f-tOQ -t0 utrftne-IHeTJanuary '". ' ..... m mnn T K : aV-" ' . ---AeMUhifkb Mr frieod "tend- I oar "cyeuiation. -, . I J JEWS BY ; y CmiMrte to' "toxic ."ft i.r,.A iBmber'flf.diiUinyuisbed tnie'drats , steady passedbreufch Moulirey tnyjyTf , tfrak Among ibSU rtrlug for thej?a?itaT .iv. Oboh-hI E. Kttby Smith, Pre, Wilcox, Ha- ni.W WiOW,1 Kill) Preston ""'i w X. ftaloffets 'ii hd etx-Govefpr'Myre. - Sf'iTat Mooter; are Gane'ala.SbolbT, Bee and ..JL.l CT Q.twtp ppnidJ2Clitrk and UufrKlr (the t - - ... .... riiniinpft of power vested in me by ANDREW JOHNSO.V, I'residenTTrTtliB I V.i. I Sttwi. bv hi Proclanutioii of "Mftj Iel7Br?lwa fevfistMaa The Troop In torldeV Dsiar4rai.t. :J On this pointTb lfe Yntt "ffWif Wash General. Caribj had ; en army of jjapactaljjf mfgtat-TOtablttbad, domestic trinattilitjra- glored, and l-yl citiieaa protected, in all SlacVla. .nrrender'of Wand JobnsKn two ,, I'on" ' "ZV'l.U tTr.,.; .ir.eoW. the federal government, by presenting such -afHtMito the State to the Guarantee of the united The oSuritj of Alamance will choose t.vo niOitibera. - -' " ' 1': : ." ' The cpnnir of Ain(lerwUijnooe one , luciiun-i, - lr of tiiiij;- MilmiiiB'TlctorVv Th MutWiaorsS Monitor nf jh Frontier gives aqro ! Jiiionnl particulars, -of coars with an 11 n!)V(JubIiunjif tin Km Qtanig by the ig i fi . j t v i..r- . . . . J Tk I porihitss unuer jups, nenwiurw irpjim. 4ttci that Lpes w r rout from Mtaoros io Monttr.y, in charge of a valuable tram, .when six bnndered republicans nndbr Cortina faade several nueeuiv attukl en him, alt of which wyre Tepuljed, the la-tt one reiahing in the rompl t.r.jut of Cortina't mn, wh i it i claimed liHitel ogftheroAe houdlfcd, while Lopaji'a lots ii nmd to kavev beeoonly one tilled and fiva or an wouaded. "It la boldly eoufee 1 bj thtt-hnoertal jjurnal ilatall the repablicana taptored ware HftUHid y-lllUt. I -T-. , Ifew Reeldence ftirThTTreilifeut. ' - The Executive Manioain Waahington being Mardd an a very unhealjdy eunrmer reeideaee, andfirreidant J.vhnwn hvtny declined, on con icicntiimi groan 3a, to occu'py tbS Soldiers' Home, in the ricimty of the city, where hit predecessor hav foryean been In the habit of spending a J. jiionaiilfirahle portion of the batpj tftrm. J,h Sfll retary of the Interior has given direction, for pro viding another Presidential sommfT abode in a heahbt locality, adjacent to the Capitol, - -v - .' - v Crime hi Washington - Owinr to theineffiuloncy or indi Serene of the Meiropoluan police; which i mMtnslntd at a large expense, there u but l.tLU protectron atJ robbery being of.freqnnt pccuTrenoe. ' . . .. . . Mr. pavls- TrlaU 1. . Ccneral Toitnsond, Assistant Adliitant Gerv. rl, retnrneI on MondayfroinTorTrcsonroei -tit winch place ''he- left Washington on --Friday Ut.lt is creditably reported that hie tuiincw At ihafplilut warin conncoWB withtlie approach f mj -trial of Jeff, Dii': j r- The Indian War. . . A Due Moites corresnoudent write to the iDady NHS,, .k, - Il l tsipiirted on goty authority that the BMli tnry expedition agiinst the Indians ha.a acconi )ahdnaiMiioD7nrTa'on7ta feturnTo"Sioai '-'ty It wa nw'tat-Fort Benton by represcnta t (tvi'j ormiinf Iribeirwlio war aaxiousTor'f f ace u.ia tlm exnsammatioo of a permanent treaty., 1 bey auiVoowledgod tbtroselvee eoriqnere d. -. If thw report is true, th Indian war u at en end f 'm the pu'ii'iu. 1 11 1 7 ; H 1 WOUI,l HIt ft BE mtlT TU J 'B lsUtDEB f .