:.JsriSsS?3S6 ..... I i I " I fT;f iwl 8a:?-.' :r. tC 1- J- ' t.; J V 1 v . TV THE SENTINEL 'OOF. CALDWELJL MISTAKEN t Got. 'Caldwell teeroa to ,takq Jt.iorJ gnrnted that the iupreme coQtt hare dc ciclwl that , be U tlU appointing fxnaert lo "fill offices and places UDikr the state. Tbii id a creut nmtake. . The coort have Ja cided no such thing. They have ''Do decided (hat railcond proxies and directors are officer, oiuch lea state ofik-erij Tfcey h. eOt. dmded that the. wtors and other of3:iiil about the -as lUjns, ad penitentiary are officer ' Tlu-y have aot decided that the apjKiintees 6tG4r. Cald well as railroad prorUt and director are late fut 'and. txilid. . Ail they harcdecided ic, that the appoiateea f Meant. War Warren and an inudlsIhM!uet Ut Til Til I Mil ii made by tfe lgislaaref"of dhx-ctri,4c.'f of the asylum and peMtenturj are iural Ii (hut tKej witiri. have; rt 6! decide;) then 6o, Caldwell cais pJ)i appoint by and teith the content tk'M4.' lleCaat act without the senate, and; V Mte t sy Hint an act of the 'le'uilalure ou)c not anthorize him to do sk,'. but there is .' no such act. ' ' ' ' """ .' f." " But'we repeat what we hare said ; it was the high and aolemav duty of th supreme court to file their decision n the ciise of Clark va. Stanley before the, legis lature adjourned, so that all offioes might have! been lawfully' and rigTnfnlly JSlIed by the governor and senate, if they 'meant to decide what CaJdeU .and other radi cals jelaim tUey have decided. -4 ' It won't do to aay the court had no reason, to know what effect aoch a decis ion, a that it, is clamietLthey hare made, would produce; they are lawyers familiar with th office of theatate and kao eiactly how they operate, and they kiew the j importance of,, the presents vf.'.tJt tenat. WAf 'dul they fail ta jiU their opinion rr ' the Ugidatur . adjourned The people diniaod to know why t Every txdy, radicals and all, suspect) Let any Yaflonabje excuse be given if it can be. We don't intend to hush upsnchouf . rig.ii on the people whether perpetrated by courts or others." - ' . j ' t . - A ... 5 j i THE PUBLIC PBINTINQ. ,, -1 It is true, as we intimated yesterday. Jthat Gov. Caldwell has appointed W M. : i Brown, mail in j clerk'of the Lung Pcrrw, V ' public printer." Now the tong Perry has ' 1 n material with .which;' to do the prints 'tng, (nor had W, A. Hearne while he was . :1i.idirig for ij and; the printing- pru V : , posed to be divided .between 'Niclioi t t3orinau and algjOW th'a trafisnctVm growing out of its re t rint iktiiou. ' The'lawi of .the State 1 provide for no . public : rrinter.i - The j . lsUliue at its rcceut session .fixed statute the prices ' of the ' work H.nd the conditioitt en which it ; was t.j' be executed. IIaying: done thi p vt committee appointed, for .the purpose, contracted with Theo. N. Ramsay, of this city, to do the jwinting, binding, at , the, prices and onihe Conditions preacrib- ) ed by law, the. law binding the said Ram j ' say in a boud of f.i.OOO, for the faithful pcr V t'ormance of the contract and pytting hitn v.ii.Ur a pVimlty .f $2." per day for. eyerjr day the work - shall be delayed beyond a spi cUk'il time. The bond was duly ex- 1 ' cuted and wss sccepted and is on file in one of the government offices.'; This is thje whole affair. Under color of toe late deci- fion of the strpreme court'OpT. Caldwell demands '( 4e I8) that the secretary of i-Ute, who" lias the superintendence of the legislative nrintinar, nhall Eire the wik to his anpointee only, 1q violation of the contntrt between the state and Mij. Ramsay, and' the secretary of state Jias been stupid enough to. vioUte the law on 1 -bring himself in conflict "with the couits ahd the lesislature. "We agaie sk, what will the supremo cmrt think'of the action of tlfese state officers, based as jr. it upon its recent decbion, - iSi Hiinsav has taken steps to - bring the m - m ater before the courts. v I HOW IT WORKS.'. - . - The Ifevv York Tribune says : Several astonished Western newspapers, thcChicago Tribune among them, make a loud out-cry at the reception of numbers of copies of a moribund city journal, the Wvytjfork y une, which makes iw way ii Ji the mails through the kindly aid O lriTrernment iranKs. i ne wrappers are c iiiii(:it' usly marked '-treasury depart m it. OtReial business. Free: IL It H-.irlliurd.Oompt roller." But one depart ment cannot, do enough' to advance the trircu'ntioii ot this ambitious sheet, and the Interior denaitment comes to its aid with the" frank' of ."John Delano, .chief . iei k Official busiuesa. - Fice. Jlr, Collector Murphy, . m his day, was sd much interested in the success of Chit Siuuuwlyiit dull organ that he detailed a clerk it the custom-house to serve -as elermosinary ' wrapper-writer, that it might be forced into a circulation beyond its own press-room. k - 4 These are heavy Jblows,' coming from i r-pubicyn source. The most effectual blows delivered, upon Grant's corrupt ad- m nistralion cbmfl irom republican bat- t ties. The Kew "fork Tribune opens its i.,i..i-;ra uir times a. week upon Grant i; kHVI 1V r and his adnunistration. , ':: . In liic senate . Sumner, Trumbull, Carl , Scliurz and other republican batteries 1 phiy daily hpon Grant'srtifications'of , r,,dical-corruption, uruess me-nortneru neoDleare as corrupt as Grant's appointees of tbr south; eneh' as Billy; IleBderson and Parson), Sinclair, Greeley, Sumner, Trumbull aud Schurz jnust demolish the I F ED ERA L JUDICIA L CUIT. ! We see it Mated TluU fc jrutte proba- es'Abltbh a new feceral jadicial district this state. ' I , . another eflbrt to create morepbtce simply tabe filled by tacoinpetent rrtdic-li i nere is -not the slightest necessity fif f5"' T15 4,r?ijr there are Urn? u.stncts in North CaroJin-onV thf AVWonc the ii.7c, "and the other t,h CjVar,,a0d the judge of the dU trict court out. , ejd Vpeciat fijjrt of hp court whereycr and 'whever ' jhepu'blir intererdqolres and he dopi httldf; spucial terms at riilidlHiry snd Ai'itVillf ' ; v The great amount- of 7 iUBins for the fehral onort i this state has passed, by-i n u oeea aoue bv. judge liroojcs and with ease he' doeaot clalruv We fiai that be laughs at . ;.