' a - Till-SHNTlXKL. N j; in AliOl-lN'A. ' wtiic rotnim ilt.nt pitted in rl. I! .11 . 'ti.l li.M. Wilmington 1 1 l.'le.l 1 M r.i w In I I - li :iiiu iii t u 40 rents a ill , , M V. I'unnm re'urned to Wash ,..i t '0 I hiirnlisV. .;uu,iiu.ui.) i tie M.wii..r Curt. SiAH V.ilH. . -iH;ilil,,fa;.; ..lttttt' M ..j. .ti' Mt liui.. ntii i.m Kr.iiltLY.llte . i II., ;il I'liiy'n 111 lile, . Jones t t.unll , hi mile-. l."e Ti'eulnu. I In- Ih-'ni't I nnveiition ut tlie Deinu , . I, t -1 r ilivc puny t" nimilusle it , . .,;.l ft l.i rt pri-iil the 3 tl Lii.liit-t in will iiu-ei il A ilunutou on .1. i,i- ..ill at 1 1 (i i luLk a. m. Sujifior Court a Ijiiurned vesterdav. Ol the -rot I'ws on ll.c civil ili4'kct, t.t the r. iniii' neeiii'-nl nl' the meek. a.i wni- ili-ip'iH'lt tit'. YelJ light business tills i. i:hi.- H'. The At Kortk Stitlt learn tlit a little ty ak,illed a lew day , Hbout twelve miles Innii llroenslioro'. He. Hit. ; .iti.ff to mill and tbe W)iion u)4jt. falliiiK . ) lull) Hll.t I'allhing Inii ilitltll. No par ' n'liUrv Vi' learn thAt the wreck of the A'cVx .,, uhuli i'.lii.Ci i her Imiier nr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Si i . i.i N, cii ibe t'iic Krur nci, .. mi 1 1 n i li. ti'- .. i in lie liriinht ( hi-. IV IiImIIII I t it' 11 1 1 1 . 1 Ill' lll't Mil k Itll'l ...I. t'i. rcjuiir-. fit Mt w. t u.tbi'lcj llr.i!. ,.','..,r,l H. !!'-. A ih w :tr tfi t be startctl at Mug i.m.'ii i!i U li in--'., in I.f hH.m1 7. V , i!h VV. 'i . ILwiniiior.!, rrM, . h- ' j f n t' -r :t'"l M.tlkf -..ill 1 1 . : i.n.l ll in v '. U.'i - is I. .U..p. 't . Ill ! ui' in (...luir-,. H ,. ,s . ( til MY ' 1 K I1 MJ.H ' Tlif ijllC-'f i-'ll (I 1 , 1 1 it r -t in 'i i n-w iui'v -Ii-'iiVt l r.,i ii.. in .'. . ..mil . . I : Arun-t - " ltd ll a .; 1,.- . I'll Irnl.l the 111'" e tlct the t n-ii i 1 1 1 f 1 1 V urn HI vi.lif. Ur'U th I , r .,(' i hr lieu (- u.i'v. ami Ilia' lli-ni .ait ..ii ililliHt llle ir"p,i".ltliill hv h -mu:l in 'J .nl , . I'.in.lic.i c.iiiiily will I.. i .in j j. ii-i i ui tlml section of' raven wiili Ii ,,t , .1 in it 1 . nr. 1 1 1 1- it 'lei- i he in t ut Hi.' It -ti.l.iluri' ll. it j.oillui ot" Jie .tl'iilt ... mi ti nji'i'leil the pi "i '-Ui 'li. reiiiiiiti.! .ii 111 Ic'.iili.rc. J hr. it ( 'n;nH e. MHiilNIA. Ihe prcpr'i h-r '.! the Rut tKfrA oil fir I ,t m t h ' h j.U-e hn p.n l.-ed v-1 iiin II . I.lr-t lIlULV ll.llS li'J'l.llO'l pol'tl.'-l III Mm- -iri" it ii n i pn hi 1. 1 i.n.l-, tor w Jilt Ii he paid . . .v i ' DM i"-r billlilled, agr;IC(tHtlIig iiri Fwl. iVn- i'h.k in i ii k WootiH We are informed ill it a tire in the vtn.-d-. riliout V nverlv M il. in. on ihe Norl.'lK and I'eternliuri' 1 , . 1 1 ii m ' I , h as done 1 1 iiim i It'iul ih- di. inline i . the leiiciiiL-. i inl.cr. Ai . Iliav vlof I ii- lieell t-ullerei). vv c leitlet to lent n. hv ",t 1 I.. .loliiiH.'ii, all. his a nilli in tdtat V l llllt - V.'i '.li'.; 'i..'r. Il.iil uowi !tph W i lenrii thai Ihe Al:.;ili Inn eti'll-i ol w I . I i'i I ' Hit I V le'.ch I vMlil : I H -i i ciil'lj in .Itine. wllii'll VII i p'li.tL tin' all-iail route Iroin Hiihiii'iud lo Wmsli lll!:tllll. N'e have every asMir uiee tliat wotk will l.e rcmi tiled iip..ithe Kie.leiickli'iEfc-and ttiiriloimvllle railroad In lai-'ll HiH dale and the tir--t of Auul. Frvt!eni-Llurj .syr. Vs'lost THi t.OHlt i. Sp ts.vr.T The t!ti.iiinl inei t inj o the Tinxeea ol Union I li.iil.ili .ii N'inlllnrV will lit- held Tiiea i.l iv, Ito iii-.n-irt f ut Ibe Stunnary. The Ttil-leet. are : f il llie -Sy tiiHl of North Carolina- Ilcvu. I. . K K inii'.i, .1. Kiiiiiple. .1. M. Aikinaon, .1 II. Sniiih, J M. riitis m, K. Ilioin, F I I, .l iliniitoii ; an.', eldem A.T. Slimmev. K Mi-iphy, E. N. Hurhe.on, 1C I. lleale. Ihe Svnod of Virginia - Ileva. C. While. A M ;ii i in. W. tmn, J. I,. Ki purick, .1. .1. Hullock.ll. M. White, W. T llichardmn, ('. II. Itei.l ; and elders K. M. Ariuatroiig, C. I.. I'evtou, A. C. Mi li M nine l'KHriONAI.H. Dickens liked 'l"x" and children, but had no ear for muk Millmrn, th eloquent blind preacher haa several lei tures on w hat he has seen. William C. Bryant lias returned from Mixico, looking an bale u eyer. Victor Emanuel haa subscribed lar-jcly for the em' Hon of a monument to Savoua 4 C. Mortirner Whiskey is the name of a Troy mu sical composer. He probably ain-fs " Coming through the rye," -in I. quid tones L. F. Pic kard, of Lena, III., got mar rieil, commenced keeping house and was ligmetl out, all in one week -an unparal lelid example of American enterprise. John Mc-Icod, the well known (-Scottish oiinai Hi"V!f 'a da-ad. His specialily a tliat of portrait painter tif ani mal. Benjamin Crat Brown la a graduate of Yale College. Before he was governor of Missouri, ha was a Unite.! (state Senator. B.h bia grandfather, paternal and ma ternal, were United State Senator. Trie tTtaffict Attorney haa ir-coved