I. , 3 TOK KLK&rtOir TO OAT.' Tti groat Hlatas 4 Ohio, Pennsylvania six I Indian vote today. We need out my how deep the interest is that ceo Ires on their cth. la nisny nsa pacts it k) the most important election ever held in this country. The Presidential election in 1H0, when Liucoui was elected, M the uly one that surpasses iif equate It la Im- j uihx. Owing U the tremendous lauds that will lie attempted it is luipos We to ihy iht the reaalt will be. W uu prophet certainly, but we are la d tu think that I chaucee of the rail are belief in Ohio tliaa in eilhrf irily in each or llie three State, but as I lie Grant lilng i doing all it can to debauch the ballot-box, and have iin porird thousands of ucgrue from tbr Bouih aud IhoUaands ot roughs and re pealers from the North, we greatly feai that mi Pennsylvania and Indiana they limy cany the tttale by the moat villainous and isUiuudiiig frauds. We wmh w aay litre, that we do nut egiee with the opinion that has Iwcouie somewhat curronl, that the result in tbeae- 1 i - fftat t?t iflirM BBanrutchf 1 tie' should vote for Graut by gi tally reduel majuritiet, then the quesliou is uot sotlleti, lor Wierh-y may carry all or a part of theui in November.' Much a reduction would how that the tide is swedtly advancing tii relet ward. Biaadea, in the Preaideo tial election the King will scarcely be able to practice their Irauds to the same extent. In the rlectiou o4 lo day the w bole strtaigt h il the Administration is concentrated upon two hL4UM ; is tha Nvetber flee lion it will be neceenari') dilTuaed through out thirty suVeu Htiitta. LOVH FOH TuTkuHHIUSICH. Wilaou, Kadical canUldale lor Vice President, aud the old Know Nothing, has been so effectually damaged by his previtiu aiioua relative to hia Know Nolti ing record aud his VreUit MokUier er euce, that it doe seem cruel to ssy an) more about him. It is like throwing aaud hi a feuowa eyes after you have got h.ul down. But then, he is so mean he deserves a good bastiug, aaud and all. He was elected in IH6S by the Massachusetts legialsture a Senator of the L'uiied States. 'fhe body that stactad Hie ot euursc held v r -vk piiJtticl sawniw aMitar-- Lis own, lse tbey would have chosen some more suitable representative. What then were their opinions relative lo the citiruna of ioreigu birth 1 Let these two resolutions passed by that Lrgtsratnre aa swer : Heitld, fbat foreigners bora uider influences hostile to popular lustitulioaa and Uaiued up in a state ot soon ty in cotupauijie with them, caa in general have u sober appreciation ot their pnvHVgee aad au-aumuieot coruprehenaiun of their true Character ind purposes, ami that oitsM ure tiurtfor wsimWy in&tpabU utreimMf tit full franckim tf a stttsm r rfmltii; tnth adtatUup to tSmmhit ttttoUed, That w reoommend these 1m poriaut truths to the coaaidefatliat of oar deWgam hV ewigresa, aad request them to Wieir im dew vow to procure such al w rat Kin ot The Batarsjitalion Uws as will eiund the term of raatdeucaiiuw required a it'MreQtilsit tu' entitle aliens born to the political rights and privileges of citi asoship. Afil ptrtktr rtquat Mum U swat bUk al ktmt sum! abrxnut aarimissfy in (As Anna's watts Ibns tititmt ayfoti iu try 4a4 4tt)Him, tu taint at net tn DaH antiUa la auman sm vtanta tktraaf, lia hart aualifiad la uaJar- tafga a4 yramuta lat sassrsslsuMl Mstfoia m dtajuay af.ua amamf. TJu was.th plaUarm upoa which Wil sua waa stersted, ' and he baa never aa. nouDoad bag of optnioa with refer nas tolr.' But Im bVwrJansoroosfof ih votes of fttfwcnersfur Uieisecond place la Uikgiftaf ttsv per-pJa. ata mm dbti nuwiiw ipw nwK ""J AjrkiwpcWtha'tJtctidaYn Oeorgla hith- Ittn. bflcain w aesired llng deflnlU cooceniing tha result. I Siaba' ssotw oowalies. wa believa, lmitMXjamA'lSt ' JMn wHegrama arcta be benevea, .jmmkmM fvutBtia . ham . hwtt haani ifrooi root ottcially w lauuriaaj wliich trjva Smitii, th Democratic caadidate, Wftn Jktditjr yjer arsthjitl Ojrforty roaauas to hear from. . It S) tvporua thai tM Democrats aad t Radicals ara hxted 1 rbs, UgilUtra;" It is though t-ltst kht mahwiti wlU to tOMH. In tJ the kvymour ticket JwWriad freprgis, Jry nvet l4,0w bwt tha , tota, aa , mat faU I on. fU 1870 ttw Toto wsi ft fujW it kss thaw sines tit war ended. . Tbsasajoritiss "WHia Cobltwflonsl ,-I?uS np im3,0MI tha tsaMMTata. -WsMy yeWm i gresi tictory lor tha Dswiorati ia tba Empire Stated she Sowta. , Jwgia kt healthy BUtw ta ava U. Iha vote Juat sxJtod is larger t taa auwi wHtmmf iWww ew Hi vote will ba Irom 000 la &000 votes. If am Ui Jaivd w mkrht ith caod um fadaar oat ear -roostar" and let -Chapman crow, i : ' OVB 8 Ml WMMXLT. IT have determiaed to thai, oar Saw Wasaxv sdltiraj snort vahsaW tb ' nefiaM.' wr J Ln' mivrwiDra nsora n , r--r , nt aad asm w giv amrkJ enfmaai orsaf reading Batter. Witbra the last iwiitMwtha ws hava improved the W IT Sums at, aa littla. sad wa oorwose tu - Mka U aa food aa wa aoasibr caa. Mow hi lima to subscribe. W eekly far one 'rm 9. rVwd Weekly 'U Tot BLOW YOUR WHS BtLtt. The- Bom ulnwur pinfisera