til E SENTINEL Telegraphic News INDIAN ATTklHA. I'laaos't Kasaa, June Important changes have tsAtsta ptae ia Isdita Tei- ritiH-y. All tbe agent ol civilised Indians have Un relieved excepting J. B. Job, gent ol the Cherokee, aad a central rgiOci hu beca established at Port Gib. on. The CWke,t1iocUwt, Creeks, Semi nole, Cbickatewt ud ether civiliiod In dians, will b under agent Jones. Thi is scuta to famlltartre Infant with tetf HOTtfoment UiiiTef lirtUfe tenltotist jft ui.itton. A number of prominent Indians will take strong ground in coming norm al election In favor ef sectioniting their country territorial government tad citi 7.cosbip in the United Bute. The Oak lahome Star, published at Caddo, in tbe Choctaw Nation, openly advocatca thit doctrine. LIQUOR BILL VETOED. UostoN, June 27. Lieutenant Uove.a nor Talbot tent to the House, of Repri. scntativts a message vetoing the Liquor bill. A diEcuaxioo ensued on I In question ol parsing it over tbe veto. An attempt was made to cut off debate by previous ijiicsttoo, but failed. The veto wa order d lor Monday at 1 o'clock, p. ni. THE ORAND Dl'KK NICHOLAS. Lordoh, June 27. The Tali Hall (Ju idtc has information that theCzir, aaa punishment to hia nephew, the Uracd Duke Nicholas, aon of Urand Duke Con- sUntine, for the theft of hia mother'a diamonds, has banished him t) Caucatui for life, and deprived him ol the Croaa of St. Ueorgc, which waa beat wed upon him for his achivementa in the Khiva ' FfKwI WABHIWO fOlT ' Wasuihotoh, June 87. Col. Biiatow, ol Kentucky, now Secretary o( the Tresi ury, baa refused to accept a pair of boms and a carriage which a friend wished to prcfeut him for the use of hia wife, who is regarded as the most lady like ami handsomest woman out of Kentucky. BANK 8TATE1IEN T. Nkw Yobk, June 27. Loans have in creased 2 3-1 of a million ; specie dt creased a quarter of a million ; legal ten dera increased one milliuu ; depoaiU ja, creased five three eights of a million ; re serves decreased nearly one -half of a mil lion. 3 SUICIDE. New Yeim, June 27. Thomas C Wrimers, actor and professional stage manager, suicided. FROM WASHINGTON. WisnueoTOH, Junds 2. Perhaps one ot the moat important measures pasted b; Congress for many years, is Congress man Morej's bill authorizing tbe Presi dent to appoint a commission ef engin eers, composed of three army and cm engineers to report at the next session of Congrats through the President, a plan for the permanent reclamation and .rej demption ol the allavial twain of t he Mir sittippi. Tbe Board will probably consist of the following officers of the army : Cen. O. K, Warren, United States El gmeer; Gen. H. L. Abbott, United States Major, W. II. H. Benjuard, U. 8. Engin ten. The Civil Engineers are Gov. Paul 0 Hebert, of Alabama, and John Sjckle, ol Arkansas. The requirements of the military ser vice may require a chanir of the army to -ginotrt, but lbs appointment of the civil engineers is filed. The Board will probubly meet at New Tort for organization. COMFAHATIVE COTTON STATE MENT. New Yohk, Jane 2. The net receipts at all the United States ports for the week 18,49 ; same week fart year, 18,888 ; total to date, 8,702,494 ; tame date last year, 8,481,803. Ei ports for the week, 15,441 ; tame week laat year, 24,095 ; total to date. 1,814,737 ; to same date last year, 2,448,088. Stock at all Ihe U. S. ports, 244,440 ; last year, 209,41$. At all tbe interior towns, 41.083 ; laat year, 39,613 At Liverpool, 900,000 ; last year, TW3,(W0. The America! afloat for Great BritaidT 123,000; last year, $180,000. ANTI-MONOPOLIST CONVENTION. Du Moinbs, Junt 25. The an tl-monopolist convention organized. Reaolu tiuns, after considerable debate weit adopted, declaring in lavor of a sew and independent reform party, arraigning tbt present national administration for inter fering with the local afftirt of Stttrs, for its extravagance and corruption, and for its miserable financial policy. Nw II a via, June 25. The statue of President Pierton, of Yale College un veiled. Among the speakers were Chief J ustice Waits. NEW YORK MARKETS. ITaw Yobk, June 27. Ootton'cesy, tales 710 bales at 17 8 4. Futures closed steady, sales 18,000 at follow!: July 17 1-88 ; August 17 11 34al7 8 8; September 17 3-17 13-39; October 17 lsloal7 3:32, Southern Hoar thtde firner, common to fair extra .85tll.0O. Wheat firm with lair demand at 4246. Corn a shade firmer at 788l 1-2. Coffee quiet aid firm. Lard firmer at 11 1-3. Coflee ac tive and a quarter advanced. Hoein steady at 8.1 5s2 35. Turpentine NoaW 12. Money 9 1-2 3. Sterling dull. Gold quiet at 11 1-4. Governments steady. States quiet and a little better. WrAMtKOTJir, June 28 Cotton dull ; middling IS 8 4. ItALTlxoBK, June 28. Cotton dull and nominal ; middlings 16 1-8. NobvoLK, June 25. Cotton quiet and little doing; low middlings 10 1 8. GOV. KEMPER'S LETTER TO TEX PRESIDENT. We pub'Uh to-day (he latter ol tits Governor of Virginia to lit President, at tbe outrage aad Indignity offered to the St. .