fsnrwvei4 .1 ? THE DAILY SENTINEL, f XL eTpeLL. Illifor id Proprietor. "The 8sVltf. cent Bonds- ii piiblisbedeTery Kruio;-ex- rotll the Wof i"f ne,ti 1.00 - J 00 "for two"Wnt "WeBTTctMhrmld e w -friend in- extend- pg oar elreoletuM- r . : NEWS FBOM 'THE PAPERS; .;.., ... y - . ' " ' i-.T-y-- . - Collection f Southern Debts. ' The XdtiStel iHUlligtHctr mentions an inter mm which cme ip, last week, in th New York Supreme Cmr. being' an action fcrott&t by handise sold id lSfiff tfc Jefandantg, firm Iheo doing business in CplUmba. Georgia. Wet more of the rln -"were4 denying nffi- ; Bt'inforntio0 eU tha? ft0"1 to the iefendants, giving for uch want of knowledge the interruption of til com : -.'...!; fttat ijtiriitir the last four yar with, the AUu..,Mr. H. H. Rice, on behalf of the plain- nriTHOvad strike out Jus answer l W?olonft with ground thai the" sale was completed in nr.n u before the war commenced, and that w hound .to know of the acts of luce partners, "bnless-such knowledge was'nctu . kin out the answer and &ng juJgiiiSnt Outfae cwpIaotwun ett"-" ; .. a ....rnarh of the CholrCS - " A Waihinetonleapatch of ffi5Kl2th .anTs:-- tha State Department yesterday seem o dispel all doubt about tbeYteady.Veslward. progress of thr chieii had Mo,bm .' in the Mediterranean SeVeoalhItaly, .whore it was racing witt great violence and with lerri "Mr fatal effect. It was also prevailing itf the form of the most malignant epidemlo at Coastan tinople", and it wMliourly expected atGdeaava ... ' V "SI IT - t , the northern elioresot tne Piaoa pea, near n Prim. lliere can be no doubt now that this terrible sooursfe will soon reaoh the western coun tries of Europe, and it ie more thtn pirobabUilbai irwift evst tba Atlantic". If the" sanitary ;ondt """ lion ofour seaboard cities was what it otinfat to to, there might not be ground for much' tlarnt Tv$ thriuljeot.' Baftifltor preptred for tba:ter? rible Visitor. But lor Washington, th inttUi ytneet&J or two ago aaid : W h'Sdder to "tiohtemplste the teenee (hat roast be witnessed in iyrihinirff if tliRshodldwHikIita ap yranoe bei jn. the. present condition, of the .tirr The city authon ties are mono g in the wiattarl but Ibey.will have to more with rapidity n4 decision, for there i an berenlean Task t ' for them." '.. : ". ; - " ; . Flood U Illlnola. - ' Caicseo,-JxtiNou, August ILr-A' despatch from Joilet, dated the I Oth, says ; The greatest fljod ever known here swept over our city last jiiht. Alarms part of that partioo" east of the . lire U still nder water. The St. Louis railroad is under water for miles. - Joe amount of damage cannot be known till the wnter subsides, . v- - ProvidentiaUvvthere has been no. loss ol life 'nlmtwe know of, but an immense loss of proper .. ' Northern papers mention a -number of terrific raius tad wind storms in various localities. . Tennessee Election. - JN ashtillc, August 12.