, i--- . i I " I J 7 V. . -T....t.'-.. f t 1 " f '.- '-'. v - v THE DAILY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 16f lS65. :i Mii i rvr n OUE TEEMS. , t THt SftTJtl 1 WTOWtH'l tUOf KIBg - aMBM day excepted) at tb following rare: Jor one nuinth I --j. w iPf te.m ar invariably in advance. Th ,rcitot money however, oblige us tojvay to v-rour mnd, tbit-tponible and prompt pernoo h ,. wfett dwre trie ikmtiW :l not ueisf lenamg .11 tit tbctr nam at onci';i1aB wnd m ih ijr&ukki UortHmv i fhr wey u; Mot 4- -f . ' '? : I - ip OUB raiKNiM to aov i3kntind hat hn ieutt lo town orconhtrj, ni pka Inform ut'at cnct whether thev desire it or not. k ;-t;sii'jffj ABirftft.T -lafjTi torrspondenc from J "T ' 'll nart of th. Rtata. Knneclftllr do desir to tDread bafora oar reader, what ia tranipirfnir " ' io tha State, all local newt and whatever rflcU .1. , th temmr of our people. Wa are anilout that s------M eorpmaut thall-ai. ilticvl..',r .jod sliMobtrT on thing at a sine jut a to the publication of any arUe1eTTTw1?rat--itH4 Uittmni nf.fpcM aaii'g, lifapmUjr trw ni pabla of proof, if need be. Second!, all allutiont to othera, whether of dlgnitariea civil or military or the people, iluJlbe ched'TnTmoit ifeSpfectful v langaage, not offending the mott delicate and re " ' temper, bot Mcetsariljr offending aaf on, unlet! , Jmth offand. Fourthlyr te nam of mry-cor r ; (i respondent mutt be furnithed ni. ' v . It nrattera not whether our corrf tpondenta differ X . , Wtb n Of not, their artictet ihaQ find tpace, .if , Uy oowplyrltKhe-boe requiaitee W Jo not publuth tor an party or tect, but for all.- Men i i of variont optoioni thall not be cut off from it ni clearing. Whatever correipondenta write they -rt aaJontiWt.rf,- FEMALE PorrKAtTEM, rather k njuHiomer kowvr--r tlow.ed in the mail aeryicoj' the Uaited.Statei. . W regard thit at an Excellent Old Dr. Adanv Oark naed to laf. i Pfit tt warn ruiouk CU.CI iwb, wmv "v""" wm . worth seven tnen and a half, aad we are inclined iVal 1 . Tl "AnAWAmaM to think, that in all pubLc offices, which the mod' .y a -fMC"!.! 1 - , - , ... . . . ,, thtm to fill, that en woman is equl to two twn Xomn, od w use that term in its bst tente, j whoara true and reliable, are niore .capable of tr's y .iatigna and ndu(anca than men ; can bear the n't; f losa of aleep better,' which U often (required in large .Post Office s ao mora parUcular ; ar ' : mater tickler for law and rule ; ar mora ac have generally a more tender conscience and a higba sense of moral obligation ; are mors afraid - of official censure, and of the consequence of de- ' -VV ar therefor ia favor of changing tfiolaw and pracjice, and instead of having postmasters, . ,btna have postmistresses, except when it is tin' avoidable. W ar in favor "pf conferring th cffic of Postmaster npon the right kind of women, or when necessary npon men of long established integrity and business habit. Old men indeed . ' eoperannuated men ar preferred to . young men. The habit of the country ia this regard ' houl4 b changed. Toung men should never ' PP'7 ozeept as a Senior retort, for public office Wch-i-iliem-ow tolaeden toryj!abjteand small pay. It HnnU a ynnng rmaii's enwrgicilf . . iniuoes habits of indolencetud after being some , I' time in office, when