( rTnE-DAIfcY-SBSTLVEL Ar(Uiia tutw (t, u4 rtma iolinta.. I AltllOU Kl't mhlt'Wukllli.a .., .J.. .-. . . ., I ; . PELL, Editor and rropriator. . i to rik a f1 Cfl 1 wecV : t.Oo 10.00 15 00 30.00 rh &thiiil it pubitobed iw uWruiag eiT- 1 moutb t months 3 - 6 a - i 00 -p Sunday. 1 7 Mr - TERMJj " ' J 4 .. . . a im V.,ul the I' Jnur MI' fur one month, :.' " t ,r tWO TOOBtb, - " $100 1.00 "a. oo f WOULD SillltK HK riOli V 1 11 iN UK tKEIDENT -Bnr, ClJiy, rt'arj, aider a sjecwl ba,r, wnfba li itj!i coiimur jiriqusf f each liwa ttlon. - i"iini-M uutu.es will be chared ks'sdverUtusuia.k --5"? -taMweiit-oi a deals or marriage V . ivi .. .1.. 4 j j . 1 - - . w sulU-it th aid of out friend In ejtand- VOL. L t It A LEIGH, FRIDAY,: AUG UST 25, , 1 835. : N();j( our circulation , Female Fashion. n,. fashionable xtt a(Vftinca of tho women io '-i.-wfnWMUluM ctomeoaieineeorei . ,j ,,. Vrencli' rJerihK dfi'l ipei CSttr r ..rl ta VLL fat? tr M-Fupm-let t"11 ...... . j- v riiblUhed by nun in tbe lorm i a p pawim I, t with t title, " Upbnthe U&oritlled Lutury Vwnm.n " It i, o fact imTe eatravaRand drew that tha corrupt luanry we apeak , f !) beeo always moat conspicuously displayed, - the rrevailine vice in this respect, ha,tbere- . . hwn selected by M Dipin as it. tl of all jTben against which inor-1 reformers rosy moit .-r,riatlv direct t&etr aonuucmuon. ii is, '..iwr,s with a pi-caliar fitnt as thut'ftuch reroon iraneei are firs expressed with tlia aVthority in Paris forl is probaM Ictthe" attractive allnfe- WnU bf Parisian laite that these extravagance cW8 both their origin and their permnieifee. Bot i , whatever uiftuence their source mny be traped". they ir9' to be found aa fully developed in this Yountry as in any other, and Al Uujuns strictures iy bo pemsd vriib. a nuh advantage io Lon .l.mli in Pari- ". ' ' rhcy are expressed now too aoo!UTheja. ,', m and" f1lj of ' Ti V neef T ashed ' Renter pitch 'of .eitrvaga.noe than in the leaaon inn santing t-lT nd it la hard to .believe thef can corpast their' recnt eKoess. ' At .the prjiot moment, jnaeea, me wsnnon eecms useu 1 1 hsre dijooverett tta.Ct.on. anQ itiriner in rhe development f the fkirf,. and its perrersTorii have commenced upon the . b.nly of the Jrena. iVUtherit be, indeed,- that tha.wargHr' tha 'Jtdy, or that even milliners "ar obliged W jput' nl thus the drese in docl(ipe4 "out of alt pro 4!ftinal.ihe bottom, itjiae become absolutely l eoessacy toenrtau (t at the top-' to whicheter p( these' aiternaifvea tliS tesultia ta be aaeribedi it i certain that dreeserare no bcooming aa Tsmtj tformr9 tinj ara profuse belgw. , There m a humorous pioture a short time ago in T he niamart -d'aoriWg- Parwim girl of tha nsual UatWm'5"'",lT':' brotighrto her, I liich wt repfeHeuttiU as all ribands and .ne 1 ,,nnt. and the sir! jrejeoteiif U as having "too Jittle ribendt.'; Air, Eng l.h caticatutifit might now-a-daya, Witb htiniw ! isqoally jast, draw a picture of an English lady r.jfcting a dress fecaose it was too much body . nnd too