- - X -- LI ' )'. . LU J -I IJM-lll 1. . .11 -J - ;-U ll 11 K SENTINEL THE- SENTINEL i . I 1 1 K f II V llliMMIIM, rill M'UIUl I . ...... n.Mrl S il' , in, I ler roinw I ItfMINO. ini-ritiiTHiN in ad. mice ."0 sli " " " S.OU i.iiutl turn i, r MiNTiNKi. will be delivered In .if tin- t II y at Kirras) oars per LATEST TEZ.EailAFinO NEW ON 4th V AOD, s M l'KTTENGlLL . CO . 10 State i . . , t,.-lun, : Prk Row, New York, mil "! i I ,-i.tiiul Klreel, I'hthtdephia, are our it 11,1-f..i procuring advertbujiuent lor our l , i iUiii MtNTINEL) lu Ine aliovc cities, ami . . . i : i i ivil V coutrsct for advertising ut air i ,ii.-st rut. run n'Alt UKVORD. Tin following urticle appeared some ml,- ago ill one (if our State exchanges, I, ii' oiii, uiii); tn uritu tlir mime of th pupci ul tin' tjuu ii i' iiit it nut, we are unable to give due i milt : "F.veiv tnip m of llit- Stale feels a just pn.lc in tin' noble conduct ut the North Caiolma soldicia in the lute war. A plain statement 'l that conduct will be otiecon t.niird chapter of heroism, patriotism and m II "-m iiHoe Irmii the beginning to the c ul. A ml we nri' more than gratified at U' pr. iv1' 'cum';: a true record, i ut II ii ' Justice t iio living and the ,t,4,l, and rescue from oblivion their nines mid brilliant achievements. "Ihe Halt'igll SWlTINKI. propose to publish in the column ol thut paper the W,r icconl ul e.ch county m parately, and calls for i p! truthlul narrative of the part i ,.ch . oiu.ty bore in the lute fearful t uggl' f'tL' proposition nn the p't ol he i.ntim-'.i. i H"t t" Willi' H history,, hut i,i p'i sh Hie f 'i t ' ti'""i, o li county ii'po.' i We t:u-t t . soidicis iu i v i ii . ill Like lli.' rn -!'i i in htii:. Tilt. win s 'I1H' I 'ill ll'tl 11 1 pHs II I" I'ihiii-Ii lii, tcsired iiil'irui ilii'ir. !v -Ii m ini m.i l int hit t h.-t'irv. that i , I liver I Ii V o.i e Ims nr.it. n a brief Asliiviile AJif '. m wliiili , f, r t i:, he . lo:i.. ' ! Ill" plana "t the M-M INKl. uii I (.', i I'.ail. He ? i Hi')' t-miinxod his iii.Mt luarly. iipiroiil, un.l mbls : I shall, then fore, be very happy in i x H i diiii; any aid in my pow.r towards the ainiiopl line lit ol ho pruiscworthy a uoik. Iwilltuke e,-mt pleasure in rc . , .. i ..niiiillliieatn IIS ll"lll pill'tiei on" this si i i t, and In-ii nci iv wsi.l tin 111 t" then l'"' er lb ,1 .1 1 11 I ir- lll.lllou. I tiu-t t:. a: my a iivn j. iniu'lcs of the -.mil N. i a, a i al e to Will a at s of the companies, i-..iine. I'd mt'i tin jiiii n', b ,'ii .lining ii. v li iiiu,; the honor , -nee a1 e 1 1 Hie 'i CI, tell' . M I 1,1-1," I . el its I 111 We tin. i t "t till Ur th I'm' ' -coutlli U"l Wiltiiuiii- -1 e 1 1 1 r c ., tlie lee; ,'.! . th W ,.r r.i, r. I .,1 .v -I Is lie I n' we ui Beekini: ti' lurtlier the II iris Ueiiia m en to .iillixt aii.l pieserve iu.iteiii.1 foratiuih fill Ii...'. li.l N' Uli I "'" "" ..mi? doili(f an ' " ! - .. . .1. :. .. 'le eins ,,t l"'lll Ol I lie si II lllf I . l: b . , 'I,, : : t 'i 1 tllll! i 1' "' As ' 11 In Ion- the . sill. I In I., I. Il.e IT. I I rln i '' ii I I. hiit oi ilo iS(.-ff' 4U V S I III I in tins culled!".; i.. not l,e prepuritiir laak whether 'mi i 1 . . onl ol i in soul c - . I N. it II in - !! Us I.. s.,y l. i- .1 In ie,lel -N--.1 linn, Her ; tli it no couniv i,i r e iniii liis :n t-i . tii , i i... . ..un'y in this U! In e l. Iliall Il.e iij ,.t II ,S IIClllllss ,,, I., s , ll'is lll 'lu 111 n l,.::y ipul.llvd lo make lip that nvofd s that it sh dl spiak the tiuili Hun Hie same c-'ituty f New lliiiover Ins. Who will uudertake the task ? lull Hie story I the uiatchlts deeds ol our fa!., it c iiii'i'h w ho K4Ve UP their lives oi the ueM (jloiioun cause that ev-er called men t battle, n iiiuiii untold because no siiivivor is williut; to undertake the gen erous task t It cannot be pussible. Our i niiiiyiiieu aie not wont to leave duty tin performed. New Hanover's living sens owe it to tbeir dead