:sJ--.- :" ' . , ' I , ' , , ' :. . : ' ' -.. ' -f : 111 r ' - - 1 - - - , , . I tl 1 1 . .. - . .. - . .. - . , 1 i wrj a V .is); the sentinel: NOKTH CAROLINA. X iiewspaner U shortly to be started . Bt rlaoiaou, awuauigiiaui wtsij. ' The Danbury J2-irtr says it rains every day rp " U promise to be a grurf jeer for con i Hugh F. Mum;, Eaq., editor of the Washington Eiyrat, baa been ill, but it now at tail (le.ll again. A Hi mor. We hear it rumored on the street that Uen. U. 11. till I, and Ueo, John C. Breckinridge, contemplate re- viving the old Military School at this place, is U true I t, ftar. vrmrrer. eon, 01 tyro, WriUKHl LHUUIV,. OJBO Morgsnton, N. C, od Tuesday night last. He M.i Lhis. P.I'KS. pb Mn4!y, on bis . totiia nuiiinlaina, -wliilhrr hi--arm going tor bis liesHh, wlikb had beee an I'liiitiriiit'tl lor some weeks or months. Sit ttsftAmut " Gen. Iv-acli is lighting the word), the flcsb sud the devil, Uen. Orant, bout will mid ibc U. S. Trrasury, but be in equal tu the uccasiou anil will thrash the whole pack, ami be triumphantly reelected. :Staiid by hiui North Carolinians, and aiow tiiu world that the true manhood ol thu .'nil district is stronger and superior to the gold ot the administration. Wintton fiextind. Jio Tiumiiv in Kami-son. A gentleman who arrived in this city from Hampson county yisU'iday informs us that there was no touiulatiun tor the report that a number ol I'nitod Milis soldiers had entered the upper end of thatcouuty and were serving wriu u ki the ciliuns. The people ol tatrapeun bave out been molested by the soldiers. Wii. Star. i,,khI ruins huvc lallcn at different lo- slides in this and adjoining coun lii s, but the crops and gardcus in this im mediate I'icimty are guttering severely. I'p to within '; weeks of the present time, ihc seasons thruuliout the cuunty have liecn most I'uNorabie, but it the dry weath er continues much longer it is feared the crops .ill be Miiioiisly injured. Wiitles--' Argun. - I Uw 'uvKvivii. - lie many friends of Mr. It I' Wnnlxrly will lie pleased to learn lliut lie is slowly recoving Horn the attack ol paralysis, reported in the Southrrrttr ol last week. The entire county will join villi us in the hope that his valuable. Iste The-Ktewtmi ftrt( iajwr'At"Hw Lloscof the terrible skinuiug of Thomas liy f apt. Kitchen at TreuUin, carpct baggcr Seymour, of Newbein, attempt- il a reply. Cspt. K. in his rcjoind--i proUiist'il Seymuur that il he undertook to uphold Thomas in his hypocritical firofissions ot silliction by following him i r.) around and speaking tor him, that lie would give him (,.) b I. The aequal is .v luiour didn't come to KiusUin." Just befn:e gniug to press we learn that Captain W. J. liasuerry and 8. A. Bus ee, (col. ) bave been appointed sub-electors lor the county of Greene. The ap- iHiiutuicnt of Busbee will receive the ap proval of the conservatives in Greene county, tie is periiaps tne most intelli gent colored meu in there and has an nouiiccd for Horace Greeley. GUdtlntro' Mrei'!rr. ' , hi.no I mow: sei. oenj. PiorlTeet, a well known colored man. came to bis 'lenih by drow ning on Sunday last. It seems that he, in company with two other colored men, were swimming in the river uear lie 1 1 s linage, when he was, it i kiipioscd, seized with the cramp, and iM-fcwc any assistance could be rendered lank lor the last time. Ills body was recovered, and taken possession of by his iricudi and relations. JNorlleet is spoken l as a most worthy negro. Tarlwro' SutUurna: r. Tub liissT Jokkok the Skahon. That distinguished soldier aud rising states man, Uen. Bradley T. Johnson, arrived in our town on last Monday evening. Recog nizing his past and present services, the poling men composing the Uoldsboro' Comet Band proceeded to the hotel to aerenade the General The first piece f layed was "Dixie." Just then Senator lenry Wilson, who was passing the even ing at the same hotel, in the company of a cuiipleof I'nitcd States office-holders, Kit his apartment and came down stairs to respond iu a speech. He was informed by a gentlemcD that the serenade was not intended for him and the would-be Vice President made n hasty retreat lack to bis room. The "sell" was a good oue too good to lie kept from the boys outside, who received the news with cheers for Greeley and Brown. GvUibori Mettengtr. KiKLix Amoso the Keuboks. The Wadesboro' Anjut gives aa account of a conspiracy among some negroes to mur der two white Conservatives. There is to lie a radical speaking at Brown's Creek, in Anson on next Friday. A recent