- f.- BUi-L1 I, 1 ,'f, i XI,-J. ,' Jff.'M II ,1' , , 'I i.I'L'M) 1 I f"J fJl'IJ ',11 JUL L. ,,. ", 1 fJlLia-U--J 1 . . 'U Jrij I iicaiij ix mtrnrn i i i ., ' ' ; ,. . . , ".""" .' .. -JJSls TIIE DAILY SENTINEL. WM. E PEIX, Editor. ; . SATURDAY, AUG UST 1&. 1865.: - :.0UE TESS. : - 1 ' 1 HE SrwTlwJit. ji iwoed gfery morning ( Sun From the pnt In tl.e la of January $$W' -- For-eoe month-- is -. .. . 1,00 two month . - - V 2,00 ' Our terms srs in ViaUy in edvaoo. i Th scarcity of money however; blige u to y to our friend, tht responsible and prompt, peroos who desire tbe Sentinel need not delay ending na tl.eir name at once, who ttn send ut (lie CkA in a abort time. The money may U Mot bt lh Kail Road Conductor or the pre Company,; ' OTJft. ratCNDS to whoK th Sentinel bat bn sent, in town r country, will please inform us at once whether they desire it or not. ., , i . mi -hsi I IT ii DODtTLEM qsattftiso .to. thousands in .. this State, to witnessthe disposition manifested by President Johnson, to grant pardon to such of oar citizen- ere included in ufcs) excepted claaaaa. 1 ' ' We hare already announced the pardon recent ly of George W, Mordecai, B. F. Moore, Jona than WorthVehd Wr 8. Mason of thia. city,, of Dr. J, Hawkine of Warren and Col. T. B. Caldwell of Burke. W inadvertently . omitted hiiw, wpo an pees paraoneo iidc9 vue oianawn contradicted the rumor. Betidee these there are many bthen of our "teat ctUieniU'alrtady about IO09 applntrhw - bar lost aererely by the war, property, holder and other liable for holding office, whom our people would rejoice to see the early recipient of ... the President' clemency. , We beliere the President and orernor may be re-aasured, if indeed they hare not already been madfijully satisfied, that there are few, (in deed w hare not heard oi a (ingle case,) if any, who epplaf lbardonJrorn prompted by any bad motire or purpose toward the gOTernment. If there be a man in the State who U so purblind, a not to be willing to accept of the situation, and who will hot in future main taia and upport the Union and tbe government, Moh an one would not be pardoned by oar con ent.L W wovli hold him in his present condi tton until doomsday, until he in good faith was rtmij to subscribe to the oatii reqairid. BoTWe know no och man in North Carolina no man Who ia looking to ulterior purpose or tnfl'uenced by improper motives, there are perhaps ereral, whom the loyal fteopl. pf several oountiK, desire to repreeent them in the approaching Coiivention iand the next Congresfc We hop in good ttm . .' tlmlf prAona will be granted. Gentlemen In .whom the peoplejtnd tha government, cannot 6th i ervia then have confidence in their future fidel ity and devotion to the Union, would not certainly be improper object of Executive clemency. ." 1 11 a s i CANDIDATES roa thi AmoACHiKO State ' GwrenUQti.1 'MP.re tardy than ueual, in an aooncing their nanjei and taking their posltiot, . and the people generally teenrto boas backward. '. la thia County w observe that Messrs. W.H JQuod, and J, L. Pennington hare announced themsel ves a candidate, baring in connection with 0 3. Rrvg ' en, Esq., been recommended by several precinct aaeeting. Mr. C.' jF. Rogers prefer' to submit hl( claim to a county convention, wishing no di " riaion in hi party. We hav heretofore ftted that Mar. Bi F. Moore, Esq., Cot W. AH. Har- -riaotj and Nathaa. trey, Ej.halCbeen f Ugt:. geeted, ajul waiwUerjihe .J)m,TjfAJUFt Psge Eq.t ha aUo been recommended. -- (W presume no Cottnty Conreutibn will be 1 