vdreftt&emenie occupi fog not more tbaa lOlWea 4muiou wittuii cuiikmaca a tfiaare i it i J .09 lo.oe 15.00 -o.oe ijo.Oo, I ijiaeruea .21.00 weeks ' 1 ' IJia I UKHHhvfe; 1 DlOllUlt., : 200 rsso a. 00 3,60 T "5 tr Coin tosttt oVerv $4.00 WOU11ttMt1rtTt I .ipaial aoiiten, nnjcr a soeciaLbead,-WiU ha eirjfedoiii.H jiariuar tat :U Aaatrtioa. Jlfftsla"! Will be 'Wa'rad' asrad vertl'aemaja.ta. TU 4nil annoiiiictmit-nt m'aeaffl er ftiarrlagr s wW mn be rfcarsed. . ' . " ' - - . ' v.'. f tff t wo JptBlfar: . " . lJOt . , ,,ti, ... ..-.;. jm in not Uf make a speech, but to talk over the in 'n'dt.U ef my lata U'hiogton. ritct - el there, tbre weeks since, as your .delegate, to -.I r,liDno5ntmeit or : iVomloaal Cover- . n " . t pinhszTetsraJ X th, Carolina On my .wajv.I i jntaaaagefcl Shu ft .m Excellency President Johnson, faring eommiwioa appointing meProvieionel Gover nW if d -. This was an' honor "which I -Jidl opt anticipated, and 'never aspired -U-3 Uu my arrival tft Washington, I "addressed a t'etc-the WcMawiywtlBg tiifl niHIor ot an au- SE- te Vir,, and communicating to htm tny iews in "-"reference 4e lae poliiicat lou.nLtaa)pek pf .4ltC Hute. After wailing thai evening andThe next liy. without bearing fiora the President, 1 pai,d visit to Governoc DeniiTsoo, Postmaster-Cereni!. This gentleman received ma most, kindly, ittid emed gratified at the account 1 gave hijn of -rvvirtb 'Carolina. He assured m that .the Prosl- dent bad not received my trots, and" very oblige in jjly ordered his carriage and went to the Exe l utive mansion to ascertain the tr4lh of the mat t-r. lnrS short "time afterwards, 1 received a time from President Johnntajng-Jhaijny ommunicatioBi the day before, had not teen re r-i?ejved, end thaihe, would see me at three o'clock, 'lpW,;i',ated,:th'ai.i. J woulJLdo myself the Wor to call on his Excellency vat the Jirii de. Vuated, and that my frienda, Col. Otr, EIsfur4 Williams, Bacon, and .' Mesva I eith, Crady, Tiiiibes and- Blodgett,H-oaU aMoiiipany nie.. We were received verv cordially, and remained 4n hiur'or two with the President. : I t(J14 him Tiul the people ofoath Carolina accepted. lh tof bii Proclamation, and return tojthcir "llili"?0 to the Ifnion That - rum havwg been tlie most rebelliouStat, in tle ftouth, tVwas satufi5a Sooth ttfrolina woulJ, l.chceforth, la one of the most loyal of it South ernStateek That she would reform her Conali- iiition and abolish slavery, eive the election of Governor and Presidential elections ta ijia people uiiJuualiie the representation oTTtbeHBtata I tve it ai (ny opinion, tlit the diaoiiiort' fling - "the fonth had originated n the parfefiea-r h'he President expressed himself-g'ratilled at thw'ourse.Sonth Carolina, was likely to pursue,' ttud instead of manifesting any bitter or revenge Mtl spirit, he evinced great tiodiie aolicitude Kitti magnanimity. Tja, whole delegation was . itieoW impressed: with the- courtesv. dicnit .rfc,,4- .b,of Uxc I A III W. V I. . r 1 ' . I and statesman . He wished to see' (he country , once mora quiet, peaceable.happ j and prosperou. regard to the relative powers ofUift-State,aaa- tne Federal Govern met t, his opinioop wef e identi' , ul with my own, ao long expressed m Soa'h Carolina. Ha waa equally opposed te the can! trahzatton and consolidation of powers In Con gress as he was to the secession of the States! h mast be left to the