little skirt. No.jsevefef censure cou14.aa bgaj expressed upon this prevailiiij? fully, than ia implied In. the fact, that it was introduced id conneouoa with the Biibject which tha French Senate were cons id ering- M. Forcade, in The Eeue des BeaJ ". Aluadeir-AdBflltr-thr'joetice of thie connectioa' and does not shrink from speaking of tha evil ilieh charaeterizes French-'aoeiety as nothing :m than "moral diseolutenpss and dfpravitv." -aie aacnpes ton dissolution x moral to tne ao ance of political Ktjorty, and sWrno permanent remeay out in the raeovery of those invito ratine energies which a manly 'freedom devel oped. However, joat suh a viw of the matter may appear w.the. case of i ranee, it unhappily, nut applia&ble to this country ; and althooxh wa aanot, any more than M, Dupia and M. Fercada, w urrfi iu ita urigm oi tne Tr ioua iirfluonce to which tbev have referred it. j; extension and its prevalence are no doubt, ftie to a more commofl and 1esa reprehension, although kihdrtd failing. Iu universal adop liobis due, we mean, 40 that inextinguishable vasjion 01 rivalry which besets tbe sex, . When a particular fashion has been oncoadop wd by the higher elassea.'ii ie rapidly -imitated the middle classes, and the lower soon oatoh tne infeotion. When, iudved, from whatever motive tbe fashion is ones adimteii it Inn vita hi levelopes ernne of tho associations of its origin, and thus what was at first the mere cxerei of- -mmoievanjti ;an not bo .preVentgdfroni .Marine tho evil whioh even tha i'rfinoh Sna( pd French critics have been iqduoed to oonsrd, 7. But in this country, at all events, the pria- . -.fmuB, ul us fiMion ne m luemore narrn motive we speak of, and it ia lor tbia reason yg an nt ririj.air nr th l.l,i-hf.g ,1 (wed. If the prineipal stronghold of the evil Ttay in a ganerar oorrupuoo of moral. w should liave little hope of its rotnovoL, Sumptuary laws jf0 rf:ltevat,-Mtr' dw,rtjrover 'l'ly nselesa 3u auch state of Xhhi f'.Quid ye)M moribut proficiunt," a II. Dupin has ''"'"Oeo n. and all protest io anch. a cae wjoid be aa vain as laws. But it is. no donhi. to "'? m rivslry offasbioo that the ohief part of l I fi . "' Ul''ulfiry to be traoed ; and tliJs be Ji rtTbaaa, then'txiatf t'rtidy and ao obvious . leyiedy. , , ,. . . It rft witb those who are the leaden of ao ' to alwiain ftuittainvociHiijiigairM ' ample. it C4tm0t b, d. n.ed thai if oma fcalf en of dozen'ladies would make a rtsolui itand hi jpta mofgiteple en4, at the flame. iicet more- "im(r cosiuuie, tue present , extravagance t,ld dm natural rl.itb;. .Cjon them, iVr. foro, ' t tb mpoiisibilitr for tb. present ita t of '.'-'''fc. nd to them we inpWJ;' Fwrvery reason -because the'existtngi fhioc is grogg y tacoa : 'nietit and io glaring badtitej because it in--"ives all cljse.io a ratnogand drmoraiiiiti, lace orextravBgauce; bcaufe, insteadoTTeing 'ylike.it resemWej that wh-ch i-very" ldy most . .Uianily avoids j b( caute. ist!y, it spreads - t mirtorr-for-a ttssTTxt-tbrjir-Bwrr liertowbmn the exapipla 0f thir betters .hould. Wuh a pro- . :t . r'," MniTT we srireal t-l-e ".bwledirel !adardfcof E-!bh aoc.at. to tfi ' HUOHESAPLL, COKKISSIOX m J5HIPPLG MKRCHAMS, eCXSlqNMK JXa of tVUoa, Nsval Stores aaiT. baseo, ill. bava oar tr mpt atientlua. Agnli fur Murray V l f Btosashlpl i N Tork.