brethren, it not to theuiselvis, us a sacred duty to tell the world what they did in the cause, ol Southern Independence. And it were well that the- performance of the duty h ...I I ii"i ttng be delayed. Urate p'esH-d to publish also the lol l,i iny let: r from an old soldier: ll.xvt svili.c, N. C, June II, 187:1. i ktlitvr vl IU Scutintl, ' Hsxn.ri: i am highly gratified at your piop s, d undertaking ot getting up the war record l North Carolina. I have olien thought we ought to have sonic his I irv or record to perpetuate tbc mcmori o: the many noble doeds aud the match- 1 - bravery of the soldiers who donned . t ic "grey" aud battled in defense ol our honored "old North state." Having servd through the war in the regiment to which, I believe, the Senior Kditor of the rKSTiNEi. once belonged the 3d Uegiemcat of N. C. 'Javalry I fuel a deep inten st in the proposed plan ol Killing up the "record, especially as It t iniilcrtakeu by the (Skntinkl, aud I wil do ail 1 cat) to a d in getting up the record of Clay l ouuty. I have many notes snd items linui which I am able to furnish in t, testing iufu, snd can furnish the original muster roll ol Company "A, 2d N. V. ( ivnliy ut lU first orgsnizatiin, which m .s thi. first Company that marched from t heiokex' and Clay Counties to engage in the war. Wishtug you success in your noble undertaking, 1 remain yours truly, 1 . A. ITHTII. ASvTUKtl'EJlHOnr ' A note upon our table informs its that we ate yi eiier as tu flov. Hulden iR-ing a ii ii trustee id IVuh'i FuttaLCulkiJE,, The w riter says one of the trustees who Wis pteaertt at the election, says Oov. Hulden was voted fur but not elected, and the trustee assured him ul thu fact alter the anuounceiucut in the SEHTiHsa. We Jo nof leef tficre is much responsi bility on the BknTINM. for having made the statement, we heard it from others, but not Iroro a trustee. We must now stand corrected by the trustee. 1 1, ere is no telling when a man hear th. tiuth. W heard a Baptist iu good standing say our new y stinaster was a trustee: We must b.g pardotv of the trustee and r ll other parlies w ho may feel ofiended. aud ssstire tie in the statement did Dot migins'c with ua, VO!,. VUl Another Boards Hear' lYo, Wc arc glad to learn lhat Mi Nawy Ililliurd' Imantrr hT MwrnowJI k I i tlm value ol eighty dollar. W hir 1. 1.1 huardera tins just han.M n $u ilollnrs to be addi .1 t.i themonl. arc the di iinquent lar.foni, an i h.- ih be the m'Xt heard Irum. Durham Still Ahead. Reams V Walker sold at the JVrhaw Warehouse, Iturlmm'., N s an, for Dinnis T'iliy, of tiranvilhs m tierce of lobni-o. wuchlMt . txHUHn. at 111 per him In d : alo for Jn-eif.k v Lunsford 1.8U l.oun.li. at f4,.S r dred. Fine un cured tobvo is in p"" demand in th"e sbove market Postponed. Wn loam liv letter from irwn that the nit of N. H..ydi'n ! North Carolina Railroad t'ompan . )i-K was to Ii ,v. been heard lx-l'..re.liid(rr sk- at CrcciislM-ro" on ihe sth .lu.y, nas wn postpone I a! 1 h- request of Ihe .h fenaiiV to sometime i yet fixed v A llu'st pTe, Normal S. hoc! 1 lie ni 1 1 ' I e lm ii. I'll I" a; .mute U in, loir il ,v tit li..rA h , iiinlx Jiavr . ... uu-..iA r s .4jlfRIM r ... ... , Hi s. to cuittiiiie f.-nii we. ks. under Vh I Slipi'llllteleiei Tcsctiers are I M Allen .' Tinr.lirrson mi it. ,1 I i this scho..! slriA are re.jue-ti d to biin o mi 1 1 books tlixj iiei . in iv have. T.nti la Luck. At the solicitation of www rte4 Sheriff Iee was induced In get up a tafiV for his line trott ng hore 'TiWts" agreed to ratlle the home cfl'at flOft -f-10 a chance Knurtwn chanco wm taken, and us the other six scerse4 fi W hard to get , (!, Tim au-re.,,! to take rliw, hinisell, ;,n I the raffl. trwik plaoe Sn'iitdm night. At the fimt throw fir w .ii the li-.r-H.'. throwing 40 thirs. w 1th sli'ikr his fist, niakinj J?n ,-Var - ' -An Oxford Incident. M'. Ah m.ler t'eoiM-r lis,! Imst. vorx: kind t tin-i irphan Asvlum. ,m inskinfi i-'.ntributions, and in gix ing Ins pcrssna! a tention to the pri'psrations for rhe 4r ner on th'" 24'h ol June. ifkn.