lejjeeaeaBaaBaiaeaJaaeieBllaBIl THED AI IiYS&ENTiK E L: .pi goaday., -.r'-lr ''-:' v" ntlt the pt1w!7 $4.00 -t.00 ! our tiruui"uu'. .y LITEST KEWS BIL EXPBESSr -'.. Froa Waahtuirton. V " From.UU iVeahington despatehei i wt, copy A I"" Cabtnet-eeseioB jrii held Friday. and I ..- r.tW atorinv one. The Prei Heat's reconstruction polic Is understood to i, w, dlaeuseed in. ell -4te.-' l"Kt.' a4 Ld to"owrriw- regardless of oppodtioBr i ---Am omnhuieaJW anaouneed ..TVi.-. '.f the orieioal Sooth Carolina i Mn lain the citv. end reports affair pro greasing In that State, to the satisfaction or every o. Governor Perry beab8if well received t,r the people cl.theSjatei end Mr. Greer knew nothing of the reported collision between the civil and military authorities until .MjfMJi, ihB redicaT paper of. the North.. H pro- jiouneei ii a iorioM uuvbk.. v . I .!... Ik iinliiiti a t.A .t-.t , Sanrntarv of the TrMurr will iaau bo more greenback at pre- r will he Ht I loajrfomlthe National R ink : but with the reeeipt"froro interoal re unite, from ooatouie and from the issue of cer- . k,.l-. h. will be able to make both ends meet Lata after the meeting -of the nut Congress Agents are here from iTnfirMtV trf is deoidedly ny more fc(mey if be cao poasi- i. will prerent wllen Auctaa , jo borrowing any 1,1 f a Toia It. Th will prerent t'ions and th eipaneion of prioes, wbieh would jiK(Ub.ly be the reaoltof a further iuie of eur- r?ncy. Judge Wayne, of the Supreme Denon, reiuroea ta the Oily oa Friday : rrom uoorgia wnere ne lui beaa for some time looking after hia property iiitercsta. - , . . From, the Southwest. .. A despatch from Cairo, dated the 11th instant, MTi:, ' f'.ighteen bMqdred and eleven bale of cotton arrived atOario y estorday .j al ninety-one bals iiassed an for St Louis. .The army worm is threatening the entir des truction of cotton in Warren county, Texas. One field of two hundred acres was aestrD'yed" ia oue I le reoeipU of cotton at New Orhsaiis for tle fweek lending" A iguat 8, amoanted to aineteea i thomand four hundred and sixty -five bale ; stock b band. sixtTssix thousand JIt hundred and -i tbirtr tout bales. - I Th steamer Star, wiifl" three hundred and nipt bales of otrbn,' was boroed io (hf ,Ra4.bajP t.i'butary of tba Red rivier two weeks sine. - ' The schooner Excelsior, from New Orleans for Matamoraa. was wrecked on Brazos bar. She proved totatlosi.-2- The crew wei a-sa ved. .' Durjag the storm at Natchea on the Slat ult., wteral coal barges were sunk, moluiingene con taining twenty-two thousand busheli and belong' jr.y to the CovernmenC - ., .. - '""-'"'f?H ThCjConfresslonaV Election lu Tennessee. ; -lie Nashville Prtt aAi Timt ofTha lltb in stant publishes the following:- ' The Repretentatives elect in the respective dis tricts are as follow! ,' ' ' N. Taylor,- Upper East Tennewee, almost crtaiuty rKnoxviHe istriiit,- Horace Maynard ; Asa Fsalkner over Stokes in the Chattanooga dit- TncTTWas-Eviner- vT:rB. "CampbeH rC4akaviU, D. BbThomai7aT'iTnewsy (laneljlaw kiot-over JEtbcrjdge. Faalkner, who wt fear is elected or' Btokea, wifl votTwUh" Governor t'ampbell and Mr.' Tboma, if they get a chance t vote at all. . Maynard and Hawkins can be do tended on U- supporters of a liberal - national i nl!f r. siul wa fcoDh also Mr. Tuvlor. Dr. Left - - , . . 