turned, out, he Js carcely Bt for any other business; i Non ever grew rich at j; it who wer honest. It - cabins, crib their thoughts, their enterprise, a it nous their bodies; -and make them fit for little else. We ad vine - oui yonng mala friends- saver seek an office on - little paV. at a ourca of living. Nver thus place ypumlf jo completely at the beck of a party, or 1 make yourself the butt of a neighborhood. Seek " an independent employment, -that will make a community a dependent upon yon a you ar --ipon-ltVaad fhal .'csvf.)injatefe '," aniflirty demand it. .ij?jll.'LX5" ;, "Now andTben' for his racy letter, an 1 -shall hoU hint to hi pledge to oontinueTiis favors, al though it U likely w shall differ in our views In - aora oaaes. It is probabl in thu ease, our juJg tnant would pface n along id of our friend Judg Gilliam and Pr. Grisaom, rathe than without ftUnds Mr. Lyons and.VNow nlTJi?nZ Th subject is one of great importance and on about whioh. w may honestly differ. ' W bop -ttro intimation ttnit JajTra Gtllifttn and Dr. Gri- sons talked of backing down, ia not serious The - most sober ani important prinaiples are involved ,-. ib tb question ot "repudiation," They should .- be thoroughly and calmly dlcuae tJ4 . :. mind of th State, that th people may act cau tiously and, wisely. A failure to pay arising from inability, or (rom tb pressure of baftonal authori ty, or th nesewary provision of constitution nd laws in oar eircumtuocas, rosy betuewabi and propeii bnt it would3aTsJsTnsetan choly .4aj,;ite.wbNortb Nortl) Carolinian would repudiate the payment, of a just dtbt, simply because they btd tb disposl- ion or th opportunity to do it - - . la regard to th 'Court," it it a queitioo for tb Uwvsrt, Got. Iloldtn and "'Now and Thsn" i9Htu., : - - . Mr Jeff. Davit ha applied fur permission to see htrhotUnd.alr orvs Monro, end ba been refused. - A subscription is Utioa raited in n mo ingtan ia occasion circlg foftb benefit of Mrs, : JV clip the Lot from "an ,xcbftngTb reTttanT ofti gwernmetrt alle3ftnnpaf j 'la tee her huband. jnftT b stoetlv proper. V' - .. .nt p.af r.,t In judg. ia ai.i-h CMet, Perhaps, but tha purpoae of tha article to make rt appear that Mrt. DaWt tueti with Bt tyrapathy, twept la ecegion circlea, it tbuH, atiif-ttaot crediu ble to the bead "or hwrff tbwri ten From aSuenc Mra. :Iavi and ber chilJren are tudden ly rwliioed to poverty, j'wa cauwd by ber hut band' CmuU perhaps,' but it is .eertoinly only her tttitioftuBe.V'oidnottynipathttwltl'Mr.-I) vitVJ t"'n'Btrt'01'De ver teHve;l him, after he was elected by the iieople of the South, obeafli man tor bit potilion, and wna lciJf Jly opposed to bis tueitsure, yet. bit tuUtiriiig wile ana children touch cor4 iu our heart, nt we Jitlieveiit does the heart of thousandt of : Northern rieopl? and Southerner too, who have had no sympathy with ecesion.. Her eondition ought to be cons Sderfed and provided for by those Vh'oi are able tobeIp, and je doubt not many good Union peo pie will contribute to her necestitiea. She -is a helpless woman and so are ber children, andsbe la a true woman to her husband, and that is enough to claim the sympathy of all, ., ... , , , ,,,,, . . - - . H i nixuMlKj tTKHt day uiuie and mure sp- tiarent. tlmt the reconstruction oollor of