-lUrf. t lay. 10 m EEOP LE Or NORTH of North Carolina, umltt the fttrrtb. article of guarantees to nveiy State ia" the-TJiftsriTe pubUoan iotm ofgorernment: and in order to enable the loyal people of said State to r- - t --------j ...... .,, . . i i - . i i r , ii . :j e. t :.-: TTTivriPtrnrtf r- nil hiiubihw -twit wnnntM.4 n.uii.i), ,,J . . I .iT,ir.mai ..ffi.,;,-a m ntfir. I i nc-u. i rm and datndfltio T o once. I. W lliLIAM W , 1M fonnty w iianaoipn wn; eooose i wu mem-1 Wlse, domeotio or Jorciiro teCTW-Ut tUB uiuyf;1'" "". Xy--a.tj8Jsg HOLDER IJrovis'mnal Governor as afore-aid, , . . -. , . i mi i . hoij in sid State, on Thursday ,tbO gist day of September;-.65, for Conyjgntion, to be o am posed of one . hundred s fid twenty dele gttea, to be chosen s follows ' ' tantry hJJ been'transfeVrid that militlry .'6r; iSa:LelidEI a Wsre -fcree of .fl!lerf and car-. w; Tbe Ttreuty-fifth" corps !-.Mntoerea' t'VPLWirit,ev thourand. Fifteen or wnty4Stlltes therefor. 1 -UajWQflle tO protectioB by ihputsua were pronaui ki irum tto-wmi;' the Cumlwr'and, The troops previoosry ;om' 1 Lr Goneral Dana'on the MUsissippi wur Llont down. Genel Shorinst cmmaBuTdo. hereby procUiiif thit an election will bo must r.uriikr eighty thousand. Tiro-tbirfli ot thrsa have been recently pushed1 towards th Rio (irtiiide for purposes best ko to- th Govern nwn t.'. ' " -. ' . -" . , 7; General Grant on Pardons. . 1 rWajUniiton-" dlapajcb'to th New York Times. A nl -rt Tiiffrn ' mady-to-nduee- ieeml fltant rtr-eoinmend the pardon of a nnmber of treerl otfitfr from Virginin, to enable! tbeui to (.artieipn1 in .the civil effiirsjof th SlSi.0- 'n ihe case of General Ketnpf r, Speaker of the Vit uima Legislature, General Gwnt w-Yartieu- larly iinp irtunedit being olniuioi that Kemper win dttirw of t entering the potiticaU arena tnrttm-rinTpow of impressing npMi th inifTile r( tli pa;ple of 'Virginla the importance and advan in(,a in nipjn 01 neariny acccumif m turn new or The oountie tif Aslio" and Alloglyjit 1 will cbooje one tuember. . . . The ouhiy of Anson, wiU ehooso two mom . - bars. ' . : ' ; -: rill ehoore two mom Tb jcmnty of Botmfrt - berii. ' . - The county of Bertie will chooea two mem ' bera . ' . ' ' . The county of, Bladen will cbobM-one inom- Jh mmty nf TtriifiiWTck will ohnoaa?Lone ""fS Theoontty of Banoomba will oboose bnt The eountr of Burke will' Shooae Oha tnom bor. ". ' -"-Z. heounlj ofiiibajrttillooM onojaem Mitoon a idisotrw The -oooBty .of J ber, TheeoooTytjitSfs ber. - The county of Martin ber. ill 0H(hjw .saejeem-J the -i)lhT.l)J.ot;.ce deliver the ccrtU fled eofv to the pernon taklns the oitli. Sba tllAoc'aeione-ineinlxetaln the otij-innl tt be traiiStnittcl 'to thi totm; will cliO'W one mem-. TrTiwuutyof AltSlKiWSll wUU'Uuowira" meun ber. '. . 