for tUS.-utUe'l WHIT!! CAROLINA RAILROADS, III I Kl, Ae f.t:ar'n fr. m a li'Ter i.d lieae.l 1 A Little B--fc frhw-ialla hi opixini nt THE SENTINEL Pending any result the hour ff people yet thy have been signally , carried into eff.-rl, e subscripti-m ol 1-iQO , fill . .red l? ;...! Th grtaprl hi "tight 001) be etetwrd, eud that otmnttee briudit awindlt:. Tht Fird ( Jteivlrr Bv fleore ; P. Comfort. A. M. i' of M.-l.-rn 1 Unifuajrw an 1 .tl-iliei ixSytu-ui- I eiver ty. S Y . Author of" alirrinan St-ritn." Ilaiper and Biothera, Pehtnihera. Tl, len.k ia ll-tn-lf niell Im 1 ami piiitled. S. -toe b lend II" i a ter:ua!i n OI att.riM M . . journment was announced. Rev. Mr. PriLhard. of I-li.l. iifli.- an iKiuoced the spp-iiiiluittil for preurhittl: .n KgmUr. These p jirilni'-it" ran tap Sf-eu by ft reference lu tli- col Ni Yerk i con plaining uf the iuiptt rili ol Croton water. It this unf. .riunst. people ui.ny I ik fi. tif 7 lie appointed li visit the places tig- Tli.-re are but three tbf n.i io,bc rin (jf a a. 4 The reaignatioa of tl,. n. ' Bftnartk i. psin j,. fa. -inaial un perbt i r, rt ' payaicit,, Many female editor, ,,, ployed upio ihe pretotrfPylWy Bv An Kiifli-I, ha-.-ui.ttiv, . u ... ' ,ru ''-"')-. t haujrett. tyune So. ; tcara atpo-llier tl, 01 In Iwtli'ioli. -in. I a 1 itti 11 b: Hi' it ., III t illoliha a he I Irlatlltfi an. I Inei.U In 1. after ai abut lire of 111 on ' In r..iilraM a illi tin p I', f llie pant dei ade. that WEDESPAT. MAY 15, lrrts. Il will roat $4.01" ,071 Ui run the State latt, Hiii.ti I Itt-ftt it, flirt mi All ! nn I ml The r w.rt al appoint !. 11 ?t-n 1 of Ohio Ihiti year. The laeat aittroloieal inveiili.m -Our lie nee Mope aa drawn by Ihe txinn-n tion. V He-v Mr M'hirai-tt, u ti , iasiaUut Pr.K V .4iitp BOVTHSRX BAPTIST. COX VIS. ,V TIOX a -h -rt whilt a; hf hal ia)li) the !(' -f tin- prirtrtptl Ht-iiiin-4 (Uiiel. j fwa. r. 1 hf r frt of the rommHttee on tin" firm- Wtry f tht B rJ tf Foreign Mia)HiH ttaa auliaitt'd ma donifl. num. A mWril im rh from Itt- Mr in mm itt rt-Mora' i'n "f lit- v After rH)t-r K I S: t. thr cuiivf lilifn ml im' I : THTKR BAT r'ireilPlSW. P.eeidiB Kjoe cillcd tolhe toovenlioo to miKr v 9 3 111 The usual half hour was pent in de Toli"WkUTl-tCT. wl,h wei conducted i N ' tlirri- rt i4 liur Ii-h ami 24 irrarli teliolar mut do the critirin.(f roiil.l pronoimre a Gel iuhii 1 oTlhiii. of aiH-.t h are uol orm We nn ei ,.r. Out I lor at) art- pal turn !, t. ll.t till'i:tl let 1 t all old IfVta h&A met with sufficient to eulalge from twelve te im Tin Htitit- lidVf-ri'tl ronimiidl the 1.1 r ii. t 1,1- on re vi!tine, the I. i ni r to out-, are . ; ,,.t'o. 111 otln r I it Ir filler a-(H rt In tt ill i. una n iii in- .1 pnatiM-rit v form 1 lil t ke-l ""I--I .1 tl f I rliH' iii--n f ttn- IiHliann ottn h ivt ul j lie it I I w 111!1 Wf hVf Imi(I7-'1 th'-ui !. Mr Ktirtiiiij, fmm the ('oiuinitt-? m Hi jfreatrjtt nttd f the UarJ. ! twenty four pagi-a. N -I a n il illti rieee. S e ale III ll" '.' 1,-n:. . f tie- Kretl. eieLtliuro. 1 .V ah:. I, eh A i: There wen: 1C" birtha, 4:!7 lliarriacen ni li.'i dealba in lilt hiuond, Va., intt t Mr H i'lvrn r ln-M that thr iriH hini( of initti a rt itrt. Thr rprt rfntninifiHlo HOOK NOTirxx. 4 . : an Frwotlcnt 4ect"ft4 the cuitrtBiloB open far btutiiietw. 'fV and confirmed alter bfS crr u- in ,:-, feS intiinpfutkut parlkuUra. i mim urn m sixiaa. ,1,7 "71,7,1,1(1 ;i rm Ibe Hmir snd Fuieiun Jnunial being th un Abutted ltia.ite. iu consideration resumed. The i natiou r.curred upon the substitute ul IU v. Mr. Wi.nrll, til Kj.l'i " h ni tin- p ibli. alion of the Jm, and il (In-1 ritKinliiiK were tarite bo rci'iinti J i" the wcekly Southern li p is, j .iiiiias w-ilh the mat tar they ha hitliei lo contnlmted to tb Hume mill Foicign Journal. The migi ml rrpiift r im n ndrd that the Journal tt printed n book paper nl that more liberal policy It purmied in the diatribu ' lion il the Journal aid that a competent editor beemplojed at a mltitble salary ) " lie. Or. Su.umr, t( Ale waa in feor ' " i. eoolrmlng the journal if Ihe cnmia IU W ttld tnp'rly iittaia It nd nkt It hl il lnuM bul if it m inttnJ dfii t ll iw it t' rt-iiiniu in in prment lnuguiiliing cnnliiiiii, llifii hit Uhed ! ilrup il. Air. Worrell ithiii-w his ubt.litutr. Mr Klljmiii mi Hirtel Ihe ori;inl re--.r1. ij'M-Ui fl iltt tin- tn (till f tilt oriin il m 'i t l Mit to Mtr rtHivt'iilHMi am) cHrn '1. It-JM1. (lU 1 1 !4 4'1-iptiiill till wan failed l"i lull no prtvioiia tj ifaiHu MHt.tilH'l. jVnili.iji any ditinilr ai linn the H-KI I it. OIIIIKH a annn meed, to a il The n-p-Tt of lln fotiimiiti-r, to ahoni im relt-rriil ihe letttr Ir.mi the T. ipii Cimvenlion pfopoain bin-Hi il -.-iuii uf Ihe Snuth tru li.piiil' ("unvriilioii. 1 he roinmuue rerniniiH-nd lhal the aniiiinl M-asinna In ailhen d t.i. v Key. Ir. Jeter lavored biennhtl araainua lie mm nl to amrii l the rep irt by pro viilmg for bit atrial w.siou, llnin miiUiiji Ihe ri-qm-at of I lie Tela eonveatioii J)r. Ilrnderaiin.'iif Al., favored biennial easioBa, A. V. Criiin. ot H illiihure, auppoiUd Ihe amendmenL Uen" J O. Field, ol ' , argued in attp port of the oiin' 'l riport. PrndiiiK the iieuaninn of (he mailer, II)'; aetond BPm-iAt. onm.R aa aon.ninced bf the rhair. to ail the report of tlia Suudu. ttt:htMl Board. - Re. Mr. Oniadilua, of V., moved to poatpone iuconaideratiim. On motion of Iter. Dr. Brantley, of Hd., tb root ton to poatpone waa laid on the table. The report of the committee on the financial condition of the board waa read. Ob niotioa of Rr. W. D. Thoiuaa the report -waa laid on the table until the re port of the comuiitu-e on the future plana and operationa of the Imard bo preaented. , Mr. EHyann miiTed to poslpone the whola matter until the coinmituw on lh