v I " I I SmBJBBBBSMBKBBKHBEKSSBBBBKBBBKBBftBBBBB 1 1 - . w -- -..esssw. .. . THE SENTINEL ft 4 ADVIKTM1.NO HATCH. AdverUaemaau will Iw laaartad la tb tiaU) aatiaci. at the followuur rata par atuar ol ' Im h. or ten tuluioa tinea, " -.pial -.I..- 'lutCy ffl.iai " et i. sausueal luserliok Oi'i. a wevS 4, lU.r., I wee,., :t.!Wl asU4ic,7 mos. -1 .W. I 1 moeili, s.lATI " .a " . t Mil.'.. i.UU M ,. j(, 1 :ii.uti lu sa.UU I M.VUt ' tl " ).( t.tt.l " . O.Cn ' ' itvuuii . frm.isiiKfi nr IB It snTim PlBLISIilXC uw Ottii'.. n-.i' tha Coiu-I llmi HM' al'SWCRlrTloV Ihsill -i-ntim-l i year in advance It. etau-Wei-fe.lv .Vi Weekly I ... so- The Uaily .-aa-iisax will w tivlit4iv.lt IB part .if ll.r lit al Kirrrra tr k wk. SiVTURiATa J ULY 19, RALEIQ NO. 72. v t- II II ii ii ii iii 111 ii ir ir 1 ii ii ii nv a.v LATEST TSZXOBAPmO NEWS ON 4U. FAGS. . ba. flow rati omci iusit. Office hours from 7:3s9 a. ., to 7 p. m , Ju rar the we. k (except while 111' malli art Mag distributed. ) T:m or abriva;. is cLosine tat mil.. Wea'ern 'ew Orleans, la.. An rnsta, O., Columbia, 8. ('., Charlotte. Salisbury, lireens tK.ro, Naleta, Chapel Hill, lltllaboro, Ac , due I 1 :00 a. m. CIom at p in . Eastern Chark-sUm, B- 0., W Imlnetor,, Newbern. Beaufort, Uoldsboro, Ac, dne 5: p.m. Close Ir.oOp. m. Northera New Tort. Baltimore, Phila delphia, Washington, kl-hnsond, Peti rsl'iin;, Norfolk, Wc ldoa, Ac., due at 8:80 p. m. Close 15 a m. Chatham Rallroal Fay. ttevllle Jonetuoro, Apex, llsgrtod. Ac , da 10 a. m. t'loae S p m. Miscellaneous Eagle Rock, Monday and Tbura lay, doe 11:30 am, cloee 1 p. m. Rox Itoro, ever; Wednesday, ana 11:30 a. at .close 1 p. m LcachtM nt every Wednaaaiay, due U:3va.m, tin 1 u m Averaaboro, cloae a n m. Thwawta). .. t ricrsr (Hues bourn ttw tteirUtered Letter and Mouey Order D.-parlracnla. (root 8:30 a m to .'..:) p id. As do wail are rea-eived or sent on Suwdsy, the fU e will not lie opened on that day. W. W Holdu, P. it: w T.V'l'IIKH KEPOUT. W18UINOT0K, July 17, 1873. . Ror Hie r'oulb Atlantic Htatce north ct aud Motliwtat wiude, Incnrisin cloud! iieF8 and lot 1 ratna. ii:tkko.()oicau 1 RtruKTii. r-riNit aaania'a cioah Toa. Rl,ll(iB, July 1 7, "sTS t ni a. m !'.' Ill 2pm i 8un rW' Hun e's.. . 4 .VI 7 ia CI TV ( OITIOX MAKKK'l, Rf ortfd Jailv by V. C. Stnmmb, tiroT and iJoinuiiMiim Mervbaut, r"vettvnir iltreet : KiLiiuu, July 17 f73 frict- of i-oiton iu our market to-.l : A'.Um. - 17?, Al t .. lu ... ' '-lr. Maik.t .lull. llii rKI. Altltl VVI.M. .Nationai. IIotki.-.. Jf. ., Pn.j. r. luly 17 A T U.Ui'iis. 11 i U I! ; R (' 1! 1 ,'ir, Mr It. nr li. city ; W J l$ cmn. Frnk' urn ; s (' 1). ri N C : J I) Uul lijck.i.. nv.:;i : W llu.i. Hif-bur, IV. t' C lV u i', Jr invil'-; .1 V lllack, Warnu county ; U S Jmkn, All ; US McKoy. N V. YAHiioiiormi Hot K, (' H". lilaclntil!. l;-j.rittor -Julii 1 . J i T Mwn-r, Siilit.un ; Mm. .1 A Sail I. r, W H Sn.ilcr, Mis A'lu ru!qr, t liarlot'e : T M 1'ui will, Mi 4 'Kliie llurwill, Mi S.!ii Knil. t. ii. .1 II lnu- hi..1 ..r, J A l'l v. V Bui ik, 1( S l!uil"-k. I)r H 'ln Ii Uawkin. Julin Wiw-t-n, N C; WiLie t' Uviw, T.l.rtt '.-llr . I'-.. . K U..w.l, 1'itMn.r.i-; II II II n I' I" I'' ' i. W'..k.-; lol Little. .1 II li-n, h' i-r. W .- I'm,,- row, T. 1". Ih-M-n-iu, i: ; K turahito fiiul soil, ill : .i i iiHi f . ; 11, 'luii- ii iiitt. I. uislniru' : l Mi -;ii i. ir A Mo , I'Imii. u I, . in" II Aiken. ,. '.tint'. i.'. M I) ; U. l.t tr-l-if . Wlllllllij;! Kll-tlll 1111,1 lle. N'tlHile M". I . mi II, ii-e ; M J Huak.i -. " i , I I). lli it. Ouilli, lii.li-w,. LATEST By MAIL T,,i: n t . Funey wri,pi-r- mmIhii j Irril ii it U 'krl.-oll's lt-ll,,li!-e lit ir riK iunjiiiy 1 1 in f'i'i I fl 10. A lui: s.le line wrnpi ei- at Wnk, ioi'j n Krul .y the Itjlll liit --Uth ltrwn TrJrunr. Says the TarU ro' A'''Urr : A few mil,- ii !- into the c unlry will show the eotioii i r,,p to Ih- in promi'ing and ln ai ii) condition Since the l"t int , the p:,.i,un l,eve npueatcd moat hopeful. and expect to oliiiiin tine reaults front thif senson'a planting. MuT.ti.ic Jokb. A laa'yer in Charlotte w,i- Ususjed by a bevy ot the lair sri to contribute souii-thinn for church pnrpiwea. I.i,l e-,' In -mid, " yo,l aud siivn have 1 I , ,ie, biij sui Ii oi I h ive I ie unto II. ," pointing to a well known Btlti in -.ileoi' ,u, " theie it is, it i bra."' 1'tnlmuut '-'mr. MilNlil '. FaxTuHV. Sprayue & CV, me il"itli lare business in tills line. Are iii ikin,' nrrunyeuietits to turn out all Limit of while pine lumber. I lie firm hud nu ac;eiion in the person ol Mr. "Viir l, hue Lieutenant in the 5th U. S. I'ialiy aud ou in-law of tirveriior Cald well. IHmviont lrtu Theie waa a tax rollecling.and railnhid iiKeiii, here, and at Kittrell's on Monday ai.d TueiKlay last rcj-pectivcly. Spetcke w ir.