;;. -'';:. i - ' . 5 7-f - : ,.,J,. .; n VlYllJN J06IAH TUHNTEL, Jr, Editor. S.T, AKet Baton BATUHDAV. MAY 18. STATE JtlOCWTlC-COSSEMimE TICKET. II11X. A. S. JtfEItUISlOX, ffiS " XnE'rjp.'I'ttnwtt'j"'" '"" -eEc- Jrwr W, M Ml I IT, Majoe JOHN W. GRAHAM, Of Orntig. . (KTRETAkT or (TATE : - JOnN A. WOMACK, (X l'litlim. vu AViirrnR: . Gra. C. LEVENTIIOUPE, Oft'l4U. for R-rr. nunc juktboctwm JJ, MENDKNITALL, O) Ouilf.-rd. rm iiriT. ri'm-io wnR: J. If: SEPAICK, f Wk. ; I i I ' 8tinel for the Catiipilidi. . Aa the GulierokturutlaiiiJ l'nt.AM ! . Campaign riituic to Ix; exciting tt . important, c have i:iih luilt tl U !uruih 4 the Hsvi'iJiKL; t tins lulluwiug lilierel iiii i ' S."3tiM'L..i ,.i,M.....i pt( tn JK' tt' y ii ln hi lu Ami ntiwanl. 1 Copf ii-Weklv Urn luul, mjii'h", Opt - II m f !fj :t M M 4li Ikm CupT (r to rtli r uji of Club of W .. IM lWaU 1 Cuff IXIlf Vwtlsl ti Bumtlia, t MO Cuuwa ' I .. ' Ki 111 " ' I " " " 10) ii mm m kHi.ijlr One euiir free Ui K iltir u of e'uli of 10 add upwird J-'.'.. 1 Time ami piiwui for linliliug lliu Nmu insting IVowcrntie tmarrvelive Conyeii tU in the eeveral CongrcaaiMO.nl Iiiiii t , of Uiia 8Ute, Ttx : . 14 District, at EJ.uitjin, Thurl V M ti, 1872 . ' M Uiitrict, not yet eppolntnL 84 Dietrict, t Wilmington, WttdnwUj June 5, 1872. 4th DUtrict, t lUlcigh, Thur.U; June ,,,1871. 6tb Dietrict, t Orrauhura', Weilnee if Hey Bid, 1871 - " Pfatfb. t Clinriotte, hoiwiej v 7th iltrict, U Wilkoaljofo', Thurmlejr Met 83, 1871 ' ' 8th DUUitt, Bt Marion, McDuwell Co., Batorde;, June 1, 1871. . CHATHAM VOUST. ' Oar aMlce of oar trip to (lielheio ma cooBaea to Uie putitlcaf dierotwion aliVh . took piece) bctiteea . Mm eendidaUa fur Oorenwr. - The Court le dow in anion, but tre did not enl.-r the coarttioune ie We here no fc to I'Mik upon a aril baw army-etragli on the bench where oooa eat RuHin, Nb, Hin.)eron, Dauli l and Oatton, and whrrv ehould now nit a North aruliniaB known to end respected by North Carolinian. There were no capital eaaeoa for trial which pak well lot the peace of the count. Tba trial of two lojral b-ague negro praacbera, aex Iliu-rla and Ham rerkiua, (or tareent, the baring etolrt flour, It tracted public attention. The preacher wen ; In jail wbeia near of the Kedical . law maker hould now be, or Will be when Juatice la meted out to thirn, u , The Chatham bar waa alwj noted for Jta learning and ability. It local lawyer ar U. Q. Waddell, Eq , Hon. Jobs Man tilng, Jr, and J. J. Jackeoo, amee H. Uedding, ' BiJai!IiTa John M. Mating, Hear; London and Jan. a Bencher, EaqeV Meaara Webb, Parker, XcLaoe 8a4 Arg war the noa reaideoU ia alteadar, Mr. Uedding la tba only brind!-tail at tba bar, and ha may new be eat down ia a full blooded radical : at laaat the negroea, Chicken Gun tar. and John McDonald claim him. - , There taantbernitn bcr of thebaruuv pec ted by hi brethren and the public. lit h only anient like Phillip, JIargroT and Cantwell before they war ponterted, I or rather, before they apoatatixed, for theyj were aeter eosTOrted. , , ' . Piaebora, we irgtetttd to nan, waa oa thadecliaex Ia turner day it wm noted at a place of retort for the people of the iower eounLry, eapecially of the Capeear region. H. H. Burke keep the Pitteboro i Hotel ia exoellent itylc. Mr. Burke, be idea, hai a good farm, and ejltitU oany tows lota ia wheat and clover. He had the beat wheal wa hare een that eeoiU We wore laj loTearn Uial muck of the attention once paid to game cock Wat Bow paid to bee and clover. llUI thef Make elorer and gma the prioclpal crop." ' r 1 V " f ' Ob the way, ''we met ear load of ,eoal hoot ton grpt miresa. Lockrtile waa tba place fur the location of the '"penitinyiK alt''oili ing but tba, awiadle perpetrated epon the State prevented it - , ; It ia charged by torn who knobtbe people of Chathaia only through newipa pen, and aucb repreeenUtire ae Long, John McDotraid and Chicken Gnntef.that they ar timid, unstable, and undeterminr i ed. Tliia a 'treat miaUke. Chatham wa tailed aflat the Gmt Ear of Uiat name, v Willitm PUt, the great commoner and tiiend if liberty and America. Prom the formation of thai county in. lQ. to the pretest day, it citizen hare beea acted fjt tb'eir courage ai putaly beulog. . As well migM'Granil'lf be taan'ed r having Cuff Msyo la0 the a.t once filled by IU-edrnon, Gilliam, liu sell, Uttl.john nd Am A,i;ll ii iM LOu4fa4 Imp Uu'tlsd fiat -iwrtag Toutg to sux-w-d Mott-btwd,Olhur and U-mt. II. We wt re it M thai 11 slead thnt cn led Chatham .igaiti.t Con .:.... 1.. ..i U.J ....I Chatham nts v ls relied ou for hauilaome majority tl the CVHinerrative tii-i't. fWeitlrs tU'Biit to Injure Jinfg Mrtn luim ly tritt; t r' kt . it . H,yr m '"' to rub the Watc. " VVe Wi iwiw ji !1ii.f very-brii fly to nnolhef point made. by. the cin.r.djle ol Jhe liirn burtihlg ind thier lnK pirfj. Caldwi-ll en.liarorid to hold tlif IVuii. rat reliW tor tu hih )y tln-y rr&iVed a memU r ol the k'tiii-laturc Tbia. howerer, wa dio-d f by JhiIk iiTrtmon in a way that wa rcry dmn ing. to the Governor, aud very eatinfai tory to every ordinnrily intllig-nt nun. Jmige Mcrriwon abowd thai the hitfk ir diem wa the work mainly of biaoon party. It i true a ai'r.