-kad talltBc vwiels for Btliimsra and PklU- dslphia. . 0. W. Dki,, tfarahcad City. . an I os COMMISSIO N M C W C II A N T, 22 Noma WiLa Stbkct, - . ; WILMIN3T0N. N. C- ' ' C0N8iaNMBNT".of Cotton and bar product Bsrsa txf Rer. W E. Tith. RaUlgh. .Wilmingtoa, July 13, 1865. 4 6t pd. Is. T. CAUIIAWAY. HA.RT & IEWI9, . " j.- M ANDfACTlKKRI AND DEALKRS IN. pIN, 8bst Iron atad Copper nr Tfard'vrars and 1 Hquis Furniiblrr Uodt - pumiI'V, Conmc J Stoves, Kroiao Oil, Lamps -sad Wtoks. Also, a soleot stock of Family Groceries. " J So;-, FaTaTTamta Ba4-Uwi Ksfls aa $ I' ; " WRG.BERT--ANDREWS,-! FAII t K- G II O C JE II, W. FAT1TTEV1LLB STREET, . " . , ftalelgb, !f. C. . HAVINO raiaAed business next door to his old riani. hasinat rft'nrnH from New York with splendid asoortmeat of Ooods, whloh ha oBsrs to bis old oiutomers end the psblio on the beet tsrua for OASH. Uis stock of FAMILY-GEOCEttlES 1 not surpassed. If equalled, in the City. 1 COFFEE, SUGAR, FLOUR, MEAL, PICKLES, HAM3, CRACKERS, : BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD., ... . BUFFALOE TO-VGUE3 . , &o., 40.,. io." I - will, be kept constantly on hand,- -1. w ; -AI4SO- FURSISHINQ OOODS FOR DWELL- INGSTWCKRYr-H A R D . WARE. HOLLOW WARB, TIN , WARE'V &o.,4a V. He Invitee aa inspeetion of bis Hook ao I4 tf '. . THE BEST, MOST EXPEDITIOUS '' -. ' .'. ; AND ' ' ' - : . " FROM CHARLOTTE ... - "' TO THB - N O R THER N. C I.TTES, North Carolina Railroad, - - Ealerh & Gaston Railroad, Petersburg & Weldon Railroad " -' ' o vasia YARIOUS CONNECTIONS. Jassiics by this lis will lv CHAB.L0ITH a tt s'otnek pr wi a arri va-at-Jtalslgb 4JJ) jiuXm ; RALKIQH a'slnek a. a., arriv at GastoalJa. Lsav OAST0vlp. m.. arrjv a PatUrg 0.SO p. at., aad Uav that night for Richmond and th north, or stay In FaUrabarc, gat good light's rait ad tk th ears JojLCLtvJ'plnt, oonBetiBgw'th tbs Jaeiti Rivr iteamaTS for noryiora point. Passsngsrf fnr' wssterav-er- aoutbaia . polats wlal I Usv fstsrsbnrg at 1.30 e'sloek a. m., arriv at Gaston 11 a. m. Lsav Oastoa 11 a in , 'arriv at Raleigh T p. v.- Lv Rajalrb t.f .49 ps m, mt t Passaagari r rspatfully ri)astd logstticksts bfor Btrlog tb ears. gag. tad Sp't TX O. R. R. - A. JO UNSO!, ap'tJlaUigh A Oastoo R. R. . ..... f. ' s R. ii. dunop, Aag. 114f. Supt PatrrtMrg A Wsldon R. R. -STROTHR-fc-CO BOOK AND JOB PRIK.TING, .-Over Mr. UfntKaic'n &tore,) - T AYA4TTEVIL1E STKEET, , RALEIUU, N. C. : "ATPto-Tltrt si short aotictg aul In the ATI. basi ityla, . ' Z.' uvua, T. I BAND-BILLS, -JPAMf 3-HT8.