- I ... : THE SektiSeI, is iwued every morning (Sun .day excepted) at the following late. srtbeTTrcieBTto For one month -j .; - . -;;" 1,00 r''y;.'iw'flrmdBttl 2 00 " - . mi Ourterms ara itivauabry in advance. Tb ; carcity of more however, oblige ua to eay to our friend, that responsible and prompt pereon wbp d(ire. the SeullAtl .need not delay send mg : u their name t once, who can end o the CA hi a hwttitn. The money may be Nn a bv. the Kail Road Conductor the Express . onyany t OLR kUnm to whom the Stntintt baa bt- ...-t. seut, u town r cquiiU-f , wiihfeaa'e fttfartit a at nee whether they desire It or "not. ' .' -: r- - iiiS. 'Last islani&ra contain ao intereatine; and all . correspondence. betweerj0ov7 Hofdi'n ? ' 0I Un, Eager, -to; cgard ';to'''ti'proplWr "of transferring all case aed specially crimtnt't& ae vr which (be civil Courts more proptrly bavn jurisdiction, to those Coarf for investigation. id great lengta or . tne correspondence. we regret, exclude it fromoitr coloihna, nnJert the necessity for !te''iriora;ctetuiiva.. publiiatioi be made to appear. - Gen. ;Ruger maintain with much fore that in the present condition of Nirth Carolina,' the militarj ha' exclusive jurisdiction 'Over the pre rvattoa of order, and consequently "to punUh toe disorderly--; hot in the axercUe of ,. this jurwdlcaoB; there i no need: of conflict bo "twee the mifitary inf whatever of crvU auttorv ttlerirrn ti State. ; COT.Boldeo ! jct to thi portion and argues that th porpose of the Pmident in reconstructing the State and in clothing him with the power of ProvisToparOd'v rnor, looked to an earl restoration of the civil Court a aa essentiaj part of the programme, and that bj consequence the establishing -tiT civil urterppiMe4ls-'amlsfrf-thw juris diction over cause of a civil nature, which could " POt bo dona io long a tha military aaerciiied th prerogative to preserv order among oar people. Th C0rrepondne I hrghly creditable to Twtb partiel and Is In. admirable temper. Th Got ernor ha refrrd th wbola quentiou with the oorripondenc to Preiident Juhasoo. 7 were notiwar tmtil h Standard tiggntti it, that any on doubted QorZ Holden's aotetj to restore civil la and order to th Slate, at an arly pe riod. Th only difficulty we bar hard DggV T"loi'planprW''Ho paring fur a red beatr Convention of the ? al parties are preparing for the approacbkif lec tion, all of which k would sm will ba mad to turn either j?rt or etui, npon tb reconstruction policy of President Johoeon. So far, moit of the Colon a well a the Democratic convention he endorsed bit policy and ekpr confidence in bit admialitration, but the element ar In moti for the- formation of an antogoni-tia party nndr th kad of Chae and Su inner. . , Tb New Tork Eerald whether it . orrctly. read th teaobingi pf tbe political barometer or not, white it profeasea great repugnance to the doctrines and policy of tbe. Chase parfj bow actually urge tbe South to yield to the Vagariea of that party and admi t nel'ra suffrage, rather than run the risk of atrial of strength before the next Congress for the recognition of the Southern State;' When tbe Herald epeak aincrely, it js good judge of public opinion.; The diffictjr-ia In determining when it telk a it thitk, or talks for pay. ' ; "" "r. ' " ' Front all point, tbe evidencepalpableTltbatJ whatever may be the machinations or the Chase end Sumner party, no effort ot their will move Freident Johnon from hi poeitipn. Negro uf trage cannot be forced upon the