(y of l-nn rla did vole liar the high pay, but it ie alw ruitlly true that afwoaf nrg Rmlial in U,lh km voted for .kite iill containing th high per dunn, and lbt Caldwell's riv ciiildunrai.il) have Jerultil the Ml a" they carried it, if tbev bad Imeii w ! i piwd. Tlie truth i the birget (irt of the ijiivernor'a pirly were hungry lur 'he h.i rate. Willi the iii"l l tlo"' i' a netemitj to have lilull 1J lor a ie inoi.lhs.lliat.lbe) tit live the twlam e il the vear iijion the suvmtt of the arHi.m But Judge Miriiimin did not.tp h'-n . he aboaed thtit u)i n a roimuitiie tiT i on I'erviMi; mw?4 l- rnie. in the two hMtf, fiat (lorernor Caldwell, true t" hia lnw litwUmt, ill',Hi.tel ;,; (kw of M whoae ficrum tr hr k rtrn itlxl alio were tffflfftffr1fnrrrfr lA MgH prr'ffletlt. ' Hut farther yet: be allowed that when ( aid rell wan abienl from h in pi in the Simi te and abaenl from Kaleiyh, on liU own private nrTaini, and therefnte, rendering no at r vice giving the Ktnt no uivit hml -that he actuully dn w .( ;iy ylr till Ikt tint A ifiM fee, ntid tliul ton ut the high er diem he ciniplaiieil of. What tliitrk you fellow country men of ailch a man f l lie to lie tnintnl ? KSUVKKlHhuWti l".l .V It teenia there waa error in winn lli it Z'-ak Jonit knocked Judge 'i nuigin down, aa be only gave him a Hour rrii k. Tlii ie ia no denying that Judc Mcriimon at Pitudlolo, kloa-ked hi liotlordown afU-r thi wiw. In autiiminir uti the bribed men ami tl.e amount paid ihciu by Swepaon and I.itlletield, Judge Merri tfion charged Tourgre aa rrceiving l, TOO from Litttclli M Tin brotight Tour gee to hia feet, who atated, thut he hr riHMtt lb money Ii.hb f.itWi-d. Id Haid (tie cooiuiritalon, thai Jmle Tourre had IwD iiiniuionwl to apiaar liefore the oinimiaaion, that he hail Ix-en written to alao to make hi appearance and o plain how it wa he received 8 1,700 of Little flchl, and that Tuurgr ntrtf OfijipittJ. - - lit lh-if Tt'urgee answered, that he wa aick. The Hhipp ci.iun. iii.iii waa in nee ai.ai, ad it ia well known that thia car pot bag Judge and setter aside of verdict for ncgroea, ha never had pr.ftnu'tixl I'BAfl of ilckueM lie knew if he had any lliarai Ur to kwe, that Swepaon had d un Aged it by pioviuj; that LittluAeld had iiii hint 83,700. If he had been in.o wnt he would not have wuited for a tum in 'in but would have Bought out the cotmniaaloner aod act hitusell right lie forc them aud the world. A to borrowing money from I.ittli field, that i juat What all of the negroea and raacala laid, Ihty hirrwtd the money. Yea they did, and therein conaiita their guilt JV VOL KRA NCR. It i a very dangerou thing in thi oauntry to be4n4pndantr or to act and think for yourmdf. M"n are very intoler ant of oppnailion, whether in church or in tato. "Wbati heU rcflmy f" aaked a British taUman of diarlut Janiea Fox m one occaaion. " Why," aald the witty and accomprHahed debater, " hetero doxy ia your doxy, and orthodoxy in my doxy." . Ton are all right, a marvellou proper fellow, it yon agnt with me, but you are not mna of wiadom. and judgment if yo loje lmt$ with my iictum. So moat mca ttilnk;- The atoqueat Voorheee, of Indiana, wha ha bees a great favorite with the democracy and the South, to now "catching it all around for hi tpeech the other day, ia which he venti lated Greeley' record. He to charged with being bought ap becau he dared to y what he thought I , TUB HP&&C11 Of JVQQK MEBM ' HON. We call attention to the excellent peech of Judge MeWitnoo delivered at Ibe Greenebloro' Bute Cou vent ion upon accepting the auiina(ioa for Governwr. ft to i oondenaea 6UI llif ratijet than t fttti Utementof the argHment be preaeoU ia hia campaign peechea, a the time aud allow en extended and elaborate a diaoua ion a the hustings demand. We learn that the.apeeca to welt reported. ' We are indebted to the enterprise of our neiD bor, the aVewa for being able to lay it be- to give thia speech a careful perusal. W are eompll4 to divide the speech for lack of tjiaca. Ia our next number of the Daily it will ba concluded. The Semi. Weekly and Weekly editions of the Burruiai. will contain tt Mtire., In a few day we propose publishiag tbe.yable pecch of Gen. J. M. Leach, delivered a bort time ago in th U. B. ttoaeen BepWetativee. fN . " ' . Don. William Allen, of Ohio, Senator Tburuaa'i ancle, to out for Greeley and Brawn. Mr. Allen to a veteran Democrat, Al pflwar la Vino. V t rnLlTir.il not en. fb-sat'ir ChKinlli-r w cbrg'ii upnn tbr uili..ritj of Mialtiinj Blair of nfTer in to pay 2",000 to imluce the Duiio ey j i el Baltimore. CuBmg C'baiiiJIr !i Iunu- ivtil It'iu(wrHl ! It is a!e mririitly atnliyl iat odc , thousand r. rsolts. gentlemen of ! Hsh sort i f patriotism, will give fl.OOO each m ti "iid million "I dollars to i presented to I srlcaa S. (it-uit iu caw he Js. JiLjujy in t94(l4n' ft JlM(j pwr"y and for the digbt rmf4lrmtim ItH'lefcJ . jre to reiirB (rii the field and Irf fonw Sf.h.er nrytrmg gwilieniaB be tlii lUiiu il .n.'iiiiuee. tlraut in a tteiiieiidolH ui-lry : his lovca office and he Innn uioiH'y. Il be iiitw lie will In itiated; it lie d sn not run be will add anoiber million to ln iiunielise giltn l n-B'ly riiTm .1 H.m. Mi. hv k finru Ket.luik), baa aev elal littiea clir4e. on t lie floor of the lloutf- Ih it lJ ei il mi sum of one hull ilrcil and lliirti eiht inilluiiia of ii.IUi nan been nvletully eK-ii.led b-y tile War and Nary It. (, otiueiita within the lael four yearn, and Ihut thia haa be n doue withiuit any authority of li while. i, tbd 6r the purpoae i f advtH:irig Ih in! teresbl ol the Untalminitra1n a; d the Radical party t Urge. Although a. vetiil prounui ut Iti.du ul u.tuilara ol the Ilouiu- have engagod iu Inednu ahn, none of Ihem were bold eiwiugU I", gie a p.llue d.