-The STUtt,i pnbUilwd JemyVsaoreJnf ja t8undj..',- ..... ,"-;:-, - ..,'.' -r- TERMS: . ''. t WOULD It ATitEft MK jBHiMT TUAS BB PgE8lbKBtT. Henry Cy, Ttrtnrtaftrfanuary ueii, r ;For morthn' f " For two month!, :..,.?. v-. ""'v: ,- ft.e 8p3iftl nn!ie. nn,lr a ipscfol head, will W 1.00 c ii rtyfrt w-t-l w .par1 s tuu4oc eacu. Jun'rUoj, 3.00 t uui'r.u n.BU w ill be cliHrJ si A.lmti zfrjarfr solicit Ui aMoLsui : frl4 totena g oar ci??"1'00' '" r"-'?.: v t tts siianl nnonMennt ef a death or marriac 1 w -J 'ijiit io.-rfciryil.l, - . ,.3V.V.-r-.w- ' . i i i i . ... . . . in i e 'Remarkable Escape from a Burntna Snip. 4 ; In tho Umhlpena, Captain Irixon, just Trt4'At N-Vojck3erJwojejraK paefr ;gwWf o!Mb wfeom drilling uOTr &. ai follows : .-. ,-, ".-. ..... . -1 . - Vraik Meyer, aged twaoty-three, and hi wire i.. .rri9 from Canton Soleare, Switiorlaod, naswneers in the ilt-fated ahip BVWw '.tt rMwntlv (featiwred by flr at In the -.ir.. tnnldJnt to the efforts to. save life the .-.i,nJ nt wife were separated. Thhashand1 " wiui nicked an by one of the ship's boaH which vu toon Ctllen In with by tha brig Mereiiry.-The wife, young and nekntei'mt not di00uraKef tteluneortainty or her busbAna taw, dbi pre fer-W own salnty, rMt-preervation eomq nt suppress her .womanly iiutinctt soTar a to luuieaJittioaiatfcom an. infant. tH.it fonrteon days old, left Jo. perishJy iU dia- ,. . ,....L.J ..M....L ri... -ni'ii .l.li jraotad.parenis, ou iwji'muict? y " ""' he puugfdTwlthlreTlf4mpoed. charge. Into theses. For two whofa day did thU -Wa reinnant ot a auip apar,-'Wtiawi iv "uaUinioa tha infant'a 'llfft.br the moMwri.Jrm 7 Aw own fiBrf tt on t ond day, the me vaasel in which her husband, was avtd. ' r hafioe oeased omtaingJiitiout hopo'bl rancuing more life, fell lo with thii heroine, VJind eared "7 ler and her nttfeokargo' JKrentualT the Ikmttf were landed' Bane. Pranee. The Prussian Ctmanl at that port took charge otthe infant, at tLtwreok. plorbleSta&(oL4raIre. '., We find i the following in the Lynchburg f . publican of Monday laat: - - AwwraspoodOTtinBrntol, ut with a letter, in which it is urged npoa us to notice editorially the greiit danger to whioh per -'aimiSeliaH throagh East " Tennessee' The la Her states "that from Cartfflrll "taiioweity milee west othls place, (BrUtol,; ; to Chattanoogi, no one profaMint: aoathern sen . timentt can pas without a'guard of bayonet, ' ' Should they attempt suob thing. Wey-ftwi uru ' ...n. Wfen. mnd in ra4n inttances murdered . A ii who eee them paaaing through this Jittl town shudder for the poor fellows, for they well know what is in store for them. All the prominent eii'sens ateTearibgfthr cbun'ry from ICaoitTille to Waiauga rirer. Erm these who were known only a southern men, but wnbTherer .ook any part in the war many maimer, nave oeenlorcea - to leer their home. Hundreds ot tne peeietu tent of East Tennessee axe comtn; to Tirginia. Thi lawless eonduct ia encouraged n purged by publm speeches.' :Thoee CbnfederaleV. who are " from West Tennessee, Oeorgiaetc v enoulJ go ' some other route than this.. Should they attempt ia gothU rout for the next few npeks, they will. nerer ret home t least, nine oat of ten wtu nok 1 beg you call the attention ol uOh obarncters to the dangera of this eoute, and in the' fcm oon- . . .. ..' i.i".nJ..J ti.i.j.ilA.. - nectlou toe attention ot iu uniw iiics. " It