--w ledgemetit . n. sxawasr. ' I, l.sdiindni'ss was dnii. 4xstW sjif;'"xx l1 C"ier's name on an legnntdiprwrhn4 ti resented it to t lie Asvlnm. Mi. OnlMH :nen weni si n a i Hie orpnans i prrvvm sion to Mi t',.ovor's r.i'h-nce snd. bruf and apjiropriate speech. pr-onMvii the dipper. At the close ot the Kpoi the children sang "1 be Old North State Forever." und left Mr. O s.pot criK.ymg "the i ii x ill y i f doing g-iod ." Wilson Collegiate Institute, We have .received the stvond annnsl catalogue of the school f.r b -th cvrs. Whilst we do not favor mixert scVurs sif take pleasure in saying that the IViipijiaX Professor Sylvester HxssclL, h a gentkstnaw ol superior talents and of goiMirimcaRtA. He has an immecsrFaculty,th-re being WA less than nineteen reachort prihtc4 rlbe cstalogne. In addition to the branches, Book-keeping a4 lUoVfctfc, Telegraphy, Typography, XTtcsilr, Horticulture, Pomology, IVimestic ftys omy, Law, Medicine an4 Rygietre re taught. One hundred and thirty -HW pupils matriculated during the vest, a4 of these thirty-three wore females, fh cstalogne was printed in filaTeiririrfc. That onght not to hax-c bee 4)we. State Educatioosl OonTewtioat. The indications sre, as we lesni fivsjw Prof. Mclver, Superintendent tf JNjiblic Instruction, that the Educarinial Connip tion which inits in( this city rn WeAnest- day and Thursday, tlK- !th nlftth im will be largely attended He hMTmix"o4 letters from prominent genttomen In 4f ferent pai s ..f Hi. Mate endorsing tr movement and promising to b, plxawitiV Prof". l)oub. Dr. Phillip ai4 IV. xxfia. will probably address the Cinvontin r Wedoesilsy morning and Jndge lmm rnon will speak in the evening. Wow John W. Norwood will entertain the Ocft vention on Thursday morning by a 4rfn aion of his tlusry of teaching AgriCsnffwe in primary schools. We w ill have a re porter on haHid and will pul.'rsh dailv the proceedings oK (lie body. National Hotel. ""' We are clad to L ai n that Mai .lanK M. HUir. fiirroetty of W- lrtr-.iigh National Hotel in this city. We learn that th s recently tolarged huUA miS m thoroughly reoovared in every departsrcnV and will I kept ia firs clawi ty Strangers coming to this city will fe tht hntet a fomlwUble phwat T rfS Mr. Blair, a most admirable eersx will have exclusive supervision ol the Ai ninir room. This is srood news r hose who enjoy creature comr.TTs orxsj n the best manner. We thfrrV . " r S ibe rates lor board tm summer months sre very liberal , f be tin floor 3.50 per day, and the second, nti'ty JS. We trust that Maj. Blair will rrsvivi t large shsre of the travelling imWic Mai. B. was the first to estab'rsh a fin class botol in Rslctgh. The great vn crease of the travelling public retjijires kh the hotel accommodations that an 'etei inthecitv. 1 nawaMava ak 04 'amt hotk n v tdw lm e Wkw , X( ift'hw. .Xu. ya t, H. Mac yvn: 'M 1vM tlliiMv tK'h,fetv Ki WiirJK MlW h xJimu fWt vit If. Vv. vr 4 T. I. (VXN.soA if 1 vlMtiiilJNta. js;.i!n ". lf'y.x l- e ir'rs. ViK. -;l'!sftV T- kkvxia.'U.V R ltnWrV t kVin'H4 wid Bstvhe V. W--; llfexiHlo t OvIvu.Ihji!. ' JlWde ft - 5iUi P. Sfc- Kk , 4. rfv W . t C. Mv Wv, A SPWrw. liJli4k Mvtti- 'Ph WtViWVW (V ifceUwd, w ItHlKfh- Dmtn. JrW x Wiljt i ITwfcuiw et Xj if-.'ii (fJiAUR. a,'l, t t VtiM.U)or h , Ifi SlxIJt.-'i xi ta lii l.i'. l- u Hr- v.'4 imxitt v A w i"' .iuniii, aau i.'.'h -ik A "' ihrfrU'llUl. rf- .xW vl' NJ o u-vavKt. ('It. S)i ,.-f a((jv.a u (be SttprK.IW VVl)tl, 'i! "Mil uiulr it i vj Ikjj ir" ta " rra ' ' " . . .. ihJij. I Wsxuvim. ettdi tiu vs. I$alb.uii s4 4 xX'hVew sudt "s. Whito t ll -.atxxir X. JaV"-e. Sf -sMwit X. eltifv. 1 .