no. tiie trom John Graham and Elbrid-gv T Getry ot their withdrawal si counsel for Ptokea, because the latter, derpite their advice to the contrary, persisted in pub lihing a canl. Mrs. Tyler, wife ot the late President, and her granddaughter, residine; in Fay ette street, were baptized into the Koninn Caihotic faith last night at the Convent of the , VhtilittioB. by lltf. Father llesly, d tieorzetown College Georgetoxn Ut Irr in Hiltimori Sun I IX Tt most SOTrvTssT t? ftiff Pemucrttii untl tuw Hfht- Wfetgi Uvvi 4ifcr ciier 11 he (I prirwifirw r lmg AioptfJ by tlw ImmIt of the Aioeriratn pcrtpia Wheo ince Old iMUM-fku ana ma n nigi Ti.lcti tbeir linM vben there wa diriaiua .nonp them. Charlotte DispattK Hohohjtg a Hrko. Tbcmaoifwt . tiD.eotof the Gottveotifio ut Orenuboro' -mm to mk Gvo. D. H. Hill, of th Otntbr Htm, Bopcnotftident of Public Instruction Th would bar been ' y the unanimous voice of the coaventiun ii recognition nf the meriu of th grtt Mtliliaer. boirouiiT ritaI m aciviihui nd a teacher, tut v hefl the doulH wK r .iel of hU beiog under b&. " ir.ucteU that hi sum n-igbt be with Urwa. The ouc.iiiaiUtioo mort luvt bern gratifrin t tbnld hr abJ hi man irienJ. CAjr. LUjwtch. For the Bhn "'i! '."' CEDAR FORK T0WXSUIF, WAXE COIN I Y. ' L rmMMrrt fi mi l rffilirm i lin I nni.i etive people i C'cdir Fork met in t ou ventiou at .V. !. l'oJardY Mole on siur );, the 4'h da Mi-j ltTTS. b. u Hi l illowiui; Ulotee.iuiu- wire iatcl. ln inotiou of I'. .1 lire, u lo . Cm.i W. I'UL'e, iu culled lo the i Imlr, mi. I It. V. T. llcrlid.ill a lr..tc-.'-d In ml j .-...irwi. tj rcijueiu ot uie cllNir, A, 0. Jiieii, ndilmuied the meeting uud tx 4ninc.l it object to ,t ihe aelivtiou ot ddeifaiw lo aiiend the piro !u !-"uJ!!i c.n.1llU,ilij.!.'!. .jeW (alUkiii ri i.bc ltih da' "i !)' "tit,,.. ',;,r ,,, .........i..,.,!..., ,. the nitxtiu, fiiiiitiiij; of Uie tn!luv rt-Milutiou wtu li vtviv ftv.f uud uiuui tin- nomiiihtintiti m ulu . the I K m ratir l onwrvativ (.on; riition . l" t'. in lin.' May the 1M, ainl tliil ve will nnf rhet:ifnUy !-ilipot( t In- &nm 2. Tliiit we rruri the quilit. ol' iii! r'hu as wUbliftiicvi U l iHiw milt. -I in the coi.HtJtut uu nmi ijin r nig the sup port of ail $m.J ciii.ei.s. 3. 1 hut we will uiot.t iliucrfullv supjmrt the muiiintt'r of tin- xiM)tr nnivi uii.i.. which in to MHwmlde in Kmtih u ihc Ibth ilay ol this nioiilh 4. That the folio 6) ent't-iiitn dei.gaU-ti U the i'ouveuttou .' the l!ih inat. Hiram Vtat.ierspoon, P. H. BarlM'f, r. A. Sonell. ChIvid Y., J. It. I.mt, I. I'raLt', Murray Smith? Ifc-diu tii-orjr. I. M. I-'tufli, A. M Aflaiuf, S'lom .h VY'.Ut-ritl!!, W. M. .IU( ksttll, S. y. 'ltLr'', V C.tKlury, Dr. U. T Hun.).n. M. VV I'ii-, I". J. On-i'u, C. J. I'tA'r, Z i h h r.ni S. K. llorm-. On motion it was otlilrfil ihnt the ' i. rHary mh-I ct nt ihf pro4'eitliu- o( 'III, nntllig t" lot Hllflli ShMi.NKI. puh!i',itit'n Th i-re In no fnrtlte. Wuiiu'as. the meeting on 111 ti n 1i.-uiiii1. M. tt . I'A'K. Cinii'ii lR V. T lUnMh'N. So y Mi 1. I' ; : i.. ' li I J . hii) U'.Y We Hi.'! ill nil eXtimsije ill. lolliiWin hriel nkfrt' li of ihe ijlxrtl inniunce tor ni I,, iintou, Ky., wjis tdu. uttd .ii Vnl "o.iei;, itit iiuvt 1 to Missouri in 1V ni- tjuuiineu us a iivvit, y'HH eietiru "f no; iJeKttioiUtH' 111 tltlil w n f eli'i'l tl ft. loi u jiiKnlicr tit jaii ilr w i! h ltiui - ( Titt Hli.l H lolloWf'I of HtlllJ'1!, itixl In- f nue tt h'l i-e oil r umi ml or Lieti i in u -ci ji;ti n m ilu- Mweoiin L. iisiiu .iie. 1 e I ' i 11 it'.. lW M. Iouin ft.- Ki t - "Hill p.iptt. In lblii) li. ii It, iht'olitL liiil.-iii ol llie lir pi,Uli priy Aii.-ikMiri. In the war, ot rmirv, he mih litiUt-ti the i'etitTrtl gove! HUM ut "- he itlhi b rui4 B hir uud L aii Im ;nlin tin ' t uiou party " ot Mi -tvotin, ami h IJuiy ihdt Ma;e to the hii ihey rip'iUMii. Air Blown Mm tliiiiiito Llie lin eal Sttiiuri S u.ite Hi the lr.-giiiiiuig ( the v. r amt heii hkt Mai until lith, heu he iict iiueii a re eJeetion. He took no active pait in poiitii i. until Ib.O. tien lie . nie. ed the ueid nj; liiml the proM iipUxe btKft (. oiililuli'iu .tiio! the oppress -r ol lh I x at gtivernmeut. He auU Cull h-'hui. o Hiiiz d (he JitHTal party ot Alis.our t whii ti tit iiifttitko; a lie a irder ol ti).ug h i the reiuuvul ol all prow, i ipi ion Iroiti th aw. OverpoMirV'i ui a pwk d oic- niioii, the L tM-iulKn.it-! thi'tr (Ui4liira .illi llieii oa n mndnUtew anl gnined a -imml vu uiry, rehe ii! the people from Ui ir oj'pr',oos iiml eciahlisliui Irm d.iii .tint 1 4 1 it wity in the State. M A It E !, LEE; BY THK At'TIIOH of 11 MolIToN UolHK," With illuutrallou. Junt out. Piico iu pa l.