-. ' -4- Kr-srs KS3 CARD?. POSTBrS, j t'OUUt bLVnk" t'IHi.t'LAB9, . ; j liLBcyi'N TICR.gl ., A., Ao. - J is; .,,-ii;- . . . rr Biirat, Tlair oU .friends snd euL,..,, aaj tbaputli ill b served beiruUy sad proaiptlj. Silks! Silks!! Silks!!! "frROV 2500 TABDS Jljit RECEIVED KY HENSHAW -& TIIORBURN, TA IXl'TV V ILLS 8TRCST, -ALSO- A tOT QUE D 0F CRAPE MORETZ, MOZAVlBh LA1NE3, CALIGQ3, to., with variet of other itylea of Ladiei'oods. QEWTS' f URNlgHiyQ gopDSlJ ATS, CAPS. BOOTSIAND 311X18 ' CROCKERYr KEROSENE. 7 LAMPS,- GLASS r WARE, Ao , . . PAINTS. 01XS AND BRUSIIE5. ' -AL8C- A large lot of LUBIK'S IXTRACT-V, SOAP'S Ao., &c , Ao. au 11-lm a H 1 iEW GOODS ! JttV-Goons-iu ... 1 JLCJHLRECEIVED Iff '& WILSON'S ar J. C. PALMER'S OLD ST A 317, PMNtS, asiortad sttln and besotlfai. Lass Q ods, Embroldsriss, risV Idj'Stu, Embroldsrsd MusUn CurUini, UJit and Qsnt. Kosisrr. ALS O- iS?E most every arnoie Dreded In a Lady's wardrobe. , flew styles and vary desirable. -A L. S O- ' PERFUMERY AND SOAPS'. " TEAM POWER' PRESS PBIHImT r - 'J.JrCOXHIi:ii fc CO.,; . ' ' "O .' had ' ' C3 'v " W ssj t-) . .. -UJ f-g git !z 53 I ' --8 E o 0 -I' H S S s H I J a 3- S : 5 5 j r-e avw - iS' a - 1 j 6 o g - i-JaijiS JyTEBLlAU, t'AMPHELL A ALI5SIG1IT, -. ' "PUBLISHERS, AND , Dealers in Books, Stationery &c, COJ,TIHUB tr-ittHjh-HarOvnM S.rUso SJchoyl liookr, soasisttair of PnmuM, fp Ihasr JJook. Itsadw, A"i!biuttes and EK)h Uruimi.T- t alA Riniiliin'. I Aid. n .. ... ' 1 iT" -T IT 'ir v attar, warnvr our Bonk. t Taerir and UnnksaUsrs on ai m'W mm tanas as sraolf.rad bpubli.r, in ar,v r t.t thai I; fllarf UtStlA. - 1 For P5inin iaples 91 Ht'i of priors rfdf as aburs. hi 10 1, MU CAB.0f.IM GEOLOGICAL - SIR VEY. v raorassoa mmn. " Two Vol. Cloth. With ever 4QO Mar and IMMMratlnns. : paicr TJII3 groat work is Bow, Sir the first ilmf. effar ed t0 the public It i tha stun.l .,,tl,n;, ii aH-waiiear aa'iiai eBiiiTatint'WriaB'y iwihivw w TO-oiaLlflii jOQ n raMv ' A WORK 01" INESTI3IABIE YAiXE to aliperAne buying Or el-ltng :re4 prtirtrcf inI k ln 'Korek Carolina Fisi.ris.' Farm Swaifffi Hd,' Hater Powera. . CAL, COPPER,. LEI D, IRON' AKP GOLD 3HSE3, Quarrifs Lumber Lands, tc.. vto. -. -.Liborl .dfJucllons niltntbl-trnd." " A-ldisas w B M1T 4 CO.. Field A Fireside Publishing Hius. . No. 58 Tayeitevillp StreuTT- - - UaleialL N. C. Eveiy-papei In Ndnb Carolina will please in. three umes, and aend HHs to ts. b It Co.. sort THE DAILY EXPRESS,.-. . .... .... ;peictirtin'j vf ". , .; nAS setarad apoa Its Filisaath year, ia aa en. larva foras, with new tvse. und.r ..,.r. blKMy dattsTlng - iriiss atartts snd eallv tnrrs lug eirsnlaltor, aad offars to marohsnts and others dealing to suuiiiiB!at . with the Hi atbara pablle; ACTERIISI-K& KAIXt, T" 1 -- . oirr, eqcam.'.. '-'..' Two weeks, I One monthi a Two saouUiS, Thfta (BOBtbs; SU months,. t 1 tt A CO 1 1 09 . 14 I 40 t On yesr, wo S4vas, - Two wsoks, - Ods "nth, Two months, -Thra month,, Hlx Booths, - One yesr. Fsrsoas daatrln a eraatar caaatlt of snace tlinn Is abovs dssignatad, WiU b aesonimodatad vahbaral tertas. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. filBgls op, mailed, Obs sioBth, do. - - 5 0.s. 4 . Ii 40 I 6 - . Thrs quootls, da-. . Six months, do Oosysar, do t A Addrsss, A. F. CRt'TCH FIELD A CO.. Aog ll.tf v , . t PeUrburK, Vr ThflrNeur York News'. daily! and wee k l y. " THE NEWYOB&WEEKLY KEWS A GREAT .': . ' TAMILT HDWIPAPDRI BISJAMINWOOD,' PsoruuToa. A OTBatTtPotrtinrr titWrt?Mr,MrKJ www -wa iiuni an uaria ai rna arapuf It eoeUIns mors radlog-aiattr thai 'any otbar f wk1y pspsr. , ' - 1 '"' ' ' MiW IMPROVi;.ni;NT INTBODttED. . - . mmt mi!!p . TULaryert. Beit and Cfceapeit PprPub- lusm in saw Tors. SlagUeefe'es, ... ... .,. On fy, on yaar - a t tta A nrae so piss, oa yar, - sn v .pUva ", ' ' "" T Xsa copi, oa yar, -. - - jy to JArd an ntr eorr tt soy aliib of fen ) Twooty aopU. el yr 30 ( Tbr-fttkiy- Swtit i,n tn nfyTrnta at 1 111 new Tonii daily news. T Mail futnrtbrs, , . fin fr rnnai. Sit M..Btb, ylT, j l)Ur, Sf Faj'ircTts Invmiably In sdvaarr. tl FOB 1AI E nt A LL NF.H S F VIKftS ypsJsSB at p s f &4ly sW-ffrrlrtr K w ttit fra. Address , ,. . BESJ. ftOOa Dsily News Balldlng, No. 19, City IM1 -ai., ao-O-tf- . . -s-JjrJTurl C'.ir.. ' : JOB WORK Of evurv d'uiulion ezaoaftd at il.ia , 2. u aritb liaco 11 . : liM , , IS ( . PROSPECTUS it!U9inOTON DISPATCH -UK:aw.iarnlttsa4.wtU oou.mm (be psblkitisa f V "JUi, S I "J r, und-rtn al uile, at WU btii((li.ivN. o .i r l..uf tha IJih da f Saptam- Tfa s duiiotdctai ltaa.. . i.i.. f '4:d i rw'paetm an,l vnj SVrt "B -'4-U aiakisi lb 1)14. HKST CLASS NEWSPAPER. ; ( ommfrclkl berartmant ni .v.' a(atal,tuiliB of katlUsJia well aunliflad for tb bunoa.., i,.t,.mtoitm rilhfulaBorratropom m U KiJiin.ctii and S. au,rB niatkats.: - - ' TKh VS ; ln' rr, . " ..Hfaa uiiiaibi, - , . (,0 Sfft. A M aaslv edition m-lll ha nnl.ll.,.,! . . ..'.5 t,-e-t J JitiUif-l.; r at triiaitugi,- Ailrvd Mr ii, JS q car fT- AKU A BARY ... Kjjtors aed Proprietors. . aav.Jss W. If, Birta. D Bsssr. PROSPECTUS or TH mmn wm and iixm wmi I LT. n!i::i ,Ln air::"-! wUh p- p buamasiaj.ablise Daily, SciaiVce3dy and Weekly At lt DHOli loipurtS it braeod l ti saioar ' ad will .trlv, to .lom. a. advanoaTbsia tf.aoaaidaeaa.i..K. r mia lful s.r aai,BIrsoiHtlVa nf ih.-... r5- imKite- Whii it will nut l,t,t,.a,"a. Irl!;,.:.; , , r.'.iu it wUl k. .,.,1. .1" " f. 1 as .ti,ejr . ,a, sri.,;-'way msi.t.. i.h H 1? U 7. .;, iu l, ,iT to H awasMsi QovareiaaaS. " ' at Wd g . aUtba?.! tw..ioria ua J.'' ' VV - r'; tfe'r T f"r" sad bod, of tb tl S 1 itkira.d) rfUb-Adltll Of tarn,r.,.J. Jans.' at la .v.t, t eui m the huts, thsrtb enturio, .ovl purest whih ssnuot f.ll of rudarlr. attraoMv . 1 ion,.- , , . , Every t!t Wilib mads torandarika l..-.ia - sa a ,i.u "B. ut eetaltv' to tl,a hu.i... . T" and a valuable Ditdiaia' tbrnnrh hli.-,.fcit. ! . ndo,r.iW, a,j b, ntd. koiws. Advsrtlsl.c ' will o. ,ra.rd at l..wrtas and lb most ttre(lfa ,11. i f ifih -Jooraal will bs douM ttsji.m, r , snd It wi,l 80B..1B Sit At n.attv pHaW(1 pMIi J will bo SOlt' B up In lb bast atla af J"JT-.V HULd aw uaUrUl. - V-? ' ' " . TGRNlh . J'aiiy, lor eas yar, Danyrla Biontba, lall, aar montb. " ' ' u . I ee 1 b ' 'Hill. P?B' k 7, ba.ysar, U "' sU saoetbs, - Weakly, year. Wa-kjy iis months, . Per ns dai r 0 to anbrtorll,. I CI ' will sed la their . ... .... .