It . 4 : - . U.K SEXTIXEL THE SENTINEL ADVKKTlSl.Vtr RATKA Advert Isauiasiu will be las.rtsa la the Daily jsarmsL st the followlnc rales per uarv of one luck, or tea saawioe as aw. i. :. i irie square one umf , ,. ILUU " each atrbssquvM rasnUear ess than a ek 60 mi. riiuuw iMri.i. . . -.-... 11 -.....-. II. a or -i aw. irTj sunare, 1 wek, I .M I square, 7 taos. :K.uV .au "kl VP tl 1 month, K.IW1 a tuo's. uoo i 1H.001 1U tl rt.t sn. " diw-M n " ii n i tT .1 ris-ves na-rs i-w 44.01' MSi V I i. RALEIGH. N. C WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1873. 4 - au.t)i & " -M.0U M is. 011,1 VOL. IX. NO. 83. a 7 I 1 r I I Irl II II I I ' H II - -t- T -y II - . I - - - - ' " -f I I ... - . m , . i -wsn finmiin if in rim nuuiEi ii tit cm. news on 4tk r - M rETTKM.ll-L CO. instate ---tea :i1 Fart, Row. Sf rork,iJ i. I't-tawt Mnrt. PkiU!, arc uur i(.i'-HJnn aJertsrBiB'. loc our , . PibtisbI. la ariovr ctlWa. and jl.. nt! t" ro-i'rait ! aJverliUB- at tNa.i OMre IMrrrln . . n -T .! aBwanolWBBT. . rti- . foUB TH..1"IP ".- H. .e fvr-r waiSc U. asalis .-as turn. n-oetws t waiL. auBBB, La. Aaatte. e.. .-.n.. Basra. CbecaH Hill. HUWUiru, Ac . due .ttaiia CWrff as- , Mn-iMtK. '. wicy. ,.ira.", :., 5 . .. m 0p a. V.rtl,.-rB-S" fort. Isaltlators. Itd'a-rli-hia. VaaBmt. R hmil. Fet. ntl-unr, s. , f..V. WekSoo, f ., d. U W p. tw IU a. . i',.'aa Rattrowl Fey-UUI Juatrsbtrn, rl. i . 4u 1X. av CMe3p Kork M.tdajr u4 i tr-Jir du !' W a m . clo I m. aVil ' f . nr diw 1 1.Wa. at .ike Ulitcri', titn WlriUT. 'oe u t I ' i' m Attnto. tunc n; I !. da- p. fndT. iiiB , t..r fir K-kit ltr-r 4 M.mrt (irJ'i l f .ulai'-Bta. Irom ! .rir.l fr fil lutur. l!ot.lDl, H M ALMANAI mi-: IKIKIMKilCAI.. ' aai-'-tti 1 1' ir ik ataoia'a 'ioii r. . i I i m J 1' m I' A TllKIt IIKlflU'l'. v. , Au St. t".i !,r i..ulli A'.Uolie anJ liuif ."Uta m ! ) WU. l. bk temcratiirr.lii;ht anJ i.rUtflt wiuJ. i.a i-oii l il.nten.ii. , i ll. r '.-r theeo't- I I V -X .MAKKK'l K.l. rle! da ' '. l.r.xer auti Vtn haiit. r".rle.:le stn-t l-rn. i, A. 1.' m. At I . u ?alr. - Mark. :.inv. 1 !tt 'W i-iir niMrkel t itar .17 -U-adv. HIITKI. Vltlll ALU. YiRatnocwa xar. o- ar. tfMt- iiW I'rojtruto' J A Peace. GrunYiKe ; V' Morgan, iievilie, O ; Jno t'hisk land, J J Youiig. Chaa M Crump, C J Yoniheex, ( harlea Alston, N C ; A 11 Long, N Y; W H l'tter. I'atawiat; J Uuitoa Williawa, Warren ; G 8 Ltwi, Aik . T D illetir. 8C; M Jor4an. Ilill-boro ; J McC Ellington, Apx; II J B.Hiker. C Wataon, J H Jonea. Oagmid ; Tlieo Mar tin, Warwick. N J ; K O lWniI, Kit treil ; John Flanntgan, l'enill ; Capl G Morriaon, Wilaiiiigt.a ; Sam"! Goodain. lodgcwsy ; II F M.yi r. X Y : i Morgan Smith, Milton; J MC'arvci, Macon. N I'; A Andirwa. N C Natiosal UcrTkL, J. M. IlUir. W j.rutor. Sheriff Lee, Kaleigb ; Jtumf C Turner. Baltimore; J P Neabcry. Ply inoiith. t H Mi llae, Plymouth : A O Cm, W .1 ( rocker. J K Page, Cany: G U Al lord, O 11 Alfnrd.O A Alford. Wake cunty; N It Tnntaal, William Williama.; C F Her Hot, Philadelphia ; C I Caulk, BakioKir) A O Gteeo, Wake coinitv ; F P Hcfwood. Mall agent ; D -t. a"rt, Knckingbam: C 8 Kzler, Lin . ointon , J M rUockaKi, Uaabani ; Gov. C II Urcgden, Goldibnf'; J X) Cameron, MiUboJo' tUtordtr, ii Atkinaon, 8parta; 11 Watkioa. Valdeatoa Georgin Mi Tliompaon. New York; Bliaa Benaon, I'liila -lelphia; Mrt Simpaoo, Waabington City, DC; John Alexander, Alexandria, Va : ltolK-rt J i. men, Granville county ; ii, ro W Nanon, Newbern 7im'; J E v i, Newbern ; George John Robimon, h Mslioro; Ke K A TTeatee, Beaufort; Miaa A E Mjroyer, Fajrttefillex W J Street, lleaufort ; Mm Wiffianiion, ew Hanover. NORTH OAK01UNA, Gus Ilogcr?, colored, convicted of an aault with intent to commit rape, waa s-uti-Dced to the penitentiary for Are yean ; and to was Albert Patterson for 111'jjfTfViii'rne doubtful chastity of punialiment of theae offenders. Wilton f'laimituier. ' Dtio. Mr. Biggcrt, who was injured 1,v the Tailing of the wall of Wad wort h't :i. w livery stable, on Wedneaday, died kt home, ia this plsce, on Thursday night or yeisterday morning. It was understood the first that bis chances of life were cry slender, be having sustsintd internal in juries from which it was next to impos sible for him to recover. Char. Oft. An Heirloom1. We were shown a few day sgo by Mr. Jos. Wimberty, sn heir loom that has been in his mother's fami ly tor two .hundred and sixty-three yean 1 