Legislature of each Staft o decide who, shall be allowed to vote in the Stale.' "Any attempt 9a the part ofCongress to control the elective franchise of a.State would be an unwar- lautable usurpation,?' He expressed an' ardent ishto see the Constitution of South Carorma ) -pularked by abolishing the parish representa----i!1"1 equalizing the political power of the oj,- p ! weTonirr3 eivnigthe elfctioq of Qar -mor to the people, and also ihe electora of Prea idwit an4 Vice President, , ' . . . --On leawBsjfllS . - caJl and see Mr, Seward, Secretary of Sute, and "rptve fetor thrwrme-5 wifsrmntior bd . hi, Kseneeexlt6reneei-rtlie public- feelihgt ana sentiment of South Carolina. This f did in '.iiviiipany with the South Carlnn AAl'm ue iounatr. Reward kind and cordial, and RMiified at the information we gave him with regard to the poli tier of South Carolina, Before visiting Mr,"Sea:ard, r had been to call on the . Atmrney GeoeraUlr; Jpced.ZI H ejpeafed enrprised and mortified at my epeeoh, 'made to y on the 3rd of July " Birt I soon dis covered that ha had only glaneed ojret-thaepeech, end - -ilid not comprehend the tone and temper of my remark. I toM Mr. Seward what the Attorney v tieneral had said. He replied, f read your speech ihia mormng attentively, and considering the eland point from which you make It, 1 think it a very good one. When 1 was Governor of New . . k, aaid Mr. Seward, I umwl to make speeches which we aaverely criticised in ChnrletUon, and ,1'eml to myself, what ' the hftTf th- p"rlT . ( t harlestoq te.db wh my speech made in JNTsjv Vnrk I did not apeak to tbem.lmt to the peo I'lj f New Vork.-And I auppoie, Mr.lVrry, you intended your speech for ijoaXh Carolina and . - sot far Washington. " ...;"',' "7-;-'r.-:--'r' :--:-.v'"v" ,':.:'':;-. The Attorney General expressed a wish that whilst reTuruiing our, Constitution, we 'should givehleeka of Governor .ft'tlic Lppl'nd in vest himWitlilha power ot appointing all Stare diatrict officer,, wifh the advice andconsent of "the Sntiattf, I tofti-hira niy'heorylia41 always been to jgy gjtTT 1iQgTMir tan t "elactlana. Presw TOPB5ornry rtaeaibers v&tmgTj and mem bsfIiidaliiriJojpetlgi, andreiieve thera of thejroable of assemhiirfg eo oiteno male pet 'ty eUetiona, which generally tended to corro'pt rnitdHiemaraliaaihtiiwi ;"l called" vpibi gecfetarjrof b-llM.95fr5 VcCuUiMjliLani jsaa very much pleased with him a a gentkanTauTiTiooSeeTTnid a states- maov T Wae unfehfed ittba Treawiry office wUh bndTirmaksr; fn faa so. 1 endaarorvd to ft'alT. tht'-nBoet-itfc' inerj of capacity, integrity ana expeiience. - I )ikewie paid my reapects tojlhe Secretary of War in company with the South Carolipa delega tion, and Endeavored to lay before this Jugh fuflo tinnarv the- trne eondition of -afl'irs ia "5)uth Cwoina,-' I regretted not teeing Gen. Howard, lie. head of the Freedmen's Bureaa in WTBihliiirtin.