-llial to the charge. V' denial can be m ide by either the trieu.li of the Se.lelarim or Ity the Secretary tliemell, aa the fact ml figure fll-l) u.iaiii Mi Ih rk iii the charge he ha m-ver .1 ' 1-ai.iona 111 de. IT the chalgea aere iinllue, the Slcretalin C"ii. i-ol y il.ii-li It by Mil appi-al t" ll h'lil.f. I. Il I thin tin y have ui. I lie. rlenalor K'ir bus leli .le. I'-l t" the t'ntletl - Mtajtex rtial In a tuwull ill tin. litriii ill, tln 1" .. .alt.,;, t.. 1. 11 .w.ty, a vei, rfK)rrflnali!e itme tit H ''tw a(ie tal lllutralion ol wlmt can lieaccuii .ll!,.-. for tl.e g I of the coiiiilty il. bringing in li iriiioniolia ai tuai the ele menu lliul un npjioaid t" Otarit. H i'i ..if thia uniting of hoaiilc l.ma Hawli Uulil.l have Ixell returned to the ivliu. e. 'I 'hit. i the xaiiii- Hen. Ilnwl. y h" culiie In Itnleigh iii iMtiN, mid wan f.tid and I, . I l.v "our U'loveil" . the ll.f iliita t. d. lie i a lulter rii.li. iil and h .ln Hie h..uth only as a " rulit.iiiknoui." New Kngliio.l V inki i an. ! VOll TIIK NOMINATION. Major Smith, ni 'ie cinii ly known at lilow Your Horn Hilly, "pent the da) hli.r Inn iioiniuaiiitii at Kiunkiin in Itui ligh. h.ikii.g li .uda and currying f.vor with the iiegnnw and brindle tail uf thi city. The negnaa at Knuklincxprejaed great diiwatiitl.mion with the Major' notnina lioo. They preferred Ike Young or Mad Unwkuw. Ono nsura froei Clranvillt iwi.l he knew the la.i (nnmefjf gentletua. better than he did Smflh, arid they Were neartr ou ' i'udHjl " witb the negro. When that fellow know Hilly U tt.-r, he will change (hia haatily cxpntM-d opinion. Hilly IcIIk il lr ely on the ntreet thut hia nnuiiuaiion coat bim only ninety dollara While Ike Young uiunt have apent :I.IMM) in hia effort to aerure the nouiiiiatiou, lien. Willie I) Jonea, Smith cakulalea, apent live or ail hundred dollar. We were Hurpriied to learn that Tim Lee voted fiu Hilly, alter Hilly by iutieu do had iiilimatid in a public api-ccli, tlmt Tim Mtole hia chicken, all to it act ling hen. Hilly aaid lie knew him for he war. the only bald heuded Irialiiuuu be rver aa. One thing ia certain, if Hilly uaed ni'tuey on Tim, be eprut over ninety dollara, for Tim ia no ninety dollar trout. He I a ten thousand dollar flab a the Uriigg Fraud f ommUtaioU prove, aud that too by Titu'a own evidence. We call upon our Johualon comity friend to send u the name and number of the loyal men whom Billy, aa Jeaerter hunter, caught with doga. We want the I same o the man he ran Hi long li three townahip' into Huiith' mill pond. We want the nanii-a nf hi doga he bought in Naah to run white men to tare hit ne gront W aant to know the pedigree of hi bay mare, Sal, that he rode over dene iter. We do not inteud. tbi signer of the ordinance of aeceMion aha!) longer in dulge in making odioua to the ignorant llinae who lgned with him tb ordinance, while he hold hiuiaelf up a tpecially loyal. Billy to be elected will have to tote more negro women in men' clothe than be any be did ia 1868, when the carpet-bag ooanUUitlon wa fatteaed upon the people. If all tenae of honeaty he not fled the euemtry, Billy ia by odd, the to beat. THE MKXICAJl REVOLT. To understand the nature of the revolt which now seems to have received ita death-blow, It should be remembered that at the last election of President in Mexi co there were three candidate Juarez, who aow fill that post ; Lcrdo, now the principal Judge of the highest tribunal i& Meiico, nd Porflairio Duu. whirhad distinguished himself aa aa able Uenetal lit the war whictt eiidwl la the overthrow of Hsximillian. Jaurex obtained the oftioe ; Iii rival complained of nnfairnee la lb election. - Lerdu and hia friend submitted. ijr.iiauaciijs-isoefoi and attempted to arize upon the government by lore. . lie drew, to hia tundard the dew pars te men who are too Dumenms In Mezico, and who us nia.iis , tsan-a.waiiii4,iaJf Wll iHlitiinJjtfen I s.lial. li -a as) lliaal i i ! saw in the revolt ah npportuuuy of uviiig bv e.miiibuiiiHM wrunu from the neooia. ptiJteiJiiM1 veil ; a lew ol tneir cnteu yet aeem to bold out, but their principal leader, whose military fame and prowea were their boast and their great' reliance, ha disappeared, aad whether be be deaa or concealed ia tome hiding place ia Mexico, or ha run away, nobody know. William Cullen B.nt' letter from the city of Mexico, of March 13th, 1871 A BioSiaixa W learn that a big sink wVmad ia the Davidson Copper Mine recently, revealing one of the most extensive veins ever struck in this counter They hare penetrated the veia some it-1 teen fret, and have net yet eat thron-jh It. T It to pronounced a solid mam of mineral aad very rich. - v tport.e fortkeDCy Vet rpECIl Or JCUJB HEHRIMON BE Poke tub oRK'cxsBOUor cox tbntion, os the tb 0p may- jh7j. The tallowing i the btaBce "f tin able iKt h nude by our ttaadard lie.irer Judge A. S Mi!rrim.m, before tl (irecii bom' Coeveiilion, on Tliurwlay, M iy 1 ' in ainep'ing the nomination vrhieli he h"l received at the lunfU of the Citfie.ilu'ii It will, we kuow, be read aith Jjterual I.) on .... , Bt-lUf uf tit" fV .ittt You have brai pi4a-4 to confer ii.i .a?---ae'rrtallliaiUalMMl rjiiy,, in-.tju norriTnatfon pt tlotaraof fff"Tri wate w un il you nave net maue. r 01 01 . inatiifi-Htaiein of conn leni and teie' t. miiltt. He 11 doea, flM4M. l4y"iii aH'll'le men .lutiuguialied alike for dignity "I character, tnlelhirener, patholUwu, an i public and pn at. virtue, aud fepreetii nig, a tbei 11", every ittt0rctad clai -.1 Ibe people, I ti mier you my grwfiful anil cordial ttiai.ka. Hut I am painfully - utile of toe hi:h repoiiibility and gia. dmiea you have devolved upon me. T pteaeut Huly. atronly and au. CefulJy I" the people the diaordcred and Calainttoii.. coiiditioo ot tajr eonimiHi country, an.l p-ri ulrly thai of nut own atate, ia i n iiiidertaking I nun which one far aitU r than in eelf might Well ahrnk. J, Thi lutporlavut puwtixo fa l1 fea ajghtty miu On the tw!ri6M ! aatioualy hopeH that ib nwlJjK Ulan uiyaelf wmilil be selected and cliarg.