"; .....i:.t..l rr morsiiiir II- Sunday. f,.r two months, - saiieif the rid of ' oat 4HncU lexiend: BlBXIXe OF 01D C S. LABRATORY 4Sj)IER KILLED 2-XD A NKORO SE jMai o'clock yesterday 'fttnwoT'tt Triuiftr of wooden buildinge known Mtht U Coa- -;et of On wn' between the old battery and the .0ly. knows; enlwar entlrelf ifoefroyed, la knildlnM anB scattered aouU (he grounds shell, which kept open incessam crP...B upwards 6f two hours, the report from which "eould only be compared to the thundering pWs that maounded from me three hundred end eighty . fhousenTshells that exploded In lhrrort number f Uh3rtarr boiWio destroyed in Richmond direction for nearly . mile from the icew of con- A .'jiratfou, bat urtanately for the mnabitanU their position, when aet off by Uie heat, dltOTelrreclpT to ttollywood Cemetery, where bal fewperaonare- III"! Oario' part of 0 if yon Hill btrge 1 retly ftUrmeWM inrnwei, na u CJoiinj5 pinio- 1 f : L- --!- dt'icken, mow 01 We umum f incir toase end find tor re&ige io more protected prU of the city. One fragment pMied throagh 4W front ndbckjloor of reaiience the Pen itentkry, which cenie Ber ptikingt i ettTtea w1 wi fitting in the yard. f - w f , The combustible content of (be buildings de . rrgyed rendered it periloos for noy Qn to ep-, -ftiXkJooutu, ini therefore, m eotm t ic be eame koown to ihi military direcre or toe p.1ice fctroe of tle eity," hey: jqird" WM ' : pUeed on both tide iA the can I, nearthe Oregon . ilill "bridge, with inttrtiOtiorta to keep back those whose eorioeitnonighli "orerlep'tbeir "Oaution oirl erry tbeja in the way of dinger. In cpnee 4i)ence of thie regulation, we ratherefore conl-" ; -lltl to vrrita our x-conqt trom what We could gthet from parties who bappeaad to be near toe : ; pluee at4h tiwe the fire w Aty jaiaoorered t)nee or twice we became impatient and aiUrapt- tJ, during th lull in the explesioos, to execute - flank nSevement and get nearer . the spot. Jjiut each time the whUtx o tfylnragmenU over our bead ceased a baaty retreat ; and right will- inzly we sought a place where there was no danger. ' . ' ' '. '. '; , Ihe first direct account cane from a Inegro toy named Holt, who, when ha reached tu, wad streaming with blood from one of his legs which Kal been strack by a pieoe of shell, and had V - l.jnch of flesh scooped entirely out, leaving, hi1 4imh few inches above the knee bare to. the km'. Besides bis inj aries in this respect, his- Aa4 was swinged, eadnariy-4estitnterif hairr yrom this negro, who was hf. scared to death. - we learnthat himself and a Mr. John Hooker, a member of the Eleventh United States itbfantry Band, were in one of the buildings getting mus- kt caps, when suddenly one of them which Mr. Hooker was handling exploded' and communice .trj with a aumber of othkrs, suddenly shooting . .uu in the air and settinr the bmldinsr on fire. ile recollects nothing more till he found Wmself a few yards outside the enclosure in the custody uf some one who. was dragging him oft. , We --iHard the report several times ''repeated that this negro, was the author of the conflagration, t. but menus to the opinion that the assertion is with out fonndation, for we were subsequently told by "f'f lieith that himielf and another man dragged the negro from' .the' building where he