it but murder taeend' thenf this.route. ' Eren Eninn men,who profess to be ooosflrrtijre ' and not abolitionist, oan't remain in 'East , Ten- A. Nioiie -Toww with 'Nioao Orriow. MitchelltTiUe, 15 must be remembsred, U the n'ev Rro village on HiltoHead Island,- regularly w--' ganized -with s1b officers, anil enj ojing it CounciTinep andjaoperrisor, whom their cons tit tienU insision ttfliaauAldermen and Mayor .7 The "aldermen", settle dispute concerning claims for personal property, Before on'o of them tame a disconsolate negress. ; Her hen had been stolen, and Oawky Sam waa the boy who did it. - The boy wQ tummoned, the evidence heard, the - ease clearly m4e out, and two dollars fine im - pused.' - But here stepped in .another Alderman, who added another dollar to the fine. Before the i "money wa paid itilL'anothet, mauaged-toget the oase before bim, aad-Jmposed 'a fine offire - tlollaY. By thi4im thSaperri80r (f Mayor") fieard the story, ind jiummonicg jhe parties, - edqnired f ' "' .-.;.'' ''. ". ''' ;". Uncle Ben, why did yoe fine de boy J two doU ' "Well, sab, do cast wsi clar d hen wa A inity fine, fat nn, and I reckon be 'worf about dollar Ben, air, nobody oaghtdp be flowed to "ffellfc 'CIVrkli," ( Anglic Unci Eereule,) why did yoiMnakede fine three donahr'7 , - - A'1L de hen war wnf a doUah easy, ' Pen de r ioy ought tpydoIlah for stenlin' anyho Bat don. saETdai teii wirf tayiu egprtmd if dat Oawky 8am Badn't stole her, de egge ehe'd a -lid 'ud mhii9ti''mAmrMjiM time !" . tUKiT Powta. 8dofy Smith says t . Pow. r will lntoit th-betVhert, as win the stD;' -Mt hwds. Komus good enonifh or wise eooogb' etsied ot It, olhert can no longer f"i him, btiU he 4 no longer answer for him- A ."PROVISIONAL uOVB'RSpE,3" ' W THE PEOPLE OF WH CAR0L1M' ' In pareuanoe of -power, vested in roe. by ANDitEW JOHNSON, President of the United States, br ia Proolamatioii tof May ootK isns aroointine a Provisional Oorernor of Nort,bTroTiftVi''orft Article of the CoTMtittttioa ot th United btates, wnwii guarantees to every, gtato in the Union A t publibaa fotm of government; AndMaordor lo enable the loyal people df said State to 0 gnrtzryfitate Government, whorcJbyuagMoe may be eaUbliflbed, domestio tranquility re storeatOoyaOTBzenBola their rigbta of life, liberty, and property j and in -order,;-Aborr thAtfciHiid. .Statej -may be restored W , ita. Constitutional relations to the" Federal gorerainent, by presenthf g eooh a republican fotm of government ai will entitle thtf 'State; -tostbrg uarAatee,oL:tbJIoieJ States therefor, and its people to protecliott by the United States against iorasion," insorfeo tioo, and domostio violcnoe, X, WllLlAM W. UOLDEN, Provisional Governor as aforesAid, do hereby proolaim tbt an eleotion will be held iuaaii&tate,on Thursday, tho 2lst day1 of September, ISS for . a Convention, to be cdtopoaed of one hundred and, twenty dele gates, to be chosen as follows: .- : The oountv of Alamance- will ehooae ivvrft . members. - 1 - The county of Alexander trill ehooae. one r "member. , ' ----- The ouAtics' of Ashe :. and Alleghany wiU choose one member. ' , ... The county of ; Anson will choose two1 mem bers. ' " Tha cdunty of Beaufort will choose two mem bers. ' The Qpnnty 'oFBertte will choose - two mem- bers The oounty of Bladen will choose one mem - ber. . . :- .. . .. .. The. count v of liniiuwiok WiU ohooee one member. ' ' " " "- ' . The oonnty of Buncombe will ehooae one member, The county of Burke will choose one ,mem . bef. The oounty of Cabarrus will choose one mem- ber s ' : The oounty of Caldwell will choose one mem tar. ,..