celled. The day of cauousrts and cltque hare been numbered, we hope- So far as we can tM( the recuite of the war hare knocked rB bottom out of all : parties, and now we hear of nothing " but one eentiment in regard to Union and recon traction. - Selection for a Stat Convention should be tree frem pertjism end demagognism. The people abould determine to (elect the mot 'fif nien for ' the work without regard to personal or partisan ' eoDaiderations. Ot course a visa who is not a eouod, loyal man liould not be named for the position, Lot beyond thia we should, look for the highest moral and mental qualifications. H want ao party machinery at thijancttM. Lf taoh man who has been designsted by hi friends ' "I Wheosjmtbspoeitioijjanneuftee hi4 io a Circular lo the people, and. tel the people male their own aelection. Tbey will be -very ""pi; if W" Improper influences are:brooght to bear on tbe election, to select the right men. The Georgia oreaponoest of the Cincinnatti Ckmmtrtial mention a mm or that Southern planter axe shipping negroes to Canada What wiU not these scribblers for the Northern japers say nextT W think ftere are colored peo nla in the South who would do much belief for ' thsmselres to go to the Northern States or to vnT - - a4a, but eO people would prefer that thatjslast' of r . .- . W ., : colored person u any remain, would stay wiut us iBo far a the masses of the blacks are concerned, if the Southern people ceuid do so, they would . lake them all np in one uigbt and distribote them ' before breakfast next mortiing.prorouT according to wealth and population, throughout the six New England States. Those who are ia theory ucn advocate for negro equality, ought to have the opportunity to enjoy it full benefit. Negro- pbobia seems to be so strong ia New England, it . . r 7 wttIa ri4UTr'Uifl mttriDniton ot aDomtnreeeiut ioit of blacks Ut those States, to cure the disease, 7 REPUDfATIOX aotM is prlaetfie nd prtv tiet, bat been hroofure a'most uoierallj dis approved bf tJ moms, o! ftorth Carolina, i c dr the moafc tryitj oircometeboea prior t b war. tb i hare a br 'tntuUlon, decbireA a one man in orpoottioo to ir. It manifest jviolatxoo of cue of the mu essential elements ofmorahiy, demoralization, the inj Jry, tf wot the fCMtijary tuTo whioini i Biajf trig upon t'.e inno sent,1 tbe widu nd the .orphan aJl hare imprtel opr people with itawitikednrte and rioi. iler eelf- nepeeit.'V'iioelliitBaa iVgrd"rwrWjea; her itfrrM e to maintain her integrity, hare heie tofore tecared to North Carolina ;,ber' higbet encomium, "the honest Old North hiate " Thia qutiooii Lkely to be Wgaiy ditCDiied during tbe i remainder o( the , priol whloh uuit elap.e before North Carolina ie reatored to the Union. It is perhp one of the moot important tubject which ahe ha ever ccntrnip'ated.3 Dun far be n moraUy bound a a Statin actual re bellion araint the Oorernment, ' to rexpeot her coritracte during .'thia period f To what exf eel he is committed to her Public School Fond, her Sitikin Fund, to her foreign creditor! and to her own cuiitcs, fouhe payment of debu contracted daring the war for war purpoere, and how far the it in duly bound to mpect the will of the Nation al Ooreroinertt in tbii regard and yet maintain er own integrity, are mattert which demund e- riout toretitigatton. - Tfaeatidity bf her war djsUitaligalityjnay well - b queeliMedlut'the" character of her creditor aiid the eireumiitancea under which (he count. We-may see during tbe discuskion, good reasons for discarding at least a part, if