J f 5 DAILY-SENTINEL. WI E. PELtErTO. rW3X ESSAY A?GS? 9,1505.- '.. . .. ii'j", '.. ' .. . -J .. !)..!. ".Tj-aja Ti!K itexiistA. t twry morning (5un Imi rirtt iti) at the following rt: From tb prer.l to the it vl January $4,00 -. ..n nMHf, . , , .... . I (X I - twd i'vh "- . - . . 2.CW j)r ternuijwt inva-iaUjL. advance. , The tear city "f ". oU'gea .tie to nay to IMf friend, ibet WpHBWMi-fBjil, XPf( ho d-ire the IWnnJ need pot dly tending u tf-ir nam" it wifv- who taw -Aettl-JUji'jr a by fie Kail Koad Conductor or the Ep'e Cempanr.' , ' Wp" . wl a.a f i:7iii.ITl.:ta hj j LoYat MM. i a vT ilort'ttHBq'iirr'. Vf oWrrt lint (mr diSn'iioa a jtrJ-ky was not .m lucid a it (Waltl hit bewn. The Ie;'TUtio ;M"tif Cwpnn d'Jcliig t ,lirtrrrTfnlad.il..ew'l ty siaaia iaa Soathera JConMeraey oo aid noi oppoite, dasusofe And make war agiaM it, Jrigifi; Baiataia bta filnlitj to tha U. S. gor poaitioa of oar eatire population, bating the" fey rbo refutej to pre aor aij an(Tcomfort wbaleTer totiaCooWeracT, whan President Johmoa eaoie - -- Jbe aodle teratiaatioa of the, war, tit erj. - - .jeerai liwpoeiti'Mi maaiiUii iij i peopte &f iha frjfttk to-ebit-n4 wtara -to-'iaxtf allagi- ace, tie loowa lepnaaace of tbe people at firrt wwa p-AwJPnb; rJg'ti",o?flirPiftl- L jUe4MHMml ,',1''" tb -Htatee, led bim to proclaim a gaaenX amaeatr aid para oo ax cpf atti M he "tarfadeii in the fenrteta oestuwa of kU prdcSamaujNi. T'se generalljft ' fxirtd la rtprftsxiiiit uf tlie.foarteea eiogpliiiae, left a, site a auatVar atill trader the taa, ret when tjoapared witk tbe bmmi of our people, f aati tata a aaU portioa of tba. '-, ' . -Par ytoteediiif frja pUnai'r antbiirily to . . paat it, aAt oTy forgiea &i paat offenma af tke odija faaja43itjtiianatjiTptftei' fa HteirTgWer foeitios to all tbe ptmip and imaaniuea be fare eiriored:- Sotonrr w rhet totiii 4e paaiabiaest for put ocea, bat they ar held bjj tae-pardoKinz power a inaacBl aed df alt witb aa aatk No one daahta IhA pawef ,pf ihaPei- J ; ideat o grant awoeatr aad pardoa io tbia caM. S-' 0 aoi !y bs aach power, bat there U bo other power ia the foreramea'aadrar-preaeBt Coo- atitulkm. to abroiTita or'auka wid hit act of pardoa. " ti ia lhartibg Jirfanir eiwae, thrt eeery - eitt- i of the Ute rbl Stats. paniSiptihg is the benefiu of die PreaLdent'e tUamaej aod not em braced ia tke fberteei except!!, ;$ a Ify al ciU aea aad eqiitled to all the fHocHisetmrared to biis by Ue Cjioititation of the .Untied State, and " Again, all piaotta who ware, taelmled in the luiutdeB iceptioi, bat who, hare obtained 'the eiieiciat oardpn of the PreaiJeot, a? likie d- reared ioaoeeol aad of eoui, if dMermiued . .j--eirto'be loyal "eftiira:---c',5"f Qui tboee thoi oVtarmioed to be loyal,-4 a any wiae tainted or aiijodged onfil tor the ir- - cim of the fraaehiaee of citiien, oa account of -aaything dboeoratd prior to their pardon T att!al . ItkA4inrnM of the President Jtn! Aha CMtgmthf the Gare'raor, the Cotirentioa, the ljBriadltj?nLor-le--omrijii9 of eiolment, to " 7 1- x-l taiot or in any viae injure it TrncIiiae oTiald pereoBt fur acU or vorde prior lo their pardon? By do wVeaaa. My not the Coarention of. the 'Slate, potetoing all the eorereif a powerr of the Jpl. '"IPV"? ; ehaaee their iraochiae, op i&aaJurfjiU3i.aelw- etmtt,bToi""p4r- , dottl Wf owieratattd tbe power theT'reaifleut (rftieXoited S alea in tbe exerciraof the par - doeinf pTerogatire to be aluoltitely beyond -and above an ebeck or. -re -traiut whetereri If o, i the Contention of a Sute -or a : Legislature. (can ordaia no Uw or rule which can a!!ct pardoned persona, only at thfy affect all other innocent par. BOB. - If thit rirat of th cae be . enrrett, we are in douU, if pur recollectjiyta to its act la coir pet, whether tbe action ol ine late i;onrenon tn it-u aaaarn ia reeard to franebiaea, would not be . fbaad TioUtire of tba principlea of the Federal Ctoottiwuoa; and if to, tby are nu. J. The aabject i one of gieat importane t J ni "Special! in eiw.a fmr JtJPthing Conveni tion, and demand inreatlgation. That bo ly will b eompo of R)any eooti eneiv the oaatioa of the timeii : bat tliore are otben " ftwStl w'wjnh"tri3MiMil.wf iweaugtir -fadwr than the yirtne of &rpf. who may tee to reett - teagaanre apirn thiHB who tare rioitt1 upon them anlitieaJ or Mnonal Ininrr in other dart. Tbe -principle of' right andTf! law ;r, lmstnUble, baikit-boi; loaa-aigit ot those fundaineiitat prin ciple which li at tbe foundation of frea' and goodfoverament . ' j W it . oua raiEKD who are intereeted la t mccew of ihff-rariWA-to tend ui good TTiati oTauleirjr K oW" WwR--wwF tackace b deliyered promptlt aft he iVpeU oei aievJkltiiaiiMtSj fkxX?na, tta Athmt awl AVmijtgtoauJtlail fioadt, anlil tb mail are eatabliabcd. WEaltltt e. of oa ieoa n amber of our friend both in -.tewn and coun trr, wbe-beot ft tlgalfiad tbeir (ntention tWhe. - Those wt folend la laleTfcWilt our bating i.0 Iybj"-. w ra"Iv4"lH Psrt 1 mafioa of Gur. Holden, appointing th 25th fa of September next, for.llje buldirg nf au ilwiih for di-Wak to a S'ula t'ourrmiciii. --.-jr-lflttTlProcTaaiaiiOii m a fcnfhr, t-mvlylir 7Tia"iii djQrwmant, and f"y iJiiolSit vn'.fr prose.! he pursued Hit riplaoalOl nf ..the cXrrjbd cH'""i. we prynm". Will w m'.yle s'lTi'lL'!i' The diy fixed for tbd riti i msr FiU ton. prr-ioat a being nnnec wanly .delayed', iiht the .f f.m.:T....j it.