-.l with it : by 1 rcc.-gb'e i he righl of thi lai.ly, aud the a-opic tlirotigli tloru. to c- m tiand il. v ert'orta in lieh.ilt of tlie com lllfiu umhI ot llie eoiliilry, and parllcuiar Iv at a line- like the pocl, and at out C'Mlllllaliil 1 accet t ht;: J -at'.lon alldlall-'IH V' U !iave a.-w.itJiieii me. re!yliig UfM.ti lie a alliance of the it i-.ll!ir-iiiite.i g' utl uien voii have aMeoeiate.l With uie, yo.n (.ooliai c i .-M-rat ion and that ol the te.p'e uii.I.t Hi.. iii'e.-ti.-n of an Allwi-e aed ov.-r (Ulli.g 1'ioVlilence tor siicceai in the eltc ii-.n, mill the gi tnoii Inuulpli lor govern ment ami ei-i.H'uutioti.tl r.f.l.t. , 'I he cin-uiiilaii.a a aiLen.ling lie' ;ii.in,i iiali.'ii are Ma-iiliarly giatllyilig to tin li waa iiiii.li on Uie tiil ballot, in . I l.y a ,eiy hirge vote, cutuiiiK .Ibmm. vldtji 4M ( (( f n -,.rm,111,,f , M , r..! (rwrvW4. . 'I'ht Wife astt aa w.tii. ..ffeiit eolilialltv 111.1'le unanimous. Then, the .lelefate. li.-lll the holm ol ui) hear!. In'..li.l t tic mountains, who have k now 11 me ifat and hiH.ole.1 me moat, and Iroin iti y Ih. liooil, voted titiHtiimouaiy forme this w us 'ti.leiai grutifvin to my In-art. Auani -iu INTO I had th h "i"r to lie the lul , !ie-t of the ileleiubrs of the uolili .' j.,e of Caawell mid A luiuatire count ii wh. it they wert l.ppr. siaal, Ma secilte.1, o.itiage.t by a lawbaa and despotic llov .iiior who ha.l aulivi r,led Hie 1 oiisiiiuti..n id law. of th.: iNtnfi; and the L11il.1l t ilea I) menus of 11 uierceiiai) urui.al lon e, j A pplnllse In rta-oiiili'.n of tnv Ii 11111 1 'c etl'.rta in llieir behalt. I was tioinina'i-.l liv niie.it ( 'avwa-.I's g illallt soi.a and re.a i e.l lit r .air.lial a ..' .It. Thi mark of tafp'-el and lecogl'ltl.'ll toll, lied llie viltMb1, It stir my deepest feelings. iin.J I shall reuu nib r it wiili gr .telul p'enMire till my dying dav. tiod IiI.-h Hie pi. -pin it Caaw.-ll and Almn.li.ee! (1 Inters f Kome nilusloll was ma le to my licln ' as to whether it ie in one sect ion ut tin State or another. The home of my youth and (ally childhood -the 4la.a ever dear to inv heart, and where 1 my dust will ret alter I die, is JjVllie inoiielaiiia, while the city of llijjb tny pliice .f naJ.lem tinri domir rUQ my affections cling tni gloriittqi,"j"si -"" iwnic" snd I he nio'iiilaina-1 never cease to l.u.k to it a hnme. leSltVtever-th-Usi., I am in leed a Morlh ('trUtfmh I love every fs.it of 1,-r soil. If dalleri upon to pre-o.te as your (lnvcriKtr, J shall know no aicUou 1111 Kasi n ' iieid no North no South. N rlh Curnliin ia my home ! 1 .tplauac ) 1 hate ktarur.l to feel at home any w hi re a.; Inn lu-r iNtrTh-ra. I feel great pride iu lur noble hin.ir;, and am- stry. I am proud of the fauic nt her ataleaiiien -her judge, lawyers and sehol lis her niinisiera of the holy rellg 1.. 1 it-r taianera and uiccltanira and un-i eh . ins, aii.l 1 share llU'St proudi', in all Hie glory of her peop e, in p ace an. I in war ! t 1 ii mi 1 it the black atonti ol nidi . alism th it has iletuceit oiiriiisiui) for the lust four years. If I shlll be elected lo the high end honorable position lor which you huve nominated me, I shall be the Governor of the whole ople plain ing my feet liruily on the Constitution ami lawa of my country aa a fin an. I sure support, and my beat snd latest ef fort shall be lo imitate and rival the gljtry ami I, line of the nobleat ot my predeces sors. (Applause) The time I may occupy you will not allow me to enter into labored diariia sion ol the politicatl condition of the country. I can only glance at it very hastily and briefly. In the first place, it ia important that we tdiotild at this time recur to the fun I amen tal principles of liberty and tree government, for those are But only we. naced aud suspended in nuitiYrou. nidi, vidua! instances, but fhey sivra rmniincnl peril of being ovei thrown and alisulutelT destroyed aud our system of governmant hsoged tn spirit, tt not tn name. Government are instituted to subserve the ends and interest of men as indirid uals and a oompneing ociety tor the protection of life, liberty and property, n whenever they cease to effectuate these purpose, they cease to be govern men is they are then mockeritw and cheat and anarchy anoner or later inter venes. There sre several distinctive kind of jroreruiuent, bnf pur filler thought a rqnmuon rorm 01 gorammnii nsj nest adapted aad 1htl ta eseaiw 4lc jriceles blessings of free government, and hence they adopted a written fJouttitutioa la which they art down ia plain term, cer tain great fundamentai truths, principle raaetiTial to rational liberty, aad free gov ernment Arncmg these essential rights, are the right to be free from trrest anleta ap oa arndarit and by waRaat tatoed by a lawful magistrate, the (acred rtehl of man to th great writ of A-ita rtta, when ai-rested. to th end Ibe ntrss ol Mcb arrest may be inijuired into gat judgo and th party restored to kberiy, f . 1 ..u .l......l .a. .i. ..e.: 1 Uaoi.tAwiujiy. uei(,1N;'.ft 'y. !