- tW circuit sod district courts is railing off muro ana more every term, anu, oy ana iy there will be but case-now and .then, ak before the , late, war : Then , tjbere . ws iaoat notkuig t do in th circuit and district courts. It will be so again at aU ' evvtits, the amoant of business j for these courts will 'be trifling. J j sfli4 proposed LDew judical circuit ,k i u-heuie to make new offices' lo be filled'. Jmdge Dick wants Arises; so does Judge Henry and Jqdges Logan, apd Totirgce, and t-enty' others wani to t$ cleTka anrl dii- irict attorneysthat kii. Werels no ne cessity foVsachVdktncta p f. ' The people wilt find 'the men who art aaftiverieg im . this matter an and Witt drumming fyfmi4 tot the (ederiU court. They find it politic t magnify that busineas, and to thatd, they will have f& many indicttmhts fcund thereasrpo4 (bl; Already jtey seix upon numj Imt of hnktvT indictments as a strung ar gument in favor of their move. j We trutl inr meuibera of congress will have aneye to this jittle ganieT pffice'niaking fet them expose and denounce it' It is s rad ical mere in the interests" of the Radical party aad radical rpartizansL, ;Ve are to have a partixaa judge, -i district mttorney, elerk,- marshal, &ci&a We. ? protest against such outrage- upon the state and nation. I" ' '':. STOKES ( CptfrtCTED. v, Ex-.CoDgreaMnan Stoken, -ot Tennessee, has been coBvicted of crimes, t)d offenceB which would dalun hint wRb ( any parr) that erer existed j save th "radicnl pariy.. j ne -punisuinent woviUed by an act of congress in .Stokes caxt is a iw not to csceerT $5,000 and iojpiLjuiiujtnt not to exceed r one year.- The following statement comprises he'JacliLB Stokes' caseV""- ' ' tLHZn jr- "tMAii&li t Known in Tenmasen It never t-xceed6d tiftf Inert, Alter the war .closel. St vs Aet-ured tin- passage 6f a bill by cbngK- tqj pay these Minn. - Th rolls we patched uti as t oclnde 109 earas. - 8tM reeelvetl fur his services 10JKW. The3' niosei nilon claim, fn ndililion to he rWpecific, - harijii( of i he indictment tluit Stt.kus knew the claims to be fraudulent.- v; ' v' The toll)winjleLter jvere ,.rd upoe -the trit'Sr."rf.s- :i WASHiwoioir, D.C.,'81 Sixth street. Deaf Captain. WH1 ;.yttf ' jplease c arouna. ; tieirs to pay. ..r . ;v ; -. As ever youra, . '.' ' ' T ' "": v ; f. ts.ee p cool, ana say nothing ' Stokes rwvl - beew talking ito ninob. Stromeyer had wbtiked him, as the laat letter offered in' evidence would .iqdicnte : lt is working well ; nothing known or iiaid,;, J. hope yu will focceed in every thing and return soon: ' j.' '. , Letters art coming UTime in relation' to other claims., . All ! waat is to get out of uwj(ic39 auu uc juu wiui ine..auu we cau make enough; in twelve months to do us both Ibr life.'" I --cangetf Into the beaviest"busines3 that hny, won ever got in to,, and. I want you, with me Ha, do tiie writing, and I will do the engineering.-' D your work quick end welt; and then come here;"", ItVbest ' ttt hate'the cTnims paid off here. ' Th is letter, of course, will not beaecBI would naMelt Hatfield top 1 Fhnt month pavs. ; Bnrq this d-rd letter 'up," and I promise io aw no more. ,w . ...i 'J; W."B.- 8, '. We seldom tfouble the readers of the Skutixkl with the frauds ud peculations of other than, homo rascals. Fqr three full yean we have with peril to ourselvea, day after day, exposed, radical roguery and fraud.'" ? , We are prepared to keep it op for one more campaign. The compig ofthe prcsidentui cmp Ugn will c jnsti- tut our apology if any is needed "1 or f noticing federal and national rogues to the exdasion of our home thieves. UpictT CcHREsrA-)TKDE7fCE. We invite atiention to tbe letters of U. II. Helper to sneaking John Poel and Mars Tod. This -) a family quarrelwith w hich we hve Ule to do more "than to set the matter before our readers and thus opVh their eyes to more radical rawafity. We direct special attention to the following extract from Helper's O'er to Tod Ca1d well. It is of the Johnt '. :f:';'; essence of sneaking Recentlv Mr. Pool has had Thomas B. Lone promoted from route agency en Ihe Western N. C. ' Railroad jto that of special mail agent for North Carolina, not for his fitness and integrity,, but for his well known dishonesty. Everybody who is well acquainteoV with this man Long knows he is just that. " But, said, the Honorable John, to Anthony Beocini and George Long, in bi private roia in Washing lotf Hot long siuce MThomarf.B. Lone, must have t! t office: ' It is lmpoc tant that be sliontd have the Kpeeial mail airencvi for tbe state for the reasoo, that be will make a trood. active cauvasser for the. radical party -during our next campaign and his office Witt supply bim wit? a good excuse for entering into that business at ' the expense of the government," . MICBECK OF. KENTUCKY, . &TU1KES UAliD BLOWS. We published, rcocntly in the tele graphic ditp ttrhes what Mr. Beck said last v.etk in r nH to Brownlow. It ws sc welt and bo'diy sp)ken we reproduce it to day : ' ... . , . '.Beck made a personal explanation, an WL'iin; Bro nlow, w ur attacked him by a written speech in the seriate. Bick re viewed the historv of Tenuessee during Biownlow's governorship, showing that Drownlow" had male Pandeinonium. lie was rejVeatedly iulerrupted by points of OriliT, bit Blaine, Ssppported by Hanks, ruled- favorably.' 