- i,w.M.i. IT.,ir n'h ih pe(Hnrf.bliiks, M ' vmg a-upia time la allta 1 miwlrd, wlijta -tuuiliit'ie t. ..wiUri! taor tbe cl'ji'Cfio(j."lIleilf, tSe rresi.lppt will base tBOrertrot4 fn "lit fc bl iafe io ri-r the ajiplitation far inrJf udw tiut a"ny We-eaufi m t watw-aTnrrmr--riiTtT?Ty-gj Baa in lie Stata will baveaii oppjrrunltj of ch-- iujf Iii to a f. th riylit .oiau W rqiras i.t hnu in llie Gn.3f. Cox, tempoteryCiUiiwatjJer of thi Department in Shbtiua iMOtswMlAM 09W"ltpab.ica canai dU fur OqreMor tii Vhuj, r.. .riitraT'tayjff,emmitt avdwiog him elf ia fame of 'ieuliuc all the fteediaen io abtue territory by themseiree. girin them frao eaffeagi and preteotaiion in Cortgreai. H i t oppassdi to tbeir hainjf.T ffi-wb4U LiSe!MnjJiBSljd (t. fc;tT r,t itiir.t-i ttia rdfary nf the two ncea w.impo8irb!e. Ge.Mrlu!e' iir the 8o a'tltJae j.ttjtoetYanl 'n -a eitledTy an anti-a'avftry oiao, he otilLnt fail to dieeorer tbe (eriuot eonse nehcea .brought upon tbe country by lib end Jon atiouiian of ).be intli- WiofWtWw -iriihsn. Cox tht tbe ipiraTon of the two racei woala pe loonrtely better tor ite wbit, Vit w aci not r wII aatisfiad -Sf it tf- feet upon the black VitVTtbboaoT Hiaiaf Mtfitffi'.tfltOed'to being of the black race wilLbe coueolteil by tear-' ing tbeit mnitgement (a the epHjrbtewd ebria- tian tei ot tboee among whom rh-iy bare bireu reared and who thoroughly tfnderatand them7 The few exbibitioneof ill-feeling which my b re arisen, will pa iway'itb'tae i weaiut of ibe 1 war. ids iap ui t-otuuixing ia in a lerw ble expente "'aad trtwWe. If defloitt ideal of iorlt 'i&i tat ' ilnem'eiit j an W'le4-jmiL3te aa a race, uie cart wouiu be thanajreabM. iWf of them tittder" eloiaajieociatiotE Hftta rbs bitei bare ah-paiy 6 xed notion f iDdnrtr7thrifV,itd reepeotability. If thin can become general, the greateat obstacle U remored. Bboald tdry how erer be eneoaraged in iiileoeH and crime, they are doaused to extinction. ; TWt QPMTTOf Poii. A a.hlnion Jelfgrara to tbe rhlladelpbia Inquirer of Thort- dayaaayi": ' .."'. " Since the election ia RK&giond and the aff tTon of tome of the leading rebel In iJS'grih Carp line, ,h Preaident bat eraiod t )gn any more pariluna (or the prAfnC The: conduct of Wne the worth t nortioa of 5ie Southern ph))e,-a- joriiy of whom woSId Yet nme.tbeir allegiance and We ae not adriaed iti to -the epndavt of feed nS robtTi in V ugtnla, bul e Ff ai t5ie.citiV,o of NortE utrotlna are pctceraed, the iatfaatmo in the above ii a groat libeU -ITp- ts Ahf pfeeut time aeo4eg- to the Standir only thirtrone pereona hare been notified of their pardon. Theae are among oar mxit .qttlnt and wteful c'ti- Tbare are tbbnwndi more of the ) aoiVhoe early pardon wo'ild wwkjo ill .to the 5tareTonTWarbe"Cier to'the L nitiu aS3Tlie gorfroment (ban thoae' xelf tame leading reSt b,' wboieeca juat now to be to much in tbe-tfay-of-a l v , , - . certain cat or acrioo.er ior ina newspaper) Were iheyTejtofeed to the faVor of tbe government, Biiiol- Piiixb of Xtw Yoac, one of ih Bishop of the Prole'jtant Epiacopal t bur.b, h iaiued a (ireulnr b-tu-rj to the eereral Southern JJUhopt of that Chorch, In wbiible renark t V I bare corresponded on the -bject witii tbe Bihbp.aod think myelf, aulbieiasd ,-to DUte that they eynpathia wiih. me geneialljr in tbe desire to aee th fullest repreiematioo ot the Churchee front the Soath, and to greet ihir brnthren of tbe EpUcopate with the Wludeat f.