Preax : . . ' l Preeideirt it is understood stands firmly upon hi ttktfiicm ioA will Jt9l Sri rooyed.' ' It it believed tbat the Cabinet is not a uiiTTln hi support. SeoreUry Stanton, whose blood ha not jrot be come !ool, but txZaifTXI',iiha, opposes stoutly bis poliey, and a rupture of the Cabinet ie looked for. President -Johnton- ilanUjbimielfnopn the Constitution 4uistt that the States, are- still Statesthat they hare never been out of the Union, and that the queetTonbT suffrage being left by1 the Constitution with, the State, his will not interfere with it. The cODStqutnce it, the dog of the kfn. nel are let loo 1i)Cjs Wmrwi withPWt l Tsconcik iadon, tha party will be divided. . ' Roaf. Ridowat s.,"edito of h Richmond 1 Whiff, publishei a card defining- hit .position at a candidate fof tht) Federal Congte. He aay V- - Not another drop of blood, North or Sooth, i Should b a-in consequence of the late revolu tion not auother dpllaV .. worth Of . property should be eonficatedth inmateuo every pria- vu. uvumuii wKwvnFM uv HiiiuwiQ, iu flyviMUir. fnrtunn) ihoninn innlanT'y in - Such i mr daliberaUr judgment, ad meh th frvnt aspira- tion.of my heart. ' ; r i . i ... a ' I ad is h not right t -Who wanteanpther drop I of blood shed, after ' o much hi been spHUdt r Why not lei the nation have a jubilee, when very man' bond shall be unloosed and all go fret T .But there ar those who do not rite to this height Thir cry is still " gold ! gold I" "bfood 1 bloodl" . ' "-"-' - . - . President Johnson ha said: . i , 'H that will keep a State out of tha Union a just ar great a secessionist . as th person who woula Us Btat out.-' ----- True as preecbing, and quite it good hit at th President's quondam friends, the ultra 'abolitionists and advocate of negro (uffrage. They were the respoiwiUe authors of secession in th first in stanceadvocated separation on account f slavet ry, forced the rebellion upon the Southern people, and now,jrouldkeep th State out because of negro auffragor What ' hould be , done with them t Are they better than Jeff. Pavist Shall they b tried nnd condemned a traitors too, .Of hall they go fiee because they liva within the Unest . ' - ,' ' . . ,v- Exchstqe8.- W were pleased to greet on yes terday our IdTcolemporary- the: PeteTabttrg-lTjK prr.- .IU familiar face is pleasant and a are ' glad to Cud it i doing well. We are obliged also to th Express Agent for th Petersburg Jndtx, and the Richmond Tims nd, XrpwWie, The three latter are new papers and they are ia . all jrespct hignlyTereditebW to eiripirietorf We ar glad also to place th Newborn Time on out' exchange list Its advertising . column look a if New bern might be a city some day. - ""THETTsTwritfwiiiT the people want- But wa cannot manufacture it . We hope In a few day that the daily press of this city will be able" to niakosuth arrangements with th telegraph office; as will secure us regular daily dispatches in ad vance of the mails! J . , HIE rCR acrBivtn by the niail nd Ex press iipto yeeterday, were axceediugly destitute of or. Tb glaring headings ol tnemw i pr pre, often deceive tL searcher for really usoful, Interesting news. The New York papers of th pa"t wek bav been barren of interest. For this ' . . . v . .. . j ' :. rpaifl par outsiae psgos are occupiea