yf vf 4 I nun. tin oo P Teaa 1 iueli,.,uu I'm Yean. RALEIGH, I a. SU I RDAV, JMIHH 23, 1872. VOL i-l0.: lift If urn .aw mm ii ii II vi . m if ii , m r THKSEXTINKI, UfCt'CMfS I HUM ALL. The 'dx.g Vrry, U)jp(.rtt4 b? money . . n hv peopl. by i Hi i h'lders, is i . .v to defend nay felou or dt t mite r .'lontfing to the party. Waint !.-( Ilanf attempted a ikf.-nrc of 'Bill v (.hdrrn-n in the matter Y iKirr' mule .V-vc. if the indictment agtiint Hender vi t ' te;ilin th mule win i!l fi. under Mr Hum -sell knows that onvutn.n lor niuY stfuling wnuid nl ha -ddti mtjvh ... tiir fidiuin of Billv'n rrmrjr.er whcrr he r well known. Mr. IUnr it wt'll fiw.irr o(" the fn t: that mnny of th most r. -m ctrtbit' men of hia (Hanes'i sci.ain tii..ic srtfre in 'Mn r .nit that Hi'iidt-rson nt to be In iii'V, d ta oath. Siint I.rwis i" awre of the fart that Mi'r Hi i t v Smith has stated I hat h voter! Jftii myr.' women drnfuwd in mt o's clothe. Sniut 1,4 wis is an ire "t the fait thai M tjor Smith fiHinhiU-ntly leaned the North ( aroint litilroad at a I'M of neailj $2.01)0, OOO to the nt ite, ami that hr- madr t'.c W.-tv tor hi own bnjui k-a.!i , ye Sjin I.' H i4 dure not puUlutt it. 1 f r i . wi aili.'fr-n to it. Ii" hr should iiirli:lL-f in proMT rfittiii'l)t U ll the U-.te and J h.it oi n. u 'li Hi. i)- Souili's ev-j-h-n- i t'H H W Mllil PC (11(1 i. .in. I.his aiul hi. ilvin .) HKm, iur klvin lll(M.'HlIi ill . .,,:..;) r. . !. .:? I in- ii.i-'. -I. f- !; ' I'rtry lil.iki . ,l lit I ru ponl jiiinUr. (' nr.l in the Vr-vy, iK-ming tlmt he iin:ii.(M.i I'rvwi. the w-riiM' !' tbe North .irnlili:l r.. 1 ! rnntl lompiltiv t"T . Ul!rtl ph. Ht.cn ol l"s lun.l.. We nlhiiil rorret-teil a- t iiiM...tb.l , liut lie rt-&im-d Im1 Im- w ft ilt-t'.iulti r to tin- amount ot Hi h Ml i ii alioin ii a, any niii.itl.H ht'ivireto th. i.impitny 4 tirrt' .'ie tlioiiMiiiii. ol il.llir iiiiwiiif( It wiil.l have been anriKt the p.inriiih-a of the party for H; ,-Your Horn Uill to have diuiMetl In. n lie tlierelore !lowe.l him tn re .i r i Ca!viu in hi. card to Baiat 1 In- Sts riNEi. lorharKi- for the hun ilnitlh t.uio that the cauw of nit "ill" iin-al,i ' the misuse of the con.panyV tti.in-y I slate tieie. pointe.il , that th. N urt l ( aioliiia It iilroad ( oinpany ha ii- i. r '..nt one cent by my managetueut. W- - w in Calvin and S.nt I.ewia, th.t U ii.! th..- iu.m.on. You il.l(je the iwiui W'r mv j. hi were . defaulter, and thai t.!!v Miiith, the president of line road. ii, ..I.- ii,.- . Inline. Vou were ucd ly the . lu.p.ii) on your bond to ilraham cwrt. ai.,1 paid JIHHI of the money yuu nw withhold. UK from the ri inpany. If the luuiator rould clear up thi whole uiatier, Iheu what ul..ul the indict niont an liust hiui in Waka conrt for n tortinn. This law n quirea the postuiMtei to live in the city The postotilce ia le tlmn ninety yard, from the court house where the county coinmia M,,n.r. nieet. Whito Clvin was county rmnmiiiouer, h poved mile age lor Kuue nixty m.lea tmvut, wnen he V. b ,t had tr.-eled .lk.i verd li.. , l.-tk . i n:...'ty yards or lean i t.i see the ludictnieul, old not 6,.d it. II. th .iii.'lit on, Cul.ld . n ti, rtw., lawyers llad it. Wi t.ir it. but thry d4.ii hiving it Where is the indictment, and what dcfoi.ee ill Sni.it I.evi i. make for his new fiim I, Calvin .1 Ilojer8? Calvin i a belt, r man th.ni in st of hU party. id we wete content lo let bill! 'nme but for hi. putting hiinaclf before the public and .Itempting to ahflw that we were guilty of falehood in rallin hun defaulter. We repeat, C.lv.n waa a ,l, faul:cr, and after being sued, paid up two thous.vnd dollars ti the company. THE XITUATIQX. The Caldwell boaid of couinitasionon of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Insti, tution atill hold the 000 illegally drwwn by them tbruugb the agency ul his Accidency. What are they going Ui do with it f I it out af. intereat tor the b nsfit of the state f Do they propose U divert it from tlflr purp.ae for bich it ww appropuatad I D they prupuM to r, udrr themselves Hab!e, Ky tbe detention of this mroey, to iiroaccution in a crim in il court ? The Caldwell board for the ponitcn tury have 00 iu hand. Sheriff Gibb tl-ugi. ttwai pftur, U--r, Frad en. k L'.ng The brard refused to racciva -id teri bi-n. though they bava $o,00w drawn from the treasury for that purpoa.-. Wa append a copy Vf the note ad -dresaed to Mcasra. Hrro and Allen of the bvard. V'Aiiiftloroii Hora. Raleigh, Mafch H W7 Tj Jtrh Allen T John H. Harrmm ; iitxTLvmvM I am the aberi ff of Hyde county and bava brought ui the peotlen 'narTisT rR-drtrtr hmfr -twn-ti to Hie peniTerrtiary fir two year ftit iarvmy. Ttw p aitantiary board ap iinted by lb Itgiaiature refuae to take hi.u ltMUK the? bare no way f feeding Urd bare iVOOO to fwd mctx prtaeneTa. I mA. that tou reniva htm or autbonae await further development of the uofor tuaate difficulty growiog out of me inan-agem-'nt of the penllentiary. epctfully, HENRY ft. GIBB3. Sheriff of Hyde lotioty. Tbe answer to this note was, We can t do aoything with the priaoner we rtn't get into tbe penitentiary ouraelvea." The governor playa dog in tha o anger. He will not fwed hia radical frieod. Rev. Fred. Long, nor will he let olbexa feed him., Tb goravor doei not tppaax to an i ions to ratea btmael of tba Loaaiic jLsjflaa ti of Qi4 other ioaUtuUouft. Wa tupptiae ihe re fur tba jtomnor1 i rua-id. newvpe t-Mkmor Cot will wit fait VP iTtrtirt t.iTrnot Cstdwvft aad his co pi.ratfrs for drawing money ille gally fi.