul the s.-ene Is'lalti eillllt-lv III Uist rtvloO. The1 fining siuliiirt'ss, aim is s lanyof North Caiolma, has in b r second effort liHpruv en lin tliti Ursi -nt free inj s.i, any aa dre-st, .-n lln- ics-lj-t of the pitta. II Al'I'l.KI'uN X CO., Puhll hura, Ne V.nk, A VOID Vjl'-ACKl. V vie in "t null iiHllserelUm. rasalne-as ihis iS-tillily, pr-euistare diM-ay, etc., Tiavinv Ira-d in viitu vmy stivert sin! rennaiy, has nis .s-t. reil s rini le ue aesof si'lf inn', wt U-h h" II a. nd I.- hi Ii I ow s.ill. n-rs. Address, J II UKKVfcs, TH NnssHi Bt , N. Y. . 1 1 ,.,,. iisktSe. At klnswh e.lB-.l Ik, tm W tr.M.,T M IA pmrtk mini tmnUf ;A.ii-, 1 . i, v fi .' A A A S Wl.. Isai.M. Boltl by all ilrtiiia-Ms. iieatere v IstMtfiiea ii y if io h f H OLD V ) I It OwMIAydKioered Ire d-irtm; ih" imimg year Ur every snnsrn i.i of tUfl-v'a- Muviin, tb To'isln B!i!':, pom. i.e V Hemo.-rst clc, aliTh" is -ot .'ve'tii a ot tt worth and lartlr l -r er ll'-ee ev. James Par mi, ,:lllisnii Ion A-U:., wnu"lor . i.lui.liifur lA'-aJ-ii X'tf Brtrw-jwtir4il ih m - A vmrU Ta-al lar. '"lii U lit aHl" Vtmf ffitf Wfftf. (tt'inOilt f ifiirftly i-lHfBr-flil aV..- Ilk." mM' ' "" 1 wawsWjaaaayaBBa lu 7J.hv s.4a.iTtH-r- ' iv-n frf A44rwa. A tt MLTit i4r -rr , Ik I'til all I' K r E U ' j'i.e fh No , prtce :le.. haa : latie Ve:-alsud Instii PialMi MasHr aonh 41 In slevl f.trra. We will mtll twe hack N.av for a I SI CA I. fa, ftasr nrtshr -or Jan tnlHsr. i I . tor f I .. n-ifMls t-rte, i ) llohn.l sroSj iU la.T, fill sides ami rdAs. STi. I he M lisle ia try WON f til. T liars MliVnAa, Klnk.4, lloumtd. ,-t. . AdtiKsM u. 1'r.rrsB, VW Hisat'dwav.. N Y. f. t Bl MAI. ... rr I ' ! I It I I K ARn' K.PKmIENCE a- ' . tns tAf isksv or . tl I ICONIC AND K.TC ALDKEAr?r. s r U D E; nkjBfJawsVaataVv I Jtitis"l? "gZ ti N V-"- 'T ''!!,-. : ", ,.;;.ii; :Tr!esr-awinati . tnntiim 114 earti iwr.w hasstred ur assl oa hare' d i-d samI IhtrtV tow plaUst wad engravsngs of tlie siuloii.) of tin li.-iiiisn onrsns Im a stale of heal ib and disease, with B Iredtise oa early errm,' Its d", battle msaseMaeaet-l neoa the Bthad and hudf, with theaa' Bors ulaaof I seat atea' the only rational aad aBecesafal asode of cure, aa aliowa by a report of easea treated. A truthful adviser to th married and those eon tern (datlnc aaarrlg.. Who eirtertara ornrma f thsir phjaV-alsuodillow. Saot freM of eoMi. asw to so; s tli tress eat reer1 of twenty Bv eeat la staropa or pmial cwrreary, hy sitilrsaa ler Ira. LA CROIX, No, ML Maiden Uaa. A Iheav, N, T. The as time may ht eonsnlted Bra hi aay of the disraatw anna which hat honk trssts. either perauaaily or aw Basil, aad ssedf rirent to any (atrtuf the wortd.K, ,-.r . ' Alee 11 let ' s , . '.. -,-. - GENTS WANTEI ;.:V Aa-Mata scke astirs moaoy at werk fnraa lAtsasAstrttiuo- rltsv baainrtis Uiat aad par saiiBl Parlicidars free, U. StiseoB A Co.,' fumt Art fmUuktr$, Foniaad Maine. lllMUISM.