- 9 THE SKXTIXH i'i m iirr by SKTI.Kl FIHUXHIM; in.'MM I riii Jt-rt' 1 vt nr in admit' f".'ii nr in adroitc Th- ftui.f e n t in Ki- will In- ildivrrd In r ve r nt ihf (Hv it KtPTiiKtt khts per uum cmmm ep int paper PI BLISIIFD n THE CITY. LATEST TELEjOIlAlPmO -wxrws owr 4th page. :' M FK.TT r. N r. I LL A CtL, W.SWW JWnY.Tr tiWi Kow, New Turk. and . -i.--tortlt--W-reMf'R;rw. New York, and mi i:iiwmni !str.-et, mtlaileplila, arc our Airent. for procuring advertisoinen's for pIt (the fiN-riNsi.) in Hie sIkjvi- cities, and xuthiiMKt-o lo contract for advertising at nur ' .-st retes. VVKATHKH KKHOHT. WaSBIHOTnn. 8ept II. HT.I roriue koiiiii Atlantic mates rising t. ni ls rature irenlle and fresh wiuds ami clear aud pailly cloudy weather. CITY A I. M AN A- September 12, 1873. 41 11, Hon rises... Run sets.... MKrKiiol"ja-icAi4. RBPOUTin AT Pt HAKII'S CKJ1R TOK. KiuiinB, September 11, 1873. 6 a. m. 9 a. m. U m 2 p m. 4 p m. W T.t 7t 75 CITY CtOTON MAUKKT Retorted daily by W. C. Stronacn, (Irooor and Commission Merchant, -Farettevlllr Street : Kii.iioH. 8ept 11. rt. Price sf cotton In our market today : At 11? m. . x At 4 p. m. " Salea 5 Sties. Market steadv HIITKl. AHKIVAI.K. YAitiinitorim Holbk . V R-taelnatt 'rifiriit'ir M II Stovem. Bid. mom). V.i; V r ,' Morgan, Zatiesville, Ohio; I) V lo. I. I.vclan.l. Oliio; Jmiii. h W. i.l,, Jr. Ili'-t- : Mrs 1 1. hi-.-. New .f,-r.-; Win I l - ' C S. ainn; On F Brown. Brod-'v,.,,, X.. ijiat.'..-NiEi'?'''--'r'-'TT' 'X' f.vS.rHrf'M,'iTi.'i'y;' tf" A Sh'otw ,-. A-banv IVniti'iiiinij - Frank S Smiih. Bal timore; Julius Dteji,,. s. Atlanta, (ia National IIotki.-. .V. IShiir. Pro prietor M S Wathington. Kcnmtisvilh : S C Pool. IT ih ioh ; V Wade, Vilginia ; J S Mi-allows, A L G kIi. OxC id ; V Page, W C I'nge. fary ; Elder Q A Ward. Orange; Joseph Ii!nk.', A Jones, Wake; J (' McKse, Fayelteville : Mannury M Hiirgsbee. H'deigh ; Henry I'rrry, J no 4 I'erry, Ala: (' (' I'ustcd, wife ami t-1 n : . ( . Coltiinlius, (Ja ; Til- mas Jones, .lone- l o ; Siinp-onTate, McDowell; Wil lisin While, C'atuw ba; Henderson I'hifer. I.incoliitnn ; Hev K Yeatrn, U-ntl'rt : Wiliiam Jami soll, Eiloecoinbe ; Tlmlila. rrincr, ll-tli fax; Alliert Williamson, Or nge. NORTH CAROLINA, A disease ftoincthii. -iniilnr to the cb-lera lias been ra Hinong thecals ill thi plair, we ale told, and n nunibel have l eil of it. Il would lie quite a cut astrophe were all thecals to die. Munroe Enquirer. Tai l Co-iton. - We have in our office a couple ol M.dks of cotton eiu'hl feet high, raised by Col. Joseph A. Houston, neur Ore Hill, in Chatham county. This is pri-ttv fail cotton if thia up-coutitry. Vairwi. lim Dial, the slayer of Floyd Oner dini , was brought m tow n yesterday by Wilson, the slayer ol Amlti-w Str-it",. and is now awaiting ar. iiives'ii i?;i. ii ot thr case be fore n Ju-ticc of the !V..c. which iil soon take pi ict-. llfnohittn. Fatal AcvinKJrr We leum by-pas senegers on the YVcldon r nd vestenlav littyi.oou rliat a wfiitemuii by theii tiiieof Lewis rtne.il lie, a laiuier living ueui r.u- tii hi, IUIiIhx county, seed about 81 or '.'J years, accident llv shot mol killed him sell yeaterday morning, lx-twcen 0 and 7 o'clock, while gunning Star. The 1 Itli Aiiniml Fair of the Cumber land county Agricultural Society wiil be held at FayiUeville, on the lSlh, 19th, JOth and 21at of November. The officers are actively at work, getting everything in n-adine4, and will tuliy accomplish ad the du'.iea devolving upon them. Over $1 IKK) have been oir. rod in premiums for stock, ctVips. Ac. Gazette. -,. The Norfolk Journal says : A new ste uur recently built at Kdenton, N. I'., loi Captain Peter Warren, is now lying at William A. Grave's ship-yard, for the pur-ksi- of being titled out. The engine and boilers are being put in by Messrs. Thus. I Godwin Co., of the Virginia Iron Worki. Hhe is designed for a new treiglit aud pawu i.ger line from the city to Hert ford, N. C, and landings on the 8cupier nong river. In regard to the