1 ia a quaint and hanaaome snun-oox, made of silTer, with s pearl top nd lined with gold with thii inscription upon tbe inner eide of tbe pearl top, ' Marg't. Bond, 1010." Marg't Bond was the great grand mother of Mr. Wimberly's mother sod the box hid been constsntry handed down from fier through the suecessiv generations until it has come Into the hands ol the present bolder. The next wOT1miiprmiwinc Wimberly's grand-daughter. Tar. Enq. ADOrr inn Pssvsktits Policy. Severs rpelts of biliousness, Indiirestlon, ehllla aad fever, dlirrhaia, nerrous bden and physi cal exhaustion are qnlte usual at tils seas an. These Are vlslufon which ererybody ta anx ious to avoii. and It course of Hoatrtter's Stomach Bitters will unqus'tlonably fortify the system against them, the most valuable madieal advice which can be offered at this time to persons subject to such complaints or stall seasltlve to stmospheric changes, ta to commence Ukln this powerful vegetable al terative and Invlgorant without delay Forfy eleht hours will not have elapsed after tbe first dose before a marked change will have manifMted Itself In the condition of the sys tem. Tbe ultimate result will be a habit ol body so nnu'ar.a irenlal condition so vigorous, that however uubealthy the season may chance to be, the system thus refreshed snd reinforced will be In the lest possible trim to encounter IV j HOME AFFAIRS. Pay Tow Tana. The lai collector, Mr. F. M. Siirreii, u all bi payers to cmm forward and pay their l-tjr t!?2. Tajmrnl mut Ite tu--le l) SfptrmN-r the lt. Paraoual. W. . tlie pinuutc ( m bticf conver ation jc.IitiUj w;lli Maj. Jubo I'amenia. c.litor .1 l!e llilUkuru' BewrJer. MJ. I', la uo of our beat editor, and aritea I.kc a h U.'Ur ami a tulltniin." Kriwa tbc 14 ul bcciabar, 1-Ti tbe IJJ of Angus!, 1871, Ibcrc hat 31,904 balca of cation rrcclTel aa ol4 ! Ihii city. Durro lite prccrdiag year oelj about 13,-00 bae were aohl. From tb it it ail! be acca that KUeigli iarapidl gaiaio jjrounil a a cottoa Barktt. Ia a fear d we will pabliah a tabular ftatc mctt showing what Raleigh has doaa ia tbe co-ton bu.inn aitbin tbe laat twelve montba. Mayoei CoorL On Monday oj .ruiua tbe M .lis eii of tlie fallowing eaara : John Mitchell, el., for dw-nlerly r o du't mi the siivet w.s fioetl i.ii, .rd M col , f.,r .1 rdeily cou-dt.i-l .ud an anaul: UMo colored maa ly the n.iMa-i trich!nd; wycorairHt- lri lit nil IN OHu!t ol Iwil. ''X! tiilhaiK. I' i difordvrli conduct in VVe-l. in Wi.l fined IVOO. Orphan Asylusa The Oraaad Ooskceet, Would it not lie a good idea to devote the jiroc. ed ol om dy f the Grand i nc t. to the 1 rli ,n yiuin at I txfordf .t ik' Tliur-djj for the Sviety and .et Ki In- -ct ap: t lor the Orphans. We leei sure o the hear'y c i;curreuce of aU the muKi t.tlrllt ill :hr Slate. What sav - ;i. MtsT. Jilackii!'. llevcreux. ani others ' Uy this arrangement a band some miio i f money might be real z d f -r this uob:e iiis'itution. We jiesk in be ball t the poor orplisus. Prot Rtinhardt. Thii, U tU pf'cued iwici: mi Sun day la the HaptUt charrh. TVf wsw his hist to iflorti, as Be learn. We beard the fine at night, and it waa a end liable performatice, specially ahen we c n aidcr that he "-ctupied a new field. ilav ing lm kin with so much effect at tbe last Thursday night prayer-meeting, many J tlie meiubtis urired tbe Profctsor to occu py H e pu pil in tbc abscace A Dr. Pi itch aid. 11 iviLg i license to preach, be ac cordiagly x-ic ttrd lu- gifts for the first l;01e oh that day. The Organist. If any occ is tc ptua! in the la.-t u to Profi-snor Vim MyerbofTs utraoiJioary ability as a n.utician, let Lira viait tbe Baptist cbnrch next Sunday and hear him play the organ. Although the instrument in use is quite infeiior to those we hare beard In tbe fine churches of New York and other cities, w e have never beard tbe capabilities of that grand instrument so manifested before. It would indeed be great treat t bear him execute the noblest compositions upon one of tbe grandest of oil' ins such as are found in the great cathedrals. It is no wonder that many visit that church to hear him. Aa Efficient Church. We have been much impressed fur some time with the seal of the members of the Edenton street Methodist - Episcopal church of this place. Every Sunday morning, when we have attended, tbe pastor read out a liat of appointments for prayer-meetings in