1 Jit the cpnrse of-fctj te nmrks BtCk said : r What I said'about a Pandenifmii'irii in Ttinessjeo was said about tttt the other southern states aud a good deal more about MnuMf iheni. One man, l.tvis of Tex;is. was ltkiBg me in the tiiae when J eaid it. , I sav.l more against t,tiv Bulloekt ol.Jeorgia, who satbyjii pidji, nti.tr tliev are noV.Il.beffl?af fiZtye t-vcry lact.I have stated here or etoew tiere, I liey tnougui iney wouia pu a man to speak against me or whom they could rav that he is a cripple ; that he ca'tftot write; that he canuot read ; that. ne cannot w.iik, ami - uiev snieiu inent- selves behind him. They are, not all crip ples - All the rest of them can walk. 1 wiU prove what I have said against every one of lliem, and it is bv-cnue tuey know that I' will (lo it. it is because Reed, at Floridii. and Scott of "South' Cam Una"; and Davis.: of Texas, and ' all of then know that I will prove Jt, because ibey know that T have ''promiut in getting up a report which will be lie fore the country in leas than a week, that they tire trying -to blacken me before the peo ple that, when they take up the report and read it they inajr say : Oh! it is that" fellow Beck, ho - was a negro driver t hit says this. That is the reason wliy they selected a poor old imlecile to attack me. ; ' Disavowing any disrespect to the sttiate nd quoting .from its more glo rious traditions, he conclnJed : tie had not said any tiling to reflect on the senate, but when he stiwultnre frtunr' n the nest of the eale, and baboons Uk'mg the place ot the lions, he protested against the outrage. ' He wanted to keep the sen ate pore and high minded, lie wanted to see the states represented by honorable men, not by meu who forced themselves in , at the, point of the lMtynet f T by fraud, corruption, chicanery e estra cism. V , I. : , Here him again on Grant's scheme to take possessioa of all the telegraph Use of the co on try. We quote : ; ; -?i He contended' that :the whole, scheme was an -tfort to stilr futther centralize aiid consolidate all power in the hands of the government omciais at Washington; that the' present Postmaster-General was an unfit ..depository for such enormous power as he recommended and urgel Congivssf to confer upon him ; that his scheme, would cost the country at least sixty millions of dollars of outlay to begin wjtlv and an annual tax of ten miiliona to sustain it ; that . it would ttil at. least, 5,000 additional employees to tne os.ooo or 7U.ouu now drawinir kurarles'tlirectly from the trenaury the officfcdrrtfiaawrjliiagatl.iipil $fM 'I'm 11 1 ,r 7W.v..U be compelled to bj, subservient polttical tools of the putiuafter-geuert. obey all bis orders,: pay tlieir political as sessments, and do his dirty work . OJ be discharged.' He charged tuai "the cbt ol the service, here and, in othef countries had leen "misstated -and isortcealed by the p ostmaster general! t4 induco. congress to confi-r this powerJ coupled with a ijreat bankwng system. Upon Imn. . Ho shoved thntr already in England a censorship had ibeen estajilished over telegraphic commu nicationjand contended that it would be done here' whenever "' noliticat or other purposes required it. I.VBIGKAXT CotOHCD MEN IS PHfl.A i)iii.PlitA. :At a 1 meeting of colored men held in Philadelphia to eudorse Senator bumner s &upi!epiental ' civil rights bill, the speakers named Weir said ; ? To-day a blnck man, if he arrives in ih? city of Brotierly Love, Is sot -admitted, .to one of the hotels, and . yet the (X';le of the uoitb expatiate' upon the saennces that fiiey -wt h sword in hand, have cqtnpdleq others, to make. How easy it is to corrjpel others to revolutionize their 'laws and -systems, while those who compelled the phange still cSin to the retfes tf slavery. Reformers are in the field, they are m.shalling their hosts, but tfiey sas nothing for us, thev are doma uothing for us; they are straining at gnats and swallowing came is." t A 'peeond speaker, named Purvis, re. marked : j "Investing the colored man with the ballot was Mmp'y saving the lrfe of the republican party, and that ballotto-day is. used to keep that; party in power. v nat is tne reward I I pere are tour col ored meti turnkeys ni station-nouses. They did not ask fot appointments, but tor justice. Ihe republican paity owe thein place, pisition and power, and he demanded theni." I - . As fur as app luting. Jo ofliae is con cerned, j (remarks the B iltjtuoreiAS''i iu publislning the above,) the colored race has received more from the conservatives f Virgin!'-than "from" the professional philanthropies ot .Pennsylvania, in the nlnre important mutter ot provision Tor their education,' the Virginia conserva tives havc-outstiir-ped any other State. Improvfments in FRKroHTKiR Con- btkuctkvn. there' has m? n wondertul change in the construction of freight ears dm in'' the past decade. Fimueiiy box :ars were uianiifaetured.jf wood and were of strength sufficient to carry sifely the weitjutot only lt,0"t) or 18,p00 pounds. Tlten the cars were used only 011 the par ticular road to which they belonged. transfers ot freight Jeing made at every terminus. This mode ot transferring freight was necessarily tedious and ex pensive. Fi eight was uot shipped across the continent uixin a "throii'ih line" as now. Tne roaa wnicu wouia attempt to run a Jl 6,000 freight car in connection with such a line, at this day of progress, would become bankrupt, as it would be impossible to. pro rate with other, roads. r or this reason, cars are built with reference to strength and dura bility, and are strongly braced with iron rwH A car is now made to convey from 20,000 to 25,000 pounds, and some cars have carried -even 27,0D0" pounds. ' "The capacity of the freight. .car of the present dayjs almost double those formerly built. The rates in freight- have consequently been greatly reduced, "and where it was transferred . at every .terminus, 'it is now carried In bulk from one portion of tha United States to another. , RALEIGH il C, jAY; : FEBRUARY 2o;1872. - . . -rr '" -ir ??7 I ' Fr the SBiLJiel. I . 7'r7 ni'TT a vb t I Fvr the &: TEMPLE NOTES: Mesims.i EpITiiWS. I left Rali Tliursilav. the 8l Ii of F l.. intvi visit all the lodges on the lin llaleiglt Si itidf aiireeablc we prevenred mv numlwr. Th? Wake,' 'and "Oxford in G ran villi? sure will jiiake .all due jillowames. llie prosiiects lor tnc tei for the teniii 'bruiuteniti:; now, ;inore tfinn at at since I bi'trnu to canvass . lor Wherever I sotl;c fraternitv .'eeioi mire the plan, see the entire safet if fi invostmenrand l.k f,,rarard Aj 1 uiowi lire iiiuo wneu uieKBinri i-" myiu h iMutsiuit tlm toirinlf roil llk'teil. that the propcrtv' is 'secured, ca'ipll-f ; "is' rcstomi. and th suecestf 'of :tluerit;rH nut' bevond doubt. 'Ait mav ..i-t. . ;.i ..k. si-'-..-,..- .f . . i r.hot m effort on mf oarl slial i to carry, -Jrai 'this ' -great eh"eptr have . ,tenrdles'yW here t he lrotfrtt-hod i meet annually in grand ciiivlion4 ti consult together for tlic common go)U-' our.behived institution.