AW;l'iStAuU ewBDflba Bui fciArA iK.n t :-;-. v-':-..M LvtMiPIW St hiih-t-j FrfDofl;;'"J $'Mtt 'waaliil.i' o 1S9 X maath tow' UOO- Vary- -morata t monih ) ; 3. OS 'V'"'1' '' ':.;'' - . .. TRM3 i. o.0o 'Hi - - f I ft 00 1.00 ,11 !. IIUU, V ?BTi7rPnr iKf nm.tty tor elh-tesoHW - .. iir ( o aiautba, , fiar.VfoaicUtUeiij of i onr rirciilation. .:.' - . .. too VOI1I It ALE IGII, FRIDAYy AIJG UST: 1 1, 1805 NO, i. ,- J'iiI..i':rTj .wiUbcha'rJt4 ai ilirtlf immu. ' iia)t'oAiMMt Of a death or mrriiw ; Wilt-eat ti-r;tt, ; ' ' n-;.: f , r frieniMnxlendf 4t 1 . - , . . - - . . -. . Pardon f .rGeuCral lee f i Ml. Su-heae. Tbe WashWten-oorre tpmVt of the Phiiadet lion (Js'Mral ruesaiwi ji lcePriflntt ijb.oiifor irdoa. Tbisie p4apwing to li lohnson's' and Mr. rteward ' health, which h piented thra from rivinx-a Mwful Mteutiim to ma iohjectj Tbe din will befrainta4, thntvrb mi Lee and Ste phena, to jot trom their known pFtirtyf South, end the from it. -Tiia petition are-ikUy Jiguilid in theif character. - I '"'."' f ' - t-v ' 7':?"? ; ' ' TTTiTFtlrtrir(t.P til MctyaaA Mlrv... V The (jinpraWomroaBri1nglA 'department' of T.'xss ia enjoined to a strict i faithful nitr of tim instruction hereto' unoed, wbiuir rvqiiir Lii tofyrliear from i'ivtrm of interrea- ii..i in tS war btws Vmnec ad th sovcrian flrtfiirajfe2fi phwfc -Pf!'' Jaar.iA Jtii.- aIj) utiiaiiS. recfipitel JU-lhit A ilesfmli'lifrom Quwnatowonr sttjamef City 'at Hovwi, dtd July 27,. utate. iint- the 't'capi xhin flnt tiaiira rwas, on thaanoriiuiin iUt Minirtid ilei out from ah-jre, i 1 nuccesafulty. Th aigaalit Tf Tina. I A urivaU Bola fmm Cyrus -Til Is mya wa x j-otto r.-ach Heart's Content. w Kaundland, The ( tiolora Tte Stale Dppartment t ;Ya llnjjtofu has re.- ivl a vtry imporun'. fttw ft-- H- B. Rubin' ta, L tfild ttel Cjnuul at ,1'ojf M.aliaa, . fro;n- vhirli it jiipeara that the cholera which haa pr v.ii'.cd ii Kjrypt, ia already ailvanirtf westward, u fara (tra entertained that it till aoon jeach lh-vfriity or Port Jilahon. ThejConnuJ atales i lint K b.i undentood that the di4as3 had reacu-i-d Italy aliiiough no OMitiv pwiot tba report j-ad bein received. In Bypufia" niowra tarrreii yff, from JHr, 27. to July 9, 1.736 ianoaav It . liui(Ki-.i iht 30.000 neraoas havi left Alexan iljria iin?e Abe diaeaa .appeared, thfl lllof Jtt;i, up to JuTy 7. Nothing iMre haa been ieuid of-ita appearance in Englai ', . 4- Tlf'sxi'IriaCoiveiiou. ' The oul.'rtk convention AtHcruri4 nut (lit on tVi.lnv. uiVr adont ini? a number kf resolutiorn. Oiw uf tJipm rooinraoded the eauhliment of i oiiitunn jeliopif throughout the- tate mothar .isciarM trial? any reorganization ot rthe Mate which pvei to.American citiienaif African de -cfnl inferior right! to those acouJVd to wljite . itizcTi mr-frttnin arms and ho'stilijr against the l.'uit J Siuteji Goieronieiit. ia-aa'-Lilif grota in. nticn to th loyal blaoJc; a(hiri petition Con. (.reaoTWWwtTa rnpreaeiitaUi'B tfeolud under inyuch system. Tbe rest ar cfcvotijd to a alu pon GmiM Dor Pierpoinf to duSti bis position, ind thatika to those whom ther imagine to be hair fi-iend-t. , -. ' U.vtU-. Ti Recent report froiq Ilayti, 'midlife to the rolnlilo snccea of the rjb)l 