burning of Mr. Cov ington's barn at M on boo, it turns out that the negro boy, Tom Osborne, who was arrested, confesses the deed, but says be was hired to do so by C. C. Lock hart, a white man, who is also under arr at. The same Lock hart w as undeigoing trial is the Enquirer weut to press, for a bnr glary perpetrated on the store of Mr. Ga briel Helms. On his person was found $75 and in his bouse $228.75. Mr. Dempsey Keynolda, a citizen ot Co lumbus county, risiding near Bogue P. 6., was accidentally killed last week by Ix WK -thrown from bU nx-caH. ila waa, sitting on the ox-cart talking to a friend, when some dogs began barking at the oxen, frighening them so that they instant ly stared off on a run. Mr. Reynolds was then thrown from the cart and struck on hrs head, breaking his neck. Deceased was a.bhul 45 or 50 yean old, was an hon et, baid-working man, and leaves a fami ly. Journal. Urasue Meetino. A meeting of the Cumberland County Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry was held in this, town, last Saturday, at 11 a. m. The Grange is flourishing, aud increaaing in numbers and usefulness. At the last meeting maoy interesting matters were discussed, and inwvnrtant business waa transacted. Steps will be taken soon to eiteud in this sec tion the influence of the order of the Pa: ' iriins oT Husbandrv; by the organization of otberrajiges andjthe general discuiion of the priocipiea ine oroer. rciyrue tiUi QautU. As Old lK8THiMicNT.--The Bagpipe that 'Vie" the Scotch Tones music at th ttttref ettr Bridge fjwireitehrlsrj fff l.,l. 17H1 ia in the oossession ol tr. run can mtlMUSi,yX S&Stm&k- Ml. JJfilbun. "Is n erand son of David Ikthune "ihe Piper," who, according to the history of that memorable day, " m gie ineiu music- was Ins charee " and one blast was worm a thiiusaud'men." We'UDderstand one of our citizens is now collecting an account ol this battle w hich, when published he nt interest to the decendants ol the Highlanders, who (ought lor the cause ol KiHir Gioiire with an honest conviction that the cause was right aud just. R'iU- wiiiun. VOL. IX. HOME AFFAIRS Tour Probabilities flrim-ryTriFo'wiif hm lirui who uttcniH to Hie Hciitlur while Z. W. Oill. We direct capcc'inl atli nlion to the ml- vcrt si-ment of Z. VI. (Jill, Family (Jui cer and Ijuiior Dealer, to he fhml in this ilny' Sk.ntinki.. Go and . Mr. vjiii aim ii ne mini give you your money' worth, then we're a-Duichmnn Mmqnito Remady. Oil of pennyroyal thre-e or four ilroua .u H-.i to ilia rce, neck and handa will nays an exchange, afford compk-U- immu nity from the attaeka of this pestifurnui lOMt. 1 1t is alao rvcumn,, flftcd for flea, tik, jiggera and other bloody-thirsty Insects. Firt Cotton from Johnston. Ou yeaterday weTiad a Tieit from I). K Avcr.i, Esu., of Johnntou counly. who rough t a bale of cotton to market, which he nadiiy gold IV.r iightn cista. Mr Ave'n reminded the .Senior Hint he won bowl of ix X ""H f r. m him twenty live 'ii i'g'i ii hi ( Kii liini; a fox. Meeting of the Baptist Sunday School Choir. HrfrfTM- n rm A.r, -nT'lf . Il l .tT, ' . I vnt.o. ill u i ii ipust I l.llli 'i, his en nin lit M n I. . k - VI! ti.einlieis areixpi'ed to b- rrsi.i promptly. Ladies are n -spcctlulty li ted to atti n-l. this i A New Publication. We have nci iv. d tiom the ofliise ol the Wmttul lUnild, V mated, Conn , u eiy neatly ptii.led pamphlet entitled " A Free and In. h pendent I'rauslation ol the First and Fourth Hooks oft he .Cueid of Virgil." We mil turn u m r i,, Mr. Kingsbury, who mil piohabiy h .vc Soiuitlliiig lo say ol its ii. cut- or dements in our next. Picture Qazers. Ye-tci.lay morning the mainiuot h, high'y cloied circus pictioes attracted a large cr. ml of ,crs. uis - w lute, black, gray and grizzle at the corner o) Fa etuv iile and Di.vie streets Tlieyrepri sent wild und lerocious animals in their native wilds, fearful le ns of horsemanship, hair-lifiing acrobatic perlormancca, ic- Revivals of Religion. rt c icurn mat there have been, witlud the last t wo w. ks, two inttrcstitig revi vals of rchii lo in theciiintv of Granville. One at It . k Spnn, w hen- there were twei.tv convi rif. and the other at Tim- bcrlakc'a Silio.il II- use, where there were twenty ... v ii converts. Both meetings were i on. In. t.