( Virginia aad her people. The letter might, with propriety, have costs sooner, and it woa'd lost totblng of ill dignity if a little more of remittent had been mixed ia the cotnposttioa. It was aa indignity and eat rage, not to Virg tie 'est than te California or New York. The I' Herald" thus resents lor New York aad her pee pie. Piatt and Stowell e tiling lor troops for Petersburg, c ltd forth what follows from the "VUn&f'T "The sager sew with bjfcfc Anmntrgsm. Of fctHr lCOaOtlttctl ttSS" M&Vtf fe& pjpStr tiioity to invite tfii Kedet at trwrpi tnto the midst of the helpless people stems almost like a berberuas loogiag lor the tbedding of the bhwd of eaemies agsiav t whom tbe highest feeling tbey caa enter tain it that ol hatred. Two Virginia representatives ia Congress, yesterday urged Ihe President to Mad soldiers into Petersburg for the alleged protection of officials there, who were said to be en dangered by popular will. The remain der ol the Virginia Congressional delega tion, with the exception of one member, opposed lb s gratuitous insult to free cit izens who had committed no violence." tts GOV. KEMPER'S LETTER Too following is a copy of the letter Irom Gov. James L. Kemper to President Uraut in relation lo the extraordinary in structions recently transmitted to Peters burg by the Attorney General of the Uni ted States : CbMMOHWKALTH OF VlHOIMIA, ) Govbshor'i Orrica, , Richmond, June 17th, 1874. ) lo Hit foetlltncy IL 8. (JratU, Pmidtnt of the Vnited Stattt Sir : W!tb respectful deference I invoke your attention to the instructions very re of the United1- Itwes wnhrMarthat tjf the Eastern District of Virginia ia rela tion to alleged disorders in Petersburg. 1 cannet suppose that those instructions were issued either with your approval or your cognizance. They appear to have been dispatched directly from- the De partment of Justice to an inferior officer of s Federal District Court in Virginia, but without communication with any of the authorities of thit State ; and in di recting that efficer to resist the alleged disorders tbey assure bim that upon his rejjtiiaition a military force of toe United States would be forwarded to hit assist- sucj. Tbey assume that disorder! existed i i Petersburg, although no breach of tbe peace or disturbance whatever Wad in fact occurred or been attempted or threaten ed, or was likely to arise in that city Tbey completely ignore the existence ef this Commonwealth and its constituted authorities ; or, at the least, they assume that the Government of Virginia is unable or unwilling to maintain the peace within the just jurisdiction of the State. They imply that a Federal department may exercise immediate and discretionary con trot within this State over vital interests) which in distinctively local and domes tic. They empower a subordinate minis terial tgent of tbt General Government at its discretion to subject a peace lul com munity, together with all its authorities, to the domination of an armed Federal force. . Such inatroctiont, if carried into txeca- tioo, wrest frem the people the right sf self-government and convert the Stale itself into a province or a military divit ion of a central aad virtually imperial power. They erect tbe dominion ef tbe Fedsral iwerd in time of peace over the civil authority of tbe State. It was but a few days before the date of these instructions that other wrongs wete inflicted by Federal authority npon citizens of Petersburg. Certain judges of a local election were charged with reject ing legal voters an offence at all times cegnizible tnd punishable by the State tribunals by virtae af State laws, dut evi dence ol the offence being tbown either on tbe complaint of any person aggrieved or without such complaint. These causes were not permitted to be heard by a State court, nor yet by the appointed Federal authority located for such inves tigation at Petersburg, trie residence of all the parties and their witnesses, but tbe accused were lorced under arrest to Richmond and here tried by a United States commissioner, who, although aa is confidently believed, no probable cause was shown, held tbe parties for indict ment and trial in a Federal court, and in doing to be announced tbe mont trots doctrine that in tuch case it devolved a ion the accused to prove their ows inno