&) of .sriai bt iurt. the riglit io be iVa trom arrest andithe earci 01 nouasts, etc, u leas upon I " . ......... . lawTuI warrant, uie nuni tn uerlta t Iree stensJMsVKiJm fc hate tlw C'asasiilutioe and laws oiarate according to their power sad spirit at all tktae anil etertwhurw. Tuas are ia (act essential and fundamental principle of lilxrtt, 11 ana ai aim wiinin i ineni, my are of the huthett aad last iuipurtaoca lo eterv citUen whether Jhe be great or small Ihsy are f piiwii!.iall.a tui tion ta. Ireemeo aa Ul ltseli. , Until of tola jeara, the tore of these grand principle waa an noivorsal awMwag th people that they wen allowed to ope rate so thoroughly nan aomphisiitytiiat th people forg'4 almost to think nf and r gard them, but time and men have sadly ( hanged with these bitter yearsthaspirit of radical outragn K that might ,mko right," " the end justifies tatuesH," of diarrgard of onnstitutionwl right and obli gation, has swi pt ever the whole land, aad tboee who ty one mean etv aaortier hat beea entrusted with official power. hare praetituted that power, diareganled their high obligations, subverted th coa- litutioB aad made if. vtrtaally a died let. tat tad a coeat Tlli "Pint haa been iPll'tra'ed on a arge and ahvming .-ale in the fort ibe, reconetia. lioo of the Statrn latVly i re)lelll.n; that recoajitnittioii . In iroe and d.ne afirr the war le d rated for yr.in-it wa ih.lie i li U -gard tn Ibe (i1TiTiIT.nrigTit Tt?' lie Wall or the p. ilple cnipttaie;' .hem, by meana.of the sword in a t in. ,i (n:i , au.1 when not twathc p! nt ita-molv i Id la- pi .(a 1 ' " io jiHi.lv u. li action. xTafa u it w prop. I to lin .ke the aid "t tl. hi I -a j".li. I I'll.. ! al of the land t .HuUlulluii. a 'jrnl "h l. al pail) pl.t follll n ..I :li. .,.;l paij. to . p;1 tlu nMW-teiw. il-..L.ii.iiit.-ui,n a. &'W'.,XtaitiMmi'' a Hie m" IO and tm-M.po, y ot tk- e,,n,.it.,-...ii. ; a.... iM.vo..l.-h..l II... p...i-.- I dot mt te tlt 0h4mmm Jlktat .tepo-iUo,, J.. rcr.o,iru. Ic '"'""I' . .. jihslied the contrary I recoyni,.- . ve, for 'la sake ot elvili ti.n f i-t tin iff H'tMj.' ,.,. lilt', llftVf I?' A W If I Ml Mtl'l t. ..i X, . an. I il i- He I' . il fi.s .-s. i; 1 1 1 1 .1 upheld a p" B ill a II. ... . is . al. 11'. I t i kl.all In r.a ..i.io-.l il t e .aw of ll.e land. lo'l.s . 1. feiye of p m - r ilarfti e.ery iiieu.1 ot the ll-tltulioll .to- trie ifovftlillient. If tills 111. I Ih- ,!,., .gain. 11. id low. it may la- done agon and ia 0(111 asaluii'.ua and f .i 11 n il p in t .hall i-lne tif and have power to an . 'in pliah atich purpoMt. Tni.usniids l our una. people wera in time of 'pence iisfranetiified. find theutu amis still remain in;ligioie lor ofiive urri j this end has been 1 (f eted in a like t..n, hie tn on I T'r.sip. umf b-en stationed in man 1 t tt.- , .he I'll on in the intrust ol' a p ' litl. i:l (eiltl liianit-.ll fi" til-' ,nlii".' i-i .inert, rii'o with 'be fie. dan ol 1 !c.-l:. n-' ind controlling lit in - !i .op- h,.,ri.. , s ill lejieiite.liv to tfel- ail 1 oHi'-r m.i'i - -u the S'Tilli, and f" the gr..t .s: ,le ot .'u n . fork and oth.-r S.aie.. ..1 n.e Noiil. In h-iii.tred "I ill-tan. is. I. I. rl pow-i asr.ci-ii.'d snd ii.lininis!. r.d hi Unix 11 llieiiis iii time -f p.. . . ba-.-b-.il 11 m.I I trt elv loair--t and illiiilison cl i 11. s 1 1 1 j ut warrant and III eplt-aa a id fl . i I ii.i 1 '. n.lat loll "i the I ..iistiitiU iii nil I ..o.!i. an I m ra- nal lib. rty. 1 In a time of p: ace. in like v.otifi.i' I 4 lh I amoitutaoo and taueii v, in. lit ( Imtii Hliil in- rttltitc.i witln-lit rim iiutn. 'fir'iM hru ' il. - jt' t .-oi I- tn ('ait i (nh tsiii '1 111 out U'l't --I !ili ' A to) thi in tin littrii -.t I" i t Li h! t h :U r Liv. hi (ion hii'I th:' ilnil , mill iMi-t ! ilt wi ? A Ft : Uv tri r IMI'littl'S ol' Wti.-lll i a r . I .Il if. t-u.ii uitl th 1T7G f (,1 tiSI l.t IH.il IS H .'ll- Mil I 1" t I' Mil -All) tl,. ' ' At iti- . IN' ti.n ;ilt I II .to ' Iiill-. I 1 "U UK II ' i i; m i ; TIIK KLK' l HiA I- ifl.LCCi: AM) I'AKI V M.ViOKI I IKS, A 'hi cnnp in tin an t J the .fi;iil r i Xt'iti inrrit L'nirt-. i ijnr, i In i; " i ii . 1 1 . jt"illoli tn c .hll tt 1 1- ciiiiiK - i nt T 't-c :ni ni onh-r lhrt our ntoh 's in tv uitcv to Ih hl lit rt hi 1 1 il' j;l tm r. Wf i .-jty i.ni the hit AX Irihuiur tile I'.tihtw Mttj I .Itl . t hihiiiii ilit- i it'clmul 'U ih tin- ilrt it .it l" Si'i, H.lh tt tJti iii tit ol ih - i-iu! ,r lli:tj.rtly ill ;lif tttlll.- M;iIim Iu Hu-f . Kit- t i.il K. p. '.'!. I Hoi, Hem M .j. 1-t.s in:; A'.ttti in, tfk-iu , K itllf'M MlnV, mtcct ut, n.Mt iiMhalm, f Ion a, Knrt , KetiVtM-'kj, tiUI-adiaV, Miytlid, MlUUUt'lHl t'tlft, Mithli;n, M tt U ws t I, Mi.Mtiiw'i'pL VtllUMIIIIl, 514 H,ISe4 3.:g.7 .'i.l'JJH '4.;.iN i;,o o Hi "J.H.U.0 IM.KIl ,iHI .-1st 4,1) SSM-Ct 4 '.! I ..LI ti V.t.r kit, :t St'vittlj, S NfW II Allll "llilB, Ntw J r vy, v i ork, 'M S'Mlh v aroliiiH, 10 ( ibiu, lit;;' (Ml. rcnicvlvitil, -'H J hs l in 0 at I ! gill 41.4JS I'.!,.,. 1- IV.tn.l, u h t nr.iliuti, '1 'iinent'i!, 1 i'ka Vermont, Weal V'ic nl, y tc mitt. 4 1 II H 4 II IU li I 17 is.l .to 4:nl a.Thi IU, 447 Total. iu Necessary to a choice, ITW Tho Triune adda the following re ntal k: The battlefield of the campaign will be tn California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indi am, Alabama, Arkansas, Nebraaks, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Iff the Hta'lca which voted ftir tlrant in 18flf) the following will certainl) vote the opposition ticket in case he ia noiiiiuiitcil Missouri, la votes; North Carolina. It) vole; Teouessue, . 1 1 votes; W.st Vir ginia,! Votes; total 11 vot.-s. In addi tion (a Hiese will lie- Uie votes tf the 8tate which did not vote in lS ; Vir ginia, H voles, TiXas, li votes; Kfcjuida. 