-m the ireaaury. A MANLY LKTTF.K. Cs-iu- I City one of the fonndera of the rr'ibhi an jmr v. aent to the late con tention n! the I.U'ThI rt-publiCM) in Mit touri an nble ictt'i irttu which we make the follow mg t-i' r-rtrt Hiv r U iiig de,i, I reait ith tlx tue eariicstnnw tlliit I tli l it tiistttu't the ntt-nit of the Grant conspirators to flui'juate Uicnouth, ami Lo uiitKt) u pro viiicial lor all tnac lo rnorej than Kouiau iiitptTi li-m I letioinKe the attcnipl to weaken ns b a atiidu-i ioi( of airuiix ttie black against lii 'ea. I denouner i he dufstns o bnrbiri7in ut tv th- corrup. irreMui- iitile iui- ot men from th North w ho iiHve no oitiinoD iutereMt in our affair ; wl.n tii vide aur people and waate our siiltatainf, 1 denounce, the attempt to rvver-1 the natural or.i i utthinu, by utiitjrrtmif. t conaiii utioiMtl changes and in(f-nio(Liy . n'rivi d Um'r. iii iuielliKf,nre mid pr I rty ol the "iuih to ignorance and pau pii-tn. I denounce th enmity of the Grant rule to the iudi w ti d'-ncr (if Cuba. bijeaUc Litte know Unit ( uta mu-t, in inLereat, innllv rivitate toward :tnd In ion g to l the rtmth. -iriincuta iu the liitlita I denouin'e ti,e tif potion, favoriti m and coir u pi ion anil proM:ript.on if the Grant -tdiniiutt ration. I denounce the wheme ol itiibjecting men and measure (u the aide enl of re electing a mihtarr (bieftain. At laH and alwve alt I protect Birninst the uncoiiPtittitioiirtl and diHpiiii titter fcrence with the right of peacenble a-aetu blmfe Wiethe ballot bcX by the frequent and alarming use if tbe cartridge bo. The lenouiinalion and re election of Grttnt is to consolidate all thei usurpa tion? and abuses, and Ui open a hiliw ar to the overflimw of all our Uleitiis. Mr Clay conchiilen by ret oniineudin that Uie conventi.tn frame a platform ac ceptable to the patriots of the eountry and augment a standard bearer in whom the people have confidence. iiASKHcrrcr a imxiuha tion We copy what follows from the Sal is bi i ry Ki m inrr. T h e Kin n nrrt it will Ue aot;nt i- U a-ttfmg th sute dbt b) rt'pudiution . One of the ciuwa v hv it is difficult to obtain immigrant lor North Carolina the ruin v. hu ll has Ucu brought on the ftbite thioUgli radu il tiiieuinnage ment. The fin inciul chanrrer of North Caro lina is at a veiy low ebb. Foreigners unwilling tu immigrate ti a country Xboie l'nds are haw ked al -ut at a mere amig. ('apitalists will uot invest their money in a state where a huge pub! it debt haa ben piled up the payment of which would baukrupt her citizens. Wttere high usea are diaproporfiouaU) to tbe value of the real eat ate, it will be iui pmMtibleto convince prudent men that it will be a god inveatiutiua to purchase. Hals i$h AVtfi. The Awi in the above pointed rotmuks baa made a good nrgiiiiieul m f ivofo re pudiation. Perphtipa it wan done nn inteutionaly, still the fact is nt afTccted bv it What the has said is true to the letter. It is app oint to every reflect ing mind. But while the Vic has grtpbicajiy poiated mrt he rrrt.'tfial ta tfie "Uine of immigration," the curte of tbe slHte, and the great barrier to praptrity, there ii no remedy auggetd. We a.e all aware tliat thn evil exists then what is the remedy i This is the important question. We huve heretofore endewvored to point out the way of our deliverance the remedy for the great evils with which we are afflicted and tbe more we tbink over the matter, the more thoroughly aie we convinced that there is but one safe, sure, and effectual way only, and that ta repudiatum. The Aeva says that the public debt cannot be paid wit hem t bankrupting the people. This is emphatically true. And we tbink it questionable, whether the entire property of the state and people would be sufficient to settle the ut (.landing claims againat them, were they forced into bankruptcy to-morrow. The SorrHEXn Mctbodist Cnmcu. An interesting article in legard to the Baptist church having appeared in the patera, in connection with the notice of the approaching Baptist Con veaUon, it i. thought that the billowing note m re gard to the large Methodiat fraternity would be tqually entertaining to the pub lic. With the Methodist., as with the Bap tiais, a nepiration occurred 27 years ago. on the .ubji-ct of al ivery. The supreme frfcUlatlve body of the Soutfictji ekafeb. the Oencral Conference, ni, ets rjiiadrea niallt. The multiplied inufeta and poDueroua narbinery of the church red der the aeasieot of tbia body very long they continuing aUiut a month. Tbia, together with the large numben thai roaipose the conference, preclude the bope that wt .hall aoon have che pleasure nt aousrt .ining them,, in oar charming mtaent i .y. Thr few piaaaa untiia. Eaatera .lope that are large eaoogh lo entertain it without undue aacrinV. Tbe total number of Methodist coramu- auiAkanu.,.in. tha, Cmlai State is. alwul L ,70,!U . Th nuinlmr ta, ativa fcauhatn branch ia about 727,50Qt to which, if added to other branches of Methodists in the southern auiua. we have probably Counting diffent aocietVea In Sorth Caroltaaa, tben arw between 100,1)00 and E. Church Soii'U) alooe ainWing Se.e0. There are probublj 12,000 traveling and between 15 000 and 20,000 local Methodist minislei-s'io the United State.. Eta bracing the missions u the various departments of tbe church, tbe aggregate a umber of Methodist conantunicaata in the world nay be put dawn at 4.000.fKl Allowing, as tuual, five o one, we have 20,000,01)0 Metltodut population oa the globe, Jwva The Empress KHsahctb of Austria i. universally admitted tu be tbe handeotnert princess in all Uuropc H. strongly . re sembles the Americau type baauljr, so IstvritsfiaTar. 1 w-jh mt 4 fat tlw wwwwrt y l with UUUd arnta ami allow Uo. Cald weti, "it her tn atarrw or art t tiWrty tlm-e humltwl ornvtrtl lelona daw in the piiitenttary. The cnnvicU are la c!ie ronfinemeot let they ahouhi riae up nnd at ay their koep rt btfre the Uour of huicrr nnd starvation arrives. Thry are nn hort ratlofia, aVthe governor ia la forim d We p pmt it iatbue the Comma nl'y were taking U jm U.r their own pnt ttt tiD and aaltty Jbeae tel'HU must nl ie starved nnr tuual thev be allowed to erape aUtrvution by niuidrnog tUeir kcep-ia. I,et then- be a town mwtieg, and a deputution of citizena appointed to wait on the governor and the penlUn rjary board f irunt-w to know Im what ej'reriH theycxpect to proced. It is too Im e when the calamity cornea for the peopb- to a-t. If the flght rntinuea oit the pre.Mint line lu-t ween t We? governor and the board, Mar vat ion or telnaae nf the pjia'iUt iH ii iut soon follow. KKSti. til Gen J,onn-tiei-t h-u reained as anrrev or of custom- at New Orleans. Ha r fu ea lor er to h hi olTl -e tinder Grant, bo au-te iir.