THE SENTINEL. uu unoDi.oKs itei'LY fo col. JA'U 11 WllEKLEli Ainib.N roN, July 10, 1373. My Ihur Sir: 1 learned a Jay or twu n(.'ii, Irmu tic) Wilmington Journal, that the Cnar:itie Jhmoerat wnuiu in Tew ,U publish a rop'' to til v iciteis nu the Meek ctiourg "IJocLiriallou ul Luleueiid- ucc ' 1 iniuieilluloty wrote to tlie editor il the Democrat lor a copy of the paper, ami in the mean time, while it l coming in bat'l, l will brief); notice a reply ui i ill J. v . winder, Clio historian, u ppeartitl in the Journal of the lUili iuat. Iik-.iiu dint mine one lias sent tu mj trienl, life Colonel, hart my Mtwa, r soy'i't ilicm, but a cpy ot tlie Journal, winch, as J"U will remember, merely It- unmstiates with ni fur the wickedness of my conduct In raising an iuue about a loiiK settled historical question, with which the editor was well pleased. Col. V. statin that his I'rieud who aends him the paper says "that Uuodloe asserts that neither Wlneler or laruthers is right in hxing the date of the Mecklenburg Ihx li.i Mti'in ft Independence." He asks iii i ,.u( l.i-ii.ii, "if Ovodlw it from Virginia?" IV. in tin piece misinformation my iiliuil very uatura,lly concludes that I h iv in ill' liim "iid his book the tar j;a ut which I have directed my batteries. Now, you will bear me wit ness, thai nothing could be further Iruni the fact. It never entered my head to tike issue with the Colonel mi tu count of his very innocent and na tural acquiescence in the populai belief, in regard to this matter. On the contrary I found his Valuable historical collections ii very convenient, and ulinost indispensa ble ally. If he had seen and read my ttcts lie wiiiil l not have becu satisfied mill a ni-re rclcrcucc to the authorities I have reviewed at length,; but m, ill. Ill limit icable have attempted, tp ,...v ih .1 ui) deductions wuu erroneous, lie nienly tcilcr.ites the argument of ll.wks, liand on tUt' testimony, which I li.m n v me I. He jjnea over the ground Hliii hw i raited with far grmter elaho - itn-n lit i i H i l "d ailds not ouecs- -. W1. I'lJ,1'1''1. Hawkit had nothing vtl.uii I l.'uve n viewciltn detail. I called . ti ii to the letter, of the l!"yal Gov M...I Al urtrtj lo the Karl of l):u luiouth, ,iu l June !)0tli, liT'i, in which lie de nounce the Meckli nbur' iis..lvc; and aio t tin- pnicluimtion uf that ullicer dated a Ii w weeks later ; and I a I mi drew attention lo the explicit adinissi.ui of Ir. Hawks, that these ullicial documents re Icrnot to the "Decimation" of May 20th, l.ut to the te-mlves of the county commit tee, ol May 31st Vet Col. Wheeler pa rades the extract lioin Martin's letter, as If it were "confirmation strong as proofs from holy writ," in favor of ihe 20ih ol May d duration. Whoever carefully leads the two serii s f rimiais, and then the letter of Martin, will see at once, tht Hawks liii'l g uilt ri .unn for the eoticessinu that tl -Olli M iy paper was not relerred to. I i the -i.ini pL.cT, H in h admits the '.' . IT May pup-r had never been print c;l, ami : iherel'nre cutil I not have been re ferred to by Mirt iu ; for t (- letter refers to ri . Ives printed in of ne -v-paper. The lllst M..j resolves si.n' I i nted in divers newspapers. North and .- i: h, in the year 1773, an lliwk. kdini's , while in the same brea'h he iidim! that the SOth May paper was never printed in other words, never printed until the year 1819. Col. Wheeler scales that the latu An drew Stevenson of Virginia, while Minis ter to England in 1HH7, obtained from the Bute paper ornce in London, the irinted paper iw-iic to I, rd 1) rtui uth by Gov ernor Martin, ami that he never returned it lie thinks that the son ol Mr. Steven- sou, now ii Seua'oi iii Congress hum Ken tucky, may tinil it among his lutmr's papers. I slhei le v l.o.e that he may do ; mi l until Ii" dm s, I am bound to lie lievc with lr. 11 iwk-, lint the printed piper, if it has any relation to tliesubjer, contains the lilst May resolves. Amain argument of Dr. Hawk- is, that the 20th May paper was suppressed on ai count of the very advanced positions it took, for which the 1'roVince and the country at ! irgc were unprepired ut the time. Col. Wneelcr Ims iMm overed in the rec .iilsol'tiie Pension Ol'.iee that Geiieial ! iseph Crdiain, i IS".J, mule nalh, in his application fa a IViisioii, to the tacts stated by him in Iii letter of October, i 1830, viz : that he was present in Char lotte, May 20th. 177., "when the people of the county of Mecklenburg made iln-ir cel ebrated Declaration of Independence ul the British crown," &i. Now, (I 1 had