wua mu colUneous matter, It will however, b found pf th curipua," worth reading. , v ' P i-4N the aasKKC pf..nw matter, W oocufj tauclispac with- ''Missisaifpi matters;' which will b found of interet Th ober, nible view of Judge Johnson, Judg Tearger and Judge Kobh, wil!trikethfchoughtful reader at far mora cousouant with sound statesmanship and wisdom, than those of Mr . A nd arson . "r ' ' C . , h THE Ssisoitn abd tt'xLDO Eail Road will be open for travel next week from W eldon to Franklin, (Blackwater) with a line of coach to Suffolk. btj the Petersburg JK.-TbUar-Taogement wul afford much accommodation to our people realding m th Northeastern ConnUea. "'':"'..,'' : .:'f:. ' '-? '-,-' -V MH HIM lllllllll'lllillilllllillllMWB'rMai iiiij.i.pa'iiu" I I . I'HM llWifhWI I' 'gEglf. but ey $m not half a duorou iu the preset criafs' of 'afftrs asth niiiceeentiOTForEits Facaidoct Johnson ha positiva i nforntexion tint and other iiutors of the tiitcegenation id nature uiug JO.tur up inturrwuyn iu uit quuiu. - Bennett is generally about half right. Noreb rjournal'wa evet half so itiflde or naif ia-flah frronttdthnnrsrnand lilterlirii nf this nation, a tan Biaw&te'ufgnifo',' WcFTywSdTIg root society.' destroy all jocial and, moral distint q tioDS, aht dethrone reason and right an3Trliirion Why does not the President proqeed, against W eodett Phillipf and his laborers if h bits the eviuViKM f . Ws drm'bt the truth of Bennett in this cue. '- We apprehend th Pi si dent would kt once I suuimarily against any man, who would inturrectiou io the South! We hae some stir up insurrectii hope that so wkked a pVn wOulJ not sneered fur we nave more conhJence. iB.jiiagret bulk sdhe colored people, than we have i.nthe "luiaygenay tlouisttTWe are opposed to the miliar of white aud blauk blood either North; , or Stttb ilt aa been th crime and the curse of the South ; but it would be worse to sanctiod by Jaw wb at flod ba forbidden. v-. --., ' , ' For the Sentinel.; Bplilltloii...t-ljiul P)trn-'-Uar.. Halite 't.i'Hte Coiir1,-etc4-- -i v,i--r -i . Accidxntetiy straying into the 'Court Uiiuto at Ofofa.itfrnr th sittitrgof-the -oalt4 Couit nt qnn.,t S!aminim." fr the purpose of hearipj? me wrac-iea . ucciare u njKg : kiiqwu mwit I ... .:. .:A it I found Mr. Lyon of Tag '?orjwaJ?c1tes 1r rasping Dr. Orissomabd Judge Gilliam pretty roundly, because they declined to' make "Meow -diatii,"ti pari of their pUtfbrm; Ks,,i Lyons, it .ej m tbasonntJaman. by gettiug them to avow their cqutbo, should they vm eiecveu uj ino iuutduuuii-" conieuuing ne oaa a right to dismandj ; an explicit jUciaration upon this delicate subject "' ' I ' " Judge Gilliam and Dr Grrssoni widcod nadef this terrible bra, and nnally, it 1 caught aright the confused ideas that floated from their trembling lips, broke down ender the terrible blows ! which was being inflicted upon them, taking a sort . of I niiddla. evasive course Dolicvr"reudiat in" nsrH and pay in part - admitting the conutjry wa nV leriy insoivem, ana ueggea, mat li inese question were to b sternly enforced npon them, tha Peo ple bad. better hold anothef Convention and. mk other nominations.. - .: r ' Ltons. seeing' the advantasrahn had cbtaind.' knowing he was backed by the ibassea in th Tar RiveFterrityr anff rbbnrfth