A -1 ve rtlwtBPirw-wrijpyini "50" moreftin IJJ Hues; intertlna ' XI nn 10 '4 00 1 UlOSlQ 1 J :- I months c 9 ...' ' '' 1000 15.00 . tir.IrO htki 1st of , JWT V7':: fMMi month, ; - f.4.00 I H OULD. M A i HaB B G K I ( J U T TUtH JtKKSiUKiiiT.V-ltewCliy. , 3-50 - Kj.ekl accent, oiider . pecll hgd, wm b . fHrw,'n?d ltrprr sur tor each tiisertlonT r (Vlivcl iiotB wiB he vbrgd Jv?ni'iuiiiu7''" -Th tilinjite annoimSemont of a : deatk orman uurs will not be charged.- . Z - . : Fjf two '"". , j. Wo solicit tho aid.ol oar friends in etead- i . " II II ii-" II ti -1 ,- i - i ii - ii i- ..vi- rri tr r- v -II 117 Lil ; I r 1 1 1 1 i x ii I lr i ." II II I i I l II , v.. -: a- irwir 7.-'" r f NEWS BY THE PAPERS. " Xae president to TUt IUcnmoud..GraiieVCoun- Richmond correspondent ot the New oik fr,aXJ writy to that paper as follows-: - preaMent-of the IMwd Slalasv acoornpan- h- Hon. Edwla M, Stanton, secretary o. r, iiii eonfideutlv Ji"ettd will visit Richmond durie the last week liTAugust. The mmob; ob iaet of Ao-Tistt Wllfe w " w . '" - it.!. H4 taa imu ! leading general otucers oi iu u- cetij military depot in reference to the condition . affaire ia thia ctitwt affooted by th jpoM . . iwMr,t Johnson's aJnainwtrawm. rill b held ia tha private parlors of the Jeff. iwl. mansion, where the late President Uncoln wet the prominent Swtlje? ture, end which .is at present tne oraciai raw dime of M"ajw GenerslTerf commanding thia ,t..,..,iment: A mone the ' distinguished . officers who, will meet the mtideaa ml Q"1'111 J w jral'Tor'neft. Major General Curtia, JMajor General SchofioU, M.Jar General Hwad,of the iWdmenY Bureau at Washington ; OeneraW. at.lpStaf--:taba:miw IcLmrri and "other. TEerecan JJiltat doubt that final actionipon:grae issues of State policy with reference to the attitude of t.hia peo nln rowire ont of the recent anopTatoua election held In thia city, will las determined upon after the return of the Preaident and Mr Stanton to Washington. . r -iEslan and the Uutted States, y; From the Kew York Herald The papera relating.to the negotiations of the Tanadian delegatw inJ England," tare been- laid twIolheCaTi'adiatt-f arliament, They bring out in strong ..relief the nervous anxiety -of tta British Government on the subject of Canadian Autp'. la one! diBpa'ch -Mr. CardVrelt ays ftajeBtyV-Gofernment "iti'unwining, under present circumstaneee, to, press apon wanaoa any ticision on this poini which can-ith' prudence be postponed. "But, without anticipating inai ikely to dimnrb Htt "nreieiOitteidlflationr-rtlt.- tbe govern. mni of the Uuit4 StateB, iney.wina u necenan n to bear in mind the vast Vnctfefrita; which has .".ti. Wn mJa. and still continues to bo wade to the military forces of that powerful country. They cannot forgot the very small pro' portion hich the numerical strength of British tmnna on ihe'Nsrth American continent bears " t the force which might at, any moment be Loufht into the field eirainst them. It would be : o . " a eauae of jnst reproach against the British Gov rurnent if those troops were enffered to' remain in a position whlchj' on the outbreak of War, JIJ't"rwbRd awtil the military huJ naval resources of the country could be made available for tbeir.support" -' f "; Ftnauctal Frauds In New York. There is great-ejfciteinent in money circles in consequence of the frauds reported. Many full urf i are announced, including Charles Graham A TTSd3rIe1chunj' AOBit irstated that the lat ter firm have issued gold checks. to the amount of $1,3000,000, and young Ketchum. has left tor parts unknown, ;-( """fTT Before departing be addressed a letter to his fiktner, in which he fully admitted his crime and asked him to' provide for his wife and' child, say ing he bad provided for bimself. It is reported that hi abstracted bonds from the safe of the firm, but to what amount is not known.