-eSngJ." - Tbe Bishop addj : The pat ran mt be recatkV and though it nay Bot toon be forgotten , yet it i pert of vhrl tln witdom to bury it forerer rather than to ebf ferit to interfere with the .prtiont and lb Jntur j,.iPe;ta of osiyaKd i-i?&e(ir that 1 abitl er joy the prwciouf gratifltatwa of ! ttB" JO film yor oepuiiea in jour piuper i. fc r, WI, m wra i ia ihlTrial'lTn Peace, mar HpRptwflurWor wi .aa r wr- - - - - - - . i T .ruta) w .w - . J . . Tha anitlt of tb Bishop ! a-lmirable.- Such a twnp- by -.'HlJjJfJ Kortb would b'tjyond queeiiou , aiiTt uTaiU-y tn a generaT onion of all tb Churches. : .The Epiitoo pal Cburb, let it ba aaid fo it bor,rha bii JIsi urbed fr-1et;by political cotitferr.y or ? WtlimTlhaf Ibe barrier to a re tmioa ia that CburtV are fewer aad mora eaoilf orereom. W hetber a g"t.eral re-unioa between tb ttrtSort!rtifetw hall take blace or not, the outer wor.d wiil never I Ivgp'-vnTinciid Of tt..lUKfcl-IJlifctIJ?Alia V nt bytHe'ir politIcJd"cu"ST6n aid Tg'n""o . '.., . .-,..r. .' j ..". - rertiem. ta;tni. ooun.ry.nu mn-Y?.,-.. fhawV Ikotila maitrmtt-fwtactaca l.i v. .K...;.,in. fi,,mall atlianeea wiih Doliti- pvwvi j ...... -'T. ' . . I partyiitm. - ' ; , .' -( '. OUB arrangement for furniehing the to Teadera, iU. t juad in. a f jraJ We A!ftbu.a, r'rea-y 1 ri"nt itw it .If 4 (; br-em CTfllTrt"tn1 sc'oea -tHr'i th. war he aS 1 iwde t eux brwr and rrluo niiiiy ruu fat4 tjn preach fear-m the e'nstg.iiKia umiJI hea-nr.ar-e (lie fltfWl hwiuli ; v.iid inlnc t aal iie ifUfnt lit pr tr'tci ainnsi io 1 wi lniTifurt- -ltaiiuj'tt we wre'e'.t tA I P'1 a If afaiy laani'it. p cr aa4 4uSn'c miothe ilBWtracvi JJut tt ;MifKli'rar is g jne j (tir ami I 1'itibniii, at i hi H4 ) ni ilmu'Wi 't4 llrlj.liti. nui iii u'ti'U ni puumhril aa 1 tniuk w ttiall new he a Jitter, happier, n l 1a7 irrrmrf rpsf'pta tbes burctuftre " Ett;j in New York, A mm a. Tbe pelitieias are 'A k&at oa the nhireti! tiiu k mStg, at yet, aot jte aatiydej wt-n-n tid ul ' tbe q inu la t.ixe, n it I by. ne lumuJ tiriain ,.3tijiK.tt wnt t-e ih -mvtl jxpumr.- i w wtr njtij. peave lirmorr.U Le baa irrerl 'infeFaial masti!---Utiiiiii, loukltlg 4a a grand ceabtion,' (lioljr elllaure) tn the if gnat eoair (or pabue plunder, AiJ cottEdenirj.eapMt in aiitanreaf their tfeer trteaa Tit imjrftaat"v' '''' :;".,,..!..' !-7T.rrj;: .-. & fact that MrhfitV rwtej tbe landlbc- fiaa to be generally eoii(!.lil, and US IUiqacre4 torribkrie ul tbe South wi bT to iuumi! (6 many u-J gn: tiiuinHi!;oo, before U.y Can 1 6a re prirefMiioa in b gorrrqful of ie rviuri- t.ir , if ina al Urn Jtuiia atus aiJa, ruu aniiiii . cejit ehevrluiix. and at once, the Diiimaiuoi laii aowa y me r'aiieuii .nHii'i'niiit. 