meeting il negroes was lately held at an old school house six miles from Wadeaboro'. The Arpu says : On last Wednesday ulght a large num ber of colored men assembled at this school house to bold a meeting. While those in the house were engaged in dis cussing the election, Ac., a party of ten or a dozen wore seen to retire "into the woods some distance from the house, and engaged in a low anil earnest conserve tion. They were arranging for the mur der of Mr. Hubbard and his son, William, if they (the Huhbards) should go to Brown Creek on Friday next After a short consultation it was all settled. - The plot was not made known to the majority pf the colored men. But their conspiracy was overheard, and Mr. Hubbard placed tinmediatety ea bis guard. These Rartt :al negro Ku Klux are treading on dan gerous ground. VIUGINIA. , Uiixkd. We understanil that Mr, and Mrs. George W. I'alirrtf, of Baltville, who are ou a trip to the North, bad a favorite servant woman with them, and that in the recent accident on the New York Central road slierwas killed. Mr; and Mrs. Palmer are greatly distressed by the calamity, and propria to shorten their visit North on aco. int of it IdyaeAAtfW Virginia. i Rapid Advaxcb iff thk Valik at PRUPutr. As an evidence of the rapid advance in the value of real estate hi I'hirsgo, wa relate Ihe following : A gentleman 1 of this city, in connection wilh a triend, purchased a parcel of sfrnwrnT-nr ttes mbui ba-nf tfcat-dtriB November laid, for whiclt hd pabf sixty tbTjoaan dottars. During a recent Visit there he waa offered for it the sum of one hundred and ten thousand dollars, "tajftrgriiTv I" eeni, Lynchburg Yirgmian. z. of laying dowa. Um pater pipea oa the ret is being prosecuted with great vigor. Ten inch pipes bava been deposit ed on t' - east aide of Church streets, be tween Cove and Msia atieata. We are asatired, na thavbeai asthority that water will he Introduced into the city by the flnct dT of January ncxU Tbe water will as frtan if,e iskrs and Don da at and in vicinity of Moore's bridge and W I "' r and iweet, aad ia quanti-1 snmaeot to aupplr tbe wanU ol Nor- . " pnpolatiosi thncs aa gnsat .aantk ir- n. r T,T "V saraqa, . . u Vb'RSU at TTrnntTtt.il. W learn that a moat foul and unprovokrd murdtt waaeommitted at the Wytheville hotel. I aaoantimsiancia, as related by a paaten ttt, were as loilowi : A lias named John Bicaardaoa, wbo IWeeeear Wytbeville, entered the hotel parlor, in whicb were a number of ladies and gentlemen, in a Hate of in toz Cation, and coaductod binv etfie acandalooaly, that a Mr. McOrain, Irom New Orleans, andertook to eject him from the parlor, wbea the inebriated mas drew bit knife and stabbed the ireotlrman to tne heart, It Is supposed fatally. This sad affair ha created peat indignation great indignation and excitement in the community. BtuVurm Putriot. Tna Doo NcisAsca. Mstor J.,hn it Ludlow has caused to be prewired an or ("pvwv, wAiu c. uciieve, pretty itir oughlj eradicate the nuisance. It pro forth taxing of all dogs (Lfcr heauvlwit no ing -apea 'whieh t4te.v is paid to be allowed to hd at large AH dogs going at latve to be eauurht and penned fhr twentj fonrlioars, U allow Ui owners to redeem them, and if not re deemed to be killed and buried at the ci pense of the city. All vicious dogs upon the street or elsewhere, to Ik killed lv or derof the mayor or any magistrate.' A the nuisance calls loudly lor abatement, we dope the Councils will consider it la vorablj. tiiirfoli Virginum. ' PEUSOJfAl.s. Harriet llosmer is the most popular ar tist in ltooie. Tke Erie Dirci tors inteud to pursue Jul Gould to the bitter end. According to the World, tlieelcv is now at work on a voluminous encyclope dia, which will soon lie published. Itev. Father lijerriu, the well known priest of the Russian church, relumed ves terday from St. I'etersbuig to New York. It is raid that Brier. I'.uneroy, illustra ting the fatal facillity ol divorce between fools and their uiouer. lost :)( Ki.OUU in his attempt U ruu "red hot" journalism in New ork. Mr. Addison Hoge, nephew of Kev. M, . Huge, D.D., and a sou of the late In W.J. iioge, and now a sttnleut ol the University of Virginia, Inn beta clci te l I'rofcssor of Greek Jn llauip'leu Syjlncy College, Says the Detroit free l'rau : "For ev ery army Oeuerul w ho supports Grant mil wilb hia buuU.' " Lord Byron's grandson, Lord Went, worth, exhibits a laiuily trait by ipiainl ing with his wife, and by advertising in the papers that he will pay no debu of her contracting, lie in the son of By rou's