expressed a disinclination to1 believe the earlier atalement of Den. Graham because he had not sworn to i', there would lie some pertinence in the piodiictioii o this aworn statement. Hut us I had done uoth ing of the kind ; and on the contrary, as I had exp'-ssed my confidence in the sin cerity ol all the witneatea, the va ue ol the Colonel's diacorery in the archives of the Pension Bureau, will not be great as It regards this contro versy. Will it will be necessary to show that a rni ai-venty-three years old would be nut likely to remember the exact date oft public meeting whiih took place when he was under aixteeo, as well aa the wording of the resolutions which were adopted m the occasion. All will admit that he would be likely to remem ber, if intelligent, as General Graham was, the general purpose and results ol such a meeting, and the principal actors iu it ; but little more. It is also certain that the memory of General Graham, snd or all the witnesses, had been refreshed by the pub lication of what purported to be the offi cial report of the meeting on May 20th. This publication was made April 30th, 18111, nearly twelve years before his letter was written, and more than thirteen years liefore he applied for his pension. With this one oath before him, Col Wheeler jumps to the conclusion that all the certificates and litters weie sworn to, and triumphantly concludes that their authors most have been guilty of bare fsced fraud and perjury, or that the Meck lnburg; Declaration was made on May 20th. In rny letters I hsvo shown how garulous, and at the same time how cualfadictorr the witness mm and have emlained bow these, things - -eatgM" -- wU.. Js rss nnrjli d - 0h the most per toot integrity oi urn vuuera ble mea who made the ststemepts. They remembered the leading erenls and the leading actors; and their memories were unconsciously sided by the printed paper which appeared in 1819, as to dates and ths langnag employed. As to ths lan guage ofthe resolutions, no one will pre tend that they could remember it after the lapse of half a century ; and as to the date, It must be consideied that every body had lost sight of it, so that when the Raleigh Reguter first published the so-called Declaration it was accompanied with the announcement that "it is not probably known to many of our readers" that such an event had ever happened ; while John Aaams bad never heard of it, and Thomas Jefferson was incredulous about it, The careful resdei who gave particular attention to my letters will deem this re ply to Cui Wheeler as superfluous, sims It merely goes v. r the same ground. Bat some will probably see this who failed o peruse its predecessors. I should like not) lug so w. li as that both aides might be seen by ail iiuiti s. I be I eve that I have omitted to state iu my picccding letters that Mr., vol. 7, chapter So, gives the 31st ol May Declaratlou as the geuuiue one, aud takis no notice whatever of the 2t)th ol May 'Declaration." He ii wa-, as heretofore. stauu, woo louud the geuuuie paper In the Stare Paper Ufffce, London, and fui nisbed a copy of it to Col. Wheeler. The Colonel, like Dr. Hawks, publishes it as Couelllsivs proof, that kuothVl Declaia tion, wholly inconsistent with it aud Uu like it in everything, was adopud eleven dj before, by the sutne men, at the same plan. They tWst thai the resolutions of May J 1st were merely intended as a sup plement to those of Msy 30 ; though they fail to explain how it is that the paper of subsequent date takes no notice of its predecessor, but proceeds to cut loose from the control ol Great Britain lor dil ferent reasons, and only as a temporary arrangement, until the mother couutrv should abandon its arbitrary measures. I am surprised that Lr. Hawks tailed to de tect the utter incompatibility of the two papers; and I can only account for his oversight by the conspicuous fact, that he investigated the subject Irom ihe stand point of an advocate, who is over anxious to uphold a desperate cause, rather than from that of the philosophical historian, whose urst great object la truth. 