-iiit and the carpet hag Govern. or, V.trntoiil li , h ive ))!!(, and Koiigatreet ta I, j. w it !. tin i p. I l.,.(K.-r afcjaJkv.-aVidt rh Uy'iJatlLUl lV lTl lf,:tnl to roljgn oi he la MheimML; with vYiriruiutb, and laying p ana hy wlllctl hr IS U makl more m int-v b) d-'-rtin than by ad tiering to (irnt (Jen I.ouHtre't waa at uoMy lor a. c -aAe'in and wai aaJudgeHet tlealld Judue Kodinau. ( ullko the two jiiilgra natue,l, he tought it out at the head of Ih. annv of Virlh.-rn Yiiginia, until the ho.1 ur.n annelid, led. Me atood ou! after the surrender far two year, ag.io.t the opprcaaora and plunderer. of bis wet, on and peop'e. He viewed with crn and indignation the plunder of North and South Carollua, Georgia. Tex ta and Louisiana. At a time wheti his late comrades in arms were .bout lo thrust the hands of the greedy caip. t baggers from their pocket., Long 9re't 1'iiiied the oblier. with aoaaaignahlr motive Im it neept an office worth $.'U.00t a ynr Ii lmgatniet had been a (Quarter m-.-oer i-ii.n..)i..igi,: Umlman, the army of Sw' V - !..tef,t fufinvr loigipt. or overl.wik oi r indtiet. Kvery man who tought undeT him and every true woman who-M aou ell under his lead will have rea'ii t, ev.-ern.e I. i nieinory for hi. dl tUiel, R p.,iill, .1! i, p. i-taey. We ,oinin. nd in the attention of our readura a comui'inication signed "B in thi iue of tUe Slntinki,. t is tn m the polished p'-n of a di-stmgushed citizen, brought up under the influences ot the (ialci school of politico and manners. B fore thu number of the Hkntinki. roach es our reader, the old flales house will ha.e been raifd to its foundation stone The Skmiski. office, once the aanctum of tbe ehk-r Jafw, llrat editor of the Ral eigh Hegitter, is next marked for destrue lion by the spirit of cily and progressiva improvement It in with fueling of aadnea and aor rir" Itbil' e haVe w ithe-i'ti, Ttorii day to day, the destruction of this venerabh tnanmon, hrtilowed by so mnny memories. The Sr.N 1 ih!T, is puUiahed in the oftii : of the old iieyitUr. If the master wnrktimn employed in d-stroyinp ihe old t'trii e wilt auy his band until Au' gu--t n-xt, m we uot venture to hop Uial history will record the fact that tbi Sf.minki, haa leeu instrumental, in tome good decree, in restoring the true princi pi of constitutional governments and c-fflual integrity, as advocated and ill ua trated by the editor of the Ktgiat and Xatiunal JntelUgtntvr in the better days f tbe republic. The en:.' ot ( lark rs. fetanly, aqys the Newbtrn Jjurn.iX of Commerce, is likely to co ui e bark upon its luventora to plague them. According to our reading of tbe law we do not aee bm the judge can d-fVnd thetiiMflves against it. or get jm of lt-n)ea it be in Ihe wa) recout mended by e Im)- to Mr. Clar, who waa troubled by an "ugly cu?umu r.M Tbe story ia.hat Mr. Cla had reclaim ed a goat from thu toriueuta f a group of boy, when the goat unuuuilfuf of blsob ligationio to the great atatem n, turned upon him. Mr. Clay accepted tbe situa tibn end seized the got by the bornf, pressed him down to the ground time after time., until the pnces became very trrnilIeo.ne and fatiguing -it waaV an eiubarraaamg situation uutil oo of the 'bojvlnigursted a rnneily by eavMrug oot, "VThy don't you let go, amd run, you darned old fool r " CooJiti ('oNViiTio?!. The CowaerVa tive and Democratic citizens of. Wake OOJOty will hold a conveatioo at the . ' J. APrt1 tor the puiposw of the approaching mala ConvrxUoa, at Qraetwboro. and to form a mora perfect organization for the coming canrpsugn. CL.airu.en of township committees are ra juested to hold prim ary meeting! ia tbeir renpective towiuhipa and select delegate to attend-this (county) coflvantioo. u. n. Daxm, Ck'm. CuuHty zcvtit CommittM. Proeaor Uibbard, a Connecticut elo cutionist, while daaivaring a lecntr at Montreal, waa suddenly deprived of inent ory;. II cannot tH bw own bum or ra COuU hit faail. . for fce Smtlnet CauaiYUJixv.CajiUift W-& itarch lath, U71 IfaAEa. Editom: Will you allow me tpice la yoor Fotoann la w-Sn kimwn m uiougni oi Biiue. t ail whom U may mtcrawt. Tkcr ta ao doubt t4at Tfj 014... om.n .ad chilj ia Uf uU UI HK IS Wtf WHIIKU iff..r k lb. tU Tbe qUMoi. h,r, .n, h,. cm ,11... chtuir k. 4.1k If Mw cluue dniiiol, nj th iwwnr they vserriae that powep'with Uiat osuiioo and piudeoce which becomes all in, a . . ' ... . everywhere ui riervlM. This change c.n only Ih- made by eiecting gowi uien to enact laws, and honest uw tu administer U,em. Iet us put a good man in Uis field as a candidal ui nil the gnbcruatorial chair, and lot every maa that wishes peace aud prospority to our downtrodden and most grievoualy outraged people. rany hi ui. poll. Ul A UgUM SBU OlCCl D .m. Let .very man look out lor .neb man. Such qualities sre fuuud ia the person of the lion. Win. M. Khipp. who lias always honored the poaiticui be held. Let hits be uomiuated and elected, aud all will be well. He i. not a Bhipp of war but of peace; a man ia wtwHa even the most radical of r.djcais must fHifeas and ac knowledge coofldeuce, and whom all uiodvraie men of whatever political cut will aupporl. Ws do uot know how this arranguuieut would meet Ule feeling, of Im honor, tmt we bve no fears to make the proxisilion, from the fact that we are sure be would yield to any arrangement 1I1 -it would ori.ig. or l.ae a lendem-v to l...ffiM,iiarA-.aispfc...'t-ifc..M. h iMnnr i L , V mrtrlfctd and- , rarr ereH .wh -lot, blill.l w. may eipect U. and said, in the li ivtu of iriumpu. Gd speed the dnv. Ivt-t us hear from others. If a better man can be el hi ted we will yield our proposition aitn Join In the eua0. I lie illation is some distance ahead, but let ua ctMnnieuce in Ume and fight with a w ill to win, arid the victory will be ours. The nduals are sounding tbeir trump and are rallying their fLrcca, yea they have beat the long roll and are on the march, .oid if not confronted will march to a fin nous victory. IX us at oue man. fan ly and honestly miet thtnu, and manly battle lor the nliU We can best tbetn . let us do so. Let us again aee the day Mat men s rtvbta are protected and aw- nghu honored. W. 0. li. CLERICAL MORALITY Isinneis .re too apt lo rejoice 'over the tall of saint., and to all iw the immorality f tbe clergy to fall as a stain upon the hurch. Thi. should not be so. The Vrch is o oha rfaiu.