daughter " Ada, sole daughter ol my house and heart. " His Royal Highness Francis X ivier Michel Sapieha, a Polish prince, haa just been naturalized in St. Louis. Having been engaged in the Poliiih revolution, he made up his mind, for obvious reasons, to remain in thiscoumiy. George McDonald, whose greatest sue cess as an author has liecn in portraying the Scottish peasant, has selected us the subject of his Boston lecture, the graud est ot all peasants, Scotch or uther, Rob ert Barns. He will arrive here aliout the Bret of October. Cardinal Richelieu was very loud of cats. Indeed he preferred a cat to i ale chisiu any time. He was not particular ,ly addicted to poetry, notwithstanding his passion lor the mews. A son of Edward ltulledge of South Carolina, one of the signers of the Dec laration of Independence, is said to be still living iu Illinois at the age ot one hundred and three years. Besides a vigorous l3ttr ot Mr. Wal lace Tappan, resigning his position on the Grant State committee of New Y ork, the Tribune publishes letters Irom ex- Con- gressmcn Charles Hughes and Burt Van Horn, repudiating the renomination. Mr. Tappan haa bnun long an active and zealous republican in New York, and is the third member of the Slate committee wbo has resigned since the reuominaUon ol President Grant. The Latr "Ospi)KA8ASTXti" in WijiKSHOHQ'. A gnnllnman writing us from Anson says : "Very recent develoie ments show pretty plainly that the at tempted riot, which was so promptly ruelled by Conservatives, on the occasion of Dockery's speech in Wstlcsboro', was prompted and instigated by tlamcais ; that it waa 'squelched' too toon tor their purposes that money was used, or at tempted to be used, to induce certain individuals to 'insult' and 'trample' the flag, WU. Journal 'FECIAL NOTICE. R B. ANDREWS' & CO, tLOTHIKIlrt, Have just received by Express the following : HOT WEATHER FABRICS WHITE DL'CK al'If, WHITE UtCK VKsTb, WHITE ULCK PASTs, BLACK ALPACA FKOCKS. BLACK ALPACA SACKS, LINEXS Of ALL DESCRIPTION?, bobk fur Um laifeest saea. 1 ta-!f lotjbi rLotntrr notm M Bbls. Family Flour, 100 " Extra do. mnay4-f LEACH BROS. nKADQCABTKIlS FOR PRESIDEN TIAL CAatPAION BAlXiES. - Obtbut aad Baown, aad 0asT and Wrir sia Mssala. Canspaiga tnilires of sll kinds. Will sell like hot ease, read for rbrular and price list, Kndoae stamp. A sample t each Badire seat by saaU apna ro-eli af aeveaty iveeenU Ac into rraaied ever wnera. B. WHUK at CO., Jswaixsas, W Maswaa Btrssi, Mew Vara. Cat eat Ike attaf tut fatnre JJjlnHw . . 0LL A8S0KTMCXT OF THtSKS. VaUsrsaad travduu; Bagi consUaUy ooiaod. R. a ANDREWS A CO.. Cumi aaa, aaa Oaars' Fcaaiaaaaa, Next door to Tacksr Hall, KaMire, . C jeasltf. R AL'IUH F EM A1.R-INSTITUTE- Dr. and Mrs. LACY'8 8CUXL will Ixsrla on the flh Jalt and rontiaas antll th atd iSepteuibrr, when ft w.ll tw transferred to tlM rW laslitule. the awoa will ! (alsbrd on the iim. trrras arltfa which it eoouasDrsd. )y ju-uu avui CARY, WAKE CO., N. C. 3C?'!Pit sei loa wilt onaa Jl al, InMi . S-r? ," 1'Im,'!i ri!!ilhi HtUes wvel of t"!'.'!.''', Iiilneihstcli uu tharsllrua Parent ta srairli of s ( asl K-tio-H tw their gtr ar tavlVSJ W sun S f' .-in alar Ibe tiehem hsve haii suci'twJul experi enco. Thr rito of Hoard snd Tuit n arc n:riia(is i ln-aicr titan uther. schools utl"rui l lie MDie ilWrsry adiAnUt;e A. II MERK1TT, A. M., jl) 15 i 'w rnucipal. A I r.l) To KEN I A lUil'ilit lloune of about S Kc- In p(., u''lt- ui-klihtrhool Apply si J!y 1JV :tt DOKI'l'Ji JONES "1 WIN, MOI1I.EU CO , COMMISSION MElKil.VNTH, 8tt fl. El'TAW SThKKT, llaltiuioie, M1. tpe ul attention kMcii to suit I'rieil Krinu, rcaUieis, Bixswat, ,vr .f tt o-l, Ac Ji) in .mi. Kingilan 1 &. miller, REAL ESTATE E.VCHANGii, I'NIIKIt KM.KIIiH .NATIONAL BANK. Land burars nunr relv on Pnichulni Mldalemen i "oir Afiuifa aQo atad to Spaculaie or charge an advance on the ownaa-e price of Farms, Ac Houses asd Lots for Sale. may 7-tf AND O 1' E N I N U I'H IKLKS II (I H1.1S LHEI BEER GttDEI, DN IHL'RiiUAV MAY!, 1B7-J. V Ol .V K V X Bl V 0 M K A hit .' and get a Glass of u U c K II K K It, Kreely Iven to my frtcuds. Lunlii-n and Cool Driuka of Vvery de lu iiptiou furnished st all hours, CHEEP for CASH. ' COME AND BEE ME." may 30 tf jkEW BIHIES! MABEL LEE; HV Till AUTHOR OP " HOHTON 1IOLSK," With Illustrations. Just oaL Pries la pa per, II; lncloih, 11.50. MORTE DAHTUUR; Sir Thomas Mallory's Book of King Arthur and his Noble KuigliU of the Round Table. 