1 he chances of admission or our delegates are not rfrr Aatterinir. Th Union Ways Colonel " Haw kins is undoubtedly e to wd , " H nrmajoritr aa far heard from, is 1,74. , ' -' 7 Mexico and tnt-IMonroe DoctMBe? Ar apeeuir foThe Net York AW rbm lnts.W. i "&"ir J ' ' .. T " ' " i ; The latest news from Meaico is Whmmctory aal connAetlng? Oee account brings the news of I Tridg-gpred disaffactioa among thaMaxicans i. who are looking, It is said; for the-advent of our arm a their deliverers. The othr account re(h J stents the country as tranquil and well governed, md.lhat the raources of the couuary re begin ning to be develoged. It i reported that the Ad miuistraiion will jiot much longer maintain their jnubigioaa prwition in relation ift tfieenfbrceoreal Tif lie Monrde doctrine ; and that Mr. Seward republic or for the reooirnitiou oJilailinllfian. On course is quit as likely to be taken as the other. . . Official Report About the Cholera. V A I vice receive at the Stat Department to-day r3u the American Consul at- Malta, sUtes the vcholersts raging there to a fearful extent. . . A strict quarantine ' has bkir'eslatnLed lat f -Lt.u. -j . . .... I i p1""- precanTiona naTaoojieqwsiayirJ.,.- , T . I jMltsia in constaot comnreriication with 5)0- Jand by line of stameri, and it 1 possible that -he contagion may aow apread tapidly wetward. , -- . - . . .r - --t. ..I I'WPtl f 1 - i - : - 1 . - ' , PBOVISIONAU OOVtRNOB, TO. THE PEOPLE 8RT MOUXA , la parsuanoe' of power veabdd !aFm by ANDREW. JQIJNSO.V, Preaidenl of the Unitoi SUtea, by hia JPKlamatioB'orilIay ooi tB.i annointinffaProvlaioBalOoverBor of North Carolina, under th ficwrta ajtielf - .... - tiTi m o. i- .i.:.t. the UonMrtnaon oi tpe vwiw oa, w.uwn gnarantees to averj Sute la he Unioa a re publicaB fotni "of government; and in order to enable tha loyal peopU of aaid State to ganisa a State Government, whereby justice may te- established, domeatiatranqnility ire toced, and ioyat vitizeni proteeteU ia all their tightaof life, Uberxy, ana property j rftty be restored to its Constitutional . relations to deral eovernrnent, by presenting euoh a repttDiican 101m oi eoverniueui as fui cuuue the State to the gnarantee of tha. United States therefor, and its people to protection, by the United States against invasion, inHarreo UoB. aBd domeatie Tioiciic JL JVILLIAM W. in i . ) y. jrnvigionai uoveraor as aioreaia, roclaim Jh-t atteleWW witr-la f?"?? Seplemben 1805 for . rSdf7the-2lrt-day a Convention, to be composed of one hundred and'lwentjrdwle gates, to be cnosen as iouows . the- county of Alamance will ohoose t yo The county of Alexander will ohoose one ' member; The counties of Ashe choose one tuemberr and Alleghany' will The eounty of Ansoa will ohoose two- mem- bers. " "' ' ";'v" ,,; The eoaoty of Beaufort will ehooee .two mem- -' bers. " ' T": - ' ' ; " " Tho county of Berlie will chooa two mem bera. The eounty o Bladen will c one mem- . per. - - .' The county of Brunswiok will tnAiubor." r ""..' '' ohooM OAS ehoose one member. The oounty of'Barke will choose ona mern " ber. V,, The county of Cabarrus will ohoose oao mem Def. The oounty bf Caldwell will choose one mem ber. .. . ' . The county of CamJen'willJohooae one mem- ' ber. " . . The oounty of CartereFwdi choose one mem-. ber. - C'.v--.