- Then why ahpy'l we tie liehind the rest f iTimes are fin t is true, but we, dn't require all to, paid at once, nor can the temple lie bil in a day. rna tamed tcmpie oi uni . , . .... . i Solomon was erected after seven ye' hard labor, but we don't, propose to ta j so long a time nor spend as much monq to. build one in" this state, Jeciuse wj dou't consider k by any means ereJ,iei fllv assfKiatiou with the brethren on nJ route has been very agreeable and plea ant. There is a mystic tie whu li seems bind all the craft together, and it aipeatft working with and for each other. Onl those who have been lirniiMiit troun "darkness to masonic light" can appiet .tou nilroan, bat 1 ather of the past rt'rtchiiig at ienst t brethren a II. ciate the beauties of our noble order, an4lfcent,'-his TdeputT.-Kf. Alex. McMiTlaa. learn its hidden mysteries. I aecomulished nothiwor at J ortvill ou account ot oad w earner, inougn oui plan was explained to alVw, who wiB doubtless in vest after a while. The aituul subscriptions t-iken f.r the week ending Thursday night of this, week ie, ft FranklinUO, f 150 ; lleuderson, ,hiu j Warrenton. $175: Weldon. fi 2 ), siid in behalf of the Association which I repref sent, thauks are tendered to these brethi ren for liberal responses, and we do, nope that these Subscriptions may come back to tbcra in "future days,' bv an increase in trade and prosperity to their seyeBil com munities. These towns ere' looking up. Frauklinton has nearly doubled its popu lation since the war. Henderson though nearly consumed by fire year or two past, has arisen with renewed energy and life from the ashes: and is almost herself again. New, stores are being built and occupied by ' enterprising merchants, and all seem to be hopeful and bappv. Wart renton is an old town, but still be&utifulj and wersan air ; of business and (thrift equal to any of like population in the State. I was told that there aresix churches, several tine vehooig. both male and female, and about loOO inhabitants; The Lodge at this' place is' one of the oldest in the State. .Tiir. rst charter, granted U Johnston- Cyswell -Itdfts.Jfo. Ai'Y r ii ii T' ..in I j .1 i.'w i rrrr ihn nt' iirtTBvnKhTftas'pWa'Jed to. fii good st.-ite of - preservation) the proceedi ings of one meeting particularly attracted my attention, WAicfe-i give as copied. , Johnston, Caswell lodge, No, 10. j -; At .a quarterly t meetingt of this lodge in Warreulon, oitened and held in due form, on the ,27th of Feb., A. D,, !ldO0, A. L.5S0O. Present : i Jacob MordecaiR. W. M.; Jamies Tur ner S. W ; James Cal ler, Jv wl ; j Sher wood , , Green, J .. ., P. : James' j Can non, & I). Brethren : Win - E. ,.Tohnslo:i, John Willis, Henry Fitts. Wm. P. puWV Peter Davis,..Thomas Farrell, James liar rison,' Archibald Walker," W'm- Falkncr. On motion, it was rdered: That t he members of thfs lodge, in compliance with the request of the Graud Lodge, dti wear a badye or tolceu ot monrmug in ' couse quence of the deatb ot our late much la mented brother, Gen. George Washington .1- Signed,. JACOB MORDECiAI, f-::-.--. . v Matter. Wit Fai.kser, Secretary. These old records arc of great interest tortile craft and should be' placed in the archives of the Grand Lodge, that those fond of looking into the p.ist m ly have an opportunity of inspecting the actsoTtheii inasonic fathers and grandfathers, The record above shows, that in those days the meetings were held quarterly, that the master was styled R. W. M. The durs were collected at each meeting, andbreth ren were fined fiir non-attendance nnless a good excusc'could be rendered. I also saw in tLIsplace a mason who viras-82! years old, and. was made a mason in 1815. j Is tbfe one in. the state that can date back'any farther j I love to iii'H t up with these old fathers in the cause ol masonry, especially when they havp kept the " tongue of gootl rep rt " and stand as living monuments to direct the live- and be examples to the younger ones who must nil their pluc s, when the sanos 01 time (with them) have run out, and they have gone to that " bourne; .'w nonce no traveler returns." 1 j Weldon is growing'U every body goes there, it is needless for me to give any extended notice. t bust. thrivc.iit must be noisv, for four railroaids meet here, and vou must seel an ; acqua'ntance friend, for the trajus come lroiai fc.-iThe lodg here is flOnrishingi the members are hoa- uitable. liberal and kind. May prosperity ever be theirs. From, this point I go to Halifax, thence to the extreme east and Northeast. You may get. ..possibly weekly reiott from AGEI'iT, Weldon, Jx. C, Feb. 15, 137'2. Economy of Fcel. A Cincinnati river man contemplates building a ne steam boat, ami the cost of fuel entering largely into the expense of running a boat, he desires to economize in this one item. With a view , to carrying out this object he has been reading the circulars! and ad vertisemehts in newspapers to learn all the latest improvements in. machinery He says he has seen a boik-r advertised which saves 13 per ceut. ot fuelL a valve which saves 25 per cent., a governor w hich saves 15 per cent., a grate which saves Vi per cent. v and" a lubricator w hich saves 6 per cent Total, 101 per cent. (Lorn bin lng all these improvements, he argues that an engine would run itself, and, produce a balance ot tuel tor culinary purposes. - j Gen. Ransom. It will be sesn by ferencc to our telegraphic ctilumrj that the committee on elections and privileges has agreed to report in favor of Gen Ransom taking his seat, ignoring the claim of th carpet-bag Abbott, fh;3 action . wi disappoint about fifty aspirants who have been badgeriug larS,Todr and deprive that precious functionary ot one oppor tqraity ot gtuyiBg his malice, -"r-r THE OUTLAWS! A mogt, daring rrfilvry Lowery and his gang in Lutnbertoa store and Slwriff -.offuer.ehteeed-and tlit mifet taken off 22,000 U Hioney Uten-pursuit of Vie vnilibe'rq-tJiey ttmpe with the money, dfce,, Startting news reached 1 the city yester- iv afternoonr to'the effect, that Henry A4rry,,Lowery and his gang tf .outlaws J ptia'dr entered the town -of. Lunabertou, souK-liuie during Friday night &d tom- mitted the toldeit and one oCthe moat sWeceaul robbriea ever,knewn ii'this i&ate. 2.Ttf .