South, either by bii effort or oounlvanc. He intend, however jyingjniJhjL'BSTjL npOn tb Southern. State -a to loyalty, c.. that each on hll be allowed what th Coneti tutlon guarantee to tbem injnakiDtheif-own term of iuffrage. ,-'r v- .i nrifrr ' " - Wait dos Noara Cabolika vskdT We need 'the energy and the emerprtee suited to tha de mand of th time and our present condition. .W need men wbb are dtermined to ucced in bringing out tbe latent wealth of the Sta'e. We need scientific farmers, well sailed ninad intelligent, enterprtingworki fig 'ea'fo""' trilte out untried path of industry to force it but. teail to accomplMkthWwdTjM yea- of rttitb8r-wtie should be encouraged and fostered. '. In the East, turpentine eotton, Oorn, pork and fih esq be produced in qunntitio hitherto 4 yet unknown by the appltoatlon of the proper kill and industry. Our middle eOurrtrj miftht lit made , : garden.", pxJt,1.uotton1,oorn,.wh,otitJ tobacco, and fruit grow in tli bigheiit pefeo- tioa ana boder proper ul tore the yied"waol4 be immoM. Our mountain country' yield the grute Tin perfiioii."Al k' gHiinj cauony t Slight qual any, in th world. Wheat, oorn, tobacoo and bajr an b produced finely. Its . mineral wealth and Ita water power are beyond oalonlation. The"prent area of the State, if brought aader proper culture, wouia upport a population en hundred time a great a It new - ba.- 4rrnri Let our people look to thi. " Th improvement s&d proper eul ture of tbe oH and the 4evelope vent of the mlneraj wealth of th State are mat ten which bould Interest every eiti. IT witt itKu taat certain gent'emeftJ rar cqat(,f ake-furthf puVpo of wKdify itig aod trengtbeijttjjlljt. CnitM ContT, have tukfn jyif "m ei jo 51 Couny Conrentioff to meet on 1b 2J ii Scptetn her ntt, witch buli nwninat caodlJate for r-lhOtroslHa! a CtmrotidD?sHt-jniir r may aoftir V wi me ur at" th junotjjfe.Iobnocwiw to ter.rvuve.fcd tor-.ua jpmj to, jVV tnoat pt tit agtinxtth dispoaiJon jnani- I that lhA . k .. m-Ul in I . fWTnl that there U mur tbau one vrty ia, tiit CouiVty Tfcese jtlenjen wa.t to Vaolidifjr aiiiatrng"tb rerar najty. Wbat party Why th Uuion party of couri". But ar w nojt ail CJuion men f f tber dch a thi-f aa DUunioa par:y in lh$ Cuuni y t W-dny4t- ti4 ingist trpmrtr p?ofc No man baa been wanted fur th CbiiTontkm who U sot a CiiiQ maaftt Wast, by profession. - We tak it for grant! thai none of them ar "DU- ariionUt. cow, though on ot tbem at Joant, b bu a bitttf deaooutiir ofth XJu'um, who bow profens. to b ) a par txcelltnu Uato'i man. . It it the object of the' g"iiUOlU to -car th ipecial numjaauon of tbat oo or lo give bii an ay plac to -fiHottt iff tb liogi -. 9iW W cufeiiia bay bat Uul cia fid jnc id I curing aiijion wish oV ib popl vf ,ih Cjuy.by uch aCoaveo- twn. Ju lime il short aud many oToar people are tirHi of caucltu" g and pn iiical mcbirrj, It il more'toutit, mutt aai'e, C r, lbs peopf of th Coiiuty to bring out the Candida or" let' thttn anaoant theib res and lt'rrr od A oca those th y deeui moat i;l T oo'y que.til be- for the piopl to deoidti iv Who i$ moat fit who is tuoi.t ab'e bet q ualified to fill th plac a io pjunc! o.Qcr. n tbt-rj c n be- none ikMO W4lnf'beaa ttte Etra'yman uf them wj Tutir to tay, wjuld ite precisily lik o all Bkttter wbib" Outtf to "ColBS' bifufe OtvCiH vtrnUou. - VS li tbn o.ill a Conventionone perhaps packed f3r th ticjion f t Do th friend vf'tlii movement warn to force dut (ippctti0'to what tbey chII the Uninn party 1 Du they wiah to camper