- The oounty of Caswell will ehoose two members.- V - The county of Catawba will choose one mem ber, '. .-. ' The county-of -Chatham will ' choose three members. . , ... The" 'counties ef Cherokee . and Clay will chooae one member. ' , - The county of Chowan will' ohoose one. mem ber. r ' ' .The county of Cleveland will ohoose two mem- pers. y, ... - , Tho county of Columbus will chooae one member. '. TenBounW"ofCraTettwill--cbooSe two-mem I pen." The counties rCuTnbeThB4.aBd4J ohoose throe membera.- The county of Cunituck will choose ona meni- ber.., . . .- . The county of :J)afidW WiU chooso twojmem The county of Davie will choose one member. The county of Duplm unlljchoose two rnera- 1 ber. v v. ' , The counties of Edgecombe "and WHson will " t choose two rnembeis.. : --r.- -r? --- -4 The county of Forsj th will choose two Oiein- The cnty lf Franklin will choose one nieoi ' per. Tho tount asyvill-obosaBnejaeSife The county of Oates will choose ohe member, The countyiof Qraayiik wifl choose three mem- ' 'bers..---' . -'i ' ' : Tha oounty of jQseene will choose one member. The county of G uilford will choose three meni- bers.r;--:-r -iv: '--t tlL: The county of Ilalifax will choose two merii- bers. The eutyu3f-Hay wood. SiM00" The counties of Ilendersob and Transylvania wiH chaosewne momber, The county of flertfWd will choose one mem ber. ' 7" ' 'r r --t-.:-? : -:.. -.5 The county -of Hyde will choose one member. The couutyoTTrerelT wiirch(seToembrnt The county of Jackson "will choose' one meun- fhe county oF Johnson Will chooae two mea- nbarS.! L..:ZS.-,. TP- "';" " I; 'f l ne couniv oi Jones win cnooeaooi The county of Jones will ehooee one member. per. The county of Liooola will choose one mem- "I WOUiJTTIAtHERIBE BlT TII4S BlItMiITBrf C4j The Bountytif . ber. . . ' ; -v . - aeon will choo on? mdm' The county of -Maduon will hse oue mem- Usr. - ' : r- " ' "' . Tie eounty of Martin Wijl ehoos one mem ber.; . . ' ' ' The eounty of McVoweP will SiWM f'n .ber. -.. "'" ' ' : " The county of Mecklenburg- will choose two m'emDra.'"'""':"''!""''' --'-'-..- - The eounty of Montoinej? cao9 n. member. : Th B of Moore wilt ohoqisf ,on4 tftenv---ber. : "--- The oounty of Nah will choop one member. The oounty of New Hanovef" will ohoose two members. TbaVounty of Northampton will fehoose two members, The oounty of Onslow will chooso one metri. r ber. ' . The county of Orange will ohoose two mam hers. .,. . - I The eonnty of jhtsct.wtaak- will ohootte .ohe uieniDcr. The county of -.Perquimans will choone. one The county of Person will ohoose one mem- ber.' , . " . The county of Pitt will ehoose two' members. The oounty bf liindolph will ehoose two mem- Tha oounXJBicimond will chqosf ono member. The oounty of Ilobeaon will ohoaae two tncm- '--bers The county of Rockingham will choose two members. ' . The eounty of ;Rowan will choose two-mom ' bers. .- ''.-''.' The countiea of Rutherford and Polt will choose two members. , The oounty of-Sampsou will choose two mom ' bers. - if- Tha eounty of Stanly will choose one mem ber. :.......'' The oounty of Stokes will choose one mom- ' her: . - - : The" country of Surry will choose one member. I The, county of Tyrrell will choose fne mem- -per. , , ' : - - ' " The oounty of Union will chooae 'one mem- ' ber. -""-:'"'-" . ... The eonnty f Wake wUl-ehooaa tWe mem- "-bers.