- made by Me ua. Amia, Moore and lliijilim lorand by Skinner and IUgland ifit hooent John ugainat the railroad. We had intended laying a great deal but h i hey will aay the aame all over the uniy. we forbear. Underwn Tribum. FAicaTTiTE at Wmt Poist. Yoong liletin, ot Oreeimlxxo" prepared for V ,Sr hi (. apt. Kancett of the Fii.U-j High ri.ooi. Lenoir, Caldwell county, pa.d a I. ph y creditab e i xaiiiiuation al West I' inianl ha been admitted to cadet -nhip. ( apt. Faucett an anU kcltttm himjIuiMiU -h no superior aa an educ -tor in the South. Piedmont Pre MWHOIHII ITAN. iKDEa. Lt " k lotfiu fixing' wtte beinj? ccHiveyeil aong the atreet ol StatiTillr, and a loading physiciiin asked who waa dead. A mar riage bavk. UokWii.V,0!M!Sfc. Un,ad a numlierof ladies Welti earvairing who the partie were. If tliia d.iea not conalitute a city.iwe'd like to kno what OucMJtotiui OJiujrj i filter over the twllinif ol rviit 111 . .- Pitd Preu Raleigh Aeiw: The E.ucaUnl Cn ventwn has douc nothing worthy, of apt eral attention. The apeecbe have gener ally been mediocra and below. ilaleigh Senlintf: Judge Battle aayatbe Educational Convention waa the aWeet iM.dy aKmblcd ia Ntth Carolina for many a day. Thoae who heard the dia cuaiom ipoak in the hiKheat termi of it. -rM. Prtu. The WVicnton UauUt y : We are bixhly Rr.tlfleil to learn that the com pany which ia now engaged in thecoo- ruction of a railroad from key.ville, on the richroond and Danville road, tnClarka viHr, .imumplHte rebuilding the lt"''k Valley Uoad to it junction with the Kal eioh and Oaatotii and not only Una, but that they pmpiw to ext-n l their road to ll, ky Mwint. HOME AITAIRS. Idtta L Shvm, E, SaObbairj, ia topp np al the Yiuor.Kfc Uana. J.hn Whitr, E, of WamMa It atx in tl city. Dorins ih lt Jit. Wlii'c was the Sute'aagcat ta Ear p H the pun-faai of aitr.y ejpJ'. The Sopiaaaa Court. Tlie ar"UBWn in tk f k Sfcat y. Rim.id wlraa! liiuhwaJ CV. wa intinucJ lo I jittaeert Tk ar gument in t!.i cac avill Or rvrJM to day liv Missm. Jtvrrinw a4 Fi6. the ' urt Hmitiic ti.e arjnawait't hour - -aa Bop and OoUIUoa at KOtraO. We ntnra tkaakt tar wtttalKW fc oc ixmi, at tkc Imi aU u(k to Ik- riv ! KlUivIl Slit aavJ tJth inal. Kxtcauiv awatJa ewr uakini; for the rroc(m. of taenia aJ are ulviee all h K!;hl ia tkc fT ta- Uslic to I jTrni. WV paArselfv tkat the, IHacknall will ! H r-'f maki- tli .X'Cisiivn one .f W-i.rf. ftppoantaaeata. Tlie foHoning ari- upa-iiaiaMcli,. K.y T A. St.iIh-1, lltnl ip.f-ut.kt 'In-Aiif licin Hil.V S,rim K Ntk (';,n-lnia Clral.am, TiuxUy, Ju'y iiJ 9 p. ll.lkbon,', TlmixJay, July SI'.k, p. a Koiltoro', S .n.l, Joly ST:h. U . Yanrryvillr. Tic.ly, Ju!y Sik,S f Ili'ijjviilc, Tt nr-.iay. Ju'y Sla, a. Wcntaiirth. Suioln, Aujr Si, lliknav Madcvin. Tu.sl ii, Aag, Vh, S p av rianhury, Tl.ur-.lay. Auj;. Tvk. 3 pm. Ot mt,toii, Kii.Uy, Aajf. !-k. p. at AOraT Hoisaaca A thronit I " i.lV. n.i aai ! it.Sa,-k en nrirn cor.j;rivtr al -lit th rv ocr the ' 0 1 It IVp-.i .vrry ccJa aflcnio. ii.to tl,r urn jjocy , f tke reipk borh n I. hi I 'i 1" i hi ..cr.'s the liiidye ovei tin ni'r.aJ attliAt j-xEB-i I'ryUnity tnl 'iwivsry ckrar.-iw:.. of tin-- l:i 1 f.'tl.i 'inf. Tit- S ail. Li,iU"f l.m is i:MniitT' vrwa;xl a-.;ii t i, tire iiupunitx, and tke l.lto kxr i rs l.y ItlickMiing Jl. aW-f f U Wid liudi the jias'ajri" 4nt aa-l Ua ii-g Hil(triaa a their bii! rviiSr ( and from their ki Ix-t ;hw n-atxr Ik nIm. .1. j chKOltm Eduertiomal AeeorlaOov , ... i ( uciiloim. .x .. ;.. ix-ti.t a Kt V. in-n St.. n Aujru; H:h, bti Tkir ai nui inti' -.lit-'i a 14remiU ire Wi ertdhy It v. S. I'.J. A M r-f t 11,11. A'i.iiawea iii l - keitTiie-i i. I M:U Thompson. Ki , ltia.ir; S-.l- Tn Hioli h,.i ; Oapt. K.-irr. A M i tincina! of Mt. YeiT.oa Aci.kiay Hoai A. Mi lv.r, Sup, rinienjuii ..t IWi.