wjuia undoubtedly have perished had -he re c uiained there many minutes longer. Richmond , -' Tke Ktutarki Vlu-ltim Tbs Cincinnati Enquirtr, of Tueeda last", says, 'Jzl 1 . ntuoty elections Ibe raajeritieg reiuroed for the Abolition cfttts feiJJJjeouoH Kentoa iod trampbelC oi posite to the city, were, to a great extent, the us of direct interference. Demooratie citl - Bi e wrested and eent to prison, V A large Ifl?wJ, !pf 0,4 Jnd prominent eitisene and voters are not allowed to aparoaoh the "poller The nd were frightened away by threats. Voting niy none at great personal risk and baser. 'e booe the Oavenimiini ;it t.k. nn;.. ' hope the Government jtUl tnk due notioa these proeeedings. If oar system of .election """"" --i- - - - ri may iniei? say that Uams cratie institutions have no Stood the test Of.civil convulsions. --"1TTa f Prlaonersr - A Washingon dispatch says: ' 1 - .. Romor ere circulating again that JohnCovode Sncessd Secretary arn, of the Feterior :Vpartment,an4 that Mr.' Seward "is i!ao to re- re; battheproUbiluies are against any change r the tl.init : " in the Cabinet. v Alrrd E,y York, and Generals v. ,..Viicax.ridLee( of Boston, it ia-eaidr bare fu. wanmed to testify as to the treatment of njfln prisons by the wW::,:,:,;:.:;,,: - . - - - -, .. -.r . . , . i noiiff, an&.a special asaa, win r:si: A PBOCLAMiVTION Tk tinrstiaaea ' of 'WBr-VwteAtttnma-- b 'ANpKEW J0HNSOXrmiJenl7(hfrh-iibf UBiteJ Stttei, y bn rroUBitio of MJ 20th. 1 S85. appointing a Provisional Governor of North Ceroline, ardor the ft art h rtioleof the Cunntitatloa of the United StaWa, wuloh guaraatee to every State la the Union a re publifean fotm of government; and in order to enable the loyal people of nld State to br ganite a Steto Goveromont, whereby justice Bjiy l-e established, dotnCBtiir tranquility re Ured, and loHPcitueni"o4eote4nrfBll their-ribU of life, liberty,; and property, and .to order, aUo. that said gate may ktk'Olto the Federal, government, by presenting luch a republican i'otm of government m will entitle the State to the guarantee ol . the United StatMibfojrjnjHt by tb United 8imtwmTmmm uon, ana aouiesuo vioietioa, i, n iijliaiu n . da. hereby proclaim thtafl election will be held in aaia State,' on Thursday, lh 2 lit day of September, 18&5, for a Conveation, to be com posed of jdbo- hnndred and twenty dele gate, to be choaeo as follows r X, " TbeeoantT .of.AUutnoe will ohooee ' tVO - Bieaiberi. The county of Alexander will choose member, The Counties of . Ashe tad Allegheny choose one member. - The oounty ot AnaoBTriK choose two, mem-j bers. The eouetr of .Beaufort will ehooce tiro mt bem-.,-.L-;.-'-'--7-:'...(r.-:i' The county of Bertie will choose two mem bers. Theoomrty of Bladen will eho one Btetn .. ber.- ; " .' , j Eho eounty of Tlrn;rwioj . member.; r - y onoose one The ' eonniy of Banoombewill ohooee one. member. ' : The count v of Burke wilt choose one mem v ber. The eounty of Ceharrmw v ber. ' . The county of CeU tell wU ohooee one mem ber. : -v' p-- The ootintT of Cemden will ohooee one mem " ber. ' ' The oounty of Carteret will choose one mem ber .: ... ''' ' ' - : V The county jdf Caswell will ohooee two mem bers, The oount; o ber.' ' of Getawbn will choose one mem- The7 county ""of Chathetn will choose - three -'" members. .' Thecounties of Chsrokes and Clsy will '' choose one member. The oounty of Chowan will ohooee one mem' ber. e . . . .: s The oounty of CleveUnd will choose two mem "'ben- . . .... The oountv-of.lJolun,tue will cnooee one - - member. . .; :, . .. The oounty of Craven will ohooee two mem " : -bers." .'' ' ' ." ThflfAinntitia of Cumberland nd IXtrnett will ohooee three members. - The county of Cunituck will choose oneanem- 7 ber. - ,- .. The county of Pavidson will choose two mem bers. - v .