500 pages. Cloth 11 50. SALTED WITH FIKE; r a la or or atLLsaoao', a. o. Ilaudsoiuely bound In doth. Price IL Send for litem, or an thing in tbe book Una, W ., J. A. JONEa, Booksellrr and SUtUouer, mar ss-tf Kalelsrn, M. C (JIDKUI P. DAHUEM, Late of Newbern, N. C. WITH OEO. W. WEBB listl.sa i PINE WATCHES, RICH JEWELRY, ABD STERLING SILVERWARE. Mr. Darden in calling the atteatioa of bis friends in the South to his sssocjation wilh tha we4l fcuuwn faowse of ssee. W. Ween, rs spectf ally informs them that hs will be always pleased to give his personal and careful atten tion to any commissions Uast may be entrus ted to him. He feels ass ired that he will be enabled to please them from his saaay years experience la' the bniineaa, his know ledge of the waula at the peovw f dee BoaUt,aa Um extensive stock of nrat-clsss gooda that are constantly kept In store. When the selection of articles b left with him hs will tata par ticular pains to sacara the bast and must suit sbla, or will cheerfully five way tnlonaatioa ia reply to mualries by auul eoooerssos tbe business. Geo. W. Webb makes a specialty of TRIPLE BILTEB PLATED WARE how in serh general ase and admirably adap ted for Tea Seta, Table- wars, Ire Pitchers, Ave. Ar bsrdea will alee be glad to have kia friends call oa him wUedcter they come to Baltimore, and riamina the asw .doetas el Jewelry sad Silver-ware. ' Cowsia BiLriaoaa aud Lisbt Brk-rai, Bai.Tiaoaa, M D. may adAtram. HE BEST 1KKID8 AT THE LOWEST "TJtKtCtM . tbr taeat aad largeat stock of Boota sad Shoes ever broaght to tbe City. - 1 :: is-tf c. d. mrtarjk O UK STOCK or OENT'i FUKNISUINV (Kods cannot be bsatea la elyies aad pricea, aprlAtf C D. BEAITT A 00. I)1NUHAM BCUuuL. mebakeTille, Tf. C. ' The rait gsssloa of 187S apews Aasrwet w4. Tha eosree at kssurnettoa is CWaescal. Ita ctBding Madera Uaarasgva.) .MatLsmatical BodCounsentaL TaeorgsBisslina ts asUiiary. "tt. WatBUiaaUH.- ' I .teaaT-la r - . wsr r vaawss, . ewer-i- , . 1 , . ' , ' . . ' et . , . - I professional carps. aiisceuaxeous, F 0 "'.; :,"-wmMEoiia.''' ioscellakeous. , v , . MOOBB aV OATLINO, ATTORN k f SIT Lif, sULEJOB. N. C ttaU a4 teimi OarV stid the Oevssal law 1st and HI, Judicial Wstncta. aat.tf. rmT.T.rpg &, mehhiwon, Attorney" at Lw, RALEKill, N. C. s r. ran i rvs i a suaiay W7n- ATTORNEY AT !' A W - vttxten.'X'itx?" 7""' Crwrth-CT in the srrcrat tiirarts et tlwr wtith Judii uil Otxti-k-l. siui (a tits etumNne Uimrt of North Uaniirav Prompt atteaUoa flvsa to we i-oihx uiii ui ctaims. immt -tf ATTORNEY AT LAW, uKAIIAM, N. C. Pr.ictiei-B in Alamance and adjoiuLwr couo tlw and in Hit Suiretiie and 1. O. UuurU. leii .".-siut H . K . N A S II , ATTORNEY AT LAW, IIII.LsBOKO' N. C., rrsctk-aw in oramra and the adjotniog eoun Ho, nd in tin- u,,reUK. LV 0, CourU. Itti Ml;iuit s s rsaaw. s. a. ujwo. I'AKKKli A LOX(J, A I T O 11 N E V AT LAW, UKAIIAM, N. C., I'rs. lice in Alaiiuncs and the S'llolnlllK i-ouiities. and iu ihe eiupremc aud L'.e Cuurta. Ivb JVI-dduit . A. AIIIE, Attorney at I..av, KALEIGU, N. C. lu-n'.l UicSUUj and Kederal Courts Ih T iu tlm cujiiUoa at Waku aud New tlauuvvr. mar 'i &u. J KN TAL NoriCK. t. Ilt.it fllMlllT Hill .u att.l ...III tt. - ..s .1.11 L. . . ..it i 'I jau J If P. bABtlcK. QViu k Burn; AlTOHJIaT AT LAW, Raleigh, N. C. Prarticea'ln UjeCourU of Wakr, and in the federal (aiuris, xivas auavial tit-nM-.fi to Uu aixiiiiur of esuws in Uis oupretne Court of N. C, collecU elalois against any Fire or Life luHurauew Company in uis bTulld otates, aud stuiuds priimiUy to any other profussioual business intrustsd to htm. fell 7-U YyrM UAKL BROWNE, PORTRAIT PAINTER, No. 15, rsyettevtlle Street. Life-siae Pktures painted from life, Pholo Xrsais or Uaguareutypea. Uid family Purlraiu and Pletures Uiorough ly repaired and restored to freshness atar o-duia WU.TBB CLiSX I. kt. HULLBB. CLAUK &, MULLEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C, Prsctlee In sll the Courts of Hsllfai, North ainplon, KdKucumba and Martin eoaullea, tu ihe Supreme Court of Nunh Carolina, and In the Federal Courts. Collections made In any part of North Car uuua. mej -dv a c ouva, a. w. stkibsob, a. a. rasiuas II. t, OLIVE aV CO., Dsujibs isUsssaii. ksacnasDus ssu CoiiidiIhsIoii lerriuutit, apes. n. a Orders for Shingles and Lumber filled luiupujr sou at low prices. spr W lioodJui. AONIN S RURAL RETREAT AND LAUEIt BEER (JAni)KV Opposiu aula Pair Uraauds. Open at ail utueil. So improper cusrscters allowed. , . A. MAONIN, lune tdlui Proprietor. QROCER1ES VEGETABLES, dw. 10 Kegs Fsuiljy Shad Roe, Received to-day. msy "-tf W. C. 8TR0NACH A Co. CJl'PEKIOR fable CaUerr, Silver PUted Knives, Btlver Forka Hotter.' beat Tea sod Isl.le Booons. -r' n. a. suu A Co, THE WILBOB COLLEOITE IKBTITUTE. besides giving toe anist modern and thorough Inauacuoa In the usual Ulerary artisUe aud seienunc branches, to it.,i: inent of IMmuHie Bcamamt and A"J- jmus nie, sim or Agricuuun, tiurticul !,""., yVt 'or young Gentlemen, aa- u uie wnwoi control or Mr. c. W. West brook. Uooasioaal ltanw he P. tu . . Kerr. Tuluoa froa ad to 11), aad Board (Us- .