-Qoveraor Browolow , has issued a proclamation proposing certain ques tions to the clerks of county courts ana sheriffs, with a View of ascertaining weather or not the teive franchise act "war fullycom'pRed with in couducting the fecent elections. ; ; The Governor' invites all loyal cititens to com-. jttwiicaiAk&r ud auures them that nothing wilt prevent the execution ot be said law according to its sub M ,o and spirit -: - . ', ' ' in' i . The CondlUut of IIiw. A. II. Stephens. j We are pleased to le&rn that the. rigid rules . ipronibmng Mr. Hyphens from writing or receiv ing letters, evcn'npon personal affairs, have been I "xed. We saw a letter from him thU week, i ttatcd from his prison sm Fort Warren, tf a friend tin this city .from which we' learn that Mr. Ste- i fhens Is In ery bad health. Be is seriouslr'and -; palnfiilly "afllictpd "with ' rhmimatim,idoubtless ;. catted by the damp walla-of a fortress, upon a ten enfeebled by many years of continued itlbess. I'be poetuo-n of Mr. Stephens appeals with peculiar ju to ever numane and generous impulse. M As Vork Va Mook. ' ; Ilex lean Aflaln In rnn. The Peri, correspondent fthe National In- Vicer describe the public, mind in thatcity s intensely exercised about the probable aetlon oi ine U oiled Stetes. Ha i .L McS policy itobroiUng thsm with the United " Mexieav Mi:enfaluvi!lln0 .fLamiik.k. mX,'. I ltee is, psrhaps, ihe greatest object or desire to the French people of any tiart'of their foreign - Utoe.- A great deal has tlready been done towards thU by the present attitndo of the Gov , era,.ient and people in America, and I .nsed ' say how heartily"-welcomed her has 4en the language lalely need bV General 8hei iiun at uuciuiiati. His st'cech has been reuro dused almost in full iu the pages of the MonUew, ndiho etrikbg wirds, I will not hear of ww in Arneric, for the next fifty years at least" ' . !imorV.tfeolM11y o snd uanquil- i ? Ui.l puhiu) nvind. . : .. - . rf.j;i -.-ir- :r i--t-r,.. l, m ' ' ' j PRQGLAMAT . B - t-tt- T r"T TT,v"T7'TVT PROVISIONAL QoyiaNoa, TO -THE-ttOFLE OFiORTHiROLI1 - In parsntnon' of power .retUJ in m by ANDREW JOHNSON, iWdwt f United Suiet, ly kit ; Proclamation of May QStbSOS, appointing i IVoTtsbnal Governor or iNorth uaronnt, nnaer tne itnno truoie oi the Cooatitution if the United; States, wVtoU gusrante to evrf State in the ' Union a re publican torn of government; tnd in. order ta enable the lojal people of eatd State to or gtni i StefeMMn W!!...bj..l!Uyli4i domesUo trtntjuiiiCy"? stored, and loyal "citizen protootcd . in all their rigbta. U- life, liWty, and . property 5 irad 1 in otder. tltto, that il . SLutemaY be restored to iU Constitutioniil relations U) the Federal govenimentr by prfiienting'soeh a republican i'oim of government as will entitle the State, to the guarantee- of the United Btatea therefar, ami its 'e.ople to protection the United States againit. invasion, insurVeo. (ion, and domestic violence, I, WILLIAM V. 1IOLUE5T, Provisional Governor as aforesaid, 'M hereby BfoolaTnrth" held in said State, on Thursday, the 2lrt day of September, 1805, for a Convention, to be oompoeed of one hundred and twenty dele- I gaiea.lto-U ehoeen si follows :, ;) ,, -, . Theouly - of Alamance will choose I. 0 members. 4": vi,:" -w ' The eeunty of lexandriwitt eboose one member, ... " . ... ' v The counties-of Asha 'and .Alleghany ,wili choose fme member. , The eotmtjof Anson will ohowo mem- ,bers. :' - . ' .' - " The county o4Jeauf art will ohoote. two mem- .- fcers.- i , u,JLl The county 7f . Bertie will chodle two jpm ' hers. . -:- . .... "Mi - ,Thi' 6pttatjt.MM-"K. one jnem- The oounf y of - uuwick will oboose one member. ' Thw-onaty of iHinoosibe wul -choose .one member. The county of Burke will ehoos one mem ber. . The county of Cabarrus will choose ono mem beri .. .