- In MructioOs other. It i dcigm- i . mike ihe s-i i- in nlly practical, an t of Ktiwi t l a cr ami thiwc in any way grl ia Jl cation. Tli or d.airiag aay frtaVrr intor. matioa ahoalit addrr tha rnsilrvtt. XI aj R W Yotk, Momaviik. X. C, Ala Banr ia lave CapitoL Yesterday we viital the capita r-w tke pnrrxwr iaf payins r ryjvx- tvi the ota ccra of Stale ar t to imtire whether they hi anithin,' in "our lioe. We fir railed at llifjrjfigfjpJLih?. Trrjasyvr. I tli Iront r.HU wc f ui.d Mr. Martin, tk assistant tierk, busy with hi hwk. SVp- ping to the d.f ,r of the chief c!rt" pn vate ofiiix'. wc fun. J Wa..S, ! that Ar in the mi Jst of .wseej hi jita.' and aa hi winej to hare thr oadiyiJraJ altintion"" f the aocoaammlatins IWia. we paae l l,i the office 4" jrvta:y al State. A itiTariaVy thc.v,iad at l.i iw Haciftk were buay w iih their dutiea. a4 aH ara-aw- Ki io he w.ukins wrU Wa awt made a call at the office .4 ihe CVtit of tkc S nreinr- Court. MaV fUVy, U oWijiaa; clerk, waa at hi post, trtainiar a half doaett legal geailTOKB at tha- atiaw ttaa. As Ihe Ctimt rtill haJ the rilrad case under consideration, we picked p itothua new in this office. We next paid a visit . Ihe office of tbe ftiWwat PmAt Secretare. The pr care crrtry had 8 ished liis duii.a and wa t-at rwinr-.j; when c ntcred. Items went- scarce nobody (tardooed, ad only unall apnointnacnt, which we jive ,,,,.-KM.w..w.!)gts;fct.Bw.(Wi we ascend.-.! three flight f tir .-.l r ffirat of Slmf,tCat4. Bt f 1 U1...V ..'--- - - - - - ' nn t:r" wa no " i. ' ""go. heini' aomewherr i th "ckborKood of 180. Whew e coold command aufficiewt breath to make know aww biawaa aal had received th SupcriaUaadcnt- aaswer we felt amply rewarded far cr labor. See school atatirtici ia aaysther ccaata Thanking the Saperiateaidewt r hi kimlnc, V-, we bowed oarar't outofci preartw. A wa paaanl throwsh the rv tunda we noticed that relic hasten, or other, have brew deprolatia on the re mains of Waahington stue, ta-xiiaj off corners. c. We d.w't a ssk t be rail ed captious lit we wih toprotol, ia owr humble way, against any ttrther deatrar tionof this 6ae work of art. Prat Mrlaav wtU dekver trc'.wre al SiliMam CwaMttv, awaf .Otd rort, lav Mc- Oawrii iiWy.'Wwbjeetiyediatrioa m Katth Carotaa, ma Saturday, Jaly ttb, at II ckrk a. aa. Ihtacameatal Ctawaattieav Tke tii-enavii.iro Ptttritti more com pi v aaraitiary thta the Itiletgh Arata, tbui fwak t ie etuivvatioa ptoaoancvd by a city pap, below "aaeUtarre A lame U-l of the nrst of the Stat awH) ta tUleiKh, oa the Ith, to form a Stat Kdwhataunal AaaoeiatioB and dia- ratta ta brat BMfwna of advaneiBg our edu- ratkaikai larrmta. The meettBie waa very kaiaa aiows aaawy guaiai apeevbea were aaavie. aad a peraaaaaHM urgaautatioa el (ree4 from which great "food may even tsallv Uluw. Meetkac. At Talty ia Isranville eom ty, on axxt SaturvUy, there will be a large g ith taat i' the prupW. TVecit aea uf Orange aad (.raavtiht will anet lor the purpose f dwwasiaX$ the pr, j e. of buihlinn a raiVd from Oxford to Durkam. after tue raid b bailt Imui CUikville, a , to HtU I It wrll be reiuembered 'hit the prop- of ttiaavilW on . tl e th August, wiu up a th ijueti.'n ol th, uatun- li'ssabavribiay 100,000 .for the building f tVr raid last lunta.,crl. It i le li ved tlaat t stilmtiptioa will tic carried. It id (two tvauaia with Itiehiuond and the ft,tWUr:J'Shkrflmt,m,.. Cbaaspitacy. a atttaspt, af.er due m..1iii, wagumde to j;a:ki the tockh hit r of the Kaleigh 4 ii.-ivi lUilroad on jisterday. The cviarrii- g liug refused to return their stock, and there aasconsciiuenlly uu nicct iau; Mr. Uiicv, the lUtik Ptisideet at N trrtlk. t egraphed from New Yolk, he d ai'd a t aTtrnd on I pri.ioed toladjoura enrii a'- tVtober. Tiie me tinjj ad Kaira j-J until I o'cloik. Nothii gein be jMue:a t ie ab.ace of Mr. (.Irici, who is ail toS isioi k aud proxies en. ugh to prvxct a nnvtitig. No reporters were al ios, da tV meetiug Some lun was tx paxt d a; vl had a reporter on h ind who ra'ed out by an intimation from one of ta . taVnl. The U-gislatuie must see to (t, iti at etv-ry cuosptrsey to prevent a uicct iastt iakholdt ol rorioratinn shall ok a iort. ttureof charter. The eonspi- iiUmh (ir. tinting a iutnii; are imlleta b it esvvnsiNi law H it :lj the com i ..I u.i fiuiut'Mi t iw cu t mail to tared hi v asoAied ring or corporation The Oxaatittew of Twrawty-fiva. At t rvcviit ?tte Educiti.