private houses for Ban- day afternoon and Tuesday and Friday evenings. Some three or four of tbe mem bets are appointed to mlm oai them. The meetings are held in differ ent parts of the town. On Friday even ing there is s general prayer-meeting held at tbe church under the direction of the pastor. Tbe critical reader of tbe New Testament will remember that in Apos tolic times such meetings were quite com niun, snd that the church ecclaia was slwaya a private houne. Why should not private bouses now be the scenes of reli gious gatherings t and why may not great good follow from them? Excitement at the Jail, The large bull-dog, which for so long time h is been chained near the entrance ef the county got on a vampags yesterday morning which resulted in bis death. Kincher Ann Edwards, who has iaonitaUsajsiltoa by feeding snd constantly caressing gain ed complete control over the bruU, be re fuiing to allow any oce else to touch him. Kincher had become oflendtd with Evans, the jailer, snd yesterday morjing as be en tered tlie eatlosure she turned the dog lose upon him, when he' proceeded to take Evans by tbe neck. Evans, with the as sistance of a prisoner, after a desperate struggle, succeeded in cutting tbe dog's throat, not, however, until after tbe he had "chawed up" one ol K's fingers We consider this a happy riddance for this immediate i.eigliborhbod, as the dog bus made day and night hideous with hfs con stant )iw!iiio and Imrking. FIIIXCDT. Pirtiaa Jewelry ii coating in fash ion. Inordinate expenditure is tbe source of UoaUssv An Indisna babe was bora with a roll of ft, like s paaier, on its back. St Paul, Minnesota, claims to have stall ed the Bit Orsrjfe. Hoi. A. M. Larwi' nd laiuily have re tained float III- uiour.Uinv Eghty-i bilrs ol cotton were received and sold :a C i- city Isst wci-k The .Ooa'i -ir tor InBale slaves in the Cbiacac aiaik-1 S-s Francisro, ranges from (1W I" Capt, Brats, -4 the A a i dinger Artificial Stoae Cosnpant. coniu.Bced laying a pwveasent ia front of the Kaleigh Natioeai Bank oa Monday raornrng. Col. D. M. Carte i- m the city examin ing property with a ew ol purchasing aad taking up his inidetire among as. We hope be may find property to suit him. Wc regret to learn that .'ap' Plato Dur ham has been very unwell lor the past tw.-we.ks. He i -hiestcned with par a!v in hi hsn l d -nn-. t'-e hit one tccidly. A late L.'ViltJ i: tclio.i:- or. IS a ribbon two in. his aide n.o-! on the tiM,i 'e a giai'.U iu i '. suspender-, and the ends cut .h.t and hanging. Tm-re aie 20.000 wurds ia Spaniah, 85,- aw. s-i.:v w-lt-aaA. fta-SM VW TW 'Il1r ' iaa, "0,000 -in Greek, and SO.000 in Get The Mew Conswsaioaul Papas. We I. am Irom . ur t xi liangis thai tbe first bouud volume of the Cwjrt-UH-il Rtrwxl. whi.h succe.-d ihe Cr'naV as the oirn-ial report of the proi.edious and de bate of Collar. s. has j is: uiada its -ucaiaace from tbe invernment Printing Oilier, whr e conjjri-.'. at the ia-t session, ordered the woik l.enclortu to be done. The crucial unmcnt of tbe Congress ional Printer wiil sh.iw a saving to the Government of from thirty to fitty per cent in the c 4 of publishing the debates of congress over the oid uietuod in tbe JLAh, and it is claimed that instead of 400.00n I or this purpose, ooe-ha.f that aaaoUBt will bu aulficieal. Xa anticipation of itcrcascl work for the Hmrd next winter, the Congr-JSaloual Printer is en larging the lilitles of his office by ad ding one hundred casts aith a full supply of type and materials, which will insure the complete publication of tach day's proceedings on tbe folio ing morning, in stead of three or fonr days afier, as has frrqiieat'y happeucd uuder tbe old iytem taaticaa Court, Yesterday Mcxra. Praitieaad V In taker. two of tbe,newly circled Justice of the Pei.ce, held their fir-!t c urf. having been quailified oa Saturday last. The first case brought before their Wor ships was that of State and Nan Sheens vs. Kata Graham. Nan accused Kate of stealing a watch and some other articles from her bouse. K,te had tbreatencn, in a letter, to Uks Nan's life. Kate acknowl edged having made tbe threat, and their Worships fait called upon to place her under bond af $300 to keep the peace, and also one of 1 300 for her appearance at next Superior Ooart. Kate gave the required bonds and went on her way Several persons were up charged with refusing to work