(' bjr the immo rality of the clergy than the emiy of Northern Virginia U by the political de basement of (Jen. Longtreet. The clergy are among the best and moat useful men of the earth. What would society be without them, their church., Sunday school and Sunday teachings t We bear of many clergymen as well as laymen who defend or attempt to defend Dr. Huston, of Baltimore. Let ths Doc tor go and take with him ths party con demnation of the church, and its mem bers. When this is dene, the conduct of tbe execrable Doctor afTucla the church and religion ouly as did the Unuoa of Judas the other disciple. Adiec Gen. Hill, of the Southern ems, thus takes Wets of th SutesviUe Amerirttn AiroTBF.it MoDKavri Enrron eon a to ORAM. Tbe moderate faction raised quite a rumpus when we charged that the moderation .lang waa disguiaed radical ism. Uut the leader of the faction, Mr. ,ewi Hanea. if now the editor of the radical orjjan at Italeigh. Mr. Drake ol the Hutcsvile Antrrimn billows in tbe footstep, of hi. captain. One by ous, th lost shocp ar received into ths biassed radical fold. Good by, Mr. Drake ! Uood bye, nioderatien I ARE WE TO BE KNIGHTED BY TOM 8'. 0TT. "Angel, and mfnlttsrs of grac aVtend tut' W .lluded yesterday to the patronizing attitude of ths Memphis Af)il. which grandly offers to rejuvenate, reiavigurau and reinvest the .tale of Virginia with a large sbars at thai poHticai, nnaocial and intellectual authority which once made this common wesjth prouiincnt among the states of this Cnion, and gsve her people " a patent of true nobility. We beg leave with respectful emphasis mark foal ws do sot say with indig nant scorn to decline the honor of being rejo vacated, Vstnnswaasd, MMnvasleU ad raatored by Tom Scott I We protest igalnst iy "peea nf nobUity " which ar to com from this source.. We spurn th Imputation that Virginia can be asdacaai froca the tallies inf 0-org Waahingron by the policy of I Tom Boott WAWei- fVyiawn. UOWL! OH, TE BADS. HOWL! Wban Buchanan, th sheriff of Jackson Oosaty, wa arraated a a defaulter, under an act of th present geaaral sssimbly, th radical press how led terribly over the ruin that democratic office-holders were bringing upon th eountry, and were partituisrly jvjbilaot -eror Uns 4eW catiom, Ming suck hraV' - "caught in tbeir own trap," etc.; but n,rW Ifiil ieBN BtmiDer. radual sbsrifj 0 Ikat coaaty, aa4 who: waa eir candidate tor the asm office at the last election, has decamped, baring given our present suaYiff th -w-ltp wha-1irr-rested BinT' tnl I OTmaaSTtsf tsait-wir rants, and who, out of tha goodness of bis heart, had) allowed him to go to hi homsj under th. promis sf reluratng, now" w ray tfiaTTh''' aforesabT TistStir has left us for " parts unknown," with atufceoseril fox inartv Ma thr.sl huw agtiasl his sad . hMswswtk form ettliog with ti state fur tales collect sd in 1M0, and with. wit pending in this county against him for failurs to set thj bit county taiea we bear not a word (ram our radical cichaoaea. about It from' th length of snsne amrr facea we aoruionall. se oa oar strceta, and whose ftuik ta Jasaa hooaaty aaal devotiwa to radtcaiiam caused these to sign a cartaia dacumeat knows as " aherjT. bod,n wa ar led to beiisv thai hit departara has beta th cans of mi gr'tf amang th " faithfuL" Jem is saw " holding-over bat with the di.rn.sslswn abov. referred to it ia " ever th left." Wffl annw brother " rail O Wr aVriO CUi- for th Sc-otinel -Tim - uLD- gal pi um: Thry are (ehtig rt fbrwn; ami it will. i in a vry lrief time wliohv dieanitrar troui (tiiT mttisl a utie at the oblevt- aud moat KlMt.r..' I-. n.ln,nrL . ..f ...,r l.u.in id.l !;.. : . l . n.., f,,n ..r i. twri im tlmt oid houe ' How manv men ,.; ..i., . J . i J0i j h j V WW i. thM h))UM., , h. wri, of j. . , ... , - , VHU IBTU veoeniUe. not oulv iu years, but for the universal respect ia which they were held by the community in whi. h they had so lout; lived with which tiwy were so thoroughly identified in in let eat and sympathy, and which tbey both so well adorned by ail the ..tributes which elevate, d.guity and illualraUt hu nun nature. The mental photograph is m-sn upon mr memory, the well-aet. stout Knglish hgure,with the unmistakaulu. race anil look 01 intelligence, honeaty and resolution of the oue, and the gracious, seif-psaeMied aud ladylike awuuers and address 01 the other, could never be for (rotten when once soen. Then, too, I think ot the elegant and generoua hospi tality, in the olden style, which they so liberally dispensed to friends lor so many year in that aame old luanaioa, while their ready chart' 1 for all that were needy w a proverbial. Then there CHnes, too, to the oitud the recollection of tbe sweet poet, Mi,tymsry, their life-long triena, whorn lltey lett.iu li,uglana, w hen comiwll. ,1 t. nee troin noliticsl tierwcu. tions, t,i r, ach, ihrouuh many tnala and travela. a lain! ol ei ll and religion, htieriy ihai ,v,4 " t )ldhy4UJi,, hey jrf, '. ,lh BaJ .,,,,' IT Mlor, in KutfUl ,lf lbt , knuvu ., lUguter, winch he suba-iuentlv satab- liRtie,! at bi. new home io thi.city,in Ot; tolier, 17UV, and which be su long aud succeaslblly conducted in tbe spirit ol that noble liberality emtaodied ia its motto ot " Ours are the plana of fair, de hghtiul pesceunwarped uf party rage, to live like brouiera. The editor, of the " Reqater" attracted to their support s Urge portion of tbe peet ami intluence ol ihe best and purest men in North Carolina. It was tbe recog mred oruau of the old n publican party during aud after Uis wai of 181 i, aud ol the whig party from its organisation till Its niial dissolution. rhen we tluvk of r inlier Ames ereal speech ou J.,y'a treaty, which tbestudeut. ileliiili e . to apeak on the rostrum at al the collein in the Union, and which was so faith, ally reported by Mr. Uslos, when it was delivered in the old Cougreas st Philadelphia, and when " uutri hand was indeed a rre art in this country. - Anst pen again cornea up to aar'ory .KTwlVa.' wis Jo wuou so worthily UMC.