-OOir correspondent, Pster, at l.'umberto'nj-are we indebted for tlie f iloaing particulars r i ' f". It seems, first broke into. .Mr ", '; ". i e-rt ' 'inTf6f. wh tuen . visited the tathM of Ur. A Y7 r Fujlerif wjierfi they secured ay horse and dray and tbua. pre pared, proceeded to the store of Mr. 4i-t iu wciw;' irom wnence a heavy iron safe was tafcea and" placed on the dray, they next taited the 8heriffY office in the courthouse, from whence his iron' safe was also taken, aad placed with ttjf other. Tbeythen; 'started frrmr the town, with thew plknder bnt, " as i ihe Sheriff's safe wat fiuHid, yesterday i morningr lying ie the street; about 150 yards from hi pfficc". is sopposed that it dropped ff and was Early yestwday morning, as soon as the aiscovereo, tne after in being. ar suqimoned a poase of tnen and. started ia' nrsuit. At a point about three mdes rom nh tewn they' came op with the gbup being too weak to flect2 their pture, a messenger taaa sent back for rev forcementa. A larre number- of men mediately: volunteered, and proeeedea onee to t he scene, but the robbers had ;ected thei? . retreat, carrying off with them tne money,' but leaving the safe and Vpartion of the papers behind. These th the horse and iray were tAken back tjthe town, when it was discovered jthtl the safe had been forced opes with aledgf haqimera and eeld chisels, with which the gang had provided themselves at Kr Xewberry's eatablishmenC . . , - ! The loss ia rery heavy and consists. o f22?,eO0i'n money, taken from Mr. Mc Mod's safe, a lot of goods and a number of valuable vialn papers - fim I the herifTs ' offiee . which' weie destroyed. Nearly all the money stolen was of depositaj vliiph, as there is no bank'ia Lumbermen, kadi been ptaosd ia the safe,, b different 4 Hie-vJaj taked itihe-atore,. none of which was rccov- i3 Tke books and- papers contained fn the safe are all secure. - - ' ' 1 It was plainly 'evident that the store had Ieen entered by' means of keys, as ss also the Shenfl"s office. Treachert on the part of so-called " detectives $s suspected, but this may be all supposition. The town has been in a tremendous state of excitement, which had abated but very little when our lafonuant wrote us. It certainly a bold and daring rob- wrv. and one anfacient ta paralvze an en tire" community. But U should act as a 'post powerful incentive to tbe eaptnre ol tlie gang that have ao'oag laid waste the fair county of Robeson, and watered its fertile places with the blood of ita best citizens. wt. totumat itun umc . , Thk Yoici or the, Peopi.k. In the alisence of the Senior we take the liberty of publishing the .following from sub- scrilers in renewiiig their subscriptions. Thev are suecimena of letters received j a daily: , Dear Sentinel, dispenser of peace and Btice, 1 was in hope your nara isdok tould soon become lighter. You have had a hard task, but the hardest over. Tlie radical party is fast declinin? and th- vacant enhces are rjeing-ntiea witn conser stives of proper "qualifications. Be not wWv in well doing. Peel and re peel the "iveutnrers, as the legislature does 'the 151-w England constitution. We wil a:tin hare a constitution adapted to the' s(ite of North Carolina. For the effectual anl faithful services vou .have pei formed in-restoring our throttled state I hope you will be promoted iu this world and eseare the comtianv-of scala watrs hereafter, as 1 lielieve they will all, in the'linal day of account, when justice is made compute when the last book is opened hear thai deserved sentence : " Depart, ye 'cursed wiwre yon can t ao more naim l I suppose you would ur to Know now Long Perry is succeeding tir Chatham. 1 know" of but three dubscribers to that filthy sheet two negroes andne scape galKiws.' Yours truly, a- - -; - UBATMA.TU --JC correspondent writing from Iredell conayJaje?.-.r'-:v.-h?r,-. :..:', Permit me to endorse vonr whole course :mad I can tiuilimily say, as can every democrat else", that , ta you more than to anV other man in North Carolina belong -the discomfiture and defeat of the radical the most criminal) party 'that ever existeJ in America.- I say this hot to flatter vou. but to let vou know that you have friends who would support y6u y, the highest, honor tbe iieople can . and to you thev owe a lasting i gratitude Tor saving the state Otal abandonment - to plunderers levev V : 1 jKGeo. W. Carter's DuF.r.. Bat HT.Ptis, Miss., Feb. lo.-A duel was fotigllt this afternoon, between Gen. A. 8 Badjr, chief ftf police at New Orleans, and Hon. Geo. W. Carter, formerly speak er of the House of the Louisiana Legisla ture. They exchanged shots with rifles at 6ixty paces without effect. Tlie difier ences were then amicably adjusted. .; ' -' i The Campaiom in South C arouna. The Laurenville (a C.) Herald, gives an ncconat ot m search made in that town, dqrini the night, by a United States deputy marshal and a aquad of .soldiers, atlthelhouse of B. 8. Garlkngton in the rourif wUich-tbey - are stated to have Searclflp the bed in which - Mrs, Garling ton vf lying with an" infant only a few days okl by her side. That lady and tbe wiu.od mother .of her husband yere the ouy persons in the house at the time, ror an bcsT del, froiAA aiid.m T For the HeatincL . . WOULDN'T PRINT, j. ' i . Editr$ of tie ttiil seat the fot lowing letter it the Eref9 pubrMi but it wouldn't print ft umv I will be very g'd if ku will find room ta your coluiiinafor it. - - ' O- turs truly, . i I. B. ROBERSON. -- JWrt.,,J..C,VeU 14,'! 178.' ' ,v . - For tho CaroIUM Era. : JiV. IHnRj,Esq., Loml' Editor uf thsEti4 Bni-la your paper of the !8ih you say things about ni-whiob lritcU correct. . " ir ' v - -Yoo say "Mivwe county kakms.' Welti t am no -kiikrax--dtni't 'knoiT' whetber Mc lver ' is-1 or ' inot. -1 never kukloxed lA ' Mrtvr , as vou aav. nar dwat I know whether Mutchmon Mclvee ever Yd dor no. ..-f . t- ilclye'r .was, represcatetl hf x Mr, Busbee.'but I was te'ot Represented by Hr.Jusbee or any other attorney, xoa j say the proof o riur guilt- was sufficient to waiTant toe Commissioner in holding the-defendants to bail for our appearance atlie June tt-rui of the Circuit Court. It Minn fh,e poorest "ptfoof? I oyer beard"' to piua a man over to 1 cwurv- ' ' . ,, .