-n:l Con w.tt"a ih t ..lottibg ri-'iutioii ucaiiawAii.y .! pt d limJitJ. Thit in the j idgmeil of th's atrwltaa national M shoultl tteextiail i io ill Mate. hr the promotion of edit : p. an i "hat tl e hair appoint a c, in m.i'i of teoH-av- to uuuion ilie ( tvol tills Sllbil-Ct. Irrulent It. tile, iu c uipl anii' with tt. r,:mt n. anti kihw the (..li ning commit' : II u VYm. X II Smith, tieu'l Ilulus lUirnt, It, a Cr.veL, Ik I Hon. TVmas L CUugutaa, Hichard C. lU'lgir, Enx.. rW. A. Ued l, Kv. CburUs Phil tipa. O IX Jtaka A. Uiituer, Kkj , Jantea H. llama, K , col., Marcus Eiwiu, Rtv. AUWtl Siuedes, U. U. Rkv. T U. PntekarilU U. Putt. J. U. Hill, Hob. James L. Koa ir, 11 ,n. Charles C. Poul, Ketwp P. IUttle, rXi , Key. Niel McKay, Robert S:iaiiga K , Joha S. Leary, Esq cat . Silo N Maitin, Lmi., Wm. Eaton aV, II". tl. M. Ikirringt-r, Edward It Siiuiy, Ej., Host. Ttiotn i F. Fuller, Hon. O let IL liatkery. A IHeassat alai, tka WedaMraaiay evtaiug lxt tuite a Usr r auaibef tf Uiioa anil gt btlemeu as- SkuU vi a: ta. scU.Hil-r- out of Mia Stew ajt. aaal thai KaieigU and Uantoa ratltoud da-put, tu wutieaa that closing exercises of the trst suststoa of ha r primary school, and altaoaih the ha-al aa very oppressive, rsadwi x;raJj so by the deusdy craswdvd roaaaa, yet k aaoi o than an hour th aadteatc was delighted with the ay- la-a aaal doing ot t he little ones. The rjea and rotruiu were very tastefully .kra-varattJ il! trergreeus flowers, pic ture, approprUt aaottoes. At'., and the chkiitva spa:Ully the little girls, were newt y a.l beutifulty dressed. The ex- erctsrs tv ojafued with prayt-r by I!ev. Isr I'yitehaid, and tlw aa'utatory by Mus ter lattid Crjiw4vy, alter which a aeries ot tatVraux Wire givf'tt, representing, respect - aaas-H-aWy. W-aia(, tmtji SUIUaHU, 1.11- tanva ad w later, the Pts-tireaker, and the l:ac-Mkr,vhich were, eu h and iay batita Ms4ti4. The peln w4 dial Ka which followed were will rea- cre..l, and etifitrd fraueBt applause from the aad.ewce. Some, of course, were bet ter thaa others, yet where all did ao well. it wruakl be iartdious to discriminate. 1 he exeeciies Ihruaghoat reflected credit alike aptsa the vkildrea aad the worthy and de- atinag yoaag lady ahtwe patience, skill, ad aaaraliar tact of sreuriag the respect aaal aavcttoa vt kef pupils, so aptly qusli. fy kr kar the respoastble pnaition ol a leawher of th young After the diatribu tiaaa ef pntes the cmJ wended their way hoaaeward -tls little ones light hearted aad happy, aad the older ones feeling that tkry coald aot have capyaaj the evening moteilaantltly ttsewhere. , BtXXitaiiaarl IMavfrri- Yesterday, tha 16th, tajriag bvan set part tor tha Meeting of tMSta;kblderi e the Hilletgk 4t Oastow tilrtd Com pany, soma tweoty-Sve rftbirtv Stock holder asaembled at tlie"ifllc of the Company In this city. f The meeting was caileaj to order by Or. llawkina, the Preside On motion Col. I). M. Carter was uiJe chairman, and Maj. W. Vi. V d Thi. DAtlger wetc requested to act as SeCfetarie The following telegram was received from O. W. Grice: - Nrw Yok, July 17. " I am now in New Yoik e important business. Iinpoasible Sr tste to attend the meeting. Better aajoN till Octo ber." I A. M. Mi PUeeter. Krq . Shim the oun- mittre on atock and nrvavaVrte.l no D..ruiB lri.wi. aawaaaB" tJn motion of II F. M.aare, the ntrvtiug took a tecesis to 4 o'clock to give, time far others t i conic in, that the L-veettng might organize and proceed to Itusiuoa At 4 o'clock the st,-kh jldi-is re assent bled and were called to order by the chair man. Msj. Yass reported that there was still no ijiiorunt and the meeting adj turn ed M meet Bnin on tiui 81st of Auguat. It is s rongly su-KHrti'd, aud generally U'lii ved, Im the st,-kli il brs with w hom we have eon vet sed, that the nueting was prevented, designedly, by the influence of tM IrCTttwWPSt-'lfc". 5a''k- IktttKlBit 5tn- T Schocl StatiaUca for 1873. The ichool officers of the several roun tita in the State are beginning to np-rt to the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion the school statistics ol their respective counties for the who I as tic year ending June 30th, 1A73. The following statistics hate been reported up to this date : liuuliett. No. Schools No Tupils Ashe, 51 1.940 Caldwell, 47 1.667 Cherokee, :!.' I 830 Columbus. .":) 3.1C2 Ditvidson. K'J 4.003 Uaston. 41 l,i.' Gates -.'7 1,00.1 (iranvilie. C:l :tl0"i Harnett, .") 714 Iredell. Hi i.470 Lemur. i() 1.14". Martin, 17 004 McDowe.l, :ll Periiuiinaus, IU '? 737 lUndo'ph, !M1 4.04U Itutherlord. 79 S S71 Sliiiiley. 