cence. If it be claimed that the exercise of sue i arbitrary and despotic pwirs in time o'f peace ia permitted by the letter of llio Federal statute commonly known as the enforcement set, a statute which sprang from the exigencies tnd passions molting, torn war. and tht pf ovfolont of Which are abhorrent to nil tbe traditions of free government and to tbe principles of all itt founders, let It suffice to answer that the violent remedits sought to be provided by that act were never intended to be employed within a State except to repress sctual snd serious infraction of law and order, and tbeo only in cats tbt authorities of tbe State should fail effioi- ently to moet tht emergency. Desiring to cultivate peaceful, benefi cial, and cordial relations with tbe com mon government and with each of its de partments, cheerfully yielding to that government the full measure of ill d!n" ted authorities, I oppose with all tbe constitutions! means at my command fine sett of inrtsion of lbs rights of tbe States and, the liberties of the people. 1 amrm tbe inalienable right ot this CommeDWcalth to telt-goveroment, itt1 MtbrUt (alt Its Blarasl aa4 auk!- : pal affair ia accordance wiiaeepremt organic law, and withoat aadMrsstrsat or hindrance from any power whatsvtr. I point to tbe yet recent past far proof that thit gatatatnaat hat tat) apaesty sad the will to pewttct Btvtonal right a4 to eilurcc jntW, rW sad I solemnly pretest against' the Ustastieaof th attorney Oeaeral of tka Ceiled Stales as a B 'great wrong and indignity to State aathority, as nibrtrsive ef the principles of tree goverameat, aa4t!e ttroctive or too orgaaitta of Aaaerioaa constitutional liber:;. In the same sad behalf of the in)urd govetameat sad pe-'P1 ' Virglnis I .charge ttatuffieet rttfc: "'IsWssWpfttisJJJ.-a- 'fNWHtif' W'feinShBn'" tkRHW tit the safety otbtHh aad of att. 1 cotifrosl him before the Justice and astaority of your grist office, sad I appeal to yoa for action which will at once redress the wrongs ef the past and guard the princi ples oflkt goteroaieat sgais4 a tike tr frsctioa in the future. have the honor to lx, Mr; President, very rmpecifully, jour obedient ti rraat, Signed. Jambs L. KatirBB. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Remenilx r the t h of Jul it the dsy for the ' khol.icra "I die North Caroliea Railroad t meet ia Hillaboru. Let the stock h II. is attend in person. Where the j cs.noi, lit them give ro proxy to a man wh w ill trut: ' r vote for Billy Smith, a hits) dishonesty is proves by his own otli ' The ttockholdera will accept the el ar er, in wh"le. and not in part, aa they ilid at tht- laat meetiug. It they fol low the advice f Billy and Ihe ring, tbey will ncivpt anylhleg to get out a few milliou, il boud. Go to the meeting and mind who gets four proxies. - - .!-. ,'1- FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Dr. Ransom, the Republican denounced su-bttterly by l Oritttm 4 t-wtatet, it candidats. The Centervttivt candidate is Col. Yeates. 1 It it thought that Yeates could beat either of them single haadtd1 Their double-teeming will not make the race, more cooip'ica'ed or avre doubtful. There it t feeling that Co!. Yeates will tc elected, and that it htlf the battle In t po. litical conspaign. POSTMASTER GENERAL. The new Pottmaster General, Eugene Hale, it a young man from Maine. He wai bom at Turner, Oifford ennnty, Junt 9th, 1836 He was first known in Maine as county attprpty of Hancock ceunty. Subsequently be" was known as a. member of Congress from hi State There msy be something ia him, which, at yet, bat not been developed, that only the discerning eye of Grant hasditected. . o For the Sentinel. EtiTn, June 2j Ma. Editor :--Out standard Capt. Jo. Davis, spoke to tbe people of thit portion ol tbe county on Friday Ittt Every one was pleated with the tpeech and the man. From this place be wen to PitUboro, where it waa reports! he would not divide time with a republican. Mr. Benjiinin Uouze, thinking thit true, ventund to ask Captain Davit to divide time with bim. No quicker laid than dene. Capt. Divit gave ceutln Ben. and hit candid te, Mr. Ueaden, such a roast ing at tbey never had before. He then invited cousin Ben. to go with bim, but tbe invitation waa decline '. Couain Ben apologized far Mr Ueaden signing the ordinance of teceation, by ttyiug that be was compelled to do to from Confederate force. Capt. Davit denied the charge in the absence of Mr. Ueaden, and aaid be would not do to trust ia Washington. The stmt force might sgaio ovsreoms him and hs would vols for tbs civil rights bill. Tht attendance wat unusually large and the best feeling prevailed. Chatham