-o J ,T.. - owniii. "H.1MHS SIABSCLL, A. M., ar 7-da l-rlaeipaL lfARi barker a turillinu ms. JA raliva of tarty Lib la North Carolina wj vnarue vernun, prMasVeeute. Beat bv m ,11 oa reuAlol i,f ,i ... u. xjiaisa, agt- WtT U . C Bes e5reT 40 KITS NEW MACKEREL 15 Bbls. New MVsrreL W. C BTBONACH CO. ata- tli. Q.R.A1N A.NU OsUJi BCrTUKS. lhs best on Uis market, en he foiuul M mmww r eruiers uait. JAMES U. VJWLU, Agent Q.RAIBI CRADLES AMUURASSBCTTHES s as! received st Earmere' flail a htrge supply I the beat leaks of or S Se- i.llil & i ait recctved at Earaiere' flail a atn n the beat auks vf or Issnr (MtAULEB, all wsrrsated to give -ttlif-rtnja. aad said at aasBBfaclarars' prices. ' a Ah, M. TOWUCsV luasatf paoVIBI NA , at Boies Balk Sides, I ilkee. B"Or Uaws. I, LP. ACS BRIM., Graesra, , spr 11 -U 0 r A (T NEBS HIP. Wat !. U. flao-B, Gaosvif V. Stbob. '"8 If VtttTBTTVl&TVIS, ATTOKHEM AT LAW, B1L1IOR, X 0. OAca atar the Cttiaees' NsUiasai Jssak, Errkecje PWe. . ; OA B D. 1 saa famish tea ns twefrr aesaaws aHfe nod Board aad caoifortosia rwuas at toe rsawVaesof Mrs. Hsary W. Miliar, Mewhera Twe otkee nests ta the raid aow vsoaai, BrttT -. isftA f.fAsJlK, CrriZElTS' B AliK, 10KSXX STCAJOSX AUD TABB UTS, Paraasavas) c Paid I p Capital, $3'23,OO0 JOB H. CIXIPIB, Paasiasra-r. N. M. TASNOH, Vica PaasinasT. D. A. WKIHK.Kk, t i.aisa. BIN J. UAKoUaON, Assistant Casaita. DiaacToas : I Andrew White, W U .',Uliis, Frank PoUs, K T. ArrinicU-, i. f. WUllaniKHl. W. R. MaJtorv, W.H. Tsptwy. Dsr sirs racHved la (loi.ii, rlinsa, nr Ci aaaair. fur which rrnlMcabs will W i sMwt, uayaliati s 'twiit, m aViA- t; wrtB IStef-" W lim llaai HM amasl, ..i..-.,:.M.mi: Inaaawi allowed oa daHy balaueu uhct to cheek. ' CollectioM oa all accessible points, aud re turaaaaada oraauiUr. Studwell Brothers, IT Mnrriiv tt'i-Mt, Now York. Aauuffcturers and Jobbers BOOTS r & for HOUXIIKltN tiuui; Have a eouipletai at K-k iu all llne, lueliidhn; tltelr H.clar ilkisirs Smh tiiu, Kir Plow sunas sail Woasss Pibbils Orders solidUnlsudeariitull)' lllledal loauxt market rates. J. E MmliE, r'alesiusn. JanHMdto BUIbKlNO LOIS l!i TnH. Iiia.i u, 1)1 KI1AM, AM) FA KM IN Til IC VIC1.M1 V FOB SALE. KJl cash or cledtl to suit pureliaM'rs. . Tilt tilnlst titrs f lia If iinu.uil ..I i, J si... La f , i. xj-jaw TT-nwasw sawn A tlibuxaad Aba Mas ril nlaeu. App v HI K P. Mult RIB, A.ut. aiir K If RlUttS A BltliTllEU'S CATALOUL'K OV H.UWKU ASU Vh'O&'T.t tll.ti d-A7i.s, And Sujuiiier Fluwaring BulU, fot 1S7J, now ready, taVnalstrinr tf -4ur l.;itl jiaireii, on rose tinted paper, with upwards of too soparaie CUU, and Ui ArMMly W t'edm Plata 1 Col or, a beautiful diu,'n, In colors. The richest Catalogue ever uiiblialied. Send 'St cents for a copy, not ouc balf the valuu of Uis colored puiies i n ins nrr order, smcunting to uut less than fl. thsprke of Catalogue, ., will be refunded In seeds. New iuiUnner plseed on the ssiue footing with old. Free to old customers. Quality of seeds, siae of packets, prices sad premiums olierat, make It to ths advantage of sll to purehaM sends of aa See Cataloifus for sxuwordinary Induosmeiila. Yua will miss it If yoa do aoi see our Cata logue before ordering Beads. ERher ol our two Curguioa fur IS?J, siss Itntifoue a (ower plate of Bulbous Planla, roBslsUng of Lilies, etc. the other of Annual, Bismilsl aud Perennial Plants, guaranteed the MOST BLKMXT fLOBAL CUkoMuS ever Issued lu this cunntry. A superb parlor ornament ; mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 75 tanls; also frve, ou coudtlious sirueitlod in Catalogue. Addnwa BRJWIS A BROTHKR, I KMuti 1S45. J Rochester, New lurk. TBL8 Ac. AMERICAN HOTEL CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Ou Indbpemdkncb Uajx, PHILADELPHIA. & M. HEUUNG8, PHoraiBToa. aplS-dtf. gT. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIl CANADA; Tin 'aTKNIEJISllJI IDliB." AND BATIIM a connection with the celebrated well of BALINB MINERAL WATER bi sew opee for the reception of visitors. Persons d Irons of engaging board will plesse address Uh) Propniiacs. BEVERLY TUCKER A BONA July J-tf TUK SCPKR10K1TY OF THK UNRIVAL LED W .TER PIANO FORTE k conceded by sll wbo hais CAREFUL! COMPARED h with others. la the MEW 8CALK, The Manufacturer has saeeeeded In maklt the MOBT PERFECT PIANO FORT possible; hence they are preferred by a GREAT AlTIBTB OF Tilt DAT, And recommendm by all ths LEADING NEWSPAPEKR Prices will be fosnd sa resaunablc aa eonals- sat with taoroul workauuatnp. WARE ROOMS, Jra Avssua, Maw Toaa, Coa. Ura Svassr. n is SODA WATER SEASON ,. AT IHEPf, k JOSKS'. QULX SiiarUllufcr Modis Water, rlt (renuluu ilruH aVyrupss. ls now sllsnssHl f Von our naw and blecrant C"uatala at No. Uii, fay. ettevllle ItrecL To tUIn braacli ot t'ussluossrs way ski fsriso ossjr atrlct pvraawttat atteatioa a It aslinH F otur easleavpor to tsautntula tbe ttt-fh ataasxera1 ot exwl text mUUtUtt UujU- rjatti-txl. srruons. iiyUB t sssa aaaajraalaa BI porrtoita ata (llsstnaoes, anil rUasWBV - rfcsTryf tVtBx- ltKla ami Mlaeral Water at thssta boraea, wa hare latroilnosxl SByphoaJ. IJot tlnas Italsliasn oast si iassst. aeh, IVoia wl.l"h t ! tra 1 a b drotrrt aa aparkllaaT aa f ruaae tlta BToaataisa. tflM P o it X' Market Basketaj Udlea Travelliiu; BWkeU, ' CbildhHM Wsguoa aad Wheel Barrows, Hearth Brooms, Paiuted Tuba, juivsu W. II. JONKa A Co. THKisUI NC) MAtUl XXaV4IUIU n i iissil lawll- Uil allnltom -it twrumrm to our mauulai'liirs ul BiisjtoM WiIivS uuewsd tlmw amiin alibis the ASdUKsl xsarsaBd xUsx an. auus unns to aud better adapted to Um SrsuU of th Vlr Kiaia larnwr lhaa aujr uiacuian hrvuichs frous the North, wulle our luwor uriccw aal the Mvisg ot fnalil niaae Uiisa cheaper. H uiske and send wilh our auu-hnies the Cary or Pill s Horse Power, and furnish aiaclihm ntouutnt on wheels, cuink-u with hone poaor, bells, SU., fur Mv. We bad our wheat thresUml durinir tha past sniliuier hv a ' Caldwell 1 fannki .u.l I. leaner, " owueii hy J. W. Alley, t he nerhlnh did elcelleul work, Uireaiilua every parUeJa of alieal from the straw, aud uleanud Ui our en Ure satlsfmUua. Vts eaii rucouioieud the uiacliiutis to anv one wtalilnu a l',.wI Thr,..kur and Cleaner. John at. Jones, nan) Ml Catlrvll, Jr., Vim. C. Motwurs, win, Bliepusnoa, Ale., il. liol. laday, J. i Cariua'toa. "We aiso asaka a rood Twa hma Ttnh that we sell complete for s.MV J. CAKDWKLL dt CO.. 1 jll Cary Street, Klehuioud, a. Juue 7 Itu ) Klil cTlUN l P.V.AliK llAl'ts A Nl II. lit LI.Nk tTkAUKKa saiL svaai wsoNaniur mu aiwi. Psaseiurers tiiaikfd to sud from any Railway euuoii or eart in lin'.l llriuin, Ireland, Norway, Bwudcn, Deuiuark, ituruiauy, Krwuee, llollsud, Behtluui, and lUs United amies, OatMU faiu Iruiu .Niw Kork to London, Mverpuol, Hl.l(,.w sud Di m by Wedntiaj 's U"aule ((. By baluidaj's Bleauien iO uide i'o. KXCCK.MON TICKETS, IIJU. luitrmedlate, sjd. HUare ajs, all pay stile in Currency. . failnn sendlUK lot Uitlr lileuds in the old ' a kaiaa l.inr l.riuSi t I L LttliiiliresariLi. l- . ... jjnviuft M mu. is., I, KeatKllielble Aucute aunUal u loau and Country, way i-dAwtiiu A BEAL'TIFUL Lot I IK LatHW, Lmbroiderlca, llaudkeivliics, Ac. At PRIMKItoE, PBI IV A NEWSUM'S. uiay ii-U L" ARGK STolC "tip "KI'IIYR WilOL Jusl receivud st ISAAC OKTTINl.KH'S. C'OIIONdNS, L(NU BKAIDS.COltONKTS, J curls aud ullier hair gmnls, Just to hsud at OhTTlNOKR'A IANS, FANS, FANS, AN ENPLKSS VA JV rieij at OK TTINUKR'S. JoLOVtS-- OK'iTlNtiKB'S. FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACKS, ENTIRE new lolt, l llfcl'l INUkR . JACoSei AND 8W1s71nKRtT(NS aud EdHlng'. at OK I I INOKa S. I rANDKRRCllIKFS, LACE CO I LaTb llmil Hlbit OR ITi. Nli KR'S. T AUlKS.MISHKSANUCIIll.DRKNUOSK -s-s at UkiLINUKU'S. DAli KKCE1VINU LADlf't, MISSES and Children Hate at OETTINOER'B. 1ALL FOR NEEDLE, FANCY AND vs i-aoiee s umisiuiut uuoda si OKTT1NU K'S. L"OR GKOS URA1N, FANCY AND PLAIN a ikiouuus, vau on. - , . 18AA0 OETTINOEtt. UNDCRSLEEVES at ISAAC OETTLNU, ER'S TltOl'lW. aUiK lTIUTI0M ! SECURITY AGAINST FIR El NOBTTJ CJLBL01XNA flOlE INSURANCE COMFAII KALCICIII, K.C.; This Com way eoaUaaes to write Pollutes, st fair rates, on sll classes of Jnsarabis pro perty- ia Losses are promptly sdjuated and paid. The " IIOM E" is raiiiU; grewutg ia pabue favor, ami appeals, with eon (deuce, to atsur roof property la North Carultua. A0ENTB IN ALL PARTS OF TUB 81 A fF B, IL BATTLE, Jr., Paamuairsy C. KouT, r Paaaioia-. ' BEATON 0ALES, Bao PLLAbKI COW PER, SurakVisOB. June AS-lf Papers now advartishig fur lhs "Home" wiU plasae sabsUtnte tua lor the dvertWaeota sbwadyMlhwsa THK WAKBFIKU) EAHTIL closet, " "'- all the (Ml t.i Va.J-T I" " Wkaarisia I t rf , j asarratursitu. sails