'anaer' Salnare, .r beliuved to be wholly oni'bhliy of i)t5it, i'be stumor Rhode Inland brought aocounu to he i.';l;l uf July, which slate that the rebels werp ill shut ap in Caper Hay tren, and their supplies' :u fcflnhe harbor being bloctided and the place ivi'jted by 14,060 government trnp. The ;eedy 'caitiire of the place and of the robot rcet ia. predicted in letter from' Intelligent marica'i. ' ? r: KroB Fortn-ss Hosrat. Oie rtf Ahftgight-inch wroughtlroorifl.d fun rtbe fart -burH d aring-iKjm a; experimental firmg' 4 o one, Imjitulywai injured. Tbe Tturty-ninth Illinois regiment has arrived mi Richuiand, and will be stationed at Norfolk, icri ia out an old officer in the regiiaMit 'that 1 not bten wounded.." ' " " t.'' '"' VaimvU, July The Parliamentary 4le ius everywhere Vara ben completed The net b rat gain U 21, bat some claim 26. The lhiald console the Conservatives br al .iim -that -the raTi-yiiilJlthgmi'jUhe 'ertionsbTd relieve them nf u,nr!lihle sup )lllT . - " . . ," ' '!Lii y,j?r'd origonVVSjf tnt Lari !iief'6a will Ml ire before ParUa.aeal meet, id th it Mr. Gladstane haa dechnttd the Premier. in 'woe oi t.orq vtranymfl. linuii ha Accept ed the Kritwh prspoij UToT 'bhraary Ia3t,ud diptomaiie relations af8:agyat. j l'be county of Joliusoir srflL chooM two luUi i be retabbsaed. The French Imperial, decrea premuVatel -the I Th, iiiTentioo Of Auvust, 1864, for the Tb jtter care of wonmled soldiers, - '' ' It is. reported.. that civil war is commenvg to j"Tlte i iiii 1 TO THE MOP!! OF' In ptrsnaoa' f power vested , w' iXDREW JOHNSON, lrMdt of tha ruttfftiten io avery State ia th Union r- publioan Ioj m.of goyrnaient and ia Order to enable tlt lova iMonlo of i4 Sue to or- gaoiie a S-tatei OoTawmnetit, whereby juaU. Biay bewtabliflriea, .aomeBiio iranquiuiy r- taafJifi!LUilertT. tna proptrty und m 7der.- nto.' that -gaid S'to may belsaUwsLto ttn ConsUtoUOBal relaUiiff ta tTha i'edfiral Boverutncat bv prasenting uoh arenubKcan toim of eorernment a will entitle JtmWor: and itrworrjlrtoTTOttctioB b the Ua'ueil States agairmt intfusioi, ingnneo donand domestic Wolen?tjynLUA W. HOLDKN, Prorisional SoTCrnor arafurasiTil, do hnralir MncUim tblut an' elootios) will be held ai'fftat. on Thuradaf, the 2 1st day n. ft 29th, 1865, a'i'o?ProvWwJGov,0,,'' .V , " t wr .. rii4L.-.' i. ti. .itiu f I Tha Minitf nf uh will thartiwana mamber. hhV'Ciiwtitution of 4he te(J Sttr,Vhioh J TL wanty of ew llanorar rill ohowtwO ivmr out tne vp....., - - 6!e tU" waaUi- fnif ov'ca of one nuuaren ana twenty aeio- irrc9. to ie onoen r joiww : --- ' i weaibom. . . Tho county of Alexander will cboose one .. 'afJietulfr. .. ' . ... . Tho oountios of Ashe and Alleebant wUl choose one Qomber. - ' " yhe oooiiOof -inson wiJ' sboose- two nem ber " f4L - '.' . Tho ouoty of Boaufort will clioote tjri ruem . . I.avA " j . Tbe oonntyfirf Bertie will choose .two mem biri. ' - -1 ' . The oonnty of Bladen. will bop'o-ono- mem- . ber. - The County of Vrunjwiak will cnooM uOne nwiuber We orntil?oT Bunoomb will choose one nieiiiben , Tbe county of Burke will choose one mem ber. . " c The eoaVty or Cabwrn will ehooeo one mem -ber.