-: SEND tor free sampler--- hsCHRI TlAN J.kADKH, a flrst-euus weekly )oraal. patlishcd. tit the . JtodLAtula I iter oo Ik si al Uadvi rsallsls and natlaiaoal the Aa j.ai id Da K. U l:H PIN. Term. 'fa jar y.ar AMreaa. PalJislier CHItlit. TIAN l.-KA4aK, lv Braaslway. New I oik cttr. "il'IDEAWAKE i i A?ID FAST ASLEEP," A 1U.U0 M r of superb Frawrh Oil Cbroaaoa sardecta LIFE aiK eiMUtslta Jiie-saiaMra of original oil PaluUaKS, OilA.V A A Flo every sub serllwr to HENRY WARD BEECHER'8 (IKKAT LITEKART, REI.KJIOLB WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. AgeaU asvlng (real sucrsw f hie took lytkBj nsines In a astwths: another Tj"-'l'eiSS",ysVam ' tSiit lilt I'd oai Weey ; ' (WW -44w-r iUf,-asAwf Si, waaing rroaasaaaa sio iosao per aay. laki oa stghtl Aa old ageatwhe fasan. aa) s : ' think U th assl kaidaess fi wi fh ifiid, .. aurryl did not sngaaw siron.T " fays WWee thaw way book Safwy. st ases sAasns fd aaaf mflUff, r ' ; LOCAL AXNT8 WAMtED, lntellhtcat Btea and womeai wanted everv whsra. If yoa Uh good terrlbWy s awrf, f.a- cirealar and termsl J, B. FOKD A CO., iff Park Placa, New York; 11 Bromneid Bt; Boston, Maaa; W West Madisoa BU, Chicago, NEW YORK OBSERVER ft per hiiiBiiBHws at mm alUNBX B. MOKE,Jb. dt CO. 17 Pabb Row, Nbw Yobb. BAM PI JT VOPIKS fSXKi LLINU OUT AT COST! The undersigned, Intendhif to devote hi atlentloB exclusively to the sale of Pianos, Organs, SLeet Music, Ac, after the 1st day of J aa nary Bust, will dispose of his hug and very select stock of flae MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I IT COOT, SUCH AB Violins tlnllara, Music Boies, nates, Pleoloe, (Oetavs Flute,) Flageolets, Arordeons, iwaswjwiiwwtiM,..,,,,,, kat- iWfTM.-wi'WBw vWIV.slSrTy M-y"l.',BliaTBB ' Baoios. Fifes. HERMAN, FRENCH AND ITALIAN rTRlNUB, FOR VIOLINS, UU1TAKB, Ac., The Bheve srtlrhw would make valuable Chriatmaa presents, sad bs respectfully In vitee an examination of hi stock PROF. A. ULGK, , Two deors below T acker Hall : Fsyettovllle Street, Kalslgk, N. C, uee iu M U L E B FOR BALK. The Mnlra hertofor Bilvsrllsad ht at hT I sow arrived They are OI tns neat KENTUCKY BTOCK, - ami will be sold on the most reasoaabb) temia. W Invite our frieada In want of Block, to aoate and aaa them at our BUMr. UeeltAf - " U. W. WYNNE dtCa, -J-NDEX DltiESTBD OF THR rUBLIC . AU,0rdrlia4rcaMr OF NORTH CAROLINA. V Hi MVS Til M MM VHMD CtOJDsT. Wgrsted as Ihey Wt aaacted. -BY HON, a . JB00RE. V Tlie Index preaenU a