to be the werhiegssaa'j frieud, and ae b is, " here the working maa works Aw him. A year ago oc more, we published a list number-' ing thirty or more working men who were discharged from the Nvl- . Caroliua Kail wad by President Hfln ' t, 'of Congrats Billy, at the negroes oi ihnttnn call him. Billy ilinjns having voted negro women dressed rn men's clothes, yet wc can fur nish the affidavit of unimpeachable men wboheanl him tell it, and laugb exceed ingly over it. Billy deuies dismissing working men front the Kail Road because of their political sentiments. Yet it is a fact that Billy dismissed them with the sanction and approval of that other warkHia Bias's friend. - W. W. HnWtei. Billy ftenileraon, Billy Albright (Red-rye) and Blow Your-H rn Billy. For the information of the working men we publish an order issued by (!oogrees B'lly dismissing from the road thoee who voted against Holden. November 3, IMS. Mr. Hunt; You will discharge to morrow morning Whilaiit, Baaon and ilounton, an they voted to-day to diaiuias ine Governor ot Ui rUalu, myself and ail other Hinte officiate. I now voletodia rhaigu tbeui. WM. A. SM1TU. llason, aud JJouaiou, with many others, .vere discharged. Holdn, next to Smith, he bnt friend the working man haa, ap proved It, A working man who voted lor W. A. Smith was told kt ahould have A tiilaill's hammer beat out over him for loing ftu. We protest that such conduct would be no better thsn that of Holden md Sqiith. The prefeaaioiis of such t'rii nds of lalKir are falsehood and inock ery, white their pracllcea are downwright ippreasion. BRVKKUK HTATMTICS. The lollowmg is an official statement of the amount ol revenue collected for three years ol Johnson's and three years of Grant's administration, together with the cost of collecting the same : rjMDRa JOHNSON. Venn. Hnenu. Cott IM-iri, ;, 3 $0,800,752.52 IN67, 2611.027,587 42 7,892,050.8 1868,1 191.087.589 41 8,730,357 5 Totals, $76,34l,v30 25 $:12,423,16I15 Percentage lor collection under John son, less than Three per cent. r's'irt. Rtvanue. Coat. $7,234,531.12 7,075,187.17 1870, 185.235,27 7 1871, 144,011, 176 S4 1872 (in round sum no ac tual returns msde) 120.000,000.00 5,700.000 00 foUla, $449,4,44 21 $S 1,008.7 18 28 Percentage lor collection under Urant, a fraction leas thsn four and three-fourths per cent. It will be seen tnat tne cost ot collecting is fifty pbh cut more under Grant turn it wss under Johnson. Such figures speak for themselves. No comment Is needed. Late Key. J. B. Smith Although nothing has been beard Irom the analysis al Philadelphia and consequently DO vet diet has been returned by the Jury of in quest, it is universally believed in this community that this good man and un fortunate gentleman met hut death by ars enic, and the poiannlng wss tha result of design. The gHqerslly accepted theory b) that uWgar--wiwi"iwlrh Mi aedllU powdai waa sweetened on tha (ami Tuesday morning, contained , aranir. Murder will out,"! an old adaga well entitled to bw Called a truism, and wa teal assured U at era long tba cloud of mystt ry wliich overhangs this ioul dead will be rolled back and lbs head waa prrpetraUd it brought to justice. ' The motive which prompted tba crime ia believed to be po litical malignity. Dr. Smith had incurred tba displeasure of the altra win wf the republican party hereabouts ss he had oa divers occasions el pressed his condemns tiooof their policy, aad the ipflaewce be exerted over a lumber of mtelligeateel- slso aiade him disliked by Uu kBUwkiJ vttaKiBv k.VSiso charg la make against any parncuuw .dividual bat we do lay that gravf m. picioa that political hala promptsd the commisiioo of thi diabolical murder art saawtaloal hy amaj cies thiaking sad eaattoat men. Arroismajirs roa Oaa. AaT. X. (X lUaoalo Tft'ijai)iaTio.r-Worthy Masters will pleas call their L dgr to gether ss lolkywt arasiui Lodjfs, No. ill, CJsytoa, Oo bar fin. i - srcBeT tober vth. o. t(hyUhj,(t; 4.B. Lodg. Vo. Beamk, October 10th. he Ptoickw ' Lodge, No. r?4, Booa HilU October 11th. , Fsllowshlp Lodge, Na 84, SmithMd, MiUCnek Lodee. No. 125, Mewtoa f3mM rVanlaae lath. H ua ltitrf msl un. XHacaasaaa Mills. Mohavlftth. i KahaaU Lodga, Na I8I, Kahaate, Oe- totosr vts AaMrkaa Ovwrs IKlg, No. IV M freeboro,1 Octoosr lt. " Unanimity Lodge, Ho. 7, EdeBtoa, De- SnkM ttaL rwwnmn Wft K,, Flj-ottft, Ucubsr no. ' Kirxabeth ISty, V. A, Bitabeth City, rv-anh "UthX . . - ' I Widows 8. Lodge, Ha 75, Caaiaea 0. October a&rh. - i . A i Untie. Wu. 8. . -CSarrltt-ek CL H , Octohwf lata. n, - t i to4dshuiii Mamthfar pises bp-. , ; "LtJSJS.SU! We do not take pleasure in saying un kind things We would much prefer to bestow praise when deserved. You niusr treat uieers sharply, if a (Hate l afflict ed sad cuited with corrupt ami incapable otAeers aad the fact ia unmistakable, why be "mealy-mouthed," and try to smooth over and condone! Fairness, candor and justice demand of the public journal hit that he be plain and truthful that he be as prompt to rxptee wrong sa he is to land right; that' he he as willing to lay