1 am very truly yours, DANIEL K. GOODLOK. To T. B. Ki.nosui uv, Associate Editor Skntinkl, lUleigh, N. C. Enoch Morgan's Sons1 S A 1' if L l V is a substitute fur Soap for all House hold purKMc,cxct''t waibluK clothes V A r O L I 6 jof i;lvliitltf VOUf hotttfc nils' save tho labor of on c leaner. Give It a trial. S A VoL 1 a ' for Windows is letter than whiiintfor water. No novinr curtails and car V A J' O L I O Lllllli L "' W lltXJ. Ill lliJl U1C Lli liu. raves labor, ion tau l allord to iwithttut it. O l.xl o Knives . tH-'tWr and tfr tfeouriuir cluiaer Hmu Blli UrLk Will not scratch. A' A J' 1. I O is bt-ttir than soap and sand for ul- shitiJt Tinware. Brightens without scratch inf. S A r Z 7 TT polisLes brass and copper u'eusils bet ter Uu acid or oil aid rotUn stone. A' A J' O L I O for w nub inn dishes and glassware t in valuable ChenjM'r than soap. s a r o l i o removes sUiius from uiurile mautuis, tables and staiuary, from hard tiniah cd walls, and from thlua aud puree lain. S A P O L 1 n removes stains and grease from car pets and other woven fabrics. There Is no one article knowu thai will do o many kinds of work and do It as well as fcao llo. Try It. HAND S' A r O L I ( a new and wonderfully etTeetlvc Toilut Sosp, having no equal In this eoantry or abroad. HAND S A P O L 1 O as an article or the bstli'resehes the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a fieallby sc tion and brilliant tint to Ihe skin. HAND $ A f O L 1 ( cleanses and beautiues the sklu, Instantly removing any stain or blemish from both hand and face HAM) S A V O L 1 V is without a rival In the world for curing ur preventing ronKhneM and chapping of either bands or face. HAND SA y OLIO temavea tar, pitch. Iron or ink stains and grease ; for workers In machine hopa, mines, Ac-, is invaluable. For aiakiuu the skin white aud soft, and giving to it a "bloom of beauty it Is nnsur passed by any Cosmetic knowu. HAND S A V O L coat 10 to IS cents per cake, and everybody should have It. You will like It Du.VT FAIL TO TRY THESE OOODS. Uuy it of jour merchant if he baa it or will procurcit fur you." If not, then write lor nur Pamphlet. "All about Bapo lio," and it will be mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, 30 Park Place, N. T. Juue 11-deodAweowly OK ALL WHO ARE WILLING TO WOUks Any person, old or yonng. of either sex, can make from (10 to aao per week, at home or iu connection with other business, Wsuled by sll. Suitable to either city or coun try, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for, those who are out ol work, and out of money, to make an tudeien -dent living. No capital being required. Onr pamphleL "HOW TO MAKE A LIVING," giving fall Instructions, sent on receipts of 10 cents. Address. A. BURTON A CO., Morri sanla. Westchester Co., N. T. 4 s s, VT''0 everywhere to sellour new snd aUklllO n ivel Einlirolduriiig Msehini, 1' SV'Trii Send f .r Illustrated Circulsr, II ill! llil' totbe Bf cK Msaufscturlng Company, SW" Broadway, New York. THE PARLOR COMPANION. Every Lady wants oue I Every Msu ought to have one ! ! Sent on receipt of Ten Cents. Addrcs, L. F, HYDE .V CO., 1V5 Seventh Avenue, New York. BON-TOM FLIRTATION SIGNALS. Sent on reeelpt of "." els. Unique Printing snd Publishing House, 3tl Vcrsey Street, New York. ' The Back with $20 Portable Family Sewing Machine, on 30 Day a Trial, many advanbaafes over all Satisfa liongusr&nteeaL nr IJU refunded, tent compluU, with full directions. Beckwith Sewing Mschine Co., xij Kmadw.y, N. Y . porlatU lnvtHlion. itiietalus the Kupiure a all times, and nnder the hardest exercise or watet ttrau. Jt is worn with comfort, and II kept on night and dsj, efiects a permanent, cure In a few weeks. S ld cheap, and sent by mall when requested, circulars free, when ordered by letter sent ; to The Elastic Truss Co., No 8 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody slses Metal Sprrtur Trasses ; too painful ; (hey uptotf too freqnenlly. miay S-deod&weowly s POL I 0 C. 8TKONACU. For ssle I Jane 3T-tf FOB BALE OR RENT BALaNCIOF THE YEAR. The large "Shepsrd House" and lot, si the bead of UillsbonV street, fuming the i apl tol. The bonse contains nine rooms, conve niently arranged. Tbere Is about one acre of ground attached, good garden and Sower yard In front. The lot is In one of the most desira ble locations In the city. . )ane W. H. JONES A CO. MISCELLANEOUS. JLT RECEIVED. Bass i I'o's Pale A t, B i. Illtiber. A Co', forter. Ml barrels N. (J, Cat HenUics, 73 Tierces Molasses. !' ii- T STUN ALU .v UBD. Brld les. Collars, Haines aud O llaru s. If aruess o: sll descriptions sll U. T BTKU.NACII ,V BHD 1 M E! LIME Ximx bhls Ktfek- t4n - - - - ap O. T- 8TKO.NAC11 X BltO. QOKN.COhN, COKN. l,WO bMtntls WsHs Uunt; -l Jilw Com, . At A. C. hANDKKd St i it., mJ p Mo. S Martin Street ITIKTIOS lAKMIRt Well Broken Toung Males. H Uood Farm Horses gOood Wsgons. Kur sale very cheap at A. (J. 8ANDKKS U ., fe Ii I No. Martin BleeL B McK IIKtcK, BK1CK. 1.0O0.0OU uoU Hard Brick (or tale and mak hiK Appl io A. J. BANUEK8 