ijUoe.Mll THE DAILY SENTINEL ADVEXTUUIO KATK&. Air Mtlmm nil will bw iufUi to Um iHUy tearian. at Um foUowto mtca par aqur of ri i:i.:-ii::u itv r ii k skviii:l miLisniu cmipwy. 'III,.'.', IK'rtl' I 111' O'll I II.MtM... I. t k- - ' f t II . i. II'! ti OS il- n'l' ! 1 ,'. l ill ;i l .Ull .' (."! " " '" W.el.1. - i . t . t ..;( 0.1 I" . i t" sliiii:i. uiii ' - V."iel In hi, ..f )., i m at Virr v.s kmh per I qm new. or las aauuoa mat, i tack, or Ua I UBcauaaraOMUawa ILOw I oar I square, 1 (, I rSO lsi)aar,TBHja. -XttM I lBOBtk, t4Wl " " acou 1 " law'i, U.U011 t " MW l-tll M W.001 U " VOL, VII I. nsrOaCS. M.001 i-fJ Jti'f -v-r- - " i -i- - - ' "I IM ! n' - i a i i.fcM.wi i".T n ii 111 mrm saw n i 1 1 - in i 111 im ,'F'f LATEST TELEGRAPHIC HEWS ON 4th PAGE. if a M. I'fcTTKNiilL s.2...i, r.i.Vui, ;:T I'urs Ibo :uj i l.-tiinl Mr. ct, Hii S M. I'ETTKSGILL A CO , 1U Stale Low, New urk, aud Hiiialeliia, are imr Acn' fir i ih iirinir ailverllseiucn s for our J np.-r llNc M'.STINSI.I 111 I e ano.e lines, auu . .illi'MUfil tu eunlract for a.H'iTlliiing at ur iowcsl l.t.S. IH Olllro Dlrvrlnry. lit ik.ii iv-t orrn a iiiuiii;EMiTy I iliee hours fr. m T.-iO a- m , to T p. in , ilu i :i I n' w t- k (evc.pl while Hi- mails uiu . ii!L' ilistri'iuted. I I -Mil K'V AlllMVl.. AMI I lilMr Till" M Ml 1. 'Vi-teni - New Oilritiin, La , Au(Utii, .. I iiimiilil,!, . I.., ''lull IiiIU', Bali.linry, . I i-l-ii lr,., S.i. in, I luprl Hill, llillnlinrii, -V. , dun ;it I utl a lu I I at in. Ei-ti rn ( liarlitun, ' ., V luiinirtun, N, ivIh-mi, lJcuufoll. liuldsl'iiro, A'c, ilac . W m. t'ln-c I' i0 1' in. Northern New YorU, Kalliuiorc. Pliila ill l'hi.i, WiKhliistoii, Kii liiiioild, I'eturel'iirir, Norl.ilk, WrlJo-, Ait-., due at ifc.W p. n. l"Uv V l' a. hi. . , S iij,ui aai - mTTWnllf Junes Al'C'.v, O.-Kiiid, .'. f , due HI a. tu I. lose S i in Ml'ellaiieuui Kale Hoik, Mnudav uml ThlirrJay, due ll.:a lu , cluee 1 i. in K. x linrn, every VVediie.-day, due I l:;t" a. IU , i ln-e 1 j' in I tairl.lii rj;, every Wednesday, i Hi' II. .W a. ii. i.'el p. in Averal"r., elono in. 'l liltriu.av, '.iwl'. m. 'rida. ''tiler Ii" fjll--l-'eiicr .I-ll'-l ' " Mon i i ,r . " ' a m U ; .; in A. no Ilia I aie rei eUeil r -ml on Miu.h; . II Jill I i "I 1 ..ielied on Hut day. U . W lloi.nev, I' M ITllKIt IIK.l'OU'l'. a-miojiin, Jiiue-"j. lTo CIVY AI.MA.N'AI'. .Inn- 4 I 'l 7 r. At I-:'l'KI()I,CiIC'Al.. 1 I'.HITtn AT PINK UIKOIE S tlliAH STOIlK Rai.eioii, Juj.- 'so , in .1 1. 111 1 ; in - p in p. rn. :i ;s vj s:; :; - - -- MS CIITHiN MAKIiK'l, , i : daily I , U 1 . .--ii .li.i.-li, I. T . ii.ii, -i.'ii V u liai.l f .ye'iiMlli' Ii li.n.u, .lil.p- .' I , ; , ' . '.! '-lUlk ' In il.i. Is i " . 4-l'i;.l..-. : .. .. ', linn 111 I'l '.I. AHl'l A I.-s. VA. iivnoi. Hon. 1., ' .'! .! .- H. ' Wouonoloii ; II. ( . M 1:,: I '. Kt LU .i:l'.K ; I,. I . I bli n, I; e- I li'iin : J. IM "-h, X. (' 1 1. 1 ii. Ti:r. J.11,. W in I. C.'.iin. si .... i. . , 1- 1.1 V. ,, 4 b t ' ' 1 W lillloi k. I n p .1 p- , Mr I. ; , 1 1 l.i. X i I. 1 1 ky r. V: k t 1.1 1 1 . li A : . 1 1 1 A- ..:i . X f:' V.vUii.i 1 -.1 II 1 - . !'. '-: . ...a, '. i'.' ; A I I.-' i.i. k. K (' K 1. ; I l.i . . . : .1 K .M ,'. X 1 . I'.uo. :., i' .1 ,, i.il .-.ifi. An. i'i. A'k ; I A l:t. .1 tin t ,.'!. . I. 1'ike 1 .1 'v. Xi-s ; T' Kv i'i ,M . K II I'ou.'. lii Kb.-lli; .!a .1 I': .'. . I.- n -bur.: : I. X It Bit lie, Sti.l .'1 : 1. N 1 . M '.V l( ,es mi. Jr. H ( ' : 1) j; li ...i. . Wall ,',.. ; M Ii T.iplet. I'l - '. i..;.-!!.:; M N .1 Vi.in Va: Mr i.ud Mis U M Kuiu,.ii,', As1j.-v.II.- II A r" e, Warreiitiin ; A It otthaui, urieti I'iiintv; .1 r.tiiiir..i, ."( I'; M S Stanly, Newtown 8TATENBW8. H i: I'. riu Jv HTflie midst of wTieat I, at ve',. "Iri. cr-'p is turuin out better Ui iti was expeeieil. though it will be hollt -St.ltenritlr Inlrlliijthrer. Whe it w i.l cine up to a tan average imp. Oats are looking very w. II and with another riii.i 'will make a go'.d crop. Mt Uhon Ktt'j'tlrer. ! 'ie I inner- have been bles-i .1 with eo . I -ea-. ns r--r piantino their tobaeeu. A lino-1 ev tire etiip. Hi v. Mr. the l In sup 'vboilvhas planted ti.eir en Mi.l. En. .'i alien went to Italtiinore up ike Hay 'l ue-ilay ni-ht, arid ction l-r the Northern train. nil nig e took a We-tem train tv edin -J iv -ll(' lady liviim in Xash c.iiiiitv, who had enjoyi-'l her widow hood only six wei ka, recently look unro her-ell a sen.i.d liu--lnd. y SIuh it t M.til. Win. I'avlor. Jr , au l lleo. X. Thonip H. .ill. ol Lvcsburg C'ltllelnpliite starting a weekly paper on the 1st ol September, o b.i eiilied tin- Lee-burg llijintrr. MiHuii 4 h rcii'.