-wwie,l tle edi tonal mantle ol thr ' liaUigh Regultr" a geutlemim in even sense of the word. Need 1 say more to commend hi. cherished memory to hi. cotemporarie in North ( arolina, where be was so well known -s.id aomucb tieloved I Mi Ineiiil. in earlier and belle dsvs tbe sssociste of the beat and most distin guished men of our state in your time I leave you with the recollection of many happy day. .mmt together is social eommanion and political sympathy. And he, too, left a son, now in our midst, to illuaUatethe virtues of a worthy sncestry -on whom, at au early age, the same editorial ruantl fall for a while, though cow thrown aside. Of this ton sad lormer inmate of this same "old house" it may lie safely Mid thst tbe fruit is not lees than the nomine, and that North Carolina will never forget tbe gal Isnt soldier who Ua,k hi. Ufa in his hand, in our great oat trial, lor a cause we be lieved U oajuet, and who proved laithful t th and. Ia that old family mansion, now to toon to pas away, I have enjoyed scenes ol Biirth and pleasure, in the joyous glee and happy sport of sweet children, some ol whom were near and dear to me, all as aembled in evening play, and encouraged by the smiles and cheery words of parental alTectioo. But other and sadder scenes have been there, too, in that old house. Love romantic love s brief and bapp) wedded life and then death a sudden startling death on the battle Held and soother in the tick chamber at home, and tbe fearful .ufTering of sicken ing suspense for loved one far away in ths tented field or bloody fight t Ah ! I ramemlier me, ot a young and Jorely maiden the impersonation of uo selfish love - the admired (if all who knew her a ministering angel, who patted away a wilted flower, with ni.ny a tea. on itt blighted bloom and early Erase. BW J would not draw aside th veil thai shrouds th tad memory of ths dead or the hallowed grief of tbe living. As long at the names of Csoieron, aud Anderson and Gales, are mnemliered in our good old (tate, (and haw lotg will they not be I) thee asourafui thoughts will crowd th atestoriss of kindred a ad friends whea they think of the " eld Ualet bowse." But whaa. ws look al that " old aonas.'' as strotsg haa da an ttwnag it dewe, etir thoughts By aVaBotber and greaisr eky W thtak iaroluotarily of "Oalea A Bettoa " and the eld Katieaai Intelh grocer " of Washington. Who. nf ordi nary iuforoiation, in all thia wide-spread republic, haa not beard or read of then 1 Jn. Galea Ju sad Win. W. ,V!"n.o tin oldest ana and counterpart in uersooal appearance, and the other, a gentlamaa - sans peur et tent reprucDe, tue protege and futur too-in-lsw of our own and reo rated Jo. Galea, br. These were the, worid reaowaed editors ot th "National Intelligencer V mitkh for mora tbaa the third of a caury published th political igepei of the bint sad purest mea of this nst.ua. iy earliest racoUectiont are as oeiaerdi with thia greed uid jotttaal, wiicb, wiui im - tutuugh Jtsistat," ws. tot rev aad years together, aa booaeuold words ami of th buz beat authoriiv under We recur with pieatur even Bo-w to -the trancbant ana eihsunite leaden of (Hies, sod think with cherished metmiricaof tht evrt gmtal entilethe model character beat no, while the open heud.d charity ami aoerrms novpitainy of tiotn were at ass i sr be wit efl, Aad their acauaipjjished, wives, too. How Tivtdlj I recall the brilliant gathering of great, statesmen sad the faatou in art aad sciuic and lit erature, at th o'ld " Beaton mansion " in Washington, where tbe distinguished yVsjeas, Mrs. Bettoa, was tbe cynosure even in the later period! of her life, of re ined society ready wit aad intellectual emeneaoe. . Oaieeand Beaton were the aaasneiatea and friends of Madison, Monroe, the younger Adam, and several nf their sac eaaaort ia the presidential chair. They were th co tern p. varies end oompatkioas of Lowed.s. Caere, of Caatoa, and Ma eoa, of Cslbouu, Cl.y aod Weiwiar, aad f n ,ordI aod McDugUi, aad Rirbour, and Manirnm, of H,uthard. Benton and ti.st n.lej tne t.ai.j ana ipuminated ttu annals of crmgTW ftir mors than hsff I ewstiry Tteey 4ivt at a Hmr rni were nurtur.il in a ach.xd, when the spirir of s purel p.ilitical plulnsnpby, s higher tstesnianship sn.l a more elevated tone ot social intercourse brought leading men of all and of opposite opinion, togef hr, and when tmtltmm know hew Is ijiffer like mtuews and still tie frna: (lairs and Seaton, and the National InlfUigenrfr am tbe battle they fouirht in its bnl l.aat roliiinns, Mr the cause of ronatitu tioi.al freedom and well regulated liberty oe reiurmDered w title we have a Lit torr lelt and a friend of law and order to ad its page. ' But we iorliear. The fleld of memorj hloh it opened st the mention of the names snd linu of Gales 4 Beaton, Is too wide and rich and tempting to enter upon in this mere memorial notice of the old Oalea house, however closely Id en tided they may be with iu past asaocia tiona. Ws could say much more we might not to hare aaid less In view of the visions which past through the vlaU of mewiory' aa we took on tkVnrUiiiSnt ol that nl.1 house. The work of destruction goes bravely on. It will soon tie fluishsd snd tbe structure which ws the dwelling place of the goiai and true, for three generation, of men, will know its found, tiim no more forever Krom the window where I ante hurriedly thi. memorial no tice of the venerable msnaion, I see the workmen, a ihey throw down brick by brick, and test off plank alter plank, and I ihmk ho I. tile tli, -v nek "f the hallowed iiiein rica that ei.ahriue it. ancient walls Hut the ai.irir irt un.iLreas. wuulaJu wav VHimmy rrfte - WW.TrtffaTion W Hie f fwmght tea sbery loarrni w tss niii. of the old Italia boliae. s besutiflll Tern pie. dedicated to charity tv an ancient snd noble order blaroned in it. hiatory ol beneficent died, from the remotest sges. pnarlaiming love to all with peace on eerui ana gooa win to men. B. CANDIDA TRS s. PLA TfOHltfL Just new and it ia a noticeable sign in the political firmament the Ataerieaa people sppear to be mucn more concerned about candidates man ptauarms, particu larlv in connection with th presidential election of lS7s. Among the cat which ban contributed to diminish the popular reverence for " pletlerma," two have chiefly operated, via., tne cnaractw if many of the platforms wmco nave been put forth, and which have proved nothing more than mere bundles of plat itudea and glittering generalities, and secondly, the facility with which, in thi hour at success, the pmmiaes, ripivs or imnliod. in these manifestoes of party faith enjcL-tiiaUr!1 Ueafrreotte o. disregaroe.1. 