40 The following financial uluiiu have bean made for th scImkm yeai railing June 30th. 1 S5;t. In ni iny of these re turns, ho a ever, the ri ports are for the time include l fr..ui (M..lar 1st, 1"7, to June 30th, 1873 : Coun'ha. Sihool Puud An..n. HOOI Xhe. i.73.1.10 Jlrujiswii k, 2,179 47 Caldwell, J,27'2So Chen-ke.'. S.372 70 Chowan, 1.038 34 Columlms. 4.74S Cu Craven, 4.580 SI lavidson. , 1 j Franklin, 4.S41.78 Halifax, 3,434 tU Harnett, 2.81ftt.r4 Hertford. l,704 Uaatou, 2,594 63 Gate. 2,773.49 Granville, 4.478.M Irtd.ll, 4 393 01 Lenoir. ,S99 9 Lincola, ,043.04 Martin. 3,013.61 McDowell, I.SSt.tH Mecklenburg. 10,787 81 Perquimajs, 3.(33 SI Randolph, 6,728.81 Paid fi r 8. $S99 22 i,7 S3 I.S00 23 2.2400.. 2.323 71 143 42 1.8S8 93 2.693 4 3.827.SI 1.832.80 1,833 .13 994.73 481 G 3.001.48 673 80 3.23911 3,71ilT 1,41 M 1,813 570.33 1,94157 3.393.99 1,093 81 4,96313 S.H08.42 S474 63 Itutherlord a,suo. Surry, Ktarely IWfaT Ol Wilkes, Wilson, 3.380.80 3,120.33 4,943 36 721.75 Deducting the amount aid out for schi4 expense of lust year, tha remain der added to the school tali of the pres ent year will constitute the Choul fund in the respective counties lair tie acholastic year beginning Ju'y 1st, 1871 In the seventeen countiee which have repiaTtcal the Dumber of schawl, aad pu pila taught during the past Var, 800 pub- tic achoola were taught, aad ia fifteen of tbcae couatiea 29,150 papjkfrer instract- ed. If the other counties in Hie State shall report ai favorably as those already heard from, the official returns will ahow thst more than four thousand public school were taught in the State during the past year in which more than one hundrc I and seventy thousand children rer Instruct ed. But the report will not be so favora ble Tioin many of the counties which are yet to be heard from. In Wake county, for example, the sheriff had1 not, up to a y raaaewt date, patw-ttfar county Trews- ureT W-TOtt of the atAtaTTeW rif f srJi m oflS72. The county csaamiastoncra of Weko eouaty placed t tax Hat ia th bands of the sheriff in 1S72, Without re quiring him to settle the achool taxe of 1871. L'nlcsa public virtue ia strong enough io compel bmb, ia office to do their duty, we may begin to despair, not oaly of the achool system but of free govera ment itself. Thai brings as ta the very point, to wit : the nfol of achool oO- cers to do their duty, at rhich the system fails, ia those loealitiea in which it ha failed, to accompliah the measure of good which the law ioteads to accomplish Notary lubato. M. J. nswklns, Eqn of Ridgeway has been appointed a aotary public for War rea cihjnty. Tka Maaly AH of tWf-IafMicav It. Kelly praposas io take a sparing benefit at Albert Msgnin's theatre on next Tbuiaday! sight, d witt-give t- the Ik-sI sparer a set of buckskin boxing gloves himself throw n nut See handbills. Non but gentlemen admitted. A Cooiedsrata MeetinVcaUaiL The following note has been received. It affords na pleasure to publish it, and hope the meeting will be largely attended, tct every Confederate iu I ho county come out and lend hi lefliience to the noble cause of rescuing from oblivion the deeds of their l?ad comradr and themselves : Kditart .- A number of sur viving comrades of Wake couuty, feeling a deep interest in the "publication of your proposed record of each county In th State, and wishing t.-v perpetuate the val orous deeds of her sons, have, upon con sultaltoat, aaaaimowaly : aerewd In tali a' meeting of "ar latecoairadea "and others feeling an interval," at M tanpnlitaa Hall, Raleigh, on S.turdar Jn'y Sth, at 11 o'clock, a. at., to Select a suitable peman to write the history ot Wake, of which we all feel an justly proud, and to form a Survivors Historical Association. Let every survivor imkc an itfut to lie present. MlSi l OX! KI.EHAl K. V the eentluil (Ukwoou kunTKKV, J'lly 10, 1873 MKKSRa. Kditok : I have been super intendent of tlakwtRid Cemeti ry for aome four tears and have never allow ed fishing .