bear with the tcalpuf of truth the teatcr ing ne of a high dignitary as of a sub altern i r andi-r si rapper. The time was ouce when North Carol i na onald with pride point to berjudi- ara.Jiu'r'i.iiia isnaa fc .rswra Ihij rmiasai Uiis old State whose memories will be cherished aa long aa virtues are revered and learning is held in high eateem. The most of our noble great ouea have already "crossed, the river," but like an Eastern iaravsuleden with rich spici-a Cnd cotly perfumes which lesvi-s the ihole atmiaiphere around filled wilh im delightful aroma long after it haa aiwd tieyond the vision, so the greit dceda and noble Uvea of these grand uhl eharactcii slnd a rich fragramv Ukiu MM-k-ty fordc- cade after dale. whilst their bodies repose- bcoealh tha sud f tttetr own . Hurely, it it s pleasing study to coutt-uj plates noble nalure one ' of thoeti lofty characters liKt iiur iniinortal Lee, in whom the elements " were rightly "mixrd," who waa full of " tine tints and fluent curven," in whom there was the happicat blending of grandeur anil gcntlt-neaa, sublimity and beauty, amiability and geu 'tie severity, perfect honor and perfect truth. No man can study well such no bility a " nobility that ia a graceful or neinent to civil order the toiiulhian capital of poliahed widely," aa the elo queut Hurke hath it, without leclin an elevstiou of soul and an awakened dcairc to emulate and copy into your own I i IV I be admirable features of nut h an eiaiu pie. But if studying the perfect pattern of kucIi a character excites high and holy aapiratious iu the heart, how muat Hit contemplation of a creature the very op posite of all this affect you I We will uot dwell upon the inftuenoe of s charac ter such sa this. We leave the contrast undrawn and pass at once ti one of out immortal Judiciary Qresay in. We learn that at Johimlo.i Court His Honor behaved very badly won than he was ever known to do befoie. If that is not saying enough, then add what you please. (, for the pencil of Hogarth, or the pen of Hwifl. We are in deapair, for we'ncanuot do the subjKt justit." ' " The seat of knowllge," saya that admirable critic and esmyiat, William Uazlitt, H is in the bead ; of wisdom in the heart. We are sure to judge wrong it we do sot feel right," As the " seat " o. Ham Watt's "knowledge" ia as yet un known both to himself and Ins fellowmen we will he eharlfaible, and give him the benefit of Haxlitrs profound saying. He dues not "feel right," so be "judges wrong." We wUl not tell oa Sam this time hop ing he may mend his ways. If he is not more decorous and dignified, and fair, and clever, and civil and sensible at the next court be holds, we shall tell the people about it. He should remember that he is a Judtie, sworn to do right and to hold the scales of justice with sn even band. Let him remember, aa Queen Margaret said lo her eccuiers "Heaven is above all yet ; there sits a Judge that no King eaa corrupt," It is 0d who will try the unjust Judge and su Jit his accouutl M0BB MONtt rOH SORTS CAR OUXA. Fat Carrow, the Marshal, haa been on another raid to Wesbingtoa, and ba drawn $20,000 for the ostensible purpose f paying the si peases of the Federal Court This sum is drawn on the eve of the Presidential election, juat a the $220, 000 ware drawn "before the Governor's (lection, bot aft, of course, ir legitimate purpose. " Be tairs your sin ViiU find you iV: Peiiple undarstaad yen right rail, Mr. Marshal. Ton aeed not ampin so; oaa ta defene. joW ooaras. ill cant b ta. Thedntent stands out ia bold re lief. He that reads may lua, "Itiaeasy U defend the iaaoeaat, bet who ia elo queat ebough to defead th guilty P It will be mmembered by ever reader of the ttMTTfreit that the able aad elo- quant Mr. Bee, h Democratic member of UM atooss at Weeraaentsrivss, trum Km tmekf, dasrienrfy eharged aad prove that a part, probably a targe pert, or ue moaev that were authofued bj CiAarre tu be need kit tta dnfraf ing of lb xpo s of ta Federal Wt, hed beea ap- plied- to- eempeigw-parpiian had beer spaa by the Qraat rttiiy -The-MaranXhi at Aiwaeeaa- aod Norh Caroima were eharged with IflegaHy aad Corruptly ns lag the amiey. We all remember bow Uie Red leal peper 'were load la j their d:ial protestmg agatpat fuch grpnA: It -a cbarnea, AB the) bwisjaotioaa that hava eiac occurred go to sustain Mr. B'i. eharrss, sad to sstaMish beyond all qaes- tioa that Btoaeyt ware drawa ia great ( aad used for partizaat political pur- mvposaa. . Saad th Iblmwiog letter from the Acting Comptroller of tha Tnited State Tuafy : " : I TatAscaT DarsTBwajrf, Fraer CorTBotx's omta, j ' ' July $1,1871. S 1871. Deprlraat Ki $0, First 5omp- I'terrfWsOnVa.' .T " ' rHa-Th reqoiaitiosw for money to de fray eipaeasa f Uaited BtaHeOowrw. da hag tha flwal ysr whtcfeexuJedfjBtb SOMi ultimo We esloyalcd - Vhe'srartuiit appropriated. I regret" that owing fio the dctkieucy your anaettled aecoaut for services hi that year cannot be paid at present. The nins drawn by several of th mar ahala have proved to be in excess ol I lie amounts needed by them, and their liahuices williie paid. When deposited aud cfivcred into the Treasury the suiouut will be usedill paytnent ol' SAX-ouutS. If the rVpai nienta be insufficient lw hia purHMe, ailditioaal means will dvubt-k-as be pmvided by Cotigfess at Its next seasiou. The information alaive given will sav you the troiible of writing to this office relative to the delay in the settlement of your accounts. Ji'ery respectfully. Your obedient wrvawa. . vvi. . itltlii. A h. - li mH IUI Uiai tffl MlO money ahoul.1 be an soon exhausted t Coa grexa at lav chiae of iU last seaside passed a Defleisncy bill to meet MK'h ns.