-V. I)u .wm.ii.- -Samuel K.'vis, in ciinpauy with ntlict-, w hile si itiino niar DillVe's MdU on l!o ky eieik, in the Northern pilt ol till- county, was : 1 1 till till i y .1 oar., d on lat 'llmislay evriuni;. He ! ,.-a laioilvwith seeia! -mill c!u'- .11.' ' ;t. i. Inttlti'jeti'-tf. A I'i m -s Kmt -Ovir lour liuiiliid ton - ol I i in men aal l'ertili..r- liav.' bi n bought b the tanners. irouud Moon svrj It sin. e .! .nu if y I ist. A l tin- h i- beuiim p Ited into tin! State. The tact lurnl.ih es a t' t iu tavor i-vj Home Mai.ulai tufi st which we. have not time or -pire ji.-t now to follow up. .'t tttiiiUi Ihttlliynt r 1 The Surry Vuilvr says, we are ild rined by a if, mloe gent Uui.tii tl at tt highlaud ti riapin was foiinil, a few days atfo, iieur lie. I sklf mls, Stnkib coiiiitv, wnh the name ..I I'. Fiatis on ils shell lind dated 1.HI0. Nut far from lie same p ace another terrapin was louu I but a short time time i. with the naiia: of j. W. Davison its . !eJLdV.l"iK..M'. Ivis is Ai. tlus "time, postmaster at Ml. Airy. ( Hue Way t ) send down your loime to po-t.-rity is to in-eiiiie it . n the -In I! of a terrapin. Mr. K. M. Janus ol this city, who was alfiictca with a sun stroke at Wueeamaw Lake, liriel intntion of which was made in our last i-sue, was thought to In: a little better yesterday, hut is siill cousidered to be in a critical condition It appears he had a sliphl a'.t'iik -ri Wednesday morn ing and had to ipiit work, but feeling b.'ttir Thursday nu ruing he resumed his labors iVnd wa.. soon pro-Hated by a sec and and W.rc svire atlai k. Il'ii. Slur PnaoiuL , . . Wo had ttie pli-aaiun f viMt.yelerily IrotM imr ..lil fiit u.l anil u.iUainUi.ue, Mr. K it Vulentini'. urnii-ily of tliii t'iiy.. Mr. V. is no traveling for I lie well-known printers' luinlsliiiifj 0e. V. U,.h. U & C" , New Vork city. We ton urattiliitc tin- turn up-n imv in eeur .-.1 t"lie scrvim .l thin worthy y. .1111- nniyin.l .isMKe Uki.i i lo ir oi-'"-- "! -"'r,r al Ui Ii mil-1. Messm. E. J. Hale A. Son. We nrr iW u 1 ''" In K lwiu W. 1'u'li r, lvi . to ttliil ll W.' li l. ri. III ' n' tli.it Ho mill' 1. 1' I. ..nixing. 'ly, w ill 1' ' l11'1' wn lnl.lii.oli i.l' New York. lUlleil I'V 'I'ose well-kin Me--l I). -I Hal'' S"M' Il is tilling tlit't II"-' liroiluitioii oi a ini.i Kirtli (Jura!ioUii Jk.ii!.: U-r I'-' l,ri iniiMir ol our 'o.t IV r;ii t'aio!iun iiihlii.li- iu' Ill'US.'. Ladicb' Bazaar. We :l. know', il.e to. ie.-eHi "I vi'.ti..: :r : in.' l.a'lyMa.iiitJi toatteml Hie b...;ir iliM wiil In- opined niiThiirs .lav uii'l Kii.lay 10 '. i' Tuck, r Hall, f.i t!li" bell'.lit , I tie' Ml 'm.aist liulrh. It nlV -r i II-' U.K. Il lileusun- to he ile m iiI il ..ur iliit;. - will pirini't. We ';'" lliat in nddilii n 'o t)ie liniii) I i-telul. u-e- r,.i I . iirioin ;.rii'.i th:.t w nl te oner ""' An Ai r . I I 111 KM v. C happed hands aii.l lac s aie the mo-t .-irioiis oniioyinces that fartnir-, and pe. p'.e who lalwr much um ol doors, 1 xpi rience from tiposure. Kxpised peis. ns. e pvtially children, re peatedly MiQ r intensely from great cracks upon the haml-, that olten bleed. It is c.-ii I to uiloii . no's self or other to suffer in tlo-way, when tii- m.aiH of positive pi.vcnto n i.l '-' easy to b.- h-ol, and so elit ap Hand a, to p iv tin 1 . ills I r a cike ol .ipolio. Hind S.'.p.ilio is in t only Ii. tier than the costli.M s..ap f..r removing iljtt.. Imt it pi ,1, r- 'In' -ki'i -I", a In Ii . . l.npi id p'ilb :), and ten - :'i.',.i evi , i. l A Promising North Carolinian. We 1,'iit b in shown iIil- em 1 ' I Mi. I. M. llolTinan.loiiiierlyol Gafti ii county, tin- tati', W'lio i- now settled at Jack-on-i rf A i k . in the practice ol' the law, and I. .in.. -II. Mr. II trrailii'iteil at jUvul Tiea-Miy I'T a -!i"r' ln'.e. . i' an i eelu n' n una in I) th n t io. -'.iiil. -, b.lt he fl'ial'V ielt h.s i.l I mother -! te 'o pl'.lsue ;r Ii'- i al'll.g ' I- w here ilatllie 1 aS : . t It I ".II oil!; ..11 an. I not ,,; 1...V.