- --iJiT- The oounty ol Warren will choow two mem - bers. ' : . . ." The county of Washington will choose one member. TbeJ county of Watauga will - choosif one - member: '". . ;. tz-tztt" tr-yr The eounty-of Wayne will ohoose two mem bors The oounty of Wilkes will ohoose , two mem bers. , " . j ... - The oounty" of Yadiin will ohoose 'one mem ber. ' " ' '" .' The counties of Yanfey and Mitchell will ; choose one member. The Clerks and Sheriff , of the respective counties will proceed afroneeHso-assemblc tha Justices of i thePesce a majority; of whom will seleot fronPtheir aumber "not less than aix nor more than eighteen Justices, men .of - ' - intelligence, discretion, firmness, and approve i loyalty, whoso duty it ehall be to administer to lapse WD.0 may Da enimou w reoejvo the oath contained in the President's Amnea tv Proclamation of May 29th, 1865, under such instructions as may be proscribed in this ho JunttooB shall, at tne same time, appoint Inspectors' of the elections at .. ' ' ! .V. .-. Pr.n- IPO vanona preumiiM iu iuoii ioioout wuu 6087 prioTOroanwwihe lw,.injhvtit; ftf -tone tajrablw. property is thereto. Carolina. r Thejeleotion8 for members of the raw, v,uf'. -WW-. i Convention shall be conducted in the same manner as elections for members of the House of Commons, in accordance with the provis-ions-of Chanter 52. Revised Code, so far s said proyiaions may pe""rplioablo;-snd tne offioers appointed to bold said elections, and - - -a..- ta make return thereof," shall reliable to the same nenalties for failure to act, or for neg- ?3ot ot duff, as are proscribed in Chapter Ueyised -vwia-y..-. . - - .--u No neraon will beaHowcd tol vote who U ot ToteruaUfUd.aa preacribo J by tha ton stitutiaa and laws of the Siale, m rorcela: medislrbeforehelMlayl Way, W&V; except that the payment oft poll tax shail.oot be .jeju t re d , V'x -" All paroled soldiers of. tie army and navy of tie pretended Confederate-' LtateS, or of th Sute, midcr and including theJ rank of Colonel, if of the amy. . and under and lnolud- irnr the rftk-ef kkwienanUfjof the Myy, will be allowed to vote, proviaou xneyarr-BW Jnolnded in any of the tourtcen excluded elas- Wof tha 1'fogtJolit's Amutfliy Proslamatioa t and, provided further, that they are ottiaens Of .the" btate la accoraanoe wuu me terms fjweoribed- la. the preceding jpraj.j!tett. JNo person will be allowed to ote wtio aoea nt exhibit to the inspectors a copy or rne .Amuaatv OathTas contaihed in the President's Proclamation of May ztn, uw, gneu oy. bimself attd certified bst least two y nsfioes f v. Pi A Printed copies of the Amnesty Oath will bs fornisbed t the Cterks who wilt distribute them to the Juaticea appomtea to administer theoath. ; vPTI'TTSifioes w1iHvirr-t4v4k orie;iuHl to be trautuitt4 -ta ibis OiBiH. ' - -": . ' .: . . ' Jutioe ol tbe IVkoe are author!! o talA mioistr tlii, Amuerty Oath io peMQna who may A' to apply-ta the i'r&iidcut fr a pardon." "" Tho Sheriffs Pthe respj(sotive ou8tiea shall faVotsh, as soon aa practfCibWj; csrtifl. catcs oT" efeotion to those parsons who may have received tha highest nuraber'of votes aa member of the Convention and the Sheriffs 8 halt-also tn sw3iately wtrd "to tho office of the Secretary of the Stat, 'Raleigh statement of tha vote in their respective Coantjos for the members aforesaid, and alto a statement of the said vote, sealed up, directed to! the 1'residont o the Con von tio'ti; Raleigh, to be laid before the 'Convention. , The members of the. Convention thus chos en will .assemble in tho city of . Raleigh, on Monday, the second day oi October, 1865. 