1 efortunwtely f ,r the boo esty of our pwlitic, it is getting mon snd more to lie iind-ntt.,el thst platforms, alter all, are on'y inteoded lor iuimediat, and ten, rv ,rarv effect : that thev are not so much definitions r plcdjct of political faith as tbey arc political devices- meant catch Totes campaign document". which after the election may mean some thing or nothing, as occasion renuirrs. We can all remember when the case pparentfy was otherwise, and wh. n thr eniiment. " measures, not men," or in its leas alliterative, but mors seductive form, princi tiles, not men," ws Inscribed on every party banner. Looking hack, how ever, to those " good old times," we great ly fuar thst there wss as much of a delti sin or . sham in the importance formerly attached to party professions of faith as there i. now in tlic profession, themselves Traa.lated out nf ths political dialect 'to which it belonged Into homely vernacular Rnirlish, the sentiment, " principles, not men," too often meant that the personal tneas or iiiialincatiiin of candidates for office was s matter ot minor importance ; that Uie preservation or the parry sn uremscT at all harard. and at any cost, even at that of the election of men noto rkxisly unfit or corrupt, but who were rv pared " sound on the goose, was tne p.rsmount considention. Wt sre not sure trial tne nresenr temper nr the Auiericsn peotile is not an improvement on sll Ibis. I'rincipk is not ueotssartlt et sight nf, because tbe value and ha purtanee of men a th erahodiiaeet anti rspreesntative nt prioeiie art atso prap srjy meognised. VVhstsrsa- of truth then IS IB l US eitl mesial m swu apfrwoiaiawi but with an important qualiftcation. Th is parallel to that of another gener ality with which Senator .Carpenter, ia debet the other day upo the Preach atant question, sought to atop th BWHIth aad silence the arguaseat ot nanttor Boliun. Treating the inveetigatioa pre awaed bi Senator humner aa oneealoula ted to raise a question between our owu government and that af Germany at to the Sdslity with which this sonntry had bserved tbe obligations of neutrality in matter of th alleged sals of govern meat arm to French agents, th Wiscoa tin tttoatar said that tbe tree maxim in all such os rs foe every patriot was " oar country, right or wrong. Mr. Bchun happily turned tn appiteauoa or tne mas io against Mr. ( aroaater, bf prawapr tv arreouiut It. but with the eiplaaatKan. - our country rigm, u ancne ngnt, ana n J " . t 1 . t. . 1. i . t ... M it wrong, te oe set rtgnt. on m tne maxim, " nnuciulan But mea nrovided the atea be worthy sanoaenttof lbs priadpies they pnrfees." This taenia tu betae drift, of nwbHe oplntoa and (retina: just bow, aad beace-we And that greater- solicited than asaal it fait upon th subject of suitable sssdidauss for th prasttieaey. It It K longer a qusstloe of Hading a sua wiui aegatlve reonrd or anna at all, nut raiaer wlio ta the maa who, frast bo. rwsotd, Is likelv to command the largest aasssareof Pupular eoofldeocs, and to oooceatrats smuarbnsistu' ta gresiesfBunnis arswa vering and nncertaia vote f It is no lohgW thudarfc aorar" B the SottoeBl atabkal that is atostHhebj to ia taaarasidsawiai steltes, bat who among toe public oasaef the oOMotnt . bv his ha.swaa.aight aad hoe-1 tscy aaf iaa-aciaw, snd Wt approred seIwT' a a, tad -was taken as a jTiiiMibMai(4 w slrtswrabeit i mil to Willi th sosUeevd and stewhat diseerdsat of oppositioa. t'poe lb satwtt to this ueestiua it assr ua saieiy aaid chiefly, if aot efl.gaS.aeT, Sti chaocsa of us trad act ns; a new mruae af sslniiniwuatisa- rsleoa- la aUnh. ltTTS. yet trie auetii,a maef be sraaeo a-a4- spoiidl 1 ia. twiatinali je of Judge Devi and Ooreruor Parkas, at Columbus, Ohio, bv the national tabuf reiorm ooayveatioa. ana only be latmnted aa aienlttive ia the ay af aa answer, aad atiaetusMr wttbaJut rsUttaJ.ieauVaare ealaastaaea ap aad (Bderasd by aume of the mar import tat poJiUcsAorganiiattoaa up com hiaatiene ol fry. owsk Th mortsH. remain, of Aaron Burr li i. ... ..i rl ar i in Mts B'"tvj IJHMtM, here, a tew veer ago, a monument oi martila ws erected by stealth aad at gtit, by whom it is unknown, but other tnknowa persons kav muulated to hafk Ti: Ml'I.K Nn l j lion w ii. , . .f,, ' .i.li- t a'. M ll.ell fl Oil i I. .Ml., rM-tti 'T 'r. f . ,: l no I ,lr.'. ,. I i .in ni .1; . i ir- i . iM-nv.,ti,,n. Y, ;,r Ui d'lU.lshinit in llit co lkre an- - i,l to ' maaons, , l.-'V," . - ill o.r j;lill'f l,vl-e , 1. II . I-, 111 I' ,r , ;. - t. Etw, ' ".i -V, TTf. r. - i , ..I.. ,,t. n d ,. i, :i.,ii.v ver unt . i1 even tiv .0 in,., 'lliiiati d li . afe.l ei c I: j; . Imcj.ih,- .Ar Ol'di 'li. n i'-r ouuht c.r un . i, l iIh-iIi . ,ly l, thertf wa.. no l.elc,, . over tin- territory 1 1 to la' g.M'd neit, r. n I fonn and ke, p ui a !. 1', ,oel , r ,, r to ., lor I si.,)s, n, e t tli the .tale ia now iu a more t til ;.!!,, .17 1 ill joiv ii-owiur and l.,tfiU U.14UI111C. proeiierous ri. u, lit., ni if timber, Iniiil an, I aliwi.es are an iu ih.p point . by uorth have a. It led here since nuslly aliipil I am capilaiia.M wl. the war, ki.d put up . xtemive na mills, which line of trade alone hH,m.1s .inplov ment to in my of the ci.i.t-ita, snd Kivea Impetus to ail oli.cr bm-llieaa J he col. sequence ia, larm acoaioiii. are made lo the population and iiinterlnl rca.iurees .! the town, which now numbers oicr three Ihotiaand illllabltanta, and It It continues to sdvance in the same ratio, that it has lone during the las. the icurs, it must noon lie one of the moat linortal d. ots for trade in the state. 