- But 1 addre!ed a leMer to him; giving him my views'in reference to the freedraea iroiTaiiiilifrlnsTrac f!ftrnlina delegation were earnest In- their efforts to impress the Preeidept and his Cabinet with the impolicy of garrisoning-South Csrolina with coU or.'d troops, t had hojied to hT seen General TTTTaiore on this subject as I retunied 'through Colntahi..."' - '. - ' - - Tlie lat interview I had with the President, fee rqneste4nie to write him, and keep him inform ed as to any difficulties which I might meet with in organizing a Provisional Government ' I said to him, " I have already, Mr. President, oranis- id a-Provi i wal Government for Sonih Carolina, I bV nilimtin the E'n GoernmenL ' I nave issued South Carolina to Uke it.a omhof allegiance and reaauieUh'eif ollieial duties.' " Well," said he, Ton are a moat xpeamoua uoernor. j ro- ithier Gortkotw fotmedaiid hetmenilHjrs of Congress elected by the Jrat Holiday, in le ceniber, whei Congress ymd.:r- ,. . In conclusion, let me say to yon, feljnwc.iti- aens. tnat l.am wen pieaseu irw i w lha. onTh'rn-Srar8ST ltuj now. do our "daty.-tekr the oa'L of alle'aiice, select good,, and wisVwea to thajDonvaiion. reform our Stat Constitution, abolish slavery, equalize the representation. of the gtate-in th. Senate, give the election Of Odvern iuntial electors to the people, and all will be welL Immediately after the ronventfon' ba rolormoa ma .vonsxiiunon, u. ik will be convened to.elc:t Cuited Stei Senittora, adfapreride Tne" eleclion OI wemoers ni me House of Representatives in Congress. This may alt be donatjy th firrtMonday in December next, when the State will be fully, restored to all her rights undnr the Constitution and laws of the Ui- ted Slates. B I ' ' ' -j PROTIS10NAlwOVEKOE, 4 TO JHE FEOPtaMTH In nnnruance -of 'cower .vested in me by ANDREW JOHNSOX, President of the United States, by Ina i'rociamstion .01 way 20th. 1865: apDoiutinff a Provisional Governor of fJortb Cwrolina, under the fourth article of the Constitution of the United States, which Buarsntees to efcy Butfl in the Union a re- tilibrrcan form of !'ovornment; and in ordef to enable the loval r .'ftple 'of " eaid Jute to or. gauize a State. Go -:romenti wbereby justice may U eatabUshe41?lomestic tranquility re storqd, and loyal ci izena protected in all their righte of Me, liberty, ana property; and in order, also that said Jatate -may be restorod td ita.Conalitutional relations ta Cbe Federal government, by presenting eueh a republican lot m of government as will entitle the State JO-tlie, guarantee 01 ine vmieq SialislTieMafiM the United State against insaaidn, inauriec-tton-andduinesiie TioIenbe.X WILLIAM AV. I lIOLDEX.'I'roviflional Governor: aa" aforesaid, do berebT proclaim tli an electlOB wiU.De he held in taid Bfp.nn Thursday, thallatjla of Scritember 1 8 65. for-a. Con ven tton, to be compoaed of one hundred and twenty dele pales, Jo becJiosen as follows: ;.Vy'-i'H "The county - ofAlamance i wilLehoose tVo The ; county of Alexander will choose one member, v - -.i.' -r Uc-.-rcS . The counties f lAshc and AlleehanT will -CIIVKWU WHO HQUiUVI, The county of A no will choose two mpm The county of Bcaui(ortwin boofe. two Biem. t ' 11 ' . . vein. ( The connty of Bertie will choose two mem bers. ' . The county of liladen will cboose one nicm ' bcr. .., ' The conn ty of Tlru ajwk-k will tlioose one member. . " ' The county of ran combe will "choose ero member. .i' The county of liiutke will choose one mem- per. 1 plied by saying my appoiutment cam kteHMd. llbejityrGuilfurj w Ul chi'ose thvee motn thought it necessary to work japidly, I futher .-Bora. ""Ir .