- The county of Davie will choose one member, The county of Duplin will choose two mem- twra. '. ,;' v..' ... The counties of Edgeoombe and Wilson will choose two inemlreisV--,'j7' The counjjof Forsj th will choose two mem bers. Theconnty of Franklin-will cheoaeejiMia- ThuityifJl3"as."K The counrf oL Gates will choose one number. The county of Granville will choose three mera- bers.- - :.. : . . The eounty of Greene will choose one' member. The county or uutirora wtu enoose mroe mem- - bera. . . ':-.Xr.:;r' '.' "' ' The county oXIIsJilax.trill choosOwomerni - bersv-1...;-' :':,; f!Z"r"'y:r:J"'J:'" The county lf Haywood will choose one mem ; ber. . :.t. ':. ; Tie counties of Illiudtftsuii sad Transylvania will choose "one member The county of Hertford will choose one mem ber. The cou'ntv of Hvde will choose one member. The county of IredeH will choose two members. The county f Jackson will choose one mem- The county of Johnson will phoose two mem bers. ' -V m t The county of Jones will choose one- aeHiber, The eounty of Lenoir will ohooee one mem The eounty of Lincoln ' will choose one mem- 1 m t The county of Maooq wStl ohooge one metn ber. '''. .:. '- X i,. Thjs eounty bT Madison will (-hoose one mem- Tke county of fartinwiltohooaejonemem- ber. The eounty of McDowell will elnjmeu per, The oounfy uf Jlecklonburg will choose two ntembcra. ;C:,u.- ' A ; .V TJue oountxoOlnJ The county of Moore will choose one mem ber. - - - The county of .Nh wV,i ehnnse one member. The oounty of JS )faover will choose two ' members. , . The eounty of Northampton will choose two members. " . . The county of CuhIow will ohooso one mom- bor. - The eounty -of 0faa4 will choose two mo ta bors. , - . ., :. The oounty of r4Hi5utank.will choofte one mamber. The county of mpmber, The count borU.- I ersciu will choose one mom- uiails Will ullBUBtt1 OBf uTi?cHitJpirny- eoufnty of Randolph will ohooee two mom- o'ulty . or TfEnioud"' wilt choose one mbcr. The county of Riibesnin will chposo to metn- ber8.''.'"- he county of R joktngliam vf ill choose two members. ' . - 1 The eounty of-Rowan will ohoose two, mam - Bers." f ' ' , ... . ... . ' The eon n tie j of Rutherford and Polk will. choose two members. ; L ; The eounty of Sampson will ohoose twe rnit- The eoiinJyoTtafily "willoose one-mem ber. 3"he eounty q Stokes will ohoose one mem- - bet... ' -. . . . ' ' ' I The coioty of Surry will euooae n meij w. Tteauty-ufTyi7'eJiehooBe.oa mem. - -ber. ,. , -. , . '?;X r-".';' The oounty of Union will ohoose one mem ber. ' - ' ' - .. The eounty of -Wake will choose three mem- bers.. -j-. v.. - v. The eountjrof Warren will choose" two mem- here."'. " :' - .