-'V. . ' ' Ttfl-owJLly .f iiJjiwjilLwjlioh.poe one mem Tbe court v-iof Camden will hooe one mem ber. VI Tlroooun' of Carterel will choose one mem- Tbe oonntVof Caswell will choose two mem bera. . ' The county of Catawba will xhoose one mem- ..ber. : .. 'ha . ooanttr. . of Chatham will .. choose three nembenk - 7 - - r tTl.l"co-tMiU of.Cborokee and-Clay will ooaa one member The county bt Chowan will oboose one mem- r bor, ' ' The county of Cleveland will oboose two mem' ' berH,.J - '. ", .' Tbe county of Colurnbus will chooae one member. "' Tbe connty of . Cwen will ohooae two mem bera. - .; The cAiimTes of Cumberland and Harnett will choose throe members.' tt Vt The county of Currituck will chouse On mom bef, ' - -v.-"' The couuty-tvf Xlaulon vil ehKae tw"rTura Tlieotinfy ofDnvie will choose one member. The county ttfDnphn will cboosertwo mem- : biT. ' .". . The counties af Edgecombe -and Wilson will -choose two membe ia, v. .... . The count of Forsj tti will chooee two tneiu . bers. . ... ' ''.' Th cQuntj-Bf-Eranklin-wi'l:cho(e ane aim " be. - ... The county of Canton will cheer) oue metnlier". The county of Gates frill ohuofte one member. The county of Grauvijlc will choose three mem bers. ! ' ' " The county ofGreeno wilt chcAe one member, The countjr of Guilford will choose three mem- The county 'of Ilalifa-t willchriote -iwe) -tnem -'bers. ' - , . The county of llay wood wilL choose one mein ber. -- T..:... .. ';: ' " TeuntierofrlfsnrteTTifnf-and TraiwyiHia . ,wai cnoo-iecnc meuioer. - Tlierounty of IJtirtfi rd will fhoixJe one mm- tici Tbecuttnty of rfyile -w& tboose'ona tnember. 1 lie county of Iredell will choose two meiubor. The county of Jadson Vill'ebooae one Jnetni bar, beisr r county of Jones will""choose on membev eoaaty of Leaoir will ehocce one mem e3 '';-" oounty of Lfocola - wilt choose one m;a- ber, j-'' - "'i.r;'-: ''";-: ';' The eounty nf Macon will choose on mem The connty of MadLspn wjll cooose oe mem- The connty of Martin will chor oner mem ber. . - 1" ' TheeuB-f of MI-owill wul CJioaeon iweu- ber, Tbe ocraniy of Mecklenburg will vhooee . tw . ' members. - - . . ' The eenntT -of MontemetT will -cbooe- member. members. The county of JtioHhimptott-will eboose. two members. : , . - ' The county of Onslow will choosu one mem ber, i '.-,,, The tionnty. of Ocange will choose two mem- hra.. ; 7 T Tbeemraty of -4aoHtnk will i"1ioL-gpe mcmDef The county of Pcrqutmtins will ohoosc one " member. ' . ., LZllJL. Xhj countj pf Peraojl willhoqfete one mem- bar. The eounty of Pitt, will onoote twO Inembrs. The county of Randolph will choose tw mem- Trr : 1 . The oounty of Richmond- will choone -one , menilier, The oonnty of Roboson will chnoie two rue m bera. . ' , -' - Theoounly or Rockingham will onooxe two ' tuctubers. ; The county of Rowan will choose .two titcm- bers. .' The counties ol Rutherford and Polk will - choose two members-. ' - ' The county of Sampson will chooxe two mem' - bers. - - - -v.