- I i.y K. v. M. J. Ilui.t, ot the M. K. Chun ii. Citizens Maetin. Wc understand that M.-nday evening n fit bi.s h en ague. I upon as Ihe time for the meeting of citizei.s ut Metropolitan Hall, to take into consideration the matter ol free pub.ic schools for the white chil dren of tbhurity. The chairman of the committee will probably make the an nouncement over Ins own signature to morrow . The Types. Before we left for Loiiisburg we wrote the following : "The editor of the Atlantis Monthly is William I). Howells. He is a of Yan kee celebrity." What was our horror when we glanced at our editorial to read : "The editor t the AtlanUi Monthly, fcc, is a jxirf of Yankee celebrity." Oh, the types, the types '. New Invention. Mr. Ii. K. Warren exhibited in our ( dice yesteiday, bis model ol Fire Proof Cotton Lint Kooin, just patented August 19th. IHTA.. Every cottou gin should have one It is simply a platform or movable sealing to fit the lint room, anil can be raised or loweted by lever power. When the cot- tUU knitea. the svaaliuu """r if llim a 1 upon the lint. This invention will lessen sen the insurance on cotton gins. Success to Mr. Warren and his invention. Law Violated. On yesterday morning the majesty of the law was vindicated in the case of Jack Bashford, tried bVore the Mayor, and lo.ind guilty of violating the Sunday liquor law. Jack keeps a saloon in the Western Waul near the Central Depot. He was reported by officer Friday Jones, for selling liquor ou Sunday last ; the man to whom he sold the spirits testill.-il against him. Jack submitted, add con tribuwd b rum tf twenty-five dollars to wards lighting the streets with gas during Fair wee k. Horn Again, We. we were glad to sec in our office VeKtefdaV Jotirf Afrnslfohg, Esq , w ho has just returned from bis vi.it, to Ou'd Jrc Tanilnm nauve Ui;X' " He received a hearty welcome Iroin all bis eld friends, and is very enthusiastic iu his descript on of the country, and what he saw. He did not want to leave his old home, and intimated to us that he would, at no distant day, return and make Ireland his lining. We cannot affird to lose "Cousin John," and hope he will change his mind RALEIGH, N. obr. rms Geo. Hoke has 4trracS to flit city. ... , 4 ilMut UmlUji. Ias MHmetl tw rrl "float. The Graphic Balloon will probably "go Uji lo diy. Mr. I. wen Bairinger returned to the city ye t nlay evening. I itshioiiabh ii-le pafier aud t-nveloiH-fl eiubr.xe nil imu nud correspond with the litest Indies dress shtwlt. Fashion's ( Initio;, k were much the anine in Hie U.ini. ii ..! Kdrn as now. The de mand of the lull mm for more clothing. The Caps May (Jerun Wan says that the crop of nioeuitixa nt that place, though lare, ia an eicelli in one, and that the size of the birds is rutin i above the average. A Nebraska in ,n on his dying bed, re- UH-inbered thut his wile was siuokiug some hams, and In aid : " Now, Henri etta don't go to siififfii'g-..puiii'l and for get them hnnis." The new volume i I Mr. Longfellow's poems, " Alleiui itli, willeoninio .mother rii of " Tales .,1 Way.hle Inn ' aud wil. b ready earli m Seiiteuiuer. dun AticumiH, A Georgia h i.le i d. ser.U-d in one of tike - a loam fleck, snowy, jet un the ripplings of some lluhheTl, crowuiug soft 9outhirn sea ' Tin sweet girl gradu .te ol a New Or leans rv miliary recently received tho di -g ee of "Maldo! ? i,ce." Some time herealter she wid piobably be entitled to another degree -that of " Matron of Sci ons." An Educational Journal. The State Educational Association, through their Exe ;itive Committee -of which O n. V I.. Cox is Chuiiman - have d. termined to publish u petiodical to be called the Stttte Journal of Muni tion. It will be a 48 page monthly, and will he devoted to education and litem tuie. Arrangements hive alreadv bun made for the publication o the journal aud many of the first writers of the Slate have consented to become contributora- The first number will appear in Novem her next. W e w l.