-Jf tt;,n,f il vUlC,.sTk atattUr4at'w ttl ytK s w tki. the lihrtv -f eorndii.tf it. KesiH-ctlully, John WsTtus. Supt. 1 rent and iax-upy the house at the East lake I have uevvr known fishing or bath ing in either of the lakes at Oak wood, and know it is strictly forbidden by the Su perintendent. Yours, Wll.LIAal Tavi.oii. Summer Hotel. The Pii'-luiont Ve-vi, "lie of the he-t ol our State i hangea, ssis : Itiihar I Ilattle and t ilnilv. of U.iU igli, are in M. rg niton, Mr. ltufliu, formi-ry Irom Frank liucout.tr, this St .te, but now ot Alabama, is at the Walton House, Morgantou. H n. Mat. Hansom i minirs at the While Sulphur Springs ''ol. Uiidgers, ol Edgecombe, is in Aslu villc lor the smuiuer. Mr t.raliam and f.inilv. It iwan, Mr. Morgan and family, and Mr Carroll aud family, Haipln , are spending the summer at Ifsckory. - . a aa Orphaa Boma. We are reqmsted tu publish the follow ing which we take linn '.lie Henderson TVtKwaat. The pnhlic may expect an ex cellent address from Mr. Harris. No bet ter selection ciuid have been made. Hvt.l. OF IlKMIEItSoN LolHlE, No. 229, ( JUU IU, l!S,,l. At a regular meeting of Henderson lklge. No. 228, holden in their hall this lav, a ciimmunication was rrccivcl and read trom Unv J. II. Mills, in reference to theOiphan Asylum at Oxford, N. C. On motion uDaniinously agreeil that Geo. Iladger Harris, Esq . Ise requested to de liver an address sitting forth the objects and ends tu be achieved by battering ami cnerislaug said institution coupled with an appeal to all Masons, snd thoae not be longing to the order, to come cheerfully forward to the assistance of said Orphan Asylum. Said addrea to be deiirered on the 14th day of August nixK. at the Bap- tist cnurcti in llendersnn, al If oclnrK p. m , and thai alt toe cititent in toecommu aity, as well as all Masons, members of regular Lot! ires, be cordially invited to at tend. Committee of arrangcmrnU : Ed. U. Cheatham, A. I). Andrews, Hsrvill Harris, Dr. W. T. Cheatham, Ssm'l J Par- ham, Ordered that a copy ol these proceed ings be lurnishrd tu the Henderson 7Vi6 a as", with request they be published. Jso. F. Harris, Secretary. Haaalth Report. Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke, in a letter to the AstViaisreiia, referring to the rrport oi tit nintn census, mace tne loiiowing comnirnts, which are important to health aecker : It contaia four maps of the United States, each tinted in fire different shade ot use color: The first map fot inataaeje is entirely bine, and aaatww toe conswmp tiva aaaitlsttca ; the seoad is yellow aad gives malarial statistics ; the third is pink aad aSowa ehtrtic, cere bro-splnal and typhus fever; the fourth is green and shows the deaths Irom intestine diseases ; where Uie map is white it denotes thst Ires thaa 950 p-ople out of 10,000 die from the disease represented. On the consumptive map, there are east of the Mississippi, but four white spots, one coveting the largest part of Florida, another in the n iddle of Georgia, a third ia Western Vint ""a. and a fourth about as large a a halt dime piece, embracing Iturke muoty. K -nth Curottoa of which Morgantotv is tire ceunf y seat Florida which 1 comparatively free from coavsamptioa, ia deeply dyed witq malaria, no part of it being e4ored leas thaa the third, aaj a targe portion, of the iflh or dmprs) hue. Tka; green map show bat two 4 kite spots east or the Uaasisaippi, this one ia W. North Caroliaa, and a atrip rssstira Keatacky wad Tea Btasts. To judge by the statistics Mur gaaton is ia of tke aaavltkicat localities winter or awmaser, that there is In the Caited State, lor as a reaeral rale where there is no malarial disease, coasomptiiia prevail ia lb deeprst tint, and thu place is tree from both. A stera old homaa is Governor Booth. of OalitVaTaia. A receatly organized mili tary company called them selves the Booth Guard ta his honor, aad yet be has refused to matter tbeu into the state milita, oa tha ground that there an not sufficient funds to maintain the companies already iistrrrsl in. MARKETS. BT TILIORAPH.1 Noon Report. LivKUrooi., July 17. Cotton firm and unchanged ; uplands 8 3 4 ; Orleans 9; sale 13,000 baled; iM.-culation and export 8,000 bales; Sa vannah and Charleston July and August delivery, 8 5-8 A Later Cotton unchanged; breadstuff quiet. New York, July 17. Cotton irregular; silts 1.627 bales; middlings 2034; lutures opened July 205 8to 3011-16; August 20 l4;Septrmbe 18 5-8; October, 18 to 18 1-16 t Flour shade firmer ; Wheat steady and in fair demand ; No. 3 milwaukae II 48; Cora shade mer; steam w eat era wriiaal 571-2 to 38 I S; Pork quiet. and steady new mess $17.30 ; lard deal aad heavy westerns steam 81116; turpentine ua change; rosin steady at $2.90 to (2.93 freights weak ; common strainrd stocks dull Gold steady at 13 7-8 ; money eusy at 3 to 4; cxi-hnnge long 0 12; short 101-4. Ijoveruuieiit dull and stea l v , State bonds quiet. Midnight lport. I nk"- receipts 3.Y Sale 200. Ex ports coastwise 150. .tock 8,873. Wn.ati.NcTo!, July 17. Col on quiet. Middlings 18 1-2. Net receipts 25 bales. Exports coastwise 09. Sales 6. Stock 1,198. Spirits turpentine lower at 40. Rosin quit t at (2.33 for strained. Crude turpeo Hue steady at (2 00 for hard. $3.15 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar quiet at $2.23. LlvtHPoi l., July 17. Cotton sales today American 7,500. July delivery Savauuah snd Cliurleston nut below goo l. Onlmaiy 8 1-2. Octo lier and NoVcdiImt not U-low iniddl ling 8 1110 NoiiKoLk, July 17. Net icc-.