1. The oonoty of Mecklenburg will choose two member. ' - tboeott The county oTStwgg'Witt chdywHt--fentfTla ; and tho She Tho eounty.of Kaon will cho.oso one member. IJie eouhty of New Hanwcr jrilljshoose two memhr Tbe ooanty ll Northampton will obo9 two The county of Onulow will ohooso one' ment- Der. Tie 7rounTOfOrnnM"will ohoosa twtr-tnenw-j on, w4U iemblo w-tho-ityjif.aaleich. on The eountr of Pasasututik member.' Tho rfonnty of Perquimaes will choose one I lw LAS " "1' will ebooje one Thretrantjr ot -PetiroW iriM efcowae-one uion.'tf Ma.$) tfr, 1805,;.;... ber. bere. Tbeojinty af-Sichmond will ohodfee one niruiucr. 1 The eounty ot llobeson wul choose two worn . bora. The county of Rockingham will choose1 fwa members. ' -' . . - -"E?-:aSt;. Tho eountr of Rowan will onowwr two nftim- ber, ' v The coh a tif ol Ruth erford ani cboone-two mcmbrra. 1 Polk will The County ofauip'on will choose twi mem- bern. :' ' The oounty of .JStaaljL will tili6onone mom- ; ber. t : It ' - Jhe eonnty of 8toke jchoOTe on! mqm. bor. - . '. - . fT--The oounty of Surry will choose one memW. The county of Tyrrell will otooso oiie mem ' ber. - - : . '" .: ; '' Tbe oounty of Union, will ohooso onemem- -TferT- The oounty. of Caldwell will chooae one mem- , : bee, :r. vt. v The oounty of Camden will choose one mem bor. The oounty of Carteret will ehoote One mem - ber. : C. . . Th oounty of Caswel. will obooso two mom bera.'- .y " .- "' The oounty of Catawba will choose one mem' " . her. a .r The oounty of Chatham will choose three ' members. Tho-jtonnttes-of- tlWokee-and-Clay-will obooM-one member. - . The county of Qhowsn wiH ehooae ono mem ber. t " The oonoty of Cleveland will choose two mem beV. ... .;? - t . r Tho oounty of Columbai will choose ono - member.. " ,. " " - " Tho county of Craven will ehooee two mem ber. The oounf ie of Cumberland and Harnett will choose three members. ". .' Tho eounty of. Currituck will choose 6n mem her. Freedmeu-.' --- The New York IVi&uim'i Riob mond eorraspon- dnituys: -'.' : . ' " Lfil Leazie of tba eiitured Man In tnir f r.nd. and belor a month will nuroW in this t .ty o?r 20 000. Tbe oljct if education, mn- JJ p rttction and advaooement of aerial and ihtica' r'ihU The OtHintieajif Edgetfeaibe and Wileon wiH cli6oac two menibe r . 4 The county of Fov th- will choose two mem- ; urp. Xma -rjotrnty of-Frnk4ii-wiU-cliijoi MOffl ber. - '-l-' , The county of G&ton will choose ono member. The-eoBty of.GAti'tw1'i;of,s fnt toember.. The county of Granville will chooae three mem ber. - , , Tho oounty pi Greene will choose One member. The county of Gail A'f J will aboatte three mem' ber, ' ' The' county of Halifax will choose two mem ber. TheTTSJuntyof ihtj woijd'WiH-efcooso-efiar mem- Ler. . . . -t -r , , : Ti-couuUas-if. HfinJcrsolJind TjBsykartia will choose one member. , 1 The county of Uertlvrd will choose one mem ber - . - - The conty of IT vde will choose one member. TKxo uu ty SrTrei Mm iH'c li 6b'e 1 wo me Tutc rY 'The county of JacLson-wtll choose one mem ber. - 1 The county of Johnson will chooae two mem ber. - , Tbe county of Jones will choose one member. Tpo county of Leootr "will choore'-one mem U ' ber. - - ' . v 4 Tho county of Lin win wUletooeeono wenF The oounty of Wake will IW bt- i Js . bore. X-'- : Tie countyl , Warren wSU choose two mem bere. -.