at. New Vera, ibr Deacr1ilis J m saa asw ana.. - - . Twe bow oa hand at aaylBlf Ageats. BLUE 'TBhM-, OLIVE WA00MAL COATU AUD DAHLIA dYaoOMALCoAW AND VI8TB, Blaek lagnal Coats sad Vesta. ast, reeatved tt K. B. AHDEEW8 A CO'l, " tpr JSU I loUilers. fo il ir UsiskBaaviA-todnestgnnai-iit lalyU w. a joNKa o Nortl Carol ioaV Lkud tori dab . aaTAULiHiito yoa tuk .,. ipoartssMcMa sua4 locavtloss . y, w rfoarmrjul im Iciormair 8rrriJia SOBTH CABOUWi. TVCKU BALL, KALBIQH. S. O. rpHM CosapaaT has basa ta sacessefnl sws A rwlioa fur aeariy twe years, aad will wa nna w aaix, uaaa, or aaT real sstaat. ar Uw most favorabn lanaa. and If slivkid . mumn wana an asura sucaDia. AU peraoas havbut Lauds to sell will tad , to Umu- Interest to call at our office, or cor resound with as, as ear facihUee forasllliisr ass TatwwBSiiWanMiHsi"''C as ib Kwsuiim uus grsai salarpnaw, aad arsi to bnlld up our waato pbuea. a rresioejit ana utrweuwa or ummmmb. J?y"iialJir.stfsTa ae nanus, aav mm teas, aesawni uai umj will im falrlt leprwanated. ... Wa have aa ewuiMiril,M sIujui atw I Aneary orecaauaay pnifeiialbg lu ao fcasiataw a una eiate qui are otwrauiur quit .aadat the aams and style of "Tua Noara Csaouas Lsbb t owrasi." as eharund bv SmuI ah of Uw Legislature bearuur daU rtorwarv aa A I. lnee. Address all coram antral! ona to aTha Nnrtl Carouaa Lsuid Co., or to w a. Brott,aarrrtarf uav. ui iiits, rrea. Wat. Boorr, See'y. DiKacToas ; Col. Oeo. Utile. Uaw. K T hot,. un. W. ckisv lr. . B. fault. Mob. T. U Clltf an, w m. aeou. aaq. we 11-dAwtf 300 002 rKKu kuu- on rat Fowls, 100 Bus. 8 went Potatoes, l may u-tf Irtsti '' 'do" : -1. W.C. 8TUONACI14 Co. ALL WHOM IT MAV CONCERN. I hare oiwned a Flostinir Mai-kin at,.,., i. Uila City and pn-iared to repair Blaam Kntrlnes, Bolhrs, eaw Milts, Wsler Mills, Cir cular Saws, Machinery m general and build Uuw oues. Have also mi hand a twenty bursa power Stoaui Portable Kluriuu. will anlllt alia or II bout Saw Mill. It can tie seen at Adams A. Bun's Fouudri. HU1I' s retisiled Adifiess, may M wAswtf M KELLY. Ualcuth, N U JAEEIOli FEMALE SEMINARY. The tlflh se-sion will omi July'Mh, ISTi Fouresai iticed leaebfra eiikragiat iu Literary DmaruiH in, two In M tui. and one in Unuv uirlilal Uranehea. . A Beat but cheap aulfurm la wn a bv the studeuU " nwerT.i mrrtrninUB A,il.it.b.HH-K--H- JuneWdAwlc ViuieipaL ELECT BOARlJINU AND DAY SCHOOL. HlLLSBORO N O. Ths Mbees Naali aud MU Kollock. will re- tiimu the entmiaos ot Uieir evliool Jtrlo, f July -JUlh, and el.wnt UMeeisWr-rgtu. utrcutars furwanlud on applbauou. June IS wdttgwa 0' 1AKUU1.1C ACID AND CAUBOLATK Op LI.MK Ths best dWtifoclanU ui nsn. KseomineDded by iWil'i f VmflA thrviuth out thecouutry. Wholusais slid retail by the Biaaufaetarera, Bai-riaokS Coal. Tab aku Msst r'u Co., fsAS diaries St., may flMw Balumora, aid. Qirom HUM BUUOOL, OXKOUD, N. C. J. U. Hobmbb iso R. II Unites, Principals, The rW arauoe of Uis BcbalaaUe year of IH and Td, will begin lbs 4lh Monday la July. Circulars, settlug forth the set era! eourses of study aud uluer partieulara, seat ea sp Juue IS-swAwctdlm ovnn ilS.ObO.OOO Assets! M T N A Life; Ins, ,Co.t Issae nollctestea Uvea froa BO to 60 litii lacLVsivB. 1aelargest avaoant ot any una Ufa M , 900, W. a CROW, Gn ) Msnsger, North Carolina sad part ot Virginia, . A . fr- T - J. TNA 'IaVdfrtQ...-- I , I . Cash AaseU ,txJ, 0uO.au. Rspreaeated by W. B. CROW, Agent, : Jaa" m BileVVN.C. $50 HlfAI8t- 1 will five S6U reward bw tKe hrf. UnW. trtH. Bridgera lcaiared tw aha Cosssty at Bartle, aad HI0 If eaptured cm 1.1,1s ( tbe eoaato. Bald Bridgers was ermvtct.4 al psr Juiy at tbe current tuna bf Bertie Superior vm . eeniien UI RBI CSSUMy While being tsuua trow tbe Jail to Ute Court House. w ute Minn neasi F. W. BELL. Windsor, March 11, Vtlt, nka, le-swiut. Sheriff QOVIOTBTERB, BRANDY PKACHEB, CANNED PEACHES, KCNK'8 MUSTARD MlKED PlCtk , ' . iBENCKoFrE PLAIN AND FA NCt CANDIES, , 'uiasm L lH CAKU Z. BODA CBACKKBB, ( ,:u, :,., ..... WhoesaKi nl BetaOX anayitf 1 LACH HllO'S. JVjIW B0 ABD I MO MOCKg- at ta Care rasa Bsaa Buiuirso, . . OM rUITTlTIUl BTBKIT. . Tf ' - I Pennaueut sud day bnarers,tskea at rearm hse rales awd sail, (set kin fivea. MRS W. F. HUCOTNS, tBssifensa a arvaw to aaraa tui Kv. J. M. Atkinson, How, &. K Karrtnger, Tluddasu Messes, aa(.,dulia w. WlUMna, aVW. saaJW-M Qrfxiloro' Money r.Iarkwt - BCTINQ IATKScTbANK NOTES, sic. ' '.'