-nea, and )t by June 301 h the mouey ia giaie wasted-perverted from its proper line. Our Marshal, the immortal (Harrow, drew a big ahare -over $22.,i.OOO and still, I you bclitve his dclcmlim, this large aim unit was actually m-oleil in defraying the expenses of a Court that lielorc the war wrattely ever required isore than $ll,0IK) or $8,000, and does bot re- enla who received cheques of $50, or more, jiHt la-fore the August eleciion could u ll. Snieltiingua, Pool, and t arrow hiiuset know. And uow ( arrow has drawn $20,000 more to lie applied - how ? The flection eoiutu oil iu a lew week ami (-'arrow's master is a cuudidute for Itteaidnit. I'hat eiplaina all. We trust our people will not " sell the inigiity apace of their large honors tor so much trssh ss misy be grasped tt,ua." The Acting Comptroller says: "The sums drawn by several of the maraliala have ;roee U be in fjreiuitf the amoitnU waded hy them, ami their kalLmee itiil he until.' When will they lie paid I Has Carrow returneil any of the "excess T" If so, how much ? We venture to nay, he has never " returned " a dollar and neve' will. ItUIKf til) run. Straaliourg Cathedral was damaged during the Franco PniHsian war, and its inagiiillceut library, one of the finest in the world was destroyed. It is also re- rt d that the dome of Ht. Pi Koine, is in danger. Trie Pope has en gineera exsmining the building. The people ot lima, New York, have erected a beautiful montnmsrt in memory of Itaron Hteulien, s gallant (Icrinsn, who rendered very efficient aervkw to the American rauae in the war of the Revolu tion. Gov. Heymour and Mr. Kapf de livered addresses on the occasion of the unveiling of the monument. If what the papers eay of Thiers,' the President of France, is true, he is a bad man. I lets a very able man a very bril liant man ss hia great works Tha Conn UUa and The Cmpirt allow, but he's a mean fellow alter all. He never had anything lo do with bis parents, and hia mother al ways spoke of him aa the vilest dog an drowned. He ia rich, and be bad two sisters who were very poor to whom he would not give a franc. These ami other hard things are said of him. For th lake of humanity and French character we hope they sregtuuudleaa charges. The University of Berlin' formerly had more student than any other Institution of learning in Kurope. Last year it had 2,500, but this year it ha but 1,000. Loip sic has, ea the -other bead, increased to 4.815. This "highly significant fact" is accounted for by tha Notional ZtUuag partly by the' diminished attraction of Berlin during the auasajer, partly by lb high price of living ia Barlin, but chiefly by tba lack of professors ia the moat aa ful department of study, undent, It observes, will not go to Berlin whea he know tlut be caa learn neither German history nor Qermaa law there, and pra eouaces K disgrace to Prussia that suck should bs th fact, ' ' ' -- ... mum Tb Goldea Ap ssr many "smart things. I being "amart" It aooja timcs very "annW. Referring to th fact that that itiwurdiaary mea. Hew. - Joh Weshry, prestrhed flfteea seiwioM a Week, it says : It did not kill Wesley, but We have yet to hear the effect apoa the pinr createnw whe wer eomplt4 tg Jbtee Lto tlie fllteeh MrmitM.a eek.f Tba Jfe kdbw.vy well that Mr. Wesley spent and pVeaaieJfaWy mors than owe aermo to the same congregatioa lo th same dsy. Fro lbs specimen of theological teach ing we baveaese ia ther Aoa,', we' sboejid aupposa that even that paper would be unproved bv adopting eorne ortbodot' Chriattaa. d;lxm as- (una- etthee-try Joha Wesley or John Calvin. ! A aery tagenieaa mschia, railed "de tective punch" has beta invented? by Ut. tarn. H.SmaH.of Bwflalo, N. T. Whh it cheating It impetiuks) It ia only a cum dwetor' punch, but an ingealoualy ona stcucted that it is entirely aaaeeeaesry for the aowdwebw lo Make hi report at the ead of hWrip, the punch making th iw port for him.' 'Thi in gee loos little ee cfalne weigh abnot six ouacea, i mad i Imaa, akkle plated, aad i wot aincb larger tbaa tha euoraM panch used by eusdstetots, - - ': !; Mr,' to aig rov Ia pa) leei wti vv i res. ! sel Arkan, This tirant-C'layUia Ring ooa Brlttea have Somiaated Andrew Hunter t Governor, and a full Htate ticket, Tb very large emigration to America fro) tb German Empire continues lo dw turh the Emperor William and hia great man Bianiarck. The number id emigrant ia douluV what it wa before the Franoo Preastan war, and mosllv young in.