-u.at.,,, tu, may withbhs d tb oris ar ubaoripila. .Mlt ,h r.e.lH of tb, 4r J. " ..if r.nL I"Brs!o'snt Is raallitd, tb Crst BOb.r w.ll baia.d a th. 1st ftjr, m. Ang. 19 tf Eslola-b, M. x u m GREAT L1TERAM- WW fiSUJfD7 TI1R Prnpnetors of th.'t 1-mg ublihd and bod, ' ular fan-ty J urtial, ., ....... " THE SOUTHERN HELD AD FIRESIDE. - tika VKat pl.'a.ur In 1 fixruiiBg Its ramerous friend and paiaous ti,i its pub ioitlou wlU bs rasuuiad Jast us sv n as tb Uiail laoillt'n of tha aoaiit.w a.111' alls tbm- tu elreulato tli aama Thl. i. a- p.psr publish d f. r Biauy yars t Augusta, O.. aad lsutirtly.dV"idto " old P0UTE tlTERATUREr It Is a f I"' lb Aruida. .i. .r........ .. 1,4 ..,.,..,.1.1. :.j : r"' "r r...... - -- - -r-" .uuijaoion JO IbaloBs. wile snd srrionliuralUt. " It . larga,igbt pag ih. .t, baadiomsly prliitad with naw tri a. . . . . r11". Trsas - Bubrer.rtloii tn , $5 , ,! mou f J." THE KEY STOW. OUR iSiOMHLy masonic mauazin; Will alsob reu d at tb sam tiaia. tbii M,V sir is ndr,d and reommrd4 to th frajorattr at Isrft by tha Grand ldg of Worth 'Uaraliaa. A ragr..aatiri.diypoyraPby, It'wUl b qnal t aj f ublloulau In tha tin ltd btatei. Tcrms habtoriptioB on jraar 1. " a.l.lr... . . . wu 1, kini.if . ' It 1", V A hmlfd ennibsr of drrt!attiut aJujiitad Into -srb pahtleailo. Aewrtaparlgeeirally alll blana Biitina ebBLa r'PiiulI invtud at ou irum all parts t th eet,. aal-tf . I-.- A MiW PAPIIltT TH3 EAIL7 RAlXICn RECORD. 7 ' HS trKH'USED, BAVISu t BTAIJTID r ' tha oateSSiiy p rmit irou. tho UUilara ..,u.i tits,..o, o.s to Julius In tha City of RaJaiah a ; nsily awpspr to ba sailed tb KaLSltlM hb r,' Oi'uD.., ' ' THsjp.twlil eoa-a a4 tttorS of tt luporuat " l tvss's f -h count! y, both slvll tad aiihiarr tha affsctlng tl. lateteet U tha pa flfl of i fcrth (ar'hra aud of tb Sooth tha djf nasfca prices cf ,rcvLion, ana sacb other B.sculiapao .s rrsding matur as U Bully fnbd In . tha lutbBS i.t . I, l.p.f-rs. - ll-.vwjr uo p ru pnrpos- tj , and nr ; ln'c 1 tp r ti.B. ta g,.nfy a,, hail h.b-vra , f-l o.lia l up n t"dv.s.'.sr-k Q'it bsnett BtimfDta in riaT?'-rt-irnrsBur,it-Vrt tb-htr .Heat vur p-ople .owarpsd.by ptxtjjsu ftaliog ar I ' rfODtl iri.ij.ity. : : . t. " .. , , i'srsons IB tli! H.v tlfsifii y fa' iub-e,i! for th Ralnicb Uor U1 pitas caj! at oar o-a in tha Cl'i "hri'ft fcurJrti. n-ar Hit Cuwr . UoUBa, and ' f rfposli titf rrbio U-inta, la glra th.ir aaaas ' - lvK,li. fr .ii-;:l 'Ha le evaui for tha.aan..i.l " ' aa.n. .- "..J . . '. T ImBllrda..fi.:, AvartUluK, on sauar for aaah in. rt a una lul'r A liboral dariuatma m&it fofad- -Tho fi,- BB.ub.r or th, ltfii win lt .T. r. u ri'ii in' . ... "."iBtrnpirsrilym,, end-db f .. I - ' HA LEI G II, JT. C. -t.. (iTti &tm Pwer Pros in thi Ci.) ,- hvatt'CJ Ml SUpatcft. r ' - - w w vawy v i . u, tHIisd .i . , i ", ci -to a lanior aJiUi, it i seal -.wjj iut tb prsnt. I .v...: :.:.v.

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