'I. here i. dailv iminiiniraiion with Norfolk bv fleam b,ml, and tran-iKirtat.on being ch..p, the place niuat flouri-h I olitv r.-lti.-ilned one night in paaMiu.; .hn nifh, and hence tiad very little .ipiKirtn.iii v ul c.uii a-.ni,' tor ihe Temple. One l.rolbcr atar.ed a lint bv taking $1IKI worth ot stock, and the whole matter was left in the hands ol Itio Ov.-r- wy,-tnnenrmsi9i V5eWt creaaini; the list, and I have tH doubt but That rmiell Wirt rntrnllT tw srri-.mp1fri" e.1 in Ei...ilieth t'ny. 1 he next morn.ni; aler a p',-aaaiit drive of aiiteen miles. I iraclo-d llerttord, in Perquimans county, nil, re 1 iejind a lode in waiting. The bieilin-n I'nTied out w.U aud gave me a giawl siilHH-iiption, ilorthe site of the l.xlge) snioutit.ng In XJAtl. Tbi. will be doiihllcM. largely incre.aed under the insnagement of the ert'n lent lo cal agent, brother T. O, tSkinucr, who promised aot only Ui finish np what I h.td to Issve undone, but to visit a lodge iu the neigh borhtMHl, wl.i.l. I had unwit tingly ie.fl out in making my apioiiit menta, explain our plana and give the brethren an opportiiuily of taking aba-k in this important etiietpric. I shall have to v.it Kdcuton and Ply mouth again eomcl,iii aa mv notices U, h.ith these ol .'ea tailed 1,1 reach the prop er cilticers m.u uuoitli lo h;,e ihclinlca called together'. No cum aaainir was done in either plane, llnnili my iinaaiou was i-xplaiiicd lo a few ol the brt thuu. who urniiawl to wdk for .ii tuple. . J lie iisve uoa ailliacnplioli ol $ lO waa t.ike.i al Plyilloulh, but wimethin ni'lic will ..'.i.cly lie dwiie at each ol tlie.e p., nils. 1'ly mouth hli.iwrtflgna of il.Mrrr". and ...ih nn Irom theitl.cu , .f the war. She had not yet recovered, uinl but lit tie ia doing iu the way of new buildings. The old custom home is at ih ..landing, and sb.iaacii.len.'c of hard tigliiiiig in l.ali.-.libuihoud.froiii the large, holes in the walls ui,.de b) can oon bail-,, turowii by . lajth feder ai aud Coutidcrak-a. at diitei.ni times. The pro., .pal trade ol lint plac it thing!!, aev.ral uiitiion. being ported annually. i he Halting .Mi-real Is also considerable and brings much money to this po'plc. Troi!,!uil. ot tresh herring, are nn being daily blrp pad by steamer to riaukliu D,-hi on lit. Hlar.kwater riv. r. to the northern market. fbe " main run" as it ia called, has 111 yet commenced, and if any of our high landers wish to see the n.liing operation in these regions, they should not go down until after tiro ftnrt of ArrrH, when the season may be said to be fairtv open. The fisheries in the Sound region of Nortli Carolina bring untold (huiHanrl of dot Isra to this people, and a good ft.hery, I presume, is far more valuable thau a first Is cotton plantation. From Plymouth I went to Windsor, the county acat of Bertie county. A small steamer named Kotnla phes I h re times s week lM-tam'n the-a: two i. Thi. boat ia eutiinly twi auiall I .r tin trade on the line, bring only 40 feet long and 13 tone burtbeo. T he ow ners, M.wsra Askew, are, I understand, making prrpa- tlooa to buil( a laiate b-at which the expect te Buish and have ou the r.mu In a tew moot Us Ther is a good lodge at Windsor and the ufh.iers are endeavor ing t tieoouse nroflcicut iu luu weak. The subscnutioa taken here wa not so targe at 1 bad anticipated, havini; heard that Bertie was one of the most flourishing counties in the tla'e, that it had aulf.ud less than Its neigh ...rs during the war, aad that it was, financially apesking. well est But the ntiiu-ns told ase I had bsea mismf a-nml, ibstihey being a the border, bad aulfered more than their aeigllbors. It was court week hern, snd to suits of the snow storm, s goodly uu.n her of citUent were in attendance, and eery one termed busily en k aired at tome thitg. I aot iced several Uitncro wagotu, from Granville and other counties, and sach ao had uinmsra ia -eunndsnet f'hswinc tobacco of variuua irrada. sold readily, and t my .urMis many negroes might be seen w.lkinir wll with several pounds of the weed tor home use. They ail seen led to hare a little spare change, and ws alt know that Ham bo is -hard rrp " when he r.o'l boy whiskey and tmsarco. There was ejs much speriils- Itoa la horses and mulea. - very line, and some very poor horses. The pries ranged from 3 up to $i00. The IS borss though, was, I thought, on itt last tegs, and pro bah! v some good bams ritan took oompaaairaa on the pr beast. beegntlttotllllortbehlcle. 1 hs.uhserip Uoa te tae I ssn pie mails st this pi amoaatad to tlSO, but the secretary aWevaeeewv t4- wa he wftiM.eejl stows tn nbtaia 1UO mnr " IB0 ' P"' eWl Speller I Ferry, w here I obtain i tu Hon, ta MartSa county, to maul a lodge. This trip th the tittle boat was rather novel. But eery pleasant, I iauurise, io onod owisg to a tresh, cold wiad which ws. Diewinei, ana wncnever a crooa in sow ,.Jr. tued;, ahead. I suffered with cold, but on the whole; the trip wss Interesting, ttfd I learned mach concerning the manner of obtaining timber from the awampa and lowland, bordering on the Roanoke river. It it t very deep and a bold ttresm, and but for the sadden crooks the Urgent steamers might go several miles higher than Hill's Ferry. Lorn tier men from the north com here and buy the trees standing in the twan.pt, bar them cut into proper lengths and let them remain on the. ground haul a frsMitt comes, when they ar floated out tu the river, and foriood Into Immense rafts, ia which comnWo they are ennflned by strong bolt, and Cbaift tutlil u$c.e! uaantity it vir ... N t4ined for s shiiinient. The rait ia thru nfl tisiisphrtedto all p-ni.ta Uor!h. . ven .wnine. l ccllifi.leutl. lw.ii . ii c W twwd ore brtrrr ttBiba oT r'wii. the r!, than the a.h, pine J p.ess ami JuoiuA of Kawtero North' u-oima. I tudv. (bat it M snperiw lt) that ft.un(! la the fsieai. Maine, or th;a t.mlH-r would not be n,Kht for that maikot. Th.se large s'icks..re bought for alHit M r.t. ,. ,, A( I Ins pn.u these I.,,,, sverage alamt -ach. Thu would Mom cheap for ,: valuable trcs, but l,en we take int.. ,r eiK iiseol traii.fa.it lion II i. better to a ll at home lor the .,..ii maa take the rwk of thi,. .... 