'i'ni mni mn traejtaii'l bml Jilt &aithaotS'tr -etreb"- le'iei t tot; a, art. 4eriyl, -if. he drttiret, Jo (?t ri.i of .11, iiaswueein poiiueuiii Hnrar!TffM- .roeajuag ita-aoobttan. . - , 1 regreAto lean tbat tbe itore of Meirj. Scott" BMri:i,Brt to the Su Jiiehotaa huteC torci. sly enreard 'tvirmghvrtXTCt robttf of a eoq- iiirabie aiaoBirt t jiroptrty." hij. A. L. tjtDt"t,-e-WvfNiHwi .ia.a &ntu m--mai .Imai qljt toowa ia vour city. The pruprietur ..Mf the Jhrali al yon bar beerd, w.f.tiia.-.,iie..4ajpr4y.-a- a Ii- Marmim uiujtjiai rently et4 M a' Coil, of tixaailre'd, Huw ..delhri,..aai ptirm.-:tiiiiK.':.a...ina niiiceat, imiidiag cn the iu. Tbe p(23mdiri lli.i pr.iierty girej him neri-lR.li.ii,L nf ibe en. Uretilort. The Sentimentof North Carolina. - Ma. KptTOa :-Sinc (ja. .Iiihn-tttin'a torrender I Lave trareled throuk'b fifteen eoaoiie nf N'urrh UroLaJ;.I.IiaT.eOiarr-d with ourylphw -juut mrjmrwgi rijTrnt intijtf "webeeefonleia, - sf which there alaay were rery few iij N. C-.) erm-8t Confedtra'i. riurned Cotedtrte it ttterrrif-a-ragic.-Kx tjaroraara,- 4-JSal.i)r: Ex-OinreatnitnrEx Lejrialawr, Ei.il.ir. ('let' gyman ot. erir enery -iQteiUntCbwciyaug-m ti kiwli ot' lieSwnta.1. and art prepsr4'.laat& the feeling of onr people. - . Th fwling i. nnder the circunutam-M. " ei- traordtparily loyal. -Tbere canadt powiblv Te the ligiUitfi)undatioa for fiat inprt fa!e iliJ tifil loo tut.MBi'wt 1 Wi-'rHtMrv;4 Li.un- loiiiita make threata a 0: what, -ttiey wI do when xm tryipe are wfrtiirjiw-ar Emw)ue tlm Ueiini?. u ih,iU "llieZiuu who aiiut. to . iie k:.i1i tbe 3ilp:ch of the aat.-l B-t mi ht ui La bwtight to tbi light a tlii (HiaJt:! of Um pjpJi, AJ1 good m n wno'reil your daper of f dir wi H ftiann von -tor t ixt t;ear Ulemnt in reit-jd U our piibbe tatrae!tt - r -' .' . U- ' Canntctfeit rfrriit?r Ktchsiond linaid te In good-" whb eomiteifvit greenback tv'-TJi .geaain one art to ttafca here, that weptiuin tlfe t;ounrrdtr Will hi tHiily de tected. A goodjidg of -tTiiiui"bii furnished the pre Willi 'tb' fuiiowin'g eiiggesiioni which wiii lead to tbeir deletion: . r.. . 1. Eia'uiue the aiptaranre ef a bill ihe fenui-ne bar a general d rrk and neat appenrance. 1 tiiaiii we rigni nrnr-piwxn j.n in nurtam of tb top; tee il tbe ky or btkground loukjc"-aT and transparent, or mitt and tten, ttud mtt-tciittntir . " 3. -Exainiue roil th laC r ' e ii tbe -eiicayiu aie Uimiiiu an J coar- aatur! iinii jiin.likii, jutue larl; the...-''1 t - .' See if tbe drapery or dress flu wlf. looi.1 Batur.il aad er, and sbowj '.he fuU oixitirt y. 6. Examiu lUe medaltioa, ruling and hlaoj, and circu! tr oroaineau around tb figure, etc tif it tner are regular, tni-wihjin.l uniform, uot tcrau-hy. Tbie n-erk, itrtlie wiUHiiio7a(3Ij "t?p-r, a d c u aot "be jFerte-r&Thrtrd . p. aiAiuine toe prmcipm iiivui'ieiter vi Tinme of tue baak te if tbey are all.npright, perfect1 trite and cren, or, if aippiag, Oi a BttutaLaiap&! Z.: . & Carefully emmloe the tbarte or parallel ruiing or the face or oubitte of tlie leiVrj. eie.j t if it is clear, aad l-okt a if e.ilored with a brush. lh fine parallel line in tbe genoine are nf tqunl &iza, uj tmuoth asdeven.; couuterfut look m tf tlon with a ble. , .' 