-' r The count v of WashinRton wilL onoose. onl member. The county of Watauga will choose one member. The county of Wayne will choose two mem- bars. The county of .Wilkes willhoose two mem bers. - . " " The county of -Yadkin wiH-eheose- one Jnem. ber. "' ' ' The counties of Yancev and Mitchell will choose one member. , . i-The Clerks and Sheriffs" of the respective counties wilt proceed at once to assemble the Justices of the Pcacefa jsajbrityef .whom will select from their number not lens than six nor more than eighteen J ustioes, men of intelligence, discretion,' firmness, and approv ed loyalty, whose dty it shall be to administer to those .who may be entitled to- receive it, the oath ooutained in the President's Amnes ty Proclamation of May 29th, 1865. under such instructions as may be prescribed in this Proclamation. . The- J ustioes sbali, at the same time, appoint Inspectors of the elections t the vanoespreoinot in their respective Conn-' in afinnrdanoe with the Jaw in relation theretojpbapUr 52, RoviscdjCode of North Carolina. Tho eleotions'fo'r members of the Convention shall be conducted in the tw.me manner as elections for members of the House of Commons, in accordance with the "provis ions of Chapter, 62, Revised Code, w far ' si said: provisions may be applicable j. and the officers appoibted to hold said election; and to make returns thereof, shall be liable to the same penalties for .'failure .to act,' or for nejr-lect-of duty, si era prescribed in Chapter 52,, Reyued (Jode.--- :r Ne eerson will beallowed to vote who not"erW-tot4ualilwi"Ji stitntUbl . and lawfi of the iite, in force in mediately before the 20th day of May, 1861 r except that the payment of a poll tax snail not "" All raroled soldiers' Of the iSmfBSmif of the pretended I Confederate Utates, or ! thia fitit. under and. inolodinB the rank of Colonel, if of the army, and under and lnolud ing the rank of Lieutenant, if vf the navy, yill be allowed to vote, provided' they; are not faalndfld in anv ol the fauilieii exOluded elae-. see pf the President's Amnesty Proclamation and, providod further, that they are eifoens of the State in accordance .wih. the 'terms prescribed in the precodiog parsgrapb. ; - No person will be allowed to vote whd does not exhibit to' the Inspectors a" copy of thr: Amnestv Oath, as contained tn We President's d'roclamation of May 29th, 18C5, signed by himf el f and ert figd by at teast two ausUces of the Peace Printed copies of the Amnesty Uath will be fWhbhed to the Cle'tks, who will distribute them io the Justices appointed id administer iho oath r The Juat'oos will "'OoIiVef the i, Itl fied cop? to the rxitHon taking the oath(-ai retain-! he 6HKalw. t Itrsnsmuted 4 this " Jiwtioa of the Peace are authorised to ad mlaiWSr the Ainnerty Oath to pfrsonr who may tlrtre to- ajpply to the President- fof a pardtnh - - pri-::p:.., :-The Sheriffs' of the respective Counties shall furni-4, as soon as practicablo, 6ert fr eatee of election to "those pcrn wh-i nuy have received th highettTiamberef vts e membersof the Convention and jhe Sheriffs shall aW immediately send to the tffioe "fthe Secretary of 4he taL R Iptght a sts'S innt of th vote to, their , rfcifwetive CjunUcs for .the. members aforesaid,: and aio a .stitcm"nt ofifeewdjrolc"! watcirn. directed JJ the President of the CoWtion7RaleiKh,-fd l)e laid before the Convention. . r '; - i The members of the Conventionltlias ohoa es, will ajsemlrhj in the- eity'of Raleigh, on Monday, the second usv ot wtobee, 1;00. The attention of Jiiatioes appointed to ad nnabtter the Amnesty Oath, is ospociaUy di-f'"'-T .fnllowing fimrTnn eTolnded " ir All who are, or shall have been, . 