opposition where thee it nonel Let tbem bewar of Their- partisan novintit Jt a' tint Ik tl.I T Thee gcntlemenmy, w warn iiritj'. narrnonv. nut do tliev nut ea that this Anuria 1t1i very "one to provoke diaowifand' divinion Let tiitrf wan we ray, liar a fiiIFcfiancirrit it be an opn-ttoM antl a fair race. Tor every man who deire to ?preeot the people of Wake in tb Coofeotioo. - . PiiUAH THs"iRg ' Vti isoPLK more atf tobed tatheir nati v fritf than the natire Nort b Car T4te i4ueetetttio;f iree tbont ft ota fa r soil, rnuat be strong and tb reawini lntprtou 4fWe,ffme priii'iTi'flealTnTSp oTTbVwar, a uvrneh, anet ld'tempr came' rtttt the spirit m Of Otlf eiuienn, whieh led them I'llreflect aomewhat n on the necemity of a removal to me-.wtffw.-'fenlBl.clliweliioh-led tb aoaif talk.upirm tb nbjct. , Hut wfctn. (he matter be cam mute eeriouit, and they b gun to oaat about and to look btf-re tbey Iwiped, tliey were fdy, todti-itat. Vhr ehali po," "What in- UucmenUar prelanted for oor-removal, 'supe rior to tboe at homet Thew and similar que tiun put a quietus opon the movement, - lntelligenee, ehergy aniJAcnpueity for btrrfnee are needed wherever tneu go to aeek th Improve roent ot their conditii.n. 'I1ese prtiperltppiicd inNarth C.troliniw promis a full a return of what conti tut theul"tiintinl liappinefofj,in, a any other point on the globe. " In climate, eoil nJ pruduodon, w) bare a great variety a is dcir lei The resources o( the Stat Yave jut hvpun to be developed No where withirr the atie rta,'csn a. latgor number of iatelli(ent iarmr, (m!rcliant, me obaniov tnanufricturern, miner, ko , fin J greater rang) for prufltubleeompe'itiun 'and profitable labirrWen of1e1ur an5 p7tlm can perhapi b batter aca imm idifted eliuwheV, but men who expect to ltve by lubor, enterprise, killand in dustry, can, find 'heie th anipleal opportunities for (heir employment. - ' ' .' Why l?ave North C olinal Why barter her honst yeomanry, her -brav hearted people, for aand of trnger.; whon wealth and Comfort ar to be hwd here by the dilignnt seeking t Our, people ill stay t home and stand by our glori ous old State ihtituh weal or woe. and will yet m ike ber t bold p her bead I proudly among her atstur States, ' -: THE RAOicaL AeoutioxtsM cf the Xortb de mand as a tint qva hen in order to tbe reccn (traction of th boulhro S at , that each and .JJjufthenu.feea tutibn bf fcUvery ap3 b hei we Conforming our law tdi tbi rw condition, that every colored or ignorant or but sUghily're.'novitd frota a itate of, idtory or barbarwTaiailt be lilowed the full ben fit of tbe eb-ctire Jr:chU. -------,--:T---7 - Wefftpy fromk Northern papwr ia auotber column, the substance of the Contti atioa of each Northern St e iu regard to tuffl-aga. It will be eeu that WNew Eng a d, a white mat il nearly equal to a; black one, if be be a foreigaer. rRitocuct ezebange quotes arid ndorw the ftrlirving: 'Georgial resoiinjea ar but beginning to.be dveloitl t not" the h ee hundredth part of-btr soil he 'tilled. . She bus the flu it yd'o pine timber Jritbe conn'ry, Wer mlnerel e,h is" Mrd!y touched. Iron and Utominon .coaL abound ; cor per. J.eaJ,, and eilvf-r and gJd are fra4;.t'C,W ,"frwilt-ftrT--ittr thiee tirope off tb lim land ti,e rh e.on. Land is biHiglit at from f j i tt$ per acre, and I Taqce Tracfi Afluwer pne-i."Whu marble, of line quality, is abundant; elate equal to that of .Wi. r . , or . THC fTTAa t For th SrntineL SO. t. " - Wbea.the CjBfeJprar was t th' E'ebmOD a"lt:otlia:4aa'iMr49tt-Ht