-n. A circular couched in threatening language haa been issued. It recalls to the you tin iu aust.th.Uie-makf. .ttojuajlgnxsJ 'per awtm it they will be treated ma outlaw for life. At the jame time, a special ser vicr It lieing instituteil lor the ranrerffe tivt survviiiauce ami supervision iif th dialricta from which the emigrants maiuly cone, liut, in spitj of all this, the emi Kralion to America has been ouly slightly Hirtd. Thvre are four oieiiiy avowed Grantltes on the ticket. The remainder are Blanlon lnitcan H'.raighlOute. Now ia uot that cia4 1 Why do not Phillips, Car row, Y'oing, Pool and Company organise a " lilieral Ki-pulilic.au Htate Electoral Tiiket" for North Carolina I Pul Phil lip and PimiI and Settle and few teasel Itadicsl lights upon it, and call it a Gree ley ticket, and you will deceive our pro pie about an much ss the Clayton King will hoodwink and deceive the Arkau sasians. The King ia getting iu a very desperate condition truly. Sir Hounded Palmer, now generally re garded a th ablest lawyer in England, it I said, i about to be appointed Lord Cliaeovllor. He ia a man of very great ability and ol large legal attainment 4Jof the foremost men of his claa that plflfyet produced. He was Chivcry barrialer, whose college career al Ox (rod wa brilliant, and who afterwards clmilid wilh rapidity and ease to the lop most place iu hit profi-aeion. The nolik bamnet b a devotetl churchman, but un like kit predecessor, he is inclined to the High Church School He Is churchman in fart of ll.e Kehle typo, and has edited one f the best collertinnt of sacred songuuid hymn in the English language. He will no doubt be one of the moat laiuotsof the illustrious men who have adorned the historic "wmi sack." He hat a character equal to the highest fur honor, poritf.Ciuiarii ntiouaness, learning and elo quern. Is lie celebraf ed Kscurial in ruins I We have anea It stated both ways. It is a fauMM historic pile, containing many in tereBng memorial of former generation and it destruction would be serious loss to the caa of letter. We will give a a skttch of it to morrow. The last two year have been particular ly damaging to buildings that have bis biricassfteietiims. It will be fememltered that Ml Tuillerle and Hotel de V.lle, the tiwe moat magnificent building! ia France, if aot ia the world, were deetroyed by the Communists. Warwick Castle, the most famiai rastte iu England, whoa history antr-datie th onoqueat by William of Norm tndy. wss aot king ago almost burned tu the ground. A few week ago the claasie, beaulllul Caoterlmry Cathedral waa greatly damaged by lira, and eain Bear being destroyed altogether. It I ssld Uiat these fire wer caueed by ami Com oa siirit bathed of all Ibal it graad aad antique, and that tell of culture aad wealth. , A ' contemporary happily f mark; 1 - Thee old building are and were tha Tiou witne-ewol all that kindle inter- t la tb past of aatiorja,. while they re buked with their silent tuaesty the petty vartetiea of oor spoemeTaiSexislenea, aad 'asure as,. oa aad all, of something more dura hi within a than th iocidenU aad impulse ourowa daily sxperwaoscao sug Ooa of th saddest iaMaoce of political tulilflTatlo w remeenbet to have met with, I that pi Joha qoiwea. Adams. Mot a year age k published a letter ia -which havoeMed the mw departure with ting himself fully aad jnreMveJIy the wiedom and aeoessily of the UlwrsJ Movi eveat, or -what hat sliiee ruleilnated (a that very remark sole movameut, If hia father, CharUe Francis AJama, kad beea th aomine at Cineirfnati hi aM ta day would her beea thw wfwtraW'wawrWof lbaaoininr(if that onaventioa and Wuuld have stood firmly pi sated apoa th plat form th and the adopted. But when tends b to day t Be fcaa gnac back apoa hi own record oo hie owa earnest ut terance, aad Is la the camp of the oem Irving to "ton m( to that aide. apoa aarb patnoUm a that H ba talent of (high order, aad he bekmg lo thoeaaet remarkl.ly gifted family that batowg to th history ot eatr eodntry, bat from wew nl tndk-atiiaiis, from th actioo off both 1st tier and on, tbere I good pm pact of aeaiuble people coming to tba eoa- clvntm that laieat wiin tuemarcevrry thlvgaad pruicjpie aounng. i' ';f'- ':.1r .m I.. .ii,J (..OUr'H'r- . I, I.IV'tl.or Ol II 1 i-. '.:!.. I .1.. ii i -iru " (, ';m' ' j dnf 1 M I ill I " ' .jl'ic. rr lii A l-t'WAKri t.'U. w.y Sm Lir.l i 1 i . 1 1 i wil l! ii k. i.r i ' i,;i is. p in 1; ,1. i h A i . i I km hi w : , Npi. mm v.. i -.J weir mt au.l t... . t . I- tin. vi t. is n-i.v tJi.5 c em v w a of ... .. . . . - tin1 Hi- lie an 1 I i . . . ! II lime I ,-.3 4 .it I. Ilia 11 K'li-i" cijiav- "M-iO-i t ,.....i.,f,. aU l-.M. ' -wot l"!:!,,,,M:'1 1 ' : th-vi- ;.t. .it u -i 'M twelve ltnnj-.:otil aotiU. t'n l..U"li:ll l. l li- i -1-. !, j . a. .-.If l.. .r,.tu.r,l Hl-l ,.!;, lKt Urn li o -t I'.- ' i i ' . '. i '...v ? : im.i.h OK olll'-AT UliN 1 a i1 ll t'l- -i ' . - " ' "l" , -.1 III I , :'..' '., !. ... 1 , H --'.'! v. . . . If-.fan I; ,ii in I!., ! n..,- ; i ! : I . ' I ;S ,-r. al ; i i... i I p.. v. I...;.'