-.-, ... - ? . ' The oountr of Camden will . choose one mem- i ber. - v - . ; . . f , The county Of Carteret will choose one mem ' ber. The oounty of, "Caswell will choose two mem , bers." ' "-"T r' " The county of Catawba will choose one mem' ber ' The countv of .Chatham will choose three members. The counties of Cherokee and - Clay will choose' one member. The county of Chowan will choose one mem- ior. The county of Cloveland will choose two mem bers, - s ' The county of Columbus will choose., one member. . - J. " The oounty of Craven will ohooee two mem- bars. ifvyis: The counties of Cumberland and Harnett will choose throe, members Tha county of Currituck will choose one 1 mem- The county o Pavidson will chooso two mem- ibera.;4-..''r':-B...-:;.vA- , The county .of tlavie will choose one member. The feounty of Duplin will choose two mem- The counties of Edgecombe and WUon will - chooso two membet s, -' V :- ' '---4 :- i ' The county of Forsj th jwill ohoiose 1 two mem .' ie. -yl--i-r'-r'.ll"- The county of FrankU wiUoose one roem- The county of Gaston will choose one rnemlr. The county of Oatea will choose one member. The county of Granville will choose three mem- The county of Greene will choose one member, The county of Guilford will choose three mem- kmcm- llT. The counties of nenderson and Transylvania , will choose one member. f The county of Uertt'rd will choose One mem- The county ofiryle wnt Tire county of Iredell will choose two membcru The county of Jackson will choose one mem ber. , : The county-ef Johnson will choose two mcm- The.coUtity "of Jones will ohooee oneMenjher- The oounty of Lenoir will choose one : mem ber. . t - The county of tiouola will choose on mem. PROCLAMATION X ber. The oountyJ)fil aooa-wUt Blioonoonn tiiniii- her. . ' K ' ..L::-;r:. The county f MadiaouwlU hoose ono mom- ber, ... . .';; . . '''-i -n..' The county of Martin- will choose one mere. bar. - , irr-X-i- The eountytoilJMlkgll mem Tie county of" Mecklenburg will choose two members. ,--t'- -i '--';.:;..2 '':, C TKe county of Montgomery will ehooBC, one inembor.z : r:'"::2 .i-'.V ; The county of Moore will ehooHa one .mn- ' ber. " '!- ' :: - ' ' - -'-' '-, The county of Natth will choose one member. The county of (New Hanover ' wilT ohoolwlwo - members. '.; - .'. ?. ' The county of Northampton will choose two r members: he county of Onslow will chooso one mem- jEhajsonniv of Oraner will choose two nrom- 1 . ' . . -7 ' ' ' f . n r 1 I, .... The county of PaSqoutaoik will choose one member. The fiounty of i Jveruimans will ehooao one 11- member. :-y:.,- "-: J -rr The county ol Person will choose 6ne " mom- The countv of Pitt will choose two niemlers; The oounty of Randolph will choose two mom -'i Mr. 1. i-j, . . The eottnty"-tf Richmond will choose - one ? member, v";. ''"T5""'-?1 The county of Kobesonffill choose two mem bers The county of Rockingham will-choofle two members. The arantytrfHRowin will hoo84 twipsteate The 0011 ties of Rutherford and Polk will choose tw member Tha county of Sampson wjnl choose two mem here. irr.'