8. Obtarre the round handwriting eugrared otrtbe bill, which should be bUik, equuf in ite im-i tl. fi ance, a unifcrm dope,--and-wmmii hn w. In genuine votes, iarartab.y Well bom, and" lonkt, very perfect. In counU-rtelt h It teldoni ro, but often took tiff, a if done with a pen. Moiica the imprint ol the engraver'! name, which 14 aiwaji nnr ih buriler or end of lb oomL aad iaiwyalike; Uiturt s'linTl. unyiit, and en graved very perfectly. Connterleiti seldoui do it well. ' . , , , n ttmtoHFt'-iBT or Weii.r-The Pettsburj (v'irgUjia'-inifiz, (peaking of th b-yaliy oT TUSluTiCliiar ,WwrhfTetaRT-T8-I0mrW tbpriaiaBt kaderi in tvetuictn ia tbe State : , At t'i bes'gajbit wf ::ece?!ooJ par gtate. tad one repreutUvirtSevit?hi--t- W-a-jliinlOT' who wa a aeceMtoaiil John D. Floyd. IH it dead. " She hat two foreign miuitieri whd-Wefiftei' ciuwta--.HiiaR..K..ileue.ad JvbB.JsL-Bftte. tel. I1"' rfr-f Bo'h of her iffior ui l on- grM wi ewtioii'tt--ttaater and ,Maon. l)ne it fTuiner, ,th rw.. Hbe bad three ne mm44 -nnnhoiv 4rrot4 to'"eeeioa- Uie 'Kirbntoed A7urrprtre lWfSeer, and' the Norfolk i uiie. Fee iurnalt are MUocLaniLaU uuresirtsL fc,, fl,r ol lt and proton,, and the ieatl Lauab ir ln litt'miit inflirn'tHrrtinent run fpirtevl twt wa hua.. i -In feeoautted It4d-w Ay 4 Uanii.- iix-ji-Kfni Ati secoi.nt t 11 Ibe t-(,-auun ,.r. George tv BanHotph-avd x-PiUib T i . I to usu, arejyt i-x" m viz. dpicuout pronriuenee in Ih movement tion i January. 1B"I, wi.0 remam.' tpicuou proorioene m II ttoreme-.t lir c-pH The alove tiatement it true of ' all tbe other. Southern' Slate. . Some went before and other bara.rapidly tenWAJjsSJsjtierjlliam cey, to tbe tomb. I Xinv'-ADVEttrifSEMENTa WIJM BKKK MlHIINDtLl; T ILi-pia- fiikuul for iiaull eaUl tn. t ter 1 1 ju.h r!doi7i. ea the l&taef tMntli. .' fr- llei tu)lr per aatttua al kr aiuath. .-&jLmt P. Miii: it, ' WATCHIlgER AHD JEWELER ' KLBiaa. .'... I J AS oa bjri a tn lot ji(-Pclol1 bUrer Tbira 11 ore, ann (r eu. artlel, ' , 8-.(f Just Received fpHE '6M T.V FI.KXIBLK HOOP t-SIRT, . JU-WHtM'TiJ, tt tbe et analttj, " . . 'H'HUN i.0Vr3, baut fol ttjle, Kt 0y8, l.l-t.iv Ult'VtwSi, bf? flKI L 1IKI.T BluIiUXS, J4r-t-4-fefcT-tT Wf v-a MtrMeH4 t- - -ta 3f - - . J. IltibCV, i-Kmr- Map of North Carolina" FINELY ErVrBElUSHED, SIX BY EIGHT FEET 'JMtiS U tha lATEST, tAHiTEST aaater? BEST I Mp f th aim, vr iUblnheil, aad M neatly ft-iKata-eaeeUert.' J tiMp n toe bad eulr t -tir Mwn. & buliuie f the m'tr edtttoa bsinr In our biiil. : rriee, (Ciprrnri tn aar feint.) lltl.OU. a8 tf ,'-.:- Raleigh. N. ti FOARD 4 -CCMXCPIM, jCoxrimisaiou Alercharfts. 