of hi conrityihterpreting too aright thispirit of tfaa rfoote Dressedrnu advantage lika a kkiilful Oenerat raort vigQrjriMlynAojf too of1 the fact that Oav. HoLnex has summed ap his plat form apd given repudiation the oold shoulder. " " . Now wbat Mr. Lyon meant by repudiation i th nnuluBgTutier niping ont f afl dobta, nrimta and nunlio and to tlm'I am atiiiflo.t "the peoplariot only in tbiscoanty but othor eeam". ties, ar tboroughfy Committed." Mt. - Richard CowP?' $V? "7.8 ! ' JfW, doctrine Only need a little , ventilation to find abl advocates everywhere '- - ... ' 1 Ulijecttone bar seen raised upon thp loore of tt. rintt . K. it,; m fl;.B text, and will vanish Delorv toe touon of critical inquiry antrtogioal argument f ( ,.., H bj the by, can you let us down beret knw what was th object of Gov. Holden in inatiMtibg what ,b very uniatejer like, call "court r:. lia.i, he any power to appoinrHooae judges.: the! county aourt tr not clothed even witffrepowerr grant uaenses or to do any otner ouiomt aot and certainly the jiiies would be guilty Vc' rial murder- to try a oase of homicide, and exe cut the nartv for the supposed or aotami murder. I venture the prediction, that noh of them would be guilty or so foolish sn act, ,. , ,ii Waara undef martial law civil rule is' abol ished we have neither constitution, nor laws in force. . We are at the mercy of a power; wtiich despite of President Johnson' good feelings to ward narwhole aim is to kwp us in vnwalage and 'utter sutjeotion. " . n-n. " De1phi,"hose only, motive seems to be to cover up bis own obscure origin, is endeavoring to oropasate mischievous heresv. Gad (himself, witn innnito pxweTnnpt:,cuooaeranor--t pleuitude Of his infinite mercy did givo and does now give talent to one. talents of strength fphysvcalr'menUVoralrbichr-iterMorwiM 11.' - J.,..:,:. - Li,k'nu. .r. with race race' who have' oystiictjgrnAiT?' is UiTsaXrocious teaching, which iuaugurated thi terrible war through which, we haro just 'pajsed, and which in every country and every! age has been productive of infinite mischief. The. social" istic theory is its legitimate child, miscegenation findf here its bittT rootj and demagogues in every ace hav vilely pandered to this, trailty ot bu maniiv. nun i ucn - The annual meeting of th Council of th Protes tant'Kpiaeorial Church in tb Dlouea of .No,rtU, Ciir glina, appointed io be held oa the sacond Wednes day In June last, but which w postphnstfwill, be beld onrth second - Wednesd ay 1 a Jtenfember.'In Christ Church, Kaloigh, Tbe pvueiual atUindano. ot tb UIrgy ana ibiij w earuniiiy eqnettea, at butinets of inipojtadcs wilt "pnlb ably corns bsforf th Council. ' ' - 'r- THOMAS ATXTOiV ' Bishop of the dioceewof NortbCarolina f'K.rl..M Siicrlial1 ISft. " J .T.1. .v." BUhop Atkinson' Appointment. ,., Thursday, August 24, Horganton.; r Sundav : - "i X Salisbary, Thursday, ' ' I" &1, Chapel Hill. ' Sunday, Ssptemhsr 8, Warrcnton ' Tuesday, ? u . 6, Henderso:. ' I:.Wdntday, 1 J Willlamtiharo' Friday, .;,0, Oxford, rv -Sunday,.; , pauitbtrg fSTOther Stete paper oopy , ; " ' further importaot facts and circumstances cor) nected With the extensive defalcation ia tbePhoenfx JanerrhTirogbt to lighth:4n-ew-of-OB4he Ilth.; Jt has already led to .