-. . : " '- ,i ' ' V'Z ; " 'i-'C-'. The countrof Stanly will -choose iiaemem- ber. -vs? The countv of Stokee Will chooBe ne mm The wihty" of . Stfrry will ohoose OTe7tnemr. ' 1 1 V iinnnl lttTmtBOO8-0A- ber. ; . - The oounty of Union will choose onemem- b.4i.c...-.;l . -v"..,r""'"-":V,'rTT' The-, oounty of Wake will oljoose three iuem- bers. " "v.' : . The county of Warren will choose two em- -. bers . , : v-' The county, of Wwhinton wil member. . ; - .v- -'..v.' :' Thooimty7iWataugAiwillchene member. ' -: ":.'.:? '' Lli'.T"-T The oonnty oMVayne will choose twoVmem- bors.- .v. ..'" :t'j The county of .Wkos will chooso two mew- bers. ;4:.-' --. ' . , The oounty of Yadkin will choose one ;tnei& ler. :-:-;v. . i. ;-f The oounties of .Yancey and 'Mitchell will choose one member. : The Clerks and Sheriffs .of the rcpeeti.ve counties will proceed at once to. assemble the Justices of , tne ; Peace, a majority-of whom will seleot from their number - not Jos than six nor more than eighteen Justices, men-of .'..ii; ' J- ""Z J .i- lnieiugenoo, uiscrenon, nrmne, iuu ppvr- e Ioyaltyrwnose4utyjlLBhau Dejoaaroiniswr to those who may be entitled to reboive it," the oath contained in the President's Amnes tv Proclamation of Slav 29ih. 1865." under such instructions as mav he prescribed in this Proclamation. The Justices shall, at the same time.-wDDoint loBoeotors of the -elections, at the vauous nremneU in.- their respective Coun ties, in accordance with'the law li relation thereto. Chanter 52 Kevised Code f North. CaroHnar-T The-eleotion.formemhirsofythe Convention shall be oonducted in the same manner as-elections for members of the House of Commons, in Accordance with the provi- tnn nr nhsnter hi. UeviHod Code. 10 far aa nil! nrnvifiirmsi mav be rt)licable i -ahd the offieen arDointd to h6ld Bald elections, and Uo make roturna thereof, shall be liable to th same tienalties for failure to act, or lor neg lect ol duty, m Are jescribei fn Chtttoi '52 Revised Code, No Mfson-will hoL aUQwe4J.toyoteVhoJ.f not a vntar nnahhed as nreDoribcd bv tne Uon ttitution4uii Jawa of the State. In force ira- mediatelv before the SOtiiHay ttihf, 1S1 except that the payment of a poll tax shall not oe requirea. - ..... ;.. ,,-.;y .: ,.. ; ' XU mrolftd soldiers of the armv.and navv of the pretended Confeerate-etates, or ;of ttnafltafrr-Btflr and incuiaing .tne rsoc 01 Colonel, If of the army, and under and inoTuT" inglhe rsntrHontotiaiilfi will be allowed to vote, provided they are noq included in any xi the lourteea excluded clas ses of the President's Amnesty lroclamation ; and, rovidod further, that' tbey are citisens of. Jhe State in aocordanoe with the term prescrlheJ in pierpwdingparj4h--- , No person will be allowed to vote who docs Aot " exhibit tff' the- Inspeetora a eopy of ,the Amnesty Oath, a contained in the President's Prpclamation of May 29th, 1805, signed by himself and certified by at least two. J ustices of the Peace.i7 x ' -avl.;;! Printed eoniea of the Amnestv Oalh will be fii-n;W to the ClerkSl who will, distribute I them to the Jiwticsraj'pointjjd administer ' the oath.'