-I. I her l .iiii' r an to know of his success, 1 I. g-iided as an exc. p i uie. uml we regret that our .: .ino'lnr .lini ng so many v m:' ii , w ho' ha e gone Ii r;h add t" the wi alth, eh irai ter an. I intel -.l ie of ditlant communities Granville County, "Viator'' in his Ti)n avs : letter lo the Daurillt On this road we. saw little lUe but cut- ton large fields of it on either side ol the road. Id Oranville county they are going largely into its cultivation. In this coun t v I saw the best field of w heat I have seen this year, and a tine piece it is for any year. Here I saw the forwardest piece of lohacco some plants that, my hat would no' cover. He is mistaken as to the aiuouut of cot ton grown in (Juiuville. It is ijuite true in i lit- nor.ion that borders i n Warren at. ki n t n v -He planting some c tlon, but in 1 1..- ii in tin li T of the county there is but little. Toh u en' is Granville's 'teat staple, and it grows the tinest Hi Au.erici and obtains the highest pricef. Peace Institute. I 'ou.uiel eelii' lit Kx r ist -, liioiii'. Jutn 'J.Vh, Wedliesdav :, at l 2 I'i ,y. r. "S.ng I)' 1 is. in i l "I !) A u t i i ' in A: I. .' to God " -lillltlOIi-. II I '. . Hill I ' Ar.m 'I Addte-s to Iji.uluat: via bv I'rol .1. Stevens. A w ardit ; I'.ibh Dioloni is ftllil l'r. Selltatioil of i to Giadtlati's. by l!i'V. I!. K II A .11. I'.iil'iU Sor.g K.n Ii .-! 1)1' 1 II I II Ml Kvliili.itMii o! Hi' a-' lugs an I Tainting', The public ale llivited to a I tell 1. The Educational Coovonlion We piilili-di w ild pleasure that M. Wt:igatr I). I)., l'lesidelit ' Knnst Co'ocgi.v V- ('- 1'" Kcv. W .1 Wake tc-snr ol the Xattnal m ieims, loiinerly m Trinity ( oilige now in Grera-lioro' Kem lie Go lege, Itev. ( harles l'hlllips. I). I)., Trof- of Matheu.atic- iu Davidson College, and Silas N. M.nni Km) , ol Wilmington, will 1 pw-trwt- d- -tk . paV ia- thu Juluca tional C'otm nli. n July the 1)1 h ami 10th. Mr Marten will lecture on the subject, What kind of schools ought tin-State to teach." I'ioI. l)onb, on t In teach tin- teai her." I'mI. I'hillips, on subject. 'Who Will The rccipiocal du- ties of th t. ai her and the public." . I!ev II Scars. ). I)., Stanton Va., the gem nil ag' tit ' f the I'laliody Education Fund will probably be present, and give a lecture mi "gradvl schools. '' r LOOAIi tAOONIOS. lloiiaM Ilftin, K,4,.'Hlik-i.Qjfik oi flit TrcasuiT Ihurtmrttt,- Mt ynterday"Tar Oxford . io HtHT'1 ilw v(ir at St. John',. The post i llicc tleiks aie up lo their v. bows irr liUntiiMt', making rea.ly for the new po-' Hie - regulation-. Weia'. i".n'ioii to tin; end of J. C. Winder. K . , m to-dajs issue. Thin geu llemun i I ki. .mil to our citizens, nnd llee.l- rn ' 't ' Il lllils. M.-m I... Mllti an. I il k S'-n- uf this eity liave I kimv Ihe lilli ol May last, J.'i.OHI) In I of llil: lt'"K :l ';, u (!a!va it .1 I..ilit . i.l i . tliey received anolliei ii.nsigi.inti.l of 23,000 feet, und wnl be pirated to Ii I nil orders aildri-sM d to tin in. , - The Ch jlera. Wo tliiiik it will be wise iu our eity aii- lliorilici if they will have an cc at tins time to the cleaKlnii -- . I the town. That feail'.l I out.;-', tit. i '. i la. .- low r.iin ; in Ni Ii' . '. M inplns, I ir.eiii ille. T. nr.., in. I ei-i- have oi. '.ni'l in oto.i i .lun. No -.e i .in Mty -I. : it wiii i.ot .-it K.iU'it,'li. Let us prej.tl. ' ! it lilnl il il fail- '" I"' 'llli- we will b . . lined nun o. It , 1 1 u 1 1 - ni dent ...i mlaiy r. f. tin is lucssaiy. A visit ii. .i i..iti s'.o.-i- wnl uiiiniftakal.U ,,,: .!,,,. i,l,.l,I..I.,c,,l..l enteii. lei.i is propagated almost entirely by the u-i 1 impure wattr. We thii.k it w..i...: l( a wise ihino it nut best phy-Biciaii- w- i.l-l give people some adv.ee as to the I. ioic aud importance ol earth closets It .t be ttue that typhoid utl I other levers lafl many eminent physicians bolill' i.: : . ate in lie- b.il-liil lilliiviathut come ti i in a hun lied localities all over il.en it i'i rlainly b hooves the thurifies to abate all nui-anccs, . i i.'I l.veiy hi.ll-e II ilih r 1" u-0 l : .et- that ai-- so uni cr-al in the tow i . pro r a i and t. . the I'lnth the Xilt: The Baptist Female Seminary. n.e new and attractive buildings i f the li iuli I! ptist Ft miile Seminary will In Had f : -. by the in xt mission, which beg n .