-Jrexfit X. (liau.'htird. S? - sKMrV 4 VV. x. Ufudji, sihMitt . fr, jnMjt xa. CvsSiimswoHet. ' fs -Xi-w x. Iftxerstttj'vu. f X1, 5iii-4 ( s. (v, H.I101I11B-Wi-ii-v tkusisvs,) ltN JsisUl Xv llVwiXX U ) f5 Ifi.t xs. IfVo-, .),' iiis xs. V'lyJara. x-s thOwkvt U ..' "!? Ii ftuv XS. d'UmnHSMol.eis. Hf. Ijs.tri: sis, tftvU A k'o.x r. S x",'i x-s Iftun ' " siaxi-'t x-s lit! '.-I V vsbirra. iV'.. sx 1 . i. !) us. Ihi.lli i ct 5 . xs. t n -I ih uif. rt 5. Mi .sj x. fcfe',wi 1Si Ift.-aiii X IRJjihuiv )M. ( . xs rki--f $;r. x i4 v m. xa. t,k..'h jvsxswfc m tan asms es us Ki i.-xi'io.- Xv ITt.'saX.xi L st.-vo,Mff dC xs. Xiajiki.l 4 5 - ""'iMvsi ge -iL xv Ksirtlett 5)Wi ai' as. Xv IfOMs feWXf Vs IH!.Va. 4S 4I 'iflfVV XvXIHI A vV. Xs. vfiolKf. ,W Mrxthrit xa. viuaai o. llXVs ifhiavt xv YKtlbam-s .4 f. 1 B -Sfa v Xv IJtfMri irtuit. 5J( .attHt, wt wilt) vv Htiym.. OiS -tUxvifs xs. Iftiwie Wk lptnxis x. ?.x .. ifrVXe XV Jl-u(h WuXvr. f IsopiWit sawn ilfiluvlu such -ossex its ni,x !n suti lot 1)iihshu) as thu sod Wf sfiikv r Kt! ft. diM,'t- Ths Vvie ajfifn xi wwlbeJk in oedue, as wOi ws vt 'lk dMAnilrs ia liispoaasi wf. lwtssA. tinm sxves. sTikdl ysstveilaot by he aj)es V )V)iinJ oDiia H? Ixmov k'- Jl-tasttoa. slaaoav. asi BjrtrrsWaWiV X JMsX Iv ltlUS, adusilliw- xV Ws -WiJCy xs. Jtajuhi UlKegs ttvir lAM".H Nm vrvf! JxiJgHtowt a. OfHK'A W. .'iftsish.a.si-, xv fs (dvwa sad w A sis tviss l)i)ni.'i, bsaue-a urdceed an4-carwu SstfKeJl S (f.. X Si'iAwisi.tl Xa. U. J, fealty, Osmh is)asirrtri KVfUj ifi-iliHimut' ts.xr-,d. I r V q.--t xv J. -K 1i.uixs Jtvut tXa- Xij 411 ivtftv ),rs" aval ft awess. Jl.sos, t.isitlk Xv. lit, Jt InW-rWrt-'m iV Xihirtft JuldKUluilti aftUlHeil JX ".. ihtt'tMi. 'asllwHistiiai'.r, xv Xeill h. eif, a -mt st 1ft Jw . So eeeor- stutsr-v !NliAti's, S. tf tin iiA ai, xr Wr. St . lvui Mxs.ku,ab0. Iftir.wx'x, Jl iiiines ft xXsv iji xv lik H JvrdMi W., from tirMr, i.xvesidi au4 rvmaudcdi av X": (ftt.x V ibi jg, lixitsi xaxvi xiitiaeii iWi' ixm..uidvl, ftwrA k'sttfu S1 x rAVy , ..1, W. t" Xe'CHv Xs .twin, SsJu.j.lj . IfvM! itiuwfMe: s? ""s sMax I, feu x JsWjt J; !'ih V t Jt. iwwmrvt; e t. xs sTi its. Uewra, ', Vt K , Xtisivii. Xo virur tstsnx- tr. sh-nawa, Xi tt t Fum- y ; wMi tM4irtiu. . Ni error Bhweja xfthgtiit"ha. A srsrtssoilj.ni vi Ul Liu.alMirg IfWss" axa. thtrD. si ixr Blamed c-oir.M xx.iA smi rx, "t Sxr aiilu ol J.H MhsjiV 5Hfrt(v ruit.li cxmaty, is a jt,,'.. l).e itcjevxAe g" ant as M- irrv Sfli xxmsbs . wottttdk M4 ytaiw. rhese st it sfht saiotj eiyhbofhod a sx iA' t". tX basilKilor 79 al 44 old ms'llx, Tvt wl lixJhsr djuly sad arry Hti ,JWt ssw KupMa; eh net a. m' be th.fwK! .JMNi(! HI Baste rvrslXM, k 1, lf CvpMlest ts H. b. (.X M RaWteh os) taXsAMSAtat at Jutj $x, e M? sxesm. rnytth'rllis siss ths pitws ahrH-l Hi wvtfc rt ftl i Ihe casMpanimulilp f fspt Williaroi, tism( wwm. )Mit a sit-in a, as lof the Ksm, who was probably (please ear4 sstrj ikskSi cwv-ni th sir svnus - whst, Ws reached Fn3ttta! ( His oXttocw r, M , m art njist at tho do)ut ot tn nr IK'vutMl of thai pistes J ivhra r tKse hi th Pyvt. vill Hotel, whew w m SrehNMuel ht an d.hv IVinu l4, M' 'Ut iu Iwhaif l tbs Firs lVptUsHt. Jlr, 4, li Niehnk, f RK;ih, ssplieit m msm on hahnlt of ths Uc .y ivvisrw) S1- m . k X. . k. . ....... oraasis wer Wisiwx wsmxh i imivm os rurx that vf 1 hV C WntMlsiM, who sv4 f swMcthliu; h sail sssatrs yxHi hi susx-ch m with. hvsHy applwus. Tti sttwwanls ehwf of the Ktiv IVpattment loj th wsy h diHitiu Mtiw f the rvtte-!N IUtl, wrier a tusaptnows atippcr awwttxsl us. W vers garter! at th bsw we4 hotvl at th (xiww if th lVtxttvill Fti lat;vs-xuKl. ta, th tsHnmiwjr ul th 4th th m. kii w rruiitsl h.ths "Hat." .ml ,xvt ur ths w hiiv tows wax en( h see the- ew I Th aioraiag bxitig vt warm the) pa rsd did till take placa. satil UWs but Ihe lu.ptiow was csxl so a ttvt x-tet by a heavy thaadx asl hail vxra thai swept ore th Iowa aljlt t oVKc4 p. wv All sx-xwNd h trsxrTa Vxsry wxweh but th pWtr w aaiivatvi was wvar ed tsx a grsat txtvwt by as ttr4xkt that occunwsl to J waxes Kideuut, a swetMbs d rbsaeuc CVMMpaay, who whiV hxadtwat th small caoHiMi thl Was earrwd abtSAtJ txs ttrxi sal 11 tew, aad vm Mtiwe.ht burwxsl by lit prewatutv diwbarpuM t!.jirx Sat- urdav snomiiii! w are hixwr afiwisv .V x the 1 lit me was hmsed ihe tNnw . p.xy had a meeting, sad . wxts-iA re I solved t msintaia Mr. Rid - t w-t tMwi, y thtxiuglioHt hi iltmass 1 understand it has bees. ixw.xvl that Mr. R. l the titttx? of the aendxwt was IM uvisated. Thi-s I emphaiKviy Wy W caiiax; I saw him tx Biwtx txvf.' th ae- eid.