. . . 1 i !-''!- I' - l...'ll'v. II. k I ! 1 .1 C.-.o!,, 1 1 1 n 1 X a t e I , , ,i tit r i U .-II ! '. ' i il.:!:l war. Innrmiir liilill. ol " ' "" I I i . ' . .ri- ? 'H! I M'lle et-. I. n .... , , ,, , , , . i few mileslrom Walkin LiKirim drew hi Ant breath Prince Kdaanl Judge Almond, of the Hupreme t'ourt of California, when that Stale was a territory, was cr tilled in Prince' Edward. Ir. Mosea 0. Iloge, th eminent Prealiytirian divine; Cowardtn, of the Itichmoud lUfotck and IMnkard, of the same patter, ae natives ol Prince Kdaanl. Ju.loc Frank P. Wood, of TeXfW, and H. W. Hughes, by odd the strongest man the lUdicala can claim in Virginia... were burn hem. rk were (ttaB hopefiid Cala-ll Floumoy; Judge Tread wary, of the Pittsylvania 'Circuit ; Charles Venable, Chairman of the Faculty of the timyjraswvigi.v-irwHTisi awwwiepnew rwtrm Nor mum I forget fir. Mettaur, taiudUa physicmn, known all through th Fouth, now in fill l.pracl ice at the old t'Hirthouae, albeit he is fully eighty ears old. Samuel t). Anderson, a man ol mark in his dsy ; ('apt. Uenrv It Walkina, tu orator equal almost to Walkina Ufigh ; Branch Worah am, for titty years the model of a Virginia county clerk, and t'ol. Jack I horuton, one of the brightest men in the State, cut down in the prime of life in the late war. uiiisl alto lie mentioned. Here, loo. In Priuce Edward, first saw the light a great many of that siurdv race of men, strong In mind, moral and laxly, who have rare ly failed to make a name for Ihcmselves wherever they have settled. I mean. TIIK V KN A HI. KS. a race so noted for talent and high char acter that I tlimk the change ef an M for V should be made in recognition ol their force. They ahould not derailed, Ven able, but Men able. Colonel Charles Ven able I have already mentioned, but ther are scores of others, ami among them a judge in California. Perhaps the must remarkable of them waa A brain II. Vena ble, who waa for fifteen year in the lower house of Congress, waa made United State Senator, and detailed by the Jeff eraoniau party on account of hi great financial ability lo be the lint president of the Hank ol Virginia. He waa burned in the theatre at Kiclimond in 181 1. Had he lived, he would nrohablv have been a candidal for the Presidency of the Uni te! State. A urioua story Is tohl about two of these Venabtea, who had no mid lie nauines, but beiug dittiuvuiahed al I'rlnccton College, were rt uulred to irive themselves twh names, lhat being III custom In colli ge at that day, Wher- iipoRThcy Taith clnaiao their mother' name, mid A brain waa put down la hi diploma a Abrain I Icily Venable, and his1 brother Nat aa Nalhauiel Klixubetk Venable. TImc is now in this town art i other AbnimBettv Venable, the rdilor of the VotHmonwnlth newapaner, a worthy telon of the old slock. It ahould be ad Ird lhat the women of thi name are as beautiful aa the men are talented. To thi list of distinguished men born in Prince Edward, must be added the name of Hon. Abram W. Venable, of (Iran ville county, now some seventy-three years of age. He represented fhs Gran ville District in the United Slate Con gress foritcversl term, I a gentleman of very extensive Information, anil, whea In hi prime, was rate of th unal efiiajtive and etoqiient DeunK'ratic speakers ia the Kouth. He was sluo a memlHir ot the Cohfedurate t'ongiwe. He was gratualed at Princebm College, New Jersey, with very high honors, and some twenty year ago, delivered aa exeerdiiigly Hiwaildrem iieior me i.iicrarv h.a-leii.w of hit Alma Jfflter. Efl. SkNTINKL, For Hi first lime in many month all of the head of the various executive de partmeotaof Hie Stale government are prrsent In the city and stieuding lo their duties. . . .. . , The question of mtouia,i he depot al ForesUilla, ea Ih R A U. B. i to wm.i point near the college, leevoaling a'good deal of diacuaiioa amongst tb people ia that vkMty, ' ; v " ' MsyiifNWh itaker Continues lodispnearl, aad In enawquiwoa no outu-t was held ba Saturday morning. If court had beea npeoed ao esse would have beea ba hand. Th police report the city a y qalet and orderly. ""'i :'f;V ' The Agent of the Mason tc Temple Aa inciatiou reports a Very successful canveaa ia Alamanoa eouuly recently. ' He . pen cond over $2,000 worth of wlwerlptioe lo the capital stock f tb Aaeociatwa at' faraway jfcnxavi't Thwcoaaty ia Ueiermiaed to imitate lbs tiam pi of the Territory of Wyoming, KEtaapiwOlwu7y til to the temaie set- Among the Juror summnnedtr th mmm''iTli"fnMtHit) aBc Aisey B. gweM who happen to hi of the lemal peratiasio. ;,.(f t.;,. A Haw RxrraoAB. The Caswell Don, pie sn sun agiiaung im quetuoa Ol a railroad from DaavIHa Virginia, sis Vsa eey ville to the Cowl Fw lda ia Chathsm. Tb Danville Timet, Op. th authority of Dr. Rnu, of Yancey villa, lhat a great ear nHufscturing CaaoBany at Wll- mingtoa, Del, who owa th largest sstab- haijmeet of Lhe kii.it ha tha I7ultl floiM. f have determined to move to Chat ham with.' Uiir work, Thi kt a algniOcaat A Mas Miirting will be held at Alex aadria. MiVkb-nlHiraT county, oa ITU Gov. Graham, Gov. Vance, Uen. Hansom aad other an expected to speak. So eay ChertoU OUtraar, 'd 1. 