-. pt. 1st, '.H73. One of the plin. ip. a o.ot k udly supplied us with s.iine tio.nr.s winch we nvail "Urselvm of. Ttnee buildings will be used. The main or cni'.tai building i- (if 70 feet. It will tie unite capi ion-, Will be adininibly ar r .i.ged I i the purp M intended and will ipp i. d w:th in my uioilern improvc inl . in .'nu nces. The dining are in; I f'ji'l and in winter will Highly heated. Wuter will be in. nt rc' in : be tin conveyed to eac'i floor by lueaua of pipes. Tln.'Art mi. Musie wing will contain nine rooms for ii.u-ie practice, two for mu-'c t. ci'a'.ion, and one adapted special ly to tl: line alts. The Chapel and lo i .la'l .n Wing w ill contain one large room for pi ivate soirees, (the public ones being given at Tucker Hall,) and several large and conveniently arranged recitation rooms. A new feature, one not heretofore introduced into any of our Southern female institutions, will be the Gymnasium. The building devoted to this purpose is 60 x 20 feet. We regard this n a most impor tant addition, for calisthenics are essen tial to the health ol both body and mind Thire w ill be a beautiful fountain placed immediately in front of the main building. The capacity of the new buildings is e'jii il to 70 boarders. During tho past scholastic year the institution has flourish ed utuk'i excellent management. With its w facilities v.e expect a much large patronage. Hoth of the principals are Christ! m ;;eritlemen, were prepared by Mr. II um r, the celebrated Oxford teacher, and ere regular graduates of Colleges. Mr. IIobg Hid is from Granville, and Mr. Redd spent many yars in Oxford, the home of the writer, and we therefore speak ad vis eilly when we give I him our hearty indor sation. We may mention that the grand con cert of Ihe fchool will take place at T II er Hall on the night of July 2d next. Iet it lie remembered too, that the pianos an all new one being what is known as a Concert Grand I'iauo A new and excel lent philosophical apparatus has been pin chased also. We refer our readers to the advertisement that appears In the proper column. It will be seen that the Music Department will be under the manage ment of Prof. Von MeyerholT, ol Vienna, lie i a pupil of Kubcnstein, the greatest of living pianists, and is said to bu H"t Very infeiior to his great master. We ham Wen shown very complimentary no tices ol him in a Itlchmond and New Yolk paper. He is no iloubt a very su perior performer, and his name will attract many pupils. We wish the principals of this school the greatest suc cess, and hope that their efforts th build Hp a first. eUw fMl inatitulUm will be appreciated fully by a discerning public. We may mention that they have procured the services of the brilliant onMey.'r- hoff at a Co9t much greater than was ever paid in the South, wulielicvc. foranyoth- r musical instructor. According to the eood old Jewish cus tom, on the late Passover, Baron delto'.h chilil of Pari-i. opened ftis doors to all comers, and the table was served for the mendicant as well as for the man of wealth. Bupratna Oovrt, I L w Court met at uwC tour, Chid Jtttticii I'earaon and Juit I "BojJen (ill atiwh on account uf alclsl eta, Casea from W' up al follow! : t dltttkt Wire Isken Nathaniel Boyfa v. Hank oi tape Fear, from Itowa W. II. HJI.y for plailitiir and Iliac Buttle i Sons for, ter & Mi Cork le and feu.luijts. C. . Lowe a Jl Ts. (.'iinuiiss:..in r nl Davidson t.niat.lfroili Davi. II Huley fur pUijJtiffs and U Davidson" W lllai knu r A: McCoikle for in I'. N. Hfiley A. lMini i-, from Davol-ivi. Ill km plaimill and VA JI Fnwlu tor ,lel.nl.nt. McC'orkle lor jiley and I) O. Harris, from Du .Iain! Leach vVI vidwiiu w ;y ) p!ei .'iff; ho f ' counsel lor .loli m n.-el for .1. A'ljolinied Wake Superior Court This tillmn .1 nu t ve-ti r l.iy iiiuiiiin 10 o'i'loik, II. s Honor Ju.loe W ills pn -id iti. 'I n ox. the S .! . it.ir, l.i'.n' ab.