-ux, aw.1 he Was aw waster th 14 ,uxxf utvaiaailrdwMrtvisaWMswp be corn nd c t; .n are of ts-rupta-at habita ! if.vlt aw bv j ksk aSKVially wl! between Raleigh kv.1 bv histsiria,v,.xiit xrsir- meivibs r OHir trip ir.kTsJi jf The Fourth w oWrxxxl bv th haxar- ing ut .Itimis and tirxser. by th i;r.sv fhe wlut.v did H swast tx hsHXWf it was the F. uilh J, ..? tar x i- bratiRir 't CiHKX"vA ad rw a part ia it. and but tx-w wer seta the I street until the rvaiasi. Thxre t a avxl-1 oixtd Kiiv Cismpaa', "trgfer'V Fr IV-1 IM by name, ia Fy-etNx IK aad jvM I working si-t el fiix-wwa. th ar a4 sbr-1 svrve much cm , lit (xsr ?bei, txreriy sbsp I Bleats They were it .x isWwsW vaxr W I the aftiraixxi, and asade a xxtj &ax ays I tjravkVi xvy eUssKousiy UL The peo uearane. . I fuV k th wtrs aad southwes'era parts The leCttv aad U.kvs. set l-st.k t.x- I . .. . ... - paaixw win ev took. la.. ar i NeaawbrajK apaa ths4 1 xxTwi t I rVvtrx itk. I IWita. I ttoa, David A. IrWaxwi Xtxhawf fy has amved at th Na)ial Hssssst, SateofaVMkahy Ims) wt aaaav h asxxxrdaac with a. art wf th Sacs- laturx, ol r TS, th, lesarj 4 SH I Slid at aabiic siictto e TaarUt tha4 t sajsv (asanas. 3d of Jab., a laiv, axMabx f asr)ss! sxolos of lb taw v iceas had S4atxvav I As will be sra-a rtswa la rVxVrxws th I siiu. . w- . I r.. - i i Laws of m , txrwwht 14 xS I ki ei.py , Vaitrsl S,atv.tvttxrtxv. at UW. I a ot w . r vj sJ sVsA s I Coaxxsatioa Joarwal wf it, xxxt; hie-1 not i.f .u.t " u katittixsa aad t SsJiaswtrer t ) xsattav Laws of fpceia) !arto T StWatv and liiWw Jsaaabx 4 xxM IKwuawsssx. .Jf tsslasXaa 1 rrt; IVscaV- weata of t!l , x l- xetat. Ftaxoa i IVss,. T Mw4 tW yti- kw dork, so IroaMwaww K iMa, a elTxvtual aitvrattv aad a ajpssit v)vWt ntcdicta. Ia th asyhwHwad t Lava, lXvk J. i . Ayx s l hax v)rJ Iks, Is of it., wlierr they rwaafaxaay tvn at a crop, u ia grxiw-a b4. ta xwrrv be, in dtills, aad naltty jmxf tws x been aiavh awpvoxxvl by rolasxV Uia, tt is owe 'rif the iwgTii& ia JljeVa Saixapaidla, and, we are mVa-wxeA, W V- trsoislina-t v-rtc ot this Brclwii ir litre t tfw trw 4 r Mat it CstntanM, V .sawajiajxUa txraav 1 of their sxwa, ax H.4ra. rear I artici of torter ss whsJUj vraaMt I Hllly. thse wi tM rwsWMtam wwilly wwltigtiswjk ansiMiKw, aiay be iw tw wraJxaXSat I car that is used ia p.-rg fca - I tiraisi.l tskawiav I Mr. ViladaiosK ha rxafusi a sv-oaxsnwrej I ask il "VK "in lx t.w wivawaxsset, Nancy Harvey (yioeed ded ia IMbsIm, wuk wt-l eftadBsfasuasberLne; tight ia more. Xestss4ay .wite, afxa ttf I ,.Uv. sick. A physi yvars. She tda k WaahwigSfsv I M , ., Mr. N. & Meast ft tb wWas tahTg Tte; t5n taixor ot the saactwwv I TlaiUut . IwUj of th holidM I tsl4 ttw tipoa oa the elo-ri-oo I frth of Julj" e kfk Kslslich a Fri I mm rsl lngovnc the rails "home- I srsjrii bov4- We hstl a pleasant time 1 avis m are yasrdej is inir cxpiessioo) on I his way Ki i his eouain," f Rev I W, II. lkl.iit, who was on his way to I uk ul his urtvrl tuevUvcs, and ol Mr I Kmm J.es, sua of Hi v. Dr. M. T. Jone. I Bj ttw w, are are ;l.l to leaxn from I kiw that hvexntvUto remain is our State I Winu aalkstieO. tb it Arksuvi, hw hme I '", t eio! to hit mi in CMxhis, i, y iong ;-entlcuian or I a.UVl 1 k t iv..i aau csncter, and .Vftri tiro I neexU the seivives i f just such sons. II Wre flJ to at that s l'ixkI rain I J M in the Walt Purest neighbor I At Kittrell iiuite a crowd was at I ' depot, but the ma n cruwd was at the I H,4I ' ui'1 distant. Here