- ' The eouaty-of rTtanly will choose oe mem ber. - - i - ! The oounty of Stokes will 'choose one ,mem- ber. The oonnty of Surry will oboose one momher. The county of Tyrrell will choose one mem- ber ' 1 The oonnty of Union will choose one mem ber," " rr C " The-oonnty f-JKake. siU cjiocehjreei-e m bora,- The county of Warren will choose" two mem ben. - -' The oonnty of Washington will choose one " member.' :. The- county of Watauga will choose on member- r The oonnty of Wayne will choose two mem 'bars. ' Tho oonnty of Wilkes will choose two mem bora. .. - The oonnty of Ysdkin will choose one mcn bor. - ". The oojintiea of Yancey and Mitchell will choose one member. The Clerka and Sheriffs, of the respective counties Will proceed at-nca to.raaseipbUi ue Justioea of tho Peace, a msjority of whom will seleot from their number not lens than six nor more tntn eighiecn JuBtices, menjg lntelrTirence. discretion, firmness, and Approv ed loyalty, whoso duty Itshall bo to adminiSftr to those who may be entitled -to-teoelvnit, the oath contained in tbe President's Amnos tf Proclamation Of May 29th, 1865, under eucb'ingtructions atLfnay m jreseribea tn tins Proclamation. .The J ustices shall, at tue same time, appoint Inspectors of the elections at the various nreciocU in thoir rospeotive Coun ties in accordanoe with the law in relation thereto. Chapter 62, Revised Code "of North- CsTokirsw-T he eteotionat-tor members or tne Convention shall' be conducted in the' same manner as elections for members of the ITonse Ot Commons, to aocordanCo "with the provis ions of Chapter 52, Revised Coda, so far is i 1' 1 1- . ...1. IV. sua DTOvisions.. mil uo ubuooio i mu officer appointed to. hold said oleetions, arid to make returns thereof, shall Jhajable to the same penalties for failurerto aot, or for wz Wt oOutyLaaratirescribed ip Chapter 52, Revised wo40 No cersM wilt be allowed to vote who 's ant a vateY nnalified as the Con stitution" andaws oCiS:?;!!! faroimnpuiTO" of i3ir,K the rebellion., mediately before the, 2.0th day of Biay, 1881 ; eiccDt that the barmen t of a poll tax shall not be required. ;- ' - ; All pwoled loldieraof the army an nayy of the priitcndcd Confederate Sfatcf, or if this State,: Under .aud. including the tank of Colonel, if of aha army, and under and inolud- ins; tho rank ' of Lieuteoant, If of tho navy, will Ienll4wrajo;yo tney are not included in any of the iourteea cXCiaaed claT ses of the President's Amnesty Proclamation : .prMciJimbeithlJliel arc cjtiiensj or tne Ktate IB aceortiaoee who, tne terms prescribed in the preceding paragraph. Bo persoor wiiboe auoweu to vote woo aoes Amnesty Oath as contained in the Piesiuenlrs PrwUsnmHof Waythrfifgnady himself .and certitied byat ieast two,,J tutioes of tht Peace. - - -. The Sheriffs of th - respective Counties shall furnish, aa soon as practicable, oertifl- cte of -election to those persona who rnayl hTe recelred the highest : number of Vote a niBrubcr,oI the Uouvent.101 shall also !muieditt(cf-r sen Secretary of the S(fe, Raloigb,' a 'statement of:tha yote in .their respeotiTe. Counties far the twenibers aforesaid, and also a. statorbeht ill t fiaat' fifrii'l sitii Mswitiirrl is ft slit Ar.t r: A i-rt tli 4V4Midt of Con ven Uon , RlejfXlLj? hud before the Convention. ; The menibers of the Convention thus h5a-m,-wiW a-blerrth Monday, the second, day ot Octobw, 1 glio. j minister the A'mnesty -Ojith. is specially '3r reoted tb the), followini- fourteen excluded e1asMiof the PteeimBeiitj Troclama tion of Slay 29th; 1865 ; . ? ; ; 'J.