future plana of the board be ready to re port. Uot. Mr. Thomas, of Va., moved amend by aaying, that when the report of the committee on tin: future opetationa l the board i. ready, tl at ft ahall be pio reeded villi at once. Tier. It Braoth'Trfii an am. ml meat to the aniouiluintfTe lloaid 1m abuliahed and tbo woilfcrftiuiiiUiJ to the SUtea. Her. 8. Laudnim of Tenn., Pnnidi'iil of the Sunday bihool Board next ad dreaactl Ilia Jjmi ituutuiUr Cktriug hit ra marka be aald that if the Board did apt bare the hearty and unaniinoua an p port of the Convoutlou ita affectiveneaa would be gone and it had better bt aliliahe). Re. Mr. Manly of Kjf., "poke in oppoi tka to iurh abolition, lie gave aa elo- qtMOt dcacrlption ot tbe tuuglea and dLifHcttltica which the Board had unik-r-gone in Ita effurta to work out aucceaafutl Ilia Btlaaloo oaalgncd tbem. Ioatead of abolition ba thought all the aid poaalble 1 alwuld "be gTrcft lu (K Board, aa it traa. ia liia opinion, U. btit Aieaua of nlucal- log tba tuaaaea and diiaeinioatliig th - teacbinga of tUrialiimity, Ac. Oa Diotioa of Dr. Broadur of R. C, Re. Mr. DeTot ie, of (i ., rend llie report of thaeonreelitin o the future plaua of tba Board lor to.rrru.ior. The n port took strong grooud Inavor t' auataiuing tba rtatenoe or the a. p. Hoard, and auatain- ed amntul the most Important meaaurea aogealed in ita D pott. Dr. Derotie wu folio ad by Dr.. L T. Ticlicnor, of Ala., lawreeident of th B wrd, la nppoai- ta Ih abolitioa. - - paper waa iwad frota Rcr. J. R. Orarea, of Tn- atauo thai. Ucth abdlwhed tW plalea wwilJ tia f " rdurned to ibffiiln 3 if ttrlii a il ytf pipai Dr. Orarea waa precluded froaa peakiag m aa ba ia aafferiaf from a paralawri of tba TrdtiMij of Tea a., .terk Ifrouod in ITor of Byutinuiu Waa Board, I Her. Dr. i. "W.' M. Williama, of Md, pla l aa' aaucU . iroporiao , apoa tba "workingaof BuarTaj BcbookV ai an; one. The question with him waa tba beet ' taeaaa f pruataaitlog tba work,. Oa - Ihpnsht tbe ; work almuld ba jUkea ia ' charge by tba Board of Duaraetie Mia aiooa, Ba' oould a-a no otilitj in ana ploj log two men (t Ur ona mao't work, Her, Mr. Ha.Tgood, taTororJ tbe tliaaulu- '. Unm of tbe Uoui. ,;;&r. 'T Rer. Dr. Biantle again took the floor ia urging tlit adoption of bU ainca Juitnt Ittlm th-rrr I "f-t H.--li-tt il Ihe t-l (liun II uf Mt-n i;ilin rj, .V . i ..iirrtiiled fiff tiim xrtls brrrWng e'f " JS-xtw Aji.L!.--'H 'tl:.'ft .CtmHitHivH. s-Likd lit .ivi-.i. Jiut; 4 In mljiHiriillli III, K' I p III, I' nub ill Llol'ie in the rimir. Tin- U'JIMi luilii. n mini! Kiv Mr Kt.ll. ul S ('.. i.H. n .1 prayer. 1 he lit iiMM'in Ite. Dr. Hranilv f.n Ihe miieibneiit t,i al"liih Ihe Suii-Uy ftchietl riiiiin-'l. Mr. Brant t v nhlf-w ln miin-niliiienl. u he lhi-0(!hl the ii, alter i.itt M lie rtai htii by Tuli n K aj;aiiit ihr n p irl Mr. liin. ul V i , whImIh-w ,i iim tion, the tfrigiiml pr- p imniin Mr aliuway. of , rni'ne t take from the Utile the fiimnriii) romlitlun ol ihe Bml'L Mr Kllywin hn(eil Ihe reptirt wmil.l t alliiwed to remain mi Ihe table unlil Ihe wtnuiiiUic i.n thu ful lire plum of thr Knaril waa ready fo n-purt, anil then run tiller the w holr. Mr Calloway, if ii , i'li ' li' " 1 1.. II Oj motion of Urn Fii M.of V , ih-i-rpiirt of the roillllllltee on Ihe Teliu lei ler pr-ip'ai.nj? biomiiil ai-aiiiiii of Ihm rjMivrntitm, aaiititkfii up Tin- i)Mtaitnii rei niri-'l uiii.n llii-Hnii-ml luent ol Uev. Ir Ji-u r, "I Va , tn ,iit bicbiial attuttUA tualtjtd itf auliual U Mr Mi -l. ol N ( ', xaa in fav..r ol tin. oiiiual ai-M,i.'n. Altera h-nifihy ih bate, Hn U H J..IH, of U , III" Vi . I the pn VI..IM tjlirr tmn. The rail an NUHtalm il Tile reMirt ol ihe tiiinitiillit- wa adopted. Prol. N K Davia, ol Ky, fimn tht i-iiiiiiiiiltit- on ihe lime and place, reported ri c'liiitueiiilinr; Manlgninery, Ala., on lh 'd of May, IN?:. Un motion of Mr Crane, of M.I , lie it-port wait rrl'iillltllilted to the ruililliitlre iii oi b r to name Ihe Tieat h -r of Ihe In tri ilii' lory St iiiimi and Allemate and the time ol tiny of the ll.eetinir. On molioii of Key. Dr. l urry, of V" . Ihe rep .rt of the romiuiltoe. on colored people, waa taken from the table. The report wan ail pled. Un million of Kit. Mr. DeM.lie, flu- re (Hirt of the Sunday Hrl I Board a an taken Irom the table. The ri port of Ihr rolllllliltee on The bttttre trttw- -tiw- Boartl read. ' A IriiKlhy dt'bate enaue.l whirh wan jiartleipale.l iu by Mcaart. Boykiu, Craue, Thiera and Kllyaon. On nioUon of Gen. Field, I ho pretioua itnlion was ordered A vote waa taken ami the report waa adopted by a vote of !." to 8(1. Un motion of Itev. Mr. Cillaway, i f Tenninaee, the report of Ihe tiiiaiu-ial eon dition of the Board waa lakeu from thr table. Mr. Crane, from Maryland, from the committee to nominate i ew b.uinlii made t report. UwillK In a lark of upaeo we are compelled to omit the publication ol Ihia Important r-Hirt until our nut i-ue The report waa adopted. Tbe Chair announced that the. time for adjournment had arrived, and after prayer, Ihe Couvculktft ailjoiiiiieil until Monday, 9 a. m. rot nut iiav' niocnuNoa. According to adjournment the conven tion waa called to ordur il 9t m. by I'rusidcnt Boyre. Rev. Tlnw. Dawaon conductetl the de votional exerciaea ol the morning. Theproceedinga of Saturday were nad abd coufirmed. Rot. Mr Dartn, from the Committee on Domeatlc Miaaioua, submitted a report aetting forth that tbe Imard waa In debt and that vigorooa and prompt meaaurea to be taken to lelieve it Ret. Dr. Sumner, of Ala , took the floor and gave a brief but cooiprvhen aire description of UiaditllruUlea with which the board bad labored. II attended to the Innumerable atiulieatlnaa made to the , B board ftir charity, canard by flie fear fully impovtriiiied