not the whole of her war debt; but tbe repudiation of Contracted in good faith during the war, which we ses being discussed, we doubt, if our mind can be brought to acquiesce in any, sack positive rio. lation of the laws of God and man. . " There are undoubtedly bad men in the Stat. but we should be glad to hear the man named, who is so hostile that he cano'ot he permitted to vote under the Proclamations of the President and Gov. Uolden," Ac -Senlinet . . : - 1 Z ."We should liks to see in the Sentinel, tbe names of those men in the State, whom our worthy ootemporary denominates "9idoubud!y bad men. We would not "be glad to hear them named," but for tbe safety of the commonwealth, knowing the sound udgment ot. our worthy ootemporary, w should like to know whom he esteems "'undoubt edly bad men." Standard. . The undoubted bad men to whom', we alluded, neighbor, were Tuch as are morally bad. Their name, la Vioauch 'are'einiars, drunkards,. Sab bath breakers, fraudulent persons, 'adulterers, murderer and such like Would oar neighbor hare us name all theta, of even a pirt of flism T Where shall we begin t ' T.Of ths eoel-WMtt jxditicalty, td whom so much is said, we happen not to know their names or where they reside. Ws hare seen it intimated that JJbere are men In the State who are still bent npon opposition, factious and dangerous opnpsi. tion to theUnion and the Federal Qoreromeot, and we bar beard that there are men in the State who for several years bare been distinguished by the Qubriqitt, Buffaloes and ,dt serters, because they took "ad?aiif age of their position to' steal and injure the property of their fellow-ci'ixens and to damage their persons. Ntiw if there are any surh persons in the Statet we. call all sh:J!f men, both morally and politically, but'wt do not know them1. Does the Standard knowjsny buch! If so, it wtu please name tnero. puoh men we nave no confidence' in, oould not trust them in any position, for if they did such things in th .green treo, what will they not do ip the dry t THE silTrrmtTMraortirKtiT of iemperhe Northetn papers in regard to those who have been looked upon as tnost chsrgeable with the rebi Hion, argues well for th future unity" and cncord of the Union. ' Those who at one time were most ferocioua and viuleut, now talk of forgetting the past, and instead of desiring m-we blood, really i seem ditpoeed to closTup-therenilre volume of the tragical contest, with a general "jubilee. Some of the pauer indicate uit onlr an un wiliintrnessTor Mr. Jeff. Davis to suffer snr furth er corporeal punishment, but "are becomiSg in oiffiirent to hi trial The sentiment attributed to 0 en. Sherman if correct, would seem to establish die position that Mr Lincoln really preferred that Mr. Davis should effect bis escape, rather than captaroand punish him. 'U-; ....... ..; ir The general diffuaiott of nE sentiment and feelings, which. w apprtheud will be spread more and more a the army returns home, will go far, thVr 1 oesT'ffi W thought . incurable, than anything else. ' .Along with thia feeling, we hope to see a lnxjmgif lie disposition tar enforce confiscatioi, as well as the release of thospolitical offenders whose isjoan ceraliota can' effect no wholesome object. THE t-(TMiusHMXTor the CourlstySoTrrey ilieifinrn g)c4 actioaa, to-retnroto thsir al HolJen, we considered a rery good and proper thing. It was a step towards tha return of civij fnnutU"T '''V Stte- snd wi needed by the eigenc The Standard of-esUiday read all ho complain of the exercise oTTh power by the Governor in this Tespccv rerj jmiper Utt ture, and we commend it to tlie consideration of objector.