threal-thev met ail argumt B ii tt (flfni tie witn icres TiiTxntnitt add Eak TUfUrtti wer Wa bar dif ore4 tome jsjuitatiob of to j:u I . , . August to; W a think w kunt the bHof reason Ca?3ia ibattf tb Gunrtntbn. wtticb wfeiuble, tt refaa ii eo bsiaitu alxilish aUw-ry,' the Commanding Gatural wuuld at-Cite tiUtvtf tbe -Convention without, bejiitaaon. and nfd :tb memb-Ti boroeOr arrfUfce"iacl ff o.rrti TliieUour brief It' any.ot tbn,lt diff-T 4Pt y it.jBight b wtlls'ur bim tq har a.bort Con-ir-tio with tbat officer. TbU artkii will not advance tb entPTprie of BatUe. Heck & Co a horthero C4i)iiiia wiit not invest in a Suu, wbtre ihiantiard. 4Au It nect:,ry io pive auca aumoiiirKiw aner iu mamiftrof tbe fat Kj-.,h tiDer. It wili notdo even "to lu"it.'' fur fenr of ar- reH. ;W'ej who i th JLffn.ieution ta sept exeat, tie people ot North r Carolina w Siew KnrHiid ! A to klavory it i Alrt-mJy li-d. I Jie emiven tton .''can neiifcfJr kilL'm-wttkit-lie- -i- fiThe Sadord hjh, -N"(i Cafuliiiii can never ikbtuin ber fUee in ihe Unii un'il Ue'r en-tilu. when b jrot vol of the Uninn ujjii rui liemut Tbre were powerful men in ilia O itvnin in 1801, Oovernj'r H.idn, Judjfe uuffii, Mr. Urahumand A'r. Badger, thtm inni-jr put ber out by Snjewion. - But. they Djisi-d it. Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Sew'd anjt IVidet jJohnoq, have ait itU Nuub CHrolina tiever Wa? out ol'UU'iii"." d whether they id i;omott(itru. 1 ft a Standard pUca lb Sta in a lal p otion, wjen n rcpccm? 1 he? as o'u't of thw U . , ion -- .rxvI- . V she u out so iu put out uno J ht ston urr nitr. W ar niw. aciuiy pyiiii' tius liUt, UiatlSX 1 ipripernr cot-eeie I;; know who r ut os out tirre,. when and ho Mr. Alfred WddelJof VVilmint .11, decUrl bim nf out and went to Ci a l,Vwo lO-SHaiLnaiti Uulfia pacekbly fir on Fort buint'-r f r ill riht of csnyiiig i egces into the 1 ertitcr.e. 11 svid viie thin; ab ml tha whitemeu w io weu d i.ot go out wub l ira- Now Ati'red'a Cum bck latifcbirg iui ha Union, and ' ts bis iit-rot- to vote 1 ibtnk ot A f d 4-Wip.4 4t -ot the j " y vingcr Pitt, he epeak other mn's a-niioieni, vVbeu he came from firiaz on Fort Burn er, he poke :mut,d .Buffii'-ru'tityeuu. VSfii(aJLai: peak ot orgroe voting, uepaK i t a-e s sen titnents; in each casa it iriitv ui b it trying to antidn-it ah t'. will b p nulir. The Toun mi.n.hnd bettor adviie wiib bis f:) er who wtil give bim good rouul. I bav not hard A bis advising white folk ince t88t. I diuffea to b w.ie of A1rl' advice -byit be ruTnd toe wbita- folk and 1 kuo be bJSrpaei'y tq ruin ti e Ucb, If tbey cch, fide in b m a tbe whites did iifJ8'i I.. But I am diijre-siri " there wa another ui- Viret'Ci. I dot not - ni the lhrm el4 s'd n bui the Sdmtdard ta ked a il maniat law. beVa proi.'hnmeit-a'jrt tt Tajjum'aia' d. . "4- Now tt ellior of tbe CitrohuU a'dthe edl or of tb Standard w, r ait trb s -all on e ran and net dt d the PfUvm't gra. a and par doning powr, they oufeht to frie e;b, other a the President forg ave tbm, ad if ihi-y o act ai to derve puniabmu', wbtuarlt bs tiainj.up bf th tauuibs or suppressio 1 of the papei ; leiitie-j- miiilry Iicr, M toe mmuiry inrenitu hj tr-: - Theediior of Jbee tw p per' ar. exactly een and vqual In 1-jya'ty.. tn tif each pp-t fught ia th Confrd-rte army, f he senior of one wa a tonf-derata past. ma-itor.ttiM tonior-of the other fled from borne to ke-p th Mar and rip front lloatieg oe bibed.,,sTbtir p4rit:ia i 11 F the coinoulsorv orJrr. Wnen J.jhn too'a