-eiit, il Was olihred by tin c urt l!,al K. II llll-Vee, Kmj , dlM0.l'eil I in. .lu'.ie- ol that ( llKe. Timln low ,.io peibous lere niipaunc.led ard )H,liHei n aUrindJurv for the term: A.n.W W.,,. II. . VW.i, II. T. Hosller, Elljraim Johnson. L. E. Riirin . , DB 1 R. L. Pctrfoid, J. V. Chandler, Peter Norris, H. F. Taylor, Alsey L'h kleer, S. Bancoui . Colored Johi Flagg. Alfred Wil ims and James Iiukel The following wire called and excused : Thad. McOec, A. It Perry, Anderson B.tt", W. P. O'Neal, A. W. Lawrence, II W. Jones and II. F. Cheatham. Tin- following were called and failed l i ai -w. r G. II. Bagwell and J. II. Nash. The following is the petit jury : Gaston It .oker. Sol. pace and F. A. Bui v in The Judge chaiged the juiy at some length af:.: which court took recess to 3 o'clock p. m. AKTKK.siOOJX SESSION. Tin case of Patrick Kerrigan and wile against the'.'atholic pri t, Father McXa mara, wa bejjun before Judge Watts on yesterday. Lewig nufr lUigers lor the pi.iniiH, .oil U Unin(( rotter Itir the ileteiulunt. Ti evi.ienee for Ihe plaintiff was heard, and 1-ather McXamara exam ined for the defendant, when the court a Ijouriied, lo hear some tilteeu more wit no s yet tube examined. The curl room w as crowded and much Interest inm ifested. The plaintiff proved by several witnesses their capacity to take care of their children The mother proved a good character and great ludustry. Father McNamara testified that th woman wai reported to be a drunkard and her chil dren dirty and alive with vermin. We have lull notes of the case which will be published when the die is closed and the judgment of the court lender ;d. r Rfleifh and V A correspondent olie Danville Times, over the signature of 'Viator," thus writes of cur town: "This is one of the must beautiful sites for a city I ever saw, gently undulating, with somtofthe grandest old oaks your eyes ever rested on. The State capitol is a splendid structure as io the materin.1 ot which it is composed the very finest granite and workmanship but without anything striking as to architec tural taste. It has s large dome in the centre, with long wings on each side. In front and rear ol this dome there is a por tico. These poiticoca display more taste than all the building beside, nnd give it all the beauty it possesses. I am much indebted to the Rev. Jos. Atkinson for his kindness iu taking me over the city. " The Peace Institute, which is a first class female school and a great pet with Mr. Atkinson is a Vety handsome and com modious building, delightfully located, with beautiful grounds, and when all the improvements contemplated are, com pleted, it will be one of the handsomest plae. s in the city TIij prospects of (his school are very encouraging ; It oM ned its tjr-.t ses-ion with ono hundred students. Injthe other end of the city there is ipiite a laige aud imposing building the Shaw Institute - t college for the education of colored citizenr. especially such as are be ing qualified for the ministry. The Or phan Asylum at this place is a success, and ia doing: g,Ml work. The building occupied is the' Masonic College, beauti futly situated re th jtaiitefa "edge ""r the city, and most admirably suited for this business., There are some highly improved and very pretty privtMe residences. The maiket house is one i ythe most Imposiug I ever saw. We must com-i't an error into which this writer has I. Hen. He strangely mixes Oxford and liahigh. The Orphan Asy lum and the In autifii! St. John's College are in the mo them pait of Oxford, and not in the eastern portion of Raleigh. It if a slight mistake a distance of only forty five miles being between the two towns but it is well tri ennect it, as it might mil lead some person who wished to send a magnificent contiibution I . tho Oxford Orphan Home. WAKB C0UBT. This court convened about 10 o'ctoc,k. Judge Wit presiding. About twelve we went Into the court room and heard the lal flfUa u uiinioes of the Judge's two, bour charge. The .-kxTtNKI. rep.ttir called on Ins Honor before court mid ask ed for a copy of hi- barge. I he Judge said lie never wrote out Ills chaiges, as he must know it he evi l heard him il. liver one. lie iniaiialily intcrspersi-d his charge with Inn, ngiicultuie. science, phy losophy an I anecdote, to make it agreea ble to ihe jury and bystsndira. A mem ber ol the bar to,! Us the .Indue pielllised by saying that he had been m cuied of moralizing too much in liischargis to the grand juiy. In oilier w. rds preaching, lie would now take his text, ami he lead Iroui the ii.biu 1 1 niinlhiiins, 13th i lmpiei' Mill urn. : When I was a il.il. I I .pake a- i child. I iiii.li rsto.nl us a child, I thought as a chiiil. -When i b'..iiiie a man I put a wiy childish II. I he 1 ,n ter added that the jildg- i: -!:' wi'ti orca! propriety have a id d lie li-l, lei-e t.. lustex', "l .i tin I si' tliiougli a glass ilaikiy." From this ti xt the judge put in tun and philo-ophy, but mostly !u i lie denounc ed