- - - --" The county of Caldwell will choose one mem DOT ". .'' The county of Camden will choose one mem ber. r - Tbe county of Carteret will choose one mem- The oounty of Caswell will choose two mem- .... . - .. - . . : f- r -oers. The -county of Catawba will choose one mem .. - her.- V' The -countv of Chatham will choose three -mei&bers. The "Bounties- of Cherokee and Clay will ' choose one member. '- - ' , - The county of Chowan will choose one mem ber, The oounty of Cleveland will chooee two mem- bers. . ' . ... The oounty, of Columbus will choose one member. - ,- M.. ..u , ,' The county of Cravenwill ohoose two mem- Tha counties of Cumberland and Harnett will ami - choose three members. The county of -Currituck will chooae one mem- ber. . - - ' .. - ' . Tlie county of Pavidson will chooso two mem Mbers. ' ' The county of Davie will choose one member. The county of Duplin wilrthoose two mem bers. - . The counties of Edgecombe and Wilson will y chooso two memhcis. : - The county of Forsj th will choose two mem ; bers. . The county of Franklin will choose one mem- The county of Gaston will choose one member, The county f Gates will ehoos wis member. The county of Granville will choose three mem bers. . Tlie county of Greene will choose one member. The county of Guilford will choose three mem bers. ' The county of. Halifax will choose two mem . hers.. ".- : "herv "-" The counties of Henderson and Transylvania will chooee one member. .M- This county of Hertfijrd wiU choose one mera The county of Hyde will ehobie one memter. The founty of Iredell will choose two members. The county of Jackson will choose onemetn-, ber,.. . .y , : X Thfl noiinty nf .Tnhnainitl hnOSetWO men Wrs. y ;y; -.,""": The county of Jones WtJTchoose one member. The county of Lenoir will choose one mem ber. The oounfy of Iinooln'rtl' choose eue-mem- .-... - fl VTUVLU RAIHEK BK RUillT THiX Btt rREy)EKT." Benrr Clay. 3?he county of Macon will choose one niem- . bor. .- """ ' - The county of MaJison will i-ltooNe one nietn bcr. : " ' : . . . . '. Th county of Martin willxbooso-flne-meiiti The county of McDowell will choose one mem ber. v . ' , 7 '': -. - --. The county of Mecklenburg, will choose two members. - ' The county of Montgomery .will chow one ;r member. rM.MMr'M The cotnty.of Woore will choose, one mem- - : br, 'fc',M-;i5s; i. The county of Hanw will choose one member The county of New Hanover will choose two members. ','": . "M"--'-'; - """ ;;;'--'"'!'.','::... The county of Northsmft wilt ohoose two ...membejrjM;4M---M The county of OijhIow will chooHaxmo nieni- Mhor.;- :: . ' . The county of Jrangetl choose two' mera- The county of Paaqoutank lvrll- choose oufc '. .- me mber. . . , . ' : , , , : ',.,......, : , '. ' . . . 'i . The oeunty of tferuimisns will choose one 7:" member.- "'MM'"-- '-'-:'; . . The county of Porson will choose 'oBemem ber. ' ,.M Theoounty bf Pltrwiil ohnojM twa-wiewlers. The county of Jvandolph will ohooae two4uera- bers. ., M,. ' . .M,-' Thewuflty of Iiwhmid wile member.; ' M, ' 'a-l;y. 1 'T : M'" The county of Robeson will choose two we m- bers.- . ., - . r-.-y. The county of Rockingham will ohooso two memDers The county of Rowsa will ohooso twO mem bers. .- ';'MliM.