condition f many of of th annlhern rural dlatricta. Mow, at borne, and to your chunhea, at ir up an Inlereat in tbia work. During the next twelve invotlia we muat uae at Icait ffl,00,000. lie eoutributed to Ihu other board aa dnacientioualy aa be loved hia wifa. We roaat aeetbe waota of all out board and by doing the work, of aa agent, increaea tbe number of miaaiooa -riea. Wa canrjltt afford to withdraw our Bibauonarica from Ltxington and Piata mouth or llaoVpUMi Wt way not hsva the money to pay our brethren now, but by Qod'a aid and your efforta wa thai) "" '' .Mtt tUfVtiWf. : ; TM wprt: waa pot m a vow and adopted. , Dr. Skinner oi Oa., read the report oa iadiaa Miaaiooa. T ba ixport givta dctaile Caawka, Chiatiteia uf the Weet. It alao rocotauieoda Ihe founiiing of Orphan 'a Itrmie among the Cretke. Rtrr. JUr. Buckoer, of Kentucky, Mia- aiooary to the Crock Indiana, Beit ad Jrnaeml the Convention. Ilia rcniarka weiw iatereatiag and inatraetiva,' and atleated hia leal U the work is which, ba lao gaged. Mr. Buckoer aaid that tha Creek bbUub boW BUUtbered about 18,0U0anala, about 1,400 of whom wen Baptist.' Ful ly two third o tha Scminolea wera Bap- tiata. and among them were many aelf- if porting preachera. We have neglected ? n.- tAti-7 S tft ilf4 atH fliu n 'rpflan asyFttiTi arid a dt-n-titihH"eat 7ttt4 are imfMtralrveiv d'inat.ltw. tfcii aiuuiaxa, .ju iliititm, act. -t -ItiJ&tSit 10 in llie ( ..II,, ,1 I l.i. -Ule of thllia -wtr tottttt Tito M'li.tUa..axu al-lie. h. 1- h.A .T H'lt-fc - W. Ii n. Il "I !'!. - il.b-iil-. at "t.lnm iMllole--. ,. I.i ,tgl..f!, I I, t- In iiii reitirfiiiae the iMt-i-aity ol nlt.iniii to tl e it-i.l of a Intt- ru i t , 11 ,11, Iki a'.ar lliel llale a-reejition t il, Ii o .-r tba: it they 111) Ih lliia tliri luial Mm vahill flom tin- Ian. I wlllill lln-1 were on e tin- - It- "nein Tin- li-i'ility "I Hie Indian roiiiify ' in .ipialto the Blue (iraan region of K'-ll ,lu k v,, and t lie climate at h alt Ii y aa tint ol any ronniry or Ihe Stalen ol Miatouii and Texaa are .b-lei iriiiied ti liav." pii'S.-ion ol thrir terrilorj and it will eventually leroine I lie man. Hei.l of .loiiimtie mraion, Mierefoiti, ednratioii iieeeBn:ry and iiiohI im perati vr I y -ii Mr H here txlnbili'l a map of lie liobaii teir.torv. and t-nti-rrd umhi a ei. eral deitciipiioii ot ihe rountry. lie uiyrd the int-e-iity of o-rupilng the field l oner, and ail the ar.lmelilM, In: Haul aiblint.l in lai'or of the van. him f.-rein ni.tiM.-li-,, j 1 1 1 I v -411I1 lo'i e to ih. Ill'li. Ill Illlr.O'lll llll beM.-t le all i tnit ti ly eii .'.li;; in tint- no-ion. flu aire the 01 11 pl'oje n t. .1 - -.1 llie t.el Tie liive In . 11 I.i III. .,r I tf.ait. o4 jta-l. b.v-j4ti JoJ. tH,-.l4e vieea ftiltriwin rn the w-tke -tf nrtlifH lloll. .It. ibl' kil.T roiilei" III illlli tin imp. i lam lilt ni.iM-::! to lite r.tiit' i t r in- 1 him of In v ork , ami lltaaatM Was Ull- 'l ,;rt-n, el...ili'tire. Itrv. trsnrH Dawa.ui, .f S I' D voile ..! Ii l , Ford, of Mo . Skiinn I, o lia , an. I VVlKtill, "I Va . p il t irlpal'-.l 111 the d.-bali Ul. I.hl toll, ot Va , moved that Ihe n poll Ih- let oitimitle.l to the i lilumil It-e a it It ni. rut I ton to all ike out that port i.-n ..I the II port Htt eplill O'lV. Di III- III al-l III the inatlrr. The di bait- w in a vi r, Irnthl one. ami a aa term l It itt d b a r II lot the prtilou. jiit-lioii b, .Mi Cnlli.iv ay, a Ii i. Ii aa.-iHiis talttetl by the i on v nil ittn Thr ipi'iioii t in -ii rn in rid .ipoii llu adoption ol llu rep. il ahieli a a wl- pte.l by a Vote of jca I IS. nay a Jli On motion ol Itev. Mr. I'allowav, the Suiulai nt-liool aolk auit laktn up loi 1JOlti4i4l:tl4rJ U. Mr. Kllyaon, Va., offered a reaoluhen plriljinr; the hearty aupport ol llu- r..ii vt-nliou to the Sunday Hrhool itoHrd. A iiuiiilter of dt-leu'ttea fpoke iu favor of the ruaoliil,!Ha. J II. Law, of Georgia, Ihe apet iai agent "f the Board, give a ile uript.on uf the, dilNrulta-a wlueh In elleiiuilteletl ill llie proatt iltiou of lit auk Tengcaaee had contributed l,u5i); Kill, tueky' 725; Utairgia filiill , Maryland M7.S.; Alabama $:123 24 , Virginia I'JM Oli; Louiitiana -J00 ; South Cam Una ttSO. North Carolina C13 , Miasit aipii tl'M "il and Tetaa $ll. ilt-re a good dull of lime waa lykeii up in M-ruiing auliarlipliollh lowarda hipihia ting the outstanding debt. Alter tranaeling wine uiii,llioilalit buiineM a prayer waa off n il and the i veutiou adjoiiturd until U p. m. A KTKUSIMIN HKMhloN. Convention a.taemlilr.1 at :l p in. Prayer by Uev. Dr. Hiaipt-r of N C. Iho report of the coiiitiallee on China Miaaion waaauUuitted and adopted. lit v. Dr. Wilson, of ld., aubiuitied n rcpuit uf the coouuiucc un Kuropea.i Miaaiou wliieh waa adopted afleraurdit by various dcli-galca. The report to pay the indubtvdnaaa of the Sunday School B laid rcaulled in raining a fund of 400. A reaolulioD waa offered and referretl to a apecial comadltee which direct the Biard rtiturning the platan now in the handa of the Board loathe Sunday St-hool Union. The report of the apecial conimillce upon duceaaed corrcaponding accrehiriea and tuiionar,iea waa preecnted by Rev. Dr. Broadua, of Virginia, The report Uiakca appropriate mention of aeveraj brethren. Oa motion of Rev. Dr. Jeter, tba report of the committee on the death of comm ponding accntiinia and miraionariea of the foreign miaaion latartl waa taken up and read, Mr. Jeter eddreaned the convention upoa Ihe worth and talent of Robert 8. Pritcb ard, a graduate of Wake Forrest College, it- and who bad cflVrd himaelf and had bcea ax-cepted. aa at miaaloiiary to Witav- but : h diid bvfura ha Rid" completed" tftl reparaTiona To aalT. Re ipnke of the young man's amiable Bad gentl diapoattiaw and tha aiacwfa er with tba ajtlraordiBarj Uleot with which ba waa endowed. Rev. Mr. Wat- tii'i..'iiiiiifi..y-i't i'1""!! iB i'ivkt up a. tlw lite and character of Mr. Pritch- Tbe repwt ol thv committee waa adopts ed. Rev. Dr. Jeter, of Va., read a aertca of rceoluttioo, paawed "Cy the Board of Tru U-aa of the Theological, akainary at Greenville, & C. Tha reaolntiuBa act forth the- foci that it ia eipcdeot to remove the Seminary from ita preecot location at Greenville, & C Though tha committee raoomin ended the tjutati.iu uf a ba left open until Auguat, they auggeat theettiea at St. Louia, Cbattaswa ga, KaahviUa and Atlanta. They .alao racot&mesd that, before tba removal ia ftev Mf .Irltf (noveil fn aini-trd rii-ikinii lite lift i'ltHlttbty IH Joly at ihe iattl tlai .. Jlfr it!t&, alttflntliiiWt. ai '(iBTTir Tir ami iU;x . Mi. I'm i.