A CO., may No. 4 Martin Street. AK, 8I UAR, BL'llAK. SUndard "A." Crushed. C Ye low. Extra C. Powdered, Urabulaled. All for sale vers cheap, at A. C. SANUEKS A CO., uuy V No. V Martin street. iKUlT TREES, 1 and Grape Vines For sale at feb4 MULBERRY TREES W. U. JONES CO. JJILROADBTOCK FOR. SALE. A shares N. V. R. K. Stock aud i share. K. ,t 0. K. K. 8U k. may M U. II, JUNES A CO. SALE, cry best SoulhamptoD W. II. JONES CO. F ( R Another lot ut the Bseon Bains, way 'ii HANDSOME PLATES, CASTORS, Knives and Forks, Siioous, Muirs and Butter Knives. .s,n,i:t. ILJMKEIWil),. if 2 K A 8 New style sud shape. Club I'srasols with chain holders Borne-thing new. Also the DsKKcfand other new Fans. eprlH W. II. at R. S TL C'KKK A CO. LACE AND LINEN COLLARS, COLLA rstts, Hsndkerchiefs, Scsrts, Bows and Neck Wear for Ladies sod Gentlemen In great variety. At msy SB U. 8. WAITT'S. BEE HIVE AND XX 8UGAB CURED llams and Breakfast Strips at ap -i tf O. T. BTRONACH BRO. yl'KINQ PRINT 8 A lsr(e snd beautiful lot of SPRING AND SUMMER PRINTS. Pscltlc Percales, I retons and Lancaster Cambrics, Spring and Summer Alpacus. tcb'AJ W. U. A R 8. TUCKER CO. R O V D Constantly receiving supplies of Fodder, Sheaf Oats and Hsy. Also In store Seed OaU snd Corntlelri Peas. JAMES M. TOWLE8, mar A-tf Cum. Merchant. JOTTON AND CORN PLANTERS In aUire, st fiaetory ftrivmrn, wllh freight, Foster's Improved Cotton Planter, the most reliable sower know. Dorrlan's celebrated Planter, and others. Also the Eureka Corn Planter which never fails to give satisfaction. JAMES H.TOWi E8, tl 11 aw OR SALE Two Milch Cows, clfer Calf, msy 2 one with an Alderney W. H. JONES A CO. F LOUR. Choice brands of FLOUR For ssle by John 1 D o r o y , FLOUR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT .V.I 8. Calvert ft and 59 Chespside, BALTIMORE. Riraaax'ss Messrs. Jaa. Corner A Bona, Cuanniesion Merchants ; Chaa. B Coleman, Cashier National Mechanics Bank; Jaa. L. Dorsey, Esq , Flour Broker. feb til-Cm A" EN'S HOTEL. HENDERSON VILLE, N. C. North East Corner of Public Square, is now open for the reception of visitors. The sa lubrity of the climam and beautiful mountain scenery snrroundlng renders It s favorable re sort tfr those seeking pleasure or desiring to improve their health Good conveyances 8. this place via stage line from Greenville, to C, or Old Fort, N. C, aud at the Hotel. The proprietors are experienced physicians and will always be ready to administer to those sufferings from any at the ilia Incident to our race. Charges always moderate,1 i T. A. ALLEN, M. D , July 18 swim Proprietor. o VOPARTlNERSHlP NOTICE. We, the undersurned, have this day formed a co-partnership.under the name of EDWsaos, bHOL-QH row Co., for the purpose of cob dueling a Book, Job Printing and Book-Bind lug Establishment. This ssine Ann will also publish the Bibli cal Kir ihiisb. C. 11 EDWARDS, N. H. BKOUaOTON, A. F. REDD. NOTftjE. All parties inlehted to Edwards A Brongb ton will please Settle their aeeoanta tntmtxhV atelv, that oar Arm business may be adjesWd. EDWARDS & BROUUHTON. July 13 3t - - AT THE REQUEST Or FRIENDS In different parU of the county, aad be lierlnc that tf elected, i wUI be enabled to be of service to the entire people of the county, 1 hereby declare myself a candidate for the House of Representatives, to till the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Richard C. Badger, Esq. July-dsw4wW GEO. H-SNOW. Corn & Meal. 5QQ BUSHELS YELLOW CORN, 300 B08HLS wmTi uorni 200 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL. At A. C. BANDERS A CO., No. 8 Martin Street. afiSO MISCELLANEOUS. J. A. AnsuiT, Formerly J. A. Ans ley A Co., Aaajtus ta,tia. . L f. Jobistos, Of Mocksvllle, Uavle CMaty, Nortli Carolina. TOBACCO COMMISSION MElil HAM'S, v Aru praMnfil W ssakas libsssv advauvaas on sblpnienta of Tobaeco, aud with ample stock of all grades, offer So tin: trade ) unsnnse! lndttCTBtriSnis. ; MT Call and s s at out: strkUy proof Warehouse, tmtt if Pryir nd inter Stmts. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Refers by permission to Boa- F E. Bbober, D.A. Davis. Esq., Ballehory, N. C. ; R. F. Blmoaton, Esq., President Bsqk of SlstesvUle, N.C. June 3-Km If S Only 50 Cent$ per pottle. i prsaaw tsw UKOWTtSBKHEU . Ike IOMIH, mm Iwi tks tl... ul BKAUTV ml the HAIR. f Vhm km T.TOS1 V.