the roads. Ned Shep herd and Jack Utrtis wen tliatuiased on thejwyaaaat of cus a. The others prov-.d they bad ant received laafhl aobficevUua and accordingly were dismHaard. These arrests were male at the instance of Mr. George C. Taylor, aa overseer . who, hav ing been indicted f r failure kt tbc last court, is d.termioed t- have tbe roads worked. Aa Eaabah Ocn. Pi ad ley T. Johnston, wbuaw writs is a Raleigh lady, ia now ia England. His letter to tbe Richmond Ditpattk state that Lord Palmerston was the friend of the South ia tbe "late unpleasantness.'' On one occasion when asked by Mr. Be res fur d Hope as to whether the British poli cy waa not actua'ed by a desire on the part of the Government to tee both sides exhaust themselves and thus break the prtttiat of American institutions, and es pecially give Great Britain control of the cotton product The answer was emphat ic, "No ; our people took aides fairly and honestly. The targe majority sympathiz ed with y&u beriuse you were right ItfaL fy, politically ", and hiloritally, and were contending for prineipiu of titil (fiiarty dear to all Englishmen, because yon were doing so with a gallantry and chivalry yon acre facially Kngiuk, Your diffi culty was atasry, and added to it the de sire of tbe Govern latent that vow aboold win yonr own naajpnality by your own swords." allVRBTISKWKKT.l We have just been shown tbe original dispatch from tbe World's Exposition at Vienna, dated August lth, 1878, an nouncing the success of the Wheeler 4 Wilson Sewing Machine snd verifying the teh-gram published in the paper on tbe 20th ult. This is a high and well de served tribute payed to American inven tive genius. It ELECTRIC 8PJ V I ttf VSLBUBaCat TO THE tcSTIXku Frederick Lard, a wtU-kfcowa railroad man died yesterday ia Cincinnati. , .wo hundred and fifty fhouaand dol I Affile occurred at MofristArn, N. J. yes terday. J Itcv. John Todd, pitor ol tbc First t'oogregatiunalist Church -ded at Pitts field, Masa, on Sunday morning, ged 78. Judge Thomu A. It Neison, late Judge of tbc Sapfeaie Court of Tennessee died at his nrsi.lance ia fclnoxvlY on Socdsy morning. A aaaa named George k Prwa was ar rested yestrrday in Loui, V.. changed with violating aad awarder aSIus Caro line Lee. ' Gen. Caster, in eouiruai 1 6f AM Ca valry, was attacked oa Saturday by 80 Indians. Our Ices two killed and twenty wounded. Indians loss 40 kilied and wounded. The Liberal K. publican Slate Execu tive Committee, of New York, through the chairman, John Cuckrac, have sent an invitation to the Democratic State Com mittee, to unite in calling nne State Con vention of those opposed to the presvnt administration The Jail The number ol slier. ff lire's UnJtr l as to thutteti. Nin male and four female. A c .Uirt J tutcher named l mbi u w I , , IK1- Petaraaarg Tobacco BCarU-t. According to the l;!tHnla"hiCco cli aed iu Petersburg on SalunUy as folluwi : Luos f tf 00 to $S.0O, working lugs $4.30 2", shipping leaf, common to vrry good, S to $13; fine $1100 to $14.00: filler leaf, common to good, $"j 50 to $10 ; very "o ,1 $10 50 to $11 50; daik strong waxy leaf, tliuski lireii.) suitable lor black work $ 75 to $14 tor common to Sue: coal cured wrappers $!." to $7J ; nond.-cript h-af $ 50 to $11.00. Mouldy, warm and tui;kr I tobicc . is selling very low. P. P. The religious pre.-s iuw t-.ken in hand I'i"-!. ti e l'rtvdcn-, or as much of him as haa been let, since be passed through the millaol tbe secular editers. The .orth Ctroiutt P&ytri thus cuoeludeaa notice of the lituNsellow The lady in ouesti n is 'regular eor responiient ol tlie "rerftrww, and for intelligence, culture ia.h t' refinement baa no superior in the thJMa'.r. Tbe at tack upon her was most nninaall and low, and had the object of it been a gentleman osteal ol a lady, we risk Bothine in tar ing that the braggarts conrage would have oozcl out ol his linger ends before he had permitted them to hold foraa instant the pen that wrote thesrarrdous production. The idea ot tnch a person sitting in the chair ouc honored by ,-h a jnUemnn as Gov. Swain' It By lie tx-phe end is not vet. Death of a D:stiaruishaxl Tirvinlaa. We learn frota our cichang.s that Hon. Janus 1. Ucleombe ia dead. He was a gentleman of fine literary attain uien's.waj at one times Poofessur ot Law at the L'u.verity of YirgliU, aad mem ber of t he Confederate C-wigress. We re member