-a very tragic evaor. Jams H. Earle, formerly a t-ooli Weeper la the msti tiitlon, who was arrested on Thursday' night on charge of'beiug implicated in tb matter,- was, "otf tha-Uthfqund deajj tn.brs celt in' the Twenty ninth preclnst station' house, hsving'cut his'lhroat wftb hi pocket knife, which he-bad mantged to keep oat, of sight of th officer whoMsarthed .lum. Onth lt of JuB5t "th Government towed its soldier ever two' iiaadred and sixty jnilliotf tbiher A idToct( tbeelease ol fer. t Davit On th ground hat "to punigh him would ha -to dig- fh'iwpi'$Mikit C itep" filte r0 "No. 1 didn't think that yoa. kept, God wprd, as 4 know that you never kept your own." JjjaasintoB' m ittjieii. itt "fhagilnll.. maa from Lowell. ' It ssy Ben Uutler haJ aB. tej Hvtii'.iittTiPAJh;yu,on uri: n would have ttulen all the gold of the new "Jexusa- lem. and run awar with tha silver of the Art of the CovsnaoL" (. ' , . a long AitDinei semon WA pcia ira ioc inui and report say a-rwther stormy one , The Presi- dent s Keconstructidtt policy is understood -to bave 4i!ust li s8iuagth.4d brealh and hut determiiaiHivn te Sdssrela It Spd to carry it out. regnt-dtesi'of aH'pposliioa JefJOBtejiieueee,-am pbtUtally" uiioun,ced. - !"AWbWr,ttd i't'Aleym'dAa 'WalTaY terauon. ou the rilroiul Iroui -A-trrentm. sod Wat imuedlittelr arietted and held. to await:-tb orders oi Ueaeral AuguryoainumiJing the P$ptrunenls of fhe cholera oontiniief To spread In Coo8titrtino- pie. The,daUy, average of deaths U forty-five ; t . - The mVitniut ot ibe disease in 'Alexandria it cioirtroied by tile tlest'accoantti ;J l -,;;.'? i ' -' ' ' !,:. .-,. ' John. Jiiniier Ki3 . of Loudoya co. Va., is named at a candidate for .Congress; Mr. J. 'was ' President' of the Conventioa that passed the Urdinance ot'Jse- cessiqn. - v--.?7rrrTt J'r.'A. l'.' Bfell hag been' chosen br tb Cemion CoqdcU of' Norfolk, Pa'ysbdsa O 4. City, Afmf ' VtaOfttta.BkB.--The PortemoBth braach of this old 'add H'tim-hoaord 1 institution re-organ ited Wednesday,. By the elecUoa of, Jme .Jiurdagb Ksj s l'nidnn4.aeil!cienV ooart of iirec- Hsrschel T.-Johason wat-pardoned on -Wedne dav., , Mrs Douel' appeal was IrreitstiblCThe .iocs f Mrs. Douglas in H. V, Johnson's case will doubtless canse anxious ones to take stoca in th e remaie persuasion. - TiM BoiLttinoirTbe-steamev I)ictat N Meellant article pf Fie gnt, Snie erPortsmodtB- orWednjuUyrat Portsmouth, by I hest brands of Cigars. t'.H. A R. 61 TDCKEE Wfh the hitftr was sBrinnsly "'' -Jt'Vltl 1 "it-Jl r ; ! '.-i U t- I wiiieavne quire soma lima to repair the damage. : The steam er Portsmouth is one of the Jin of ferry steamers thirtplydnring-the da between -Hhaeitie of Nor folk and rortsuouib. : . .. t . v ? the' Wtahtegtctf correspondent f th Phlladql- phla Ledger writes:-' You caa sy to tb refractory fioatb that-the 1 'running the church;' rrrsident , na ' no lUaa or . ia Dixie, and thev can. therefore,- go ahead, and pray for whom they please, Tha tellngoWardh Kortherit charcfae remains pmtynnicbTM it did before tfi wacapd though Cdnventioas''into bebeid tor tha purpqaa sf- con. sideting the 'state of the Church,' it is not believed jdvrt.