-FmiA-ll who are, nrihall:Jiaw rirarn, pretended civil or diplomatic ofhoers, ot otber w'lac, domMticor fursigo agents pf the pre tended Confederate -govurnment.' ' " ; Second A.V who loft judioiai stations un; der the United Siato to aid the Trebellinnr" nttW 1LA0AW or naval olleers of sttid pretended. Con federate povernmont, above th rank os" 'Colonel in the army ot 1. ia the. navy. ww',.'iblSfta ot thei ntted States to aid the rebellion. ' . ,-' Fifth All who rcsiirnod or tendered rei-' .HtI,ii...l..iimlUiM.ili kun. ar4Mae;-nuaiber-o4.'yMtas anl-orj or nary of the .United States to evade duty ia resisting the NtelKon. X'l '; AVxrA.---.All wh have engaged iri inoy way m tne treating; .otnerwise man rawtuiiy t prihSnRlwar, persons found Tn the tJnitod States service, as officers, BaJdiera,' seamen, or U other oapaeitioav- . j - f U ,;' '' 'Seventh All -persona who'-je7Fnrsr re absentees from the United States for . tho purpose of oidiag the rebellion. Eiffkl All military and naval oflioera in the rebol service Who were educated by 'the frovernmeat in the Military Academy at West Pntnt -M 1ii !f Tnili . .!iabLi '!Ckf A. Aat-lnm V ir'nA--All persons who held the pretend-f ed offices bt Governors of States in insurrec tion against tho United States. ': . - V Tenth All persons who left their homes within the jurisdiction, and protection of the United Steles, and passed beyond the federal military lines into tbe so-oamd Confederate States for the turDoseljf aidintr the rebellion. A'rtA--AfrperHona who have been engage en in to destruction ot tbe commerce ot the United States apoa the high seas, and persons who nave made raids into tbe Lnneo- states from Canada, or been engaged in destroying tne oommerce ot ; the linited states upon the laaes ana rivers mat scparaie ine uriuen provinces rrom tue t uiwu eratos. lief lth All persona who. at the time when they sock to obtain the. benefit hereof by taking the oath herein,' prescribed, are in military, naval Or civil confinement or cuato dy,' or under binda of the civil, military or naval authorities Or agents ot fhe. Vpited Statesi as prisoners of war, or persons de- uinen jor ononoes ot any. una eunerueior DT after cooviqtion. . J Arriwart-erAll peraohs who nave vbluii tarily psjtioipated in said rebellion, and the estimated value of whose taxable property is over twenty thousand o ' Fourteenth AU persons who have' titken the oath of amnesty as prescribed in the 1 resident i proclamation m lcoeinbar erghth-, A. I)., one .thousand eight hundred and six. ty three, or an oath of allegiance to the gov raaaent of the United States since the date of said proclamation, and who have not-hcueK forward kept and maintatatd the-' same invio late : rrovuUd, I bat special application may bo made to the President for 'pardon " by any person belonginjrtothe excepted classes, ;and and such oli will be libof ally extended M way be consistent with tho facu 'of 'tlie case and the peace and dignity of the T'nitcd States." . . '.;'-' "t '-..; s Under the first exception are included all persons' who have been civil or d'plomatie of' hoers