-h the enterprise much success. The National Banks. The billowing paragraph which is going the rounds ot the press w ill lie intcrestin to hoiks and bankers. We will state. however, that we ha. Iii ard no complaint ot the bunks hi this city. S-i many e. inplaints hive r. acbed the Treasury Department of late in regard to u.-uiiou- eli iio.s i f interest by the nn lional b .i.ks throughout the country f- i nv aey h nt, the Secret any of tne Tieasuiy cotiti lilplates calling the attention of Ihe several di-triet attorneys to thiii'Violatioii of the national hanking laws, and re-nut-Ming III-in to bring prosecutions against such banks as are known to have been guilty ot this practice. Potwsburg Tobacco Market. The breaks were again light to-day, with some good shipping grades. The market rules steady at $11 50 to $13.50 for good dark shipping. Lugs are a shade oft, except lor those of good body, which are taken by manufacturers at steady pi ices. We ijuole : Lugs f U.00 to $4 00, workiog lugs $0.50 $8.25 ; shipping leaf, common to viry good, $J to $111; fine $13.00 to $14.00 ; filler leaf, common to good, $9 50 to $10 ; very good $10 50 to $11.50; daik strong waxy leaf, (husky fired.) suitable for black work $9.75 to $14 for common to fine; coal cured wrappers $15 to $73; nondescript leaf $8.50 to $11.00. Mouldy, warm and funked tobacco is selling very low Appeal. Oept, R. A. ShotweLL , , We had the great pleasure of meeting for a moment this gentleman, true, staunch, resolute, on yesterday afternoon. He is now at the Yarborougb House nod duls nmiabitad from the. " Albany Pen! lniiliirT " Till f? l1Tt'1'i" r?'""rfl rij f tfV1 Capt, Shotwell was unconditionally pill" I doned. Every true North Carolinian will rejoice in his release. He conies from hi prison ot more than two years, with n undaunted spirit, with the full conscious ness ol never having done anything to merit the jluuishment he received, with a character as bright and spotless as it was befme he wta vict. raized, slandered and persecuted for vile party ends We are profoundly glad that the tardy act for hie release has at lust been performed, and that like Macttrogor, "-lie treads once more his native heath." We join in the cordial vycci!HJKthtwaUeMm,.d-wih him in ail sincerity a hearty God's speed. Capt. S. was first put to the trade of a shoemaker. He says he could earn a de cent livelihood if ho would "stick to his last." He was afterwards promoted to the post of librarian to the peniteutiary. L Ho. is tuJL. W!. T" - Wu bs,le him a sad farewell at Henderson, When, guarded by soldieis and manacled, he was carried from his native State as if a felon to a distant peniten tiary. Our heart then rose to our throat as we bade him good bye. Onjosterday we felt joy and gladness as we again piessed Ins hamlNand expressed to him our high ".ratification at hs return to his Slate and friends and kin. lied. LSATUBVSEFTEMBERlg. 1873. TEMPERANOC, MtUf ths m depentfenl Drd Nortlv Oarolio. BT OUK 1FEIIA SFCONI) GiicUisboho', Sept. 10. After spending hilf an hour in religious si-rvice this morning, the Grand Lodge waa cauea to ori tijr tj. v. (;. T. I'ritcbard. About 20 add itiot1 delegates preteuted mrir creoentiats, anaarere enrolled After hearing the trading of memo rial from Newborn Lodge, the Grand Lodge proceeded totne election of its offi cers with the folloitnir rvault : W. C. Troy, FivA,.ille, O. W. C.T. N. B. Brou-lJJyh. a. w. O. Mis Nanaia r'ol.twell Htalmvilln O. W. V. T. 4v'l' 8am'l J, Fall. lUWiuh, O. W. 8. J. II. Wciborn. Lexington, O. W. T. ATTERKOOII tisaaloN. The afternoon w siun was occupied ia the consideration of the report of the committee appointed lo consider there commendations contained in the report of ine wormy i mel lemplar, among which were a nole of thanks to the General As sembly for itsi-nai iiiient f soman? local prohibition laws at its Inst session sod a-king a continuance in the same direc tion, which wa adopted. Alao fixing the salary yl U. W. Stcietury at $300 lar aiimlUL .,;..