- A theUiWewasvLdonMesopecialt Ij intended for our eorreepondent u,Isow and Then,'' we commend it to his attention. A crit ical, logical and legol argument in reply, oouch d in becomitij terms,woud ;nit he: rnsdmiwd ble, if our correspondent deent ft neoesary . Twe Spanish h'hopS wh protested against lbs recognition of Italy - are threatened' with trouble, their pToisst naviiif 6 .pt-tsuve. ' -si .-: f -AflHINOTOH: MATTEES. thc r&miDtrr's roue! i eTeaniTHoBTjt. WsrseT6ii7AagiS. -Potliosnons hare recently beWmsd of rrports, speculation sua interences about diflpmcfr ot opioton 'Jietween the l'iesldcntand his Cabinet; with regard to the poller proper to be pursued,, jn testurmg Mi iiowtbTTrttte!t-$ tbrV ftl4n to the Union, and rarticulnHv inolvini the outMrtion of nefTTo uffiHje in tbe W'vk of re.esuliishing cjvii government, the initiatory metwuws lo s- eure wBich bate alresdy been tsken tnrough the siener of Provisional Gi)Ternre. r 'iti p-rescfaiftgrf ffifh? Tntf iff private, ana l' l not Known tnni an j oi mo iuvw hers are i the babit of revealing tbera. There fure the publications professing to give reports of what take plao in Cabinet council tre, to ssy the tenet, unreliable, eiu it may te said. with er-fidr6Ce, an answer to many l (he speculations that there is not now, nor s If b lieved tt.ere will be. snr subntantinl or material difforencs between the t'rexidtt and Jii Cabinet witlia'eeard to the restoration of the r-outbern States. On of the h asonS fur this awertion is the fait that all the oroclainationa appiflting the Provw ional Ooreryors are in preciiwly the tame words foondeoToh the Tennessee srrarigement, and ma turely considred by the frestdent and approved br the . Cabinet, showing a Crtrefullj considered plan, tbe amnesty proelamatioo. being in accord with that document. 7 he l'reident'i i ts known from the represeni tstionsof his intimate-friends, ii.deermnied to puraue snbstaotjaUr the repomitruction prugrsm me thus laid dttwn,- having reanonsMe evidence from all the South that it will be successful Many "oTTne accoiinw from that section afffTH? aggeratea ana misrepresent toe true ana reiu oondition.of publig opinion. r V . As the result of careful inquiry, it is believed thera ia an unwillingness on the rsrtof a rortinn of (he cabinet to hare iefforsort ' lavis tried for tavason, while there is lens'Ui for ertinc that m tEildeOt MpeTJte befirrs civil tribunal. Chief Justice Chase is sipeoicd to arrive here in the "curse of a few days, for consultatipn with tbe Preside!, a to the t me, the msorrer and place "hicb shall be designated. . The ablest cftunsel in the United States a-e also being con sulted upon the subject. There is a fixed deter mination by the bxeoative that there s'all bean immediate and fair trial by a jury ot the country fpr high treason. . , Loyslty of fKorth Carolliia. An impressir evidence of1 the becfiminir sub- muwion, with which the masses of our pe iple hsve accepted tne situation, ts presented in the promptness with which tney are paying the Vni ted' States dirsqt lax. fur the year I860; to the Commissioners now in our midst; appointed, for its collection. True, othrr motivon, a-id particu larly the apprehension of oonfiscatron, in the event f aonMsompiiance, impel to tne summary ais- eharee of this obligation, but we nave the author- Itj'of one of the Ckmimisinoners for the statement; that the tax is almost invariably paid with a