1 1' .i -l J- 1 . . L.t or othe wis, domestic or-foreifirn airentalofllhe Tit tended Confederate, government. Second- &.U wlia left judicial stations un der the United States to aid the rebellion. Third- All who shall nave been military or nval offioers of Said pretended Con ederats government, above the rank -ef Celoncl in the army or Lieutenant in the navy. T'.J VurA--Atl who left seats io the' Congr.osl Of thifJnited States to aid the rebellion . , .. Fifth All wh resigned or tenderedj te signatione of their ooinmlions in the army or navy of the United' States to evade duty in resisting the rebellion. 1 " ' " ' Sixth All who have engaged in alny way in the treating; otherwise .than lawfully as prisoners ofwar, persons found in the .United States service, as offioers, soldiers, 'seamen, or in other capacities ' '-'v' SefjTA All periwul who hsve been er al-e absenteos from the. United States for the purpose of iidin4herebel4on. - r -tr-i4 Kl(lhi. All military and naval omofcrs to the rebel service who were educated by. the. governmf nt in the Military Academy at ft est Point, or the united btates IS aval Academy t JSmthAM persons' who held the pretend ed bffiocs f Governors -of States in iosurrec timi against the United State 7Vn'A---All persons who left their hotref within the jurisdiction and proteetion of the United States, and passed beyrmd the; federal military lines into the so-called ConfedereU States ijjrthe purpose of aiding the rebellion .Eleventh -All persona who have been engag eJ la the doslfutftion of-the United States upon the high Bem, nd persons who have made raids into the United Mates Irora Canada, or been engaged in destroying the commerce, of the United States upon the lakes and rivers" that separate the BrWfib. provinces from the United States. " W licfifA--'All persons , who, at the' time when they seek to obtain the bertcfi's hefcol by taking the "oath herein prescribed, are in military, naval or civil confinement or ciiat dy, , or under bonds of the oiyfl, military or naval aulhoritles or agent-; ofjhe United Statett, as prisoners of war. or persons do tallied for offenoes of any Xind either beford or after conviction. -; u '('' " 2hirtentKA persons who have v6lnn tarily participated in paid, rebellion," and tha estimated Talue of whose taxable property jji over twenty thousand dollars. " : FZirUrnth "Alf persons hd have taken thee'oath of amnosty as prescribed in ' ths President's proclamation of December eighth; AJ) , one thousand eiaht hundred and six ty three, or'an oath of allegiance to the guv ernment of the United States since the dste of said proclamation, and who have not honeo forward kept and maintained the same invio. j late t IrovuM, 1 hat ppeoial applicauon may be made to the President for pardon ;.bt anv person belonging to the exoepte J elafss, d and such clemency will be liberally extended BOW- be -eonwisteet- wit S.