--:.-'-'-:..,' : 1,1 ."" The Fourth Nftional Bank, it is now stated, is involved bv - his transactions. to. the extent of f '''j.opfl, hftTingnfjjatei rnnifi.of the forged certittcates. , . Gov. rierponfs Vletva. 1 The same authority undertakes to speak as fol lows for Gov! Pierpont : . 1 he policy heretofore pursued by Gov. Pierpont in effecting the restoration of Virginia, is to an. dergoan immediate and. radical change. The Governor la nowatisfied that the' intentions of - me leading men of the State, fes expressed to him npoja his accession to power here, have not" been rried out in good faith, and iat he ha noweve1 ry reason to distrnst tha representations of their - OFlty,rs) profusely mule to him -earlier (,..!, f . 7cenpancy. These men promised Governor Pierppn that if e.wouM aid .aewri-" adfjffiiii p6wCTln:iteTOHrthem: l-ahe-iranchiae, they would see that nonTbul --"uraimomn men were eiectea to onice. The result has been otherwise to snch an extent as to imperatively compel Wbb to chanee his poi iiw In .u:-w .-u t. . l .jiY. . -.. i-uicu i:uun uo win mo cordial en- iMsementof President Johnson. BnSHish Opinion ot the Freedmen Question. . The London Timts editorially expatriates on ""difficulty o, maintaining and feeding the lib derated itavetit jths Jonth,..nd wSE'Ti " ft is eay frrr tle. victorious ffovernmeoTK'f 'i few VropljHo Arioh-riavea,-rtterti andf W ana dfntroy the industry of the whole iuumorHty, hot it is not easy -for U lo god aa nswerto the awful question, 'Of what are the Pple to live,' one whioh lt has raised for itself, and which every day more and.owre importantly demands an AnmeiJlz. - B V FKtYI8i6"kAI flOYIRKpB, . - " TO rTHTTEOFLE QF,'MTH 1 aROUXA. 1 In pumuaao of power vested in me by ANDREW JOHNSOX, President of the United 5Ute, by Ma Proolannation of May 20tb. 1885. appointing a Prorisiooal Governor The eonfotorth Carolina, un4e tha ftBttli artiotef the Constitntion oT the United States, which guarantees tp every State in tbe Union "i "f e pbltcan iotm .of government; and in order, to enable the loyal people of s aaidUte STor ganiie a State Government, whereby justice may l atablisbed. domestic tranqnihty re- Stored, ant" leyai eni t! aB4-7property I and ' in "order;" also, that sair-Mte may be restored to Its Constitutional -..relatiooa to tbe Federal government, by presenting ftuoh republican t'oim of government as will entitle lioStatft thepua.rantee ojLtho United Stales'theljorVandiU the United States agalnhivwioniriBSttneo tion.'and domestic violence, I', WILLIAM W, IIOLDEN, Provisional Governor "as aWreaid, -do hereby Proclaim that an election will be held in said state, on I nnreday, toe 2 1st day of September", 1865, for Convention' io bo composed of one hundred and twenty' delo- gates, to be chosen as follows : , . The1 countT of Alamance trill ohooso tvo members. ' rv :'-'.' ': Tbecoanty-of Alexander 'will cbooso-one member. . - - . -- The counties of Ashe. anJAUegbany wt ' choose one member. The county of Anson will eboose two mem bera. i Theouoty of Beaufort wUtoboote'iwo mem ' bers. The count V of Bertie will eboose two mem- . " .... .. ..... -- bera. Tbe-wmntyof-Bladea-wa ber. Thr'cottnif of Brunswiok Will , choose .