- . Tho connty-of Washington will 'ohoose one TJTIF Vuitices ot the Pce are srathoriised o 4 njiuistcr the Anin-i ty Oath to persons who uiny iiumiw uj apiny 'la tUB' JTOiMif j.H a BM'Hojfc-l! , The Shoriffs of .the. warScTive Countios shall furnish, as joon as 'praotionble, eerlilV eatea of olectionto r xhosa peiwns who nia.y i i i 4 !4i" . . .....1 - t-j . ' shall al) tinniediataly send to the olTiioof Tte fAojMf-Qht ond-to fariiY;aWMBatt of Secretary of W StatV," Ralefgh, a sti'emonttWo io whtoh rtiairbeetrldenoe of loyahy, of thavte ift thetr respective Counlios for tb nwmbeiii fitealad'ljio 'ftatemeiit of the said vote, sealed nprdirecTcd" l.i the Presidtmt f the iDMiToiiiioii Raeijrh, to- be laid bfcrejtWnveUoi. ' : The dttcntion of Jusiiors ippohtted to al niiuister the Amnnsty OMh, is especially ii rected to the followinc; fourteen xotu "il jjlasses of tg President's Amnesty ProelaTua-' " Firt All who are, or shall 4have been, tended Confodorato govcrnmont!' SVAlNwbo left judioiftl stations un" der ruo5CitHed eatos to aid the rebellion. - fhird Wh sfilHl bave been military or, naval officy-Jof said pretended covwhment, sUoye tho rank 0 th 57107-01 fitotant' the nary. uriArAU wm leli Mats mjbb fcngrees id Confederate ptpolfenel In of tie UuiUd States to'&Td tlii rebellion. Fitk All who micned or tendered ye sighaTions Of:UicirToomiieij9 or navy or tho -United tates to evaae uuty. in resisting ib risbollion. " Sixth All who hevo'engsged in a"y wy in tho treating otheris--tln lawfully- m pirkoners bf.wnr, petsons found in the United .States service, as officers,, soldiers, Bamen, or in otliercapaeities. -. Seventh hW. persons who have been - or are. absontooa "from tho United Ststes for the pqrptxm of aiding the rebellion. The. county ot VVataug'a' yll'TnoflM" member. Theraotyf Wayne will chooo two mem hers ' "' '. Tho eounty of Wilkes wifl choose two inijiu ' bers. . . ' . v The oounty of Yadkin will ohooso onorwra' to.' :i - Hi..": ' , Tito counties of Yancey and Mitoholl, will ohooee ono member, ; - Tho -Clerks W. ShMiQkJ, of ItJikrenectie counties willprooeed at ones to assomble the. Jnstioos ot .Hid Posca.-jmajor.ity oC will select from their ouuitcr ulTToSr iMn six nrr more than r- eighteen Justices, men of iniAiiigonoe, uutcreuon, uriiincsn, ami i-jiiut-d loyalty, whosp.diityit shall bo to administer to thoso- wna may oe entitiea v receive , tho oath cofttined ininSe, President's Amnes ty Proclamation of May 29thr-l65, under 1Mb iM&B"iionrM'Biiy..l yiywiiM-t Proclamation. Tho J ugtioes shall, at the same Tenth All persons' who left their-homei within tho jurisdiction. and protection o? tie "vnitad sutes.and passeil xeyoBa-tbe tederal milital-y lioty into the swualled Confodorat fjiates for. the purpose ol aiding tbe rebellion. Eleventh All persons who have been engag ed i4the destruction tit the commerce of the United States upon the high sets, sn "persons who bavo'mader raids into the United States from Canada, or been engaged in destroying lb.o ooninierce of 4ia L nitiid btatcs 'upoajhfi lake and rivers that separate the Urituh fime,"apyotnTB8TSeii?ra of the.