-i-; yw--,,fi i. i.in.i ,iDHs xHcren neie on rri day. The greatest luinuonv und brotherly io.e pievaus. Trip to Frasklin. (a buft Monday we took the train for Louisburg. u compsny with our fiiends Maj. A. M. Lewis an I Col. L. ('.Edwards. At 1-rankliHon wc were refreshed with an i-icelieiitdinner at Mis. Tucker's Hotel Il ) railing bard, but we made the tiip to L'lUIIUU'KU, -...I I... . I . I. . a. .i .a . oish k, p in wiih sitting iy a spaikling tire that lell most pleasantly on such a raw Hid gusty day. Our host VI. l' 1. ... ' "roru, ihs oM-neu a poiel near the bridge, aid does everything in his power to ruuk his guests comfortable. He gave us a pleasant bed and a great abundance of ciyature ftimfotta. He ke. ps tfu nous. , a fact I Iia4j traveller who are so often vlctimiae4--.HiM do well to make a note ofj We had not visited Louisburg In ednic eleven, tstu W. have long been p.rii.i i because of Us intelligent and agr-cablc people, and were gratified ' iu. i-.e-t. uc. a of n-o. prny. Since ...,r Isst 'tlt llia'iy new stores huvt la-en cr. ot.. I. and there was an increased display ol energy and enterprise-. Wo looked in Upon flic court, but as the cuses were l a uyity ch uacter, we found but lilt'.- in-rest in them. Jn.lgo Watts prtsi I. d with his wonted dignity, and evin. . il nne of that pro loiuiii and extensive lig-d em lition -a hk h ll made h III illustrious. Ilis wil. which he dirplared lavk-lily,;artiN k of the Hue Atfit flivi.r, and MNn.late l as only the w it of great mi n i' i. It was uot so blilliaiit perhaps as rdieridan'a, nor so ik-ltcate as Chailes I. JuU'i.n. r so brusque and pointed as Currai s, nor so extremely comical and suddeuj is Sidney Smith's. Surely it was n-ne of these things. But it was wit, and it waa inn Watts' wit. It was a sort ol cross between Simon Suggs and Josh Hillings, bearing the unmistaka ble stamp ol originality. There were sev eral lawyers present frun a distance, be anies the home bar which numbers some six or eight. We went over to ,jr Hill, the famous horse-swapping grounl, about one hun dred and filty yaids eo.. from the Court House. We saw more bad looking beasts than wc remember to have ever seen before. It was raining at the time ami we did uo remain very long. What we saw was " rich, rare and racy." A fellow ou a miserable look ing mule, spotted and iu,nJ ly exchanged his steed (fur ' bonc called a horse. In thel """ wu "r ten hours oerhanaX. llwI ? - Il MM SM kepi. wtP'"r - in nu Ml 1 animule," and he went on hi way frjoicing with hi addle on his own back, perhaps,, how ever, a sad.h r and a wiser man. But thia is Woodson's property, and we will not trench further upon his rights We were glad to meet with many firm and very decided friends of the Skktir Kb, and were able to obtain a respectable lit of new subscribers, with the pr mie of many more; Our friend's assured us there was but one opinion auong the intelligent men of Franklin, and that was that the Bsntikki. was never so good bclore. The press was "well represented. Our jovial . friend Woodaon of the Ntttt, Cor boll of the Africullunl Journal, Whitaker id the Friend f Tempertnee, Baker of the franklin Ceuirer, and Col lier ut.tUo Un4 Mtmrnttry Petewburgv were all on haud as well as'the Associate -gdHofW the BlJTIli!a1tittmitkB "willing" like Barkis. We thought them a pleasant and agreeable set of good fel lows, and, unlike Bill Arp'a friend, they " toted fsir." All did Very well wc be lieve. The sewing machine men wert in despair, and the life insurance canvassers were afraid to enter the ring, when they saw the '' pros-gang" in such force. In our next we will have a few words to say of