IllsUnleal Metaoraa- duiof I Vhs Bplrit sad FaaUng of the time during tlie entire ar. Price 71 cents. Beat prepaid by J, A. JONES, dic 'Jltf Bookieller, Raleigh, N.Ci s FLECT BOARDINU AND DAT SCHOOL, HiLlsnoHo', N. C, Tlie VI Ism Naah and Miss Kolloek will re sume tlie rxarclsea of their school oa Friday, Fell. UUt, 172, and cioss J an 7u ".t weai wicks.) .. Circulars forwarded oa appUcaUoB " dec IWdaWwlnt AMD MXAK EALEIR H FOR 8 A LBI I will sell privately and oa aeoomatodating tertna, that valualde tract of lead, two miles aorta or Ksieign, en tea Atoaiauara; rtoaa, an-kdnlna- the mods of Henrv MorderaL R. W, latwlssnd Mrs, Wilson WhiUker.knowaa the I Igooa Himta trart Th tract contains sboat. 1-45 acres, lof which la ta aataral woods sad IU r 1 1 In the aaost saia-rtor braaeh h)W- trtMimlt, aowjhrouirtily dmlaed, eapable Bt a small outlsr af waking a Basal prsduetlv gankat. The testes will ha divided if necessary sad suhl at , dor IB-It latlnr JOUNDEVERBUX. tor lbs parties lularusted. IITI-fEN'S NATIONAL BANK, OFRAL- J l Kill. N. C . DeeeatlMW lsth. 1871. 1 he , aaal Meeting of the Stockholders of tlit. Hsmt wPt he held at their Bank lag Hon lntli. hr. on Taaaday, Irth Jaauary lsT4,at uo'chwa, at. . aBiTTr -P. A. WILEY, : .:-' -iiaahlor-.- "TJI'OR RXRr JrtrR TH I EAR Xa72L i , The eUgUd Btoae Hour oa Hell'ex Street, ha aahrigh, adhauinn ta on apiscoSM acctnrv. There ia mors thaa half aa acre la lhs4 Tha hoasa ta neat and eoaifortatile Bad I eight rooms all tsralahed with gas. The water at (ISM aad eutouiisings eoaanuMiwsa. Apply to Mr. M. E. Speight or to Battle Btaas, Attoraeya. , -, si-m e 'O pot, BestBrooaas, ihtUtf W. C. STROMACU A Ca. J, 11. Bal'ABB, , W. J. Hkb. J. B.UAIIA. THR NORTH CAROLINA AflRICUL tarsl Machhu Works, being Butt owned fav "Prartkal Mm'haartea.'' aad hating also hi crossed the! espscitv and rn1i4emy rny the latrchee of addilkniai Bvacblesrry, aad Ihe eia phsyarssit tsf thai hast worksaea. ..atNtnes to toe atlll owanra, asanuMMiw sss anenn North Carolina, that they are tMwtred-to furnish atarhioerv. sad do any rcpaira. Airomplr j, adaA prusa Uiat rannig BUI p t e tailstsct HOB. . . - - ere wniild rail the attswilim of faraters, I l&Mees ia wiitturst marttltrei r to ejji rtiN-k ot inaprovnd Pknrs, toe ' betd bs s IMnul fiw Prtea l.tsLI AU klada ot Inas and Braes Csatinga, aad Furred work dose promptly, m . . , , riamkiBICU dee 1 3a 1 - For saAelrat seaaoa Ih eels at the Tows Lots p( Deltas) aent Tax Payer ka beea puat poaed to BaUruay, Jauasr; th aiah IhTU. 1 M. AJKALPMAN, en-) " TaaCouector. N OTICI."'