the I : Ttp.vj;rphlcl I nion was hsvius I Sv iU? S u I mmuwuus I ""' f"' esj -yable diuuer, w hich I " usual si x o:. Mmon Kit I "X"'! ha,a The tmell. r, ,1 he U' a ilia mw.ttj" Wiu, will alwy inouire f,.r our I itwsl hire trmu cholna iu fan turn. A de ittihtftil twin had also Ullco here. We did out ttiex-t I'rolvssor llarrell. of the TrwW, he having joue to Kittrell to take a grand specvh to the Raleigh boys. I w wa be was i. full preparation I "vk ',"' Pi sum ol hu eliHjueuce. At a little after 4 Vwk. . xt , we arrived t lXiiU A delihttul mm had Ulleii Intwecu thi- twi plaexxt. It has not abundant, bttl UU enough In retlesti vegetation that was sujv-iiu ixatly. It had been some vsk uses- a laiu bad lalleu sud every- hi-dy was rvioiviBj; over the recent visits Us la suite of tho ori s: '1. we wete (iss ,ai O'l.i, e n. u i.u ikuco nau Igtiiwa vs :is.de. ay ssticc iv liad pxsed xxxer s! load a wxx k bslo - . TUKV-S es. ttvsu lU i xh t Fraia.i:u a ale looking I wxxh Is f.n lU ia tiom the lutter place to 4 W h rvvsan vy'Vse. ttw bel Peld of sV;s v haxv aa at tue latter i ee pUiixx Th aavroas la I a ltrsf gathering at OvftWxl tusdxy lo c- uitueiu 'rati the 4th IcfJaly-- Itut aiarsw tit aa.x'it this day I with tbeu www fttxrdoat. We learn that t,h dewottrwthia cwasisted chiefly in tree ah aatsisu thvtJtselvss. Doubtless Jksaw sWVxv-sw waa at tt bottom of it. Tare ts essaaidvcable sickaesa here aMas4 that xoiidKsv Two have died wilhia tea day. W regret to learn that . aM eaiuuvtbtx- lulv. Mr. Thomas IM. evsisaty hvid a auuftsxna tturnxu aysJay al Tally Us tea asUaa vest of Ox ftNjsL TV rwavd they avvor kx to extend th ifMr4 roasi few CWksvUks, Va. h Ctelwexi. tw Davrhaax by way of Tally Hxv Tfcin ha eVista, U seeca tax a, at tax jf l waa la Uxtoru. ff " wi aaxs xxav wnw. apa sr. ? th building t asx hr ar greatly dissatts- at th aos4 iwasoxal of Mr. w lUEMiMvx. sits ineaas regarvl a a wt wawkse ssvxeawmL box w . . K . . .i , hav wnstea eaoaga sw urae. a. S. ifOaj axxatagt-W had haxax-T rwsa a actt. vim. 4. a. Amis asfe ttos ssasvvh at Tally Ho aad lhiiaJ stlattiaax. a.. xsstsrttwsvvv, rcxx-tuixxis. xaw FtxJkx svktw hitrrtevily scribbled tyw W-tlia-' that w tuight send ;h4 f ka teas svm th istaday sworn Lug's Vawa Mutaisxjt to oar post oa Xteavdjvi aAvtsaw w tad thai sot yet hkiVwxr th fttsSV, bat ia the haads of th wrt- It tow sate V cha,"ge or revise. a tha-x awxy $ thy W. W aaak xta sswtwdsxt asoetua, Mrs. Cecilia E. Ijsalsv wt ' Ts M. LyacaV. Esq., de- WMVXSl ll -"r- " "'IT" ;tv . . . . iar . . k . ., xsasa im gv aaa ai a . Ss ssweh a. rsoaal at awsttilxxsia-uv a-1 wst MxasWy (MtkiveU. jsQji lUt fuswrwl was, sol . s Soj,, ta, toe - v sUb.-uiA(f Th fourth was ,1 wkwaslasinsi bet ialife s-h bwxvN a keibaad and five y,,. ,ri treat aad irrepa .vu w - Jt joJ teatavt th wind I - - - . s sa- sS I awha.' J, asv. 6 vs'Citrrvsl is Oxford on tiun- stmx aMicut thuat auhl hav destroyed jfhwWL Xx llaam Tur laWSAV IW- V jss -aus .v. nii Ik I . fesjiwiJi than trtsv had rareii ih.is- a .x r rws, m x- i'1 . NO. 325; poisbn ws in the milk; II so, the cow hid eaten Ih poisorous lulxtanca, ssUrs. Tur ner herself had the management of the milk.' When we left on Mondav mornin the patients were all recovering. There have been nine deaths in Oilord wilhili five wi-cks, but Ui'y were nil of Cuarnctcr to have occurred in locality. At Henderson we learn thai the tobacc market still flourish. Cooper Si Co., arc to hav a large sale to-day. Father NcNu mara preached to the llendersonians on Sunday night. The rain of last week have ulresdy made the corn, tobacco and cotton put on a new face. CONTRO VJtlit) T. Say what you will, the public is excovd lugiy fond of controversy. Its taste craves picy discussion snd sharp personalities. It is by no means sverse to a little scan dal now and then, whether the victim be a Iteecher or a Warren. As long as people will crave scandal there