&erefwilj.bg any change- from the jeUuons at L- Jb Wlmjngtnn otrrdeotMhjeiUdej. Tenia Inquirer atrongly urges the substitution ot -- ' I f r r blck troops in North Carolina. Hesavsc ' Thoi Ti3 blteve ai former lettrt from tba South will not sotpact ue or. disposition. tq eotn BOBiUa:witb.4udoyal trebng, ,or to pK, Southern prejudices, but all reasonable people will' agree with me that averythtngwhicto -can baiidone-rwrtli out a sacrifice "61 principle-to' restore harmony , of feeling, should be doaa promptly- ana cheerfully. t ,ki.,..l.. II, T" Ci . - - Tl- - r 7 ' Moabv. lit Partisan Tjiadar. : ' ' ""'' nluhmond Cbrireispondenc of Philadelphia Inquirer. . ril - r rli- a . , , ' jumrauuj Kuomua cuiei was VISI Die onxne street of -fticbinwid-'-TrBterdftyi Sawrebiidy lias descrinea iviosoy as a nonasome man in personal nppeaitene,l:ki ha is nothing of th t aor t ..Of ordinary height, his build is good enough, and. hi features an4 expression would impress "y ou as those of a man of resolution and cunning. I Iraspeet that in the stories of bit-cruelty iie baa been smewbfttbeiiedr' y T'-'tJ 14,1 , . When tbe lite of John Singleton Moeby conge to U written, it will Btfew m sBooessioa of start ling personal adventures unurpassed by 'those of any partS wo "chief .on recprd. was alwav banging on the outskirts of ,oui iai lea,.cttieg,offrcur jtraip, capturing nir .strag gler and harassing us in every possible way, the people generally know ; bot they ' do n6" know 4nat.ia wwni mann qui ot eurmria; atjijgjtwiii pleasure, and wa , never once detected it is said (and Undoubtedly, truly), that whUe Burn side lay opposite Fredericksburg, In th winter pf 1862, nUmby dined with bim intbe tsharCter ofa Union fermw f ered. With hi shrewd cunning! from th general teWe'tlli!, tioh valuable iniurniatiB.: r.'': Burnside, that winter, wa literally badgered by MeebtUtv He seemed ubiquitous, arid at last it became dangerous to go from camp i' at all, as the leattrBawAde wa aurajtq retoit in Cantor. , At last Burnside became wiried Cut anddeterrnin ad to eaDture th ttartisan. and aantdetaohmenta f of c"SvSlry bring hlta la dead orlllvei; 1 0ne day on of these fletethroeois, led by lieutenapt colonel, wa going up the Dumfrie roaaV when, 111. house in sight f the. Federal, lines, man emerged, dressed io the umtorm-of a Federal captain anj atendeiDy one orderly dressed ii our cavalry blue ' At th aV -weretwo hores( marked Sf and furnished with our regula tion Uddle and bridle, hnd mofiatiri,, the cap tain rode op and accosted the colonel, who was still marchln2 up tb road The colonel infbrm- ed hi new companion that he , was in aeareh-of Oil rifti,pby,and .ed fiM oadj hearjl ny i n . f piaiu nau uearu auu anew m orriain ty tliatan hour before, Mosby bad been at ones,1 lour tailes1 hp the' road.' - Vrsior.-6P promotion and nawsnaoer targraDbs daneane' belora (him. 4 tha Colbnei ordered otr 'March,!'!- while . th aptain (lnihfla aTro "11 jrt ,fni bouwo get soma rung, W tterore reiurnwig vocmp. Arrived at Jooe', the Colonel foun,d that Mosby J C. PALMER'S, OLU , STAD,1 ns,a,Den mere, ouAaisoiouna wat ne jig q-Tr--r, , ... . , . pat ted in' the. direction of Burnsid' lamp. Buck I-J?1?3' awotstyleaaad uatifrV - the Colonel beat M haste, making enquiries every trhereVbo't flrrding nfal tracn. Arrittd again at th house, from which tb communicative Cap tola bad appeared th woman accotted him and thi colloquy nsued;.