-?tecUons nt the various precinct 'in their respective Coun tips, in aocordance with" tho law Jb relation thereto, Chapter 52, Iiotiwd Code of iVorth Carolina. " The elections for members of'tha The county of Davidson will ehooao two mgnrhjffi-nj ( ti aamaK Deis. .. . .. ;. '. , - Tho county of Dvie will choose one memben The county of Dujilm will choose two tnem manner .as elections for members cf the House of Commons, in Sceordance with tho provis ions of "Chapter &2, Ilevi4ed Cods, 40 far as aaidrrovisions mav bo applicable i and the to make return thereof, shall te liable to the same peBallies for failure to-aciVnr -M nag. loot of duty, is re prescriled in ChpteT-i2, jveviwau noun. : ' . ' . - No wrson will be allowed to toIo whoos not a voter qualified as prescribed by the Con-itwlon-nd - law of the State, in Jorco im mediately before the 20U" day of .May, 1S01 J except that tho payment of poll tax shalUot bo required. 1 t All paroled -soldiers oflhe army SDJ na7y of the pretended Confederate titatel or of this 8ute. nodef and including the rank of lColpBoL.lf.of thosnny, and andof and inoliid ing the rank of lieutenant, .11 ot tbe navy, Htnln AU iuilrtar-r aff the. rebel servioa who were- educated by the government in the Military Academy at West Point, or the Unifcd Slates Ka?at Academy. JVi'nrii All jiereons ho held the pretend ed offices 01 Governors Ot Mates in insurreo. ot'S, 7 under a special head, wUl h ehy.o.itfit-j,Bf.ji,MH, for each Insertion ; faawafaottc'win b charj d af idveitlseoMt. rrtj 0 x f tittii ; or iu any other wt jtivinc tol- T&tqrj aid; assian oreucoursgemenf l the reDeiiiou ; a nj. whose taxable property on the tuu;of twent tfieueand dolhirs:'"" "" :-Tt- ' l b other xcptions are 10 plain a noCto , Hio cert4cate will be gnnt dby the Jastkee to any per who is included within any of tbe fourteen clo(l;(Je, itnlessoa shibi tiori by the paity of hi pardon for kis oireooo .; fwtivtlie Vreidsnt. ,'; .- ; -i 1 iiojiLt'.lc npoolnteJ toadsiinl stortko arr cspcoUUy Insttraoted bo tigilaat and ' " faithfaL Whiio it- will not be their dntT-4o'' Hmpt to jy4rto th bear's and consciences ot awn, tiiey-W4ii-wUiilj8 admonish thuae who may spply to take tho oath, that H must ' be take'u and subserihed in good faith.Vith m Iwitmst intcuuud un their part to keep It wi'hi.tut ti'Ciet t''fpe or mental reservation ' upon any oKsaiioa or at anytunilo oVaunOT" any act in tiol'ia'otisJ4 oatiq and they witi wsra them that tf the oath, is not thus Tskmrw'rffpr, the pardon offered them by" the President will be void, and they will ro- uiani suojfcrraTf mhaoruij nw fw'ptaja d treason. duty it is to provide for administering tho oath and to conduct too elections, are enjoin ed, to u8 every praotioallo means to enable every. citisea to uke theoath who may da. sire and tye entitled to do so. . And th Ia speotors ro nMned.to inspect and examine ll.iirly and JJulyt to dao'uie in every 0ae la aet-taiHe itu tui law, ana.ailJL in la etroc.ions they litre received from (this offios: and to make prumpt and , oorreot returns of the number of vmei and for whom oast, at their respscUv pTeoraotjr; 1-wrtM All persons who, at th time when thpy iseek to obtain. the bonefiui hereol by taking tho oath herein ptesoribud, are in militity, naval gr. civil confinement o-ousti- dr. or under bonds of the civil, military or naval !.thOT;ks "or "agcnl of theUntted Btatea, as prisoner; of :wark it persona oe Uinod iWoff.snMtjif-aPXkind "cither before or after' Conviction. - f ' . 