7-''- ""' (,Vtur-,-i Ceit;t4-JOiu4 inn. t. tamo? 7" ' V. B. Craueeia. tf . - -. - V tt -- ot-t'T dailT far eat auntk aadaend biin to tbi tffice, - PERS')Ja hivinj. loon Cittoa frr iah-ln larfe-er aataUaaaUtiaty inn nd a pnriihatet by applj. lug. . II. V AtvJKttA 1, Hm juil returned from the Sorihtra eitle with a V. tork ef v TEEBH AND .PUB MEDICINES, fRKSCtf BKN0Y,vfl)tHBOH WHISKKV, POUI aXb MA 04J -H A WIS iBlS, , f A 1ST Si - I.VLOlWt.j'iKKlSHjllS.LSBUSHKS Of,; t-- A Lt'KISBS, TititFUMBRY, AWft----" , TOILET HTICLfS,"' WW. -1 I'OW OtiSS, 6P1CK3, - 8 T P F r 8 ,.' - r- WHICH HE Will SEU WW FOB CASH. fP Coata.tly rtotlring addition te kiiton(: Ut If ; . . - V "' : a ' '."i'V :'WITIl.' ';:'V.:'- .' 4-i-' .MAtiUFACTURERB AITD DXAtXRB H - IlN.Sboft Iraa and Copper Ward Hardware and Uouae Farnitbing; ttwfldt gotty, . Cooking 9toV,:JraKR Oil, Lamp aad Wick. Alo, a hha-titock f Firaily proeeKet. - , - , "' K. 4 ', yjrarraTni.il SVaaar, Fa bale a, 0. , ; nj lea, -i r..:' " ..iKi'u:it!s Krtt, pB'aLiOi'ffrj: F4Hat iHtt supu anv - CLOlUlNG, SVT & SflOFft, JAT8 & AP8 VVATCHE8 AND'JEWELRY, , wi TvontsTTTi Ttrrura . Wo wtwwS .,, d ur. AMr-aipva. . . i ft II O aEH?JS&fdie. 4c, Corner of Fayett srillo and Harget Sti , COM Ml SS 10 is M B 11 C II ANT, 22 Notb Wateb Stkxs, COKSIO S M KJIS of Cotton and clher predaoe let RsFin to Rev. W" E. TgiJBaletgh. ' TWilmkigtoti, July 13, 18C5. ,:S4 6t poS; . n v. uiu. ' rrLAttt cowraa. ' ' waa. . ISaltcr, Cowper Sc Co; , .L- RALEMII, N.'c, " EouLlao Bnildinff, FRyetteville Bt.r 8 Dgajri " '- South of th Cpitol, ; " . orrt THBia ttnricat to tb f ci.ic k .. . GENERAL ACCTION . ' ' ' AND. "' '; ' '.' . GomTnissfiop. -. Merchants, - COLLRf HON AflBSTS AND ATT0RSET8, - I7t R" th ml f Mrobanli,7Prodc, Etoek, 1 CoM, llenk &ote nA Lm)i'. -Tbey will al Tw-l iliTiu. jinfl1 tntftyiiTirattjTrerpffrattffin anfl' tli(Jr;Ternui), In tbi Slate, and th priootnsl aitka tn aba t uiteil fltaua. , UiLli- -. .Vf -, ... jiaraajtacjj 1 .r':il...i K it Lowrr. Ktq, rru't tuna ntpublie, VernkUy t (?. eliaf r A Herweea. Kw Ttrk. V B1iitt t A r lihorn, Drld Co. Tenncz. Jubntwa iirot t Co, Mite White, 0 t Hendeahall jC. i'tements t Bintl, H ultimo r. --. -0 W Pnnelf tie John ii Pattoa, RkitnonS. --Aiealsatt 84 ItP-'eede'-A Ce, D U 8im au&, flurly A ,l;tni. Jaa W fthitehurat A Co, J no 'jp Gxti n Ce,-"Srfcrtr.-'?---"V", " Win ion 4 Dana, Wartin A TnBbl.l, PeUnbarg. ila ri A il..irtl, W A Wrlgbt,M U fiixon, WU- vw gt' ;r '. . : ? ' X t. J w uswfT, t'i,Bf Jeang, J i BlaekwoetT, :xr or- r T--i -r,3.i4. - - Hae .et Dill, Drt A eaton. 4, kwbrB ... . ; . ' , - u S tw -t - HUGHES &. DILL, , CIJUSLWMO -SRIPmfi '-HEPt(l.iTS, VZW tEBRK,- If t lCMU5J!tMS t,f CuUoii.iitval filar and Te J bai bawo. will bar our prompt aiteatiua. Axta't fur Murr' liu of tamakint to Iew Vi r. i.nd ailmg YeMk.for Baltinore arid Fbila- jr Hr,nts. ITtwbMn. 