-in.,.. (oa raw Haas is S smk""" g.n-. i r K OoUw. THS " sUTsno." Msmlrnw nn. Ths IotII ass nW. sod briSr II ass obuiasd. Is sr.sJwiwS si M tD pii' I UMl Ini r. ibis, nil tbsOaoWTW sad Bsaerv m Haul PsaSi I. Altahtfnl di IMISS; l. man'- CUM It mrfU lb Ham- tram taraiu r . Hunt I 1 Hi. Ik. .... M Ul'.ki. esLrn M i It ni anr a weiiSTKS ul a i 1 - muiA by 1 Dnmsi ssd e - n ruav Ao. sad la at mmly l-'lflaT C'ems met Uoiilr. Woman's Glory is Her Hair. LYON'S gt'MMER REFRESHMENTS, 11 Moseley's Confectionary Ntore, The Moat Dellclons lee Oream Soda Water. He has the only Ice Cream Isloon for l a r i h IN RALEIGH. If yon desire to be comfortable call at MOBELEY'8 may -H tf A IIOUK I OItTlli:!MIM.IO: Marriage Guide. VCdVwaolA'lotfs), Hsrrv nn Ihstpb' sulci fir a r4) si. rira aa r- 'lati ,P let ,m,l .tairtu wit t rllarni " 1 ' 1 titsi an iDfie'liUl .( a o I tw ItllM t)1 aUtF t(rt. sill u.-r...i ufi Sti-t contkiua i alual-U iii(rnati('B 'r lliss who ' - fiifrt onsttVBlpUlr niar r1K. Hurl It l s htx,. (bat uli I lebe ktpi utidr Iv ( ml tT, n-i sjn t laid rarl laly Kbstwt tba lyitiM, It Cuiitiiiwi tk ipriri'- imd K4trer pflTilciH hose repuiatioH la rtsl- I4f, en4 atinwlw b I tbt n air drawer itf or auale aud ft-! tbroufhnm ibt esitiit fU't. 1 1 ratttsrar,a trrvlhing sn ibe auaityel c I ih rt er..iin si urns tb at it rttti L tail uticti tbat at t poriuhti la mm sMbwf wnrt, Hvnt to anf a (tW nf r-tcvl far lHft? VnU. Addr-aa lr. M JIM lUjytsa j ,S. lid- Kt.sJlfftrMt Bi Uuit, ll. Kotic to & Afflicted and IJiiJbrtiinatc Bfrttra KfpljriBg U tB tacWa s)aoks wfca BdTertlaw la Kablia iacrs.or aalnf aar ajuaot rafaJUl (wusf Dr. tta work tso mattwt mkn ;w tMaum U, m dapatr Msy 70 it r eoaxlitioa Dr. Bait asMalM a 4aU Wat ff ftrvatT-Mrff) raoaia ; 1 a I a4nra4 by mm t lb asJl Mistkraiwd aiei a lnrsaora a f th.aoaafttrv u. tirsH,U cm ha coo ultrd parasmall r b naif, oa th aiMam mntiaasal la ata wsria. OAm an si parlara, U9. If V. UhLk nim Wtttaaa Mastst aasj tjfcaaaaa. tH. JUaaaa. ItaT 0 ORN AND OATS V00 bushels Corn and V I iglnla OtU st naj R. V. JO.NEj J CO 8. JNO KIRKLANP, OAHuAHT V BBOTHEB, 56 and M Park Phee, NEW YORK, Imporlrrt nd Whtleule CrMtrt, Jobbcri ii Teas, Coffn, Ijrapt, kt. Refer by penoiaalon to.Chas. Dewey, cashier Raleigh National Bank, P. A. Wiley, cashier Btrhnach Raleigh, N. 0. . . j mar worn H 0 T $ L . Jft O 0 If T A I S Ne.87. 05, W and 1 Camden, near Howard Street, t year Camden Station and B. 4 0. R. R Depot, convenient to tin Depot of all the Southern and Wetter &' R. and Steamlvat Landing,. BALTIMORE, MD. R-' SHARE, Propletor. HT All the appointments being Irst class for reasonable charges. 13 50 per day. ThU House la supplied with the National Fire Escape and Extinguisher. mar 6 ly V TO RATIONAL INVAMTM .. .i..t every portion of Uie body sympathises with the seat of the disorder. ' hciibertoinh fails to perform the functions, thrltrer. bow e U, nerues, mus-les, velna, arteries, Ac., are all mora or leas affected. These deliaquents re,,ulreamedioiiHi comblaimr the prorlerties of a stomachic, an sltersUve, a purgative, a their duty I and all these elementa, In their purest and most effective forms, are united in TARRANT'S EFFERVESCINT t T7BR APER1 ENT. the great Ssllne Remedy for Indigestion and druSlstlf:9 co"Hue4a. BeM by ail ANNED OTBT1R8. Braadv Peaehss. BotUed Peaches, Canned Fruits of all kinds Sp s O. T. 81 RON ACd A BRO. JOUN C . WUDKR, CIVIL ENGINEER, RALEIGH, N. C. Will attend to all bualneas In taV n..r his profession In any part of 4he State, together with the survey of fan da And will give prompt attention lo the purchase aad sale of Real Estate, Mines, Water Powers, dra Office In the Fisher Bnildin aT..iiv',la Street, V June M lm pATAPSCO TAU1LT FLOUR. Prime Factory Cheese, Choice Goshen Bntter, ' July 8-tf W. C. BTRONACH. DRUGS, 4c. s AUATOGA 9PRINGP AT RALEIGH. l ALL A I LKK A: CU'S STORE DRUG thD 1IKINK TBS ExcfUior Spring Water - ok tm.ront. Frib frum ihf Kprtagi it Siniogi. This water is brought from BaraUiga In Oa tight Reservoirs, lined with Dura Blork Tin. snd Is forced our counter precisely aa It flows fruru the Spring, without ebsrglng It K1.II gltfl. ; AHTintHL Ml.t KM. WATKHS KISSEN0IN AND VICHY. lsile by the process of BKKZKI.I N am 8TRUVE, ith sueb Improveininis aa the progres. of Science snd Art hsve suggested. SODA YA Thli. wuu geDuiue Fruit Bvrups on drsnght aad In Byphons, at PE8t.l l), LEE A CO'S URUO 8t6rE. may 27. DRY GOODS, & c JKICES (iKEATLY KKDl CEl. At ws wsiafe ti iuuktr a thanjjc id uur baw new, we notify our frivndii and the public that e will Bill unrvutifv tM-k of uoodi at j;retly retimed prUc, f..r -ihIi. Our rtw. Cuiniirisji'i DRY GOODS UOL'SE I'TKNlrtlllNi; (i(:o)8. I1AT8, CAPS, BihiTS, !ll()Ei4, CA881MEKE8, C LOT US, CKNTS' ITILNIH, IN(i iMH)S, Y A y K t. K X o T I O A' S Now is the