-it uiual w jv-iV ' riel TIk' atut'iiilm nt ilirlii'K llie .f.. I Ii iiiK -v i v tt$ an-l nlui-i vitiu; After l-iirhv 1 I'rttf 4 aJopti't j I In rcitrt an a me lid t .1 a- aijojt'-'', ! nl af'ttf pra)1 r lln' t int'llM.-u mf) tuVr c.i ui.til H tn. JO IIS A H) MIX j Thk (litii.tuixh')! (i('z-n "I i VNafifii aa a (iu l.iiite in th ronifa ! ui.afi.l Hiatfrtf-I in which he Hvf-t tl Ih iitlin in t lain. opMn-t Mtjutlgi' Thoiiiiu. whu raiiif tl vrUif. Hn wart ilh litly riiitl! f.iwippUittN., aifl 'i' ccftaiiilv I "' i,'hI r am to w s. H i-liHri'lUt fu nrjv hi the em. -f Im il-t.-ll Wr Ui-' nn ltit in ttnl " hjk akn hy thr Ii 'fit " llu' i-i !t i"'t vtr rf'Hi:n k U- Ihtt i .'r ii in v. Iii' Ii h n riH - omt. Ii it.U r j. fh ri , a - -tlawnj I' i,til.l ! i. i f. rft 't toawoillu ol I" of ' ,.I,M. , ami h Ir Htl'l tto rlHl.U- U t.-.atlV' . j'lal in l ior in IJtell 'I nit.- iihh'Ii ir.! t . I" nr. a loo- , i n n, i ami miiiiio t. . Ljai it ia, . ,:.hc .tU-aPtl. occtus - VVh- , Ml. it inl mi.l broil,. 11. '. 11, 111 ill JOij s it a as 1- le pi oar o, lie. ne , It Is g 1 1 ti ll ill. In 1 a a- ;i1eii, the lit I b, th iipptr: 1.1 li-ai o a r,..t I .S. II tl... an eolor del the a -ik 1"' uo woiuiiT he In ili-j stul html ami sat he h nl Il all li .ilea la I re lhal tin re wan lloll 1 i n tn tl it tn in the ladle d party. Thnt 'he litari.a-a should prefi r any la alaa ae i-. a reputable in tn nf llnTi own race un.: eol.-r. la llMllt r for ai,tol.ld,llieut I In i ouht to know lhal lliiri- is not a aj( ill Ihe.late whot-iieit a l.tlilnn l-l till-Ill le-yolnl . III tillliif; their vole. Hi.' p ior, inn ri'il, iini'iii-b-d, looh-li i r, it lurrn, Ihe, are UM-d -llier, ly a-at'it-p-ia lo ibaa tin rlieanilti. -nil of tin: hie When a ill I hey Irani Ihe tnie . I, hi t. 'el of their -llpplr, Ulipilll Iplrd, e li-ll wlftlt .tin t : ijl I he : ilie r : i I i onn ' Li n:' P. in. 'loin M .I'" , - lb ' H man a ill not rim at. un iiuh . ii.h nl i -,i.-didale fir n il,tli,.l Ah' h.ia I h v li t tie of money lie. n hr.iil.dit to upon the Wairen at-lmltHT f ll tint the deh-att'd aspirant f Willi oiily atane W.. iIi.-ii-.-ii '. 'iit. i Mite holtb-ra and i.lrt.v-a.kera tn tin atate againat eighty lln.u--- I a - .!.., 1 v. lera, Ihe ft nn r attiitehow an marianr mat lera lhal the white, gel all, or very newt I, all Ihe nthfc, and the wldilu!. Iiu-llu eonti,liiit nero gala tew. And y.t llu acalaw.iva could alaatlutely do liolhiiie without the aid of tbe colored voi. ra , THK ISSI K The ban pieaeutetl b Ihe propl. North t ar,. Una iu Ihia etude.-.! luai U alated in lew worda. It ia the rtal menloii-i .jiieaiioii whether curiiipt men shall hold .itliee and ruin the eoutilry or In iie-i nu n shall ro into power ami ante ihe country. Or more brn fly alill the bi' ipieslioii ia ahall tllievea rule and ruin, or hoiieal men rule and save Ihr eouiitiy. Thia ia the a mple iasue. F yeaia our ptiple have been pluntb-red and abiiat-d by a aet ol arrant actMindreia. The rcault ia, that the people have been impov erishe.1, aliniHtt, if not altogether ruined andlhe credil of ataid, inoduat old North ('iirntrmr ttpatnirerK We Welt rtfiienibt-r when our atate bond, were worth tl.10 in New Voik, mure than any other state in the Cuioa. Virginia bond, at that time were worth only ttOS. But. all Ihia haa been aadly changed and by the radi cala, the very scamp, who have the im pudimce to come before the people and ak to be trusted by thi in auair. Aaliov. Vance aaid once, the thieves liav stolen everything but the state ; or aa he wittily aaid in hia Statrsville speech, they have stolen everything but the i capitol upon which they hold a lease. Our people must, act in. perfect harmo ny. I hey must not tie deceived or hood winked by mouthing demagogues whnee pockets si irk out wih their ill gotten Kins. Tbe men who bare robbed you persistently fo years will mislead anil Itegiiile you if you listen to their asser tions and promises. Be to them as deaf aa aejders. Before this summer's heat shall have passed the crimes of (he radi cal party will be ferreted out ao I eipoeed 4lHOHute!y. llm pop1 ba Ji Upon Use, al to tha dcpraTirj and venal ity of the radical party, in tbel contest iu Tipe8SeTallrTp"ir7e fa!TlTOcanTf jiiui devlcea of ffiaT'prtl B ika a at their birth." Let their vices and eorrnp lions be thoroughly nnniaeked, and. " With a wUrJ of steel Print wonadttul laahea la their troa rttw ' h OkkAxt arp-Bi:ow.-.Th CiiRtm Batt CoDi aitioo ooula not nave selected from the names before it a ticket ao strong with republicans and yet So acceptable to democrats generally aa that of Greeley and Brown. The awn we ek amine and conaitlnr it, tha stronger and mora worthy of dem.K-Mtic support dues it appear. ft tvnit Tim. Whew that owreeiioa is gathered it will apeak lor the party J "but we trust it will not be guilty of a blunder that caa brinj iliac inlfure aed defeat Ua both ita ows party and tba Libcrala. if tha opponenta of Uraat would reform tbe goTsrumeot, they jiuat act together. 