1 The attention of Justices appointed to ad niinister tho Amnesty Oath, is espeafty- 4fe 1 Tected to toe lollowmg tourtoen pxclttaecl ultssos of the President's AmneHtyTfui laiiia' tion of May 29th, 18Ct 1 ' Tint All whoare, or shall have been, pretended civil or diplomatic offioers, or other wlHeT'domestio or, forcign agenta of. the pro- tde4C(m.federate.gQKorjimcnL Secoml All who left judicial Stations ua- i . . . 'i ir-r . : .... . or naval officers of.said pretended Coafeilorate' government, above the rank of Colonel in the army or Lio;iennt in titc-navy. Fvurtk-r-All who left scau in thejPongreps of the United Sutes to aid the rebellion. 5 Fi1h-All who rcsignod or temier! re signations of jthcir commissions ifinhirirraij or. pa vy tit tne vnitoa Htates to, evaae auty Si3;ih- All who have engaged in any WRy in' the treating otherwise than .lawfully- as priaoneri ofwar, persons found in the I'tiitvd (S&tes ierviiXMiog i.oyerjawaBUiej.' , ievmUfi-A3i ipersons who hftvJhi eiiTor are abscntoestoui the United Statos for (he purpose of aidrng'tha febelliau'. . ' - j AVW Alt lniliUfv .jind jaav-J ofli..r ia the rebel aeryiua who wore educated by tho government the Military AcuJumy at Wot Point, or the Unttd States Naval Aoademy. AW -All PMoo whojheld.the pretend ed ofGoes of Qownors of States in iosurreo. tion sgainst the United States. " ' f :y TentfAll .fersom who left their homo within the juruia'oticB aa protection of tha Upited States, and passed beyond the federal mitita linntorthe:"eata plates for the purpose ol aiding the rebellion. Levenih- All persona who nave been engag ed in thadestruction of the commerce of tho United States upon the blgVsaas, ajiderSoBs who have made raids into the United States from-Canada, or been engagett in destroying the ooinmerce of the United States ripnu tho lsdteir-aBd-riverB:v tVrt'psjatfttbeiBrjt&B provinces from the united otatc?. Iwdfth All persons who, . at tha umo when they sock to obtain the - bencGts bereoi by takinz the oath herein presoribt-d, are fn military, natal or civil cbnnoemont or ousto- dy)r-under bonds of the. civil, military- or naval lUMionties or, atwnw-ot the !J tilted Statca, as prisoDcrs of war, or powons de tained for offences of any kind either before or attcr oouviotion '. TkirUentht-hR persona who have volnh- over twenty tnoiwano uc ! Faw-twnthKM persons who bsve tken the , oath of amnesty-as prescribed' ia tho President's proclamation of IXjeember bib. A, one thousand eigtt hundred and ix- ty-threei or an oath of allegiance to the gov ernmentof the United States tinoe' the date Of said proclamation, f.nd who have not hence forward kept and' maintained the same invio late : lovihd, That special application may. bo made to tho President for 'pardon by any person belonging to tha excepted .claries, and sq1 suoh ch-mohcy will be liberally fTtpnded Miliar be"Consistent wit-the - tacw ot the aBo'and the pace and dignity of, the United SUtes.'l" x '- Under Ihe'Sriit eaccption are. inolndod all nerKons who have been civil or diplomatic of' fioers or sgents of the prvteodeu Confeder ate government, either within or without tho terTttortsd''ltmits--jl-4e vaw.lAumLz: Uuder the wventh excettion srn iniluJod all oiilcers, aseiit". or private citizens vvh hare purpose of aiding the rebellion. ,:,y'; TT.,1 ..n.n I,:..ntli -.tmliiv. llU-lmll'll all who.' durinir the rchallioti, have he 1. 