will help to bear her unworthy ana. ? ' "iors, f CHATHAM. I THE BALTIMORE MURDER. I im Killimo r Bbrsy Anas nw Huh- MOBO. From the Qattltt wegsthti the follow- ng interesting matters relating to it: TnlMOBMIltO AfTIB TBB MDBOBB. Tbe morning after the murder of Berry Amot, broke in all the beauty of a turn -mer morning, but at tbe Middle District Station it beamed upon one of tbs most terrible picture of tbe consequences of proflgscy tnd crime, far outvying in color and tbadow Debute' grand picture of tbe Prodigal son, lacking not the element of wicked women to till up the pxture of profligacy and ruin. Berry Amos, the strong and stalwart man; be who the day belore was ot all In tne city one lay mil most noted for bis fine physique, in the and stark is the prison yard, while of the grated cell, almost with is reach s tbof dead body stood the alleged murderer, the young man of wealth, education and pe- s lion, the grandson ol one of Maryland's best beloved children, tbe heir to Isrge wealth, the favorite of tortunt from hit artiett hron; On tbe outside pretatd the friends of both parlies In haadredi eager for admisaaioo -nd eagerly discuss idg the titgic aff .ir. Tbey tiled the street, tnd when diven by tbt hia'. of tbt tan trust the prison's front they soogbt shelter nuder tbe houst s opposite, cr pres. sing up the tide aliejt of the prison, con leoisa inemteivrt wiin glimpses n wbh going on iaside. Ai an earl I Mr of tbs morning ustice Htgerty gars or ders to Mr. Henry W. Mesrt, anaerUKer on North Gay street, to prepare tbs body for burial and to tskt measorsfor its preservation from too . rapid deeoenposi- tioa. Marshal Gray, who had arrived at tbe ttatioa shortly after the ttarder, re- maised about ihe station house probing the fates nf the case. About I o'clock tie Coroner, D . E R Walker, trrlved, and shortly after A. Leo. Knott, Esq . appear ed foi tbe Bute, aad Hon. William Pink nav Whits terriblv ODoreaewd and ovtr- comt by the stair which bad so sadly en wrapped in itt aaiB roiat tne name ana fame of ht former ward and John J.I Pot, Etq-, appeared for the latter. beaW TBS PBISOtTBB At itm o'clock the prisoner, W. McDonald, was btonght oat Samu I ol the oail which ha had rcepisJ aloes the aowr at kit amat, aad. la charga of lt tectJvte Mitchaal sad Poo tier, bo was con voyed to tits city iaiio await the action of Use greed Ian, Wring tweo otnmitted ay tan isrsasr. W. F. Me Ka wean, Eq , eierk of the Crltaiswl coart, was yrttsjat at the Mtjtioa wi h t bench warrant f-r Ihe arrest of McDoaald, iwsed by tbe Ctiaiaal tmtirt oa the oa of Otlieer Cros by, a the charge of wtllul taurdrr, with a eoMstilaseat Irota Sheriff Albert, which would have bate brought into r qnUth a had the sorowet'slary failed to Oad a ver dict train him la order that be might OS keid a.tJe.gr:aJ.,.W,,Jjiye ted the oaae, At UcDkmiU basted swt-''tsriiw w-nrtr, te :,wa4ktl War;hf. cenlrM Otm face "'wat tree frm aay troubled axprtaMon; be shook heads with a friead cordially, and seem ed eetirsriy eartiets a boot the position ia which be wat plarcd He ssrasstty denies hia guilt, sod ssvs Itt had nothing whatever to do with atal -bitf Asses, aad fwlt entirely eoafidei.t that hit Innocence win be made manliest. He accepts his trouble aad Imprisonment ae aneorssaiy eoacqaeBCe nf a night's omMocb, aad It apparratly worries uliu to so greater exteat. lie it t lee looking, will built young si to, taullleraly attired, with graceful manners, maiked by gieat a If poatrtaloe. He came into a large for. tuov about tbres yeart ago and hat Imk n thus tqaaaderios it ever since though quite a headaome foriane, it it stated, yet remain to kirn, lie Bat a place at Tern Hants, at which be hu spent ninei of his tima slant bis .majority, a.d cans to the city o look alter a law caw m which he waa -interested, and waa waiting here for itt d' tcrminatitm before reform ing to Terre Haute. He is a son of the late William M D nal.l, Ihe owner of Flora Temple, and grandam nf General McDonald, one ef Ihe most distinguished citizens of Baltimore: His mother is qtite ill at Mire, France. Yesterday, while in bis Cell, h was v "'"I ly bi surviving grandfather, tht vaueikbit Mr. Thompson aad by Gov nor Wiiyte; U declared bis innocence to these gentlemen in tbe most emphatic maouer. Tbt newt of the death of Amos was conveyed. t hit wife jatlerday morning TnoBsjrtroni l" "Belair Mitket. Her grief was Intense, and she waa literally overcome by the tidings. The same gec tlemto alto telegraphed to hie mother, who reaidet at the corner of Eighteenth and Main treela, Richmond. Last night the mi ther telegraphed that the n mains be tent to Richmond, but it it t! oujjht that her request will not lie complitil with as Amot bad purchased the lot in Creenmount with t view to his huing buried there with bia family. rCBLIC FKBLINU. Few affaiia that have occurred iu Ual timore have excited more interest than thit tragic atrir. 