-. aaid t him that P would have the State ready, The couutv of Halifax, wilt Kiose tvt''ifK'HK The cotinty of Cabarrus will choose 9100 em i ten , The county of OaldweH wH chooso one mem- l)8f. The county of aui Jen iH cliboie one mem- fhfr.oouttty.of rtict nlKgUooa Hw,men- hit. ' - , 'P"r3.:. Jtgpimifi0!yjisiffill choose two mem- Th codiity iif "jiSilfViU cliooaa e8ani The. county of Cbtliaoi , will chooso thr The counties cf iChoirkajind Clay vtll chooso one member. - The county of Chowatt wtit chooio one men The county f Clrelani will ohooae two rnem beta. ; y " :::-"m ''-'r::-:'...,:7 The county of ColinubUi will cliao-ift one member. " ' The" county of r'aten will cUdoso tffo mam- beM. . C ' '".""r Th uuutiiu'3 u.f C'aiiit'uiluu'V andHlsi'Mt'tt yii) choose three members. The county flf Ctmitiiok wilt choose one nmh Tiio coup ft Tf Pavuron trWrlinotK two ineiu- ...rterft! .7 7""-.-.--r"3!r7" Z'rT7 The coiwity oi riivie will choose onjihioiiitrl Tle county of jDjdiu will chooie two tneni- bers- ; The rountiei of KilocamW 'an J Wllaon; vfill choose two mcinbt'fH. - : -. The cofinty of Fors) th will -vhnogp two mem;' ; iers, , - 1 The couutf '"i FrankliH will choose o'iieifiem- tier. . v . . ' The county of OaRtoirwill t-hooae one itietnJ.er. The county of Gales will choose oh niPinher. Thecduntvol tiraiiville Wilh lums llneif itu'iii- The county of Greene" will dioose 0110 tuember. Theeounty f Hay wood wiirheoso one ..mom- ber.. The counties of Henderson, ami Transylvania Will rhnoae rnn mnihor he eotnty of lleVtfvbjl. iv'itptbeyie OWX lUeiU- The county of Hyde will choose Otic member; Theeounty of Iredell will .choos t wo nmiiib'' The county, of JacliSon wiirhoOie e mem r- ." H. ": ' " ' " The county of Johiion will fboosft-twomiMu. bow. . . The county of ones will eiioow one tu imber, The oou c ty of Lenol r ' wi tl i hnwe one m etn,- ber. . . i Tha county of Lincoln, will choose one incut ber. r" " "'r,-1' ' The couutyof RTon will cbooso one mciu ber... " .- " " .'V " The eounty of Madison will choose one mem- ' ber. . , . , Tbe county of Martin will thowaime mem ber. - The county of Mciowcll will choose one mem - ber, ; ' ' ThejBounty of Mecklenburg will choose two " trmrojJer?.! ' THe tMMiniylnT" Tifnntnnnnry will CCOOSe 0U6 member. -; cu? . The county of Moore will eboose one mcm- - bcr. -j' :- ";: v'..---.v;; - '' The county of fNash will choosd one member. The eounty of New Hanover will choose two members. , The county of Northampton will ohooae two . - members.'" . j . - ' - " The county of Onslow will chooso one mem .ber. The county of Orange, will 'chooso two .mem- bcra. 1 The county of Panqoutank will choose one member. ., " .. '--r v The county of Terquimans will choose one member. . ' ' - , . The county oi Person will chooso one inem- The county of I'ittwill eboose two irembors. The county of Randolph will choose twomem- The county of Kichmond will choose ono ember.. The county of Robeson will cboo.e twt) me m- bers. The county of Rockingham will cboAne two members. . , ' . The. counly of Rowan will choose two mem- The counties' of, Rutherford 'and Polk will Jioose two members. ' , . Tbe oounty of-FanTptton w"Hcboo8o"two'"nrern bers. ' , Tbe county of Htaoly will ciioose one mem ber. Tht county of Stokes will choose one mem- bcr. '.,.::'. " " ' The countv.of Surrv will choose 6ne member. The county of TyrreH will choowe one mem. bcr. " ' ,, - The county of Union will eboose one mem- LeT. . " - ' ' 1 - ." . The eouniy of Wke will cboosei three mcw- The county ol Warren will choose two mem- (cre, . 