1 4vl',il ucted askuH tha i awaeil wte weTcnv- supply of creature comforts eie penaed. After th Kfrluaat of . th "inner maa" had beta goaa through with, OhM Engineer Ciawena, of the Fir De partaeat of thi city, inlroduced Geo. II. aaow, Esq., who, la behalf of lit Mayor who ha beea cooflned to hi houe by kllaeaa for tb peat several days, attended th bia3italiiie of the city to th visitors in a graceful and appropriate speech. At the oajclijiaioe of Mr, fMow'i ad f drenBl Oct. Cijiniai fetuSii Viioi' lIi tuatu T $Hh ualljk tif itpink Saal conoelved In th best laate, and doliv rd in a moat happy manner. Oeorg Steppy, Etq., of tha Bolllng lirook. responded in a neat ami handsome apaarh. The adliagbrook are a fin body of man, aad their appearance aad bearing due infinite credit to oar gallaat sister city. After the oaremoui at Metropoli tan concluded, our companle escorted Uielrguesute the National Hotel, Where ihey will be quartered during their day. aad w know that Churchill will ae every mean to makt their stsy pleasant, A thi issue went to pre shortly after the arlval of the train, the meagreoew of Ihis notice must be excused. Though the weal her wa Inclement quite a crowd assembled at tb Depot and the Had wa wall tiled, Thlt (Tue dsy) morning our com pan ire, together with the Bollinglirook company, will pro- reed to th North Carolina Railroad depot at I o'clock, aad receive the companies from Charlotte. It w a omitted ta th proper place to my that th Bollinglironk company are ae com pan led by excel Umt Brae and String tiatuia. Kat.ioioua. A the readers of tlii pa per ire welt Ware there have been a isrie of religion iseeting held fur th past several weeks ia the Kdeuton street M. & Church. Th paator, Rev. A. W.Man gum, sssltted by a aumber of local minbv ten aad laymen, ha labored most seal mialy to create aad hasp ap laiarest la these meeting Oa Sunday last slxteea persona were received into tb church, which make tba number of admhaioa it since the prevlotai Sunday, aad over 50 sluo the commcnoameut of th iwrival. The aumber of exmysrsiooi amount to eonaiderably over 70, Meeting eonuneeced la tb Baptist Church about tba asm ilats Mlituas in the Methodist, and 'have baeu attended with th meet happy lesulta. Kev. Df. I'rltehard, thi pastor, asafaued by Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Virginia, ba met wilh large access ia thi good work, Tb statistics a to th BUiaher of acceaaioo la the church (tuc (ha comnieacetuent of Uw meetings are aot at hand, but, w are la formed that three persons wt baptised m last Sunday evening. s ; ' ' ThU display of religlou teal and Inter t kiaol oueficed to th whit churches All of the colored churches earn to be visited by aa aulponrtng of grace, aad nightly their places of worship art tiled to lb wvr torn, while tha moareer't bench ara crowded with Inquirers, eek log th way of salvation. . W slnoersly hop that thi oaiimnnlty aay b vasily lwHlfedrat)ohxt of mavabv br th revivifying eflect Mlh popular bUsrest taapiniual jaattara, - . A funny area took plan at the Boas upon th prearotatloa of the mo took plso at th SLimtmaltti tatwnhaa4 " r th preeruutloa of theet iyawakeued bya ruiiT tijip,,. irstloa of lb TstimAoux to the' Press dent. Tb Waahiogtoa "Star V acbm for th truth of th embarrassing little incident, Medicio Boar, chief of the Teton Bioux, opeaad the "big tolk" with perch very similar; to th oa he recently mad before Uie Sscretaay of th Interior; but before doing ao, bid hi hug .calu met ta tb msauH-plece, amf after rerao ving hi featber head dram, deliberately prtaweded to Bash irt himatlf, to the Bo amall astonishment of the pal face pres ent. After disrating hlmsatf of hi shirt, as advanced toward to President, aad holding pt aloft wa about ta pat It ever th Great Father', head, whea Oewtfal Gowrn took hold o H hd plniag U na a ctitu loia firutciae lMar, ttimeglt the interpreter, that tb Great Father would Wit rar iiist than, but would Jasat mm .u. It, Uf couaae a would. Ha clinat snythipg, and avea the dirty, trow ay war shirt of a big Sioux Indian la wel coni. If h cannot waar t himseif, H will, at least, make aa xeetlni$ revering Ifitf Wuitef for those bull pups. Csich him refusing anything to wMuL-i-Aitt. OaaOa, ; ,. , f , - ' i j Wflliaiw Flaalgaa, aa eieheritT, aad for soma year a maa of eoeetderabt .in fluence ia thta county, died at hw real deuce fast vl;eek, after a lingering illness. Mr. Jiha Quiaaerty, aa aged eiiixea in lbs lower part of the county, died last work Irom th fleet of a bora kick, Tbewd gentlemaa weal to the stable te tura aorsea out to graze. They enm out playing and kicking ap their heal aad one, uu fortunately, struck th old maa ia the aid. He survived the blow aaly font aaya traaa. m ryram. -' " A Msirid Bwwsaper ao now aces th tr- rvi of M. Juke Fevr bt that city. l. - ... -i it t, s , v: 1 - ' ' "II, ,; Dl I if -"s .!."!( IX) . 