time fo, Bargsius PHIMKOSE, PETTY & NEWBOM'8. All irulAttd to the to ttttle immtdiiiUly. Firm are called on n 1873 Thjrd Stock this Season, W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. arc no receiving their uurctiau-s made wiih lu the last few days In tlie Northern Market, anil are better prepared lb 11 ever to supply me irsue wuu uie Most Faihioimblr and D.tirtblc Goodt in their Hi'veiul Dopnrtmenla Lsdies Dress Goods. Men srd Boys' Goods, Children's Goods, Silk Goods, Cotton Goods, Woolen Goods, Lace Good a, Straw Goods, Hair Goods, Foreign Goods. lKmiestlc Goods. Fine Goods, Medium Goods, Cheap Goods. This last, with lliefiirmer pun-hares of this Biding, mukes our .tiK-k the LJRGEiT AND MOST COMPLETE in ih Hhite which we sre 'fferituc at whole sale and retail, st priies that must attract the trade. . . w. u .v. K. s ltitassaw. may 14 r arstaaous tssts avs raovau rjq N. F. Bnrkam's Sew Turbiat .WATER WHEEL ' To be tlie best ever Invented, J Pamphlet Free, mar if m Address, Tork, Pa. -H QAPS AND AXLE GREASE. 5 dozen coca s n.ierprwi rcrcusoiuu Caps. (jOilorA-n Alie urease. tn e11e.11. m,y ai , R. f- JONES CO. FOR HALH N To. 1 POKT WINE. Best B Berry Wine, " Seuppernting Wine, " Flowers, " Scupiernoug Brandy pure and good. June i 11 W. II . JONES ACo. S11EFFS PIANOS Upwards of UK First Premiums Gold snd StllTeT Mertsis, wt-e awarded to Charles M. gtletf, fr the best I'iauo, In eompleUoa wllh sll the leading manufacturers in ihe eoantry: Office and Wararoama,- No. t N, Liberty Street, Baltimore, Md. -The superiority of I1'" il&t!xs!!l fitkff Plsao F01 te, is conceded by all who have com pared It with others. In their New Grand iqoere slsw5Je' Octaves, the mannfacturer has succeded In making the most perfect Piano Forts possible. Prices will be found as reasonable as corsls tent with thorough workmanship. A large assortment of aeeona hand Pianos always oa hand, fr t . - We are anata for ths celebrated Bnrdett Cabinet, Parlor and Church Orgaua, all styles snd prices, to suit every one, guaranteed to be fully equal to any made. Send for Illustrated catalogue containing ths Barnes of over 1500 souiherneis, 400 of whom sx Vlriinans,JO North Carolinians, 150 kast Tennesseane and others throughout the South, who have bought the 8T1EFF PIANO sines the close of the war. geveral of onr Pianos with the improve, meats can be seen at the residence of Prof. A Banman, who is our authorised agent. maro-wilaa SEVEN ROOMS TO LET IN PRAIRIE BUILDING. Apply to feb 19-tf J. L. KITCHEN. itmmmmmmmmmmm INSURANCE, Ac. PWCX)lR.tOK HOMI ISnTITUTK.Nn. SKVVK1TY AUAIXnT F1HS.' life. North t'urolliia HOME IiVSUBANCE GOMPAIfY HALKIUII, N. T. IblsCoiupaay couUnues to write PoUcles at fair nln, ea all fkwa of Insurable prep. erty. All losses are promptly adjns ra s.ud paid. The "HOME" Is rapidly rrowtjgln nubile favor, and appeals, with eoutlii. , to Insurers of proj.ety In all parU of North Cr..llns. Agents In all irts of iho State R H Barri.s. Jr., President C. B. Root, Vice President flams (Ulis, Secretary I'rLASKi Coweia, 8uirvlsiir.' June a' If. 583 1!! S3 1 i? H x III if ,-sc i, 3 & at . 9 w ORTIl CAROLINA STATE Insurance Co. RALEIOll. N. ( . Cniltal - - tHi00.000 orritais : HON. KKMP P. HATTLK..' . President F. II. CAMEKON Vlie President W. H. IIIt.'KS iSecretary DK. K. H. HAY W0011 Medical Director W. I. KllVKTKK. AmUiuiI MwIiVvJ ISmto. J. H. IIATCIIELOK At'orney O. II, PEKRV .Surtrvlsiug Agent lascToas 1 Ho. 1. Kemn P. MatUe. Hon. J. 1I111 Maiiiiliur. lion .uiin v.. nouinsBam, tion. vvm. jt. SialUi, Col W. L. ISauoders, J. U. VtcKaa, . v.. . . . ... r 1 noa. loo k. 1 aiowen, uen. w. n. uoi. n. 1. McAileu. J. B. BaWhaior, John Nlch Is, CoL L. W. Humphrey. A. A. McKoy. J. C. Blaks. Col. I si. uoll. c. I sre Murphy. I loung. Walter Clark, Col. W. K. Anderson, James A. Graham, W. G. Upchurcb, Dr. W. J. Hawk ins, John G. Williams, F II. Cameron, J. J. Davis. FEATURED .IND .ADVANTAGES. Ills emphatically a Houa CouranT. I.s huge capital guarantees strength snd safety. Its raits rr . low . moss or nh first onus Cbntxniy. it oners an uesuaoie lorms 01 insurance. IU fends are Invested at home snd circulat ed am ng our own people. No unnecessary restriction, imposed upon residence or travel. Pollele. non forfeitable after two years Its officers and Directors am prominent and well know North Carolinians, whose expert ence a- busiuess men snd whose worth and mteirrliv are aluue aotticienl guaranteea for the Company's strength, sufrtwey snd soeesss. O. It fKKKl, Bupea-vuing Ageav THkO. H. HILL, lxcal Agent, I Raldgh,N.C Good aneuls aiih whom llbenu con use ta will be made, wsnled in every county in the Btats. naay 4-wtf SPORTING GOODS. G V N 8 eiNQLX GUNS. At laid, SOO, M 60,6 0, B8 00, 110 00, BI2 W SO fWUU, double guns. At to 00. 