1 . .... -. The county of WasMngtoii wtlf house-o'ia. ' - uiombtf. ' - ' : The: county .of Watauga wilt cbbose one ..jjieml-er:"' "j'1' v " . ".r The county of Wayne wilt chows-two tobto j:;bra.,il.-i.;-M ' The cnnfy "of Wilkes will euot&e -4w'olnen- The county of YadkittjajUchoose one mem- tier, . . ,V Tha counties oTyanrey ml ; UcholVi wilt v hooso oneTTficnibwr. Uhe Cloiks.and Bheriffj of tKjmpccUve counties wiH proceed is once tv wmWe the Justices i.oF the Tcico. a ins for It f of whrym T will Bolact froni their numbrr nt tUrtn- air. oof more thaa-eightccn Justices, tnen 9! intelliirence. d'werotion. lirmocw. knd armni ed loyalty, whose duty it shall be tjo adu.iijistor to tiwao wiioToay he entitled to roctuvo it Uictmth conia?ned In the Prcsidcpt'a Amnei ty i'roolamatton 01 Way zVilv, lHti j, umlor euch iuitrufiiona m may to prescribed iuvliis ProctamaUon". The JoMjcwt ahaltj t the aauto tiiup appnint 7 wNlif pfora ftt'be cioctioftl St the various prtfoinotin their respective Ckui tUi, in accordance witV the law In teUtiou Carolina.!: 'Wie elections for .members uf (ho jtttiatt aliall biomdactedin.:ibe4uic manner a elcfitions for members cf thai. Houhc ot Commons, io accordance with the prOvi ions of Chapter 5;, Jfevned Uodo, so far as said provisitins. may be' applicable-i and the officers appointed to held said, elections, anu t.o..iuakd return thereof, ehall fiehatilo to the ssnro wnahirir for-uiluro to act, or for no? Icc't ot dufj', at are prescribed jn Chapter 6?, ucviscd Uode. " 4 . . 1 No-person will be allowed to vote wlio not a viterttarificd as prescribed by tb'Genj stitution toiL-laga 01 the htate, j n lorce t tn mediately before the "Oth day o May, 1861 : except that the payment of a polling, shall not bo rcilUtrod. .. s . :-; J,S;.r -.T.-.i.t-' , , A fl perQlcd joldieraof the arniy and 'navy oMupreTSnded" this fc-'tate,' Hitdot and tncltiding the rank of Colonel, it oftBe armyTaiidTiitder and include injr;"'tt'9JtimtafJjt will b'e srloVed to rote, provided they aVe not inolnded in any of the lotutcfen excluded olas 1 laimiu ,iwuwi 4 i UbiamLIL) 1 ees ot the Preidoni a Amucst v 4-i and, provided farther, that iney 1 1.m.il.iii vbtod tHrther. thai iney are cituens of- the Btate in aooordanoo ; with the terms pre ftc r ibed i n - t he- preetxl i n ir t re erarth No'prraan'wiri boallowod to tote who does nM exhibit to the Inajioctor i oopy of the Anincsiy Oath, us contatneJiu the Tresident's Troelamabon of MydlEa0iiiied by himelf and ctirtified by at least iwo'Justiota ofthftPeaaa.-:- ; . . ' i;..- i l'rint-jd cppTerfof tbeTAffinoTiy Oath wUl l furnishcil the Clerks, who will distribute them to taa Juslices appointed tn adtninistf the oath. 1 he sluafoos will deuveii the ecrli tfed.ce'py to the person taking the oatlv aad retain the OriginHl tc Jjlrytt'an'amittcd to this OUilD. - Juitiuea of the I'eftoe are authorised to ad minister the "Amnesty Oath to ycrtona who may desire to apply to t1aePr.eident' tjfi para on. . . , .v.'