army w aboaft they were eU Coiifed 1f'te pa-' trtgt. Wbeo6h"ymn' army is fibouttiiey are United States patriot, - ."". --'.'; I will write you aain if this do"notdi.ipleie tbe Standard or Chrbnirfy oribf 'tuilitaiyr lbee oowcrs I m aa not to ofTod. . Youre, . DELPHI. P. 8. Dou't 14 your ra !en cor Lund aw with De'phi pjra," tor thet are .Jacobmii.at i" thir teudency and lute, aod the like o1 tb ui baf not been in tp tnc KobSfiiere wrote just iith.articles for the Jacobin of France, -'. r V ben I have time I will (jtre you my reflec tion upon reading th Delphi papers."" D. - . I ' ' ' Fo'f tb Sentinel. - Ma. EniToa The ianrfariof the 17th inxt. tie a leader, charging that rot-tain growler are opposed to ihe.etabliahmeiit of civil 'aw in Nurtli Csnlma. ' - ' I want citil government, at tbe same time I will di-aue with the Standard hu h the ri-ght and exedincy of the late apiuiintment of Julji-a If I ahow i: i uniiuihori'sd. I need not enter fnio the expediency, tor nothing ia iFeiient that 1 aBiitniit the Constitution. I he i.n-titutli-n. llie Uanilard ni-a I f'l ? jtaifrrot,grw lei " ntixt hTgrrtPn with tbe Militaiy. There i n argument tn suult a emir . " '. "' '' . . Article III, Seo. U of tha Cnnstiioit ay: 'The judicial power tlT'the United H te -ahull be Vested in one' Supe-ior C orr. nod in ach iit-4 fannr emirts C,mjjri way Uoin urn to tiaie orduih and ttblih. ' - - " In Howard'-report, if thi plain reaTditig of 4b-Conttriirrtli'ea nnt cimviTjce, tti S'andarH will find, lh case of J inker vs Montgomery rle cidrd io 1851.: Chief Juxtioe Taney deliver the opinion of the oourt, ia wh4eh-4a declared ihaf th appointment tit" onurt in California, were unauthorised and aneotnrtitarfnid.-andrnctiJ" be, and were aet aside by .Militiiry authority. I btt-e court wer for a god iiurp. they in tended to aid in restoring civil law to California. The right of e ppeal t guaratt'erd Ju crtmi n! to what court would a er nimul convicted now eppeaH W hat judgment pronounced by UovernorHolden' prtviimal J adj couldaiauJ tb push of a aorporali bayonet .- . 7' The S;ate of Virginia ba had an organised tiat government for, two je'r Th deeiatnnr do nit stand agninat th Military, rmr cm ours Judge ar reeptmnible not to marr only but to .fj',d;i3;'Wh1en::apfovlfi()u.ki: pae Judgment of da'b opon a fliw man. wbat'anawar will th Judgo cik J.r..'L'8-Xinik ml hrott crave "aoTel."li"Hi y in the inn gunge ofSt Paul. 'Sittcst thou here to-jodsemr aficr the kw and emimandet tiivtf toe to U iuiftte-n ovBtrary tu the Iawl" 7- V'""" wia tne AMMdarctio -11 cexiiurruu an an wer tot the Jedjjet " s ' "''"'..'. 'A.-- STATJE SUITEAOE IAW8L Maliie. - By her Consthutioti, adopted 0tr28, ISIvtc tbe ballot to every male cititen df the Cnite4 State of lb, egeof tweaty-oo yenr and upward, eicepiiog payfersr person aadee ff uardisnsUip, nd Todi'u mt taxed, tiavifig -welded in tb Btate three month. But berious toiibeTnilltary, naval or mario service, quartered In the Stat, and tudeatt rteodiug a seminary -of -rlruiag, do' not a quire a resideftc taeijtbi 'Jiael atUa.