-'1". A BMeUac of tk aWkkotder of Chatham Esllroad Coantsta, will he held at the othe of the Company, Jaaaarf a, 1072, at 12 o'clock i ' trv erase e4 taw PinHisf of IhaCsmiauiy, - W . W . MOO, acrtry, ' ' tA.: dee lAlawtd areIuboo, Irloney, Sta r bet BUYING RATES OF BANK MOT EM, .."' WTLBON A BnOBkR. R A SK KKS A Nil fafaaauB Bajtaair eVH-s-t J;,ri'T1 tsBBBBSBOBlt . m, V. Bank of N. C .....1. V " Cane Fear t.. t'harUte...,.,....t.....V."v. do ' Wfadhoro,....-......ia.i. C. ." 'M WllmlnstOB...,.i...4.,. Roxturo1 - TSoijiakVille.'. ,..;... 7 (rrahast T LexUurU...,L. ....,.... Comuierca..,.!,,., .-.. " FarelteTille.. .... 8S a .... .... l .... & ... t i i ..... ca . . ... ui Merrhaals' Bank of Nswls-rn..,.,. Farmers Bonk of Greenslairo',.... tuos mihi rianutit s ms. . . . lit nt 1 Counaertial Bank ot WUanm-ton.... ... 4 Vlrrlnla Bank Notes avorare atatut... . 4 aouUi Caroiina " 1 tieorgia , isa , .at.asi..t.s. M..: B. p t.w , " ,, . .We buv and '-il at lits-ral uu, , . ii,, A i,ul aSttveft TNdHliamnahin-Tfit'i'd ?1!3" boasts and all other Bwkelside stn-ka.. Onlers fiw Bank Notts, by drillers am! !1ih k kohbwsof Banks will will ih4v prompt sU tenwwi BKiairu tsr fxprnss i fpn9-mrxwrr Ae., will bs made oa tlie dav rota ivnl. ii chorfc on New York or Balllmora, or la , ur. raacy, aa dtadred. Life and Fire Insaraace Policies burned la tfithiphi4best11swjs, -- - iu-sm MTI0X1L LIFB i INSUKANE CO OF TUB Cim ITATU OF IBOIICA. Wasbibutob, D. 0. Aosycr at lULsiau, n. a IVsrasrsd hf assrM Ad tt rasrraa, Aiarrs4 ssij lata, twta. aur I wn essvia im&mmiffmX,.Bi M-lrTKI, BUM W114U1 aUl gUnUMut Wt VwlUVaH.'t. abould b addressed. OFFICERS Cuaawoa H. Clabb, Philadelphia, President. Jay Cooaa, Chairman Finance and n.ata.-MM SIHDUMtievi, I. Cooib. Washlnghw, I v,,p..,. U.1B. Phllsilelphra, U. I W. PaBT, rtuladelnbla, Kecretary KxecBiiv AjoramnirB. HbbbT D. Cooib. Washing B. A. Rou.li Kaaasoa i and Aeluanr. J. T. Know, Washington, Asst BoovWle. H. M. NawroBT, 6uprlntonil.-nt of AitTjHes. V..w,mU Hu. tl I, tt ..il... . , . .. . . ... , fimiMM j 'i i n.ii . J. Kwibo Mbabb, M. D.,AsL Medical Dlruvtor. WriXlAW E. CHAsmsa. Washington and Oaotwi UAauilBe, PliUadulidua, Solkitor ana Attaraeya Cash Capital aad AccnmUtlons, Ang. 1, 1870. l,nm,mtJ. Cash Reeelpt front Prrmlnms for tha Year aDdinc Aug. 1H7U, aia,lali,s7. - -ijasn KtyelptalruBi Iiibjrnst and pUuaLBoar. Total Caih Income. Second Fiscal Year. T52.wtai.au, t : " Number of Folicliw named In the two veara f tbs Company's existanoa. ll,mft. ABioaiit oi lusuranoa, na,iKio,-au. ; The aitraordlnArUv vaidd ttrrMrreaa of the Company attnata th eatiniatlon In whirb tt is held by lbs palille, and, tli large aim.uat of ' new business transacted Is th boat eviitunee ot the popularity of It principles, and Its adapt ability to