nu an whiskey but said nothing of ruin gin or brandy. Wheu e went in and sit In lore him he soon ch.iririd the L'rand jury ilni m. man must .pyroacliiei iXo ,1. Ju,, K ,.,.' ,rj jury run about the streets for information ike. The bar turned towards us and laughed, for they remembered our calling at the grand jury room three years ago, mid informing Peterson Dunn, Esq., the foreman where he could fiud evidenced on record in the clerk's office tn indict Little field lorbiibing Gen. Lafllin, a member of the legislature from Pitt. This gave rise to the judg'.s new doctrine that noue but sworn witnesses should speak to grand j urors. Saul the judge there are only two ways to govern men, oue by moral suasion and the other by the sword. If men will uit be governed by moral and religious societies, the law cuuies iu with its pow aud sword to guycru them IPs charge was concluded by repe'.'i ig his u xt. UKVKXUK COLf.KVTQns. The compensation of Collectors of inter nal revenue as fixed by law is as follows Firs:, a salary of ll.illO pex annum , sec ond, a commission oi three percent on the first 100,00O collected, one per cent on the next 8300,000 collected, one half v one per cent on the next $000,000, and oni -eighth of one per cent on all sums above 1,000,000. But the law contains also this proviso : "That the Secretary of the Treasury lie authorized to make such further allowances, from time to time, as may be reasonable, in cases in which, from the territorial extent of the district from the amount of internal dutiis collect ed, or from other circumstances, it may seem just to make such allowances." This provision has been greatly abused as it is stated, persons having received large sums who were never intended to come within the scope of the law. But one purpose is merely to show the amount ol money collected in North Carolina, with the expense of assagai ng and collect ing, and the percentage received in each district for collecting. Our readers csn examine ior themselves and draw their own deductions. We learn that when evei the per centage is high, it is to be at tnbuted to the tact that the collector torn been arlnwed a tpeciat amount. District. Collection. Expenses. Percent I II HI IV V VI VII f24,507 03 51,610 43 37.342 6.. 376,109 03 398,703 81 200.319 47 22,007 63 $18,806 62 19.563 48 15,870 99 33,304 02 37,415 5S 22.800 89 22,537 89 6 3 4 38 20 3-4 8 3-4 91-2 11 1 102 1-4 The case of our Western Hnilriad in I. 8. Court last week at Kalcigli was beard, and the motion of L. P. Bayne iV Co., ol New York, R. Y'. McAdcn, ol Charlotte, and others, to take the road and appoint a receiver, was denied. 80 the road 11 to'remaiu UDder present con trol, fins suit is baseil on the Andrew Jones acd Lutterloh mortgage, which mortgnge and attempted conveyance are charged a? utterly trauilutent by the present directors. We learn, on further urgent effort of plaintiff the court al lowed the case to be Continued to next term, anil J. It. liatcliclnr, ol llalelgll, was appointed a coniuiisaioncr to take the evidence 00 both sides aud leport his in vest iloiI 1011 next court, and then if there apieais valid caue for 6Uch a Buit it will be heard ami trrcri, aim 11 not, 10 ue uis missed at once fioin the docket . Fayette nut aiKjte. After this 1110 tgage Andrew Jones, poor fellow, was st ntenced to the Penitcn tiarj', and Thomas Lutlerloh sentenced to the legislature by the ttuSte aud radl cals of Cumberland. FOREIGN NOTES. Aim'eit type of small-pcx h prerail tng at Chatham, EagUiu), Twenty Bino women have been attacked by tbc scourge. The Memnonite deputation from Russia have arrived at the township set apart for them by the Canadian Government, near near Fort Garry, lor llicin approuauon, and appear wed pleasen with the coun try, r Tin 200:1 anniversary of the disco very of theMississippi was celebrated Wednes day night by a iiterary and musical soiree at the Laval University, Quebec. Lord and Lady DulTcrin were present. The Rev. Abbe Verreau delivered the oration of the evening. FZ2B80NAL. Jatt Ifigelow dpei hex writing bejort) uiaaiusi. The Pnnce of Wales will again visit v lenim in August I he rrmcess will ac company him. . Idle Morse, oi Canton, Illinois, aged six veals, plays any tune on the piano af ter lieanug it once. John G, Faxe is lapidly verging toward sixty, and jet he is tin. same jovial, gocd fellow as at tweivty-lhe A rumor that .Mr. II.. in icaiilt is about to produce nn 'niginal play induces an English wiitei t,. ink, " Whose is it J" Mr. Horace Fail bunks, ol St. Johimhnrv Vermont, has pirsented to the town the Athemeum library and art gallery, valnod at 1100,000. M'. Quinu' Shaw, daunhkir of Prufaa- sor Agassi., has curtlbiltid $100 0X10 to Ihe Museum of l.'o.