Frankliuton, farming, &c. 4TONVXNTI0M. Oood Tamplsrs of 1 f ItEPOHTKR. Vat. tmmtl Bishop Atkinson's Appointments. -Tftrteirtiif If t loM el Vfii Wwiern appoiutmenU of the IU. Rev. Bishop At kinson fu tb nimrttis irf e) (ember ancj October : Morgnnton, Hickory, September 11th ; lath ; Lenoir, Patterson, Valle TUsia, Uth ; lth ; 18th Wilkes borough, 21st; Qwiun's Chapel, Stateaville, 23rd; 25th; Lincolnton. High Shoals, 28th 29th Charlotte, 81 James, Iredell, October 2ud 4th; Bth; Christ Church, Rowan, St. Andrews, . " Salisbury. Oth; 7th. Well Put. The s..;J Agent hi the Post Oflk Department has recently written a letter to oue of the Georgia Poitmssteri, of whom complaiut had been made for the non-delivery of newspaper matter from hie olHce. The agent lectures the Pi.st master alter this fashion: 4-ilo mit consider it irrelevani to" call jour attention to the close business rela tionship which cxiBts between the Post Office Department and 1 citMiWiryi aone-i M&8&WlPt--t.h velop the resources if their titles, to find I Ii .it lo Want ot ir'.in.tnins ojp the purt ol those whose duly it is to, defiver the mail, that articles ttial have cost weeks of study, und talent of the first order to prepare lor the public eye, are carelessly overlooked, or not de livered until the time has pawed, w-Ikb good c-.uld h.ive beeu obtained by their peiiisal. The manufacturing, mercantile, agiiciiuura:, anil in lact. all business sui te" by such careless, and I trust, hereaf ter.). .u will not allow the patrons of your ollice to coiuplain, if'in jour power to prevent it. Th FayettevUl Oasett. Thia new paper bids fair to become at no distant day Ihc. leading paper of its section. It is one bf the nmst neatly printed papers In the State and its col umns are alw ays filled with the choicest matter. In the la-t number of the 7,i- tette wc lind ihe followint', under the head ot "Heoiinisceiicesof Public Men," which will be read with iii ircst. By the death of Gen. D. M. Bsrringer we are reminded of the last speech we ever heaid him make. It w as lioui the balcony oftheFajetJUyillJJloli uUimi then stated that he could recall the days of his boyhood when he used to come over Haviuount into the streets of Fay etteville, a barefooted larnier bov. with his lather's wagon. He spoke of his as toniehin. nl and wonder at the eTeatneas nnd sph ii-I- r ot the place, lor at that tiuui raiettci iiic was the tow u of North Caro lina. M.ny still living hole, while icadin" rece.it.v the mw'sp.pi-r accounts .. 'tho grea,t,i English propeily case, in nlil. Il Hon. .1 ml tli I' ltei,iiniu has he- n eii-gagi-d. and in which he has prove I the ell A .i - aw to bo t . lad es ol Ge rgia, en cairied back to the early i-art h ive I of th.i lives, w he th y used lo have a riain pinymale in the schools ol f av etievill. ; a liiilv, ueprepossesling fellow, sickly, frail, with J-wish leutures, but ith a bright aud active mind, and a quicknisa ol peiccption aud depth of un derstanding which gave promise ol bis future greatness. His family moved far ther South while the schoolboy was still a lad, nnd took up their abode in Louirana. 1 lie tanner boy who followed the wagon was the future mcmbci of Con gress ami th Minister to the Court ol her Catholic Majesty, the Queen of Spain. The ob-cure pupil al the common school was alierwards Secretary in Davis' Cabi net, honored barrister at the English bar. and (0 day Counselor of her Graciou Majesty, the (jueen of Englsnd. A Dowh-towm Mehcuamt recently sued his druggist for a tempt to defraud. He was buffering from inflamed kidneys and asked lor Dr. Helmbold's Buchu. The druggi-t gave him another kind, qpon Which the piofit was greater. Instead of relieving the patient as the genuine prep ar.tiou had alway. done, the imitation uijouiid. airirra Vatod 1?iq iliiumaaaaaa Ijf iuaTiialreaaing nines lollowed. Th4 court, alter full hearing, gave judgment for the plaintiff with cost. Moral, buy How to Lio.htc.1 Woman's Labor. II "time hi money," then everything tends to facilitate labor ia a positive pe cuniary Ik net! t to 1.0, .i Th. 1.1. sewing machine ur churn is not a "good .truug woman," as experience proves. 