-ipts 300 bales. Stuck 4,703. Naw Y'okk, July 17. I ottou iriegular; sales 1090 bales a 20 3-1 l. r uu Idluigs Southern flour shade firmer and mow ni'tive at (8.30 to (7 90; c million to l iir extra $9.25 to (10.50; good to ihoicu ,lo; whiskey heavy at as 1-3 ; wheat active and fully better good export inquiry nt (1.69 for winter and Southern Illinois ; corn opened firm and closed hiavy and l.iwer at 36 to 39 fi-r atenmcr western mixed ; pork doll and lower at (17 23 for new mess; lard weaker western stiuui 8 5 8; turpentine steady at 43 ; msiu unchanged at (: 90 1-2. Money easy at 3 4 ou rail ; banks afat otfining large amounts ot money on 3 aud 4 mouths time, but tin. I it difficult to place their capital i xcept at lower rates of interest; exchange dull aod lower on the street, s.n.e bills are offuiing Irom 2d hand ; actual business 91-4 to 9 3 8 for prime; gold ranged Irom 13 3 4 to 10 government dull aud steady with but little change iu prices ; States quiet and nominal. Cotton Net receipt 8,001 ; gross 506 futures closed weak; sales 1 3,000 bales as follows: July 30 9-16 to 20 11-10; Au gust aoto 2018; September 18 8-8 to 18 7-16; October 18. Ualoitrh Marknt, UlMMBl'TtO ItAILI, BT 0. T. 8TROV1CH A Kko., Market Sqi'aki. .July 10 IWTtW YARN, ier bunch 160 dry, per lb. pv LEATHER SOLE 27aSO LEATHER l PPER .Vi7u LEATHER HARNESS LABlv 1SU15 MULLETS .... XDLA8SR, per gal ... SSt UULDE.N STROP 60a9C V1KA1, par ba., . . L10 OATo, par ba. ntM MMstf. p-r 11(1 tia VI alM) PEACHES : Dried lOalo PORK , lOaU URN, per be,. 36 lba. l,e0 CU1CKES? : 13(340 EUUS iiaSU FEATHERS 64a73 FLAXSEED per bus 1 33 rUlOR, per bbl, N. (J 8 OOail SO FODDER, per 100 lbs 1 OSal TS UAT, par 100 lba I 35sl,40 HIDES, per lb Dry 1;1 WTAWRe. Swaiaatiin tra UUa 100 AIL iwt4JZ . i. U.HlX l ALbOW per lb ). alu YlNEtURner gal ' 4mm KICK lasllW It.Ml .. . - IK' TIES ' VtlaffiW A IKSlS BUTTER, SOai'i AKBIED. Oa Jan the STvk 1K7S, at th restaawo of Joseph Colay, Baq., by Rev. T. H. Oaraar, Mr IL T Coley, aad Vtlaa Mary Jsoa Dicker soa, all of Warrea county. N C. Oa the 4th ot Jan, bjr Rev. J. E, Tboap av, Mr. Saraoel A. Aadrew of svayns eoaaty, aad Mis EUxa R. Whitley cat Joha stoa eoaaty, O. C DIED. la Oraa villa county, V. C, oa the Wth of Jnaa ot a short bat painful Uueas, Mlas Louuuana M. Turner, la the thlrty-lfta yssr of her see. CORRUPTS!) KN0L181L Tbecolliauiul English of paopbt go fajly iaeartieas and inelegant. Bat that ia to beespeeted atheii theru i auy 'i constant tondi iicy la our own wriUi. i , corrupt the langu.ge hlcii is the vehic od tuggester of thoitglit. Joiibcrt say, "iu the comm. ice of speech use only coin ol gold and silver. ' This will never be the case until ignoramuses cease to be thu introducers of new words into our language. Quite lately among words of recent coinage, have iW with such censurable words, as "suicided " "rxcuri d,"cousiimptcd," proliattd," i. r. that a will ha lieen proved. Let our tencheis maki war upon innovations snd corrup tions. RULER FOR 1. 1 Fit. Dnringthe heaUil campaign of last year, wa took i9y H several time t expret our fesr that Uraut would Iw latU-ned np oo the Anierl.'sn people theb Mrtet for life. We saw in the uttinnrcs of deuiu gogues a foreshadowing, as we thought, of what would be attempted tube brought about by the office-holders: first, ih cling Grint f.yr a1 third term, and then clothini him with the purple (or lite. Some pn papets t'Kik ground in lavor if his being nominated for a third term, ami we wum ed the people at the time that such an ail vocary presaged coming trouble to the American pi-nplc. r I l . ,. ' I . i . ant ui ins si.-coiiu ii i in, uie paut-is are iiirniu .1 i-.uaL y. . . .