- 'The Justicos will JolIVer tlieiwtlj- fied copy to the person takinglhelTiTBd rotmtt tho original to be transmitted to tins justices ol the Peace are" authorized to a l- minjfter the AmnOHty Outh to persons .who may doilre foSpplj rTIdTner Presidtstityfi ft The SheriflAof tho. respective Counties shall furnish, $a SiKm a, praetibld, erti8 oatea of election to" -those persons who' may have received . tb highest number f votes at members ofthe Convontjrm J sTnd the.ghoriff-i Hltall 1ho iniTiiediKtely Wnd to thefiffivf of th 1, Secretary of the Stata,' lUTelgh, a tat-ewnT) of ahevtrfFiir their -respect iveiWtea-fof the iherobers pforasaid, 'and also a statement of the said vole, sealed up,, directed to the President of the Conyehtiott,llaleigU,- t be laid before the. Convention.' ' . 7 ' , The-mcmhera of tha Convention thuvchoni- cn, w i If aalTflilteTii " lhtu31iy-lif jBjferhvyi Mtrndsyrtha soBond day of ?Tittnharlg..' The attention ot. J ustioes appoint to ad miniHterrthe'Amnostyi 0th, is espfii-tally di 'reeled. 'to ' tfie following. Aiurteen 'oluiled Blsjffles'rjlVsidottt-'AnmeidEjJ i;n a At.voih '''T'RRrTTt-5"-:v7'-''.;-r tended Confederate government. " i W (Stran.? -All who left judicial stations tin-" dor the united stater to aid the rebellion. , Th!ri-A. io shall have teen mUtUry tJrrafiweraof-Skidprelenddonfedarate government, above the rank tif Oulonorin the srny or Lieutenant 4n the n&vy. ' f , FemtkA wb& lefrsoats iu the Congress of tho United States aid the rebellion. Fifth AH who r?Hii?ned or tendered to Bignattons-eheirommiasmnainhaj or nry of .nwr-tjnnod btates to evade duty in resisting' the rebellion, e ; - ? f 1 A7A-A--ho Aave. engagea in. any way in the treattn? otherwise than iawfuLiyjit prisoners of.war, persons found in the' Uuiicd States sere, a onoersYBoIdlorlpmon:, or are absentees from the United States for the purpose of aiding' the rebellion, H i'otfcAJl militarv and ovl aftiofr8 In the rebel service who were, educated by the government in the Military Academy at Wont Point, or the Uniteu btates JNaval Academy uViWA-f All persons who held the protend ed offices of tiovernors or Mates in insurrfefi tion sgain.it the united btates. . j " . 2Jlnjh-K persons who left their -home within thTJurtsdfcticnafldrot0tLonJof the United States, and passed beyond the fedml military lines into the no-called c'oplederat gtates v r the purpose of aiding the rebellion. eleventh All ncrsons who nave leen-en'a; ed in the destruotion of the commerce of the fjiiitcd States upon the high seas, and persons who have mado raidq into tbo - Unid Mates from Canada, "ot been engaged in destroying ' the commerce of the United Jbtates npin the lakes and rivers that separate the liriiiwh provinees from the United Ststos. - 1 . licelthAf AW persons who, at tho time When they seek to-obtala the benefits hereof by taking the bath-herein ? proscribed, arc in mUitaryflaval or oivil confinement or oufitv dy,.or under bonTs. ortlre .ct?,it", miKhiry-or naval 'authorities, or agent -"of the United Statesj as prisoners of war, or ncrsons de tained for offences of any kind either before or after oouvicUonJ ; r ; - --rr)hiriefnth-Al persona who hare volud tarily participated in said rebellion, and tho estimated value of whose taxable property is over t wenty thottfwnd dollars. - - - JWe?)A All persons who have lscen Iheloath . of ahinotiTy API prwrnhtd-tn-tho PresidenPs proctamation-of lecnibcr ii;h t h , A. D., one thousand eight hundred; and h'vC ty three, or an oath. of allegiance to tho gov. ernment of the' United States since . the dule of saidjproclaination, and.who have not honco- torward kopt and maintained the same invio late : irovuk3, That special apidicatiou