-'! The 'il which yort etut, has assaulted us 'Jloore' county f&lks enough.'- "We ".were charged .in the Era Jast year that . our Commissioner throw out enough votes to get Mr. Dowd elected lor Convention, i it i wonder it d id not 6ay that fraud was us il- lu getting Kr. J.ong elected to the Sen'ite fwnn this district. " i"'Jrts r ' loo aski "Will the Setiski. correct tlie tnauv tale statements made frout time t 4inv; in Usoluiiinaon thesubJi-Ctr ! ask yeu,tu corrurr your "laise statemenu ' maae from "tirriA Li limi n'nil thnri ikTt th Skstiksu to' "correct". - Bi-iiitr k sulcrit ber to the Era I ask an kuertion of tbe above in the ;i?ra. T : . ,i' " f ,n" :QANIEL B. ROBERSOJi We ha?? gjven Raba"Jieann simply because .his, organ woubi not We have no sympathy for. MiW Roberiea. ;:Uii Long Terry has; lerved, hu, not jujs bat ashe deserved. What more eoiild34 ex pect from a paper paid for aad supported by Perry, Bilry Henderaon and a gang ot office holders who lire off the government; s Brother Temple has it, Mr. Robereon. come out of her,'my people.". t-Vv Disor AOKirfjL.Gor. -Cald well bard f work in Pltf Manufacturing, aa he thinks, ; poliiical ; capital in unlawfully j turning out of the directorships of the Peni tentiary and the charitable institutions of the State. those appointed by the Jegisbv ture, &c, -and pulfwg in iis partizans, Ii the meantime Henry perry Lowery an4 bTs gayg in, contempt of Qov2 .Caldwett ' ' - ''--2l -: ' 2' ja; ' 2 - lp ftia aw nmiuii) (uui. ia uur uiiiregsnio ttw. enters the town of JJnmbrtL4emit ft . , - - ' 'jtA.s-.u--rfJ t emtel? Wens ! w.oaTaerp2f ataWee, ff2SSen-,t.tie kHerilCsCfEc "V cawf off plunder aaaoastiag Uf fasu.ow.tf $30,0001 Gov. Caldwell declines to par- dottla . copyict strongly recommended, beeanse hi thought-it would injure the radical party Does not this consideration PAralvm his ettorts tn attempung tne ari r -st ef theoufUtved murderer and robber, Lowery ? - - . AeRtcui.TuaAL. Cowvkhtioh or the U. S. This convention assembled in Wash ington City on the 15th inst Every state and territory except two or three were represented.; North Carolina wa reprii rented by John L. Bridgers, W. J. Yt4, and N. W. Woodflii on the part of the .- j.j, ; 1 : I tate aociety ; J..P. Houston, of Mecklefl- j urg, 1 lie a. v;. jtgncnnnrai ana inaiwn al, Convention, aiid Hon. J. C Harper,' of Caldwell,; and W.- J. Tales, of! Mecklea .burg, the fair of tbe Caiolinas at C'hai I rtte. ' The veniion wae permanently organized by the' ehction of Gov; Iirtng, of Masat:husetis, as president, and . vice, president' from every othi-F staite N. W Vooltin, Esq , being the vice president ... . . . . - . . , . r i . ' fir North Ci.rtliria. The convention would sit proliabU live or si fcd ays. '"! A Rogue DiscUaKoku. Tbe House of ..... . .. ; ' Representatives, at. Washington, dismissed Cushinan last week who was involved by his own confessions appropriating postage stamps belonging to the New York legislature. Was this an act of of the House, or was Virtue on the part he dismissed lieoause he- dealt in auen small currency as postage stamps? If be was dismissed for the former reason, then we en Hide the blows of Trumbull and the Tribune bcfjiai to be felt even in the halls of Cong ess. Colonel Johnson, son of Hon. Reverdy Johnson, who is now United States Mar shal for the District of South Carolina,has been informed through the Attorney General, thitt his resignation wilL ba a retKl by the President. It is said that his successor win prooaoiy u a u Mr, WlWe, a member of the House of Representatives from that Bute, and who is a native of South Carolina: - . Served him right. Mr. Johnson should teach his sou not to serve snch master. The Rrtiremest of Fedekai. Juttoes. Mr- Trumbull attempted to get through the Senate, during the morning hour to ,dav. ihe bill which has been characterized by toinnas "a measure to get rid of Uni ted States Judges," and by others as "a bill to make fat places for gootl Senators when they die politically." Under t e present law, a Judge of a United States Court, when he arrives at the age of 70, may. if he has served .on the bench tea years or more, retire on a life pension equal to Ida salary; but it sometimes c- Yuis that a judge becomes unfit for duty long before, be .leaches the" mature age. of threescore years and Un "and us lew of them die and none of .then) ever resign, the business of "the-courts is often great'y inUrfered wilh i The Tall reported by the Judiciary Committee gives permission to any Uuited states Judgfj who is physically, ok mentally Incapaeitaj ted, to retire at any time on a, fult salary. Jviniost Jhe only one who opposed the lull Ravard.' who fears that old political hack's, who have served well ia the mirtv niachine. mir be pensioned by Vim' appointed to judicial positions, with the understanding that they shall ( bortly resign.? The consideration of tbe bill was not concluded. Wath. Cor of TWdwUiV ; ... .. . '.wi 4 a- ..i j thj,.- 1 . L' rxr-. ? J KdiU irofiut. Wat-'M lA fW tauntTytMi to tiny 'a ivpy rmy "turtet for oobiicntion. atl.liosol to lT!n. JrhnPr4 m nAj lo his . Ietuv liublshed in yoit f Uueot lst we. Va f 1 i I .. ... . . ... ; .. j -... , . - I It ie well tn.wn tUat 1 lioinaa is- i.ong has been pronvited to a, hig.he bsiu.Mi in tbe ptlMYviee im-- -thu - rix-epl,iott ia Waabinrton4rf a cert ied. copy t bis tlu faktva lutuislid front the rucoKls nt'A 1 uninn .'tNintv Court.-, The.W-sf reason. perhaps. ffr this prouiotioii, ivtwith4Ai"l-' AJOCIg Wft . iw, raj B,. tuv vutttt utY by alt Uiilg-in the 8tate.ittl Suv perion(l Supretne, Wppeiirsi nttho letuf addressed Vk Governor Caklwetl Im Uiw i But'caa St be.",pt-ible thathe. judgefe of the courttt4f tins state rm onion ude defaulter. 'r'Vtthsei?-1"""" l-bev . J j : l .- .V.- , - . - ? ' . " t . IlTCtllJ'V.. " . Uii f ' UWMIUl.l AW. 1(1. W J Sii.CBT.aJuJy4371?7X,4:i Hon: John Pool r -t?-,.