- oni The ' county. xT Buncombe will eboose one "member. The eounty of Burke will eboose one mem ber. The county of Cabarrus will ohoose ono mem ber. " Tbe county of Caldwell will eboose due mem ber. Tbe county of Camden will eboose one mem: ber. . Tbe county of Carteret will cbooae one mem ' ber. - - Tbe county of Caswell will eboose two, mem bers. . . . The county of Catawba will eboose one mem ber. Tbe county of Chatham will choose three members. . The counties of Cherokee and Clay wili 1 ..' cboOse one member. . Tbe county jtf Chowan will eboose one mem ber. ; . '. ..- . Tbe oountyof Cleveland will eboose two mem' bera. . ' , - The county-ot Uoiumuus will c noose one member. v " -t Tbe county of Crayen will choose two mem v.via. . ''''' ' " ' Tbe oountios of Cumberland and Harnett will ohoose three members. - ' ' Tbe county of Currituck will choose one mem ber. , ' , .' Tbporjhtj 0f DavjJac-a will obobao two mem bers. . " Tbe county of Davie will choose one member, The county of Duplin will choose twomem- - - tWn. .- '.. i i...- ..-.., ...... . The wninties of Edgecombe and Wilson -will choose two memoera The county of Forsj th will choose two mem bers. . . The county pf Franklin will eboose one mem- ber. " , - - - -- ' The county of Gaston will eboose one memlr. The county of Gate will cboosa one member. The county of Granville wiU eboose three, mem- " berS. . ":. :-:'--.v. . . ..,....:.'!.. '..-;,.... The eounty of Greene wilf choose one member. Thequntyof Guilford will choose three mem '' .bers. ".'''''' "'V"-.v',.-i" ':,."v:.;'-r '.- Tjiejiiiity oTIIalilSMt will cbooSeTwo metn- The eouofy -of - Haywood wiflxbserbTie menr- -ber. ..- ' . . ' ':-' ' The counties of Henderson and Transylvania will choose one member. ' v The eounty of. Hertford will, choose one mem ber. -. :' .' .'..,"'' The county of Hyde will choose one member, The county of Iredell will choose two members. The cotMity of Jackson will choose one toem- .ber, 3 "."'."') ---- . The county of Johnson will choose two mirai The county of Jones Will choose One member. The county of Lenoir will choose one, mem ber.' ' ' ' - : ,' wv. '--;' , The county of Lincoln 'will choose on mem- The ounty of Maeow will ebow one ntem ber.. ' J ' - -: The ooanty of Madison will eboose. one mem- ..ber. . v....- -Vi. ' . Tb county of Martin will cboosa one iuom- rThe county of McDowell will choose one mcm- - wrerr . . The eounty of Mecktenburg will eboose two . members. .,. Tbe county of Montgomery will choose one member. Thfl county of Moore will eboose- one mem- ber. ' -i The eounty ot Naab will chH-e ont-membcr. Tbe county of 'New Hanover will ahoosatwo :HBb bersr-r The county -of Northampton will" fthoose two member. i p " The county of Ontilow will cbooso one mem ber. . . ' " " .".'"' Tbe couuty-of Oransre will choose two mem- The county of. Pasqoqtaak' will choose one The county ot rerquimans will eboose one-, iuembor. ' ' ' .. The county, of Person will choose one mem' -ffhe eounty of Pitt will choose twomembew. The eounty of Randolph will ohoose two mem - bers. -" ' ".'' '''J':- : The ooanty of Jlicbmond will choose one member. , . -.'