-Ml4,JrT" The-unties-of RuthenofIanjilPolk will choose two members. ' l "' " Thtf oounty of:Sampson : will choose two mem hers." ;: M;;.' "' ;:V- ! ? t v Tha county of JBtanly ber. ' - - , ,M' :'l'.'V'' The county of Stokes will choose one ' mem ber. - . -yJu : jlL :m;"' ; The county of Surry will choose one : member. The oounty of Tyrrell will choose one picih- " tier." M .vv TI'SM'' :A :.;rj mi , TT. . . . The oounty of Wake will eboose three mem hers. The county of Warren rill choose two inem- v. bers. . . . . f The oounty of Washington wUfhoose one . member. : w . The county ol .Watauga will .eboose one , member. - ,, - ' - The oounty of Wayne' will choose two mem bers. . ; Th oounty of Wilkes will chooia1 two niem- -. bars. -4 : -. ' .- v. " The oounty of Yadkin will choose one mem ber. M -The-counties of Yancey and MitfCell will . choose one member. . - . Tha Clerks and Sheriffs of tha respective counties will proceed at once to assemble the Justices of the Peace, -a majority ofTwhom will select from their number not less than six not more than, eighteen Justioesmea of intelligence, discretion, firmness, and approv ed loyalty, whose duty it shall be to administer to those who may be entitled to receive u, the oath contained in the Prenident's Amnea- t Pmnlamatimrof. Mav 25)th. ISC5. under Buen iqstruetion as may ce prescrioeu iu iuu ProeJamationr-l ho Justices shallot the same time." abbomriogecctors- of the elections at the vanous precinoU in their respective Couu tiosi in anoordanea with the law in relation thereto. Chapter 6-, Revised Code of North- Carolina. The elections for members of the Convention shall ba conducted . in the same manner as elections for members of the House of Commons, in aceoidanoa with the provis ions of Chapter 62. Revised Code, so far as said provisions may be applicable j snd ,the pllibers appointed to hold said elections, and to make returns thereof, shall be liable to the same penalties i for: failure to act, or , - for neg lect of duty, as are proscribed in Chapter $2, Revised Code ifperaon WniTw ,ailowed"toMtote whd U not a voter quaUtiea as prescrioea oy tne vau ttitation "andwTotlhfttate, Mr force1 im mediately before the 20th day of May, 1801.; except that the payment of poll tax shall not be required. M ' ' All caroled soldiers of the army and navy of the pretended Confederate States, or of this Sute, nadcr and including the rank of CoIoneL if of the Army, and under and wolud in 4banlKatlliaitCT ill be allowed to vote, prevwea ny are not included in anv of the fourteen excluded clas ses of the President's' Amnesty Proclamation nd, providod further that they are eitixens of tne fettle in aceoraanoe wuu vae terms prescribed iarthe-preceding parsaph.c Mc N person will be allowed to TOto wnQ tfoes net exhibit to the Inspectors a"-copy of the Amnasty. Oath, 1 eontamed in the President's pfomalronTMythlSGS himself and certified by at least two J ustices of the Peace. Printed SWips of the Amnesty Oath will lie froii.Wl to. tl.e ChuSrUKW.'10 wiMj4is.tribute e I r them to the Ju&tice appointed to admmiste the o&fli." The Jutitires will Jolivor the certi fied copy to tlte person ' taking the oath, nnd retain the original ta bn trau-tiuiucd U tbii offii'C i " . "JuMicvs ol the.Pvso sve nuthoriied ta ad ttiifliMtir tlie Awiii-'ty O.th . person who uiy Otwiru hi apply (o the PtlitcutfL-! riraon. . .. ) : . , . '. , ... . 