1 tin . n in r rittl. iul o:.f (i.rm.iu oi.. It.-, it.f-'tt an Tt-rr "r nl wL.''it 4JrT "7 "r 1 S,t".',Mt4v -t?a4 I W 4tr.antltvt.(ttt J- akin - lt4 if-Hte Hut- f ;w Tttrman wttrii t a w-tft-4-! 'fVfr.ii an AfiVric'ir.. ' P JT.k' U " 'h fi.l .tl th! KftUr we- W. u I k'i"tt II' ' 1 i tt.' r.tiith lopu'- I. tin . J. . IK, A-,;,.!.,, -f -V- ' iJ-tnt Hy 1iaili l'. k.-i,a . ii !iit iniif itlnf rai it 'ti hy .1 UttU'T' lliH-t aiil Ufi.rli.-r. 1 hm in a itioi'' Niiiii4 iioiif edition nt un. I the ti. Ili;li:f ii H..M-U llu nr.ut .- k 'II!. Ah r o.l It lit our liaiiil Hill ' . ' ' itvr ilh ji tm iii lull ol mi hi 'tn 'I humor, hi' h.ivt ati ilmortt im-. n t r I i p U ( wire to rtai Hkj-uii h Iwnik t hut will itiitki ,,uij.' ti.jMM. it m iy lt?,(ake jou rr . Th' itiver n k ;d vvhulhK'SlHit Ur tl, it eh iriiiin w rti-r. will ti rcniK jitfrtJM-.) wiili lln-lnut ami i x -t ll. im ol i1n, Moi.f llol.l "ol il.- iiaiM M l-tl ;tuli -f'-a works An-! In' imn-'il.-i! I 'ny a?- ni'-ti tin- ln-'in Inl, ft,' ' ll'l'l, 'l II 'I tilt' ImIIIUHoIM , t l"Hi- t l,i !! t" Ih. I-. Iv alt II.. r,i HT..Wi loht-H in: -it H il II (nut in tin' tilti 1. 1 i' in , lo v .r! I ' hi -ii I muli' il ..! ( - - went ol bU- nta ku( mil the a.-l..- rti.lon t.1,,. I -I lit .t ,.1 -II II- I..e, II. . - I I I lie I ...I,!., i. en' I .r nil. mo nil ,1.1 i-. U ru ' ..ii.i.jU .e e li p-n 1.. k Ihe p. it ir- i I I I . t, . ,- , -,ii- iii ' ni. e. -in III. Ill It- l.-le oiii te I-I. 's little ill. ol I lll'toll I i T l II lllni lilt III ! e-s ,i.s -ti.pjiiiio al tin- am in'- If i-i 'hi- . IH. s'lolli .1 ,111 s ins k. l .l-.a II all. I r l-li .1 a 111.11 1 1 -s.ihi, i". ol a -in il1 a- n ol ll -.1 'he p.l'i. . aeie it the in,, In- llillu. I re . l tlit -t ft all k . in in a p. T' V Ina-lr Iioim tin- "is e.j.l. Iil.le Watt. 1 HI in nl ine. k un I soup They ail, lr:e-l t I'n tore pr,a r. ,l...' t, II- in 1 lilt. II n;o r ami I. .'.I 'hit h. iilone a as yuiii i "t 1 1 -! in fs Ink i:w no ll.t 1,1 til uol I si nt iml tin ilil.. I i i I It ii a t hen s. n h in - il to t it i 'II 1 1 II if I - " lu . lit, nil. I i-.:' ill- ill iH'ii.l- .1 u ' ! I ' m i ill i '1 tan At th. in vi 1. 1 1 b . i ; ii un a is in-1 .- : I I. if Inl. .1 t, m l j lit i. n- He " prated - n !nl" i-'l III- I. Ill" I IN II a a- lit . nee I 1 the n u i ' i n i t. ! '." I .cut- "'..I s I tl,. rr il'l.-l III el I, is ,o ,,e 1 1 -Mi th.t lll-tll ul n.n. fur It i -in (i .1 'I. ,1 lio.e Ih-.t ll.f .l.l.itre I"-' I .t , . i ret" r ve teil I" t'-'ili'll' i- li.l i!;ls I' nil t I lV view of all the ru . umsi .ine. Mr I'iilk thai Hot . I aid aril has Iml ale: e,1 im ji tl'lonilli.' p 'a er 111 I hi - e ,s, , ! mi i ae h-el ri rtalti I 1 1 ' 1 1 hi In loi'.os in .io teilt'in iart , and in siieh an in-i it ut ion he ill pi-s In. iiinaintii d.ia. Hr la too .lirpll dir.! Ill sill. I :i(M sin tl an its,. ium lot nit il. at l.'lij:! Ii ol lime, llr hat. prillil-.d lo h ave thr State, all I en- this lias po-btblv ah:. It en Ihe dust .it North I'arolllia o hia waiwaltl lent. W. e rait I It, hen of lilln, break llij.' to, k tnelt-r i he dm I li II of tt.ti l'ri-ol ailth.-l lt 'i s. in -ol:,.- ..lint locality, staui.- tey. ...'..- ... I "n irr. I'lib, d at Nea belli and'e.l bv thna- ciiM'i b'o-'ts, .N'ast-n, Tinker an. I Holm. -a. It ia more probable that lie- e it pri bllltuots will llr ir of the par-loltt'l eo, 11 let a president itt Home I a i i i . . i-1 , or iw-lhapH hherift of at llie county ill South Carolina. The lute aheliirof J. lu-i eoun ty, Cole,,vr lv name, aeryrd four and a half years ill the penitentiary of New Voik. rur the Selilht' I LETTER FROM GI'ILFoKD. il!KKNBOKO , Ma, Id I17 J. M'-urt. Kilitort : - t'erarnrftrjetr trat North Carolina waa not repret iiietl at the meetiag of the National Kxtculive Com mittee of the Democratic patty held al tlije house of Mr.Atigns'e Beliuonl, in the citv "f New York. " The chairman Mp.iinted the '.Ith dny of July for the Dcmorra'it- party lo meet in e-cneial convention in the city ol Haiti more. The (lrnc.iisb.iro' convenlion w-at Hlnioat a unit in thin; they wanted no tauljn: alliaucea with any party. They laid on the table a reaolutipn inaptly propoaed to tiiaiiK turn. aii. v.iriuxs lor ins ue fence of the South. They refuted to paae a resolution suggested by Ueucral Clinginan to telegraph greeting to the Cincinnati convention, then iu aessim North Carolina rumit learn to wh.illv ind solely upon heraelf and her own .na. She muat not rely upo: Northern democrats or Northern liberal republi caiM. We have borne iasuea to be irie.1 and decided by tbe people of North Carolina. Whether Greeley, Grant, Trum bull or Hancock ia President ia a matter, if noV ol indifference yet of minor im portance, com pared with who gov ern North Carolina, Mnrimon and the wtutifc dh'd, or Caldwell and the Brgroc.a. JfHe Northern. Dt-m.KTacy when lead by TVartl Butter aotl the earl kaa beattal SicKlea. iaT or bjf imt tiapge. Alter bold I v pnxUainino, for (Jtate sive- jwgntjr, tlvej gave aa op to flreand swuid traak Blair ITelpeoT to Twrn, pillage 3jhreMiEbi bjaever ork during ThecVinV"" or riBWreirlon of sltT: - f Tnatr 10'BWtalw when 1 awy the f feeling of the U reensboro' ConvenUou was to allow the elialion to turn oa the wrongs m1 almsam at bumi an1! tatting naUotvat, ftolttlc to tha dtwa. I regret to see some I of our editors committing thcmstelvea to i WreeTcy.' "TTicHI artf tftrtt-thrtVltrwstir tw twees rtirllatwrtatueiiiju iu-Atnrwnd the Psesidcntiai election ia Woveenbcr. We muat Biat mleein the State and tl.ei: Wa may lend a helping baud to reet uc the Federal onvernmeat from the bauds uf those who have shown thcuiselvce so in capable of conducting it. loura, uttUtJiw. Miss Harriet Colfsi, sister of the Vice- President, is lieht keener at Michigan City, lud., at a-dry ul -300 a eur. Poor Car'otfa renin worse. Her munbal and phystral cnodilion are alike hoaekaa, and il ia expected that her sad aad troubltd Uf will speedily aad. FKU iff if't Mtf Itr-HMltlr- Ii-.