( i . , ... 'j, ,', 'r r,--f .Woman "Kurelw,ho wm that ,er yaniee Captain met y hear a y wa' jwln to'hr " Gdobe-l'I'd'oa- iniw tntf name! 'but iha b. longs to a Aiassachusetts regimentj" i : old? "'WomBh-i-,,Vaa, well kneow aiot yoa iB air wa joau aitivj.t ,,, y.-, t r :-,,- . ii . ! ti. e-a. .. - . And be rode back to. eamn and aaul nntl,in whatever about hk memng-'s,woTk; t- ,:- v p-' viii.sawa'wwiii ivmiuiiwa vaGr1 Bael Notes. -J OH NO, W ILLlAMd k CO - ,4t I' .1.1.1.,, D .OM& Ovtt J IVPadd'i fttfr 1 "I SFUttMS.i.httdmt.W:.lKiiiigli 'and t0ui I X ins counilet that be has apetuid n offict at abevw 1& knownttsndL andii pftrired to elets extract and oil, and to inneri arti&eial Teeth.tr opetesq entire set, in ihe.moet.impfDyd'j,, Ciplesof practice. I t ' -Hlli respectfully foliritt a share of jub patronsg: , ' " " " "' V uig1 14, Wt Jan. -, i. , i r - TT XV. II. & II. TVCIi Ull ;, f Next Ifaf titutaptMl 4)trne - ;MUlU,,it.cV,,'i" - . HAy.recied a choice and welVWlected ttc of Goods, Wares and -Merchandise, are a. rey to e apply the detoisnd of thtir friends t the pnbli. : J he iockwiUb.ow.'tfaiiUr ropl.a d. and consists in. part at fcitowt i, ; , Dress Goods. HaDkeichieft, Kid Gloves, " ' i t ravelling Bags,- ' BeksandBelrpibboB, . i ',ikJ tl'i .i i W - Calicoes, : "Whit Goods,'" " Mourning GioU, Mioisery Hoop Skirts, V. Ho..ks ud Eyes. Thre. tt . i. Ao.,J c.,' S.e. ' -i "A FJfE asrteientoCbd ladies t, Jl- 0UeBeli;-.,-,'-r'-,l,-: ' 'f T Uiji ,.',-nt, 0-JtyL- R- s, tucker. OROCERIE9 1- GR6CEHIE t-v-CHOICE lot 'of Fsinilr Groctrles . ' Sum, lea ,CiJ31oaB 8MuPppr,Caadies. Vii egaf plees, .ficklea Can Jb ruits,. Jauceti B Tong.neBnBotton Butter, Lemons. Foxe's Oatkw Winsd Liquor ;;W R. R.B.'TUCKEb. FRCNCtl C05PECTIOI AH11ES. boo, UOABj Alnionda,t Cram Pater Choeokti pennint, Raspberrjr Drops,, Jtock Candi ga, Citrons, Kaiuns, Nuts, ie. . ' rr ; rr :th- s tuck ee EXTRACTS, Fancy 8oap,"Wd Toils irtWs L.w,Ur K, 8. STUCK KR. IK t - M ,! ---,' i i f ,l -HMAT31 -IIATtl,HATUl TIT'S. Will Opea ia a few darysths..most manll If, cent stock of Hats eve offered in thrtmu fco- , , " wis. as s.-TCctcuft 1 AOUINU, Hops' Bad Twine j .afrit n, ( , TUCKER. " vvnbn- j v tJBUj uiug jw VU JUV WHM fffj ..plied. ;i W,H. t, , :Tfj CKKSL- f, ' i,!:'.-r .ri w f";."s ' VV. KOi3 ERTt! ANDREWS; ''"": Baleirii,1! !. ': 7 ' "' J.' TT'AVINO rtumd buiiaee hex! door to hit sli XJL tand, has jujst returned.irBpi New York wiu i spleadKj assortment of Goods, which he oflen his old customer and the publif on the best tern ferttlH'.'Hia,tocl'of---t J : is notVurpagsed.'if equalled; in tBetlity t j CbF'FEE; " SUGAR; j! FtOtIK MEAI. p: ' Trtirmf i) ti. ... hnuiliin. i ..:.w,..0,.n!flwr5-.'P will be kept constantly on hand. , AXSV1 A'': lNfiSy -IV JiWUtUCK h 1 1 A B y r- ti iiAlWi DVj tTflT.T rr lit i .- ; -1 f-u'Mj i',.;TIN'V-WAaEi!-.! ' ':; " Be invites aAlBsptlollirTi! stock- wit ' a .(' W-z-v tif t ' fe ('ijtjP ir4i tf."lt'4. If? '--JUS RECEIVED ' ' - - i'i " i I tfwdst'E&broldet;!," trUh" iiiens, -iSmbrei1' wnaliM Cartel, Xadtw and'Gsheit Wsinf- - .vr,a r7A?i.,Jfu?-p.:; :,,j;,i ChenilFetliTSteTlalirandB mbtdara ' r most vsrf afficle-needed in Ladys wardr ! . ' " 5 y9Tr styles and'vify 4sirabl. ; s - Al!L-S .O-r PEKFUMEKY AI1D SOAra J ' - ';lA-..';a,,.-aJ..tis 1