ornsente of the protended Confedcrr ate gorerpmont, sjther wirhtsi or without the temtonai nmita oi we tiaitea jtates, -Urideflhesenlrjx reancludod all officers, agent, or private ciiiJ.enii who have been sweift from the tutted Mates tor the . Under the. thirteenth exci-ption ara iacliidii.l all who, during the rebellion, have tiioit any office or agency under the State- ot pretended Confederate ovftment ; Or have ia any way voluntafUy joineOB Ee rebelHan,. sj f rcj- nrsplefby eiiteTing or warchinflwiltr armed forces host ile to the United fuatoi ; by sending or fumifliing mmfr provisiorts, or arms to arsons engad m there hellion, save m ernes I , - ....... - ,. . , , I f rem the promptings of charity -pr humanity ; LjL? nl w'1 "h'abl?ttt 6i persons, whetb Vr orgaiiise4 or .nfiorgi'n'tire'il; lTos-ttlF-tarttirf UniteiJ States s or (it any Other Way givin vol untary aid, asi)tance or eiicourageracet to the ?9tli day 0f1lfay7l-5,tCBedcrJ in value trie aunt ottwenty Jhausitad dollars. The other exception are to ' tdain as not Wi require etpiaiiarion; . i m - . 1 . l Ao certihciate wilt be irmilfc d bv tli Justice to any ptrwin who is included -witlun any of th fourteen excluded Masses, unle. on tthibi. it dumber of Vote as iiui by the paity of. Vis .'pardon (or bis ouiuca '!- 1 : -rr; 'ion and the Sheriff fim tlw rwidgit. " ', ; '"''" " nd to the office of IhC" .Tie usiioes appointed to adminiater tha "'':' limotstOath, and to furnish certificates of tie same, which shall be evidence of, loyalty, ''4 are efrUjcUHy instructed to" be tiirllant anil feAthftil;- While it wiUnotllrtuflrTaTT3z: aMenint to nrv intn ttni boarts an, munnlaniu - w uimh, iuey wui uevoruioiess aoanonisB those -who may "apply to take th;oath that It must t f FakWainl uWorn)e3In (rood faith, with " at honoot inw'ntion otr thetr part to keep it twHrrfc-'jinrp'Sl" trflnreoerntiAs lupou any oooaion or at any time to oomaH wlilardlliiui thaiTf the oath It not tbu - Ukea and kept, the pardon nffered them by- . the President, -will be void, and they will t 'Zili i.r r.l"iT fjsit m -r-rr - - -- - nuiu auujwt to inai unuer tue law lor pe.rju- , ry and trei.on ; ' . , ' - Tbe Justices, 'Clerks anJ'Sheriffj.'wbos duty it (s to provide for adminliterin 'tna "j, W.b B4-tJ oonduot li iill.m ars ttnJalB-L: d to use icvery praatioablo means to enable SVfy-sUkvIl tn till-A i'thn nath - wh ,tg sire ,snd bjentitled to do-iso.vAnd. the In sectors arc enjoined ts inspect and eiamlne . t ir ly-awtruiyy to ueoiqe IB every case in struoftyn theyj bava reef ivod-fcom-tliUffiaii-.. amf itt mati.ttrAnini ahil 'iAiiFPMl Hrinmt til":' their respective prccinote, - ."TtdBa atTiur city of Raleigh; the eight ubj- w asKunu. uucjuuiraiuii oik uuuvuwtt - , -c. iadjHXtJujeraua, 'n-thfljoaL ijf r the Inde-"-1 pendeuee of the CiteJ tatea tht eighty- ., .-A., uinth. . . " " By the Governor 1 - - s LkwJs Has as, Private 6 oretary.. 7 SrThB newspapers of the State will pnb-' lieli tbe above proclamation twice a week till tbe day of election, and send aoeonats to this ' " TUB IliiSlB INTEtLIGEJICK OTICK. , Over PttctHl'iDnig Slor, FayttUvXU , ' aia r all ltad, buIbms be voeatloa. . - J,itolUrn4 U oihtn prompdy npeU4 Kita all - klnls f haip. . , . . . ' I U"nan on wis ilkJtor It Uaaoas raid nrrit orsuver. ) ..,. ,, , . . Xut lull psrtloular Hal for Circular. ' V'- ; , ; ',. ' ' ' -T" "f-'O. apb1ia. Mi .. ;f v ; . . ' aar'aaa ,o ; .