-er, 41 , iu t.olu, 51 i0. M O r T E IIAHTIIL'R; Sir Tbomu Mallorv't Bik of Kiiifcr Arthur arid til Nublr KillxbU ut lite KoUud tublc SALTED WITH FlilE; BT LAUT Or BllXftHOHo1, N. 0. Hiiil'"tnel) bound In t loth. Hri e 1. Send for Lheui, ur anytiini in the book tine, Ui J A JM.NKS, Bookseller ami laliotiur, mar2S-tf Kaleih, N. C. rjy) TOBACCO M AN U t A-CTU KfcHtl. fdnoc q" 70 per ?Ht. oh CaJt on aseer talned value will be mid on Bill of Lading of couaigninenU to our bouae. InUrcat at rate of 6 wr cent. pcrauu'Q. Prompt re turns made with chetk for balaoee due ablp per Immediately on tale of gooia. Bole importers of Lbs El Uallv brand iiatiUb Hist taleoflt'e. HOFFMAN, LEE .t Co, Tohaceo Comn:Uioo Merrhanta, Ul Kxebane Place, apr Ift-eodora BalUuiore, Md. N UkTll CAROLINA BAt'ON. 1,000 Lbs , N. C. Bseon Ham 2,J ' SiU.ia. tuo, 2,0lH) Lb , Davla Suuar Cured Hams, mij 4 tf LEACH BRO'S TjlLOCR 1 rLOl'R 1 1 FLOL" R 1 1 1 0 Bbla. Faully Floor, 1 x 100 " txtra do. mr4 tf LEACH BRO'S. j- O L A S I 8 A ND SllCfl. 50 ls., B. H Sjiu , 90 Tlrces Molasssa, i Bhda. 4a, mayOi LEACH BRO'S. JJ R SALE. 100 Bashels Sweet Fotaloe Pt'BtlBt. may tt W. H. iOS M.i A Co. VTIiCI HAM AND BKIGHT 81UKS . O. Baana, lull JSftd.j,.,,Ji,..5Ti,!-.' VJ-OTICI! A'orih I'arolin Rtats PaTieTTiliT Rauioa. May 1st, 187.. i "-Wr r w asxiTtii;.as 1itsITltntlonl CaBTlcaa aenteseca m. a EVtRAKD HALL. .. 9b am Fsaanas. U aKaaia9M J1l-WTW MA Mia LF.. A NIW MOVfL BI dusilss Read, sotltor of Vslri. Ay Iran. Moruia Huase. etc , paper nlilioa 1 00, elotll I N. Haart'bt aaatl oa rweiaa "f P'tM- x . AA- H K!Oiie. afl, apr f -lf C Boa More. iXAU, BLIXD, AND DOOR , FACTORY. Ail orden rosa;itty sM'odaa ax, TB0B- B- BRISCB, id rwyrtaaiar. FOR SALE SJtrin thfc?4r? Ceiirt of tl lm.t urm.nrtir" "KnJ. r-U(iiia. 1LJ,"7 at l" ism u-rin. uie unit, rata oiiiiii.l..n. r, .ill el the Lour House m tlie loan .it Neatmn. II u i-Ux-k on .-.hi '.-ilw -JJ d.v of Mat. 1ST-, the .-P,U;KI.1M, i imtBA MIllTK 811. I'M! li M'liM.s, los.lli r llh alKMll I1 'rH i.f i.ji , il(t. vilm c ,.,MU ln.hl ..ii. Kin', trm- Mini tu prolci-ieuta. I 111 ' . jI. run; r It. uiu'.isled i.l Nv.r.li i ar.'.uia I If lUiiMini'ii axr ai'c. naiu.tuu. ..i .i a,-, mil . 'li,-ier m liitJ'i) m. di il ! hk; i..-;iIi iiiij i li. ' l" i ' vrm 1. . -v.oil.lnl t'atawtu K' Hi li.aJj,y .ou.-Uv, n'-iuit tt in'le- liiit- if. a Ui tr) M!.V1. II f " . urt m. prop.,1, .-.-a utui,.i a.- .t., ie-m aii iwirwTtt- Vta' tttjf in tnU-tvt In n i rti, tiiHtT letl or c-1iiitnlet rx- 'f-otin (it-anron to inin httfc, or hihx'I- "f (KT iim lnl inii o ut liaf ii )f olltuhl.' ii''wiftii nf nullity, urc iiii'-d to vmit tin: vA ihe ,'!, t-rv, inA U--1 n.v :iUrii. ', u - oj 1"J tu ii.ii-. '4 Ut iH iu uitlis. "t m. t,. i ji ., b ,tll wll)i , r ut Uj r ,,mr it uud llit 111.. ! W. L. M. . ORKI.K, ( D .vii sm;ji..m K, V P. C.W.l'WhlJ., 1(!,r -- t (iiiiiiii-vi liem U iiiitinl..u JiHirtm' ...iuai i art- i !ii l.'ii t" wct-i,:y ih lJil stiiJ tteu.l iitcr ! -n 1 lull U. I h'rk Ai V-wl-i'll. 1 . j N L UK VOL H L1KK IN I HE "NATIONAL OK N K YOHK," Jiimi lot a II li I' S E " r ii r. . i of BR.niKIYN" DH't5LAS HKI.L, In.'iranre Ai;'lit MAciii.n: I, a-'ii-f CV.tli 1 li Ti iu :hly without rub I'in i . t 1 1 v i- i in; labile. 8e.iU (or lernis, ii ic I fc;t t tt Ae:,t y. KKTAIL riUl K, Ail.Ire-s. W V. BAIN, WaJ.ur ..riUuT hii I rV-iprie'or, Tioi'k hi., re, N ('. W M V' ltlHM K. KaleiKL, f., Aeiit fur A'cki- o'lh . apr it'- .H.-ii 1 L Kk lORN AMI KY K 1 1 1 K ' . We Ituvii in iioi't'tislul oiH'isti.iii our dintii, 1. 1 : I V, sV'iir Yirnniton A'. And iu.ikinii one lnitntrel and Ufly HallotiK ptrdu, of the b'tt and (lUrfMl CORN AM) li.K V HI-'K Y ever offered for sulr in N on li Carolina. 'I he former refutation of 'Mir iiiatky. known as " ihe Old CiiritjliUA Uhuia, pIih I e u Utui'd in ever) rtnitieL, mm we protiii)' our eimtoiiicrn (f n line mid niKi liilter uted artx'le of pirtia ou the mint ri-awnm'de terms. To all tmnliin we w. uld e Ltllv recouiinend our whi-ky for .U lln.- ini-dieiiial y mlH-i-n as frH-from " dius," il.c;ii.eal aud iujuritj u." eofttpoundA. Ttic phyirlarw of Warnfitm enanlnHMwlv arw in ptonouiu our hmkv the PL- KKsl Uiat tia tvut'ii In lli; market hi nee the war, and rejt n1 t t f'"" tn-n palleiil. 'j are nellmi: our wl-inky, w In. b we Jfnar .in tee to he thirty detfrven utronirer thn in-mt N..ribern hikv, at to . (in r irallon li , tin- Imirel. fraetional pyrt of s hi-r re I at f .! lo $ h r irallon - no tjuautit under live K.thon H-l.; at Uif ditdillery. W.- will rxeh uiiK'o Whisky ffVConi or Mml, t lb. ruttpa of one gallon WtjUky for to t.urttieln roru or meal, the corn to be didiviired at urn-nlon, I ol. l)nvi' Mill or the dlatillery. will reeei.tt lioi at the distillery on aliai o ( H fKIA 1MA.S. FOOTK A Ctl., fell 7 I.V''iu V Airentou. N. C, 1 L O T 11 I N 0 N O W IN ST O K K FINE iil.ACK PHESS Sl'ITS of our own Msnnfsrture, E-.isl lo Style, Qtnllly sinl VHki' li. Ih. lieat Custom Work it n'i'ei. nf' (wr .'.'ill lea ... hl l.l. "A' liKSTS h'VUli J.