-.tii.,fac.t3 .. of.. t1 e case and tbe. poaa and dignity bf thtr Umted States." . i Under the first exctjction are "included -u arsons who have boon cFvil Or drpTorttia of oers-ora3ents of the pretended UonfcJor- I ate government, either within or without tbs territorial Jimite ot the UnitnttStates. - 1 " Under tbe seventh exeeptian sie.iuilnuej all officer', agent, or private citizens who have been absent from the United States for tbe r.nrp-1.- f)f Baling the rebellion Under the thirteenth exception ate includud sll who,"during the reMiion, havr tiol l any omce or agency, niidcr the State vi p7;tntded Confederate government or have in any way Voluntarily joined in the rebellion, ds f t x arrrole. bv entering or niarchine with 'armed forces hostile to the United State ; by sending or furnishing money, provinons, or sfuisil 4er.s0.ns engaged in the rebellion, save in ca'es where money 01 provisions -were fucrnished from the promptings of charity or httmntnty j by aciirs with as-emblaces of persons, wheth er organized or unorganised, hostile to the - - I nlassAa nf r ri a l-'sSAaKiufs'ci Atnnaufa T'vT n tv i.wva aa uv 4. a v as m . sai isvrv v v 4 t vvssussr tion otMay gflt.117 1 Hfl.t ; .. riK!?Ai no.ive. on'l;-r . atrial h4, witt h WiiSiJittli.ilUf h-t nuitnt'frjr cV1ierUi.- irriijit be Wir e e & ai adeat3f Tta! Jtwte rtttBfflrratit or a iteath or niarriugn .' . '.!..... V ' '. ' J i iv I iuto i Stales j or iu any tW way giving vd-. w Ury aid, Wataoee ut euoouragemet t to the rebellion J and whoaftiasabh-Lfriipetly on. the .'th day of May, 18U5, exceeded iu value die sum of iweuty thousaud dollars! " '" - The ether exemptions ate ta -pUhl i.'ai.'natt .N o certificate will be giaiiU d by the Justices : to any person whg 1 is included within any of lhfourteenicluded clnssea, unleason 1 ethibi Uon by the paity of his pardon for his 'offence front sJjtaJrddent.'n:-' "-iz3tllnr:. Jftue JuHtices anbolnttd Tta atlminiater the Amnesty Oath, nj to burnish eertifieates of - Tt ? . : rrr-? t..t it a . . A.-t. t. iae ame waicn-tnau ne sviuenee nr loyally, f are HpcciUy instraoted to be vigilant and fithful.tf WlJe it will not be their duty to U attempt to pryTnto the heart and consciences J, of meq, they will nevertheless admonish those ! who-may apply to take the .oath, that it must hi lAeoLAuAJjiabsoribed- in .Jjood faith, with an honest inteotion oh, their, part to keep it v wi'nnnti Si'oret pflrpoje or mental resnrvattou up.n any occasion or at any time to oommtt any aotm violation bf said" oath; and they., will warn them that if the oath is not thue the President will be voided they will re- ' main subject to trial under the law for perju ry a-nd "treaon.r 'V-ii1 .w "i,..; tiA', v x'f,9 J usttces, C1 sut-andShe'uuVwhoee-, duty it is to. provide for administering the oath and t0"eondjuct tbe elections, are en join ed to ue every practicable means to enable every sitijefl to take the oath who' may de sire and be Entitled to do ad. ' And the In spectors 'arrenJoioed to inapeot ahd examine f'sirly and truly, to deoide ia every iase la accordance with the law. and with the in strnclioife they have teceived from this office; and to make prompt and eorreot rotorasef 'the tidmber of votes and for whom oast, at ttictr respective preoincta. ---fc six ) " , Done at otir city of Raleigh, tbs eighth day of Auifuat, one thousand .eight, hundred and sLxty:five, end in the year of the inde- pendepoe of the United States the 5 nine tioth.' ... : ; . '. t', . ':",; . r . WILtUHt W. nuLDEN. ; ... . ' Provisional (governor. ' iiy the Wovernor: . .... LiEwrsTIlA sr is, Prlvaje Seoreiary , '. ' J , .taTne newspaperi of"lhe State will pub-" lit)h ibngw prnnlm-.t.irin twine a wm fijj flie day of election, and send accounts to this office; ;.