-,.;';:. . . Utrriwn a Ilowtll, WUnlactoa, H. 0) f 1 Smita A (Jo , EUltm-f rMldsna riraide, KaLlghi Jaasw ale KiniftOB, Ei. RaJatgh;' B.- Yeiuif, ia., ; . na(ian777rrTrsr7i:rft nahtll d , J'.taiaburf, Ta.j Jahn Valla, tta.," WarWoB, K. 0. - , .'.:-.''- Jalv'll, II lai. A '"'''' -' 'V' ' ,. r ,,.;.,4 fa' t.OVKRNMliT- OF , VslTGD TATE t ' ", , ,-r, -. : .; C . "'.' pMnldnnt-i Andrw Johnion. ef TeBnasna.' ' f A 4 ertry l'i'tU W U. Sur. at Mew lark. ' ' ' . ' 8ortar W War dwie U.tHwMtt. f P. . ' ?MMBr..0fi,jTr.WI,4iasa Pisnaiswi.isf.Ohto.,'....;.'.-.-..' , 6cr.tJV ortnejkrv 'fildMB wslls. of OsaatatUut. ferwtTy tHt tcUi Jm a riaivt tswa- , storwarjr of taa insmiurj Mug mouvumb, "f 111. Attoicajf Ueatml JurnM hpoj, of Kn!uoky. . Ptaaiilaul of UK UmiIi . LrTtl B. fosUf, Ooaa. ''5 . Bceaau ot tht UoiUf-SekuTUr Coliaz, of ladiaaa. . ; serasm-eovas'.. lmoB P. Chit, OBlo. tkiof Jotlao ' i ; 1, Jlubm M. Wayee. ar(l. . i' j Hamuol Ntli.o, Now York. . ItoVTO. U'lxr. Ponaiylvaaia. - " .;" fattaaa lijwd, Mala. - v i Kak It. BwayiK'whie. V ,...'',.'' ".'''';'..'" . Vaatot !, Illinois. rVslaajMol Miller. Iowa,- - ' ' " S. a.mool V. fjd, Calliorala." : :; v r ' . Liaor.a4irf aaaaatik. . . - .' 1 WinafioliSutt, pf Virginia. , -- "7. Uly.S. Urat, of On).). '"-. A.ilu'a.i O.iiora -Jyumino TbnaiM. ttUwiro. :.-'.' im(t atT! ttonVral Joirepk Unit, 1. O.t1 t (ju.rirm-tr Uounrl Buotjowtr Q. Molfi, Poaa. M I.Ujrk" DEI A H I SfKJf TP Off; fTr V r.?. Uo.rt i'uirlon FicBAwut af North Carollaa, Oo-. : frvor1 "Sl'nsio"i; ru f Pavotwvilla fltrool- Brovol , atJ. ttot). KUuBtV - -v '.-;.;'-?., - Halqu,iHcr foBtH Af' Corp-eoraif rrtlov 1 '"' vHlo Slrt J CniM tiaara Ifrovol JMy. (4 on. ; - asms..,.-. '-v"-.r. , .- ... HeaAiii&rtow Sof jiiS trillion, Inl1i'sria Corps, WIlmlBjion MureM-Cnl. CO AM, th K. Y. . He'l i'urtnm Post "t Ktloirh, In Haas Lt Com- ,.: mwrsj yl't." llfrtf t'-h ifwa, Mc'teuMAt'.tX. ,'-1'- .-. Pr.'vti Marabal Pmt'of Raleigh'. a 'grottad in'of of.'Cai'iwl, Hllf Hlr entrance, 6upr " fcConrt Hoiii--lpt. 1. A. BAKKXTT. ' '- -j P'.t Tlliirtermnstiw'i! (illloo, Fayettovlt Street, on-: .i poeiH jha ,' M-iil.-, Cpt,. 4. M. a ABOU flK. "7 Fnrt" 0(inTin;st. OtSe ixu S.k H'UrV..Cil. TUircaa' 't 'Freediaea .Sefiiaom and Abaada4 !, Jt liuHft liutolr"jufmi li jlif tiueol- I' nl on l t CKM CiiHinVaW'TlBi Mr1)iirtiant f Hfc 'I Carolina, Unk of Cpe rr- Cotooet Hoya- BfBol (l iftttrmittBi''i 0(B-i,'o)r)rtsllrtMafrf mole, ai iwun oiiki- n'v.Lnii.i j V7itlteiirWir.1r r. rtvW''''r4i a.,rnnr. Jim. t.' Csnnoi f pMuinans, .AM wilb lb rank of 4'iuatL ' ' ' lwi Un, nf Da'vt'Uos, PmIeFeTi!ii &.T?rnilr'f Wi,avJ , lt BsleTuTfaaipnJT; tank A-iii.El nonri.s. ., -M. P.ifiik and ) D fHen, of Wake. Clerk.' . '. ' to. S. Fn'f.ny, (it H iikS. Clark atd MMaeager. ' .oathan f nh of Bifldolph, TtNamtra -V 'A, Uon, W. el, of Wke, t; ti i Clerk to Traalar, It. TBomM, oftiitUrvr,- BecreUuy of ott Til 4. '. : v. .' ' 1 , y' I'-''.- . . it . i"'-r'-:,:v'.:-.-r'Ut rj -' .:,