-ilir. Zoology, Tn ' which her father is so deeply interested. " L'ncle" Abner Huntley, ol Cuba. New Yoik, boasts that since he was 100 years old he has broken a hiuh-suirited horse And now, at the age of 100, ho rides him through the streets of the town frequently. sitting straight as a pine, aud more grsce- iiiny man mosC ot our young men. Marshal MeMshou will "receive" every evening at the Versailles Piesidtncy, as was me custom with M. l iners, but his reception so say the I'atrie will be mole stately, lie intends to set apart two days iu the week, probably Monday and TiW-tijav, If, Uit,ll..UjirtiV..irrr VlROIOTA KBWS, Mr. Win. Busacy, aged 83 years, died last week iu Franklin county. A number ol Englishmen have lately been in Bottetourt looking out for homes. Col. T. F. Uoode, of I to vd ton, baa be come half owner of the Buffalo Springs. Hoi John F. Lewis is iu Stauotcn, stop ping with his sister-in-law Mrs. Hanson. I he wde and family of General A. P. Hill are 111 Culpep. r. The expect tospind the summer then . A cow gave lurth lo three calves at Franklin eouit bourse last week. Bully or t rariKnu. Franklin county contributes Joe Hall (white), and Henry Hancock (colored,) to the penitentiary. Major Rnudolph will soon be in Bote tourt county t make the Valley railroad survey. General Wharton has announced him selt for re-election to the House of Dele gates from Montgomery. Mrs. Sarah ,1. tsni'th, of Clarke county, has sold her furoi, containing 800 acres, to Mr. c. B. Haniesty, lor $12,000. The w heat crop all along Mahonc's road from Lynchburg to Abingdon has much improve in the last three wevks, and quite a faircrop is eKctod. The Hot Springs' correspondent of the Norfolk Journal says Mrs. Robert E. Lee and party, escorted by her son. General O. W. C. Lee, arrived on the 13th, and will lemaiu until October. LITERARY OOSSTP. Dr. Woolsey is writing a book on the Treaty of Washington, in reply to Caleb Cushiug. Olive Logan's new society novel is a "Summer Romance," the scene laid at Long Branch and in New York. Professor D. Kirk wood, ol Indiana, is writing a book on "Comets and Meteors, wuieu ijippiocou ix uo. win publish. ' Sir John Lubbock is contributing to Naturt, London, a series of valuable Da- pcrs on the Origin and Metamorphose of insects, accompanied with profuse illuav iranons. Mr. Charles G. Leland has in the press "The Egyptian Sketch Book," the result ol a recent visit to the Nile Land. In this work the author proposes to deal with native and Egyptc-European life, anu aiso wiui ait matters. Some curious old manuscripts, includ ing the Gospel of St John, set to music, apparently of the fourteenth century, and 111 good state of preservation, tho Globe, the new musical paper here, says have oecu discovered in Holland. . An appeal is being made in this country lor aid in behalf of the family of the late Ur. Merle, beet known by his title of D'Aublgne anil his "History of tho Refor mation. His salary as Prolessor ot the Theological Seminary at Geneva was al ways small, and he has died, leaving his widow ana lour children without ade quate means of support and education. . The Russian papers mention (he death, Jt 6t. Petersburg, on April 20, of the poet Vladimir Grigoevicb Beuedictof. He was born in 1807, served for some time in the army, and Mien, obtained a post in the Ministry 01 1 itjunee. 