will be scand il mongers. Old Robert South, one of.the greatest, as he was the wittiest, of the bnglish divines, once suggested a remedy acute for the evil. Said he: "The tali-bearer aud the talc-beurer should be both hanged up, back to back, one by the tongue, the other by the ear." with the spice of scandal. You bear now and then something said of impersonal jour nalism, i here is uo such thing. It is true the "editorisl we" msy disappear, but the pajKr stands as a person, and the mo ment the field of controversy is entered. mien: u co personal to others le masto. that moment impersonal journalism cesses. We are aware that many papers claim :o ie models ot impersonaligm, but as far we can see, they are about ns personal as any others. It is tuitc certain that no editor in North Carolina can be faithful, either to his party or to the State, without indulging in pirsona! comments. The character ot those eoniiiieri's will denend upon the character el the writer. If his jean acrid temper, his writings will no L.ubt be acrid. Some men are ho amis so Courteous, so kindly, that they can wttte personalities without offence toanv They can probe an ulcer or cut a gum-boil aii I make the patient believe they sre ouly leeling the sores in teudcrest com pas woo. i . . , .. .... i ... i. n -si'U, snarp, Ken,, " t Ie:.CUWTWritara have always had the ear ol the public. In our day, the cleverest and ablest pi' per have always some man on the staff who xecla in polished sarcasm and incisive ridicule. A fine specimen ul this sort ol writing recently appeared iu the New York Trilwiu ou Bun Butler us a suitable Governor for Massachusetts. We take leave jxir purenthete to say, we think so too, for we believe verily "in the eternal fitness of things." It is a common mistake, specially among pious and amiable people, to think that the controversial writings of the last lew years, s wcially political discussions, are much more intense in bitterness snd coarse ness than those of the last century. Any one who bas read any of the political as saults to tbe time of Wsshiogton's admin 1st ration will remember tbeir extreme violence and acuity. Grant, richly as he deserved it, has never bad as severe criticisms made upon him as Oen. Wash ingtoa had. And so with the controver sies ia the field of politics during the ad miaiatrations of all the early Presidents Tbe personalities of those dsys were more venomous and excoriating than any we meet with in our times. In fact the press bas toned down no little, and if now and then we meet with articles of uncommon severity or uncommon coarseness, they are tbe exceptions. It is also a mistake to suppose that the religious controversies of this and the last Century were more opprobious and furious than those of the generations back. We venture to assert that we can draw from Milton, Calvin, Luther, Pascal and other great authors of from one hundred and fifty to four hundred years ago, fiercer personalties than even those that marred th controversy between Toplady and the great John Wesley in the last century. Our article has grown so long already that we have not room for tbe completion ot what we desire to say. In a future ar ticle we will give the reader some speci mens of religious controversy in the past, also some excerpts from bomeof tbe greatest of the aueieotji, that bcniay iw for himself that modern controversy it as mild as a sucking dove compared with to the writings of the greatest men, and not to anonymous lampooners and name less scribblers. We of course could Bud more disgraceful passages if we sppealed to the poor raving of the Brick Pome tuya and Caucasian of futnter ages. On. IIelmbold, the originator of Bucbu has the satisfaction of knowing that all his imitators have failed to produce tbe benefits his preparation insures. Helm, hold's Ext Bucbu cures. The others dis appoint. Persons suffering from Kidney Complaint, Gravel, Premature Decay, Los of Vigor or any souvenir of indiscretion- can not apply the remedy too soon. Thel S ' iJ.ui Mm w H ! gcuuiuc UIA.I1I1 Extract which is Heluibold's and no other. jnne 3 eodlw ADVKKT1B1.NU KATES. AdrertlscuicBl w ill he In turfs la Issf IHl'.y sbsti.ih. at the folinwii inir rate er t'luar of n Inch, or tea axliuoa Itw aes. ii.e i(UArc wtis ume tl.ov - - audi suusxiiuent tuseraoa Mt thank -XKk..... Su tsu.iMra.1 ws.K, fcltotlsonsi-e, Trao: ?.