7tio well known char aci of HanuL'l McDeaaltl, I Un, fgnly congections and hit wealth, and the equally well known character of the mur dered man, made I be murder is topic ol conversation in everjr circle of society. The friead of McDonald hooted at the Idea of his being tbe murderer. They say there was not the mark of blood ahouiit him, and yet be ia eprewntr d as pulling a cis pocket and hand and further, that tliir e saloon at StierwoodV Com huftut BaMjr tht Am 4 t in thety.'aaFwwru i the contrary denounce tbs m d blooded, deliDeratc set on f f McDonald, who they claim showed every deposition to be come t murderer by a savage attack lu made on Joseph, ol this city, some months ago, beating him with a billy over the head to badly at to confine him to his bed for til ties dayt. The action of the grand jury terday writ be watched with inter ast. BOOK TRADE Philadelphia, June 20th. A meet ing ef the I'llllade puia B ok Trade As Sociation was held to ilay ot noon, the object of which was to enter a protest against tbe enactment of the reciprocity of a treaty with Canada by the Senate. Uader this treaty Canadian merchants, dealing in any manufactured article, cm import (hem from Englaud or any other country, and after handliug them, can Ship them to this country duty free. A series of resolutions were adopted express ng alarm at Ctntda under the provitiont of tbe treaty becoming a great centre port tor the reception ol goods Irom all parts ef tht world to be legally smuggled into the United Stales, tod stating ibat the treaty Uiaoguratajree-trade, tndjnvolves the necessity o! collecting the entile re veuueol tbe government by internal taxa tion Tbe resolution were un:it. imoun'y adopted. from tbe honte of John Price most one milt North ot Kalettrh on Tuesday evening last, a bug Horse ; heavy tail and mane, tail hangs to the left, cula hit knees in while trot iag, blase face, rubbed a little in tbe right hind thigh. Tht Under will be liberally re warded by delivering the ame to fab U-U WIMMK, YAMCKT Co. CHATHAM COUNTY, j lVfr Ed. Phillips as Administ'r, ' of Lewis Smith ; deed. , vi. I Summons John E kiit aud wife Robec- J lor Keliel ca, Jim High! and wife Fan- and I'eti n', tbe Heirs of Nat. Smith, j 1 1 o n f o r names unknt wn, Heirs of final ftl George Smith, namei un- lltin-nt. known, Sam aon Smith, Wm. Smith, sad Arch Anitb. J To tbb SaxRtrr or Cbatbai Cuuntt GBtBTmo: Yon tre hereby commanded to summon John Elk ins and wife Hebecra, Jim llissht aad wife Ftnny, heirs of Nat. Hmith. namet unknown, Stinsoo fmith, heirt of Oeorge Smith, namea unli.o-vn, Wm. Smith and Arch Smith, the Delendantt above named, if tbey be found within year county, to appear at Iht office ot tbe clerk of tbe Superior Court for tbe county of Chatham, within SO day?, ) after Ihe service of thit Summons on them, exclu sive of tbe day of such service, and an twr the coeopittnt, t.copy f which will be depotiled In tbt office r the cleik ol the Superior Court for laid onunly, Within It dayt from the date of tint Summons, aad let them take notice, thai il l.iy fail to answer to tbe said complaint within that time. Ihe plaintiff will apply to Ihe Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Herein fail a. t, and of thin Summons make due return. Given under my band and seal ol said Court, this 80 b dav of May, 1874. H. T. PETTY, Clerk ot the Superior Court Chatham Onurity. mayW-wtiw Diooay toiituttm log It tr 1 rfresspak, Ji law JU Jr.iwfj JJALTIMORI fcOCK UflTAU : crs 7 fora; Fbbosbicb (vaaav A. MitTtUO.' ' ' VOUMO MtH. caltf Power, PaljikaUoas of the Heart, t') pevMla, Mervoat irritability, Dees ngata sat the LIUv reactions, Qaaend tMbillt), Bymptoaie IWempttaa, Ac M KMT ALLY Tfc. tearfal effect oa the ted am much to be tVeadei. Loaaot Mem ory , Coafuetoa ef lds.Dtprtslim ol Spirits KvU forelwdiiun, Averaioa to aociety. ncU Utatraat, Love of Boutaoe. Timsdlty, Ac, art sutaettf the ertla prodaero. Tbosaaod of ptteoas ef si sges eta now tada-a wkat la Um cento ol their ileeliaieg beahk, kMitsf their vmor, tMeowU.g Weak, past, servoaa aad emtriatea, bavtcga sburalai appaarince aboet the eyes, et sgh ud yiep Uxaa tottumpUoa. - MAtUkiASBi Married persons, or Yoaiis; assa eoutesnp'la' iw..arriaie...wteof j&nitotk Mmmam: . Loaaul PrirrnUve Power IliupoUincv). Ncr ViHuKKila:4lUruue xae W0.k Bees, Narrowa lientiu, or aer ouvsr tttsqeaf aouioa, tpwteuy