Bautthsraquirauieate of Assurors Taa Natiomai Lin IasrjBAaca CoatrAar BAS A CABS CATTTAi or H.OOtJ.OUU. . It rates of premium Bra at low as U eo latent with entire safety. Its plan Is anliraly fro from any eomrflrss tlons ot Botes, biterest. Ac, or unctirUuuUe and disappoiutiaents ot dlridunda, Ac. - lUeoulrselaradcniUle,clir, SUD uupoasl bbs to be mUunderstood, or mlsreprim-Jiuid. ia ronciea contain an eruie tnomisea sssn br tb Comtmny. aud ara eireaditurlv UlainiL AU tns advantage and privileges whk h can he ssfely granted lo the Insured, are give by ibis deservedly popular and strong CiHiiatny. To agent of uttogrity, who are desirous ut transacting tli bustnua of Lite Insurance apoa ataaost and eorroct principles, the, Com. paay la prepared lo odor as liberal iiiduucuwuis as can b atlorded by its kw rates. . Apidlcatlon Un agcacloa or for policies Bisy , be made to the Comisuiy at Its Branch Olbca la ITilladelphlB, or lo P. Fr4'ESCUDt Jr., ' wbbbwal Ainmr. dee 10 U Kaie.U,N.U. JhJ O T ICE. ','v Oa Wedueaday the 2uth of Dee., lm, I will proceed to axil oa the itaipecUve premkw by order of the Board ot th City Commissioners the Town Lot ot the following dclhinvnt tax payers, or as much a wilt pay the taxes. - tax twrei Beasles. Jack B. lit ' 85 00 8.SA , -., 21.i 8M.7H ' a.i'o 11.1W 17 aa i M ' ll.iej 1 .wv - S.MW o.(w a.w . M .UO , 'i IV !tO ;o7.isi ' 8 10 Hashes, orient - Brown, Wm. : Back, James W. Irenton, N. V. . Davis, W. R. A Duns ton. Jessy . r Ferreil, Rh-hard Oallsghea, John Harrison, John 0. Harrla, Wm. N. Jolly, Nathaniel ' 3 Kirkhain, J. IL , Macy, B. O. Maloue, Martha - Mathews, Msnlit estate MordecaL Henry , Parker, W C. Overby, Parker Pharrsr, Albert fur Baikal ue nay, John L.iiaipov Reno. Clark ,l Howe, Jan'tea " ' . .' rUajers, W. T. fur Ferric. Smile ButlllijELs 'a V :r: 1 Sutlli a- tlsaJsas""- . BIcsBr. ,.o. h ' V Ktevrus, Mrs. KUsa - 14 Tit -PJ7 5- m,i --am MIS) ' -' K,m J . Ward, BenJ, M. flRAUSKAN, "" Tax Collector. RAUina, Nov. 28Ui, IbTL ; - -aev2ii-2ud rjMtE ALL JUOllTJ COOKINO 810VK. The thief Fsturs of Ihe Department of tlie Kitchen hi th Cook Stove,' aud attics Hint works well, all goes Wrong Wa offer the ALL SliillT as Tsisitirelv wltfioata miwrlor. It is msde nt the liest ma ferial aad for wtight, atrragth, Jtcanlv, sttn pllcity, dursl.tl ti. power of beat, rapuhly ot baaing awd nan lii a; ,.- .-V.. 1 ' CANNOT Bl EXCELLED. For sal only by -' ( . ;Ajcliu8 Lewi's aco.', " . i , . . Dealer la Every Deecripiloa of Hardware and UawM-FantUbiag Guoila. deelBU -;- ; RALEIGH, N. Ca JJHRE AND FUN il v itl-tf r -aeesAriiU I , i . : !t ' - '., A '.' X ' ' ' ', : '

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