-HMJ ouom Al.tt AV8 IN STlK K.. R. 11. ANOKKW'r A )., ClOTHI Rs; 2T Fajrelterllle Street, apr as If. B alj tjli N AL. OF V ALl'AHl.K LANlJ IS WAR KKN COUNTV. In purnnanee of a itccrre mails and record, at the Novuitr Term, 187L of tix Or.atl i.'oartof Uie b'nlted States. 4tb t trcattand Dtatrtetof North Carolina, iU eolt of Janea A. Ntialsod ami bis wife, Ballla, Elianbata Amis, fAsmurl Buiterwonli and Julia Mtk. Amis, plsiotiffs, Sasinst Peter R. Davis defea dant, Istiall proceed lo sail at the door of Uie i.'oort BnuM', to toe town of Warranto, w the 4th Mtiotli J of May, loTi, Ike tract of laad ite-cribed In u tileadinsja known as ' Lara;o" in tbe Caonty of Wsrreo and lately 'Oeeamed bi Ui said f'eter B. Itaris eoouinlnc t,M seres mora or leas 1 na said tract of sJ wss coorttyed oy deed of osnrwag T tfSfl said Darn ui taa Uaiotiff aatlw A. Nowlaad, Klizabeth Amis, Bsmuel F. Bu teraortn and Julia Mod. Amis, wUich deed waa prored and regutcrsd in the proper County oa the. Utls dar ol Septeuiber, Tba land a ill Ik ol ', a')"t in U5S (! Unirent laterest in the said mmi&H deed ssenlioned, to Uie aljKbest bidder for raah, the purchaser to aire bind sold suulcieut serurHj to oar the annuities d erlbed In thd pkadlno siainnl.a.to.-J-.-Vj(4..W .'...Psjjdum u y in. ii. w . - ... . .pecttTety, aa tirrsara ajarthereaf it bwsoea dna. ana lo aaaiuoo inarsiu vtm pqrensaar shsll pay In rash the Sam of 2,UI -H f whii a aa.aisf la nnoeiliaj ana sears iniarwn ai -' arha aian I 4n llld tu' lui.ei. Uie maaity Which fell da UK ih beetrml-er, i-7l Tn pare baser sbail ssso lm1 me Mliajii.Mt.iiw-.-. .... 4,.......-. 1 he utle or tue isau snail tat rewnw aa ui the aaiJ aaauitias shsll a ssUsled ti J KlUOllKClert aprll d'Uewtd. U. A Clreait tkmri. Weldoo A and Warreatoii Omtiu v py TOHJI AB1UIK0M0. O BOOEBIfDIR Km BLAVS BOOK MA UFACTURIR. om tu oarm caaouaa oastarou, . BALKIUH, V. C. Trial, tierattoa, lUaartsa sad Baeordlwr' DorSeu raaoe to seder. North Csrutbia aVeporta aad other La Books, bawd ha taperxa- Law stmiuayt. U iaua imuilKii of Um KelaM-U sarprttss) I s4 oil uaiiiijars lakca in ciebsaf foe tnsx!; i'-Sa. L tv-tf ' 'IMI' lui' WA.-llIN' 1 torn utu Mooiu: a QXLma, aTTORNKTS at. law. RALKIon, N. C. tate ami Fotlera) l'onr afift the t Voart tf Uir lt and rtUi JuUk tal IHttlrii ta aov t If. pmi.T.irs av racAimaoN. jVltornevs at Iaw, - 4 s. r. raiia.irs. a atiKiBoa tie. t-if. I H, BaWfc ATTOKHY AT LAW, PniltrM tn llir iHvrr 1 ourtt of the lMt.. Jii.lii in I h-.ficl, Mtt.t n tlie !n-reitu- Mirt of -Nrl(i Car-'liut. Pu.uij-l ;u.iiu.i j;.cii lo Uie flir--il.m ot littUilb. ihiv .Vtf ATTOHNRY AT L A W , l.ltMlVM, V i . iJfurU. .v-;iuit H . hi . N A S II , A T T ( K S Y. V AT L A W , ' II ll.l.WHOKI ' N. C , !'rte'l;(-es in Hr.iiK'e .tu.l III' -t.lj .ininic ciiuti -ii, an-i in Hi. Mijireiiit ami I . o. i. oiiiU. It-U .".e J lint s n. I'AUhltH, j. &. long. I'AliUKK A I.0MJ, A 1 1 Oil S 11 V i A T 1. A W , (.liAHft f, N (-., i'rii. ti. .' in A lain.tii!'.i- m. I hr it lj. tinier . uyutiea. anil iu li e -utn .ric u.i 1 . v.uui u len -V- S init a U BINS. ,4j L T. W111.1AUS 111 V X WILLIAMS, A T 1 O It N tVs A T LAW, Kik KY Mol NT. N. C. WILLIAMS i HI.NN. Busiaeff lftt .Br mav he aUdrestved to Roekr MirUlit Of .wil led Ui.u-- tolltTUtt tu auy rt pf iNorth Car olina. Vuit Vu ,'e in the Supremo Court of the St to m d in itir lUenil Lourtat faiih. i. A. ASIIi;, Attorney ut Ijiw, RALEIGH, N. C. tll attenil Uie aute sn.1 Federal Courts bel iu the eoiiLit-s of Wska suil ew liauover. mar Jt ;tm. D K.S L'AL. Nu t lh. I nttl further notlee aiel until the -at-a hi ish utt'iit of a rtuitahle olUcf, ontern fttr in pt fi ptttional laervn-e, may br-'h It iMi i .. 1. IliHiib or at Ibe State National Hank, when I will proiuptlv attend the remdenciti of patient jhii a tf P. B.K ' K J. ii. rUrDUUHU, DENTIST- Wi'VCtf, OJV FA YIC'J'J'K YII.LK ST., Ol'I'OSlTK t'tjtJKlCK II ALL. " eh "iOSin. " 0 VIDE DUPKK, ATToHNKT AT LAW, .IlaleiKh, N. C. Praottees Iu the Courts of Wake, audio the federal Couria, nlvB speeial atu-nlion Ut the artfuinx ol eaiiM' in Uie tvipreme court of N I., colli eU elaiioit aaiuM nuv Kire or Life Inauruuee l-ompauy iu Uie l ulled ntaUi, and attends promptly lo any other proftaioual huffine. iuLrbUd to him. frbTtf TyM ;akl, BROWNE, PORTRAIT 1'AINTEK, Na Ift, Faycttevlllc Hlreet. l.ife-sbre rielares painted from life. I'hoto- irraptis or Oiatfuan'ot; p uid rainiiy roriraiu. ana neiure i no round ly r?LMtinxl and ruaUirod Ui freshue&s mar 6-liu ; WAI.TEK ( LARS. J. M. MlM.i.IN. CLAUK & MULLEN, ATTORNEYS AT L A W t HALIFAX, N. C, rrsrtlce In all the Courts of Halifax. North- stnploD. ICdeconibe and Martin rounUee, In llie rjupremu Court of North Caroliua, and in Uie Federal CouU. iillticUona made la any part of Nortli Car olina, mar -dly c olivs, o w. sTatasoa, a. a raciaisa. ii. e. olive a co., Dsilem ia (laaaaai. alaacBaaDii sd CominiMsion Merrhants, APEX. N. C Orders for Rliinxlea and laaaaber tiled roiaptly and at low prices, apr a ueotUin r.n.. "-iw , V.'