-. I 1 month, M.UUil" s " -4,.w t t aw's, 18.011 v "1 ,.uu I " 1O.00 I " lo 44.0U I " i - .- 4V,il ' II !- vt M.ttijt " , ii in 4S.Wll MARKETS. BY TELEUHAI'H.l oii Itoport. NliW VoliK, Jill 1 7. Slocks dull. Cold heavy, 13 1-8. Money dull,4a0. Exchiiig.;-long SI; short 111. Governments very ijuii t. Slate dull and steady. Cotton dull, and nominal; sales 74s bales; middling 21, net receipts lor two daysl,20H; gross 5,0711. Futures opened for July 20i:-8a20 71U ; August 20 1 4 ; September 18 3 4. Flour unlet s J u-. changed. Wheat vuict and we:k. Corn dull. I'oik Arm; new mess If) 40al6.5. Lard quiet snd steady western steam 8131CaS7 8. Rosin quiet, 2 75S 80 for strained. Freights steudv. London, July 7 Consols US 1-3 to U 5-8 ; 5s, DO U S. Paris rentes 50 to 45. I.ivkiu'oi I., july 7. Cotton dull and uncbsnged. I'pluinis 7-8; Orleans t) 18; sales tin lliousiin I bales. Midnight I fe-port. N't Yoiik, July 7. ftTlllleU 1-aiV lit .1.1. J.,U11UIU...WUJ..1VJ,.. .VV-u...m. .-. - -irw 1 s- . Si.1 S .Ifc raf suppjy of capital at the latter rale. Exchange strong 9 3-10. (i ild heavy ut 15 18 to 15 3-8. Loans 3 lo 3 for carry- g. Governments dul', closed linn. States quiet. Cotton statement for the week ending tbe 4th : Net receipts for the week at all the V. 8. ports 15,232; same week last year n,841. Total receipts to date 3,462,040; same time last year 2,084,456. Stock at all V. S. ports 219,709; last year 141,357. Stock at Liverpool 91,790; lasi year 110, 900. American afloat for Great Britain 130,000; last year 46,000. Wll.MtjioToN, July 7. Spirits Turpentine steady at 41 1-2 ; Rosin quiet at f 2.25 ; for strained $5 50 ; crude turpentine steady at $3 ; for hard. 3; for yellow dip mi l virgin, f3; Tar uict. liiiloigh Market. (JoHKSOTIlI Ilill.V. Hv (1. T. Sn:o tt ItUO Mlkkti tiolMKK July.V . i7a;;o "i.vi7U ri II', an 7.50 3'a'JH iWi'.K KITTON YAK.N, ti-1. urn I;. " dry, per lb LEATUKK SOLE LKATHEK UTEK... LEATHER IIARNR.su LARD MULLETS MOLASSES, l eru! OOLDEN SVlt P MEAL, per Im., v,Wal ,WalM OATS, per ha. a0 Sheaf, per Ho lbs I SJul V) PEACHES : Dried .. lOalfi PORK . 0aM JORN, ier hu.. S6 Ihs Doal 00 CHICKENS: 1V34 EGGS V, a SO FEATHERS. Ke75 FLAXSEED per bus 1 25 CLOUR, per bbl, N. V 8 (Mail 50 FODDER, per 100 lb 1 G5al 73 HAT, per 100 lbs 1 25al 40 HIDES, per lb Dry Main POTATOES, Sweet, per bu 00a 100 SUGAR, Crushed,.... . Usinsi TALLOW per lb "ulo VINEGAR per gal tOarJO K1CE, lOelliX HAttS oV, TIES 'JS'rai i "A" 111.1 BUTTER iila50 CRKAM OF THE VEA8T, BAK ING POWDER8. Doolejs Baking Powder's, f?ea Foam, Twin Bros. Yet Cake. june2"-tf W. C STKONAI'H. s MO J ED BROILING BEEF, Jfcr- Smoked beef Tongues. Prime Factory Cheese, Extra Sugar Cured Hams, Southampton Hams, Choice Sugar Cured Strip, Prime Carolina Rice, Fresh Cream, Soda and Egg Biscntt W. C. BTRONACO. Bacon. 2 Q BOXES CLEAR BACON. Q BOXES K1B BIDES. BOXES BREAK FASTBACON. TIERCES HAMS. XChesp at No. I Martin Street ,kv'ir" sp20 F O K E Another consignment of tbe bust nttiv Wine: WUt Sweet gespBeraeng i per Case. "Dry " Red 8weet ' S Port 7 aad 8 " " Also best BparkllBg Champslga at 113 per Case for unarta and 115 tor Puis. jnne S3 U W. H. JONE5 A CO. F An e.lt'Cklit VmriU'n Kllvor Tm Q-i an -.i;::j. p 17 W. H. JONES A CO. ' HINGLE8 ! SHINGLES 1 ! K 85,000 White Pine Shingles, ".wo cypress jieart Bhlngle. 31 Inches long, 6 inches wide lull Inches thick. June 21 W. 0. 8TR0XACH. 1 4 1

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