-'4-v'l DfiAR Sini1 1 have not thottghi if aed estarv to- answer' votir' letter t? the- 8tk olt Jn'reply to 'cojy1f omy lettetd dressed to the ,Hon. f olm-wter, Genera) relative U the appoinfment OfThomaa ttj. Lons 'as route Airent on the Western It C. Railroad, entil to day. ' In that fetter you say : i tf troii viiior etf. Tlinmm i B.'Xong.b eorpectv theepublieaus of Salisbury jnust be srreattv mistaken. ' The- most earnest recommendation of Jlr. Long, and lctte certifying his good character, ; were' aen ta me - by ; many . leading , republicans: llcahs-f t. Com4 anvMig them tlie.followjng: "tD. L.v BriJiffle, Chm'n., Eepi x. Av BencinI, .Goflt'tldwell,,-S. t W3et'AA Joyce. W. F.' iHerKlerson a Moving, LW Jones, O-tJ: Harris,: W IL Bailey. James K. Kerr! Lcke'Blackinet HP f. U.MK. Ta. fi nili.rwi itlvnl diab "oodson, andyY. H.owero.: 1 -ivVelt titll think thitt will da lor' imk but forsW took at ;tbi pictnre. WLi joatm is not luaicai. janaes j&. iverr oa genuine otdtijne democrat, and wuld not be induced to afJUate pritendicai party?' -Lnker Black met 1e mot a radical, T; G. BanghtoQ . u.oa a radical. ; W. HI Bailey ia a eonaervative.s Cald well, Joicel Hams and Hendere on are adi residents oj Salisbury. Job 8. Henderson and Ob&f diab Woodsooare of Ue Sold enocrati scbool,- and they j are now. : caadtdatrt for the lending-: invention. J As,-much as 1 1 have differed with - these demoi crata, politically, yetj f I ; dft. not hesi. tot toaay that they Ure gehtlenien geni tLien ef integ.ity, gentlemen of lugli moral and socml excellences gentJemen tqo who havtt beeayerjcaiefut otf roncb fiir Mr Long ; at 'an ' mart Thev'havesiinolv said. ube is,, intelligent and belongs t a. good1 family - si f fAi BencM and d. Moring have, since my ret om to Washington, athrmed that uicT ail t fecommenoLiOaai as an konfl mnn, t;-.t as Jk good radical. nly, theiietT?. '.Now,my dear alrjyoe have bee -ttfeegonsly.implsein,, in "tenter rwJtfcd tba MoI srer y&at eyes AadwWt the democrats play the I very devil with you for Hassifyjag-thenw witi such uncertain political men1 X as 8i Wiley Iavid Bringle,:- Cl J&r Mrting, Thomas R Long, A.Bencini, and W I. Henderson; who, like a W.s Wi Hiden, seem to be waiting lor an opportunity to go over to the next Btrong side with otit regard to principle.-1 --' ' t- ' You cannot supp'W I have 'Jived "hr! and hereaboutfor fifty long1 yrs witl out knowing.sHimething of tbe politics;! Status, and the moral -ahd Social exci lence of the peo'rjte nf North Cari'iKna' gett erally, and particulariy those 'of -fthir'hixtp district." Another portion of' your: letti mads ifeus : "But after the"6ppointmertt is made a letter f rtm-ytu "to the &eprf ineht is uousrial fn char.tctearid iuif of VMM IS UuUSilal 111 VUWIH'tri OUU vu w place. ' Indeed, H is"," ha f ? 8, then, I a to behold a great rascal g 1ntrJari"hodof able office upon the tricks of the tricksters and cleave mv tongue, thu'ebvt slWiitiut' President G..nt and his adiuinistritidri to be held nt to scorn. coiTtenJpt and rid icule. eaoallv vft h - thee radical fellow s andvourself. b-jfore fhe world.' I ' won't do it If telling the truth is "unusual and out of place," 1 most corarny -agrti to stand convicted. - - ; " .-l t- The last. ptraraph ot your" letter thai nds to be noticed- bv ; me roads' as fol Iowa : ".I cannot" alh iv Ui e " organizaf working republicans of Rowan aud else where to be overruled, by any one ulftiH' J fonstrtfe it, A., very unjust thrust at me, anil you might us' weil.liae aid. thai I was .an ' oocu 'disorffAnizer the teat republican vTincinli. flr wbj I have so long "and lnimlily labored tfriu-tati Niiwi tbe trutli' is",!"and stands out to full view ,at :' e vryr poi nt M the comD&ss in Aorth '.nrolma. that 11 have from prfncip'.e ' aud . db3aterstel motives . onlv. ,'' . lieehT"!! '. 1nc:"lv.hik endeavoring, to d,1 'uit I touid t pU4c tne reouuiicnu . jiariy ., ih . vuis sraLB ,,ji a true and enduring piwition-tplsustaw and perpetuate tlie grent publicapi CAUse, whilst, you nave, junging irom im character, ol the jioinunents yotf havji nai.1 li n made, nr.il vour course fifenef- . ; t . i ;. .i ally, been doing what y" 'could.'iiot i4 1 tentionallv. paihaps, but tr'tx n.taki and short-sighted policy, to bleak it down and smash it into innumerable flinders You have well-nigh succeeded. I '.will speak the truth, and th'ie js no-power fi earth that can prevent me ; aud j Ud nt hesitate . here to dtclare,fhat the'Jrcsent administration which I assisted, ih litcTn in power, whose rightfvl acts I will oaly sustain, has been most shamefulfycel-iven and imposed 'upon 15y many persons ill this state periwa whom" Gen. Uraiit tmt the right to..; Jit-jit y e ,w.ere his 'sincenv friends, but" who hate; in fact,' bcenf h worst eneiives-encmies of t he- 't ros re publican cau-te. t'-:. j -Jt w .-&?. t There can lite na doubt of the fact, that the apptHutincnt ot iueh characters as v, F. Henderstm, Thomas B. Long, "C. Moring, two of whom Jiave swallow the test oath tor thu sake -of utiire Su nervisor Perry, and tnhers tt feder! posi tioas, and like character to state oliice.-i has done moie to disrupt and deatroy t)i radical party u North Carolina 4han an the open andR-cret knklux oppoeitkie le it. " And it' ought. You are tespoh&ible for these appointments.; -X- s, j I believe in Grant.' I' alwys-haW, aud I . have all Ihe time maintained that he is a greater nnd better man than ttrpc pie of the South judge him'trt beS " He i: however, liecoming and mere unpoi ular day by day. This anpqo1arity ia th d i rent result oft he st u iid i ry S nsi nmitv i down-right ' shortsighted statesmanship -off i of hs pretended and supp-ised frieixTn im 1 North Caroiiua' -and" elsewhere in tthfe ' I have transmitted to the depart meut 4 0 py of this letter and an officialdocoment tt:rf t-;.,,,'. . ., khowjagthwridelUatioa ef Thomas Long . 1,' '-- iour lrulyt 1 Sti IT nimn At. ii. oni.i lit IV. NeTK. SSiit-e tlif! ttidVliitioik of ( I.Ti. -rt3 6fnitS letier to Collect Tn. Mur- , and iHUtit!al purser in the State of New-' York, a.od eejiecbittyjr triuce tht: jHiblica- -. fionfttMNvT.' Custtn htnise frauds by Z O. & senate ImreotigatKtQ Cotnuiictee, 1 have twned my back on. Grant-aa scores of thoo nds- of other libeisrepuWkuni iiV Wfl3i? , ' hvn9ii:&tZa 2'J, 1872.', " ' GorTo IC Cai.uw.em.