. . c BRfWX'8 GEORGIA COTTON GIN. IIMTtnlwf Is 0U1 lujvlum o ml' I am real for th aat. of this oUon lls si.d will b plaaa d W eiUiuil lima to soy rfealrina; to parehaa iiios. Ther- are a Kreat mssy ta Me ra this sartloa of in rn rr sad lhara well. 14 uoe U,. I Joes nut doXall th it if was aTtaraqtswd 10 do. Any auoilter of saws furnished. pr U ti. T BTKCIt ATH. gUPKRIOR Table Cntterr, Silver Flstei It nlrea. Mirer Forks. KoKars' beat Tea and Table Upooaa apr SO if W. H. to. 1. bwaul (Ulna; Um Boat asoderB imi fnoTOOga Uistrut tttm t th asaat ttterary, srUstla and scWaUhe braaehra, has a liepart- BWot of Xwmrafat MammMi and runemilwr turytmc La5ie,aaof ArtrJ, UmrUeat- darUiaeW'-ieBt control ot Mr. . W. Wsst brook. erasioiisJ Leetaraa br Fro W. C. Kav - 7 Htawa hxm to tMt. aad BwarA.tU dadiBf areryUnnrl f 16 par moath f rCvSolJU RAseALL, A. at., l' ajar T-Aiia . Frtacipat -ITTHSaT TKitEABKkB CLEA-NERS: uadoar A CardweH' eelawralas) Biprsator. aad Caaaaara, with or iihowt anna power, deiiawwd al say tep4 tm the Itettroad at maaafacUirara prloas with Ifwbrht satow. urdar aould be semi la early ta (tear m ehlaas la Uias aa Us proa pact atgoud for a Isnte hsrrart. aorWU J1MFIM TOWLRS. ,i n MART IIIKkRR A THKILLOU rattr. i Karty 1.1 hi North f.r-iHns try Uhartia Vernow, ne 90 eept Ba4 by sail oa receipt of p-iea. JA5. H ttl act ; aprfTtl Jt.C !tur. ' a. r. uouaui MISCELLANEOUS CITIZENS B-flsll-t, yjtx II i ihipsk. fi.s.iiiav r N M TWNnK, Vit a I'aasiuaaT. l A Klllii.K. i tslitsa lilCJ HAKKIialN, Asaisi NT Cntaa llKt I J Atl.li. W ,', , t 'Bf.k I'O'la, W L W.lklns. K 1 Arrlliati..n, -... 4.'. V ll.uo.. ,, Uae sits m.-elved la litn. tiaaast t. uh ahici, .,i-'.iu.li am t',,lf in I ntl. on demand, wttb luter inmrimw titc mm. dJl"l.JSS!lSi Ctlt'PfliMi oil i't iH.ltifji aiti.l Pa. iuruu.i.iie irny 1 T.uiXaV f-AMCST PiaW : ft p'ow now in u-ie ll If fouretim r. in .Mir. Ni. other (4 r.ainr d ho.'- j,-r 1' m tnpt..l to -til kind ock,v. nrt. or atilv K m ca.tflv te p!,U p. loi Ue .If M.li li ottf-xi hoiii luiut'n; plow down tu auy .Oii;rt .l, riitil ! i IiAHtllif IU titi.je ' Jilr mi' iJu- lit . on- tiH i, for ibui:iu "1 hi d oi! to K- wiMi to lnr a pi if' fUt-U. n t r'piail t-i . urn, .n!!tn, lo'Meau. At- , An. iu Uet, It Ih tht V r itM farmer, a it Mtpplh-i ll luf riL tor Uie whole entp Ni awed wf mn-'mtr u ihe b'a kpuiiih tbop It Is a one- burne plow, Hirnl aud UntnK. Kxfri At1rnJm : N.t Itahiv to break, a l V" a' ith iht-( at plow In irm.er . Ke jofutiic nded b) bandre now luf( i I baukfut or pant favura, I so i b it the pat finale of my frleuds arni tbe jmbile tu gen era 1. 1 -on now prep rpd to fill all orderi fir I'hiWfe vnd Kurniuoe of nil kind-., ot the bet m. It rial !- I ?up".'i(r workiii.n-,iup. .Ml m r ii i.-viiini; to puiehaAe Plow m Kumi no' will do w. ll to (five lue a iMitl t. (on liii"i Im--1 hi!' elite Ut-ru &.niir I It n uurli ir mi ko .ill at ni Kli.tp on tie' i. lotllhiiij K It., iiuj. a .ti.'ve un v, or al dr.-.. K K 1 . tv -, " ueii r ,i m . f . . n r Studwell Brotlicrs, N o wjor h ,; 4iiuiiwtuft-i and Jobhers ot KOOTS & 8H0K8, ran HOrrilKU.V T1A1K, Iluve a I'otnotete stn-k Iu all lines, lueludlnn their ooptiUr Iik.nitk nrars Bfci.a, Kit' llW (Hll.XCt and WoMSNS KHHAl a. Otilor.roli, iid and carefully tilled jt lowest uiii kel rule. J. E MoO-IC, 8jihi.inii. fitn Mi -Hitu 1 VI. I 1 U I Nt l it r I .S I 1 1 r. ..... K 1 1 A VI AND rUM IN TIIK VICINITY V O U 8 A L K . Ftir e inh or n. tlil to tttilt ptirehiiRer. The lloitd l'rov r v a Dun am, aud W'illdmj( L,"l 111 Ih.' lie:n t of t- n Alh'i. Hi-- I :iM pUntriiioti Aim, thr loorh pUnliitloii, I be llHOiuio'id plaiv aud the. Mer rit pl.r App y to ai.r IV tf K K Mil:KI, Aijent. UU.(kH X .JHoTliE.t't CATii.iKii'c or Mlm hit A M) VM.RTAUl.h' N'A7.7.V, Aud Bummer Flowering Bulbs, for H71, now ready, t-tn.-itiiii( of our 110 tutAxea, on ni e Uikted pupt'r, Willi Jup!0dn of 4Mi neiatate eutK, ami n fMiiutif'tl L'tUitrnl i'late! t.;over, a tu ioiliful dert.n. in eolurs. I tie rieln -t Catalogue ever put'lidlu d. ieud ' rent I r ropy, not onu baif the value ol the rolond plau-a In the Jlrx( order, aiueunthiif to ti"t ieno tlian f I, tbe price of t rfaline, 'a-oe., will Iw refumb-d tu si ed. Ne eusUnut rs p aeiat on the name foo ln with old. Pree, to old eiifltoinerH. tunlfty of m eitrt. o( pai eta, ptiiei uud premium ottered, in;ike it to tb ailvariUie t all Ui purehaae e-edi- of int. See Catalnruo for exLrnordhiur) lniue un'ii'S You a ill nils it if ytm do 140 1 mjc uur C itu loi;ue tM-ftire ord 'Hni, ei. kllher ut 01. r two ChfoiiKMt for inTi, wise 1!a J-i -.me a Itowur plate of Uiilboiin I'lanU, eoiimntlnu of LHiea, ite. Hie other of Annuel, Biemiul and I'onmuiai 1'lauta, KuaianUud Uie MoriT Kl.BUAfc FLUKAL ('yHOMOw evnr IfiHued in thin country A suirrti trUr oniamciii ; mailed, t-t pal.i, on revel pt ot 1 b'ttia, dIo free on eomlitionn spe.eillei. hi CeutWue. Address HKlfidS ,fe BIIOT1IKK. VaW.AArtf K4&. KoehaV.r, N. w York. l,H HOTELS & o., AMERICAN HOTEL OHKBTNUT ITHKKT, OrroaiTi Oi.ti Tniiki'Kmiknc IIaij, PHILADELPHIA. 