to have read oriels' his speeches with Ihe greatest pleasure lad it impiessed us as befog remarkably elnquent, finished and graceful The Lvncbburg Virginian th lis speaks ot him r We shall not ia Ibis brief notice at tempt to review the lite at portray the character of tbe Untested gentleman whose death we report One of the brightest in tellects that illume Ihe State or country haa been quenched in death. To this rich endowment of nsture was added scholar ly emliellishments of the highest order. Very rare aad varied were his attainment, in the field of letters. Ilia lasts were es sentially of a literary character, and he was never so mued at home as w hen sur rounded by his hooks. A Tiaasry Fnrtrassninnl It affords na singular satisfaction to re publish the following which we find in tbe MtrtA Usrafiae ftffiyUrlm. It is from the pen of Mrs. C. P. Sslssc It is en couraging to aa editor wno endeavors to do his duty amid multiplied hardships to hear such words of commendation from a critic at once s .competent and so candid. Mrs. Spencer says The 'Ksleigh Sentinel" u Bssuredrv do ing a very excellent Wink ro attempting u revive puonc interest in tbose days. How msny of my young Isdy readers took any inurrcat in ine -narratiwii I kind Fan- niny," the notorious tory leader, which tbe oemiMs nas ueen republishing tbia sum mer f I venture to say tery ft ; for in the first place, it is a most dry and unat tractive piece of readtnir aa all mu. ad mit, and hardly any thing but such a sense oi uuiy as youtog ladita rarely feel brndtng on them cou!d sustain an one through its perussL The illiterate old Tory Guerilla waa in fact Incapable of luuisuTwg m vunuccrea or clear, or any events ol his day, or rm of toon actions in which he himself was ennanbrnnna. His narrative is atrocioosly dujl, and I for one, an rather glad of it) tor tbe avaa him self waa so intrinsically avtaa that I abould regret to see his WKkedaea aad cruelty gilded over ia theae latter data by any posthumous literary savesess. He has left indeed a very poor and barren contribn tion to the history of those times, yet I think every intelligent man and woman in tbc State ought to read it, for onr his torical records are scanty, and it is only by studying carefully all that we can get, collating and comparing all authorities that our minds begin at last to assimilate and make their own what we furnish them, and the imagination finally warms and kindles, ind so vivid and lasting im pressions are ronocived. Itve AnurUnr Costcert at Sailafaary, We copy the following handsome and )t trfbtrte to young ladies well known in Bnsteal eircles in this city, from the Salisbury Wthm-ULZ The concert for the benetit of- the Or phan Asylum, given at Town Hall, Tuesday night, proved far superior to the expectations of our citiiens. The charac ter of the music its high ordei, and the exquiait performance- were alike a gener al surprise as gratifying to the audience as it was highly creditable to the party rendering it. And it must be remember ed that this party consists of two amateur young lady musicians. Miss Carrie Jenk irs. ol Granville, and Miar Minnie Eddins, nt Cleaveland, who are giving their time and talents for tbe benefit of the benevo lent institution named. Thev were invit ed by tbe President of the Asylum to visu tne western part ul the State, where busi ness called him. and accepted the invita tion tiiat they might advance the noble work fa which he is engaged. They take hold of onr hearts by the merit of their owl sacrifice ; an j by the neatness ol the entertainment thev offer, captivate uud charm ell who hear tbem. For the leutuul. THE CATHOLICS AND THE TYPO- Ult&PHlCAL UNiONS. Ou tue iOih June last, a memlx i ul one of the Typographical I u ions of Vontrcal. Canada, ws drowned. His body Uing novcred, in tbe constitu tion of the Union to which deceased had belonged, the merntHrs attended to assist at tbe funeral. All wire surprised when informed thai he coul.l not be buried in constetstcd ground. Ikx-iu-c he was a member ol ilm Printers' Socitly I How- ol lacts coucevning the Society. Mean- while, the bells of Notre Dame rung out me resurrection ol the body, mini conse crated ground and unholy earth aye, iri iu tne tenths ol ocean and the prin ter, deuied a christian burial, slept ou. t he French pnnters, Koiuau Catholics. desired to be act right on tbe