-egroei.) v , , ; S-?:t " .ifew lTaay,hlrvV y-fFCortliutloB, adopted Vm,-W&U rfdrc gives tbe batot to " every waTfirhbUant ' ol twenty one jears,"rtcepLEaty,r jadtabja-jps-cused from mi ing Uit-s t Ibeir on request. Free- bold property qualifications were fOrafetly required w uuvr-uuiuvi iiito msv- muuiiAiiru. new Hdaipshi're prver excluded colored men from voting or holding offlc. . mg 1 .,..; TermotiU Vermont which abolished lverv.bfbtr Constt- V. jo, adopie3al)rrr83, aeclared in her bill o( ritibt bat l treeoien, having iiBcient evidence ot common interest with an atuchtneat to the com- munrivrbitv r riir1irirfl&-t'0ffiMri ana Be eltcK d to Office.", at article twenty-oa "everv man twi oryion year of g, who lias resided one year in me aiaie. wai otuaias.umseii quietly and. peace ably, and who will -take awoath -to vote, 1 so hs 1n your enntience 30U shall juds will tnoit conduce Ui lbe best good" of th SuteT may vol. , Ia Ver mont, therefor, a white maa is as gooifas a uegro t: - oenave nrmsetr a wei," not ottierwtse . BIsssacbutetta. -MaMhtt,byheroriirualContltniion, adopt a in itbu, gave in nauot to every aiai person twnty-oo ers of ng, resident, in the eonimo- weHltSTbannc an auuusl income of tlaee pound trtim a ttwiwa, or oy tn worth itiy. pounds, 6; tb amendment now la fete tb ballot be Ungs every -tnjl citizen., fweQiy-on yeaj .of wHiiet piiutt-apd persuui i under eurinanT r jtttar.llaB..- two jerj, or woo snail o etemp ed from ta ra tion. But by article 10 of tb amendments, "n jjiersnn shall brtbejighil omue atidi-r tue uonstiHition ot ants common wealth, wao shi II not b bl to read-nbe Constitutioa in thnyUsh language, anq write It nam; nrorid ed,bowver, tbat tbe'proviaion of thi amendment sliall not si-ply to any person prevented by a pbv ieaj. dlMbUUg from ega-pjyjag witb its regulation, nor to any person who now has tb riant to vote. nor to any person who shall b tlcty year of ag or u)ru at tne urn tot amenament' tnali.tak tflfct.'1 Mamcbnaett, therefore, newrr excluded auy maa uwa voung oa account or color- f i Rhode I!aadV Shod Islind, by Constitution of !8iJ, gives th rgbt of suffrage?? f I. to every male cltlseaof full . on rear In th Sute, fix month In tbe town, owning real esfcu wortu $ 134, ;ar.mtin.toi'.:'$r.aaMieBi. t.Jo wery native mate cuissa ot futag, two years in tbe State, tlx months in the town, who Is J"JXJeJtiitM(f..whO bsi paid f 1 Ux, or doe mi IK 11a tervic witutn to year. Hne la Rhode .qnlibcaUoo, walla a torwign bera whit citia cainot. r. - .. ;- V t Connecticut 'Connectlcatg5v theballotto all persons, wheth er wnite or biacic, wno were Ttt men at tb don lion ol her Conttitutloa (tl8, and ubteqnently 10 very wuue mat citisen or to uullea atatea" otiull as, resident six months in tb town, and owotng a freehold of tb yearly valu of $T, or who suaii bavpeiiortnamlutia duty, paid a Stat tax. and fust.iined a. good morar character within th year. This was amended la 1145 by striking oat in property ana tas-paying qualification, and Ss ing th residenc at on year v th stat and, six months In tb town. .Onlv those aeeroes have votea in UonneacUt wno-Were admitted ' tremee prior to .1111. vv,r . ivT,.;- '. .' -J.l Kw T"Tk admit to tb auffrag kvry mala cit 1 a" one year in the etie lour moatu j0 the coun y,: nd thirty-dajs In th district. But no ma o( eo or auaii vote antes n am oeen three year a eitisen of the State, and fr one year the owner or a freehold worth two hnndrrd m,A flr, dollar over incumbrance, ow which" b sh-11 have p-id a tax ; aud he is to be subject te ao direct tx anlesa he owns suea freehold. Law ar author. iied, and bav been pid. xoludig from tb suf-.j fniga persons eoavicted or noeiy, lsrceny, er any intanaeu crime, slsoj persons betting ba the e'ec- t.on. to peon cam or toies a rendenra be reason of presence or abeno1a th aervie of t UuiyiJ Siatv, aor ia navigation, nor as a student ia a seoiinary.