raueveo. ACfgllFltlDIXr WARHAMTCIV Pertunt rained la health by auleanwd pre tenders who keep mesa inning moaut alta ttooth, takint; potsooooa and mnrioat cote pounds, should tpply tmmediatcb. DM. JOHNS I ON. II em her of the Roval C'otluire of Banraun; Loudon. lifaduaU) of out of lee aauat euiiutut CollcrMi in Uie United bUUsv and the beat art ul wlioac lilt kat been spent In tbt ho pllait of London, faru, Philadelphia aad eiau where, ha et)uctd tutu ot Umi atoet atlou labour ear Uial were ever known: uuuii troatded with rinstmg In the bead aud ears when asleep, great aurvouneat, betug alarm; ed at taaoen soanat, oaaniuiueaa, wuu ire quent Uashing, aUended totnetunea wite de raiiiieEuent of mind, wore cured iioinwIltaLely I LBTAI.N DlBlt.vfci; When the mlatrnided anc Imprudent voUri ol pleasure ttnds thai he bat Imbibed till fweaa ol thit painful disease, It too often hap nent that an Ul timed sense of tbaiae or drea. of ducovery deters hlta from applying Ul Lho who. from education and reaDactabilltr. caa alone befriend him. lie tail Into tht hands of Ignorant and detignuuc pretenders, who. Incapable of curing, nleh hit pecaniara aoiMiaaca, seep mm uiaing monu ariei mouth, or aa lone ae the smallest fee can t- oSUiaed, and ia despair leave him with raiaea bualui to sigh ever hia gall tag dfaappotntuctit, or, by the tvae ot that deadly poltoa, Mereary cauae the constitutional ayscptont of thit hor rid disease to make their appearance, sach as returns " To such, therefore. Dr. Johnston offers the must certain, speedy, pleasant and efluctuei remedy in ue world. ENDORSEMENT OF TBI PRESS. x The many tboasaadt cured at this establish meat within the hut twenty years, andthi auuierou uapotuun aarglral opera tluas fr- tte(Sm.UUrUMtfltmaaimvir others, notice of which have appeared again and again telore uie psnue, oealdet Bat tlandmr a a man or aonor and itttpensibuiry, it a sum cieut guarantee to the amteted. Ur. JOU.tTO!V, or tbs BALviatoas Lock UotriTAi.. Ornta, No. 7 Soon Fbsdbbics' Htbs BALTIMORE. MIX Enclose Advertisement S htsmp for Reply. Juiy v ij -rkEKlK8d 8TKAM WASHER ND BLEtCUKR. TUE LAI EST, BEST AND CHEAPEST ASHE MADE. That 8 team Waahers art better than others is tvw generally conceded. That the Peer leas is the best of Steam V sshers will be ss readily admitted by every one who sees It tnd trios it with others. Its construction it tnch at to rath the lanrett onsntitv of water throneh the cloth ing In the thortett time, end to compel! til the water to go where it it desired, aud pre vent its going anywhere else. It has no bungling valves to make the water now bv fits and ccate to flow at intervals but causes It to flow steadily pouring sixteen streams on the whole surface of the eiotiiing. Then the water hat not to descend to the centre or noth eudt of Uie false bottom to get back to It starting point butgoes straight down from where It fall, washing all part of the cloth ingnow untouched uy II tapld current, ft rushes through tht clothing many timet per minute and cleans lueua in 13 to w minutes '. Tbe eost of the machine may be tared very soon in ainereuce id wear or tae dome. It may be raved very toon in the didereaee or lanor requires. A machine made to flu een oe need with any stove boiler or the boiler lot tbe machine mav he used loranr otner Durnoae. This midline sells fur lest than any of It kind, and will no the work uuii'ker tad more Uiorengnly, As lt name indicates it It PEERLESS AMONG ALU They tre made of best tie. The holier wiin galvanised iron bottom, win last man) years and are sold at the following low r bices : For Uie VVasUer and Boiler, (usual site) M For the Washer aloae, (asaal eiae.) IS. For the Washer and Boiler (extra large) iu.50. For the Washer alone, (eitra large) t). The nsnal site s It Inches wide by Hi long 18 1-KldeeD. The extra Urge 11 Inches wide by 30 long u i s ueep. Sent anywhere p exprtat oa receipt of I'rieo uy J. A JONES, Proprietor, I 7-U Raleigh, H. C. E. F. JONES & CO., COTTON FXCtoBS AND GSNKRAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL O 11 O O tC It H , Wilminotor St., OrpotiTt Habkit 8JI 1HI. HAL SI (J, If. C. 