3 voles; total 21 votes, -all of which will be given against Urant, making an in creased oppMilion til 6 electoral voiea. A uniua ..pposiuou to Oiuut will car. ry all th Mates that voted aj-ainst him iu 1808, aud Arkansas. 6 rotes; Calif . r nia, S vote ; ConiRt'tkut, 4 votes ; Ne braska, 8 rote; Pennsylvsoia, 28 votes; Massachttaetta, 13 votes; Wiconin, Id MIM . t..lo I 1& W.tt.WI .llUU . .... ll.O - nniteJ opposition to Uraut twn uairy over two-thirds of the ehsetis" a vote, while a divided opposition will elect him by Beany a uuaaimsw son,.., ... "A united opposition Iu Orani " T what w ntiita, and " think the indi cation poiut toNtbe defeat of the gift en terprise candidate. s A child eeren year of age recently died ia Polk county, which had been para lyxcd for about 'live month. It could mot only iu bead, was perfectly blind though it eye looked natural could not alk, or eat, thopgk nourish meui wa given it iu the form of gruel She had been a perfectly healthy aud quit intelli gent, cliUdU'fore this Witt, ' said no tme seemed to be able to (assign a reason for I til contlllloa slat waa ia. u Muie-wsa L iSsuealee. and lived near (Sandy 1'tain. sso nay wm nuiurrjurij t iitwi. By or4wT ef fkt Ex9cutir CummHtae tad Hist, to nominate a candidate for Uwife 'AilssHSf' J 'ha 1V Oorgaa, Prank M. Hamlin, K A Mont Cnmery, Jame Dnod, P. K. Holderby, II. ft. Canton, Dr. Oilee, H. Bailey. 1. John Ri Rain. B. VY. Buick- P. li. McCullnm, Nathan Moldy, Col. Jame Irvin, eorge D. Boyd, W. P. Hopkins, P. K. Cnmmin, Dr. Hugh I Patrick, H. P. lomai, Jan. T. Reynolds, W. K. Llndiav, J. W.Moore, May. M. Oak. Hugh . Reid, Gen. P. L. Simnaoa, Edward Whit aad P. M. W'la cheater. ,.- , - ; ..v By order of coeamittee. A. M. SCALED aJii Kurs for ratatUsf perpose;. may UV W, U nlBOSACU A Co. ACC'KPTA.NCF. OK C I. C. I.EVfN TH'iKPK. We puh.kb U.low the expelleot littir of tin gratienr.u w ho waa noulinattnl f-r editor at the Urii iailHiro' cm.vi nli'.n. It In ?.. ifhi. tT'iir line of tTieTnieil" "aCit'ti f'- . oir tat I id iu the tillica that tried the p ti lot ir.ni of ni' ii : I'm ii iin.n. N C , Ma) II, Im;'.'- To 1HI llo.N. I US JVKI'K. V'ft'"il ot' 1'n rtiith'ti .H,-. I !i te th. I1..11..1 to a. kit-.w U-.l: ..ii 1. -ler -it M . l.li.in wbi. li, a pia--i ! .1 in; 1 t the i liv.-l,tlou ol the .! 11. . ir ci l illi-e pnttv nt .nh aM (.ri ,,, f()f f ul,,r, f,,j ,at... Jr,-(.rV,,'. tl,: (H,,inti.L f can ,rrm,rn. W-He- hit. ronHl. . w Ut. .my oowern. e Itf l.l.. .lal.'.iriil . I., f-houiij lie so HintiTI. :n'l' it il ly tin- cull 111 t 'Hiliiil ;ii)r)vnl. n lU-iiff ot mh-Ii riii i run UnifM1 fif iqii tJil. in a n 1 u 1 11 Ut litiin . .iijiUa. lurllit- ti" 1. 'lit l which art- h - 'he li- n h I-- m It In in tltc . i-f--ti- itit- av-, i'lll Ct'l ll"tll I III ( tn. in "I ih"-- 1 t.'iv..i. I h"-k 11(1. Ilit1 itt lKHI thin ('-iivfiili.m iij'-'ii lit- li iriihn whit h i i.-st.-tl miiimjl it-ui' nil -ri iiHti iL-t l itl. tt-i ( V met -I t in I h' clt'-m (' a I. iti J if . Hi. I ithii I Im ii nun mil IV which ui;ikttl ii.t prcth5iiui;5.ut (iirt ftniw;U tA httiti iufanH u iuv to Um buuud f Kurth ( 'nmhmi. It w)H hln-fipthcn and eJtttfn.J 1 Ih c.iiist 'thru ifcihtmt tin- clinic t'ttian Unit In. m il t Ut- id Mnrili Utt tti 1' M,n ,'illt' M !j ttnw Who, lit tCU- 1 t it e , uti- uii't fil it) llit'ii 111 'inn'Mii l'i re ti.l III t.nnit me I. t tin 11,. I 1. 1 to - 111 11 l.e li 1 ... I I ti : ui III 1 I . t Illi A hll 1 I a to I j.(,l . ,.. I he, II... l -I"'" ll.e. II. III I. - II il to le Viiill. tli -t I. . the l. .11. .1 1 I. I -I 1,-p.s Itnllv. i,i: i:.m ii'Mii-K. T.'IK l-V r m 'K; AT Al'l'ovl.vr . .10.11 I OKI M Kit. uiiJl, on ih. ,'tli lli-t. At I 11 I ivh Ilia t loll l.tl- I I. Oh N. t . lll'MI M tlltkt' (hi Ik hi itti l Irom 'Wllij t-x i , I ill's Li I h- in I in (o ! i 'I IVM ' II -till on .tint into in v-our nut in Ill tn-. In 1 ott lir.-t in to tl V.U. S ill 1 i i ii it iii.trl W lir.-lt'il. Mil I ! v ii. i ,ii li in Hi ' v hlcll. I I'll IH itLrl -olt. III n,r ll lV dl'HW-i jl-t'V I i r I11.1 Lti liiir t li II IM'o J l.U Iiilot: Itn "ll . I, I.V th .III tc-l 11 1', l l II wi re stiii , Ml it.,.- Il I .It .1 i r nt , in ..(' ir:iv Ti.f . Vitilt t , ii.hii ni li i tl In i ( ' 1 1 i 1 1 i IT i':iV lit I ( lll'll) II iv th. i- -sCtTU'.t III op t.is. ...i licit tot I htiiiiri . 'iu'hiut-. htlir M- t 't r Inn to-i .ih i-if.J h it I it cli i tl' t .i ti lv rr Ir V I! Il HO 1.' '( v-.iin;..v -t i 4- u ilit ii li.irii: v I IU t . I ills I' i' tf 111 It II a I i man h 1 1 1 -f atnl of victoiv, iih H , tll.'V ol .l.'ipli -! (I :iltil asoldlelll r-si.lntli.,,. to w tllctl wordscall d" 1 1 . l It-,) u -1 u'e but l tili-li ea. ti soldier's tie .rl lll.l- r.s , je;..l.e alltl lloll' T. A In. old -.-ilild cl.is.-d all. .III. 1 their Kiutf'ior at uteri. mi. so tli.se men el. oil HfoiltnT Hit' tlis id their lost .au-e. Mi ln-iir t iil'ti. rs their treasou. Il.il it wiuui U oiid restraint to their ina.i.l.M.d so grjiiidlv bran-, even ill dA I'jaily. Mowly tiny ailvani-t-d lo their last attai k. ,u battln yell, mi crack nf Hie tiki.iMihira isrtt; Itroku tlw atriuit stillness o that Sabbath iiioru. HteatSr l,v, silently they eali.e "tviien Hlteridan dn-w back his hor.-s iiit n, as parts some miolily curtain, and there stianl ttjc clox- toruied btttulio.is of infantry, the cannon gleaming in Hie opt-ntftss. quietly a.iailiiig Hie .-. ailing o tiotdon'i, m. n. I.is- inrtiv 'ly olll i-iu-ttiy halted. Mean while I.e.