-(iH.-. .rt t (--- rt; f (irrirr- f r 'ft r- w -' rt rrf tm t r a 0,11,1, v litt i ,. r- t i'l" uiou m (Hit. i; h rt'L'llr f tf...- it:. i N.irth 'TlMft-u; ah,:. itg .-.rtwr'T-tiAftti' f-, tiu (m(:,( i,-. tj t ,t'. ''Xtil "vi t t'iil I-jlA ill Lli 'UI! '.' Il Uf Tt t i'l I II. Ill -.iJ-XtU-VUli h .Aii, I it..'. - i i lu.! . 1 In t lil I rii-it u .-i h in A-.l -j i t: .'ut'lt an ih itii , -.1 I !.-. 1 - I i II 'til. k ' I'lH' lllli' H - hi a I IN 1!.. I IT t. III,' N V iii. A .1 i:.:. wu, ot h ii IIFotiltftl f, jiimI Ii Ir l: . j ktN- i t'. niurv r . V Hi U.lltin. l ii,)i.fli that -ii in Iv k' pt a in ! i rtt tiif fruit'- I-i till - (j 1 t !ht- rH'tl( -IrUil'iifi is j)l .) I ll I a r m ' unv it ! v t-nlarm .i Mi l tn ili-h. d. fthat it la flow Kn it i.ot; I., n! hoUl fii llf All... 1 Ul;- .r tl nit. ,t ..!!', i'uiK- il.-.l. tlmt Mr Km'' i ,. ,i. Hl'f t iMin-nt l mintU il to lln i pmo it a Iu'lt-l. No v. hi rw havi' w I vsnti oliU'f un 1 1 iii.'it- i.iit-luli nihil ui. or lHf, r Imt iu-i hi'I t oiiiloflJil'l' ! Ii -4 li'tS ilHi.tTH V 'III to Id U l " ni.l , It. ,in h, Im. I i un 1 1- . I I , f. . , , .,n 1 t , ..,,,: . t,, I,. ri .. i a i n a il.. II. . ...pu anon aim a I j 1 it 1 ' k - ' ; tt 'ii 1 r ' 1 1 1 1 i til Irt' that I., a n . ill' I h .a .1 In ll.ll.H. I.I N I'.i l: id i i.i i: 1 1 1 n i.i o, i. iii i i --.1 V th- I' :., K- 1 Ihr . ,!'h i I'll! I rent, Mr it. I I, ol ..111. ll -..Viet- ill h f II11IU Ills. t.l.,1 -sliiles le el- .-1 .i.o:;;,, I. i li -II I - ij, 1 I.i 1 1 -I. and pill loilrll i, I . I all t . I hi i Hie I . - I' il.s in la ;i- II is -,,'e ' r, it a lil .o lor ml ,,! 'le Ilil III,- I'liilril : at it -UU all. I la I" I -i lie. t liu-ut I- r..l..e, i, I their .ell.rt. Inns. I.j the I.i ' .-In itnl .1 lill-Oll toe. IU tllilllS tCStli I ill li "I ill 1 1 III - ol propel ty 11 as, ainolln, .r thiies, proniiMil all hiking anil kei pintf tin: o;t h of iilletfialire lo tin I'nitid Stalea. ( ongre-u, by llie Drake alir inlliii-nt, aolloht to rrpudiale this 1 ple.loe b. liit laliii lhal a pardon .should l i.ol b-- evidence m ihe riiurls aiiv lurther I lluin to - how (he party pleadino it was ".li .lota!," and the .Supreme Curl tita-i : .1. d lilteoli-t ll ill loitii nn, ordered the propi itt in all -in l c.isrs ,, ,e realm d ll par. Ion thiis restored riu'hls ol property II ol . . ins,, le.lou-d all . t'l. r llita pi ultis d ul the same Unit-, and ul nirse ina.le the lit rson pardoned nsmurh "In itit ii of llu I uitrd States :.s he ev j.raa- as lull, .milled to vole, liol.l t o)i-e, i.u.l soon. ;ts auyliodv el-ae But : alullier a t-oiiHtit ilion il uinenilnie- aopli d .ll -l the date ol tin p ml ill III io. lit ! Ii"t llspanloll hull to the i u-nl ol t iklnr; latt-i, li.siioht In hold . llli r was a h.m a I'll some, an 1 liott tin this point a-sotlic s.Mpreiue I . urt -ja-aks. A s.-l l II :. -lave in Alkali -ijs uuaran teeuie: Ihtl llu- iieom was oiitnl and a slavef.u- lite. I'm lei tlu tliiil. eli'li amend llielll Cull' a as em 'in piled, ali-l dtlllbt les aeiit lo ni tk,.ie laas. A then ttlll-s ll for llie piuvtiasc inoi.t y. an-' It -stta lie .l.a-a lint use ft h.h the Wiirranty lulled by ftn-s.iT of rfre iTfi.arrrtp'Ttinn of rtie tiajrtt. 1'he case e.une up bt-tore the Sllirenie I'oiirt, tritt on lln- I ult. it was ilt-ri ded that II did owe the money ttn.l must pat it, Ihe Court sat ino The tiiltteelith auiendiiient of theCon slilittion dta-a not nlle.1 ihe tpiestion . tin-c.iitr u t bcinn, tali'l a lien made wa eiifoireable ill all the courts, and subae ipi.-nt legislation either by alalule or con stituli-oial proviaioiiitroiil.1 tiol lender it ii. V .lid. '"-s Now, for "contrai I" h t us put "pal don," and sec how it wiH read. The pardon being valid when granted was enforce able in all llie courts, and sulteu,uent Icnialation, either by a'atute ttr onstitu tiohtl tttitrJmfnt. could ntts render it in valid. Here, then we -each the inutility nf iio.; humbly to Congress for a permis sion to lioiil ollt. e. when any ao Called rt-eivin haa only to go to the Courts for a remedy .it any intelelfucc is attempted wth him for holding or exer cising kn, otkee to which he may have been elected, mcmberahip of ConflTesa, of coiirt", sltravs eiccpted. X. T. World. Carl St bun ia going to Europe In June ! A census has ja-rt been taken of the members ef Itriirham Young's family. uwhioh Kium him Ifet ehil4rn of tiy are frmalea. : Ilia wires mmittrrrd 84. 'Mr; Arcbibaid Tiortloa of th' New Turk B'rM lywaa; afwnwsty IH at CincVMatt brought P by Tjation. Robert J. Walker, secretanr of the hare appointed the first lady to a clerk- ship io the treaau.iT dritartment in the y tr !. " " AniTrew"Johnson reiterated fcircntTj r Kia refusal to run for Congress, and at the same time emphatically condemned the proposition for tli" democratic party to support the nominee of the Cincinnati convention. John A. Comet, who plavci quite a prominent part at Flak's death bed. and who waa that gentleman's private aecrv tarv, has gone into lite milk business. What a fall is there ! The Rev. OaT-xzi, prcsrhinir ' Hep. worth'j pulpit tm Snndav, "poke of the rapid progress of P.oti s atrvn in Italy. To-day ahf can bosiat ol 40,000 1'rotea- i I" 'Hfa.t I V lift amj-ixh ia.tHKt iif tbi u uiii;r. . j tX0Ji tft; fcaUlpiJtU ham, JUsliXilk. IVnn , via i I''uiB, fir Fan Flam iho, Tin:!. vl TmV-'MV T, val-r aii-l in 1 1 emit!, hw l'fn aiiiof! i-v i Ik- I'tiiir. ol 8alvaIor Maim- a. 1.1 to ita t iiir,if4 i,i-.i nH'tit an a-j.N'ia'ioii lor tin s'ljijut-a-ioii .t toll ICfO t li.'V, tll, Wltll U jHilaaltV f f ' liH 1'iti h otf, nee. Tlir A'Linta rw art- mi! .laity on t'n Tll tMl'' Thr I,o!i.on (ijt. r colillhUf 1. ir.