'Ihiti&rnth-'kW pcraons who" bave volun tarily participated in said rcbollion, and the estimated va'tie of wboso tajiablo property is over twenty thousand dollars Fourteenth All parsans who hsve taken he oath if amtinnty sV preworTISjxt "tg' the President's proclannstion of Decomber eijjhth, A. v.. one thousand eirht hundred and K!t- t theror an oath' of alUgiaooe te th gov- an munt ff ih Tfrtifjil KliktM titlM Ail llatd offioers appointed to hold said - eieot'onTrr-a-i-p forward kept and matutainod the same iavir- late I -Vm'rfrrf,"Tbat special arplieatWr fljiy bo made to tho President for.' pardon . by any person' belt'Ofltng to f ho excepted classas, and an j such ebinveriey will be liberally extended as may be consistent with th4acts of the case and the teo'ie and dignity of the UniU'l StatcsJ' ' Under the first exception 'are included all persons wbo have baen civil or dipbmntio of- will be allowed to vote, protidod thoy are not tirluddiinylei rebellion see or the President s AmnCTty t;roehmation ; and. provided further, that ther ae eitisens of the State in accordance;. with the tcrtns,ffico or, sgency under the'Slate or pretended presenhti is ti fn r I'di'ng i'iriiTn'll, No ptnton will W allowed I voU'who does hot exhibit to the Inspectors a" copy of the Amaesty OatB, as eohtained ia tho President's Proclamation of My 29thr 1?65, stoned by himself aid xertl&od by at least two Justices of tho Iaceu ' .. . ' - PrinUd oottcs of th Amnesty Oath will be farnighed to ths Clerks, who will riiii'ftlmla thetn io tho Justices appointed, to admiouite at government, either within or without the territorial limits Of ho United St'- ' Undw th.eventh exception aro iVlndod U officerleiitswt prlvHTettliZtt)S ft'hrrijxrro been absent froto tliw-Jliiited. Jtaj.sJ&w. tli' gilcTriir-tliiitssatli a'xsTrtiCaij"ju1LtPHt4 all who, during tlifr re-I-ellion, havO lud-l auy f..r,f..iti.i-q( ir.,w..rhment fir ln-irff iti ni,- a iy foluiitarily joined in' tba jreb'ili9n,'s t r.jf mple,Jy entering, or tnrpiinff with )irBjl forces hostile to the United 8ttet t' by send n on furnishing money, provi-iions, or srins to j eraopa engaged 5,0 the rebellion, save in V.ves where money or provision; were furnithed from the prompting of ctiatLty or hurlmriity by acting with ai-emlilipaof persons, whtih r orgsnied or Bnorganweif, "Uostilo'to:-!! Djne at out city of Kaleign, th eighth ' nay 01 AUfuss, one luouiauu eigui nauurou and sixty five, and in tba year of tho Inde pondenoe of the. United Statel the ' alna tictL. . ' . '. -' ' ' -I .