8. M. IIEULI5U3, I'hopmietoh. apWdtf. ' ' " CATHARINE !!, ONTARIO, CANADA; TOE -'STEPIIESSOJI MOCSE." AND BATI1H in connection with the eelehruted well of SALINE MINERAL WATER It oaw ope for tht reception of Tisttora. Persona de Irons a engss; nf beard will please aildresa the Fm.111 a. BEVKRLY TL'CKER A B0N8. July 7 U rTiK BUniRlOKITlf or Tar lsrival- X LtU W 1 1. K I FIA.VO FORTE (sncmMed br .11 Abo hsr CAREf I'LL ClM'AKr.I it aithothera. in lb. NtW St AI.E, The Manufai tnrer haa swecceded ia makfr Um Mimf PERFECT PlAf FORT posslljls, hne they are preferred if' a OREAT ARTlBTd OF THE DAf. " And reeoro ai ended by all th l.RAtllSfl NTtWKpAf ER8 fXmW w fsm wwiKumm' mtmu? setot wilil ihitriwia wdrkttahaiill, WAREROOMB, Vm atimui, Btw Toac. Com. Ifrra Btmst. saai t rf fr mi i-"" v i in ni ti, mns 111 -en iHmiil.Hllrisailf TU at Jl Madaia. ttiasne ai..u af .41a.ll. l l.arolina wt I he held ia nm"bm oa 1 us. a Usa lflat of May welt, at It as. New Bawd of M easel Kaaiafckars will be elected al Uilaaieetu. jmg VcEF.E, af D., crsrt MadU-lal BorierT or IT- 01 ewe or tsona i-arotitaa. 'tsinwil. "iaiTa, nweaj aaaiiii,, ArUetlle CHiaca, Oitaory Tarara Easrl. Tar boro Boatberaer Wilialitjloa J tarsal, U autqttoa tttar, UUewur Maawariaaar Ksw nera Joanaal of Coniiaaiwa, t4Hoosa, FaywttmdM Fs-!, aii-seasDof Fatrlut, and KoaBuke tiewa copy two weeks and aasal bill ta Lr I, W. Jooea, Tarboru' . C. p I ,;B A L K . aaVliu ton's No. 1, Family Roe Rerriag. jr 1 .. rn... W. a .OSES Co. lllSi 'hLLAXEOUS. 4 um lUr M vrnl 1stlu iiffeinuRrUlnrntvmlltiWi. N1 u.NK HOL hV afi' rea-thii: "i nd rjt: iatetni'iit 'em'd anv n st n-ru VMS. RA1WAY klvAr.. Kt.lJr. . VTKf Kt)K i i li. i'AlN It was the first and is t 11 K u N L Y I' A I N R E M K 0 T lion, a tictli.r ol Hie Lam,!, Moiujti b, Haiwela, or otlitr glaiul- ot I'tioio oy Miie atppU.-4JOi, rT '--yhr)lf!rt W ''ilMH4wir riii Uie It'll-1 V!. I h . id.Hiu, lutinu. CrifpU-d, Nenou. NuraVie, Vf pK UwUjtJ 'A.UtitWwaa'''U4. tahweS....T.. - .. . r - n ,. kWiu w'a) nm iai? viLLAfi"Uim.NiAM: IUfc. IM-L.AMW.Ultt u IHK KlhF.YS lNKi. A M I h'N wr "J MIC riLAUU. H. IM-L VIMA1 h'S cK nUHoWtU-. CONi.K.-l on K UK I I N . li.r I H lv. ' 1 I'lrUt l t.t hKkAITNd. t'ALFUAt.t'N ft IHIL krfcAKt. HaI ItKii p, 1 Itdi r, itil LilUF.IUA. CAi AKKli, lfl.l k.NA. HKMM'IIK, Y ' I H ACK. SKI KAUi a, KHKOM A I 1HM. CUi.h . itil.l.v, Atil Kvitii.lA The apptKV.ijon oi Uie Kfc&os Katiar toCLt! )rUr pAit vsiierr I lie ant or dilbcuily kfciaaS ill AtlorU rM' ud eoiiifort. I went) di 111 tvMif a inmbter of water will Ih a ft uiotneuu ure Vrww, fepaaainiy Sour eUiUiau ti, aieariburu, ttiek Hv4a tie, Ut sril!, lenlen, Cle, Wuid Ui that tl-uWttia, aud ail lnli rnal liih. traveler KiiottM always earry a bottle of ft 11 4 1 '1 KaAi'i iiKiiaiif w lUt Uietu. A lea drop in wUr Miii i ictnl piekni'S tr paius fivji.ii (bailee of au.r. ll ia better LjUau t ivneb iliatidi r bitu-ra hp a btlcuulauU i ir.' V KK AND AUl'K. KE V KK AM i,l K, ruietl lor fifty rent. I htM e In mt ti i . ine-iul a.;' nl in Uii world thai wU. euie Fi'ter and Aiur, a'il ail olier MaJ ii' ti. Hiioijn, jrlet, Iki'hoid, Yellow, au.l otner l-ovurt. (ii.i.d ) K A 1 W A 1 ' PlLiaMi m. tjui. k m i.AiSAYt RJLf UY &k.LUtlf Fill,. -.bis per hotUc. Koarthlllcauty! 8TK..' 11 n KHiriJiAioDjs- 11, 1.., . tt ASJt HKIUUt 1. i t. 1 .si I .1 i ii hKA VTlf I L I UJt l'Li..V. Jlnii'i iu ALL. Oil. T AD WAY'S SARSAPAEiLUAli ,.M1LVHT L ltlh i,,;,,,. , . t,'li...l, IM'hit Jilt l.H.IK. A Dt llll.y 11,1 I, ' llu.ViiAiif.'a, MKU1- 1 ik, i in r Ei rry Uuv na lurrrau ii Flrih id Wright It Norn aili) Felt. Till; (ikl'.AT lli.O(H) I'l llll'IKIL lit,) .fji ol tin. HAItHAI'ARII.l.lAN KK tii.hi iiii'iiii.iitie (nr. uiyiic Bluti, .11.1 1 1 in', unit ollii r Ulllils alii jlllei'At l Uie b .iiin IA. .'m' -f 'ir, ..or il r'.aii'H tlir wiielcs ol Uie lin-'i ;li.n-a anil Miimtl tua-tei-ial. AeeiiaJ.i, .ty... i, ( ...ai.;l. j., lo'ioni r, thaiw, (.wel t ni lltf 1in.il. ,li.M. iu tlMHH, .llW lit th (J. it'll W'tl isAlM' 11 fil thl ytrta .Sue. .yen, ,Vt tt.rt.tivw tf i.'Artne .Mart tht A-ie. tlml lltf K.tl .ir,wi it MtM .'rttfititjnit, ll .Sue, .anal lttot, Htitff HieiM, Ailii JihrHIH, kr.xttut, AiHt, hmrit ypu4. lliteif in I At 101M11 l.tiemr tn is. H-aiie, and tMti miitrnvy SNti jeliai tfiarAor es, .VwAr .faiMir. Jytm of .Ijterm arul tut muU if M. fi priHt-iiteparv wtl Aim IA. eNruiitw hsmim .rf IAu uKmtifT 'd jfutirra f AemUtrji, ami a yn. dnj Ms. tel ftrttm i'- nap )rwn aaawy it ur ntAer if' Mt Jrtu.J jiahi U poUti fiuiMr tvrnrt Ihein. r ... RIUNEY A BLAHDRR COMPLALNTB, Urinary, and Wtnub dlneasea, tlravel, rHalietes. .ropv. Mtt. lipase of N slt-t, lluoiitiliellfc til t, niie, HrlsTlit s illi-esi-e ALiiiulliuiia, aud a all case a lent Uiere are (iriek-tlnst deposits, or the watii Is thick, cloutty. mued auji sub-slaoet-s liive Uiu aiilte of an i, or UireailH tike white silk, or liiere is a fun. uid, dark, nil rmwK a,1,ieMiwe1 M Ut btiuanluil 4 posits, anil a lien liiere is a prteknar numiua sensauon woeu lauwllisT aatair, and paill Iu UteJ suutil of the liiick and altiutf Ihe 1 Atlas. Dr. Itadwav's IVrftt PurcRtlvePilJH. r. rfet tiy UsaU'Iesa, tieifautly nmtktd With sweet turn, pniKi reulaui, purify, i-Umiiaa aud estremfttit u. Had ay s t'dia, for Uie cure of all diaMrrdir of the nbunaeh, Ijvar, Buwula, Khiue)f, bladder, .Nervous lUeae&, Head ache. Coualipatlou, t'oU vt-ntaiJ, lndi(oatlnn, livMtep-da, bniouavtiei-a. liilious fever In (la mat loo of the Bowels, V'ltus andM Oeraftktt mttuU nf the Intnnial Virx tra. VarranUti to frtoet a poitJva cum. fuiely Vii"tuds eou tflH ini on luercuiy, utUiciuis, or delcUsriou 4rnjfa, -. hacrve Uie following svBtpiortia re iiuin from Itlaorder ftf tbe itimaiivei'r.iiii (;nirtUpHoii, Inward I'tle, KiiUi.e ot th riio4d iu the Mead, Aeidlty of Uie hUMu . U, Ntuw-a, HiM.lbu u, IM-Kit of Kocl, r'ti.l tee ur W i;ht b ;ie ,vfc.onK b, Konr Km. Ut Irona, rtluUhii; 01 I" tulle biu ul the I'll of lue AUinirt h, Hwiinin.ii!; of liio Head, UurrM and Ibtht u'l tire4itliinhi, Kliitierbitf at the lUit, ui butt- itiuijt .M'UHaUons altiti iu a I.VUtb, Torture, liuili of Vision, Dot or W'eua tta foiv tlie Mbt . r ev. r U Uull I'tttUtb Ui Head, i.-Hc. ii. of IVipiratbiti, Yellow ii.- ut Hie 11- 01 uud Kua, 1'am tu Ute Hido, 1 licti, ..iiitf-a nu t r-utioeu Kimditwot Ileal, .iu, nioj( In ll't- r " !. A it do.: or ii i vv vS ril.left wii; lire 1 be n -li-ni 1 1 1 nu ill he ut.ove tiaiii'-il dis orttrr. I Vn i , ii i nuu er Ko. bti!.t JK Ht (ttlia 1 8. ttKAl ! Ai-K. AM) 1UIK" Strndoni' efVi Uinp . IIAIA .V A CO., No. hj vl o.l. ti ji..r. New Y-ifk. infuruialioa wurtb thousand alM be wnl ou. June eM deotl.vw ly iH'i..M.v! tP ilili AT txt:i V & J0KS'. pOM) f .mrKlliiif fo.lrt V.Or, with ixmilne Pi-ult raa l-llpst, ll HOW 1 1S ,1 nss.Ml IVon 011 1" ii,-v iom 'loixnf Ku is ii Oil nf. rVo. MI I, MtMVlilc tatrsaotf. To fhU hrunvli of huaslneaai -vvo tflvci oi' atti-li-t (mraonal nt :( ion. It sslinil l our .nili nvor to miilDtiaise the hlJi asfiKxIttril ot oxrcl leneo wliioli it liuis tao .jiii. I. L Y r If o A s. for tits? (oiimnlenor ot persona at a (lieXfinec, anil thoasn' wlio pi- Ar to tuko Hm1i iii(1 M luural Wk torM n t t holr home, wo hitvn liiti-o.luootl ayplion lint tie ltoMls ritatirt . la. Von -wialulitha -Vk-ts. tona : 1m drawa - KIMirlllnjjc; am flrom tlu IXIP S JOSETt. - MXi&U. I xt; EW .MUVELB BT N'tKTU CAROLiMA I a ITTUriMa TA Hermit tf sPrA Tale, by tn. jsmea t Irwlo, tf t-harhrtta, N. C, paper edition pries Ml eat. Is, s al by aaail am rooalpl ot prlc i1 ' a. a a.. iras, wm., pr 37-tf M. V. eVsna avar.' p u 1 ! i 1 I DTE AM 8 AW- MILL FOB SALE, Blrteoa Bnraa Power, as (rood as aear, a-tn s-M um whole low, or half to a partner who will famish a (neat loratto to m it aa a Raw Mill, tjTtes m IU ana tattoo Wisv, ' - Apply -. c .8ti'ARMC. '.. ' v 41 a w ii a rt 1 li u S n II f ff THVNSroRTATIttN OFFf K, NOItTH CAROLINA DlVlolltX. C-t)MeiWT HM.ira, H C., March th, IKtii tXn sni s'ter ftumt-qt March Sis' l"Ti. mail tl.tHi.aill lie uti oiTr una Diviaoa ih ac iiirtt.meo alUi Uie Iojioiiif TIH 13 T til Lit 1 ulilM. k..Si Ll.a t.nu, I'oIlliMtL 1 f. a : c -t r. at Wiialiui, llltih 1'olnt.. i n in ll tiil'eutiaifii, tliatSJ. (f. l.W 1. It I . .n. ....... ..I, .u. t 1 iiS A M I a.-M , . I ; IT"I vt".'i . . j.. .3 . aa.-.TI . a niilaitoio , ,. iw : a a-j l irhaiu's, f) f aa ' 6 He " Ra e U, T.t " I - " S Una. ' V3 ' 14 " ti lil.oiiro', . K ' A. M. UOlNIi WKeT. . . .. t (TATII.NS. aaaiva. - tear. I liarlollu, . 1'lietttiij aallslinri, l.evlltKt..l, lllj(h I'.iluL tlle'Ubo.i . L'oiuiiaiiy hliopa, HlllslKim', ItU'haiu's. Kl.lh, rk-lina, olilsUoro', "ISAM A3S ' I S'Jfl A. M. 4 : " 'I 4 41 .at ? M " 'J 57 ' j . " 3 JU o . uo r a. 'u ir. r. a. MM " ttl " i .4& 4A i ft IU r m. 4 . J.lh 4.UU " Mall Trains will run dally both ways the enure Itu' ii of the Koail, Kipieaa Trsiaa will ruu Liolli ways belWetn t ouiiany BUip and Charlotte uatly ftuudar's excepted.) Kreltiht Trams ill run both aays tbe co tire leiiKlli of the Road taundsy's eirepted ) A pa-miiKiT car will nu attai-tied to ills freight train bvlwi'en(irea,iisuoi-u'. snd tioids huru' lot Ui secouiuiodUitu of acufrere W. H. I.KKkS, apr 1-tf. Master TransiKtrtatioa. 88 .11 H 1 X M o ? 0BSL ' J 3 . 