- has tumid back to tu.s-t Oranl and sin lender Ins command. MtiTidan -iwung hi cavalry around upon O.trtlouV ielt, and was iili.iut to charge, when Cua tar rcai tied L iiigsirect . asuranco of -.iii. n.i, r was g u. n, and Hiu cud had Li. Ille. Tliat Salilit.ih day, with tears and in Hirrow-. , .ui hern men fold.. I iti" Imiincni ut Hie "Lost Cuti.se," and llu-ir Itraveat and iH-st Moiight tioiutrabl)' tu bury them from stoht loi'cver. How sad it is that poor ambitious, jealousiesTiTTarr, the wretched greed of I" II and place, and the miserable hates of ms-lal liv. lilies shonlii s.ii.fleu diaturh the hcuity r. conciliatiiMs ol that sutrcn- dcr, soil lor a time revive th. bitterness wtiu h you th. u sought to b.ir) in a coin in.. ii grave. jhia hour is no time for politics. Mine uot the lips, I trusi, to ii, ir. "lure them h. re. Hut wlu-u 1 think ol the heroic paal, which your tac-s and p,-rseuce so vividly mull, ami then how Hading, trickster iiiliitcians, forgetlul of what baptism ot bl.s.d sealed the uew birth of the-siia(ion, tua-k to array racial in needless hostility, to excite the ig-iitirance of the oue and the brutal prejudices of the other, I would like fit kuminon a gmml; hwlf Iroui the rebel army of Northern ..Virginia aod had Irom the loyal army of the IV lomac, take such malcontents out, give lh.m diitiu head courtHUaftial. imuusdi. ait nccut.i.u, aud aoldKrly burial under , th apple ttee at Appoiualtoi. uoVial .Ns. wo Hum Bulk Sides, 4 lluel. Bilgsr Maun t " Mreakfast aUipa. ) Kegs Purs trd. UCACH BROK., sr i: U wroeese. UK oott.a AND Ut K uisir. W kav iVsaccesstai uixratla ewr UImViIiLKUY, Aasr larrwr, & ff Aad sn asaaJng ess kaadred an tflf noa law way, at Ike bast aad peases s tXHUa AJD kYK JCHI4KT Tw ffei-d for sal In Mona tarohna. The fisnaer erpulatlo of fssu whisky, know as '- Jit Old C'hratlaisi W hiaay," akail ksiav' lauieu at s f ty rastasst, aud w pnanisw our easuxwera a g.-ualt--; and laaaaiitlleratea arva-st of swtrtla mi Usa anal Raauoaiila Usnaa - v sUui valuta w weald saieciaily ncouiaMsal oar whisky for Ita Bne sardkitns-l qualtusra aa analrvsa " drags," eaessaasi aad auMrka SMupoaivds. .- Iitaiyayaielssai nf Wasssarlaa asvilmt.asli arasm pruSMlaijstuatiiae wsawayllsayCiAaJtl mat has been la Ui auu-ket ataee tLe war, and prsatertlaj il ,riar Uwir peuants. Hs are sailing oar waiaay, w bK-k sre gwae amee to ba thirty decrees aunaieer thaA uauet hm sat is aaaaiuai ei.et w i iw ptii1 ifainai by um bairsl. tras-Uoaal parts of a Bwrvwt at It u to 1 aer raUoB : bo aautily aadasr ve k-aiiutas auld at Usa disAiU-stry,- f ? w wertntr Wirit4- fttt ri iai--ir at Hm rauw M uu z allow waist y fur two. au-toeia riaa ur wsesu, wa corn lo ks aallrarsd at W arreaum; t ut. Devi' Mill or lbs dMUlwry wuj r.ecavs U.-gs al Ut disulasrv oa sttsr-s CHftlffTMA!, FUOT1 A CO.. fcb 7-dAwsa w anmlinQl. 0. G 6r a it "t" i" it bj air. Wstu S. H. Skit a, aaoaoaT. Sratoaa. MaXtXII afc bTHONO, - ATT0KNIT8 AT LAW, til X't SO, S fWV orec the ClUsW sVj.j aaeaarre r.sca, . Vtdem KTifABTT, IHCU3 &, CO., ' atanufactwvs of: aud dealers In : 1 Machinery & Plows. SI rmii KnriBfi, Saw Kills, Farm Karhinr rjr, tr., Erpiirrd. BKAS3 AND IKON CA8TI SltA UK Al l ii'miiftfruv,MXD Tucwatgui.:. Would eall th atleute-a A Vk JiMte tii ttiOj- - mmcwnjoBTim shims:. - ail aicea and lengths, for hand or power. Also, tn their Crow ell' a Patent IllON FJCSVJNO, aouiethtiife KIR, ueioo, anil cheap Als.1, hi our new pattern, linpmv u SUNNY SOUTH COTTON PLOW, iiiutouhtitlly Uip moit itlnr nJ cbiHt Khh1 ctilLoO Anil culUvaiu-t i uitulo. FrUr uctHultti-K -ui kibtl of K .iifiigtr for 9Uiiiy Mllla tril oth(r Mfchlntry,or Replr1mr of cy ktsd proin -ity rxwuted, wuuld du ncll lo give u t bcir onUirt, tir O im. M ll.AtUtS ANll KINK IJVKI P-I. .-. Kl.is t'l I 1. -re. 1 ll!,J. . Hints llMs H It MijIsmms, N' w Crop Cut. V u n .ttl. V W t Ttt--.I13. Silver Liti-. LK A( II HKOS , pr 11 tf l,r.. HK I. UHK.d I would rt'Hpfitf itl I v -K ihf Htliiitiou Llie taitita of Ihiit tuwu and tiULc lo iuv LA I I K 8 ' KAN C V Fiiriiisltin (Suotls, c, Xv. To d-ttalcM M 1 1 i tit i I tin Ui coiHifry nml to mi , t in I U! f tl 1 lllsll I ' tli-etii triiuiiit'd an w-HI h utnninin. d Gooci ut Iir)il a thf v run lutv the hhiu-c in any iitiui' in N. York Cily All 1 k i a IrUl. mils. CETTINGEH will lttt-fad U the reUll Millinery hrancli llallinL (Jiir pUcu u f huii.!'u it utitl nt Aio. 4t l'aet(rvill direct, with ftW ouljr chtiiee tt beintu Ui FIRST FLOOil ISAAC (ETTINUKK. iDfUnJ of up stsirs. Tho 'Carrollton,' nilll-j NKVY AND BKAli I IIL'L liuTKI. X IS lew o eu to the liuhlie l...ci.le,l the .Itit of Die " ltl.1 fcu.tuta n Hotel lend, d liv sn i lennt front im Itulliiuore -.tract. It is convenient alike to tin: huslim-ui man anil the tourist It is t eoaly Hotel in Baltimore of the new ' style, tnitiraclng Ktevstora, -suit of Kootit-. ' with Batti aii.l all cutivculem-ea ; s:rrect .en . Illation an, I llg'.t thruughoui and waa planned Slid l.u.ltaa a Hotel, new from Its f..iiii.lal...a i fc 'I'o aciinimojate MsKCUAN'ra aso oth rs, who visit haltiiS'iietlie Pmprielor will ctiatgc ' (si pur day ur the Kootiis ou fimrth aad tilth i 'ors. liiakio ' tiMt dilfereiire uu aoouutot I the elevation. Ordinary Transient Kates for ' I tower notirs, SI per Uleui ..i. ... , ,. ... . 1 sis i. i t-cAiiiirv in aia vsnl-ge of ths shove rat.