17 50, 1'.O 00 tl. 00, lift 10, tvw 00, fjb (JO, fdOUU, u VU, aw uo, to 7.1 uu Breech-Loading Double Gana, At Mo OH, 845 00, 850 JO. BOO OU, (75 0. tW 09, tliuuu, vim uh to lojuuv. PI8TOL8, Smith A Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's, Bbsrp's, Whitney and other kinds. at autroraoTrJaaBs' raicas. AMMUNITION anc IMPLEMENTS For Brceech loading Guna, at a small advance on1 cost of Importation. MeUUc Ammunition tor Rines sud Pistols at lowest market prices. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods; Prices and Dnscilptlon senon appli cation. , Goodsshi pped by Expreas t' O. 1. POULTNEi, TRIMBLE A; CO., IiiroKTBBa, No. 200 W. Ualtuuore St., Baltimore. Richard's, Dougal's, Greener's, Scott'i snd their celebrated make of guns on hand and Imported to order. aep 111 eoddtwly a 1 " ' 11 I II ' mi. yJ-tUiK SULPHUR SPRINGS Vmw6uriwtkptr'ti This eulabrated Watering Place (formerly 8parkliug Catawba) is now apened for visitors The bracbig atmosphere wilh the blUi re storing proiertles of their Wslrr renders these Springs a must desirable resort for Invalids and pleasure-seekers. MRS. BY WREN, who Is IP well known sa a model housekeeper, will have charge of the culinary dapartmsmt. Good Band oi Music, Ten Fin Alley, Wllllard Tables and a supply of Ioa. Omnibus will be at Hickory Button on ths Western N. C. I . ail road tor paHengen ea ths arrival of every train. DR.E.O. ELLIOTT, June 13-rl2tawlmAw4t , 'Proprietor. pRESH XRRIVALU. New River" Mullets, Family Roe Herrings, Lanes" Sugar Cured Strips. "8imm's" Regalia" Hams. July 8-tt W. C. 8TRWNACH. III IW 3-S i MlaCELLAUEOUS. TROP08AL8 FOB city ri'Mp. Bids will be be rwreived by James C. King, Chief of Polke el Uw city 0 Raleigh, to Soap Uie ells pumps la repair, for Ike pen,! of one year frnia Um aeeeptaace of lbs bid By virtu of Onllaanewa of the elty, the pumps nf the city are new placed aoder the ol Um Street CotnuiUsiuoer, who Is reUlrvd to aots sll fsilttfwa uf the culrsc tor to oomply with the eoatract to kui the pomp. Id repair : sud lor every fail are, after twi-ul) four hours aut.'-v, the wHitnelw shall be Sued on dollar par slay for each dsv that any pomp may reuisli out of order ; l au4a Utw-ntr 0 Um mreel CoaaoWtu. . . raoort aar aiJnrs siid iu aa.ui.. 11. from, si Uie next regular uieeting ul ti.e Hoard of ttuuslaslouur.- aftur at t, 1.1 , shall have orcurred. eunda)s are ejeepl.u u, tu noUBeatlon and laes . the Hlrasii (uiuiali. t are eaipo ered w aauut so mueti ,,r u, contractu naay apply to any Ave uumitss their dlscrebetl m nuy dictate it &ii, ru,,uwii wiai .ue ovuinc'vr 11 all eitau i I such well or wells ai the atrcat IVubbUmIuih 1 aecide need cleanelng. Stock and Bitnre. mu.i h. .Utinll .1 n.a. wells within IS days sfur the contractor shsll have baen notiBedby the i-treat tomn.l..l..uir that the same have been dnir and w.llwl 1. aad failure to do tn wl Inn the time rui n tloned, shall subject the contractor to the same forfeitures as for failure 10 keep ths pumps la repair. The SU'Ceaaful Mild, r mill I.. ...1I. give bond for the (.111, rut i rf.,rini.i,r r ih.. contract, condlUonedssheralDbefon ari forth fr b,"nk ,orm ,or bidders, w leh can le had bysp,.ying to the Clerk of the City ii oiua must be scsl d op, s.ldresard lo .lainei r ki(i i' r i.,u.d..(i i, ... Raleltrl,. and uillat Im Hmlnrafl ii..iui..iiI., aep cit) Pu in order. " JAMES C KINO, July 1 J lw ( hiel uf Police. XT ORTH CAROLINA, (.,.. . ,, JN WasaiaoT jb Co. 1 8""""u Clisa C. Waters, Exreutiix of Isiae Sardner dee d rialullll Nalt Gsa-tlncr, Alnsrisb Gaitluer, 8erep) Gardner, Alice Mil. re, James Wall and wilt Julia. J 11 . GsrUnrr, Martha Garduasr, Wu. II Gardner, Delia H Nardner, Asa Lea Gsrd ner, snd the In Irs st law ut John Garduer, Jem Gardner snii lv' Ganliier. uu-risi deuUand iismes iiuknoon Dvleudant. IVtilum to makr Unl .Vu Aimli It sppnriug bi tlie Court that John Hard ner, Gardner or their beiraaud Che heirs of Levi Gardner arc non-residents f this Slate. It la tlie nf urn ordered by the Court that publication be made in thDaTisse newsaier published In the city of Raleigh, nlslnllU. 