3" -M4JJkUa'' TUB WAKKI'IKLI) EARTH CLOSET. Is bf all odd tbe awf yet paten itl rtand u Wsaarisi-n haira 'uirt Vy M ! t Nw tort, tot IMMBTtritttive tiamuaiut, or can aM. eaatw- - -ar . Two do on baud at W. 1 JONKfl A Co.. may 1-- AffwaU U l' E R B hT.CE DIAtklN'AL COATa AND VEiTS, OI.IVK DIAGONAL (X)ATa AND VES'IS, KAHI.l A DIAtuiMAL CtlATdAND VF1TI, lil i. k llUgotial Coats and Vesta. Just leeehi-il at, it 11 ANIIKEWB A CO'., nyr r. tf loUilera. O BUoHKi BtiLTEU MEAL. apr 11 tf 0. T BT RON AC II A BRO. ja (I A R 0 . ' I can furnish ten or twelre parsons with ko d oourd su l c.i.ufortatile room at the rcloeuue of Mrs. Henry W. Millar, Mewbera Hlreel. Two ufJVe rooms In the yard bow vacant apr t if v Uiu. B BARER. OVEIt $16,000,000 ddssots! ' M TiN A : .... .r:: Life Ins: Co., Isau polit lea uf oa Lira froea 20 to ID. f IOI IBCLCtlTB. Tbe Lsrgwl amoost oa any eat HI I IX,- V B. CROW, Oer l aCaaaffer, North Car )hna sod pftrt of VlJ VlrMt iola. 'inTtif-iNkt-a- btx'O'; Caak AaaeUBS.OOO.OOO OO. Repfes.U4 by ( W. H. CROW, Axeat, I tf l-ieVra,II.C g50IWAD. . i I"L?! .T"""1 '" -ony of Roh art BL BrWirer. If eaptarad la Ih. County of Bates, aad IU0 it tttptaresl eutsid of the eoaat. Bald Brldcm waa r.L j torr at the carreet term of Berlle euperk lrrsrt aod aisjal of aay custody wall katas take frwa la Jail to the CtrnH HovaT 1 WWanl, it, tm' iwt ' I ' wjr rr r - i 2 3 I C tZ3 O - j g S 3 15 l ' ' ft " C S H J ts- 2 i - s liVWSaw OrMauboro' money fharkot JIUTI$9 KATaa OF BA.A SPTIA, , TrlLBON a, airObaxs BASK KRS A tt " , Clcauawa Baoaaaa, avanra K.u Vraa, aaasaosu', Q. . Bank of M. C ..."........ IV " Caperea-.. " Charlouat .,..a,..,s. t " Wadsnro.... ,....... ' " HilraliMftoa.. SO " R.mboro' W " TbomasrUla. , A . " r.C3i. ....... : J ; " Lenasrtoa 1 it. ..,.. ,,.., I , laroi' auk of (in.Wm..uu afloera' and 'laaters' Bank..,.,.. ul Commercial Bank of Wilmington, ....... V iriiiiiia hank MuUM aroraUwu. 4 fuver, rtuftii TJariiluia Bwtui. I ujluu lilos . bubos and all othar marketable stoeka. ttrders for Haiik Notes oebtora and Block, hoaaors of banks will ul reccie prosupt att. UtUUoa. Returns fttr Ofhwaa flau-raiNn n Rank note. c., aili be toad oa tlx war rajaaaved, by check oa K.w Votk ur Baluuiore, or la nr. mrtt-y, aa desired. iLue sod Fir lasaranea Pnllel. taauad la ffotal Coiuiauitfsj, i hast raUa. la-aaaw - .. . . s. LlKE.lNt,UBAycg.- THI , - '' mm ictTii wsriisci coapui, HABTfroRp, coxyECTicxrr 1 Meaar. Cbaa. P. MonUfra A fkw ar Ui wl kaow General AjeuU for Sort. Carolina. and .Maryland. AL MINISTER ED 8TRICTLT OM TBI auiUAi. fUA.N. i , 000, 000 OF ASSET S The poUclea an all ' bob forfeitable'!' KO RESTRICTIONS PLACED OS TRAVEL UiJ CR KE81DEHCE. CaT" Promptly pay upon ai loaae prorad , 1 No Baraa CouriKT ai Boara oa Ab&oao, RALEIOH AGENCY I JOHN DBVEIvliCX. Offlo a atraaacli buUding oa tacotid Boor, Maiucai, Eisaiaaa, both tf M A li L X T, M. D . r t, u inn. K1NE DRIBS 3HIKT8. Our FRENCH Tn I .nnna . ' rivalled for Fit, Dubsbiutt and IfearoaT. rrloee the aaiae aa last aeaaoa nolwlth land utf " hoary ativane in Cotton aad Linens, a. s. aaynaw a ui Cloiaera, a jj t Raleigh, J. a Latest from tho Goat of War In tho East i i ToVipnbllc mind havtnir bocoma somewhaa apposacd eonearulue the tale of the Kobeaoa outlaw, - 0. WDISJJL, ncr-haiit ,tllT-TT 1 Beaa leara to nmnuiiia laau j . the iiubtie. that k. k.. ..... T. Norlh.ni ellMa where k haa aalwted Us tataal aad awat baaaUfal styu of - 0 E N T 8 GOODS, CoaslttlDg of - Frenrh and rak-llah BROADCLOTHS, tlOESKIITS, , . ' "!f ' DLVOOXALS, ' FANCY CASSJMERES. FKENCU WORSTED, (tometUiiig u.tr,) " KHKNCI1 AND J5NOLI3H VETBTG9. - - Bfiitlfal Scottl Ckcrloti for Suits. These yoode are really alrrat-.. aa by puKaaaliur of . 3" 0. WEHFL, M.Tra rsiciyn, h, r. -A . PRiCEB. 1b Ibwi ana lrgt atoek of B tt tail Booaa arar bronchi la lb City. . , ' At pr lAtf C. D. HIARTT Ac CO'B Uia Utf lor Ot leail aioaey go ta pr ttll - 0. ft HEARTT A CO; , QUE BOOTS AND 6H0EB GIVE lit.1 tar fc.Uaf acUoa thaa any otitr. ' (TV Ulf v ft D. BEASTT a CO. - IF i'OU. WAN I' IHE NIL lb I HAT f Ok 1 - ' : a, , , taaJrait bobc, eaav la - ' .1 a C.P. HI.VRTT A CO'I. que aioca or trxsta FliOiuaiNd Gcod eaaaot baiVaataa h atria and . 'k "rt f ! " Pf U CD. HEARTT A CO, JjRS saAEJ.Nt). , . r oflar her Klrrtce to Um ladlct of RsJsikl saJ vta'lnllw aa - - :j " a ANTCAiiAEE ' - " r at ker re. Wear sar (ha Foundry. Work done aealiy and pmajpily. Teara if eiperl. ape lu " ' ' i '. ' : : " - , fSOM AMdrfriff tea. HTlka.ta.A Vmb kW tfc Vsslty illa.y Rarh,,o,,t T pro- ' lJrt' aaa ka aarimiailted by IpiilyW ta r .a-a. O. T.BJKu.ACl7. S Wltti r,R' A h,v,;l " ahrllllaar poarar and iBtareat by Uisaka. - Csaitarua. at kUUkaaml M n u-i .. Beta by Basil on receipt ot neica. - ' a.a ' JaAit KNSlem, aa., T 1ME1 JaUUtll UMAl'.J Uaw tnr4 receSrc Also, ea ie, Ant,,,. urmJ lira Uad Maat, tlaste, a? Fan, an4 Uydrauu Canwak if - TtwLr?,- ! " , CM. Slg.ei.aats- 77" w 5 f. r V

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