-uM: i i u prut; tire Mri Kmrrv of fntliaita wijrtir. alt winner at; i ui"I hrr fi- kit. hilihUn lulmntl, wl.i Imia ,i- o i'rti hrr. Shi- a:i) In- 1111) tr n cti',.r.l t h lirokrn lion-, wlikh hr ih mi'lt"hr.l with 11 ekillrt. 1 11 v of Mr. Uncrtt-v'a noiuiiiMtiiiii, ft't r miajiufartiWiii'hf, nt$t: tuatitir. whiU fur hats, whitb will prolmlily U Worn iKiiu this m-aaoii and with it u.l IH Xt, A Me -viz rwiit Htl'litiotm U the NVw V tk (Vhii nl I'aik i.-yn .i c.tllrt ho. il a np -tti'tl tut, Uu jnili!); Iii'lt it I.,.' rt;it.H .a l-t tx. tti -iuii Ii .nsiai. rtll l Vi T) .IllnllllltlVc hi'uVtT. mt n uls r uiitH HO'fi iit-on tlir -l'ttfi :im'.n4 th- ui 1 i- iit- , Uu 11 pin t n- r. i. w nlri.1 t IICll lilt 111 :ih I itr :t" 1.'.' m It. m CliHi r- II tirM rht 0111,11 . 1 llu 11 miI it 1' :iral)t-r. Thr prc-t-l (. li t i'l 1','ln r f. r cn v-af-i i.t Jrt ii.i f int. nth t i-i. J i7 1 1 1 i j ''rv. :' 11 tteroeaitiit. -inn .1';; i oiii , ine. . ji.u i,-. u,IM m,., u, j,,, WHk r, . uU'lel I lie dlu.LU.141 ol ihe 1 uiumla- I uiiu-ralnm t. lit Minsr -Htritum. ' Tin- -n-.-.ot aroMM-t itftcnri.-lit tin,.- Ha".H.. , H.-.k ot tb. -tZi IW HTornntf. iiui t ton-' itil. stiejr thai is, v r a ho an e are to. rllttri-it m trli'lll. a this sort prop',- , ol Ihltin A It'ilf do . lereyiiiau, ll,r Hrt Wlleoti I olkllls, pieai he, on ni-niii dat " lll I. xt aa- lloin stfond allulrl. 7th rlnipl' i tlel I, till velar : "l will appoint H je at t .-i nn people. 1-rael, and plant thrm that Hu t ma, au.l mint dar.ll in a plat-e ol Ihtiroan, The Uev Tiialon- Initio, I.I l . re. loi ol ill. I'liureh ol the Asrrusloi) on Sialrii I-I Old. has nct'epUtl an appoint meiit in l.ilmu:li ( ..Hon,, I'ana.l a. lb is a mill llllltlieot "...sle;ti litmr. Ills! ,Ni. .n l . ills at arrr K .rl Sit A Ih-ui iMliili VlMr.'in. Aiiioi.ile llie Orange Mou-e ,e-I, id .., A. I'. Chaniliei l:iue am i hul l , .Mere. Inli and Mr illinin .lames, nl London, to lie iirositertino f, They are un.), r-tiioil r mi- etui hill, la, a 1th a in w to p.-i mam nil, settlinit m ' iryinia, and are .said to la: very nn iiese I with our si el ii in oi tin: count rv. .:, leju!l iv.t it . HOW NOT TO HIE 'I lloll Hulls fall a pre, to .li-.'Ssr (lot tiel'llll t .li. e iiiulailies that alia, -t llielll are lire. -itaiirlly fatal, I. lit Itecaiiat: llu-y lat k tilt. rrililslll auiounl uf iielive vitality to make a valiant to the euriity. It is a aisr p erau linn to k- ep tilt-, ala.t,s iu a state uf tie feliri' alaaya prepar d In " ft-litl till" Hit fTeriHa uf epideuiic autl tsUier tllbor.lel tl, anil lo halUi: Uu. evil iunaeucti uf tlmup -miasiuit ami biiilileii Uieriiiulnetr t al ihalii;t:a. Thi re la no (littii nil, in iliihiK thia. ll la a fart a- we.ll atittr-nt;eatcd aa that two and two niakt four, that Hualt-ller's sjtoniuih biltera ii apeeially ad tpteal totliU purpose, and fur U.e simple reason that II ini IKeraliiig and n-til latii.i; pittiatrties are superior tn Iboae of ,ut ollit-r medi ine In the w-.rid. DminK tlir twent, years lhal ll haa tteeo in (jeneral use, ample opartunitiea ha.e been afforded In compare Ita medlelnal prtla-rlles with those of prepanitiona cla'miiift to he of a similar .-a.-a, and llie result tlaa Itees ita adoption Hit- Aiui-i-it-au p ople as the standard Ionic id llie ae, ita Inlrud letiou inluettT, t-ivUii-d sirtioii uf the wetern heiiiisptiere, and a annual salt- whit tl dwa-fa il.Ui ina:iritilit an. I Ut- .leii.aud for all ita wtiuld-tHi cttmia'iittti- Tlif record upttu wtiteli Ita latpulai ily rests I- a rurlttslly I.i uiedleal llleralure, for it in elii.ies au almost utiliiuiUd varirl, of tiiiiuii: ailuienu and olitabillliea. In fa-t, no o'li.-i poaat ast-a aurli a variety uf tiveienir t lrlues, and it i - to Uit-ae eltara.-Wrisu.-a llal II mi-, lis prcaligr- aa s huUM-tiult! oteitit iiit: may 14 t-odlw Biaii oa Irn.-Wnrrr nw hair ia un naturally dry, ,ou uia) be sure that it isU, Inn, and nultsa artidclally i itahred, it will soon la aa dead aa lcavra tn Novemtier. Feetl the KilhtTlrtK nttera and stlmolab- the to pid aeslp wttn Lloa s KaTBAlaoa, sod llie ev il, whirli must othet-wle soon culminate in i ajduesa, will tie speedily remedied. Il l absolutely necessary fur the kcallh uf the brain, that It be kept moderaU-ly uiuisl with a preparation capable of nouiistiiuK and llirlK-trallng U Lroa's Ktimini.N fullllls thissc eufiditions. aud Is the only article tht acfusllyiwti. aM fife lain the rapiliary tube. tbrouKh wbit h the natural uuurithtneut haa eeaaed to pass. This pare and hartal es vegetati! prrpaclioa b alisorbed by the skin of the bead to the roots uf the, hair, and paasea into the filaments, b, tbe litre of eapUlary atlractloa." Liieo BtMirimi or Hbart Disiasx. How cumuiua is Ihe anuouuvement. Thousand, are suddenly swept haw eternity by this fatal nalady. Thia disease generally has U oriirtn In Impure blood filled with Irritating, poison oos msteriala, which, circulating through tbe beairt, irritate Ita delicate tissBt. Though tba Irritation may at lira be only sliht pru- duciBf a little pal pit ttloa or imirular aeoon, yet by and b; the disease beeuojes irmly seated, and luBaaaiav ills or ajpertrojdiy, er thickening of the Ul ia membrane or of tba vaTvee, 1 prdducett bUiw wis, to give early atienttoa to a ewee f rrlt, kind Cnnatara! ' the hear. (tloutt ltlib Jol-a One m A an b aet rfJhl, and If yoa would piesgeve It frota fortlier disease, yon, mast h-lp H to beat rijfbMy try the wae of troahl... Vse Dr. Pierce's (joUen Medical ntacivary Itafsiea, -thJ fiiaann hn.Vsgjnn ins . atslad, sad UV-aull,-iiy-ila iea' blu d perj, ing snd wonderful reffataUiur i.rup.Tljt-ti, efi., s perfect eura. It contdn, n.edlpi.ta pro- tr Uea which aet ajstcidfalij up ib tin iibtua of the hvSrt, btinciii4 sbout s Iioali.h, a titu gold try all Ira f Us, drft)(i . asatvlScodlw 30p DoZ. FKK&I1 EG3 M Fat rowU, 100 Bus. eweaA PuUdots, " Irwh do. may W. C. BTEOSACH A Co. W ,,r:-a iiia'if la T. I?" .""HI a! niaaia, - i-na 11.: l eii:Ui, v. loim titr. to iiiaia. !...... 