- nor in any asylum or prison A registry law also exist ,- Jfew Jersey.. Kw Jersey, th first of Thoa enumerated whiob absolutely make eolor the test, of voting and ia whioa alavery e'xited ap to a very r-ccot period, aire tb ballot by I' Constita'.ion of 1-44 te "every wbit ua e citisuu" of th United Sute of full g, residing od )'ar in th State and five month in tb eouuty, except that" no soldier or marine quar tet ed thereto shall acquire tbe right and ao pauper. fliut. Insane r-ei son or riron convicted of a enma rt" exotnaer snat rem-awag-a witness, halt vot, . ' . '-"-. ; TTT" ''.'' Peaaeyiwaato. .'-7'' ' '"" TnnyWanla give a vote to 'every white free man ot lull axe who ba resided on year ia th utte end tea day in the elsotio district, and has wiibm two year. paid a texexcept that. a one qualiried voter returning into the State after an absence which diqulifi him from voting, regnioi UI ,n uj -' uivunt, ,v,iu,uvoi aim vacppft mat wot fre etii under twenty-two and ovr twnty-oa vote without pay iag taxe. fibio, by her Constititlon of 151, limit the active Irancoi to " every whit mal oitiseu" of the Cul sd States of fall ate, rldent one year ia the Stat, sxoludmg person ia th military and i.avaNervio. and idiots and inssn person v But tb eOQrt ef O.i'.o bTiiig htld that every person of une-half whit blood Is a " wbit mal ciliien', W tbln th Constitution, and thai tbe burden of pr.cfis with th cbaUtnginc party to abow that tb per a is mor than bait' black, which la impraetf csbl w bliv tbat in prtoiieo agro ia Onto vot without rwtriotioa. . , ... . .. . Indiana glvaitbe right of suffrag to ,lvry whit mal citizen ot tb Cnitod States" of full g and 4s moailis retideoo in tb Sute, and every whit id tureign 'eai iu tb Cuied Slate, aud lit months precedirg ibe election In lie State, and who ha declared hi iiitfoiiou to bevom a citlseo. Ko soldier or ma ria shall aeqtilr a tote by btng qurTerd la the' itate, nor shall any person lose bis vot by absenc Ai th tervic of tb Stat or United States " " Mo atgxe er aiaiatie aball have toe rtgat of saffl-sg," " llll6ot,"byher 'Coanliaitoa iSiiglvMthyot," to " evry a bit no.iv 4,-i-!i r tuit ge milint 00 year in th m t-trs : Jli bus iJ. .aWtajwb(arT33r W bttrt rtha ' -adoptioaof thi t'ouijinotoar 'Lik pfuiti0BU -tbotaot Indiana nM In iv JtUtiv? to so-mf Biea, marines ad wioja to to swvU 6f i-n, td btate.. 1 . ' v: .-;' Missouri. ifjUtUri, by her-icsiii.f1ia- Sute CtftigcnTr- clude to blacksjrtffii vouiig. - ' If iablgao, by br Conitituibm adopted 1830 tlvt. th ballot to every ahii iu;i!eVitiju, u t-,rv '1,;, mat inbabitauj residing fti'tn .Su jua, 18S8,and to every whit ipwutr; , isio, wno h fldared.bUiatjMUUin--c..ur who tins r.;3-d and a half yfar Itrthf Stie and mV,.i...j l- J tention, and to -W vU-nimfkl,,.., .g;,; ' uut, aor a mem oer ot iij t io. 4l Bo tn" ! vote aniens f 4! nui ruideui TiW m.onth.ln tbir-Swrefciidn-u iUv iu tll0 ,jm. V provision to per.ou iu luiuuiry and aal z vice, sfudeou, . ', ' .r. litva.. Every. "white aTaleWorthe tnltoi oftolig7idehrTi7ri&7irt rti Si . . day, in th. county W,,.,',, in military or uavafseiviwe, idiots, iuiaa, aita..ctimtaai--..-.---.ffi?2?lt-- ...,.,,,.,.U:i.-.i.i-..Wiicq;.tBi- , ' ." gvfrymaleTiwaran.f-fBway In to Ste, an J U Ck whit' eitisto of tbeUtMed aite:- A.wl,iut..Hl.a.