1 filed In this csum', oiherwlse the same will In' taken to be certlUed snd heard ei parte as tu them. Wltneaa, .lames A. Melaon, Clerk of said Court at Office In Plymouth tbe lath Juue A. D. 1873. JnueUU-tf J. A. MKLSON, Cleik. BOtJBLE ACTING FORCE PLTMP8. KITCHEN BROS. (Scccassoks to Csaoi.iBs Piur CoariM, LocsTin is Rat i on) ARB PREPARED TO FURNISH AT short aoiice the Klteheu Fumps of varl ous sisea with 1'oreelsln Cyleuders which can't Injure the water. This Is a submerged deep well pump, now In use H years with, ut even the expenae of nsw aacklug. We wake 4 sires, capacity JO to I.W gallon, waters per mlnuui, working in every conceivsble way si" by the use of hose which van be altaeh 1,1 halt a minute, these nuoioa at once bp"0' 1 hand Engine of great power, thiwlJT "etcr on the roof of three story buildJni. ""a man, aud they will stand for nieu safely. We have not Iwar'' ,. u ' V""1 oemg overcome l y fir "" tested bv over Mflv ww ',uuu worth of proiKM-v ' rr oruinary as Child rti UhJi 'ly II s t np by our prm rea led directions. srM " M' warrant Ibem l i month. Ur louble racthM aad Fmen Globe Puihi, also Invruled by J. L, Klli ulu la caiiaiile of being used as a Drive well bump ws is well adept, d to learners and ves.. ot any clasa, m man u.w avww w.tvr on Un roof ul V mlory liwiaSliwa- JNH ll has a ended lever aud with 'out men is a vC ) su perior hand Eaglne. The No 8 Globe Pump Is U Inches in Diameter with lj auction aud I V Ischarge pipe sad throws 40 to 100 gal lone per tuloete, sciairdlng to speed. The No. I Globe 7 Inches In Diameter, 1 luch Sue lion and S 4 of an inch dischsige pipe, c.pi ble of'Jh to 80 gsllons per minute Tnese Globe Pumps we make of caet-irun for eom mon a e, brass for salt water and block tin for the inside of houses tor drinking water they lift the water 8ft feet perpendicular, and yon can sit It In the h mse and draw water rem springs or Wells at great clstances All kinds of steam ana water ipes rj tied at short notice ; hose, lioae-pipca aud coug line, furnished here, e. Bend for price list The cnl'ro depth of wells with good rcfeiem ea marl sccompant all orders. Borne few of these pumps have not given satisfaction but Iu each case It ka bee attri butable to the maker and not ibe principle of ths pump. We are nuW employing the bast mechanics only and determlin d to have none other. Address KITCHEN BltO 'S Raleigh, N. C, We will take In partners with money, ur gu la to s stock company tl so deatnnl. J. B. EDWARDB, Agent for Oifurd and vicinity. July 1 d,s-wAwly QLEAVLLAND MINERAL SPRINGS. (FOBHHBLT WtUOBS.) NEAR SHELBT, FIFTY FIVE MILES WEST or CHARLOTTE, N. C. Tbe W. C. and R.K.RR.IS Snudted 10 wlthiu three miles of the Springs, aad pas seagers are met by backs every day except Sunday. Conveyances to other points snsy be had it desired. T he water la considered by those who hsvs tried It as equal to the beat of the kind in Virginia; and few If any, visit these Springs without deriving benefit from the use of (V Whits Sulphur, Red Sulphur and Chaly beate water. Warm aad Cold Baths Band nf Mastic aad other sources of sausenaents. Fare, (rat For further particulars, apply to I. w. una REVARD, July a w4t rropnetor. g W AM LANDS FOR BALI In North The following Swampa Lands Carolina are offered for sale : Big Swamp In Robeson, 14,000 acres , - Wuite and Brown. Marsh In Columbus snd Bladen, 24 uOO acres; Holly Shelter in1 New Hanover, 58,240 acres; Angola Bay In New Hanover and Duplin,. 50,qu9 acres ; - wtlti' h Iu Jones Md Onslow, 86.003 merv, tabjacl to the right of Um Planter's Railroad Company, to alts.rt.ate sections thereof upoa completion of the railroad through sa'd swamp ; Open Grennd Fralr- Ut trl)teiV-fT.OW acres i Dover Swsmp in Cravaa, 74,900 scree ; C il Fish la Craven, S.3J0 acres -t Bay Rlrer la Beaufort and Craven, 41,000 acres; Swamp Lands la Dare couaty, Durants Ulaad, 8,000 acres, -' Sealed bids will be reoeived for sav one or SBore ot the a bora named Swaaitie, until the Uth day of September, 1878. The laud will not be sold In small parcels. Each bidder should a-ate all tlie terms of hla bid how much be wilt paraaah, and the time within which the defersaa p .ynxtita will be made; whether he will survey the I sail himself and pay a ess lain pries mm acre, ur pay a lxed price for any one or more swam) wlthont surrey, or ree,olre the Boarvl of Edu cation to make the survey. aaKvery letter containing a Ma should be sd dressed to the undersigned with the words, "Bid far Swamp Lands' rendoveed upon lu ALEX. MclVER, Secretary Board of Edecarion, July -Uw4w Raleigh, N. C. - a .... 1 w;h.ui. w mwHMr ueiure uie iicra 01 ine j "in si Ul- uniee IB l ljmoalh, im I ue. ay the lot! I 'JVtll dav of Julv 18711. Ihen and then. Ii. nlmd S tSUni I answer or demur tu Lba nlslnllU. itlli.n.