question ot ilic.r allegiance to the Church wed to the I'nioii., II s Lordship, the Bishop ol Montreal, was addressed, and inqutnes niauc as lo the ground on which he had condi mn -d the Society. i uc ii simp instructed ICev. r aihcr P.rv to notify the members of the L nion that th.irs.x-ii tv is in:erditced because it engages in things unjust and condemned tor example, to make strike and to pre vent honest and quiet workn-en, wro'du not belong to tbe society, ! caging :u an omce in wnicti their members work, or to oblige those who do not belong to their society to join, under peualtv ol being re- uaeawoik much bis Lordship pro nounced "envncntlj unjust" I he I teyiueiit of obc of the L uioua, and others, waited on hii Lordship and i t .iaiind the- objects cf the organization, n vain did the typos explsin the nstme of their connection with the International Typographical L'nion. His Lordship in formed them that he could not agree with them; that he was opposed to strikes, an I further, that he was opposed to their connection with the International Loioti. A copy i. f the cjnstitutiou of one of tke M istical I'uioas was given the Bishop, with the request that be suggest such alterations as woulj accord with the view a of the Church. Tlie constitution, as inien.ii d, was sadly cut up. His Lirdship erased all reference to tbe grand body, blotted out the number ol the l nion and the article relating to travel ling cards the latter, the sole link that binda tbe printers ol this continent to gether. Of course, all Ihe amendments cool J not be accepted, and so his Lordship s at informed, lie was further informed that strikes were discouraged ; that in cases where injustice was done a member of a subordinate Union, be had tbe right of appeal. Finally, a copy of tbe Constitu tion and lly-Lawe ot the French (Cetno licl L'nion was lent to hit Lordshin with a number of alterations that could be ac cepted, together with the proceedings of the Conventions of the International l'nion lor the past three yean. A few J 'J' stter this, the Bishop with drew his objections to the number of tbe l'nion and to the words, ' International Typographical l'nion," being satisfied with the objects 01 TnaTooiiy. " Mgr. the Bishop of Montreal " then promised not to "destroy the Society II it should adopt the modifications of its rules noted in the constitution, to-wit : to add a lor- mal protest against soy alliance with Ihe International of Europe or any other or ganization intended to undermine the so cial and religions order; to erase every thing that might authorize strikes, and not to employ unjust means, or those op posed to individual freedom, to lessen the number of printers. The alsaraiiqata wwsw accepted, a tribunal of arbitrator! to take the place oi tinacs. It ia to be res-retted that His Lordship confounded the International l'nion so named out of compliment to tne 'Jena dian Unions with that nnholy organisa tion, the " International Society of Eu rope!" As the Bishop was plainly told, printers are educated to be above asso cisting themselves with organisations de trimental to rtligion and to societv." M. VB. 0. K.u.Kioii, Anjfft 25, 1873 Appointments, Iiev. P. A. Stnbel, District Superinten dent of the Ami rican Bible Society for State, makes the following1 appointments ; Lenoitluuf-!4!. " Witki-sboro, Bufadav. " t 1 Sparta, Tuesday 1, Septum Ik r 2 Jsfbrsiin , TuaOilm. '1 ,JL Boon. Friday, , . . - 7 11 14 16 18 21 23 25 1 9 7 LlUkersviile, Sunday. Burnsville, lanccy to., luesuay Uarshsll. Thursday, Aaheville, Sundsy, ' Waynesville, Tuesdsy. Webster, Thursday. -Franklin, Sunday. Havesville. Tu.sday. Murphy. Thursday. Brevard, Wednesday, Octubtr, Hendcrsonville, Friday, Rutberfordton, Sunday, Marion, Tuesday, lit. Wlialley. who has been in Quebec, Canada, some tunc, oollectiiig evidence in the Tichborne case, left on Monday night for New York. ' MARKETS. iN"oon Iteport. Moay easy at 4 to 5. Exchange, long 7 7 f ; short 8 5 8. Gold active at 10. Governim-iit dull. State bonds quiet. Cotton uuict: sabs 4l:f lialtii- It title. Ml 20, Orleans 20 1-4. Futures openedAug. 19 21-32; Sept. 18 3-16al8 1 4; Oct. T& 25 S2al9 27 3J; Nov. 17 7 -lal7 1-2 Dec. 1,7 7 8. Flour quiet and steady. Corn stea dy, atvaiuer western aVted 3 Mo 58. Pork steady and quiet; uew mess 18 IS 1-i to t to teafc I 1-B. 35. Ijsrd dull snd unchanged; oid at 8 5-8. Turpentine dull st 43a43 Kosin quiet at $3 10; Ireigtita quiet. -Midnight I oport. Nohpoi.k, Aug. 25. Cotton stcuJy and unchanged. Low middling 18. ISalti.wohk, Aug. 25. Cott.