may be made to the President for pardon ; by any tscrson heloneinz to the excepted elasses, and anditu)h cWmericy will be liberally 'extended w may be consistent with the fuel of tiio easo and, the peace and dignity of the United WUlWfl. -...... . ' . Under the first exception rare ineludo.d all nersons who have been civil or ditdomatie of- ficors or agehU.bf-the pretended Confeder ate grtVQrnment, either within tr wltlioul the terntorial limits of the IfffitcrfJtnfaTs. ' TJWJSTTlra'lwvCT uiuiuJtvL all offieer. AffontSror private eitisoriH who liavo bepatomaBnEh- purpose of auling the rebliionTr j - - - - U4jrtIio '.thirteenth exception are inelml.'.l all who, during the rel elliori, have "taiM nTiy ofGce or ngoficy under the 8tuto or pr-(endod Mtfedeiiatei4cojrern..mMtl or have in soy wav Volutitarify joined, m the.jrehelKon, ," f.rA arnplot if. entering' or- marehias; ..witht rrnrvi forces hoitiia t) tIwtlfiifctUU,i! ; by senrJ:fi2j or furofshlngrwMwyi ; jtrovi-donn, or-aruisto I ersons engaged in I hereliellion, fat hi i where money xif provwionsiwera fuminlif-l from tlie pfoiupags i charity or humanity ; by acting w th Wif mbla; esot pmorH) r;iu ei orgauuet or nnornizedtJioitile tJ tha jSss(2sA 11 who artfcPJL hlLhiTjsm.!!!?l!l5 proteiided ciFiior aiploiftiAtlo offid6TirWhw4.ft4 mluA -rVrtTvinoI rt ftm- f.ratim (rtnt'o V-.f flirt rira. I The. W lVf Mwuivnww v ivtviu cuBn v - avaaa 1 Uuito.1 tatea; tr in any olhet'way fffvimr Vol- n?Ttai y wid.'asst5tanraTr t'iu'0iitgwmHvt tt (Kt -. --o telK iimi j an.1 whose taxable "properly 0 tha unn uay oj way, looa, eteeedca m value-the sum of twenty thousand dollars, i i- !-v. , J .... The other exceptions sre n plain as not to rijukeiJtplautiotu. ; la'ti i'V . ocertiMita willle giaTifcd bytheiJastice ' . to Anyp7mhtHriudndeit''thin-Ay f -the foiirtoeo excluded clasaca, unkus on sihibu tion by, tW p;'ty of his pardon for his oileuce Turn t)k .Pjfesjd.enW.'-ii? :.' f'teEZT : r..l lie; 1UHtofts appointed to ad milliliter tha Amnesty 0th;d to fdraish oirtifioas of the' name- which shalT he evidenSe of , loyalty, ' are especially iiwtruotto-l4rigilant ani iakhfulC -While it will not be their doty to attemptto pry into the hearts and consciences of Mum, they iireeyertheloss admonish those ' who mif Aniilv In Ink llin nitli iThat it tnnut V taVeu aodrBnhsorihed ift-ood faith, with a" '""it int""'jrt1 oh" their part 4o keep it wiihout secret puniose or menfit iwrTStion- upon any .oeeasiooj oFir'aif 'ttMl"'to' wmmfa 3 r at in violation of at in violation of said oath ; and ther . - i warn them that if the oath 1 not thus '1. J taken and. kept; tie pardon offured them by tf-hPrwident wBTBo vo'id,lana Tier fill te-" got to trialjinder th. law tof perju- J millcesrOlerlA" anf'Sb trriff: whose - uuty it is to provide iar7dmraiering the t oath and to conduct the elections, Are enjoin oil to mo every praeticahle means to enable everycitfidn16"takv aire and be rntijejl td do so.- And 'the In speetnre are enjoined to inspedt and examine fhiyly andtr7diaVT in accordance with the lawr and with the in structions they have received, from this office: and tq make prompt and oorreot returns of tbohumber of votes and for whom cast, at their respective proAinota.il. r:.if'"V,'f:j , ioue at our isity tL Raleigh th 'eighth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and -sixty-five, aiid. ih, theA war of the inde-pinSioe-th nine ' tioth. ' fy';' , . Provisional Governor. rnoti Ifiwta lfAftits, PrtTAU SeerdtAr7ff:-v. . .. i:The newspapers of the Buta wiU pub lldh the Above reclamation twice a week till thn day of eleotion, and send Aooounte to thia oflici,;" -.