ready chterjulnttt that sugars most favorublT for the loyalty of 'be people to the "government, and their disposition to make the beat ef tbe ieonm stanoes 10 which ttiey are involved. ' - Tliisneutliner t orloraltr, we mar bar remark. has always been a proverbial feature in tbe ohar. uoter of the masse ol North Carolina, By which .we mean, hot that it hits been regarded simply in tbe llghtofs)o abttrutt sentiment, but that it has been praotioally illustrated in their entire histo ry, it is a principle of aotion of which, they have ever been proud, snd ahicb bss 'been cele brated alike in their native song and story How often b?e,old and young smongthem re-echoed, with honest exaltation, that portion of the great Tind good GTot'potie eewfium epon their oharsoter, . ,; "5oue yield to Just rule s mors lotsl jubinUsionl" JV. Ci4dterwer. -.V--. Co!risCATto in Looisusia. -Tbre ha been a good deal of movement in real estate this week, including several large secession and confiscation aalos. Very good prices have been realized. ex cept in confiscated property. Many fejH are en tertained in regard to titles, which may bs mate rially affected by thw march of events and the de cisions of the Supreme' Court. The property of ifofan filideti, compri.ing.BiZlaU-andlsQuarej of ground; with store, dwellings bouses and a bank' iug houe, were sold for f 11)0,410. Before the war it was estimated at $800.000v isd the war not taken place, it is estimated that Mr. Sldell would hare been worth $2(0,000. A' it was, when the war broke ont, he sold, his Northern property pretty wall to Mr. Bulmont for Louisiana hrinds which afterwardriBrireiy advanced, and considerable of Southern property was also well disposed of. la the esse of the resent sales there were powerful interveners, whp claim under mort gages the full value of the property, and will aoubllesSTarry their c!aimsnp U the Supreme Court. Very little, in fact, will be realized to the Gorernment.oot of these oonfiscation -sales.-Tbey are most bf them encumbered by just claims, which will be doubtless allowed. In the ease of Mr. Slidell's interveutors, fraud is charged, and the final review will depend upon the facts. 'AVie OiUnntTjttter. -.--:L ' '" - ' Rlchmon4 Henttment. -i. i't -The Richmond cvrepindent of the Cincinnati .IZjbaUl in-Uirinr aince the late elections, gives as the rssuit of his obcrvarions"t!mt"-Wos"e 1 - . t. n ,r . . ; . ,).. Int. Mr r mctra mn?A rt'r,' aious," "now appear mnsi earnest iir onnging tack f fthelr and the benefitof those aroand them, the proper degree of ordered and . respect ia thai'edaraf authoritiesr "Thof at length ap pear to understand the only sure means of pro. moling the general good, lies in eneeorsging others balance, and to lay asids all of the biueraess of feeling that hM guided tnem in tne nasi. , , On the am subject the Richmond oorrespon t.ftt ot thft B.eton tv.tt y i'M-yy -iifwtatr-whA-aHWH4ayl4uli Hi'Vv"-- 1 ' 1 -ArrThi"?'.-riT""ro'm iTi condi tion oirVTrgTutiT 8ndfhe nli're'Soutfii , ... T ' . . 41. VJ, I ther was not the least under ourrent or ill reel, iog towards the Administration in the selection of ci'y officers; and any such accusation hereto faro made is false to the pitiens The whol l-question,-bweser;; bas veen suprainea tome President ror,his aotion, and tnere i a strong bolief maniffsted by th cituen .that he will Jet order the election to he held -valid. There is no bittifnej or ill feeling toward General Turner, a fie 'waa placed in this position, of digonini with the people by designing swep-v,.;,. y ,4- . A falllunvntnh rid! 