-n quiet. .Middling 19 1 4. Wilminotok, Aug. 25. Cotton quu-t. Middling 18. Ntw Yulik, Any. 25. Money iay during the morniog at 4 to 5, but h-irdened in the altcrnixn and closed 5 1-2. Exchange dull and nomi nal at 7 7-8. Gold less active and a liaction lower at the close at 15 3-4 to 15 7 8. Governments 'dull, but little bet- l f " to Uond to fairxtra $7.50. Good to choice $7 50. Whisky decidedly firm, r at $100 to 1.01 Wheat shade firmer snd very quiet 'at C4, new winter and red western 7". White western corn opened quite firm and closed with holders little more disposed to realize a moderate demand at 54 to 5S. Steamer western mixed 58 1 2-to GO Pmk dull and lower, new uit-M. on spot $181 4 lie. f quiet and stea ly. nufs $0.50. Lard shade easier at 8 1 2 to 9 Mo Turpentine un changed. Kosin .put at $3 10. Freights to Liverpool very Aim. Cotton receipts--net 321. Gross 4,549. Futures c'osc.l as follows: August 19 18-83. September 18 5 Iff to 18 1132. October 17 27 32. November 17 7 10 December 17 3 8. Sales 15,900. Kftleili Market. I' ikhs. no Dan. v. Br H. T Stboiiacb ,t Hao.. Malta-kt Jul ius. Au. 10. I'llTluS YAR.N,tr i.uiicb Ilia " dry, i-er lb is MalO LEATHEIl SOLE LEATI1HK I Pi'EII LEATHER HAKNC.x VnI.AS.R-l, iH.-rrsl . . 30 aa7X IIOLDE.N SI R 1' eoaw PEACHES a-so . . .. lOali 10al3 1540 lri.-U I'. .UK CHICKEN.' : EGOS FEATHERS FLAXSEED per bus HAT, per 100 lbs IllOEa, per In Dry POTATOES, Sweet t bu. . . TALLOW per lb VINEGAR periral K1CE... tUOS TIES BUTTER f LOUR, per bbl, N. C MEAI, r bu., CORN, per ba.. 5 lh BACON Bulk 11.4 MS, H.C " Canvassed MULLETS HERRINOS COFEE 8LUAR, ... 2 a 1 . . IHa75 1 St . . 1 i'l to lials .... Ms 100 aio 40afl0 ... luallH 8 30a4O ....7 SOall 00 .... ... V5 a 1 00 lbuU Wwi HK.D20 .... 7 751 i 2S(i 75 Xal5 Saletr Oil PUREST, 8AFE8T. AND BEST OIL IN USE. It Is maae npoa strictly selsoliuc prlneipls and guaranteed to be perfectly pore. It con tains ne- mixture or chcmleals of any kind, no Naptba aor Gasoline. It Ii made from Kerosene and by a new process all th 1 are oil is extracted rejecting fully 3i Bsnzinb isn Ti tbe cause or all Kerosene evplosi-jns Annually dlroyin)K,0tXJ lives It U perfectly safu and will not explode nor take nre if a lighted Lamp be dashed upon the floor and broken. U piodu!6s a brillisBt and- uniform -tWme.- u It rrqulres no ehange of Lamps. Everybody who on e use It nronmince it the bast; and-eoUaa;-to-ait. r . . . It Is sold In RsJeiiih only by T. HaBriggs tl Sons. Bole Agents, 1 8i or Tit Uoi.ntu EtiiLE. augii-tf 'pHK t I slBERLAMU UMV'EitSITT, WASUISUTON, D. C. The Preparatory De-nartment opens Septem ber loth. The Medical Cri1iK opens September 17th. The Medical College odens I .elober Otli. The Law School ojieAs October 3th. For catalogues containing full particulars in reirard totenns and course of Instruction, ad dress JAM US C. WELLING, LL. 0., sun COt Preldent, Ac. SLASDKR 0W SLA CKBKRR1KK Laason, peaking of blackberries - iu North Carolina la the last century, ssys the dew berries are very good bat Co blackberries are bitterish and not" a., le ttable as in England. Old Lawsnn ate ol blackberries in the East Wc are told the blackberries of 4jie East will givo double the quantity of juice as com oared ith those ol the West. When onr Geol ogist returns from Vienna we shall know of him the. difference between blsckberrks ol the Ea,t and ilioseof Ihe West Tb? sheriff of Forytr.e oorrty told M that in 1869 but for the blsckScrty crop the peo ple of that county wdala have found it difficult to pay their taxes. A W1S& ASUJG8T IA W. The Stat ot Mississippi has father a peculiar law, passed by the last Legisla ture, by which it n provided that every person holding office in the State who hall be found druak shall, anon aonvic liun, be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor and shall by tbe judgment of the court and sentence, be removed fiom office. Kxekang. Tbe best thing we have heard of iu i. long, long time. It betrays a measure ol' good sense which encourages us. Mind you, it is not the action id a New England Legislature that might be regarded a fanatical but a law passed iu Ihe Sou.h, and iu the sober State ul Mississippi. We would cast ttccnty votes if we could, for such a law in North Carolina. Indeed, we would go luriher than lhat It is out deliberate conviction that any man who gels druuk su .uld be put in jail. , II I f lIX ItilDIIUliI aMa.lataw4.aks.