0. tr. Si.Lt iBohJ ftty, COO I, CGMFOKTil'BLS. i ti ti ii C 1 o t h i ii t t r St BVE11Y liKSCRIPTIOJf AT WHOLESALE AD It ETA I L ! "",E door above tb Prngret Offi?av n FtydterUle ' rtieet, T JnitjrMljdjkjjiStfjM flock of WIUVtK8 SUM.MERi CtLttTttlRli'" rer ibipped to Son Carolina, wbl.:h w Pbrhait ' dlrtatt froav; th taaaafaetuni, and ti It tbrefor tb! to Mil tbem at ' Sate as Low at Kew'-ltok'-XHoec r' Tb'UUae notion, tlty bim att ' : ffa tf -STRO.THERA.COy M BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, : RAbKIOH, H. 0. BOOK", PAMPfcF,TSr HAND.BlI,t9, .BCttlSESS CARBS7 runj attn CIRCULARS, 4 -'te.,- ,, Aa, i e -e. Hew aeiln Bte.TBatyeiit Trtntfah wtitrkm aa the pMbl.ewUI be nrrsdohMrfully and promptly. ' N E..W ...Cffi.jl.?f IgatftW HODS E. SWEPSON,- MFNDFNHAir f Mj; '" GBXEBAb . . . -V Commission H Mrichants, ra ran aaLa-yv- Tobacoor Eaw Cotton; Cotttm Yam, Dlotfia'" . . and jffaval Store rvT- TPaat, BtBtrBiW-To; Robert R. Sweptoa, N,w York City. Sininal Q. Murnbt. New Tk'ii. "CTTrirendenhaFrTreit Titmti'i 'TTttZ'mi.Jir- bore'.N. C. ' v -. " . . ' Daniel Worth, Company ShotJi, N.'O. - -O. 7. Swepaoa, 0aw River, P, 0., W. 0. a tf - - - B. P, WILLIAMSCf; 4 CO , r.r-- . r r AAbEIOB, K. C;.'-i.:0: .. COMMISSION, RECE1VJNG, an. FORWARDING " nun JfEVT BfcRXS, if. c. paiVIN8 riu.dbnKin. et their old rtaad, wUl u aire trtet pranal atuntion loth (ale or akin' neat of COTTOM, NAVAL STORES, dQT10S1CARN3 AjSD SIlEEriNG, i'UWB,TRIED REOETVTNC AMD FORWAEJDINQ O00D9 ' Seatilar line ef Steamer and imillnr retteli ar tew running betweaa Mew Berne, Mew York, Pblla- ' delpbia, Baltimore and Bton. , , aa l-lm, DAILY AN D WEEK LY. nE NEW YORK WEEKLi' NEWS ; r a m x t r,,- n e wi pa p fla i BENJAMIN WOOD, - - ' Paoraieton. A Journal of Politic, Xlterature, Fiboni, Uar- k4 and Flnaaoial, Reportr, Intereeting' Mieilanr and new from all part of tb World. - f It eeataia mere reading matter than any other tf par. i:"v 'V.rV-' '--r--..- WEW tMrROV RM US T 8 ,STfe aHETt ;; MMENSE CIRCULAIlOfcJ DETERMINED OM.., Ike Largest. Bert and Cheapest Paper Pnb- -:TS-t"n llalieo la Sew Toi-K.-i.i Jisjrfejfoit'etiiss -eentt.- r;ii- ' : tr 'One eopy, one year, p'-ii''' Three eopiet, one year, ". .k "-'.' Five ecpiet, on year, ''',''".' TeaeopiM, ea year, ' ' ' -:: (And an extra eopr to any elnb ef ten.) Twentj eop'ie, en yer, ; 30't Tb W..l,-)y y.yi lent jo CTjr'gymeii at" I tnWOEKT-AlOWi ii. "Tir:Ma:ittboribr, j l for annnm. BixMiintbi r.--;--V 7 : . Five Dollar." Bayment Invariably ia adraan . - - FOR HALE BY ALL NEWRDIi.lI .. Speeimea eple V Sally and Weekly N.wi nut free. Addre BE. ... Bl.ly wt Bnliding, So y, City HU Bqaare, ar tf '" 7 Itw-tetk glty.v t. I "' IB "f' i1 H' in, t-jfi 'fr-r-lt 1 : ... b ' t r i; re it i i J -. I i:l T3T t: M : Mm a t -'i--ti a.ii -'' ' '''. S-: i" dign not to lsclled in tbi regard, l,, iclurta a imroiiatc!. ,-i . r

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