'J'h45heriff,xif the r.itivh (nuti4 shull furniwlt, a an ai. pnnHioaUi!v i-rtiu-. catel or elecibn ttv;.tWejverMiis hu tn"y have Mceifed the hiheaTTiiimber 6f Tfit,s i mciubers of tlja Convention ; and the Shoritls shall alMO immediately send td the otu:eof the Secretary of the Stat,- ltilAighra StatninMt "f ihe vote iu-thir rprve i!oatlio fn the uioiubers aforesftiJ. and also a tttatpuiont tat khA' said t,atMiirp7--diifec't8j-1y- th Preidefi.of tha Uou venlion, lUluisli", U :be laid heftire the. ConvchttonT " "MM " The aiejiiboni of the jUonvcntiim thus ohot en,wttt"asfeiuble iu the rcitf of Ualcih, on Moiidny.the second day of October, lSt5. 3 The. attention of Justices appointed to &J- aiioiatot the Awnmtyi ,,!,Vit.h..H..eleiAllbL&,. ! rected to thi-: following fourteen . esifodedT olaHses of the lvesident sAmttesty rroolams. tion of May 20th, I8e5i'Mi .', ; ,M; y, v Mrtta-Ati who are,or; shan have bicn, protended civil or dipkmiatie llieerssr4tber . Wu.d.omcstio oribrhig agonts of the pre tended Confederate government " " " . " comfAtJ-'BB' left Jadicbl ;ntotions uu- dor the United States to" aid the-rebellion.. Jltird AU who shall have been, military or naval bfficers'of said protended Confederate government, above tbo rank of Colonel in the army firJiiealcnant in the navy,, - , JWA-AU who lett scats in the ('.oogrene or the unttei outes to aid tnerebeman V-"All who reigned-or iondored -re signatioos of" their commissions in the army Or navy of the J'flited, -.-tatea toetadO'ilufy in resmtm me reueiuoa . ,S5'j77i- All who have enRtircd in any.way in too treating otberwwe tnan. lawtully as prirs ofdr poraons found in theJUniiled States service, ss officers, soldiers, seamen, or ' -- -c-jw, w- in other oapaoities. Srventh'KM persons who ' have' been; ot mi-e nurtuuMJca iiumj.uo uuunuum ii mw A'-njAf All nitliUrv -and. naval officers in the rebel service who wot-e' edaeated by tha govemmonl in the Military Aeade'nty at West Point, or the United otates Naval Academy. Ninth' All person j who held the protend ed offices of Uovevnors of ta'es in innurreo- tion azainnt the United State. . . J'eii-All persons who left' their , homm within the jurisdiction and protection tif the UnitetTStates, tnd passed beyond the federal military , Mnesjnto tbesocajlcd Confederate States for the purpose of aiding. the i rebellion: ( Elfvemrft Ai persons vjho have hepn cngffi ed in the destruction of the commerce of the United States upon the hifrh sea, and persons whovhave made raids into t6 United States from Canada, or. been engaod in detrrying the oommoroe of the United Statet npon the lakes aad-nvera that -separate Iho- Rr tteh provinces from" the United States. . , lodfthAXL. nenons who, "atilhe time when they seek to obtain the: benefirs horoo) by laking the oath herein, prosoribed, art in military, naval or civil oonnnoment or cuif.-) dy, or under bonds of the ciyil, niilifary-,pr navaluthbrities or agents of the United Btetefl, as prisoners of war, or persons "dft- . . l l- . ft i i t 1 !c'1 : tainea ior ouonoc vi any tioa eurr nciore or after boo vio tion. y : ! , y i f Air?rSrtA'tt personr whoyhavo:To!ntt' tarily participated In said rebellion; and the estimated valuijsf- whose taxable property is over twenty inpusana aoiiars. ' ? . Fourteenth -AH persons who have taken the oath' of amnesty as prescribed la the PrCHideut's proclamation of Ieceaiber eighth, A. V , one thousand eight hundred and six ty three, or an oath of allegiance ta the gov ernment of the United States since the hte of said proclamation, and who have not henry- forward kejt and mainUiued the same lhvio iAXeirFiemJmlTtA "speeial