. "-;v " r" The oounfy of Robeson will chooao two mem bers. .. , The county of Rockinghamwill. cboosa two -,. memoers... ....... - . . .. Tbe county of Rowan will cbdose two mem- bers. . ', - : - v ' " The jK)unties of Rutherfortt and Polk will -, chooso tiro members. The county of Sampson will choose two mem- ' 'bera.- 7. ....... -J . .' .', The eounty of Stanly will choose one mem - ber. ' - . .v, ':', .;. The county of Stokes will choose one jnoni- ber. ' . :. The copnty of Surry will choose one member. 1 he county of Tyrrell will eboose one mem vt Tbo county "of Union wtlrhoose one-mem- The eounty of Wake will ehooaa three mem- bers. . " . - . " " ..... . The county of Warren will choose two mem bers. ."""' - : -'-'',' '. '' The county of, Washington will chocae one meniDer. The county of Watauea will choose one - member. - v The county of Wayne will choose two mem borsV. ..." .vv.C" . .. . The county of Wilkes will choose tw6 mem- bers..,.:.- The county of Yadkin will choose one' mem- ''ber. The counties of Yancey and Mitchell mili choose one member. The Clerks and Sheriff of the respective counties will proceed at once to assemble the Justices of the Peace, ' majority of whom will seleot from their number not less than sirnor -mera.than eighteen Juaticea, men of intelligence, discretun, firmness, and approv ed loyalty, whose duty it shall be to administer w loose wnu niyifij .jsaiiiivHWrf."1?. . . i i v. - .i i : v. - the oath contained in the l resident s Amnes ty rroolamation of May 1805, under such instructions as may te presorinea in inis Proclamation. The Justioes shall, at the same Ume, apjKiint-Inspectors ot the elections at Uie various prouiuun in uiuir roHpesuro vuuu- ' ;Aj i- f lies. io aoooruanoe wivu uie un iu ivimiuu thereto. Chapter 62, ReviscdX'ode of North Carolina. , The elections for members of the Convention shall be conducted . in the same TOsnncTis elccrtoiIsferlnet3bers of IhTirouie of Commons, in accordance -with the provis- ions of Chapter 62, Revised" Code, so far as laid provisions may be applieable j and the officer appointed to Jiold said -elections, and to make returns thereof, shall be liable to the same penalties for failure to act, or for neg- ect of duty, as are prescribed m Chapter 52, lUvifledGode'..-,:,-2', , NeDersoB wilt be allowed i vote wlio is not aT TOter qualified as-presoribedby the (Jon. stitution and laws of the Ktate, in lorce tm mediatelv before the 20th day Of May H 861 ; exoept thai the payment of a poll tax. shall not be. required-- All paroled soldiers of the army and "navy of 4he pwtended .CWbdarate : States or tt this State, under and including tne ran ot CoiatJsfcif oftbemyMdunder and InoJud- intbe raiiiuirLlotr wilt be'allowcd to vote, prpvwea iney we not included in any of the fourteen exaluded clas- sos of the Presidont'i Amnesty rroolamation j and, provided furthei1, that they are eitiiens of the State in accordance with tbe terms prescribed in tbe preceding paragraph.' N person will be allowed to vote who docs fiof exhibit tor .tbeInpeetoepj f the ABngatj Ort-b, w eoirtaine4 faat4Bddtohti Proclamation of. May 29th, 1805, signed by him'wlf and certified bj t least two Justioes of the Peace. r : - j o.'