'Have on hand tnd are dally receiving every arlirle usually wanted in the Grocery and Pmvitlon line, consisting In part of 10 Baga Cotlto, 14(1 Bashels fess, KB 111)1. nugsr, - lu.UDO lbs balk Meat, i Tierces Hams, ,r0 Kegs Lara, 10 Hoxes Candles, J OH N ARMSTRONG K)OKBINDER KI ltlank liook Mauurar'urcr. )VIR . C. BOOKSTOBS It A L E I O H . N . c w D By a yi ung ladv t u isltlou a teacher of the Engl is j branchea In a school or family of rellneiu ut Reference! given. Addrett. Mist a w . die T-dAwtf Oxford j. o 8TUMKWAL,L FElTUfZEI. ' Highly Concentrated. Hat alwavi been Mantitac tared on tht bttlt of t gnartaWied in. alysis. W 111 NO W be sold snhjei t to all laws IS regard to PerUl tart. with THE 8AM E gntracucd tnatytit 3. U. Flimbaoibi A Sou. Uhartottet'tllle, Va an fill Aw I m W o Ar o Using Swedes Iron and the Finest English Steel! The bes brands of American aad Swedes Iron, and Englieh Extra Refined Cast Steel need in the manufacture of oar AXE3 AND- EDGED TOOLS. We offer the very beet AXE that can be manufactured by skilled workmen and very superior materials, and trust that we will re ceive the support of the trade. Otders filled Immediately. JULIUS LEWIS A CO.. ON THK HKK AltrAST. LUNCHEON. DM NER AND SUPPER TABLE, Lea snd Ferrlna' Werefamtarahire Sane It indUiicnsihle. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, New Tork. Agent for the United State. EE AD ! BEAD! BEAD GrEfeAT DISCO V KRV Great Discovery, "BRADLEVS PATENT ESAMKL VAIST M.- rHOM PUKE WHITE LEAD UN" I i.l OIL ZINC -MUKIVKRALT PUR UeB Sold by the tjalloe olv -On II1"0 : overt id - V . .fc t ...u. KKADTUEEDLLOWINO TEST A MO i, v WW WrJf. W (kAIMMtlKaV WAt UKEfT. I-.fi. Wabb reaaav i iau.a'a, tht sis, Ma. C P. Sbiobt DbaB Iib: We have for aeVeral atoaths law r.,sv )UUr naiw.t '. PtTStrr EausBL Parav," oa oar "Oottege Bulldiug," and art well patxe i w i, I , , , M sea ariatst by-iif a a viae s atpaiVaiea la aait , M4tsdaW aW-atiatt- -nimtlnaia tat mm h,JnHmim shatln uaiot of awawsr. dutjt.hr au.1 ,4UU II Is tu parlor to any other pigment oderei Is the u arket. Very ReapartfaH.. tSTgnedv lttn,A. Tbb Plaibs, faaqaler, Co, Va, Tvb 1 1, b; , Mb. CP. Kbmbt Sib: Tbe paint etm safely to hand at ordered, "wo kegs, tr g.I each, and three bucket oae gallon eaeh. it practice Is a ack. I did tba j ti nwil i weeks atrteoattantwork completed tbe house two eeaU, tut lat mt ai'Miod Uurk, :j tt BOW generally conceded that for 'Enamel" like hardneat and txaly and uara'H) ui . then It aot a handsomer ob la tbe pttet. I saved tlxty-flve dollars by Um op rates ua. ssea Item Jast bow with '-tVBthere Veoplt." it should Iwtwraily adopted ia i.iU ?i w aoy country lad ran apply It. 1 have never dslibled in tuch ttoek aa Tat.aiouita b j- t Imd to forelbly the great adapULIIIty of yoar Enamel Paint to the wan Is of oa propi lu eellesMV of material, in beauty of eolor, aud the feet ef iu betug rswly miaed, tku i you fall permission, if it is desirable, to make what ae yoa think prouer ' inu letw Very ratpectfnlly sad truly, tlcUiLI., M. II BaltiMcbb, Dec mberiu, iett Ma. C V. Kniobi Dsab Sta : Jt affords me much pliwauie to y to yja that Uk Bra-U y Patent Eitmel Paint Ut exceeds my eipectatiout iu oe..."iny, b a t , a I I a . -, y reason to elteve lu durability. More,thau tveiv months uc.', i iaitj the rm,l 1H, honae ( M union House) with the Bradley Patent Enamel fain I, an' I wi l wail pie . i with it, 1 tstenainad to paint the fionUot the 'Hotel," and I aia a est ha py to say Ui . u gives me perfect satisfaction. Iu oooeluaioe I wuT aay, II tait talla.oalsl wut Ix ol . i vantage to you, yon are at liberty to us It, Tours ntott respectfully, ISAAC 4LBERT4UN. Mauato Uou lot. I Cor. Payette and at. Paul at , Baltua re. The following kttet It strong and vtlaablsi Baltibjobb, Mo., Dae. n, ir. 0. P. Knight, Km., Agmt BrttlUy't lUaU AVamal hiuf DaaB Bla : I us Paint or puciw 4 from yoa w will cheerfully endorse at the bast of any kind w have aa t, it evoruax quallUet It everything desired, drying promptly and with a hard gloea, which atjL, w UMkk realtt the action of all klnda of weather. Tait I our experience and we can reriMi)eH,l I wltb-ee.ruinty, aad intend to aae it oa all occaaiont where we daatlra a good yob of work Very ratiectf ulJy.Biern aad rtveee faiutws EMM ART A vjUARTLET, M W. Baltimore bt not Honte, Sign and rrest e I'aiutars C. P. KNIGH r, t)oi.a Gbbkbal Aourrt, , , W. Lon.bard 8t , Ituitimoie, M.I. gpeclmeaa and Pries List ftrnlhd graila, ' nor Uftadni . TX.TILLIAMBOM. TJPOaiiBO'i AND I .Wholesale Grocers j Ann ; i COMMISSION MKRCI1 ANTS, j fAVETTEVlLLE STKKET j Opposite Mttropollttn 11 a)l 1 , 1 RAfuEIUII. N C. ,B. P. WILLIAMSON, w. a. upuiiiiRCii, J. J. THIIMAH tent H-tf N U On the lath Instant a email sorrel mare with white bind feet tnd a small white spot m ihe forehead, and auparoally abust aix or seventeen old The owner will please prove nroperty, pay charge anl take her awav. r- r- W. H. MOKUAN, At Oberlln. 2 milai Weat of Kr'eiirl , N. C. Feb ltwSt. JRE Vol! UOi0 to fAlNT r "Averill Chemical Paiat.ls 'the best. JUJ.lUdLKW18.eui., Bole Agtntv Wr te for descriptive cir.