-4 . . -r Ietir&i .k nj I am going b acquaint yJ with at U oC vitltdnyl.l'bia one of rait bowever,- thai I ahalt hav . occaaionf bring Whtoiaadi',4 3 ut lermcTTisrcas fin-a mutmnit., : myjB:duro w say but lift? Candid , J aiwarsll lioms:uiioi !: sulute l4t U,- (T opinions aTived. 4r drai)ioi:ilcJ.U!ite aad mature rea- eecocdary consideration with me. ' 1. am- for .my-country first. I claim to be an or'. . thodox- .member of the republican- narivl; and for those great principks as laid dowu 1 by,WasItington. Jackion, and Abraham' linoola.' Here I would, irivc you , inv r views t length witk respect 2to what I emeeiva t be the duty of the republican 1 u. ..J ., ... ... L. ..I , . . ion, be the gubernatorial candidate for the r , coming contest. -JJut I have no right tb V"'-' believe it would luterest-you for me t d ; ao;- i lanlraak.enoueh to aav- that vou are not .my choice. - But because I say this I shall not sneak tf round Into by-places to di you an injusticet'poKticatly or other wise.' 'r y ''",''- '.' -.:' Now that villainy: I suppose vou know that Hon. John Pool is net a fooL- How- . ever, I am of the opinion, that you, like myself, believe him to 'be, polilicarly,as ; Sleek, a1 B" ly a porpoise, and as treacherous as a, akirk. He fishy to j aajf therleait. Hi inainccritf "is univef- lly admitted by everybody .,-: "f,v Si ' k wecemijunr. foi Has had Thomas, ; Lontf nromoted - from a theWestera. Ni C.Raijroad -to thai oli Special Mail kg ,t 1 ,t North Caaofiha,--of' X't aim uiucw nu. luiesntv. OUfe-toc nia . . wlt know i .nesty; Kverytodrwbo S is irell -t 4ua..M.d with tlual man, Iojig knows ' e is inst 4hat4 J3uaid'.the - Hoaoral ! " ' 3, tfli jViahoBy Benraai awrl Goonr J. VLoi.iff.'la 'iHSilirivate room- in. " Waslii ; a -not long lice,' Thomas B. Long u. ' have that officer It lainpojor- ' . tan that wioald-b Ave tlie special mail . agency for tW'state' for the- reasonthat he - -will make a good, activeaia&cl2for the raaieat party auring our-neat campaign, and his office will supply' jiTm with a good t excuse, for entering into that business at the expense of the trovernment 5 f ji : - Anthony Bencinf might be Ind uced 1 TJia. jBtBUHait, ' bus. Meoree wji- .a tong . maqe op with aiaerent material, " -'"' , f - and will a- ib time, J make jut deube 't -v-: qualify to tbe truthfulneas pt this 'StatSvf iBCDt, iniu M perca-verj tnat Mr, rooifTS--eapame r. re r3. ti"biUi'sfwliticar'"jparpoj Need' w be surprised- atthia since it has become the 'settled parpoee of the office holders throughout tbe 'country to -persevere in their yillainynd to sustain themselves in it by the re-election, if possible of Ger. whm. nimess tue ponuerous frauds, 1 r political j. pur poses vrecentryVleve!iiHd and now being developed byitheU. r7. Senate TnvestigatingvComniittee' in tlie city of New 4 York, relatiro to Custoni- houae atlHirs,. as an - evidence of -this allc galioc, ylsnt it al armings But this is uot alL :By the promotion Vf this ereat frascal he and W. F. tfenderson (birds of i fcathenffock together, so It heard a wo man aaykftt our: last' county Fair) are to .manipulate the political horoscope in the intere t of said John Pool, "W. W. Hol den and a few other pets, one of whom 's not yourself, rtmw. , AgreeablY ta the winks ol Mr. Pool, as 4. sappoee CU. Thomas B. Long and Col. W. . Henderson traveled (birds '. of a. eat her, &e) to. Ashboro', in- Randorplt . jouty aome little while agoi, where, ac Airding to the; behests of Pool and Ilol- deo, and the gratification no doubt ef Hon. momas Settle, were all well rrnolved. whilst you waBtiyna purposely ignor- ed.c Well, I think this will do. Btraws show, t&c. : - ,.!.-, - xours truly, .. - . . . ,s. - H.' H. HELPER. L- .v.;. . i et AKswa-RiKa Lkttxrs. A creat many petiple in this country are shamefully neg ligent about answering letters. .Nothing is moie anuoying. In European coun tries 1 ia"regarded as the heigth of ill- oreaaicg to aiiow a : letter which needs a rcolv to 06 unanswered; anrl an if mmhi 1 be coftsidcrel here. This is a point'on which ptrrenta should lay great stress t j thcif chihkeitj. They should be Uught to Consider it as rude not to reply to a letter which needs, attention as to hand a fork UfV the prong ' end. The busiest people sre i generally those who are 'most exact in this respect, 1: The late Duke of Welling ton, who it will lie admitted, hail a got d deal on his hands at different limes of his lifi'.'replied to every letter no inntlerfivm how bumhlr. a sontvir. . i Ini-e 1 fdcrvi iiuni who. lived ia ' m distant part of tjve kinfP'.'3' aoiu wrote to his grac.e.oa whom i edlu r lie nor his parisli had n shadow of cluim, tf beg lor a subscription to rebuild, a cburcbs By- return f mail there nune bek,a letttr from the Duke to the effect (hat. he really could not see-why in ih'e world heilumld have been applied to fvr such ao object ; but the parson sold the letter as an autograph, for i, and put tha inike down tor that amount anion ' tlm subscrilj l a- case recently tried at Bristol, Ei a- land, the recorder, after listening to tim lestiuiony, thus briefly summed up the case in a laconic "address to the iurv'' probably the en r test address of ' the kind n n-cord-f'GentlemeRf the iurv. which tf tli parties has spoken the truth i" IVheij Was It i By the treaty "of Washington the termination of the rcbe4-" lion j filed pon ith flth C'A pril. 1805, w hen, according to the recent derioien of the SuprcmcJurtthewar was not over until pril 2,lS66.:TThis is a very inter-ting-qaestuh, t bough the war is not Ici junbj conjjfpsional policy -.. . . "" " '".""" ''" ny of the Sentinel .-Wdiit has be-f'v- il f he Carolinian, that would cruh pn4ay iheSKKiissau: I have hot seen it in ,two days. ' J it dead," and . the. Sesti- ' H$if afraid 1 being chastised for announ cing if., Tell the public -where is ihe paper that would crush or buy the Skn Traietj ----t-i - -'-.- H. JA wnixE woman in . New Hanover" county recently elopod Trith three negro men. J V 1 -m j . 'r- ' ; --W: i- r'-'" ,''v:'.: :..v:' Cy'- .- .... .. - - '-'- -" :"''"' : r.xjL.i 1,S.,.s.rj'. ' "A - V i - -4 t - 3 v. I i