application may be Kiade to'the President for pardons by any persdn Iclongihg to the excepted clashes, and anne"ll"cTum'eW WlfftirWwsHrrrraded as may be consistent with f the" faett of th cawt and the peace anddignity of thn i'bTlgd Stetes." ,-f.;y , W:-:'"-:'yM -M: Under the first exception are Included all persons who have been civil or dipl imatu of ficers or azents of the pretenlcd Confeder ate government, either within or without the territorial liiiiite of the United States. - Under the seventh- exoet tion. ar in'litdijd alt(COTffJErmr.TnrCTivBTtrotra tilotSCnt 'fioiii . l'e UiiittdJa1hJblli. $ purpOHe of aiding tlie vebelliuii,y -. " " Under the thirfenth exception are i. 'i ncluJcd all who, during the rebellion!" have" held any office Or "agency under the .State or pretended Confch'rato government; or havd iu sny way Voluntarily joined In the rebellion, as f t ex ample, by entering or "marching" Wlih .untied forces hostile to the United Ftatee ; by aendinr or furnishing-money, provisions;. or, .nrius M ersori engaged in tig) lebulKJirrravrnt e-t- ihere moiney or provisions were fumiiihed from the promptings of charity or humanity ; by acting with asicmblages of persons, wheth- irVrtuTid"c" Hfidrjaiibed', hoalilo to-h t AftTfirsejt.TOTopnrThg8ot more'rlld llJlioer or luUiiua tviKt bnli tJLuuoM square:- ' tuttifrtiun Jt.00 1 WMtiS " I month 1 uuothi $ e.oo: io.e 14.00 so.Oa " -JOO . l wA ' ,3 50 S)it.;ml noiit'M, nndfr ScUl-head," will Ve r.b4r'ttun4iHlif ptr s-ptitre for eat'h lftToK''"' 1 li' aiuipje auufotiDcsment ott drath or msrrUu H H! UiH In1 t'hftiywl. - II, 'i .- V oit.vl Miles ; -or m any oihitr way giving vol-. s Hi'lurif nidi uiblaiee or eiu'ouraireintnt to the ivU'tlinu ; aiiil win wo taxable Merty ou the i!Ul. tl:iy h May, I WiS.-eSe.U'a tt value ttin r : uu of tttiMity thousand loUanCf'a- sti " . ihe other niviitmnH aid so plain at not to ritiire x-j'l.uiatton. - . jj.-; -. jNtertili-U wilt be trrahbd by the Justice to any powou. ho is included' w-ithin any of - tho fmr(.e"n excluded dAss.es, uiiIms on ihih tiou by the paity of Vta pardon futhiiTuuenef ? Irom ttw l"resant. -y m' '-.i'.'-Wki -' The JuUft appotoJed5a a4miiifiter-the , Amueftj p ith, snd to 'furnish ceriifioatoi of . the fame wh'yh. diU !' evidence of loyaltyj -ara wjwo"ially instructed to b,' vigilant. and . fUitMuL . U bile it will not be their duty o , i al-tero'pt to pry into tlii) hearts and eoBsuienoea l'W'e,r6',,' admonlnh thosv - wbo-may pp)y-to4ke the oath, that It mut be taken and sutMcribod in good faith, with an honest intontion on their part to keep it without secret purpose or tuental reservation upon any oocasion er af any time to commit any tot in violation ot aaid oatht and they wIITiirTIhWrtetrithotb- nanttbw--taken sod kept, the pardon offered them by th l'reiiilont will bo yoii, and they will rs maiu subject to trial nndf the law for porju- IX ftitrjMwn;. ' - ,vi ' , 'Ubd J usticca, Clerks TandV Sheriff, whose ' " 3utyV4t is tdrprovide for - aJminiitering he Mth anjLtojcondupt the elections, are enjoin ed to Uftoy every practicable means ta enable very likizcn to yuke the oath who may de sire and be : tntitlod to do so. B And tha la- ". tjpootors are enjoined to inspect and eiamino . - fairly ;and truly, to decide in every , ease tur-- teoiifdance with the law, and with the in- and to make proniptand oorroot returns of the Tittmhtrtif -votes and-for-whom castrt---: their respective precincts. , , l'one at our city of Raleigh, tha eighth, day pf-Auguut, one thousand eight hundred and 'mxty five, and in the year of the inde penJence of the . United States the nine' tietluM - ' -V"M' y : WILLtAMirOLDKNJ" y :.3.;i-i......