-. : '-..'"' -The ShnffrTofihflpctivo" Coatities shall furiiinh as soon as practicable, ccrtifl- bate received the highest nnmMr of Totes as members of the Convention f and the Sheriffs shall al(! imniediabdy gend to the office of the Socretaryfif the State, Raleigh, utatement of the voto,in their Respective Coonties for V. a irti AtwilAra nf Vfn jfci.'l a rt i a 1 u r ta LlalAttintnt bUO UlcUJUOlD t.viviniiu( sraiaia pw a d t-ati, ut ru t of tlieeai l vote, '-(sealed up, dircoted to the n...:j e .1.. Vi. .!.. it.i.:,.Tu laid before . tlto Convention. . , . The membersof tbe Convention thus chos en, -will assemble in tho city of Raleigh, on Motidsy, the second day "or October, 1865. The attention of Justiecs appointed to ad mTnistef the Amnty 0th, is especially di-rcdTpdo-th:-ftllo wing ouxlCfla.ccluyfid classes of the President' Amnesty Proclama tion of May VJib, 18Qii ... .. ; , u , v... ftJ'sfAH whoare. oritibaa- hate- been, tirHefided civil rJipiouitttio offioora, or other wae, domestic or foreign agents of the pre tended Conloucrafe government. , l - ; drtr the Ilniled States to aid the rebellion. - ' T!ii aAlt who' eball tave'beeh 'military or Daval ofliocrs ofmid ptetended (liwfedarate government, abovethe rank of Volonal'io the armyorjutenant in the nnvy FovrthAl who left seati lathe Congress !of the Iffiftcd 8tttCT tavi tbe rebellion. .- - I'lthAll who resigned oteodcrei re- eignations of-tha JuittBUsj'loM,Ull.!ifr.riiy. or navy of the United Mate to evade duty in resiitiog the rebellion. v ;t ' ' .S'-a-AIl who have engaged: U any way in the trestinac otherwise than lawfully as prisonccs owar, persons found in the United States service, as officers, Soldiers, seamen, or in other capacities, tfrenth All persons who hsve been or are absentees from the United States for the pufpeseof aiding the rebcUion. 1 J Et'jht AH military and nsval officers in the rebel service who were educated by the povernmwit in the Military Academy at-,West Point, or th United tWs''aval Academy, AVtrfA--Ail poiWsjidio held the pretend 3 oiEocs ofGoVefnohi oFStas in insurree- , titjn against the 1'uiUiJ States.'." '''-V. ; JVftA.ll persons who -'left thuir 'honi'os "Wtthttrthc jurisJTieticn and proteetion of the United fjlases, and passed beyond the ToderabV military Hn into the o called -Confederate tHM tlipuposeil aiding be rebellious JSttttnthfAll personsMnbo have been angag-'' -i In the destruetiaa tf thricomnicrco of the , i United f tsU's upon the l high jess, and personsf : who bave wade taid8 into the-United States 7 : from Canada, or been engaged in destroying " theoommerco of. the United States upon the L I. late $n ! jircrj thicpartito jtie British provinces jtroin thoUoi ted States, , ' ; 7 r?yt -r A 11 persons wliQ,at-tte tiwo ". wbenlhoy leek 1o obtain the benefitfl4weoi'- by taiinir the oath "herein prescribed, are in I- r military, naval or Ttvll eonuneaidnt or custj- uy, omijocr iwhujjw-ww oiv-ii iHliiiary or naval WtbptiticB or apenU of the United 7 'StAi''frtiiiieni of war, ' or persons !de Uinedlijr uifcneoa of any kind cither before: or after oouviotion1. , 'i . ? - , i turl&.titltA.H pauons who have Voluh1- tanlr participated in satd robellion, and the wtinisted vslue 0 whose taxable proi roperty over twuiiTv fmSiiHal'dolkri".''' . L L1!f?"AH persons who have 'tntwi; .