'IBCtCa - Carafe aW 'ori-iaii- rV w , fc JC XI - pilu.. a'lef Ihe (iemu- " 8J"JIai.t. An pi-r att t,u o I-' ' :'i i la li,,,r.d .,, kt ilf't IHKu-.n-, ,,f to-iiity. - -am LWII ' Iaii Murat. harinv fttvt f.oin thr K:t-tirh 1 ebtaii : t-"""ruu,,to-7 "rv ci- in I 'It lilll I, lltlt L. ... It Mtft, "'"l"!"! .1 etl Mill 1 111 at . '.tn .tp,.oiB,,., H11 Pt ljm,, n, ..... ,,t .-t.t-.n-iy Repaid, the r. . U Ifc. mulili,i.t wheL,,,.- liet-tl ll, .lr. 1, lude, wrote a irtirt , Vici.if (, " ' V! "I -1-ea Miaaralaafa'; e,v u. ,,,!,.. .. VuU tie d. V.l .Uld , ka I.,a-dltd.,l , The heat wTa a. Inlem at liuj, H..u:h Aiwrailia, faal January MuTl"' .. urarl 1 ce.., ,i.Tp,K b,x'ai,a-,l!Z .11 imp.Mil.ihit and e.eBartMtall"r .'iar.1., att ni.,1,1.., the l i.l(. h.aled to aevtuty iioe demJ"? 01 . ... 1 - Di. uu i, lin A M. PomuBf , ' r !rai nr.! l.y I, W"i;'t yeiw.i,, a, n ttii.i il,i-rmine,,i divine bmetraaj ka t-t at lialfpi.t 7 o'rliak on TuealM 1.1. 11,0 at hi. rei,,nre near ' V. lr.Ph,d briiZ!. ) n...-p.,, , a.l.ivoru,,. .iilt.I; ....I Cl,lll,a.,,l lever. I.m . , .1 dal ll-i Mt k Ih lire. if on I', altt-rmaio atuf J. illr.l I Ii im lilt- a-i-,i.i,iu,.,I ., nttriw. t i ;.siu .t....i,.i, in, mtan'tWihUaianiHrlat lite le. li, ! ail a I, ,u aaa t v,-r UkiuMaa. ililiualate I III KN I ' K N'.s I I V K.H MVlf, ti j, Kleri ii t r "iip.i-aalrsrw Hr l abia.' V..t- t lien II i ..I I. ke-i. nt I .lit I t. a ur-.tiiu-., I -I V-t", tad Sdw t t un a libtt-ritM. Iw 'lol'le 1. llll,ll li ant. ri, i uu.-. Son- I in.iai. i.ota. r-araiila at. rual I'auia .ttttd I', la, druurhl, la pot, 10 Pars Hare, Nc t u a. Vl--VI lieis -If a-uuld not liavrbealkaalir fill if Ii. r . oiiiple Ion na.l b. i-n bad. If , aan .s skin de. p. It i. n. t'e-aari la sarsM lain llial i..ll uf ll , and bull, a latna i4 as -iiilint: In p.tiiiUaiid powders, auuuJd asaaw ei that , ii im,, i, r. , 1.1. U li,, or sauisniiis he p -'ol ol f cl.le torijid ItMrj, ii'I'l l t'l I, for all aliu-li Ita. ausdl i iin-o.tit V lab. .an bll-raaa Is , sawawt iti.l rll. dual rt-uieu, . Ill KN KT 1 ' '' , ' !NR Vunikksfitar IHitna le- or al.-.tlloli wasltr lu-t-isa ' ai.-s tv cau compait: ai l, I'.aaialbaaaaHui-I'KK.-.ia.i 1, an- lior. lit.- Italr Dnahhaa a. aip 'iiio it lira Ii ' t-aotl iu, re aiatrttsta 11 the t roanm ;l-T, ul buui saxatait and ,oiin. ' I'UATr.s AMTIiAI. oil. -Mora wdB 111 Irom II im-' uiia..fe.i,Ntuwamss : In. ills ullil iiiilroiiils eoinliiiital. Ovrf atad j iitiitiiles en, tie uc to tiurii Pratt's availte, 1 mid uu at eld' ma ilireclly itrimtlrtCtl !' riirr.'il fiuin but ulnar, st .rtnx or knultiaftt nil lloii.e ot i.baa Piatt, eatadlaasi J,at New Vutk I ' A t'Ki TIKUI. IVHITr !(,' uiwit itia ts p tS'tnt-rU DJ' OsiaK lit W Latitt -" bloom uf Y.iultt " I- reuiuiesta , frt-taaa, nuiihuiits anil all otlierillactiluralirawfrawlst skill, letttiilii 'be coItiplt'Xlull briilUttSM hciuitifut. Bold at all drutytlsta. Har"V ration Is cnlirel v iree frum any aukikiw-. Irhiii-n'at lo In alih. ' " ' Jl'MT TllK KF.MKDT SEKDID far to .Mm. Vtlnl.ta'a ctttuiiiirn; rvraptWeaat f .r tears ta-.-n r.-lteved frnm lerpltassiJS of painful aaicltiiig alill pucr kuAvriaat IsatV in children. KoK DYSHEPHIA, liidlwtloa. deprals of apltlls aud g- Iteral dehiiily ia lM- VSraS, ftcliia, alsu, as a preveulile aaisal yeversw Airiie, nit J other mteriuilleul feaers. tal K. tro Pli.iapliorated ElUiruf Ualawyaaa y tasii. ll, Hamrd i 0-, Nw Iart,aH -..Id In ail HnitKlsui, ia Hie lawt toaai asd a a Uii.k- for pa, i, -uia recuv ring frtaa,lsiai utbrr sit kuesa, 1. haa uu equal. Rlai.KV'8 CKNl'INE H01.DI" WU t ill i i. n K WA I KK according to taaoeav nal formula of I'revoal, Palis, J k" rati rahly known to Ihe euaUHuers el as Isnd, Hai ral and K aley snd their IwsaJ lot its line la'.ruiancul Iragrauca is aewtMw I., 11. W. hial.y and the trade ,ooaled WJ Bt iitt eKsnra, Mori;au A Kial.y, Wauksslsllrsr irista, Nea Vuik. - TlR-KsTii.S'Ba.lVORY PKAKL TOOTS I'Oli libit Tne beat arliile knuesfoeelais siug and preai rv ing the teeth sud f0: til- all UriigLtisU Price i sad all a " butilo. . C. Wella Co., w Wera, CARBOLIC 8AI.VB uoeijnsHed aaa ft ing laiuiiKtiind. Phvaicistis recoraawad sat tne uiuat wonderful reiuedy"Srr aa Price .'5 eeuls per bul. Jubn F llarj, I'roprieUir, a Coll. go Pis. ?iw I". CllR18TAnoilO' IIAIP,I)Tt-TMat nllieetit euiiiiatuiid I, la-voitd ronUntjaact, " aaf. at an I moat Dye i sever lailing U) llllairl tu the, aolOT ot ct.lur, iioiirlenaieui atai 7 snulactury, a ataiucn lauie, - j 8VAP.NIA U Opium porioed of ! iinr and ptiiaououa qualities. It "JJJ, amadyoe 11.1t nrodtteiug heads he "JJTVL lion of bowels, us is ute ease . a pan 11 .arailoLs of opium. June rsrr, yi .New York. taut. may l-th-odlsjaeiaV BOOKS. it MABEL LEE," A MOV II, By the author of VALERIE ATLMKR," " MOKTON H0C8 J ( l..lh II V, Paper covers tL. " SALTED WITH fBl ) X XJOVtU 1 BT IL U. taORAOK 11 Cloth f 1 W Tntv. foRTE D'ARTHCw e It. inflti -n.e on the pi ;t-sad Msaaert af NINETEENTH CEKTUr- raper csTer, Socta. Th, Ktfc.ka ar Ihe lWssl-tioe il.ffcreni. latths of NortS Csrolias. ",(). k-n,. ,1 1h.1t stout prl.le will swsre - . rat .1 ire-icreui aiip;tort. Sent by esa'i irse 01 ptatmiro. For asks a. tha Saok fiWre : - .' Air8J6 WfiiI-,& apraVU,. .-A" .-stV;J::';-