-' waaat " j J - "'''(' , WTL80M A BFfOBIR, BAV1TCRB ANQ zL- KtCBABea Baaaauuv jsasjra Kut Sthb. - . .. GaaBBtaoao', M. & . ... . Baakef H, 0....,...,..... ia s. C.ps Fear. , r ha U Charlotto B Wilssmgtoa tw I T?!?0- ThoroasTUla...4..,,, ,,.,.,, " L-rartoa i vewawievca,,.,.,,...,,,,,,..,..,. I tsinntmill i Marreai.u' Ibm J "." ;&SIK$-&&&$iUtAHHfM W'Wsrltiis' txfmfW TTaVir'"' ' ' kstt-tk tnTaf W ilrsa.taa.aa. - t-a. aV lima . , t lrrm. , - Wa.-hwv-aaaV-wrfi at Hhe.ei winu ..rs a,,h" UW,N UtedSUl " "'w eeiu eJimiiet: BTarBltlahla "rtit. IWers fij Bank Notes by debtors aad Stem holders of Baaka wiU will receive prompt a, BTliras fnr BTninai eii s iTi t au.i. ..fM "'Ub the day resssivwd, In check oa New lock ar aWuraore, tw laeur- Ufa and Fira lumie tv,H,i ' i. tuud Compsalea, at bmt ratsa. w-am . LIFE IXSU1UNC5. fBIBXII Il'TCll WSCIUC1 CMNaT, . . ."::.;i-:,Li...-. HARTFOIID, 0ON5KCTICDT kaowa Geaeral Aceal or North CaraUna and Maryland. , t f ADMINISTERED BTRICTL1 OH THE m v 1 v sUs riststsim. 000, 00 or AS 8 IT s Ths policies Bra aB "aoa forftsUUs'! norbbtkictiosbpUcidontkaVw. -UNU OR RESIDENCE. , HT rrompUy pays spue all ieraaa proved Oa Uvea liuaiM tea reara, or the No Sarsa Coaraat At lloB o Abboad. RALEIUtt AOENCY ! JOHN )KVJtRUX, ..., (rtllce in btruuack belldlug e seeond loot. Mlm0AL K1AMlaV ' aottT- "AU". " JTJRItfiB MAKINO. una ; i. Tetania! ' vkudtyMasniC" U ' Ksltlftsaa MANTCAMAKEB at ker rrvsldeace near ths Foaadry. Wert dona asallyaad fa-ompUy. Yeara W expert- NON-EXrUaUVB LAMPS-PIRKiNS A Himse's Fstmt, Absolutely Bafa. Uivesaat mllUaat Light. Bums snvCo.1 IHI. Mo,wr ref uwled If Lamp is wot entirely Satisfactory. UuiMieds ta assmtoumtysna State. Bend tor I eetliuontals and Beteatme TT- .... JAtJkNlrSA?l!; OS ADALIS 1 ri-mady lor tat tare i f iHrra. nils, H- roluliMie Tmnt, Kheuwa- wmia BTu.pij . went, I teitrt, t'e jnimL(i4alw--j!VB. - is, K.rroiu bf Ba .4 dis- " easra arisiaf Irom a.i lunieoa. IHioa of )i, fclund Taisaeitielianv.t..i...,. tl.iarelwiH.nri.M. uauo.. mice is sail naraaan y It r-valnS Ilia -.lira ol itua pwnuii anus aeewat. f ilm. s.vok a siie r this .ili'Ucln. muu itu.nr aj.-a m amarlimk t niun.i n as sresnrl-d fress iMSiiy lesen.f 1-ny.ieuna. Mlnlwma '" Uinni.s ito.ebiiii i'ii, SM'ir.i,it in the hiihrat tat tt.tt.MI ma Or. ,r il.hi mr "a sani II la r f kwaV :a 1 saa saaet Olaaaa Walk BsaUa ass u ' tan. ' , - i !.. A! .! BaWaw.,ra. i"!1""'' I' l !! itol , Sarins "I.I. aiManl Hm I, a.) H( it i. - . . mj yianiaiaiaaa as aasaset i.rv Deuewea H.la l w-aa. pWJn. M. I eaaneaii..rlNWIk ata he I .-marl sem.ultm by it. was It Jl if tiully raremmeaies UH ail hitlranisuds-vm IMaaaswv, - re.asisi t -, 1.)U.. .1 USf. -, say il swler kas lalMt la v.rvt.salial. 'lies. i'm'l 41. AwlfmAAmm " ' - "W0. TMneaSM" s.i) s Is ruiMl kiaael a..'-....,.., ..na.ii.iae lailM, II'.'.mIII. MSait.Manrte k nrm. alen Its tai-rMisais ac BuMiakd .fry pat-kasw,'' Hhew V. tei. e Pha. las ami ha will Mil m il ir.'nifiiei si Ids iarwiiirii .ni,ativ-s M a tea. nrf Is aa eareHeail BI..I rwrutsr. Lad aw suave mtmu we jumlil rive oa tilMnlela .ari aH. t. ra ia th. aumik mat ,Ma lwt''nJl.r"'lhl anasvwwar, 'WWejsf -"fsis a uUI, eft ltd tliaer Beiwwalis ea as awa. uunea. oaadaUs ts ssld by sll Drawsisaa . !u. J l"rh."r. i JulyBdeoaAwljf,. 4. A V pnci imtitoTi,, . ..... RALEIQII, N. C ,1 ?, ' -, ' ; - . '.'-,- , I lie. R. Bcsawgii. Principal. ' ft. Jf. ravaaT a. li. I Principals. ; . , ' . v The First A anna! Session of this fruit Italian win cueasnsm-e s muwoay aept aaa lata. A Aeeoainluihed and etnerieneed laau-i... b all tlie hrsm has aaaally taught j Sraehua pnmaie remiuancn nave aeea etAUoycd, The Maatrsl banartawnt will h ia. aWdloaafPrut, At BALMA.NN, wku, darlnra lhs past tea years liaa bera as -eistrd a ilk toe mniasis in ia irBenooi si Cliarrttle, Mrs. M. R. LAJ'Y Will La nmuml Milk . " hs lni-U:atka as Teacher o' Kagllak Hraavbia ' and aupirbilendeat ui tecial and donsustle dnllra. Fur CtreatsreowtalBtng full particulars ssto "fstriia, twrsti - - " RBT. K, BLBWll.L .V et)!. Jtyimwa- 7 kairigh, N, (J. r. A HUNK, s riKNRT ft. TTSON. PDUNTi' Co, COIIISSION lEKCHANT. Jf. 44 Stutll Btrtit, AVae SirKang pUc a--Bamf?aa;atlfiriis fsttonal a.ek a.. surh. N. C4 J. 0. V, ilUaroe, hw't Sl.i. Nat'l N. C.; CiUseus Kstkasal Bank, H.Hnu.e, Vi .il WWwaiaii id. etora dc Cft, B.iHiTOH, kid . lolinaowi fattow Co., Baltlinvro. Md,; E lott Bros. Maltiusora. kidi H Z Baale- n.kltrt MA Will give a('rtl attetiMou to a le ts robari. t9X aud feinaiB. asm te the pwrr.lwu- of tuuo and MareaamiiKn, at every mvM ripitoa. "M w wwes I. asassaaTsai J SI utmyr't c. HatTtBOSB, Asia Jik jokw T.Bsanr, Na. Ooujwa Pssa a 11 . . 'y- x . ... ...... . - L,r I'--v'.''''"