.C"'' ' J'rfn ted copies, of tbe Amnesty Oath will be furnished to the Clerkf, who will distribute them to the Justices appointed to administer the- oatbr- The J aittieeo wiU niwli vtr the'o. tied OODf Ja llifl I frt'i stan. . t alt tut knii retain the origfSal to be transmitted to thja omce. ' f--- ' , ' -- : Justices of the Peace are authorized to ai-miniirtWlhe-Amhty 0itb r'terperaSiiiSrho may dear to apply 0 the President fur Tb -i"ffif,'.of tbf spooUye . CUlia sliallfurtiiitu, as soou as praetipablet' cartii bates of election to thoso pewaa-who may have received the highest number of.nU-s as members, of the Conventin i-and tha SNriila shall aUa immediately send to the office of the Secretary tif the S.Vq,- R leig117irHtaii'iutnt of.the vote in their rerMHive (Jobnti for the members. aforusaid. add alao a. statemrgt of the sil vote, sealed up, directed t . the President of the Convention, RaMgh,la be laid befoMiha-C ' The members of the Convention thus chos en, willjusemble in the city ef JUIcih, on Monday; TOe-Hjcond ilayot Oetobfir, I8t5. The a otmon oi mtmf apjioTBTgit Tg-d minister ino Amnesty jun. is especially at rectcd to- the following JbwteetixerudI classes of tbe President's Amnesty I'roelama- tion or Way ZHth, -lSttS : -ls-Ail who m wsbsfeAaveiboB. preteridod civil or diplorrratio nffiocrs; or trther- wise, domestio or foreign agents of the pre. tendod Confederate government. y,,. . ; . jS"0fAll who left judicial tationt un der the United States to aid tbe rebellion. ' Third All who shall have been military 1 or naval officers o.f .jajd pretended CKn federate government, anove vne rauit oi , votonei in the army or Lieutenant in the pavy. . . Fourth All who loft seats in tbo lVoree ot tbe United States to aid the rebellion. .. at a ftfifi aii wno resigned or tendered re signations f -their iwmrttiwons.iathe army or navy ot tbe United estates to evade cuty in resisting the rebellion.' SWiAll wh$ hive" engaged in any way in the treating otherwise tliaa lawf -;fy aa prisoners,wiir7ptrsonso i?pited States service,' as ofBoers, soldiers, seamen, or in etbftcapacities.- '. : .' '.''' '" I owiiW-rAll persons who have been pv are absentees irom tiio United StiiM ibiLJtho" purpose of aiding" the rebellion. r y ' ; ' Eiahi All military and naval officers in the rebel service who were educated ly' the government in the military Academy at West fomy or the United btatea flaval Ayadomy. Ninth All persons who held tho protend ed offices of Governors of !taes in insurrec tion againsf rbeTTBTfod States. 1 - Tenth All persons who left their homes Within tbe jurisdiction and protection of the United States, and passed beyond the federal military lines into tbe so-called - Confederate lates tor the purpose of aiding tbe rebollion. :iUmnth-!A persOnTwho'bave beau engar ed in the uestrwction ot 4he commerce ot t he United States upon the high sens, and persons who have made raids into the United btatea from Canada, or been engaged ja destroying the comtitcfee of the United States upou4ha lakes and river that separate tho British provinoea'from the United States. Iwifth A persons who. a the time when they seek o oUtaiu-the-i?kcfiiaJicrofii by taking tha oath herein prescribed, are in miliUryr naval or oivirconfiiiemcnt or cuito ij!ueJAaAaLbftaJi.of tW civil.riKtaiJ-of naval a'utlioritrcs or1" agenta of tho United States, as; prisoners of war, or persons de tained for offenoes of any kind either before or after conviction. . v . 