'Ptesi'leot Lincoln-1 a.'ne-f wnr wy ii djiim uu v Uu yr, Tli Jjtrut4t7r Dollcf of tha 5srMflnd ee tiooal Radices does noL tneei the aj proval of PrvWidiHit JvbnoniiotiMlihee no ion ger a shadow ot a doubu After reeeU and stormy Cabinet diussins7 he Wdqlenaine to hi owipollil)irjefontruciioti, it matters not with whst eppogiiion it niecta: II proposes to rehaTiilitite all The Stales of the fate Coafedwesy, br means of ProviSioral flosemors, clothed with authority tp prdj rj?;efiu! ofdelegatws to Cbn renll'irja to 4fate,-Huiie: wgan i. iawr. tte te-lien-f that Congress jius 'no riipdTiiWrTels"tttt. tha oesifooTDf the right or unac up tne a'ates, am) he relu.es, in aeymantier what'evtr. to couu--tenance anf such mouaUous u.uipati of power by-he-OrrHytl -OotarnnMfut aathstptepoaei by the New ybflTv?Kji"aii President is sutned'lbj..lh whole CowftBrrative anl Democmtie parties at the Northr a writ as by a ciMisiderableporuonoi tb ttepubtiian party, in the position which he ha'takuu. Indeed, in the State of Miee alone havu tbe Republicans yet reotored iiivpyt hegro suffrage squhrely iuto unkindly dinoosod towards o; bat he wilt iiisist npon the roo-t explicit manifestation of a deter mtnation. upon" U e part of th8ofl:h to treat sisrery and the doctrine ot secession as (orever ffeaJ.. He aroontly dVaires ifie constitntioosl amendment abolishing" slateiy to befome af ortion of tbe Federal brgsnic hrr"-f hi 96 desires to he pointed to, tbrosb all lime, as the great historical event efiiir administration.' When this has been BCconlihed. and Uir are indications of a cheer.. ful acquiescence open the part of ihe South ia what all rational n'o in Yuginia how rr-gafd as ir.eviiah!e,"we shaU find the President a inost Use (ul Snd faithful friend. . We shall hear not liii g more . tfbout confisoaiibn and treason trials, and the whole weight of the Executive Department of. the tiorsrnmwnf will .then be hiirlftd against tHa Radical r-art v. We believe tnt, in dne season. the Prosident will relieve nearly all of those wh era moat riroiiiinent in the work ot secession from has intimated again and again 4hatthe teadvr of the Secession party, and those who haw not yet been tfereoned, sbonld not be placed in snthor- rty at thut U. LUpQSlhil subject ths President. as all rSSf "e hO, tbbIs strongly anfl fleeply and sneaks vehemently. , , . eauu as.iiie leeiinga oi i rcsiueui jom.-isoh ore towards as a a people, and determined as u is. a soon as possible to bring us back iniolhe Union upon terms ot state equality with the, other Stateahe cannot at present control a ' Rodicsl Congre upon the question of admitting our rep resentatives into the two bouse ot tpat ooay. With that he hss nothing whatever to do. The Radicals are -already moving faeavinXand eaiih to compass the rejection next winUroT ths Sooth- ern represents u rs woe are ret to ue elected . J heir lnud:ng papers anu politicians, since tne unfortunate Aubbab about '-tlje KichmonU muni cipal elections," are insisting that "jutt tuck in solent rebelt at Mom who elected Sccesrionut to office in Richmond ihevtherday intend to send only the matt rampant $4cmioriitt'to Cotigrett" -Tbie and other falsehoods they din into .the' ear of the people nnoeasingly day alter day. I hey say id be nt "Onir-prigtiT nal tyeoeesiootats, Jjui., .io,.,o. voojtes ot paying ttieittfltietJiebtana or repuiiiuiing w "Sa tional debt." This and other calumnies they nevtr grow 'weary of repeating.'