80 Sapolio, in eonabllug one woman to easily do as much cleaning of every kind in one day as two women can do in two day. with the scrubbing brush and oap, is a pfssftfve" Mcssiiig to flic human race. No woman who has once used it will ever ate anything clae as a substitute. Sold by all deeleri7 Th e cT wpest W tju? best c.nsing substunce in tlie world, sept 9. -Anopr Tn Pivtiv Polict. Severe spells of Mliousoiss, Inducestion, chills and fever, dlnrrhiea, nervous headache and physi cal eihautUon are quite usual at this season, yw reinttomr wtrtch ei Wj ''(way tt BfiF lous 10 avoid, and as a course of Hosteller's oewHt- Sftterr 1ft-'trnaBtloifsDiriro tlie system sgsinst them, the moat valuable medical advice whleh eae be oficrcd at this lime to nersons snbect to such complaints or at all sensitive to unospheric chaoire. is to commence taking thia powerful vegetable al terative and Invlgorant without delay. Forty ehrht hours will not have elapsed after the tlrstdose before a marked ehaniie will hare manifested Itself In the condition ef the sys tem. Tlie ulliroate result will be a habit of body so r. xu;ar;a genial condition so vigorous, that however unhealthy tl season may chance to be, the system thus refreshed and reinforced will be in 'est possible trim tn encounter it. - NO. 87. ! MARKETS. Noon Report, j LivKurooL, Sept. II. ' Cotton firm. Uplands 9 ; Orleans! 1-t Sales 15,000 bales. Speculation and ex port .1,000. Shipment of uplands of new crop on a basis of good ordinary 8 3 4 ; Oeleans on a basis ol good ordi nary deliverable for September 1 8 ; Up lands basis of low middlings 9. New Yobk, Sept 1 1. Money firm at 7. Gold 11 1-2. Kx- change long 8 1-9 ; short S 1-4. Govern ments dull. Bute bonds dull and nominal. Cotton quiet and steady, Kale 1448 bales. Uplands SO 5-8- Orleans 81, u ture opened Sr 8eptomber t 18 2S-Bni IS 1-0 ; October 18 8 lftalS 1-4 Novera ber 17 7-8; Deoerabor 17 27-aal7 7-e, January 18 1-8 ; March 18 11 1. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat quie and n.iaiiiial, buyers favor. Corn (hi U and .drooping, pork quiet and easy-i-new $17.50. Lard dull old steam 8 5-18 8 3-8. Turpentine heavy at 43 1-8 Houn steady at $3.10 tor strained. Freights dull. LlVKitpixii., Sent. 11. Saios incia.Ie 3,400 American. Delivery ot new crop on a basis of good ordi nary 8 3-4. Nr.w Yon, Sept. K Nel reoeipttof Cotton 151- bales , grog leceipts 251 bales. Futures closed easier. Sales 12,400 ; to be delivered in St-ptem ber, 18 13-16; October, 18 3 HLj Novem. ber, 17 7-8 ; December, 17 13-16. Cotton steady; sales 2,810 bales at 20 5-8 to 21. Flour inactive and shade easier; com- aion to fair extr $7.20 to 8 50 ; good to choice $8 50 to $11. Gold firmer at 11 1-4. Government irregular; States dull and nominal. Wilmi.noton, Sept. 11. Cotton firm. Middlings 18 1-2. Spirits turpentine lower closing; quiet at 39. Hos-n steady at $2 52 forstrained ; $3.00 to $3.25 lor pale; $100 forextr pale; crude turpentine steady at $2.00 lor hard ; $3 45 for yellow dip and virgin. Itosiu quiet at $3 50. Ni-nroi.K, April 11. a 171-4 Haltimork, Sept. 11. C..I I ..ii linn .middlings 20 1-8; lew middlings 19; strict gotd ordinary 17 1-8 to 17 1-4. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IDIANOS! riANOS!! AUGUST DOEPP, DEALER III Piu.ro m'ohtes onat.rsf Of the moat approved styles snd manufacture 4n aasoatrneut of second hand Pianos kept os hand. farU.nlsr attention paid to the TUNING AND REPAIRING nt Piano, i'orvna wotiltn(r to Bny wit find It to their advantage to call at tin H arerooms on llargett Street near the eoraer of rVsllsbn ry, before purchasing elsewhere. Orders may be left at the Warerooms or at Simpson' Drug 8 to re. sept 10-6in bis Old Town Family Floor, Q Bbls Elmgrove Family Flour, Far sale by Huts Btanuarw ' . a . m, . Tiereca Leaf