-s, will please notify ttrK.a Uun. of whatever aau-sle the Clerk before Kouins sre assiii-nrd. 0.. a... ....... iJiiS sre assigned. An iMPBOVBO K.LSV4TO ma Tss ess or lit B3T8, la BtHKINn ( liKsTaaTLV, from 6 a n , tn 14 (i m., thus reentering the uptier sbnies seueaajiils wiuiout fatmu,-. The undersigned r. leis Ut hit carreer of over thirty years, aa a Hotel Manager in New Yors j and Baltluiiire, eonod. ut tliat, with a new aud I itiiHiern nouae, ue eali give eutirt satlala. lion to hia gueaU. K. B. CHLKMAN, BallnuorK, Mil, March lbTJ. Prourtelor aprlUlin Ohtlllt) AND SYRUPS 50 Bbls., 8. H. Byto,., SO- Tlercs HuUases, S Hhds. do. I "ajttf LKACUBRO'S. gISI POTATO 1 II I SWEET POTATOES ! I Mi Has Sweet Potatoes just received, spr as-tf U. T. STBONAtU Blo. O R N M K A i. 3M Baa. bolted Meal apt sa-U U. T. aTRONACH A BRO. IM or OAK wood rnn Bale delivered eilhar U LK. Mm e"aol IheM.US. H,ly S sslie aprtsu JJyV-JW CUT HI It BIN . sw BM. Jest received. N aptiss.U i. I. MTKONACH A BRO. 3(J BLA IRISH riJTATOfc, POB KUat Ing aadt)0batracivd. ' ' Pt '8 W. O. STBONACH 60. 3BUS. vr irtot'K rssi Flsft to ramily. Jtsst rees-tre. ajrifrtf '. -' :&gTltOXArH4... ucoeice msz AlTD STICK 1 " - r TTIiriX, 8P1MSH, CBEEE, Tl'RKET 1SD 81 HENRY M. MORRIS, Importer and Jl$ent or tht IT. S. and Canada, a Ha. 73 Watittr Street, and 10 Old 8Hp 1 0 . . . . ' ( 1 '- -.- -s -- "' . - TtpRii. . :. ; - - CTBnnCATE3 from the leadingaoulWreTS in Virfiaia. Korth Coli, t kfaasasari, Iwdiaws, lllmoia, Ohio, New York, sad Caoada. 0 Warraattsd Superior Voisruered IiOairica. A Aa-eatt few ft. w unrsii 1 Ats, - - .. . . s m '"lamiiav,. Urdan uobbjAu Sd -naMBi Ne torle. .--t aoanm - - . sssh u a-c--. TjIbOIHl Vlr. mi , m.l.: , ., , sprll-tf o 'ffi ' - -4i!!!t,fli -a4 fst rnmsvx&iiizr" tin iu ii.', tuai LS'vtn, -: tk ,,f tl:,:ojLt'rrJU''t'W,i' l.kKAI' I M..v.7.f..T. F'alW r..-.T" . T. . . 'll - I to ... -b Ue. '""VwhiKjw ri-soun . ,i( u,i nii, ,k ia? Uiet. I 0.1 uti, tCj.iii, : lh. any ur nr-'T, ' "" their sdvatttasy 10 ii i" U nt.. : l-.ai.os iHj.i,. ;uril' sf.s.'si ' Oell'l for eiielilur U, '", 7; a. itAJHSiaM J si swao LsUSUIlVw a. " llUlll ,u v 1,-. 1 .-a-A-sa.- iiflii;.. . - - .n-..nusj -vM-egyiiiie(tmisJ-;gi UsNVIIXt, Itl ro Th sti. or u.t " VV,m Jn s. I own. V iu. IK lc JT h , j Dry null, or horses, tin tZt. ler. Ui isk anal alean " Ka. W the iliUiruit and iali,rt of V,.?! thslr teatna. r'1m oct 1 dly lit Bill It. IUU Itu-liols Sweet Potatoe h nil.,. i STBrnrf Onoww Frai.inai . Ju.u:m tcf Buii.4e VWfthteL j Pll 1 1.. NUK.H J-H4VT, HcvrfUrt. " I W K. r'Mowiiij., Mwlw.1tarJ,l, lt:tK m -, , rc bij.ii-r toW-J ln -Il W) ALL hvt 1..M,-. rKil luftvuiir Hi otiiut uiuS nuly tot w"''batK j csuii i.'rti'ii, uorv- fturj-ki. etc., a. I lusted but not da '' n.1 t.i ..i ' t'st,l,.a an M ( :li.ea.'n losses will not cm,, la' anv aiv-n.1, . . ' -.. . lhil i.. .-v tf-smjii el .auHtu,. ,a I Iii";..' i '".'I."-., "'a', '"' """"it, J A I'm Adjuslel. Iiavrtlaraaa,,," I the seen f ilwiuiluf wiu, tatruai7. iv eonrni'tiiate our psliuna Bfr.PIIKNcitiiU'Uj, iiov 41 tt rrr 1 r-neMi in ( i a.'2 i l :-f C 3.3P V 'M .Water wheel Mill GeariniShaffinglMsj! LeENo roRAcmcuuia Ji VH. 1871, - Jf llSa,l.liBS 81.AT1W. Just received s lot of Uie ftev fatart sistt lea -Sen.Hil -slat- s of itiH.-nsiil -usstlsijoM I from 'M tn 411 eeu(a eat-h. 'Its astf S no ae when ttieyfull and m-iSsij;. z o. saia av ,- ": - - iluHrStt . mar ai-tf . Ik-Ji am Tho Tribute. ? A wBKKLY ILLUSTRATHI) C.I j iL paigu l'Bs-T, of Uw sSuve lllk. W a ed'ied snd piihiished hy the st.-fcwrt-s, suit sfh r the H I I'neVav is May wil, S? ( irl ut Uie t.i.a-ral tt. putHSMS stavisst -ijtive cause til the Mtsle, ss4ldlstfM country The Ti itmn will idvtirstf Is-sm ami to form ; u,e . tit -i oris fnmt ' prill, iple, an. I all the iiu.rtant'NUbaia-N- lofoie attnoiiliceU hi the H'fi-Aasa,Ta:t lersal Allllllsly Public UlBsels iBWallf. : Itcaitiuptioil ot sH-cie Payaa-sls ss Art CiMu.'ie a reeugnj-iiug nur H.swsstow Ist fe Al-.Utiim i-i I Ik- rhill Intend 1 yi.li'in -llie funding of lite lkalll 4 .er cent, loug bond-r-the pssi(is pi- .hctiott a)i;ai(ial MiHi.isiiliakll4fcst my In every ,1'-. .rtnn-iu of tin-Ulr tW Uoit. l goverttniiaUs eoliiplel Keliswsfai ! Puhllc . rwic,, In all branilies, bolh alaMSat i NaUtmal and the ets:vatHin nf war tttt IwS aod ca-alde au-ai to orti.-e--Uwe4(liilsktsl promU- nf Hie uhldel-t of Uweui, -ntire rel.u.lL.li.Mi of the sew UW sn salton of ConiinuttoB, Ui lis psatrtitaw ujic'iuiiii) i.' hi me 1 1 oi.se- lies. iiiij; u) ULkC aa - ' . 7. . .u hkilvs I imu.lirnuiw lllal.icts e, c., Ae. Ut ly(satllt all th 10 1 ng ( arpe I-Baggert l.avt wi am NollUile ofa perstlDal -ehsrsetsr asfl f ally or otberwlse, that ransut be SSliU"! piahved hy either reeordedsmlisJw' lite uiu.asa will cuutiuus sis bkwU near r In the culiuulis ol filat frataaw, mm 7fi6..r will be pubdsiicd at Vwm cueap rutca,: '" 11 a Kor single copies, - . t1" IJIUB RATES: Fur tea coidi-a, - - " Kiftren eoi'lCB. Twenty ' Thirty ' rorly " .'. . '. j.w . . nit fitly tievsnty (Iv rOcie, " One hundred " l.iruiv CSM IS mnw-s ..ialial It Is eonddi nUy t xikcusI that swea. wUl Its sBbsrcllwd for. aubscribari l mooav iu Post Othee Onhs or ia me'" Lett rs at EdiUtr's rfcdt. , y StVur truMUmg swr kswl aarstb as 'llu. TV-w mUl la awssiraSSTsi terthiiiig mcdiuoi. jj g HtaJ Ssxisaoav, H. C... April litis, apt SMI . ' . ,. .j., n- ' BUHB'I BtiJLNfJ Hoi" ; Mrs BUtr. hsvins-lorsled tavrjrslf.? ef HrMt end tsalu ,-Kws. sirNS-t. 1" : J. v. -MS ' .. J . J. .aiat rsrtuas ss. a. e.A-jxiatB St Silts, it -s.saiisaj atm, preisr w imri.. - - esas be setotaafodalsst. ally detrdv spr ail . r;. t JJtir BAMS AK D tosom. Bmokett BroUing Best, . , , . Faiton Market : - ;" mtyttf W. C mO!AC r Hemnga, formatJaWt'"-fl5r tstoasanois.. .. ,,. , . -,-t. - ,; -aaa-isi-w.''"