'if. il laniatoii is a small v.llaij,. containing WK) or 1,000 inhabitants. ..... In ,mpii,nt iKiint l"r the shingle business, rivalin,. even I'll mouth in this branch ef tra., His llge j, iB m douriahinir cond.ti,,,,' id the nu mbers are attentive to their du ties aa Masons. A conditional subscrip tion was made to the Temple stock, but I will not nan.e the amouut until I hear d. finitely from these brethren. It ia ar tm th.it aniietMn;; Hi be done, but how much cannot .leculed on until il. next n,ular m.Ung. Do your best, ,e iuaa..i,,f WilliamsloB, that Kkcwaikev l-.lge may not l ,ind thereat in l.,I doed.. I uke thi. opportunity UieApni my heartlrlt K-a(iind. to these bwhn-n i ain.i lavora ry,lred, aod eapw ially to brother llatton lor valuable attention. ,i. Hamilton, when I was sick and n., led the kind BfhYe of mme fr,rr living illianuion on wheel,, srnved at Hum HU, alter a pleasani d.ivo of .l.,i (nd-Thnt n Lorhrn had Im-. ro.rn.-d me. that th. mTZr&mmk-' AiaUerwl iW h was- dmed rmfwwtWW -- to cllm enough to trs. sact biiaiuess, and I had to leave the whole business in ll,, hands of the local agent who mar brio . the .ulii.-ct up at the nnt meeting'. Tie tnrms on the road from Williamson 1.. . , Hamilton show signs of thrift ou the pa t of the tanner. If I may (udoe from th,. large be-ap. of coin.l I ,w in the Held. Latrnaive preparation, art. being made f.r a large cot t, ,n crop, which is flu- im,! dependence of this people. The tcm denc.si slong Una rimd are gem rally belter than in in oat sections, and ex hib.l svideuc,. ,,f loiuier wealth and proa,rit. Martiu ia doubtless one of the wc.lthi.ait tmnntiea in the stab, and with an improved system of lub.,r and the proper application of the rich marl te the sell, must become one of th,. iiiot Important cotton growing ecli .n. ToDr Watts, of Hamilton, I return tliatik-i lor kind at Ion tiona, which will long U rciiinnibiiriid with gratitude. From this poiut I joumejrsd trie next day w Scot 'and Neck, In Halifax county, where I ,.,e. una young ana nourishing 1 odge on t irdaytuellth ulf. Although autfeni g . much io IkmIv, I explained, bri.tlj our plans, and offered to the brethren an . p- portunity of exhibiting their love Tor Ma aonry by tuliscrihing to the Teniple.tiK-k, and most liberally did they roapond. In a few minutes tl.OSO worth wsa taken, and . I do li -Here this amount will be very largely I im r t I by memliers who were shsent oil this i tcsaiou, who need only to have thu plan tplsiniHl, to respond also, aa did rhnr ellnw-membeT.. In a few Tram this will be one ol the most s.iUtsnt.nl Lodges In the state It is loomed in .m of the finest section. I h rough which , have yet traveled in this state. Thr much wealth here before the war, ,iid, from .ppearaticca, tim.-s an- nenrlv " as of yore.'' The dwelling, aretupeih, snd look more like city n,at....'Ds than oountry rei.donce. Thu i.a peoploofcul tivaiion of a high order, aud I came to tbia-conclusion from the taale exhibi ted in the ar .ngemrnt of their yards anil ganl.ns, and the beautiful chun h where i bey worship. The church yard i. taste- ,, fully arranged, yj the do, ;n and dire, this nf that ooiinoisrur artist, the Itcv. Mr. ( heahire, whose .kill in thia depart ment, may he so. in many cbuicli yaids snd flower g irduiis in different suctions of ths state. The trade of thia place It very rmisid able, and nothing but railroad facilities ' fire wanting to make il an important bus inrss centre. To the Masons of Nu. IM, I say, go on, btethren, in your noble work, i disseminating the principles of our an cient and honorable order, throi.glio.it your beautitul neighborhood. Let- Tem perance, fortitude, prudence and ju.lice be your cardinal virtues, to "direct and govern in all your acta, and my word for it, your lodge so lately started, will prove a power for eood which will be irresisti ble. Msay thanks are due and hereby tendered te all the brethren for their kind nets to me when akk, but especially to hrotber Fanner, more familiarly known as Ihe "fat secretary," ho bad all the trouble with the AGENT. CoitrriiaT PBtt.AifTH-nw.rr.--Ths treatment of tbe boys at the Perkins In stitution for the Blind ia Uosten haa re cently attracted attention in that city. It it stated that the worthy taperintctnlcut of the fettttutioa has been la th habit of , planting tbr By svery birui:i, at soon as they get up, into an Ice cold bath. Physicians hsvs protested, but the sujiet Intendent wwt sure h knew all about it, and that the boy were sll the t letter for ll. Meanliiu tome boy. ran away, otliera cried all night in anticipation of thn morning"! ordaaL Ona boy bung himself. Th boys begged th trusters to change thasyateat. But th eld obstinate at the ' bead of tffairt bad bit own way, and very morning tbe poor lit lis sightless creature, were tortured to carry out a theory. The superintendent never took these baths, nor did the teachers, except oa cation. Finally tbe mother of a blind boy rebelled. She went to tho papers and th went to Uie legislature, and the maile it eitrtber bow hvtn tlm barbarian of th institution. Now they graduate; th water, but tbey duck tlm bey whether they will ar no. This in k Crrv o TwauTt nvB TaVutsitD U WoLxmn. On January 10th aa earth Snake destroyed the city of Brhemacha, luasiv Accord ing- to ths official report oh bundrtd aud eigliteen pefaoni were killed and forty four wounded, but all th inh.bitsnt were left without shelter, t hemacka it, nr rather waa, a city of J.y. 000 iuh.biLants. aad lies oo th. road Iw tween Till is and Baku, at the foot of tie Cwuraef.n Mnnntafnt, abont seventy live mile, distant finsw ths Istter city. 8el.-. machs it Ml feet above tbe Caspian and J30 above th Black Sea, and wa formerly the seat of government of tho Province, which, however, oa account of tbt frequent earthqaakoi in that region, was tiausii-rrvd, aUiut ten yean ago, to Biku, .intl.c Caspiin Sea. The inhshi Unta of Bohemacht :.- rrrly .ll Aimo. IMtua. (. V I 4