-r;"' ..' ss4.',. GOVER WHEAT OV V MI TED HTATESJ Pri.Ietit,-!rAti.lrw J..)iih(id, of Tnnmi,' " fc ,t,Wrt-jr cstut--W. II. asrdi of fara. iUctsUwvof War Bdwin at:sintua. f PB. fPuiaiwr Jienersl Willl.a DfinoUon, of Ohio. (try or tlnWni-r Uilna Wall, f CosiiMlloat. Hf.mttf of ths lDtrl(r Jiuiu Url.n, of law " i?reir of th Trury Hugh 'MnCuUoeb, of 111 Attoruny t)nrC lmiBpa, of JUnMky, ' 1 i 1'fcitJcnt of. tb fint Lfnjtu 8. FuiUr, Ooaa. . Sicikor-of tli Iluuiie Bobayler OaIfaa,of laaiaa.. scratxa cntisT.- - - Salmoa P. Ctwe, Ohio, thief asU - ' T I. ,Imi M:. Wny no. Uonrgi. T. Bmul Nefwa, -New York. ' ! " ' S. Rob tC. Orier, Pnaylvssia. ii. ' .: ' 4. hth n Uiffuril, M urn, i. &. Noah H Hwyn, Ohlft. ".;. t, (Ssnrnol Millar, lews .. . , , . ' , A. Bsmuel V. rM4, California.' " -':.'.. -; ,. Wlnflold fntt, f Vlrylala. , , UljcosS. Urnt, of OhU. ' ' . - A fJu'nt 0nr: t.oNino Thmman,- DUwr. Ju.Ick AiivoUi Q-micrftT-jJuoepB H.ilt,V.').'" to ;ntnr uotrl- -Monigomory 0. M)js,Psa. MlLlTAffr nEl'Ani'MENT P Ti. C.v; nsdiinarlrl fepsrtmMit af North. Oar al in a, Clo?- eninr ManHinn, mot of rsTotWvill Htrsot- Brovot A14 ao, aLUKit.,-.. . , . - lUadiiurlora TuolK Army C'orpt, eor&or Fsrtt. ' villn Ktroot stij Ckpituli ti.iimo BttTot Maj. Uoa. llfinliiirnr SocftDil .rHvliinn, Tonth Army Cotft, Wiltuinii'nn Ktreot- Col. CO AN, 4Sth N , -jt4.Tinftfi l'jt.nf Esrolita, ill HomST.f- Conn- too'if, tlit .I .Lit-ut Cl, JOS. W:THC-r)ttrAttK I'niTrtiit-Mfhl runt, of Rutotzh, oK-o rrousa Rnn df Capitol, Halifax Klroxt ontrnoce, Supromo C'durt Riwtu-t'upt. J. A. fiAkttRTT. . rpit QKfertttrmaHtiir fl flhno, JmyllvJ i Mrt, op- pomte th Murkiit Hiiino- Ct. A. M. ttARlHTTIK. Ufimm-innrr.-'mi im JM4ih eausra-Ctit. P.CWARD 1,41 tJtNC,J. 4 ' iiurciu of frrrdmeik ltfceo- mi - AaJoaol I.snHi, duioo HuMi, etirnsr lUlifst Pirt--Coloas Chiof tjurtriujutiir'i Otfiot, Depurtmant of Jfwfttt C'ujma, IUnkir Cap's e' Coloaot Boyd.. ' liTjiot Q-'lrrmiiHffif'i Ortioo, rtppjlrtlho Marktt Jluuit, VsyvtfirlUa Ktrt - Capt. 41c! TIN. JIODdA, - TfAitxportfition, uffica pi tU N. C. ft. K. Itvfc- COt l.RMKMT Ol' 5S0RTII ( AltOLINA. WillUm Vf. llul.lan, of Waka Abaaty ProVUiosal Uuvarnor. . .a.i.-.. ) . s , Jut, 8. Cwiitooftf rariiuitoiiil. Aid wilh lbs rank of - CnlonrL ' - ' ' ; Toil R, Catiwoil, of I! a ka, Al4 arith ah rank of laoia tinaf,' dfDariiliion, Prtvato SoTelary. K. . V.n.Ui r-nfH nk. ami W. 11. Caviar, 0 Faaaao. -f -t(fi. AjfUi B.t tfueiitria,,!. n. i, 1 1 H. W.-Vwrf-iMHl-J-i)-1' 11 tr ii,-if . W ak, Clorka 'I lien N lUii.my,-i.MViilin tU-rk and ill HoHHT Jinlhar Wnrtli i.i KaBtiiilih,jIriMifafi tyimnU W. Piiin. j'f Vt ak,lHilf CI to Trasaaror. C H. Tanmin, .it turtaiet, Sctrnlar of Htat. ;T;.V. .', ,.f lKiC--A N l M ATin: M ATI V A I, K CHOO l. : rr" xiLFisnvr otHAf,k'WH, til I' nvi t-f my fi'h'jol w It comiBsao o ?,titi4.V i-V iluarl bKN h hai la ths ur I h f. u r f' ' ' f-r a hrmtetl numver of I nya at J il par " B-.U'.'. f ltl ir kiia 'of 70 WootlfJ. . Pv-r the fiiet!in u. ml'r b Kw'ilh, N. C. July IS, ioW, nl-LlA ---'i rnifoirAh,

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