-I..; :y:;.,. iVevUional Governor. !M Jif tb Governor i - ' - ' "' ; " Lkwxf IIaSes, Private Secretary lrTha ntiw'Himiieis of-the1 State-wiU nuh- linh the tbove prooltmttion. twice a week till the dflj of .oleotion, and send acoqqnts to iYyk - OYEHT.nKM1?yOV VMUUU STATES PrBlJnt AntrirJuhnoD, of Tnns. 1 . ' . . I 1 . L aeoretarr'tr Stt--W. U. Pwrd, of r VntkfWt j Kforeury of W tr JK.l'n at. Hlvnton, of rn, , x Puttmutar HnerI--Vrillim Denniugn, of Ohio. : Scrtrv ofthNV Gidu Wll.of OodbmHohC. SecMtarr: nf lb Interior Jmi Hj-la, of luwS y, i tmtr-f-f -the trMMiryUugh M'lCulloch, p( til. AttnVny TJsneral Jtms npd, ol Kentuoka.- " . Ifsl4sm of U Bnte tftts lit f ir, Ooaa. 6)ieakr of tb Hobm SohnyUr Culfaa, In Hn. Ratuion P. Cbf. Ol.tn. I bif luttlse ' U - ( t. Jm At. Uayi. Ooorgia, ... 4 .. tt. Bkmusl I olaon, Haw i orS, Kub't C. Oriar, PonjlBl. 4. Mttfasn t-lillorJ, Min. -, S, Kun HrSB, Obla. " - X rti tHlnnta - '' ' 7.;fiiBBel Miller, Iowa. ' - '..'. S. Samuel F. FioM, Crif.u-au. iiofjiiftf esxsRtn. ' Wingfieia Sertt, Bt Virginia. " - ,' TJItuoiiB. Grant, of Obi. . , . - In u I pi1: AdiuUnt-Oonera 'Lorente Tbomsi. TlaUwar iail) Adroi)lVl(inrl Jopb II. C-" . .' yiir(ormtr uarl wouigomerjr mlgajPaa - HllI.lTiRV DEI'ARTNKIVT. Of ffi 'cT - ireT(nrfrlJepSrtuiertt f flortll CroHo,'tloV-- mot') jilmlon, foot f KjIUrilU yuet-.BfV - - u . DI'.il'U ... ' .11... . M K, W, , ( , I Jt . llstdfiUtrWr) TtHith Armt Crp, eprner tTetl- vill 8trt Bui CspUiVl tijB4r--Brt M. 0a. AMKa. ''-,!,, -yrM HioimJ y TTafiurters Stcu4 tivtift, Tnth Amy Corvi, . Wilminiftr.fi Strwt-Cot. OOAN, 4lti N. I.-. ' ' llMliiiikrterii rvt f ltjlich, la if Doait Wou, Ciipit-.-,LWut C-.l. JOs. M Ms U'Sl.I. I'isrfil ilitiMtml Ptxt of Hluii(h, l.fi.e crounJ gnor of Tiilnl, Ktllfiii Plrwl mfraliMi '8nirBiB Court Siol.--0fit. J. A lUHKKfr. - . 1 . . )fulu tti Msrket H.ti- t't' A Ar. iAlloFltfc'. Pott Unntn;rj, ffirriifS(l IT SjrniW-Cspa -J5DWABI) I.AUUEN' K! , , Unrtan i.f 'r!nlm9 Hfini) ml b.-).Ioo.l , turnip, Uul.-n Jltflvl, eojijor lUMii birit-.tJplonol CUM yttrtormitsr' Om.ii, foprtmnt of North - Pfiiot OlartTmt' OftinB, 0Pini lh trket Tfrii.rtutliin i-Bio 'at tbs A' C.-R'.-llFt,r - - f;)VKHS1ItiT tty KOR'I'tl CAKOLiNA1. Willlura W IltflJea, of Wks eountv; frBVinoaal WUveraa.r.. "..?. 'i. i ,. . tif H. Caniioa.ol Ptrnutumm, Aut iih tlif rauk of Ti4 R. CUwJIrf IU Vs. AJ4 .wUh Jb taatjoX KWYriarf"rTiU.in, Prlvl Fetreliry.l" '. Ji'lK'-f f V--r!'l W; U. UagUf, of fsMau. - Mj-JfarUtt ,i-l J I) Viin, of Vk, Cforku, TUf u, N; B'e&y, ot Wake, t.lork end Htt - t.titi WmiIi of Rauliili, frSnMror. ! t at nil fiouatd V; lJ,n,i,f . Wakaf liiol Clark to Traaaurer. 0. I. Thro, of t artorat, Storatary of evkti ' Jill o 't A'Sin MATHKKATib SCHOOL 14 VJLL'M EAtil OF RALEJG1L ?. &t TH R vrr o.f S.'Uoot wiU.aroauuBitaavaa . JdMbAV -Jt-MPjtUC-JBuikrl can In the ai'bborhoi J for a lio.itd Buiuner of tun hI ai j..r onto." TutlloB far term ar w bnii ia,' Fur ihf.j-rf rant nV addraaa U RaUstkrh. H 11-ftAA V. lt4KU, i'K,iciP4i.w,. July . 1-Ur' ' air rr i x j -v..,rf-k . ... t f

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