- 'SI "is , discussing the probabilities of a thinl term. The New Y'ork Ihrald, after hay ing done its utmost to si cure Graut's el tion for a second term, now npplics the MSb to hiui because either he himself has aspiratiot.s, or his adherents are unpiir. otic enough to desire his re election. We coufess we regard very liit'e what the Herald may say about any subject. It is a great nctfipuper the greatest in the world, but it has no principles and never bad any. As Bishop liutlir said of some one, so wc may Bay ol the Herald : " Its conscience never stands in its light, when the devil holds s candle to it; for it has stretched it so thin it is transparent." It is now pleased to say. slur having Con tributed Its full share l. ine misciuei oi Grant re-election . " Great ns Gcuerii! Grant ha saown liiiuse.f to lie, and powerful as hi' party is undoubtedly, the suirention fiously a. - cepted oi his part would lw virtually to leap from the Tarpelun name io history to rtinembered with the names of Buf and Arnold;" The UertJ may be anxious in 'luis warning Grant, to atone for the sin ii com mitted m fastening him again on the American people. But it must know, aa the witty Voltaire said, mat whilst an op portunity lor mischief 1 found s hundred times a dsy, uu opportunity lor good only once a year. I tie opportunity for the Herald to do good was last year. Now there is no chance. Three years hence, it Grant lives, snd should lie re-noniinuted. snd h ' n good prospect, as he will no loubt have, ol re-election, this same Her ald will be found iidvpcaling his claims. just as il did last year, for it knows wrll bow to Take sll the swift (Wantages of Ihe hours " Grant himself will not be lound averse to a cnutinusnce of Presidential honors. He has found his place at once high ami pleasant. It hns brought hini ixiwer, in fluence, court, honi rs, and, what he loves more than all a large fortune. From poverty in the Illinois tan yard he bas be come the son of wealth is the Presidential mansion. With him as with most men, it will be lound that "ambition Is a lust that is never quenched : it glows more inflamed and madder by enjoyment.' That other mastering passion to which we have referred, does not diminish with gratifica tion, but as the great Latin satirist ex pressed it long ago, "increases with the increasing pile of gold." So controlled by the two great passions, lust for office and lust tor gold, we may expectorant to be extremely willing to serve his country for a third term. His patriotism is none the highest, but under the circumstances, he can be persuaded to continue to bold, the reins snd pop the whip three months In Washington, nve months at Lone Branch, and the remainder of the time as be "goes bobbing around." Charles v abdicated In favor of his son Philip. Amadous the other dav re signed the Spanish throne. Victor Eman oucl, King of Italy, is meditating such a step. But oar A log, Ulysses the First, willlconunue to tne cod of his natural dara . to be the idol of office-holders aad the patron saint of horae-racers, sod will al ternate between tha White Houas and tha cottage on - "isaa; laiawa-s a girt, saors." That the continuaoca of such a mis would ba a great and lamentable s miction wo readily acknowledge. But if ha and his rapacious office-holders determine to have Dim coattbue for a third, or even a fourth' and fifth term, with, the experience of last year before us, we do not see how his re-election can be prevented. The lading and most influential Republican in the North, could not secure even one Northern State against him laet year. Nor do wa believe that any Democrat or Republican can get two Northern States io 1876, if Grant is again nominated by mother trfflce-holdeTi cod Vewl OH." " Back" " d by the Upited States Tressnrv and 00,000 office-holders. Grant is immensely , strong. " ."" ."T". WiUea, the Celebrated vocalist, waa up set in his earn aire near Edinburgh, A Scotch paper, after recording the accident'. uil : "WS are happy to state that be was able to appear- oa the following evening ia three pieces." The Lexington (Va..) C7aflVaays: "We taw in f carriage oa Main street this week. nephew or tne Hon. Judab r. UenjamiD, daughter ol President Davis, and a grand-daughter of Gen. Albert Sidney ohnston. Colonel Jefferson C. Davis has been chosen by the First Mtsaiasippi Rifles to erv at their representative at the Con vention of ths survivor af the Mexican war of 1847, which U to be held ia Wash ington, January I5tb, 187.

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