111s first poems ap peared in 1835 ; in 185U he published an coition of his collected works intbree vol umcs, and in 1837 another voiumne of "N-w IVeiot.'' Anothku Si'I'pojkd Cask of Poiaos no. A few days ago Coroner Williams net a a post moiLm examination oa the body of Mrs. Lancaster, who died sudden ly and somewhat suspicions circumstan ces, on the scutn suleol the Neuse, in this county, 00 the 12th Inst. It appears that Joseph K. Lancaster bad for some yean wen separated irom bis wile unti a few weeks ago when they made ap- and again lived together. On the morning of her death he claims to have given his wife a dose of salU.which threw her into convul sions from which she died before medical aid could be rendered. These suspicious symptoms, taken in connection with the fact, that only recently Lancaster applied to buy strychnine in this town, led to the post mortem examination, and the stom ach of the deceased is now in the hand of Drs. Miller & Kirby to be snalyzed. The jury w ill give their verdict when (he de cision ot the physicians is obtained. -We learn that Lancaster bas taken himself out of the way. t7Wiin(rr' Mftnffer., MARKETS. - T TlUWsUmt - Noon Report. Lohoom, June S3. Fives 89 8-4. Paris, June 83. Consols 09 8-8. Rentes 0615. LivxarooL, June 28. Cotton opened quiet and steady ; Up lands 8 7-8 ; Orlean 9 1-8. Later. Cotton dull and unchanged. Sales 10,000 bales ; for export 2,000 bales, Breadstuffs quiet Nbw York, Juns 23. Stocks dull. OoM staassy at 19 1-8 Money east a 4 to I. Exraaara. loo 7 0 short 10. OoTtrVflwimlt.im-.ai.'. in o' . 5? ale Uinils steady. Cotton quiet ; sales 800 bale; middlings 21 cents. Futures opened, July 20 1 Angust 20 3 8 to 20 12 ; September 19 11-16 to 19 1-8; October 18 1-8 lo 18 1-4; Decern Ur IS. Flour quiet. Wheal quirt and steady. Corn quiet and unchanged. Pork dul. and heavy new mess tjld 40. Lard quiet and unchanged. Turpentine dull at 43 cents. Rosin quiet and firm ; colnmou strained 3 Freights firm. 'V.AaWw "V ' 1 m. w New Y'ohk, June 23. Money 4 to 8, exceptions at 3; Exchange quiet, prime Sterling 9 1-8 a 9 1-4 Gold 15 8-8 1 Governments quiet : States dull steady. Cotton Net receipts 420, Gross 6000; sales for futures 8,400 July 20 1-2; August 20 14 ; September 18 15 16 a 19; Oct. -bcr 18 1 8 ; Nov. 18 a 18 1-8; Dec. 18. Cotton quiet, sales 797 bale, Middlings 21 ; Flour quiet without material change, a 0 1-8, Common to fair extra 8.05 to 10 30, good to choice, do. whiskey firmer at 93. Wheat without decided change, and moderate export. Corn about llcts. better, with fair demand. 501-4 for new mixed. Lard weak at 8 15-10a8. Tur pentino quiet and a shade firmer, 43 1-2. Rosin quiet at $3.00. Wilmi.mito.n, June 23. Cotton quiet. Middlings 19; Net ri ceipts 13 ;stock 2,661. Hal T1M011K, June 23. Cotton firm ; middlings 201-4; net receipts 46 ; gross 110 ; ixports coastwise 41 ; sales 147; stock 8,908. Flour unchanged. Wheat quiet and unchanged. Provisions dull and nominal Mess ratk ir1 -$tT 85. Sugar cured hams 14 12 to 15 1-2. Lard 8 3-4 to 9. Whiskey nominal (3 1-2 to 94. Sugar firm at 10 3 8. ; LlVF.iirooL, June 23. Cotton closed unchanged ; sales 10,000 bales; speculation and export 2,000; American 5,500 ; July and August deliv ery from Savannah aud Charleston, 8 3 4: August and September do 8 7-8. I uleifrh Market. Cohusct Dailt. Bi Watb Aixcorr, No. 44, FAtiTriviLa-s SraaaT. June 21. 1 7.1 COTTON YARN, per bunch. " dry, per lb IS LEATHER SOLE iiOaSo LEATHER UPPER USa70 LEATHER IIARNE88 T. 50 LARD H)Vsl4 MULLETS oniloo MOLASSES, per ga! 27a2M GOLDEN BYK jY AUaWO MEAL, per lu., UJaloO OATS, per bu. 75a80 " Bheaf, per HO lbs I :Jel .VI PEACHES : (ireen Dried loali PORK lUal'J CORN, per bu.. 58 the. ! x . a CHICKENS : . -4 (.tvftO EGGS Si 3U FEATHERS .., ....... Ss7 FLAXSEED per bus .. . 7" 125 CLOUR, per bbl, N. C 8 50a tO FODDER, per 100 lbs 1 651 75 HAT, per 100 Mm . 1 !al 40 HIDES, green, per Hi 6aT POTATOES. Sweet, per bu DOa 100 SUGAR, Crushed,.... U)eiK TALLOW per lb HalO VINEGAR per gal 40afl0 KICK, VMH HAGS TIES X10 "A" WXalS BUTTER .. 30s 35 DIED. Ib this city on the illst insk, of Typbnid Fever, Edwin Gray Roystcr, son of David L. and Sarah J Boyatsr, aged 8 years, 4 mouths and 25 days, lie died very quietly, as quietly as a babe falling asleep on its' mothers bosom. Is It well with the child " ' "It Is well." His young spirit unpolled by eai ths defile ments now rests In the arms of that favour who when on earth said of the dear little ones 'of each Is the klnjrdeia of heaven." O not In cruelty, not In wrath docs the saviour send his " Reap r Death" to gather sack Bowers to be transplanted from an earthly roil in order to bloom in the Paradise above. J. W. Jr., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 XFOHD HIGH SCHOO The first Term of the scholastic rear HfiZ- 71 will betrtn the 4th Monday In July. Pilcea aa here Colore Clrcalara furnished upon im plication. June nswai