1 1 'if t V. t: ; : ; 'i m 'jw .aa, 18,701,1178 U I - - - .,--,.1., t tHl,ti),7WIt, Voder Bocbaaah' admiauiuattoa Uw expense were aWit, 170,000,000, mciud Ing interest oa 4eM, Tb iutenaK on the debt I aot Included la lb nkivw.'- J -THeAMPAWJ(i- --f - " " ' -. it. t;) - Hpdat telegram lo tlw N t. Tribute, ..if. II ( I I 'I - 1 I hi ii..i...li r.oM t that poured down tlunug aii of th lore noon proved very detrimental. " Vst though the elemcnU went agaiuat tbeia, y there was quite aa g'ud a turnout and a , much better eoeetiag thaa Baaatuf brier- maa and Speaker Btain called out yea terday. Tb Hon, rWuiuel F, Humof C1ocmpaand CoL Ben). A Willi ot New Turk were' tssr pnucipat peakm. ; , Lurai county M th stroegwa. Keeuunnar- ( n tiou piit ia Hi 1 Weatera fteawve, but we have UiSuame of 400 Libctal Kcpublf oaua, and more caa ba ooanb-d nraai.. All . of thorn will vote the Stat lie1', and the rusult oa next Tuesday will atlooiah nm' - - of the Bstivea. There are only two Ihau ucrauilalbe county who relua to yule for Gmeley. Ttiere wlH he such "a tura out among the Uetuoeracy as ha not been witnessed ben ia 1$ year. --l" k e annua a, rawULCTog at tnacmaATi Thi tiaaaal. ltovaitiiirT waat fUi . aBuxmao t rr mti-w, - ( Last Monday availing th Liberal Re publicans sad Democrat of Clncmoatl held aaotber of thuas large maa mooting which have characterised the. Liberal movement ol that city. Every effort to , make th ameting a tucces waa put forth by tb manager, and their work waa well awarded by tha large gathering of ciU- , Uen. Van k aud til Una. Ueorge H. Pendleton and General DurUe Ward dilreassd th axeeting. ' ".' Special TeU'graiB to Tribune. IxmajtAPot is, Oct I. -In every eountr la Indiana today titer hv beea Lilwral dumonstrstion. From thos heard from ymterday and to-day the report Indicate unflagging luterast sad enthusiasm. To day and to aight Gov. . 1L Grat Brown , with Ueorge W. Julian appeared at Ln fayette, wlier aa exteuiporee Jubilee wt held, preamliag oaa ot the most un peeing denuHwtratiuti of h campaign. Govur- nor Hendricks wltfi Mr. J. U. lirtntmli, at Ulibl, draw out almost Ih entire popul . Uon of Carroll oountv the most dints-it t rwnehlp fwVanling wagon kds of liati art and mounted meii. At Kemlsllvlllu, iu Noble enunty, Govt ustfti tthur sltr&.le.r quite a great a following, and spoke ia lii alteraooa ami aveutug toaudmin- Isned Dumber, vol Unwvaoer at yin- Canan drew a large audience, while at : Ibchutoad Gov. boernur of IHlmnt drew the nuns ol hi coanrrymea fnM all the aHthborlng dutrkia, aad eddiMed thwa , m th aftaraooa tad evening la their bin- guage. Senator Trumbull and iliHdittie, th lirst at South Bend aad th latter 4t Newcastle, Henry county, spoke to Mi greatest crowd that have asssatbled lu thoa auuBtiea daring tha cauii,-n. Go. Browa at Crowe Point aroused the Liberal of Luk county, and addisaseil a vsry large asasm blags. , - f Thea ara but specimens of th work ol theday. Th report at lb eoiniuitiee headquarter indicate that not lea thaa .1100,000 people must have been gathered la the vertoaa counties of th blabs. 'I he inleraat la Ihe speech I uaprecedented ed ih committee find ao urn bnfor Lib eral audience fur the speeches ol speaker termed 14 rsblfle-rouaert " of wtakb btsia tor Logan and Gov, OgWaby erepronuua- GIU.ELET DECLINES TO J!E, rttr. THEft EXHI3I TED. a j On Toesday Mr. Greeley went te Lyons a, Pal, I make aa agricultural d- atalioa. eauuu. wno ratiuea on tti crtau a ksatdjtv th old geaUeman ia exciu., - "(Jay, when I Greeley f I waa to-tot oim." . . . tl f . "Well." mid tb cool-headed sage, set tling bach lor another nod. "I am Ore. ley, bat I am aot on exhibition,"-1 " At aaotber ttatioa he was awakened by I lbs brakamsn arying out,"VV hiUriMwel i "Mr. Greeley,'' aud gentleman, pre ent, "here I a suggestire station for voo, ' Yoo ought to get out and stop here.1 - "Well, I dyda't think w had nasched V it yet, replied the phiuampher- "baa I anaw u wa oa uii roan ' A swtharehapter of the crying acamUl fy-y W mti J"-em eiouiiier' Bfincry, . I ha com out. W print to-dav eorreeta copiestheeelebrwied (Jakes Ana letter to Got. MoComb, written ia January, iwi. To these appended a memorandum of fl- : P4! J.4l9g. Wfl Mm,.UM'.bf Amea ta Felmary, istw, m wbk k he bad ly admits that th Credit Mobilise atock M thea aeed to influence legulstioa. lie says the Company needs more fiieoilt'in ll at Congress, and b propoaes ti' got them by -piecing" Moek.. Ha qulU,le eaa ds-pose of ,thi aew evident of Ames's corrupt nraUont ; he was not riling stock ia Waxhington, he is pin ciog a into the. hands of memtKT of Coa gres la order to gxt their visea. "W h. werelhemeat Mr. Armw ' knows ' nil ns ten i mat aaumuer of tcual men se cured the briliea be waa so euer to . d;a tt i bote seeuui clear. Wear riot surpri sed to find Senator Conkluig't name turn ing up with th me last developments Von. muWing that thi "slander" has beea "et tectuaJiy Kjimkhed" a great many times, . n is juas now a very tueir (mi of buai.' a. invwia. . . Wu half ofrhaM rata. ' :..