4 , ; 1 hirieenthr-A persons who have .volun tarily participated in said r ottellion. and the estimated value of whose taxable, property is over twenty thousand dojlafs - ."j. Fourteenth All persons .who hate taken tin nath of atnnpsfy a? pTwerilyrl in the President's proclamation of llecember eighth, A. 1)., one thousand eielit hundred and six ty three, or an oath of alleeiaooe ;to the gov erntnentu" the United) States since the date of said proclamation, and who hava npt hence. torward kept and maintained the same in to late i Proviittui, That special application may be made to the President for pardon by any person belonging to the exoepled clasaeB. and and such clumeney will be liberally extended as iay ba-wnaktanLwiliL-lharifaotA of th-p case i jndvth(j peaee n4 diguy of r United b tales. - - -t :. - v Under the first exoeptFon areineiuded an persons who have" been civil or diplomatio of ficers or agents of the pretended Confedor- ato:goyernmcnU4itner within or wHhoni the territorial limits of the United Sta'es.' ' T Under the sevento exot ption ore included nUflicen", agentor private eiiiuns wf hirve beeuaharnt HjWi-thIJUiiffdjaW f the purpose of aiding tbe rebellion, - Under the thirteenth exception are included all who. during tbe rolllion, have bell any office or sgency under the State or pmteuded Confederate government; or have in any Way Voluntarily joined in the rebellion, a ir cx- farem hnatiltf to the United Bf$g 'J "d.wjr or furnishing money, provisions., or arm to ersons engaged in the rebellion, save in en. os wheremoney or provisions :V.era furnwliH from the proniptlngs of charity or liuuianity ; by acting with assemblages of persons, whetli er otanizrd or wnorgatiixe d hostile to the lnrtt?-l MTtif i - or in any ulhur n k v iviu vol- -"wijr iu, Baiuaiucfl or encouragement to tbe rebelliou; and whose taxSble property on the 2Sth Jay of May, 1 805, exceeded in value the sum , of twenty thoHsand doilafa,--"-.-. . ii . i .... . . . Wotht'XflrptieHa' rt;tVi-i:iot to - etttilioiit. wiU be grant d by the Justice to ay i4suirwho Ulucluded Vitliia anv of tho luuiitvfl excluded classes, jmhM on ethibU tion by the pwty if his pardon' for bis oftnc" ft'om tlie t'resident ... -,.. -y.'-v...' - j.,uw i'iHinuja to aaminuoer tiiu Aiunesty Oath, and to furnish eertifiefktea of themrwhreb shall be evideeoe of loyalty, r mweisjiy lniimotea to ie vig-ilant and sdifu.LV hikit wiU aotba. their duty to . a'ttdmptto pry Irjto the heart led consciences ' of men, thef will nevertheless admonish those ' who hiay apply to" take the mth, that it fflust bo taken and subscribed in good faith, with sa tonent intcution on their part-4heep without aocret purpoeeirmentaT reservation - rtiyiin "any mmMovtraTTmye any ac in vioiawon ot said, oath i and they wtl warn them that if the oath is not thne taken and kept, tbe pardon offered' them by the President will be void, and thy will re- iMsja subjeet t trial uRder the law for periit 4 he i-JurtMMwCwr ad -Sheriffs, whose -duty-, it is to provide for administering the oath and to conduct the elections are enjoin ed to use every praothmble means to enable every oitizon to take the oath . who may de sire and be 'entitled to do to' And , the In spectors arrijoioedltoinipegjjmd fairly and truly, to decide in every case in I accordance with tho law, and 'with the In- Vj.jii.,-: .1 1 l.--. il . u-. n uiructuMis iucy imve -receives i rom tnisomoe; Stntto mste proTnpt ahd eorreot returns of - tho number of jrotes and for whom east at their respectivo preoinohv -zr' ' "Mon i at our city" of Raleish. the eiehth day of Augu am, thouiaad,.. eight hundred -and siity-tfve, and in the vear of the Inde- pen Jeneeofthe-UnitwL Statea-the .. nine tieth. -.. .'