. They do riot, of cirae, believe the moiwtrous accusation ienielvea, bntthcy reyateiuaticiilt innaming tbe people or the (North against out future .rep resentatives, in order thai 'they rnay"he rejected with impunity. 1 hey are. preparing to accom plish thsii work of injustice by. stripping the people of the South of alt -claim upon the symr pMiies of1 the cntiserratira men of the North. Hence tbe intense delight with . which tiro ene mies of President Johnson .and of the South. re peat the hits at tacks upon the loyalty of the. peo ple of Rio'Umond. 5cA. Timet. , e , '- Grape-Culture. The three best and chief variette of Amariean grapes the Isabella, the Catawba, and Scupper nong may ail' be said to be natives of North Carolina. ' The first received its designation in honor of Mrs. Isubella bibbs, of North tarolins, whoss husband carried a vine from the garden of- (iov. Sinith, in BrunswicE, to New York, had planted it ou Long Island. For table use it is now, per- hsrps, more uuivei!Uiy cuiuratsa tnaa any other grape, ;..'..., ."' We sire not prepared with- the evidence" as to the indigenousness to this State of the Cstawba,' but such is the reDutation of it riativitr. W y . rrt- .t -t , f . - l. anow ins tact, ouiy, mat it. auounus n ccrvain i localities, gd that all tbe phynt indication art in favor ofiU luxuriant and profitable culture. . The delicious Scuppernong, (or. as we nod it written in the earliest records, " es tco per non,'') is undouhtedlv native, and exists in our midst in almost incredible abundance. The first explorers nf the State. Raleigh and Others, found tbg -Tinas (retching in all direction in the primeval woods, covered with their heary clusters of fruit, and Lawson mentions it with an enthustams rather foreign to the prossaie style of his quaint histori cal narrative. Though this grape, owing to the hnaccountabl ani inexcusable apathy that has hitherto attended many of the industrial aqd othe capabilities of tne oourn, nas noi oeea very extensively manu factured into 'Wine, or .sufficiently so, at all events, to entitle it to any prominent place among the. article s of commerce, intelligent and observ ing cultivators have not been; blind ia its pruv eminent snperioritr as a win grape. A private letter from One or the absent members of our Agency givs some interesting particular of a "convcreation Germangrape-eullurist, npoa the luh?ct. He expresses the conviclion that the Scuppernong i the bestgnrpe known for wine making, and sus tain the opinion by chemical reason. . lie pre dicts, in connection with.it, anew development in the art and business oi; wiue-manafacture, and proposese.1 an early day, to risit North Carolina lor the purpose otmore eccura'e observation of its qualities end existence.- -N. C, Adtwluer. A MoBtt. Orisiiow or Sornt or Corrow. The MuliiU 7'nbum ss tha amount neottfta-in tha ...... parntirely little cotfon bag been grown tbe last-two years. Enough for. seed and family -consumption covers the whole of it. Of the large crop raised prior to the1 wur, verjJlittlo remaiu. When tbe amount destrcj edTiy Are, rlctl'florntetl by. lltut) and exposure, consumed in-domestic manulactures and run through tbs blockade, is considered ;r kit etti' mate of one million bales for 1865 will-.more than Coverall that will find a market,- . .. : 1 s 1 ; .f .., ; jasss-t m. "; . The Philadelphia ! (rndioal) illuetrates its theorjr of frecdohx af elooTtons by ayirjgr-T Ioe any one suppose that ihheridge would e ftll 4 to-entet ih Capitol, as- member, no n .Jti'ter TitiW awrt 'trre-- wfflTonty ' rtr retttmea i,''''tutw,rtafBiwy "DISSOLUTlaS- t-t - - ef COlT ss ItL'M X H .451 is tilt i it f mutusi eobsst . . t. Cost: ,:Aiif,.I:Sf:: -TO the JHembers vl' the Appiuachibi r rntloi shU s Cse.JidsieJisi tha pfUj4l asrlijilji ftl.y th.Catariaa iSittUi, f'tkhacaliad ts j-t tin Eslfthliias ioj 4, ' erelsr srtrlrespfefailr'J- ',- -. " ; '! " - . '. .. Trt'fl-ttr-sfoofii!1 - J0ILY U.,WILL1AMS L iOTl Bonght and Sol4 m ($&mIq,'J , v. tofjsmm j.v . ' , Ag n'l. THOTiiailIOOaB BsspsctMty iiBaiNf'ie nll that hsa, x . ---'rtrwtt m r-'rl Vsa I Ne. Jli Aycsmore 8t PTAi:K8Ml IPTJ, - and having reseire? a .. NEW STOCKW-COOW i prepared: t; sell oa si reasonable trins as its; , I .-""-' - l:foenl el'ewisre.- j He solicits th Tbol' sale and RtUil trada irwrTOTiTr-tv q o nji oirtc wi!l b plraatii to ses his eld frad( and eastosssii 'Viag J9 Ufl - - - - "'in ' ' . " -- , BALEIOH. N. C , ' QWKDE3 A1CD k No Lie! it- IK Off, KJ usrmaa anq as o ik UL., Old 0 vatninrat J A V ATO ttr.1t -"- -V'A. O acdtKUSt'KD -U(lK. BABBl ITS KKADY EOAF MSEEft.staW oftbls smd atosth yourlat lb (jasstlt, j vi muh(i I . mtn Mi . . 'Jl I J 0, QSaU, TBERM0 VI ETEH CUUfiSS, ., WATER 1MI1.S; WL'LL BUCKSTS Bi"R0PE, -COOK INu b IOV Bd, Ao. T. V- ' . ' D. T. CAREAWAr, 18-t. ' ffltbgart A Lewis. , nALbiun,,!, WItL ATIEXU TO . IhK . (mLECTfOX. Cf TJlsims agiilnsr tbs Quarroruina'er's so 1 Com issan'i tvspsrtmebts tf- tbs Unltii Htats. Ats4, to tsi purobsss and sale, on Cioimliiicn, ef KRAL KirATK. . Prompt attentton gttsa to idt buTiMp1aoa ts kbl bands. . " .. . - - .-. - - - - ' -. fjfflu at th'ftrth-Carol'na Baok Stan, at.raaf ( favwuy 1H ptrest 'a4 the Oaplt'ol Squira. :-r.- , r-ll't.f,.":-.' --. .v.i .- COMfSSIOX -AAD SHIfflG. HERCflAm ' 1. HSW 8ZKKS. iff- P.'" ''.'' v GCN8I(3NMNT8 of Cotton, JTaVal Rlore aa T. baoeo, Wllf hava our prompt attention." A (tents fur Marrai's lins f -SseamihtDS' to-Na V ., l. J .,i: , . r. ... ' . .. ui, mu iiuui wr Dtiumorf ana rsut- dalphia. . . . ' ; T J. 1ICSIIS, Newbern. " O. W. Din Morshsait Ctty. ' , a. I ! iSEW GOOD ! i KW GOODS t! iEw;,;-;ooDSfr . . . ';-. . - ' . ..v.-. ..:'.' JUST RECEIVED '" ; , ' ' ' - " 1 " - V, C PALMER'S OLD., 8TAND.1 PS1 NT 8; assorted t,ls and. besatlfal, Lsw Oeodt, Embroideri, Irish. Linens,' Embreieeret Muslin Curtsins, LsJlcs and Hint. flTOsisTry. A L. S O HOOP iSKIRTS, LADIES FURXISDING GOODS, Chsnilsetts, Skirts, pla'tn and Embroidered, and T moet every article needed in a tady's wardroba New styles and very desirsble. . -A l S0- ' PEKPUMERT A3SD SOAPS. the;daily express, Petetsborg, Vsu HAS oUrsd open Its Fifteenth Jtr, isi aass larg4 fors, with pea Ijps, aoder aassts! bighlv flattering . 'It hss a fare and dsrir inertss- inr ijiroulitlon, a iffwM to ni ersfc arts and etww desiring to eommunlobt witn th aoutksrn paoiw, i advantjtZ' tu-pas; by n. . , AtlVJ RATS3. - r--a tCSSK- - Twtf wks,':- - One jnonta, . ' Two months, TbrMjBioettis, :tjmBtba One Tr, TwesrMki, On m ints, Twe months, Tbrs moBtbs Un year, ""Psrsnvj dssu-icjr ,-grsstr tjwnrity f Is abov dintd, will b aeommodstd oa W"Vf tsrmt. .. ft m r. m M . rf'Sr-W" , V '6t : SigU.py, wailed,- y,"""-? I On saeata,--.: do -t, .r..! -vTbree months, do i $t M 8is months, r- ;?' ' ,:--'t- "".'"'. . " t)orr, ' do - 1 ; I : - - --- etrrro rtM.'ft -r-.- i a4uus.w xirjy a-- sva --i : m mm , mmn . r '. 2 .' 1 4ft t t two sgciski. , I f - I . - , " ii ii i-"1--! -"-171.11 '-.r if' 31 ps r- f 0 0 j 1 wMii.il mi ill iyg.,-.!.,,,.,.,. l1-lr.- nun-Jftirtmgi jfii 1

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