-; ibe joatli of aTnit wily aj" present Jin 'the President's, proclamation of Pecentlief tlghth, A. J) oue thousand eight hundred and aix ty -three, or an oath of allegiance to the gov-ernoicnt-of the United States tinco, the date ot said proclamation, and who hare not hence larwafl, kept and maintained the same inyio- . late x l'i-ovuM, That special application may . be male ttWlVrj'tttiiU.lpr" pardon by any " person belonging to tbeexceptcd claRes, and Htid atfiih xLjiieney, will bo liberally extended - . as n.ay be consistent wlthtbe fanta of the 1 tuiTtJipa'ceTt -Statm" .' '1'i;''';r;i, '-.:jt,l - I'ndiir fha first exception are included all persons wbo havo been civil or ditilomatio ef- RsiljlSliJi' u protended Confeder a 10 governuieoi, vuiicr wi'iua jor wihiout tne-"" terrUoriaLliuutail-UWLiUd OL. . iJor tbd aeyeulh excejAion Are inclijdod all afneHT;of privaie'citlfena'wb'o1 have- . been ahwiif from the United States-for the of witling tlQ rtihrlHih 111.. a. i.:..,i. ..i.r..i. t.j.1.1 all TRho, during the rebellion,"' have licLl. any jilfico nt agjauiyunliir jli l ato. or; ptvU-u.led Confederate government;, or have ju any, way voluntarily joined in the rebellion, as.l ' fx ample; by entering or marching with armed faroa hostile to the United Htate. ; by sending pr lurnitb,ing rnoney, provfotisi, or Srnfs t , ersofis engaged in the 1 ebolliou,' save jiV-asea where money or provision were furnished 4 froU the promptings of charity or biiruatrfrt : by acting with asmbl4Reao.fpersftis, wheth er pVgsnired or unorganired. hostile to the I nited States ; or id any other way giving vol untary aid, assiatancenbreneouragemecttathe rebollioti ; and whose taxable property -on the i!3th day of May, 18flft, exceeded in value the sum of twenty thousand (iollai! ; .j ' Ihe ouier fxot'ptioiisiireio plainas not to requffe vsplanatimt, '-7".';t;""T; vt--'? '.. Wocctthcste will be antJ d by the Jitice - to any person .whg 1 is Included within any of the.Xourteefl.excLMtlC'1 CjaSses, unless on eihlbl- tion by the paity of his, pardon for hi offence from'.tbe I'resldent. .J' ' IT 'I'lie Jusiioes appointed to adminilter ihe Amnesty Oath; and to fuminlwccrtitioates of 1 the eauie which t-hail bo cviJcnce of loyalty,' are cfipticially injtrnotcd to bo .vigijant anl faithful. Whilrit will not bo their duty to attempt to pry into the hearts and cbnsmencoi of men," they will nevertheless admonish those who may apply to take the oath, that it must tQ taken and subscribed in good faith, with an honoflt intention tin their part to keep it Jthouf aeoret put'p'wo or ."."tnnntal rcBervation upon any oocamou or at any tune to commit any act in violation or saia oath ; and they 'w1itwa"nrthcrot taken and kept, tbe pardon offered them by the President - will be Toid, and they will re main subject to trial under the law lor porju iry and ro&6lirT.' - The JosticesClerka and -Sheriffs, whose -duty it is to provide Cot administering, the. -tltJi80jWtejryatyc every oitircn to take tun 0tu ' who may de sire and ba entitled to do so. - And the in fipootors are enjoined to inspect and examine frtirly and 'truly, to decide' in ' eVory case ia . accordance with the ' law, and witli the ia etruoUons they have received from this olCoo; -and to make prompt and eorroet ' nnrng of the number of votes and for whom oast; at th'6lif'rtfspiUtrrJweint Ion6 at our city ' ofr RAhrigh the. eichth day of August, one thousand eight" hundred and sixty Ave, and in the yoar of the iade-' pndenoe of the United ritate the f nine ttoth. , , . '; , WILLIAM W. HuLDKN. , . " , Provisional Go?eruof. Ry the Governor 1 , - . , . LEWitf llANt.s, Private Secretary, ,'." ISaTThe newspapera.of the State will pub.' liah the above proclamation twice a week till the day of election, and send acoounts to thla office, , .', ":'?';' I-''.v --- i. ... '; t-r if -0 - . ."I 85 4 ,1 . .. . X-