-aUr t id crj o alarm. C1ONUKE081ONAL, JUDICIAL AND J SENATORIAL CONVENTIONS. A Democrtttc-Conserrativo Convention for the tfrtt Congresniooal District of N. Carolina will be held in Edenton on Thurs day, the 28th. day of May. 1874, for tbe purpose of nominating' candidate to re present tha District in tlie 14th Congress, of the United Bute. At the tame time and place Conventions will be held to nominate candidate for Judge and Solicitor of the first Judicial District, snd candidates for tha Senate Is Uie first Senatorial District The Counties in tbe District are request ed to bold their puntary meetiays and ap point delegates to attend these Conven tions, W. F. MARTIN, Chm'n of Cong. Ex. C'ommitte. II. E BAXTEK, Cluu'n nf Judicial Committee. II A. GILLIAM, Ch'uio o, rh n Committee. may6-d24L ANNOUNCEMENT. It II. Amlrn rm An o. (CLOTUIBHS AND GBUTt rUBtltBSkt.) Would rtspectfnlly call the sttentloa of their aamaroa patrons and tht public gen erally to their Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, for Men tad Boys, tbe mot tot which hat bees manufactured by oar Ntw fork Partner, since the decline In Goods which enables ns te sell much lower than heretofore. Call and examine onratoek and tbeyfwill not card to look elsewhere before purchasing April rind, 1ST. A large an 1 attractive Stock of UenU Furnishing Goods, Constantly oe hand. R. B. ANDREWS A CO. Next door to Tucker Hall. April sJnd, 1M4. All the latest Novelties iu Hats just re ceived tt R. B. ANDREWS A CO. Clothiers and Genu Furnishers, . . 'it Fayetteville St. R KOOLLBCT, In reference to tbe BOLLS' S HANDLED COTTON HOE, that 'tit the only HOE made of Solid Cast Steel Not Rolled Steel, VTe told in 1873, R96 dozen of theso Hoes. We Warrant every . HOE perfect in Slock, Temper and Finish. Hardware House of sp 17-tl JULIUS LEWIS & CO. IJtHE WATT PLOW. Constantly receiving tapplJas direct from the maiutf afltnrert nf Hilt, celebrated plow The Farmers Beet Friend. JAMES M. TOWLE8, key 128-If Agt. for the tlanstacturera. D 1X1B PLOW I DII PLOW I! Is now whlthont a denies." and Wider rnmW-lt -h n t r I mrrmmm. i ment for alterlmr eat la mom aim,.), .nlin enteleut than any other plow on the market. self sharpening reyertlhle point, the greatest elf evaw issttnwvvtitwmB wra St BBajB). OBai HOT. t, I they think of this plow. Ji frr It ai. "jrowaer sewi xjol. i w b WftisHNl. w&.ll or send roar orc"ert to . JONES Co., Agents. dec 10-tf AXO CORN, MEAL, PEAB. PINE rEf Baled Oat, r'order. Ha. . Klon h. .v.-. At OSBOHN's, Oraln and r". d !tore. West of N. C. freight Di'pot Waieboen Orders drO ped In Poatollee .niii l e tiled. W. A. OATTIt, Sup't tel. h.allv I SVa ju t r: ,a n! irs Stock O ipring ju I S j j u -r (I ..nl , h ii:lil st the lowest point reached this Spring, aud aw ible o offer ro idaolthe tameqaalliy as cheap at any one In this or a-; other market. KEEP DRY OOODt, NOTIONS. fANCY UOOD4, BOOT. AND SHOES AN U II lTa. NEW AND KKKiH, bouh at the lwet price an l told r.ir a small prout, iliereby en ibllog my eust mert tnd pul le to sum.lv theatselvet tt aatltfactorr prleea inaaarui for past farota i uoisi to merit a outmuanee ul the tamo by cloie attention to boaiuess. i. D. NEWSOM. tp 15 dlun g ELECT UOARDINU AND DAY SCHOOL 5IILL8BOUO' N. C. The Mistdt Nath t Mils KjUucli lire mme the e(erciis ol thir e i il in End ly Fib. e, 1874. Circulars forwarded ou .ippHttioD. dee 14-1 JU LEWIS Ai CO. DEALERS IN BUILDERS AMD ! UOlsKrUKNISUl.NU IlARDVYlKE. PRAtrS ASTRAL OIL, BOLL KB COTTON HoKS, AVERILL C11F.M1CAL PAINTS, FARM, LltUKJU AND PLANTATION BELLS , THE ALL RIGHT COO feTOVE, OUANUEK1FLE A BLASTI.VG pi ) W URKft. tset Building, Raleigh, N. C ap LO tf PETTY & JONES. Jobbtrs aid Ret litet tot DRV GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES A-Jic3, Hats AT 20 FayMnUU Street, Iiileigh, N. , H. iiving Just received a varied attort ment ol solid, tu iped and llgiircd japanete 4ilk, from 83 to 79 cent, figured Irinia Lawns at 20. Solid and figured Tacific Lawns at very low prices. Grass Cloth and India Seer Sticker suitings t ptiois which defy competition. C at' Spool Cotton, white and colored. Several cases ,Lt4ai,Pattnnt,(tod.,8t.j.rj. CMmn .at, 74 to 10. 8-4 unbleached shirting at 5.4-4 Unbleached shirting 9 to 12 1 2. llleacli- a.l Shirting at A to S, 4-4 Bleacheil M,irt ing at 9 tu 18 12. Those with our already large and hand- having bad tbe .advantage tome stock ol goods make a splendid as- purchasing at the lowest prices tbe Season, wr otfer our goods as lo aanjual quality can be bought in i he State. All wishing to buy cither to sell or for pcrtontl use wm save money uy i xsmin; rtontl use will save m ne our goods and prices. PETTY & JONC I'OOE Ira Milt,