-4V. ., ..iiiiit wiciiyr. Tins is rather steep. We have a lau forbidding druukeuness ia officials. It H were put in to executiou thiru would b many vsciwcks on the bench. THE VJiGIMA VAVPAldX A veiy animated campaign has just opened in Virginia Some ol the best men arc already in the field and enthu siasm is gradually spreading throughout the State. The Cuiv rvativu papers seem confident of victory. TIip Richmond- Bit qnirtr says : "It mast be so. It Cannot lie otherwise. The questions at issue between the two partus are too grave to be regarded w ith indifference by the great mass of the citi zens of this Commonwealth who sre in v tally interested In the decision upon them ; and nothing but iudiffarence ou tbe part of the white men can possiby pievent the election of Kanapar, Witbara and Daniel by a majority ol from fifteen to taly tfaooaaaMi." c'oloku. Mosul. The Warr niton . dti, at the home of Colonel Mosby, ssyt : "While it has been the desire of Cotooet Mosby, to effect a reconciliation betweau the Coneurstive people and Gen. Grant's admmutrattiou, he has never been in sym pathy with the Radical organicntion ot Virginia. He has always contended that the only way to destroy that party in the South, was to break down its influence at Washington. This he thought could be done only by bringing the Southern peo ple to the support of Gen. Grant. In sup porting Gen. Grant he claimed to be in direct antagonism to the Radical organi zation in this Slate; and hit earnest op position to that party in tbe coming elec tion is perfectly consistent with his course iu the last Presidential csavass when sted by tbe opinion snd feelings which nflueuced him in supporting Gen. Grant. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JlTOTICI TO TAX FAT ERA. Tsx pavers of the City of Rsleich art not- fed to coca forward and pay their taxes for the year Ti at once, time for noUectlon ex piring aeptemncr I u . rKAflCIS at, aug 1 USept Collector. HIK 8TATK ACXtLIART 1I0INT STOCK COMPANY. ' 0llK 1HI FOLLOWINO SPEED PREMIUMS, To be coinueted for dnrlnir the FAIR to be held at COLUMBIA. 8. U. MeTemberWk. loth, UUi, UUi and Uth ot this year : TUESDAY, NOVEMBER II. First Race, for S year olds. ' MP, beat S lot; ftOOtearatHoras;ISOtoaeeondUoiss. eccoBa nsce. i si lie sna svepeat, SJ.0 to first Horse ; 8100 to second Horse. Third Race, alls, 8 Inn, for Trotting Horses who never beat 8251) to flrt ttoMa, t-V) to second Rnraa WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER TS -First Rsee Mile Hests. for citixeaa' purse of 1,000 , 8760 to first Uorse and 8250 to second Hone. Second Race for Trotter, H Mile ; best three In firs for s citizens' purse of 8500 ; 8400 to first snd 8100 to second. Open to the world. mess two pniasa pronussa uy tee csusens to be raised are likely to bring Horses from the whole United Stales, anirf as aa Invest ment will bring twice the amount back. We look lor some gallant nyers Irom me north, East sad West here to eoutead tor these pre- Bunnis. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. First Race, tf Mile Dssb, 8250 to" first . 8;i to second. Second Rsee, H HeaU, 8100 to first ; 824 to second. Third Race. K mile. 5 In A. for Trotttmr Horses who never, beat t.M, lloO to tint Hone ; fla to second Hi nt. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14. First Racs open to all, 1,; Mile Dash, 100. up; 8-00 o winner. pounds Mamrnx- Horses only, I'i Dash, 8100 first - $50 aeennu. Tfflr3 1iace,1l mlfe, t in 8 for Trotting .ir-' 1 ses who never beat mumtes, $1' 0 to ttrst Horse ; 815 to second Horse. There will t about tl.tOt given ta TrotUn.- Parses, tt the olticrs will net aama the Races till they eel an Idea ot what Horse are likely to he here. a-jf si-it , . .. .,..,... ... w ANTED f.VUtK) to 8AO0O on No. 1, Real E.tafi Iu the Citv of Wllmlnirton, for 8, X, or more years. Interest payable semi-annually. IV. 11. jojm (j0i aug -'1 tf Areuu. 31ANOES TUNED. us Persons desirtni; Pianus Tuned, can have it well done by leaving their names at our Store. Work guarantied, and best references given. July 4 tf W II. .IONIS ft CO.

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