1 atrv- office or Pjeucy under the State or prttetidJd Coiue&XhHeJt'O rernjuemtrn. s ve i tr n nr w ay Voltintarilv ioincdjn tha rebVllioUi -as fr eii- amvlo, by enfeiinK ojr marching with -srrne l forces hostile to the United State by tending er furnishing wy,- provi4iouaJa..BUiii to. . A l . t. 1 11! . f ersens enpsgea in tne rebellion, svn hi caes where money or provisions : were farnished from the promptings of charity or humanity br acting with sswmblaaea of persons. wh;th er organized or' Bnorgarued, bcUl to the intra All who snail have Doen mmtarrrinffirn-irntfW th T. . :--'A1titijwiiue'aroij luji not minx ttum, 10 Uu't yi lummn. ij ) uHvai1niS'i luwril v ,-' fl.OO lie t weeka''--,-.r:': J r6e--i"i-! t'ssaaik'kkjss; is.ea - : -I . sseaths -f4.0w k .. . Z-M-U, ", a - 30.0 ""'"- :- t a.ao a snecla! head, will be cbnr44 !t-tli Jt i juifa ioF each tHvettiaaitt :ti t nmtriil a.Micva Will be eh'aired as atverttieenia.i. iitiiMiwiiihimgeiii oi 4ii or atarriaga'. vn'i mil liejoliBrgitiJ. , . , -r r ' . 1 " ' . . - ; v,y, t tiHi'-Vytatea; or la any otherway giving yol- luaa aUas&ialce.iU-cniioufif aUBTt totbe- woiui-ii , null n uiwi hihiii property on we i iwh day of May,lgaV, exceeded in vajuetbe f twenty thousand illare,1 m : 1 lie other rieiftioh are o plain as out f I?3HltecfVhinatioiw j xv. '..-.'."'? iV,Vqnprtilicata WiH to giai.t d by the' Justices; to any perSm who i included within any of the i'ourt ee.n ex eluded classes, 'unlesa on etbibL tiott byh paity of.liis pardon for hi oflaop'a ; troin tne t re-tdem. The'J iitioer appointed to aifamitater tha Amnesty Oathfaod ta--furBtabortifieea-of . the am,e irhioh shall be eviJenoe of loyalty, ' are especinlly instructed ta be vigilant and TiaTttalT ; - While it will not be theijp duly ta- a'icmpi w pry mo ma nearts so a oonscienoM ; of , men, they will nevertheless admonish those . who may apply to take the oath, that it must , 1 be taken sad "ubscribea In good faith, wlth aii houiwt intention on their part to keep it wiirTwut aVcrc't purpose or montal reservstion upon any ooWwb or at any time to commit - "? atHrin tn.iiatinn nf sauL milh anj tati .. will warn'them thatf the oath is not thue taken atid-kept the: pardon offered them by id, iuid they waftw main ' subjed't to ttist "nader the law for perju- ry and trevon. . . . '.',.,'...., , The Justioei,'Ciletka - and Sheriff, whoa duty it is to provide for administering the oath arid to eondubt the ' eTeotiotu'r'are enjoia-' eif to i every praotioablo means to enable li.'i'J lise thowa,,,trrii!e2 epcotoni arenjoinad tcinspeei aad eismla : ' fairly and truly, to deoide'ln every oase'ia -accordance with the law.Vaed with the- ta ' ' struc'tfons thpy have received ftom this offioe -' '"' aud to' mak pfOBipt and OKtrreotrteturae of the nnmhef of votes and for whohi catt, at i ,. Jone-tou.r city ol Jialotgh, tu eignttt . dpotuHstriMe4houanL eightiuttSu'ed.u and sixty iivo, and in the year of the Inde- , potidonoo of tha Doited ?State:. tha v nine- UOIII. - IXIAM W; iIuLDEN-, ---.''