. '- '. . j ' :f. ,. AflLtfAM W, HuLDEN, , . I, i.i.v,- , Provisional Governor. By.tlie Goveroon. Lswt 11AHB87 Private Seeretuy.' XuJTho newsnaoers of tha Stat a will nnh. tth tho atiuva rQolauiatioatwioe a week till the day ot election,- and send aooounU to thia office-. ' . . 7 ; bOVERNMliNT, OK L.HITUU H FATES Pridoot- Andrew Jnhrtnm; -of tmnmiM. . Korary of tttate-W. U. rltward, of titm Fork. 8Ur of War KJI H. Slwntoa, of Put. Pottmaitar Oann-al William DaoaUoa.orOhio. ' , Sertafr of lbNTj U1J,b Walla, efOonnaetlantr Baoratary ef tba fnurlur Jamea liar! an, of Iowa laoratary af tha Traaaaryllca aloOullooh; of XU, Attorney Unerl Jamas Haed, of Kantuokr. Pfsld.u t : tba fiaoala-Lalaatta 8. Fmtar, Coaa. S,akar f tha lloua Sohoylar Culfax, of ladiana, ' . 8HPRSMI oooat. ' Balmoa P. Cbie,OBloLChlar JuitloaJ 1 -a '. i l. James M. Wltu, flanrxla. : - ' - f . I. Pnnvool Nln, New York. " S. Kolt'tC.Oriar, PansiiytTanla.' ' t. at ban I IhTord, Main. -MoahW.'8weya, Ohio. -. ' lanl bsvl. Itlinf)i. ' Samaal Miliar, Iowa. : Bamuol IFialJ, California. - " " n i fittsax t o a i in.T ' - " WinaflaU SpML of Vlritlnia. 1 t - Ulyaaaafl. OranT, of Ohio. . . :' . t Adjutant Gaiirra Iwmruo Thomaa.- flalawara. inK Airoeala Gaaarat Jine.h Htrlt, O. U. - - wuarterm attar uaneral-raiontgomary 0. Maigi, Paa.- ' MIUTARi- 1) 11 A R TM V.fi T OV K, jp. ' , ; .Ueadiinarters Pfjjrtuint af North Carolina. "(Jor- araor'l Miii(.n, fniit 'of Fayattarilla Street- Vraval -' ' Maj. Oort. RUUKR. i ' , llaadquirtart Taath Army Corpi, eoroer Favetto fiire.t an t ClUl rJqunre Brevet WaJ. Uaa. i AMES.' v- . . tlaadu Rati art Second Dlvliinn. Tenth ArmvCorba. . VTiltnliiictoa Streal- Col COAN, 43th N Y. , " t.l i.mrkire I'w 4-lilt, 4t-41H)iaf--Cuia.. ,., moni."C'a(irl Lieut Cot JOS. U lcl0SALI. .7 , frjvoni ilnrthal Puit of Ralaigb, fl).f ground fl ior of (!itiilf llalitjrc Ktreat aurranue) fcuurema Court nin -Unlit. J. A. IIAHRKT'l'. t Poat Quartarmiiaiar'a O0ie, Fayattevil a Rtraat. on. oit tha Market Huupe- Cap. A. at. UAKOll'l'IE, foit inijm r;, noina cisAa-h fliiuara Cent. 0WARO Z LA VKEN''K. . jboraau (ifFreailioon Kafiree anl Alundoaad' amln. Oui-iri HoioLeornnr Halifax 6irat-.-C'ulooaL T WtHltKStY. , - Chief tiiiArtermsitar'ii Oflhie, Department of North Carolina, irana 01 va toar- cuiouei jioya. . rf(-u, lf. toviUaSireet - Capt JUSTIN JltJilOK. Traaprtation offloa at "tba N. 0. , R. Papot , . A . t. .... ...1. " X . "., ... t;VRRSMKr OV NORTH CAltrUMA. ft'tlliam; wVHolden.-af Walro yaaatf Pruflaioeal Utvarnor. Joii S,JCBBnof Paritainaas.Aid with tho rank of -; '"Colonel. --.yf- ..r,.- v i-tiB-. Td Rt CalJwell, of Ba,ko,1Al4 with tbo raak'of r:-j Culwnti. - . :.- s ' - tawle Hmiea, f Pvi.lfiin, Prlrsle fe-rtary, 'I '- ''---il. tl. Bdgr of Wak; and W, II. Dagtay, af Paiqoo. ill Aw ItaoMXiriaa. - . ...r,i 5 M.-aU'iSJJ- t t'kiii.oTwta'rtft-Wl Tlieo. N. a rmay, ft lt' ti.' dfarliad' afaisoaaoiSgg- Ji-aaflian Rarih ot Keadwlph, fjmmwwt ' '.t ;.i.iil W". Hain,.ol ' Waka, VhM Clerfc.-o .Traaurar, . 0, H . tboia, rtf Carteret, fscrtary of rjtaU.- ' - ' .. , .. f I..4 8SICAL. . . tVltATHIiTlCAt Sl'HOOt, '1 1 MLi:$ EA S I OF RJtLEMlL TDE n(ta'aa t my ScSnol ,U ronim'aeea on MOM.' U' Jl tV nl. t. Board an b had in tba lipltrht'orhin fl f"r a limite.d nomher of toys at lit par B-i.th. Tntiion fer.terta f 20 weak a. ... j - For tha preient rey ad,F It Rlig, N. C. . wittUM 0. JDQUtf, Pamoiraiv Jaly U, IS5, ... J4-,w, ' - r '..' i : tr., t -: ,.,..:;..Ti3V jaaf CltV. "

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