-wlio-ha-decUred bis Ina f n , 9 A Won oUndi. blood who ba htra ibctiin-d. a its-n tiy a ti q" Congress. , i. C vilsul jI..ii- ot Imjis di-lr-nt not members' of an. jnlie (Willi like exceptions , o felon. InsauipSisgus, una soldier, c.,uUiBd loth 8tate.) . - , . '. Calif lai v. Every wbit male of Uixico. wlkttji male citin ol tlje United ttt (f . tli3i;,U. Iive T-icttHi-10 l.fcum " cititen ol 'a United .Sih n uinlcr lielv ot D.f-j. ro) of fuM aee,'r-iiidi'iit'i iu..inlu In 11, .X1.1...4 lhtrt' " ,tbe-4 41m t Tw t'-gtslitt.uie W pnwrr ro pxT-mu TTi-rrngntii ttTitiaiii nmt n,r u. ewdauts. (WUh-i.8iidry piuvUiyyaM.uyrs V Milifit n.t. Uvery mil person of fill vige, resident on yar in tb United-States aioitoiir iiiuntlif in t'e&iat, and being either First, a.' viUit citilt ot th Cvite'd States; swoudca aliii- aiira who baid- Iara bi inteution-: tlnr.l, 1 ini twi h.ijodi of I lvd whltgjd idnin ! . i tb--i-i.Ied ludiaa certified by i)ulrkt ilmu t to 1 fit guisjiutoio. (Wttb sundry ptovulousn above.j ; , . ; -U.'y)teg MT r.,' . Every white male eiiieeii of full , lx moothi a reiidsat in the 4tatVL hii , v r, wkite maf alisa of lull -age, resident. in t"t,e UnHel Stan- on yedr, who has declared bis1jiteiiii"ii-,iuay vu,e, bat "a negro, Chinaman, or ittulatto." ' x:. . .-Rtwai. - ', Csma glee tHf hnllut to every white ntnl adall . resident tx month In too ht rte and tfprty dys to 'be town, wbe is either a vii.ieu ui has Ueclar bis intwUoo.- "7 . . j. tft Vlretr.la, Xvsry white male clniw) (,evyj)t nvnar. !gnatto ad fclonij resldutou j var In toSui aud thir ty days in tbs county Tbreult um up thtti Of th twuty.o frte- State numerat-d unlit prniit tiegiu suffrsg tox a greater or les.r extent. Tluse are t'hJNW Eeglaad State, Ke York nnd Ohio. . Of ther- njBinder, tw Sew Jwsry- and rimyivHni ar troi gly .Democrattc',JL-intirfa;-rert tfanird thaif H uensdtauoos enaapiiiK-u lor H-miiion ni a tin wben slavery "ruled to fghvs ail the initioa. . is-, diana, UichliTAn, 'Wiscunsui, AIuiiiS'uu. Oregon Kausa and iUiuoilt . ven t ,)uiit. a Voters thus notjvet cttisens; and bvaideMti bnirlaaC StAes, four, to wit, Mfcluvati; JlWiwti, Clitornla and MinBota, 'provide lr-v.niiK tij Indians. - On ( Maiafeaett):-iexTrlTidif -the igituraut'iwtd .one T (Oregon; exclude Viiiluanien. ' - , .j TO the.Wember f -the App"nchnc C a-" vHnr I shall bm r Candida' for th Prlalf4' CUrksbip of tb If rth Car Jl in 8 at, CnavsatioB, whtok isalld 1 1 mva hl lh ou tb iai asy f Oeiobur aext.: Respee.ull, y. Aag. J.MJ - JAMES XL. WOOBK. , W. J. BiXtn, ' P. Cowrea, '-... W. H htti. ; BAKER AUG T.tVO Jf AMD'C O M ,.M i S 3 10 If jMerch.An.ts.,- And Attor's at liw Urolcers and - Collectors Gcccrall. ' Aug. 31 St. . ':, - !; ' " " ' ' ' : Abti-a. GrIN TBA, Mosarl, Blick Pnfr, Hops, "Stareh aed ChuOOU Auf. U iu -' - D Ks , ro Vi 1 r. : .-; , FOR J A LK. ?n SHEET Tin, lobacto, Flour. Leather, ferosia Oil, Kit dalaiou ! S'ar. h. . - Aat. JS-5t- ,L., : Ton SAti:. ' SARDtJf E3. Tioiiwt M a, ma4 BrTHrjrbv th" box r bar'!. B.tKs, C0IaSV ,t 4a W;-,H" .,..,,,1.,..,,,..,..,..., FtH 4lti K. pipaRJS& fine fawly Cerrlaee and nurnes. I ,.JL" good Iruu care, a Rue -twins Vite'iitie B.tKEit, WAI'ii.i 4 CO-" Aug 22, 3t. n a .s ' Afl ASD30ME MCDr.IXrr CHKST wfti nedl--cmss for family u or afj l o'iriicau. Also a eomplete travelling bn-ke? " " - ' am. . it nH ma ,i,,Mak ia. 4r Aug. 28-Et -' , roitsvR. 1 G8CSHKD and Bron Snrir. ' -'." CAKE:t.C0WrEIt4C0.. AUg. II 31. ' " - JOH-V G. TTILLIA3IS & CO GOLD AND SILVER C3I.V BANK K3HS, NOR T11?X IXCirAXGZ. ' ' 1 BONDS. ; " Bos.it aci Sold on Ccnisl:slsa. . F5J D-po-iti rscmrei. Cltfapar e pr. AagWl )

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