-i,.. WILLIASKW.nuLDEN, 1 H . , 7 Provisional Grovoraor. Bv tW Governor 1 - .;: - Lewis Haw as, Private Saoretary.' fTbe nawa lis'i ilie above prootsmatida twice a week till the day Of eloflujnknd send. accounts to this tV tiaKHEiVT OF IJMITGD fTATBS ieeretary of rstats W U. ti.writ, of Terk, 8MrUrjrerrr SJw.a at. tilaatos, of Pub a. ! Poalmasur 0nrl Wiillsa Innioi., of Okh. ' -SMn tuy of t he Vary JliieB VVslls, of Ooaaeatiwt, Bnretary el the (ntrlor James Uarlaa, of Iowa Heoretary of the Tr4rr Hugh MeOwlleafe, of Uf, Attorney 0 en ernl-r.J ernes brd, of iC-WMnekv, Pfeil lent of Ul tTft -LafT4tle S. i't,"0oiiB.' Speaker the H.'WeJrSoheyler Oellat, f ladiaaa. .. '. soraene oevav. ;, . BalairW 'P. Che, Ohio, Vhlef JTeMUes l.Jsme M; Wayi. Ueofgla, . ' - ' t. Huniaol Keleeu, New Trkr 1 i. Rob'tO. tfrt-s, Pnnylaala. , - -S. Watfian ' ligmd, Ma'tBe. - - - - - - . 6. k h tl Bwnyoe, Okie. , f , , t ?;&ira7 r-zz-T-r?.- . tjuel field lUUforata. ' -i ' "'' " . ataVT aaicf svaatts. - Wlngfle'dSe.tt, of Viretaia. - .. . ' L'ljr Urm. of Out... ; .ia'aul Qanr Liirue Thomei, Delaware. .Ir Jo i) A Jtoone Cirtrrel Ji)epb iiiilt, i). 0. . ' Qiriiron t-r liaoerel Miintj.Mr0. Metg, Pean. MlUTk DEfARIMEJTT OB" H. O. I 'Il-Jurleri Dr-pertioent af North Oarallna, OeV ermirs el m r-1 ho, injiliil.JfajetUT iJle troet Jreret Mj, u,.n. avssa. T - - - - - ' 'Uerliitt'krKrs Tenth Armr Oerpe. eornet faretie- ille Stieel n t l iUii! Bsunre- Bre-ret MeJ. (Ha. AMU.'). .: . . . " ,H-ataariri Soouiil Dietnittu. Tenth Arose Carol.' WilroioKum ftimt- Cut COaM, 48th : . '.. ,t tisrna nit Pott I Releink. la Hea of Ooai- aiiioe, Ltpit'i Lkat, tot. JQi. H JltD'IS ALU; ITvTi.et Mr.n: 1'on of HUlgli, otliee frsuad ot i' Capitol, iiiJilVx Street eotntaca. Wupreate Court ,. Oapt. J. A. BtkKErX. :. I'ont Q eerier n .'.star's oflioe, Ifeettevii' Street, op.J potlte toe Metkitltmr. Opt jt.At. liAKuU rTK. JiiULtliijiiiii uni-y, tnJl l .M t Baure-.-tBl. t. v law.ketp: Refini to4 Ahessuaeile Colonel : I.enrla, Ki .n H eotner lUtlfex Hlreel-. n u 1 1 ijn.11, j .. . , f'hi.f Uortrm4jter'et)M. Dnrtmeilt of Kerth Csfoliue, JUuiit vae ieis Coluoel Uofi.. ;.: Do.t3ijterii)n.ere O.Hoe, oppneite thrsferkei ftooAO, t:ye WHie Bueet - Kapt. JVHTIX UQDQIt. 1 Tr"porratioa offlse at ttis .!. R. R. Drpot.- '' ' SPV ER J HICMT I F NORTH VK KpIJI 4. i .-. . r ' r , I Wftt'eio -w, iisiaen, or w ee roaaty. rrevtaioaat o .-- j;- - - - - - -w.-.wwrr Jos. B. OaGotM of Pf rijqlineai, Aid with th rank ef- T.,d H. CUwM, tf pa k. ill with the rank lit. tnpitt lune-, B, frtveta Sexrelai'y. tl. . iiedfir of VitH, end tt'; ti. Uitflat, of Pee,e. tAitK Ait.iit tiKisf. Mrie. -T - - M,erlh ad 1. U.Tull-in, ot Wake, Clerks. : f'.' I heo. .. J-. "pt. t tt uke, Clerk mad Jiaai4r, , iirtnti-. 'Vi iii uf Rtj?Hh)4treajiv- - Djiie''! f . fTi, f Wi4VCTr.erlraeJer. a,4H, foeanf Carter, beerutary of fcUl. ;, s. - AKD IIATUC'lATlli-ait veiwus.. U MtSA$lOZilALEIpn, ; tBB next -rt efmy Fehoel Will eomBienee em.... H9'UY Jllty.t. Poeri ea be bad la tie a IctH-ore' f ' "ie H"l ntiiRoer f fcys at fit pet r.tk.' TuiHea - f SO weak " : 4 J' ' Ixrvtee pn-iet vg d. ruse le Rijtigh, H. g. . , r 1 '..iLtUl Pawcirat. ya11, : .- ; 4iw, . ' . - --t rii 1 1 ii iiiinii ; . I, " , ; : - H-, ;: i . ." -ti : - ' .'.'. f . - ' . : - .. ji .. 4 -4- - ".. : L". ' , '' 1' ,.1,4.,. l......l,:s.iv.i-;:di. - . ,. '. '' " "7f", 7tf- : : jf "il., ti i? i it 1 - '- . r- ." ' -i: ' -ill ;T7::r.- h ,'"-?'--... . - " -" .... " ; ,7"" 'f

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