-.. Provisional Ooveraor l)y tho Govornor : Lf wi HassS Private Seoretar." ; ; ifaffTha BewspaBera ofVtfe State will pjib" lirtli the above proclamation twioe a week till 7 the day of eleotioB) and ond aooounts to thui . .1! . - ' ' 7 ' V I . . -a it ... i omce. ijnirKpj.!T'4fEi., Pnni lout Andrew Juhtnon, of TnnM. 1'i tiretary of tate W. H. Sowatd, of Mew fork. hw' Srftarr of Wr KJw in M . fiiaatoa, ef Ptne. : .., Pounstr 0bwi1 WillUm IMinnijon, of Okie. "".'." Secret orttie Nury iS Walla, ef 0ointllut."" 3crtaj. 6f th Interior Jsm BarlM. ef Iew t i.j. rtwrtry t we-Treasurv Jlugn Mocuiioofc, of iu. AtiOrnT Oeneml Jamea Hpeed. of Kentucky.- - PnMclent of ike SeniLfrtt B. t'oiter, Ooaa. S(.oaktr.i)f the Houe ;8!-bulef OuUaXj of laJlts. . sursiMS couar. v ' ""'' " J' ' Sahaoa P Clwae, OMvhtef 4Ue-i;p-v.u- $ . j m m. w.ayia. weergiaw-rt'-.firtr.rrn I. Hmnuel Nelson. New York I. Rob't 0. rl.-r, PjflBVlvo!. a' jL. 4 MBt 1 u . t ' voah a r-,,.1. omJt T. Hi ma el Mlllnr, loira. r . ' t.' ,. - ., : 8.;Sma9l ti yield. California... '. C , J VriDRfielJ So-itt, f Virgiaia, . . ? v'j ' -OtyuasS. Owat, of Obi . . Artju'aot Genera Laronio Thou. OeUware. Jti lir Adroe.it Osnentl-Joib Unit, l. 0 artrmjtr ueoenii- Mbntgumerj 0. Meigs, Pea a 14 iitjTARx"iKiAnriwir.j,T op n. v. JIilit-lUitbr ofmTBtmrsf Worth Cernllue Oar eriiur'e Mannlon, Lmt of KsyettrUI SlMt BreYi Jlosnl.jiu-rtort Tonth Army Carpi, eoraer Vayette 'tll fiut at:'Cpitul fjjuire -Brernt Mi. Uen. ' U iuartrrWTOTttit inia.- Tnlh Arior CorDi. Wiliiiiu$ti-a htrt- Vvl. UUA, 4itft a 1. ..... . Heeil-.iinVteri Pt f RitletEb, In Home cf. Com FrvT.x-t M.riiit fusl nf KsliaixB, ,ofr rrott1 ftiiur of Cai Hoi, IIlifx Hitaet oirnc, Sutireoin . t'ourt Bo'.m- -Cup!. J, A. BARRKTT.4 ' ' ' -; " - Poet O irirm.ntl"i 8e. FiTetWriJ Kt-t. o- - J,oao th Market Hi u-r ,A. At- OAHulfTJt. 'T Ft- OMmismurr, l'0i nuHt h Huare --Cei l. li biirn f. l-rMdoies. KefuceM anl abandoned LnnH, HmI in IIjIbI, eornor tUltf Sireot- -Culonel CLUif liurlrumterit!ti),'&otirtnt of Morttl -,,'f CstiiD, Blif fp Few-. CoLonel H'l.', Tl, nil iaiart3Ttitvr"e:iBne, oiipoiilte Hi Mnrltet ll-luhJ -U2MlJMJ- TMri,orflrttiiHfr Wllllaw- W. Hyl Jeri, Vf k eaaatirr Provieluoef z:' Jot. H. Catiuoa, of ftf.iulmau, Aid with tk r'!t f ;, ' Ci'l'innU : . " ... . .: ., t '.''' ' Tod K.-tHweH,; f It,' Aid .. whV"lh'a:'fahTr.Mr7?: CotrirlM, ' ' ?'-'. -;r.ij.,iV: .4 ';iAit-iiiiii'v I.ei ltnit, nf rivlifftn, Prlte flmrrj , iW'MU4e-f4ViHT ed W. tt. Bagle)', dt tadJLLJ. ZjaTi)8'ig3gfttiee.- ' i -r' j j n -.if , ' .1 M. t'nriiih eiiil ,1 If Hnlli.p. nf Well 11, flrret ; 7 TtiiM. K, ltioy, of Wake, Clink and Mlbrtr. Tjiiilmn Utrlli t R)i!i.l.ilili. rrmntirr. Oorisii?' W. train, cf Wakt, t'khf '::tHk t -.Trf ttrr,,ft...,,., C. H. f bnniat, l-t Carteret, Su-mUrr of Stt ,1'' ' r 'f'"'iw 'i .;V-;i--'- '' A J 1 MATH ! M t TIC h 8t' II OO t cHW't-V.f BJt JKfih 01, fl "BoiBnaaBeei on ; ;-. MOiPAV- JILV Ut. BouJ U h4 hi taeti:" rtaljiihkorho. 1 fur t linilwd aomW of bye at M P moi.th.. Tuition if.t?rm ( JO wkf30. ' "V. - ' TJt tl.rr','V adilreai l Hlljk, K.:;4 3nXj IF, mV ,-4-UWi . i- ". -4 .1'".' 9.

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