Lard. Tierces Uaias lEagle Brand), For tale by W. C. 8TKONAC1I. sept Via 3 Lbs Country Cui.ed Baltimore ,UUVJ Bliten, I 1 OOO "D0 ouou''leri For sale by W. C. 8TKONACII. acpttt-l 500 UuslaU Rolled Meal, l.OOQ Bushe s Corn, For sale by W. C. STRi'NA sept -lw r.K8H CKACKKKoOr ALLMIJU. North Carolina Flour. W. C 8TROSACH. sept V Iw BaST TltAS AND COKI KESON 11ANU W II JO.MCS A Co. am; -' tf "'a. 11 saswai' I i a-a-- .a TTI81NU JUT4W. .. AdverUseuMWia ieinrTtd ha Ore Iraltla rnjii,iUiao lewkur IHfw par m of ne Inch, or ten utiuion lines. Me juare one time ft. ug cn snu fuent isMertioa -.U4lJ w....vi..,.. , ja, "luare, ! ek, s.60,1 .qa-re, 7 ,uo. sifc.ot " . illli, XUuh ' " " at, uu . " m'- IsVlalil e "Wilu Irj.Ulll ' tt 44. ou ' M.wh i i -4H.O"' .. . ..'I ,- .S,VU1 -NEW APVEKTISEMEKT.s. w . g i l l r, NORTH 8IDK MatKKET BvlUatllk, Has lust received a larva .nA Mmni.i. .' u ef , FAMILY CiROCEKIEt, ConsisliDg of Tlosxr, Bseon, Lard, Com Meal. Sugar, Codes, Canvass Hania, Tobaeco. cigars, snntr, c., c.,4c., Ac. XI IK II All. .. ua-V?.. fc0,wUl,UT0B tuuid nd sells t HBTjtlL. llwi i.isav.d wii.u u " end Whs' , . ""PT"11"' !' his numerous friends 04 Un pablis eanarailr to fire him a call rx Jor paiehaamir elaewbara. He feel confident kecan ctve enUra satifscUon. Come one eomu. apt 14 fUUHTH CaUtUUMat, Ittlraawssa CocavT XI bnaa.UL tn. ieDtaaa lar'i Samsel Irtirfblsh.'-l'uft'T wtebttn, w mmiaa nainMlli, Uerradaktai OrdV.olputjbeataoa.i . In this cause It appearing to tbs as Usf action f the court that a m n .tV i 77. . o "1 T WUnbia and E..II wsJi.i!"' ""UDa parties to, tins proceeding end that Uiav naide yoM tke Hml. of the 8Ute of lCH Caro Una, to wit In th Iowa ot Danville. tnui. Wiri,l,.,Aev,Urti1a,UUSt,,W1Wh.dm..d W1" , nd E,0,ln" Wimblsii be made Lv pubbcatlou ef tlieasma, ooae . week for the "i--. " .ia weeas lu led ta to rtofaee et OxfrtvlTS .dlhKSi to the said Samuel Wimbish at UaavlU ia Ik . 7 '" aioresaiu. to apiwar at iheolnceoUieclwk of the Superior Court for the county of Gran.ilU on oV befpr. tke 25th day of October next, and answeTihe an A'l.00''''.''.''''' ,lfd "M olrfee, Uke notice that if they tall lo ii 1 a 11 r i,i. .. .. . . e-urt f,Ti.rr.:"w'n" emrt for the relief dei...,rt-ii i ia"L.u." Oxford, the OUi day of neptember. ff. 18711. aept lit wiiw ,V. BUTTS, Clerk of Superior Court. O I. E A snug House Wid Lot in the Kasteni Ward Xtii-tf John o. wiLHAMd The undcrsiened oflera for sale the STOHKS AND PJiOPklt'I'Y dow occnp'ed by C. D.HEARTT& CO. L. BRANSON, IN IUI.3i.TV vs... The oroiierty has s front of 4'.t feet on Fv- ttevilie aireet aud runs Lack to WUnilgton Bt.eet, Willi a depth of i 0 f.-.-t. for tunrwr panieniars rt.rrs J. B.O KOLLHAC, 1SB W Pratt 8lreet, Baltimore. Poeacasion given January 1st, WW. sept 1 1 tut PREMIUM I r 1 8AFF8T, PUREST, BEST. It lasts longer. It gives a brighter llxh, It Is perfectly safe. It is double rvtloed, Il Is cloar as 8prlng Water, It is equal to an extra Insurance pwlcyon yunrtlru, No oder,; No chirred wicks, ' ' No change of Lamps, NO EXPLOSIONS, Sold only by T. H. BRIGG8 ft SONS, Sole Agent for Raleigh. septll OAUTXON. w. VAUBH MMtCMfVA WIB sabasni , K teT. FAIRBAXIfw A . Standard Scales. . Stock Scales, Coal Scales Hsy Scale. Dairy Scale, Counter Scales, Ac, die. rk-ale repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale also, Troemner's Coffee and Brag Mills, Composition Bell, all sixes Letter Presses, die, Ac. - the HO raarict '.' ' lilfi Harm Till C'i. t-VEUV Ku3rZ!l VERf Egg MEn-ItAKT trnvin SHOULD 1 8K THEM. OLD AT Faiiibakk' Scale WARKnocsn, FAIRBANKS CO.. 311 Broadway, New York, 1611 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 5S Camp Street, New Orleans, FAIRBANKS IWING, ItSMnle Hall, Philadelphia, FAIRBANKS, BROWN CO., 3 If ilk Street, Boston. For sale by Leading Hardware Peelers, sept 11 litawtm F O It SALE sir 011 1 imhmrufflffir Sssst."aaaassaS"aawaassaai Jk. yr riivwrrntcd . J., i--

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