-.:,:,r-.'-"'mTj v ceerttttrr of fltt W. B. 8wrd, eiJStm Tars, fiwaurjr rWni-a"w1n M.WsmtOB, of Paea r pKtm.r 0nM-l--WitUn Oblaj , ' Secretary of tritNrj Oldn WtUa, of OonntatlesU Seoretary -of th tnurlor Jimes Uarlao, of Iowa )prtr of th TreMurT auga sTvOuUimb, ot 10. ' Attorney 0nrj Jmn pmil. of Ksntvoky. r Piltlut of tbs'Sanats-'tafayette 8.' ivtor, Cona. 6r.k-ti( tfcetfiftiBefeuylwCsKs tf ladtaaa,.' -, ,. . SCBBS OODBT.. , I J U i.Sit Salnion P- ChiM, Ohio, Chiof Justies' - , IJaaws ti. Wayne. Oeorxie. "'-,,.; i.-amnot Nelwn, New York. .. ; , . (! -, , i ,.. 9. Kb'40. Mrt-T, PunlTol. . Nathaa .( llffoid, Mtot. rr. 4. N- ah i( Str), Ohio. 1 t. ;l D.ivi, Jlliiiotr,. X. Smuui Miller, Iowa.. ' 8. fimiiuel I. ii'ieU;Csilfafaia 0 -' , UKI't'MSr SSMSStLS. WinjjBeid SoWtt, uf Virgtoia. U)l 8. Oriiht. of On! 1. . ' . .)!: Ailjii'-.nt Qatt'ra Lrnt t Thomas, DUwri.., JU,ig Advooii unnarai 40kjd unit, u. vj. (J ,irtormtr 0norlMoolgomry 0. Mtgl, Psaa. IILtTtiMV DBIAHTME1VT OKjl.C Un(liuj.irtr'T)eprti''nt at North tVo'lua, Ur- " ernMrs "4fal, f'ot of: 'aysttTlUe Stts!-, Brvt ea. Rt'llKH. ; i ; 'H".4uuirt;riT'Btlt Artoy Crfrpf, 6tBryue Till fittest ian t ..Capital 8au'te--8revet Maj. Has. Ilj!aaTten Brjersd Diilo'o, TBtVAnioy Carsi, Wilmltigtt 8tret- Col. COAN, 48th N T.ft . Uu!lMrte;s rost "r KaJaigK, Uoase v ;w. mom. Cuiiit.l -rti'Ut. vf)l, JU1, JW flTPl)lrAUU. - Vr u Mrhl Pn'il t Rulalzh. 6ffl. Itrsnai floor of Onpit'J, Httitat PtXBtf Mtri,M, Buy torn ., Cft kia- -C). J. A, BAKRRIT. , , , Pn UiiftrteriitoTrtor'i (iffii, Paynttri Su; op- - f. m t tii.tf Mil it t r M . BOW itKr ; tMtl C mVui Mry; (irti- oa h B imr-.-!fi.t.: EjWSUZ r,.tt8EN".'. ; r- v ' ' ' .'. Lmil. ul'n UutbJL oro'sr UU" Srl'--tlalvl U lll.KaV. . . ' ; - , ' 0tii'-f 6iinri!.' ka, lirtuiot,fef Hufth eT Dt Q.tarF-rif'i-r'OiBe;."Cppi.srs t1a Msrktf- Traii(iorutiofl . ffi i at lb .V 0. K. H. Vtput. ----- : ,,. , ' -, ,1 f.i C.OVi:RtlK4T ilF-WOMCIt 4'tMOl.lXa. ft illitm'w. IlvI Ku,f IV'aks. euunly, ' l'psf Iviotat Joe. fe. itf..iat(f Psrii'itmnns, Al-t-wltb ih ran Tolnnol - . ' rank Te Hr(W.U, (,f fa ks, AiJ nh' th Mhh Stt tlua,Lw , , ' - , ' j s i I f ri Hkii of Dl"Jin, "Pi'iTHt5cliry. , -ft. t!irtr t.f at; in'VW. II. JJ-jjluy, uf Psiquh. ' took A'SisiaBt rit-eMisnsa..; -,- i jj . -j-mnujlt " ft M. Pri'h -trut J J. p.iUn..nf WKH'lrltJ. t,- JonatHn W.ii-iti if Bn4olph, TrOTturer. '' , ..a.d W. fia!n,if 'K, ChUfm.Mk.tJJ .Tffj. wtr. !ly-'-;::- ' t.A.H8ICA-.i AWT! UATIlKNATICAtf V. utiai 3 At sen (tot.; ; MILES-EAST OF EALElOIt. " I THE re it -'o'n ""f nf Bchftot w.tl eatsttiui'ee ta"" HOSDAY'-JttfcX "Lit, . flHur lis be had ta lk iitiiiiorkil. d.l Jt Hw-ijo tiuwbisr ot lq-f at l ft month.. 13 Ule'ir Urra'af 20 weeks e.' ; j.;.:. r,r,.hef fti-St mf ader.es l K1flfhj W.C..Mi. wiLtlAlt 0, P0C8,. Pamcirajinr ... 'July t, Ji. . ' -.' , , ' i4-4, " .'.: .- j ..J. ,', i U i. .V pit.--- 7 t ! .re MS ft.., .. .. w ... - :-- ..;.:.:J.... . 4 1 I 1 - JL. riBtlSB8BBS 1 . .